HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-05, Page 3n_40�1_ � _ - _1_0_ " � i, I -,I- I � r� ', 4940 __ .. . 1. i... , t fi ,a. ,t r of l c, 9 ,.. ra,coa c�cr��; 911 [No (�Sa, ,, _ � 0,;l„.�, D"► t. 5► t. . I 'blaacl a -vilseit a"t Au” from gale jam. t p "Of our eatily tlOalGYdens,- D4lv!Gd Lanv-I Qicll+e r 1 dues u le i� V�; once, who- now ,laves at Rboeto9wn . In Of interest tp f�lrmCrts is the.1 = � -; _ . .. �askatchowan. %lie r ,act dvtd .tin G7damimg La�dlotl!e uniiw!y+s DnoAt tta iltfill 'first of a mattes; of lwrtgetina Ps- r ° ,, � aCPlnd 'and' biodly, although 85 years.. sued by the Bacon Board. . - r w Peace to wolf tic X9110✓ "b!ae � .r olds I tank lair) to cult Ld go, alld r 1 watt vvQiidhan e Job of work- Vo at c7arsil 5 It + ilool' tIe was The $danxd `.8d1 its Advisory Gama wuDwie h b ellen 60 c4o.yelika. _ )lie odd mattteel were .AidappIts !qy tib, G m , s!blawecl film the new 'se so as to itvteneac lble acs passable I. delhtad wluew ,I took (hart his I; the a2 t "Ped, gawldfiolus people, +deep a home lin, Tuckersanith, naw, iWaied by ernmeot. on ebemtber With , `tp the sa,illbads for their dandy toy us- � l Douglras Fo+bheringhlam. Dowg Left bi IgNen+t 6erans, of the ,agree mhakes g• '" ,,, r the slloiy uQgte eseLian nvoak and had a goad vlseit with, us mei rials with- the United Kingdom pIF! A S Job aneanit (1) emdeargenoy mea . Ir I also ,took lvinu to see several of this Goverumrent Bar 'deluverny to the Bri- wires for tP�pWc a 7; (2) an. i� "11 oo libiat 1W `�:'i ,k It,r forgoer pupils. iurvh Ministry of Food of b;600,000 lbs. modabia>z Ai em a r. ' r�: ?3t)'4-,K'0 I'LLtw�S'+ 4, There were six boys around our of bacon weekly, and s!waib buddhtfianai `' � , (' " able, Howard re well) mig>v i'nsebaa- goon+bvti as may 'be regwiTecl Tile ShiPpin+g companies w31�: keep the . �' i': , y' +cun,ruer motto moo t wtlue%abroatts aE v9traul atoms; and Fred Fowler, Geo. �romtnact pkces' Is $20.18 per one hun HENS,ALL I0 Looltdoau, Landow: Passenger Sky , 11animel, Robert and Sol m, my Bred and twelve p-, .d equivailetnt Board bookinfored >ast to the amount o! Tl]anspaxit Board c ontu'ol's ag the 4 af- •,,' `'" , `r `! } + i ✓ apace b'aoked fie far •twewbylfive milm wound Last r' ,t �n t'" > each cert- �" Younger brothers, and myself. war 'Gr . 018 Ol per ane diw!� paundtsi f. T'he VVfomegm'e Cilastiaai,Temperairce r weve great ton n+atume- study,,,' and- some o.b. port ori.. export For Gradeei! A. W.Ut- parry currently. Oa 'the basis sof -this Union met on t�'day atMieamoon )last din, and brace some e1ghty-eerven :thou- �' .'• ' _'' ; "% ra, F moi; sof us es!till have ,the bobby. We shires 'and relative ,prices for B combined information, the Board will 3n. 'ye sclhbOM ixaaRn, of the United ward employees can Inst Pay roll. One .. , ; ;ter-�• be in a position to regulate delivery �, tt • Ih!ntew every bled that flew, and eveu•y Gracie 'and the, various cuts, as pro- � CFrirnicin. Mn�. Q. L. .l'im!lns presided, of ,tihe Bios!,rrdPs atatnoms Cbau3ng •Ctiasls=� w,]lcl fl,owea that grew in our corner videdi :for. -4n a schedule of prices in to seaboaad, iro insure argafnset 'aver- for the desviodoara!d period, which fn as used by mmore thou Rorty -one inmon. + . ,of (the woods. Most lof our old' meas- clud,ed in the Agreement. The cion- delivery and unde'ndgllivery, and 'see cloftd, tt!hei folliow%h_g: Olpenamg hymn, p e al iyear. I m!t year (dndludang tors sleep. Ion. '•'tihle hillside, land broClier tract price its rettroaobive to include that bnoon axsivals co}ncide as talose- «,Bninging ate the Sheaves" and the Ibuis services), ,pine Board eaanted taree l':l: r� its . ; f� �f , �' = f' "' John and George Ham'me 1 have also all ,ba:con arriving In England- fn+om. ly as possible wvtih the s'aili'ng dates. LoaWs Prayer in unison--S,eriptum ou�sand eight hun!dsred+ and arev�y- .._X �'"­ ...... passed on. NovE•mo'ber 17,' 1839, to October 31st, IIP to thus 'present the •Board (has been lesson, 'Mark 16:14.20 was ttakea by twvo mil ton (people to weork and play. �': � "^ `���t<� We were large family, 11 tin all 1 a'bls . by sec]ume trough �elBrigenattoFi cy'' ��,1K i K a g y, 940. M•rs. R,., A. Break; Che edlevotional,, ,As Bar back eats 1936, epYOKIRimaay t ��i � ............. .%j' apace to accammbdate s(]upmnts of .,,,N���� f�� „I , Ttivere. were seven sdsCelrs older than Early In De,ceamlrer; ,the Bri'triah Mim- ` WhhatC aft rbhHs W.0 T.U:' )fins Hedy san*veys were ode roe IHeO what 'mea I , �� ; , .�f ,.,* . 'a ;,��, ` ,r ' 't" I and I head to leave (school young istry aP FowclJ having completed its bacon in excess rid the contsaot vol- dem ,followed with the tiiente, song, sums w,na:ld ble needed 'if war ever ^��,?',��>>; .,- fr���yy ` � ":r r, as father needed my 'beWp. Eiaweveir, cagandaasti�onl, flor supplies, urgently re- u•me. • From September list to January ,-S,pdmbt of tble living'; ,solo, "The canine. In 1938, after the September ' � c N' %.,, ' 'f hf } ' g was able Co attend far several quested tthaa the .Board rbake over re 6th, lite pentad elapsed scree the out- Broken I3ieamt,^ was suing by Mrs'. oriels, transport <inutbklrities made, a rte' ,o' �id"'�,'�r/��,111%.,t°5; wvmnterds. The teachers wllua boarded srpomsibilfity. at ,the earliest possible break oP wan, the hrxports of 'Cana- Maude Railcar with, Miss Irene I)oarg- Garvey limo dteaQndaee wlrait eomisfmitc- l�,. „ t "� f� r . r'' eJ , ctian baao>y reached the ,higth figure af- • ``" ' ✓ °v`- -" 'With mos, ,hEllpeFacl rive a bit in,the 'even- time. The Bacon Board' in response las aroaoon!panydmg at the pda�rso. Ulers. tiers) asitfervtdbms wrnffied ebb"ziiecesstary.irr„e� E, �.: 97,813,645 pounds, as compared with A vast progrnmrl amen' Glx -,d v," imig, so I was Mile, to .keep up pretty adlvisted ,thati wheel• would ,assume con- Ji'nko closed 'figs portion wnebh! prayer, ,genet' work X. i �' 'r y f r 'f u x w,!neal,, wd,th those who could atttend troll as for sblipments; exports comt- 60,262,678 pounds' for the correspond ether whdoh Mrs Hess, ,the pregdclent, was undertaken 'by ,tie IyP.T Ii., obs �, r- m ;�. ,f �� ` n•eguellaaily. I think ,nt its ,a 'pity so few mencing rthle week of January 20th took ebal,rgle Mko Murray led in. total cost being about gf,'600 i4 Lou-... �� '{a'' "� n,g period of flue ¢rev2bus year. This '' K.' w� merit now ,teach in the country schools. ' cleanly •reflect$ a substantial upturn .Prayer "lUlket.Timi+el To Be Holy" don Alone. In Jal'n'u!ary,'1939, anti -flood Activities of the Board RFs 'Ttheey played outdoor ,games with u,s, to; hog production. and its defiavtie was suntg. Durring ;the offering Miss 'measures tin, the London; Undergmunnd �tw` BrieJfly, the and'ef ,duties aP the Dauplats favored' with a piano (solo, Railway Were begum+, s!,nd englliu�a 4, rrm+d Ul+ad ,e very wholesome Influence. hof 'oP, our abiIIity bo supply . _ the' Your home or other' b uilding's on T- O� . �. Board are cels ibllows:: To,ensntze rel- , �. Y well remember one day, we were b4dom that ,ebhe United )�ingd�$r l -'^ 1 he Brakeih .liraart was sung by maid, a survey of all stations and ,tun ,,�,� . i� ; g� i ,, f ivavineg .a partleglarlly tough game, of . alta n e pepnice E '-differentials tcon as ubetw�een ired;;, to+.r'e9m're oE'']ts. Mrs. Maude Heidden, Mrs. Lamlmae, mels. 710 Prevent piosslble try of proper W}t@tile SIL 4 ifffi 4MIR sG , aabbalt. The tdacher at that time Advisory Committee Mrs, McQpeem, with Miss IMiLrray ac: water dhrrfing a crate), it was found nee- m1, was 'Gidebent ,Slmluth, afterwards paunci- grades) so' east to ensure mainiten!ance The Board had) its first meetl,ng '`7(',l aP pre-war quality as slpecified by the uoaig at the .grimmo. Misr Jdmks essary to do Work of same ,sent at vl ffiaj� improved or added model �^ pal of Plairkftle Collegiate. Smith with ,the Advisory Committee at Ot- closed this potlibdlon with prayer, after stations, aurid! by the et` m war broke r I J � f`; Agreement; la( -regulate nnarkeiCldgs tawa on January 8th and 9th so ,that Governments Home �mF t' �- " ' ,d �aslseul mile the 'ba'p1 with an easy wthddh Mrs, Aesa, Rthe presfndent, baolc out, aII2 hitt 19 ihald been rorrmpletetll _ St to the extent meeaessatry to ensure that ricer to the taking eyem of reloponsd " ' ' dao- chanasre rtJa score; , avd: I missed. In export ,requirements will be avail F charge. 11Qnls$ 1(Kvrasay'"laid civ prayer The IJondom public maw or knew cit terms are �Sy and pa �II� �i�.d.7 I t `; p bili.ty, uhey might have the advice a.nd y able, to store ,product In „oi der to F the 'Comm2ttee. -The tent- _ Be Holy" was t1e of the Haboavraas °vfar+ir going on, for e]r dtirs4aDA Itm'enit, I said la cuss ward approval sunk). Take Time m g rficial 'dfenl£31dy 41Iii1ngP.d. dC7' BEd'tEll• �� ,lor two. Smith gave Im'e a look I silm+g, Thtrraug time offering Mass its safet I!t m]1y saw .the snrgre sftualll always rem,emeber, sicca saying supplement- -supply 'ice seasons, when ative Policy, the 'principal features of Douglas favored, wntti a• piano solo, changes. Iusitructleons on. what to do i", . entrant uuanketin!gs are eneadequate; `Tahoe, -I ay not le mberpect that of you," which have been outlined, was fully •,Thee Old! R4tggred 'Qiwlss." The speak- in ,event 'of an air raid, for fmata-ce, Ck..reC ulcer Customer to secure a - -, �F to see •that• hog prices bear A fair re- e' IN " turned and Wailked into the sch,00I• I contcurred int, thre Advisory Camhndt- ea for the aftenmioadn was Rev. Joihm appearedi % 'tmains land on stlagons. t lat.ion to the agreed price, for bacon Rnlcba,loon, who chose f0T ,111)9 theme, .:have ,n!ever forgotten that les's'on, tee agreeing as to the modeler • of o Notices requesting Ipaes,e'n,gee�+s to He Consult the Manager O� silt geL7.�eS� anerl to create a fund out of returns, Tile pres'ent,stphool was ,ereetedl in besting out present decisions before <IKeepnng Flit," which was much en- an Cfue Odom inn the event of an air ,l"•i on exports drardmg_ ensuing months y joyed and .miirrlr dntformattiioml gaeaued, ranitl cal]s!exl amuusement on some hf ''y 1929. It is al mademn building of gag permbnent policy is adopted. BlttnC�1 al7d ask fQr botet. brick • piut up by, Mr. Dinnen of Eg from which to support hog and bacon The members of the Advisory Com-, from it. twit - hist adldress was quoteed the crowded] suburban ii®e+s. t 1. prices Tarter d•ru the Year, (advances « -mlondvwlle, and Dr. Fvel'd claimed it tvitbee were unanimous in the opinion some of Rare Bohhuxwmng passages: On® Other rrotfices af. the entrance to ��� y in Che price of bacon ,to 'ba 'reflected timet Jesus sand, .For their sakes! I unidergflrou-nd ratatToents warned the pub ase •alta, beJst rural- sch,dol in his in that atoll grading, as, administered in the 'price paid for hags)i and to satisfy myself, put ,myself ice. 'train- ai ,rf .peciorafie- To enlarge the grounds thn+augh �bhe Marketing Service of the o that !4hey tawlde not be used as air Pay storage charges. It is the poI- 1 donated) half an acre tliat had been. Department Of Agriculture, fitted, into � � too 'hi,� ,iis made of the ,palys- Tald shelters, and that when. a '.raid DOMINION �. a.. at1 I icy Jof Ibh,e Gpavearnanen+t that apart pp teal fGtness cif J+esns,ha • fire 'life warnfiwg wain given, , "i I _aam orchard, and on w+hiclh: our old ,log the tpretsrenet tpolmcy ac)-optedl by uhe byl fihe, gallas wlolald cj from adm�inilstnation thele, the project bourne had+ srtood. Baaazb Board, particularly do 'efforits to He led must have been a man who be closed)Ag7,igF�i1 gglg sl]all be se . Most schoolmates• ,secure a Pair relation, between the .kept fit QlawcvelY, physyicailly fit. It is Onto of the m++art difficult prabiems Y p Price Payment, Basis a main bin a weoigal'a first itev , of to be faced ien London w•as! that of + :gouue. Of m former companions mots price Paid) .to bh8 •pradnlcer and the Accordingly, and in order to meet obligation to be billet w y SEAFQB�H B�rA�Ti:� . ),eft Clue farm for other fields .of lab contract price for bacon. hole of himself, .'protecting Chet un'deng:nound ratlwa s ,11 -il Howyard Howler is still practicing the request of the British Ministry It was agreed that ,exports would 11 out the fullness of from risk of flooding, either from the .. � � 1S of Food to expedite matters, the ort Ihler�n to � E. Ci- Boswell ger m 11 wclenitds,try in CIIilnrtlom, Fred1 Fowler is be maldntal'ned.lat a velum's above the awn, ,oyer potential .power River Thames, or from sewers or moa I 11Board bn December 22nd last adlvis- to 'develop himself •ear hersieh,f to the ter mad sL1. " as Bachelor of Music, my brother R.ob- mfimamuml of 5,600,000 Boards if ,ac ed the exporting packers ,that cion art ds%a doctor in Texas, I stayed cephable to the British Mintistry of bop rvatcld of his or her efficiency. EIeetrioadl:p operated steel flood- l' menc3,ng with exports during the 'week Th'd problem of 1940 les not to m)anu- proof 'gates, lof two types, 'have been' ,.on titer fan v3 'to look after father and Faod, bvC tit was stipulated that the of January 20th' tune 'following price mlother and ]seep the`home-fires Bunn- Board slhowld arrange ac. program with facture the mac�ihin+e but to find ''th%l installed--healvy tunnel. gates weigh - schedule far bacon deliveries at .sea- man whose body is so perfectly the Ing •six ,tons, and smaller { angi Johxl, wh!o practiced txvedd,cine in Wiens so that the Board shall be gafces weigh - board) would) obtain for the grades re dn,grwment of •bi+s well .that 'he will Ing four and a 'half bank to cut of Arkansas and is' burled there, earineed able to sulcal) its eanbrauat.l7o maintain° quii,ed under .the canhmaoin ,oat 1br tihe madlieomfih part Of. a second pa.•s)sag+es leading into ts+ta#iansl, besides .11 a nepubatdon 'Par himself as, a football 1eJvel sha,pmaents bhroirghout. the per- , M Iilayer. Ice was a member of the Light Sizeable . . Heavy i,c l f short 'marketdngsy of hogs dur- 1cele oomrtmol of ebbe' mighrfy rtihing- which contcrste wta}els in the passages. initq an invtruciionb to the"operators e8mbwge and €s i 'ffi and,beaks, lh� under 55 lbs. 55-65 lbs. 65 lbs. up " So successful 'has this work been ^� fabnau�v Horan eteaam far tea years ring Che sum months, the stbyghicesb passible deviation Gtr ,L all gales, who are continuously on nog rib . :stud �o played in i'ntermatiotral A 1 $17.50 $17.70 $17.30 Meeting with._ Packing Companies tIr!e strafig'bt course, may •cause ran! aup- that ,within three minutes of an air, dluty- r a A. 2 17.10 17.30 16.90 . Oil January 11th, the Bbardl held a In (the aperatoes control ' cabin at :snatcih,es. -- palNints; dasasber to hd!viself and otilveats; raid yvarming, those sections of the 1: + "A. 3' 16.70 16.90 16:50 g (anything whacab affects ,man's Power line in between stations rwnining urn meeting witch the packing firm's raga - B 1 17.10 17.30 16.90 .. )only engaged lav ,the,, export bacon the end of each 'platform, illtrmanrat- r �g wING$AM of self control touches the most vabad der the raver, can be completely is- ed diagrams of the section of the lane 11 t3 2 16.30.' 16.50 16.10 trade and now coming .under' lite re pod!gt an the vast Tneclranism of our alaterd . When inn ai'r raid warming is s: C .. ' B. 3 15.50 15.70 15.30 drvdlcaNbe the n>ae 0f a twain in the . . quiremellt's of the Agreement. At this .m;oderm, life. The very essence o€ the received at •bba, traffic controllers' of- undies river s+ec�an O;, The grade requi.rementse .are Strict - wird meaning ,atf ,the word 'Temper- rice, the. rgiller immediately trans J.' em eleteim+g' Agreement and the Fol Y As dorm a8 the operators wave sat- �'� a� Kce. 250 Metres ]y in conformity and the Price 'stnuc . icy of the Board was fully explauned• ane, as self ,control; intemperance is me of fhe 1 �&VE'E'KLY PRO'�iRA'M' WiGHLlGII IT8 tune 'im aecardanee month the bag grad acrid( 'iiisoustsed and the ogviniolti of the the Ices of momienrtarily or longer of masa ,have cleared is'fied t�-mtselves] by „ ing polley of the Department of Agri- c Boit con+Crot Lord Roseberry, an em- Minister, anti Rev. Mr. Fowler pro - diagrams s t'ba t all. t Friday, April- 5-11 15 a.m., Mary, pa :leers in respect qP storage suPP1i•es.. bine s+eeon, the gates are closed: Q�ueem of Scats"; 12.45 p.m., The Bell culture and ,the nofmai pre war. Trade and likre subjects, secured. Tale ac- tin e t vlettariaen 'said lonlg a;go:, "If hire Juownceii the bemeddotion Fallowing Special intle-locking delYaCeS stroke * F� 'IBeoy±s; f S is V- Pym, piano', 6.15, differentials obtaining in the United tru., ephysdeal''pnablems entailed in 'de the service the ebagregation was in-H. K€IDgdom market. It ds'reaogndzed as state, does not control bh'e dlink, bha it dmpossdbde for any gate to he epos you ���t�W 11 -hurry J. Bayle; 8, Gulley Jumpers. livering bacon shipment 'to seaboard dminek wilil control the state. Alcohol .yitedr to the schooi,raom, arirere. the ed while there, is a train in the under- ;'+: Saturday, April 6--9,30 a:m., Ki(l,;. a first . essential fii6t quality -and spay- vi-ei+e conlvey+ed to the (packing firms, i>.. to dangerous drug, which removes -ladder served refreelhments and Rev. ,' m,entt on •a gr'ad'ed basis musit be ^',;,�,. Mr. Wilkie acted. as chairman for Tom section of •tivc contra) -7s , ditog, Party;- ,0.15 -p:m., Harry Jd Boyle ' . tihist rresrulf8ng in the +securing of a restraints, I off safe�!uards, alters. A® soon 'as war broke on+t, men be- ,T, maintained and safeguardedi seo that the balance 'of ,the nemust system, dee- pnogramr, of s2xeeches. Shunt address- bread � � � yveg +Mclinneght4 7.45, B'aetn Datice.: great ciao) of useful inPoeatiom:. gait womlydmug eby, day sari all night to r , tuber the war is over, Canada will ;Deems of the 'Board, as now i'n stmoy+s dntelUgenc'e, abilit to work es were (given by Rev. Samr:uel Kerr, _ , •,'. P wu�iei1y and well, does ria gond to to ahaar- lefie rtlra work and f e end ns r Sunday, 'April. 7—L0,45 -m' Tend more strongly, :tha>L, ever entrench- Y nt�'ni b is, J'pCl boaed; 11d Harvey December all but one of estubions 'Jd • ��e!eud, err ; 11; Wfngham United, ' .. efeeuot alta .lacy anular the policy, as ed in the' British market. Prices Baal' owtldned, to carry out the terms of bu• etc, causes airfoil harm to fire r _e,_ r • Church. 1 30 p•m., M-elod!y Timgi (.— _ any y -- - -- weere opened _ for bacon esea.board are therefore, -as Robertsow president el lite Ladies' vasrt mayaritty, which at .the moral cert . Meloly Y Ting, - noted, ,on a basis' of weight, grade to such em dC cations or thema!eive y saFirs of steps to be taken 'Por Che dlhurcb • 1.30 V.m. _ 1?hesbytelmam Church,"'i ei . '. targe as the ��eand Uri�Chmjibei•1 Tavener, of ore of oontualb w,hrie¢h a man's a.c- kers themmelves, so ..,..,:, and seteciabn, future may 3 rcate, uo be advisable. tions arae self dsetermfuued. If we arra hurch;• arlsoe Walter concrete Bluest -•each plug weighting M-awday, April 8-11.15 a.p,,, Mary, y ._, �" It was estimated that the, sahedtr=le S. Davidson and Peter 'McDougall, re thirty-five ,bome—were •prctt in the tun- <Qween of Sooets; 6.15 p.m., rHarry J: of graded prices as established' wai]Id to keep fat,. we must '- leave a.bcahol I .Boyle; 7.15, "Eb and 'L�b"; 8, Sana }i atom anode dto evelrything we can to Pyre �'ng' the sessions of Bluevale mets 'and passages,, holes, . work out at 'an average price of , respectively. Miss M,11 1 4,� pnotect ytoung and old from i.ts ruin,• anal, Eadies, As time went on, all sorbs of vnex ,AGri ickshank.' , , ice as' shown iia the poi CH Olive Scott, seonetary-treasurer, rail' " ow4r domrnrhan, tiro) the sale of liquor Tuesday, Aepril b--11 a,m., H. V• for at a p ported difficulties were mneounbeTetl.11 $17.29, with each, lot ivowever paid ZURICH -Pym,; piano; 12.45,• Cactus, Mac;. 6.15, (Intended for last week) tvirtiir its trail of tragedy increases at a 'fetter of ,a•ppr�ciati'on to Rev- Mr. Mile huge steel gates for Charing ' Barry J. Boyle. dole in accordance with weight, grade McLean and an, behalf of both eon- Cross, for instance, left Scotland on7. _Z_1 The Late Mrs. Charles Reman in alone ev rate- Drinking is bin the Wednesday] fAIYni, 10-11.15 • a.m., and seleeotion. The figure set is an irtaneaae .evarynvlrPre; drunken d!niv- gregatdons, presonaed him with a Decameter 6th, but .the, Parries ran -in- dobohy _ estimated average, subject to change. Fanny Cwrvmny wife oP Charlet Re- cheque, Many win:glram .frien�es were :JVfary nerd Queen Of Sc, t ;_ ?, p•nr-, Four Ing Chas became the most g!hast.l9 to fog and diol not ar liv , in Londlo;n , Wa res,; 8, Lit Of Band. Si#ce the price paid' by the Biibish man, Pastsed' away at ,her home oar the menace to life and limb. In 1939 pay- present and,also .former parishioners . Ministry is .approximately $18,01 per Goshen Utne„2?/z miles north Of Zur- of Mr, Fowler from Brussels. Sing- inti) December o 9th. Then they had . . . Thursday, A'pr'il 11 — 8.30 a.mr., m+ents, to the Provincial treasurer were to be loaded an to slveeially dE�igmcxd ���� '����� Breakfast Club; 6.15 p.m., Harry J. 'hundred pounds of bacon,, f.o.b. sea- soh, on Thursday )as+t in h,er, 82nd elevern millio2r dallars•profits, 73 mil- ig of the National Anthem brrought "', Che hrappy m trains and' thauled Iinta the tumne1 by Boyle; 8.30, Grenadier Guards Band, board, a price of $17.29 leaves the year. Dece'aseui tact been a life long loran was ,spent during' 1939 by the eeting to a close. ]oc,ombt'ives� driven by batterries, since . a ._, Board approximately 72c .per hundred resident of the community and was people aE bhe_piovince far int»xl.cating The funeral took 'place on' Monday pounds margin on present shipments. highly respected:by all-w'ho knew her. in Mount 1'}ea�ant CEm,etery, Toren there was no current on the bines. This margin willl'•enable the Board to Survdvdmg is 'her bereaved husband. liquor, and 'less CI Ktin 60 million for ed- In spdt� of this, ,by December _ ursatnan. He aLso stated 'that in all to, of Will'iaari John, eldfast 'stn of the accumulate funds Erni which to, ad- The funeral was hrel,cl an Monday, in- ,our school bays end girls' slro'ul+d be Into John and Prudence Dimen,t. ,M r. Charing 'Cross was opened. - t r vane• the price of bacon and hogs, ,torment talding Place at Bayfield deme taught the evils of alcohol, even, in Diment was born in Bluevale fifty- Ia the event of an aur raid, passer11 - i later in .the seaesan, and to pay rstor- terY. Rev. C. Hec'kenldorn calld!ucted eight years ago antic while a Young gens an the updengnoumd are warned 'TAKES OFF the primary egi»ade s stories can be man went to. Chica,#ro, w age cost9 -on bacon svppldes held to rt,hee service in place of Rev. Patera, -.of nh,ere ho was at Che nearest elation Those who augment the short hog turns of nuid- Vanua, whin was unable to take charge 'told of 'hour ihijg, ,,?, Class ,still to g„' ings, In the t}nig•h�r classes, still eta- engaged for moony years in, steel eon- moist] may alight and stack shelter. The 1. y summer. Since the pol-iey of •the of 'the see.+rvilce's, having met vaieth an tistical 5tat'emevnts about idquor ao a srtniction. Last fall; when +his hrea.irth ''train continues irts journey. lactose - '-' th t x acted 1 <, I . Board is to ensure that the price of automobile accident wb.rle an the way cavae.of.poverty and crime, and of failed, has wte, the formler Lrxttic wilo stay rn a tarn are e p ”. IMIMbbacon at seeaboard 'shall be tin fair re- to thte slervitseg- widespread social demoralization Adelaide Cook, broiigPub him to Toron- to close the a^imldows a.nd ventilators latilon to the Price of 'hogs, advances, Mm, Joseph Foster whlo •.soled his could tre given: thew mother titre boys to to be. near 'his relatives. Besides anal pull down, the bliaAs. 11 I decided upon for the various grades 100 acre farms being Lot. 5, Con. 9, and girls left the public school they itis wife ho leaves two brothers, Beating the "blackout," an the rail. Q /TROUTI - MS11 ,�:-", . of beacon as based on an increases in Hay, on ,the Ba!byticrn Line, to Mr• u have a greater fear ,of liquor. 7'lxomras and Percy, crud bh•ree sisters. ways hag ad:so been a plroblem, es pec " 1 the average price, should be reflected Lorre Gimgerritcla, will hold a sale vr€ `iVfrs. Jennie Alice Brown, Mrs. Mar- Tally now that lire "peak periedY' is ; YEA 9 �,,�i .."", k arid ret Young and Mrs. llian In SCOURING i,nC ase atueck w ll behe; P'n"ce paid hm adze of the ac- next.ogii. his Mr. Gingemioh iggettsorpos possession BL VAL� Knhghet, at h� home h'e rdited. Mc phase, when, hl mYifin Vii. trains were '! tual cost, by packing plants a,cros•w of the farm orgy April 1st. Robert Shrftw has collected more plunged, into darkness, and under- r . , .L Canada, of all Mega purchasedd each Thee election on Tuesday, .brought Thee induction• of Rev. F_ G. Fowler. Ghtan twenty dollars in the village to �glrround trains htad subdued lighting. � CAKES ji',.J'�: I week I'm relation to the price pada by out a goad vote at the two polls held ,t10 the ,pastioraI obbarge •of Blu•evale give �nftivamr Sa.tvafifion A.nmy for v- sin ave+,• Now a seoheemre of O need for hard�rubbing and �e Board for bacon. These conipari- in -the villatge. In the rurael' polys of and .Eadles Presbytprh, . Cllurrhues, their wax work. reading lamps hag been devised and ` � postponed from (:sod Friday on so- Cholera, bnalre out fel Herbert sivecesa,foil,ly carriedt outs --an i!¢lnntwns+e ' &,:, s 1 scrlYbbing molten you use a sone will emGable the Board to ,defier- the township only -about 50 per cert. solution of Gillett's Pure Flake mime whether hog Prices are in line ,turned out to vote, owing to ,the im- cauint of the rrnpreeeden+ted storm, Sthdell'a ,hogs and bids loss was moat job which ,has m�eanrt installling thirty, a' and will represent a 'basis far such passtablle condition of the roads. Hay took Altace lash Frid!dy, with Rev. J. than &ur hurid!nede dollars, which will ,t4uausand more electric 'lamps, a ehrrn-, • - .1Lye. It cuts right through grease, action i• - regard to (hog prices agmm�y ' To'wnsihip ralled,up a xnajoritY of 603 D. Wilkie," Teecstvaber, lUlo,diermtor of ,be pavrlrly mracle up by the Govern- Bred and ni,mety idles aP miming, and,11111111l Pi " .;t1�sr3 clogged- drains, keepsout- be ftDmnd,, advisable. flat this winning catnd+icl'a•te, Mr. W. H. Maiitlaind 4teeb3^t RY, piwiding acid m,emt sepecial r+ea.ding Isdiades of srteel weigth- !r Storage Practice Golding. Ili the ev,enInlg a oelebra- pea•fonmrdng the induction ceremony. (Mrs.. Campbell Tavener gave -a par- cog in all twenty-one tions. MADE W CANARIA :�fOU8C3 8aIiitary, and odorless, Temporary; ptolicy in regard, to ,stor- tiara wars stra.ged in the viell'age. Anter Rev. J: E. Taylor, CranrbnQok, ..preac•h- ty for, •tweenty-fivta little folk of the Tifrtough whitte feel boxes bh,e MY scours pots` and pans, .takes the age been deci'd'ed upon and the a parade around the village headed gid tilre sermon lieu. Kenneth liter Mrsion Bavdt• There was ce hunt for ward work out of heavy cleaning: Hoard leas strocted exporting pack by stalwarts 'carrying id.ghted brooms Leaari, �,�am, interim ,Moderator, Faster eggs and, many ,'other games. • s rs to #ilk laiway, unh.il further notice, a ,Public meeting was held in the hall vannatted the steps leading' to the cal At the F.astter meeting of the Y•. P. ' ]Keep a tin always handy. a w,eetkiy total of 500,000 pounds. With wftdh. wm,s aidldmessted by Mr. Gollddng Rev. Rbbeart Acb,esttrrn, Mollesrworth, ad- U- Goo ge, I• De.4thternngton presided in pl^as>pects far fairly subsrtantial hr'og and cotter promriment Libeirals of the dtressed the congregagon• Rie'v C. H. thej abstence of the presi+dletai, and FREE BOOKLET—The Gillett', Lye runs it was contsidrered advisable, to ridding. Mr. Charles Fritz acted as McDonald, LuchnoW, taddiNmed the Miss Calcl»unh read the cacri,pturt � t Booklet tellshow-thiepowerfulcteanaer acaum lata only m dei, trsrtantsupplies at at cb&i11Ttan of -the Gertrude Boating. 9ez�sron-A Rev. Campbell Tavener ofl r- Yr, 1 clears clog�ed'draias ... keeps out- _present,with g lei•lche}m, of than- ed Prayer. In the •program that fol- tLearcontents aoicns fsl<s, Senahf�w iQ the deci§lon would be subject to tical, spent the Basler holidays at Jawed the dwvtaf5onall part, Miss Dorn AGI(` ' houses clean and odorless by destroying tom' change week by weelc, as tithe trend her 'home thol'ee. ,thrly Aitken, played a ,piano number, as goo copy W standard Brands Ltd., tMdsl4 Mae Smith, of Western Uni- free Ave. and Liberty street, bf marketiings aria procluc•tan un+fotd Sttiar of Ynldfia" More. M. L. Aitken 1 Toronto, Oat. •- ed. In this regard, the Board has set versity, London, and Mr. Archie Mac- gAavtei an. adtdmess on ,Ebbelyn Wether- `� _ F up .a stab service to correlate Kinnon, of the Guelph O.A.C., spent aid', Camadian poetess, who died late- f„� ildormatiotn, an hag production and . the heolid�aya at tbee}'r respective -homes r t9 at Femwirik anuli Mim; Helen Thomip- ' . I related' :activities. here, score romited "Red Winged IDla.ckbird" ylt►C�'� �,,i" Roc Space and Booking Arrangements Mt. A. E. Hamilton 'alta' niece, Miss by the Irolotem • y ��' y �` y „i}? �' _. w�<q0 'The policy of the Board i,n respect Doris, of Landtom, sp'enit,the week,ond `Me cold wea#.thter on Sunda wras. {„r ,� • ” 11O of. booking and shipping is to follow at the homle df Mr. and Mrs. J. Gal- welcomed an a flood Preventive, as I,`, G +� A true snow had- nveslmel very fast qn ... t, as ciosel as possible lire normal steer. - prractices. Accordingly, 'exportensare 'Miss 'IJtliiei Hers Is vilslitdwg at thra � � Fridley and Satarmdaly. Were at not0( a �aA h r o s e lase in the home orf her sistei, Mrs. (Rev.) L. H. frn. danger Of flood the mnistvreTEXTURE ``r,'i, '! ti booking t er wro Bac P g ,1 s Rt: - Board regularly and 'folly addvisecl as Kalbfteisch, at Elmira fir' a fees 1+ would be exceavdimgly cPc�wirabie_ La at t t (. to 'the amount of space required tinea weeks. autumn bndugJl>fC scant, rainfall with er are jivall digging out LifibPe wafter in warts, Just t arra h cNoari: t p (a 11 1; the awkrun!t beaked, four weelt!a aibead Fay m s ! y g a; y g ► �� t��ii a p q, ,"itis informatioen is sup the lasmes and•'r6ladis whiah were plied frig' do tesdh day to do t1lo humans. , , � � ,I.,t } w ;: � , F of s+hn mie I`an mei ti, , ',', 1.. - pli'ea hyt tr1}te Bioarci to,_.bhe Controller high with renew dzlitft'b caused by the Vdiliems Karl Pon meant snow bo water ., �., . of Trirsportati,on and to th.e. 8'•hipping worst s'nrow eltiormi of the winter last the 'horiesl or the odd cow. „ + 4p u", •., gyp { comparu9tes so, 'that tri, th,e eveatt first weak. The Zurdreh, road, ,ban bee'ni cep• �(� L. nnrt llhvdndg anillexl wellw, hid to drive `� 1 �� � �� nt .w .riFi .: D VXJ space 6m aipht is not sufficient, steps elhied from St. Joseph to Hentsalh and flhel, Aock to fAvelr tar creek or drawIV i,;l:, + ,', �, water fromr uhte sotreania in barrels. i i' : ; may be taltern immediabe4y iIn the Blue Warier Highway -is now open leading `` „ ly •lVavar dissolve-tye to hot,tubt�r. aha eperartrion with title Controller' of oturitdr cif St..iosepltii Thie county and �ilQ 'farmers in 7`urnberry and DANA p• d/ _'` cow'. �,g�, y!,l.° , , �J, aceton of tiro rydiftel!! hevtt eh• velars Triansrporta,tibn and the sthdppi]tg ooh= t..owndhip roads are still in .bad eon- - Mort"a TawrAfts bbd w dir�ii)led1. eEt . .: h r ttireil acaam dnt4 is miivHdrle cab +nsnmer. Pa, es, to seeure t 'e Its - our. .. h J • e.,, - 01 ,.. , Y it r i w q ,. ., '� , 5`; d .. .:.,. 4 :. , , r , , .,.. : .. :,.' L L n. : u , tr ,.: ..:, "I. I ,: ,. .. ,, i.: :, ,. , r :. 1 �. 1 .1 :-. 11. .. 1 .. ... I. .. .. ... .. 1u V :.: l , : • �, .. ..: .. .. , ,. ,:. , A n. .......: l . .f :..,...,. 1 .. I.. ,. t :.. '.r. , 1,: ,,: :. n., I..,., ,. ,....: v,. e . ,,,, Nwro-.,..,e. ,, .,.;._r _., ,,..1/ •,...,..r-, ,1::11,::. .f .,. n:�, 1,. r. ,. ,a�,. e. .,..,, ._,., :..........Wd. ,,,. n.a a, le,...�,.><,frr4,.a �L,mv'..,xi..°La.a: