HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-05, Page 57- 7 q, 7 41 P7— •% J W ..... . ..... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . Zlja H P;F== fpd ft 0104 tbq t'"_ '"00FIftwot .04 �*M- *4 om �evd, W A" 0014 0"W wind oww"I WAOR"Aw, 4ftWO4 *W, the OMMOU 0% 00 W Woo rf Ok '1113'. ~1 1 W1.41-1, LUPO. Aa,tbe mWo OeMr laqi&.. F -b T"It mi Mx. ud' Mr.' The services *'d t ftt ora, UVUY Theo. Mc W -Bi Were U 90, and 'Mrs. 0butVftwomd, of Ion Adla r aAt "Peoftood woo 'in blo E; wew,, dAtors in. t%e viftga ou Stin- 1Y attend %faking maVW "ip lhas s"rftd but woo the apffoinig.101 MO 6?th y9w -and was a well knQwa far - with hire 4efv eMW in The bush It ary Rev. Mr. Gi�bam, -Mrs. Chordaer mer of the bron0on 147m, HaW He makm tljrd we* to gathw h 5 , t 0 t4ad been a re$idlent of tbft eQmmUW gap. Qmav* $0 %*U6" 711m.01ory W4U and l9thQ GemAnh"(ft were in Lon- Past =00ft Ot' Marchi will go theim'stdoo wasi r6a4, by the ft&r: dou; (on Tuesday. Ity for over twenty years, anoving -M"W V A dowa In 1hk0jT ft bad rds". but of "M noes oiftd Mihgaret Burt, returned t1o, ber borlae here $rOm Mididgeoex County. We in London atter visiting her 9=6- widow, tow sows and Pne daughter thmv are "oW iw fro' '?Veto can memo.- Watson. MT. Gozdiner Itook charge tetthe mbmft of Mamb In 1869- When, of tItte ganies and the mokling clopek. _2r ents, Mr. and' fro..,pred Baker for survive.. luterraeubtook jilace, at the par the road's were the 16011dayip. Evangelical cempetevy, Bronson Line. )M for a mouth Will& tae m5zvah belapfficulm and no maU wag mcelved in the back Mast(r 1011areate Larson spent the Aev. C. B. HecbeudQrnPgd scharge of & %;OMU7� durixg the asonth, and, fflie M_A • Faster fhoRdays w1ftb his aimt, Mrs. the services. A ploneem bad 'to UW ihe -good netg-h- "RNA WM Smith, im! London'. The news. of •ffim death in. Detroit bow p0hey -by divItOng their means of -lee Ka4biftelack a -Xiss Diva. Dewar and Jamed Cam- last week �hf Char living untft thei.storm abated. While We are pleeoed Aa M* so many of *0.16PPI& Ierion, --of Toronto, ape.pt tbx� bWW.ays former resident, of this section, was moons wan low, &U Aved hbrough it the -native birds (back: with us after with their ftlendo in the village, received by relatives 4eret. The fumr nlone t0w woove, and the crops viere many montim of absenoe Mr. land Mrs. Robert Middleton, of eW was hold -at that city on Monday' nu Hem"11, spent Sunday with'her Mo- and was attended b pmaruy of the rel- favloTed ftA SeasM, zb let its hope, Mm Sdwll and son Kenuetlr� m aff4 Ia. tke a MO* tneWs for the best. turned Saturday to, their home, in De- ther,,Mrs. Margaret Woods. atives of this section Many teachers anj Easter holiday troiit after spend -Ing im week wfth the- fty womteds Ono, serr* *m The 1`7-� G. Mr. Witliam. Schwag has purchased Vrlators 1*4 to Mae "be old reliable formeeg Wbther. XM A Aha 100 -acre farm -north of town from trains hyo to resume their family, no etaft you C= buy HUL the executor Ot- -the esitate 'of 118 duties-- Mr. and Mrs. J. Vfttgon, of Gode- father, the Isake Chris. Schrag, and has Word wlas received lift -e last Tam- rich Townsbip, spent Tmestay wither and give YOU f3jj[%0r Death of Geori� -6,oir�s --- Dale taleen posaswAoC day of the deat# of Adam Snider. He *V. MosgGW "Pa SOJU6 I%W The deoth curred, or George MT. and Mrs. J00M Eckstetn have th3O 6MMO nWW34 SPn W Miss ftankle Afousop has reWmed Ilp 1130171% Itift 33, C1011. 8, Lagarwtv Inhomas Rale on, Wedveafty, April moved into their theme im, town from Townsailp, 75 yeaas ago, and Jaiter pfter spending tbb haday, week whib ors, include Enack Navy an STd, at the home or john Taylior, 4, nMr the farm purrbase# from J. Rout- -esitalte. -Mr. Delbeat Geiger hay moved with hie pazents to Bornholm, her "er, Jeam�, iu Detroit. Walton. The deceased wMr 6rd on 4edge he resided and built a cider Miss Margavet Meyers, of the vil- noat stripes and wvmtev, whom 1, rLot.10, Can. 7, Huimett, 57 years ago. takou possession of the Farm on th6 min and -apple butter -factory a num- lage, spent the, veeek-end with Mhss 21 He had -'been ill' sinker last fall and Bronson Line purchased from Mr. o•vr her of years ago, fwarn 'he made Helen Earsell, BabOon Line, ME, about two weeks ago isuffered a EtOoke Eckstein. a suede®, a he had customers come F. and -had been serdousIT ill until Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Percy West left on• from a iiadins of 40 miles for this -home on the nesday when be passed away. He Monday for their new 19*5049 '2-5.0 'quanty of product. He was Of a gen- 'ted in immuiage -to Etter. 40ar- farm () -KIPPEN Ow was f the former near I?hxkhill. uni lal disposidon -and with -his famft' When you take the Rd off that ter, daughter 'of Mj% and Mgrs. john, Mr. West iras been the efficient tplach- DUUM UP a modem horses. The sym- Xv. and MrsL W M box of baby chicks, can't youCarter, of McKillop, and leaves Ws ex of S. �. No. 4, H -ay, fbr some years. rney v1sited �9h (path7 of the communky ,your next Fail's strong, money- wite and two eons Lorne Dale, Sea- Mrs. Me O, Oesch Of 'town win teach goes come Sunday with the &TMLA"s siS66y, Mr. the® in •d" UNdr hour of Md alMe- and MM W j&atz, of Cjje�tort_ forlb, and Alvini i1�1, H ItIt" to, at 41his 19011001 until summer 'hoUdays. my a swo New, I-OrK making laiiid Well, ' n4ght now -runurn. his lolls; also •three sisb&s, M"So has retmmed .:is the time to protectyounelf.and 10 Blemhedm after a •pleasant holiday ys, -these future egg layers. Mirs. William, 10oulrell, Chinten; Mrs. R,0 � with' her 'per, Htev. and Mrs. William Knox, Londeaboro, and Mrs. CROMARTY* Roe Vitafood will give them a Thomlais Knox, Aullett, amd one bro, OhandliM Mras ()Ave Hadmay, R.N., of T4mn- I A number fbom fibis ricinity at- -safe start, a head start. It is n' g theT, Mr,. JWmes Dale, of HuRett. ',Php Thomas cooper, of Toronto, vWted' ..Spri louse's late Mr. Dalle, farmed in 1401 -jot un- Ivith"Mr. and Mrs. Ed-gax Allem; to, visitod with her Parents, Mr. and i tendled the tractor &Uow in Henstall Lloyd sweet and palatable, of medium MrsL Alex Hackmw, last vmek. til ten years -ago when be., ed to Crawford with, -his parenrtls, Mr. and - on ftbuldayl put � on by the Hyde -texture, mixed fresh daily. Follow Mr. Ctejw.4�e RustWl' of,• Pwt Row- Drm 'Ijar1puThey. For tJhe' Vast two, yean-s Mrs.. Wellingbon Crawford. -the example of Ontario's I Mir,. and Mir. W. and largest Mr. and Mrs. Dale bave li�ed'xt the Reggie •Stagg 'has returned to -Ins an, has returned to hho duties there. 1poultrymen—feed Roe. Vitafood. home.,. of Mr. John. Taylor, Walton. 'home aAer -spending a week with has maw ,venin Dow 10, 'hoM45 after: Marlyn,spetat a day recently! whUh Mr. Exact CoPies. of 1940 New York Ask your Roe Feeds dealer for Mt% Dalle was a, member* of Constanco faitilre r of spending some tiam at 1lensalL and 'Meier J. Baker, at 11069reem FraAk Stagg, at the home haS L re_ "onash h1it" sifyies with pretty hand your copy of the 32 -page booklet United Church. 'The funeral. *fill Mr, ;�lld'Mrs. A. W. Norris of Stdffa. miso Audr*y Scott of Murim, is Mijas Jqabel9.e Alexander I brooms time with her grand- turned tlo Malek, and Miss Do -Ila AIQX- 4of vital information: "Let's Grow take. Vlucp on riiduy, April RIL Alex Ramsay, who has"been in St. 'SpeudqU6 faBoWing, hand embroidery,'crisp lace -omtley, for many yearsa jos!0phs Hoopi 1, n o ''" for o powerits, Mr. and M.rs. Campbell Dom, ander to LwMm, after a pleasant Metter Chicks and Pallets.' 412 Wid blain Bi ta Lo d ii" itw Sr. hoUdaV with their pameitts, Mx. and and piln:-tucking. You`11 surely want petEddent, of Hullett_dged on, Mondar weeks, -he's retumed. to his bOM4(-_ in irds. 89th pmr. Re was horn in Eng- Mrs. W1111-arn Houghton, acpomjftn� Miss; Gwen Ruching visited with Mm W. Aftxand0r. Miss jeian XoC*1h=gh duxing put. -gr (Mrs. AraMe Pairsous spent T�Msday. one or..'two of-Aliese for your newtt 11and an 1851. As a young man he ied b� Ijeaje' Kemp; ji" . returned hollida-YOL with yelatives in Rmeter. married Elizabeth, Bembridge and home, after spending two weeks with SpAng suit, or to wear with one of brought his Mae to Curiada.' He was Mr. end MM John Kemp and farnfly Mrs. 11Ie0r-yERwey,b0.i6 returned to Mr. ana Mffm 40L Banchurd, of Exe- ter, spent Monday evemcin with bli% the smart skirts we bhve to offer employed by the Grand Trunk Rail- of Munro. ber home at BeamsviRle. Yom Mr. and Mrs. WWL Kearney, of and Mrs- W Hormyt. way for many years and, at "the y bad cond-Itioni of Bxuspela, who have been, with 'their Miss.: Irma Ferguson spent a da7 re- Conte in beautiful quality sheer and time operated a small f Owing to the vei, ajrnL IQt" the itoads, the auction, sale of sWck A =ghtaz -XT Brie' C Do du cently witb MIM Maty Westlake 09 he up railroad, work and Farmed" 8. W, ring ,h and dImPlements bf,Ken. McKellar (his BI' med to - -their Evelten batiste in White, Pink, Heaven Blue s Biom- InAw, have vebu CHICK STA ER more• emtenzively. In 1935, -Mrs. been postponed to April Sib. dw, Aim Dow, we are pleased to ley -diled and he bad, since resided ,, . . V Sold by: Imprbving micelly. a with big chilrlweim Of a 'family of report.. is W. R. KERSLAKE, jsietvj-rn. jObAldiren, pix survive. jTheY a- 1111am, OWN Seafor'th are: 3',Dbn,,. in Londesboro; NIN Extend Willys MANLEY A ALBERT TRAVISS, Wotton"on •tbie •Hullet)t homestead;, tfrm Al. f a 1A 2*95 belt Nott, Saskatchewm.; Mrst. Tboo. Mr. Stephen -McKay and Mies MWT Guarantee IRVINE WALLACE, Blyth 'mx Do.dols, C44ca_go, 111,;. 'M 'R. Shad McKay have retu d, t th fort The xegull la�r webag of • the Nag 1,o � b'Sea h P_U. wias held Tu*s&y ------- L. SCHILBE diek, Iandeisbovo, and Mrs. John Cud- Colleglate,_I* resume their studies, 340mdvll,0; 'Y. more, Holincsville. A son, Charles but bad the ftrdsbdp -of facing the levenmig in the . basement of josleph W_ Frazer, President of & SON, Edward, m3ade - the supreme sacrifice blocked roads. oirtmeh- The apearling Wran was 416 WiNys-OverLsnd Motorsi, Inc., has an- NEWRST Z r1;h in. gaunced Mat the company w5l bere- in Ghee Great War. There are 24 'Mis.9 , Beer___our, teacher, had the Wid the Lor&z PraYeir '*Pealted in. unasom The mmAes of the Last meet. after extend the standard Automobfle -drem, and 13 great- grand- same difficuXtask to face last Mbn- wus a omx' ing.,were read -by VITAMIZED FOR V044 IN, children. Mr. Bromley '7 manufg&Ajmm ye ears 109j- Z- 9 Whideni 1-11am-ey and ion new car 'r', I L da;&e Strh land, Sith, c . 6ncessfou hat HEALTH .. FARM servative in politics" and United has' -a sbart busirross period IbIlowed., The •gu!amantOd Ion 1940 WiN Dr ng S Wjnery been opened by the GuoWiADW for n1ght, ot Apra 19tb, was set for the 000 miffed or three ye!ars. PROVEN Clhurch'dn religion. The funeral was in mmadma Chia sea-§agoaal &Late - held from;'Londesboro United Church ear tmff.lc, but some, of -the sideroadt 11119,11it--of the( PUY. "Deacon Dubhs S_ we axe norO',prsietisin - The mmft wNch RES.ULT AN Wednesday aftemoon, Rev. A. 'E. and. 6oneessions are stiff in bad wiA g marked the end ef his ion officiating. .In shap% but it the mfid, w - offerig was, ta-To-en bCr Murray W-51- first jear an Prep�+ of VV1I1*s, Mr. SAILORS Er LL BOXES Menzies, the Pastor, offici eather con - bema- 'S*e"&vot&%n:q o#, under FYazer SOW: "F®r th6 first 6=0 in FLOWER TOQUES terweint took -place in Blyth cemetery. tillues Rvielryoue will be looking for jo TORQUOISE, SCANDAL RED, GREY, CARMAN RGSf�, AFRIFORCE BLUE, BLUE HEAVEN, NAVY AND BLACK Y KEEPS SPIRITS HIGH, AT HO E AND I VORO'Au 1.95 to 3.95- -�:::.: '�� •= •'� Smart .Accessul MIMA BAGS See these new Carmel Suede, Suede and Patent Bags, in Black, Navy, Tor - Coral and Scandal Red. Deap•te the 'tea demands made by soldiers in training in Canaft and overseas the "Y" does not neglect its peace time PR ICED and job ai witness them happy faces. 7t_r SILK GLOVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 'Heavy quality Silk Slipon Glove-, n i all the -smartest Spring 'shades. PRICED $1-010 and $1.25 004 X.. -moo" .1 . . . . . . . . . . . ... near qua[tcrs, -eieia C. rte acv. at Barr. new tjA. 411 sp '6005 eltare W Si -"tunA 7 In— - juev9ft, that46 U141 °o_ Tee nice t!IIto able to leave bar . racks behind and step into the Y.M.C.A. Centre in Montreal, where are all the com- forts of home and a girl opponent at Chinese Checkers. —too old L fair the army -can "111 a1r;6rW I RUKOWEMY in the gymnadaw, *3Pat, 4the rjul:t program' stall kept UP OR spiteem nt? 11f war s. A. i 14=tr,- �' STEWART -BRIVI'a"O SEAFORTH tljq,? bisitory of the Amer4can. autento- bile 'industry, ;a passonger cat maker FREF_ SERVICE, will. -I stand back of it,; products w0h a gulaT1,A, .. btee •ctovering 100,000 inflets, or OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD qtluttee years of driving. It gratifies Mo. that I am able to offer this rewark- HORSES R CATTLE able guarantee On •bile lowest priced. mmovej plompt(y and eaciefftly- fula-size car in the world. "W111,Y5 lo able to• ina-ke, such an un- simplir phone —COLLIECT" Ia Vilecedent(.4,and flung' guarantee," Mr. Fnazeir continued, "because of its re- WIUIAM STORE SONS markable record of stairrine, as Prov- LROTM ed. in the bands bf bhousande of sat- PHO?4 21 Imdffsam isfied owners. Tbe new 1940 Wi]11ys PHOP4E 219 MITCHELL is built for long ]fife. It is' of the .simplest construction. It is' made with the finest quality tnat6eals. And it provides, a, higher factor of safety due, to ligl-d wedght avid strong, ov size urrit-s. STRATFORD GODERICH "This �0,()00 mile guarantee will COACH LINES &pply to bbtih Wililys 'p'as'senger cars FALL ANV"Tmmlit Tilts TABLI11 and comrniercla:t cars,. The, stamidaid L"Wes 9"Awth for strav": guarantee given by Other inerribem of D*Vv ILM sn aM 615 a.m. 1. t,mvez Senforth for Gedmokbt the Automobile Manuftoturers A-ssoc* Daffy emect Sundar and hoL, 1.25 I'afton- protects the new car purchaser O&M =;d &1,0 VAL for 4.64 mile's Or nintKy dam"' Sum awd Watt, 1.25 P.M_ and 10.20 V.M' Ommmtgm at Stmeord for Tor"*0I,, Mr. Fraser alsorePorted, that sales TATkInCk. Jll bf the 040 W*lY9 from' Its 4FA110duc- 9PoodsWaelk, Dvtxoi& tdon is siljowjng siubgtaritlal. !ureases' Asvaft - in sales In Canada and, the United State& 14 Dead and Disabled, Animals REMOVED PROMPTLYaw N0'ft5 � PHONE COLLECT: SEARORTH is EX4EjrEW DARLING AND CO. OF CANADAt M J4. A