HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-03-08, Page 2-, , �1. `,�:�, 14 �:, " ,- �; � , , �Z 7" " , , 7 ", � I., , ­��-7 ,; � , "-,,�:.-�, , � LL . ,������.-Ir�7"r,�,�,7"""7.-, , " I , VPM_`lTW � 11 , i , , , I �., , I .1�. I ." , . 11� I.", .. � �,�, , I I ;.11' ; � ­ 11 r , , . 1), . , '­` Ill, I 1� � �, :: : �;�,� I , ,,�� - I ... i , 11) I 1: 1 !I �i 1111, 11 , �,., .1 i;t �", ". �J' 11 ,��. , '� I.,, ,�i , ! . :;:, .,� ,,,� ,1 . �, ��� , 11 ... I ..��, ;�: 1, J 'I. � ��,;� : ;, : � :. , 1, �� ,��,,.�. �. I ;: : �� " � I , I :'.� 7� �� ,, �. I �_ r , I "', � :� ", � ,�!�'. , ��,�,�i,,�O�;,,�,,', 1 1111- ­�,l I - ,­­ ''. . ", 1�' - , , ­� Z , �" ", , � , � � : � 1, �� 1 -1 1. . " , ;� - , '.. ''.. " � I ,,, .;� I I - , � "'' " , .l. ,1,11111'.01 1­'i:��`: .4�1 I i , �; il I 11 "" ­1,1�, � , �­ �, � , ,r'� . '' I , : � 7 .1 I- � , : . ; I 11 I .J I ": I I 11`,� ; . "" � � �!:; , l� ,`��-) .11 I I , ­ "'' � � '' � ,, , , I i, I ,� � � � . , , , , , " � I � , - I I 11� , . I '! � ,, �., �,­ I . �.' I ��� I i , 1_11, , �­, � :1 i I 1 % 1 �:` ��' J�, � I . " ,.", . : i �, . �, I � ., � ., .. k � ., i � �:, . I -1 I _� , . ,;:� . ,� il� �, I I :" , I:; � �,%:,:" �'� ,, I - 6666 , 11 I'll , 11� ,:,�': " — L.�.._ .1 . �i;;, I ­ . ."'. ............... .............. ............ .11,111,11, �� ", �, 1, - "I ­ ii� __ : , , .1, .11 - - ­­­­­', , , , �� 11 .. .... , 'i, .,,,,:,I , , , � I'll .... 11 11, -I..,..,.,-- � .. .... � , __ ..._ . .. � -11- ` 111-4 _1-1 � -'-,-.-,--a .... 66 1, , ,, I � I -1i'll-1--1.6 1 1­1.­1,1111111,11.,.� ,11�, I -1 , ; � �,;�;�ii�-��;�.;i;-o;�'i;;�iii,;4�i 1. 11 �. .�, " 11 rl­��­ , 1� 1, , I "".;;;�'�li;6,�,;i"i�;,�;�;;i;;!, , ­..:� - I I., ­ .. , 11 �0­11­ ��,,­�­­ -,,,, 'i;i",�r�t;i,�;��;�;;4.,ii��4;���!i;--.-,��,.,I . '"­­ .11". '' . 1, � I'll, 'i �. , -1. . , � . - I 1. 11.1 - -, , .1. I "": . , 444i;,4 , , L -11, �X';.. ,"'. .t : , X I . , 7,7_, — .. . I � ­,., 11 . !�_ I j� , ,, I, � , ", ,­ , - � . I I , . �1_ . I . , � . I I , 1, �, -,� - , � ., .!�,: , !!­ k� , , I .. .1 4 . . � , .1 I . ­ " . I � 'I. 1; ., � � '. ; "��, �,� �!��,�,y�:� ,�'��'�1�11-' . '11'.% .. A. fA I. 01. Ar. I I" " . 1 -1 :"" ,,iii_­;.",�� , . � , , JJ10,11th' , � I , , ".. I!, ��i��!��'�!�;�,�,,�,��I,. ", : , , � Aft 11 AbOw wit w-istrUst Oven Its , � ­ . ...... . ­ , . . � , ,14 " -rk . . , �. � ,.� I , � � ,, ' ` . , -­ �; ) , �'. � � I �, '''l. 11 � . 1�1i.­ , , , " 1- �_,� ­ .1� � ­.',;�,, ,­�.�. �� ��i,:,, _�_ . ""I'll -11-- - e :;,:I�I.",�l�",,,�.���-1111'..�.1l.: , "I, 0:,X, ', -,�,��:,�,i,��,�,.,:,,' i� . , , , . weather. we are having, right now, �� I ea " Agon ...,, , ''�', ',,:�T, 77,; - _�,:,:� ." - . a;;, ,We like -the .ki4d of. - sly , , I 11! . , , �",�,n�:�'_,,�� I ! ,,, � ",Z 0 ,-. good point, ,:"�,�,��,�:�,���:,�!,:,�,,��",���,,.i,, � , 111 ,on I i "OU . " , �""��,,�� .. . ... 7 H 11"! , , ..3 - _ , . , , * ,;�7� "'��,:, :*11:` � " ' 17 ' "'I'' . ��,�,:"�'�:!":�.:�;.�,,,����;��z�,,'�,;�,,,�,,,�,�:,. ,,,,�,.,;,��. 404s . . I . . ":''��,��,:�,.,',",..?�ll,",.,�.,��,��,,. q �,_It.ed 1. ',� 1 1.141 ,� " �i­ � "ii.;:.I!",�,,'.�,i���;�,,�,����'��l'�,�'�,�-,��,�:�i 'Iir� � 11'�� �;',,ii,,, . I., . .- - I.. but, *e 6aVt pnjoy It to the full kw- I _#160!:'#0ws PICRed ,,,,, 11 . , P, WO Fron ;­, ,_%. ", I -McLean- Editor. ' wo d ng what to- , Ifty and ,.,,,,,.�,,,�.,,,.,I,l��,,r,,Ifl,,�,,,,,I !:1�,"�i,�'�';�':�,,�� - ,­­ �i 0 caum we k n eri , , :i"1&',`;,`J', �, I or",. , I ,�Z�`!;'��!!:.-,�!�,i, rUpoattgr of Fl !L,,,,,�Ix,��,�;_'�,�g , j,�'�, , p the" , 1: . ��O:�;,, ��. 1�11,�,� , , .1 ", ,� , , �;-_",'__,�!�,"'�:� . vi�Y, - v- �, 1;111111.1""I'�,41, I .� t or to -m- rrow will bring. , 1 ,. nigh 1.iiq; ,",�J"T�.11.111'.."�l,,�'..,,� 1 . � , Seaforth, Ontario, e Twwnty-flve Years Ago., ..t, ���,;,k"",��,,,,,,,,,,,,���i,'�:",i�t�,,�,�',,'�.��;,.I ­,�;7 . I I We have h a kood winte but it ,%~sss...% im4".4% I .1 I �X I I , r, �"-_,...-.4­__4 ...... fto%_P-� ., 11',�, I I . � 1. '. . ; A ,� �,: �� �,.. - ­ has beed a . onj winter and there � i, I I �, I , , _ � - Fro, The. Huron Expositor '��,,�,"�!,,�'�:!�',�i,!','i'���, 1'.�_��11 . I -A, , ; - - _ I J'�`_ . :, ,; `�. __,­ hat'lleen a lot of snow. If March is I I . � lli,,��:'�i';t .,'�,,;� � �� .i, . ,,',7.;,;,V,,��.�'��,;,.'�;: r. A 1"'."i , -,­,": . I � .1 � [ . . ­­ , . '-.1,1,1 11 . . I .�'f �,;,�.""`,` "i 'i 1'�, - �� . going to be mean and send us a lot March 12, 1915 ,, r �', �,�,-�.""�,�...��?.4"":,i,T�*�,,7��-���;, . ,ql '3;."-1,­1lV' 1 " 1'$ 1P.11.11", �,­ '. � & "ptio , , .,,#iper a rates, $1.50 a year,in � ;, 4;1i.� 11111- � , .1 of rain, we are not goipg to have a A letter ftllom, Scout H. J. Darrance,* , � , `;��­' . .... . e�� '7�, , foreign, $2.QO a year. Single First Canadian C�ontliugent� B,E.F., ap- 11 - �� 11 ,.�, Aw ce,.". very pleasant -time. Just a ,day UL- . ed, in this iss.ue and told' 01 Lae 1�,� sl ' ,�", .''.. op 1 .2 . two -of warm ..rain a deftbtf4l trip they.b - d on boat �, 1 1,;,; ': �'t "m � W 4 cents each. I . nd the roads ', Psa"" . ad, ba, , . , ", . '. j"C', il, �, � , � ,. �, 7 tv train crossing tke Atlantic and !..�il, "',ii_', _� I 'Auld 11;- ., 1,­,�­­.� o - would be impassable; the fields1n - "li: "',"; ,,� , . � I . I gosing W France. He wid they wore �,,,, ,i�', ­ '' the country and the streets in the now In, FYaa:ce,,,comhorta1YIy settled W i� "', i"� ,; Advertising rates on application. a si�able. . ����,i�,�,,��,',,�j��,,�!,.il,,.�, - towns would be flooded, and quite a dJ;i11!1`M0­­ . I . . E1R'15Mi'1'1,k�1';-:­. ­ 9 _41 I\- I , q1pietk4iV of Last week while Mr. A,4V;P,i,SV` . I I --- - few cellars too. . ,:� �),6,,,,�. ­ . . :1, I V"alter Mmofttt, of the 2nd' conceWAon ,,��i '�JM'�,�, is not ­­ of Stanley, was clhbpping in the woods ., ' � On the other hand winter , I � 0,iil�r - ,,-,,, � 4ti,'I.i�� IVE"ORM Friday, March, 8th . .. he aeclide.WiaW cut bliss foot, the "'. 4�'�.; - �'�i:'O"r"�t'i� . ' ' J,411 ", -! .' � . . , " , , ., P4,"";i,-, L � , - oyer yet ,`�,'ffl , and if March decides to Wound requiTing to be istitabled. 41" � J;N.V�.�� I,." . . �,Zt,J,'� � ��,,�.� . '.. . . ,1-,L,..' � of cold rains Mr. Geelrge Smithet�s, of Seafmth, ,,� ��"4", "�' , 1. , . ,,�:� - . 11� '. - ' 1. has sold bid brick residence on James �� - , %., . Huron In Line ' that -hey fall, the roads � -,� - -freeze as t .%t. 'to W. Mujhonand� of Bay Town- . ,:,�� . I . , I'� 4.',1;, * � . will be a skating rink, the, hydro ship- I ­ : ,! , ,; ,i ,,� ,,'�� 'Huren County Council at a special wires, the telephone wires and every Messrs. 0. Haimes; T. Atkins and ,, , N. Bohannon spent the week -end vnith , , ,,,ui�;:. , I 1. �1' ii'.,�,,,.!, - ! , I sesdon held last week, voted unani kind of other wires will bel'a mess their relative& and fritends, in Sea- __; ,�. , ibath. I., ,11 , � A " , 1_�., ,. to aec6pt the FWeral Gov- and a very costl mess at that. ��� mmus-ly . y Master Herman Speare, of Crom- .... ;1� � �, - . � 1, 6, ... 1��., ernm,ent!s proposal to take.over Sky 1. wIng arty, who has,' been Ill with, inflasnima- ,�.,4,!,"� I To -day it is snowing and sno i �"­ � .., 1. IM tory rheumatism and pleurisy, is otill INN', � * 314-rbor Airport, situated on the out- hard. Perhaps March thinks that ,4 ,V.. � . I confined, to bed. �,��,�N, :, , . t.'U, . - Mr. Fixed Genny, of Londesboro, Who ITRIV,i aldrts of the county town, as a train we have not yet hand enough snow. , - �464 - emlisted' with the llqhird Contingent " '' . &01,;, . or - aviatom ,� - Jmg centre .f military In that case we can look for trouble an �,g, � vs* - d is =,w in, training in London, I'll � kllz , : . es upon' In Londesboro. , i 1h doing so the county tak too. A little snow and a lot of March spent suncva,yi lillk�'- I 14 - Mr. Armstrong, of 0ouviance, ship.- _ , � ­ .,��, sm - -winds will not improve transporta- %,,,� itself a % all financial �bligation, so "". . n � _, . �d a car of cattle from Londesboro . I, I . �P� in fact, that it ,is regrettable fioh at all, and we have already had ,- t �� �i'i,i'iY Mall I last Satmiday. V. ,.,.�_ . . l, . I , ' ' Mr. P. Moii, of Exeter, has purnhas- I-— ,the council did not see its way clear sufficient ,transpor�ation troubles ed Mr. Andrew Gibslou?s 130 -acre , 1, � 1. . - . ::::: . . . . . I � , � to provide for the necessary expen- this winter. � . . I .. , farm in Usborme. 9, 1, . 1 Re Wh4te, Exeter, had. the ,, ��: : y dittr�e by an increase in the mill, rate, But as we say, this is March and, , Miss Mil . ;,,�� .. . V��!;, . � misfortune to fall and break several I '' . � - sends is ours to ribs. t ....... if necessary, rather than by skimping whatever March � I ,­ .- I .1.1. ,D -u the road program as a good many , take with just as much grace" as, we, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. StPwai-ts of, Exe- '1111i, , � I _. . . ter, have gone to New York to spegmd . I. . , . '� Councillors expressiod their intention . can. I ­ � .11 . two weeks. . ,, ­;- . I Z, - 1, I 0fdoing. I . � An old landmark of tbe* Huron 11_ I . . . � ,- I I 0 I I I,, I Tilact was torn down last week an . 1. - . 1, .,ii. � . In any event, Huron County has , . . ,%�* � , . . the Balkwffbj�wrm.',� known hs� the, Devon- "�". . , � unanimously associated. itself with I shire Innis two miles, slouth'sof Exesteir. &` When Leap Year Meant Use building *as serected newly 70 t&.' �, , the Empire's and Canada's program ­.. . I yeam a9b. 11��P.. I ' ' 1, 13 I for the training 6f Allied airmen, � Something Robert Mum% ef Leadbury, intends ��.; I � . 11 I .�, , I., sidon to, retire from the b1h9kslinith- .....'.. " and is proud, of the opportunity. . � � .. ,.'� - . ; . Thursday"of last week, Feb Ing and his places will be taken by "i . . � ruary, ,� , , ), � ; I , , I ' ' Henry Thornton. *!;:, �- .. � 29th, was the day the calohdar de-, Mr. ,George Hibler, of Guelph, a . , � '1� . 10 .. former Zurich boy and Wn lof Mt. .�� I � clared'its extra dividend of an addi- ,�, I ' ... Fred Kibler' of Berlin, has joined, lth� ­ I , - � I .1, I I , I � ` .; ..'_; .... I I . ­ I tional twenty-four hours. And when- -a- _11�. . Just A Reminder - . I ' Ambsulamice OoMs of -the 34-th, Batt . , .. ever the calendar declares that ex- �iion. He was made the reciplient'of :i - . I I—- , . � I ' - . ' t millitary gold watch and a purses of I.. I � � _0 � tra dividend we call it Leap year , . . I tl,. This is just to remind you that' - I gold by the loffidaI6 and semplo�eess 11 .�, ;,31. driver's license and car license And Leap Ye�ar.days are th6' days . at .the Coalonlial W,bliteweat Co., of , I I I � , Your I ' Gued,iK','_ . . ��;�:. � which tradition provide for girls to. Mr. Frank Gutteridges has . Just "". I plates must both be renew6d before ..'.. I ',take the initiative in marriage pro- completed in, Sarnia a -fine large- busi- - the.,end of thismonth. . . . L� . .. I block. It occuplesi o4a of the 1,1�.. " posals. A.nd perhaps, they do, al- . r -'e" , -M ­ April'first is still quite some time best business, sitfs in that COW I It though, as a'rule, we don't hear Mi�. Alrox. Gordon has purchased ,, V.:,W. . away, but, time has a way of slipping ,the residence of Mr. H. Grisbrook in .11 . ....... ,� * 1. � . ".. J . * ... and if .-t first of next month mueh about it.. ., " , lbe ­_. I Egm�ondvlillle and Mr. ,and, Mrs., Grar- �,�, I But there Was a far off day when don have move,d - to .their new -,home., � . '71 q ,,- . catches, you without -your new lie- - � . ­ � tudents .� � Leap Year really meant something, _ T"I'll CoRegate Institute 0 -e& � . I � h-dd a dedilghtful little da]hices in Case's ,. . ,6s, it means either staym* . . .,� . , g home I . A, 11 fr � .. or taking a chaned. , 11 am the girl's viewpoint at least. Hall on Wednesday evensingi �, . I That day was in 1228 w 'en Parlia- Miss Istabell Scott presided at -the . �L, And taking 'any kind of -a chance orv= of FIrst Presbyterian Cturcii ,,, . , .11 .1 last Sumda;y in the absence of Mr. , . ; �,� . . . with. a car does .not pay, as many ' . �, . I I to refuse a maid in Leap Year, for Nixon. ; a� . Pnotorists hAve already -found out, . Mr. JbIlin M. Govenlock, McKillop I.. 1 � - , it issued a decree that: ;X . and mor� are due for a similar ex- councillior, Underwent a critical opera, " ".. I . . 1. "It is statut and ,ordaint that dur- tion in Chaton Hospital, on F'riday 11 � '1�1.. 11 I � perience. ' last. � . 1'.,� � ' I Ing the rein of hir blissit Mageste - 1�11'. I'll . Remember, too, that there are no I ..­ . 0 1 ." .11�� I days,of grace. You may drive your Marga .t,,for ilk yeare knowne, as I I _­­.... I . ii'' . .. � - . I lepeyeare, ilk mayden layde of b6the I From The Huron ExPosiior ", ­___.. _ 4ar- - with the. present. .... license- -plates - ' 1P, until midnight on March 31st—but highe and __Io *e' Jestate schal have ' ' March 14, 1880 1 . .. 'r .. . ' . ISP s . . "T'j, . liberte to bi i oke ye man 'he likes. ;�.,..,- � no Ion might, just as well . . A new baptismal font lhas been , , , I ger. You �', I., V,� Gif he refuses, to tak hir to bee his. p1laced,-4m.-the Baptist Ohbmh, Clq,n- -11.11�.J : � make application for them now, so . I ton, . I � I - - I N.. I ,". ` I wyf he schal be.,mulet in ye'sum of , ,_ ­ they willbe h6re when .yo -a- -ribed � 1 ., � At a Meeting held in Gorderich, -on 1. , - �, . ., , � . ane bundrit pufids, or less, - as -his Thursday of last week, Mr. Jobn Hau- �,�,: I . ".." I them, for need, them you certainly, P-stait may be, except and alwais gif : nesb% of 'the Seaforth, and, Kirluton i . 11�. Will. . . -1.11.-- . GrOalmeiries, made a proposition to . I i'Ll" he can make it appeare that he is colilect Cie cream, manufactures sell �'. � I i".. '' ' I" � 0 betrothit to anither woman, then and ship the butter for 4 cents per - . � . . .... � ­ . .. . I I , d,. Sit - '. . I . schal he be free." : I poun TMs propos � ion, was accept .11 . � - 114-�__ , ��,,�. ., MA G. Tfardy, of Exeter, contrao- �,�,.. . � . Big Busines's .." Of course .that was a very long tor, sta7lvd- the woTk of the, bri ��,".: . ...... � ...... . . I '� . . dge :1 � . time ago, but. don't be discouraged , amm th, diiara to Hutton & Carr's ­ �1� We all know about the hot dog . mill on Woduesfty in Win,gbP&ML � 1z" girls. Parliaments have been known " McCartney, of,Juckelr- , , , . � and the hot dog business. But we - . . . Mr. Robert I . , , to pass some very, very queer laws -w:- 'th, intonds l,elaving wifth.-his &an- - isum �L, - never knew until the other" day that ' ..'�, . fly and effects for Moose jaw, Sask., �,t . preseni day' not excepted—and.. who III. , Ilted big .busi- st Territory. - I Northwe. ,,, the hot dog represe. !t, knows butthat they may pass, a sim- Mials Hoffman, who for the past few �., ., Aess. - ,1 1___� I il.ar leap year law some da:� again. yearel has bc�ea bead m�Xinlelr in the ,I I., � "' Well it'does, at I ast as far as the I 1. -� e . establishment of Hig9man & Co., Sea- , . . I 1 1. . . forth, left this week for Wafterlc�l . . - �; � New York World's Fair was con . I I I wh,ere She bas ,taken a slimilax pom- I .. .1. � ", " cermed las+,.year, whenhotdogs. were . ? 7 I . . � - ti,(m - in a - large establi-sbment there. '11--l., Her succe-gor is, Mists Dobde� �(i�., . a million -dollar business. , I Quite a number .of farmers in the " �.�.,: I il., " . WHAT "OTHER PAPERLILI). SAY: � . "I �. 116' management -of- that Fair has ' . Parquhar district intend. 'making im- �;� pv�ov�ements -on thel-r faxme d,t I iring the ir,�i, Just announced. that visitors, paid , i . -�: ",��, . - coming S,urnmipi Mr. Jbhn Pulton to �t� I $L883,113.30 for 10,650,000 frank- I svgdt and raise Ifla ba.m,, putting a ,,,i:, , All The Queen of England . istones wall, under it; MT. John Stew- . �� farters, 5,172,133 hamburgers and - . � ,"I aft to build alyrick bog Ven; Mr. as. - ` 4'. "O.I. � hot drinks. The mustard, the state- (Christian, Science Monitor) . Stewart to ,overhaul, his ,bwm-; Jigbual . . . . . ,jf I ; 1�11. � .Ment adds, was free. Ashton and Mr. 71homas, RunAllie In- , .�.,,. . 11.1. . � teRd' Putting foundatiom under their ,,' I I 1.1-111.. There is no ... time whes, the. more gracious 1. � . -�,,�,, All of which goes to show thatlithe barns. - I !,": - I I aspects of gubldc life are so Mre and so, needed I ,� � . " "hot dog was not only big business, as in war, an 11 , A large number of saw lbigs havi ,�,e� . 11 d in this respect GneAt Britain is come to Mr. Sadler's, Sawmill at Staf- f,�J� I but a decidedly better paying one fortualate In the possession of one, incalcishLble fa during ihe past two Weekk '.. ,;,��;, : I �:-,` 0 - , - I a�slei Queen. - ... . , 1 1-4 'ik' , than"the. World's Fair itselL 1P. I Some idea of the Tnild weather we 111V11P . . - . ,��g , . . . . .1111 . � Cabinet Xinisrtem. or military ebiefs, may be '-have. bad this �vinter can be learned V��Jl . I from the fact that a oerthin woman kl:;:, � . . ImprOselve, but it Is soldbm that thtey'chwm or - been sleed on, � M, I of Staffn bea the altreset ��,,�,�i�:, I - 9. I.. W10 affection. The People, have before robelm ' L,��'��";'., � _. rintalnY" eXamples of the sterner virtuee, but few most every day this winter with (her 4�111' I ' �i;� �� . which appeal by their simplicity and Ingenuous hluslbimd's straw hht on her head 1,'.1,1,A, I � I Mr.. Wflbam MI, son of Mr. �rfim �,:,V"�, .nis Is March charnV. But Queen E-Iftableth bag, gone a4aut her , ol�,�_ I . � dutdseg.in war ais in peace a, GNmIng example 4D Poll, who lives- a short distalnee west 4�;�1�41' f ��i,?" effective but -Ul11lDbtFUS1iVe' devotion--iddustrious 'of Stafra, had the misfortune tb break �,',','�P, . TI& is March and generally look- I I a bbne -in the back of Ide ight band ,�' lk�', ­ . . .11 . cheerful, sensible, encouraging.' ,:1:1,"',� I It I_ 941' U13011 as about the, meanest-moith a f4holt time ago. I . !.,�,� �i�`,I" I � , - in ifie calendar. To date, however, 'Naturally Her MaJesty has intererAed herself One of the most isuceasstal basket I,, I . , � dn all sorts of war -time netivities,. S'he has broad, ,sfocilaJs held ai,sound M,*p#en totak place i. I . , '. "", it has behaved like a lamb. It could C96L with-tOuching effecAliventese to the, women at the P,Vs9dences of Mr. John Jarrott, , :%I:% ,, , ' "Urdtafin, and her soliling face showh 1'fi th,e � t 1 __ -10. on the Town, Vine, otll; Wedneelfty Y llii , not behaved any nicer if it had tried � .. . 7 .� - . news -reels. alas cauqw pleasure such as the most � Might last week, for the Purpose, of I � k IM , 1, �.­ I , its Utmost. 1t has been neither hot beautiful arAress could not ampire . raisding TaOneY OD delfray the expene- . ,Pj..,5,;?1' , nor cold, and there' have been no . , es of the Organ lately pulrobaseA Prom I ��.,J"�,',P. i. . So cv6slaw h" the Queen Idendfied. lierself Mr. Oake , of Clinton. After the `('�"q��4�'�,�� !I �`�iN,pi��,i:,, jd6rma of 'rain ok snow.- i . wdth *hM,Ais lsimplieSt, moij natu ' lirlal, ,and best velkng of "the baekeltg a program. VMS ' ',;L,�Jxj, �' 'Uhreh 'Came in that . rslonahty� kno'ww HeAt, .TwTott ana , in this life of Britafio that him pe _�i��,­ 2' ,, Uge ,,V,�1� - �;, given by Megem. .P;1U I , . But bbda abroad OD well lao, In m(dain bas belen a M'Wu,l Stelck; recitatioub by DoUte. and Rob- " i�,. ­ . i; 4'. , .. As , 4-- '. k " "fio paroulitoe'' of future be- InfiUMCO in her CUUMtWo ' 3 `11, �, � - :�,,!��,�, 1,," '311;W- Clanadian 8101- hile Parsons., and ep&Abo 1w Wessrs. 'i��..�,r���;i,L,�;,�'..:.""�, I— t, . _ . d'n't be "March Wit d1eM IMVe declared that they engsW the more �� 11�;,N i ,,., . I ,�,P­,­i, I bkH . rt *10611 , Henry 19mith and Vvi fflam Consitt 'Jll�ii��'�,'�;:�;4 , willim47 becausib they."Ught thedr Queen want- I "on'Thurefty evom �,i�;��,,��,�,,��;. - " . ,.g UK Mr. Jim. Al,�tiir��',',i . ..... .. ".1 ,W& . . March- � it; a -. month of - many - ed Mem. Ili tbiq UndtbeO States! she has won Floster, nelam - Ewbw,w*'6� tdk WI& . a, �,;,� -, . ... . . , ;1��-,;"111"��__'.�, i , , . , . friemldh; for bier countey who �tbqnk the jWre paimlfu jt, neV,Lir Sebms to know jUgt I � , . accident While, in Valrula. HIS ,�,;,', U,:,. ., of BrJWu because they thought, waMly . hme, a opgrited doNt Vedwm loosen, , Q;7�,4 1:_., � lllill� �, .., � � I I warmlly .�of, , . �11,1:1_. 4 i , I � � , , , ,**, - �111 � " � W'"� Xl 15 Ple J" - - 'I '�' ' , I d I on , ", �, 1� N, ��, .I. vama. AMA can 6hange of her. Ahd -Vembapig it may be held f6e -a vIrtue ed from its tA% dVW11& di6 -bAber -1 , �. , " , 6 ­iil�,�,�;�, � � `11 I I : ., 'i !,X,�,X,,�,,. , .1, c, I lof Great 01tain that WhaK.auch-a Queen,,___., ' find became entamgW am' " hoseise. - . " I f9ft -and Often as a wa- _.. ,�,)' �`,, '��.�,�4�'. � I I. 1,019: , _­­­ - I . I ., i. ' ­ ' ' I . . . '.111 .�,,:; la It tuft both to li'er credit Amd to Bruaft's 11 in "Ing the adiod ',;; "., 1� �:' . I . _.­ i. . 1_0 '; �, , . . Y I&I, I Ire- ', ,, _ � , , I , , I � �i.��, 1 ,,,,,� "i 00wed a kle'k oW1fWo4$& of w, lj;�!,�,;�',�:,�.:". � - ,,�, i., � . " � ` ' tW her i1ritleg ond her d=ms am tho" sof . . =I %oleel , �,�.- I'll �. -011y Such A inem bw fth6u �t J,* bea6t . ,,J�,� ", i" ,;. , � '41 w VWON wllU likelly by Wm: up Wr g6fte % ,, �%;, , ,,�i,��,,,,,�ii,.',*i iW im : "'!", , � *i� , I 1. I I'll , " ''I �," , ,. " I-, . I . . �, — � ... I L . I Ift"00. � . 11 i�"! , 11, , ��,� . : ,�:: ,if i�:� , ", ,: I , 11 � . I. ,� �� 1, " �',-. ­ ' ' 1 , � 1, . � . . I 11 � .�Tr . I 1, , I I i ;:�,., ; 4 i I . , � . I ' . . . �, 11 , , r , " I I " I . � . . . i il;�� ! �L I . - . I , , ., 1�,,!-��$',� �.i � 4 l� ,� ,j ; .1 I I ,; 11 �.. i .� i, : , . � ,� I . .' I., . . � . . �1-� V'�' ", 'r,�" j �� ' � ,0 - �il�, " . . I I , r , " " " ," �',' . : . . 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'.. � , ­�..6­1­,,'1­1 I., i �;. � ­­''... ; . . . . . . tm�, -iij�s;"�, . .� ,, I , I , " .: ,�' � 1 ------ I 1. - _­ -i__ .- . .'I ­ � . . . 4.1111, .. .. ­ � ....... . . ­­­­ . . ..... ­ ­ . ".. W ­ "16.r.t.111 611.1 11----_, - -1 I I .I.; ';;.i4;--;;,-;-; - _i . 1. �6 -1- '' I w.,­­�­­­­'­­ .4 6 1. � -1 - ­ I- - . I .. 1. I .1 I . . . ­:�` 116. : ; -11, �­ i I I , , , , '' r , � 61.1"'I'41... ,::. -,t7-6 , ", .... .. ... ..... ­,­..", .: , ;­­­ ­ . I ­ �., �,­ -l'. I :i . . .. , I I , . I . I . - ­ - I -.1 6. ,� 11 � r I ­. . ., I . - . A . I � � " . .� . - -1 � i .�, ,. �!� - __ -..---- - __ - ­Tlii� ­'­"'­­,`�';-6 6 .. , I , ,., = " I �, 1 , iw;' ...; - ` I 1: . I ��.A A'' '; 41, I . , AW . I .116.11-1 .Ili", I I ­ . 4 I I , 11 Phil I'll. . 1:1 ..... , 1161, 1 4 ...... . ... ­ r, I , ; . 1, ­ '16 '. - 4 6 ...... .... ­,­., , I ,. . ". . , . ._ , , , ". I � . � � , 0, 1 --of &--- 14WAft 1.16- W - � V,4A#*VW .1 I I . �, ot J .'' I . . I I .. I I I . " . L"4. 111 I At", �... i ", wrvw.w, '-- I 0 0 Lazy, Meadows-'* 1 0 ., ww'fl A " It ''. . .1. �.­ 1-11 � I 7 I I , I . 0. , � , 4 `V , � - UP. 1171 1W. Mom- JR 001 1 � M., .* Awdwo. d" "; of" li, " oks ., "O'. ' 4*10 .- . . I alk I I - -Ppi!!N.P! 1. , --- nice as she gnowst and as, each, day S -If . '.. . �R__ - ._1 -mv--_ ii, W - ___ , _ . . I., I j I ll . I ". . I . --..., q..''. -, .. . I . � I I EI IL Q, "UNDERSTAND114W ­ from fluie ulty, I ultuy MI Tor di, WHALES t . . � I chaa . and laid awake at night thindt- . mwould like to open, am *T . watched a, golden, curly head to, Ing about Ways and m(*ns, toi"Impress We are told thalt there Is to be,- f I igfit as� it "w deep into lhe'cush,­ her. A cigarette given me by the minnufacture of whale, products, Ju . �,,, _ )ny comforf -of a trundle bed, and as hired man seemed the perfect- thing qaaa)dh thda yoar'andj thes reason giv-1 . did I wo#dered. Today she's ormall ,.- and so In the drivin shed I lit up 9 un,tarombile martet con-', ela is -that I na depewient on What, we db for .-, and coughlingly, sturted smoking. Pa, ditlimal prevail. in the face ot t,46se --. Tomom,ow therels, be indlepend- ther appeared on the scene, took the condittlong, both 'the Briltish CalumNbia _ nice as she gnowst and as, each, day cigarette and vdith 4efferal "Cuffo 'on whatkinig stlaitions., sage. 4 NadeD Her— . dds, on she'll be,growing UP. Can I the lugs" sent me up to the �huse bot&'In thes Queen C.1horlotte Islands . I ver Scold her? Will I ever Spank and to- my room to do without my and ,the othWat 111olse Hb4-bdf,' are D Set two tin,y feelt Iyack on the Vakh I su pper and go to bedL In moxUflea- temporlaa,lily slulspei operatlolns. : f truthfuhitesq after She has strayed tilion I cried, but My alorrow was eas- . OLPdAnaAllyi, they wloul&be at work for If . 1. ,Way just ,ever ,sb little? ed, to some extent by my mother"s ab" fow-mouths..._rolughly june to , , It seemed tome then as never be- appearance with saadViches Which September. � ,` . � ore thai' Flather knew what he was she smuggled 14p 'to me after suffeir,, Suatlaindnig the claim that sorne- allking about back so many years ago. , igg a -relapse -of heart at- thouglit of a y � ,times the female of the. species, is, big.; , I was small auid, discovery for the first person doing without a mlesal. gew tbalnl the male, wheitbor mom . I 1. ilme that no? dire tat befell me when - A,t twekve I was driving the harse deadlly or not, ga, 80 foot femi Sul�_ � saild I had&t elaltem toe froalbidden ap- and having heavdf,several -new ways Of , ,1. I p'hur whale boaded the IdIsit for s1z,et I Ple from the neat pile set out to be Aaddress-Ing them,in rery forceful bang- In ,the 1938 Bilit4h Columbia VAhahiingi . old, But tbat made me a 11ttle, mbre �� uage frlom the hired manq, I proceed- ,records. Sulphur Vo.h1alles,, as, repires- Old and I was nabbed, in act of ed to give them a severe Taking ,ov- . enbed by a 76 -foot ferna:1Q, likewls-es elding the next one. , No man, going to his', , exeii er behind the barn when I felt there wasi just horses. tiollyped ithe sites hist in'1937 (but while's � *ulld have had, -a heavier heart than the ancl, myself pres� ent. My fad*r happened ,to be ,bag- the record whalle, in ithat year -wias . thet ilone member of 1hew sipecdes, to be, did as I saw the direaded Wach: riz- ging grain in the granary and, talkAng taken three 'male Sulphurs were iU- I or strap being plickedl up from, its to ,one of t.he neigli,bors when; the. cluded in the 1938 kill. One of thet- Look where it hung over the wash, foreign language fell upon his, ears,. thneei measured 73 feet from tip ta, tand. I had an, appointmenti with my With one, hand lhlolchn,- the- ltinus, hie toe, so to' speak, and the othpir .two, aither In the woodshed. tunn;6d me -over his Innee and paddlIed Were 71 feet, -each. Next da sizel­iv, I One thing I always Will remember, me with, ibio band . . . �Lnd What a 1938 came a 66 -foot' Finback, also a ie explained why I WA)s going to get ibugh, horny hand, it was. - female as it ba-lipened. The major- �be llickipg. I ican even remember this At fifteen I fel't myself a grown, man Ity of -the who)Iesi itakes, howev,eq-, rords: "Son, if I let -you go' without and when I was, not al,1'6w&d ,to travel were majos. I t whippdag You'd forgett all about to town by myself on, a certain occa- Ali) itold, 310 bf the big flollovA� Were Aut I sald, The next time You tounA Sion I ,let my tongue wag justa little captured bme yea,r by t[he Gana;dlan . �iaur§elf h,a,nqlg done something that . too tar, and I said- things, that I rk- . . whallegis operatinig off-�,-Brlitish Callum— , il . .vasn't right you would tell anlother gretted the mornent they biad, sllipped ,bia tjbe, Only ,area of tll_,� Dominibm ­ lie to get out of it. I'm going to give out. Patiher didia?t say anything for I Tilhe're whaling is -carried, on. out of you something to remember, 'so, that a While and then he said, "You're too the total number, 252. *etre Speirnis, . I YOU Won't fbrget that it Pays to bell big a boy for . spaDkiug noi Being 50 were Flinbacks and -the reanxining Lhe truth." ' a Dad is a bal-d! -job. Pre tried to ' eight wlere dividied equally oetween: � f I remembered qui-6es Well. SO We'll Show, You that -kvhat I do for you.1 tihe Sulp�hur and) Humph�wk groups- � Jid the mernory of ithat e,gicounter re- *do becappe, I th'I'nk it's, besit. Some- � .. I Total catch in ithe precEtdling year wa's . . main with me -that' I .slept on my times I may be wrong, but some, day 317 and then, boc�. t1hes-Sr.eamas made . stomach for a.n entires week . . . you'la understand that it's hard to be Up inost of the Nndings. I not -to say ai�ytlidng about ewhng m Y a good Dad, and, alwa.ysi be right in Ali of thewhalleis landed at the two t meals percked on- illies very edge of Your own .pinli, and, that of your . British Oolumbih statione were Used ; Lbe chair. children. ' . in the- manufacture of meal,- oil and: i I was chastized many timeS, how, Now Pm'­bie,gij1n1ngf to understand, , fertilizer. The '18 prodruot,ion of meal i ev ' er. One. of tb-o most painful inci- and I kulow that in ,t he day�, to come was 273 torlis, of oil 543,,374,lathons, dents of all, was Vile''t1me that vl�e I I'll understand, it even. better than and feutitlizer 490 toin&. In 93.7, the bad a very swe-et little -girl, visifing now. I . . I ioutput was 268,tous of meal . 5 1 27 ,tons, I ' . I I . . . � I � of fertilAzor and 662,355 gallons of. I . I - 11!� odl, I � � . I - ----- - . . , . . . . . I- I - . . I . Ah . .. dh 0 I 0i U Zi—i— ; his, W14jivilliz ult'i"W U I .. I . 4 I I '.Bride:'. 'T, . - Seen in Ahe ., - . mwould like to open, am ,%hn: "I'm niot half good enough I EL-ccount at this, bank, . Pleasi for you." . . . ' - ' " . Teller: "We shall be very glad to Jani,ce: ."Why, John, you talk i U�t . � " I -, I I . aecoiamodate ybu, What amount do � . like, one o,f my owa fam-11y.- '. .. Cou'nstk Pap'lers , you WiNsh. to deplosit?" - ; . -:.1.,.. 0 I Brides (Smiling): "Oh, I mean a An Irishman in a Boston court wass Z..ft--.-.% � P - 04 � .- regular charge -account, such as, I end,ea,vo.ring '.to disprove that he had - I � have at the department stores.!.' 1. . I I a'brokue. The judge, listening to his I Quilt Donated ., ' 7 I I statementgi linterrupted Saying: - ,, � .­ - - . �. A. Boston, Tqan 'has, a. Who has . slon, . "Pa,t,, ff_yqi� �Njslh- to.. . en .. . _tf y .. your i a tifu - t 'has ii doulaited! , . . , A be u 1 qu;4 . just entered, school. He was' SUP[Pbs- 'morn4- brogue, may I Suggest that you put it by Mrs. F. Bender and Mrs.* J. Bat- ed to be enjoying it, but io.jX6 -in writinig?', .. tler in al d of the local Rod Croi " ing,he walked into the dihning room . . 0 Your generous support in the ppa 1has - . Where Us, father, was, ,having break- � Teacher (endie,avoring to illustrate been,, appreciated ,and again we are �alst and remhrk-ed: ,a point): "Now if I light a match, asking your co-operation in this War- . I'll m ,tired, of going to schohl, Pop.,, _ and carefully place 'it over,the gas 1117 muse. Meet the tl��kest sellers- ,, Why?" asked, the father. -,,What burner. why, 00 I not get a light? with a ,smil.e. Just a wi:-rd to olear is your objection to going to school.,, Why doesi not the gas burin1l, up a slight mlisurderstang. The quilt ' "01h," am�sweved tiho, boy, "It breaks Boy: "Because you have not pald becoraes the unconsditioual property of Lip -the day sb.11 I 1 your --bill.s, . . � the person winning it._zurich Her - - � . ald. . I .1 - . I They Ho'ld `4A, , �� . Th I 0 e I A Leap Year GK I 1 I I Today Audrey Barkers . daug I hter ,* 0 � I I . 0 of 0 � . � I I—- - ----.* I - 4P . Lin,e Mi.. and Mrs. Harry Barker, of town, I dis cial,ebratring ihor fbi-rd birthday -an- . 0 . -maginso I . * WiverslaxY, although she Is '12 yeam � I I . � I of -age. Andrey has, another dlistinc-L �, - - I . -1 tion in ,that she is -the onL� Orl born . . The quesition. most frequently, and . . � I land "Whialis these fort's defend - a in the Baxk,er family in five. genejra-. . tions, , S h -e is gi vq,u'g a party. to Some MVA anxibusl.y� pu,t to anyone return- fact of tremendlous importaueq when of her girl friends in honor ov � bar ing to England frarn the Front Is. not an-pl knows, ,the Frenchinain!q love for leap year, birthlday�,­Gosi Slignal- whetheir the %,credlibles fioAressesi of bdis, 6W land and- the passionate ob- , Stax. the Maglnsot,Uie seem strong enoifkh stinacy with wbich -he will dei it. - to resdat the Germans, but whether � . Furthermore�, these fortifications . . I .. Skiing Accident Lbe morale of the French soldiers ap. are complex me,ebanisinsi, require .� . . ull thf� in- loug specialized trainDnig, only to 6e Thel first Skiing accident of the ,sea- . aabivity and boredom of endless, wait- iug in, had in, the forts, themselves, The s)on, happened on Suuday When Kelso .-,. the clo.iise ,confinement of those slaldlerS wh10 are no* hoil.difig the Johmston, -had a stpdll descending a anderg,round, direadnoughts. Line axe those who had Already been hill near Rper's Dam and sufferedi.a I The Germans, have been .4oasting tnained in pedeetime to do so Mo,St seve,rely bliuis'ed kuee.caii,ilage. This in their- propaganda by radio and of them had, Spent many monihs., a has been tlie,bses.� sld.'nig winter in' atherwis,es that they would never need year, or perhaps even two years, in -ally Yean; hereabouts, Nearly 20 LID attlaclk tile Maginot Line a few the Magindt""Llini6. They, had there- -v,,ere out, at the week-end.-Goderic-b. more montbs ,Of idlenessi, and, the fore become thoroughly amustomed . Signal -Star. . Freinch�-who weire, good fighters, but to remaining in them for long per. I . wltftie unisitzble Latda temipierament, iods. Thus, ,they had; �been not'only Ladies � Doing Their Bft 1, bhey asserted, could not stand eu- roreed and Prolonged imuctivity shut trained and bardenei but acivailly habituated and Frorm ... November 23rd to February 1p in dose quarters, Under the earth I acclImated to the) pe- cull'ar steel -and -concrete cave -man Px_ 21st the Clinton. branch,. has sibipped. to the _Wp4_r(T`,Ji4 the end simply have to . . UP. dStenCe they lead, there. . Red Cross,, Societys' ToroaAo', the following: 622 plairs GoClks, 119, -1 � Pve . . ' ' ' .tn, view Of ti14, widespread circirla- 11 On the other. handi ':the West Wall, or Slegfried*I-Ane, w' as noi begun un- pairs wristlets 24 swegters, 12 hospi- t . Jon these sugge-sitione recsaived,� in BrItaita, I made every. effort, during ftil the summer of 1938, 'and, most Of � It is theref-10 tal gownis, 30 pairs. pyja.mas, 39�, Searve,s- 10 helmets, 6 P,Pdr mitts, 7 a lecent visit to t1i,se, front, to aseeftain Of su ,ch recent date that relatively few troops' could- have hot wa,ter bottle covers.., - ClintoA News-116cord. mhetheir theire, wasl any foundation fo:r had the sPeC1,411lized--training and- the � , . . I .hem. Let me say at oince. that, al- ,.hough invaluable hardebling to the particu- . Hold oyster Supper . I had exceptional opportuni- la.� rigors, of ,remaining .for long ,per- . lie -91, not only of talking alone ti) i0ft Shut up in ,concrete bIlockhousles. Members of the Royal Bank staff )rivate soldlerel, non�oommlsslioned, of. It 4s In my opiladon, be -cause they were gue-st-S, at the 'home of a fellow I - cers, and officers of the line, but al- . lthewsle,lves ,have not yet become ac- workers - MT. 'AJVqn1 CorqeS!S, On TUeS_ ,iol--what is, often more Teve,a,hDg­­­ customed ,to such a pro,spect of con- day evei'lling. All elijoyed, an' oyster - >f watching, and listening to -them um-' fin'erment, that the Geroydns, believe SUPPer.-Clintan News,Record, , I ft )bservesd, I found -no trace of any fls- t he, FiVemb, .1y'Oulld not, be able th face ­ " I I lure in the morale of the French it for very long. . I- � 11 Patriotic Circle r0olpSL , On, thes contrary e tb4edr geliter- Ll condition and Ilespi ,de corps" For it is an unrelieved outilook in this -respect, On February 22nd j -hes . Bramels ther nianning the Maginot IA11e is U10 half-time j'abs nor it emlyclr- Patiiatic Circles made their first. ship - I men,t klmex1lean, corresipondients who bad nisited different sections the fron- I aq�l .Ussiginment. This, emergedpodnit, of good,S to the Red Cross So� ciety. IC consisted of. the following of ler (have fully confirmed tIA% and so edly ft -w an in, to ,o c1dent during my vd,slit ne of the bl9gP'r bl0c�lch`Uuses &ptdc1es: 6 dozen pair socks, *6'sweat- ' l9rV8, even more recently, expert mil, tary observers �slent over from Lon. sme Where in Alsace. Notileing that thb eIrs, 9 scarf9i 17 irs. ,viristlets 129, suits pyja.mas 12 pa . & ' Pair Vilqow ca,sels, 4, . Ion to investigath this very point. men obil wore the old hor,Uion blue undfornws instead of the h k Wd wi ves ts', 2 PaAr woollen, bloom- 7hey camle back impmessisecl �y the , now adopted by the F!Mnp 'It armm as ers, I Pair chlild's, woollen blolomsers,-. The local Red Cross 'also shipped -rim yet cheerful detemnindao�i. of he French sioddVers, of oil rank to ,the least v4stible I asked whT. _ "But we dio " .not- need, fte khaki_ one', dozen paIr socirs to the- Society in', .p, " this job t1wough ,ttD the end, and . no one Is going to see Us here in- Toronto._]�rus,sels post, . I . - D do it rthsolroughly. . It go tr�ua, that existence in cramp- Iside our f",, wais the sumprised ,re_ Ply -of the yi�luug lieutenant in com- I TranSferred To London �-- ,) � ' d ­SubteMrdnRan COrrldbrs and caves Twnd of tbe post. Mr. W. C. Dunsfordi, teltem of I . ther, f concrete and, alteeol do no joke, and "Ah, Yless," I agreed, "but ,VV1bat a- local branch.of the, Dank of MonbValsi bat withOut the SUM -U1118 of copibat b1DUt wheln, you leave -the for& -if has been, ... transferred to the City I&Ui ,'I Me trogl0dite lite does tend to beii� you Were ob"ligeld to retreat, for Instance,," L branch at London and wq&1, res ' ume h1s; Ome more difficult, as thle wesesk,q of "Retreat?" be, exclaimed, StImmore new dutiles oln, Friday. Mr. nunsfar,d; rIM,ting go by. Indeed, one, 19 at I SUPPri0ed, and a bit Indlignant; ,,But, fe a ,local bby, and ,the beL§t wisheg gb ,' 'f rat inalpelled to ask 'IHOW-Oan they MoMdeur. we ,ghall,,nat rs�i�,, many fr1liends "' -his future welgaTe - I or tamd It?" But 010816 *ho sklmeet the 'refth "Oh, no, of course," I h1sttly cor-; 111 W ce here vKJA � trows to "crack uV1 under o6ctedl, "I didW,t mean -to Imply that be taken by Mr, P. H_ Via W� , of Saa, , , . 3'e. sta'An overalook several Jmil'�t I bhought it I&W But, after all, nla�EXet4r Timai -te, 1, .4* mturlesq In the m4glba de&nw. .,Eye- fift about "Idetelars YW Might be ordered to 69 Welt for stmtegic reasons Or, a -t least, towith. _ . � I '­­ -conser, I Vativft Organize I V I 1h tb)6 1*81t 0180181 thilb "OWUM" &ON l6ftew You had been, af6JJ6V,6&,, The 110cal C`On8ervativW seffe-eted/ , rWb6 k�n tbO bf8ginat f0rtMNtal i1kre an qlh4o ttme, UM Iteut"aft � SMUW as their eampsaign orgamllZaeon. O,t a hie s**k hfils�&ea&, IfXOrg " MeQW.U9 ' "UPualqy husky 'MOt, bATdbr ftllift� 0001tur IMMI aim A __ %QOKIW 11an,on Mon. I* ,9W4,, "not Oved Ota, -*�,,�Ab n6,t d gy7i�g. Offloerlw,weM .616eW mognto OW -019 mmt #alit In; so 1r, as -908816!0, the Mon V4 kO'Wd ' . ag, - , 00-V" Or. V*bAftW- W0404 A�t U ft fly L. . ra"IdeUk. R;�R,_Davre*, ;, " 0 &rti are tumlers V*0 Eva'm fte � Teltevled� WO AleMMU M'k-6 WUW�6f` Vtb-6-Prealildenst, w K. WalckfflbMla .d (00nafted ,-On iiiw 0) (Congivad an Pago 3) I . I � . .� � , I . I � I I � - I I I ­ -9 I 1. - . ..1. I- I I � I. I . I I ­ "I . .. . � ­ I ,� . �� I -I I I.. ';'.­..�­ � I , ,,, ,,� , ,�, . 1, I - � � I 1. � 1 I : 4111111:�4 :. . I 1".", I . '', -1 ��:": r ,",:, 'I" I'' '. , 1 �J! �.��'!,!,, ��, '!'� ....... . " , ,� - ,� ,. � ,, '�,I,,_ � L�","I. ,�,,,�','!i��;:;� ,,, _�; �iL ,, i '_:','�", �� 1� 1��:r:�r�'�!-ili�.tli' "I"",! 1; -""L;, ^ .,�'I.h; � "I � - ,�;­ ­, V, �-.;' �, ov,; ,,�, .. .... �� u,)� ili� L,',,,j,�&a ,:�L,��,,�,,,"�'r�"--���.,,IIL a,��­:, �,,�,,,,i�,..4�,,��,��?.".,�.�i,,���,.j� ___ , � I .. I - V I . . I I . � . . I �_ , "�'�,i �� " L: , "' L, 'V, ', -­,.' L �'�. r: , !� '�:'�jr':.­' - , "� _,� �,L , , .1 -11.1 ". I I L �,r,l,,"',,' L '' I,L,I' ' ­ jr­", � .1� �:� W. -;y 1�;,��,,i""',�: A �," " "', � 1­�,,,�,�_�� r�, ': ,�,,, - , - -,� -, �."­.�,_�,, ,, ,�.:,,,�,,�­J� , , ." �,�.11�i�,L" ,� llt X11�11V � !11 111� t ;:;;� , ',!,',,,,.,"o , 1',.'�,;:.,:�`,' , ,_,,Q;`�� `1;":";L � ,, . " i�,i)-�#ei,,�'W,�, ,,,�,.,� �, ,,, �,,. ,. � '! �