HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-12, Page 6, ...,,,,......„
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AHD CREAM 5'hesseeetefiroo��Aa
6ltmitnakitn0 Drudgery
A few (handy took) tool a little
'knorytliedge ee+gandung the hatociaing of
soils vela eliminate all the drudgery
Ln gar'deni'ng. There its no peed) whtat,.
• ever for constant , d'i.ggiog •in stocky
isoI . Ia fact no Soil abatald remain
sticky very "long aster a real garden-
er takes it Coiter.
Experts advise one thorough dig -
',ging or ,srpadieg; in the late fall or
sou ins, . or if the lot ds a large one
it 'wall be better to got• O. ploughed.
Just .before either operation, if the
ground is poor it is a splendid idea
to have some good rotted manure
"You're making big improvements,
John ... did you come into a legacy?"
"No sir, I got a Home Improvement
A1' Loan from the Bank of Montreal. A
simple matter — no fuss or bother.
The rates are low, and I'm paying -it
back by instalments."
Home Improvement Loans .:". obtainable
at $3.25. per $'1QO repayable in twelve
monthly instalments. For borrowers with.
seasonal incomes repayment may be made in other
convenient periodic instalments. Ask for our folder.
"24I &k witeite 4# ' s ow:4;A,L cue welcome"
Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager
Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager.
Brucefieid (Sub -Agency); Open Tuesday' and Friday
2nd Prize -$15 3rd Prize -$5 Ten Prizes $1 Each
1. Complete the last line of the
jingle beginning:
.flays purity Maid: "If you don't want
to lose,
Purity Flour is the one you should
tF'orLpies and all pastry, for cakes and
for bread,
_. Send in as many entries to this
contest as you wish, but each entry
Must, be accompanied by the Purity
Seed cut from a bag of Purity Flour
(oreeasbnable facsimile) or a receipted
saki slip from your dealer showing
yon have purchased a bag of Purity
3. AUI entries must be postmarked
not latter than Saturday, May 4th,
4. Entries will be judged for origi-
nality and sincerity of exptre3sion.
Simply voile each entry on one side
of a sheet of paper. Print your name
and address., and oho the same of
your Purity Flour dealer, dearly.
S. The judges' decision will be final.
6. This contest starts Monday, April
8th. Mail your entries, not later
than Saturday,. May 4th, 1940, to
Purity Flour Contest Departnienta
Western Canad9 Flour Mills Co.,
Limited; 293 MacPherson Avenue,
That Iast line might go like this: Use Purity Flour, and p%ou'll come oris ahead.
But try your skill -rand remember this is a local contest, restricted
to the counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey, Pertb, Weifington and
• Waterloo. You have a really good ehanee to ;riot
ttet a free Purity Flour recipe booklet froth yortr deter:. The wiser
ening idea might just pop up at yonl Send in out entries coon y,
Best for all your Baking
tanned under. ' After this stpading or
ploughing it will only be necessary
to c"utltivtaate fine with a rake. Doe
druirn ii h cultivation like thus once a
year. 'should: 'keep, the soil in dupe
axed one to carry, on • easily
with a email hand cultivator or. Dutch
bee. Either of these lntexpensive
Goole olio be operated without bend-
ing time ,baack and both will be suffici-
ent to keep cite soul stirred and the
weals clown during the remainder of
!the season
Heavy mit can be loosened perm-
latently by .the spading or ploughing
In of some well rotten' strawy man,
ure or lacking this vegetable growth
each as clover, quickly grown oats
or even weeds, In very sanalil gar-
dens it is possible to ,secure a load
or two of snarl', or loose black loam.
These will also help to loosen) the
heavy dray and make it 'easily work-
ed: Just plain cultivation alone will
help. The 'beginner with a brand new
piece of raw clay should not get dis-
couraged. Such soil is allwarys bawd -
est to work at fleet. Each year will
find the job simrpler.
Light sandy soils are alweys great-
ly ,ben'efitted by the addition of strawy
manure ,or 'black loam. The incor-
poration of vegettable matter such as
straw, and weeds 'ea. clover will add
;banns to the and and make it hold
naoieture better and give it a macre
;desirable body,
Garden Tools
-A. few special ,garden implements
will make the job more interesting
atoll less arduous. These things are
not expensive. For ordinary digging
bath a spade and a 'digging- fork have
a 'Place. The first is ideal for turn-
ing over soil in the spring, ort, for
breaking up sod, The fork,. lighter
and quicker to ope.ate, is excellent
.for cultivating anytime through thee
.season and especially for breaking up
soil that has been ploughed or sped.'
ed sometime earlier.
For killing weeds, thinning, culti-
vating large vegetables and shrub-
bery; 'a small 'not -to -wide 'Noe, well.
eldarpened is the ideal tool. For work-
ing under ?;shrubbery and around •small
bedding plants, such as newly set out
petunias, a.sters, cabbage, etc:, a
Dutch hoe is ideal.
This is a =L'_shaped affair and is
pushed along just under the 'surface
of th'e' soil. It ,cuts off any weeds
and leaves the ,soil broken and ,;rune
bay. For• routine cul tivatioan some
sort of a • throe to five -pronged culti-
vator ie recom:men:d.edi. The larger
of these are &egged along rows and
between plants. -They shave long
bapd'les, and cost about a dollar.
,For working in among, closely set
1lowere, shorter 'handled smaller
cui tivators• ;coni be used:...
Fast Vegetables •
Amiong the earliest v'e'getables -to be
sown in Canadian garden's will be
peas, leaf lettuce; radish and ,spinacth.
These may be 'planted as soon as the
ground is fit to work. • All Of the
seeds sshouid be sown' at least three
times at intervals of ten •days so that
there will be succession ef-Otrege-
•tablest. The second sowing wIbf be-
carrrots, beets, onions, potatooi, ete.,
which can stand a little 'frost 'and"
then beans, corn and tomato, cabbage
wad baulifiower plants, melons, cu-
cuhnbers, 'etc., which are tender.
The Lawn
Mini: lawns badly mixed with weeds
almost invariably have poor ' soil.
Sometimes only a liberal application
of commercial fertilizer or well rotted
afng:mume is necessary to restore rioii
greietnnnese! Well fed ,grass: will n uai-
ly crowd out most weeds th•oi gh it
will appreciate 'seine help from • the
gardener who doee not 'mind! spend-
ing a few hours with. a sharp, long
or shtort-hamdded weeder, Stuoh. Weed-
eedin<g sihtouldl...be done when soil is fair-
ly mist, otherwise whole chunks of
grass will come out with each weed.
Where grass is very thin it will al-
jeo be adv;bsable to scratch lightly
with rake and sow s'om'e good pack-
aged lawn •grass seed. At the sianne
time thtol•es. may be filled '.up grades/ -
1y with good soil and seeded.
the lock at night and raid, ..the galley
-Tor sausage,
In the IMar<5se Corps, Courtney
learned deeper diving. In 1919 he
opened a modest lock shop in Har--•.
tem. His metpuAtatton grew because he
.could work anite:des with 'leeks under
water.. To the bottom of New York
harbor e went, seeKng the, ibevraha-
linnary treasure ship' Huserar;•• to the
liner Egypt, sunk off France, to Sal-
vage safes containing $3,500,000; to
the Lusitenia, intact the forst time he
went down, later only •scattered
wreckage -
In 1932 Sir Basil Zaharof, mystery
man of Emrolie, chose Courtney to
try for the $10,000,000 in gold which,
rumor Said deposed in the cruiser
Hampshire, sunk by the Germans in
1916. On the ocean bottom be and
'three divers picked their way in; the
'avulses, pact skeletons s'ti'll at the,
guns and into a sealed compartment.
As the donor opened,- two British offi-
'cers ,arose from a table and floated
past there; they had been dead 16
years. in darkness illuminated only
by the divers' lights they found 11
s't'rongboxes, smothered in slime. To
one Courtney crept; the lack was
rusted and he had to force it.
• . From pat one chest the four man
brought up,$50,0011. DOOM again they
went. Under tremendous P're'ssure
Courtney worked at the locks on the
second strongbox. Just "as they seem-
ed to give, the steel door of the com-
partment slannmed, eboshng on thole
telephone and light wires' as the
cruiser was rolled by a powerful ino-
derseas current. Courtney was hurl-
ed against the wall, felt blood warm-
ing 'bis side. He lay alnnost an, hour
in pain, steadily weakening although
has oxygen supply and that of the
three tothems was stat cut off.
Them (soddenly the 'lime jerked and,
through the door, now ajar again.
Courtney made out a tiliver signatliiig
to .btm' Painfully the locksmith, found
thiat he was able to 'ciawl:. Helping
one another through the "mud, the
four men pushed through_ the door
and were drawn nix
After agonized months two of the
divers died; the third bad tine bends.
Coumtntey, had four ruptures and his
hair had turned from black to white.
But he Dred fame. The public hmdlell
nim as "Davy Jones' Unterker," and
he 'was invited to speak at banquets,
clubs, over -the radio
The underworld beard of him too'
Courtney did a comprehensive two -
volume WI on locks But wihen the
police omitted out how crooks -were
ung; the hook, Oogrtney' burned tdi
(aon•denssed tfrtom Th�isl "Week Mag-
azine' an Reader's Digest)
There is a mare in New York w'hd
can unlock any lock on earth. Charles
Courtney has opened 100,000 of them,
loosing $50,000,000 in variegated
wealth; jewels from a R:''m'anoff cas..
ket, bonds froth a ia.fe crushed by
can d4nuiake in Tokyo, pounds sterling
Brom a, treasure ship 'en the bottom.
of the North. Sea. And in Brooklyn,
amid showering sparks. from a har-
bor fire, he unfastened the locked
dtoo r ,of a shed w i.te--dereami te.
President of the International Look -
smiths' Association, at 49 Courtney
ie. the key anani of all keq mien. Iiia
hands awe insured for $100,000. His
eyes are so keen that 'he can look in-
to a keyhole and gauge •the teeth, of
the flock to,,the fraction of an lett
readied to make a key. Recently
when a company aid'vorti,sed a lock as
Spick—proof," the Federal Trade Com--
om.Mission saa'mmmied Courtney to Wa,sth-
tntgton. Be picked it in eight mlli-
utes and 41 ;ste,coneis.
Courteey's consdienee ie as eensi-
live as 'his fingers. ' H.e has travelled
the eourstry over to build up the eth-
ics of bilis craft, organizing a national
body of 3,000 locksmiths with mem-
bthdtp tests and :standards, a fury to
ender 'locks and Make reoomrm'emda-
titme to mra•nufactuiiers.
Charles Cloua'ttm'ey grew; up on a
Hanna" tear Marion 'Virginia.. Here he
got hie etaat as a locksmith wb'en he
made a key by Saints down a piece
of «ourbooe and opened the Lock on
hie mother's' jam closet. Latey;
town, be unEbelred all the •stores while
Inerrcitants were at a ball game. It
w s alI in fun; locks fescinatod hint.
After working in a teamed nisaobine
elvop, Courtney spent three years in
.1ernaiy ase a locksmith's, apprentice.
By 1909, when he enlisted in 8$.e
MetaInse, he eae an expert. Coosned
in the brig ton, .bread and Water for
trod melt shore .liberty, he would pick
Onze New_ Yeftien eve twfat Men 1St
'eventing 41k slues: -came luta it "Kt.
LS Courtney, In waiting MI thein,
turned!' hie book, he felt a revolver
tpeeseed agaitnst 'him. "We want you
to topesn; a ante," one of them whist
peered: "There's five glen in it for
ynou.';. When Countmeyn 'refused 'they
beat and kicked Nina almost insens-
Another time he was called On a
'Satundiay Morning to open an office
safe. He ,found typenveitette choking
and a force seemingly, 'hard at work.
Courtney Wok lone• Wok at • the Odd-
looking Crew and satitdf he'd forgotten
imp'o'rtant 'fools, Di:mod les he call-
ed the police, but when they got there
the gang was gone.
gonstoey gets $25 a call, tfnouRih his
iaa:'sdstante do neigiliboehmel jobs for
smaller fees. He wion't go abroad, for
less than $3,000. 'Osie afternoon
Llloryd's of London • phoned him to
take a boat leaving New Yorlt in an
hour. In London late was whisked to
the aieport at Croyadiom., flown to 'Mos-;
low. A sgndicate that had bou'g'ht
the Russian crown jewels from, the
Bolsheviltis had Lound no European
locksnpith able to open the 20 cas-
k>ots containing Steam.
The timse,.,lbek baffl'e'e even ()ourt-
sney':. Set 'tile ten alarm clock, it
sleeps a .tripper that will remove ft-
eelf only at the exact time for which
the lock Ira's been feet. Then, and not
otherwise, the lock Can .be worked
.by combiva'tion. When a funnier tea'11-
ed Oour trey 'one Saturday afternoon,
telling him of an employee locked in
the cold -storage vault, the job Seem-
ed hopeless. The ;Hock was set to
open Moedluy. They brad iheard the
mart yellavog, but now all Was quiet.
Over the phone, Oourtney ordered
theme to 'break the vanhnbnia Pipe'lead-
insg into the vault, to stop further
freezing and then drevre to the sore
like mad.
At the ,scene, he shouted through
the broken pipe, telling .the' man, to
Pull the tripper from the inside' so
that the ' could' try the combination.
There was no anlswer. To drill the
•lock would take too long, so Court-
ney worleedt--without lhkape--on the
contlemation. His fingertips felt the
tumtblers-• turn—and he olvened the
door. Forward passed police, fire-
men, ambulance crew. tiemayed,
they saw only • a tpile of furs nut
beneath tho pile lay the man — half
frozen, newly asphyxiated. Too weak
tb acknowledge (imstructilons, he bad,
netertheless, pulled the tripper and
then crawled uxrdei the fug. •
In spite of Courtney's feats, his
consuming interest is not in opening
locks but.in making then safer. "it
makes tare Asad, to see flitomea no more
secure than my mother's jam closet"
he says. "Thousands; of 'hones, .effi-
ces, and: stares -are locked with a'bit-
key lock. A bit key has a'as arm or
bit projecting neer the . end; there's
not a erode one mode. And When I see
a good lock on the front door, but a
flimsy one On the back, 1 groan."
-"Yet. people clan be safe from burg-
lars', if they'll just get good locks and
have them peerlessly' installed'. Co'me
bination looks 'have been tried on
house doors but they ane tot, hard to
Stratford Bottling Company
ANNOUNCES Deposit charge on
bottles for "Coca'Cola' - elective
MARCH 26th, 1940
Effective March 26tb, 1940, a Deposit of
2c eachavi..11 be charged on bottles for
"Coca -Cole' carried from stores where
:Coca " is on
This Desi of 2c per bottle will be r o
funded mem customers return the bottles
in good emufttion to their local dealer.
d Bottlers of "Coca -Com
work at night Theme is a lock:
though, Metin .a sense is a combina-
tion lock, Most faamailiar type• is the.
yaklock (tadatpteai from. ancient Eg
ypt by a Yankee panel Liame Yale),
'consisting of two sects of steel pintsi of
varying lengths, � .ed together by
the .proper. key `t a thrust between. the
springs, like clenched teeth,, When
the proper .key. ie trust between the
two sets, they are pried apart, en-
nabliaig the inner core or plug cat the
lock to be turned. By 'damaging the
length of the five or six pins within
the lock,_ and the emeesisonang not..
oiliest along the edge of .t o key and •
the grooves -along' Its tides; there ares
possible 109,000 av?elly secure connate.
°1`iiis fe a time," Saye an exc$iarr ,
"that tales meals souls."
'dies, and • the4r hal.f-soies, tee.'
-,m r
To Buy .or Sell
Notice of Meetings .
Articles Wanted
Articles for Sale ..
Position Wanted
Help Wanted
House to Rent
Cominn Events
Farm for Sale
Live Stock for Sale
Grain for Sale
Classified Ads.
A Classified Ad. in the Huron
Expositor will get you what you
want or have, to b u y or self
"out from under the•:bushel
basket." Using the. Huron Ex-
positor's alitesified c
'columns is
the most direct and inezpen:
sive method of making wants
known. Our rates are only 1
cent a word Oessfor mord than
one insertion.) All you need
to _-do is pick up your phone
and call 41.
i1.YthN EXPalO
kL's6cd 1860
a1'icL iAN BROSb, A"ub.1I4 herr