HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-03-08, Page 5iVx 8,1940 • • The Week At the 4aforth Collegiate Institute (By Alastair VVIgg) Ian place ,of basket 'ball, volley ball I them 22-6. The Ildsthm'en (Grade X, has taken the Interest of the dirks In Team A) defeated the Adanacs (Grade the Seaforth Collegiate, Each leant X,- Team B) 19-16. On Marcia 6th the Maple Leafs (Grade I , Teaan: B) were defeated, by the ,A:danats (Grade X, Team, B) 24-13. The Canadians (Grade XI, Team A) were defeated by the Lueldes( Grade XI, Team A) 21-19. hes OrhloeIen a name such as Grade IX (Team A) Canadians, (Team B); ''Ma'ple Leafs. On Feb. 2$th the Aces • (IV and V 'Forme defeated the Luck - des (Grade XI, Team ,A), 28-17, and the Maplle • Leafsl (Grade IX, Team FI).defeated the Canadians (Grade IX Team A). On 'March 4th the Aces (IV `and V Formas) played the Beav- • ers (Grade X1;, Team B), defeating Impleinents On or Off in less than a minute. VA i with FORD TRACTOR Ferguson System e With the new Ford tractor, Ferguson system, you waste no time in making lengthy imple- ment cheneeovers. For Fereu-' son wheel -fess implements, in- cluding the row -cultivator, may he attached or detached by one man in less than a min- ute without the use of tools. Front and rear -wheel tread adjustments also a simple, one- man operation. ° There are other things about the new Ford ti•aetor with Fer- guson system of hydraulically-. controlled wheel -less imple- ments that will amaze you - Come in and see it. Demonsti-a- tions gladly arranged. Don't miss this chance to see the really new mechanized farm equipment. ' J. F. Daly SEAFORTH WHEEL -LESS IMPLEMENTS 'Dental Hygiene (Continued from Page 1) • • land ,for adults is being diestnibuted ands, to further our educate ual ef- forts, the dentists have consented t'o •give at least tevto day'& -Of ttiheeir time free to examine 'and chart the mouths of all school children.. A ohart oe all defeotliive teeth is` hent into the home. Dr. Thoanson'e work, conbrary to what may be the .general belief, is not Hoer the purpose of sttd•inul>atineg a greater 'appreciation •oef dentistry, but -it id basted upon the theory that pre- v'enti,on .is better thee ,cure, and ds in line with all effort peeking the pre- venttdsorn elf 'di'seas'e by renewing the cause, ratlher than with its am'ei'Lod a- tieon. As the Health Bureau 'of the various 'governments 'have concerns themselves 'in'tlbe past with the eradi- cation' of communicable diseases, by pneveanitdve and restrictive measures, ee the time -leas .come• •.ier'•th'e-ah'ealth bureau to acquaint the citizens with the conditions which led to. •almost universal 'teetth cleeca.y in the .Angles Seenen.,raoe, a'nd by th'e •dds'semdnation of scientific information seek to .re- store tio, the people of this and other Engrlishrisepeekinr countries, that de- gree of mouth •1r aleb which shall rid them: of a lei of'"unn'eceseeaa•y dis- tn+esn, disease'and resultant ineffici- ency. Just as smallpox; 'typhoid and other •devastating. epidemical diseases have been mastered at 'their sources, •so teeth decay can be attacked rat ,seeurceit emelt when. M i•a 'i.naflorm,at]on has been diss'emin'ated and put into practical use, • future generations may once again, enjoy sound teeth andthe gvearit•er measure of good - health they being which nature intended the hu- man family should enjoy. "Being sick is. expen's'ive,", said Dr, Thornton, ,and eccompanydng tha't,..,re- nr'ark, 'w -as i'ts sync'heomic eoun'tea part,- "Being, well costs little." Men and women are , sick because they have not learned thew, to live to be well, and• that surely' should be the su- prenise • lenderled a of lite; the first d ty to ourselves amid equally - the first duty to •the state. At the, present time the various ,government 'health bureaus are en- deavoring. to tell the citizens facts writes✓ are necessary to their 'health: SFrvm.s ant& vri cines are •d]s'tni'buted free of cost. Clinics dealing with certain fat—Inset disease are being es- tabliehed as government institutione. Quarantine restrictions' are being en- dlorced. Sanitoria, and mental hsospi- •talcs', are being built and maintained eseta.te Mee tuttone and • led! cations point to a fu'rth'er extension of these eff orts'. 'Bins ca'mtpaign is n•ow being carried out' ilhroughout the Province by the Canadian Dental Hygiene Council and is lior the• purpose of carrying eti11 furthest this public health work by ',hi:elud'ing dental health; by pro- per attention to • diet, , by „i n cOrperat- . ing incorporat- ing in our diet .i'reshe fruit, green veg- etables, whole grrtin 'breads and• ser eats, the dairy products ---milk, creat, butter and cheese, meat and eggs. It ailso ane tu:dlete the proper mechanical cleansing of the teeth •or prto•per moutit'.lrsygiene 'arnci.:th.e periodical ex- xon. Earl Laws Will Speak at CARDNO'S HALL SEAFORTH SATURDAY, March 9th J. W. MORLEY At 230 p.m. In the interests of Morley National . Conservative Candidate for Huron -Perth_. Everybody Welcome. Ladies Especially Invited " GOD SAVE THE KING." This advertieeeatelit is 'inserted by "itis& Huron -Perth National Conservative Association: Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEARORTH 15 EXETER 235 DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 3765x26 'lea`„eLi4 it .bet dentia. Ade t . Of ttl>i8 a u a Wirt S when 9 elleI riaJA0 ipretvenet the es tension 'of. of ael-4f r 'L:1 ex lenition of decay 'lsa tth'1ndeath, 'of 441° pnelp Or sleeve, end +idle• death of tee pulp-'Macy's legate i 'an abseet . • Ales cess meatus an area ole. intfeotiaon &one' w'hhoh baetenttre, er•tbeir Poison% gala access to -the 'blood serream and dti •east du other Parte of the 'body may eoconir.- • .. . MANLEY Mr,' Jose tlVlandey had the misfortune ix} ho's'e •hlls flue brood' mare. Mr. Jen &lel/ uglh/tin is wearing, a smile since) the •129tt1h of 'February, when his wife presented 'him with a baby",. girl. IMr. and Mail, Thomas :McKay visit- ed friendly In Lond'en last week. 'Mr. Joe Matthews is sable to run his truck since the t roads have been ploughedd. HTLLSGREEN Mr. Otte !Stteeph'am has moved into the 'Mrs'. Trroyter house a+ecently va- cated by Mr, Gabon's R'obiusson, Quilting -bees and gnat bees 'seem to be the order of the day in' this vicinity. There are shill quite a number suf- fering Dom the cold and flu. Me., and leers. William Davidson were called to &linefeed ewting'to the cleat° of the tatters uncle, Mr, E. N. lane , who died qullte • sud'denlly, gam ELIMVILLE Miss Joy Whitlock, of Sit. Thosrras, was a w'e'ek -e'n'd visitor with relatives theerre. Corporal Dickey and Pte, Alvin Plotter, •of ,the Perth Regiment, were •Sunday visitors at .the home of \1r. and Mrs. Harry Ford. We •are sorry to report that Car- man Ilerdman is not as well again. Mr. and :Mrs. Roland WiWant a n d Mr. Bene Willaanns were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Jones- he onesire St. Ttomms, on Saturday last., •Mdsss Ma.r-y--J'ohns has s•eciti°etl a job ,as stenographer he Watford. Mar, and :Ma's, Lloyd Jenne visited iia relatives in St. 1Viarys last Thursday. BRUCEFIELD "Glow Lights•of San. Rey” is being pneslenat'ed by the Brucefield Y.P.U. on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler spent - the week -end in S't latfosidt Mies Anna Cornish 'spent the week- end dn.. Mitchell, Ma's. Alice Hoh'ner is' visiting her sister in--Eteter.. . Sunday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. G: Sev.ap 'weoe•Mr. and.Mrs, E. Schil- be and .son', of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs,. E. -Muer. and Elaine, of Hensa.dl. We wish to extend oar congratula- tions to Mr. Walter 1ticBeatib, who on March • list celebrated dii's 90Th birth- day, and hope he will live to enjoy mealy more. Mr. and • Mrs. Abs Zapfe anti„ family' spent Sunday with Mer. and :Airs,. H. Ca,mte'reon, Clt]ntont. Sure and y'e'll not be fergittin"the St. Patrick's party in the Sunday Schoolt,nolem. of the church on Mardi 15th -in the evening." In•dadte and the Flanm'iga.nsi and the Mulligenes and the Petrickes,' the Murphys' and the Kellys and all will be there. Begorra, there'll be Mapes to eat too. 'Tis a seer'a wl a'i titin-- -be dodo', but ye may be sure you'll be sorry if you stay away. Beldame ye can't miss. d:t: ZURICH A widely known resident of • the re cern sac •a s'eetio•n de the person of George Hetlleraiian;. passed away at les home in that village last Friday in his .84th year. Denee.ned•.iha•dl lived in and near Dashwood all his lite an+l in former years was active in the flax illin trade, lumberahl planing malls and teeming. 'Phe funeral was ih'eidi en Saturday, int'e'rment tasting• pliace in the Evansgeli•cai cemetery, Goschen Line. One of the largest auction sales in recent ye'ar's held in this section, was held on Ttiesdtay when the Id' e -stock, im•pleementse elte.,11 sof the Christian Scha-ag estate wee disposed of.' The proceeds of the stale amounted to nearly . $3,500. A credit of $1,150 was received by the lolelall iIiyui¢o' .Sytsttetne ',trent the Ontario Hydro Commission as a re- sult of the year's operation of the 1•ocal system, plus' the refund on the ,oast of power delivered. This amount is considerably la,rgeJr than in slome past. years. No ward hers been re- ceived ae yet of the deciaiton of the Coniemd'ssloen Whether the Io.cal rdirtes will be lowered. Montei'teh & Monteith, chtairterretd, ac- countants, Stdatflo ndt, have ceonepl etbed the audit of the township books and the report well be issued next week. Thee new 'systtem of m'an'ual aecoumt- insg in being 1'nttnoduced dor, Hay town- ship thee yeatr e,n,dl at the end of the year this seysttean should be of great convenience to the auditors' in mak- ing out the annual, report. ST. COLUMBAN mn.q. Ii. M. Ber'dcklin visdeted witch her daughter in London., where she at- tended the funeral of her cousin, Em- mlanuei Chartered from St. Martin's Ch'urreli on ,lioncieay dlaat. Rear, Father Brticklin, of Watford, spent a few days with hie mother,' Mrs. H. 'M. Betoken. Mrs. Leto leua'r'ay hats return'e'd af- ter visiting 'herr siseter in Walton. Miles Lretnte.....0•:Slillivan virsltted in London. Mars, Thomas; Feeney has sufficient= iy recovaredl to go to Kitchener ivi'th her da glitter. Mer. Lissealtde. 'Mr. 'J'ohn Harland, Jr., is home on two • •silos'' lela. _ from military 'duty. Manny pet St. Oodnlm'bein attended the hockey intattelh in Seaforth on Friedley last and repoartred a good genie wtasu played. Mr. Wm. Stapleton has Sold his Item, south sof the highway, to Mr. Edward Byrerrs'. 4004494 NI* {caret rammed 'ilio pipe.. p 45M++MP14— %'* 11 J' -I 1 ..0 b ii. r +-t tell4 M110aall ipy>iw „ • . KITTEN 1VLrs. e yl ii ,: who has emelt tine pa; manta with her mother, Mrs •H Richer, metgranled 'rdu her home in London lone .7.'h r y east - Mdse Mary Wlestlalpee who has'beein viasitling With Weis Jr aa, Ferguson re - tamed to her ,home ,tilt Exeter on Thursday 'last. • Miss Margaret 'Peibe , of Zurich, is 'visiting her 'gura>fdlniother, Mire. H. Ricker. IvVns. Joseph Haymal5i,- who suffered a heart attack a flew weeks ago, 4s stoney xeeoveatimlg. • IM'rt. and Mrs. W. Herney . and Miss bele Fergusson spent. a day recently with Mae. Rhoda, WeAlake. r' WALTON. We are Pleased to abate AT,. Vieaktea- Bnoadefoot, whio, has been in Kitihener Hospital 'for a. flew weeks, returned home last week endi is doing as well as can 'be expected. • 11VLrs. Charles Drager, who has spent the past Zona•' months with her daugh- ter in Toronto, returned Saturday no her blame iu Wa7ttam- A:maong those who took in: the ex- curs&rn from Walton to Toronto on Saturday were Mfrs. Fred Rutled ey Mors: Joe Campbell anal Mr. William Farquhrarson. TUCKERSMITH Messrs. Canarisaneand.-.F!enelee • 1171'it- more spent, the weekend with their r 'sister, Mrs. Gordon ElliLlott, of Wal- to'nt Quilting bees are the order of the clay in this. locality'. Mr. and Mats: R. Doig and family h ave moved front the Arsihtron farm to the Broadfoot homestead. Mr. E. Crich had the misfortune to lose a home .in the ativer on Satur- d ay lest. H4s team broke through The ice and once Perished before sit was' 'pessdblae to get them. out. Mr. and Mrs.. F. Pepper have mov- ed .,,1''om Seatorrtlh to the home • of their dlatrgihter', Mrs. A. Matheson, DUBLIN The ltoecai 'branch of the Catholic Youth Organization heed its monthly .neetetiwg in 'the .pa ti eh. hall en Friday night with a representative attend- ance. FoU wing the business portion of the meeting; an interesting pro, gram was presented. lie included: Spiritual, reatddmg ' by Miss Grace Scharbanrt'he Manch of Ganrea, direct- ed by Mise .Veronica lefolyneux; a sketch, "Tu'r'mipviide S'tatiop" Agent," played by Miss Rose Feeney anile Ry- an Jaolydau; .Dublin quiz feature con- 'ducibex}1...1_vy. James JeardIaan ; musical -their. The evening was1rean:o1ud'ed by a number of games of tfingo. 'Mgrs. Frank Smith „t..s returned lreomo atter espendinga-'ttvee'ks "in Toronto and Hamiliton. Joseph ,and. Clayton ,I.aeoby are em- ployed on a contract dnt;'.Alllieton. •Frank McConnell has &old this grass farm in Hibbert to George Vivian, w 111.e9 asssusmes immedietef paosssseesdon, MCit VARNA 101111111111111E, ‘111111.111111.11=1111.... A dommun'itiy enterta i nmeent for the benefit.of the .Red dross Rand will be ,giv=en in the hall on Friday eventing, •earo]1 15th. Thiene will be .a variety 'progiram offered. by six. different sec- tions of the conrrmunit' , consisting of music, =.plays; humorous arid other kinds. Please, keep the date •in mind. - . We are p1e0ed, to report 'Mr. Dav- id Stephenson and . Mrs. S. Beattie are able to be around after 'their re- cent, illness, but sorry to say Mr. Jack Smith is ,still in the hospital in Londpa. A ofo The W. St. John's s Churdxh met at the bome of Mrs. M. Elliott on Friday. The Young People's Club met at FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD .HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 . iNGERSOLL PHONE' 219 - MITCHELL Seaforth Monument Works (formerly W. E. Chapman) NOW OPERATED BY Cunningham & Pryde We Invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials. SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS or any tithe by appointment See Dr. Harburn — Phone 105 EXETER: Phone 41; Box 160 STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH FALL AND FriNTER TJMNLINES TABLS Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: stalls N.4a a.m. ' arrd <t.25 p.m. Leaves Seaford' for Gadericha Dail# exeeyit Sunda' and k5L i.tb laam�.. 'end 3.10 D.na San, rtltniri itaL,. 1155 p•m- and .IL2® p.m. s,t itratfor+l fltir.Toronto, Itatnelitek. D dance. , °iav9r6aak. . • Assets se Queen's Hotel. C'Nntie!relsi Heti. 014* Haase -et AS IRRESISTIBLE AS SCARLET HERSELF, THEY ARE A HAPPY COMBINATION OF OLD SOUTHERN: CHARM' AN,D MODeRN STREAM- LINED SMARTNESS J NEW PATTERNS .'® NEW COLORS • NEW FABRICS • NEW LENGTHS You must see these newest New York- imports, with their tightly fitted waists, full flare skirts and sweetheart necklines. Come in all shades in smart floral, check and Paisley patterns. Made of excellent qualityAmerican cottons and repps they're a `•`sure fire" hit ! $1.98 Each SEAFORTH the home of Mises Jean Reid Montda:y might. Mr, George Stephenson, county en- gineer..oi Walkerton, in company with his brother, Herbert, called Sunday on Mr. George Beatty, Sr. The Varna branch of the Red Cross shipped one box containing 23 suits of pyjamas. 24 pairs of socks, 4 ;scarfs, 1 pail• knee caps. 6 pairs• of wmstlets, 16, pairs of undies for chil- dren, and 1 quilt. CONSTANCE MT's. Andrew lircecie and two daugh- ters of Londeon spent the week -end witch• her pare.nts', Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britten. Mr. Milton Moore left on Wednes- day for Kingston where he has se- cured a position as a fitter with the Kingston Locomotive Co. Mr, Moore has worked, for this ^.•om'pany in for- mer years and we wish him every success. Mrs. Joe Riley••bad a giiiiting bee at her home on Wednesday. . Mr:' WiiL1Q Phi'Ilips, of Toronto, spent a. few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mrs. Joe Carter, Jr., is at present under the doctor's Care. ]-leer many lniende 'hope for a speedy eecovery. Mr. Benjnmiti Snell is under the doctor's care with a heart conediti•on, . Mrs. William Britton, visi'tredeat the home of Mr. 'ansa Mrs'. Walter Broad - foot, tient' Walton. Mr. Broadfoot has been ill, but ie improyieg. herd; wings, Campbell, Joynt; alder - nates, rassmore, Sangster, Kerslake, Kyle, Hudson. • On Saturday -last Messrs.• Jack Con- sitt, William MacLean, Hugh McMil- lan,.. Larne Hay and Aubrey Farquhar :spent the week -end in Terooto attend- ing the Rangers and Leafs hockey CHISELIIURST On Friday, March let, Chiaelhurst ;hockey team defeated Hensel; for ,the Passmore trophy from the 'league by a score of -6-4. Thee game tended in a 4-4 tie. In overtime Brock and E. C'illpolrae,se scored two more counters for Cbisebliaierst.. Chileeltflirs't's f ral- getters were McLean. 2, Brock 2, Hod - gent and E. 0biiei.'rcheee; for Henrsell, Joymt 2, Campbell, and Shepherd. Lineup for Cliis'elhurst: Goal, Cal Houton; defense, McMillan, 'Horton; ce'n'tre,_ Consdirt; winget, McLean, E. ehipch'asee ; a tltte'rnatels•, Brock, Hod- gert, A. Ohdepcharse, Parker, Harris. Hen'sall eine-un: Goa.1..Wesddem; de- fense, Kele, Iledd'en; 'centre, Slvep- game and the Ken Soble promisee - On. Wednesday evening of this, week Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLean enter- tained the Cirts'ellrurst h!oclrey The evening was spent in progres sire crokinole. The prizes were won by: Ladies' first:, Mrs. Clayt n Hors' tone gene's first, Albert Cbipcbase ROUND TRIP 'BARGAIN FARES MARCH 15-16 From SEAFORTH To Stations Oshawa, and East to Cornwall inclusive, itighridge, Lind- say, inesay, Peterboro, Cartietbellford, Newmarket, Collingwoed, Meaford, Mid- land, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Carpreoi and West to Beard- more. " P.M. TRAINS, MAR. 15 ALL TRAINS, M lIt.1t to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, God'erieh, Guelph, Hamilton, • London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sounds, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, SUM - feed, Stnathroy, Woodstock. See handbills for complete list of de.tin*ttana. For fares, return limits, train information, tickets, etc., consult wrest anent. CANADIAN NATIONAL • e,S Town of 'eaforth TAX PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1940 The Town will pay 4 per cent. per Annum up to Al..g,ist-31, 1940, on all prepaid 1940 tit Xes. • Certificates and full pa:rtfc,yla s inay be A.tained from the ToWn Clei ,'s Offi.ee in. the Tow*,.l Hall. 'x • D. H. WILSON, Treater.:. ,tr • '