HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-05-03, Page 31940
eeeei.Tee eeTfeeew,
(Clontiaued 'from Page 2)
McDonald, Stratford, on Friday eve,
the, 'gifts being presented from
tlaintiaryadecerated wagon drewn ta-
to the livingeroom by' little Miss May
Dae and Master Bruce Heiebuch.
.Some beautiful and useful .gifts were.
received by Mrs. McDonald who ex -
air appreciation, , Court
at watt' played with Mrs. C. Wriga
gleswo.rth and M. E. Branston as
winners. Amongst .the guests was
alba P. A. Moses, Mitch:O.—Mitchell
Aditiocat e.
Badminton Club Entertained
The meMbers of the Exetele Bad-
minton Club were 'pleasantly eniter-
tained Fridtay evening of- last week
eat the home of Mr. .and Mrs. William
May after playing badmiiiton at the
arena. On Monday evening they
-weave entertained at the home of
Etina J. C. Snell. •The ,badminten
club have had a very suCceesful sea,
eiton• and will wind 1t ..up Friday eve-
ning with a „kraal tournament follow-
ed by refeeshments.—Exeter Ativo„
New Minister
Rev. A. Rawl, of Rutherford, has
lbeen invited by the congregation of
liCirkton United Church to become
abeir pastor ter the coming confer-
eanee year, succeeding Rev. Mr. Lewis
awho has been invited to Brussels.,—
TWeter Advocate -Times.
Strike Over and Freighters Depart
The eeaMena ;strike which had, tied
me hike trafficfor sax days was call -
„earl off ora Saturday tevening, a tenta,
eiteeeettlement -having been- 'reached
.Vbetweent the Seale:en:6 Union and the
ateacmothip coineanies. 'The compan-
*es conceded tan 'increase of $7.50 a
-month en the pay of each sailor, and
tile other demands of the Union, uot-
eibly the addition at one .man to each
• .•
Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills
• One every week
• .....,amaimap.mospolgeotragammanamurnowasomar" wesumwarnaioava.moemamousomsmoomismaramomesrocan
9e4PP4140; ; ' 'IL, : • I
1 '• ' nOt 1*,n‘S4#04,4)1 . i ' • ,
144_ end : the . tog efLathia baan . anti
ihnisiiirieretft('•Wet,-,--Winglltani 'Advance,
Tigiii4: . .
' t...
Remembered BY Choir
Amireares Peau etburgin
oboitr, last .Week Preeented Pte. Phil.
Plaifts whir a flashlight. The gitt
•was a nedognition of hie birthday
wleeit be :celebrated recentlY. Pte.
Neth the. Perth Regiment
Stratford.—Blyth Standaad.
Home On Last Leave ---
enew and the teStablishing Of .a
"olesed''.shop," are to be settled by
arbitration. Over 150 sailors thn God-
erich gave vent to their,. feelings
When news tor the aettleanent was re-
ceived, 'oat .Saturday night, by .pcurad-
ing around the Square and down West
Street to the harbor, the while zing-
ing and shouting happily. They lost
no time in colleethig 'their luggage;
and boarding their respective boats.
—Goderich Signel-Star.,
•-Were At Goderich
Cleric A. F. Iless, members 'Of the
Hay Township Council, as well as
members of former councils, also
other witnesses, were at Goderich on
Thursday , and Friday of last week
Attending the county court when. the
„action., W. Alexander and D. Stewart
versus the Township of Hay,was
heard, The cies coneerest •the recov_
ery of ,costs levied. against the plain-
tiffs on a drainage petition, and was
postponed until the latter pant of
Junie.—Zurich Herald.
• Fire Destroys Morris Hatchery
A most disastrous fire took ,place
early Thursday Morning on the farm
of John Pairservi,ce, conceosion -• 9;
Morris, when hia large• chicken hatch-
ery as destroyed. The fire had not
been noticed until it had gained eau-
siderable iheadway. Being less than a
mile east of Blyth, a large number
of men went oat and succeeded in
•Pte. Fred Paweett..left last Thaws-
..dayaraight.„..fer....Kingettia whore heeliaa,
been is Military training. Fred waft
Saying gocidabye to his friends here,
as he had been ,instructed that it
would be Chia last leave. — Blyth
Attended Banquet in Toronto)
Four members of the Dominion
Bank staff here, Manager J. R. M.
Spittal, Aceountant Murray Roberts,
Jack P. Cook and John Lamb attend-
ed the Dominion Bank Social Club
banquet which was held at the RoyaL
York Hotel On Wednesday evening
last week.—Winglem Advanoe-Tiones
Wins 28 Prizes For Owner
-Fred Murraya four St. Bernardo
'brought him twenty-eight prizes • at
the three. Kennel Shows at -Which
theY were mahibited last week; in
London on Thursday; Chatham on
Friday and 'Windsor on Seturday.
Awards incladed six Distil; three sec-
onds; three thirds; six eeservewin-
ners; three erlimene; 2 best of Win,
]aers; three bese of 'breed and two
specials. Mr. Murray takes great
Pride in these fine ,dogs and it is lit-
tle wonder with such a record as the
above.—Mitchell Advocate.
Smelts and Suckers Make, Sport
The second annual "Smelt harvest"
is in 'fuel swing here) and at .Port Al..
beat amid -other points- on Lake Hur-
on. laterally bushels of this delect-
able fish, a newcomer to Meat waters.,
have been eaught during the past few
days. News that small boys were
,eatching smelts with bare' hands in
the Nine Wile River at Port Albert
wpretnid qJkO Wildirt„re among GOderitali
apertamen a.134 night eineo para
ties have been aimed ES visit the
&ieg. grends. ne catch, per ata.
Vbo, w ageTbO*two hundred an
hour. Atgl many as Pearteen Gelderich
,autoconbilejt were,counted at Port Al -
bent aJt-eee time. Pair retitilte al$0
were obtained in daytime. Smaller
earteltes have been Made in the Mait-
land! River, near th golf emus% high
water making fasting difricult. Lark
night at Port Albert, it le estimated
that 150 .froau all parts of Huron
County caught about half a ton of
mullets, or suekete, and two and a
half tens of sraeltle They were still
running at 3 am,. Swale of the sPorte-
men Who have been putting Port Al-
bert on the map these days ane Judge
• Castello, George Brown, R. C. Hays,
Ned Sala "Bud" Steady, "Bud" Wie-
land, "Skipper" McDonald, Bill Ban-.
aister, "jumbo" Nivens, Percy GM&
don, Everett Bob""Elliott, Percy Mc-
Coy, Jack Lauder, Doc Wallare, Al.
McLean, Ed. Webb, Archie Johnatoa,
"Cerree" McDougall, Jtakie McDoegall,
Harvey Griffith, R. Stoneirouse and
°there'. Thene• was much hooting and
yelling among the sucker fishers as
they waded ia -with nets and quite a
few of them got a ducking when" they
missed their ,,folating. Among the
"smelters," some of whom have al-
ready developed a landing net stroke
more scientific than even that of the
beet golfere, maw' pairs of waders
and long rubber boots were filled with
water. This mornieg the wife of one
emelt enthusiast told . her husband
that if he ever weld smelt fishing to
Peat •Albarteagain he could stay there.
Ereryone says he had a good time.
One party of 'five from Goderich got
200 pounds of smelts as well as. 800
pounds of mickere it about three
lueui•s. Councillor Cecil Johnston of
Ashfield was cinothe'r of the fishers
and took away five bran sacks full
of suekerse—Gederieh Signal -Star.
.„'ZIOS‘ii;'10.44N ' tt i•tt
614; .9; u.
719.0 Sly* .1*,7141004*,:t
gottuotatY, mor- 44,44'
die Partye. WO, Ail*Ogp.; VO,
Harry J. Be; Pre, PMeetat •
.410EdaY, 41.4"N5t.41 Rtjn., Wi#04.0*
Volts() cbture*. LIO Pne, (The,. .Quiet
Home 2, TriPWV 0a$0; 7 P'141"t P4/45'
bYterian C •
Bfanna3", Iday SanePlane:,
Remblingea • 1 p.m., Gene AtitiY:
The Noyalleates; 8, Stags by. Sarah
'Peca-sday, May 7-9 MM., "News` &
Rythitrea 12.45 p.m., Clectus Mac; 7,
Tbe POntiebtoneett •
WeelneedaY, hPa.y :8-8 men., H. V,
P3.111: Ocargc: 7 !Peoe I1he Notsemen;
8, Little Band.
Thursday, May " 9-11 aatie Piano
Ramblings; .7 pan„ Bob. Berrie; 7.30,
• Guerrilla Ban&
The thfrisetion circle met at the
hom.e cisr pose Maxine Fdliott on Sat-
iirdaY when Met Ta.vener and Alva
Shiell spoke on the theme, "Christian
Stewardship." Prayers were offered
by Helen Thom and Male Taven-
ea The meeting cleated with a very
interesting report on the recent Pres-
byterial held in Seaforth by the cir-
cle delegate., Miss Margaret Curtis.
A large nuirtber of friends met in
the Forresteng Hall for the reception
end Presentation of gifts to ictfr. and
•Mrs. Stanley Moffat, recently Mer-
The wicrmen of the cenimunity, un-
der the leadership of the Institute,
have commenced a series of sewing
meth:1gs in the Orange Hall-
Maw. Fowler has arrived from Van-
couver to join her hashand, Rev. F.
G. Fowler, of dm Presbyterian.
Mrs. Campbell Tavener was- meat
speaker at Gerrie United Church on
Twenty -fear children attended the
Mission Band in! the United Church
Carloads of fishers go to the lake
for suckers these nights.
Snell biat5 ealftred ,,, •
the ,bonie or hen tinegitter,
H. Coultas, 1-44)0wet
Aft. 4141$tiat—sintmtjet vigoling
KtangibtfOr'indn.ia4aW, aad.
Earl Heaslop, at Hillsdale, near Bar-
rie. Mr. •HesoloP ia a `Very *Or
The play, "Where's Grandma?”
presented by 13nowntown Voting Peo-
ple on, Friday eight, was very well
RaymondSeiJiing eld from aeteeter
et school, and broke bis collar bone.
.Allan and Mrs. Garnfiss, of London,
are holidaying in Brussels, Bluevale
and Vilingleana. Allan jeatis the liolice
force in London, in May.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ckarniss, Miss
Olive Scott and Malcolm Scott visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. ;O-eilliellfePaclirren
and children at Mount Porest.
Illas. Robert Thomas( and daughter,
Jean, of Toronto, visited Miss Agnes
Thomas and Mrs. Robert Lockhart-
• Mrs. John Wiekstead and sisters
motored to Toronto for a few days.
Mre. Robert Musgrove had the mis-
fortune to fall in her MOM and free-
ture her leg.
Mrs. George Gamma and--"rran
Mundell attendedi the fueeral of
that, uncle, John Aitken, who was in
his ninety" -sixth year. Born in Scot-
land he came to Canada while yotmg
and had lived in Culross Toweship
tor 30- years.
' Guest (at a wedding): "It's hard
to lose a beautiful daughter."
Father (with two yet to go): "It's
-a lot harder to lose the homely once."
"St, eteolor bit OW. ,
in Oat" •t‘.t.•.„-t,
"Look belie,
-41 Steed tO eihewa, •
latter Oat," vit!OftetiPt•
'!1.Attad w .
avow. &kiwi
Goble We • 1.4N me
;ones beitPeve one% ciavni•eyeel
as this valftaat arfacmillek***
as Been Taken • Over
11 the C
i •
McTavish 'gave bargains Allison- gives :Super Bargains
EVERYTHING HkS- BEEN CUT IN PRICE—even the choicest merchandise—those staple lines that are bread and butter to an,
.dry goods store. Wholes -ale prices are advancing daily but' that doek not effect uts. Original tosts are forgotten during this GREAT
CLOSING OUT SALE. Seaforth has not witnessed_such a Money Salting Sale in years. Many more years will elapse before there
swiii be 'another such sale in which the people can saie so many hard earned dollars. People will receive up to 100% interest on their
mOney by laying in a supply of necessary Ladies' and Children's Wear, Men's Wear, Piece Goods and General Dry Goods.
It will pay you to drive as far as 50 miles to attend as you witi be more than repaid. -
.:.sTARrirs SMugpo MAY,