The Huron Expositor, 1940-03-15, Page 5VM­ il. n i..r> e i0 I I t ! '�I'•Y f' r.. ' IA'Y. A ,• Y' ELECMICITY, [N,gp T .i, bl1F;',! fin:;f$I y'rsit 3 F(, ?U Cir • r mal. xe l lbvx 9p Arp Wr rn10uth ctl h ;9* •'K.T' the 4w. .;�, a ,order v!,/ ''" p,+ R , FARM H irate Idle . iYiaa ?t . more l"llrt lt. ' i r t m op ., g ..Be01I11,1J �r'Tli'� t.& J� ..�FI'�S'�i'�ilLl�'�I(��i�=• ...,:.. ,, .. .w .,t la _ a �w mm'.S r' r t�ns'��`a � I ,,.t.,,;:t'. lrWec lri�'servicer'ax l Vft,%e job it matte abruct.. oo tArat "iiltq ry a rl w ? h . .. electricity .• 3'' 1 r sr - .. :,>" ..__+n.... �'f,` i ,d f1 Y.. r,.,."v Irl '•�a, off rbty. �hnadtu.�cal ,ellleotrLov into rwr al corn.- mane cu us+e flit ,c�e;�rFe tit becgllr.era�. xawnitles whlere tl#sl piowffendewce is As an exazwAle aE•wbb�m alert of rattleJ•*iuaw teLi l,g 'Dist rtahowgh. 31ew atuxal Iet us ,tak$ tlh.q da;�o .oaf a custmfiner F ' ° vultlOnl, 001 welcome � a arrival of usineg 50 ;kilowatt lxOUP6 a month. ter, k r pbrwLu' 'rfJ11ay^ are usNadT Arald(oY'"the 'lighting and small appJriamoea, aurin las oasC. Usnlaltpr fartm folkal have given a toaster and other . sinuJuT equip- ,fb the matter, wary serious considetdtion meant, .wwder 'a sa�ti`fl Cd farm rale for a sufficient length of time, -to per foil a;, . Service echewp $1.11 per" m1t slam to came to tbg eon luadon u,o,LGh, Gt peen kllo,"tt ebr9wr 2pr.- .that rut 4009 not pays to iski,mpt ,n on the the first 42 kilowatt hours per ontli, NEW wiring cY butlldings elven though'trhene 2 let. per kilo"tt 31a�{� for next 168 to evident in, the Lediground of their cul4ted it is tons vndll Ae •be $2.65, wlbdc]£ Y > minrds timp thought that not all the When the bddL fora manNh's con- a4 i Y � •49,: r ti facilities pnavild'eld for In the wising srum•ption 'of 50 kilowOtt hours is cal wIlll 'be ;put into use until factual con kilowath hours per mouth; .% ct. per ditiow of use of the" more. obvious kRowatt 'hour for all current over 210 conveniences have been experdeneced. kilowatt hours per 'montb- DdsleountSPRING'r C0 k1 Thus isrto, he expected, ain'ce.it is true 10 per cent. that electric 'power is an additional when divided) br,5e0 'brings the cost 1 ,thing to be paid for in cash, hence per kilowatt 'hour to 5..3 cents. W MI �••P4�U� justifiable caution in connection with Now, ,supposing that this cuatogner r bh,e first 'bills: EXperiemce soon in- puts an an electric 'refnige,ator and Smart box ck aty1Q, ,Wjtit;.' 'MILLI spires comfi'deruce (however•, and the an electric mange wdii'oh puts hire. con- high recut 110ps4 aid 1,90pe better livinlg that electricity brings sumption up' to 260 kilowatt havers 'RY sleeves; fittbd stj%ies anritii about creates •enthusiasm which re- per.month, which will make his bill shoulders and' pared Oe'' sl shillts in. jwstiflalble expansdon of the $5.88 for tblg month's service, but the 'new belted types -all are hero,; u'ste of the uew..)h'alpeT.° kilowatt (hour ibas dropped to 2.26 ©t° STYLES— for your choosing: . Where the wla c p the house or or to less Ulan ing the cost per unit STRAIGHT SAILORS All -woof cloths iq�;C e new S burn wase not a complete job, how- when only lighting was diene. It is rY pt+ing ' ever, there is often a reduction in true that thepower'company collects BRETON...SAILORS color, artfully' taj#orad and trimn�lyd.• the benefits accruing from the, us -e of more 'money from the customer, but PILL BOX STYLES with tuckiri% flowers and scal4t. the ponver, theirefore it is.wise, first, let us see what the latter gets, for FLOWER TOQUES to plan wiring layouts well and, sec- this extra outlay. .... IARrceD r,ndly, to paint in 'as 'many outlets as Surveys again come into play when, are likely to be required for ultimate we attempt to find just how valuableA ne,eldis, if not for immediate use, is'ant electric range to a (housewife. 3.75 �0 25*00 A three wire service nt fropole to One such curve brings out the fact heouse should) be. put in without fail. .that the I time spent to' keep a, coal 'Thos 'service (provides 220 volts as range going per 'week amounts for t well as 110 volts, so that even though about. 3 -hours and 10 minutes, this � New ,S cin Dresses lighting vol any other uses require time 'Ipcluclein,g cleaning of the stave; � g and man only,t • it makes pos- replenisehing the fuel supply, kindling,, - s'ble ,Moex+e. '.effective use of -.an• electric fires•' rine 'rem,ovinlg astray. To operate ww, Dozens and dozens of new and. dif-- '- range or utility motor, which equip- a kerosene stove took a little more F ficins style creations, smarter trim 'g ment works better on 220 blran an t'.ian an hour and; a'quarte.r per week effects and the last word in shades 110 volt current. while the work connected with -the_ and patterns. Shop here for the new - Branch Circuits Wire Sizes operation of an electric stove is about est things. It: is very important tdvlt. sufficient 28 minutes per. week. There are very . 'branch circuits are installed in the f( -w housewives who would not appre- holnrel. There should) be, one Lighting ciate a reduction of their weeklys 'y task295 '`} o 6495 brFinc:lt circuit for eaelt C, 00 square by two and a half hours'. feet of floor area (not ireluding the But: it is doubtful 'wihether the sa.v- un&nis'he+d space,• in the attic and ce)- ing of time, important though it may .cu'i•t for conven enceould zof outlets inner the be Ices the ran'gegbrin,�gs, Thbp fact the alit LADIES. :y ' " fact that the, Y kitchen, pantry and, dining roam, co'oki'ng heat is constant, imaneillate-" They're simply aturrning, these new ' • primarily. for the. use of plug-in con- ly available'.th.rou'gh the simple turn- Spring Hats, cleverly trimmed with Man Tailored 'p'oSilltS veniences as the Toaster, iron, fans, ing of aswitch• and that when baking ,. bright flowers, wings and ribbons,ons: wer mixer, etc. The distribution or other use of oven is required, Colors inctude-- Are these a''hit? ,They're' actually panel should be large enough to per- ,mat'ic temperature controls are souxle- ise Scandal Red selling like hot caked Handsomely mit the addition of at least two more, es of relief to the )haii6owife that can Stailored of fine quality English *,,or- canda branch. Icircwits' whiq}r- will probably hardly be appreciated until expe'ri Airforce Blue steel and serges, in Grey, Navy and be needed in, the future. ,Some appli- enced. Then .there is the fact that, Black - Pin Stripes. .. antes, such as the, 'electric range or in warm weatheg„r, ,eleattle cookie ns Heavenly Blue ff ' water hastier require separate circuits math cooler than amly,-Grey cl, other source Navy, and Black. a 18*75 } l0 2175 not dn'ud'ed in 'above. of cooking (heat making it no longer Care should also be, taken to see necessary to 'set up the wood or ker- that wire of am -le size to handd� the oseneestove in the "slum finer kitchen" •'PRICED i easily involved is put into the system. which ' may keep the dining roam • Since this involves a -technical kn,owl- cooler for the men when they come r , edge cacti customers cannot be ex- in for meeals, but w.hidh only doubles to { 95 See the New Hose, Flowers, Bags andpetted to, have, sit is a,d'vislabl'e 'to en- and' treble's the ammoulnt of walking 1,95 VV • Costume Jewelry on display ! -- r hisit •tile • services, of, power, company the 'housekeeper must do in. tihe great engineers in the-plaundng of the wir- total of 'trips' between the wi>'rk table In system for tete' home., Floor pl'r,nsin the kitchen and .the cools stove. of the -house should be drawn land 1 _ THE GREATEST SHOWING OF sent to the power company with a re ° quest for a wiring plan. Power coon- • pang" engineers are accusetowed to Dumi�rrg In}re 'rand +evcry 'Tammy " ' cmaking 'such plans and' heave much brineging bank a. prit5omer yens to get. Men 8 Suits more experience and training .than •'a week's lerave. :11 Spring - Ona"bld solider Toet neacl with .a any but exceptional local electricia.n's' German who was wearinlg a British WE'VE EVER- OFFERED useful anrd' 'sin'cere though, the latter h,elmiet, t'he,T'ommty being wieth.out bone:. may be. "YeisVl 'hie ewlarimle:d, "I .gave 'hdm Think of it! 500 new Spring Sitits right in stock. Go where you like In, -all roeomrs', wall switches sheoul(l my Ihelmiet. You see, if ih+e'd been you'll not see the equal of this grand assortment of the newest, smart. bet so placed, a's' to make it unneces- .G,hot wiliere was. my week's leave?" est Suits for men- sarty to grope into any room in the And we can fit you too. We've got styles foil falls; regulars or dark to find the switch. ce door or shorts, young men's, standards and stouts. should beplaced, at the entrannce. KIPPEN Colors include Grey, Bliue,' Green, Brown styles; single on double. ' and in such places as upper and Low- :• breasted models. Come in and let us show you these. er hall, . two-way" switches phoul•d' be provided at the -top and bottom of theMises Kathryn Drysdale, of Hensall, stairway, so that the lights can be visited i bast, week with Miss Doreen am •00 �3.ao controlled fram upstairs or down Cooper. � u stairs. Also in rooms' (having two en- 'Mr. and Mr's. Archie .Parsons and { Gerald, slrent Sunday will! Mr. and trances, as is often the case in lrv- �jj ing rooms and dining' rooms' or farm Mrs. Jbsep•tr Carter, Ciandeboye. EXTRA PANTS TO MATCH AT z , ........... $4mY{{�� 0 , and $4m50' kit'ch•elna,. ".tw-o-way' switches Should Quite a number atbenldedd the auc- be -placed at each . entrance. Such in- 'tion sales of thio estates of the tate stalla.tions' not ondy make for great Chris. Sha'ag and Oscar Koehler. convenience in the use of the lights, ' Mr, and, Mrs. F. Herdman, of Var- but save many steps in turning t'henr nay, spent �ti day last week with Mr.=; on or off. and 'Mrs. W. Hornet'. New'Topcciats,Light, Power and Heat Meeting " The -Maxe M. lt meeting of the W.M.S.R • When a nein customer coni wets for iv'as held at Qhs home of 'Misty Doreen The ne , Topcoats are 'here in all their. glory. Bright overplaids electric seevice he usually has in Colopeer with, a. good attendance. Mrs. or wide herringbone tweeds in the newest greens, aviation blue, brown wince, mainly, Id the- e'1'ectile lights, ons, Hendei^San presided -and after the-and.grey. Raglan or Fitted Styles.' while the ]dghQ'Fare very ilnppoaFtant opening Hymn, 105 was sunig'follo'w- ,• inig e conditions actually db transform b rn, 16.50 Lo 24.50theyed by a responsive reading Psal'trig Bond?tsars do lrowse and barn, No. 7A`8 from thehymnary. Prayeers there are mrany other way's' in R.hich were 'offered by Mrs. W�orkmar an',d, ellactrirc •powwr provides profitable Mrs. Bell, Mrs.. Jono)� read seVcral help. Next -to the ld-ghts in the '•h•ome, passages Lrom the Bible. 'Phis was %gni % oI� the automatic electric water system followed: by a hymn rind Mrs. Cli�- WE HA5/E A HAT TO MATCH YOUR NEW SUIT m to r i,s"'pemhaps the egrea.t'eset boon to the I ler had charge of the+ topic and was housewife, •eared then comes the elec- assisted by \do's. A. McMurtnie, Mrs. tris, refrigerator and the vacuum ,I. W. 9lcbean, :ler:�:. T. Workman, c -leaner. All these 'appliances, are 114rs. bicCly mart lir s. Long and MTs - motor driven4mach:i.nes which) are us- Mellis. Mrs. Cooper spoke of eche ually small and e'conom'ical: in cur•i passing of M� Edwardes and ices• cansmmptionr I't is, only when we w -DI -k ill th'e Chua'eh anrd (then led in turn el'e'ctric current, into, beat. that prayer. The rol'1 call and offering was we begin, to use bile power in- any- taken and Hymn No, 115 was sungewar thing like alppre'ctalltee quantities. and the closing prayer offered by ros.'' „Tire following table lis't's' the aver Mr -s. Henderson. siege armiou:mast of curre'rtt used for the tr more coannrron e(loml'eatic' use's; of pow- 4Mr. Wilida.m Anedoi soen, a resiedenit of SEAFORTH er: thas village for niany years, phrs I d .Current Consumption per Farm Family away a res, 'home here on Monday, Kw, Heins, •March '7ltthl, in his 79th year. Mr. , Purpose peer moi th Anderson (bed been in, .fail)ing Ihealtr: ” Lighting and) Small, Applda'nces 35 for s)om'e lenlgtir or time; and although fortune during the past week to ba:ve Electric Water System (s'hal- at times he Seemed ;much brighter a ,good ,cow tmil on -the ice, breaking R' Low wells Per 1000 •gals•) .:.. 1..5 and better, he gradtial'ly Igr"ew weaker its hip. Wraslhin,g Machine ............ 2.4 -ands in sp'i'te oT good, nursing and A number from around, them attend- S Electric Refrigerator ... 47 medical IattenQli:on'r• he passed peace- ed iihe nominaKou '£n Hena ll Town /NAlurIET Electric Range ............... 162.1 fully alway. Mr. And'(>rsloen• is ,slrrviv- 'Hall ,on Monday of tis week. Range, per peTf$lon Orn, ftamily.. 28.4 ed by 'one daugrh4 er, Mrs. Ed. Drake, Mr. Roberti Daymav, of Tucker- � Electric Water Heater 240 of Alberta, and four sdaters - Mrs.smdltb, srpenrt a; visit at the drome f o. : '',roan thdsl toble it will r•,eaddiy be Frances) Lanlon, I.dnco'bn, Pamk, Midh.; his nephew, Mr. Robert Dayman, of seen that liglhti,ng of farm buildings, Mrs, JesiMo Rl sea', Owfomdy Mich:; S•imcoe, during -the past week. the purp'os�,, fair ,which. Imosrt people' Mrs, William Winder, Windsor, and Mr. amid Mrs. Robert MrcGregor of �1VA/�, • TO MA -^° primarily install electric wiring; is not (Mans. E'llseUom Dawan,,, Stan)l,ey, Tawe- Tuekerstnith, eavUeintalined a numi)ber :•., a ser -vice re,qu.ir•.inlg mulch power. The esehdp, and two bi'at.hens, Albert, of of •their friends on Monday evening, annuity of power needed to operate Mar+]:ante, Mich., anrd .Arthur AnrdeiJ ea,nd,ad4 dm a a very enjoyable Uwe %/;�5 •You can get those heavy, money- smlb.'ll motors, suair as those used on, son, of the town line-, aKippon, His making hogs to market quicker --and save the water system, w -milling machilne wife-•pre)d)ecessed him some kcaraago-up to 400 pounds of grain ptr pig—by using canal' eleectri'c refrigerator Likewise, are A pr•dwatO funeral was hod' on Weed- Roe Wondergrow Hoy Concentrate. See your Roe comparatively es)mlall. Int its when elec- n)esdrayn firoul M's late homewith Rev. MANLEY .' Feeds dealer and start your hogs on the short tiic Wrrelht is turned, to heat that we E. F. Ghanddpr, of St. Amdrew''s Unit - really begin to use power in quan- ed Qpun•ch 'officiatimeg. Hies. remains, AL1 ,the roddA arra open now Yior Roe Road to market today. Complete -feeding tity. wehie":laid to rest in 031enaalll Umd)on cams except soenmee farmers lanes, since directions in every bag. Po'w'er •oompiantelsl must i,nrmst lanige Ciemreter'y. the county wwwpilow w'e'nt through. _ snrnns' of money in, tranlsrmdeasrlon Lines Mn Thlomas B of the village • Mr Gerald McKay do engaged with a ;tr•anafornia•s and .ember equipment to bring power to tete flarm', they. , Y� 1 .e: Minister of Trade and Commerce 1 I Cardno's Hall, Se'aforth. t ':. i I- y^l p!M•1 •, y� •A��l�" IA�� Iii I I y •� • l _ _„_.. .._.._ __ -_ � �.: --I_ - - r n i..r> e i0 I I t ! '�I'•Y f' r.. ' IA'Y. A ,• Y' ELECMICITY, [N,gp T .i, bl1F;',! fin:;f$I y'rsit 3 F(, ?U Cir • r mal. xe l lbvx 9p Arp Wr rn10uth ctl h ;9* •'K.T' the 4w. .;�, a ,order v!,/ ''" p,+ R , FARM H irate Idle . iYiaa ?t . more l"llrt lt. ' i r t m op ., g ..Be01I11,1J �r'Tli'� t.& J� ..�FI'�S'�i'�ilLl�'�I(��i�=• ...,:.. ,, .. .w .,t la _ a �w mm'.S r' r t�ns'��`a � I ,,.t.,,;:t'. lrWec lri�'servicer'ax l Vft,%e job it matte abruct.. oo tArat "iiltq ry a rl w ? h . .. electricity .• 3'' 1 r sr - .. :,>" ..__+n.... �'f,` i ,d f1 Y.. r,.,."v Irl '•�a, off rbty. �hnadtu.�cal ,ellleotrLov into rwr al corn.- mane cu us+e flit ,c�e;�rFe tit becgllr.era�. xawnitles whlere tl#sl piowffendewce is As an exazwAle aE•wbb�m alert of rattleJ•*iuaw teLi l,g 'Dist rtahowgh. 31ew atuxal Iet us ,tak$ tlh.q da;�o .oaf a custmfiner F ' ° vultlOnl, 001 welcome � a arrival of usineg 50 ;kilowatt lxOUP6 a month. ter, k r pbrwLu' 'rfJ11ay^ are usNadT Arald(oY'"the 'lighting and small appJriamoea, aurin las oasC. Usnlaltpr fartm folkal have given a toaster and other . sinuJuT equip- ,fb the matter, wary serious considetdtion meant, .wwder 'a sa�ti`fl Cd farm rale for a sufficient length of time, -to per foil a;, . Service echewp $1.11 per" m1t slam to came to tbg eon luadon u,o,LGh, Gt peen kllo,"tt ebr9wr 2pr.- .that rut 4009 not pays to iski,mpt ,n on the the first 42 kilowatt hours per ontli, NEW wiring cY butlldings elven though'trhene 2 let. per kilo"tt 31a�{� for next 168 to evident in, the Lediground of their cul4ted it is tons vndll Ae •be $2.65, wlbdc]£ Y > minrds timp thought that not all the When the bddL fora manNh's con- a4 i Y � •49,: r ti facilities pnavild'eld for In the wising srum•ption 'of 50 kilowOtt hours is cal wIlll 'be ;put into use until factual con kilowath hours per mouth; .% ct. per ditiow of use of the" more. obvious kRowatt 'hour for all current over 210 conveniences have been experdeneced. kilowatt hours per 'montb- DdsleountSPRING'r C0 k1 Thus isrto, he expected, ain'ce.it is true 10 per cent. that electric 'power is an additional when divided) br,5e0 'brings the cost 1 ,thing to be paid for in cash, hence per kilowatt 'hour to 5..3 cents. W MI �••P4�U� justifiable caution in connection with Now, ,supposing that this cuatogner r bh,e first 'bills: EXperiemce soon in- puts an an electric 'refnige,ator and Smart box ck aty1Q, ,Wjtit;.' 'MILLI spires comfi'deruce (however•, and the an electric mange wdii'oh puts hire. con- high recut 110ps4 aid 1,90pe better livinlg that electricity brings sumption up' to 260 kilowatt havers 'RY sleeves; fittbd stj%ies anritii about creates •enthusiasm which re- per.month, which will make his bill shoulders and' pared Oe'' sl shillts in. jwstiflalble expansdon of the $5.88 for tblg month's service, but the 'new belted types -all are hero,; u'ste of the uew..)h'alpeT.° kilowatt (hour ibas dropped to 2.26 ©t° STYLES— for your choosing: . Where the wla c p the house or or to less Ulan ing the cost per unit STRAIGHT SAILORS All -woof cloths iq�;C e new S burn wase not a complete job, how- when only lighting was diene. It is rY pt+ing ' ever, there is often a reduction in true that thepower'company collects BRETON...SAILORS color, artfully' taj#orad and trimn�lyd.• the benefits accruing from the, us -e of more 'money from the customer, but PILL BOX STYLES with tuckiri% flowers and scal4t. the ponver, theirefore it is.wise, first, let us see what the latter gets, for FLOWER TOQUES to plan wiring layouts well and, sec- this extra outlay. .... IARrceD r,ndly, to paint in 'as 'many outlets as Surveys again come into play when, are likely to be required for ultimate we attempt to find just how valuableA ne,eldis, if not for immediate use, is'ant electric range to a (housewife. 3.75 �0 25*00 A three wire service nt fropole to One such curve brings out the fact heouse should) be. put in without fail. .that the I time spent to' keep a, coal 'Thos 'service (provides 220 volts as range going per 'week amounts for t well as 110 volts, so that even though about. 3 -hours and 10 minutes, this � New ,S cin Dresses lighting vol any other uses require time 'Ipcluclein,g cleaning of the stave; � g and man only,t • it makes pos- replenisehing the fuel supply, kindling,, - s'ble ,Moex+e. '.effective use of -.an• electric fires•' rine 'rem,ovinlg astray. To operate ww, Dozens and dozens of new and. dif-- '- range or utility motor, which equip- a kerosene stove took a little more F ficins style creations, smarter trim 'g ment works better on 220 blran an t'.ian an hour and; a'quarte.r per week effects and the last word in shades 110 volt current. while the work connected with -the_ and patterns. Shop here for the new - Branch Circuits Wire Sizes operation of an electric stove is about est things. It: is very important tdvlt. sufficient 28 minutes per. week. There are very . 'branch circuits are installed in the f( -w housewives who would not appre- holnrel. There should) be, one Lighting ciate a reduction of their weeklys 'y task295 '`} o 6495 brFinc:lt circuit for eaelt C, 00 square by two and a half hours'. feet of floor area (not ireluding the But: it is doubtful 'wihether the sa.v- un&nis'he+d space,• in the attic and ce)- ing of time, important though it may .cu'i•t for conven enceould zof outlets inner the be Ices the ran'gegbrin,�gs, Thbp fact the alit LADIES. :y ' " fact that the, Y kitchen, pantry and, dining roam, co'oki'ng heat is constant, imaneillate-" They're simply aturrning, these new ' • primarily. for the. use of plug-in con- ly available'.th.rou'gh the simple turn- Spring Hats, cleverly trimmed with Man Tailored 'p'oSilltS veniences as the Toaster, iron, fans, ing of aswitch• and that when baking ,. bright flowers, wings and ribbons,ons: wer mixer, etc. The distribution or other use of oven is required, Colors inctude-- Are these a''hit? ,They're' actually panel should be large enough to per- ,mat'ic temperature controls are souxle- ise Scandal Red selling like hot caked Handsomely mit the addition of at least two more, es of relief to the )haii6owife that can Stailored of fine quality English *,,or- canda branch. Icircwits' whiq}r- will probably hardly be appreciated until expe'ri Airforce Blue steel and serges, in Grey, Navy and be needed in, the future. ,Some appli- enced. Then .there is the fact that, Black - Pin Stripes. .. antes, such as the, 'electric range or in warm weatheg„r, ,eleattle cookie ns Heavenly Blue ff ' water hastier require separate circuits math cooler than amly,-Grey cl, other source Navy, and Black. a 18*75 } l0 2175 not dn'ud'ed in 'above. of cooking (heat making it no longer Care should also be, taken to see necessary to 'set up the wood or ker- that wire of am -le size to handd� the oseneestove in the "slum finer kitchen" •'PRICED i easily involved is put into the system. which ' may keep the dining roam • Since this involves a -technical kn,owl- cooler for the men when they come r , edge cacti customers cannot be ex- in for meeals, but w.hidh only doubles to { 95 See the New Hose, Flowers, Bags andpetted to, have, sit is a,d'vislabl'e 'to en- and' treble's the ammoulnt of walking 1,95 VV • Costume Jewelry on display ! -- r hisit •tile • services, of, power, company the 'housekeeper must do in. tihe great engineers in the-plaundng of the wir- total of 'trips' between the wi>'rk table In system for tete' home., Floor pl'r,nsin the kitchen and .the cools stove. of the -house should be drawn land 1 _ THE GREATEST SHOWING OF sent to the power company with a re ° quest for a wiring plan. Power coon- • pang" engineers are accusetowed to Dumi�rrg In}re 'rand +evcry 'Tammy " ' cmaking 'such plans and' heave much brineging bank a. prit5omer yens to get. Men 8 Suits more experience and training .than •'a week's lerave. :11 Spring - Ona"bld solider Toet neacl with .a any but exceptional local electricia.n's' German who was wearinlg a British WE'VE EVER- OFFERED useful anrd' 'sin'cere though, the latter h,elmiet, t'he,T'ommty being wieth.out bone:. may be. "YeisVl 'hie ewlarimle:d, "I .gave 'hdm Think of it! 500 new Spring Sitits right in stock. Go where you like In, -all roeomrs', wall switches sheoul(l my Ihelmiet. You see, if ih+e'd been you'll not see the equal of this grand assortment of the newest, smart. bet so placed, a's' to make it unneces- .G,hot wiliere was. my week's leave?" est Suits for men- sarty to grope into any room in the And we can fit you too. We've got styles foil falls; regulars or dark to find the switch. ce door or shorts, young men's, standards and stouts. should beplaced, at the entrannce. KIPPEN Colors include Grey, Bliue,' Green, Brown styles; single on double. ' and in such places as upper and Low- :• breasted models. Come in and let us show you these. er hall, . two-way" switches phoul•d' be provided at the -top and bottom of theMises Kathryn Drysdale, of Hensall, stairway, so that the lights can be visited i bast, week with Miss Doreen am •00 �3.ao controlled fram upstairs or down Cooper. � u stairs. Also in rooms' (having two en- 'Mr. and Mr's. Archie .Parsons and { Gerald, slrent Sunday will! Mr. and trances, as is often the case in lrv- �jj ing rooms and dining' rooms' or farm Mrs. Jbsep•tr Carter, Ciandeboye. EXTRA PANTS TO MATCH AT z , ........... $4mY{{�� 0 , and $4m50' kit'ch•elna,. ".tw-o-way' switches Should Quite a number atbenldedd the auc- be -placed at each . entrance. Such in- 'tion sales of thio estates of the tate stalla.tions' not ondy make for great Chris. Sha'ag and Oscar Koehler. convenience in the use of the lights, ' Mr, and, Mrs. F. Herdman, of Var- but save many steps in turning t'henr nay, spent �ti day last week with Mr.=; on or off. and 'Mrs. W. Hornet'. New'Topcciats,Light, Power and Heat Meeting " The -Maxe M. lt meeting of the W.M.S.R • When a nein customer coni wets for iv'as held at Qhs home of 'Misty Doreen The ne , Topcoats are 'here in all their. glory. Bright overplaids electric seevice he usually has in Colopeer with, a. good attendance. Mrs. or wide herringbone tweeds in the newest greens, aviation blue, brown wince, mainly, Id the- e'1'ectile lights, ons, Hendei^San presided -and after the-and.grey. Raglan or Fitted Styles.' while the ]dghQ'Fare very ilnppoaFtant opening Hymn, 105 was sunig'follo'w- ,• inig e conditions actually db transform b rn, 16.50 Lo 24.50theyed by a responsive reading Psal'trig Bond?tsars do lrowse and barn, No. 7A`8 from thehymnary. Prayeers there are mrany other way's' in R.hich were 'offered by Mrs. W�orkmar an',d, ellactrirc •powwr provides profitable Mrs. Bell, Mrs.. Jono)� read seVcral help. Next -to the ld-ghts in the '•h•ome, passages Lrom the Bible. 'Phis was %gni % oI� the automatic electric water system followed: by a hymn rind Mrs. Cli�- WE HA5/E A HAT TO MATCH YOUR NEW SUIT m to r i,s"'pemhaps the egrea.t'eset boon to the I ler had charge of the+ topic and was housewife, •eared then comes the elec- assisted by \do's. A. McMurtnie, Mrs. tris, refrigerator and the vacuum ,I. W. 9lcbean, :ler:�:. T. Workman, c -leaner. All these 'appliances, are 114rs. bicCly mart lir s. Long and MTs - motor driven4mach:i.nes which) are us- Mellis. Mrs. Cooper spoke of eche ually small and e'conom'ical: in cur•i passing of M� Edwardes and ices• cansmmptionr I't is, only when we w -DI -k ill th'e Chua'eh anrd (then led in turn el'e'ctric current, into, beat. that prayer. The rol'1 call and offering was we begin, to use bile power in- any- taken and Hymn No, 115 was sungewar thing like alppre'ctalltee quantities. and the closing prayer offered by ros.'' „Tire following table lis't's' the aver Mr -s. Henderson. siege armiou:mast of curre'rtt used for the tr more coannrron e(loml'eatic' use's; of pow- 4Mr. Wilida.m Anedoi soen, a resiedenit of SEAFORTH er: thas village for niany years, phrs I d .Current Consumption per Farm Family away a res, 'home here on Monday, Kw, Heins, •March '7ltthl, in his 79th year. Mr. , Purpose peer moi th Anderson (bed been in, .fail)ing Ihealtr: ” Lighting and) Small, Applda'nces 35 for s)om'e lenlgtir or time; and although fortune during the past week to ba:ve Electric Water System (s'hal- at times he Seemed ;much brighter a ,good ,cow tmil on -the ice, breaking R' Low wells Per 1000 •gals•) .:.. 1..5 and better, he gradtial'ly Igr"ew weaker its hip. Wraslhin,g Machine ............ 2.4 -ands in sp'i'te oT good, nursing and A number from around, them attend- S Electric Refrigerator ... 47 medical IattenQli:on'r• he passed peace- ed iihe nominaKou '£n Hena ll Town /NAlurIET Electric Range ............... 162.1 fully alway. Mr. And'(>rsloen• is ,slrrviv- 'Hall ,on Monday of tis week. Range, per peTf$lon Orn, ftamily.. 28.4 ed by 'one daugrh4 er, Mrs. Ed. Drake, Mr. Roberti Daymav, of Tucker- � Electric Water Heater 240 of Alberta, and four sdaters - Mrs.smdltb, srpenrt a; visit at the drome f o. : '',roan thdsl toble it will r•,eaddiy be Frances) Lanlon, I.dnco'bn, Pamk, Midh.; his nephew, Mr. Robert Dayman, of seen that liglhti,ng of farm buildings, Mrs, JesiMo Rl sea', Owfomdy Mich:; S•imcoe, during -the past week. the purp'os�,, fair ,which. Imosrt people' Mrs, William Winder, Windsor, and Mr. amid Mrs. Robert MrcGregor of �1VA/�, • TO MA -^° primarily install electric wiring; is not (Mans. E'llseUom Dawan,,, Stan)l,ey, Tawe- Tuekerstnith, eavUeintalined a numi)ber :•., a ser -vice re,qu.ir•.inlg mulch power. The esehdp, and two bi'at.hens, Albert, of of •their friends on Monday evening, annuity of power needed to operate Mar+]:ante, Mich., anrd .Arthur AnrdeiJ ea,nd,ad4 dm a a very enjoyable Uwe %/;�5 •You can get those heavy, money- smlb.'ll motors, suair as those used on, son, of the town line-, aKippon, His making hogs to market quicker --and save the water system, w -milling machilne wife-•pre)d)ecessed him some kcaraago-up to 400 pounds of grain ptr pig—by using canal' eleectri'c refrigerator Likewise, are A pr•dwatO funeral was hod' on Weed- Roe Wondergrow Hoy Concentrate. See your Roe comparatively es)mlall. Int its when elec- n)esdrayn firoul M's late homewith Rev. MANLEY .' Feeds dealer and start your hogs on the short tiic Wrrelht is turned, to heat that we E. F. Ghanddpr, of St. Amdrew''s Unit - really begin to use power in quan- ed Qpun•ch 'officiatimeg. Hies. remains, AL1 ,the roddA arra open now Yior Roe Road to market today. Complete -feeding tity. wehie":laid to rest in 031enaalll Umd)on cams except soenmee farmers lanes, since directions in every bag. Po'w'er •oompiantelsl must i,nrmst lanige Ciemreter'y. the county wwwpilow w'e'nt through. _ snrnns' of money in, tranlsrmdeasrlon Lines Mn Thlomas B of the village • Mr Gerald McKay do engaged with a ;tr•anafornia•s and .ember equipment to bring power to tete flarm', they. ' ' one. e D. Eu',Ier Melpw Minister of Trade and Commerce SPEAKS Cardno's Hall, Se'aforth. Friday,, March. 15th "IN THE INTERESTS OF W. H. GOLDING ' Liberal Candidate in riding of ,the Huron -Perth. Other Meetings--, EXETER,11ARCH 21; ZURICH, MARCH 23 This advertis>emlenit tics Inserted by the Hurm Perth Liberal, Atalsociation C'cr'opeer during the past week, when In to man,`y polifrical gatiomalist:s W. R. KERSLAKE�a y ALBERT'IRAVISffi f pf `Wily, do. they, call a dem,,, 'a' puce +••a��....�.R SeOfeHh a denthl rplamlloa•?" ?Welli, dt(s 's a ort, of dTuwdm•g room, BRUCEI+'IE�.D 00 isn"It It?" Mr. anile Mats. R. Towrvsead, of the U.S.A., spent a few 'days with Mrs•'' ,fain minirnu i amount per month per visited. with hiedds In Toronto, ever uniited in wi'Yunflmig the wat so d6n't Myth Zurich •user. Somretim•es ,buds ds eable'd sie.r. Mary McKenzie. , I Ell mi � vire& •charge, in otbelr cases, meter " Mr. Harry Collins, oaf Western Uni- • T%nt, land, where no such minimum verFai'ty, LoRdo:u, spent the week-emd ' Imple, at 'ides ,'home h'ere- 'The. Y.P.U. vTeisienited their play, .1n'ents "Glom* Lilghts of San Rey" to a large On. O Of f crowd- on Friday night. Don't fongeit the' social evening and ooncert being put on Friday evening by the Harti'culturail .Society. in less than Mrs. D. Cornish and Mrs. P. Lay - ton, of. Clantion, spent Friday with Mrs. J. K. Cornish. The th$rd ,shipment of Pied Cross a• minute i•nicludecl ,the following articles: 'Six sults 4• 'boslpirtal gybed ,,of pyjamas,, gowns, ,17 ,children''s slips, 9 children's nightgowns, 2 children's wadsts; 3 !padrs of ebiidiren's panties, 2 pairs1 of chiftarenl'sr rpmbersi 1 'child's panty &ess, 6 Rat water bottle covers,, 6 Pairs of oo11'em: wri stleUs, . 3 sd)eeve- lless sweatq 48 1 , pairs, of so:K and, wool scarf., 1 A joint meeting of the V.P.O. and U.F.W:O. will be held; at 9e home of / 01 > .i ! � Mr. •said Mrs. A. McQueen on Wednes-. • ➢�'� , day, Marsch 20th, at 2 p.m. "FREE SERVICE With., OLD, DISABLEDOR DEAD FORD TRACTOR HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Ferguson System- Simply phone "COLLECT" b - WILLIAM STONE SONS 0 With the new Ford tractor, Ferguson system, you waste no LIMITED PHONE 41 INGERSOLL time in making lengthy imple- PHONE 219 - MITCHELL E, tient changeovers.. For Fergu- son wheel -less implemgnts, in- cluding the row•cultivator; may be attached or detached by one man in less than a min- ute without the use of tools: Seaforth MUbUillent • Front and rear-wbeel tread adjustments alio a simple, one. �iUrkS man operation. There are other:.things about= " the new Ford tractor with Fer- (fb�merly W. E, Chapman) guooii system,of hydraulically'" controlled wheel -less imple- NOW OPERATED BY men ee that will amaze you. ,Come in. and sit. Demonstra- Cunningham t Pryde tionsgladly arranged. Don't miss this chance to see the We - Invite inspection of our reaily new mechanized farm stock of Cemetery Memorlals. equipment' SEAFORTH -- TUESDAYS 15ATURQAYS or any time by appointment See Dr, Harburn — Phone 105 J. F0, Daly EXETER: ' Phone 41; Box 150 SEAFORTH STRATFORD GODERICH COACH LINES FALL AND WINTER TIME TABLE Leavy Sesforth for Btradordt Davy 8.40 a -m- and 5.25 Pm. Leaves Senforth for Credericht Da ly exreD • Sunday and hail., 1.25 19 FIR�i��JOn' V..m- and '8.10 'a.m. b'an. mend W,1.25 v --and 10.20 D -0L Oounvouf stratfbrd for Toronto, S Y S T E M t at H on', Buflhvek, Dn, deTavfstook, • Asmaom -' pneea'� Hotel, Coammaretsl Hertel. Dick Hwie - LESS I M P L E (III E N T S n oSeaforihTa�:v f , TAX -PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 11.940 The Town will pay 4 per cent. per annum up to August 31, 1940, on all prepaid 1940, •taxes. +, i Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town ClerWs "Office in the Town 1Wl. °• D. H. MM0, V, ��yyyy��yymmBB . e Jr i easurer. n i..r> e i0 I I t ! '�I'•Y f' r.. ' IA'Y. A ,• Y' ELECMICITY, [N,gp T .i, bl1F;',! fin:;f$I y'rsit 3 F(, ?U Cir • r mal. xe l lbvx 9p Arp Wr rn10uth ctl h ;9* •'K.T' the 4w. .;�, a ,order v!,/ ''" p,+ R , FARM H irate Idle . iYiaa ?t . more l"llrt lt. ' i r t m op ., g ..Be01I11,1J �r'Tli'� t.& J� ..�FI'�S'�i'�ilLl�'�I(��i�=• ...,:.. ,, .. .w .,t la _ a �w mm'.S r' r t�ns'��`a � I ,,.t.,,;:t'. lrWec lri�'servicer'ax l Vft,%e job it matte abruct.. oo tArat "iiltq ry a rl w ? h . .. electricity .• 3'' 1 r sr - .. :,>" ..__+n.... �'f,` i ,d f1 Y.. r,.,."v Irl '•�a, off rbty. �hnadtu.�cal ,ellleotrLov into rwr al corn.- mane cu us+e flit ,c�e;�rFe tit becgllr.era�. xawnitles whlere tl#sl piowffendewce is As an exazwAle aE•wbb�m alert of rattleJ•*iuaw teLi l,g 'Dist rtahowgh. 31ew atuxal Iet us ,tak$ tlh.q da;�o .oaf a custmfiner F ' ° vultlOnl, 001 welcome � a arrival of usineg 50 ;kilowatt lxOUP6 a month. ter, k r pbrwLu' 'rfJ11ay^ are usNadT Arald(oY'"the 'lighting and small appJriamoea, aurin las oasC. Usnlaltpr fartm folkal have given a toaster and other . sinuJuT equip- ,fb the matter, wary serious considetdtion meant, .wwder 'a sa�ti`fl Cd farm rale for a sufficient length of time, -to per foil a;, . Service echewp $1.11 per" m1t slam to came to tbg eon luadon u,o,LGh, Gt peen kllo,"tt ebr9wr 2pr.- .that rut 4009 not pays to iski,mpt ,n on the the first 42 kilowatt hours per ontli, NEW wiring cY butlldings elven though'trhene 2 let. per kilo"tt 31a�{� for next 168 to evident in, the Lediground of their cul4ted it is tons vndll Ae •be $2.65, wlbdc]£ Y > minrds timp thought that not all the When the bddL fora manNh's con- a4 i Y � •49,: r ti facilities pnavild'eld for In the wising srum•ption 'of 50 kilowOtt hours is cal wIlll 'be ;put into use until factual con kilowath hours per mouth; .% ct. per ditiow of use of the" more. obvious kRowatt 'hour for all current over 210 conveniences have been experdeneced. kilowatt hours per 'montb- DdsleountSPRING'r C0 k1 Thus isrto, he expected, ain'ce.it is true 10 per cent. that electric 'power is an additional when divided) br,5e0 'brings the cost 1 ,thing to be paid for in cash, hence per kilowatt 'hour to 5..3 cents. W MI �••P4�U� justifiable caution in connection with Now, ,supposing that this cuatogner r bh,e first 'bills: EXperiemce soon in- puts an an electric 'refnige,ator and Smart box ck aty1Q, ,Wjtit;.' 'MILLI spires comfi'deruce (however•, and the an electric mange wdii'oh puts hire. con- high recut 110ps4 aid 1,90pe better livinlg that electricity brings sumption up' to 260 kilowatt havers 'RY sleeves; fittbd stj%ies anritii about creates •enthusiasm which re- per.month, which will make his bill shoulders and' pared Oe'' sl shillts in. jwstiflalble expansdon of the $5.88 for tblg month's service, but the 'new belted types -all are hero,; u'ste of the uew..)h'alpeT.° kilowatt (hour ibas dropped to 2.26 ©t° STYLES— for your choosing: . Where the wla c p the house or or to less Ulan ing the cost per unit STRAIGHT SAILORS All -woof cloths iq�;C e new S burn wase not a complete job, how- when only lighting was diene. It is rY pt+ing ' ever, there is often a reduction in true that thepower'company collects BRETON...SAILORS color, artfully' taj#orad and trimn�lyd.• the benefits accruing from the, us -e of more 'money from the customer, but PILL BOX STYLES with tuckiri% flowers and scal4t. the ponver, theirefore it is.wise, first, let us see what the latter gets, for FLOWER TOQUES to plan wiring layouts well and, sec- this extra outlay. .... IARrceD r,ndly, to paint in 'as 'many outlets as Surveys again come into play when, are likely to be required for ultimate we attempt to find just how valuableA ne,eldis, if not for immediate use, is'ant electric range to a (housewife. 3.75 �0 25*00 A three wire service nt fropole to One such curve brings out the fact heouse should) be. put in without fail. .that the I time spent to' keep a, coal 'Thos 'service (provides 220 volts as range going per 'week amounts for t well as 110 volts, so that even though about. 3 -hours and 10 minutes, this � New ,S cin Dresses lighting vol any other uses require time 'Ipcluclein,g cleaning of the stave; � g and man only,t • it makes pos- replenisehing the fuel supply, kindling,, - s'ble ,Moex+e. '.effective use of -.an• electric fires•' rine 'rem,ovinlg astray. To operate ww, Dozens and dozens of new and. dif-- '- range or utility motor, which equip- a kerosene stove took a little more F ficins style creations, smarter trim 'g ment works better on 220 blran an t'.ian an hour and; a'quarte.r per week effects and the last word in shades 110 volt current. while the work connected with -the_ and patterns. Shop here for the new - Branch Circuits Wire Sizes operation of an electric stove is about est things. It: is very important tdvlt. sufficient 28 minutes per. week. There are very . 'branch circuits are installed in the f( -w housewives who would not appre- holnrel. There should) be, one Lighting ciate a reduction of their weeklys 'y task295 '`} o 6495 brFinc:lt circuit for eaelt C, 00 square by two and a half hours'. feet of floor area (not ireluding the But: it is doubtful 'wihether the sa.v- un&nis'he+d space,• in the attic and ce)- ing of time, important though it may .cu'i•t for conven enceould zof outlets inner the be Ices the ran'gegbrin,�gs, Thbp fact the alit LADIES. :y ' " fact that the, Y kitchen, pantry and, dining roam, co'oki'ng heat is constant, imaneillate-" They're simply aturrning, these new ' • primarily. for the. use of plug-in con- ly available'.th.rou'gh the simple turn- Spring Hats, cleverly trimmed with Man Tailored 'p'oSilltS veniences as the Toaster, iron, fans, ing of aswitch• and that when baking ,. bright flowers, wings and ribbons,ons: wer mixer, etc. The distribution or other use of oven is required, Colors inctude-- Are these a''hit? ,They're' actually panel should be large enough to per- ,mat'ic temperature controls are souxle- ise Scandal Red selling like hot caked Handsomely mit the addition of at least two more, es of relief to the )haii6owife that can Stailored of fine quality English *,,or- canda branch. Icircwits' whiq}r- will probably hardly be appreciated until expe'ri Airforce Blue steel and serges, in Grey, Navy and be needed in, the future. ,Some appli- enced. Then .there is the fact that, Black - Pin Stripes. .. antes, such as the, 'electric range or in warm weatheg„r, ,eleattle cookie ns Heavenly Blue ff ' water hastier require separate circuits math cooler than amly,-Grey cl, other source Navy, and Black. a 18*75 } l0 2175 not dn'ud'ed in 'above. of cooking (heat making it no longer Care should also be, taken to see necessary to 'set up the wood or ker- that wire of am -le size to handd� the oseneestove in the "slum finer kitchen" •'PRICED i easily involved is put into the system. which ' may keep the dining roam • Since this involves a -technical kn,owl- cooler for the men when they come r , edge cacti customers cannot be ex- in for meeals, but w.hidh only doubles to { 95 See the New Hose, Flowers, Bags andpetted to, have, sit is a,d'vislabl'e 'to en- and' treble's the ammoulnt of walking 1,95 VV • Costume Jewelry on display ! -- r hisit •tile • services, of, power, company the 'housekeeper must do in. tihe great engineers in the-plaundng of the wir- total of 'trips' between the wi>'rk table In system for tete' home., Floor pl'r,nsin the kitchen and .the cools stove. of the -house should be drawn land 1 _ THE GREATEST SHOWING OF sent to the power company with a re ° quest for a wiring plan. Power coon- • pang" engineers are accusetowed to Dumi�rrg In}re 'rand +evcry 'Tammy " ' cmaking 'such plans and' heave much brineging bank a. prit5omer yens to get. Men 8 Suits more experience and training .than •'a week's lerave. :11 Spring - Ona"bld solider Toet neacl with .a any but exceptional local electricia.n's' German who was wearinlg a British WE'VE EVER- OFFERED useful anrd' 'sin'cere though, the latter h,elmiet, t'he,T'ommty being wieth.out bone:. may be. "YeisVl 'hie ewlarimle:d, "I .gave 'hdm Think of it! 500 new Spring Sitits right in stock. Go where you like In, -all roeomrs', wall switches sheoul(l my Ihelmiet. You see, if ih+e'd been you'll not see the equal of this grand assortment of the newest, smart. bet so placed, a's' to make it unneces- .G,hot wiliere was. my week's leave?" est Suits for men- sarty to grope into any room in the And we can fit you too. We've got styles foil falls; regulars or dark to find the switch. ce door or shorts, young men's, standards and stouts. should beplaced, at the entrannce. KIPPEN Colors include Grey, Bliue,' Green, Brown styles; single on double. ' and in such places as upper and Low- :• breasted models. Come in and let us show you these. er hall, . two-way" switches phoul•d' be provided at the -top and bottom of theMises Kathryn Drysdale, of Hensall, stairway, so that the lights can be visited i bast, week with Miss Doreen am •00 �3.ao controlled fram upstairs or down Cooper. � u stairs. Also in rooms' (having two en- 'Mr. and Mr's. Archie .Parsons and { Gerald, slrent Sunday will! Mr. and trances, as is often the case in lrv- �jj ing rooms and dining' rooms' or farm Mrs. Jbsep•tr Carter, Ciandeboye. EXTRA PANTS TO MATCH AT z , ........... $4mY{{�� 0 , and $4m50' kit'ch•elna,. ".tw-o-way' switches Should Quite a number atbenldedd the auc- be -placed at each . entrance. Such in- 'tion sales of thio estates of the tate stalla.tions' not ondy make for great Chris. Sha'ag and Oscar Koehler. convenience in the use of the lights, ' Mr, and, Mrs. F. Herdman, of Var- but save many steps in turning t'henr nay, spent �ti day last week with Mr.=; on or off. and 'Mrs. W. Hornet'. New'Topcciats,Light, Power and Heat Meeting " The -Maxe M. lt meeting of the W.M.S.R • When a nein customer coni wets for iv'as held at Qhs home of 'Misty Doreen The ne , Topcoats are 'here in all their. glory. Bright overplaids electric seevice he usually has in Colopeer with, a. good attendance. Mrs. or wide herringbone tweeds in the newest greens, aviation blue, brown wince, mainly, Id the- e'1'ectile lights, ons, Hendei^San presided -and after the-and.grey. Raglan or Fitted Styles.' while the ]dghQ'Fare very ilnppoaFtant opening Hymn, 105 was sunig'follo'w- ,• inig e conditions actually db transform b rn, 16.50 Lo 24.50theyed by a responsive reading Psal'trig Bond?tsars do lrowse and barn, No. 7A`8 from thehymnary. Prayeers there are mrany other way's' in R.hich were 'offered by Mrs. W�orkmar an',d, ellactrirc •powwr provides profitable Mrs. Bell, Mrs.. Jono)� read seVcral help. Next -to the ld-ghts in the '•h•ome, passages Lrom the Bible. 'Phis was %gni % oI� the automatic electric water system followed: by a hymn rind Mrs. Cli�- WE HA5/E A HAT TO MATCH YOUR NEW SUIT m to r i,s"'pemhaps the egrea.t'eset boon to the I ler had charge of the+ topic and was housewife, •eared then comes the elec- assisted by \do's. A. McMurtnie, Mrs. tris, refrigerator and the vacuum ,I. W. 9lcbean, :ler:�:. T. Workman, c -leaner. All these 'appliances, are 114rs. bicCly mart lir s. Long and MTs - motor driven4mach:i.nes which) are us- Mellis. Mrs. Cooper spoke of eche ually small and e'conom'ical: in cur•i passing of M� Edwardes and ices• cansmmptionr I't is, only when we w -DI -k ill th'e Chua'eh anrd (then led in turn el'e'ctric current, into, beat. that prayer. The rol'1 call and offering was we begin, to use bile power in- any- taken and Hymn No, 115 was sungewar thing like alppre'ctalltee quantities. and the closing prayer offered by ros.'' „Tire following table lis't's' the aver Mr -s. Henderson. siege armiou:mast of curre'rtt used for the tr more coannrron e(loml'eatic' use's; of pow- 4Mr. Wilida.m Anedoi soen, a resiedenit of SEAFORTH er: thas village for niany years, phrs I d .Current Consumption per Farm Family away a res, 'home here on Monday, Kw, Heins, •March '7ltthl, in his 79th year. Mr. , Purpose peer moi th Anderson (bed been in, .fail)ing Ihealtr: ” Lighting and) Small, Applda'nces 35 for s)om'e lenlgtir or time; and although fortune during the past week to ba:ve Electric Water System (s'hal- at times he Seemed ;much brighter a ,good ,cow tmil on -the ice, breaking R' Low wells Per 1000 •gals•) .:.. 1..5 and better, he gradtial'ly Igr"ew weaker its hip. Wraslhin,g Machine ............ 2.4 -ands in sp'i'te oT good, nursing and A number from around, them attend- S Electric Refrigerator ... 47 medical IattenQli:on'r• he passed peace- ed iihe nominaKou '£n Hena ll Town /NAlurIET Electric Range ............... 162.1 fully alway. Mr. And'(>rsloen• is ,slrrviv- 'Hall ,on Monday of tis week. Range, per peTf$lon Orn, ftamily.. 28.4 ed by 'one daugrh4 er, Mrs. Ed. Drake, Mr. Roberti Daymav, of Tucker- � Electric Water Heater 240 of Alberta, and four sdaters - Mrs.smdltb, srpenrt a; visit at the drome f o. : '',roan thdsl toble it will r•,eaddiy be Frances) Lanlon, I.dnco'bn, Pamk, Midh.; his nephew, Mr. Robert Dayman, of seen that liglhti,ng of farm buildings, Mrs, JesiMo Rl sea', Owfomdy Mich:; S•imcoe, during -the past week. the purp'os�,, fair ,which. Imosrt people' Mrs, William Winder, Windsor, and Mr. amid Mrs. Robert MrcGregor of �1VA/�, • TO MA -^° primarily install electric wiring; is not (Mans. E'llseUom Dawan,,, Stan)l,ey, Tawe- Tuekerstnith, eavUeintalined a numi)ber :•., a ser -vice re,qu.ir•.inlg mulch power. The esehdp, and two bi'at.hens, Albert, of of •their friends on Monday evening, annuity of power needed to operate Mar+]:ante, Mich., anrd .Arthur AnrdeiJ ea,nd,ad4 dm a a very enjoyable Uwe %/;�5 •You can get those heavy, money- smlb.'ll motors, suair as those used on, son, of the town line-, aKippon, His making hogs to market quicker --and save the water system, w -milling machilne wife-•pre)d)ecessed him some kcaraago-up to 400 pounds of grain ptr pig—by using canal' eleectri'c refrigerator Likewise, are A pr•dwatO funeral was hod' on Weed- Roe Wondergrow Hoy Concentrate. See your Roe comparatively es)mlall. Int its when elec- n)esdrayn firoul M's late homewith Rev. MANLEY .' Feeds dealer and start your hogs on the short tiic Wrrelht is turned, to heat that we E. F. Ghanddpr, of St. Amdrew''s Unit - really begin to use power in quan- ed Qpun•ch 'officiatimeg. Hies. remains, AL1 ,the roddA arra open now Yior Roe Road to market today. Complete -feeding tity. wehie":laid to rest in 031enaalll Umd)on cams except soenmee farmers lanes, since directions in every bag. Po'w'er •oompiantelsl must i,nrmst lanige Ciemreter'y. the county wwwpilow w'e'nt through. _ snrnns' of money in, tranlsrmdeasrlon Lines Mn Thlomas B of the village • Mr Gerald McKay do engaged with a ;tr•anafornia•s and .ember equipment to bring power to tete flarm', they. visriiterl whit, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sbur- Mr. W. Dtin&A mit, of Stratford, recently.. Mr. Pemgusr Homer bass 'enrpaxad 'Mr. O E FA yet make no money front trhe cousin eye, tion The WiX,S. held tlrelrr monit ly RS�ohwA D!ovmey, tloir the emm finer • C C E N I R 'A of obese limes earoept from, ;the safe, of iineeti.ng at, •the home of Miss Doreen res m)thls. e , electric 'current to the user of the In C'cr'opeer during the past week, when In to man,`y polifrical gatiomalist:s W. R. KERSLAKE�a y ALBERT'IRAVISffi f pf Power. ordiet' to tvlecftre enough a goodly number were presents anda spoeohepn the aro the SeOfeHh revenue W ca,Ok ,the inrvestment In glood'' meeting was, holds. only one that strut win the war, but Waltah ;p . t•beir lines they must charge ,a; cer- Mr,-''WLidiomr lvidioen., of time vill.lbige, ,Let id: be Gtq.t or Tory we are all IRVINE WALLACE, L. SCHILSE 11 SON ,fain minirnu i amount per month per visited. with hiedds In Toronto, ever uniited in wi'Yunflmig the wat so d6n't Myth Zurich •user. Somretim•es ,buds ds eable'd sie.r. the week -ends worry R • y� play. w th the Govern - I Ell mi � vire& •charge, in otbelr cases, meter . iMm, Walrrreitl Schdibe, of'the tad eon- monvt, vQm!c(Irl bas carried on In union • T%nt, land, where no such minimum cesslob of Tucltrersmrdth,, timid the nods- with the %5mp11'a. ' r k r. k ,,, , -,.' ', � .., 1, ,. �;5: :� 'c, ,n. 1 `tit '., '::Y a Q-. r•.. .. r: ' r r •• iV:w e!,s .;i.i:. .. ,. r,LSvwl,lw�ax`1u„Owu..ser,,.cl•u.n>w.v.G➢dauJ,,.�:lu�nn.,�wao,tn.d. h..,,.rr.,ua,lu trl'w•.. �,.cw ., ..:..r..,, r�".�..ri' rn Ir,:;.., ... ,u � ,1.', ,.' n,r., .. . r k