HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-12, Page 30 teen in t e County Papers (ContWwued from ,Parsee, $) New Governor.General • It was aunounced•oa Tuesday that the Earl of• ,Ithtllot nen, 'br:ather of Queen Mary, will 'becoarpie Canada's new •Governlor-Genesial. The .ofiiiicdal an- rloune meant is expected to 'be made stnentime. The Earl of Athlone is 66 yearns old, and .will undoubtedly prove .ear popular representative of lira Ma- jesty in Canada. Hee was former •Goveernior-General = of South Africa, where eatw appeei for an 'extension of aids time was geramuted.—Belyetih Stead - Child on Sleigh Dropped 20 Feet To seddeenlry plunge 20 feet off a snow bank 'onto the ice -covered Mait- leand river was the harrowiing exper- ienee of. Bettie Freda Cook, .3 -year-old •daughter •o$. M. and '1VIns, Henry Cook, ,9tlt 'Oaneelsseieon eoef East Wawan- oeh. As the ice was 'heavily covered wtthi snow,' Freda .esrcaped injury :and is none the worse after the neoident. Freda and her 'sister, Audrey, who is eight years "old, set 'off to meet a couple of girl friends wth'b were to •'vilait for, the 'afternoon. The sleigh on which Freda was riding got awhy 'and dropped over a twenty -foot drift to the elver below. Wingham Ad- vance -Times. • a" • Fift five Ye rs Married •. On , Sunday Mir.. Iand Mrs. William Robinson, of East Wawaaioeseh, cele- brated their 55th wededdne annivers- ary, but on account .of the. condition of the aoaids, sonny one daughter, Mrs, betaus fin al: pure..-. • full L.s..t.rc.e:An.Agt BUTS jght Through CLOGGING DIRT Tun use Gillett's Pure Flake Lye regularly .. and you'll keep sink drains clean and run- ning freely. Il will not Harm enamel or plumbing. Banishes • unpleasant odors as it cleans. Gillett's Lye makes light Work iof dozens of hard -cleaning tasks saves you hours of drudgery. :Keep :a tin always on handl FREE BOOKLET — The Gillett's Lye Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser clears-ctoggt4 draips .. keeps out- houses clean and odorless by destroying the contents of the closethow it performs dozens of tasks. Send for a 'free copy to Standard Brands Ltd., Pure.Fniter and Liberty Street, Torun{o,Ont. °Neeer•'dlsstlloe lye in hop water. 3'b notion of th'elye itself heats the irciQr. .ep,b wlhuo *Ob. RAO 'It404.ti110. 8010000 was former)* Annao Cat aipbe1i, tba(tt$i'b e0 of M. 0414 Mats. Theme Campbell, of , Whi to charcih, sold Mr: Riebin siwfx's. p(auiemtts were the late Mr. and Mrs:, D.dwearid Robinson, of Eatelb WaSateetifie The oeitennlony :was performed by the late Rey: t James Anderson, then min, ester of the Wehdteo iurdh Ptreebyther- Ian Ohurch avid the couple 'blattle since, resided on their farm in Bast Wow - awash Five years ago ebbe Mollie, Wedding was cellebliatted when, about fine ,fygnests were present 'for the ryes, many of whom had ;been present at the wedding fifty ytetaaes perevtioulaly. —Whmgiham Aidlrrahce-Time's. Shower For Bride -Elect About thirty, friends and school. mates gathered at the hem) of Mr. and MTs.. WiL1d'am Abbott Priday ev- ening to present their daughter, Elleenor, bride -elect, with a mis'oel- ianeJolus f shoevveir. A mach wedding was put on after which .games 'and contests were enjoyed. The beano- fully, decorated box was brought in by Lilly;an IMaeDoenald and Thelma Hockey. The address weans read by Margaret. "aeries. Eleanor thamited the girls in her pleasing manner. A 'dainty lunch was' then served.—Exe- ter Timees-Ackv caste. ' 13th Power Bill Credit is $1,800 The Weigleam. Utilities Commiststion has received word limon 'the Ontario Hydro Conmies4'on that the credit of the local •eoantmlis'sdlan under the 13th power •brill fids $1;800. Thies meeane that the commission. paid for power used last yew? $1,800 snore than was used, and thin they 'receive this credit, Wilvglueame Advance -Times. Transferred To Thornhill Word hags reached teem eco the transfer 'of Lindsay SCUMer ` man- ager of de branch of the Hank'` of Commerce, Hamilton, to lobeier .branch at Thornhill, some ten melees north of Toe:•oreia. , Knowing 'how fond the Schafer ;family is of gol'fiwg, it is'in- teresting, bo know that the . Thornhill gee course is a very short distance away ' teem his new homed--.- Mei,tohell Advocate. How Long Does •a Clock Run? - Over ii the. H:ieks House a Black faithfully refoorde tine palssimg of time four fits patrons'that was •banl9h- ed from the conn'eil chambers Song years ago as thawing, 'done 'good' eser .f usd. ; It.,waes srhtonbLy after Robert Davidson and his brother Nadi started in bvlsineise.ethat they purchased it for tehe Hicks, House. This week when Oaanarron was repaaraai the end eat �tiarneBafeee he noticed on the back • "Reepatined Septemiber 4, 1877." Almastt 63 yeeare have gone by since thea and we wonder just throw many yetairs it lion before that dtate.—Mit- eheelll A'd'vocate. -= Elected To Parliament Mr. J. A. , Gregory, of North Bat- tlefaldl, ani Eiceter old boy, was Mast week elected to, the Federal Govern- ment to , represent "the $abtleiords. ' Mr. Gregory for six years rtepreeendted: the Battleefordi" en thie"Sa:'skateleetran' Leegidllature and last week se:deeoneed the riding' -from the Social Creditors. Mr. Greegory than been a resident of Searskateheewan .for forty years and for thirteen years was Mayer: or the ei'ty of North Bettlefordre =gxeter Times - Advocate. CHN%, W NGHAM 100 Kce.. 250 Metres WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Friday, April 12-11.15 aur., Mary, Queen of Scots; 12:45 pm., The .Bell Boys; L30, Harold Pelle, piano; . 7-00, Gwe r,Williisme; 7.3, Hon. J. G. Tag - :kart, Chairman of lCanadnare- -Bacon Board and Mandster of Agriculturefor Seasdratchewrat Sat'urdtay, +April 13-9.30 a.m., Nide dies';Party*; 1145 p.m,, CKNX , Hi11- Pillie: , 6.15, Harry J. Boyle; 7.45, Perils Dance. Sunday, . April 14-11 am., Wing - ham UnitedChurch; 12.45 p.m., Guy Lombardo Or tra; 7, Presebytealan Church. Monday, April 15--8.30 a.,m , Break- fast `Club; 1, •pew's., Gene Autry; ; 6.15 P.m.. Harry J. Boyle; 8, 'Sarah Crudeck- abank. '1'u•esdeay, April 16-11 a.m., Harolds Victor Pym; 12.45 p.m., Cactus' Mae; 7, The Novatones. • Weedmeselay, April • • 17-5.45 p.m., Harold Victor Pym; 7, Four Sovrtadn; 8 fp.m., CKNX Little Band. ' Thursday,. April 18-10.30 am., Church of the 'Air; 7.15 p:enr., "Eb & Zeb"; 8.30, Grenadier Guards Band. HAY 1 (seep yourrj by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food road' foe the season of 1940 at 58 cents 'pen' cubic yard feat, be accepted and Clerk prepare aveaesgary contract formes and bond for exeetubiom be the contractors and the I township. That mlo meek; be given to transients after April lst, That upon the recommen- dation of the Department of Highways so as 'to permit township road: ac- counts for • .preceding month to be presented at regular nik mthly meeting of the cieuneil, the date of-•4he meet- logs itlogs of the council be fixed for the second:.• Monday .let each month instead of the first Monday a1s formerly. • Aeoounts Wavering payments. for re- lief, Hay Telephone System and gen- eral eecoiints were passed nes follows: Unemepolyep dint Relief.—L.41-1endnick, rent, $5.00; W. Hay, allowance, $10; H. Thiel, transients, $33.011. Hay Telrepliane .. System—Monteith & Monteath, audit, 035; Bell Tele - Phone Co., tolls, Jan. to Feb., $98.163; T. H. • Hoffman, monthly salary, $191.66; A. F. Hess, quarterly' salary, $87.50; Economical Fire insurance Co., insurance, $7.20;• E. R. Guenther, cartage, 50c; Northern Electric Co., material, $13.65; H. G. Hess, monthly salary, -1175; , Dept. Highways, trailer licetpese, $2.00. , General Aceountio--Monteith) & Mon- teith, anaddt and setting up new see - tem, • 0140; A, F. Hess, quarterly sal-. .ary, .$90; MmnJbeepa4 World, 1. subseerip- tion, $L00; Treasurer Huron County, 'bostpirtal, $11.35. - T{tve ouncil adlear{,sd to meet on Meondiay, May 13th," al 1.30 o'clock in the .afternoon --A.' F. Hess, C1eerk. ... (Intended -for. Iaset weeltl •'- The regular monthay meeting of the council of the Townesthi•p of Hay .was eheeid ,1 the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, April 1st, with at members preSent. The Minutes ,of the March 4t1a meeting were adopted as read. After .disposing of numerous ooMsesea- icateioenes • :the following resolutions were .pa'ss'ed: That the plate prepar- ed by S.' W. Ar+chiebalid, O.L:S., of the +lake -front of 'part of Lot 31, L.R.W. Com.., Township of Hay, owned by Marg. Andrew Turnbull, be approved by the council and the Reeve and Clerk be aubh'oreed to accept said plan on behalf of the township. That the resd;gneetbieon of Reinhold MleIAlar as as- sees+seor for 1940 "owing to Meals m he acce'pt'ed by the council and; that W. H. Ediighoffer be appointed assessor for 1940, remuneration to be fixed at. $120.00. That the attdittore' report es prepared by Monteith & Monteith, elia.rtered accountants, ibe accepted by the council and Cheat the Clerk hfalve 75 capias printed for public distribu- titon. 'That 'Monteith . 45 Monteith, chiseteered accountants, be appointed to audit the tow;xnshdp accounted for the year 1940, remunetafilen roc be fixed at $150. That tiax ealteotot' be auth- farized ate continue the dolleietion of 1939 tunp.at'd taxew e,ndi shell .return the collector's roll at next regular meeting of, the coU:ncti.l. That the tender of Craiig & . elisenbaoh foe o . erratineg the , township crusher and trucking grakr i onto the trownehl YAlif loOt weeks. • Nie. 000** * , lialzah Wei tP> . ,Darr a. t? e Mow* of 71d I " ! Croute, widok took Vlore iaM 1t ,; Tuentlay. The 'r PoQPWs Socdeter of the' Meted Pm* ar iO R' taring a. Play to be staged -•on Atte eventing of AA.pril I2tlr. llzr: and labs. Brine Featiueafston were in Treenrte hast week attending tbie 6'u'adleaf on ; Of thein dqugbteie. Doris Peatizeruitiote et Grace Hospital, also visited _ flievade in Hamilton- Mm, and Mrs. yfiiiliam S otebm4er Weeded the feeduation of their daughter. Kathleen? Seote)Fmer. at Grace Ho&'pital, Toronto, last week. • The maequerede carnival and -dance under the Red 4lreeta, was tbeid...in the town, ball on Wednesday evening of loot week. A large crowd attended With over fifty beteg masked and competition woe, keen im, the judging for prized, which resulted as follows: Ladies' fancy, Ellsie Leitch, Miss Mc- Lean,; (ladies'. erotic, Mrs+. Ed. Star- geon, Eugene 'Cafsltle ; ladies' nation,. al, *gods, G. W. Elitiott .mien's fancy, Mrs.. gods, Mrs. Westlake; men's comic, Geo. W. Elliott, Jammy Dewar; mentis natiional, • Mr. Graham; girls: teaiey, Jacqueline Parker; girls, com- ic, Helen Sturgeon; boys' fancy. Billy Elliott; boyee .comic, Kenny Scotch - niter; lucky stp'bt dance, Sregrid Peter- son; door prize, Doris McEwen. The judges were Mm,. and Mrs. MonteiMe and•. Mrs- (Dr.) •Thomson of Clinton. Good music was provided by the Mork orchestra of Godericalu The ev- enting was enjoyed by all in attend- ance. The big ,spring flood expected ire the river and harbor has beep teased down as the -snow has gone 'sv gra.- dually that et wi i not naake any dan- gelious flood unless heavy rains come on soon, ee the ace fin the river is 'breaking .fip. without danger to pro- perty- . Miss .Margaret Ferguson spent the Exeter holidays with her brother, Charles, and wife at Sudbury and re- turned to her school at Tecumseh an teacher. Miss Mabel Scatehmer visited her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Scotchmeer, ha Toronto last ween. Mass • Kirk and Miss Henderson, re- turned after the :h'oliday's at their homes and taken up their tasks as teachers in the public school. NEW IDEAS FOR OLD • VEGETABLES• Fax too often 44ie bedsit part a2 veeilare-. #rattled it dlttaimledi away, and :elle best Peet mates tiaveipr as .Well as min- enauo nto a diet. d. Lt i � dtvnt4.e tm cook vegetables with very iitttle water dor by suet methods as beking,'steaming ar escal- loping. Alli food valvae is ;then retain- ed. etain-ed. At title lime of ydarr when vege- tables each as Cabbage, cats-ote, bur_ ribs, efeloe s, beets and potatoes theme been •i >; stooge, tbey often need a little fussing up to make t,hiem macre attractive. The following recipes. have been toted by the Home Fem- mes' et Of the Voneumvar Service Sec- tion, Maekettmeg Service, Depeu memt. of Agriculture:, Hot Cabbage Salad 4 cups stbeedtded cabbage 1 -up boiling war 1 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons butter 4 tebtleeecees vinegar 2 tablons flour,. Cook cabbage'.in' a closely covered steilcelran int boiling Salted water six minutes. Drain. In another pad i melt butter, add tiour and dais- until smooth. Add bot viceater from cooked cabbage, then vinegar. Cook three minutes. Add cabbage. Onion Upside Down Cake (TIAs 5ms ul4anly good with mars£ beef) 3 dupes oosome' 2 carps four 1 egg 2t/y teaspoons cap milk 4 tablespoons baking Powder , shortening. Peel and' slice onions in a greased baking spam Dat with 2 tablespoons butter. Sift fieour,a.nd baking powder. Beat egg. Add intik and two table- spoons melttled, abortening: Stir into float. Pour over Teems and bake. Potato Pancakes 2' eupe grated draw potartoee I egg 2 tahtespooms soft bread crumbs. S•aft- Beat egg. Add bread erumnbs, salt and peatet s's. Saute an hot greased 'griddle, allowing done tableespooa of batter for web pancake - Tomato -Bread -Cheese Lunch 6 slims bread lc Mb. cheese Salt and pepper 2 eggs 2 eups carried Boma tines A little omnoni ;brANOC.NA 154*. the e. •U Ood mil, lobeese,4ut . mid aver. and J k +1 . Oek, $efiV Air felleel TheAe.4 xaea0 JI 3 OUT OF 4 CANADIAN 'Y4 Girt HOUSEWIVES Bq�dNG USE MAGIC ! 0WDER ,Le / .rill.. _fir ..'r-F.'-.zci: ,. 'fv rr.�/ �r.�,� •,:.,:?;-`,x•Y:r:. _ _ <i :�.;. `.sf' ;�=;lt.'si'v.:':''�: _ fc �3�s 'fr - `:`3a...; .,�w..,,v 3lf'+:=:�.•7'�rr/�..- �!'rqq-��`-"°%?f�:�:Y.fx:•.sa.-wsam:r.,rr..-3r; '�f.'�.��>{ffliff�}':=.x:.:nn•......r.f..r IF.fr.��n/.==}f rYlffr.li. " r ....rop.utY ,t nj�iYYTi: VISA.eeteeOeeeeefOOVeeeei-tftseeeeaestee. eeeetee WIT,WSSM:igingOSPZIOri AC09,4 �"a:=:+'�`---'a=i.?':`V'::':`.•::f;:?x.:rr;Y:.';Y'f.7/..'A.is'r •.;5 :'.i i^r'':.,.:f- •�:r-yt f.. - �..:=s::err.•, =.. rr..•: 8. .,,.._,. �.�:'.' .w :kr/'i� �. EAKS TODAY GRE geti rr v.e..tY rstirtm :::.jr=.L::em=:iri:�:}_:$e'i i1— �r�.f:;:Irtiiiit�<iiie�G:�ifiuiff�, i • e • esiseeee r: R�et +f.'rr;ri UR new Ford and Mercury business is so good, we're getting cramped for space for trade-ins! To keep' the decks dear for new car business, we'te moving out a lot of our finest reconditioned cars ... all popular models and makes, including beautiful late -model Ford V -8s, R &G cars—recon- ditioned ars--recon ditioned wherever necessary to meet strict specifications, guaranteed with our 2 -day money -back guarantee and 50/50 30 -day warranty against mechanical defects. (Other used t a s in the lot). We've cut dollars off all price tags. Under the present outlook, you may have • to pay more for the same make and model later on. Save by 'buying NOW! ' ' ' 39 Mercury 8 Sedan In splendid running condition. Wide, roomy interiors. Heater and Radio. A big saving! Wu51050No+5900 35 :fiord V-8 Coupe Ideal car 'for, the business or pro- fessional man.' Heater and rumble seat. A really good buyl Was $425Now$375 '36 fiord V-8 Sedan This Sedan is a bargain you'll en- joy for many years to come. You're sure to buy. Was $525Now$450 '34 Terraplane Sedan A grand car for the money we're asking. You'll want to see this car. Was S400NowS32,5 '32 Nupmob►ile Sedan Is in spteen id running condition. Heater installed. A very exceptional offer. ,..., WAS $323Now525Q Ford A Coach Hijfrry for, this one- As good a value as any on thee.leti Was$i9ONowSI5O Was $4'75 Now $400 I DALY S GARAGEPhone 10- '35 Ford V-8 Sedan Another special R & G value (re- newed and guaranteed). All iriechani_ cal parts in excellent shape. '29 Ford A Coach Completely overhauled. Good tires. In excellent running order. f Was S15ONow$115 ea