HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-05, Page 6FIL Ak" - � W1 7, II L! 1,77-79 77.777, 4� IF .11q 01;11'. withI. wh� wvla(ftt 001 . .. .. �rNV�jl X.14 44,4, EA J DJiL•RLed of I Q40 anRL-Y 73 all Pose ........... ft JMovdng &Ire past and vieriv4ng T14MIX �J)eatb�_�wlft vemiWellelew dewah Ip the Portion of bhose vto seek to "N"Mok pains are, Often caused by uric sees naught but spread the doetnow - of democracy REVEALS LIFE, OF, is " blood.' This blood bwKwity Wt and Allawd 00 eilracted by the ki4meys, If kid - Peace. Youth, and, bappy chIldbood fid and e)MV&S Uric acid And want "d woo. Thpugh he 100k % are E n eth to,fte, North, TIONERMYS jg:, X mod" WJ lob" Causing extrutinflug pains. Treat rb"matic pains 'Me Sowk the East, and tAo Weal, But ndghtivares, filled with ghastly e 0 h1 - t tvA �j kee*X your kidneys in good comffiou. it .10 the dreams. t How frequently we -find oulr,, reques TAe rergarly Dodd's Kidney His--fimr Same, -aw calm Reason reveals that Women grieve 'and onen curse while for inEommation about, some eerily ev- balfacenturythelavorilew-'y"*Wy. 10 pblaucal ungodli6ess 'Sart met with the answer, "I d1olet, ill -m,1P Mill I godless greed triumphant And greed robs them of &11 that is fornis �at* other •popp",i portubtal kviow," and they &o looti know, and of - Flowers That Fit Dodds Kidney Pills Rides acooss the world. AN, or cumbing anornh= glories and Rus- diena ten, what is worse, do not care, Son U give In Ages past when Olympus, fabled Of Thus fthe school unfokfO.— Aew4$ rams flowers_ to fit almost turtilitm vqdArh " the sun and gi W' R. JOhnston an, 00 ancient Pinto stando aloof and grina whilst Pa* Some will 'tell you they with OV rNUO'en situation. Some like remaxkable results even in ia siege of leps. 0*lap Soil, Some dry,, some full hot dry weather. Out good seed, specially selected to Gods, siprang into being 'twas theey d(i not know their graAdfat4ee-9 •nlame. Dr. Ckas e S .k,R; lo. .11)k% others, shady corners. Certain If a sapis -waut- switi Canadian couddtions, the garden Weird and wild cometh to "i's ear, This is too bad when there Is such a tWWwM do best in deeiprich soil, while he Cable, bftoons 'With 7 p 10"ro r ,a for t %91 cut i. going to b, And torpooth Xwdu ever be th# same vanity romps with wild ubaoKt�ou New Vegetables OXM681 Wealth of local and world history be Kidney -Liver Pills e aieitually" a�k -the poorer sort. suers that wtU keep won. in water, Unhil Tera scheme of ........... ift made every day. coalli*, changing scene, cormpting One every week .9peciall Ickes and dislikes will be thenholticutural anthorit-fies urge the Whew a plaw'41098, or orciAd is born Iffie ever Those thbuoh�s came to me after ftund mentioned- in the better Canar plWitimg of sweet ~,! snapdva6pous, the avejuget person is sum to mad And EhTth eAuks Into the w1OMb of honor, having the privilege of 1 cosmos, zinniss, lupam, African mari- about It somewhere Unfortunately, Chaos. boiling into %aodftn seed catalogues and if Your gal Damaning souls. Delusion, finds, &oft- a. diary, kept 'by..tige -late John K. ia�en is unusual in location. it is adyis- golds, ecablous, aeters, single-, and -for bhuself, be does not hmr about pespite the wanimig of �an all wise event in Brown,, of the Towmahip, of AshiLeid, od thwough hawvewt- much of the hideous gaaim XV�i;, able to make SPOC1801 sslecti�Ons. Ia- double, vwbe0a aril salpigilOsis. the ednaUr gdd:lti!oo9 to the vege- God Designing brain and •maketh County X4 Huron. The eldw son of deed tyre are flowers ,to suit even For sent, eftlecialf-T 1A the even- tabP M116(110M Yet steady improve- Aoamhy, , Bodshevism, Navism aad, nightmare - grow its the aboalLm AM grain in thele a mechande he chose to work for the dwUr ft.he most indifferent of gardeners ferW MWOUn% cannWtiom, nng- U300t and chanM is going 0n_ Smen- phscisim, Of Christian effort. With.hellish wn- t whs bound byband and wbm Ing, a of the distilet." A lover of eme tba�t really grow, t-13emselves nonette, or stocks wil-I perfume the tists" bare carried x�A tilids Work in Stdv"th to plant the temet's of Uto- . niag hqgtory and good literature, he was a. & sunshiny do came tfte�-_ dwavew a gardless of neglect. wbiole gardem (two dilreedow; first by.,the introduc- piail Is, horlor betrayed and,justice emei- wmopemed a0d spr, 41 out to 4rY_ alys- voracious reader in, his -161sure itime October 9, 1971, Oke 906at ChicagO Certaft annuals like claxiiia, SoNd beds of amua)W or. -big bb�cks tions of vegetablfes unfamidliar to most FWftey in the minds of all mankind. fi6d. and, took a delight in keeping i diary Ilre startej& September 5, 1981"wam isom, liarkspur, ipansy and phlox Will in boarders 1hav46 excePtionM appeal Canadians, and, secondly, and prob- Gqffiess greed knaTeth at the ro0toof Sojenin, Mtlis are but means to sel- - of local Current bappenings. coupled calbed the Dark UtLy wjien " smoket &ctusjiy give better results, del:i. and these can. be made tip of petun- abl�y mare imporchant, by vast im- Ubertw amd tho vj�xdd Sobients with fish enft, doomiotious' of &e, W_qather and fiom the gTo MicWgun for gm saute ccaoxing, if planted in partial #ias, phlox, dwaxt Inerigolft, UQkUM.9mvement to , (those varieties that Deadir.,mdosmie vaporings brewed in And foraootN-� *mxdmg Sena- wd 0 at eat a. few mferences to',outshandiing- av- formed b&W been gpow!u = tam counitry. for The disordered bratn� of ruthless Die tjorial (toga *w Into the blackest night shouts or zinn4es� enft in the wiw%d of h4s, day. To4ay on thdo sMe of Lake Huron and 5.00* FlQr fun cam, especially If planted years. And, robes of Judiciary are but pars- that diary is greatly valuedand peod lost thaw Vves in �&,duga3L closse t9 a South Nvak'whlere there is Catalogues Give Help of the vege0bles. now to gnost Reason bath become warped and shotes ously guarded by members - of -diM mientiOn ft2t ft' 19SZ litti-e protection frona� -summer heat, the ­OtiheT aXti there are things like coreopsis, Cali- The much mbx�, seed ..,oguo'CWnadiams there are seiveral worth a 9110A Upbu, the body politic. Treachery Brown ramily_ b -W in any VU4�_ er be . leering From r and ch-eese, faoftory am-, � Ooe,ds Cos Let Jndauablo, in ci so xuleth perverted the butte is reaRy t1lo amatows' most 'n"dispen- -tuce, a new cone,9baPed &Jeaded sort winds. Judicial bench 4arest betra A shoot nwrratilon of some of ,:these HemMwk Hin was built and openeg, sable of reftrence books. in addi- freuti'and sweet long after Oh, 461ait ma dared, consult the oracle y all who litems wll� show the treml of his for business. .0e Methodist (Ammy F. Ition to giving &M actual COW photo- that atays 'have shriveUed up. On 017MUtW hWTY brow that he Uphold tvurt& and verity. In aU tdidn6gs.. work and why ast to so highly valued' Blakes was e, - meted; the 011=6 the leaf sorts Something ;was Written on almost cv resir Next Vb1f ft graphs of the native flowers and veg- Then there am Brussels sprouts, might Mockery is madle of sacred precept, soUooi mm built at -Belfast' cry day- of many of the yeers in out of the thoucanow of enuibee ift etables fit furnfiebm actual "Phuding broad beams, brocolli, large Solution find for the tMV211 of earM Righteousness bows with utter shame wic•k c3r, he kept it How fttfing it wV thdo, i=wm diamm we have umutieffleA direct -ions. snWr pew, Chinese Obg.7,1=111s. 'Crime... lurid, devastatIffig, unoodlY and that one 6f has first entones, told Of Toy These books bell, WhOb-r certain endive, egg plant, •k3ek -and Swiss runs Protests i -n vain at the ruthlessness a few of luberevL it litm been Tea - varieties are suitable to Canada and on eve the bk-bh of hft­y-Qumgwt sister, Sax- by many ahice tbe death of the writ - HOTEL W"ERLEY also give ikaMiftat points such a charcl Full descAptions Will W every hand,&nd with of upon civil- - ah Drowu, on Sebtember 20, 1854, on 5 foundbu any C%naddan seed catalogue Ury sheagwo her Cr%Mq MOSO Who W01114SA f aStela"L spiciom day when the British ex and alva�a wfth a gra2t dwd sat time of plandsig, &nce or lack,brae'-dathe an resist Located on Wld* Spadlifta AV66 In regular vegetables there :has Natdon and French Allies defeated -,the Ru�- of resistance to frost b0MK 'Color, been 1WP10V0MkA all dovu the lone, '11he quivering body -of Innocenol- T* �eaolftgs a Fascasni, Nazism siam"On the banks of rtb�e Alma River at College St. reason of bUxondmg, whether scented, with the object of getting more flavor, HondeMe swko athvwt civffi74tion oAd Cbminbadsm, Easy Parking Facillitles and aIso the suitabildty of the flower succulence and a longer season. Corn. And " brand of Cain broadens in WWch leaves naughl; b fleshless in -tdi-l� opening battle of tho�Crimean but - si War. At the moo a geneTML y prepartion- Convenient to Highways for -eutti= purposes, All of tther_6is a tIVeal. example. , At one time it evftW U414- Corpses In 1861 1he Browu famil�, came to ed 1hdy wars watching t1m Uom being 0 points should be taken Into consider- woo only possible to get one vwlietY 'Mang -created 2fter GO(rs And grinning skulls in their walmL ifield and leer tbat on De- feft The keeper gaveane beant what Asil ation i'm planting �L real garden, suth- of G.Wden Bantam, Cobs were short Imbiled with, reason ands holy attribute Hence we pray' thee give ujgo -us only with such know- "her i9th �bf the same year a man She COMEAdelled' a very sanaft Varffhm Double $251 to $Ull orities staite-as and the season also. Now there Ore DigteaXI1 lot wlDr6hipping the Inf=te be- Jovian beg your parftn�" abe comprehensiVe and Prac- Offered three OT four different Ban- cometill vamed (Mahoney w1as hanged in Godo— of meat. Four to Room, lefte c= a Wbo wouldet destroy this falide —of rich, presumably oaaq%. 11Wt thas a very, inadequat- baln Amme _beas�f•- 4W -A . us 0�ce -of Ml�i IAora' 610 Close to the University. Good Seed regular season, some late. Cobs cept of Laws, and supplant Our flag with the • blood red Thel lee repNed, "It -may seem Parliament Buildings, thmve beein lengthened, kernels made Rightekms�s;, and he1% ds shamedL In 1865 Owles records stand[ out as sp%MM to you, xnaftm, but it In plenty, fdaple Leaf Gardens,, is impossible L un- jmportiuL January 17th, viadg. nearly Theatres, Hospital it to over-empbasize ,bigger. One can. njoy the finest table Craven soiled vampires hover about Banner of destruction`, want and being th,6 date of his d for the Row, 5, the impoftance of good seed. Other corn for over'a month instead of but the 11. . I told misery, eath. At that Wholesale Houses. and vew*, ever a% -Ad' tftme he was working for Malcolm the Fashionable Retail factors maybe bejood- control but a week or two as in the old days. Seats of the mighty Y Mien endowad with bruitish cunning, Shopping District the gsfdeoer tbas absokite eheck With criovs*n dUger to m their bought with, Stewart, a pioneer living a mile oonth A. WL POWELl- PRKSIDZW over this toulideOoli. Weiatheri soil NEXT WEEK—Lawns, flrst'Vege- IIHA Fqhby 'gold seek to thwart a Nation's of BelfasL Fire broke out in the and location antsy be ideal but 'with tables. GaxdkWag Made Easy. bloat paver, and preferment by slay- will, farmalouse and: the Inmiates, thud bare - And -%iofL)-1d1st make the woAda, charas- illy time •to escape" in rtheir nilght . 4 -bpusb. clothes. Mrs. Stewart, who, ran to, Iven n 'W now the, holocaust looms6 gob- the next nsighbOes, Jerry Allon'sbnd oo SNI is Unlike alidt dsly 'her feet bad* frozen.April 14thhe Upou world +hbmzons and pal, deatlx ngcorded the asslasainaUon of'Presi rides again. dent Abraham I.Ancoln -in Ford0s the - g; EuroDia staggers under traitorous atre, Wkwhingtoni, by John - Wilkes blows Booth, An actor. Ju4e 5% the 'record Attnindsitered by those who seek to 61-18 of ta 41ocal tragedy.' That night fasten thetwo men underthe influence of strong WA ShackleW Shackles of'niem� slavery upon, mil., datak left Dun(gaumbin fearfeartRbir homes lions, and one of ttheim "named WRIlam them creatures abject Woolley. beat -his coanpanion, Me - And maker of and hopelese. Curdy, -to death with a %Aece of fence Aye, U19 wave of sordid revoki-tion. is Tiber latter. was 'heard to plMd "T". MS; N&E sweeps bver and ,)vet- ' "T ., XmPt loll me. ' Don't The. steppes of Russ.141 the plains of kili' me." Lombarldy The wimter of 1869-70 Was - sadd to And the far flung dand of Germania, be the Dongest winterhe had kpown...­., tEARS ago, downtown in otii Urger bringug hoe. sm;ow was three feet deep, ol, SorNo* and endless heartache the level and began to fall October cities; telephone wires almost shut to 13APTISTE myrdad h6mes, 19th amt con0nued until, March 26, out "thd sky. A network, of wires on. And tai lbyaf men and brave wonlien U70. This was followed, by a wet towering poles, crowded with a) score who too imun-er., lit was a &10cult matter to WITH, THE TANG of !6, A Proud to live under the irou'h6el si;Ve the ]tliay ani}( to the rain co&jmft- 6r more of cross-artns, became, an in- of despots, * , .. I .. . . . . creasing problem and hazard year by, Held the cup of dearth to their 11" and year.Sbnvht.obllvlon•1n; the ,%Rent tomb. Fathers --fleshed - in the /'�;/ Ptoin' the Telephone LaboratQries came C PleS- NAPSHI O-T`GUILD bosoms of lthkdw I i AR M1 14 1 IMWI Loved onfe!,�i, anal Watched the love 101 the solution — telephone cable. Im-, CHOOSING THE BEST VIEW— Ught diet in their' proved by years of research, these Rye& And ytet and.yet Moloch hun- i:ables . I now contain as many as '1818 gers, ever MOM. . ....... Since Obaoe're&gned hath man been pairs of wires, each tiny wire insulated the of e from endowed wish Reason ' and the others and all tightly enclosed Creature en in a sheath of .lead. Through these hair- dperp-seated Lust. Then, cometh greed for pavv.e like wires beneath _the­­p­av­e'm'en& flows and seffisihoess Hathwon themasitery unUI now man, the tide of downtown televhotie iraffic. 4d he Unto a� maidened. Auroch bull roams This develQpment of telephone cable.is the e4rth. .. . ....... one of the great triumphs of telephone Huding Anart'hem-a at godliness: He 'gforifies, research. Congested business areas in The athOssitic teachings of Commun. cities could be served in no other way- ism and Exaksbhe vapoilngs,of oe Sw.ar&ka, Today in larger centres, upwards s of 80 W`11061t 0o, the banks of the ..Tiber per cent of telephone "wire is undevw p ruthless Fascism rears its noisome head and ground. breathes Death and destruertdon i3fanaacal Science has had i w" with the tele- I-, laughter phone with all phases of it. 'Day, FaMs from pallid hps as the Pour r r e re far. yy by day the service grows , more N Rampant aide, ;crushing,analminge js reaching, more human, moire'llielpfuL silwiog all WIbb dare lift their voice and plead for the -love in peace and Right to lave and Quiet. Luv� for political 'power warp44 the Sys NOW GO I soul And Sea0l the bradn of Dittatom, who' reason 1r6.t, AmA fiMlvetli, i'of them creatures p4ml. nvb. Ube. unto the crooked boned barber, ion Of tPs Prehistoric time, libey, with 'savalie FIR heaft, and Insane fury wreak their veagancia on 4 10 all Who dwe(uffront themd. VININ .9milOwng symohents elevate the brand of 4CWn Abd strew flowers at the feet of HOW,- f ri AX*rCh7, armed with, death, 1%ftts Hefre, the back view Is moat effective, -Study your subject, On# select the the fluse With best view for each abolt. Rr"• Gleeful laugiliter and llyea are snuffied OST pictures--especla1st ly'those toward like easseM and 'he In Mmfy With remorseless fury. M of people — show a stra-ight to appear -ftomewfiat selteanyciaom t E Plot froft view. But this is not always or "camera conscious." Pose bis. ft Dot God sibal-I win. it is so written, beat Often a diagonal or "quarter. profte, or at a 4"egree=augle ft I Nor can thei might o.f graspd'ag. greed effect of XPAr- Prdvadl agaftst the teachdage of a Ing" vlew, a sid'd,view, or even in the camera, and the some cases a back view, will yield consciousness ts riedumd. Master w1hio is, all love 'and compos- more effective picture. 14he picture of the $mali bay vak Blom 'Reason nftst prevall, and Wsi,be writ- In a picture of a building, for *ex- his golf -bag is at Mw exaraple of a QQoample, a front view •is rarely best. wiselichosen back vuw. The at" C To all the miroeW and 6hame, now, Stand to one side --shoot -on the fsilllOrfectlY tOld—but it Ike k" . ..... extant diagollar­2-and you will generally, been WAMA9 toward -the camera. ft -a U, world Of nfrest and obt4in. 0; mord satisfactory pletlxre. 'Might not have been. CbQn'Dm =0 60 InAlpY end Obrisitt4mity wl 1.1, trIuMph- Uany.-Undscap e pictures include rte ;would havei grwaeA, at, MO., vbcr- WA tq togtapher. and certainly 62t AlAr or X. a r4ad gr path, t6 lekd the bye In f '1UW, ttub -1yeac-10 f6reVerMoPel be, with tit. "picture, goifto ons-pphdo e a deteftination worum t%A*e becq*' A, AN StAnd rIght-In the -middle of the road 16AL Aft wihiose failth. fwa Just God bag not "tike sucha -pitture—md, iWis Keelp this in mind. study rmw to Wriften at, Sre0orth,. .Unit., March, 1040 the wotst "osiblo spat. Moos to subjeet--dud choose the best view mm 10. M. CUT one gide and Alooi Tfi6n Me roag for Soleilphot, When in dbubL ftho Afanagtr will lead lit 'front tUp- t6fnek of the Moto than ono 'isl4at. ThaVe, lialle 'rib! )d uney 'Pa gwdhm in?" oked --A* ftft re gaol gone 4d, Me ptettire will Wo fin. p=&Uco, a" It fus . =a -the friend g1ter iUe'bV6Ms0.". prove.d. triett Vtelf tiogothor'li T06 a p�c�?re of a Mkoff facing 275 Zahn v= Guilder