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The Huron Expositor, 1940-02-23, Page 3
., ■ ,r E..-, -I- 0 m i. I'. ,t ., ...+, , j, 1. I I 11 A 1* -.1 i , , I - --- .... ... 1� I I I �', 1. , . '. , 1 , .� �r, I 1,�� I ,, �,..Is , N r. k. 1, IXe4rsox�e! „ ,1; _ __�W.C_ 1� I � . , IRV I I �s - 3• ot,,. ,, . ,► ,. 1,,, �h f! I � �L��, 4V I... I w A` + Q,, K - , I P. . � I.. ., - 1 it .:'�,►!'!rii v, t• '.r �) 4l{t xFd removing- rko.tbh@ Nom est in ; --_1 ° ; •,.a, , :.'.: Vis.'/:,:.. , ,ms.µ-. �. .r , 4 *': '� r . w . W%/ . Ja, short Hoole, ..I ; � ,,, � „ '.a• '.' � ��..: , �%��h �iis,3��.•',�'�.';'••�`:.%�.�'?.o''''af �� ``i�%i'4�'''::� i r,; Ke Mir. Robert* Bel'! of-lckersmftb, , - '-- f:,;r <. '.>> / s,;.?! a tv `{ tr@ntau ed t two very ab a •.�.••',;�""� , ,f` y � IBR T1 r Y @Il3aY D .. and Ro t' Grieve s ' ;r,'..' : . ;� ,. {. j ` ;,:. h` ' r x 11I1+s1 t]ne aimed ) RaI1>r lay amt xo1?'#,le R1T0 %i'iiy;i:/:!frF.' ;.fS'>y.,if. .,: ` functions dwlring th.@'pa8�t week. Z�hC ,.n ...awl n�,,'•�,:•�,,.',,,.{. d ./ ,:ft;vs�,r+•'�•:'s;''�, ,, ?. III, atutlb,virol of YihO R "Owing det)ea, ale took for ydiisianp@ ab :, fr,• f f,. Misses Bell Yuarpisll@,d' very Sue laaatcli� es %.,:.,:>' •:f,r�f , ' ii/! r 1iee:,s�.' res for bath, ,events. Mr. S'amwel Dior- well kayowtn alpaslsl'ol wPl Dr. Geneve Between Naples, au4 :�:lei>'rt=Kirtta' we 4;f �"f ;y�,: f> � � i :,, a ,, , ' v.r, a I . ' ."i:"'•Y.'+• I ' V %',%F•," it` „/,'N•r,�r S•' iI'll n .the r n vi violinist, e is a of rtit....Utie Matthew Grieve saw Mt'tctalnik 'wl>ji�) asiways " `%y?' N aH Vii,.. '.' .if/ to vete a o1l ist, furmdsi d ;:s':,,� ..,f : i t'y j (the music.Z'A who 'hveidl -ca the is= an M'eKill'o'p thrpw,s � smoke anti sp&%o are Be.n r y�f 'r:::;:: fr y�'�� �y,11 W Qceppdedl 'bey Mr. 'Beat Rising. The at ndg!blh. "he Isis rof ,Capri .Lives up `l j Mr. 7lhomasi Eym@, of Chiselhlurst, .!'i:: I had a sale of his, farm, stock and e'f- latt@ Rev. Matthew Barr, well kn,owrn, to the httte song„ and Alit the islands z• .,^ • feats on Wednes,'daY. No'twithisband- '• Y minli�sit'er of Haxpuariney, was an twote. off Italy are lovely. October $ we , . : , f � „ " Tlie Letter wlasi received b Mss, LandM at Aller udivia<. .�ijtier 18 (days >'`.' ' <. III,,, i,r+ Ing the cold 'raven 'day cruor the bad )' 1 , 4 , t. roads, bh'eu@- was a Yair ' attendaaice, , Robea t Gavan'lovl[, aP McKillop; a tof-sem L�Ye inn@ v"@r@ Igladl eIlougih to �, I The halm-e'n was wielded 'by' tthatt in- - ooUpdaat of Dr. "eve, • ;!toy over s+ea, logs 'aga4trl,. We enjoyed ;,'�..:,':.'�';./ .:rr r;7,�tt.t ".:. I dalclitta'ble old] vatena� Mr. Jas'. Oke of VARNA @>y of the trip atn�l had no { i%/,.: ,, it ..•• Aam�gt9`idctmt IYI,iS9nan Hospital, slelaalc ,:,:but,-wrere"0lafl,•,,ba.,,,be On - ,{,•' i .`,''%>; •r:.;. i<I ` �, l+�` I i ..Exet'eI•. , : r''..... ; �,,�J u vf� its ;. Mr. Petem Robinsan, ' of the 12th �en In the (Intended for last week) AswAut, Vgypt, Nov, 6, 1930• cry land gine t as Is a surprise was :,, %;> rW, , ? ll` ' ttl t as we Landed/, ,/,,.. rY�d' 1 rr. i concession of Tuckens'mdth, gave the The WamenPa Day of �'r'ay@I was in Alexin ```:;.rig's{; :t : i,, .• ?_;z:::.s:. y,a Dear Frl Gree drda,. It was as If (save for t' @ rti to : 6� ,, s t r;`7t' yolim,g ipso ie oY tha neighborhood a observed La file UmitecU Ohnircih There tlnKs from a P CountyPapera haloid go lull od nmtewstt and need'! The 'm6ietwz+e, aP we�teuln ideas intact are ° {!;; � asocial ,hop oni Wednesday eventingwas u large gabheidsg and a very da: t. Mr. Paul Boa was, "Knight of Lord has peen: oo ,good! to' us in bong- gradually, very' gradually, seeping in). i e' arzt nape ineetling. a Ing us in safety 'al> phig, wag -11,0'00 It was entirely too much. to gasp in the Bow" .crud 'songs W.erO sung by O:ib• Thursday night, Feb. 15th, there g miles ,fi rom, :home. a few moments. Id has (taken days 1 m v JYIes'slr^s. Robertson. and Bell, while was a donate in !the trait In aid of the r , t Mr. A. Bell d'anc d' the Highland Fling (Con -tinned from Page 2) Canadian Red Glross Aus you dbvbtiLesls+ 4arilow, our ot�zgialal for us to just realize that the Orient t lk is ,Z is joust' doff@rent from the Occident. o , {' do <I very creditable manner. In adddltion to the slides put an by !clans have ,been definitely changed,,tx On Wednesday evening of 'Last headway cavi 'al'thawgh he rushed up Rev, Peters; -he gave a short lecture due Ito tike war din. Dwrtope. Bob was At ,the customer office we saw far � i,A : Qlte' was unable to rescue, a. suit �'oY u¢uabU, tq 'go 10 FJngtlaavd fa his s il- ah@ first time a veiled woman. wibh-in , r-1,I9iF week Mips. 'Win. Sproat, of Tucker_ on having a hobby, which. w+as,:bot h 1. ,X on at the rest- clothes c'ontaim'ing $70 i�n cash., the t,n,srtructive and humorous and we'11 'dY in tbnopiaat diseases" so, thorough a Very Peer hours, with tine assistance €i : �*a r' •+, 54Y7'i th, w•.as w'ati t@c1 � u ,, pro -weds of a sale of 'hcgs a' few • of a 'Cook's travelling agent, we wen, deuce of heti m'abher, Mrs. Gemmell, worth healing, the guidance ay the Lard cold' tete g g •, . " , drays previous. - Neighbors quickly,'ke kinfteos of this andssilon we are here 'Oen the trades bound far Cairo. Thele ;, , r�r by a: nu.nib'er, aE the teachers and �, rI nt sPolvded to the call for help and in Aainit for two ar tttaree mantihs' It was rrecessaiy far vs •to.da certann iffaie,',de � '`. friends :Of the Sabbath school aY Eg, 1 auondvi]le Presbyterian Church when battled the blaze while most of the study. The Amle'ric�an Mission,, wraith buYien;g which could not be, do -n@ fur. � ry-; Y USBOI�i'�E y United: Presbyterian of the 'blte!ri...:up ...-Mao., Nile. ALse; it was our ,. s ' � furnntur'e was ,being.. removed. Some , -the was presented' 'with a com'plimenr e�.m,�. ns real] desire ,to see some sof ' he famous �t �,.! 4 tang la'd'd't'as and. a 'large and, hand ulystai'i•' furniture was last however. .True muriacipal council of Usbarne U;S.A,, 'has A very fine work in this i Mr, McCartney's loss will b@ a heavy garb of Africa, the mlost of which' >ta sights there. The first (day wee did 94w�';I 3 g - -� --' carrd[ad` in Egypt, at various points our shopping. Only bn', the Anglo- '*V�ivvfo . �a�saf„; same family Bible. Por}nslui mlet'on February 19:th with 1 i one although son'@ insurance was '• Mr. Wm. Scarlett; a (primer MdKi'1- all rile members Present. Minuted oP American .stores are riices fixed_ The -” - � lop .b'oy, ,has been elected Lodge carried. -Clanton, News�Record, poi the Nil"_ 3heRn deo, howevea, have P , - t,„711 g Januar 8t,h were read and, coag!@d; Arabs or Moslems are not •satisfied) ata J� g Thieves Make Visit eons. t ondera, vela two ,stations In lower! Swdeni as the ler of rtthe Cauaity Orange Lodge of �p s react land filed. all unless they bargain with you. Ib Many a customer who Vee Q consider4U�H qtr Soba! ?river and "�evenai stations' o fl ,�1, , t taken ,at least 10 to 15 minutes of distance from our Branches :-bond>ucts' h� Elgin County. Ile a. request from the Canadian Leg the north rf out wadi up 'toward Fart Mr, „Duncan 1VIcEwan and Mr. J. T. Thieves vislibed Ulve 'Canada Pacl:- g bargaining (untwl you feet tared out) ll aeon War S'e,rv'ic'es, the following r'leso- Sudam Our desb}naticmt is smnewherc� y banking as conveniently as though cy>1>1>� ., i McNamara of Leadbury, who . have ere Plant agaim (last Friday night but y g Y ' iwbion was pastsed: That whereas close to the Ethiopian, border. , before 'titre -purchase is made. Our been working in Michigan, r'et'urned got nothing for their trouble. Office . > office were almost -next door.. Biome two weeks ag, __', From their a seconds were . Isca'ttea^ecU' all oven as this council finds. it impossible, Some of you. haven not heard from , ','Loney diene is counted iir' piasters N �?"y 4 p- (pr'onounced' Peeast�ers'). We • must �t 9 pearance Livia in the lumber woods the searched far money. Since pry; -1 through recent, provincial legisl'atbion, us for.,:siome, time, so we will explain The Postman is his Bank Messenger! ��,�a; g Y some of r0ho`-stt"Pst of our jowr ns. m,end,on that -the Nile Valley'is is the ” E. i,, agrees' with 'thtem. vious break -Ins no funds have been Pawihmbidnlg irvuaiedgal 'councils f;xi'm Y . r, >st ferttile, stretch we'• 'trove ever E. � i 1Reco Reft ecord. overnight.-Cli:,ton News t hereby king grants fdes9 s. L texPurpases' la ter ipa of July waving the P", lecwent up rlto ev It is 'reaiiarkable how ,.many B C1DCl1 aIId ObtaiIlp QS}1 Or arrange -any f Y a paces out, people at bas, feed thriougth these 4,000 r_. �T Ca.rvada to tate Canradp�an Keswick con- ates, bananas, bankitit' service desired sin I tNrit (k:'( C�N� VPINGHAM Choir Entertained is arms acid toheheartilyz organization fella I fellowship Was bad wat3a Dr. Bingham oranges,' limes, pomor 5,000 years. The egranates, and a tette . ,.. . •1.11.1 y uy - k,,' The choir of Victoria Street UaIt'ed' tho Worthiness of the cause to the other fruits are; most delicious. �t '•,�n 100 Kcs. 250 Metres our ddnector; and others of tihe mds- .Church were entertained at a delight- edtdzens of Usborne Township. An- Sian, Baba in cold sister melt us There acre' thosrb in every city ivho Why not •rise this convenient Banking lig, �%`. i -WEEKLY,, PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS fug Valentine 'parity in the church an other, re5olutlon was unanimously later at Toronto; land we m'otrored .PO in modern dress, but the great Mail+ SeiviLCe� -aa` _ Friday 'evening by the Eureka class. adopted by ,the council ands a coley Past together. Our plan had, been to P®rcenttag, dress lin the long robe, ,.'' a3n C�Foster 23-11.15 2.451p.ma Bell Bos beautifully decorao- was banded bo Henry Ford, request- sial'! September bath, but the, war hadwhich babout 80 ohtsdid The Open an account t0' -day Or write -fps` The ,school r'acan b ed in Valemtrlive fashion,, created a rmtg hti's, resvgniation as road super'iu- 5,bartedl 'by !haat +timwe, arad we could b1 s r A r cent 1.,' 7, Landt Triot; 8.30, :.,C.aws'ervative gay panty atmospthere:' Over 'thirty not book sa of'ther men. I just cant quite ,]make PC rticulars. t> teaadent, - :time of•• it gf r G dfur peii dog that bat}, the Christian (Copts, and -fa.lk'. gue'st�s signed the Valentine register out its 'significance, for I hav found � The folllowin,g grants were passed : g "1 Saturdiay, Feb. 24-9.30 a.ip., Kid- and proceeded to enjoy ,the unique and was haxt awry rn idents entertaining Sovth:Hurarn Agricultural,Society $1a; Moslems, wear it. -The" Copticiw are g games land contests; s'kil of Goys goodness 'and' answers to ' Oies' Party; 1 p:m„ Leigh H, Sadder; E. Mwtch Queen Alexandhia Sanatorium, $10 ; the descendants' 'o£ the ancient E ► �l fully' directed by ,Mrs. J prayer were experri6ticed during that gyp r ? Wes McKnlight; 7.45, Barn Dance. and Mrs. J. Adam. All were then in- War 'Memollal H'ospi'tal', Londlon, $10.. wain. ' By October 14th all was; in !vans• The ,mufssianaries fell us that vited to ,t'h, tastefully decaratedtable, appeal (roan rive •SaUvatd'on Ai+my r@ad'iness tar aur 'sailing direcatly to' there are same. very, fine converts . ;i Sunday, Feb. 25-11 arm„ Anglican for refreshments. The appreciation Par paGr"iotio-purposle�s ,had, Ao be re- Afr ca. We db wish again. to thank among them, .who in turn are working s I ""� Church; 2 p.m., Triple -V Bible Class; 'lof `the Choir, voiced by Mr, Larder fused but latbention was ,drawn by Mille you;, each ion@ for your share in, our amo'n'g their own: people, The old .i. > - - , and Mr. S,ahwantz, -brought the very cc>ainaai,U increaeeive to esed ctilrehat lout tathe m County being being able. to !cave eo sooi>i-whe'Uh@r forms and superstidri'on but now new , T 5.30•' CKNX Little Band'; 7 Presby- Coptic Church was almost entirely w !'coon' Church.- taffy evening tc a class.-God@tach Y speit nt astby p dyer or 'gie 1MtG he nam+th g SE GRT B�t CH �' S. nal -Star. angandzatton. b • $150.00.gIn 1940 to of w'alting was very pleasant, asl 'we hfe Is coming, betaine, of -,the young Monday, Feb. 26-11.15 a,m.; Ste- people 'beans educated' inn tihe inisslion bake ©ale ,of increased deirian.. P nt hrab time in the soon Home 11 glleav C. Faster"; 12.45 p.m., Bell Leg Injured of five Sudlan InterrinT Mission in schools., ar.d learning the true ngtean- Fi. (;, BOSWeII - �riag'rfsi . < Boys; 7.30 Puzzle Contest; 8, Tom Byelaw No.. 1, 194D, confinmang aP Ing of the Gor4iel of Christ. 'Converts' Brooklyn, N. Y. It was a great nap Edward Vincent; grain trimmer, is podnrmvenFis and salaries and, allow from amaang the Moslems come very my Parker. hrontunaby for us 'to 'meet more of ;a • nursing a very'' sore foot and leg as antes as 'set (down, icor the m'imutes oP slowly... I feel that often we think of '' , a result of a peculiar accident while thane vitally canneebed ti^ith tete ends- TwesdaY, Feb. 27-8.30 am.;B'reak- January 8th; was react a third baneQ the aanpass3hvLihY of 'dhanging thein, unloading the tilg'arai:l at the eleva- because of th'e'ir set ways, cud' •fon get mixture is I•ight. Flavor with vanil through med'fvm blade) fly carp, "' 'fast Club; 12.45 p.m., Cactus Mac; .. and passed ave motion' by Fisher and We could tell you of some of the .„ 5.10 Farmer's, News. tVr on Tuesday :afternoon. In :spine a that Our Lord is the Lord over the la- Then add the dried' apples;. beat x/4 carp orange ,peel, finael'y gra (�` it Healy. Bylaw No,{2 1940, applapriat•' interesting in+c8demts on ttaQ way, es- r; _ n::auni,r, while he was s.tandun on _ a sQlort bane. and-' pour into grears,ed desired) 1 . tables!paoni:. 1ft18 Ing i • w through trains.. I believe df our pra g 'road the brndg@9expenditure in eaalaLlh ns. cent t peared the ed h daxiJ irnposshhlle. He can nexnov ova w Wednesday, Feb'.'w 28..• 11.15 a.m., d : k, his left Loot became entangled yers were Pan to coal, ples,' nuts (an'd,/or) cocoanut;' stag, ,,• "Stephen C. Foster"; 12.45 p.m. Bel•! in chains support'i,nig the siteam shoe' el d'frected to tbte ,Lard with this. thought ., anid or'an'ge peel if desi're'd • and pass, :a ' as the 'latter descended i'n'to. the hold. was 'giv'en a '!hind reading and paused groes wa'ber s far seara•e ah'undredis of Dried Apple Brittles through the medauui blade of the 16oi�1)L Y ', on motion Ly Cooper and H of His ability to do bh,e mpolsasible, A Do �s 10 Puzzle Contest. miles, we had no febr, far we felt ^ Vincent, Lyuaxg pnorre on the dtek,., adgeri. that the Lord would sernd, His Spirit White sugar 2 cups, ground dried chopper' Sprinkle very bt�41Y� ;5 God'.s • protecting 'hand upon ins W e hung ,cam to 'prevent being dratgged in Tliie Clerk was authorized to present salt as the mixture is molded to Thursday, Feb, 291--8.30 a.m., Break- were! held at Gibra:Ita:I for 10 hours, to convict of slitb, and of righteous- apples 1 'cup, vuriegar 1 tablespoon; , .ffasit -[Club; 11.30, "Peter M•acGregar"; witIL the shovel, weighing )yearly 200 'two copies of the s,amte to the ids for fear w@ might have 'sp'i'es on n>ess, and, of judtgmevtt. They seed to "baking soda 3/4 teaspoon. Put dry sired tihirkaess in a greaser] p23Y. � ; ,pounds. He lures released by fellow tri,ct engi'n'eer of municipal roads. � have no coriM,ctitan of On, while they into (pieces and dust, with powdereA 2 • p,rri , R. I. Deaahman; 8.30, Grena- id of ropes. Dr. It was inumd by 'Coo ei d sugar. �s board, but were allowed- to go on,. It sugar , in pan with one tab;jespoon of `'j ddeT Guandi� .Band. employees, with thea �C��� p' • Fisch was quince a sight to see the harbor lave in amt'alera'ble wickedness. Let us virnegar. Watch closely until melta'd; -- 'Gal'Low aiftendted- the injured Riau,—•- ,er that Nelson Coulti's be weed fn- rally in prayer for these peolfies• to a golden brown, Add- a Of Gibraltar by sunlight crud a beau- PPl'es, bak- Goderdch Signal-S'Uar. .-Ispleetar for 1940,1 and, that Bylaw Nb. tifvl rainbow ditptpi ug' bothea am i h@ This is' the most closely settled eoun- .ing soda, and pinch of salt. Stir Accident 1, 1940, be amended accordingly. R.e harbor, with its reflection in the -sky, try' in i t`he,worldl, righttinthe valley of slightly. Pour into buttered pan. Su- • For Left -Over Bleats lief Officer N. G. 'Clarke reported re- with colors in opposite position. At lire Nile. The greater portion of the gar 1 cup, corn syrup 5 fabl'espoons'. Marseilles, as. we sailed In,, the sight people:are ,peasants working on weal- water 1/4 'cup, ground dried app]es '-/4 Throw ,package milk mar :•::•:: •:, •: Traffic 6fficer Win. F. Robinson, lief expenditures amou'n'ting to $87.25 thy landrluoldei's farms. These are spaghetti or ,ready calls into 4 ate. ` am Jaiwary. Treasurer's' report of re- got .. ,;:•,;,•,::.::::: who a sihart thole' sago was transfer- was magnificent! ` 14 "Di me d , )e �" cup 'salt, .sal'! Zea con baking so g ''•::i•:>•?'»' Most of the mission ,r rapidly bailing wafter and bail Aw 11 � ""'§" ed from Exeter Ua S,mrthville cost Gard" towered above !Ale harbor, as not reached,yet. Mo da /a tsaslpoon vanilla extract' to oeapts, $248.26; cash ba1'amce, Feb. 1, work is done in the towns, though minutes•: Dirain:, Mix g' ` with an, accildesat when ,!iris .. motor- It has for t�enburres. the "I1e'de Vif" Havoc, putter 21/z teaspoons. Cook eu�s 1940, $3,645.00. On motion,, by Berry t,hiere are the evangelists', which' Ver- Left -Oven meat wnbh !hoes eaitB t cycle 'skidded, an a sdappeiy pave- with the Old- ,castle in wibuah',the Count sugar, corn syrup and water to 75 p� and Caap'er,_ the fpll!owi'ng accounts ham go out into the country places. deg. F., ar "brittle crack." Remove gravy, half oaian (chopped), hgtl)' tom. ' .LL .Wt N encu! while he was, pin duty on No.,20 df Monte Crusto suppas,ed to have were passed and ,ord'ers' drawn on We brad the Joy 'of spending same spoon salt, half teaspoon pepper elsr�a l'" higlhtway, •meat• the outskirts of Ham- been; impriisoned was very intteeresUng b from heat ands add fruit an'd salt." Al - 'the treasurer: Road' superintendent's time in the ria:useum, tin; wihiQh the low to stand far about one minute. cup grated, chees'e- C'ombiue 'v�k , ,' iltaln, Hisachline first crashed into to see- We went"very titers to it inti a pole, hurling iron fiom his,--steat, voucher, $153.94; advertising, print- entering the harliar. Naples, with greatesttreasures thus excavated are Add the sada and vanilla, stir in with catcher the macaroni, s� l �^ '•:f kept. 'King TuVs 'treasures were the or ready cuts, and pour,dute a then shot ahe'a,d ,and came to a stop dmg and supplies, $102.87; Clerk, reg Mt. Vesuvius as a background, is quickly and pour. against a tree. He .suffered' chest in- dstnatb}on 'bfrtihs', marri,a,ges and .deaths c'harmiti,g and lovely to see' from the 1T'1Ost beautiful and perfectly kept for greased baking diel! Clover veil juries, shock and, a shaking up. He $8.75; telephone collections, *$24.43; harbor. We had, a very nice visit about 3,300 years. Other finds ares'"af Apple Bars (Uncooked) crumbs anti 'bake for 20 tninn�s! .11 was removed to his bome•and It is' ,grants, $35.00; mem.berabsi-p, Ontario there far several hours, and enjoyed maze value, however, to history,. We Dried apples ;;(grxyund thrq'ugh nut Cooks in 10 r@lt[n77teS ,; PRAME also. had pare of the greatest t11 -s o£ butter blade of .food' ,all'opper 1 cup, Serves eight person. rte reported that his conaditzon is not ser- Associa'bt'on Rural Munici'paliti�ess, $5; rest Italian: food- One thtinag of great ) t our life when we vW,ted ,the pyramids is • (gr6ifM lesser ons, ioueu-Ex@ter Times Ad}vaaabe. relief arnull relief .adrninds'traCion' 92.75. interest was .the 'salcll'ens of every.. de shredded cacoahut or nu, t1 $ and' tris sp'hanx. We wish that each . Council :then ,adljounnled. ,s,cruptdon which were to be seien on , ", To Pave Blue Water Highway „ the sttreefi. It w'as at Naples that one of you might baVO .thus pleasure, ' -_- ��� The council mei ,on Monday Feb. if you have., not. already been there: we slaw, for the first time ui9any ,hors- , A ,news .ltermd from Kincardine 12th with Councillor Cooper absent. es and ca.rnag'es. T11•ey use Uh'em for We were in Cairo only three days, from W D. Ferguson', Is'ecreta Ved 'Trine Clerk reported 'float 'ave had re- crud are now ab°ovt 200 or"'narre miles' us,tatetg that w>'ord rias' been r, as read e x,es gnatienot. Thee resFord t o as a great deal M !the East. Due ; rY lof ,.caved tth,,resignation of Henry Ford to a storm an the Mediterranean, further up the Nile toward alar des- �o tlr,a� Bless. Walter Highway Association l I t ,, s t.i'nration, We look forward to our ■ , Iodine! leave, Napte, until tete' n�txt _ � $ . � that Hoon. T. B. McQuesten, Minister ' time, b'ere, for the fellowship is fine, , aye, 'hash promised that .paw tion was, accepted on motdou by Had- mprni>vg -Oe! 29th. The., sea was _._ . of H �gthw . - ,gem and Berry and'the Clerk was in- quite rough, seemed to me almost like and rile fo•Lks heel, ha" been wander inag well bre undertaken- this..y_•ear on�- s::$1 tlnp� lhil hwa: throulgh Uhe Pinel south strucied to notify 'bh, district engin mi'drAtlavtdc Wo fihaught often of fur to us BobBtib will get much help r 2 n 'TASTY, g y y from wi -some of t e t1 ngis s here �� �� `' fnomi Grand Bend. An effort will'! be Paul anad'•hdst j'aurnryirigs-tricep times - eel• of municipal roads to this' effect. f�U�'-"�` <•:, sbxpwmaked!. We know ,'he must !have in viewing same of the Ehdmgs he will w as H ' "'aha•'••° made to have 'the paving continued t'o A 'bylaw to be know', as Bylaw No, 3, have to cope with is the, Sudan, We ' 5�14�• '` 1. s'€' , appointing Arthur Rhode . as — hope to enter our field early in the >J'(E,_.-• �.:.. Forestr-Exeter Tim,e's-Advocate. 1940. ,a �AKESTHEINt! _ _. ' Arm Fractured Toad sv elinUendent, was read! those PPorm New Year., :.Dur address will be: c/o lug. yF<<i BREAD p a salt of assessor In Fos! Years , :ggli!:i:; tames ands an, m'attan" by Berry and vdan Interior Missiion Khartoum, be repealed, and that, byelaw providing vet /O s �'i' Fisher was finally passed, subject to. Antgl'd F.gyptdan Sud E. Africa. Miss Jane Avery 'sustainied a frac- , far the 1940 appointment and fixing 9�i►teI' je ADA tete cepa+oval of Utve Minister of High- : 7 ---- Xfj/jl, i ``:; MADE iN SAN tared 'arm, I1t is uuderstlood, w hen, she remuneration, be pre•nared; for passing + (silt •.o� the street in front of R. Gib ways far .Ontario. Owing to the fact at next 'regular mlcti tang That ac- 1®re �e�o `'''"'`'' sotnls shop last Wedln'esd'ay,-Mite'hell that Mr. Fordl''s resignation became counts Covering paym;en:t% on WWII- o ' _: i<>f .-I'- Advocate. 'effe'ctive on Feb. 10, 1940, a i?es'olu- soup roads, Hay telephone, relief and Apple .Cann �r10�S �I��, ! .X.1 / ( . Fifty-three Years Married d ger township lyass'ed,t' utak@ cha.rg, of out 'ersa� t b passed, as 'peer g Recipes i with 11 i; „ ours e ,> I.- 11 two 'o ` .Mitdhelll's the Townehvp Rc>adsl Johnston .Cc .Kalb 1. , t O>b F191dtaY, February 9th, Mr, am fl'ensah, acct., $7.5f; !loses Geibe,r,Rd Naw tihit candy i® being made in • ��1: . : �t; Mrs. P. A, Campbell t orad superintendent records and -_ r; 8, $6.97 H. Becker, Jr Rdt 1], $2.00, m,aTly a. CinadSan kitchtc�n for can �,, beset known and highly' respected re'si- to ,hold thlem, 'pendi:ntg further insttruc- 2 - 1 ` dlenits, quietly observed their fifty- lion's from the council. -A. W. Mor- C. Aldlworth. Rd. $2'.75; Zurich P. avmp9lon overseas the foblozving re- , �1 e third we�dlding alraliversary. Num. V•, pay' List, $1.20; IlooferajESuVi;1Y Co: cipes, compiled by H. C. Aitken, Ex^ , � / ;� ,�. ;., �,,� gany Clerk: ,snow' fence, $980.01 ; U. Pfile, Road' perimem,tal Station, Kentville, N. S., - pus tels.phaon,e .orris cud' rnes'sages of 14, 90,c; W. Colnnian,, Road 2, '$1.40; may be helpful. They a.r•e unusualC ., . ;i` m:>t' t congrat'ulabion wire received dv:rvng dtl `1 ! tlhe day . w•ishting them continued HAY BattlerU Tloaal6$Drysdale,;H Brbwn, 1?d. ,can ye1baaths atMthe next entertain ake them for your caAirIDAEDA cONTA1N5,r4 I . II'lI `'^', I,1 health and eavjoynae'n't of Life. -Mit- 15, $2.50; II.. Stainbach,, Rand S'tip't., m,c. in aid of community pr'oje'ct ',,t thiel'! Advocate, (Intended for last week) 'k 11 $10.85; trjlck}ng 4now fence, etc., work or for the Tied Cross,. e i The regular monthly, ". eting of the $23.80; F. C. Kalbiloisoh, lumber, Rd. , , council of th.e To'wnAIAITi„of Hay was 10 $7.50; J. M. Z,iler, Rd. 16, $.2.78 You may final too that, as in the t hold at the Town al], Zur)dh',, " on r� Fat determined we'd :to pass by his fav- Hay Teleli'hone--Not ttu@Illi Electric, ca ;.s of using maar.9ihanallow s to pre- n hll wa home. As ,he Mbndiay, Feb. 12th', With all Uh,'toem- I iaterial, $289.96; Bell. 'Pel rhoris Co:, vent .candy from c.rarmbling or bee I t0 s , -Iiia 1 orite tavern o a y itn•ic hrard en route overseas, the 'ala- .,. . ® bens present. The miinutss of ,th'o' bolls, 227.30; k}. G. Hess, 1 mantel 9 f It11 11 e . ' approached it h became somervyhat meeting held .Tam. 8th were adopted salar'Y, $1,65.00; -postage, re annual 'Pie 'mixture will also liel:p in this re- ,.,., � ��_ �}� 'ei, ;;,::;::: shaky but after plucking up courage, me6tiin,g, $7.20; W. Gould, refund rate s'Pect• 1 ������ 2,� A� (�JJ; y1' as read. Numerous comanund.ca,tdon's �! dYFi%i�LGlNiC LfZ 4 he passed an. 'I'Ihen after going a- wei'ie dispos'e'd Of. Tli'e' following res- 5,0'0; National Hev,nwe, tax on fall's, G�Oa%--�- ,:Mc< kin?#`'>i• :>.:i::: •: :>: %b .1 s ,e �tu'rtred and said ba $ Fruit Jet Caird :;!:.:. taint fifty ya d h Fart tY Y ; "-I ,: , .;,;;. r„� r ahud.ians were passed: Tthat the fol.- $69.30; T. H. Hof)'mran, salary, etc., ��r• s.,i"'� „ #1 $ _ nates �? . lriim�s'elf: "Well clan,, PaIC; me boy. 9owitntg grants be ma,fie to a. °ricu•ltura) 176.5.5. ' Oome back and I'll treat ye,” soclebi'es for the, year 1940 Zurich $ Relief Accounts! --Il_ Hendrick, rent, Finely ground dried apples, % clip, - � best forfur al bold°b bac cane sugar, 1 cup 'porn syrup /4 cup, ..._._._.. Fall. Fair, $50; Hem's'all Seed and $5.(A); W. Hay, ailowain,ae, $10.00; H. Qp 1likePurity . ... _-_-. e pectin' (Certo or similar) % cup, war ®.. ......... ....... , Spring Fair, $26; Exetr Fa11 bla.ir, T'hCY1iemeratsaArccx Accounts MunScipai :na t/4 I� „. „4., $10; Sebool; Fairs;, each- 5. Than the ter ' of apple. desired ]alto 4 cup, chopped �, rate of ay for work perfdrmedl on nuts; if desire pup. Mix all in P World 8 sutbsk:riptions, $8.00, Nonan- gretdletntts but title nuts. Cook to 220- or one of Twelve Olhor Cash Ptia l l townsihUp roads In 1990 be fixed' as to Sl mp & Stencil Cow, dog tags, 923 dog. F., or until a very stiff jelly � c (allows: Patrolman . only, 25c per $13.26; Srlhd'lbe & Sorts, coal far h,a,li, " ' is hour; man only, 20c per hour; man test is obtaimedl Add nuts, mix and 2nd Prise - $15 3rd Prise - $5 Ton Prises - r • (nett ,f` $77,74; lir. J'. A. Adrdd�on, re venleral pour into greased 'pans or on, a, mar- p ;t � Mi' cold tealm, 9Oc pen ,h'avr; man and 3 d,i,sea:ses, $2D; l?cimindon' M'achd•nery ,bre, slab to harden Cut into pieces Your Purity Flour dealer velli give you oompfete :lettiitrt i, ihors'es, 50c , 'er �hov.r; team and, meow- of this contest -ask him for free liecipe Hoaakla:t, tat . i? Oo., repairs typewriter, , 15; Treasur- sugar or chocolate. give you helpful suggestions. �' • $ Intl chat with er, 60c pex' hour; pit gravel, 15 cents er Huron, hrosipltarlivraliian $34.10: y P 4,' 1,1,11 - " I Listen to "CAVA .:ADE OF DRAMA" ,every Morrday, Wiidneaday, Friday MILK per pubic yard. That ByPaivs NAs� 2, I7{rhillier & Co., assesslntl@int nail, etc., Apple MarshmaFlow I 3 and 4 pmavddinig for appointment 'of cue strallard (1210 kr) 10.30 A.M. CKNX Ycfngr aM, (1200 ke) ll.t9 AJ A d fixiing $1.8,75; �g�opbe, woad Ror hall, �. r1 ^t ur t'6wns,hfip offidlalts, for 1.940 'an $ & B3is'eaib'a+Glu, ba,1'a.nce, Powdered gelatin 3 tables,paons, e IV1�4►GARiDN1 I m ;..� remuneration Pm same, be read three ,lanae 'gravel $26.(10; Qviel@n, Alexandria wa'ber (Ih�gf„ /:a 'carp, earn, syrup 1.1� , MILK RE pY � � times and) finally passed,, That Rein- Sanat miu9m, pneomothorAR retells, $1.5;, cults, powdu+red saggar 1 % clip's, dried IN PACKAOE5. ONLY haler.!, Miller be appointed y as als'ses,sor171.44, Sv,pply Co., snowy, gelatin, inthedirot water• Gaak olva npapples ) 11a I ° ; / 24 for the Township (A 1-I•a for 1940 and . the " that remanrErataon !cell fixed cwt $100, Tina cav,nerit adliourned 1:o onset Dorn syrup to 2bt) deg. F. ar, "hard it y o ; , astatge ,to be paid extra. And bhat bail." Beat into fit bh edissalve'd gel- 1 � � N , a r: 1 p a1aAxn :an Mcvodtay, March 4t11r, at 1.30 anry bylaw having rePeretnCe tai Uhe o'.iJlaok p:tri,-A, F'. Hess C']erk. atin and powdered sugar nn'ti1 the +I'' , ra- k -1-1, ,,,. 11 . . � . I 11 I . I ,, I I y � I I - , � y M, !'' i " x ; 4s, « : l , "; „ .., . r t , . .,., !, ,. w ., ,. -':,. r,-,,. ✓n . I :', a1.. r4 ....J. ft. e„;'11 .,.., �e t•, l j _. ' .,.. , -. t I .. .. .. ,,.. _ ,� .r.. - ,, . .. .µ ,., r . I. I. ,- :. ;,:. ,,. ,. i , :. ,11 S�v�1�V�Y.ueG.vWlln�tY!%e3w[rd-aiSL.�,,.wJ:.Ir1.,l ,..uW..l�,tit,m',.,.iL:,u.,:bl5it++��.,s�v+"S.t,�L..p,ryt�•m.,nx „J...n.: nv :: .<m1:Y. 'ualftf.Wtrt'f�+'�.a.,s:Su6iuMl..u'tJ_SS:WLlx_2...•.ttiLv.S:.l�mi✓„ l �:.tii . ,.,.,. V'k:,:.,}..,.,�a :.,..+b ::: e uo ,r.::, -::.t A.,:.: f1,rr�1„kuJ.,,.&k.:n.,n: ,,,,,l,.i�..:gun„ren., lrl:F: ,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,r...l.,,..:,L.r,,. ,.. .,.w...._,.,u, a�A�,JNr019C