HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-19, Page 5A • 1949' BRIEFS (Continued Pram, "age $) •• T1 'O4dfe1'iowe degree , , was in Gdderich lira Monday )flight big the officers of the Godeedch lolg • Mr. Jack Daly, Jr., and bis• bride, of Edmonton, were guest this week atr�{��the home of kis parents, M. sand Wel. J. F. Daly. • • Mr. and \MM. M. A. Reid were kla¢irdlton tar the week -end. • Was Jessde Grainger, of Cliaten, wag- a -•weeetk-ewd guest .at the home fa( Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, • • Mrs. J. C. Reinke, of Hamilton, its visiting with blends in town. • Mrs. Robert Douglas, of Stoas- boung, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Wal - ,Lace, of Clinton, are guests at the' theme of M. and Mrs, Robert Mc- Gonigle, North. Mule, Street. _ • Mr, end Mrs. Hugh Sproat, Miss , ..Margaret S-proat, Mrs. Ray Glinske and .Renee•,;Glineke, of 'Detroit, spent the week-en'd at the parental home of Mr., John Sproat, the oecasien. bedil;g.. ohne 89th birthday of Mr. Sproat. 'There were also pres'eiut Mr. and Mrs: #nus'se11; Sproat, Mrs. Jennie Dale, -/Ars. Reg. Sykes, Mr. •end Mls. Doa- .ttrld Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Craz icer, ..Jack and Ruedi Anne Crozier, ,great grandchildren. BRUCEFIELD The Women's Missionary Society''of , the United Ohairch, Brumfield, meet in the church. Wednesday, April .10th, with quite, a nunlhei• present. The >nreeting was opened by the president, _Nlra. `C.• H, Haugh, in .he chair, after 'which Miss E. Bowey led in prayer. 'Mrs. H. Aikenhead had the current .events and Mrs. • J. Horton gave . a .-splendid reading. on temperance, af- ter• which the vice-pr'es'ident, Mrs, R. ..Allen took charge of the devotional /period which included a prayer for • peace and Sc'ripttire reading by Mrs. Th Allan, Mrs. T. B. Baird and Mrs. H. Dalrymple. The offering was teed- -stated by "Dees. Aila•enhead. and the .study hook was taken, by Mrs: A. 'T. `Scott, Mrs, Brock and Miss. -Swan, at - ter which the Meeting ci`osed by all -,repeating the Mizpah benediction. VARNA •The cone»t in aid of the Red' Cross which wile put on 'in the hall Friday eight consisted of songs, •humorous teem:Rags, gaud music and a smart eittle play. In spite of several other: fioings.,that night, •there was a good •,.nuwd. The receipts. amounted In ela•e neighboiih'ooci• of .$51, Mrs. F. Weekes has returned hone et Iter spendinng a' week in Lislewel 's'iah her 'sister, Mee., Woods., who has .mot been well and we are, pleasetl to report -elieia ON g. Miss Frances � 0p 1 tlRne -from Om visit with frien•de In Toronto. . Gs 4' FOR WEIrgY !GGo. use ,, a�GG�V01111 50 '40 If you want pour baby pigs to wean themselves when mother '°sow's milk starts dwindling—feed Roe Baby Pig Starter and water froni the 3rd week. It's the perfect, farm -proven f'ounda- dion for future pork -packers. Your pigs get vitamins, proteins, minerals -- everything they need •for -longer, stronger frames and premium quality stork. Leading Ontario pig men feed Roe Baby Pig, Starter during the all- important weaning period — and get more and better pigs to market weeks ;earlier. complete directions in every bii°g. W. R. KERSLAKE, Seaforth ALBERT TRAVISS, Walton IRVINE WALLACE, Blyth L. SCHILBE &S©N, Zurich - VITAMIZED FOR NEAM:'•:)ARM , PROVEN, FOR % RESULTS ,6SI4f dlw kl[v.i •it�c5�}'.. \I_i. Y.,, ... b?�.xi.� 1::�, ri6.fl�}.Yl.� �ki4.� 141-a. _Jr. Ready To Wi:T Fine English Worsteds Superb Tai1Qring. The best quality Ready to Wear Suits we've stocked in many seasons. These Suits were contracted for last September before prices had advanced to any extent.. We eolildn't sell them for $35.00 if we had to buy theme now ! Why not take advantage of this great clothingvalue and protectg yourself against the higher prices that are coming and cam+rin soon. FOR STYLE, MAKE and VALUE THESE SUITS CANNOT bE EQUALLED. New Drape Models in single or double breasted styles; smart •stand- and young men's models; conservative types; young men's stouts and full stouts;• -also a fine selection of short models in all .body types. Smart green, shades,airforce blue, brmwti, navy axed grey. Newest • shadow weaves'an4 smart chalk stripes and checks In truly tinequal- ity of all -wool English Worsteds and Serges. A valtte you'll not see again .- �® 2Pants Thiele 'Suits May Be : Had With One Pair of Trousers at $2450 .;'ALTERATIONS MADE FREE OF CHARGE 1 110 - $55-.00 DEPOSIT' .... WILL HOLD YOUR SUIT FOR YOU niz The Week At the Seafo (By Alasta Pupils of the S.C.I. weere• very glad to see Spring come around the cor- ri er ethis- week. A t -last rubbers and galiosiheleetitthi be -he -rt' -off, eawy coet's- discanded and anti=freeze -daiaineed out. Ewen those little huts .the girls write ally - winter have been left be 1iind3--you know :bhosle .littd'e hats in various shades ..ttirat made. the girls Look , like bunnies. They are finally packed a- way in moth balls, not that there was much danger of the maths even, go- i'rag. near them. . . *** In a return -basketball game cloyed at the S.C.I. the boys' basIeetball team was defeated 20-18. In the first' game the boys • were defeated b)y a larger margin but with practice they cut dtown the lead. This is the first --year fora • long tini�e that the bee's- have oy's (have had a basketball pbaying ' in In= ter -Collegiate games and they put up a (geed game.. With a little-- more practice ends coaching the team sltlouee give, any Collegiate an inter- esting game. * * * . The S.C.I. dance was a succees from all angles do spdt,e of the- ..'hockey match held the same night- The pu- pile enjoyed a full ' evening's fun dancing,,and were served an excellent lvnele \Vlben ,all expenses' were total- ' led, the receipts were only $4..16• sehlant, which was Much better than wee expected. As there was a profit of1'7.0.0- from the year before the drefioit-was ,paid put of this surplus. . A miinber, of girls,' `hearts began `to flutter..and palpitate the other day wehen, ea good looking stranger wan- dered i'n'to the sehi.)ol. Each gas was hoping that it was a new pupil who might sd.t behind her and bring daily csonbrdbutions of gum and apples, but these fears 'co1].nktsed when they learn- ed that "the. pian who came along was just a traveller. Silver ba.s not made his appearance at tlheeS.C,I. si-nee...tt!e roads have op- ened up. Some pupils thought that here was a mystery to be solved; per- haps someone syphoned the pint of gas from the tank or 'stole'the motor, but on investigation they proved in - taut. The tank smelt strongly of gas and the motor even ran. It shears a mere detail is holding -Silver back. War Demands - More. Oil Ohathlani, April 17.---1940 will see greatly increased activity ins drilBisg gas and oil 'wells- in the Chatham, Ontario, -district, due to the demands of war, as well- as ever increasing demanldss from the home front. East- �eee l Canada imports 98 barrels out. 'of every 100 usnedt.lannuel yaiu�e, $70 mil- lions, .moistly frrom the United Stenos. When Prairie 7 Well was eomp1et- ed e�ix weeei % ago, it shorwud over 1,000,000 cubit feet of natural gals' and 2,004 feet of oil in the 3,300 foot well. This welt was "shot" and, after all +broloen hock leas been taken out, it is lexpecbed 4)o. go on. ,e'teadyi eroded - tion of giae and oil about May let. Williams No, 1-114 miles south- east of Prairie 7�---iso at the 2,00-0 foot level and will be rusheid througtlu to completion at 8,300 feet within the next two or testae weeks-. Pra:iirle No. • 8 Well will follow' -',To. toted on.'a lane betwasen -thesee .former two well. Title' gla.s 1nom this either welt has been:oenituiaetied for by the Do+th'iuibn is s , Co. tit, 25 per cent. i1tL eretasie' 115 Druce,, the oil to go to the luvperiall O11 Co., Sarnia, E. P. Myers, Toronto geobatgist,' 1's in charge -of all three wteiils,—XXX ,. 1. aw.nEufmr�„a��sYs'�wa...,M?n'a:�U'uXi 7ary Evans, "The Rains Came”: pack McGrath, • "A Short Amusing 4irectiote"; Wilfred. Krausitopf, "Na- ion.ril Unity-" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyes, of St. HLarys," who have been $pending two weeks gat the home of 'their,'draugh- ter, Mrs. Wilbur Mathers, celebrated bhieir golden wedding anniversary .on Sun sday with h -a -family dinner at 'the 7rorne of Mr. ansa Mrs. Mathers. The giresis included: ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Redgers and Mr. and ..Mee.. RFra nk Od r2,.,ala -Stratford:— Mxs. 7.1 ne.y^ Smirith, or Mileei'ton, who was the bridesmaid of fifty years ago; Miss Emma Smith and, Mr. Grope, of Mil- vertom Mi.. and Mrs. Robert Boyes, of Gait, were unable to • be present. Mr. a.ns Mrs. Boyee are enjoying ex- celient health and' received' • many belegra-ms and messages of oongratu- lateans from a wide circle. of friends. In addition to. three daughters, Mre. Joseph Rodgers and Mas. Frank Hed- gers, Stratford; Mrs. Wilbur Math - ens, Mattis': also one son, Robei''t Bayes, of Gait, they have six grind - children: Mrs. Douglas Ahern, Toron- to; Mrs. Elery. Meyer, Kaukauna, Wisconsin; Misses Doris and Helen withers, Dublin; '-Gxor-geeleodgem .f Port Erie, and Robert Boyes, Galt. Mrs. Teresa .Redimoasl received word en Satu'rd'ay of the death of a termer resident of Dublin in the per- ss4n of Mrs.' Bridget C'allag:han, of Saginaw. Visi.l•ers: Mr. and Mrs.'T. J. Moly- n1:ux ate! Miss'Dorpt'jiy, in London.; Mrs. Catherine Stapleton in' Toronto. • Answers War Call Jami>.s S, Duncan, vice-president and general manager of Maseey-Haw- t'is Conl:pany, was n+anued. aesociate :toting deputy Minister of National liefrico in charge -oil aviation. TIi t a•ppoiniment means that the three eerwice.sarmy, navy and Or -- will now each be under a deip;ity Min- ,. "Anse so," staid the magistrate, "Pardon in e " sed' the "this is the fifth version yeet've knock- set, with dignity, "•tfeses fourth- Otter eri dowlit tihasYu a _" of diem was tate she person tariee.7" EAFORTH ... S-ri-ng--- Tuesday, April 23r At L30 p.ii. a Grand Parade of All Aniinals Entered for Competition UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY eaded by the Seaforth Highlanders Bard JUDGING TO COMMENCE AT, 2_ O'CLOCK ' REMEMBER THE Dance at Night in Gardno s Ha • MODERN AND OLD-TIME MUSIC. AD'ML'SSION 35 CENTS PRIZE LISTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE SECRETARY HUMPHREY SNELE , MRS. J. A. KERR, President Sec-Treas. AlgingtagigtalguraingliamiMilligele James S. Duncan stoat, all responsible • to 'awe Minister of N'ationa'l Defense. Mr. Duncan IA oomiiug to ,Ottaiwa only far three months, Mr. King said, but during thiat, period permanent ar- rai.n,t. t n'. i ttsi for terry -Mg on the work wile be made. • The. job of organizing for the Deft - i lr Con onwineadt.h. Ai;r Teaithih g Plan w']til be Mr. Duneann's sbeawle'est task. hist recognized business expedience as head of one 'of the world's great- est • impJiehnenit companies will ise drawn on. He is considered one of the most incisive mens i;tt Canadian iudastiry and Mr. X'ii0,g iexpret ged the gratitude of the Go e)immnenrt to Mas.. sey-IFPamr'isc Go. for lendinsg Mr. Dun- can luso , otJwwla.. SE&F RT11 MONUMENT WORKS (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) Now operated by CUNNI GRAM and PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS , SEAFORTH Tuesdays and Saturdays or any time by appointment See DR. F. HARBU'RN — Phone 105 PHOI14;E 4a , — EXETER — • . BOX 150 ito Tswn of Seafi?rth TAX PSE -PAYMENT RECEIP'I`S FOR 1940 The Town will pay 4 per cent. per .annum up to August 31, 1940, on all prepaid 1940 taxes. - Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town' Clerk's Office in,. the Town Hall. D. IL WILSON� ti ............................ DUBLIN . _ r 1,..fi rih Collegiate Institute Ir Wigg) _ Phut detail has to do with dolor. It seems that black and yellow diciense Dilates: are very ,fwThionable this 3near and t!he-boyi taare.. fraid that the speed The regular monthly meeting efthe . Catholic Youth Organization was (held in the high school, James Kraus- kopf pre'sidatig. Following the bmsm- s portione an interesting feature wals a public-s'pealeing °en'tesst. Tbride partieipatieg in class under 18 years were Wes Mary Woods vulvae topic was "Our Gonadial,. Horne," and Miss Mary F`v'ans, "Can a &nail Busiwess _ Man Sua'vive?" Times in cal tesit av- do'p0 would make 'fun of their Old- fashioned black•• and white ones if they' went out. The owners say that they didn't buy the new license be- cause they dithee like the calor- Sil-' yr is lying inactive for a -short while- Until ttiie Crovernmieant changes the colors back. * • *• • Pupils were glad too see S�pru'rig come but they don't like the stranger who is following behind. Tire strong, ea' is tall and black and has the den er I8 years were -Wes Veronica Moly- neux,"Soured Effects in Radio,' .Jack McGnatah, "The War Situation"; WIii=• fred Ka-ausiopf, "The Salt Industry," The judges were Rev. Dr. Ffoultlses•, Mother Gerald and Mother Anastasia, 'w+h�o'deoidedo the winners se" Miss Verooniea M Mary Woods. The meeting was concluded by a series of inispra'inptu speeches: Miss Veronica Molynenx, "Hats"; Wee - Mary Woods, "Spring"; Miss Y ite . air of a villain about leis face This 'villas is Mr. Exam who gobbles up little pupils if they don't 'study hard.e giallo , have completed. their, volley ball schedule and the Beavers (Grade XI) and the Aces (IV and V) tied for first place with eight games each.. The Lue. les won 7 games, Ir- iehanen 6, Adanacs 5, Maple Leaf el, Canadians 4- The Beavers and Aces Played off on Wednesday, April .174th the Aces winning 24-20. • • . _ ° � r. Chase's : • �eI res -Liver P'ilis d,t f u t° ' e �` "(Venn '' , ;4y 4 3 c s i'' sy r fe��6era� Y a fine" Yrr _� '� f" ay SG tY r.f C t 3-' .. - CONSTANCE 4 �^ , t #mss Mr. Fred Bowers, Sudbury, spent a few days .,with Mr. ami' Mrs. James Medd and other friends:: Mr. Bernard Rithey„•4uas taken a job selling bread° for Cnich'd Baisery. .Back • r - 5 tn. ! est/�11 �d s+ ;rkr ,"".ear n». lees ..: a:..trz. etiit�`4 r .:,:. . „s,5 i 'til 3, t," .,. .. ... ,.. .. e , ,).• _...... D.k.,e. 'eru:,iS a�{fi 4c..., ......, e51 r. ,'• "'i; d,rF.., s. 9 v, r h " e Flat ; + A}.�.�' ' r' , r '. ei �d rt+4 wd, S .n y �L Ude:?11�g8' y Sec our line of McCormick -Deering Machines !a including the New Farmall A Tractor with; cultivi- f' sion. Also the New Stream Lined Cream Seperat- ors with stainless.steel utensils and all at the most reasonable prices available. F'm' the eustonere have wonfiterfull Week at pyre -wear ,; J now tiding McCormick -Deering machines w�- mews. We 'have over 1,800 different. repair part in. prices. COME AND SEE OUR DISPLAY AC MAIN STREET SEAFORTH McCormick -Deering Dealer Dead and Disabled Anitnals REMOVED PROMPTLIt PHONE COLLECT: SI=ARORTH iia EXE'T'ER 2S5 ' DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. , 11$re5x`28 1. aw.nEufmr�„a��sYs'�wa...,M?n'a:�U'uXi 7ary Evans, "The Rains Came”: pack McGrath, • "A Short Amusing 4irectiote"; Wilfred. Krausitopf, "Na- ion.ril Unity-" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyes, of St. HLarys," who have been $pending two weeks gat the home of 'their,'draugh- ter, Mrs. Wilbur Mathers, celebrated bhieir golden wedding anniversary .on Sun sday with h -a -family dinner at 'the 7rorne of Mr. ansa Mrs. Mathers. The giresis included: ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Redgers and Mr. and ..Mee.. RFra nk Od r2,.,ala -Stratford:— Mxs. 7.1 ne.y^ Smirith, or Mileei'ton, who was the bridesmaid of fifty years ago; Miss Emma Smith and, Mr. Grope, of Mil- vertom Mi.. and Mrs. Robert Boyes, of Gait, were unable to • be present. Mr. a.ns Mrs. Boyee are enjoying ex- celient health and' received' • many belegra-ms and messages of oongratu- lateans from a wide circle. of friends. In addition to. three daughters, Mre. Joseph Rodgers and Mas. Frank Hed- gers, Stratford; Mrs. Wilbur Math - ens, Mattis': also one son, Robei''t Bayes, of Gait, they have six grind - children: Mrs. Douglas Ahern, Toron- to; Mrs. Elery. Meyer, Kaukauna, Wisconsin; Misses Doris and Helen withers, Dublin; '-Gxor-geeleodgem .f Port Erie, and Robert Boyes, Galt. Mrs. Teresa .Redimoasl received word en Satu'rd'ay of the death of a termer resident of Dublin in the per- ss4n of Mrs.' Bridget C'allag:han, of Saginaw. Visi.l•ers: Mr. and Mrs.'T. J. Moly- n1:ux ate! Miss'Dorpt'jiy, in London.; Mrs. Catherine Stapleton in' Toronto. • Answers War Call Jami>.s S, Duncan, vice-president and general manager of Maseey-Haw- t'is Conl:pany, was n+anued. aesociate :toting deputy Minister of National liefrico in charge -oil aviation. TIi t a•ppoiniment means that the three eerwice.sarmy, navy and Or -- will now each be under a deip;ity Min- ,. "Anse so," staid the magistrate, "Pardon in e " sed' the "this is the fifth version yeet've knock- set, with dignity, "•tfeses fourth- Otter eri dowlit tihasYu a _" of diem was tate she person tariee.7" EAFORTH ... S-ri-ng--- Tuesday, April 23r At L30 p.ii. a Grand Parade of All Aniinals Entered for Competition UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY eaded by the Seaforth Highlanders Bard JUDGING TO COMMENCE AT, 2_ O'CLOCK ' REMEMBER THE Dance at Night in Gardno s Ha • MODERN AND OLD-TIME MUSIC. AD'ML'SSION 35 CENTS PRIZE LISTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE SECRETARY HUMPHREY SNELE , MRS. J. A. KERR, President Sec-Treas. AlgingtagigtalguraingliamiMilligele James S. Duncan stoat, all responsible • to 'awe Minister of N'ationa'l Defense. Mr. Duncan IA oomiiug to ,Ottaiwa only far three months, Mr. King said, but during thiat, period permanent ar- rai.n,t. t n'. i ttsi for terry -Mg on the work wile be made. • The. job of organizing for the Deft - i lr Con onwineadt.h. Ai;r Teaithih g Plan w']til be Mr. Duneann's sbeawle'est task. hist recognized business expedience as head of one 'of the world's great- est • impJiehnenit companies will ise drawn on. He is considered one of the most incisive mens i;tt Canadian iudastiry and Mr. X'ii0,g iexpret ged the gratitude of the Go e)immnenrt to Mas.. sey-IFPamr'isc Go. for lendinsg Mr. Dun- can luso , otJwwla.. SE&F RT11 MONUMENT WORKS (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) Now operated by CUNNI GRAM and PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS , SEAFORTH Tuesdays and Saturdays or any time by appointment See DR. F. HARBU'RN — Phone 105 PHOI14;E 4a , — EXETER — • . BOX 150 ito Tswn of Seafi?rth TAX PSE -PAYMENT RECEIP'I`S FOR 1940 The Town will pay 4 per cent. per .annum up to August 31, 1940, on all prepaid 1940 taxes. - Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town' Clerk's Office in,. the Town Hall. D. IL WILSON� ti