HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-12, Page 4VQ.
ktec AUS
d Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates:
r.flale,, Wanted. Lott and Found, Coming Events. Ete.-Pee wards
Sot week 1 Cana
2nd week ni Coat
erd week •
% Cent
Minimum chew; fret in.sertion 25 Ornate
. Fatah figure, initial and abbreviation comb's ea one word.
• asd Of Thanks, In Memoriain NotaaN-1 malt per went Minimum. 50 asabs Pe.r week.
lihtetirlee may be directed to a Bee Number, care of The Harlon Mrstaatter. Aar 10 cents
' nee cents additional per week will be charged if ath, stove chess are acre paid' the
..e.AaniedaY night In the week in whieh the ad was run.
Birth, Marriages end Deaths iesterted ret' of charge.
Auction Salve. Notices to Oretitturs. Etc. -Rates an application,
Ilelp Wanted
I • Property For Sale
genew-1 housework and cooking; small bra fireittage: eireellent lecatilan. North
family, &poly to Phone 162, Seafenth. Main 'Street Sfurth M cenvertiencer ;
3774-1 atalne„,.garage, orchard fait if deeired. Apply
J A It1.11$ RI vans. Seraferth, or A, G. GOV
atironin of King St., Weston.
For Rent
j- modern eonvenierican: hewed, hardwood
fMare. APIAY 9. CRICH., Seaforth.
". shire boars, Ira Ivalol, bred by lra
Feral, Dundas, also Orchard Valley, Ridge -
town, bred by Orchard Valley Stock farm.
Alliston. Fee, 81.00 each et time of service
JOHN FOWE1.L, Jr., Re, 2, Seaforth.
Norteseettutoe FARMERS' CO -OPERA -
rive Co. Limited, wjahe. ta netif
numerous pations and the public in genera...I
of the appointment of Mr, Hobert J. Cooper
as Mer v,7er • of-- the., -.Company, and who will
be on hind, fliti time. at t•he plant in Hen -
sail, to supply the needs of all with the best
brands of fertalizers, feeds, shingles, ceda.r
posta, coal. .twine, etc.. at lowest cost. AL-
BERT HENflR1QF1, P re, i oat ; ANDREW B.
DELL, SecretarY. 8774x2
• Farms For Sale
J; east Of Walton, Lom 4 and 5, 18th Con-
. cess$0n, Township of Grey. Large bank
barn, frame house, excellent gravelpit. Ap-
ply to MISS JEAN TURNER, Box 114,, Sea -
forth. ,3761-11
pAne FOR. SALEL-100, ACRES: 5 MII.1i1S
south of Seaforth and no rnile east, Lot
7, Concession 8. in the Township of Tucker -
smith. Large bank barn, hen house and pig
pen : brick house- PosseisiOn given Novem-
ber 1, :040. Apply to J. NV. FREE.
•• 376S-tf
Auction Sales
Stock. Implements. Etc., at 1..g. • 4. Con-
cession 0. Huilert Townt.hip. '•• ralie east of
Einburn,' on Wednesday. April- 2.16, at one
o'clock. sharp; Pull particulars next • week.
MRS. EEN SNnLL. Proprieta, George H.
Elbott. Auctioneer. ',. 3774-1
ClomatiNI're el'orearn SAJ nets
Queen's &Wiles. Fi'iday.. , Aprtt 12th •
FOring anything you have te s,11. except pi.gs.
Rzetei realonable HOMER HU Fr. at a nits -NT :
Atithur Welber and Harold Jackson. Aue-
taoneets. , 11774-1
Implernent.s at Lot 11, Concessim 2,
Theicersmith, 3.i mile from Egrrionilville. on
Saturday, April 131.h. alt 2.30 p.m.: Homes
--Team of work horsei, gelding and'
talsing 3 year..s. well ,brSken. Cat.tfle--2
• cows, frezh : Jersey heifer, fresh blue
cow o frge,hen in May: Jersey cow to fres
en in June; half Jers«..y cow to freshen in
July 4 two-year oh!. 1 : calf
'• months old:. 4 young calves 2 -year-old 'heifer
aPringing ; 100 Barred R.,06: pallet:3 Srott's),
laying wen. Imp1,m( Dt.,e hareem seed
drag: steel land roller: mower : turnip sow-
er : baY rake; cutter: fanning mill . De
Laval cream separator. No. 12
Plow riding plow: w.heelharrow buckeye Ln
cubator ,eirpo egg!: steetsr !stove t man u re
•'stieFeader rivingle seutller whittewaSh spryer;
Pontiac car .2.000 lb. stitle7: roll barb wire;
buY 'Moe" and rea: sugar . kettle: set
double harnees : set single harness :
shed 25, x 30, : lumber. abaut 200 1,„„„rd
fo.dtpf eim 'pionk a.britit 200 hoard feet hem-
koek plank : about' 200 board feet basswoeal
limber 1 `white ash mower rongu......,
Dogging cilia.ins, tools. Collie dog. etc. : 2 hed
s'Princa; Auto k ante r mach i ne : 3 -gal
crockery churn. At the sarne• tirne and place
the farmwill be offered for sale subject to
reserved bid, consisting of 100 acre..., choice
land and good buildings. TerT11$ 7 Cash•
MRS. 1'. J. WEBSTER, Proprietiir : George
Elliott. Auctioneer. • 3774-1
-n• Implements. The under&igned ;auctieneer
has received instructions to a'all thy public
auction alt bat 8. Con. 1, Stanley Town -shirr.
pn Nb : 4 Highway, I 'mile:, north of Ki-tmen,
on Weilne:day. April 1910, at 1 o'clock
sham the tfollowing : Iy&, mare
^ rising 4 years Clyde mare rising '10 yeses
'Perche.rou mare • liAing '10 years. Cattle
Durham cow due at time of sale: Durham
' cow thin May 5th Herefbrd cow -due August
2010 ; DUrhtatn row freAhe.ned December lith:
Durbam thw freShened December 13th : two
Durham yearling heifers Ayrshire cow fre,h-
*nail January lath : 2 Durham Yearling
Fleers : 4 winter calves. Hogs'- 9 chunks
'Weigh i rux about 70 pounds_ A few yetra•-oll
Leghorn hens. Implements- Matisery-liarris
binder 6 -ft- cut: Deerirur binder 6 -ft. cut;
Massey -Harris
mower 54f5 mit: McCown ck
fertilizer dttc driB: McCorrnisk manure
&Drearier: hay' rake; cultivator; d'ise har-
row 4 sets of. harrows ; Mateee-Harris bean
&curlier antl puller combine:I : Cooled -Urn rid-
ing Plow: Hatallton ;walking plow; Cock. -shaft slangplow: hay rack: gravel box:
Mock rack bay fork set of Weighs ; cream
separator; Wings extensiern ladder; soarthe:
etonebosit : Wheelbarrow sealers: sauflier 2
see timbre harness : forks, shovells, boxes,
whilfletrees, wagon, neckyokes and other arti-
cles. Househeld. El:Teets-Clare Jewel range
mith reservOir „and high back, nearly new ;
biking= Suite' edrigiireinfrY reg 12 -it 12 feet;
Go. Mdfeth. Aurtioneer. 377
Terms-:Crish.. W. H. STONE, Preprieter;:
" The undersigned auctioneer has
receired instructions to 8011 by Public auction
et the residence of the late Misses Young.
8.tre4. tast Seaforth. on Friday.
" Apra 19, 1940. at 1.30 pan., the following
easedb and clatittekr: One oak chest of drowi.
era: 1 oak waghwiared: oak cabinet se -trine
machine, 1 loak'latite: 1 oak combirmtibm
heekease e.nd writing desk; 1 walnut fag,.
stool reertanisent tenon lantana orrn aner,
leather covered: 6 oak dining room chairs;
1 ock0ng einoiy 1 walnut untiltrella strnd4 1
ehalrll wooden bleb ; I irate
ted.; bed r'ings: tree with
I 11regbing trade 1 wooden I:ellen:0
1 fable; 1 nsedieine cabinet: a number of
eltatire : I toredem towel eek: 2 k itthen
itatilea :tathl shaves: 1 elothes mangle: 1 coal
on Stove and oven : 3 feather ticks: 2 clot/leo
haraperte f'5 eldthee %Mee 3 large ttrunke pi I
entail ,teunk : number oil lamps; 2 gal en_
dyed leash tubs: wneh tub stand: ea
heillet• seinditer mavens. 2 foldinst herb With
adattrZkos : 1 rug; 1 home lame. electric, with
4 sitade; 24 ironing boarritss: 2 half' •ioutiri
teablee; 1 .mm1 Mate: 1 bed innvp: 1 -see cur-
tain andirediers1 1 carpet Stretcher: 1 brass
snm; number of (lower baskets; small rugs :
•eetairthlt* , jinn hee ; number of earthen
etioelte; 200 books. current fiattion etc.: num-
,. liere• Piefteriet; pteture frames:, qternitity
Pietarn tikaddintret ant trona and holder
nor of !attlice, ,wisets, ete.: teays:. kitchen
nes 2 ntsitersibeleir 2 garion sitirnas with
winkiiten gwing 1 gardeti flower
gatdertefernitere; truant* ilywer
innteten • gob grater;
Orrietts. 2 Oral rumen: ne
'hied tripe sin erase etit-
1 linelre Vete: 1 regen
1 ,eanbeard; 2 wooden
Ivan toel non
t wM aorta a titaintar of
eatiertasf •Itienbiein
!„ "t , 04,2
Agents Wanted
vette nottine FOR YOUR EFFORTS 1
▪ -Easy, interesting work in Is district
cheeen by you. Products wefl-known through-
out Cariada-sure-sellenti all GET START-
PANY, 570 St_ Cleareatt, Moan -eat
Farin Stock For Sale
pee Of pore bred York 'sayers, due to far-
row soon. Apply HUGILL & SONS.
Phone 34-616, Clinto-n. 3724x.2
For Sale or Rent
" aeres : frame house, easily heated. Would
sell before 1st May. Apply to ELMER D.
Street, Seaforth. 3774-3
Articles For Sale
ed postpaid in plain seated wrapper.'
SO% less than retell Write for maihs-order
catalogue. NOV-RUBBF_.R CO., Bex 91,
Hiantilton„ Ont. • 3779-8
200.1hwooden barreb, 110-11x galvanized
drums. Sweeten( tins. 70-4it galvanized gar
bay,e mita, alto bread owns in &trans and
4. Concert fn .1e Canadian
Red Ovine Will be bold in the hall on
Faltlay night of this weNL a good,
tllm letexpopted."
Mr. annum lo Weari.n.Hg a broad
°Mae •16-vene dam A little boy has
been Weleemed to the /setae.
Mr. then Mos. Gt. H. Beatty and
eltildren spent the *reek -end with
esnende in Torontoand Hamilton.
Menthe:an of •the' tOrwmelnip council
met in the hall Oa Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Laythaan and little
eon, Billy, of /4fialt3.21, i 00011:11ally
Aittitg Mies Beatty, sciairt Sunday With
Mats. 'noway and daughter.
Nene. Fergusou and kittle son, of
Kingston, is the guest •of her parents,
Me and M -ns.
The monthly mis.sionary .meeting of
the, Y.P.U. was held Tuesday erecting
last with a good attendance. The op-
ening 'hymn, "The Day Thou Craereet"
15119 eumg, followed ny prayer by Rev.
Pe A. Brook. 'Phe minutes, cif the
last meeting were read end the mis-
sionary collection taken, 'Rev. R. A.
Break then favored with s 80,10, Whileb
was "south enjoyed by all. nnislortart
Chitinbere read the Scripture le95011,
"Th•e 0oed Samaritan." "I Love ,to
'Sing of That Great River" was sung
and -a very interesting topic taken
by Miss Pl. Mille. The clossing hymn
was "Just As• I Am," and the Mizpair
benediction was pron,ounced. Jean
Wright had charge of the contests
at the close.
The monthly social meeting of the
wes' Lend Tueedey evening
last. Th:e meeting was in charge of
the social conveners, R. Venner,
Dalrymple P. Wright and N. Cham-
bers. The opening hymn, "Upward,
Ever lIeWard," 11 -as sung and. "On-
ward. Christian Soldiers," followed by
the Lord's Prayer repeated in uni-
eon. The rest of the evening was
spent in contests ann games directed
by Ruby Dalrymple, after 'whiels a
delielefel Wenn was served. ,
'Owing to the bad roads there was
no churce service on Sunday' last.
The Boundary Group of thee W.M.S.
Quilted' a supply work quilt at the
• home of Mrs. Kenehen on Thursday
of last week.
singles : also chairs a,nd round Vitrolite ton coNsTANcE
tables. 5 H.P. electric motor, 1 old bread
mixer and numerous other ba4cesfirip articles
of which we have a suriiles. W. A. CRICH
ESTATE, Seaforth, •3771.-tt
FOr Sale
ECKERT. R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 23-23,
'---' Oat:. Wehrle -rely clean: also Seed Barley.
No, 21. Apply to. GLENN Me.LEAN,
RR. 2, KiPpen 'Phone St r 21. Ileum)!
81.75 l2un in SMUT OW -Li, C:OatariMera.
AWAY 10 VICTOR 1E5 Phone 662 r
Seaforth.• ?3774itt
pa) CiTOVER. SEEll 5011. SALE THIS
seed is clean- ithclue JAMES F:' scum.
831 r 4, Seallarth. •3774x 1
▪ Sale- -Eight heifers between 16 and, 10
:menthe ctld. Would ex,citange 'for , good
steers. Apply to JAMES F., SCOMIL Phone
851 r Seger:ea. - 377 4 al
`--" 1940 erode/ ; 1 Wnlys Coupe, 1930 next-
• : 2 Ford- Coaches, 1936 models; 1 Vord
1,2 ton Pickurt. 1932 model; 1 Chevrolet V!
ton Pickup, 1932 ractle0; 1 Model T Ford.
530.00. Apply to J. E. HUG1LL & SONS
Dealers for WIllflYs CIEM antl Trucks.
Order ;truer new Willys Car in once before
She new war tax is cabled. 3774x1
graded gas, s'eetA MraniStY No. I alanlea
‘1,4t h a v eiry Light. me -atelier of red Clover
at a reduced pr5m; cedar Poets and all Muds
of wire fence: farm team hatteats and ha,.
ness parts. 'Alm frame building 36' by 12,,
suitable for benNouse or w.m,td make .brcnnier
house.. We are agents for Beatty Bros.
barn and pump equipment W. E. BUTT.
Eienen. "Phone 45-9e Bensall.
sire ea express their sincere ovvregna-
tiost of She many kindnetwes esthbended 10
them during the illness and death of their
husband and father: ofeso,te drank those who
sent flowers and learned ems.. 3774x1
Card of Thanks'
In Memoriam
passed away April 12, 1937:
A loving father, true and kind,
• No friend an earth Like him well find;
For all of us he did his best,
And God gave hini,eternal at
-Fondly remembered by his daughter.
MIL Beak Hereon Tudor, Aiberta.
tour :Mother. Mex.. ingeam, *I* de-
riartEla this Me on April 15, 1932_
--Ever remembered by Itesband, tots and
Daughteits. 3774-1
CHARTERS -1n Seat Memorial Hetspetal. on
AVM land Men Pea:mon Char-
ters. of Tockereinfik twin datechtess.
MellAY-Tre Roped Weenie Hospital. Barrie.
on April 5491, NC Mr. and Ike. 'Leslie Mc-
Kay, a 1441Whear-Shirler 4firrefeivrek '
ROSS --In &afore,. an Monday. April 811,,
Hugh H. R. ILO., in his Ifni 'Bar.
SHOLDICE-lar Seafarer:. CM eatUrairy, April
etth, Martha erobrotton,, beloved wife df Wm
H. Sluddise.
YOES-In Geternele on firlday. AtirtV stab
asan weeso Veen. in We nth year.
Carter • MeCture
A quiet wedding was solemnised at
First Preobeterian Manse, Seaftuth,
on Saturday rotnning, April 6th, at 11
0.010ell. when matgarest-reabet datIgh-
ler of Mr. and Mrs. 'William hioClure
Of Meltillop TownialliP, Wes united in
tnarrlage to Thomas. Carter Of the
tnalle boIa1iip Rev. Ilugh jack of-,
*legated.• The bride wore a pretty
dreas 6f blue chiffon and rose celorted
hat with blue floweret The attend.
airts Z'*46,te Miss Pearl Cole:non and
Nekton McClure, brother of the bride.
Owing to the weather and road cen-
-nitiops, the postponed W. A. meeting
ites held in she basement of the
eliu,rch on March 28th. Tee ppesi-
dent, Mrs". E. Adams, was ire the
clrai•r "and opened. the meeting with
the "hymn "There is a Great Hill' Far
Away:" followed with prayer by Mrs.
George Addleon, Mrs. Howard 'Arra-
stiong and Mrs, E. Adams. ' After Inn"
bus i hese diecussi on Mrs. Orville Dale,
leader . of Group • 3, took enlarge. A
thyron wits sung and the Scripture.les-
Oen nem Luke wan read by Mrs. J.
Hugel. .A solenoid paper prepared
by Mrs. William Liringstone onn"-Ser-
vice" was read- by Mrs, Orville Dale.
The hymn, "Look, Ye Saints," was
sung. followedwith prayee by etre. R.
Lawson. Mrs. Dale closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reekie and
family; of • London, „were guests at.
tbe home,'.'ef. Mrs. Reetne's- parents,
Mr. and -Min. Winter:it Britton, during,
the. weekend.. Mr. Reenie .goes , to
Trenton Where Ste nee secured a posi-
tiort doin-g auxiliary work at the air
Miss Dees Alexander of London,
spent th'e week-epti with her parents,
Me. and Mrs: W. Alexander. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pybus, of
Zurieb, spent Sunday With: Mao H.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey and Miss
Irma Fergus= spent Thursday in
W. M. S. Meets
The W. M. S. of Kipper): United
Churcth held their April meeting at
the home of Mrs. Cooper on Wednes-
day afternoon with' a freed attennence.
,The meeting opened with quiet music
played by Mrs. John Henderson, fol-
lowed by the call to worship by Mrs.
Chandler, who presided. Hymn 119
was then sung, [allowed by a re-
sponsive reading. Hyran 112 was
sung and the Scripture. reading, Sohn.
.1:1_14 ices read by Mrs. Chandler.
This was 'followed by meditation and
prayer in uninon.. , The offe.ring and
role cal le were' t a,k en . MPS. Chandler,
Mita Johnson, Mios I rum Ferguson
and MTH. Alex Mennurtriei, were api
pointed as delegates' to , the -Huron
Presbyterian to be held in Seaforth.
Mrs. Lotig sang a very pleasing solo,
"The Gypsy Boy." The topic was
taken by Mrs. A. .McMuttrie. Hymn
240 was ening and the meeting cloned
with the benediction in unison. A
dainty lunch was steered by the com-
mittee -hi charge.
The annual tneeting of the Kippen.
East Womernee Institute will be ;held
on April 24th at the !home of Mrs.
Joseph Ups -trail The roll call Will' be
the paniment of fees. On Web:testa:7i,
April -17tla the eachre and dant& will.
be held- in Hensall taken hall; The
knowing is a list of the last ship -
Merit of hospital supplies: 24 sheen%
36 hospital gowne, 12 suits of pyjam-
as, 7 ecarves, 24 pairs of socks and
1 quilt.
Spring is here. Come, see the new
Certain materials and Floor Cover -
flags at Goodwin's.
Euchre reline Dance -The Rippeu
East W. 1. are spensorilig a euchre
and dance ha liensall Town Ran on
litreduwday, April 17th. with Mor-
doek'S orchestxu, Short Program" at
8.15. All ladies bring lunch. Raffle
draw will be held. Proceeds tn aid of
war Work. General ado:Melon 2,5c.
the work uotntufttne cif the naali
branch of the lbed Cross its proceed-
ing favncialolr. On Saturday, April 6,
dto following toads were paelted
ready for Shipment: 192 pal110. Of
Seeks, 25 Scarfs for navy, 8 'balaclava
hebnotn, 1 pair Nile mitts, 1 Pair holt
elide, 40 *ilia of eieletlent, 16 Innent-
era 71 gtherimonia naekete, 144 Slings,
1 Pair bednnOrrite, 3 Ohildrettne cape, 5
palm ton 'beillnetann g iairs of thilidateins
mint% 6inntInin, 45 Pairs Of Intlattlins,
5 'hot water nag *prem. 108 (14 dr*.)
AR these Ramis have been raiode
up ne th hint ehipmeet On or
about Fein Inth. The anuouot a
Work aecomplisbed during the post
few weeks le a tnibute to the devo-
tion and Ate 'knotty of the Red Crose
workers teethe alien° --of king eon
country. The shipment Was the larg-
est made nt one time, and the work
executed wan- of the highest order.,
Tim Iteetterorof the Red Oros boarooh
desire to entrees' their deep felt
thattirtsto0,11I the ladies for this splen-
did. eillorn wad tan the couverters of the
vtartous cbantlidttees who 'have pla•n-
ned and carried through the work so
successfully up to 'thin point.
We would like t urge others who
may' not bore been able to render
touch liens along Reddraas lines to
now ininnthe workers. We welcome
you roost heartily to engege ire knit-
tiong or in sewing er in the prepare -
MO f bosplital suppliee. The Red
Cross work reonos are mime on Mon-
day and Friday atternoens. Much
more can be accomplished if we have
more Wasters and the need is great.
We wbuldt warn our People against
eneray propaganda in ou,r midst. Many
stories are Circulating about se1dien3
having to purchase Red nroes socks
mad ether, supplies. Wherever this: is
being"• on the Red Cross Society
does nicst benefit from ouch sales.
There bas never • been .any setup
whereby moniee ,received 'through! ithe
nate Of Red Cross articles ca.n get
beet to the- Red Cross Society. If
Red Cross articles are sold it is opt
with the peo-minsion of the Red Chess
and somebody is dein,g tam te an
inetitution wintee sole mative la, to
!assist our ealdiers in even/ Pnastible
way in the discharge of titer serious
duties to which they have .dedicated
their hires. 'We would urge our peo-
ple not to be moved by these reports.
Please pass them on to any °tilde'
of the Red Crose Society and an ef-
fort will be made to traee these rum -
ouzo down to their lair. •
Celebrates 89th nirahday
Mao. John Johnstone, on the
on 'Sunday last quietly celebrated her
89th birthday with members of her
wihen a Mx o'clock dinner was
served. 'Mrs. Johnstone -has, a family
of three claughtere; one eon, four.
gra.ndohdldrerj and one great grandson,
all of winint were Present with the
exeeptidn •ber son. William, living
et a long distance in Kertma, SaSk.
Those present trete: Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. Dosigles and deughtter, Miss NOT..
iMaana: oorf London;
P;a1N•kii;ssalcir: thAemmllan e -Doe -g -cox,
of St. Thome:se Mr. amid' Moo. Wan.
Parke, Mrs.. John Parke and Miss
Margaret Johnstone, of }Tongan. Mrs.
near and great grandson, Douglas:, of
•,Terlomito, were net able to get here
en Sunday but had visited Mrs. John-
stone as late as Daetier Sunday. Mrs.
Johnstone is very -well and smart for
her .age and' enjoyed the day •to the
full She received many lovely pres-
ents, besides beautiful flowers, tele-
pconvtitulat4lioner-meststig. to;,,eards a.nd telegraime
and ntran friends calling as well to
. • Plan Minstrel Show
Keep the date in main Thursday
and Friday evenings, • April 13 t la
and Intle Inensall town hall, for the
presentation of' the Hensal•I! Minstrels
tin their new show, bigger and better
than ever with a ehorus of 36 men,
whin Will present f8r your enjoyment
the latest song hits, choruses, duets,
ski, 9d06, novelty; acts and tap
dancing by Soyce Broderick Messrs
W B. Crose, Jas. Parkins, G. R.
MW.Jinks.Se, amillnd.tne
er' C. Betwesi.T.
be endreen, antra, the, interlocuter will
be E. L. Minnie The muennal direc-
tor is Seitentaie and the pianist, Miss
Flarenoe Welsth.
A 'onet-art comedy, "Age Rebels,"
seal follow the Minstrel show and the
caot will include Mao.. R. Middleton,
Mrs'. 11. Lawrence Mre, W. A. Mac -
Laren, Mee R. 3. CalllertiMI, MTS. I.
G. Ssnfllio, Misses Beryl Pfaff, Irene
Ileggerth, Kay Drisdale, Salty Mann
Solt. We. W. 0. Goodwin is thentin
rector. Istre proceeds are in aid of
the Red Coes; Tice:eft will be area -
table limn sellers who win "eaaroass
the town. Aliso on the lonointans will
be included a novelty number by
Meters. Claude Blowers and Walter
Mr. and Mrsi. John Hendereara, and
elaninen recently vbsited at their foto
"erThelgemainenni‘nalGiencueSpring- Pair will be
held on Saturday, April 29th, and
wirecfn— promises, with. gond weather,
to be one of the best hekl.
our good citizeh, Mr. John Zueffe,
On account of tilt health, does not in-
tend 'haying MS usual greenthOliSte this
Spring and sumsner, which is a mat.
ter of ranch regret.
Mr. Aamold Belt of Toronto; oPent
the week -end twelve with his mother,
Mrs, Bertha ,Be, and she aceompan-
ied hint as far. as Senior& oft his re-
turn trip and remained there a. few
days with relatives and friends.
Mr 4ames A. Paten:Oh ot) Frida.y
taGf 1110fOred tor Welland to attend a
convention thele of the 04)34. for
Which he was ps.!, rOproaelalaiiife .for.
Honon-Perth, e Men* a. 'an
meeting and that another, Alleging, 0
tber 033.A. will bo NeN lere on the
16th Of this month. '
report a fine rtea ttui# far of sap, but
find tire now Veal deep" tx) 'work in.
If it's Baby Chicks you want,
we have thein; the best quality
the lowest,prIce. If it's more
• oney for letittr alga; if IFS
oltrY Yee haVe to; s"ell 'or hens
to be culled; If Kis fend you
*apt to buy, just see or calf
A.IL Kerslakt -nonce
Phones: Storii,40, itealdence 131
?TACK riiit
E ggiatiglit 141100414owno
McIfINDSErS Seaforth
MIDDLETON'S - Ilensall
Mr. James W. Bonthren _ intend
haviaa the painting completed of the
Ibsen MU 'room which he added to his
eommotlious dwelling tot fall.
;Mrs. James A. Paterson spent the
week-eod in Kitchener with her sis-
Holy Communion service was ob-
pervett in St. Paul's Anglican Church
on Sabbath evening last when, Rev.
Mr. Hunt delivered a very fine ser-
mon!. •
The Late John M. Coulter
One of • the pioneer 'resdelmA of this
village in -the person of the late John.
M. Counter, passed away at his bane
here on Tuesday raornine last, in his
86th yelar, from the effects of a very
Severe cold which :turned ten pneu-
mosnian The deceased was a very ac-
tive Man , for 'hie years and cambig
felon Minverton resided here forabeut
60 years, during which .he erected for
himself and elevateddi in buinding a.
number of dwellings. .He was a mem-
ber of the al,ethodist Church until the
Union, when !he'''became a, 'very regu-
lar attendant of the. United Church.
He was, also a very enthusiastic mem-
ber of the Cenaddan. Order of For_
resters and in polities a 'prcniounced
Conservative. In all hie business
treinsactione the was 'Moist prompt in
disebtarging 'ail his obligations and
teak demi; interest itn, al+ current
events. He leaves to mount his death
his only son, Dr. namuei j., of Toledo,
Ohio, his wife and daughter Me, hav-
ing oredeceasenhim some years. ago.
He is 'also survived by four brothers,
Dr. W. J. Coulter, of Tnledio, Ohio;
Mr. IL H. Coulter, of Milv•entoes Mr.
Wesley Coulter; of Millbarak,.and Rev.
Joeleple Coulter,. of Suodertand. The
.funteral services Were beldefregn the
home on Tatured•ay, April lltli, at 2
o'clock, with i,reterment in, MeTag-
gale's cemetery.
United Church News
The W.M.S. • met on Thursday
tcrsnoon last in the school room; of
the 'church with Mrs. A. R. Brook in
the chair. "Christ the Lord is Risen
Tetley" was the 'opening hymn, fol-
lowed with prayer by Mrs. Brach, roll
call, minutes and business Mrs.
Hess and Mrs. Lave reported having
made 30 calls on sick and shut-ins
durnag the menthe- Mae. J. Passmore
and Miss Murray were appointed del-
egates to attend the Presbytery to
be held . inSeafarth on April 23rd.
Also attending Will be the d-ifferemt
presidents of the different organiza-
tions le theettoolety. Anyone wishing
to attend is "a.sned to leave their
name with Mrs. C. Cook. , njesup Sax -
tour, Pilot Me" Was eung . and the:
Scatipture read'. • infra R. J. Moore
presented a eplendtist topic on "Min-
istry of Healing in laulM,," dealing
with ,the work among the iepera and
,hosisital work. "When I' Survey.,
the Worredroas Cross" and prayer con -
chided the meetimg.
Mrs. I. G. Smillie woe the guest
speaker for the Y.P.U. held' Monday
Rormeer"ntin, givi:chlYnewas ve:yor intenesthtliew them;
travel-talic on England,' Ireland,
Scotland,' Germamy, Switzerland aed
Slides on the screen &ken by itentelf
during fher trip through these COUR-
tries added much to the address. Miss
Gladys Luker gave a pleasing pireito
solo. Mr. Ken Hicks presided, and
•R. . Brook gave the operdng
prayer anti the hymns Sung were
"What a Friend We Have in Jesus,'
"Come, Let Us Sing of o Wonderful
Love" mid "Saviour Like a Shepherd
Lead Us." , The anniversary will. be
bend orr Sunday, April nlet. Rev, G.
Cr. .Burton, of Ontario Street United
Churoh, Clinten.'; wilt be the guest
.speaker. On the following evening,
Monday, April' 22nd, the young. people
of Brucefield United Church will pre-
sent their three -act, 'drama, "The
Glow Lights of San Rey."
Mos, Irene Dougles wag 'hostess on
-Fritlay evening :last for "the Mission
Circle, some 19 members being 'tires-
ent. Miss Gioldie Cross presided, for
the devotio.nel; Miss Mary Goodwin
gave the Scrittpre lesson; Miss Mary
Ciark gave a missionern story on
Korea; Mae Douglas gave a spienttEd
talk on "The Little Bnide"; Manse Nor-
ma Cook gave the treYasurens report.
"Jesus, Thou Fount of Loving
Hearts," "Wonderful Love,'' "Breathe
On Me, Breath of God" were the
hymns bun -g.
The Worheto Class will meet Friday
evening. Miss GladLuker is so-
eiiai coavener and has prepared a de-
lightful program and games. Lunch
will be served.
Rev. A. R. Brook occupied his own
pulpit on Sunday morning mut Oren -
nag Man denvering mast interestinag
and profitable discourses. The morn-
ing =than 'Isy tire choir was -0e.
Wirais of Living Light" anti the even
Meg anthem, "More Love TO Thee,"
s'oledet, i'Mfiss Ruth Brook.
Carmel. Church News
ati.A.unistaidaversuryy, Maria:0h_ wi,rifibebe gueaheld
speaker will be Rev. W. A. Young, of
Rea W. Weir, Minister, was in
charge of both services on Sunday
last. Tha anthem by the choir was
"Who Forgiveth Ali Thy Iniquities,"
soloists, Rev. Nye* and Mrs. Macias. -
en. Mae J. W. .Bonthron favored
with a lovely sera, "Someday Real
Make it Plain To Me." For their ev-
ening number the choir sang, "Tong.
Lob) the Lord," soloist Miss Irene
erYourig People :net Monday ev-
ening with the theme song, "Call To
Chrisi" as their ,openlng avalaellen-
Mantue Purdy gave the prayer and
Mae Helen Moir, the Smipture. •The
degtitionat continuation a th e
Aocastte'ff Creed, "I believe In the
Rely Ohest," was given. by Miss jean
McQueen. A pinto solo was ,iameo
tultard'a ormtlibution 10 the pro -
Mr. Rosa rifaeRayse goat
speaker, (Those for his subject,
wOhreWiduees of the jeWS." Miss Ma..
bed wookm4.4 mkt • 411iut Dar1doe4
'were, in Charge of the etrentog. The
Leonia Prayer encteed die meeting,
aud a number of hymns were stmg.
it St. Parans Anglican Church Rev.
'M. A. Hunt, Rector, gave a oplendid
,dasoouree On "Christ and iimmortal.
ity," based on John 14, tad verse: "In
my father's house are many resting
Plane% If it were not so 1 vPoulld
have 'tancl note, 1 go to prePare a Place
for you." Communicar was adatinis.
tered at the service. Miss Dthel
Clark presided at the organ.
Mies Dunne Johnston and! Miss Min-
nie Reid returned a few days agp
from Fleanda, where they spent. e
'most pleasant ten ' weeks? holidays,
niostly in the beautiful city of
Orlanda They also visited in Palm
Beacb, Lakerwarth and Daytona -Beach
as well as other etunoner reenirts, mad
teajoyed the ino,st wonderful display
of flowen3, some large sec"timas being
literally covered with most beautiful
'Mr. James A. Paterson on S•atundee
last, April 6th, attended an, 0.B.L.A..
meeting at Welland, being a repres-
entative of the Perth League, and re-
ports that a meeting will -be held
'here of the League au April 16th.
We regret to state that intr. Nelsen
•Blatehford shill continues 'treat poor.
ly et hie home here,
Dr. Samuel J. Coulter, of Toledo,
Ohio, accompanied by ,IMM wife and
mothersineaw, Mee. Salter, onLondon,
entered here on Saturnay "last, in time
to be with the doctor's father, Mr.
Jelin M.,;Coulter, of this village, who
passed away the first part of this
week. .,
The council bee been able to get
away the are &rine Of now in the
'business pant of the village, Which
would have made the street in sructh
placera atmlost impassable. They have
also been looting well to the Open-
ings of catch basins and drains.
'Mrs. eh:arias YEAS is Still quite
will be at W. 0. Goodwhes store env
ery lst and Sird ToesdaYeIn th*
month, for the POrPoen idtentinit
eyes and MMHG glanne& Difeglat
oases and those that have not bee*
properly fitted ore speeda1111,nellatno
mended to consult Me. Hanle S.
a.m. to 6 p.m. /Phone 1360.4111,11
for apPolatment,
.poorly, but cis, however, somewhat ESL.
peeved In general health. •
Nuonbers of improvements are be-
ing made by the villegers in their
11013143S and the carpenters, mancas
and rpainteris are looking forward no
a Vern busa semaner. .
"Age Rebels"
iPrainteedcll Whenh
' Tecia(lC(Canada) Limeited
s ..
Toronto. by Local Talent, :sponsored(
by the Henson Branch of the Rad
Cross, to be presented in, the
THURS. & FRI., APRIL 18 & 19
at 8.15 p.m.
• Cast of 50 - 8 End Men
Specialty Acts
ADMISSION - 25c and 15c
Reserved seat section 10e extra. Tien
of Hall at lifiddletete's Drag Satre.
Now operated by _
We invite inspection of our stock of •
, SEAFORT11,-- -Tuesdays and Saturdays
or any time by appointment.
See DR. F. HARBURN Phone 105
PHONE 41 - EXETER •- BOX 150
Seed Grain Cleaned and Graded
We are now prepara to Clean and Grade your
grain for seeding. We, use an improved scourer,
_cleaner and Carter disc machine, known- as the
world's most approved seed gra.der. It separates
barley from oats, and removes a. wild- oats -from
barley., '
We also have for sale Early Alaska and &tan
Oats and 0A.C. N0_21 Barley.
• Come and see our plant, in operation, or tele-
phone 83 r FL -
HENSALL Spring Show
Saturday, Apr.. 20,1940
kale af DO. Hensall Band in Attendance
Class 1.--i2ytleedide
1st 2m4 3rd
Aged Stallion $8 $5
1st prize, Rohe Samtppect Oa.
Stagiest. foaled in 1937 '
Class IL -Percher -on or Belgian
Aged SWIM= • 64
Stallion, wooed in 1937 4 3
Crass FIL--Standeed Bred
Aged btellfien 5 3
Breed Marro 4 3.
Class I.V....=Plarlaiey
Aged Sash/ion 5 3
Clem V. -Heavy Draft
hind Mare en tea • t 4
Filly or Gareno, ander 3 yenta odd 4 3
FlEty or Gelding. under 2 years dld 4 3
Milly or Gehring, under 1 year cid. 4. 3
Dina 'ream 10 7
1st prize donated by Goinmerciatl
Class -111.-Atericaltoral
Riled Mane in Arai 5 4 3
Fed& ore-Getkling, under 3 gears of nee 4 3 2
MiMy or,Gekffing, ander. 2 imam ef age 4 3 2
FSUyior Gelding, ander 1 year of ago 4 3 ,2
Aseauusingt neon , lo 7 4
rislt Prate donated lw W. B. Gold-
ing. 511.P.i
ChM VIL--General Parrese
'Nam 4»Ifsarneialt 10 7 4
mg vase donated by Jas.
'.13mO, _ •• Bailan-
ChM 171(11,-Riablerter, Farmer's Class
Riond.steir OIMett 101 Parriner 6 4' 3
Piny or Gehrorte 43 2
Claes OL-lhodater, Open Class
&ugh ttondstier 6 4 3
Rbadober Team 6 4 3
Roarlsexte Chamrion Badge
Cliatopieschsp" 'Clam
Draft More or Ceedistar, nkey -age- 3
AIRSealtartal Mitre or Geldiate, any
Grasil Championship
Draft co Agricadhulaft Fifty ar Geld -
31t. any age Badge
Tower:hip Prize
Three Emmen Dien wee Township: bore entries
necesesey tor tilt. Retry fee. SLOG.
Aged non
. Chas L-Artens
Butt ender 2 3:mtre old
crow, Wry age
Heifer. nattier 2 sone
tonna IIL-S atoms
Anne nen
1st end 3rd
35 88 82
4 a 2"
3 2
4 3' 2
3 2
4 3 2
5 3 2
4 8 2
4 3 2
5 8 2
4j 2
Boa under 2 min
(new, any see
Her, roarer 2 gears
Chow 101.-Iieretora.
�flAwed MAI •
• moons e gene
eke, bagel
„ 2 pester
Marlket Cattle
/hitcher Sher or Heifer (Grades),
900 'to 1100 lbs S 4 IS
Baby Reel, under 200 lbs. 2 • a *
tirib101 ri. T21et. Ea10n Cu. gmL• •iaPaar
Gaidetrianls Turnont--53.00.
Lady neiven-42.159,
Dent .Wloaron fifor10i8-013.00.
Boyie Judgeng Chorpetition isto Biantes-e
$3,90, 92410„,
novo auleine Closnitelltisoa Oltratta-t
$3.0, 32.00, GUM.
'rklizea 10 %Ye Jktdelag competinow dowia-
ed hy Bank of Mosittroo.
oho Hope nunizine Ciampetition will Le en-
der the direetion. of Mr. Shciarer, avankir
culharal Refammattatioret. Snore esti& 51
'given each boy; 50 Pointe will be given far
Idelchir by aeons card, and 59 et'asel' te One yea -
seen to be given omMy. Cls 4» be'istardi
will be beavy *tees nod beef ciettle. N.
srragancsi fee wild be required, tat loos mast
be =der 15 loom of age and haw Ate*
eery an behre Lae wenick. • Penes Da Halle
J udesing cionnted by Bonk :of IlibertosaL
. .
Entries most be in tensor I guiiis. •
1--4:718ry , fee, 91.09 for font mere: iota,
Gored ontrien, 25 coals ewes. 2-H10t0ela natal.
(14tide'Inenitit_.nostroeto twine i regoble.dab-
• exeranli-Agrionatural'Or Doak 3 year oildbr
which may be shown in tsar*. s-Tvo.
Judson doeirion to final, lein0 bar
Irma:teed oiler or net tithe at. the disomffikeiS
"f the Juaeo- 6 -Single lhandeitegh Wear atm
eemPats 4» twoits. 6-4.11 entries , earist
the home fide Prioneall of the a0114114/000;
Wood mare Meat show to be to Salk
eiely will hot be gads to seer donnoes, en-
forttriar liverithek or oseoninent_ . •
PARADE- AT 1.30---iin1rodo not fit soolew
now to etreindeil from contarentione
Ifu'rbo kloontr, ties.00; Village of Elowalf.
4414430: towtotrop 01 Torkertorlib. 06.00:
rownshto 01 Ha% $116.01: llownolds, �tIN-
barite, *moot Boat oif lit4»4»ve3. 410.041,-; Chen-
meartial mom, 310.60113 %mom IL coarroro.
380.40; nuns* asilioetroo,
SPRING snow cutourr litotEV
Seallorth AVM 22; Mims% Aprit
DM A. R. CAMPBELL - Freakier&
K. M. McLEAN Secrets