HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-04-05, Page 2��,�,:, � ,'�; :� , � , , , '­­: _� �;­ � I ­�_ , __�� -, , ,, I - 4'. .­;", ;�,"��7:' ­­­, ':,- ' ­­�­­'7' � 1 �_17­ M I -7 - �: I ', ��,,� ',`.� , �f, �� ,,';�, �;,, � . 1, I . I --,i �­-i ;, i ,,-,,-;, - �: ",',�­'__­ . . I I : , , I " --11 kl 1: 11 �, - ": I - � , ,Ilk I'll -i, ­­­ - ". r � ", % ­- " , ,­�, '11-1 1- 11 � �;, ; � � , � -, �Z�, �­­­, 17 7 7 7,7- 1, - , , ��',,.��,.;"i. . I � I I , -, , - �� �;-, � � i 11 . 1. I � : - , , , I �. I ; I �0, !N�V* � , I : ," , I � I ,,; I 1� , : � I I ­ , , , I I I I � I � - ; . I I ... . . "", 4 11 1 -1: 'L_ . . �, , , , . , �: , I " , t�K,v�,�,, I .1 � i I � . I ! 4., . I I ,� 1( . I . I , � : ,� I , � � . , , , . p I " - � , 1- 11 , � I I , , . . - , �� I � ". I I I i . . I � , , , 1� � I , - - �­­!­ �, __�, ­ ­­­_ � ... � .' �' - -;' :11_�') �,­­� ,�. 11, " ,., , .1 I ,�, , � , . : , I I ,4 � . 'I, '' . - � ., 1 .7 .. ... .. ­ , , . I I , ., , ,� % :� .� � ;, I I I , r . I , - - — " ,; . �� I I I 1. I , . , " , ; I I � I . : . I I , . . I I I , , , , � I , , r � - i I I . � � . I . . t"141- , ,�. 1 I - 1'.- / I , i 1: , � . , , ! I I . �., 11�- � . , , , I � -11 �. 11 � � I - , � � I � Z � , : ; "., , � , r � ,� � , . . I � I . � : ,. . , ,� , �, _ 1, , ,. I , . , , , - , , - I . . � I . .1 �. ., , " I., . ,. . 1. . I I , �, I I . I I . , � I : ­ I , .1 I ,� I . � . I I . � I � � � �- � I" - I , " � ... * , . , � � ..'4 I 4 I . . I . I .1: ­ , I I . 4 ;" . I : . . . I I ! I � ,� I I , �, I 1 1, . I . I 1� : I . 1, � I I . . . i. � I � I I I , I . . . I I . r, . . I I. 11-1 I .11, .1. I - : I . . I � ... I .... . I . Iw ! , - , , , - k . . ) I . - I . I : e I : I , � . 11 . I , , � . ­: .Iltm . , j � . 1, , '�M , .1 � I — I., , 1, 01 0 S] I lw_ � I � I .. M 5, 190'. - _. ­­­_ �­__. � A.. . A.. . , I , Mpomw - , , , " "R � I I , T __ 1I. -I.... _-1----.. 11 RIIF.��1111-1­;,, I, I - "9. __ � - , ...." 0 4MW IM I , ?W' XgLean, -Editor, at Seaf6rth, Ontario, ev- , �y afternoon, by Mcl-�eaa Ns��V,1' . , k V, . , � , I, ". . , C, ' I ._.i 1� ft . - , ,b—g9mption rates� $1.50 a year in . .1 . . , W"', , �. . gn, $2,00 a year. Single - - ,.", I , �11 1. ; forei :,��! �, � ,, - �� I ... 4 cents each. I I'll . - `­: - ,,, � , . . 11. ,7' . Advei-tising rates on applicatioix ­­.. ... , , .. I - � ... .1''. I . I . I 11 . - - — I . . I � oSEAFORTH, . Friday, April ,1� 1940 � I , . . . Parliament's New Woman . I Member . Canada's new Parliament will have a brand new woman member. Still more than that this member wffl have other distinctions. She will - .. I .1 L I . not only be'the new woman . member � I 0 parliament, but the only Canadian woman member of parliament and the only member of her party—Tile, Uniq"-ito be elected. . The new w9man member's name is Mrs. D. W. Neilsen. Her hwband is a returned soldier and sh� has , three children, the family living in a pine log house erected by the hus- , band in the wilds of North Battle- , � ford, Saskatchewan., , . Mrs. Neilsen, however, is a gradu- � late of an English University and is said to be a very charming and cul- tured woman, as well as a go,od speaker. The last Parliament had tWoL Wo- -men members: One who'never said much, but who accomplished quite a I good deal; aud one who said quite a good deal, and never accomplished � . . . very much. . . �One,of these declined a re -nomina- tion, and one was declined a re-elec- tion, and nowtheir places will be taken at -Ottawa by a lon,e'Western repreLsentative of her sex,, as weR as . . a lone representative of her party,, , . p I . . 11, I 0 !'' I 1, 11 �. . I , I -11 ... . . . . . . � . , The Soldier Vote , I ,� . I. I I �; . ". I ,_,�nl. I ..''. The soldier vote, of which so much �, - ­� �..., kas been spoken and written, in re- � - 1.1 F�'.. cent weeks, played no real part in �� - - .. ,the recent, general election. . __ .� , V, . , I'll., The result, as made public on Tues- 1�. . i3ay, shows that the soldier vote did � � mot caiise� a single turnover in any 1.�� * . ��.: , , . eous,t-1 -1. . tuency in Canada,' andin the I '.. "I , I., I greater majority made- no discern- ,W�. ible ch.�inge in'the results, as, an- *; - 11 IN '", I ......... _' Bounced op election night. 1, . I . T,,V... 1:5 I , As was claimed,'however, the so]- , , �,�-;. dier vote did favor Dr. Manion, al - V [;,, - though his share was far from the j,'..'_ I- - . , '......1-1 . .... , .�. minety per cent, which was so confi- ­ I ,L`t- - dent4y claimed for him. In fact,, Dr- ,_ i �"t_-.�� ., 1. � 'it: , Manion got exactly fifty per cent. of " 1� '.1 .. I ng f orty-one *_ the Wilole vote; Mr. Ki V,'_ �,, * � M. .. ,ppr cent and'the' other nine percent. It, 1- 19 - .;,. � , I -1 I , 1� was divided among the'rainar par- . . M�.t -ties, the C.C.F. receiving the most., '. . �­ 11 . kor . !.!:" . ThAt Dr. Manion could "receive a , - L-1 ....".... I I I majority of the soldier vote is quite 17.. .. I . rstandable. Wherever you have 11 . � � _.- 111. ... I .... / several . ... .. I hundred young m en housed ­ . 111�11 I together in barracks� and living un - I : I , - .. .. ,.,.--, der more, or less strict discipline, you . 1. 1. , , V, are sure to have a m6asure of discon- @­ .� lil -tel* � , " " - '111 . ' ' ' * , -,�",.; :4".,- ., - Disciplin� irks" and when seventy- �,:, , �`...,:. five per-.ce)6t. of all the enlisted men ��', " � _,,,�,. . , m� .. .. ght be said to, be. unacquainted 'I'll, ** . I �,, mith , discipline of any kind be- ...... , ", -, .t. ,� - ore enlistment, it is not hard to vis - I " _f I .1 '_ - 1, , i I 1;_ ualiz6 trouble arising at mbre or less . I � I . __ "". I I :hrequent intervals. It was that way I '�":, . " - ��,__: Qn,-' in the last war and in thisp � �,;,a,� . and the 1 ,,, I , , W'..", average soldier can be depended up- Mf,�.". � 1'11,2�1111 dt ment" a . , ,,��. an to be agin the Govern .. I ', i " � � good many times in the day,'and a ,.. ` 1�?1�111 ," " , 1;_'.., pod many days in the week. I , .. I . . . "" � I 'I'l . 0 4 ,�'? , . , 1,, � �;j;A I . 1111,11,11 - . ll.., " - ,.,:� .� We Quite Agree r'' , I %.11 I 'tO.", i"4g�� '10�.:, V,i.4, � . , 'The official weather,.. men report * . i , .., � .... R41�1�". 7 7iffiat"th6 month. of March this year' ,11- 1ril -11 , �, ,.;.__ 1, I ,, ,�'g,� M li ,k_" yvtW three and a halfilegreeg-colder �r , .',� � . J,t,j,�,:�` , " �!.$­ At& any other month of March, ;k"�i,�,,�,',,) I . ,E.�­ . 10P,".. tdute weather reeords were kept. - 1,4(" `� 1 , I 1, 01 . . �t,�R,;,,� , , _--W6 quite agree with tbat. And !,itP,_, I - I ­ I . ,�4,1"0'1":" 1 , .�.,,��, '. , akt the Weather, experts say that , 1`� � ,.,!, +­ � � I .. I ,IXi,!�,, 'her 1'111�1�­' I W`,�4,,��:, , . .P was a, greater fall of snow fast _V;,�,'_, 1,�"; I ',�!�',��,',��:, � �:"., julkith than in any previous March I ,,'&!?�i:'-,�­�� , . V�.�4, ­;, ­ � ,,, .�"q�,,� , I'; �t�$?�,]!!-­ , �Wt i"',': e , "'I". � 11 i604& We quite agree with fliat' ,�,,�,�&��,.' I 1� � I � . - �'N�,,�",'Q'�,;:",_­ ,,tob,",­ �%,."Y"'n;, ,­'. "..?" 1. . e " , . N , 1, �� 791A��,�, , , - . ,�..Y,', " . _P,'.�. I. 4� - . .1, , " �, t' "i - ':-2'4Uu', ", if March this year had ,&k, ,,, I 1:`� , � �Ii,;; � I � � , X,,,�i;�,<_­. 11�, � 4PY, -n it was, or'if � . , I :colder tha "`­'V", -, �. I � 1. ,,, 1. I )Aoft I 'snow, � I I 11 `� 'J'""' , "J'' � . , fa I Uri ,,,,��;­ h,,Ad I en d ng ,,,.,, �� � , " �. m� I I I I a . 11,11, I - ,­, 1, ittl I , here il6 i�- �,��- �;�J, '.' I I !-�', . 0 - x t more than a po. , 11 , , 11 .1111 I;, "I"";V , , , "' . !�,j - � , , 11 " I �:, I , �tW part.of -the Piov- � ­:�!�,�,� , I . . �� I � , , , ,�­":�I�. ,;; 1. , I " . - "�� '', " "�� have e*eliopc- , I � : 1 � � , �� ,_�, - -1- P _­. , � , I I I ": I I , I � " ,, � . I I i ii",1111, , 'I',," . , �,;:�, * . 1. I 4_ , � , �,, ,, , �. �: I . I � , �_ _; � . '11- -1 11 . I .1 11 I I . -1 od an intonvenience and possible, a.0- fering the like. of which has not been I - _' I , . - experienced since ear1ly pioneer days. . I . I , I Fortunately we experienced no .. re�l suffering,_ but of inconvenience the re- was plenty. On ,some rural . mail routes there was no mail for two Weeks, and all missed from four or five days to a week. Countless .concession roads were wiped off the . map. Where -,they used to be. was . just a flat expanse of -snow, and in many,cases,even the boundary fences were out of sight. - For daya at a time the provincial highways and the county roads were covered yards deep in snow, - and when the super -human efforts of the . snow, plow men finally succeeded in opening the way, down again would come the snow, and up again would I come the wind, and it all had to he done over again. . In fact we are not entirely out of the woods yet. The largest plows we have were runningover the week y � end but it looks now as"-': they had finally caught- u,), and nov�, , ,-ould be I able to finish t1he job. We have lost . fifty per cent. of the snow we had � - just a week'ago, ,but there isn't a � bare spot showing in the -flelds. But I it feelg like Spring. . . I I � I 0 , I , Not Likelp To Run Again I � I � In a newspaper interview publish- � I � � ed the other day, Miss Agnes Mae- I, , Phail, former woman member -of � Parlament, when asked if she would t seek re-election, is quoted as saying: � I I "I never will unless; democracy is suf- i ficiently aware of i � finance its own elections." ­­ I I , ,.It seems, according to the inter- view, that- the recent election cam- , paig.n 'Cost Miss MacPhail. $2,500 in personal expenses, and that is, quite a,.bit of money to lose, without hope I . of getting any of c - jt Pa k again. I It would be nice, indeed'—for K I : � I P.'& --if Cv,ada paid all their..elec-, I tion. expenses, but 'we -are afraid if � � Miss MacPhail's re-entry into Parlia- I ment has to await that happy event, ' i ' she will not be running again f0'r , quite some -time. . . I I I I I I 0 _ . I Spring f7oods I I . I Although we had pretty near, an all time record for snow this winter, and spring is still round the corner waiting tQ come with, a rush when it" I does come, it is claimed that � there is . . very little prospect of anything ev- . en approaching serious spring floods this year. ' I One would, think that with -the -, great . amouht....of ice and snow we � have had this . winter, and the lack of - � W any mild spell wit.h- rain -'and warm winds to reduce the accoumulation, that if spiring came suddenly, as it has 6very appearance of coming, that districts-, in Ontario subject to flood conditions, at times, would, be I . sp . ending some pretty anxious days -this month. � . I .1 Fortunately, for all concerned, that doe� -riot ,seem to 'be the situation. . The fall months were mild 'and dry. In'fact there was,more' than a local . scarcity. of water. Then the snow , - came almo ,5:t as soon as the freeze up. And the.- blanket of snow kept i�e , I frost from penetrating any ,depth. in- �to the ground. ,. �, , Consequently the land is dry en- , � - - ough to absorb the melting snow � without flooding. Ditches and wa— I tercourses Are not over -flooding into the creeks.and rive - rs and most of the ice on the rivers has already . broken.up and passed along. It is, perhaps, a little too early to say how the spring break-up will Af- I fect the highways and roads. F'or the most part the paved highways are bare and there has been very lit- tle heaving. Conces' roads may be different, but even there it is not anticipated that there I will be much trouble this) spring, 1111-I.- I I .0 . I Brave Best Seller � I (Ohnislian, Selenee Monitor) Many of tb)0819 who reo(.4ftly gatbe�red to ert-, aw Che wdt ",d wl,sidbm of a group of litemu Meh weTe surp7ised, to hear the Amorican Boy Seoul& Handkoob named ae 'one of tilte four , best eefflersi of alit timte�ll Since tfhe , Handboole, - . was Arot publisbed lin)'1910, with, the Wtish "Sooutlbg V6r Doyst', as lt�q fine progenitor, g,,. 160,000 coplei havio beeo printed. And singo 1910, mOM cuPiea of thbe."Huhdtlookll have Wen mAd annuMly in the uailtl6d stateg than of any �6ffikw book except, Ure Wblo. I IRW Scouts, *W WWI(& vVer , ovrying out tw P pr"Heal w4iiom, of tht4r rannuai, r4)fle4t,tho ~gug 0out(idt of a bm" bw Milan , � , E,�, , I �'­�' , �: , �_ I I 1, . i, I 1. � ��'11'1� I �( . ,� , I �' �1'1 � , , , -1 I . �1. " � I I 1, I �, .� . , I , , I" � 4 ! , , ,� ,, , � ,�, � , � . ", '�, � � . I � I I I . , I ; � I � , :1 � , :� ' � ':r I I � ", � , , : � , , .��, 1 . , � I , . I , ,. � I , �, , , , , , , , ,� , :, , , � � - I I .1, 11 , � i , �,�!` I , . "" �, � I , , : ; , , I , , , I � , , � " , - -�,`,!�i;,;'�, , , � ,,,� .., - " "', , , , 1 " , , �,. �� , I . I � , itT. ". , " - ,�,, , " jV �, *—, li'�' " - L 1 , � ,�­; : _,", . i ; _,� , . � L � � � �, , � 1, � -1 , , ". 1;. � � I L�', 11 � _1: I �, , 1. I �, , . I �; I �, � I 'I', -1 � L" � I 1: � I � , I - , - , I I.: I I 1, - b".1 � � �.�,.��. L,�,,, �1. V, �� " �',L. "' I 1. tl . .. .... ,_�,AA,�,L.6. � I � A, y .. .. , powas 4 -gone , 1nt0r94ffi!% ItV . me ,Picked Fro;n , , 11 The HIAMA 11�xVoxltor of Fifty and _�;z T*e1ftly-five Years A9(6 6 ____ — . -, . . I . I � I ­ . ..... I "...... 1,111-1- �. 1- � ". I I I � ­ 17., - 1__ � 1. I—- I -� - I - .1 , . ,- . . . ip. , I 0 � .111 - I of . I 0 P di., 061,fer . I * OWS I 10 Lazy, Mead ' 0, Fe � , I " ift k"M J. ftylav I I I _^­. 0. . ­ * aee]M 11 *11, ,a e - I . . - T Cquptypgp�rsfl, - � . "WHISTLINW sound that in my euU=#1an- is, mighty Sudden Death of Son . FrOgn The Huron Expositoi ' ' hard to beat. . * History Of S,S. No. I � ** 0 I April'% 1915 It bad been storming for a weeh and Wiutev gave Us Only an odd peeli Wihistling tame into boing when we Mr. lUchard Tapp, of town, ;recedv- ed Woald early Siatiirday, inlarning of .... I MT. George Keltemman �as, purchas- at V143 cloudly sky bet9re pouring (Jovvu were, lads of about ten, yetaxst of age, We hadn't bothered much with it in the sud&u dienth of his, son, L. C_ , - ' I M01 led the Dashwood plaulOg mill and -0 snow to sw"�I up acrvm� the FroadLi; aiid malije impassable da-ifts- We younger years when our Illya seeimed Tapp, high schoodi,prinei,pal at Grav- en.Rxur4 Vale deceased is, in hds mid- tsu)sh and dloor factery amd will run. It liereatt�� ". � Uwd spent the night doctoring a r;ick too dry aad: our control of blie, wb,ist- ling ability was very poor. Going on, dile fbrties and is surVived by, his wi- 'Xi§a 'M"ad Stea"'09, of T4'ronto, home . . . the baby was, cinss, with her ,beethdug pifoblem's and I a lishingt&_0 on, a 24,th of May a full- d,ciw and thoee cWlilrem He wasA b(nm neOx Virden, Man. Tdr. Veirne . w1ho w4w homio visiting her mother in .' . . bad gon, dow, to th.0 roadway to Epped whistle seemed tio come to our . , Tapp tlbD funeral at Grav- B-ayfield -ftftly, tas enlialed as a see If by any 0hance the rqWlanran lips, and for the whole dh�r we frft*_,�- .attlended .. enhrust on Monday� The sympathy nVree qu the 1th" Canadian Coutlug- ent, and ea-peeta .to go to F'Xw� had ma,ft it throu . gh, with two days' . tened ,the timid' fiesh away from our lines by the queerly discordunt smiuds of .many will be extended to Mr. Tapi,o shortly- . madL which we prod�wed. Tunes� didn't in h4s ber,eavMeMLf--Exeber Unift.4- � ­ I He badn?t, md in one, of tl� (" MT. Lyle RUL of 8mcefield, is a moods when the world looked black Rlean anYthing. We had a httliS -tune Advocate . . �. � member of the Artailery Branch of the and, dop�re�si ug I lingered to light my Of our own 'that took a great deal of improvising. - Travels Five Miles on Snowshoes. aecond OveTbeqs OmttingenC and lhas been In trainling at Guvlph. Pi�pe� . Everythdng was: quiet, as if the Grown men who could whistle wiere �, , There basqVt be�ea a car tmved the, . Mx3. 'Neit GiffesPiie and, Mr- James U016es of the worI4 Uid been smoth- ered by 'the blian,kA-3t of snow that lay great subjmts. of Interest and th�a vountlTy roud, fr1om Dublin ta k%taffa. I Laing Went the past week in Drus- so de" over everyb1iring. The silmee questions flew thick and fast as to sInce about inlidudgft on Thuxisday, so - sehv wb�e,re they attended ,the funeral was Pierced, by t4e shvill and not al- how a person co­ubld &t'a whistle that You ,can iWaginle thO-Vonddtion of that . I of tW late James Cuthilil, who was I together unknelodious sound) of whist- sounded like something. Our elders Particular road -right niow. From a tw,r mwqp� I ling "Whee uh seeTned to imprem the .fact that you PaITY 141, the viillage of Staffa ,came The cound,l of Seatorth bas agreed . . . . . . . . . eee odL" 11hen in a moment had to be, boru with a ='uslcal Instinct -the wionl that ,there Is mow piled. ail I ,to Settle thO claim'lbr damages pre�- . . ,. ,the 11iggins boy appeared over thO betfore, you could ever get anwvhere oveai dhfe, 1pkc�oe� Frolin the village . I fen'ed 'b'-* 'Mm- Hrigh McIntosh, of bilL as fax'aA-whistling wao coincenned. storie witadfow, they say there is so Toroirto, for injuries received by fall- ThF,- eaT that _the--e,'s something in Eack� in those days ,every commun- Md,uh SMIDW allomigsilde; this truad thvougiA , . ing on the eUppery pavement, The i whik 1�111ag just like there is, in Ry had at least one lady (w getartleman ,the, ' settlememl, that alil, you can .qee . action has been setti,ed, for $2DO. ­ Wesism Johm. Allison and George a con- tagi�uas distease., That certainly applied who entertained at,garden parties and . hw-n aocials bywhisthng through one hen a team passesi ume ,,��t w. Nohbiiix- heads of the horsee4 R.ev. ALI,dwokh, Moliteith, of ,the Thaunes Road, Us- tq tile w,hist�liug of the Higgints boy J . . and as be came up beside me,, or two sel6ctlons, They alwayu had 'V"Wr of the United Churcfh at Staf- ' 'borne, have pumhased the grass farm . grinned aind stopped his whisithng fri'Lls on, their whistling and trilledi off Ca, a1190 PI1e`ad11 of the Zion United' on the boundai-y near Parqukhar, fOl' long en,ouVh to say, "Pretty nice dai, int)o little sd&cswee0s, thwt were al- Church, totabed on the 'Mghwa� , be - merly owned by tile late Rubt. Gard- isn�t i.t?,, I wayq inajesitic. For dayi& afteirwards tw8en MftcheN and' Dubvldn, had hSa 1. imiff'r, - bli6'baek fifties rang with the sound (hands full, on Sundiay. He had no� , . I The, Mfter� fishermen are making . big hauls, ot and suckers ithis . I went tbrough the day whistling that odd little tune that didn't even . Of td1'ei" iinitaiturs. I I � Wh.istling.was always a pasitAine on way of ghtl6k out fvom Staffa foq, ihis,. service at Zion bhurch, so he siinipl�- .perch 'sud-mg. sGine lifts have containi,d make --tensle. But sompbo�v it was . ...... cheeriaw and bhe move'l whistled the the way ba,ok for t1he cowg. It a�em. ' tied on the Orusity sm-owstboes and ! ,over one thousand pounds of f1sli- `1%,ey W­V,e Shj� ped to Buffalo . P less I thought about the troubtes. o I f i ed to go, with ,a silihmer evening With the cricket-s-ras-ping away in the ,hay- vVeInt tile five-mrite tilip to Dublin—. Sti-atfund Reaom-HeraAL . , Prices ,ruling at sevea cegits for perch and _�I�tR the day. I Wattli for th- man whto's whisitlIng �1 � field . . .. the bullfrogs croaking out .1 I Won Shied For S�ooting f(�,_, foi: �Ulckel*s� . . - I and I'll venture tosay that you'll find 'a song to,4 Ole Sun.. Sinkting in, t&e � The Thomas Haley 100-atre L -mi, -that he's- happy. wet�torn sicY . .' . and. ahl the other . . Wuncillior Prank Stur4y has beea - 7th ecmci-;cion. of Morris,, thas been sold, to lieffron Bros. of Blyth, for . . I always thiuk th,at Spring is a t1lue sumineir sound,A . I nevpr think of wbistling as Sir successful iin winning a Do-mitdoin ex - $4,8�.o. for whistling, Go around a fal-m o -a Ha,rry Lauder'did when he said he ' Peii-t shield for shooting wtbh a .2Z. �4, sgoating i�Ae. He ie thie first loc,iY Tfte farm, . e� 100 acres of William these Clay'' hhd you'll f . s ind men doing Wiything 17110M harness,. finst warked at a place whore th,e own- n,a,r1csh,1a,1, to win th,io aw,aid. To qual- N. XdMiohael, Lot 46, Con. 6, McKil- PePaliring to cleaning grain, whistling er made alil'this help iA,iNstle while ify for this award it is necossary tc> lo% vvus said on Friday last .to Mr , Alexandu�% McMichael, a neighbor, for away nier- rily. Sugar bushes are cheerful plac- they worked,. .They were picking GtraW.beJ'rie$. 1 sboot 20 tai -gets &coring lgo out ot' -� $3,800. . es too and the bubbliing of the liquid . Humorous aspects, of whistling in- IN, Pivone pasitlun; 20 Uaxgets scor- Ing 98 or betteir out ,of 10,0, kage,l,ing . ,C -jijj.h,p�r, - �onstable JL, who a�ctiiig on syrup in tlie dark.,kettles, suspended, olu,de the "eatLng of slad-a-cracker" and � or sitting; 20 ta,rgets sca I the, iMst,"Mdow of Health Officer Dr. over the crackling fire,, the clanking- clinking t1jeu whisitling "How Dry, I Am�' con- �bet out of 100 off hand s1houbing- -- I�T -Maclimmon, Placed s,niallpox placards sound of the'sap palis and the tes-t . - ."V1111011 is a regular fea- I 'fair. I ' Fradk'�,� totai sicore was 5,915 out of �& ou four houses in ilay Qawiiahip and iS the sound, -of men Whlistlimg 6V)erY- thing f,q= Old, Black Joe to ,he ture of our villuge W,iis,taing niak,, ,S h a'PPY pas,Ab 1,10 - A a;Dr,e- I le 11 Wing -ham, dv enforcing quaiantine He 81tates that the eDidemic started' at a , _11lue, Danube VValtz, Ina -lies a Symphony of, I you . . . try it some dinle. I Times� 11 - . �,_ � . I dance in Stephen Township. . I . . I ,. Fractured Arm . . iMr. Peter Ben�6er, of- Zur;ch, has . , ______ �A-49Rb&W_ ____ - R -� . I r a,.,�!rved up a shoe r��pair &hbp in �tlie, - � � . .... . - M17SL Fil,si -c HIM hadAhe mi,sfortuna I oM F-avereiga Bahkr preniises. IMi-_ Imac Rud8bn, Zwdch, 'has had A SMILE OR TWO!*� to fract mna her ilght arm on Molvday v&eil ishe sbpped at the Post office- �� a e, . ,,-,.i tf%� insitalilled and will take ,O,JUST , 0 Dr.' Stewart reduced the ftac.ture.- I L, , 'A )Us ,,store from the farmers I . .. _91hani Advanoe-Time& It-�'. - ,Odbe�day forenoon. 1'1.�J Government buyer,% got eight , " I I � .1 I Charles H of, England once, 20ked. - ____ � 1--- I y _____­ . "W�Ldteir the o SINT in tilisf stew is Appointer Police -Chief at -Grand- Bend- - 11 nqrses at Bl�rth on Monday for mili- I I St'Uingfieett, th'O famous 5!1�rgy=u, i6t-e� even to flavior fidt." .1 , .. Mr. George Westlake, of Wmxeter* . , lar y pu­_,Voseii� , tvvo from J. IL Gal- -b)Y he read'his-I'SernIOUS"66in nianu- . . 8c"t' "'De,ed* I suh, he wasift put in to has been appointed ohie,f of po,lf,ce ai bralth, two from Wililiam Mason and "Why flavah, de stew. He'& jes, s,upposel GroAd Denct and left an Monday, Apr. 1. One ea0h from John Barr, Arthur Jamieson, Frrank Little and, Thomas do you read your speeches from 'the throno?" countered the min- -to c I lirristen. it.- * 1st, to commence bis duties there.- . Dexter. �ster. . I I , .. The pessdmiSit fearfully asks, "Is Wingham, Adva=4-,-rjmes,. . Xr. and, M.m Harry Smith, of Hen- "Because," replied the Ring, "I blereany milk in thle, pit,char?" - . . - Purchases Farm . sall, diuvb been awarded 'thie contract bare asked the people, so often for The optimist , confidently S I ays .. , I ,for the caTetaking of -Carmel, Presby- moneyJ am ashamed to look them. in � "Please pas�s the cream� 11 " . M(r, Mild,er Riicftiond, �or the, 8th, of . terian C%ureh, I . , the, face." . 0 1 Monrdg ,,Toil�usUp, pumhL�sod from . 1, I . . 0 , � � - _1 0 . I I "Well, Pat," remarked the foreman, Canvasser: "Can. I interest. a vabuum-cleaner?­ . Y�" Mra. Alex §�iuillh a one hundired aora­ farm receatly.-Blytili Stanftrd. I From The Huron I Expositor . "I'm: eotry youTe, leaving the works. Maid: "No. We - aln?t got no . I ... I ... I Aprit 11, 1890 Arenrt tile wages, sausfactory?" "The wages, are'�all right," return- vacuums." ' . 0 Colts Hold Banquet 1 A- R. Smith, of Briissels, got the ed Pat, "but I k( . -ep havinig a guilty , "Ro1w did y'ou come to wri,be a poem The Ghntfan�Codts and officials held' thiedr ammual bamqu,eti at the Cbmmer- eontract for supplying quarry stone feeling all the thue.11 ,, About what?" n men bond?" "I 'say c4a II]a.tel, on W,ediiesdlay evening- for'the Clinton bridige. He gets $n Per cord delivered at Brussels sta- "Ilm'all the time thinking. _11'm do- was tired of hexnIng folks that'my stuff wasn't worth th6­paper Reeve Gejoave McNall, of Blyth, at- , . - , teud�-_d aG a from tlie� tion. I �J' I. ing a Lorse, out of a job." ­7­1_71�was, . � I waitten on!" . . . � _­. - I �rel?res�entative v-�d * lage�-__Bd'yth Standomd, � I 9 In 1b � Dr. J. & Scott has- recently pur- ,9-1,4 I 1 . . � � .. � . . I I chased' a very handl,s,ome Shetland , ­ . . I _111111111111111 `_` Capt. Mcintyri To R.C.A-F. ' 'r �ft I � . Pony, Which is intended for the =�B of, Master Harry Scott. * History Of S,S. No. I � ** 0 I I Captain 1-L A. Mclulyre, eponmand- I "C', S. J. PeTkin,'of Chieelhurst, remGv - . er of Cb mpany, HuTon,jMioddlesez , I ed- the old sawmill from the rear of 0 Hullett 1 0 Regiment, i's entedng the d0lital corps "' lot We I and intend�� using -it for :i . , - (Thome,, E. Livinguton) and wi . -11 be attaelied to the Rumad Can- - co-Dinindious woodshed- . . I 0 afflan Air Force. Captain Mclutyra . 011"the first Of this month Mr. Geo. . . . I .- does riat as yet know wherb.he is ta I . Scott, of the 7th,Hne of Morris, 'had . .. . � . I � be statiloned, but he w , till leave clin- � his leg bToken just above the ankle lBeing�TekitleS4Rd, by E. C. ]Beacom_ chdM_3b:ey 9nd the- pipes, som � etimes fel]'Posdtf ton 7iiefx� -week to a0sume lids. new . - while'unloading logs at Calder'fs mill. I -P -S. for South Huron, also by the down, Causing plenty of exciteffient. onz-Gu&nch Signal-Stax., . I I Mr. GeoTge Wilson, of Cromarty, School Board of S. S. No. 1, Hullett, The fir -4 teacher, as I dxave,,stated, I , . I . Militia Camp cOmMenOff', Plough%g on Friday ku9t. to write What I could of the bistory was Jbihn Shaw, who bad come froin Mr. Thomas McGrieve, s�6n of Mr. Mr. James Ross, of the bondon Of this school ,section, after a great North CaroLin,a. He was a man) of I I The Deipartment of Defence an-- Road, last week sold a two-ye�ar-*Id fill r th _.v r� deal pf writing back and forth and -)A4 I fine eduoation and strong on distip. nounceis thait nou-permanernt milittizz I 11 .7 e ,9— vo�� - A few days ago Mrs. Madge, of the --ft I - I succeed"d in getting 0,11 accuTa,te history will,ich "'Jae, InutCh n"ded at that time, as -,Gf Unlits ,Of Wernkem Outazdo will receive Dromeou Line, Stan -Roy, wen -t Tipstairs ,dates back almost 84 years,. some t�hle Pupils were grown men. several 'young men Camp- frozn, Rrus_­ at 4'easit eight days, troduing in camp� t1li's year. The First Intamtry Rrj-. in tlh6 dark ... and, in stooping dov,ii to Mr. Reatodn thanked me heartily sels, to ,study undOr Mr;, Shaw, some ,, , gade, wh:ich jn�_-Judles t1he M.iddaese,v_ . rowh for sometbing on the floor, Tan ,an . . 'mO it is now a"o"ug the Of them afterward(& filling promi.nemt 'and Huron Regiment, will camp at % a wire'deelp-into iher head, juat miss- -sebool. records An Gode-rich (ard but posi,tions. At tfii-s time the inspector Carling Heig1hts, July 6th to 13-th. 'Me! . . I ing the eyeball. I I Mr. JaMea Donaldson, Of Stanley, is for me It would have bem lost,). I got the record of the first fifteen wasi William Sloau, Of 131Yth, The Se;hool Boazd consisted program mapped out for tfie summor - camN the building a, baqk barn- thiis, summ4,-r. yeuTs from MY bVaher Wiltialm, of of James. Mul- holland, Thomas McMichael, john, ,1-9 -heaviest in this ddsfbi�ct . I fsInce the last wa,T-�­Goderich S*ndl­ I 11 MesOrs. S. Allontgoinery and F. Moq, 'CalifornEa, who still ha;s aimarvellous Staplee, Thomas Living)%tou and Rab- 11, Star. , .. I SUP, of StaAley,' left for Dakota re- memory, although nearly 94 years � ert Peacock. I , - - . . ceftlY, taking with them, a number Old, also f'r0m Dr. Shaw, whose . The People living in the Section at Nephew Dies 7 . . . of first Class, borses- father, the late John� Sbaw, was theo bliat time -elre Me,Mlebaels, Mulfhol- I Mr. Thomas McGrieve, s�6n of Mr. first teacher ig the old log achool, lauds, Jamieson s, Clarlim, Van Eg- Wm- Beit Rust -On xecfAV4 word' ' . ' 11 William GriAc�-&, of -McKillop has Dt Shaw showed me the written monds pe,� -i 1,st week of the Passing of her , I . rented tho old'Nash homeotead on agreemenits beftwean hqs father and I I M, 11WELM., Haminels, POWleTs, Glows, Livung- t FaTr, which occur - the 3rd concessdon, It oantain§ 150 Mh'e School Board covering this pe7jod, sto:ues, Rands, McGregors, Hollands, ,red in WindIslor last Wedbesday after I acres and Lso a good farmL oo I was- sure of the dates. Theee . , McKuiight,:;, McWullena, Martiuls, ,two daYls? iflness, He wui 21 kqam, �ot, A meeting documents were brittle with, age� , was held at the Queen's MOPrisons and I)WeYs, the latter at- . ,, age-Mitdheil A,dvocat,(. I � . Hotel, Seafortli, on Monday evening Some of my friends, have asked me for Lbp vurrpo,�Le of organizing a gun to wi1te the story f0r'the Wal paper, bOf-WaPds sold out to Mr. Angus Me. DOFr=4d. 1. I Good Position in Ottawa - -r I I Oub. 'The folaDwing ofEic�era W.tre and as ,it may interiest 'quite a num- elected: Prestidmi%at, R U. Coleman. lber of people, I Shall try to do so. . Mr. Shaw received the magnifilpeul sa,14ry of $350 a Keith BuCk nqueteen yioar old 'of I I I rice-Priesident, A, J. Bright-, secretary, Plevs'e fOrgive me, if,in4y family are year, and, more than a s4mm rec&Ived second, and third grauftOu W. W. Burge -se, tjown_ and son of D, R Buck' Winds I or, bas � Thmms Stephens, Jr -1- treasirrer, Ed. MentiOlIledin.this, narrative, as it can class certificates under hi8� tc-acq1jrig been in 0 , 8 ' I ttaVA Into Decembe,� ulachley not be avoided.' . . , . Nine membeps, of the Seaf,),bh 'Me two families most closely cou- � In 1869 the old log mhool was tiogm down, anda one built where 'Ile is, warking iu� the money , - , ... ,order Checker CWb W�ent to Mitchebl on Dettwl With bhe historrY of this gee-. ,brick on tile e6mer of I our farm, where" it st)ood department of the post office,. Keith wrote, his Civil service 'Good PvidaY to -Play a match with ,tion are the Powlers and the TAvinF- the club or that town. Tile follow- otoms. John Fowter came to Hullott for 60 years' Dur�09 this time, the inspectors ­Archib,4,1d exams;, and must have dbne splendidly, re- . I ing-werO tlh�e SeaWrth ,Players: Dr. in 1844 and settlied on the land now were Dewa,r, Samuel Mallock, David Robb and Dr. ceimil".9 2 *!ale to'report In, oftaw,t , 1�11017K`Y ahtcr�­M-itchell Advoejte�_ ' . CO-leman, Ge6. E. Sackson, Alex Wil- Owl ad by lids giand&onj, Pired' Fowler, Jbhn Pfferd....., I �� son, Charles Wilton,'M Lilmsden. D b"otber, Of Dr. Howard Powler. My Wintyre, father, Thomiao Uvillgsl;M, I In tho ealrly da" ,before mofi(yrs ... _. Reces1v P Gift From S. S. Classr Joha McDmi(gall, A. Y�U�� came came into use, the inspectors alad �i : ZhI 'St. .. I fr-wn, the torth of Ireland in, 1845, and Dr. Rhillipsi. Each Pair p1hyed dinuer with us, Andi I cam,e to know - rn,,, ON li�re C11ase of Mialiv Sun - six Mmes, muldmig 54 gaines in, all. mud ,took up ,blie ,]and, now Owned, by them, veTy weli. I remem.Uer on one ay S, �h " fJ1 V 100; lbonored (me of their Xtt,0110111 came ouit'vietarious by three my son. Wilham. They, with, t,b6.rest .- � ,of Mr, Dewax,s vi ita, mr, two young. _ UU belr, U I 0 �n )PRM W019014 lbridel&lect, gamim I - ,�. of 160 P�babeei%, faced the ha-rdshIps, or brothers and I were a%using our- I -hen the -V mot Wednesday evening at - mr.'Rdbert MineT, of Wroxeter, is land damigOvs -of tdw wilderness with- s�elves sqgdang down, a low T.00f. Af- thO 11611le of thvir teacher, MM, A. 0- 0b1Ppdng a birge 414 IMUty of timber out faltering or complaining, and ter wa�blng Us for awhile Abt Derwar Ro'binslDni 1 � E'111i0tt PTIeseUted, tbho- 1. * Of val-W9 kind�p over the Canadian .they surety have lieft a wonderful oajdi: ­Boyp, when. I was� your age, gift 00 bebtaf Of the girlls, the recipi- . Pat*c Railway and hz% taken a ton. he'ritagO, I might niention that my q just got One Pair of trousers eut mailding a griacio-uni reNn Loret_ txw,t to d6hver'6nle hundred, tA,usa,d *ther was 20 and rmy mother 18 � tilefl from 4:66 line. �;hen Chey -came to- Canada. a Y,eapr. Come down out of that,- We . ta Aft"(0 gave an interres,tigig tallc and 01asrience Pointigi an The came In, a burry. Pmeter R�howed, so'me., loaffing of tbo_tiee- Will be at least Ift Vhe Yeair, 1856, the settlers got I beReve the 'polilowdug, is -a ' e6ni- splendid re6ls of WoMm pict,ure�s, a V& WOOW'3ob� tZgether andbuilt the first tD , g school ,pRote list of the teach&s wqjo.�er�red which- were miuch al)pxWiated, A, Albert Cole, of " M gne of Mor. -1161140 on, the ,faTm theii owned by in this; sr,bool: jo�ljn Shaw, Mr. Me_ dainty, juinoh concluded thda P),casalbt ris, had Q V&* SUCCOSOU1 wood bee Ghlarleo Fowler. It was, about 35 feet Andrews,, David HuMwej,j, jq-ab,,� 'evening togetber-MI-Itchell. Advomte- on Sabirday of R�at W,eek, long and 34D feet Wilde, built flush Whlteay� Honfry Camieron, Charle4 . , The anetion 000 *n the farm of with- thO road' alilowance, no" -school Roach, Xames Verco,% WiMam Mu-_ � I 0 Mr. R. G. ,Ros%,,pAcW,1i0% on--p.huro. grounds beln,g� provi-&4,, The plipils. day & the It was, di(6, Gniher Smith,,- Alexander Sth,a*, The young alir fol � " Officer had IwA proved, veq 01jecMful. and ,playefil roads1do. not &dgO Darid Lawmenc�r, john jM,CIn,t0s4,, F. just crasbed 4nttz . a t0legMph, , fitLia rmfted $IA44. dtffl,cutt to the- traRic, the odd sWzfactory. The h6rse D Hutchinsion, pred powllet pg6ohc Vote &nia Wilv, Dole and, everything 'Was - . 0 1 ox or team �aad Wagon. Tho . Cova�m�jjgjgt apollhinger QrgtA.ug - school furxAture -was very �Jmpja, -a drav- PAIJ!h6rt, Mary 1-1)jalop, M ' 06ve � around, him ' 116bk , axy n_ edi ' I lftyrMet (Jaft'Wl, bUtid AS' � * "Ve�, and therelt 'e6m'e' a day �� tabl'o w1fli de6k top ko� tho teacher, -nij Ben- - b4hera rushed t6 h19 -aid and nif,e, Wl�liam M�cKay, I& �CWrm_n, / bega" tO UWAn910 wo," .Rh nToUnd With chaur- benches about � 10 feet -long; withou t Win from t1le Rupltemfa Gov�mlock, r4,V Zabeth Mc- Wre0kage 'he Vaaodl" fou,49,ft , - (wit(h0lit backs, for the pUplis', A Wrge, 1, . TO VAMCO i 19WO colored inan In ,box stqVe stood In ibe ceub* 6f bhe, oqt hft "n&; x4s, Moil - C Airthur, blive R lapillfig, fe6b1y,'ft1igeT0& the Wire% dQ whb. I I Mlig. r,WM1haw MfUlMa, PoWter, IW-MwAra 11 orjWd ,,Atd, Will *OoM04 and, kept'warlh at least tUo�je Otte 000md row =1.1,0 � � 'wear , Ift6re and j�&fedj: � I 10640 SmIth, the pro"t tefth�er. � 11thank, Mave% I've* aved chau*VTO mve t6oll, *1b sat .it. W�q no ­­. . Wontfuu6d on Pago 4 , - 9i 010as � oren we a h"'I 1! . � � � if, , . . 1, , - I "'. ­.. I I -1 .1 . I . ,­ .. ­ . I . I ,�,,,,,, - � I 11 I I . , - . I I I -_1 11 . I � . 1, .1 ^ � . . . I 11 _ - I , I I . I I � . I . ; -1, � , , I I . '' . t I 1­`��% - , I I I 1, � . -�i_ , " , _11 , - '?, .:. "�, 1, , ", , -V I " ", ''! . i , � � r', . '' � ,,, , "� ,. � I - !"�l,;,:!"�,,��;�;.������,�,,��,,,�,:i�,'�,!� " ,��, 1. "4-- , � ;�,�.�:��',?,,� . �_'.,,,Ii,�i",,,,:� 1, ": , . ... .. . .. ., :,' jr�;"' ,��­ .� ; i ­ 1: , r. I 11 '' " I ­-� ­ - �, I i�,`�',Wr;­ , $ , , I ., ,.- .�,,,,A"',;' . ��,' '�������'�,.�,'I�;�����:�,�t�',�i.i�� �,.','z(,�.:".., _ .� n,,X,��,""';L . �.. " V , LL :_�J. ''..�,�.1'11,Z,� , � - :, _; , ,,� J-,R.�, -�������im��`Ikl I I I I . .�. " I t, - � I . ., . I I I 1. . , . . . - ,. , � .1 . �1 . I I : .- "', � . I ,� , I , , � ,',_.`� %i , , "'J". , !­_ , '_ � , .6�,,,,._­, . � , , ,akl-�­j .h..,.,",."i"�'Li,(.,..,..,)�k,i.- ,� ,,�,_,,L�&=U jkail , �� , -,"i",�.,". ".1 �,, -. , -, -f%��"",. ..�,.,,��,,,,:.,�rt�,.,�,�,�t"- 1,1, "! ,� "I �� , , 11 . � .,�A.t�,�,,,��,'-'­' "' ,�,,�,,�,,,.�,.,��i?,*;��,,,,.,�.k,.',,';��',,� � 7,IA:i,:0�W44"'t" . 0 � �,�;�: "�' 11 `.'r; 11 _ �,�,��,Z 1, .6 & .. 0 = I