HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-02-23, Page 4, - _��, e�_Q 5�f�� ;,�-�t7i,,Y,:!�7,'�'77-,,i�,,'-�,',,'�:;,"�,��'��"I'l�,�,'�ll-"�""Yli",.,,��'�""."'�I , r . �,,­.:, ', � 777� ,�151.1= _11�,111111- -, fy.��- "�"7,- "�,,�—,.' - ." � .. ,, , .. , 1. F" "� 11 � �, , 1-1:., �: :�jlk I,- �- , ;: �., t ,;:� � , . , ,, , "', ," 7k ,,!:�! , , ,�7 ,1111 ... ­ I .7I 1� r'­�; , "', r- -�7",r,�—,— -,7 nq­ -- -.� . .� ., k , �, .. , ,�. I � � � q , " '� 7,M%- ,,,-,_,-�� , , ; � r i , . ." . I :1, , -7. ; �; �_ .4� ,�,;, , � -, -- -,. - , , "T�:�','�,',,7;',,��,,�-77,�l��.�"7,;�!��mr�l":",..",.7���71,�,�,.�,'1.1�1-11, `;, � . ; *.1 '� � ��� , � �i,'7111'.�;,,��, 71 '71, I 31 I I 11 - , , , , " , _ . ,� i , . 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I'll ­1111­�� �� I'll— flm Q., 1, '.. . 4, —_ — � ­�4�­ I I . � �!o, (", ,,'��,� ";.,.��1.11 ".., t­�"i' , I � I I I , e � . I "I %. �'4�� t�. . " i� . - _ �_ � . I � I - - ��,� ' I � r i 'I �! i �� k ; I i i ; r , � � � i I i r I I " I I I . I . - . ... I I . I . ' r .. � - . I 11,11.1.1 "I . , � 'I '. I I I . . r ' I . , I I . . 1. � . I I— 11 . I I I . � 11 ! I . I . .1 . . � . . , � . ,-. . . ... I " ,�,.-,- �.,� ,q , 1� , � I � I , , 1, � 1, , , , ',�� �.% �'� ,, �,', " � �;�� �i,, ; �," , I , - ­111�­ ­ I -11 I I ­� ".11 I �.11,1_ 11 . .... .. i " -1", , I—— I . ; , ;1 , r . ; '4e �� �-; . 00. : � I , , , " I I , . - � , I I . - - - I . . .. � , . I I � . I - . I . � I 1 I I . . . ii �,%,".y,:;, ,, . . � � . . . I I . I 4: �:, I ­ . "'-,7 ,,`.�I, X . . I � I. ­ . .,�, .1 11 7:!�, % I ph ' ..., .. -11r, ,Wvwder ., i; ­�, I ........ '�'! �;"­,­ .: �` .."', " I' � ',", .1 I � . ; ' � W01W, better tempered and Omer a0d ft&beir with 2da brother, 1uWU4P4 im 00 provow w�ry MOO I ,,�;�. , I -1 1� I—. 1_1 .1 11.1 !!,�,,",�;��: .,'j,�;,, - , � �,,,*-i� - .1 1- 1,11111" .1'.. - � r. I . � _, . , . �!,��.;3;' �j­�;;,, I f , . V alton bi . Will h0" 9 4*44eWY to-v*Y-e them John, 44 ow of #0 ftest; Mildem ings (by 40-40 ftebvm' Joro moa- I . r, - I � � , � - - (Continued from Pagle i) , . "" . - I'll, �, malle, vointsombed on the tanw. V�dcll ft *40 "n -9f the cou"ry., lie Aug erilqu, J1 ",_ X"�,,J),Qr,q*7-(_,_W . . I 11 . .� - , DYL, , , , """ , , ispedaXwed In ",my Io" flowers,. NaU iq%�',p 100 117004 .1 I . . j*:t - 10.1me J*,W, " '._ . . � �.' �i',�,,�,,��,�,.,�,,��";""�-� ­ le.�d"-`,�­, 'Adls� , kw AW .r UM. 9, stamieton have -wdu,be beato,ficipl'_to,�A, � � . ,. . r f",k-".�,�Rl�-,: . , - � _. . I . -frie][140. I . .�, 1:1 - ple, , � ,. 1* . On %.��,C,,­% I ­ 1411, . ov, � Seatcat,it where Dr. SU - ­ , wlhitph'vem allwoys a&Wxvd and his Jui� OeM ond Us Xo�v; o0*0 - I .�11.'-11 1. ' �61`�",`,�,""�'14 I _ � ,,.�, 1, 'r" ". " " �,� � �-" - ~_."".W.�, Ple,d In Pqrtland va0siug vild be m9amed by a host of by Mabi4m'VO& .1 - . , - ". , �;�� . ..... . $, .,7 � _ b -a "I;r,�,',,� 11� .11 r,�,�, ,, Milo- Torn Watson, of St. Thowas t0n,4bAsi takeu over the med1caa ,Aka, Paul 'boom , . ,!M 1pr4p. ... I ­,­ . o ., r ­',�,i,y, . xo�er - A. ., -retired friends and 44gll,horq ' "e- . ,,�� .1 ,, ,, ". . I - -tie � .� , Auchainan 74, 1 X,eAatbur;qd9Mlc&ng -bj�' 3 ,;;, ,�, � 4"', , imedeq atueW- low cash rates -. returned Irowe On— Tuesday -after e. of Dr. sproat. I -W as he was a Douad p" �;�"4��"It ... 10, I o- . lf,�,�i` - $0 , , i , , Ads Will be minister Do 11��,,'.F __ ,K�,r� ,,,',,,;,,.,, I �, ,'�1111111 11 � ,,, -r - spending a week wdth -her tatiler, 114.y. Mll�x David McOmmell, and Mrs. - Orofessor and former familaU ftUX6 On the streets of Hen, Brodleaick, DDTIo Effichanau, Pa"In. . " ', � I 9 , dited la- St. ,Vin- Hanson; WRereonatla�Iff by- Reno*- il�llil , _� resident of At . % , I 1j. -��, � ;'.� f .ted. Lost and Femd. C4* isall ano alimytq looloed in the pizill: . _�,:�g � Wan .On& Xviatts, Xtc,,_pfAr Vwd, Joe Bennett, who is tooft, improving jis Joseph Carpenter spent the week -end � � ��! �"L:'Y, * � 1:1- , " , f I r. I . . I . Portland on IW(Us- of �heath WM a �Je��,'��',f_�",� I in Detroit, I.- cent's Howltal: in and Hedden; Puna Solos, Billy -NION0. I " , , ' cheery word 1� I ,�,9,;� , t �� week ........... __.. IlUiCMY as US Many friendz wish, I day Feb. let, following, a prolonged 4,,jie ,fOM 1, � "'M M :,1,,1­-1qR.?-!0:::: 4 1 Pte. Jqisoph Heffernan and­M.rs. � �,�t;�j"'�;A.'I'�,p 11 . week ......... OvwYone, Surviving are Donald ltpAnhur; group son# by 1, ,; ��I�' '1`.� � , GQEA Lance Corp. J. C. Drager spert, tale : illue'sq He wasborn in Req r 1-,` L� �' .k':.' ' .' &rd' week � � ' :.%;,,.�� ', I- '­ a......., I 0.*, .. week -end I ­md one brother, otheT pupts or the radom. Two vWS I" "?!", , with Mr. and, Mrs, W." C, , .' 'One 0"ster' HAnmah, and � ::::::* * , r,swil, opt 1, '�L , . Minimum . 111offertian, I,onidon, were week Cana&, in 18,60, thei , son, of the John who recenKy home follow� byt Qiiadb IV were "Mr. No%dy" =4 I . . I , � � ,,, , , � � .�r.,. -L��*i;;; hww*t= ....... QW4, . Bennett , - visitori� at 0e, kome Of Mr. and'Mrs. 4M.t, Mr. and Mrs. Wdilioml Buoh- - came .. w�. - . ". �, . ml�44 M)Wt., Jlaftoh diva* h&W 0*1 *bl*%VftVAW'dMV% as 4= v,s,L' I � I Louip DA,RML __ . I I ,,, ..,.�",_(* melowbailk . . " '' . aRan. Here he spent the lug a'"evevo d-Ruess and where ­hie. had ,'Rescaed By IWAO." Mlqs� PAffW � , '. I Nou--d -0 "W ,�� . .50 68104 Dw wok. The Whr Service 'Unit of the Red first been receiving treatments and h6s- rooal Were thie guisots; of the aftwr- I . , � "*�440 "� b. dire0ed lb . BOX $uenb46 asm lialF., -lie Coul , , I � I , , yearis or h1s life and entered in- . '. �1 I I liuof�� , 1), I I I 8xv-Star. hir � 10 omfia Cross flnet in t munity, Hall on DuPkin 4, Staffa I tailiziabon for the past '-steven ,-noom Valeotilinles vreee exebarged ana . .1.. '. � " I I � , , I . *A Tea OM* 44A#� the TIM110day Feb. 15th, for the first , I to the, minur i7. He came to Albany '4?� altb& The ,funend was held from juu�,h was served Tho PUAY amea . -'--6 .,,m*1` Par we,& nM be dmwed 21 x4p on &ban 6WW W, 14 W,Md U, Monthly "M"&g witth Mrs. W. C. from AlaakA in 192.4. M0 I PaVisibytenan 0hurch. Thims. w�th the Natibnal Affitirem. . "--I --11-11 � Duibliln won als third game �o . He was� mar, Carme 7,_-..'-_ �*k!,LrW onight 4p. ths week in whkh %* ad im zun I -yer . . � I , )j�,*smu,* =d Desitibm, ioimaw& tm -of obwv& , ,. . � ... . ... ­ I Bennett, convenor, in,the ,chair. The Staffa 4:1 .%k Dublin arena on, S,atur� ried Jai Hquolulu. in 1905 tio­Mlss, Allie-e- day aftemoon at 2p.wl. with burial to . I . � L ' ._.. ­­.."..., " ��- Nkxffida to Credtmm Dbi%--aa0k on &yvH=t%a. meeting opened, by singing "O Can- day- Dublin'got all thedr, ,goals,. in Thom, whQ died at their houre, ,in Padaxro celdeteryL Officiating was fh! . . I � . . I a"+..1-,+,_, _111_'" Ak the am& -3_4 -F 1"-1'.. -11. Allibany August 11 199-5 Rev. Buch- 6 1r2'_T4.% Farm Stock For Sale —4-1 Y UNG PIGS, 5 WEEKS 'FOR, gil.i -L PFILE old. Apply to W. I ,, Hensall. . 3767�1 � . � - I . I . . Personal � I 1-1.11 - I . WHY SUWER,- WITH R,HEUMATISIVI, Sda&lca� LOUtb&go" R11—aps, Two- * Way A*dioxi qiaiekly ", ileves pain while at- tackini6- the c"e. MiRKA��Y'S,DRUG STORE. ; 376�-I � ­ I- . -_ - — Wanted . A — W.kNTKD—SE(3iR.Fli'ARY-'rREASURER FOR Tuoke%,sm,ith Telephone System. Appdy im wrhWing aa or before March 4, 1940, staL- ing qualifications and sailary expeated, to J. R. MUNN, R. R. 2, Hensull, ' _ 3767-2 ___ ___ . LImNsED AUTOMO-BILE MECHANIC ; ... . =met be entirely ,reliable. Plhoae W. J. JOHN$TON, Elm1ra. I $767-1 � — 11 — " , - I I Agents Wanted I - AGENTS WANTED SELL WHAT— EVERY 1-10U�SKHOLD needis I Famillex salesmen' live sellin); , 'xiainteed pamjaex Pro(lucts. QUICK ANIS SU,a SAI"—FA.TR PROFITS—REPF-AT ORDERS. Got fac*. and, catalogue today: rA2jIILgX PRODUCTS, 570�.St. Clemen,4 Montrew. 3767-1 1. I .. , Articles For Sale . � I — - I I . D �oinpaete with heater and , -x�in� oii,ly 9,000 miles. Thtg roax is in Perfect cop4ition and is a �eal bargaiii_ Apply Box 204, EXPOSI_ I TOR t OFFICE. 3767-2 1 , - ­ � . I SUNDRIES, ETC., MAIL. R"eB4BEVR&AGVai0dDSw, ritlain, sealed' wrapper. .Socl,� less thimn retall. Write 'fo� mail-urder ,catadogua NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Harnavon. Ont, . - . 1 8762-8 1 . . . I I I I ­ . . For Sale - . I 'RED CEDAR SH1NCLES.' PER BU-NCH off caw, Cer.tigrade 5X No. -I,- at S1,15; .see- ond' grade at O�5c. 1 Write or phone your or- diir. bsro,re MarL+ '2n,d. A. SPENCER & SON, He�xmadl, Ontario.' Phone 102-W ',3766-3 I .� .. ..... - I , I FOP, sALF, , NumBER OF YOUNG COWS and heifers, due to freshen within a inanth; also a Gls,desdaae mare, Registered, ,riaing four; Colt, 8 mon-ths old; Clydesdale ptaWon ri9kng three; in gk*d work horse 6 . yeuv,old, aind two porries. All priced to sell, an Lot 14, Cbn. 11,�' Towmsbip of lUbbert. *�Rs. . R. J. SCOTT, Cromaxty P. 0. 376e-2 , I ,. . ... � I . I I � . , �, . Aiietion� Sales' I . . 11 " - . ! I 11 .11 CO(MMUNITY AUCTIODi''SALE VVILL, 13B . , held at Dick House Sitalid�es, Seaforth, ev- ery Friday,, ROMER HLTNT, Manager, Phone $52 r 12;. G. H. Elliovkt, Auctioneer. . . . 8748-tf I I I , . I, '. ' Atyr,Tl<)N SALM, OF FARM STOCK, I Grain, Etc., �at Lot 10, BayfisM Line, Goderich Tbwt�ishiv, on County' Highway, :1 miles east. :of Bayfidd. on Tuesday, Febtriiary 27t)x, ,at, 1.30 p.nn., consisting of; I-) COWS, &qine zh�oi,e Durham ' and dairy type: two. fTesh, some spirinzing. bal,dnce to .fye�hen in I April and Mao,; 6 dairy bred heifers in cailf � N Spri)ng �iind Surnmer calves. beef and dairy t�pe; ,young Durham, bull; 3 qov,-s "with 2.) pigs iready . to wewn; I sow with 7 pigs one v:edk,oqd-, 2 sows due to vTfoftt last of Mqrch: 100 bushels. Alaska vat,3,,. .SO bushels iftax� seed; sap Pan ; quari-tity of short ' mixed wood - quantity. of cedar ,Pos-,tL,. telephon i� and hya;� 7011128 ., ERN,EsT TowwsHEND, Propriebyr: Thos. Gunmclry, Auctioneer. . 3767-1 1 . . I ____" � - . I . .- . . .Farms For Sale — CHIDICE GRASS FARM FOR SXLM—LOT : 30, Comeession 5, Ribbert, best prass farm rn Perth Gounty. Aloundaince of grass and wa.tdT. -and be+ng throughay urderdii-na,med. is . exed1lent farm for growieng beans or gTain. , APPLY to FRANK Mc �00XNELL, Proprietor. Dublin, out. 37644f I . FARM FOR SALE -120 ACRES, kILE east bf W11alftai,. Lots 4 'h'hd 5: I -9th Con- 'bu. Cer.&I Township af Grey. I.Tge bank baM frhine houm excellent graveq pit- Ap-, ,01Y to MISS JRAN TURNER, Box 114 Sea- flowth � �764,tf . — . � ......... I ..... ��, I I I . � Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OP DAVID GEMMEL,L. Xn persorL4 having cUbm against th,e C�_ tate of David GemmeltL late of Tow,risihip, Of To � kersmilt1h, in the County of Huron, deceas- e ed, who died orn or olbout the 9th day of June ' 1938, are beireby 6otiffed th se,nd ip,..to he andembirnied fe�ciitxir kyn or before the �f P t , day of March, 1940, full paxticul,ars of Claims, with affidavit Provima sam,e. Immediately W,t,dr the �aid last mentioned iate, the lamets of 11he s,aid estate will be dis- tributed oimomgst the Vwrttiek entttfled t1hereto. bavinvr regard .only to cilaftn_,4 of w1hi0i the uAdamigirred s',hall the , n have Tvry*e bi the e%- �losion of all offher.4, and t2ie unders iizred will not be table, oto uny person of wbose !,Iii6 the und��iwnlweialq MoGthen 1,Ave. .fit. ice for the usteb� so distlwilmb�d - An7 part. herwf. 11 . �Mtopd at Seaforth, thils 8rd day of Feb - I vAry, 19411: ' ' " ' ' I 1� � P,T,M-E'R 1). BELL, kWitor 41ar -the Admiuktrarbit. I ._ . . . 1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS . . . r, *X 19STATZ� OF LEWIS PA I TRTQX - Atikinson. I k1l, pettons haviing daimi§ ;tmalinsit tile estfite ' ,f Lown's PitWi0i , AMUmom Tat* of the town I Sdaf6rth, billliar& iioom pror,riotor. dec as- 44"who, ,died on or about, the 16-th. day of I&J, ,ddrY, '1028, are & tiotified to send 4; o, the undersiundd AM be�rs' the gfth (lay . it Irobruairy. 1040, fd$1 OmAicalivri; . a their koilsis, duly varMed by affidavits. � said, IM16 weintilloned W,te� 116"hwWA1006 GhT,l es6ti.wal lye dia- ,,WWI �'. -6'r ri �,'�" ,�,O� tbo Vatbkft entrMed *herd%), _ , "P*`?,,-��'N ,�Iw*i q��.; fto, 61taldno of *Web the I ,ViWU,'-'l3&i,.iy,1*0 1yotwe to *Ve ex. ­ � " I �A I L''r .. 1 516RI". �i' , ft" I �, . , " I oAd ifte uyidermism.ed ", . � 0. ,."_11W " ft,0 oeft�oft of whwo �� , � . I .,�"" I . r loft . '14 toft , , L, '&_ � L � ,� == have likf)r�' ,�&,�­, � ,,,, ', — ��.L, 010 I 0"Aw , an,y 01% �­_,2­:,� -j%1,1; 1 ;­­4�,­ . �,�."',�,,�� , ,, , I - ., -1 � "0,11,1' �, " , , W6 M &Y �df I ltqg_%`,�o4­i � , , , 11 . _", "_. " " M6" ,, , "i I � 1. 4'­­,t�­ - , � ... , ,�q�.�".,;, W0.11 I , � � . �, ,,�� " , 6 Wk.., I& , "Ygo "' 6 � 11��,�:';,`,�,'f,l!, _�, �7s 0.0'', I , �,:, � ­ M., � ­ 0 � "' '� 1� I , I Adh*!,AA*,��. ,. ­ ""�� "'' " - IM � " 'e, , . � 'IV I � , I, - ;, -,,.4� ��,, ,, �1%1. I I I L " f , ,,,,,� , ,� � . � - , " 1'. ��:,. , I I 1111161� �- I I - I . I , I .... I I � , . I � � . �% I . I . , � , 11 �­, . I I . ­ , V�, I I . . I I . . � ... ."� ,� . �� 1. . .1 I � , 11, I i ­ , k. . , I" �.;� ; ; � I I . , �. I ,. � I � . � P - , . � - . I , ': � K� -'� '*--- , r ` . I I _. , , I I 1, � " I � I � � , I , 4_ , - I I I . I � , . . "I , ,� ..� I, � . I . f!�, , ", �, I " ': , ­ , . , � I " a - , I I I .". 1�1 �'., , , I I �1. 11 11 : � �. I . . . 1-- " :. , , 1, , . !..� � �- '. , , . I :­ ,.� , "., � ", , 't" ,,, . L ,�;:i I",', 1,.�� �, �. , V . 1, �,, �� ,,,�`�, t , 'I �1, 1; .111.1 , . I�Y,,,!��A­41,:,,W', ­� - . ,.- . I— I I rs. Bennett thanh- � . . -I,- � anall taught I . ,pastor, Rev. - WiRiam Weir, who was . In Memoriam ed those for turn4mg out in suchlar,ge scoring ,when to -banged in R. .in the Alliany high school - — for'seveml Years begbre being bblig� assisted hyf, Hay. Mr. Towngend, of - .numbers as it was aa, eac ragemip-at BrowWs rebound after the face-off, Belgrav% I . , W -EI -SH -IN LOVING MEMORY, OF A to ca,rry on. ,phe Walto OU About fire -juilautes later E. Wilsm ed to reMgn on account of declining dear wife and inother, Annie Web* vice, Unit ha, 1310, far n War Ser- . 1heglith. He was widely known. as; a The Misses Norma Cook, Dorothy . - Wbo passed away �ebruajrT 26. In7­ I— maole 14 hospi- �m'led WhEm -he shot the puck from worthy citdzen .with, Triany, friends Dougall, Annie and- Hellen Morgan ,- I tal gowns, IS &bdonlinal bandiages,,,-, 14 Sitaffa blue Hiie. xjublia got its third ,. were the guestz of Miss Eunice oes- ISre-ed Show, .... ... .... 0 1. As we loved her, so we miss her, bed pads, 7 ..pairs pillow 91iips, 19.410s_ goal when W. CosteI16 and jr. Jordan among the young people. Surviving � . ,., An mir mvmmx � INIM, are three &ous, J. P. Bucha.aaa, tricher of Daishwood .... over the wee,k- ­',� ­­­­­ . . ,y she D3 nearr , pital towels, 12 T-bandages, 8 pai-i's s)cOred lon..'s pass from Wjhlie. . R. I Loved. remembered, gouged for always, ' of Marcola, Robert .L. Buchanan of end), I . Brimiging xrMzy a siaent bcair. SOX, 2 sweaters, 6 Pneumonia jack- '!,'Own SOO'lied. ,the last goal for Dub- Clorealdlale, Graham Buchanan of Eu- Mr. G, Voth or Detroit was a week- The South Huron Agricultural Soclet3r ' ' -rver reln,&MiXu� b lin -before the whistle ,blew to end fimily, , y her husbaind and etS, 12 hotwater bottle covem, 6 pairs gene and a daughter, Mrsi. Jean Rich end guest with Mrs. R. Honthron. He will hold 'their Annual Seed Show lcw 1 3767-1 PyjaMh.,-, It v,as decided that they the Period. Staffa got Its only goal ,of Warren,ton. He ds,also survived wgs acf_� rded home by Mrs, Voth the I . - _.___ - . Quilt at next meetinAK, alsio that they wh" F_ - Drown scored hadf--way by. two brotIreM John- and Peter and ldr%�e d1491iter, Gwen, who have . , have their pitantihily mee(Ing on March through the second period. In the B,U I .1 � chamlan, -of Canada, and three sils- been .I 1 -ting Mlis. Boifthron for the Births 1. 14th ,in the hall. Shirley Bennett and thloolvealod there was no s,coring and ters, Mrsi. James Hope and Miss Ag- past three weeke. , Town Hall, Hensall , ­­_ Jim KeOY gang a du6t; Mary Humpal- there were no penalties fiamded, out nies Buchanan ot Vancouver, B. C., Messrs. Mark Drysdale, George ' �_ I during the game. ,. I . �X�.COWAN-ln M.K11101., -6� Z lNbtruary 17th, 1*Y and-Veth Shauqmn Played, "Salute I - ,and Miss Markaxet Buchanan also of Heso, Laird Mickle, Walter Spencer, W Mr..,andi'Mrs. Peter McCowan. (nee Isia- to Arras." The -meeting wasr Closed . I � . ­­ oamoola, -and a grandisorrij J4n' W. Thomas Welsh and Alf. Clark. were FRIDAY' - - M Eaton) , a Son. by stinging the National Anthem, al- -_ Rich. - He w1as ,a graduate of Park week -end vigitom to Detroit, attend- . _: ter which a dediciousl ,hot lunch was IRENSALL I Crollc,ggo W Missouri ,and ot Auburn Ing a biockey game in that city. MARCH 1st 1-1817VIed ,by the Walton group. Mrs. - I Mheological senAvary of Auburn, N. 1. I I I.,. - ,"".1- . I Deaths I I Shaw's*grMP is to supply lunch for Y. Fig. flisst pastar-ate was in Kohala, Church. News -., - PRIZE LIST 11 . - . . the next meeting. (0ontinued from Page 1) . Hawaitt, thenpastorof the First Pre -s- ­.. 1-11 '. I ,_ Tawkeremit(h. on Sunday. Feb- � I -Weir, Pastor of Car- The " ' WEBSTM-In I byterian Church in.-SpearvIlle Kan Rev. William I ruary 18-th, TIhommap-James ,Webister, in his ------------ 0— Carmel Presbyterian Church on Tues- .' lowling prizes,-mvill be avomded on, 69th ye&r. I . . day afteralocU, was -perhaps one of for two years, missionary at �Uneau -mel Presbyterian Churoh, 'who . has tihe best shmmae" of seed exhibited'a'n ,ow'd. , I I I . &nce with the irules goveroming Sde& FV&sz , McMICHJV_J�In Sea&rth, on Wednesday, the most largely attended funerals 'and Sitka, Alaska, for nine years been confined. �o his home through . . .. I February 21, 4gne�; Djlck6on -Brown, widow Conservatives held in, the vilage, 'hundreds of siarviag as pastoi� of both white aQ, illaeSs; is! Much improved aixd,-w.il,l I tat 2nd ard 4th (if the late James G. McMichael, in her friends' and nnitive ,churches. Or, corridug to Alb- OCCUPY his OWU PUIPit this 6OMiUg I bm. PRE ,Wheht ... 92= CM.75­$1.59 �., '. �, 7 Sunday, The pulpit last Sunday was, I - , i7th year. I I I neighbors paying� silent any from Alailia in 1924 he became 't�.�. S.rim wheistt, � .1 . (0ozitinued from Page 1) trilbute to her memory, te�stifyiag to. . pastor of the Grace P tako�n by Rev. Mr. MurTay, Of Lonv- ... I .......... 2.213 1.75 ILZO I .. the decidedly high, esteem in Which ressbyteiiian I I ,bUs. NwIlY 04to ...'.. '3.ZS ?_75 Z-25 IA& Church and' later an Instructor ,,,, of. doa�;�'and,-Ahe�,alilthemis by the clibir 1 bus. 14te 0alb .... 3.?,5 2.75 225, L56 . I and aboildIty of his fejliow�townsma,n. she waip held. 118v. W. A. Young, of we�e "The Heavens, Declare Th3r 1 bus, Hi � M -b otaft .. 225 1.75 1.50 Dr. R. Hobbs Taylar, of . Dashwood, Fergus, her forniorl,pasto,r, was pres- history and civics in the Albauy high Junior Playoffs . school,. Far bhe past two years lie Glo*­ (and "I Will Extol Thee." 1. buis. Basflifw� 6 -rowed 3.?51 (2.75. "S ,3_50 � I un6uccessful 0011se-rvaitdve candidate ent for the. fulieral and, aJ,,;o prea-alled ' � ... .1 ... ­...., I lius. Field Peha .... 2.25 l.,7&'1S6 ' . - ill the last PI.-Ovindal election took the MeomoriAl. address.,' He was as- has made his thqme wdth. this daugh- Rev. X A- Brook conducted 96r- I Ili-,. Fidd 4[3,dam .. Q.25 L75, L56 (Continued �ftom page 11) - r W(arreulon, Fun- vices iin Hensall United Church n I bus. Soy'a Beans .. ZW IL75 1:50 I ,, I cillarge Of,the n0miniations aite'r the sisted 'by Rev. John. Ilich-airdson, of ter and-ft-mily at 0 1 buhP. A,O.V, Bdana ... 2.25 1.76 1.56 I ­­ ... --- fore blid . I name Of the A&SOciat&On PrAegident had Hensall, %. . ,t)he absence through. ill- eral-services was bel& from the First SuindAy last, .taluing as his morning 1,4_', bus. ThnWhY Seed 2.25'1.75 1.50 . p had gone twb games olLe been presented� , new ofthe pasborof the ohuroh Presbyte, I rian ChuTch -at 3 p.m. Satur- thertie, "God the Provider," and eye- 112 bus. Red CloverrSeed 2.25 1.76 L50 .. , 3, Rev. being disallom,�eed. wbd the other end- day. Feb, 3rd with Dr.. D_ V. Poling n-1119 subject, "Unknown Friend— 'It bus, Sweet Clovellm . I . i ng in a tie. H. Glenn Ha)ns, Sea;p . WHNam Weir. Sariptur, e .readings ' . Seed 2.011 1.00 ,ppli, said that . I 1. ,,, from the 23ro Psalm,arld and Dr. D. J. Fergusion �officiiatftrg. In- morning anthem by ,the Choir' "ThL I/. ii&�� *�� , " I ' 14th cliap- . I . I - bus. .. ?-25 1.7re I.rye I The Godeffich LionG took the lead for Per,9011sal Veas:0-As he would be un- Will Oome�, wabil" trio tak. ',_', buo. Alstike Seed .. early in the first period w1hen Schoe- in g fore ter ot John,azd 13th, chapter of Con terment was, made in, ithe RPrersiole, Lord God 2�25 3.7's 'i.se . , darly variety ........ 2,25 1.75 1M lials scored, 'A few md-nutes. later thp flille'pomAlention- This is, a tiwb� wlien dutihians w,ere readt1by.Rev. Richta,rd- ceme'tery. 1)" body ld)�_ in state at en by Mrs."Drysolode, Mrs. Hess and I bus. Potatoes, vitay . son w.40 ah-�.o gave he prayer. 'Dr. 1. the Moist Presbyterian Church from W. 0_ Goodwin. The ohoir sang as I bus. Pota", gsncr_*� . � .1 . . '. . Jumiors tied, it up mMking it one all every true Calladjaz should, be, , Call- 1.36 ... io thoi hol-ir oif the service. The their evendng anthem, "Lift. Up Your A CTM ........ ;.... 9.25 1.76 1.60 ., .1 . . first and put- )big party las G. Sm!fliliie sanig "Thq SLrange;r (if Gal, Nvi-Nli, Rowland getting ,the count on a(lian t, , I I Pet-ce's Pass. Then with Only two said Mr. Hays. He rer lee' and Ri��v. W. '�_. Young, W '-A- Fort -Miller fune-ral home 'was in Heads." . Most cre4itahlaiihiowing 7 - or -red, to Dr. . I . charge. . . of Grain and Seeds.. Sweev6ftkq DzJM I minutes to Iko iu tile frpst, Seai�olth M�mdGn as a ,man, who had, ,seen war MacLaftvn �and R. Y. MacLaren, ren- � . I . Mrs. George Hess P.resided for the I took tlke Dead On, a goal by rNigh with stervice during the first, GreatWar. dared "God Will - Take Cane of -You." Hensal-1, Town Halit, was packed to missionary night of t1fe, Yourig P66- RULES AND REGULATIONS . - . � Po�._ar6e . Tfi�­hyzwns, "Unto the Hilb) ,,, ,qn. capacity on -Friday foi- the presenta- Ple's Union of the United, Cliurch on l I . getting a decoind assist. The "He is the.mcan, we want to lea:<!, 'a HeaveirldV Love Abiding" add "For All AID I R "of "Lella- Rivers,"'a three,act, Monday-.even4ag,' when Mr. Ca;rey I­Ml'"Is e"absrdd $Or em'POUtiou In=* 4 i ' play in this peribol was disorganized National Gbver,.nment, a rian who,sa Mi,- bo- grown by the exhibitor wiftla one w the Sajonts Who From. Their Labours Comedy drarna, Presented by the Ailsa JOynt very ably Presen'ted' the topic, Ydar proviom to vie exhilAbiotu An exhffafw � and had sdgm of getting roughL service when Mr. King was on his R&A,, wom,su,nig during the service. Cradig .lunior Farmersr' Institute an'�I, "The Untod6hables, of India." A poem, ;dT &66da sham The heffd rto ,,be represetitauve at . . / I . - Ira the second Period Seafortill fore- sojoUrn to ,tile Undte,d States," said. For the memorial ,address, Rev, Junior F armers, -sponsored by the "Ttw'World's Bible," was, given by' 4,be tOW quantitr W such seed, affered for ed Lhe play in the openiing minutes the Seaforth,law-yer. - � shle 'by 'the exhiiInVor. . J%e Secrehn7 Igf taw ' and toork, a twoo-goal lead when after Mr. MeiT, anothier- nominee, dect&,r- Young chose as his theme,, 1 -5th chap. Hemsall branch Of the Canadian 'Red Mrs. Hess- And -the Scripture by Miss SoCi, , i,�,.,tak,. and prd3e"e sanizailm, how 54th and 55th Cross. �111,0114ed in the I cast w�ere Mary Goodwin. Bob Hess coutribuit- esch,exhibit1hr rifference in caae of 4]kVutw 10.ininutes of play McLean, scored. ed the !issues, in,the forthicoming ellec- ter wallowed up in vie- Miss Jean McLachlan, Gordbn lvlc_. ed a dielightful ptialtobiGlo. Inle op�_n- OtMng from 4he salle of seed by exfiSftr_ ----1- - ­ Goderich pepped things up then but tion ave Very I �Iear CUt und'that this vt"s . � 12­0)mPetitlo" must beowne usembem ge __ - fafled to �so$oie.. Cam6raii drew three 16 -a tory erke Is thy. sting; Lachlan, Anna McLachl'an., Miss Ev- Ing Prayer was, givea, by the PastOr­t1he Socieuy 1W paying to the Treasurer dwr , a � - . . time when, alil Clanada.. shoulds 'thanks be �o God, whogivetili us the ekyn Stewart, 'Mis's Loois Darling, Rogs Rev. It.. A- BT00k.'and the hymps, "Jes� of, eUher Previous ,tio or at the, time of roak. I -lie _, . entri . t�o bein penalized. I . e, gin - Long 1119 penatties N,',�itft Nigh, and'Schoonals a;l- bead her ,effort -towaa,d one objective vicAory." The ,speak r, In bein. g' Cowie, Gordon Stewart, M,r& F. Mc us ShaJI Reign," LivL,th�. es, the suin bf $1.00 each. , . .9 I . voillY, the winning of 'th 3 --No Premium shall be awarded an ex - I .p war. H e, out anany -,beautiful papsages. that Farlune Miss Anna McCallurn, Jack Who Liveth Well" an], "The Wblole� hibit�,, -Ilhjait contair, weed seA wh.,& in the . Iii ,the firal period after eeven ,and spoke In support ,of ,Mr. � Morley As , - � . a half minutes of play, Seaforth. got cand�dfijte un �shone tbirlough the pa,doess reca�,lled CoMe, 4eorge Hughes, Carlton Aruos,World" were sung dufflig tile, meet-. opinion ofthe judge am of a maxiom nAmm � . der the Nad Con' that her Imst wisdi was that her fun- ' Ing, and the benediction, Concluded 4 ---No -a-1010- shan oreceive nswe . . their fourth goial, . McLean scoring. ADrial and Mise Tean McNaughton. Between I sel-m-tiVe Association, azd felt he wus ' wie Wze in arw h4a�is. I Near the end Of the ,peri I erial nOt be,doleful and no tears sbed scenes attvaetive Joyce Broderick the meeting. S. -AM 1�amvles . carreeft labdu& ' ' od a geneiral the man for the job. and 66 -sadness of farewell for she' favored with, song andtapdance ILI-=, . Mi�gs Ntargaret Sh6plr6rd'will be with -the name of Witarbieety; the antount or . . free-for-all olevelloped. with, fanis and F ra�- Donnelly, of Goderjoh, ab�siajl_ Iseeing ,beir pilot race to face,., T�be, lers, and John, Beer -, 9�1*e �a.. cornet hostess at her -bome Friday,. evening, seed sor sods find &be selling price. Grain no@. I I I ' - players taking, paxt. Referee Thorn- ed Pilme Minister �king ,charging that was r,R&A - t . delsh 4hain -25 'bushels for s4le, _Xcevt spring ,. I - , . I - church, filled to Overflowing, was, a 'solo. Proceeds were f6 March Ist, fo,�, -lie supper meetinig of W,hea% 10 bushels; Adsike� Tbinaft and ddke finally got the mess stftigbten- ,the administriatil4lip. undl�r him 'had mot . . - 1 7 '�`os s the� Mi,sion Circi,. clovier,, ift 114ess than 3 IMS114d!3; Alf1dfS. 2 eld up and, 0ameron. and Garrick were 'Properay pressed, Oaivada,s, wanesis t1a.hier memory, be Said amd ,Pui'Pc,se,s. I I . war Iff0ft- her tedth no chetip seatimeintat 'thim- The Ladles' Aid of Carmi6i P 'Me Wahe-lo, Olaos of the Unit loviAeU; EaKY PbUUvs, -not less d9an 6 Uia_ � I ecruiting ota- ., � resiby- ed �,tpiit off. Dak and McLean, -were also Men had, flocked to -the r, mot for show.. Heir .life terian Chqvch are holding 'a. c Church irm, hold their Februaxy class, eds; "te p0butow, Iiiiiit aess, ,*b= 25, &whel%. . penahzea. . . I :wag a life of oncert 6-�­In ewe of dispate, a & , dedranp.' , . 'L - : tiOns when the call, Canie'for valun- quietinegsapol perfect P01'r.e. and peace and siociail evening in the basement meeting Fwduy evenirig of Ohis week, Oon Owd-the above Ail,es have beeh comMaes SEAFORTH -Goal, Mesisenger--,' ol,�- te­s Ias� September, bilf'the cOUu1tl7 and ,she prqo�edllhat C,�irbstianity clan of -the church Tuesday evening, Mar. Feb. 23rd'. Miss GI . bAys..Passimore and with. -ay be reiruh-ed &*m. each ur s�W sz, fenee, Riley Cameron; Centre, Pearce; was u re;pared, he Claimed ... I her cournia-Vitee are� . -1 � . I I I I . I I ap _ h6itar of seed. . . winig-, Nd,g-h',- McDeah; zits., �Genrnro-_U, In adetai led a I . be lived. Ob -ly believed, death 5th. . pwranging the p:,o, ddreos Fred, G. Gjj�rd. held , ,p , real _7�-Afil exhibits f;m compatMMM.-I for 9W.111" . inier, K.C., no . "r� and she looked . at ' Rev. W. A: Youmg and &rs. Young grain and luw'h. . raust be deliver� A lihe Town HmN, Flenodk . audson, Flannery, Hildebrand. Reeve of i4o,est Hill Vi'l' death In- the* ia�e foir many years with ,of Fergus were &Uests of Mr. and A� delightful Valentine Party wa's neit later Omn 12 eetock, noovii, and abaft. =4 GODERICIf-Goal, woreei ; de- liage- and Vice-president ,of the Oiatiari() be reWoved until tllq c1lose of the Pair at & , fense Durmic, e'dadon, bitterlyclit- . a smile. She saw God's lend, behind Mrs. W. A., MacLaren. Monday and held 'on Wiedpiesdi&ylu Hensail. public P -M. I I . I I I Schfoenals; Centre, Conservative Asoo, everything t;b)wt happened, and was Tliesday 'of this"week school, Room ]I. "bh�e decorations , ADMiMION FUM . , zed * - . - 4, 1 ,., lohn�on; -wimgis, Weistbro,Dk, Doak -, 101 � P-nme Minister Mackenzie emiolio�red with real faith tillat upheld Masons Wlere­in. color ,Sr,hemes of red. and DR. A. R. CAMP13ELL - Presitlen*' I alts. Black, B. Worsell, H. Wdrsell, � King, in Canada's war effort to date, , � , cou,rage. . Hold At -Home I � and g,a,e,her wNte. George Beer was . . G�Irnck, Kingswell, S6 loved 'her Hensall Towrr Hall on Monday eye. chairla'an. AX. M. McLEAN Secreftr,* , Re adN*cuted, a NafdonAl Gover.niment chuirch and was loyal �to it a ' .... . . .- . I I under,:the, leadembip of Dr.' R. j. � ad heT ning was �the setting for the annual - I __� - " I ­ Man!On and, dheClareol'it was th ' pluflosophy of life Wag "otheTs.11 amd At -Home .of ,,the Masons of Huron -1 . � .. I . I I . — 0 duty her Iffe was-opie of -service and sej,f 'Ladg& A.F. & A.M., No. '224, some 80 . I 11 I - I -_ " ........ I - ,� . I . I Of ,every time Caora4ian .to cast asIde siacriflee," Xr..,Young ,said. A mes� m&mbers aceompanied. b itheir wives . . I . . � , 1.1­1- MANLEY I th-0 CbK)Ug-ht Of Party Politics -at a � * � Y ! I . . -, ____ Crucial time in the ihistory of Canada. sage Of regret wa$ read from s- And, kuesta, enjoying a delightful, eve- .1. � 0, I I ­­_., -the pa" .. I . tor, Rev. W1114am ,Weir, expzves,ing ning. Tifie first part of the evening . . . , , , only a U73dted effort on the part Of leg ble -to be pres- W&S,delloted to a program Of mu:sqcal I I - Canada will sho,%v that she gta�nd6 ent The many friends of.Mr. Petei Me big regret at'he u4m - LOU1,1111in are Plea -sled to 4earn that he solidly belhind the, MoCher - � . pov,10,,ing 41he service the� cort- numh6r.s. Contributing ;to jh,6­;� - . I 0 � I' is recovering from bits late, illness and that United, .effort caz besCountry ege'Proceeded to Henigall Union Oem- grain were solos by Rev, W, A. I C 4 1 - be 16,13- etery, where burial to' . . Youl3.g,,,of Fergus; I . . 1 since -he- ,has been under thedoctor's talued through, a National Govern- ok 'place. The Mrs. James Bon- , 1 1 0 � ' � - " Qm� , I ( ___­ � . thron, Mrs. 1. 0. S . I . ,g.a.re. . pallbearers wile Alex. Mousseau, Dave mAlle, Dr. 9011,11e; I I / , , .. Inent, under Drr_ Mandan declaredMr. Shirray Robert, J. Mimn,, W. R.'DGu. piano solos,'Mrs. W. 1). Bryce, of 7iur- - 9 � I . - Last S.irnda)b night's sno-w' storm Ga.rdiiiek, daring hj�, spir"Ited. ad'ol"ess, 9-11, �W B. t ea ngs by Mr. Dagg' m, - I - I I made the roads Impassable on, Mop- ' Mr. '' I _ �dbr and Wi��, - Col,em�jn. 1,01k, anA r di P a�r 1, I - I I . . . I Morle�tt f,h anriouncing that'he Tam Edwards had nrade� a�ll. funeral ager of the Bank of Montreal, Zurich; . . ­ . d-aY to allfOW,_t.be 0011tleg,late pupils to would all-Gw'hiS Value to stand said arriatgements, indluddrig minj*er, quartette by the Mascoadc male quart- - - .. . ; - I . I get back to th,eir dutiLes . wea,ther . , but the fine he had, giXen, ,the matter'mucb, 66'144f'sjmliers and Pallbearers, and it was efte.; Rev."Y'Oung, W; 0. I Goodwin, Dr. . ha roads before Call' - , � pasgable agai n, / I � �_ Dr. Manion and' a Nationial, Govern� � -1 .11 -_ . 1, I . . Kidneys are, Cleansed and invigor- olu&rtettes by Mr. and Mrs, Young no " Since s Made the lug suchi a step. Under her 'request ,that flbwem ,be,omitted. Sm011e and W. A. MacLaxell; mdxed Mr. Fred Eckait has beieusperiding ment, Canadas, war effort -can best be abed (by usi.,)�_ I Ho Wo D-, Euler,.M.P. , � the .Past few days, ini our barg, , Rum and Mr. and.Mrs. Ma-cLaren, and. Mrs. . . I Tendered, contemded. Mr. use , Ruacaps. At regular . .. .. MorDwg', dur- intervals, macaps for your Smillie, MTs. Drysdale, W. 0. Good- ' �. I It geemai4tob bad that Premier Hep- ing, his address. Canadians, bave health's sake. m�jddle,ton,.s Drug Store. wdal and Dr. Smillie. The accoqnpan- burn who a4visied to cancel muntici- Proven, they 0,re willing to help the The fri,,ds of Mrs. William . Con- i1sts were Mrs. Young, Mrs, Middle, Minister of Trade and.Comm 6rce pal elections during the war to prac- Dnlplre In a grea,t cause by events , si ., . tide economy, ghollld bring on a w-ar- Whdoh have taken 'place in Canada tt�wilq be pfe�ased to learn -that �alie Mrs. Br"e, and Dr.-Sullffle, Mr. Em, I I ,.. I . _. time ,election by provoking Prepider since the deelzratibn ;of 'wax.' m is Coniv&Iesciagpicedy from her recent erson Kyle,_worshipful master, acted . WILL SPEAK IN ' , 1, � ' , ell jklnegs,. .� as ebal r1nau. Cards, were also a I ''I I :. I . . ' .King land, accusing him for not mak- had flocked to the recruiting stations Mr. and Mrv. tzra Mdpfer amid Mr. �,e#ure ,Of the evendrug, ' gressive '113eafor-th ''. ing the progTess, of_th.e__war._kno�Wu, be peop Ord to t. & . . ... . � _ and t le civer-subs- bed h Thomas Kyle spent the week -en Pr? cap- , , W(e,oftep, think that 4he Chamberlain Wa:r loan Issue, the stateid, 'relatives and " d with euChrO ,being Played and pnZeS� Cardno" Ha 0OV61"ament is not ,goinig'ghea,d as The camd1date told: the audience . ads in Kitclrener. , tured -by ' ladiest first Mrs. W. A..M,ac_ s ` '. I I I . 9, I '�f Wxterl�3o, isbere Laren; onsolation 'Mrs. John Sh,ep- , . I - fast as we ihink Ire mi,elit, but' we that as far as'qle I"s coacelt64 the M'M. YPmgblq,, e . . . . I -!.w . visW6�g with, fij�r, diau6hter, Mrs'. Jas. herd; g . " , , Addng would no W. Donth ron. ' . , .. ents, first, 'Jim, Parkins; con- ,. . . 1 cannot IbImP �it conclusdolis as they campaign in, the n t be are d1oling -the best they can unde,r one Of perqonal . requar-ks, lie -said 098 solaidon Victor Dinnin ZuricIL Fo,l- . h , I., would do j agan, who is still'in St. ,lowilng F ri d ^ . 15t - , ,Mr. Joe 11 ' . M a h circumstances, and, it will -remain to blile only card,theizing he - la'buffet fl�on for' whlc�h ...ay, _ oc%rc , . be 8een ff a Change will make things would be agadilst the, poflf_�y of I�rime ' ph's EosVitad at London, receiv- 19111�dwdC;hes, cajk-d and ice cream. wdth 11 ­ . . is . . We think Premier -Hepburn Mindater Kin�g in the conduct of Can 6619'OPecial txeatrmient for ear trouble, all the trimMlimigsi weWe sorved,,-d n . better. , now Im , 9, c IN THE INTERESTS -OF - . ,has M�a,lde a mistake, ,"ien. if he hag ada's, war effort. Proving nicely and ia abl,e Ing w1ai3 Indulged In wi,th, Mr. Ross . I bee4n on active legislator, but the old A- R. Douglas, of London, President to en,Joy tho,�,mn room in, tih& hospiital MacKay furnialring the, music a,ad . I � saying is no one does mu�eb- business Of the Westem� onvailf, National and 'hopes �90on Ito be able to retmm Mrs. James Bonrtbron.. ace p n7ing I W. H. GOLDING . Can- here. I at the Planlo. Mr. Robert om.1raY'imple if he d1d not make mistakes. . ige"ative Association., spoke briefly Miss Mary Hemphill, of London, was floor manager; Mr. aud Mrs,. �. and urged a)) eleetoi-s on, behalf of a Spent the week -end with her parents Jaimes Bonthrbn were 1. ,tbfe .reception Liberal Candidate In the tiding of . . . NaAjonal GovernMeirt to wo I Fk hard here. copinid ttee ' � 1. I f0r'the candidate in their riding. , and Dr. b. G. Steer and H'Uron-Perth � CONSTANCE . I 'Miss Ii'loronce'WeJoh left on, Sat�T_ Mr. E. L. Mickle, card committee. I I - � . . I 1. 1. day for Toroato, whier,e she win speord The Canla,dian, Legion is sponsoring --- - . . I --- A ver7 Interesting meeting of the - - " � a Weele with reliat! - ves and friends, a -bingo and ,danibe in the- Towin, 11014, I I - , "I ... . �__, I -_ — .. Club of Progress was held on Friday CROMARTY ... . . Death of Mrs. John Keys ng, -the VA '. .. . —, . eveoling iry the s0hool -house with thp - 'Phe (lie-alih ocell-rDed al thehome. of ,Proceeds beirig fot the Red C)rogs. I � __ __ - I I I . __ - I . I — . . � , chairmem, Mr. Win, Jewitt, and the . hle'r son O� Mrs. Jobai Keyt� of ne'ar The mletdbers of the Legion wiill ap- � . solcr�,ta.ry, Mr. Oliver Anderson, tak- Lome SPeaze, of Harriston y1sited Hensalq, on Wednesday, d, ' Pre,ciatP yi6Ur PatrqAage as, the.pro� 4m AIII& 'dome% , ing charge, Pollowifng the minnites with this" father, Jos,ppli Spe,�re, who Ye�sjr. .094 her 80th ceeds are for a waftby ,Can&&, amd as % I a ad th (, ,_,nifteteid) A hea,rt condfition -T buaidess discussion, the foI- returned home with him for a few 'and pags�d�l away .in the last bingo and -dance wa's such a - ,, her sleep. Mrs. lowIng 1,#r1&grarn wag pre,sented: Hum. weeks' visit. Keys was liorn 'on the Pairke great succesiv, the boys, are bopi,ng F.AR ft'i t R'S '01 Orous readings by Mrs. F, Carbert, � Mis's JP',In APIC11110ch, who Undeor- 9tead"tibmq, !h"Me5" for even a bigger and better success I , . I - Jpa-n Wakefield and Helen Britton; went a veiT, (�rltioal operation in had 16ved , rn,11.6§ north- of Zurich arLd this tiorre, I I . Mrs. W. M. Jewitt,a deliplitful piano S -Cott Memor'al Hospital, is ge- in, Hensall for nineteen. . I � HOW TO SECURE � Wag Years. Mr. Keys Predlece"'Pol her in I ' be expected. Craig ,, S1010; MIS's, Olive Pryce eang a so�lo along'as iv,pll aq can Death of William .... \ arcompanyding be-melif on the guitarl The Marion, Rjtcqije Auxiliary met per,cy og H1.,,A1tVa,,, a,rld 'SEED 9ARLEY , ­,��, 11 1924. She is sixTived by two sops .., ' I Albert of' Mr. William CI'Mg, another of our I Two Provids-ing young singers, Eric Oil Saturday afternoon in the. homme Hemsall, and One d1aughiff, Mrs� Lang- highly esteeme(i citizens. passed, to The Canad-a Malting Company �.irirfited would IIkdjq,, put. out , - Affd,'(%rs,on and TeddT Phillips, enteir- Of MrS. JR-miesOn' at tl]3�� Manse. Miss miald of Streeitsville. The funeral thie great beYond ,on, Tue's&Ly Morn- with reliable far1rhers'-Seed Barley to be grown on Contract, fli:ned� with a duet. Jntpr,�stiripg dis- Sarah McKeflar preq�(r&d at ffie- weut_ WIN take place on blilday, Feb. 23rd, Ing of ,this wee,R, theY supplyin the Seed and gu-Irlanteeing to pay 5a per han- - I I oussjonFo on +� roll -owing a week's 19 I ]YeS�ck were given by Ing. Milas Margaret Hannall road,, the to Bayffleld eeiiret�ery, with Rieiv. R. A. ii1ness trom ' dred premium over the. regular price at the Elevator for Malt, 1� the fo`1JoW1aJg: A.: R. Dodds, on "Evo- ScrIPtuT,e lesison, foflo)vved by prayer Brook off iclsaug. �, . . lyneumonla. He was in I ­ I Ing Barley; the farmer unde rt' ., I . bila 77th year. Eve-rYthilorg that collid R15kng to sow this Seed in clean I lution, or the BrItisill Pig-; Wilbert by Mrs. Jamieson. Rev. .�P, Janileson, The fira Igairreof thieseraii-fl'inals, of Poksibly be d1dre, to save Ills life w,as fields, and * to deliveH the crop to,the elevator when harvegted, -1 . Jewitt 'on, "Merep," and W. M. Jewitt on bebWf ct 1N1q-.j,.-JgHhj,0h0 ibie Cyclone League beltween 1mcan d0ne. A blood transfusion. was g,lv- in making delivery the quantity of sded orlainally put , gn end him- and wbe On "Cattle-" MIRSes'E. and 0. P�y� 6�,Ar, Weloolned. th,,o young k_�tlq, � ,to 'the out is deducted from what the farmer delivem I 9 and Flensall w1ag 0496yed, in Heiisia:lil en him by Mr. Vernon, Hedden In the . 'T -, favored tho auddenice, wit'll -a Pdano M21118e. Fine ,Pap(-r.q unere read) by Wedirliesday 'g&,wqt,h In the Contract is. I Ild Lucani winning hope .it would ,be beneficial., He Mi- a clause stating that while the farmer , , . duet, 9,mid a, IhUmOrbus musical -trio by OrOthY Miller and, Isabel Temple- 5-1. . . lied somewhat fotlowfug tile. .tranosru. has to deiliver the Barley when harvested. he need not accept ' . Mr. T, Phillips, Ur. C. Walden and 2*P- 1 aatt�iement until'the 15th of December, O' Mr. Joigliin Pa,-,wmnm, of Hensall, who 9don, but -gradualtir became Weakor � MY resPoneible farm. . W M. Jewitt, acdompa'i'lled) by Mrs. , A�Inlpr Colquboilno of C1111ton, vilgit- ha�si beep, a Vmmotor, maniager and '11h)6'4ecemsed was wU 'active memb6r' erg whose lanad are clean will bo' given tills seed' Pitiase ) , . , . , . W, M. Jewitt on the piano. The meet� ed *Wl Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernie Allen; �doacifi ot 11�001,iey, teanis for Many Kvf '0a1rn161­P`fesb-y*erian, Church and get Of tOuCh With the FAevatoe at DUblin if youl'are. desirous ft closed with "God, Save tb,e Kinig.,, Mr. ,and Mrs., Donald Wallace,,,of Car- years, has 'kindly donated a gil-ver cup had ,been _j­"B��ddeut of tlrilw­041996 1, . .. of takint this Contract on. "' " *..,. I,_, ,. Tho ', it ,mleeting will be held oil lim9ford, with Mi-, and Mrs. John " . I ... Maroh 15t.h. � Wal- to the Ileinsall ruml tea,43ia compoged foir the paist -26 - yie&r% illa,ving taken ­ . I 11 laico. I I ' . a "' I I . 'Of Sexls�ndtb, 0hilselhurist Thom" up residence beris fxonr Moose Jaw, *so Voiis Laws6i of London, Mr. Morpa entertaialsd the, 'boyig of Road. and, Henv�011, 14,0 �e'N6�Z ,t.a ,-;Affslr� A CL .1 -Gra'in and Coal, Limited I �006� SuudaY sit the hom"a of her Par- his Smft'Y school class on Prid,&Y ev- giviong tbe fffi-m*,q1 froul.406do'G.Jeaft Hq W",a staunch 60twervative, and . . I (Mita Mr. and Mrs. rmrl 4�awigom, enalng.. A-11 lNeport a. rea) good tirore, � j�&t 4k . ­­. it6i Ethel Dexter, of Xiichener, Tli� Yoilng iifik thi6'.wInt6r�1W ffigrZy6y A m,eniber. of the-,0!rallge 'Order and , DUBLIN, ONT. People'% Socl6t)r Ira" IhAve ha'Id work duri-nig -th6 AU1MMXW ll;sVer missL-d atteniolifaig the 121J' � *Veft Suadity At the home of Mt. and, again resurned tfbv4y Sim4ay evening ­ h, Of W. ST"LETON �'- . Manager A %rd. Allstito Defter. apounw. , TalonthfA md,ba" Vtt,16 Otis, fair Sport. Silty Icellebri6tion SIA�06 voming to . . I i MbP alays that hockery *jft, thake them RenftR Noi, was a woudlerful gar- - -- , - o I I '­!­ 11 . , , . . 1, � ­ 6 � � � . 1. . . !� I 11 I � .I. -111.1. I I M I I . I . � . . . . ,,,, I . . . � , I I j, .� I I I � . I 0�` . I I � � I - ­ . . I , I I ­­ I 1-, . .. � . ­­­... I ­ 7%, "V.. ,J--. I . . I . k I I I ". I ,; .1 .1 I . � r I - 1% , , 'r , � � ,,I, , , . " ­'�� �,., I , . � � r I . 1, � . I �,'� :1 � I., ­ , � I . 4'..., .. '1;,',� * I . I . . I , r I— ­ I I � . � � . � I ­_ . .1 , . � - i . .1 ", , , I , 1, �'. ­ , ;,., "] ­ I " :_ 11�1 ,- � , I .,.,,� . I . �, .. I I , ! � � ,�� " � ­­;, .1', I I " I �, li� I I , ; �, . � I . . -, I "W , � ',�,�,,-�'�;,­. � ( I -11 , .1 I "', �,' 4. r.*` , 'r';;:.1 � ". " ; ,,�,,.�� " �,',' '. � . I I I ';­; �!p�,, -� , ". ,,, .�." � ", .i,,� . " . . � , 11.11, 1, %';,; V , " -, I , ., �,,: "T �V,, 1 _ � � , 1, � ;�,�"k",�, ��'r'.:�" � � �:, _ ;.',;)I�j. , , ,,,,,�',.;,,,,�,.�,,�,,,,,�.,.�,.� "�' 1',,,�, ­ � �"�,; I, ,!:".�� �� I l,t, � � �­­ �, . "" "'�­ "41i�14 _�j'­j'�,'�.,; � " ' ­ � " r�,,, � , , " . . ""3"� , �,,,,�, , , ";"� ., ­ I" "J.", �r,�,,�'.'�, 11 I I . . .1. . �4? ,,_ . , -� �:��,,,"��,�,',�,',, . , �. , 11 I _7. . _ "­ ;.1 -11'''; ­ � . ., � � - ", i , � I ,�� _ W, ,-,�.��f I ., ��, , ,, I , �:;�,,j � , . �:,�*�,�,��,��'�`:­�,,'� '�`11�1:�'11'1��-1'11!��:�� ,���,,',­�, , , , � ", , I � �, - �, "' ­" ­ vr,tO 1� , ��, � ! I " , � . , I I �, "O,", r,,,, " 'il I 11,� ,,,� 11;��!�. fl, ,�,,,­�.� '­. �, �, n."O"', . � �,�,,�.'?',,-', I ,,,,, I il ­ 1,11) I � ,. ;!� . . . , I I I .1 " 4� ", � , I � �­ �,. ,��, .1,1, . - I .,�!,' � ,,, ��, , �� 'e .,:, ;1�'.,,��,�i� � " - , I �, �� i,""j" . "Zll�­ I " I , , I *7'.; '-'��i"'�� � I � — . � I 1 I ... ... . _ , ,;,j —, � . 1,� , , , , , . 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