HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-03-29, Page 3" ." 1. I . '- i � ;, ,� , ��. , ", I 'IF I I.. -A i, i� � ;�, , ��, Am, � ,,, i. .11 I., 4�0',a -�,bj* -..� V; ... L... -� , '' � ., r _to _ . . .. , '7 , - i :S.V40 ,t !pbe alfmwl WE JX, Mf r ,;.. tb�l ��,�_,, il .��6 r" ��11� LL ;age, irefflated (froln,.bie blawe_��Wialg­ Juftbi 4..G. and UqX StanburY, Of St, I '. c*ir.­.,,.,_,,,, 4n,d out; aM4 i.,f--,. agf meft and, nwx&-#Ung� ,But',thIs approTial d - ' 9- - ­;�-­ , , ",%­ , I.Al_ I I am ma�ey work around -her at fw- _t .1 I Co:V I . 6,00o,,ot them, bad resolved Viat - I - r � ,Sdlu�al,.St CathexdnU1,Itmd. wais awaird- � _.tan te done fa I . ter. July they would decline to teach " � . �' At - a mleeting.of the � Norwich anid . kinds of:'woxft, nuvathg and ,iouting,. particalitr�*. in warm. weather. CKN31,'WWGE". . school for less than $7.50 ... ­ � rr jug". I Hft Victuve appeared in the St. fts 60VAW war are 1,- assistance ne,ede& - In severe wrmter . .t. _. I I... knowiu.g.*-4hJjha both teachers andi � : I . text and Dayfield, in -the Human Pxes� wa�-�rork in,the Dr(hish,lsffes. � iitwL The new pigs can be -put Into . I ­ Ilias j;;��,,,Jegiq�n to mal. the � � I -by$ory.. Mr. Mdldio puftelied. in t,11,6 Key Thlobloon, winner tor'"lo 9�xlsl ' In Ithe.WomilaWs AmMilmy Tepl- it box warmii�d Vfth a 1143t brick or, Vx1day. March 2S-11.15 a -M, Mary, $70 minimuin wace law. It Will be- � ,11�­ .". . ;V I'll., __ ­WwWich churches on FIebruary 26th. being congratulated 'by the tbriti servii!6 (the "WATS?, for. 813MO �elar a sWe, ixnO f�ey are all faf- i Queen Of Sects; 17�45 p.'m., M16 Bell come pperative ul I ..- . there .are itw,enty, thousand in actUW. Towed and then roare Can be tsken. Buya;,4-30,,X V. Pyixt, p�:aw; -7, Tbe - T01he Minister 9f jidipiiatioit willhave " ,,jr. "bturg,,dutedm mofflemtW of the con- I lm�l tary serV'Ce, and" Sbqa� .,Vbeyr 'Q&- tio, s�e_fhat they ar6 all pro 'Ps Uvey poqls� I I j, , -":. 11� . I I I , perizy ain - F our �lof US; !9, G lain the right to vary the andsimum wage ' "I'll .. I �;I�i _5 � 12, . tie -raising a "'aw I satmifty, Mich 30_,-�.30 amrt., Kid, Te%iiremerk in. cas* Where sidboul - � Knows Scene of German, Air Ra) � . I Mai, ... Do.0ther - . I for auto -driving, office work and goa- for six or eight; months, having her; eAeW Party; 1145 ,pon., I-FI-11-Billiew, 7, districts. find it impossible to pay the. .r L7 11 ­,Iil -joaane 1wing njentiohea'� Who, -M11 will "Repeots -lot laob'Saturda;Vs Ger4nan. oral duties,at,the front such; as allne- � bred and, IC her anath4ar � .f6ur Wea McKudght; 7.45' Barat Dance- 1. loniTnAIT6 � .- for .tWA. - " I I :,_--:,L,',4.' lbe'Toresenbed to the Pax& Presbylteu, air rald in the'nomth, of Sectland'had keeping said waiting & lisbW moutba, until faxTowi ng- liane, , It' ' is . Suniday,, MATch 31-11 a.ma.; United will, - have t6i -vonte- th, (11 , :", I . �,i'll �qpeowo I ,A, � embpon, qf Park Street, town, fm the cars 9A the Ume�. hours with her. atfhr.rowlng� in order Lut'heran Hour; 7.00. R�.�;] ;teWa� , I I : ,, , T";. .400ro& . l. " . ..­.. . d4dvilut -that was .xaided_'.,%vaa where buJamcela a +iorY different.thiong. The t1, ,a,, as almy ings as iiossible. church. - . %. . I Arr6ars'of Pay . I � I . . I . .;� I r -and h ry be With a little 4n*e care many looses, Monday., April f-11.15 a.in., .1� lbeze L_­� ,", I !" 'Struck Dy Car . -her 006�061 Ania how coul& 1)9 prerefited, and pig, 9 Quep of, Sects; I p)m., Geriet A _is no. penalty, -provided "for &M �­'. .... �Mre.'W. V_ Mliddletan, ha- a,'naa"w io�raid� Wits -an Owkney lalwidor nhm- ZU& keeping the, radiator 'Rile.& �'-'Xle been, calculated that the "fit, an .the Grud ,. . I 11 1',' I . . ,lesfompo,ftopt a sexibus accident Satur- ed James lisibdisi.er, land lobleter was �nifist watob the condiUon­,�f`th0.-11Rf- first Are pigs of Wi-litter sold, merely ' Tueofty,'April 2-41 a.m--, H. N. of � " I ta to -school districts by the !!! I . . the name of the pifto took over itery, and see that there is, mough covers the - cost at � tnrrydng on the Pyn%, .plane; 12-45 V -,m,, Cac a Mw -. grant's .Pa'4 No' . i.. . . ,.of ta'automwobile. on Main 0-treelL The the Robertson farm oil the Orkwy ga0ei oil and.urater, and,the pro- slow tlLrough, th,6 yea,T. For his'own 6.10, Flarinees Nmm . . .1 .. 4;'11.1 ", � . ' ment will ibame a lover with, which. to I I - I .1;; i i when -tille, Robembsoals cabne .,per pressure in the r1res. Chafilgiug la,ctual net profit �the fahuer mms�t m-. .1� A�in_, . ;,., . . �wg &mm one direcitku and, when it, ko t it has to be done 14 any kind of wear litter-, A litter Mary, Queen of Scots; 1.30 p.mi- 14. . I I , A 4:, . . . I I namet"bree years; of age­-Godem�eU which can'be sa*ed, naised and'sold V. Pym, plaw; 9, CKNX Little BandL .1 1. . . . I. , :::::::,., � . I had'pamod be darted; acoossi the tnparl Signal -Star. ' . I :* ther. Tools must U- guarded, abd is therefore r"l money in -the -far-' Thursday . , April 4-10 amaL, Harry', ... . . . " � I . � - " ... .-. , 1. .=d was stri a car going I Ad"'i'the , . gine and Wl, parts mutst he ImPt lses pocket. � . . . . �', ,�V"L CW;Jed a short distance. . elem* Women w,e affisO V01c8 offi- '*Feeft for the nursing sow should ty; 8.30, Grenadier Gqaift Brand. .. _ , 11 ... ..­�i L . corls, I fire-fighters and, 94111111115- Some produce plenty of Will, fori the W � i 1. . - ;.,,,, I the thead and 09 . - - -­- I%k driving� 'buses, to release their Sweet shivi-mak, awng With the - - i - .. — . . . . . . ".1i I "I ' (Intended for last week) , husbands, some - I . r . -11. . . � - 4� avilatom . . � A I Is ff! I '?Ill � 1, .,. _ ;_ . I . , ..�... � lug when Mr. tax�d Mrs. Clayton 001- 'MOM ar6-alga - i .while nursing,o­fibO l5ittor shoadd. be - - . - ,- 2 , . .." 1�he deabb, of John McOlure', which ' They are caliled Women's, Auxfiiaryv to �" on goW feed as go a b ' ;. I WIN $70, INIEU ..-.-, : . ,; . ,toccui6*d W.odnooday lieve�jilng'qf` liarA sell visited _wfuth. them and W,beented the R aiid" ' kab� For tblet, creep feeding is u - ; 4., . I li,�.,�, "', vanovell- a- -,&(all-' them with a 11avelly end table,. it be- as the "WAAFS," and am prepared boarding ofr,A corner of tho'pon, in. ­ Obalk up. a victory. far Gaskalehe . . 1. . A, , � ,., I . , -3mowin resildent of GodwiclN townsbilP., ing their. fifth wediding. anniverimmy. t�k take dier the lighter duttei -to x. _Such a way *At the little pigis; can wan teache�0- 71ley've scared in get . . . . I . ;I. ... . . pw over iii. ye" Mr. McClure - bad ji jialm Rjoclong is. vigliting their Ilease men W rightillig. .. ­.­ -, get in_bu,1t -not Vw sow, or by,pro­ ti119 a In-lidIftsm wage of $700 per .... I I .L'A . � lbeen in figiling hevith itn&-hip- death, parents, Mr. and -XI.S. Wim. Huripler, - vilding them, the rqn of an alley way year, imto the legislature; thWvO W617- I . I ,�:, 1� - .. altbough melwaybd by. ma6y, occasion- ,f .MA.t,6h,qL : . . ! 41 ---- — --- Uot,-Yet Nteded Here ,. in the, barn, additional feed may be ed In getting the Clovernment 1b un- 8 I .� . . i�:`ti� 40, � i0 . beceias6d..ww. born I .Measrs. Cliftrid S..j'anley and R4 ( . ) . y In Canada. mosit of rtboste things we provided, for 4ftenL They'. will start , � q � ... ...-I-1 I . I In McM,101? ,t0*nGWD, just c , I Of Dow attended -the, 'ai there are thou- to nilbibliel at feed' betwoen two and larger school distlict ' I " I .1 I 133ealfoatth; wo years , . - . ---..- ­ m William Dow, sands of women enrolled for,all sarts three weeksi of. age, and olt years 4#�, , through the Saskat- . I . . =oved to Goderielt" .townshiP' f0rtY1-. on Wedmodday last. I I .. a'dj when M-1ted upion, tiani lip- so well established on. . I . ; .1 ... �. .% :_-_­ ­ I - ago, add haff lived theme. I. A v6ry - time was 0610t. at "' 'Work and olve cbewan Temeberef -t A, I I .1 L L 2W I- .."- I I. . 'ejght�yeam I to reloage men for fightlng� An !in- solid feed that they will not ree - t'ji4 olipbsition of onle of the I . ... .,:�"i . . I . r.. MCQA" wea.asisocented with the: V&eh UL pkoas�t yx.g. strongest so--hool torgamizalinn$. in, Sas- ,._, I lim� �111111M I ".;,�. . -M weie, V1181i" is being, done, as,,Wel amf - ­ Any good feed, mixture suitable -for- . - ".. '1Ub"wftd* &6� 60tW 1chITdi6W'FT0VoncV sio'koia by Beat Umome and, Obarlie. snpplies, which are bellng sent z*ay cl*ep. Ground aml sifted oats and � . . 11 I I � . :-,., - .�(MhL, ba;idid - Lamb), , Torobto; 11reft phge And meqdingp.�by. Bill �Blqindng- - barley, middlings and :� welled Wheat Hes . . . ., , . . . � I . 4mm 'EL Buncliam), . lUxhildige; Fbr- 1 ham, Lorraine Hansion and Mrs. Ar, and as tinle.goes ion, we shaR prob- Are aff miftabl". ,mixture being , Hard times M Szskatcbmau ..111111 ­ Ireft.-Mcokwe, . G6&eri*S townshilp, and I thaim 0ole, iNa§ in.ch-&%.le-of'IDIoa41qT b;b*. be called. upon to do, Many Other b,ebL Prvvide additioml pi�Ntein hiiDught paxticularly bard tilues, tO . � 4p . I �. . . Mr. ROgew Christie, - Of Hamilton, fact Xoghing,can be. slurred bVer, 92d 6reep (leading iiii-I not -old -y save the . I � . .Uwmw� .1. . .. 1� . I . � Mom Lorne mcNaughton viated of the rli glirk ,have to wow rub- N11H produce str6ager. grown fee&, . . I . I .. . . . I . I .k . . � M If id, t I ........_ 1_ L . .. . .1. .. . . . day. _. . .. 1. I Omusand trained and untrained young til6 Tadw- 11hus, the c0axse grains, . i . I . . . � � . - Is. � � . A Doll , , s. A number of nurses w0w part of the f6bilg,'until the p*a retich J11[alm V I _ � I . . . ,V1 "I''. - . .. . 86o coutes groul Vrancouver and, fls,a a mixture of the, stronger feeft , slW11 ; - - . . ks­­to 1. emsity, W. 'is now' (5hlef Aeronautli- Of-.-tIi6.feed inix,ftire,46fle during the ii . - ,/-- . I ..-th I . : I 111. " I I (ko ­.. aftence, and having a w9irm welcome '�8, aY&. -'Her shmild form tUe - mOn part of the . ...­ - .. I - . — - ,� " from her, deWgn the firm bag Just IrM- To balance -the, raflans, eidra foods 1; .- �/ . XX . I . . the Q'Ir i iFjh,ed, a , p1ji,no .calledf 'Maiplio Led YwcessarY.- The. rawtain mpoie_ .... I .... . I 11 L .. ­.. was about alt They could do. ' . Trailabr 2 - wbdeb she superintended ments, shical-milk, bU-*eTmfflk, WhbeY, .! I .. . . . ......... .1 I - � 'Wr � I hdmeff,- Zd it VMS filldshed" 'insi00:0Z tankage, fOh 01asulobilie's -211-coil-spring .,; . " ,have ,gotdaUr defended "thpir cagaVA cower' ': �11l. make With a big, -powerful, perf-- I . L . 10, : months from the time she hown.tha ed protean Everyone reoognism in Oldsmobile ' . . . ".", .... �- ,�- . ''I , ,pper I I I agaduft, asslaults. And cornnia� tao ' ' — . pacbed eavac in the OkIs SLAY.- cbassis,cOmbinld with w'd`v� r --y I ..'. I - . , , I I I A to -be a rodoT4. hm-lthier V19% have the Styleador rar ig�f AM Year. Gr ,;,y a " . . . . 1.� . . . I g,arrlson theanvolves, and. there have Vii which is� sal fully ;txrauffinl�d/ frtsm fivat end you get fiDCr pCrfbVU1MV0---frC— Bo.ly by Fmbx-, bf-g. -bv&aY'V L.. ::_ . . 4. 1 9AD1 .1 0 1 . . I - I , eon a, . I ilike Boadaceg and, Jeanne' than fullfilled all ,expectalitons!" Kits 'as mamb .as JIYO Wunds - ]DOwe at to rear. owis reficii-zzmartnessfrom geta-aY to — the dliviees wat or ',-eqr owmp=t- . I I . � - 1: . el - . led 'their troops -pewV0,01- .. I �any' angk--stana, <ybt froin an � snx)other action, too., in the Olds I 11.1;i . . Ita , . . . . - I I I !, T ' ' we read ,o . f MacGin lhas intalodueed, nilanT lnVwve- Woainftg� crepp fr-adang VAR help to the rest ME 2 heaut.k! Seventy and Custom 8 C­qcr! ' nunt- OkU Is toPlo - <-x)�a&=t?' I ,t� I apploar.ii.tot ha,Ve�.beeu very. fierce This ip only . e '.1 � . _%�� , 'i- " sidp1hate, place the equivaNi3t Z 0 1 - ..:­ 1� . Iftu � lux , , � 0 Diming t�her­Crinwm War, for the thls 1,0.Dju_, and many other sanaller . , i - 1� �an., qW, ; - .. , � tion -to the fighting I "K, I i" � ... I :. . I . I . . ' 'Ar Cormdersag ,ft -=,, power and Six or Eight. , prec's"Oft otamodbWe qualitV tt-A�dz fift . I.... I . - �. tbgt, 01&;awbav_- pdc�em stsat right show that ift'aad 0--d how Y*n &2 ft -ft 1� ... . -1 I , , 1. �.'. . . I. ,,, 0� .. - "� : t.. i%.�"f,�, . . ­ . , "' .,�q, 1 ) ­­ " I %% 1� . .. , ­­ . , � , A i:; L , '' -:.,�`.."i � -,, .: - t: , !:,;,� il i � � I A0, "FIT qw. . � is, IMF ' : L � I d 11 ; �' 1; 11 I I . �'i, I I., I . � . . V ­ I . , , 11 I I i ,o;,F�i, ,,�,z