HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-02-23, Page 1, . 7V"
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,ii". li;",.,.,..",",.i��:.*.""*".,.Ml.11.""�,.�'��:,.",.",,.�"."�; 8.'*�; asil - Ed*4rds Was Seaforth Fains FollovV Te ,
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Among, Fir -at of the village , il, ,.,.",". Mrs. B' � 1011��!11'
.,?"...,..,..�,.�..�-.,-..-�,',.�.,...?*�-'.,',."�� " , , `� 0 9 0 -, 0 ''Little Fl`6*&'X4qC1�_:`014 ��,�,,�,;,�,�',i',�,,,'�,,,;"��,"-',,
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To Enlist . i-."�."-,�"1".."..".i�ll""I.-�"*,..i'-...�"...'�"I",...,--'�'.....--.,��,..-.,.,",.,.,,�.....,,�..,... '. , "'I"'e, - - Well Known Leader in .
, � ... "i�., " I IN ..... I Wednesda7 NiNighfand §ee
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Ist is Presented -, , .1-5.".- " �, 'Win
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-Watch. , , . 1,11 "' ,,Carmel Chtirch. 3 " , .
With ,.-..'���" Bgav I 4-
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?.111-i�.; .il;,.:.Il,:,:,;�..�:;.�::-:,;.:"t� �* Butt, well known Sea- . — , ,�,,-",.",,"
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.1 in Semi -Finals. William Bu �-
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.4 .,,-.:-;. forth resident,' cel bra.ted'his_�Sth, ' IN COSTV E. P,, -�: ",�,`:N"','i';-,.,;1,
NEWS OF 'OVAL ON , .:...;,.. "', " , , NE - OF HENSALL . e W �"",�
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.1-1111. ... .. . . birthday at his- repld�qnpp ,on .0,en.:f � -.1
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� %�,�--.g--,., "'; - Death of Mrs. Basil Edwards RETURN GAME,H, R.E` tre.Stropet on Saturday. ,-Although . . . I - . " . If " ;' "V
.. ", - 9 V�allenfine refdtal: , "
" ..'Igg;�` , , " - '_ 7A very interesting ',f�l -,
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lLa=e Corp. Jack Drager w-�& hon- f�N ,,--.".,-T',---,; -,*-`--`-,f�-..', d ,
gar i,... , ,,!��,u�',.'.-'.-'.-""�",Y.,...Y,�., ��'._-��'E "...`.-------',f�.`.',. ... I
�!�;�i� ...... ...:�ii���� .2 R..,.,..N:-'.',, i',f-.,'.'.',i.'-.-,',' '! M l3utt,dods not, o pAsigle dur- .
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cared by fliends In the : : math claimed one of the ,most •b -, f1w I 'O I � �1,�.',""�,r "� �",""
. . Walton ddz- .. �*1`1'_§"`f` i". �:; 11" I .1 MONDAY NIGIRT 4," ing: the, winter.w.eather, he enjoys was ,held Satuirdlar afterxooay...� , ,",L,"ffi
. � ..; , ,�.;""-.�-��-i-l...,?�'....""'.�.�"lI clitizens� in the . . NIGIRT I , m, I � t K
1.7 2 -g,,,-.�,�.'.-:;�� ......�AfNl' ViC
Irict on Friday.everting, when he .as -'--'--'-1,i1 1: 7 X,, ,,.p ved 1, and, respected :.good ,health and K 4ulte active. t,�'�'4 pwm� by t1k,& pupils, of Aq;��,4,�s "";
�. ' — . . - , �
- Aw the _� ' � �V, �,,
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_.X - of Mrs. 114gA, � V - ards, is many
", ephig 0,`
s .. person, � 0
,preserited with a watch, Tike occa- %.� - aa- : ���� - ,.,. 1. Sealowth Beavers, , a 'friends will join The Convent, wbez:. the 1�110%-M_m� P000sted' , , �-, -, �
. . ", " I .
. , . I _.. I..... I .
-a presentatiorll w' - . .., former, Minty WcGregor, daughter Of eavers, broqglit houne, a 'pr, , 1'�4�;�T,,,,,An§,,�!-
zion of t'! , 11 . _E .it.rin wi.sh'!pq h1in many Of Piamlo, vialiaT, 'and ' )�!,U.
I ." ,the reg 1,1�, - vocal Uum1beiig," - I li",,%, 1 "
. -ular dume. L I I the late Mr. amus XT9. Archie'McGnetl Ono'gowl, lead, with therri from Taxi- I - .. . , 1, !I A
hapoy returns of the -day'--'- ''. . -- Mary Margire � ` , , 01
- � ,
.11 . - , . t Gleary apd, Pauline -,il ,�
Lance Corp. Drager was born, ' and � gar of Tutyliersjc�th wiho, palsseld, stock W-eftegfty elveridug after the 4 - . . . .11 ."'(�_ �41
� ...:... I . . Matthews, won first Prize tpr,�cqgtulme,' ).,�,',,�,4%',!
.... . _. '.
waised in the village and after at- --- .. 11 ,.�,-;. �� . peacetUtly away at her home Sunday OPIell'ing game of Gipup Q Inter " — I M
, ,
� . I
I,_ ____ � '10 S1800'rid pri2es w�gt 4ther- �. - -gg
�P ell� .,.. , �� . I . ling an iaikieGs of a ELA. semi-finaljs� • Tavistock I* • 0 0 I* whi
.1-1-1.1-1-1.1-1.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.,.. I ....... I -to ,�;,� ,,,, r�
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.--'N�11.`��g` � I •I
�*�1'10!.11;1,�, , 411 C
stending school. In Walton continued .� , .. afternoon failowi I return game here Monday ''I 'ine, Laud,611-bach -and, Dianne. - ` "i�";`,
. .�.11.5- .::::::.�..;;� - =alyth"111 M�0)1m , � i" "I
M-1. �4 shKk duration as fox �___ —
, ` ,
�. .
itis studies at the Seaforth Collegi- .. . � aa. the general _. - __
I I , .. 1, .1
. M 0§..§ 'c was aware, but, limown as) com, Ight. . . , � 1. I The openling ehoruv; �110 Ca 101
� Ate. Going to Toronto he was em- ", I'�,Vi�l-I'i'.-1,�&'� public - ni . . I . �_.. I , na.ft"
,,�01 , 8,0'dl "Tile Maple Leaf" in medigj� . , . ,.101
Mgf. � ing to ,herself fQT. m0ny'years. She McCallum opened the scoring for ' 1 . � illorm, �
... -
� iployed in .the head offiep of the SiheH ...� K�,N,- . , vem in the fla-sit Period on an � with rh3ghm band, accompa&uon . �11.1141W
I ... N I i - I wae in h- the ,13e4 , e ,�
OU COMIP4117, from Which he took Wk. "' -, I er 61st year and' was. chose- JU �; �-, OR PLAY OFFS and violin obligato, was followed by
I ..." ..... . . I." 71.- iizations, of assist from Flannery. Regdersorl, of . I ��:�,".,"'11
ly c9umeet7ed with -oilga3 ,1
�:: ..... . �
leave of abserice to en'llet. Mr. Chas, ��:i.�.�'...�'�,�,��'�,�,�,�"i:i:�*,-:� 1. . Piano duetsi by Missesi Marjorie ama , ,
: 'the score in, ,the sec �,
��.: ii,�,.�..�,.�'.i...'..,*..,I,,', ; � the churcliL she was, president of t,he Tta'vistOck, tied .� Mg�.i� �
&�Xers, hii,q 'ieacher an the years h I— . . Y
. %::::;:;!::4�1. ... Tdieresa O'Neill,, Geraicla ,.�'A%�
. ::� . ,, and and ,came, P . FUnuer�.y .
- I ARE NOW TIED UP andAlfice, McIver, and'LSc0t0h ad' . . -,,�",
-went td Walton school, rea&"a" Very - I W. M. S. .of Carm�el Presbyterian, �W'11-' a6 early in ,_,
W$=�-F ' She tought ,t T _�Liot . -RIM I
- I �
. . again
the lead. . �'tI'll,l
I i�.-,_X� Church, for m1ani" ,6ibrs�, -lie third to -give � . ' Z
I., . - - �
1, :,
. insViring address, which follows: - R��.'- . JoAnne McMillan',: Other piaji�' - . ..�,,-
�. ..... �; . Loppard fired a long shot Ibiree min- ... ;1,11
..... .
. %
.. . Dam
.,. .:.;, -,.:.:-,.�� . . �',',',
"Dear Jack.- I am sure we all foal .,:.,:*.i�;;;��:::�.%z school before iter mar7tage for a
. . ,i:.:-.,i;;;i�-�:"..,.,
". , �:,.,.�,.`. _ , , - game. Flannery bers' were b� Catherine Liliden-baLeb, .. ,,Rl�
7;1:1-�� xz ales later to tie tbre
.-����!��;!�!�.i*.*'.�'.. ... :::: .
7� kamored by -the fact that you' U, v t� I ,:111."11.1 , . .., .11 number of years at School Section IL� JX1f . Wa:,y Local Team, Wins First B& jean McMaster' Pauline Matthews, 1 --Al,
, �`i!,�`.�'.�, ': soored the winmax goa, b I , �$R
::jj :,.,.. ," '!
�-t seen fit to lay a. -Ade, your ,�uties ,%zli . li�i"'.��..: .. ...... .... .. No, 2, Hay, and was a most patient, . �. 6,g"
.��,.:..-. .m... ....,
, :;;': �-':.-;;�:: ::.,.. ...1., , , - leary. . TlIose were ,
_... ,
,.:.:,. Mary Mlrga,let 'C I.Ag
,- , .. , through the Period; when j. -s back-
. � , capable and. pain—sftking `leacher. Losels Second in
11:.;-r ,her. For ,
` '. -§ong,? 11 'A
I cam16'till" distance so as to be w:L.i .. -, 1W ... :� ;,..:" followed by a chorus, 1,ChemTT `�U
_, . '_ :�`.�I_., .. ,
.. ,",` " F many years sthe bad sullered .. '..", ,'�IL I
, i .*,_., � %&_._ -�:; a, in b0aided the puck fu,am just inside the I I . ''!
VS in Walton here this evemlig. ;V's .. M � . . ,,,
::`*i,.iii:j:"'1 �,: - . Overtime. ' IvIth Theresa O'Neill and Geraldia �. I rip
appreciaLe your being lhtr:'D and tiro ---- . , - -i Whib-h them Tavisitock bilue line. . . I . ,,, 1_411
. curable d,serase from , was - I - , A
.$$:;;::.,�.,-_.; Flannery taking the so, -Io 4
:a .. I '.
I ary Pro yid of you, especially; because . Ticeie ganie was exciting thToughout . . parts,, Me$
, I . . no medical relief, but ,&he bore it all. TI
, , .. . I Betty Moore, .. _.-
::�!� , i lit "bell , . . , ,
X': i � taking b,11,; 4 z
.. "
is, community, 1 .'.4."; i::i: - . ulilth great Christian ifortitude, so and was a fasit clean fig from I .tho vitolln. o . I .,
3vu am 6OW-thi .�. ... ... - -::: doderich 7, Seaf orth 4 - gato, .
, , I I . :
.. ,. .... -1 to bell. Seaforth looked AI'lle Hilde- �
,. you ;
are one of the first' boys frLom here ". ., that scaxcely most ind4late friends Although at one time, iii the game Also taldialg their part Au U VIOLL I �'. i
aft ' th ' -71
I -c"King! X knew of it, Surviving we ber hors, brandit, one of the Beaver's, regualrs, -,t,, Jundor-.j had a four to glum we,r. � 1 :1 I
\ to answer the 1 : _,,e $oafol.4)h
ull.�, or and Colin- ....:1.e., 1 � . e the little.junrior pupils
I I...., I
try for overseas service. Although it � �;. ., "': . band, three sisters, X[ra. Arnoldi Pe- �oo was dInjulred lu"..blie Clinton -Sea- ".
� , i . I _. I . one lead, they - went to a 7-4 defeat 'Dianne Mellon, Ronnie .. 1,
. . . .1 .. , Sills,,
1 .I"
. is re6ret forth game of Inst,week. In the first in Overtime in "Goderd'oh, .,Tuesday Lou Sitkl% Barbara O'Nefl, Ivi-a .
table�4that such greed au,d, ... . �;; I ,. . trie and Miss, Mae McGtego,r, of .�
� 1,�.. , � I . .. ,I rgaret I
.1 �41., - peri .
. European. disasters have meads such 11 �!11; . ranto; Mrs. James Mustwd, Kippen; ad, Allis McFaddin. suffered, a nigtlit. Walt,Westbrook hedh ... the God- Moore j6s;&pihine,
. ..
1. ,:� I '_.
occasions- aig. this necessary, we I . ". two brothers, William, of Kippe , -nositY cut , -Melver, Yt�111'111
. thank . � ,,, and, - on' the forchead that re- enrich Lions whei"', pulled out ief a Boltan, and Anina De, La Franier. The
� �.-
quired two stitclies� He was -on I ,
. :�,',"': John of Hay Township. "
- God than there are nlen.stig* as you -., � I oe in the second period.. ,- , scoving.'slump and bagged in fain story. of St. Valentine was, told 'by:
� ,,...r.... - . ,, go � y
.�aok, ready to answer IiII4 call and .% ,.: � The funeral, wirich ... Wo.a...be'l.a, froro I the gams., besideis, earning two 'asslists. Gerwlda Flannery i o a
... . , .1w
11 y a whi.h she'rel t-
.%".-`,.-� I -Goal, Stade; defense, ,His se0on .
- ........ � . - I - . . SEAFORTH
carry On from where Other soldiers ':�- . d 90aa C&II10'at 'the thirbeleen ed how St, Valentine in order .to ,��1111
1.11, (Continued on Page 4) rtSilts; cenctre, k McFaAddn1 . , &h
bave left off in the last war of wWoh minute mark of the second Perio& and, abolisill! the heatheir superstitious, ou's- .. ,�P.'.ings, R. McFall -*11
this seems to'be a continuation. Al . . . . I I . din_ Lep.p4rd; alts., i,is.third clount after two minutes of tam of boys', <iraiving the names, of 1.1011
I L'S.Ay that . ,.An open conventiopi held by Huron -Perth Fl vinery, G. HIldebrand, McCallum, the final period with another goal. in � - ", ,.2
- I . II sines in.-J),cuor of their Goddess "'Feb- .1 IM11"
though you would Lat yoxi bave Conservatives on Bell, MW,r, . . . " 91
I I the Z ff,6.:
. joined..thle service for King and Colin_ Monday, nominates James Morley, Exeter lawyer, as Conservative, . TAVISTOCK-Goal, ,Panchen; de- ,Me ,Core ' val
. 1P rota Slurio" Gn: the 3.4th of this mionth
.. I I try, *ejike to. think you are per-, standard, 4earer in the riding. He, will oppose W.,H. ng,,M.P.,' 44st subsit,itut,aa the names ,of Saints �i� ". I ,�;�
I I . who has been fn�rnber since 1932. Goldi !� ARRANGE ARMY � fense, Pearson, Kaufman; Centre, Har- at the end of the . , 1:.11�1�"f3l
-Ibming this service for Canada. Yes I Shown in the above photos . I - e -, period was 2-1 for the, localls; at. the bilitots; .0. given on thlat day,
, _ ris;_,wings, jgeeb, W10010 ...
'Huron county. Yes, end for W61 - i ;with Fred G. Gardiner, A Little,",F%dwer Music Club.. - was I "'i _
. are: Top -Mr. Morley (left), to ,' alts-, end Of the ,second 4-3:for the juniors, ..-,;;,, ��,
. , I I er -t, 'Mattlides, Henderson, Faber, I
. 401i comilnuEdty. 11 j - eve of Forest Hill Village, 11, Vogt, I I ��� 1,
. and vice-president of I -1 and, finially 4-4 at the end, of the regu- fOI=&d-_)vheu`bho fohloiring ,officers
. the Ontario Yausie, Morgailroth.
"As a remem,brance' Of this o�,;4-1 . cil.onse-Vative Association, who srto:,e at the gathering. Bottom-- DRIVE CO I lao playing Uwe. But in the over- were il�,med: Miss Germlida Plan-
. � I Referee--Chlck' Appel, Stmtfdr(t - A
I ::1 I I
-1. . muhity and as an expression ,Gr cur, A group of delegates who assisted with the convention. Left to . � -.1 time the locals tailed to ,hold the nery, President; TbsmG,a o'N,eiiH,'vie&, , , , , 1. �
) - * - _ � . - ,
I havo b,2�en, I eight: - � I __ . '. • I . , Lions and they ran in throe's quick rpreslde4k;' Catherine ' La�udonboch, - , . _.... �
kind feelings' toward you, ght. I . R. 144ba Taylor, Da�ftvvood, chairryNan; H. G. Meir, National War and Home . I .1 L.. Suntmary", ... . � . .. 11. �.111
' -
. Walton commulinhy , and Clari, Fisher, secretary of the Huron -Perth Conserva.___, ... goals. I secretary, Joanne McMillan; tr�*ur- , ,_",'���.,
1� IL .asked by, the W Lo I Seaforth, � I "
I � I I .N,;; . ........... " I . � 411
; present you in, their name this, wa;tch tivi- Association. - . First Period l: Seaforth, McChl- Seaforth seprers were MeLearl, er. On leaving each pupil re%kyed' 4
I .
I I We ask you to aco6pt it as fra� y -,7 I � ' .� .. — . Service Campaign Op-, lum - (Flannery) 12 50. p . .-
I, . __ - I � ,ona2tie&_ Nigh Pearce and Hudson with Pet- Valoutline favor. . �'Ifl
, . �
- - -_ __� .. -.,.
I we- offer it and trust that your a- -I ' . . I en Sills, Mattiries, Neeb., . alt6�, to McLe;iza 2, and Carnerion. 4. � � � .� . , I ,
, ' :,�
. s March 11. —.--- . .
,ceptance Of# will afford you as .l,LL.-_ i I I I Second Period: Z,-Tavlstock: Hen- ClOderich, sn�pets were WestbrDok,
' ; � _1. � I Ci, lo, niz., e. r. v a t i ve s- Choose �-
I ple;tsure as it I has gftedr us'' 1'a••' � ' Berson, 10.30. Penabty=-Sills�_ Johnson, Doak end Worse& - ' ' � ' ,
.��'jl_ fl, . � � I � - I . ' 11.41
' ,
,presentaraon. -, I � . Local arrangenionts.', the Salva- Third' Period: &-Tavist,ock- keii- SF_AF0R,TH,--G.m1, Messenger- &&_
I ,
. ,
� 'L
"We all 'ut-Mb in extending- to ,,, tiorial War andtk: Ser�ice demon (Mattbies) 5.10-,'4-13e�afofth: felwe" Ca'aleron, Riley; centre, Pearce; i&ONDVILLE AND � '��"' ...
I .��1.11:1 � 1. ..''.
., �,
aur many wishes, of good wV71 azi .1",i I J. a rn c s� M ci rl e w Exeter 'tClo,unatmNtgn, which opens on March 11, ,Lep,pw,,d (A. McFaddin) 9.30; -5-Sea- .wings, McLean, Nigh; alts., Gerarnall D.111-111 1. . .,� 1�10T
stim.you we shall take pleai�u,-N.11- � I . . which... : ,
. e In � � . �Lre progresising �,mro�ably, accardigg forth: Flannery, 12.20., panR,IyL===_Bell. Hudson, Hildebrozid. 21
. 1. exteaA ' to Jas. G. Mullen, Chairman of I I GODERICH- - Goal, Worsell: . , de' .'HENSALL ARE, GOO _511
. uag avert' hearty wei�oome ba -,k , the .
� after tine cloiW;s have rolled a,vu,f 1 Lau -.7 or, A s Candidate Seaforth commiltee.. _. , 0— , fence, Cootello, Schoenals; cmitre, . .
. , I . . ____
I . knowing thakit �ou shall be re�u,.-` ,," I . , ___* I __ The local committee includes- Calm- johnson;"Wings., "Westbr-ook, Doak- .. . ,11�'�.,�
- . -
from a'duty well donc. I . - Wc,,s,e11,','
,l,, Black, Dull- Continue Climb For Junior .
.1 I � G. Pa gr, Director, CaptaLin John D: Cam
Begins Contract ,&Is-, Garrick, . , - -
4Mhe-.h1DUr._of..p;i,r_tIng dr I . ,,I Seaforth Lawyers, .H.. Mr. S. G. Mullen� cteirman; Mr. G. C. , swellL , "I I Farmersl 11, , "
Pe and faith -.- in .4 the fuMn.; I �. 13righ,trall, treasurer; Mayor Johne J. - in.' Kirug 6rs", , ' ..i
. w
.-a,,. ij.�", m
I Spite 4C�r ll�6 Seaforth 4, Goderich 1 ,
� fl' and 'A. "Glen Hays, Cli,ff, Reeve J. H. Scott, Mir. T. A, G. t.Marys
� .. I . I I . , At S " .
. . 111101`6 is :1. tinge Of Slaft-eEZ Il' I '�., ' . - I . , . 11117R'�
- . - " . � I With Wins. .�
present w' ich I for ore di,� P -r,,. Ica - , . . 9rdion, Mr. E. L. Box, Mr. A. Y. Me- Seafoith',s Jun -team made,, the . I �
� . Junior' , ,
4 I ,
I -
� I Leen. , Edge, who some time first strep towandis, clearing up -th,e play I . .111,
I . to cherisi, and Confess, to, it tezi� Im + ,I also Nominp-ted But With- O'� Mr. Harry ., I , , — ' 11 I . 1, i
des to thc genuirelless ('If Our :Alm;l I � C IR, 0 S "" I � . . he of -re re- Off sfluation in the Jumilor 'C' g ' p �Tenfsall xud T,,P7,:no::dvi!',; ,lo,ritinued ,
I IRED 1 6 ! dr a -i w. . Committ,pes thiroughout t ids t a -go was awarded, the contract roll . 11�1
vyinpathy and h,".-tfelt fr',.,(1s1`,!,) !r,.,, � . . . I driclude the following: W`alton-W. mo'd'elling the Bell Telephone office by tHmaning Goderich 4-1 in Seafortli their winning strealcs,jn Juni-a-. Form- : -1
you. Slgr-�,il, 'Waltoa Or"Cill- un't- " I I . ___ C.. Bennett, chairman; Ketmeth Rit- scat St. Ma;rye, tihi.q we' _�
,� � Noy. ELZ�), � � week coiturnericted. lost Thuiisday ridghL_The series be. (11`1�- li,Dclvey lle,ne Riru! 1,'a" 'Aght by . �4
At the same time Mr. �r, - ', ''Ren, i , chie, David McFarlane, Robert Kirk- t1lic, work, A number of geafarth men I . /�'
C ! FOREST HH1,L P, EEVE dcf�,aOnz Willlt-LrOT) 19111.1 Dubli-rl.'Theso .
I . I . nott, on bc-lialt of the Sk-,forth 31,er. I __ . I I by, Norm," Sandei-son. Bradbagen- are being'employe(l, by Mr. Edge on (Continued orb Page 4) . two teanl�'9. )%Ive �1(-I!! ��w-1 " over
T the . .7
.1 . - � � :
. -
Im ,a tbe _
Aon, pr-�s4.�..tedl flack With an liom,�_I_rl M, .,: E., H. Cw; �LU ildrs.. .,�',. C. _-11. ATTACKS KING August 1-111lebre,clit, clialTmak ; Zach- the job and went to St.. .Marys on •lorigue all F�asoil �tr,d it�ol� like I I
. ' I - . ;
. anemberv��i, to the Canadian L. ,io; I rM_vvil. ihave ween a,. -,, I eous Elligison, Ivan Querrengesser, Weducsddy. , I ,. 4� 1� 'iPlay-
. ,�U�ULk.,� dele I . � Two tealll-r fry! -L 111�� !'!-,I )lird. Play.
I for the duration. . I gartci to the Fro"tima, '2o1Li(t:lr olth.e' . T-Taivey Ahsrni�, Fd,win Rock, William 4 _... I offis co-min,w-iiec, rvx,�.,-,-, c',: when Dub.,
. . I Rut'o-A'eith Conelcivatives, nleet- t Diego% John Arnstern, William Reillil. � - 6 . I . I
I - Mrs. Yr- Routledge and, Aal; "'h I. -P . R't,d Croso society, ", �.t, Wco.iLs In; in,g 4 .. �. I a - . . . . Stanley.Chapterpill 1114�ets I -P-11,-.111. I
I y -n cOnvelu 011! a an.- . . - . . . In ,the first gali,,�, N,'L';),L1,:�np' w,a.g.
. EvellYL, ,A T011`011W, are visitin,9 '.'.,,I. Toru!�,to ell. March uLfi - ; Ill 01,L ti t Flensall, on Dublin --A. Sutherland, cbmarm, . .. � I "
. I M1W;d-!Y ,ifterli-M, -lamed Mal- 14 ta fra .
-11 -Mr. and Mrs. Fred ROuL11011-e 3�1`1! . , and Croinarly-Mr, Sadler, � . t!!-- Hensall-
i ley, L-xeter lawy�,,r, as their camd1dat.e, Norths'ide".'Choir N. awes 'Of fi cers �.gi,eir a,`q-�, ':il�, 1- . . �
. -at- ', c - �chairrnan; Russell Worden, Sam Nor- . bairn. Fifi'l,"'111,11-P b -d Y- ':an- at-
. I tC(�*atinued on I The Young Peel . 's S�.-,Cic,., of - I g
. . to contest the riding In the coming ,i, ".. I I tack for il� vict(.!" fico r;
I . . . NwUl,i��ida United ul,u,uk �ul�- i�,111(1119 federal election. . s, Art Walker. 1�,ipj)ea-E. Mous - UZ five 6f
I I ' I . S,eftu Chairman; 17,'(1-4;'6 . n McLean, Wm. , -Is Entertained , Tile Royal "
. I . 6____ - - I a croxinoie ].arty - a�-i 011 lw- E,ed Xr. Marley's ,choice for the nomin- 'Glen I ti, Miss- Gilkillson. . . yal Scarlet .Chapter of the 1 the ridne ,goals. IIuq�zon :,()Llf,:-.��Pd with I �
. ' Caiii;)b,oli n-4 Tudor I
. I Cross. This will be L,td ,n the oase. otion was unain,imious, except for a I I D! - stilet of, Stanley Ineld their annual' two, c6unters. -
- ,. nignt of the church O., Taes,d,,iy eve M,e-f`adaIdl3�""s-f&nd against him. The ...'. 0- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart enter- meeting on Wednesday afternoon, � ,Wc-1V thir, ,c)-filier ,1,(',-e1':, ror the Hen- _
nc ' "
. I I
Ath ' letics a ' �e members of the Northside Feb. 14t1i, when the following officer;; 'Sal) boy.-,, Bettltks ,�ivn(l Ills team I
. Lith. 'i i ", twined the mernbc
. .. ii-4rig, Feb. 27t . only two wlib rals enting nolo- I , United Ciburch choir to a most de . Frani di-,Lrece by nf,i -Jng fw, * � I I
* 0 . - 'A'e"(' elooted for 1940: .1. , , - . Q goals, -1
f . ' I I I e*; were Mr. and Mics, Arthur Perry, 7##J S- rf acing lightful even'ing at �tlieir home on P, with Riley MPT)ingl in tbe third ome. -1
I I Bruins Winners, Wataii. the Red Cruse window in who liurnizated, Clinton's 29 -year-old -w- 'J 0 u Wor. Comp., Sir Kt, CQ,m , Fret] - 1
I . . i Cl -1,V1115 vacant storms. Pesld,ps many May,or, Ren G. Waters. WiLli Mr. . . Thursday evening. The hostess was McClymOnt; Dep. COMP., . Sir � WINTH1�0P--&-ol. ,rCCII**;' d -e- - 11
COMP. I S. Petty; Cha P„ Sir Kt., fen,s�t-, L T)nl.Tn,,l,gc,,'T,, y; ep;c�,Far . ......... . '. - "., 4
I 'On Blue Water tim'son: -,vings. Ptvtt!F Marshall -, �
11 In two ..�,�� �vo !j_ ., qu.,.t.s a�a�de assisted by Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain i In,
. gular Duncan ��,A". ,nn's o,he-r suppiie,s, o PdlrrY On the Ontform, and Mr. Wa- . .
� -beta there'ou setuTday ln,olruinC, ti,,e �roiil "craps of the c,._ag room, are ''tern ab.e'nf, Mrs. Perry stood. ailo-ne I � 11 I . and Mrs. W, C. Barber ftring the Com,rx A. E. Erwin; Scribe, Sir Kt, � q 1_
Birelft Ord the hthlettes wer- , vri_ I oil diispia.y at. present. . - - " for Waters on the flo-cr of ddnuor ,hour. . ComP. Charles C. Pilgrim; Treasur�er, I alt's,, Kerr. Brown, TT,,tblci,r'k-, Little. - :
, I 'ie con- No 'Pei a HFNSALL-Goal. Rintoill; enfanqe, - I 1.3
. I M�aneut surfacing w4l"I be , c1hoir Sir 'Kt. Comp. Elmer Her. I
. * * 4; volition ,hall, when 'a standing "'Le done oil thio Blue Water 111glaway this -- s
.1 mera-.' In the first game. t'eiwe�,fl� tWO ,- . An aUeuldauce, contest of th, a-ld, Sir Kt. Gornp, -Percy johngt.an,; Tudor, Will.9rd; certrc,, Tj�tfle,, win
. teams of Group B, the Bev.: 0 Lia-TTV- ca,. ship- was, ezll6d. . inembeis was planned with the 1) re - - 'g81 .
ay noised out the Bisons 5-��. As the � w , year, Hou. T. B. McQuesten, Minister i -dent, Missy Ruth Thompson and ilie Ist Lecturer, Sir Kt. Comp. w J. Me% Hud,slom, Tu(lor; tits., X,'Ni,smore, G.
�. I I lied lyy the - Sea,ocw bra,ricL of the The otl�ers n ' amed, but w1ho with- of. Highways, told a deputation Tues- s�eqretary, Mrs. L. H. Close, as cap-, Lpo.d; 2nd Lecturer, Sir Kt" c()Illp. PaF�rnor(,. Campbell, Dimcan, Fair-
I dre�ir were Frank Dannelly Gaderle,li- i . .. I I
I I v.com indicates, the gaftle, Nfts, cl�'060 Red Cross, on F�A&_y, FL;. i6tl.: . "' I Glay. The deputation camposed' of - I Louiq Clark; 1st Conductor, Sir Kt, boifiT.-o. .1
i P
..."... I . . mud the 131sons Put UP a good fight .30 pairs pyjamas,, �iu�tliosvltal gowns, 11. G. Mei,r and H. Glenn 'Hays, bolth reeves. and mayors and repmEyenta- twine. � conip, John Pea,,w;, ?,nd � .1.
I .
I beiflare bimmig defeated 'by .one go -at. of Seaforth. ' Moollay was; nom�n I. , Cobduc.tor" In f -he S+-Ond zariIe, Dublin put tit) 11"
I I jackets, 120 pill1low cases, 48 surgical Mir. - Uves of hoards oflra(le in. mundetpelli. 0 Sir Kt.. Comp. J. T3. Rathwell; Inward I (111i,k, a fiz�)t *before, g,oinz di(lym, to �
,. Fralser and, Coombs led the scoring towe,ls, 12 bed pads, '24 T-turildages, ated. by Thomas -Prydie, of txeiar, tie -19 toughed by tho highway, waited 11 Herald Sir lZi.. Comp. George Clarke:_ dofcat ;1� tho linrids of il'p Femorid. .�,J
for tbe winneim gatting, two goals -2 I . , 114 Palm wriatloLs: who said it was the first political con- - ' vill� foani 4-3, ..
� I Lialis. socks L vention he had ever attended. . on the minster. Out�%,trd Herni'd, Sir Kt. Comp, Anson I C-arn Rintoul, Don .11 ,�
each, while'A.. Ryan sniped the fifth ' * 1* * Mr. McQuesten said: "The deputa Receive ';'-'! 5eals at Coloz'nun. I Mr -Loon. .V Nlcl,nls,�in niid A. Me. I "I
, count. , Eisiler *as, the„beset "You foll�- . I and "I have never taken a keen jn,tew- tion waited on mo o�- (hey 1. do atinkla.1- . I Ti"'In wrj,� flif, r_-n10lJfJJ,ilJ+, scorp'T.,.” I.,
, � the Bigolls getting tW6 Ile I . , , :11.
- !.!
Please wash hospRa supplies est in affairs, but now I bellove, the ly to a8l< 1.01. con,qi(,�,t-; i provid- Northside S.S. , Whill;1 Wil -71 1�d ili�, Tr1,;bTn,(.q with
le goals, will , -s before returning them to the I Lon in N -L --*--- :
I I Wilson em d1 Coombs each countered sock time has arrived wlvem it is, the duty ng for a certain aw-int of work on I I ,
. . ;
I I work rooms. Do sat Oresus, wilatlets of every elecit,ow to do his of ,herr part L;I,, T11110 V�.ate,l, lliglj.,%��y. I W hvn.goals nn{] O'C rivni. x0oil ofio. 11�.
for one. . auffs of socks. I I . as s,ym- � I . 1. 10 ,,I
the hdgh-fly4ng or I 1, I - Seals arca] Diplomas are ennitip�t Rurnq. O'Conmor, Afc- . ,
In the second, game dfn gletting behind' a Nat ' ional Govern- athetic but pointed out a,11 capital ex. Each year Se� Grey'Tp. Couple Lep:ln- ..P(,f'(,,',(-�,--T,']-,i7iii(--rT. 't�
I AthleUc8 added ambilhor VI,c,tory ,to I . ,m,ent auba in; thrlowing party politics rjendfturp pas pi,o,�ct:bpd, this year Awlardf,�J, rn.,,rn4N-.4 of Northside ITIllt- 1. ' - I
. ,
. Anyone having brown, wrapping pa- aside far the who have I ,
rouricing the dbraition of the war," owing .Co the uccesSiLy at oonseM,ng ed Church P,uri-day School, T-"(',.�IONF)�'IT,T,F.-(I,r-,,,ii. XTps%p�nger,,, P, ,�
their string of wins� by .t Married 50" d. 0,eP(-nF,(,, N;ohnlson. Rjn't011l� 0M,t
I irgos 11-3. ThiG.-in Puts , per is asked to bring it to the Red Xleclared 'Mr. Pryde. In offering the, all exenditures for war purposes. mi%soa not more t,han two Sundays . -M,
I . snlucky.A leg well, on top of their Cross roo,ms. It is needed, to Yilml) parne of Mr. Morley, Mr. Pjyde suld A. McLean; vdii.zs. D� McLoqrf, Obies- -."T
the Athilet parcels; for sihippl,lig. "It was Painted out that the pros- d�ring Ole year. The following have ' , ,.,.�
' I R 0over, of Grey T11Pv: "Ilts., ,V er�,M Tn el IL . "
-s , , was
., . .�
h6lmd known liftri far many year I .Mr. and Mrs. , J. H Nioliolorq. ".
group. (A,ewy I)ed the AthletAcB to . I pects for a, very good �idfve toultat be,On award,ed flit,ir S( -,%,l -s, and Diplo- Township, celebrated their 50th wed- T)T'RT,TN—'GuP-1 McCaxthy; dief,ense, �'i !�,
their win by, getting fivo goale, Wlifle anxl he sllok,e highly of the chaxactor rums for the year 1939: - 'A _!��O�
Cheaney got three and Reid ,had two � . .. .... � � ;..—* year wore good and bliat higlipway de- N. .T. 0'0onIT<)?, F. Sta,ol�etcvn: centre, � '..4,f,
L . (Continued on Page 4) yeliopmeut should be hopt up. Sea;ls—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams ding anniversary on Monday. M 1�11
, . I tkWked up to his ciredit. McLean "I agreed, to give special conwldera_ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porteotm, Mr, J' H-OOVeT was, formerly Margaret Gib- 13117r%: wine z. McQuald DR.1four; al- � Zl,
*_ . Pilly. 0*0o�noq% wiltiqn., . i
got the other goal. sinith, Quinlan Stands First rst Rabb, Mrs. I Pollard, Mrs. J. Knight, Ron, daligh,ter. of the late James and' tornotips, O'Te . , ,; .
I ,
.. a were tho three goal get . r tion by way of wainteriance-4p. an on- v. Margaret Gibson, of the first line of Klip.4nfoldlt, Krausilcopf. '. 111'�,
al* Wbod deavor to make. conditions afs, com- Mrs. Wilbe-rt Wob,�,tex, Ronald Sa �',
auge, Margiierit(, Westoott, Wilma ,Morris. Mr. Hoover is, the son of th+, .e— ,�',,:
bears for the Amos. . In Dominion Kippen East W.I. fortable as, Possible." ... . Hay, Patricia f3ecliely, Ernest Clarke, late Adam and' Ellen Hoover, of thel � I . I �i,
—0 flih concession of East W I 0 11 I 0
.Mae Clarke, Betty Clarke, June Stoll, . 0
. . Jarms m. Simpson, of Wim,lb", a 4-4�,Ll Holds 'p,ingo Lois Firinigan, 'Billte BaktY' Garfielct The ceremony wa,�s perfor.e."'b'y t',lie- i Legion Drive
ing student or the o-ntailo ins-titute of Speaking I Baker, Lol,% Hoggaith, Harold Knight. lut(' ltev'. 1, B. Waflwfri, then StitiOn- I 'I
Sure,of.Pldw* , Chartered Accountants, . won the all- 11 First Year, Diplomas�—Jack Weed- edi E4,13luervale, and pastoT of the for- , , , � " �
The membsors QC the Kipperi, East
Goes'' Over To'p� 11�..."�
- mler Methodist -Church, on the. 19th I . Ir,
; ver, medal given bY till" DO11161516M, M k, Betty, Weedirlark, Blaine, Weed- .,
" � 1. W. 1. and th�edr families spent a Merry ar — ,
Jean � e bruary, '1890. They started I
. I
. . the candidate with the standing , The campaign which flip Canadian
for Mrs. George Glenu, Liondon, Road, on `�mni Diplomas — Janet Baker, m;ar-l"I'd life an the 4th cono5asdon of I . i ,Y
-match in 1942 sociation of Chartered Aceountants pleasant time at the home of Mr. and of a Hard Winter 10 g J n Sri ll. �Ly of "Pe . i
... , , 17a�' ' I Legion lims oondu,rtea dillring' the past � ,,, ",
. I 94% Reeves hlph,eslt in Canada in the a0muntl'ng Wednesday evening when -they hold Aubrey Baker. E,,,i,-A Wawazoeh, near Westfield, and "M
I Warden George Poo Have you twelve years. later they mored to the two weeks, on, beflialf of tive. Cianadian; I.....- , 11
. I r�
Turner of Godetio 0Ad Gj�wubio of and auditing papers on the Intermledl- a very enjoyable* b,'i'ligo party. After .1 I Legiton, War Se'm'vice,q, he's, gone over
tArrna6- on. Thulmday from ate exkirilmdon, results' of vihich _* 4th concessilon, of Cmey towaship near _
, - ; ,,�
Howick", Xe the bingo party a aplendid lunch was ' I the Cop, accordIng to President Geo. . � � �r
.i have recently been announcedl. Brlispsels, where they,, have since re- . "
. attehdang, the Onkalrlo' PlowmeWO As- served aold t1lien, We; ockets wk'.,ph ordered 'your ' D. Ferguson.
.. - is a sonor T. T. Slm,P- ., sided(. To this union were born two 11*; �
, , I
I ,
. . Bodation In Toronto, at w6joh, they 'Mr. Simpson had been staid 'on th6' 'Med bed- Hon. W. D. Euler . Whito rLeturns are not complete, "I'' .
�, *_ made sbmng representation, �O have son, 139 8"herd St. E. *4ndoor, spread during the evening WOT6 JAU I . . daugli-ters and three sons: Mrs, DullLL 11, ,
- Mae one or two divialong
can McCallum, Blyth� Hary i%e stilt beling ',
the ln�i&riraltlorftl Plo_wWg Mith hold and Is a MVIIeW Of Mrs. 3AI�n- Rose, ) in ,a box .and Mr. Melvin Traq%air's 'D & H' Anthracite vit . ey, Mount ,
, � -e - a to be hlea.rdi from, the Seagorth alqb,4 ''
., I
'cd4vin . H. Ross, Of ill Speak Here Fai _�;rt; Both and Norman, at home.
. ,.1. . in Hii-ron In 1942� Glordion ,c , _M,�Xpllop, ajid Mrs. Alex name was on the ,ticket which "was cation of $450.00, bas. alrewy bom . 1. -,i
-, - Hw,ott Ac;w- Mi4thesen, Ont,, and alio 'of the I lets' dmwn, -1 I . ... I .— I . . 0,ne son, William, died in 1925. Mrs, ,''
I gmsiaeat or the North . " I met, Ml`. Ferguson said%,
ai, direoA61' Of James X SIMPSOU, Of MOK11110p. et 7 I Hoover had dine brother bhejato ,
imeWs AasoCistaoin-, and, ANOte of thanks was. tendered, Mr. y I I, I— . I . ''!: 1, ,
.. ��
E& Im
is ,iqf- I
,,ii� , I
,,, 'L
'I I
I Graduating 'With SeOlOr XIMAtIcUla- Hou. W. D. Biller, Mindater of Tlua,e ,,. Pet,or Gibson, of Hanklton!,� Mr. HIW,V- 1. !
t *Jw P�o-dncial AssoclatION/1000 ,at- and Mrs',. Glmn for their ldh&"hospi- .1 I ',':��",,
� tion at "Itehnedy C0110919te, he later ' afid cornmeme in the King a6vorn. or Is 006 of a family of tdidrtden eight I ��,;,,T,-��;",
-ten&d the oonvenbicml: 6hty to which Mr. Glenn made a arid Gordon Hoover, Momat ftJMJ%`*' ,�:, �,.,,
, . �,;l , �.! .
11 I � I , A�
. %%jey ftm,6 SVMy feeling' wsured ,atteiiOed Windsor Vocation ) sdk(A for I , We Have It. me -nit, will speak. in Seeforth on Pri- of whom are still living, WR'6�� bro, -1 I ., . ��,`,A,N�
I � very mAtable reply. The singing of .I., Sohn and Murmv Ro6vor. , � � ,;,;,;'
- . , __ . �
Vlw� .. I
'� day, Ma.rci-6 16th, it was announced thor reoldi-Irg in WeBand. while the, Mss. H,00reT I . ,*�U44wzAM.-', ',,�,.�
tb�t lffij6y Und C.0nV&We1d1 the powart, 18 month,9. AliNOugh he WOU A . "Tbxw Ame Joifty Goodi Vellows�l and 1 M -vitfloz-V ' . I -,
1.11 "', .� i�,4X, �1.
I , "Ommmn week. MT. .F,ut,efr will %Dea,k on others, ros4da- IR Alberta. They -have is 78, T1h .•., � tw
I '. � !�, . L 'Hnr�00'4�611to Wa81'W46l1,'1R"WP In 91`01*166M from I Fj , %; ;-4
I I" be that "God $five the King" brought the eve- � tit Is; fey ii bb-th, , .�,,�
, , 1� , ,,, , "
I..... , � �,�.'�"
, ,
,64aflW4" 66 oaa(l% "" -bfgev�eut, Mr, Simpson did not accept It. , N. CLUFF &SONS bebaf of W. H. Golding, Liberal can. seven, gIWWthl1d1nen:' � Rarvey Jetan heialt1l. ,, ,ph,s- � :1 , �, i, ,
y ttrie � I' �,,."
I - . ning to A 0100-4 , I I � , � , , ��" - �,�,�,,,,�, -
I -P( and Irient MoCal,lum. J3JyW;, kelVin Bns,Ws Unlie4 I ,
. I,Lh" eudod tbxft years in " dWate in Humn ,wbh. I : t, � ���;�
C"M40- *dl orgadAftiuon- I I �,� "
. _ . . - -, . . , , -,�,`
.. I I I ��,�_
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'AT CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION . , . , % . �,,,j�,,
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:WALTONCOMMUNI"v I PRMIET qNSALL 'eaeDefe-aysoc,..,_,� - ,- , I % . - ." ,.-'�. �"!r..;..,�.';,:,'�'T��,;rr,,,.,, ,. "^ " ; , 1_,�,`. "'' _. : . 41af '"' LL A�,��,�.,,���,��".."""��,��i,�,,',,-.�,,��,�, i! � . . . . . . !,r��,,' T ,�,n�,!,�P, �., E .'. ARE: - Op- - G- :�," , " - ." ` .
I ` . . ,,, I i-�;�, �! ", ,�, 7
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, , " , "' , , ""
. HONORS LANCE�,-UORP - , R Er S I'D, T ke" elling , I 'S 'N. , ,� - -,� ,�`,`�`,... "
`�` 1 - 1 n � I PREM RE.C.1
- ......, . Ot, . . � ame
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I 8,
,i,:�:r.'PACK . DRAGER ! ".
'IZO , � CALLED, Ill �'- E TH Int.- G ' ' ' "" � ,V �, . _'11"
, J I ....... � ,,,�"'.,111. , - �. I , , � . I aT_ I. . t �, �,���I'�":,7"1""�'�""..�'-,���,�",."",:
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,"'q`�,,,,gt, ` , , b -C 1`,,V,',N,"T,,,,
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rl," ,/ ......... .. :,---,. -@�., I.' � — . ,
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,ii". li;",.,.,..",",.i��:.*.""*".,.Ml.11.""�,.�'��:,.",.",,.�"."�; 8.'*�; asil - Ed*4rds Was Seaforth Fains FollovV Te ,
_51, m�,��,�"".��-Isl.;14""�-"'-."'�,,�'.�""-'��",I"",*,.",,.!":"",�'.�, ?�,*'Iil!
I �l".'�".'�".""."'.,!'i"l�'I'�'I'�l.*�'i'l"�'ll".I *11' ii , � �
. , I .."�l".."'/.-...,!"",,l".i�l.,:?."�""��l.i " '", ,
Among, Fir -at of the village , il, ,.,.",". Mrs. B' � 1011��!11'
.,?"...,..,..�,.�..�-.,-..-�,',.�.,...?*�-'.,',."�� " , , `� 0 9 0 -, 0 ''Little Fl`6*&'X4qC1�_:`014 ��,�,,�,;,�,�',i',�,,,'�,,,;"��,"-',,
I - . , ......-, I I 4M e a I
� .. ""'., -,R`-,,,`-�--`r.`,- 1 _ v,�o,,,,��,,,� ,,,,,,,
, '' I -,��.--:� 0 ��,�.fl,�i��'§!"�','
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1111-U � .. ..... . ..... 111111,111-111"
..".. .- ..' - M.�, �.i "'.....'..0.5., .pb,,�J.. -, ,
.,_'.." — ' ', _
...'I I ......I. t_ ij', ;7" ,,,,f,"T,�,.`k�
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,:;.. j, 'M "'. !�
.1.--.1.-0�`-,'�'f`, "'..." . I
. �&",'
rrrr .. ,. � ,=?a. .00, ., Formed- ... Follo '.4 ��,� , ,�,, � ,
-11 �.....
To Enlist . i-."�."-,�"1".."..".i�ll""I.-�"*,..i'-...�"...'�"I",...,--'�'.....--.,��,..-.,.,",.,.,,�.....,,�..,... '. , "'I"'e, - - Well Known Leader in .
, � ... "i�., " I IN ..... I Wednesda7 NiNighfand §ee
I ..
. "' 2�,,,;,-;.,-. ..'.. ,"I 11%,�.,..Iil ....... __ � , I I. V �, ��-�;."',:,�,�,gygl
.11,11" -�ms�ww I... .1"' . .1. .
: J , .....". .. I .1 19;_ ,
Ist is Presented -, , .1-5.".- " �, 'Win
-iR5�,,,,,l 1��i!!;;.. . I �� I . N.',fl-�N,�
. I � 11 !��1111v,. "I
. . I 11", ..-.R?,-*,,.,-.. _'."I� ers -2 Decision R,�
. 5,im.,. " . 88 Years ' f
-�.:., :;,:;....� .."... .
, R -R'.."
���i��.,.,..s..--..�..i,,,�"-"",�,,..-.,....,- ;1!1 .
-Watch. , , . 1,11 "' ,,Carmel Chtirch. 3 " , .
With ,.-..'���" Bgav I 4-
. �;�;.:�xx; ,ii.. . . . . . . . ,Take 3 1 . .
. ... . p t ,
i�:�����;""".,.. . . I., en Ev
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�..", ..... ,.-..!.: ... I ., 11 I , I n, " '' . :� ," - - ---�, F
?.111-i�.; .il;,.:.Il,:,:,;�..�:;.�::-:,;.:"t� �* Butt, well known Sea- . — , ,�,,-",.",,"
- "I"111 . ..... 1, I "I
.1 in Semi -Finals. William Bu �-
'* -
% 0
" � oi
'I, I
. - .
1,5,al �c ,
,11.21 - .
�,, -,;.;-;�. -.;.,;�-.-, ".."..P �'..-`_
I ,��1.1.11'._,
-, ".. ....... � - �!,�
.4 .,,-.:-;. forth resident,' cel bra.ted'his_�Sth, ' IN COSTV E. P,, -�: ",�,`:N"','i';-,.,;1,
NEWS OF 'OVAL ON , .:...;,.. "', " , , NE - OF HENSALL . e W �"",�
I -.1- 'I V, ..V.1, 4,
:^,-4-`-.?, ,,,, , ", - ", , '. ' � I . I RJX tl IS;- L . 4,
I '..... . ..... . . �-.-,; i-,.,-,?..i!0`.'.i`� '...,_ t
I .. - -? - , ,;
.1-1111. ... .. . . birthday at his- repld�qnpp ,on .0,en.:f � -.1
1,11,11 ,�,i --Ri�., .0, i ' X
. I ,- !,.r'
. .. � I . E - ,- .. I - �. I � :�.,i��,�,'%��.',,',t �j�!i�
� %�,�--.g--,., "'; - Death of Mrs. Basil Edwards RETURN GAME,H, R.E` tre.Stropet on Saturday. ,-Although . . . I - . " . If " ;' "V
.. ", - 9 V�allenfine refdtal: , "
" ..'Igg;�` , , " - '_ 7A very interesting ',f�l -,
'* .
"' "' , "; 'ili`��',.'i-' " , 7
lLa=e Corp. Jack Drager w-�& hon- f�N ,,--.".,-T',---,; -,*-`--`-,f�-..', d ,
gar i,... , ,,!��,u�',.'.-'.-'.-""�",Y.,...Y,�., ��'._-��'E "...`.-------',f�.`.',. ... I
�!�;�i� ...... ...:�ii���� .2 R..,.,..N:-'.',, i',f-.,'.'.',i.'-.-,',' '! M l3utt,dods not, o pAsigle dur- .
_, ,.�, .Ri'.i' , "
0.3 �
1,111" ' -
cared by fliends In the : : math claimed one of the ,most •b -, f1w I 'O I � �1,�.',""�,r "� �",""
. . Walton ddz- .. �*1`1'_§"`f` i". �:; 11" I .1 MONDAY NIGIRT 4," ing: the, winter.w.eather, he enjoys was ,held Satuirdlar afterxooay...� , ,",L,"ffi
. � ..; , ,�.;""-.�-��-i-l...,?�'....""'.�.�"lI clitizens� in the . . NIGIRT I , m, I � t K
1.7 2 -g,,,-.�,�.'.-:;�� ......�AfNl' ViC
Irict on Friday.everting, when he .as -'--'--'-1,i1 1: 7 X,, ,,.p ved 1, and, respected :.good ,health and K 4ulte active. t,�'�'4 pwm� by t1k,& pupils, of Aq;��,4,�s "";
�. ' — . . - , �
- Aw the _� ' � �V, �,,
. .. . , 'g
., _
_.X - of Mrs. 114gA, � V - ards, is many
", ephig 0,`
s .. person, � 0
,preserited with a watch, Tike occa- %.� - aa- : ���� - ,.,. 1. Sealowth Beavers, , a 'friends will join The Convent, wbez:. the 1�110%-M_m� P000sted' , , �-, -, �
. . ", " I .
. , . I _.. I..... I .
-a presentatiorll w' - . .., former, Minty WcGregor, daughter Of eavers, broqglit houne, a 'pr, , 1'�4�;�T,,,,,An§,,�!-
zion of t'! , 11 . _E .it.rin wi.sh'!pq h1in many Of Piamlo, vialiaT, 'and ' )�!,U.
I ." ,the reg 1,1�, - vocal Uum1beiig," - I li",,%, 1 "
. -ular dume. L I I the late Mr. amus XT9. Archie'McGnetl Ono'gowl, lead, with therri from Taxi- I - .. . , 1, !I A
hapoy returns of the -day'--'- ''. . -- Mary Margire � ` , , 01
- � ,
.11 . - , . t Gleary apd, Pauline -,il ,�
Lance Corp. Drager was born, ' and � gar of Tutyliersjc�th wiho, palsseld, stock W-eftegfty elveridug after the 4 - . . . .11 ."'(�_ �41
� ...:... I . . Matthews, won first Prize tpr,�cqgtulme,' ).,�,',,�,4%',!
.... . _. '.
waised in the village and after at- --- .. 11 ,.�,-;. �� . peacetUtly away at her home Sunday OPIell'ing game of Gipup Q Inter " — I M
, ,
� . I
I,_ ____ � '10 S1800'rid pri2es w�gt 4ther- �. - -gg
�P ell� .,.. , �� . I . ling an iaikieGs of a ELA. semi-finaljs� • Tavistock I* • 0 0 I* whi
.1-1-1.1-1-1.1-1.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.,.. I ....... I -to ,�;,� ,,,, r�
. �11.i, .,!,..I",.,�.������,f..'�,�;.�j.���o 41
.--'N�11.`��g` � I •I
�*�1'10!.11;1,�, , 411 C
stending school. In Walton continued .� , .. afternoon failowi I return game here Monday ''I 'ine, Laud,611-bach -and, Dianne. - ` "i�";`,
. .�.11.5- .::::::.�..;;� - =alyth"111 M�0)1m , � i" "I
M-1. �4 shKk duration as fox �___ —
, ` ,
�. .
itis studies at the Seaforth Collegi- .. . � aa. the general _. - __
I I , .. 1, .1
. M 0§..§ 'c was aware, but, limown as) com, Ight. . . , � 1. I The openling ehoruv; �110 Ca 101
� Ate. Going to Toronto he was em- ", I'�,Vi�l-I'i'.-1,�&'� public - ni . . I . �_.. I , na.ft"
,,�01 , 8,0'dl "Tile Maple Leaf" in medigj� . , . ,.101
Mgf. � ing to ,herself fQT. m0ny'years. She McCallum opened the scoring for ' 1 . � illorm, �
... -
� iployed in .the head offiep of the SiheH ...� K�,N,- . , vem in the fla-sit Period on an � with rh3ghm band, accompa&uon . �11.1141W
I ... N I i - I wae in h- the ,13e4 , e ,�
OU COMIP4117, from Which he took Wk. "' -, I er 61st year and' was. chose- JU �; �-, OR PLAY OFFS and violin obligato, was followed by
I ..." ..... . . I." 71.- iizations, of assist from Flannery. Regdersorl, of . I ��:�,".,"'11
ly c9umeet7ed with -oilga3 ,1
�:: ..... . �
leave of abserice to en'llet. Mr. Chas, ��:i.�.�'...�'�,�,��'�,�,�,�"i:i:�*,-:� 1. . Piano duetsi by Missesi Marjorie ama , ,
: 'the score in, ,the sec �,
��.: ii,�,.�..�,.�'.i...'..,*..,I,,', ; � the churcliL she was, president of t,he Tta'vistOck, tied .� Mg�.i� �
&�Xers, hii,q 'ieacher an the years h I— . . Y
. %::::;:;!::4�1. ... Tdieresa O'Neill,, Geraicla ,.�'A%�
. ::� . ,, and and ,came, P . FUnuer�.y .
- I ARE NOW TIED UP andAlfice, McIver, and'LSc0t0h ad' . . -,,�",
-went td Walton school, rea&"a" Very - I W. M. S. .of Carm�el Presbyterian, �W'11-' a6 early in ,_,
W$=�-F ' She tought ,t T _�Liot . -RIM I
- I �
. . again
the lead. . �'tI'll,l
I i�.-,_X� Church, for m1ani" ,6ibrs�, -lie third to -give � . ' Z
I., . - - �
1, :,
. insViring address, which follows: - R��.'- . JoAnne McMillan',: Other piaji�' - . ..�,,-
�. ..... �; . Loppard fired a long shot Ibiree min- ... ;1,11
..... .
. %
.. . Dam
.,. .:.;, -,.:.:-,.�� . . �',',',
"Dear Jack.- I am sure we all foal .,:.,:*.i�;;;��:::�.%z school before iter mar7tage for a
. . ,i:.:-.,i;;;i�-�:"..,.,
". , �:,.,.�,.`. _ , , - game. Flannery bers' were b� Catherine Liliden-baLeb, .. ,,Rl�
7;1:1-�� xz ales later to tie tbre
.-����!��;!�!�.i*.*'.�'.. ... :::: .
7� kamored by -the fact that you' U, v t� I ,:111."11.1 , . .., .11 number of years at School Section IL� JX1f . Wa:,y Local Team, Wins First B& jean McMaster' Pauline Matthews, 1 --Al,
, �`i!,�`.�'.�, ': soored the winmax goa, b I , �$R
::jj :,.,.. ," '!
�-t seen fit to lay a. -Ade, your ,�uties ,%zli . li�i"'.��..: .. ...... .... .. No, 2, Hay, and was a most patient, . �. 6,g"
.��,.:..-. .m... ....,
, :;;': �-':.-;;�:: ::.,.. ...1., , , - leary. . TlIose were ,
_... ,
,.:.:,. Mary Mlrga,let 'C I.Ag
,- , .. , through the Period; when j. -s back-
. � , capable and. pain—sftking `leacher. Losels Second in
11:.;-r ,her. For ,
` '. -§ong,? 11 'A
I cam16'till" distance so as to be w:L.i .. -, 1W ... :� ;,..:" followed by a chorus, 1,ChemTT `�U
_, . '_ :�`.�I_., .. ,
.. ,",` " F many years sthe bad sullered .. '..", ,'�IL I
, i .*,_., � %&_._ -�:; a, in b0aided the puck fu,am just inside the I I . ''!
VS in Walton here this evemlig. ;V's .. M � . . ,,,
::`*i,.iii:j:"'1 �,: - . Overtime. ' IvIth Theresa O'Neill and Geraldia �. I rip
appreciaLe your being lhtr:'D and tiro ---- . , - -i Whib-h them Tavisitock bilue line. . . I . ,,, 1_411
. curable d,serase from , was - I - , A
.$$:;;::.,�.,-_.; Flannery taking the so, -Io 4
:a .. I '.
I ary Pro yid of you, especially; because . Ticeie ganie was exciting thToughout . . parts,, Me$
, I . . no medical relief, but ,&he bore it all. TI
, , .. . I Betty Moore, .. _.-
::�!� , i lit "bell , . . , ,
X': i � taking b,11,; 4 z
.. "
is, community, 1 .'.4."; i::i: - . ulilth great Christian ifortitude, so and was a fasit clean fig from I .tho vitolln. o . I .,
3vu am 6OW-thi .�. ... ... - -::: doderich 7, Seaf orth 4 - gato, .
, , I I . :
.. ,. .... -1 to bell. Seaforth looked AI'lle Hilde- �
,. you ;
are one of the first' boys frLom here ". ., that scaxcely most ind4late friends Although at one time, iii the game Also taldialg their part Au U VIOLL I �'. i
aft ' th ' -71
I -c"King! X knew of it, Surviving we ber hors, brandit, one of the Beaver's, regualrs, -,t,, Jundor-.j had a four to glum we,r. � 1 :1 I
\ to answer the 1 : _,,e $oafol.4)h
ull.�, or and Colin- ....:1.e., 1 � . e the little.junrior pupils
I I...., I
try for overseas service. Although it � �;. ., "': . band, three sisters, X[ra. Arnoldi Pe- �oo was dInjulred lu"..blie Clinton -Sea- ".
� , i . I _. I . one lead, they - went to a 7-4 defeat 'Dianne Mellon, Ronnie .. 1,
. . . .1 .. , Sills,,
1 .I"
. is re6ret forth game of Inst,week. In the first in Overtime in "Goderd'oh, .,Tuesday Lou Sitkl% Barbara O'Nefl, Ivi-a .
table�4that such greed au,d, ... . �;; I ,. . trie and Miss, Mae McGtego,r, of .�
� 1,�.. , � I . .. ,I rgaret I
.1 �41., - peri .
. European. disasters have meads such 11 �!11; . ranto; Mrs. James Mustwd, Kippen; ad, Allis McFaddin. suffered, a nigtlit. Walt,Westbrook hedh ... the God- Moore j6s;&pihine,
. ..
1. ,:� I '_.
occasions- aig. this necessary, we I . ". two brothers, William, of Kippe , -nositY cut , -Melver, Yt�111'111
. thank . � ,,, and, - on' the forchead that re- enrich Lions whei"', pulled out ief a Boltan, and Anina De, La Franier. The
� �.-
quired two stitclies� He was -on I ,
. :�,',"': John of Hay Township. "
- God than there are nlen.stig* as you -., � I oe in the second period.. ,- , scoving.'slump and bagged in fain story. of St. Valentine was, told 'by:
� ,,...r.... - . ,, go � y
.�aok, ready to answer IiII4 call and .% ,.: � The funeral, wirich ... Wo.a...be'l.a, froro I the gams., besideis, earning two 'asslists. Gerwlda Flannery i o a
... . , .1w
11 y a whi.h she'rel t-
.%".-`,.-� I -Goal, Stade; defense, ,His se0on .
- ........ � . - I - . . SEAFORTH
carry On from where Other soldiers ':�- . d 90aa C&II10'at 'the thirbeleen ed how St, Valentine in order .to ,��1111
1.11, (Continued on Page 4) rtSilts; cenctre, k McFaAddn1 . , &h
bave left off in the last war of wWoh minute mark of the second Perio& and, abolisill! the heatheir superstitious, ou's- .. ,�P.'.ings, R. McFall -*11
this seems to'be a continuation. Al . . . . I I . din_ Lep.p4rd; alts., i,is.third clount after two minutes of tam of boys', <iraiving the names, of 1.1011
I L'S.Ay that . ,.An open conventiopi held by Huron -Perth Fl vinery, G. HIldebrand, McCallum, the final period with another goal. in � - ", ,.2
- I . II sines in.-J),cuor of their Goddess "'Feb- .1 IM11"
though you would Lat yoxi bave Conservatives on Bell, MW,r, . . . " 91
I I the Z ff,6.:
. joined..thle service for King and Colin_ Monday, nominates James Morley, Exeter lawyer, as Conservative, . TAVISTOCK-Goal, ,Panchen; de- ,Me ,Core ' val
. 1P rota Slurio" Gn: the 3.4th of this mionth
.. I I try, *ejike to. think you are per-, standard, 4earer in the riding. He, will oppose W.,H. ng,,M.P.,' 44st subsit,itut,aa the names ,of Saints �i� ". I ,�;�
I I . who has been fn�rnber since 1932. Goldi !� ARRANGE ARMY � fense, Pearson, Kaufman; Centre, Har- at the end of the . , 1:.11�1�"f3l
-Ibming this service for Canada. Yes I Shown in the above photos . I - e -, period was 2-1 for the, localls; at. the bilitots; .0. given on thlat day,
, _ ris;_,wings, jgeeb, W10010 ...
'Huron county. Yes, end for W61 - i ;with Fred G. Gardiner, A Little,",F%dwer Music Club.. - was I "'i _
. are: Top -Mr. Morley (left), to ,' alts-, end Of the ,second 4-3:for the juniors, ..-,;;,, ��,
. , I I er -t, 'Mattlides, Henderson, Faber, I
. 401i comilnuEdty. 11 j - eve of Forest Hill Village, 11, Vogt, I I ��� 1,
. and vice-president of I -1 and, finially 4-4 at the end, of the regu- fOI=&d-_)vheu`bho fohloiring ,officers
. the Ontario Yausie, Morgailroth.
"As a remem,brance' Of this o�,;4-1 . cil.onse-Vative Association, who srto:,e at the gathering. Bottom-- DRIVE CO I lao playing Uwe. But in the over- were il�,med: Miss Germlida Plan-
. � I Referee--Chlck' Appel, Stmtfdr(t - A
I ::1 I I
-1. . muhity and as an expression ,Gr cur, A group of delegates who assisted with the convention. Left to . � -.1 time the locals tailed to ,hold the nery, President; TbsmG,a o'N,eiiH,'vie&, , , , , 1. �
) - * - _ � . - ,
I havo b,2�en, I eight: - � I __ . '. • I . , Lions and they ran in throe's quick rpreslde4k;' Catherine ' La�udonboch, - , . _.... �
kind feelings' toward you, ght. I . R. 144ba Taylor, Da�ftvvood, chairryNan; H. G. Meir, National War and Home . I .1 L.. Suntmary", ... . � . .. 11. �.111
' -
. Walton commulinhy , and Clari, Fisher, secretary of the Huron -Perth Conserva.___, ... goals. I secretary, Joanne McMillan; tr�*ur- , ,_",'���.,
1� IL .asked by, the W Lo I Seaforth, � I "
I � I I .N,;; . ........... " I . � 411
; present you in, their name this, wa;tch tivi- Association. - . First Period l: Seaforth, McChl- Seaforth seprers were MeLearl, er. On leaving each pupil re%kyed' 4
I .
I I We ask you to aco6pt it as fra� y -,7 I � ' .� .. — . Service Campaign Op-, lum - (Flannery) 12 50. p . .-
I, . __ - I � ,ona2tie&_ Nigh Pearce and Hudson with Pet- Valoutline favor. . �'Ifl
, . �
- - -_ __� .. -.,.
I we- offer it and trust that your a- -I ' . . I en Sills, Mattiries, Neeb., . alt6�, to McLe;iza 2, and Carnerion. 4. � � � .� . , I ,
, ' :,�
. s March 11. —.--- . .
,ceptance Of# will afford you as .l,LL.-_ i I I I Second Period: Z,-Tavlstock: Hen- ClOderich, sn�pets were WestbrDok,
' ; � _1. � I Ci, lo, niz., e. r. v a t i ve s- Choose �-
I ple;tsure as it I has gftedr us'' 1'a••' � ' Berson, 10.30. Penabty=-Sills�_ Johnson, Doak end Worse& - ' ' � ' ,
.��'jl_ fl, . � � I � - I . ' 11.41
' ,
,presentaraon. -, I � . Local arrangenionts.', the Salva- Third' Period: &-Tavist,ock- keii- SF_AF0R,TH,--G.m1, Messenger- &&_
I ,
. ,
� 'L
"We all 'ut-Mb in extending- to ,,, tiorial War andtk: Ser�ice demon (Mattbies) 5.10-,'4-13e�afofth: felwe" Ca'aleron, Riley; centre, Pearce; i&ONDVILLE AND � '��"' ...
I .��1.11:1 � 1. ..''.
., �,
aur many wishes, of good wV71 azi .1",i I J. a rn c s� M ci rl e w Exeter 'tClo,unatmNtgn, which opens on March 11, ,Lep,pw,,d (A. McFaddin) 9.30; -5-Sea- .wings, McLean, Nigh; alts., Gerarnall D.111-111 1. . .,� 1�10T
stim.you we shall take pleai�u,-N.11- � I . . which... : ,
. e In � � . �Lre progresising �,mro�ably, accardigg forth: Flannery, 12.20., panR,IyL===_Bell. Hudson, Hildebrozid. 21
. 1. exteaA ' to Jas. G. Mullen, Chairman of I I GODERICH- - Goal, Worsell: . , de' .'HENSALL ARE, GOO _511
. uag avert' hearty wei�oome ba -,k , the .
� after tine cloiW;s have rolled a,vu,f 1 Lau -.7 or, A s Candidate Seaforth commiltee.. _. , 0— , fence, Cootello, Schoenals; cmitre, . .
. , I . . ____
I . knowing thakit �ou shall be re�u,.-` ,," I . , ___* I __ The local committee includes- Calm- johnson;"Wings., "Westbr-ook, Doak- .. . ,11�'�.,�
- . -
from a'duty well donc. I . - Wc,,s,e11,','
,l,, Black, Dull- Continue Climb For Junior .
.1 I � G. Pa gr, Director, CaptaLin John D: Cam
Begins Contract ,&Is-, Garrick, . , - -
4Mhe-.h1DUr._of..p;i,r_tIng dr I . ,,I Seaforth Lawyers, .H.. Mr. S. G. Mullen� cteirman; Mr. G. C. , swellL , "I I Farmersl 11, , "
Pe and faith -.- in .4 the fuMn.; I �. 13righ,trall, treasurer; Mayor Johne J. - in.' Kirug 6rs", , ' ..i
. w
.-a,,. ij.�", m
I Spite 4C�r ll�6 Seaforth 4, Goderich 1 ,
� fl' and 'A. "Glen Hays, Cli,ff, Reeve J. H. Scott, Mir. T. A, G. t.Marys
� .. I . I I . , At S " .
. . 111101`6 is :1. tinge Of Slaft-eEZ Il' I '�., ' . - I . , . 11117R'�
- . - " . � I With Wins. .�
present w' ich I for ore di,� P -r,,. Ica - , . . 9rdion, Mr. E. L. Box, Mr. A. Y. Me- Seafoith',s Jun -team made,, the . I �
� . Junior' , ,
4 I ,
I -
� I Leen. , Edge, who some time first strep towandis, clearing up -th,e play I . .111,
I . to cherisi, and Confess, to, it tezi� Im + ,I also Nominp-ted But With- O'� Mr. Harry ., I , , — ' 11 I . 1, i
des to thc genuirelless ('If Our :Alm;l I � C IR, 0 S "" I � . . he of -re re- Off sfluation in the Jumilor 'C' g ' p �Tenfsall xud T,,P7,:no::dvi!',; ,lo,ritinued ,
I IRED 1 6 ! dr a -i w. . Committ,pes thiroughout t ids t a -go was awarded, the contract roll . 11�1
vyinpathy and h,".-tfelt fr',.,(1s1`,!,) !r,.,, � . . . I driclude the following: W`alton-W. mo'd'elling the Bell Telephone office by tHmaning Goderich 4-1 in Seafortli their winning strealcs,jn Juni-a-. Form- : -1
you. Slgr-�,il, 'Waltoa Or"Cill- un't- " I I . ___ C.. Bennett, chairman; Ketmeth Rit- scat St. Ma;rye, tihi.q we' _�
,� � Noy. ELZ�), � � week coiturnericted. lost Thuiisday ridghL_The series be. (11`1�- li,Dclvey lle,ne Riru! 1,'a" 'Aght by . �4
At the same time Mr. �r, - ', ''Ren, i , chie, David McFarlane, Robert Kirk- t1lic, work, A number of geafarth men I . /�'
C ! FOREST HH1,L P, EEVE dcf�,aOnz Willlt-LrOT) 19111.1 Dubli-rl.'Theso .
I . I . nott, on bc-lialt of the Sk-,forth 31,er. I __ . I I by, Norm," Sandei-son. Bradbagen- are being'employe(l, by Mr. Edge on (Continued orb Page 4) . two teanl�'9. )%Ive �1(-I!! ��w-1 " over
T the . .7
.1 . - � � :
. -
Im ,a tbe _
Aon, pr-�s4.�..tedl flack With an liom,�_I_rl M, .,: E., H. Cw; �LU ildrs.. .,�',. C. _-11. ATTACKS KING August 1-111lebre,clit, clialTmak ; Zach- the job and went to St.. .Marys on •lorigue all F�asoil �tr,d it�ol� like I I
. ' I - . ;
. anemberv��i, to the Canadian L. ,io; I rM_vvil. ihave ween a,. -,, I eous Elligison, Ivan Querrengesser, Weducsddy. , I ,. 4� 1� 'iPlay-
. ,�U�ULk.,� dele I . � Two tealll-r fry! -L 111�� !'!-,I )lird. Play.
I for the duration. . I gartci to the Fro"tima, '2o1Li(t:lr olth.e' . T-Taivey Ahsrni�, Fd,win Rock, William 4 _... I offis co-min,w-iiec, rvx,�.,-,-, c',: when Dub.,
. . I Rut'o-A'eith Conelcivatives, nleet- t Diego% John Arnstern, William Reillil. � - 6 . I . I
I - Mrs. Yr- Routledge and, Aal; "'h I. -P . R't,d Croso society, ", �.t, Wco.iLs In; in,g 4 .. �. I a - . . . . Stanley.Chapterpill 1114�ets I -P-11,-.111. I
I y -n cOnvelu 011! a an.- . . - . . . In ,the first gali,,�, N,'L';),L1,:�np' w,a.g.
. EvellYL, ,A T011`011W, are visitin,9 '.'.,,I. Toru!�,to ell. March uLfi - ; Ill 01,L ti t Flensall, on Dublin --A. Sutherland, cbmarm, . .. � I "
. I M1W;d-!Y ,ifterli-M, -lamed Mal- 14 ta fra .
-11 -Mr. and Mrs. Fred ROuL11011-e 3�1`1! . , and Croinarly-Mr, Sadler, � . t!!-- Hensall-
i ley, L-xeter lawy�,,r, as their camd1dat.e, Norths'ide".'Choir N. awes 'Of fi cers �.gi,eir a,`q-�, ':il�, 1- . . �
. -at- ', c - �chairrnan; Russell Worden, Sam Nor- . bairn. Fifi'l,"'111,11-P b -d Y- ':an- at-
. I tC(�*atinued on I The Young Peel . 's S�.-,Cic,., of - I g
. . to contest the riding In the coming ,i, ".. I I tack for il� vict(.!" fico r;
I . . . NwUl,i��ida United ul,u,uk �ul�- i�,111(1119 federal election. . s, Art Walker. 1�,ipj)ea-E. Mous - UZ five 6f
I I ' I . S,eftu Chairman; 17,'(1-4;'6 . n McLean, Wm. , -Is Entertained , Tile Royal "
. I . 6____ - - I a croxinoie ].arty - a�-i 011 lw- E,ed Xr. Marley's ,choice for the nomin- 'Glen I ti, Miss- Gilkillson. . . yal Scarlet .Chapter of the 1 the ridne ,goals. IIuq�zon :,()Llf,:-.��Pd with I �
. ' Caiii;)b,oli n-4 Tudor I
. I Cross. This will be L,td ,n the oase. otion was unain,imious, except for a I I D! - stilet of, Stanley Ineld their annual' two, c6unters. -
- ,. nignt of the church O., Taes,d,,iy eve M,e-f`adaIdl3�""s-f&nd against him. The ...'. 0- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart enter- meeting on Wednesday afternoon, � ,Wc-1V thir, ,c)-filier ,1,(',-e1':, ror the Hen- _
nc ' "
. I I
Ath ' letics a ' �e members of the Northside Feb. 14t1i, when the following officer;; 'Sal) boy.-,, Bettltks ,�ivn(l Ills team I
. Lith. 'i i ", twined the mernbc
. .. ii-4rig, Feb. 27t . only two wlib rals enting nolo- I , United Ciburch choir to a most de . Frani di-,Lrece by nf,i -Jng fw, * � I I
* 0 . - 'A'e"(' elooted for 1940: .1. , , - . Q goals, -1
f . ' I I I e*; were Mr. and Mics, Arthur Perry, 7##J S- rf acing lightful even'ing at �tlieir home on P, with Riley MPT)ingl in tbe third ome. -1
I I Bruins Winners, Wataii. the Red Cruse window in who liurnizated, Clinton's 29 -year-old -w- 'J 0 u Wor. Comp., Sir Kt, CQ,m , Fret] - 1
I . . i Cl -1,V1115 vacant storms. Pesld,ps many May,or, Ren G. Waters. WiLli Mr. . . Thursday evening. The hostess was McClymOnt; Dep. COMP., . Sir � WINTH1�0P--&-ol. ,rCCII**;' d -e- - 11
COMP. I S. Petty; Cha P„ Sir Kt., fen,s�t-, L T)nl.Tn,,l,gc,,'T,, y; ep;c�,Far . ......... . '. - "., 4
I 'On Blue Water tim'son: -,vings. Ptvtt!F Marshall -, �
11 In two ..�,�� �vo !j_ ., qu.,.t.s a�a�de assisted by Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain i In,
. gular Duncan ��,A". ,nn's o,he-r suppiie,s, o PdlrrY On the Ontform, and Mr. Wa- . .
� -beta there'ou setuTday ln,olruinC, ti,,e �roiil "craps of the c,._ag room, are ''tern ab.e'nf, Mrs. Perry stood. ailo-ne I � 11 I . and Mrs. W, C. Barber ftring the Com,rx A. E. Erwin; Scribe, Sir Kt, � q 1_
Birelft Ord the hthlettes wer- , vri_ I oil diispia.y at. present. . - - " for Waters on the flo-cr of ddnuor ,hour. . ComP. Charles C. Pilgrim; Treasur�er, I alt's,, Kerr. Brown, TT,,tblci,r'k-, Little. - :
, I 'ie con- No 'Pei a HFNSALL-Goal. Rintoill; enfanqe, - I 1.3
. I M�aneut surfacing w4l"I be , c1hoir Sir 'Kt. Comp. Elmer Her. I
. * * 4; volition ,hall, when 'a standing "'Le done oil thio Blue Water 111glaway this -- s
.1 mera-.' In the first game. t'eiwe�,fl� tWO ,- . An aUeuldauce, contest of th, a-ld, Sir Kt. Gornp, -Percy johngt.an,; Tudor, Will.9rd; certrc,, Tj�tfle,, win
. teams of Group B, the Bev.: 0 Lia-TTV- ca,. ship- was, ezll6d. . inembeis was planned with the 1) re - - 'g81 .
ay noised out the Bisons 5-��. As the � w , year, Hou. T. B. McQuesten, Minister i -dent, Missy Ruth Thompson and ilie Ist Lecturer, Sir Kt. Comp. w J. Me% Hud,slom, Tu(lor; tits., X,'Ni,smore, G.
�. I I lied lyy the - Sea,ocw bra,ricL of the The otl�ers n ' amed, but w1ho with- of. Highways, told a deputation Tues- s�eqretary, Mrs. L. H. Close, as cap-, Lpo.d; 2nd Lecturer, Sir Kt" c()Illp. PaF�rnor(,. Campbell, Dimcan, Fair-
I dre�ir were Frank Dannelly Gaderle,li- i . .. I I
I I v.com indicates, the gaftle, Nfts, cl�'060 Red Cross, on F�A&_y, FL;. i6tl.: . "' I Glay. The deputation camposed' of - I Louiq Clark; 1st Conductor, Sir Kt, boifiT.-o. .1
i P
..."... I . . mud the 131sons Put UP a good fight .30 pairs pyjamas,, �iu�tliosvltal gowns, 11. G. Mei,r and H. Glenn 'Hays, bolth reeves. and mayors and repmEyenta- twine. � conip, John Pea,,w;, ?,nd � .1.
I .
I beiflare bimmig defeated 'by .one go -at. of Seaforth. ' Moollay was; nom�n I. , Cobduc.tor" In f -he S+-Ond zariIe, Dublin put tit) 11"
I I jackets, 120 pill1low cases, 48 surgical Mir. - Uves of hoards oflra(le in. mundetpelli. 0 Sir Kt.. Comp. J. T3. Rathwell; Inward I (111i,k, a fiz�)t *before, g,oinz di(lym, to �
,. Fralser and, Coombs led the scoring towe,ls, 12 bed pads, '24 T-turildages, ated. by Thomas -Prydie, of txeiar, tie -19 toughed by tho highway, waited 11 Herald Sir lZi.. Comp. George Clarke:_ dofcat ;1� tho linrids of il'p Femorid. .�,J
for tbe winneim gatting, two goals -2 I . , 114 Palm wriatloLs: who said it was the first political con- - ' vill� foani 4-3, ..
� I Lialis. socks L vention he had ever attended. . on the minster. Out�%,trd Herni'd, Sir Kt. Comp, Anson I C-arn Rintoul, Don .11 ,�
each, while'A.. Ryan sniped the fifth ' * 1* * Mr. McQuesten said: "The deputa Receive ';'-'! 5eals at Coloz'nun. I Mr -Loon. .V Nlcl,nls,�in niid A. Me. I "I
, count. , Eisiler *as, the„beset "You foll�- . I and "I have never taken a keen jn,tew- tion waited on mo o�- (hey 1. do atinkla.1- . I Ti"'In wrj,� flif, r_-n10lJfJJ,ilJ+, scorp'T.,.” I.,
, � the Bigolls getting tW6 Ile I . , , :11.
- !.!
Please wash hospRa supplies est in affairs, but now I bellove, the ly to a8l< 1.01. con,qi(,�,t-; i provid- Northside S.S. , Whill;1 Wil -71 1�d ili�, Tr1,;bTn,(.q with
le goals, will , -s before returning them to the I Lon in N -L --*--- :
I I Wilson em d1 Coombs each countered sock time has arrived wlvem it is, the duty ng for a certain aw-int of work on I I ,
. . ;
I I work rooms. Do sat Oresus, wilatlets of every elecit,ow to do his of ,herr part L;I,, T11110 V�.ate,l, lliglj.,%��y. I W hvn.goals nn{] O'C rivni. x0oil ofio. 11�.
for one. . auffs of socks. I I . as s,ym- � I . 1. 10 ,,I
the hdgh-fly4ng or I 1, I - Seals arca] Diplomas are ennitip�t Rurnq. O'Conmor, Afc- . ,
In the second, game dfn gletting behind' a Nat ' ional Govern- athetic but pointed out a,11 capital ex. Each year Se� Grey'Tp. Couple Lep:ln- ..P(,f'(,,',(-�,--T,']-,i7iii(--rT. 't�
I AthleUc8 added ambilhor VI,c,tory ,to I . ,m,ent auba in; thrlowing party politics rjendfturp pas pi,o,�ct:bpd, this year Awlardf,�J, rn.,,rn4N-.4 of Northside ITIllt- 1. ' - I
. ,
. Anyone having brown, wrapping pa- aside far the who have I ,
rouricing the dbraition of the war," owing .Co the uccesSiLy at oonseM,ng ed Church P,uri-day School, T-"(',.�IONF)�'IT,T,F.-(I,r-,,,ii. XTps%p�nger,,, P, ,�
their string of wins� by .t Married 50" d. 0,eP(-nF,(,, N;ohnlson. Rjn't011l� 0M,t
I irgos 11-3. ThiG.-in Puts , per is asked to bring it to the Red Xleclared 'Mr. Pryde. In offering the, all exenditures for war purposes. mi%soa not more t,han two Sundays . -M,
I . snlucky.A leg well, on top of their Cross roo,ms. It is needed, to Yilml) parne of Mr. Morley, Mr. Pjyde suld A. McLean; vdii.zs. D� McLoqrf, Obies- -."T
the Athilet parcels; for sihippl,lig. "It was Painted out that the pros- d�ring Ole year. The following have ' , ,.,.�
' I R 0over, of Grey T11Pv: "Ilts., ,V er�,M Tn el IL . "
-s , , was
., . .�
h6lmd known liftri far many year I .Mr. and Mrs. , J. H Nioliolorq. ".
group. (A,ewy I)ed the AthletAcB to . I pects for a, very good �idfve toultat be,On award,ed flit,ir S( -,%,l -s, and Diplo- Township, celebrated their 50th wed- T)T'RT,TN—'GuP-1 McCaxthy; dief,ense, �'i !�,
their win by, getting fivo goale, Wlifle anxl he sllok,e highly of the chaxactor rums for the year 1939: - 'A _!��O�
Cheaney got three and Reid ,had two � . .. .... � � ;..—* year wore good and bliat higlipway de- N. .T. 0'0onIT<)?, F. Sta,ol�etcvn: centre, � '..4,f,
L . (Continued on Page 4) yeliopmeut should be hopt up. Sea;ls—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams ding anniversary on Monday. M 1�11
, . I tkWked up to his ciredit. McLean "I agreed, to give special conwldera_ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porteotm, Mr, J' H-OOVeT was, formerly Margaret Gib- 13117r%: wine z. McQuald DR.1four; al- � Zl,
*_ . Pilly. 0*0o�noq% wiltiqn., . i
got the other goal. sinith, Quinlan Stands First rst Rabb, Mrs. I Pollard, Mrs. J. Knight, Ron, daligh,ter. of the late James and' tornotips, O'Te . , ,; .
I ,
.. a were tho three goal get . r tion by way of wainteriance-4p. an on- v. Margaret Gibson, of the first line of Klip.4nfoldlt, Krausilcopf. '. 111'�,
al* Wbod deavor to make. conditions afs, com- Mrs. Wilbe-rt Wob,�,tex, Ronald Sa �',
auge, Margiierit(, Westoott, Wilma ,Morris. Mr. Hoover is, the son of th+, .e— ,�',,:
bears for the Amos. . In Dominion Kippen East W.I. fortable as, Possible." ... . Hay, Patricia f3ecliely, Ernest Clarke, late Adam and' Ellen Hoover, of thel � I . I �i,
—0 flih concession of East W I 0 11 I 0
.Mae Clarke, Betty Clarke, June Stoll, . 0
. . Jarms m. Simpson, of Wim,lb", a 4-4�,Ll Holds 'p,ingo Lois Firinigan, 'Billte BaktY' Garfielct The ceremony wa,�s perfor.e."'b'y t',lie- i Legion Drive
ing student or the o-ntailo ins-titute of Speaking I Baker, Lol,% Hoggaith, Harold Knight. lut(' ltev'. 1, B. Waflwfri, then StitiOn- I 'I
Sure,of.Pldw* , Chartered Accountants, . won the all- 11 First Year, Diplomas�—Jack Weed- edi E4,13luervale, and pastoT of the for- , , , � " �
The membsors QC the Kipperi, East
Goes'' Over To'p� 11�..."�
- mler Methodist -Church, on the. 19th I . Ir,
; ver, medal given bY till" DO11161516M, M k, Betty, Weedirlark, Blaine, Weed- .,
" � 1. W. 1. and th�edr families spent a Merry ar — ,
Jean � e bruary, '1890. They started I
. I
. . the candidate with the standing , The campaign which flip Canadian
for Mrs. George Glenu, Liondon, Road, on `�mni Diplomas — Janet Baker, m;ar-l"I'd life an the 4th cono5asdon of I . i ,Y
-match in 1942 sociation of Chartered Aceountants pleasant time at the home of Mr. and of a Hard Winter 10 g J n Sri ll. �Ly of "Pe . i
... , , 17a�' ' I Legion lims oondu,rtea dillring' the past � ,,, ",
. I 94% Reeves hlph,eslt in Canada in the a0muntl'ng Wednesday evening when -they hold Aubrey Baker. E,,,i,-A Wawazoeh, near Westfield, and "M
I Warden George Poo Have you twelve years. later they mored to the two weeks, on, beflialf of tive. Cianadian; I.....- , 11
. I r�
Turner of Godetio 0Ad Gj�wubio of and auditing papers on the Intermledl- a very enjoyable* b,'i'ligo party. After .1 I Legiton, War Se'm'vice,q, he's, gone over
tArrna6- on. Thulmday from ate exkirilmdon, results' of vihich _* 4th concessilon, of Cmey towaship near _
, - ; ,,�
Howick", Xe the bingo party a aplendid lunch was ' I the Cop, accordIng to President Geo. . � � �r
.i have recently been announcedl. Brlispsels, where they,, have since re- . "
. attehdang, the Onkalrlo' PlowmeWO As- served aold t1lien, We; ockets wk'.,ph ordered 'your ' D. Ferguson.
.. - is a sonor T. T. Slm,P- ., sided(. To this union were born two 11*; �
, , I
I ,
. . Bodation In Toronto, at w6joh, they 'Mr. Simpson had been staid 'on th6' 'Med bed- Hon. W. D. Euler . Whito rLeturns are not complete, "I'' .
�, *_ made sbmng representation, �O have son, 139 8"herd St. E. *4ndoor, spread during the evening WOT6 JAU I . . daugli-ters and three sons: Mrs, DullLL 11, ,
- Mae one or two divialong
can McCallum, Blyth� Hary i%e stilt beling ',
the ln�i&riraltlorftl Plo_wWg Mith hold and Is a MVIIeW Of Mrs. 3AI�n- Rose, ) in ,a box .and Mr. Melvin Traq%air's 'D & H' Anthracite vit . ey, Mount ,
, � -e - a to be hlea.rdi from, the Seagorth alqb,4 ''
., I
'cd4vin . H. Ross, Of ill Speak Here Fai _�;rt; Both and Norman, at home.
. ,.1. . in Hii-ron In 1942� Glordion ,c , _M,�Xpllop, ajid Mrs. Alex name was on the ,ticket which "was cation of $450.00, bas. alrewy bom . 1. -,i
-, - Hw,ott Ac;w- Mi4thesen, Ont,, and alio 'of the I lets' dmwn, -1 I . ... I .— I . . 0,ne son, William, died in 1925. Mrs, ,''
I gmsiaeat or the North . " I met, Ml`. Ferguson said%,
ai, direoA61' Of James X SIMPSOU, Of MOK11110p. et 7 I Hoover had dine brother bhejato ,
imeWs AasoCistaoin-, and, ANOte of thanks was. tendered, Mr. y I I, I— . I . ''!: 1, ,
.. ��
E& Im
is ,iqf- I
,,ii� , I
,,, 'L
'I I
I Graduating 'With SeOlOr XIMAtIcUla- Hou. W. D. Biller, Mindater of Tlua,e ,,. Pet,or Gibson, of Hanklton!,� Mr. HIW,V- 1. !
t *Jw P�o-dncial AssoclatION/1000 ,at- and Mrs',. Glmn for their ldh&"hospi- .1 I ',':��",,
� tion at "Itehnedy C0110919te, he later ' afid cornmeme in the King a6vorn. or Is 006 of a family of tdidrtden eight I ��,;,,T,-��;",
-ten&d the oonvenbicml: 6hty to which Mr. Glenn made a arid Gordon Hoover, Momat ftJMJ%`*' ,�:, �,.,,
, . �,;l , �.! .
11 I � I , A�
. %%jey ftm,6 SVMy feeling' wsured ,atteiiOed Windsor Vocation ) sdk(A for I , We Have It. me -nit, will speak. in Seeforth on Pri- of whom are still living, WR'6�� bro, -1 I ., . ��,`,A,N�
I � very mAtable reply. The singing of .I., Sohn and Murmv Ro6vor. , � � ,;,;,;'
- . , __ . �
Vlw� .. I
'� day, Ma.rci-6 16th, it was announced thor reoldi-Irg in WeBand. while the, Mss. H,00reT I . ,*�U44wzAM.-', ',,�,.�
tb�t lffij6y Und C.0nV&We1d1 the powart, 18 month,9. AliNOugh he WOU A . "Tbxw Ame Joifty Goodi Vellows�l and 1 M -vitfloz-V ' . I -,
1.11 "', .� i�,4X, �1.
I , "Ommmn week. MT. .F,ut,efr will %Dea,k on others, ros4da- IR Alberta. They -have is 78, T1h .•., � tw
I '. � !�, . L 'Hnr�00'4�611to Wa81'W46l1,'1R"WP In 91`01*166M from I Fj , %; ;-4
I I" be that "God $five the King" brought the eve- � tit Is; fey ii bb-th, , .�,,�
, , 1� , ,,, , "
I..... , � �,�.'�"
, ,
,64aflW4" 66 oaa(l% "" -bfgev�eut, Mr, Simpson did not accept It. , N. CLUFF &SONS bebaf of W. H. Golding, Liberal can. seven, gIWWthl1d1nen:' � Rarvey Jetan heialt1l. ,, ,ph,s- � :1 , �, i, ,
y ttrie � I' �,,."
I - . ning to A 0100-4 , I I � , � , , ��" - �,�,�,,,,�, -
I -P( and Irient MoCal,lum. J3JyW;, kelVin Bns,Ws Unlie4 I ,
. I,Lh" eudod tbxft years in " dWate in Humn ,wbh. I : t, � ���;�
C"M40- *dl orgadAftiuon- I I �,� "
. _ . . - -, . . , , -,�,`
.. I I I ��,�_
� � , I . '.
'. �
�, . . . I --L .,
. t� I .. 1. . , 1. -
Ik" I .. I � � I , .,
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�� 1. 1.11; �� "p, I L'�, �:� Z,".,,, I ", � , .,� - .", ,�� , . I ' �' � �" "�� 'I.' !L;"�`�`� �' `�" I 1'��;�f,'�'��;�'�', , , ' '' . �� �', , �,�,�. 1, I
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,,� �!`�,�i�,,��-�,r,,,,!;.� i'l,,,,���,��:i-t�.'�,�,,.�,;�l;�L!7'�"k",; �� , ��M yiq,��;"','L'�,,&,Z, 4 ,',,:� 1i',,&;1_�,,M,-",�,;'1., ,,,, I., �! .".�l",,,,,�'-,��.,'�,,':�,"� "";1111 , 1111
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