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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-03-29, Page 2� 7' ,�, '�,�,, :1V 11 1, i" ", ,_:,- I - . , ,! i,..�,i�,,,,. ".. ,"4"._V,---�,,VW&�JWa "', e-,,, forei , 1111�1 ' __ 4 ceuts 1% ,, , 77777777FF7"�7�i�,'�";',"-�.7,i7!':--,.�:��',: 711.� � ;,-,!�,.� , ";� ... ... , , , � I , i -', � 41, 11 I ;.I, I., I ,�', ,;, 1, , � � � ,� I � 1;.1, li,, i, t, ,',.'� .��::. � 1-11-1-11- - ­� ",'11- -1 I �11 I- - ­­" ­­% ", ", - , , , �­� , , . , � � - " , -­,-;�!, ) pi - , " , .,.", . ........... .. �,,ei.,,,,�";­ I, ... F ,,,�,�,-�4:44Y-� �, , .-N 37r�_,­�, 1 �J,,-_­ �_, i_,_�,� 1�, . ,,-� ,,, 4�::�_ � .�, , , � " � -,,,, - �� , :1 � 1: I � �_ ,��;�. ,,,'.�;., , ,� �:! . � , ��i� -: �: ,,� I , 1. 11 '. . I I.. I I , ,. 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I , T, . . , � ", , �� erea, t 4, 1��.M to , ,�-,, I .111, i I - "I "t. ,;III . 1 77tt� 1 6 %: � . �, � � 0141 ,?ad , 1� I ,� , . � .�.., � I I I . I � ­� 4 ,.il� �_,., . 11. a, __ , � aft !"' !--�%' J... , � "_ ..., _ . ,: ,'IN I . , � - 11, C. 7 � �Wt ,i­��-,,��, , _ , ..... ,j "� ,��o . � . 1-1 1-11 I t��, ;,,�!'. �, , , , � . I I � e I , .0 . I � " ,pl'.,�;: - �,;!- " I.. I , , I 1,,� '.11 " L" ..., .. r;� * " - ".1, V.�, ,, ! I �, �. I , , , _' ., .00, , � 4 :�i� 11 � , ..�, . '� � -1 , � 'tll, "I P �� , 0, , �, . I1 1,i 1. ,�',�, %L�l �:.,. 7".,", 181 1 �." � . -_ .11, '11 �- �` , � 0"" � 1-1 I , '' I I � I �,k "I., ,� ., � I 1. . . I � . . -1 . I 1, ,I � ___�­­ I ­ 1. �. A r h - I � �,.o 0, i : On E�iX-,"L"Io���."",T. . that., xa64 people Tm. most provinces, W � 1. . � . ��;.- * �_ , � 11 �,., "I . . . their -1 1� , ,� I 11 I !i, . , . __ "' " I .. ­.;111�,.,­_" 1� I %, �1.i' . ;,1� i.�,w . .., . 1� .1 -11 W-19 ,�,.;,�;'i4l�iia ,, �. - ; .. V'1.�,­�L�� , I � . consider, at Important to I IL:. it gen , ,�� ,, V, ;I He 1. I I 1!�' , I - � 'Y ,�,��,,�ft,. . _ : ­ - , . 4 �A 7 , ", i';', C V , '' "r , b*404`_"_"`­' I y "' * A' 1P 0 of �- . �,,� S.,. . I , ___1 IN J * , " �.r, - , " ­,�,�%,,�". I I I '' I � S , ` L il� . "', -4, �F "', . . 4.1 , , " T7,�".;�. � � I I 11 .., . :I 11.%,%�,,­, - .1 ..".1 I 0 �,�,'.� 1, I Ili ..". . n �,� 1005 - I 1 1�0�',,�',-.40$�*47 -. - I o . Ontario ev- " Z - ­ -�V . , _ . . ­ . - talw __:�,,'� 1:1.11 J It e people of Alberta ThO" , I "'A , * - , JJazi . - .- � 1, an(J m , 11 , �Ih � . a ,,r I Ao I . .� 11 ,. � ,. ky " ,� I , Aft I , 111 I . �i , 1 , � - r , oral welfare. 1,101% I : , � About, A, 11'.. 1�k,cta_ _ 'lacp �__- , _ . , R� - 10 a', P ail, Neu,* Mtor. � P43 �Ica �. , _ :_ - Idow * k, ever "M I , w, .,: I V , MT4, IS X, ,� . - 1,h ., vowm ,1�,w , Se;%fort1l.. ,,, .1 a-!'..."., 1�+-,� Itor 4 J�ftr', 0� * � - � I 'I'' ,. 0 .� , L , r. � �, ";2 , '. � I P. . . , . I .., ,� � I !-,, �. , . , , ;I �.'­ - -­ , ". . " . . I I ., I ­ I I I 7 - - have a perfect'right to. choose the � "I �,� 1,� , Go *,- � - (4y' 0��' A01 99001 , I . , - , � I I I I I . . - I � -0 I I - -_ -_ - I . I 11 . - I — I . .�q - ., by , . --7 Years Ala , � I I . - I P moil � �^..'-_."4 - . '�, � ­ .*ft� QU I I Me-LeaA ;�,"V* ! . "' '. 1�,_ J,,�,,_Iii , , I ­­...­ I - I—. I, r. I -11011110111010 -1 . .. . ; . -k .1 � gi,,�, s� I . - .. ~ � I , hid of governmerit under which to 11­1'1�i -.­� . . "I .. �� :j�,,,,, IV, 1�14 , " .. ".. .. I . I . -1. I'll I I .'' 11�p I ,­ . I ,fj-]" �".� , ,, . , , "FIXINI THINGS" I inchesy, . . . andi the, argumient went . 4 A - .1 . -1� -1 _!,I .. '.... live, and if -they. think that $25.00 � Fro �L". , � b ,"' 1� - . , I -, - I. I 11. , - time to leave Oe THE TREMBLINQ� ASPF,N , � q I . , - -1 '' I , T' ron Exposito 1. ... , on ulum lit was . � . I . . rates, $UQ. a year I . bi ,� per Month per., m", per woman and . .m , ,p ,,*.Jte ._r,. I NVW 10 It that a inian alwaye umkes house I � .1 I - "i 1 " "'!,Z isis __ . I �_�,i�!N I . , ,_w The luditano W-wo. 10 deiapaln A .. ­ ',, ; M $400 a, year. Sing% per child, which has been , in the 11 When ;�� �, rrom. 'Mtftbe�l exomw wbeu­ a woman wunIts, some- I shamis entered into the Picture I , _, ..' r - 11, 1, V; PRO t1dag irepalred or made? . when .AMM. P&il was pereolved Ing- ,strwage animai seewd, itq, ''", d, I �. .1 L, I I T, " ..., " , � �, , I Advertising rates on application. . I L I .board I offing for the paA five.years, will be day last ww�;,, mvio N*ra - -- TINWO qugsuoW,tha� bgs-always I ging a board, a saw -and, 14 hammer S"yiing UwIr crolml W%U19 : . . . � !".. . I , aW. . . I . - - 'V,?�� ,M. ­�­' , "' "ro Ile b�rtt, fi'�W_Joftd Or Tell:- U016 t1tiedir cbAdrent, 111W. We% 04,1_4 0 � % broug1t any closer to them by re- , . . , TV*XJW., Ime­..'Xbr "tance, Mrs. Phil out or the diriving shed thdo 3no,rU U9, 9 un bM es Minx � his wagostnin­*��, or Mr,- Tbom's � '' i i 4 , I- �" yo g V f far War On 11,,botking I $,he banded,i�t a]3 ovew, and -so I went Wingnilal and the'" waa grmt rejole- ' ing aJ-1 ovew the land, VeWdug and I electing the Social Credit Govern- - � � ., lFunart �Roa , 'to light 'nor left, sho !�� %W_WW" a Shelf 14a Clotheq C1UISet4 neither I .. Ward'O i,�O, I )_� oft I— I , - 14. M,._, . .XL - J i for taboutau 'year. , On -an averagO Of wag heading for the house. NR�NlAg offered 0,9 a we"Imd, "to 4*0 .� d1dad I King Gq�ernment Returned . . ment, it is their delusion and not - ' vered dqiver%ess __ _ "olne -- ," .. His teazu,� .yw -,! b dy bf the 31oft creature, the,. � , ,,,," � _ ,,�� . 2,00m the, twice,a week white has remoin'bered -the ftal well what the 1)esuits would, be, 0 about Qme wael,f SmAe of the I . I t. Rib, daug1li"'s in miar- . I hand of ene of - 0 Mr. L P: A,A,4dXg­', M.P. , o?oa, ex Mew-&Tuxubwl and, biritnitua ,ta- *,,. S . . ours. Perhaps it would be even �afe _ - ' d abelf and Called it to my -at- I stopped ,to gathor up itb.6 tools. mcident. U, 1"' t19A, It -, one as .. ''Oft'' exawuma ­ ..1.1 ... � - was P'OPO-90 y rihge- He bad two ftuj6tew I . . I ,t.eiMoim At firsIt, being Uke .every �Wheu. I arrived Mrs,.� Phil, was tr. ittg "ithe — +� -V��+'h -i-. "A ;& 11�_ +'h�ll 'hi -se;_ found he, .44k#4ptamed soveral cut,s� ., , , other au if itinivA tn.make the idea +, 4 - twelve -foot Inside the, fair as day., and. ihw.'�6t� as. ­ � S%P U la".y .1 m Uruipm ,., ��_ ­ � . 1. - � 't,� �, I 1: - . appear. foollish, The Plaster Would #py cl,meit, eodAeiAly for the puawset ar 1. SEAFORTIL Friday, March 29,1940 1 ness and not ours. ' 'Toun, 'T'uy"C", q'if UwatinoW, was eltect- One of the young brive� bmwo the, V � i � . � �- ­ I . � . I cmck-wi% a'naA. The shelf would of id�Dirig an the work right insAde. I . 11U. ii! 01- .. V11 11, I I I ­ � I... I 1. I .1 _* I . . - t%L M=Ve, 01, 24W.AAWW On AUUMP43ASY, IN, ,,,, a madox;46r of; 40, His QPP=Wk_.I%VaS beep. the d0or from Closing. ,A shelf ., dirt d $,he banded,i�t a]3 ovew, and -so I went Wingnilal and the'" waa grmt rejole- ' ing aJ-1 ovew the land, VeWdug and I I . (1v 1 . . �i . 71,,�,�'. I�i " .0�: ��,�� , King Gq�ernment Returned . , .11 Another Proof rabbits to children. as.' E-4ster pres- - 0 Mr. L P: A,A,4dXg­', M.P. , o?oa, ex Mew-&Tuxubwl and, biritnitua ,ta- *,,. S i Would iWit C10011ect, and Odds an ends of tn*h, But ftlhv,t only worIked � to work. I . ro BU what aArask to get that board saw, ,'danci4g -in hnn"W of Me Ze - t ' he happy, be could, mot . 111; 1 � � 5.tlii'l . V� I * , " From the Atlantic Ocean across ' , I will pay $2 for a $1 article' I be -woman , (foa forW have tW ,eek &dded"mine, new , , ,,V, I , 60 long. � . I Then Came the vdiewing: stage. Each wuW,t maker 'the edg0s. - ed� :night . . . Plaved m Ach, of-, he " up bits mind ,voA Abe madds -he f1tted I .. 1, . , - �.I', , "� * 11'��,�:� . . - -f . Oa-oa�" to the Pari ic, the people of Last week- two of the largest afloat, the_-- QUPM Mar � that statiou- . hmses to th* , ,_41readiy extensive, liv- *, 'r' Cry .ut&L-..., Vtou .,'of ithelm am Jet black ' ' ' " ' "' time that the queation ciamate up there liollow�d a Iperffod of deRbaration.. The . . . bevelled n4cely . . . tgIgbt . . . and finafly braced into liked the better. Sq ­he deeldied to on the walls. tesit tditelir htindUnoss of hew�t. . . I . I . .1 I .10i:01.1 'A'&; . ,� f., , ,z , ,,- 0is Dominion paid a tremendous .9teamships _ _V - and the Mauretania, which hzWebeen __1 in. color an d t#e� ottitem bam I Mr. j. k miii, the, im,al agent for closet bad' to be'e=uftied and meas,- place wl,tft cileats 'Wu�sed..bivnself- as a begg,�r HO 'di - There wer, toCls all over ,the place., . " tegee.' Thf.' tair , . ��,,� i'.. .1, _ �11:,11 eompliment to Ut. Ron. W. L. Mae- . in New York since the beginning Of ,. � , , Ford autoo, repoots the sale of a S- Uremilents taken, and calclala,ItAon made , . on Ifte, wthite. wh li- SOfa'Ohow Shavings littered the floor, and at came aj'oun'61 '" . be to mWden drove him awUy wIlith harsit . 11. . �� . 1��,:�, ,i � 1'� ffllel`� - . ]K" ktnzie - g, not only as a man, but the war, left that port of safety and , passenger- iWu_", car to Mr. ,C. A. � fqM Barber., on*, oj�. tte same ma;k-e to plaster dt netemed a 9MVe PrObI . . . thaV leaet three tripsqr,id�tro made - be dir ' Ile wxi,� 'ed, hiuL ,, tho driving chled, for ju-stA PTOPe" w , �but $ k One ca'A .1 I . ,ti. IV.% �i,', - . leader of men, when they re- ,as, a � put out to sea. I I . I .Tohu MOG4YAU.,-McKillop, andl a two- din1ple, job of fitting a shelf into PlUee b in the,, dllothi6ts cl&IeL By, Is 'I tdm w -1 mid gla;ve - iihilim; ktimd, of nai . Then I found m,welf back, fe< mocasedurs fct�, hi6 weary feit. The I 11 . .111'1�" �� turned his goverment to power on , What their destination is has -n'ev- passenaef'reahawrtiola..% r-.- Cuuning- - pruilonging the mleraltion., an excuse, coul d, always wantinig to put in at least sixim,ore shelves-. Jair one ts,edIdled -her, r9ste-i' �3r dodng� . . I 1 '. i. 1�i V I . Tmsday by a majority in excess of I I er, been disclosed, but What h as been bam. Seaft6rft . � 1 ,Miss Anuke C,,oveuloick beld this be found fQr iEdther doing stome other 130., 1 In this modern world, of ours there I Flinully tho, young bmve stood, up� I �, I " %�:­, � . !, . I ' % , wh2t he commanded in the last Par- , disclosed by their - s -ailing is the fact closing exexclem ,of the smior public � . Tuesday work or else waliking off in Me ddrec- lion i of ithe d6ving shed ta;� if to get are few Vidmis left that women. can't , -dto ,qu,ld,y well with us. But carpon- - and revealed lidmisidlif, offedug hisilIove- � 1p , .,% . . RamenL afety on the scilwol sight singiv g class on iwA wben maew, Ross sa,gauge I Ve- . a board, L alkgUnep to tim (Wk maddm. ter work $si out of their linet. Thu 'and _ and turndng to the fair one he said- I'll I ; rr " I . . Every Cabinet MinidWr was re- I I 0 . seas. -1.1 I . ceived the Wise for the best work . 7bere foldbwfedi -the time when Mrs, can never seem to dwive -a natl with- Pliflwouild, lookup .from the tablet a,f- out bending ift or saw a boaird. that "Tiliqu-shialft be tnr intoia poplar I � r- ;,,�_ . I turned with Mr. King, and in, no I If Britain had any fear whatso- I - during ,the term, . � , Miss Mb=16 BeA, of Torento und tree, the quive-Ang of its leaves shall ter a Weal Quid gay at with a gUnft In doesn't end up at an angle. Perhaps ... I I - � , -., �,�, ,.,.T, it.! , I ... il, - 11.1 I I , Froviuc p,of the nine, which consti- '� ever of a Nazi successor to the Ad- I � . . I I daugJhter of Mm r* rank ilest, f onner- her eye, "When are you going to put Mist shelf in' the closet?" The "tvs the reason for our reluctance `Mllnd 'our "ace Of tfl* U64'ZS6 i�h'"- I . .. 'tJqK OT w0men2' . .111". ,�.._ ,.­ ''I., r " I . . tu- the Dominion, will hig-pd� be , - te miral Graf -Spee, the German pock,ot . ly of .9eaf*^'- leaves - two weeks M . time for the OW Couldry, where sbe. 1, clothes 1171 epIT waa alwe"3'rs tho same: "Welli, I - to d4D wha,t they want uis,to do when J i r there!s somettlidnig ,W be fixed �round That'lls. the fogend of the quIlve - . ­ .. ` . I -.-.- - , without representatiom % battleship that was scuttled b - its y ­' L� I , U do .her part I _ _j _a,t nUiVingl .the W01Md eawt d10 It to�day, but next f Monday I'll d10 it I t,,s the one th ng they. ing aspeiaL Every Canatlian. CS fam- tho Louse. i ii1i6r' with its, saAmmering flutter In . . I I'% .."�,. I . The election re.-iult is a gTeater tri- crew-, last fall, of U-boats any , . ed, suldlerst. - Mr. Joe Robinson has been trans- right aiftex dinner . . ." i Then as if to cluLch the promisie - "I can,t do for thew-ve)ves ai�d, in mok- �� - them walt, we may be even 4hiiIk-, tbe breeze.- No other tr6e dioes it-' i!ng I I I',, ; .. - ., 11, umph to Mr. King than even his most "I ,or . oth � form of ' the -two ef- naval, arms,, ' . feated from the Dominion B; I ank staff have jusit , ,bhff-boa,rd tooL ,i.�� it yeisteoday and pu ,t to one side,,,, ' �J Ing of impressing them with the abil- quite 'the sam. with ite lmvev whem the wind, blows. IA­sIpring tfie &Ien- 4, . . ,,,,,, 1. 1". - followers anticipated-. It ' enth:usiastie great linerg, wbuld AM be resting 'to the same bank io Welland� Men tave comimenced work an the I .... � I Yatierr catme the argiiing stage,wfien ity ,of the,�majle side of the, housc- I ' ihoj& I 'der drooping cottons we *94§4!g w �, �� , � 111�.. ' was generally believed that his Gov- safely at their docks in New York, Pier at Bayfield. � Mrs. Phil, would open, the closet door it ripema in the lat- � ., Give a,nian a jack knife, aud, a ,the, eye. The frb-i � .4 � . . . . . �, .- � b - eA ment would e r ed to power, =ygelmlllrally I instead of ploughing the ocean, lanes. Messrs. D. Reid, T. Dick and Alex 11 . Muir have returniad fTom. London, hav- and say With OaMasm, "I'm g-ladi you put the shelf ,there, because tbars; I hammer and hie om practically do ,ter part of May. , 1. any0in C�ainadiun, manufacturom find. it a . 9 in the way of fixing axtound � . ,�L.� 0.�'.. �, LA it was also ve believ- � The sailing of these,two boats i's rses i i --right where it's, handiest of 411." the barn . . . but when it comes to) ve'ry useful wood in making paper. it , , . I ... I , I . . ,ed that his majority, parti6iilarly in ' just another proof of the British , there- - I There had to he samething tot coun- I Se e, S CGUrld - M- districts where� ,other di(Xing an3nift'n-g ai-ound t,he hou 11 lf , , - tree's because it is; ,, . ...... .�. . ': ," - ., I I . , - I Ontari%, would be, materially redue I l . . � certainty, -that the Na7d navy, is - a " Mr. ThoMw Feeney bus removed 11 , from Hibbert -to the John O'Sullivan tem' -'t t hat, amd argum�eut was al- Ways the best bet. "Now I think hhe has to have CU.10113911 t0ols to give a are -scarce and, 1. plumbeVs a.s,sasitant a full day's work etas,Uy obtlaiined, it is often cut in -to. "I I i ... . I ,i�­ "". I . I I . . ed- ftitile, force in this war, except in its . fair,m on the� third concessdon of -- Me- shelf wou$d be beftew up ab t ,six 0� in: si;mply carrying aroundL 11imber- The average height'...otf_ the . � -?. ­. ­ . . ,.1 e 'The campaign was short home and adjacent waters. Kiillop� Wh9ch #e recently purchusiad . - � - _, I . . .... . � . I tree is, about 40 feet end sometimIes .. I I � ". I . - reacibes 90 feet. It is valUable as fire- I . - . 4, I . ". I �, �. election- . . , , . -and on the whole a very quiet one. I . I from Mr, D. Sbanaban ct sealiorth- 'The Bell E�ngiue Works. have now I � * ... . . — � . ,.-------- ! wood) on,the Prai6WL AS IUMber, It . � ' . 11 I � . ��'.,. . � '. , -fn as far as Ontario is concerned, it., . .0 I . . I .1111 � an the prelinihiary arrangements ,for. ithe lmstaffiii& of me now uta-clitiner'y 0 JUSTASKILE, -% ,is very difficult to seamm and. vv7 . *I - * '021" i.perishiable, but it imakes ,excelltentlDx- ztT O.. . "I .1 . ... . . !- . .. . Wowd. ekem that Mr. Hepburn was 1_11. I The Socie4p Is Right � . fcr the manufteture of army shells * ! celsdioT, boxes and, -barrels for food- , , 'i � - � I I ,:. __ ­ . I _ _ __ "-Sponsible for Mr. Kfiies success, I - 11. . � The' American "Society for the Pre- cw-tTtleted� It is expected tbl&t tran* Sl!\L�- tV SeVeluty-fiVe Men. WiR be eM- . I 1� "' - . I _.... sfuff& In Europe, it Iniakes, matc!N� . 1. � , I ep-Itinfus. � � � _1 L , I . I . t, � V,�_ -.1. .and that. the oiisla'ught of CoL Drew . � - I vention of Cruelty to Animals is .P:", -ed at ,this wcrk, I � A visittin g speaker to an, orpha:n,s' 'was to Mother: -i"Jimniie, what are you do- - 0 . � . . . 11 . I .... ... ­ I .�. I ­ _'! . i .against his Minister of Defence was . '"vid nn-nnginir fhp -fad which The iniffinery opemugs at -both the I'leFlaul me and Stewart Broschddre][L. ihoome called upon address the A Thinlung to be facetious, ing i,n,the pantry?" I I Jimmie: "Ob, i'm jusit putting a . I � . . I �i P.- . ,�`responsfible ;.� � for� Mr. Roger's great � . . has become so popular in recent I a:�, ,, r�,ei ,mail people un spring show y - he asked this qu estign. "What would 'You few 1i 11, L away." I hi gis . I . Y, I . . . it ' W_ home riding,in King- `-�. ,p�U,ori y in , - , . �_ . hicks and : .'i -Y: not IDUIY for hats but for Wear- �)_t� apparel and' for houtso fu—rniGh do before so many bright Noys 9-1 ec spe and irlsi who. exp ted a echr f rom 6 ,, .1 _11 . ere M, 'What'tsl the fund'amefitalt ddff n 4 1� � - I ..'... �.�,r stow_ , I .. rabbits to children. as.' E-4ster pres- I U199- I -1 . you, if you bad Inothing to slay ?­ "I'd . between a man and," a woman?" - 1) "Aman ��,.� I i L _ . ., 1. ­ L _ -low over, . .Vt , h,e campaign is i and the I . entg. \ Mr. John Ga ,itit, of Londesb mT oro, is A &-all boy ,spoke up: keep I " will pay $2 for a $1 article' I be -woman .�;,�,b: . I . ­ - . sibippitng large, t1ruantities, of eggs from quiet . w�nts, while a will pay $1 ,-.�.') ", ,Ii, , -,,,7,. pe,ople, we believe, are thoroughlY It is onlya fad,, of course, that like � that statiou- . L ' - * L for a $2 artAcle she doesn?t want.,, 111, I --- �';o, . noueh iDol- ., Aad of it We have had e - all others- wilfrun. its course in timi .1 . Two Carloads of jmvlements.. cunie . Judge: ".ind Why do, you think I should be lentiont with —? Is is .0 'IT& aninear's +o b- — record iri- " I . ­� I . .; , I � � .� . . .. . I . 4, 1" 1 / e-,, . -L . I ED, +.L U�U__= "Llb , 11ME-K 1017 the Mas- . I I I . - T . I . -, . , Tiles to last m, for quite some time, - But while- it lasts, too much, kind- se,Y�Harris tigmt, mr, Tomlinisont, ypurfilrst offence?" said -the judge, "that you ihave,already � ­ I ,fi­ . Card Parties in Aid of Red Cros& -- L &� , % � � Mr., Thomaa.,Ste ,rt - received Prisbrifer: "&6_youT ,h-onor.; but been'befloret this court 15 times?", I . j - - and what the'people want now, more I ness; too much neglodt and too much - � - � - . .. . , . " - . . 'I'- , � . I 1�1 I 'an appeoval from w 1'�vid: eltin. it's my lawyeV,s firsit case." I guests, thaft's -right, your bonor", A ge,ries ol -siacceststul card parties-, �, , I . ­Ij I �"_ n - anything else, is to prosecute exposure h9v-19' a viorin., which is, the name 0 . amwe&d the tramp; "Inon, of us are old Wedbewday, Thumday, and' to-, , G!r w eire ai &a accounted for the h !� I - � .- -, . � - Pla o nted ve engineers and was "perfept!" � I r, . I '.." " _� - -ves of many thousands' of these of Jos,eph Hoi�% of mcKillop, ,ind t i i t' . Friday eventings .in Ow Public I.Abrary, . - ,,:: L I the -war to a sm-cessful end. - li . .. ... the date -1869.,?�i ,,, -, . I I 11, � I— I I �, 2 - I 4 1 . .Ilearinfing bildge, building. ,At a.single .1 10 , undier the au6tieea ,of, Mm' Red � Crosi- �., .� . . . Eastei presents. - � I - plaink Pat Paused, dOubtfully-, "That new farm hand is terribly 19- . . ­ ,� . I 0 ' I iive hundred was enjoyed by thle 1- -i 1. . . - �F, Pat," eald the noraut." � r � � - V� 0 inanimate chicks a n d rabbit;,,,. �. .,From The Huron Expositor "Whatt"si the, matte � . . I ' and,V11itursday . " '� . I ,� gpeatts on IW,ednes4ta . ... I I I . � 1. � - dnsitructoT, "afraid to walk on A?" "Ilow's that?" � I ..., � . -y 111.,., . I I L --- � I i . ARril 4, 1890 1. ' evenfings, and, euchive was played om - .. . .. . I , ' . I would serve the purposeJust, as well, . m_�. ,,UL�� ", .," replied Pat, "I'm - not "H - " -'.1 "-.- �­ - . .�-6f-Clil),ton, bay. N af;raW .e found s&ne irdlik bo,ttles in the Friday evertmv- 'Me "m was,beau- .� .- ... � , , -A -with SL Pti - . . . . . " lberta Is Still ' - ___ to walk on it. ---What Pm-afmid tifully, decombed � � ".... Social Credit wDuld last longer And continue the . ...... bought ,the 114 acret& ow thie, Huron of i% gr'asG and laslstA6d'he had-Jound_-z .. �. �, I . walking off it.'.' . [scow's nesu,. � .�� - .111.11'... . . I . . .pleasures in&finitely for the chil- Road owned by Mr- Geo. Shipley-" I � colors for the occasdam Rerr6s�uts - � . , I l . ' .1 - ,, ere sk�rved each eveoing. Prize� � . , ��. 1. 11 .As a result --of the provincial- elec- I dren concermed. And what is equal- I The Bluevafle ctougregation, havow— I ��� W_ - ,� .1 :,; I Cfently intrc,duced inta their church a _�__ I I . wannera weLne: Wednesday, Miss. Flq, I , I tion held in Alberta on Thursday of . � . . . . . I .11, ly pertinent it'Would be better for iLew Bell orgab., It was purebas,ed 0 - ,* Buchanan and ]Mime., Bell; Thm)sday,, 42- I . 4. I ' I . I trum. �;wtt Bros- Seaferlb- . g.g y , . - 0 Mrs. W. 1-1. Bell and John Yu -114; Flri- ' 1� I 1, 1111� iast week, Premier Aberhart and his, , business. . I 9 king. Pi '' Pa' ' - r'. - I J�:� I ' , Mr. Peter McGregor, of'Wucefield, . , . ,day, Mi,�L� Cleve,,Baeker . and, Le,wis,- � 1'1�1 Social Credit Government 'have' a pii I.Ake every person else, a baby I I has recently made several good hors -e 0 P I * Itusistell. Wh5e the incleink-Ut.weat]:ter- I - -1 � � S , (By E. & Fras,er, in Family Heir- . . �1' ly beeu returned'to power, al- chick and a baby rabbit need a skles'. 'He, sold mr. S. Gregg, of Lo�n- is rofit " . ald and, Weekly Stur) , interfered with, attendhvice on. Wed- I . �� I . ,, l -0arent 1'1�� - don, his impoirted. Hackney &Wkon, . - a very grea I . I I . vning, the parties were quitl�l I "Crianbrook," also the pair of matoh- * �=ST'uul and the,ladlets aTe ,bo, be. . , e . � . , . th,ough with . .. -1 tly reduced . friend. 'And a -baby chick's and a , -_ . "!. - I . .:::: 4.i majority. I I baby rabbit's best- frieilds are their ed road bames, that iook secand pritze i I I .11 congratulated in their, efforbs- on be- I � . ' ' . 11, . I I., at tiae We-stiarn Fair last fall, and a -Wfith ,the ouitbreak,of war,and cut- keo.piing sow stock from. s1trains which half of the Red Crom—Bruss-4-.15 Post_, 4 , 11�1.:: . Just what Social Credi� stands for, mothers. . I . ,, I tb* dbvm, of bacon shipments to have prioduced large ,,litters, 1. � I I - I . phe�tuut single driver. or good- . . � �., .,we, at this distance, have not yet . . . I'll. � I I—, �­ .., he . , ,been able to comprehend, and t I "... '' F W, about it has I,— /v.&y little We do kno ", � I �­ - .� , �mot whetted our appetite, to learn .­ . I . i,_, I ,111.1 more, either of the doctrine or of "...., , . I . - . " . � I the men who have been attempting- - ,,, I 11 I , .1 I -o implement it ' I I I.. t --, � � � 1­�, -1 � I 'It is tkue thatme have had some ­: � � , t'.1 .. n the House � ".. Social Credit members i . . t"11-: ,of Commons- at Ottawa, but even - .. _. . these, although they have not been' ; . ...1. I I ring of the pages of Hansard, - , ,,,-,, . spa ,iV 1111� , '' have done .nothing to enlightenthe I I ��,"Ij� eastern mind, which to the pregent,, ..... . " . I RAIPI: I bas -been prone to look upon Social I... ­ - F'..: -political. bribe , " Credit as the &eatost . 1 - - 7., " "''i, . %'Canadian, or, any other history— !!! hill, , 11,y,..�.�" , ... � and nothing else., _ 1_6_! . � .. . , , 1;t , Apparently, however, the people ­ r1i . : . . , ,,,,,�', . of Alberta, or some elements in that 1..�!,y . . �, . . A"', I . 13,1Vvince, are of a, quite -diffierent V8,", . ' ' li� � , aiind, for which there are several �1�'. 1. J" ..il_ ra,uses advancedl Perhaps the'great- - '11".. 11 .. I �11i, . � 11 I est of these isthe fact th 7 .- I'll � � . . . .t '111, . %.�, which is almost entirely a grain ". . ' . �;��,_ - ,. , growing and agricultural province, � .. If,, � ,��.'� 1as been so hardly 'hit in*' recent rPt,�. .1 1, ""j, i., -hop- . 'by. 0119__I� I...", . yo,Ws, dr ht' s�and, grass, p'.... 1 " hd ' ­­- *lure . ,)ii��.: I Vero a . crop - fai that a large ,�.;.', ., I .1- ,.; � '. I ­­ I N"I"', .I, I .1 A-MJ6rity has.been reduced to a d6s- Ri.',.�' .'', wato plikht fl4ancially. I . I I . I ­­. ".., " .1, I I . ��', "L , , : dd&peeate� in fact, that,they ar*d " ��` �.� ". ,�". � I I � !"i _ � I to subscribe to any new eco- �.� �`,V�,I "', � 0� � V, � 11 14 ---t-j". 11 � .. ", I "C.., 11 � . � I I � .. 0�,�'-12;. , � :,�-,­T�: 6'lheoM however fantastic; to . . ., i "W, �­ � '­bddy-of men, or any form of � '1!v � �', :';1!''!v . - � ­ ...... ��� "I � 1� ­�: � ", �'' "I I , - , 0 1 th ,,�,,�y.,,,�.�,,,I����,,��",�'L' It . at. will promise re- � ,Jk!,_,.,._,, � - � ' . I '' It"W", � 1, I �, . . . . . . ".1;1114,1 � , A "0,� 00 . - , " : "T,,�,�13;:,',,' . I cial Credit is the great �fl4l, - , 1�t',. ,�Iii�';;�,� �. _-;11. �, L , ­­.�, 1' ' �4�y , ". �,,.p � *' ". " �'_ " -,the, Wide, wid ' world- ;iL "I N!,,.",110, , , _., ­: #0 d' 'in e I . _ , 1$ � i...�,,, -1. ZNLAV%51177r'�7 Y .1 ve years ,,, I., ,� � ere haw been fi , ,!1_1'V?PY;1gn4'­1,­1 I " - %_!�,-�,;, .. I .1 , 0, ) �` Ah"' ' . ,.k, ""LU, ­.: " 113"."I's, .10 On- . I I � _ d .. ", � "­". 7_-17i. 1 '. , . , " 11, , �. I i�_' , , �, L . I . 1: �, , , .�� , - 1. �f;, %�",�t..X, `:, � ,,� I ,, '. ,� i ... "I" ", t, . �', . . I '. I I. - .11 .�,.��i�,��'.�.'11"�Ii ", . , L _ ., _�,.�­,,�;�',V`.: � . I ,,� . �i'- ., .%''i-. I, L I . 0 6� , . On, Thursd1lay night 'last the divel- Great Britain frfain several Euvopean, growifug bacon -type pigs. The use of Blyth Estate Agent I . Eno house and -farm buildings, of Mr. countries, Canada is, being called up� a- pure, bried boar is advise& in order . . " I I I ,, Henry C�rpe ter, of j.k� a;dj6�njug oil to, export more bacon. Swine,pro- to bold .and improve the type of t I Mr. J. H. R. Elliott &wr been ati- I .. Just As Well U he I * I �- in ducers are already considering thetir pigs. Grade, boars may produce . pointed as agent of D17th Estate in I . . . I Dublin. were hurned. U -originated I p1g.", Isu6cession. to Mr. R. 13. . . . .. the CNininley in the attem,00n, but a Plans for tile next year- or so. Mapy of a kind, but,the productqlon� of the McGowan who . Good Friday and Easter Sunda�V spark Tudged some place and broke already ongaged in hog will, increase right type, of tiacon requires a boar has res4igred.-,Blyth Stmdaii&_ I . I ' ,-,are more than unforgettable Biblical out about 11 o'clock and. all waz d.e- production, and oottbeirs� will start in which i,,T not only of good, type, a's an 1-111pred i I n Skiing Acclidiftj , - ' . stiroyed: the busin,�,qs . , so it vxm�ld seem a indlividtial, but also comes from bacon . I I � I . . . days. They are the days' of the- an- Mr. J_ M. Best, of Harlock, who for mad thiing to suggeit some practdcal Ljp�- ancestry. . ' � I . I While out skiing � on priday, evenftig� nual Easter parade of women's ne,w, . , thopas'L twa years lim, been engiged economales W11114n; the Control of'eV- , Care of the breediing stock, PaTticu' Mr. Harvey IVICCallum, bad the, wis- I � I spring clothis- and hats --particular- 'with the Gale 14�r� Company, has ery hog ralser. . ._1.-..--1- .... larly the pregna-nt sio,w, Is vital to, fortune to hull and, = a r(oul-t sus- . �. , I - . accepted a stiluattion with.the Bagle ]Many good- saggesiions along this the litters, If the brood sow,s' are. tained sum, Masty faC, wounds, Mr_ � � , i ly hat-, - , � I I I -Harrow Company, at a salary of $7,00 linie have conio from th-e, Agricultural lklell;� lWell, fe&-thrfifty, but ne,ibber McCallum, had neglected to "mo,v,. i, ' I I _ I . Unfortanatoly—for . the ladies�— Per annum and expemes paid, -, 1. Supply Board, which iha,5 stres&ed .fat nor thin, there is, n.0 need. fOrAVe glVslset� andin the taH tbMe Were, I - Xr_ Wm. Hart,,of Stanley, has en- quiality ,and- ,economy In hog pi�oduc- elabbTato winter thousing. Good Friday and Easter.-Simolay this gaged with Mr. Alex McBeath, con- tion, through 0. their ad'vertisemen". Utter require , war -m,, . c0Mf0T`tabf0 tile injuries were suatiained, Sldin'g . � . 11 . year held no resemblance of" Spring:. , ttractoir,r for thie sumnW. ' . These, t6gether with unIlformity of. quarters, but at 'other seasons the is a vMT en1joyabi-0 and` entertaining L . . � 'L . .. ' George Mtzgerald, ot CyLse are e in, developing epw is; nilicli befter (6ff exeroi�inlg sPort, but'like all others it ha�3 '%% ,- - .­ ,Xitutrst, empply. ,slgeudal They 'were just- two blwtry, snowy who has been attendkig the Ontatrio Our eKP0`rt trade In bacon and in outslide, With a well bedded, slied, or baza),rds. R bas been very popular- - . days, and a little more cold - than. us- Veterinary College, has returne�d home, maiuW111,119 ilt- I o elter. . around hens, this: wint,er. - Blyth , I . I and comn-need _practice� this week Quality of bacon, and uildformIlty of If Protected from dampness, sows St,&mdar,d � I . . ual. " . . 'With Mr. S,we(,:t or Exeter, supply acre natiotital problefins. Yet, Call "rough it" VleTyl Well outdoors ' I ..- '. ConseI ere parade Mr. William oiisig, of Chiselhurst, each individual %wine radsor can help and need only simatple, proteotion,'fpom katiftff, Carnival quently 1� - ­ I by better breedfing, feeding and man- the Oemenits. stronger, heaftWer ht- . Attended S . I . . �., . of Easter womeWs finery. Of course badthe ml<.ortimio to-loset.a valuable I 3-yetar-old colt by"'being polson,edwith, ag%aent, or binder -by prioducting poor ters will be obtained this, way, Man Among th0sle wbX) sittendied -the . � I TWOUto Skattilaig, Club .. that was really too bad but 'it really Paris green. R .1 *1 -_ Weve, V%tered in the close I . , quatity hiogs, Each should do his if the mw� CarlAval lost . ­�:� I --could -nat-,be helped. It wasn't even ,The opening ofthe new �r sharte ff Canada is to seicurre. and hb,ld I quarters, of'a WaTnr barn. 'week W&e: Mrst, A. 1). Ma;c*1ljwm, ' � 1, .. .,.Piocopa- . I . ­ I lbert, took ... place a reputathon tox baeon, on the export But in -the Case -of the vow ' M10. R. a -Ilethetrdfngiton, M,rsL GEorgc, ' - 6 4#, 4 Idiwn' Church, Port A I Old lit- ajW . �,..,;"� the�'fault of the men, although, 1110 � on, Sunday, tAhe' 131-d. ',His. Lordship mamleet. , ter the bmit accOmmiddabion' iff"none , Ross and'. daugftterts, , Rwrbar,%. . , doubt, some of the blame will fall at the Bishop poreache)d, and the church F�Momy tor production is, not tassitic. 'boo O& In wok localities SuCces,,q- M -Y; XTS. W.. J. Adams -, Mr. zudd' , .- 11,,, Calllck- iiated, vdtfh any osing of winter, Page is� depend. , - ;_ wag packed, to, ita,'u,ftnost. nev. JOB. , ope phase of switne fui Mi Mrst. Attiou, Adam�-, WL - , the door of others beside the weather Iding.,-It intcludles'Ahe use .of suit- ont upon good, shank; Mr. andi Mts. r., k , Carnile, ,the incumbent ,, -d'ad the buUd- Rul' __ '' L ­ farrowdug quarters 1%QjIft. w_ . man. � . . _ . , . - .b - 143 breeOftinq _aocli, -thetir. proper where artill lal heat can be pro e IT Gurney" 44'a Oita- ' .. 11 I . . ing comalmittee woo, to .be cong-ratulat- ab - e - vid d- - Colborne, anif I � I . I .Iwnsb* a9d feeding, the care of tim if necessa�ry. Vv%heitdier it 1§ in a . And we are rather glad it turned ed.' . Mr- and ,VIML_ Dbi), N�L�ibl]L-�-W!Vg- ' At a well -attended. Ineeting held. in s6W and Etter, as weld as the proper w94 -M bo"itall an a barn,, a ha'A Advance'- L' ' -' " . I p, I . I � - out that way, because we could not libe Queenlo Hotel� Searolo, 0, Wed- feleding of ,the pigs up to mairket b6ated Piggery does not matter, as . �. � I &h ' ding Aqniversaryr . I 11 . . ' julgoi 1,acrosse, welot, good judgment in marketing mug - Celebrate Wed , - help but -see the newspaper ads por- nesday I. evening ,010, lolug 'as it is dry, d lit free and . I . � traying,'the new millinery styles for ClHb was reorgangze& The ",Tiowdmg .'bhlew -at the right welight -and finiSill. suffIlideMIRY wailm, so that �the 1"WO ,�&- 6n1a MrK`A-1MW Patilsoi, Ut�b I - . L offfeexp were elected. CaplAin, _11- AA9 profits from hog maising are, pigs win, not diel firiam.0blaing. 11 . 0 Conletesision lot" w , . I "' . I I , , . . 1. ,4'ft_ famnd44 eel e- 4 women, and to us they.,were fearfully.- Jackson-; see-troaa.;...T. C,Dpp;. com- LwgMV 90ve"Ved by theAnddVAbal Provide such aJCC0iMM0datV0U at miod. braltdil'tE61ir 215th4iedding aunkVea-tsaxy .... I .. iind wonderfully mad I e. I m9tteo, D. McDonald, T. Stevena fArWumesi ability, this would not be Orate COOL the Pdg bitIoder bousie bm last 'Week. * etniWft" - , fifty. I , ning about . '' ' and, J. CampbeM, . . . Wo, early to, sturt-4he timelionoured .bom rec,�Utl6i' tried out in' several of tiMir 4r!,;nd,1 hIld 3 ghb,OM."to a . . � pW . Of course we arp not 9upposed to Mr., Joseph Zillott -of Ttmyfield, ire- "00ftig IhM'ze cletatini," discarding Varts Of Wes�terui Canada. Ws is a Progtle8isk,e -eudlir,6' , i :t I . pAty.,und d1ance- . . t, . be a competent Judge of womer?s turned, last week i�� xv,ox 0020ge thWe m6ftlidds - wlikh, am bad ww weli4builit, 13lix-slideA housia contaigirinig A imoAlt enJ6,y"16 OvI6!1ling, VW5 gpeilt I aaopwvg sucht new methods) as Vill six ,palm, and, wit,�' a coal -burning and ;Mr. ana__Mre� � P "' 4 "' - I . . 16 this, � ' -r bog elieww . lattql�0131- Tlecefted - hats, their becomitgness, orl'ack of - To"on" """ 1`*'666`­ xe�filt in, large Chick' tfirbodieri,. aW!F� week for Dakolta. ­'�,,_... . I I -in tho ee6fre. mtan�91 beautiful. g1,ft$%-W!in19h&m Ad-, , it, or anythin� else about them—and Mil John, ImargU''it, d- Dayfleld, h,s ., BulteUnts, "0.-. ' oMer 1rdorz=t%n on Testtg ha PaVvsed' ft Very , good! for rame-Timez. � I been ftppoffibed a 71f� 601 of fte Peace IM ralsIng are avadlalile from a,viiIiii. tpie -49 : vyllb)g Of Titters) in siev�em ­ . 0 --,A we are not. ibiir of siourcesi in Canada, including yo ea V`_*V.FV19 ' 1�, best suited . Ile I . ht and, for the 0�-W­ Of Huront. r. 4oVi,ever, It I Over 200 Attendl Irish St vA Supper - ; - the Domin.606'lle)partment of Agrkdl� to 1plibiluttilbu . - .�', ��"_ I 14in -at the reg- . , �, I But we are supposed to be able to on Vnilay,eventinA _'-Y,, TIMM", On & fair sickle where over two h 1 �W,w I .W, I � � see- and what we saw in- the papera �, utar"meeiting of the I L� Ito Ituiv. If �sj Ant intended, to abbe1nipt a Inbinber of Ebwt9i, are ke,plt, and It I of Bailleld; a v ihieM any full treatise on� gwi,ne &is- 119`�Dhl-k,r0dotmwended whe,r,e n,) otber IlervQ by Vh,o W, - one,'0 b ge"T0,27" 6iobwesifiug debato . 1 .1 . of was alarming enouA with -out see- was heW The 'm%j,�Ibt Al=sed was ling but ralthbf tO 1161116W thei pwduf Main; SIM0,0t fia- - Cl: 8""ble, quhftefra for winter �faxrow. Sundilly, L' Isdibbl" , when . . - tion, of WS on thei � farm . Ithe-P E6.10"tht .1 t.'' PEaKek"s I ing,th-ein-trAted od in rdal life. , "M-8161ved, that vAkuhn litas mWt,6 In- ladd. dhdIA 441916i�61 avOlable. I ego' -aftua �'Lft . � V" 11AW011. lfbv I I ki alb S , I ,, , cate 9me of 6upoet I - '44, I , er( - flueace than ma*�,, Tho I jodgmmt 11110 10al"I I" w"It"I's qte febotg Of the hree,dIrg. stoolk 1, L " .V 0 .1 M orh -- . ry n rath In" was given in &�Z��of OW gtfli�iAtiv,e, WhibrObY th A66016 Of P dId 91 ,hibofs will also " 'rde�'day %tigh 10IM It" I 1 .4 . So Ve iuch s6, we are I Tff,ove ,taking m,t: 4o, , 6 rto 0% to i ,6.w.illftvs� a OAM,914104ble effect A l"ely . Wo'Otles:Mted 11 -fi�6 I Ififtu. , 19 Weber th" it oh0ft 6�, bved be, n Iffaniate gUqeeatg� 6f the 11'&' apPedmmee b'66tkledl.. V11", 1. clined to the ,belief that it Was, just 0", L' affir Ive 1, I . . I . . I . . , bouiuiotg bf 0e41't4hVU" ' ud 9t"r: I 4�gfd`e were Mass Y1, " Vtm M-�keni­ tel'o, .T" ratloft,, ifio fifiop6rtfon of 1 1 -�--w " I . , tt,m . "I . . V 1. a." tb�� 11 L bntlre 1"901t, - Friday -_,_, , , 4 . . I q-Mo1&4&bd8 in it siod 4 lek�6_h . ili# �, I as*401—fOr' nlen��4a`t Qo6d ,14 Breedin .8tock Impori" t ­ -c4mdWd Mix* , - I .1 1, wu*k6� �� 0 - , , I V 110 � i 166Miib L I.Wouta'),14 .ek,1�6d -,_-A" .f4dime, will �414;bta- 6hf_rP`1kee't1'dt.�*61"h VUte,l ltig* ,d1j, l;Asill ay turned; o4 to be-, x6rk� TO "L� C W6. tue94- I M JC&'�.iL �ifftlhwl§ d3)4fk*k6 I mitfre, ,. , and Baster Sund � and _!!gJftr�;J "L *U101'gdy, ea�11'1'0". A .4 . .1 I. , , . ,*M_ I 1,11 I I . '' I I I h 1, t,PfO ogmpv � � , � " � . I :. AWYAft landi -1 ft � , .11_-1 11. ,- , r -v", oul" "*, W" viterv-'. I , , Kienzi�,,,o,* - ,� we, doffl'­"­0%,gr,agjW� ­ , . , , 116.0" Vrm '16 , , . 'Wo1w, I , ..., 11 1 , , I iol .I- 'n I I - I I . , 4, real "Wi y . 'belli, V. me , 1bu �� ". .1 , A- two mol r6 Aoi day$ iit-' ldvet 9140 Aimstit ,��, , I 09.' Vve 1&aUttV and the 'feed(%', 4Vd,lj�b(te, .1113,11 � = gtit& bkf: Idilt I bf, � dd � 11 M"', "W'41y . , *� 'L I i ' ek mth� 4 1� '. wrby,­�;, I � , , I , �: �­ `iI­.. , t*`,bt6e'&A-0'#t0 ' 'A& 'fft 9k&,baodd *bl&-! oftlo, Im 11 .,Z", ''"I "I , "' I" .'' �­' 4 JJK*f.1U t'JWM "*4we" � I � 1, 7 1 k644 of' W 'At 1 , � - in , � , ,�,,,�; ;'. ,W . "' "4 h bhey, fiw Me wo. .,. * ''t" o'� I _& . - . , t "' , I I � I I I I � I �11 110101 I, L i6l '. . � � I I T � ,"14��i'L ,. V " ` I '. Inte'n4ed - . J , � � 11 "emir- ar" MV,11 I. 01Q0L fjft*� " ,I I" , *1160- `0 indlhY6 " M'pd '" t ' ,, &t- '1�, .:Z "�� 4�", . - 6i I.. ,­ Mh#&`with 40 O,Utlkilicutt�N P.0111 ) are, ti�be;t '4� * Aa� 6 eWw, ft§ & *U,MlWtbe�� f, 1. " 0, , q i'mi 4 �'4, � - I , , , i . W'"b W'sh, AM, -IA-6a6r;'tJi'61 It* 4, Vft'iti, '� - "dw ,0,06��, 'Plies'. - i I �.__ . . . 'd M aj�, 1�� ­ � , - � I , I � , 0"'', I 1. , 'k 4 ., I * . . � It" , .. . Ift� t0nd *i*6'%'* �"*6" ut, - - f, I ' '' , k� lld"`* . ­­ I - . , k 1. , (C�6 "�'6b�Lj%jo,�*') �,!" do., , , , , I , I 0�'� 1).J11'.0d 4" - A" . . ' d c caper � It � fllbal$� ", . � 1*#6k1t , . , , I AM,: 'h' I " A . ,� " �, , , I I I iw ., � . , , . �� i �� I �� � " MA�' I .� i" k;kg . 21 . I . �, �*,__ I. !W4, WW%ii, �, � �j, , ... . I 11 I . ' �,i ,,_',j' ' ': " ., I , ' . � . ­.'. .; , -�, - . ';� , , .1 " , I ­ I I I . 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