HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-02-16, Page 4- 1-1 74 IIIM111111�1 �71_1111001110 I I � - . -.----- - � .11'.... 1-1-114. ­.. - 4r.ii,,i­.-,­. ­ 7"7r"'T'l"-'�-'�-�'�h�--Pr!,.��,,-,,,�'I'�--,-��,;,.�;� ",­ ­­. ", , ,,�, -- " , , ,.t ,... " " , , .- ." ,�, 'Tr,!, � . �, , . 9 1 1 . I I ­ - i ­ ,- . , " , , , ". , 19 . , , 9-1 "I 1-11 � . �� :'v, ". - , 1 i, ,"j�,;� ,�', .1, - , ;� . ,� ", .',� I , :1 �1'1 , � �r,� N,4, :!�14,'­%� `N,7�,� �:! ,�� , � " � � ;, ., , , , , 71 , " , , , �,T� � -, . 1 , . 1, . " , , ., . ;� " � 9" I - 1, � 11 . � " , ,: - , � , 1; � �� , , , : � � �," , , , , � .� .� . ,� Iq ,. . - � � �1 , . : : I . ! " , , li � � !�� � ! ��l " � � , 11, :, , � lot till i j, , � �'. �v,� 9 P! 'r, ­', �i:-uv;g ........ . 0'-�,t_ I , i�r,y_-.-,,T­;- , . "', 1.11" - , , f 4;t , 111i',�'J , F 'i Y, -, , J, - �, :1 ! , � , I � 11�, .11, , " , , , �, , , , ,��',�,, " 1 , , �.�, � ,,� ,�1��-` ,,��;� ­,'.' �n',i ,., .,�,A ,, ",T1. 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I- .1 "'Iff".­ I , , . . __ � , - , ,- . � ..... . , , - -, . , � 1, - � ­­:, " - "" , , . - .., .- ­ I I , , o', - � , � .1 I ""'1111- " "'­ . , � I I '. .1 . . I I - I . I : ", � I � ,,, �, � , i., - % i�!" A.: ,� "i , ""r, '. � .1 .!iO; wo � -1 ­­ - . , ­___ __ 11.- 11 � I ". � I I , '��!, �': �.� -�!`,�.'�, 1,1:;`.,�,t',�,,� , , " �. ,aWa Dmg , , . '. .__- I � -1 1� � -1 bs;, .-Paml ptevem twwvo vto vwsle.i mda& , Red Crosa'Ploty' on Id -y , .11�, 1. .!� �, , lw ,:" �,"�, ii;,-�,�.:,�`, ' I ' ` � , , , , V� !��, ­,� , ,�­ , * . . �Fr p , ? f 01 " . � , jl�i;,.�:��, 0 O'. "_ ­. A VA pl�edgeu., Gib I I , I" '� , .,�� I , � , ­.. - 0 '� I P 1 376.6,1 . . � ,� �, ,�,,�!_:,�q!,.',�.� - 1� . Square,,!', Ki.4i%.; "To Step Asido." Store, 04 FrIfty, '%�eaa. Rftw%" a 3 -act .. , " - � . � , �,'!,j ��'�. - C�� 0ime OMUR ' , 111�1­�, ,�,,, ;!j V�, .." . �,�',�;.,!,i"��' I , ; I'Mwapo," Vance; "The "Nuz- ' j�;�tod by C - - . .. I - ��;jti,��'� ,,,r,"­�,,,��;��I,i � .. � Thme Act - Play, . "L011A RIN"Ors", OQMWV f , WK�l 'be' I . , I., I , I I I W and Jun-, .. . �,�,�;,�, ,:� , ,,,, 1 ,,; 1, - 0 y. Februay pw� I �, A , 1 .; ,,,�, ,,,fi�,,'�,i� ;i�:", , oxeo%" Asch; "9ftei 114 Tqwn 0411. Rensall Wrida ,k ULM OM9 -TUX4917 - Itu IE 11111?_��.­�-�,. - , I I . . ppy Harvest," RVI Y ­,__,',��!��. "I". 1��,, , ,�,:,��!��,i.�,',�,�:,���,�,',,,�,t,�,.,,i ... ... -.A " 01 &,"k So Flaambl; . 6y )or Faiimxers, Ig thV. Tievorall Tovi - D 34- I I - . -�-.E t, _ ''", slliud­--,��­ � -Ad' '' ... 11he 04IID81030117," 0=n�ng` 16th. Allsa ,Craig cast, spousered . yL Hall , - . ,. -S ., I 0 , I . . , ��_ I , 7 ;� I 1. I I ?­�'. 1� � '':;. , . AM" . � ,,�411'11`i' I . . . . . . � ,,,,�:, *oa; -Tra. the"Rensall bxw*h of I "7,,V. ­1­0�li �,�� gtedly do E FUA,," Gtibble� Cross. Admission 26c. VPOn6oro4l by HV01164-11 , -- - --. .- '', 1, ,,,, , ", 1,1,1�� -1 , " � "' p ": Hensall. Red ��..1211, pt;��M 4 - _� ,,­ I ­ _. - '­�-�, p,,�,�,�,�;,�_ , ,tXOn1,FVc#9n - "Let the, Recolld W The cast -::' i �,;;,�,;-i,�",�g�;" - I I 1 " . . 'Plan at the C'anadian".__ Oros% . -OR -- �;"q,��V�L, ,�Z,.,,�";� . , "If% ,��, , � I SALE �' ,Z , _ , - _ nty Lawyer," ws: Aunt MiRe, a ci�!,ored, , ,;,., , . 1,70"-'.1 �$ I if new' low Cash Middleitons, Drug Store. L , C. R. WILKINSON, R-0. . I I 11 ; . ".", � - Reserved seats 100 e�tM r gt,� ,`x,��Rf.�"tl�,�!t ds will be Inserted at - ratleS : Speiak," Thompson- "Cou ia �m t4i , PextrhdVe; "Mw�ra Mi"01, men., lo I " ,',.��L",��""",i,�;,,i,�,�:",�����',�����]��',�',"��w, 0 led A - . Jean McLachlan; Did Caesar, ;_ ,71�, , 11 . gor,ant.� � a Am= I ii!,��;,.,��i '�,., , . . . Z,:�,;��, seiwant, GoM6 ­'-McNaugh- . ., �, ed ",.'�,��L�,-��,,�.,..,,�l.,.:,.,4*00 wain"d, I- � I I % ., r �11. ,j,_ , ��.'r 1 t and Found. COMIRS RVW%% RU -,PW VWds Rateliffe; 'qlow to Travel Without W. and Mm A. V�. E. Hemphill cOlw .OPTHALMIC OPTICIAN . , �­'­'�'�j,��,, 6� .�, , . I ­ . . I � ��'-'. � "Bermuda ,and here .tbe fiq,st of thds 1v . . �,!�i,�,,�,�il".�',�;:",�!""�,�:"",. � I Being Web," Ratcliffe; left , eek for ,Ign� Mrs. Livingeton- Jon's wife, who � , , I" ; 1, let week ................. I------ IL Caus � � SEE . , - ����i��.,:;,,,�',.�.�l,c,l�.','.,��; , ----- %0001 . West 1piddie!si," Strong; "Land, Below Rochester,'Minn., jr- the interests of has socW �tmti#ons, Anna McLaich- Wingham O.. I I 1� I 1, . . � .2nd week ............. � i 1,�"L zi'.��.,,�,,',.­. :::::n: % Qm* , .the Wina" Keith; "Wind, Land and .. . . I I�U I 141v1ngs1,0Re,'N9&O is a4 will be at W. 0. Good -win's store ev- I ' �,( ard -1h-ek .............. � .... I Mr. Henjpbill's heahlL I- - ,- .. ' " ,�o r h hr , r �'wk,,�` tlr,it boatiss ...... 26 0eaft . , , A- ,""-�, �,, ,,% ""', ". , . x5nimum chs" Stars", Exupery; "Autobiography," mother, Evelyn' Stewart; e,y 1,st and 31,d 1ruesdu �� *,,�`�.' �. . ,� 1, M,ri. Uoyid Hedden Is and, has for � y�s in the I 11,1111. il!��,�,,.� , . (,I, t�4.���`­`­ . B=h figmM kniftial and abbeowhAdou dmkz& " am W" Mj�llne; -I boist My English Accent," 0, Past Week:S been SUffe.rin- Anna Uvingston, her s(Ister, ,%Nnarm- month, for ,th, W1,pos,0 of te�qng � . . , `�;�� . .� , ,,, 1 � th, _ from I` 111,:. Notions -1 "M pin vari(l� VA"t-wal 150 Cents Per week THOMP-SON'S .��' legs.' , He hearted andl apeore, 'Lole Darling ; 6��s omd,littiug gluisses. Difficul,t ... . .."I'l- � �,��L",��,s'��'ii,'-'.". , C.krd at Tbopplw, I- 9, , T%ompsm; "Gh,osts of London," M,otr- 1 _9�_ an infection in ,one Of his - ;0.:�L,<,,,y,, .1, 3l;nQuirl�,8 6�aj bp dj��IxA 4D a is" Nun&=. aftro of In* unirou aspoonw. MW to aem& ' L �, ­ ., , . ; . _ .. ten, "Moderin Swelcien," 'Halini1tOML had been, - working on the highway, John Junior, who is -addicted to slang, I cases and those that have not been � �� , -, I I I � �.. - , ';;�; sid(lidonal p,ni wo,,6 vw be oh&xs*d tt isdo iin isbove elifto wo sit ft" bY *Q, ' Juvemdlo,­"Rl1k and Satin I -Ile," but the pain bedunle 60 acl�t,o that fi'D ROss Colyie; N JiAn ,,3pivingston Sr - properibr fittled are spectiaRy room- . . wn , . L � u W 2 . - - n,, had to -consini t a dioctor, under whose ena 0 ne Gordon pan., 1� I i �` � . `L Sarmrd,ay night in the W"ek. in WbA& tbe � ad wes rulm� Stowart; 0 " it me. , Hours: 10 r EL1111HORS ' ,;�. , , Wood-, "Madelline" BeweltmAns;,"Ha mewdod to eonsu. ,L: , ' I ". ��� : � alr*% Murmegq, and Deatkw iriweAbd tr06 cd chsriM nah Marie," i�i&tt, care he now'il� Pey Nichok, Lena's 'graiallmother, ia.mL to 6 p.im. Phone Hensan 16 1 !L� Ai�,�*A Salee. Notio�'tp croideT,_ W"O.- But& = &"Headma, I I � . I .*-- fi�ts been Mrs, F. XcFlarlane; Lena Rivers, our for appointment. , K. � L I I IRENSALL - 11 ': I I . I � mists Mary McGregor, who 3677 ' ,v ONTO .,L." L, 4 , ' I months, is at date adorable heroine, Anne MeQallum; ."...""".. ".. I ,!� " Articles For Sale For Sale or Rent so poorly for,some I . 1i . - - . I �. . I - - I -ung ,Nz I Na N. mil � cousid�erab.ly improved, Durwaxd Beamont, Jack -Cowie; Mal- 11 : 10,z""', - ler or w -tor In the v ng- ; ' d . E c K d I Before Bofing . � WEN ROO me 1A 1 FaIls Ira an Mrs A enne 7 � GOODS, SUNDIUBS, ETC.. "L- FG� SALE OR RENT - SL A which improvement it is hoped will colim Everett, a tu 1%",-,, , 'RUBBER ,1,11,in. sealed wmpper. I I brick house on Goderich Street East. I ston home, George Hughes; Fran� 1. # ,,,�,l�,;',.,., � . eld vostp"id in _ (Vorcy), of Hon-sall, all of w,hom were .1­­ kri;w"R,,� 80T, Ies. than retall. Write for nutil-order Moderp conveakswas- Apply Box Z15, Ex- a . �,g,-,'��;, , . a . Deputy Clerk conti'nunerbie, Hodden is at prepent Graham, a Southern go"11�an, C "I` home to attend the funeral; aliso four ,P,'�,,. BBER Co., Box 91. POSITOR_ 741-tt , , " . timtslogue. NOV-RU I aU in- ton Amos; Mrs. Graham, this jealous sisterj� . �Z!,,,,F , $762-8 Appoinitmemt of Norman W. MiRer, colifined to the home owing to i � and one brother, all residing _ .-- ,­­ � J,",�,, Hamilltbrt. OUL ---==-..q W-Ife, J,ean M-cNaughten. ". Toms, - � ­'!�­ , . , - _ _ - .- --'- I -Y to his leg. 11'9�1�leeul in the States: Mrs. - lt� - . .- .- ..-.! _. ClimAon, as d6puty-cleirk of Ruiron,jUl . Joseph , 1', �'Li­ ., of - %A�,!', , . *14011� I � . - .---- R.N., of sceims Joyce Broderick.will 1� - I.Ast and Found Cbunty, was made Monday. Clerk J. 'Miss Margaret Buchanan, _ entertadn'.Bip,ger, Oklahoma; Mrs. R. N. Eccles, . 14 _�"�:.,_ ddng' her with snug and itap dunce sel,(?Otions, Nyack, N. Y.; Miss, Paulite Geiger. . lfi��;,_ ' I - HENSALL � _ . � I Personal � , �____ I . m Robeatis has been -granted) leave of Port Huron, is here atten 11;� , , . _ I . 'F NO. 256 E 2. 1940� itstment in mother, Mm Alex. Buchanan, who is and John Beer will contribute a cor- B,i-keI4,q,,y, alif., who was present for I.. .1 �.. 7 . , I ,�­' __ - _ -CAR MARICE � absence, because of his eml 0 , ­� - - I __ - � LOS" ' I ,I , ij�'�i� ,, � SLVOGISIK KIWKEYS LNI.P.AAR Y 0 U R bet1ween Seaforth and ]�"ter' Findeii Ith RoyoA C4natlian Air Force. suffering from, the ,effec,ts, Of a fall, not s'090- .. the funeral; Mrs. Dan Keroher, Min- . ' - . e . IM- I , - . T'vo-NVoy Act.1"ll 1�,,",L, lc�ive a Hold Valentine Social 11"I'l :e t EXPOSITOR or BONTHRON , ,phe appoduNtrpent Was ma& tempor- severely.injuring ,her butt at prose t Ames Geiger, �I . ibezolth. Runvaeart, ' & VRYSDALR Hensaft. , 37"x , U . neapolis, Mich., and .I . ��Kl, ck-iam,e, �Md invig,oruto, the Ki4ne.w, I i , i.1; �, - The funeral took plalce � ","', I -den's committee at a she is resting comfortably and it is - k' , Quitildy wai Seed,Show �,� use R1=1acaps- MeKINDSEVS 11RUC, I aaAll'i Iyy the � k"I � A-166-1 - I----- ___ __ meeting on Monday morning, peading - d The school room of the United PIgeon' M'(1 � �..,_,*�_ STORY- I hoped will soon- be,ahle to go axo1m. Ohuroh was the setting for a delight- oil Tbursday when. a brief service Nvas . I 1. I. ­., .. � , ,% .;,. . I �, �, �, �, � I I raliffication by the cou,nty council at the room in a wheeled chair. held at the fa,m�ly residienice�at which . . , - -11. . ue social, s-ponsored. by the ��,! � ts �11i, - . - ____ - ., , .- __ - __ . $_ 1 OD The S , oclety, ' i�' .. _____ - Mr. Roberts urch met , outh Hurd,r% Agricultural fm .- 71; its next sesolionin Juniet. The W.K& of Carmel Cb ful Valenti the members Of th4-- family and �, �`, ` .1 yo4g� People's Union.. Rev. R. A. 'Kv� Help Wanted WF:��. ESTABLISHED LIFE ASSURANCE lieft Monday for CttitaNva, .. on Thursday, atternoon last in the , ,inimediiate i,dlatives were present. !!!! 11. g, ',',:, , � . Brook prel�ided.. The folilowing splen- will hoid, their Annual Seed Silaw in . .. F! . .1. ______ - 0"nivilv, ha- "peablu for representative Mr. Millar is a former issuer -of spbool room of the church, Mrs. JealL The pubhe sie-rViCo took place in ,, the . V!elk. TvIEN W.Al-rl`ED te �ver Seaforth anJ District. 71korotwh motor IdIceinses at Clinton wherp he Manson presiding. The Bible leSgOn, did program was prmiented and much jli� United Church at which Mrs. G(,Q- -, �- . '_ � ..'' ? YOU CAN 11AVE trax4in,�,- will be given to the man wito can also hWd, ,th p dt f x , - ',f�*, YOU THE AuuN. I �. e os ADU o ta co'llec enjoyed b� all presient: Chalmuin's - -1, ".1, , hea within thr,,v� . I Pisalmj 122, was takvii by Mrs. Frank. ger was a faithful member. Re,, it .� , . AIT , e ,.blji, tor for 41he past fire Yea-rs� I address; r'ead'ings by Miss Glady-shle- * Tow Hallo Hensall i .1 ".. I , " sulid business -Lt iT ed , Of '�,N,rkmg t, e termined He is a Farquhar. The roll call was apsNFP�- A., Brook, ulinistar of the church; c:on- n I . , - L month$. If you are t in one inw,n,iew d )ixm are aids�pted to our I Koniie, Doris Buchanan, Dlb.ine Beer , i ,,, -A,e OWN YOUr, ' '67. � V. . I ,it ve of Godench ToNvVhiv. Aftor ed with peace as t.1 dvt,ted the op,rvicet, The choir seng .. ;;;� � � 11 ewLln TTQfill, fVr siL,rrkeone , business. Illeus:,& *nite Drawer' Stri - nad - - le, text word- A the stor � o 1-1 � BUSINE93S anti -erliuY anr��. in,,, i,r,�Azs e�er� _"aduatinki from the Sohool. of Com Iovely sigo, ,'Wh,n I've Gone the Last aPA y of St. Valentine by thipj following hyinims: , "Will You�r , .. Vi: itlt,s.. 11'eti ford for &n appoiDtmenL 3765-2 - a4t Clinton, he entered the eTil- ,,. j,s.. W. Miss Kay D�yeiilale; solo, "Wishl vRIDAY ',�` hour seNing 200 guzu-011teed "I"O,"'� memce Mile of the way" was M ng"" An,chi- ,6010", "Wonderful Love,"� - - . 1, ,,, dn every Uome. NO OBLIGATION. Get,di� piloy, of the Lawson -Jones Lithographic ,pro- I Miss Mabel Fairbairn; vocal duet, 4111(t, ,,peac�,, ': . . " .", , . ta,iis anti C,tta,io,grue OREL. FAMILEX PRO- -=-- -_ Bonithron's conti,ibution to the � � .1 � ) V " Pa.' - v Perfect Peace." A cam- . I a . , 570 St. Clement, MOntre'Ll- Company at London. He returned to - "It's a Hap, Hap, Happy I a, I . -it was rend -P MARCH Ist , ::: I DUCTS ­ . Cards of Thanks., gram. The,top4e. "Christian Church f,wwng dqi(, -red by Mrs. L. .�. . Clinmon -to en -131st Nvith bhe 161st Rat- . Ml-.,,. McDonell aind Ruth Hess, an<l a hum. - I " �,, .�, . I India" was, ably taken by . ii Mrs. Creo. Ile -As entitled, -_ - - __ in - ., . tailion in 19 I , �', 4�-.. __ __ . __-z- MR� OWEN GEIGI�R AND FAMILY WISH 15 and, went overseas in A numbel- of hymns were orous girls, quartette in co,stume,' I �'Q,una,is,,- Tomorrow." The Scripture I . .'' 1- - while on Manson- I PRIZE LIST � . ed Of #the Misses Golidie Cross.1 - 1, I -1� . . I For Sale to exlx� tbel, nin,ece th=.its to all 1916 andl won the V.C.M. as and .the, Lord:s Player was the compos .. : I'lings were taken from Proverbs . * I Ni, I I - their rteigbbon and fr*nds for thed,r kind- actdv?e service. He 1R married And h 'Sung Gladys McKenxie, Mary Good,xill. Fl- . --4 Revelati,mry, 21 and 22. T're The ftylkMirm' PPi7a;. -W�11 be awwi-ded an � shown them during Mrs. Geiger's ill. a taMqll.y Of three childrem. . .1 closing Tbuimber. ­.­­ , �. , I ED cEDA.R. .9HINC,LE-,:;, PER BUNCH 11" subsequent death; also for those . Mrs, G. . Votlit and Owen spent SUII- va McQueen, Ruth Brooh- with Ml.so themi-e of the niembrial dc1d,ress, was edhe best namcriam of Seed. exhibitod-in avooi& 1, , I P, I R off car, certigmde ,�x i,r,o. I, at si - 1,5 � see- ittss and T -he Nwwdon's, C0011nilytee Is cOm' Id Cross, director, the, title Of I with the irules ign"*-ing sesd raim: wl raviousily loa4ied cars and foir the i" I - prade tit qop. Write or phone your or- who so g of Brussels: day last with relatives and friends in GO 11 ...... he Upward Look," based on .Psalm alice I .. I ,Dmd ibute": kb -posed of R.' J, Bowman, "Mae and � he, t , M.a6vh 'T which was Namarro's B. . I " "I der�. bef'Ore !Ind. A. SPENCER & beautl� -1 floral tr& special than to W", Brucefield, , I 1�1, verse 1. ..T need of taking a . Ik 2nd %rd 4ft ,�,,. Phone 102-W. I Rev. FL.A. rook, the Choir emd the M,es- N.'W.,.Trvwairth,a, Of Olinton; 1. f London, �,,ui--j . 1. I SON, licna*L Oxitari�x dame3 eddeB Ratz, Stephen; view 6f death was stressed by I 1,,�,. F ­,ii wihezt, ... $225 4a.75 $1-50 ,., I . 3766-3 n and Hes. for I the beautiful Gisj.3�bje, H-owi%ek; Roy Miss S&1111y Manson was hostess at Miss Margaret SwaLin, o Do -.1!';"t . I Spring W�Wftt � I ..,i � . duet. I � I I � �.3766_1 -As. her hiome Monday evening. for,the tar selections; humorous, ski.t, '; .11-� minister. The comfort, and I bus. ' . I I I I i .. OF YOUNG COWS 11 - I , . __ , an mestic Troubles," the oase ^ I A, V . .............. 2 -?Ax 1-75 1-W Francis Dilnc�n',' Of Mbi t Inc uumg strengill, wIldch comes to all who sor- , .. SALE­­NUM._- , F , Dj�ft, ap�lickions were consideir,ed. Arnold Circlio.of a,Lmel Presbyted I bue. Early 0aits .... 3.25 PL75 2-26 1.50 ­,$_ . FO heifeit, due tio fret�,hen within a , I I I Lenore Normington, Patsy McDQnel I- 11� I., . and idn.le Ynare. Registered. In Memoriam I !. � . -.0. . Church. Mm Roy Bell, president, er, Ruth Hess and'Mar- , row from the God of the Everlasting I bu,�. Listq. Oau .... 3.26 2.75 225 L5% I month: also a,,CIY,le � , Norma Sangsit �,,4 llufa�6b oaits .. 2-25 "1.75 1-50 . , -4" g nl�ont%hs old: Clyde�dalo - w or ,the meetitug. The � Hillis was pointed out and causes, for I bu : rising four: colt. " ' as in chaxge f jam Sangster; Claudio Blowes, diriec- I bv�--. Rabley� 6 -,rowed 3.25 2.75 9-25 LEW � . - � .Wlibn ,L.,ii" three: a 0-JOd 'N`01-1� hol�e r' 0 A FRIEND: ... ' program was tak�en from the World's .. I p,ofound thankfulness and encourage- � .. I T ers P1 'a n - I bu.,. Field Peas .... 2.2.5 1.75 1.60 . 1� . I 1 yeans old, aild twli) pouies-. .kbl prketl t0 1011. . Minist Day of - Prayer' progralne; the topic t0r, Mrs. Gearge Hess, was. the prize 1 ment *ere set fortih in a l,ife that had 1 ll,,. Field B&IM . - 12-25 1.75 )L50 11 , I - � � ;. . _ on Lot 14. Gain.. 11. TONN-Ti,thip of Hibbert. . The lamp is owt� but still for us I Miss' Irene, Haggarth amid Miss winner for the best Valentine cos- bef�n lived tiliumphantly by means, �,f I 1, LL, - %uya Beans .. 9-2& 1.75 1.58 i � �', � t � � MRS. R_ J. SCOTT, CrOlnill.,11ty P. 0. . I The fight shines an before; Easter Services by I Ig'alL tume. Miss Kilpatrick directed a tho upward look. . 1-1 I bu,,. A_O_V, Beans .., 2.26 1.175 1.60 1 1.� � . I 37 66-1-7 Within our hearts its radiance BeryiI Pfaff- Miss Margaret DOI ' "I .1.1.1 I I i�, ��, 1. I I , number of games and, contests, after 1, I _. bus. 1fJmk,9W Seed 2-25 1.7r, i.56 - . . - Witi 910 -ict Minister- contp1but piaAO - solo, A large congregation was present I 1�� I w for evermore. mhe S,etafoith and disti ed a pleasing t,i �! bus. Red Clover Seed 2-25 (1-76 .50 � 1, . . Foli 'AlX-Ti-rREE. DUAL PURPOSE 37 G 6 -1 W. M. H. ' . whic(h Qftdy.was steirveA Miss Grata . I . . . .., I , S ., - ess pe ' riocid of LammAe -er were teem antd affectiom The - Seed ............... 1 2-00 1.06 I . � .- I Shorthorn 'zoi,Nm to frenhen in late . ial Associa-don.met-on Monday, after- "Nearler My God' To Thee"; ' and Miss,' Gladys Luk at the se"ice in. silent tribute of es- 14 bu*. Swept Clover I , , I . S�;,ri�g. These are all mature cow" and IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR noon a,t 2 p.m. in the Salvation Army. intere ion prayer was led by Mrs. many floral ' I .. I . accompanists. 'Conveners ,were Mrs. , bus, AffAffa Seed.. 2-25 1-74 1-58 . I tk) he S�ld tO Make m-iom for fresfi rnothor, Km. D. S. Sutfierlam4 who passed HaU with, a good! attendance, with the. Weir; respodisive Bi,ble readings from . tributes, -bore their hdgh praise and ' us. Aladk.e Seed ,.. 2.25 1.75 1-50 .. I M have , .. . . ili'., 11 . . 1. ,� , " -17V I'll-z-hwRy W E,- t. -1939: rford, in the John 15th were given and bright -A w. . After - the service the i bus. Pooftoes, tarny I ., � heifers. JAMES I.' SCO'T 3 6- a�ay on February 16, president, Rev. Dr. Hu the N11 Ribifiden and Miss G. Luker. p . � phone s5i * r 4. 'I ' I ,e 2 1.75 1.50 1 � .'' . I . . . 76 1 WL� miss thee fm-rn our hinne,,inother chair.* Thte S�reUfY,' "Re4v. W. A- ,aU was answiered wnh the payment cortege pi.-`o,'Nmded,' to the Bronson i early variety ....... , 25 . I . '�, 1. - I Death of Mrs. Geiger bus. -potm*d3, gener- � I r ===_t�_ ' ad the md-nute& . Rev. A. cemetery, Zurich, where. ihiterment , 1, I .the King," I , 1, . A �I'L,Z�i- cl�bee Irom thy placei Bremilier, r& oi fee& -0 Worshiip I al crop ............ 2.25, 1.75 " . �, , T4 - - ere&' e , . r , or oar life ia,csst W. Gardliner gaye. a . per on "COM ,,Breathe On.Me, Breath of God," "O Death claimed one of Hensalit's most bcok place. The pallbearers were .M0.41 ftw vbkming I ', ,r _. I Auction Sales, We mim the sunshine of thy face - . Sweevoftiket 0 1. , . "I , . , ps;rative Religion," followed by a Fount of Light" 'and '10 God, Our beloved and prominent citizens in .the nl(,phewd of tli.c, ,deceok,ed,' .namPAY: of Gz1ain aud Sesds­ , Adve W - We - 1s thy kind and vd-fflni� hand. ok part. Rev. .1 . I ., . t l, 'SALE WIE BE, "Wie discusedo-A in wbich alilto Help imi Ages Past" were the h 1 UNITY. AUCTION %T fond -and earnest care; .. . YmIls person of Mrs. Owen, Geiger; -%vho Roland Geiger, JOsiah Geiger, Blake I . . ''.. r . I I .,,�l I r.10MM - Pep- eters, of Varna.' Who was ex- - .. ;. � � held at Dick H.use Sta.bres, Seaforth, ev Our bome is dark wftho%A J. R. P sung. .. R�efres,hments were servoif' 'ai4d:"dt 'her home here oil Tues�day Horner, John Gas�cho, nay Ff�b,or, all I J I, . 310MER HUNT. Manager,, Phone We miss thee ev;arywhere'� pected to give a paper, was u�iable RULES AND REGULATIONS i 1� ery Friday. . I AtAhe Unilted Obumh, Sunday school morning last, in her 84th year, afif�r of Zurich, and Edward GeI96', of I .1 � r .. " . SGA r'12. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. --Mr. and Idirs. Campbell Swtherkimd and to be present. . . * - Pigeon, Mich. . -1 . . on Sunday morning last, 51 diplemia � _ '11''. . . . 1 87 . 49,tf Family� After the close of the meeting the. � - ­'. fi , s an illness of some weeks. The former -e& aryter0d'Obe compeUtion uwat 1, K . __ ___ _� .1. .1 and, seats were presented to' W-110 Em -ma Geiger, she was the daughter Included in tbe many beautiful fl I. -AM se � 4�4. ., " . 1,N'9D.N`ESDAy. 1 --EB- . iocsi nr�-mbers reniadned and' arrang- or' have been geown, by,the exhibitor witWm ons, �.�.��. AUCT10N SALE ---ON 11). Coneewion 1. Stan- Births , ed a sterles of special pre-Ewiter sor- pu�ilg of the Sunday school., Mr. El- of the late Mr. and Mrs. Abraham. al -tributes were the follow-ing wreaths year prev;bm lb the exhilAh'imL AN .hgdtw , . � N, . I . I - � ,,, -, f ruary 21�t� on Lc�t Bruoefiela, on No. 4 . Ro cliffe, ,retiring superintendent,, Geiger, of the Township of Hay Her Pmd sprays,: - Edmund. Geiger and' of .see& sftffl be held to be representativa:eC . �, 14. I Rev. one mile r0rih (If � vices foi-Holy Week as follows: St. gin W . I ­ I . ,the total quantfty ind s" seed offered for ��t. Rk�,hway: Hots,-----Clyd�e mare. S ve,ar,%: McFARLANE-In Scott Memorial Hospital. Thomias' Anglip-an, Church Manday, Presid`* for the presentation. Miss marriage to her `sul-�,ivintg' hus-band family, London; Dr. NVffllam. Gedger, "I". I - 10 " i ' ' "d Mrs. Oliver sale by'the. exhibibw-� The Seeret=7 bf Ub!% �. - , 'Ir . . , f,, 7"ing � geaflO h ' M .. - I I 11 I I ' ' Gei- Society may diake arld..-Presii�rve samuvles- friom ­ � . ;ol,i�jp rising 4: teianl li,s Is th rc'- - , rt, ,On February 15th, to r 0,nd " -urch, Qladye. Passmoi recerived her tw`oa� 'wa Sol 4uly 26, 1879, �Lnd..'Watel400; Mr. an I 11 � ,g Ch a emnized on . - _. ?� �.� I 1, K� . &&.... . . � - brok-ern., Cattle -w �' ­ ,o'Undted � having,missed more in July of luat year Mr. a -A Kit- .16i _i6r rderence in case of, _ - , , I bro. - Manc�h 18th; NorW9d ,,-n. g ,m . . g risijig s.,t;ro1,T Mrs."Xien M�FaTiane,_ krlilliop, a daugh , ,. . lqteip &eifer calved 6 "vveel­ Je�­y cow ter. . Tuesday, March 194h; Egmondville tieth seal, she nat nd Mrs. ger, Penelon -ills�; Rory Geiger, ,each exii It _doputo I 4 � � . , i4 . 1'. . _Hd a Year IdUring Gqiger' celebrated their diamond wed- chtener; Air. and Mrs, Sydney Gel ansing from �ffie stale of seed by emh%Mr- � ;N, kregh 3 weeL�: 2 fresh Young cow,, Guem,,-Y, Unated Church." Wednesday, Marc,h than four Sundaysi in ge'r, 12-Clompationt mnsit bewme, membetU at' 11 � Z�t, due time of sale; Durham cow bred 2 weeL­ 20th; SalvgU,du Army Hall-, Thursday, the past 20 years, ding anniversary. Her husband is Gore Bay; the Fisher famidly, Kitchen- the sock,ey by, paying to ae 7k,eavurer, therei.. , .., jMoisteL�n...cow due ,in mar&: Durham cow�� . Deaths ither io isit ituik� 1 ' I ' ' n; M1r.r Z�2c'er alid .family, Credi- of, e prev us db or the time of � "I I "I ; '... I , �. -1 -, five . ,ch, widely'known throughout tbe disftricti\t , I . . due in Apri - 3'h,eifers due in Sprin� - march 21; First Presbyterian Chur ,O M ­ I .! �� te ,en,rling *I'H.A.RP,-,Jn Dettolit, on Febr,pary 6th, Mrs. Friday, 'March 22nd. , Masons Plan At -Home -a _ rs. o 3.-Nlo premilum Bhnm be tawnr,ded on ez� . , 1. , Spod heifer calves: irrftss cow: ­rr - - as ldrgle flax owner, a former Reeve d M E. Patterson, 11� G�tde: *Sh.rthiorn bull 10 nwriths 01, 1, 1. iv d. pigs- I I , I �'� ready Mary Thwv, witter of Mxs. Jan. Devereux, . "The Masons of ,Huron, ,,6d,�_p - Royal �k, (I a so I ' , , A -F. of HeMiall and W,axd,en of Huron. ihe Ba,,,p Clint n; Unilted hiWth that cotritain weed seed� Vtd h in . 1, 65 pigs composed of chunli:s and Pigs I �, . ­ .'', . w&eks � now bred two ' Smfortb. ''. I. � __ - I Mrs. Geiger, who had been ill foi, the, Church, He,osall-, Staff of* the Bank ,opinion of the judge am of a noxidus nulhPV6 .. weart: sow bre3i 3' l .. annual exboxioar ham, I � 1 . M0 � & A.M. 224,,are holdinig.th,eiT -y It -No 8 tr N L ..... . . . . . I few� ' eeks with a -lieait co,ndi- of Montreal, Feilelon. Fall%; Spi . . 1, "WFU thm . . . . red; .3 yourno turkeyl,i: I ROGERSON-Tri C-111gry. Ch=q*-- Rogerson. . past w , .. .,.... L' Weeks: 2 sows ubt b I . KIPPEN � I At -Home on'Monday, o,venflng, Feb. 19, one Prize fm =* §!6,ss­_ �r 3- ,:K .;;; I . _ , . . .11 -1. gobbler: Quantity 10f mixed grrain: set- of fornlerly a Goins-bance, in his `19th year,..... . tion, was a woman. Of sterling char- LcAdge, A.F. & A,M., Fenolon Falls; S. -AM siamolan must be eorreeily h6effed . ,� " ..... 11'1��. . doable h&rness: n,ome, chOice dre,-:,,d pork. I L � ' in the Hensall Town Haa ContribUL- WeUan,d;. with the pame of The vbefety, the arnOmmit ot I . , ,,';�, 1. Tcms-Ca&h� -Ni reserve as prmrietor h- We we, sorry to 14earn. Ithat Mrs. Ing to,,.the program will be Dr. and deter, a higibly 'esteemed resident of Rev. Roy and Mrs. Geigeri . 'r" � I.. "�J L gold his f.,m_ SCOTT DAVIDSON. P-prie- - Joseph Daymen suffered a heart at- Hensall for the -past kO years, was Reeve and Council of HeMaII; Mr. need for &ade und (the selling prfee., Grain na& I k, � , I , Mrs. Bryce and Mr. Dagg, of Zurich; . 4 rs than -25 bupheb ifor. :!!el emm.t"Agriew "I " 1, Axc­; G. J:L EMiott, hssi,ted by Har,,Id Jack- I devoted -to her home and famAlY, and aud Mrs. Noah ,Geiger, Mn and Mrs. cl !`, . Z. 1 3766�1 i tack on Thursday last. We wish her Dr. ,and Mrs- I. ,G. SmRliie, Mrs.. .M. G. . Wheat, 10 ,bushells-.- A&ik,,' andfi L._. - ,,, I. . 11 � §m Anctioneers. . Exeter Plays a speedy recovery. . . Was truly a wonderfial mother, and Amos Geiger, P4geon, Micih. Clover, mot Iless, than 0 bushels; AHaM6 V. i I � �,�J . - I I Dr.yz", e, Mrs. James BQn,thrgn, Mr. -her p"sing will be monrned by her Many messages of' sympathy were bu*hefs; Early Pidbatoes, MKA less than 5 builh- 1K. I'm', . 0__� - - I _=T::�__ I Miss Mary Wies�lake, Miss Irma Mrs. W. A. MacLarea, &II of. Hen- eds; I.ate Platatoes, MkAt Ildso than 25 bwfte&� -1 - , and . . -and,gr. A. Gaekstetter vis- husband and family, " a 'host of -received by 14,tter and- t0legrain. In- 6 -In ewe of dispute, a stmtratory dedbim- ,;., . r e- Ferguson ` . ' , "I Property For Sale , Badminton He" sa,I.L. and Rev. W. A. Young and 'Mrs. 1. "I "I � ited on Sunda with Miss er Young, of FWgus. Cards andi dane- ,� ", I I � . F'sth friends and neighbors, who held ,her eluded amongst these were one'from. don th2% the above rulm have been conWil 11 � ,�11 I . . . I . Y . I "'.. � . I I. . in high esieem. Judge and Mrs. Stanbury St, Cathar- w4h, may be reqi6red from eachi or mv an- "I � ", . -IOR SALF-435D.H CASjEL I SIX -ROOM I . Price, of Dashwood-. . . :::;-. I X ' ing will be an added feature, and a hfilitor of seed. � .11 A . . ,;,: Members of the - W.M.S. Holds World'i Day of Prayer Surviving are her husband, six sons I inl4s; W. 11. Goldin4_ M.P,, and Mrs. --All , , .1. I ; _1. ftsme howe!. in wood condition. on Ord Senforth Badmin buffet lunr-h,e&n will be serve(L 7. exhibft for competitkinis for vtqmm .. � ,,;,, I. . . strleet� Sealbrth- Twl. lot.. cibicken house. ton Club entertainied thq Exeter Club Tfie W. M. 9. of the United.0hurch and one daughter: Edmund, manual I Golding, of Seaforth; James Balilaii- I must be delivered at 4be Town HaW, EremosM � A, . Hydre. ApVIY to Box 2os, F.XFOSI70]L St Paul's Anglican Church observ- V I.. % � . an6-tf on Wedn*sd4y evening when, an in- hold ftheit meeting on the Worlid's ed the Women!q Id' - training teacher, London; Dr. W -m. � tyne, M.P.P.; Mrs. James Gardiner, Of' not lit -ter ,than 12 o'clock, npun, and sbmft use I I . .''. . . Wor . a Day of be ren*yved untiA thel close of the FWw at oK I I'll, I I Terestang serdes 'Of 9=eS wexe play- Day of Praver -et the home of Mrs. Prayer bi. a union serrice on "T'riday, Geiger,, Waterloo; Roy, druggist, Kit- I Kirkton, mother of Hon. James Gard- I p.m. I 1 I .:, ' . . __ ,ed. S,ea.f,orth players defeated the jo - on on Friday'-jaA, with I chener; Sydney, Inspector of Bubldc I in,.r Mindster of Agricultur ADMSSION F R . I 1��, � , . . 1. I I - i I hn Henders when -a splendid represemtation of,t,he . e; Dr. E. I � � . � I A , . , Farms ]For Sale � I s! tors I I gamets, to 7. . a good 'attendance, and Was presided three local churches was pfesient- Pre- Schools, Gore Bay*, Oliver, manager Wl�..r, of Louisiville, Kentucky, an -d-1 DR. A. R.' CAMPBELL -, Preddk"t . . . - 1. I I i The ,-ames: .' . over by the presddetit, , Mrs. Allan siding for the United Churcill. wasMm of ,�the Bank of -Montreal, Fenelon I many. others. , ­­­ 1 K. M. McLEAN - - secretary . 1� . , ... .... I . I "I'll.,..' . CHOICE GILkSS FARM FOR qALE.-LOT Ladi6s' Doubles I s6inson. The meeting ope�ed- with C. Baiiamyue; for ,Carmel Church, I 1 . . . .1 30, Cor%��-ion E,. Hib�� best grass farm Wood and Cluff 'defeated Helen t,be call to worship. "Be still and know ... I . I i . .. I . il in rerth,� Qauriry. Abundance Of grUSIS �d Mrs. C. S. Hudson, and St Paul's. ...., . d ... ... .... :X, __.. .. � ....... , ... I . *..'� - . . I. - "X_: � F . .., . ,�*%��i:,:::­ .%:::;:,*""�,.,.::-,���:i.,.'�:;��.*:�l,,.�.:�?�.,*,-.t . -1 I , ." ..: ..". , ::, . - .; .., :1 ..... _. _;..'��.-.­-."Ir .�. ... .. I �. . � ". � - ii:.�'... , �� ..... _. _ ".. ,..,-. :; ., _. -� .. . _ ., .. " " ...,"'.. ...-­-.--,,,,�:,',,, � .. . ......... ­ �,g­ - .::. ,, - - , .. , -'-".',*--,-... ` .­ , - 1. ...'.�,,,,�'.,".?�.�.,:���,�R�-1c, _. .. - _ - ... - . I.......... - - . - , ,; - %_.. ��;'. . - ... i - . _' , , , ;� ... , . , . . . - - . . . ", .. ... ...4,, .M. -1 .." � .1 ....... � fferiO �,`,!_ ,N..f._-X ..... _,, - , e ..:,.:i* .. .: ,, "t wabez. and being through1v -nlerthmined� is D�gnun and Dean. SnelL Exeter, 18-17; 1 am God," and the,bymn, "O Wor- Wes Mary Fee. Many Prayers Wier :­. 5..- � � ­'. ,.:: ,... m .. , " V � . . 11 ,xvitent. farm for igrowing beans ,,r g -raj., Griev'�- and Mleir defeated Kinney -and, ship the King" was sung. Mrs. John- offered by the different"members and "' , " , . , .,,. 1. . � 4V .. . , I I " "" 7"""', - I rr . Apply Mc CON- ELL. P ,pri . Reaman ]�_xe-ter, 11-6: Lester and son be44 in prayer, followed by re- "I'l-.- ... 110R� to FRANK . I 11-1-1.1 , . _N - I 11 ' � '. lonblin. Ont � 3164 the following bSmM8 Sung: "O WOr- 11 .11 . . . . . . I - Oravep defeated T,4pe amd Reaman, sponsive reading, "Breathe On, Me, �h,j till, King,, "Breathe On Me, I � . . . . . � .., , :4 _.- ww softly. sung. The p , I'll 9 YOU'LL BE SAFER IN A HUDSON THAN- ' I I - -1 ' Exeter, 11-8. 5-4: Kinney and, Doug- Breath of Godi" Breath of God�" "O Fount of Life Un- o.­ ,FARM, FOR SALF-120 ACRES. MILE """" . . ., ­ QRS . . I 1.1.0 I I . I "Ill.- ... T ttf WAIWIL I,6.0 4 and 5� isth con- 1 las, Exeter, defeated Mm. 'Meir and Bible readings Were takent by MrSL 'I,. R.,I. . I , *:" . failing,,, -o God, Our Help in Ages %';K: . . -. �,,13- I COSSZDri., Townsjil,ip of GTeT_ Lxrge bank Peg Grieve- mcMde, Mrs. W."'MiUtN, and Mirs. T. Past" -We T'hank Thee 'That Thy !.' ii�l IRANY OTHM CAR.BUILT TODAY . I ... 11".....0 , 'I se� exc - Ap- , ": 1,�f 11 ham frame hous ellent vra�el pit . � �i.:'.%� ." . . Men's Doubles Workman- Mrs. Johnson led-in.PrQY- ., I ... 1-11.1. ......, q- ..'.�;�.­ . . . . . . . . . . . I �, �, ply to MISS JEA�N TURINTEK Box 114,. Sea- Church Un--IeepiW' and "Unta the `.�"i�,-, . . .. � 4 I Dorrance and Hays diefeated Cars- er, followed by respons,IvV reading , _ � I � " �.' � , " forth 3-4 64-tf . ' musical . K< `�, , Hills," Gontributingato the �'�`��-"-4 To daink-gtearen­s� is easy; but Hud- ' '*h'inged at ih6 front so wind can't lift it-, ..."..... , . ----- ,­ . :-,x, - .. . . .� I . 11111 I ca,ddeza. and Hackney, Exeter, 30-25', T1he.1%ymn,.­0h Finunt or Light Untfail- part of the §ervice were Mrs: Middle- ' .., ,n . .. . I I -j- - ..A I 11-11 % .K'-.1. - I , . - McKenzie amd Weedmark defeated ing- followed by responsiveread- ,.....�a roves it with cold facts. Huds6n alo a I . I ... � ,,�','I' . . was ton and Mrs. W. 0, Goodiin, of St. . son P '.... ... __ ................. ne ... You get H these, and many more, extra . _ g Annual Meetings Hackney and Seldon, Exeter, 11-7 ing and pra ' in unison and, the � �l;.§ .b.as Patented Double -Safe Hydraulics,.,. . � ... �:... i;1'2_ ver Paul'sl in a vocat.duet, "I Heard the f.$�,',-� S.afety features, even in the Hudson Six, in ­.� . , . .1. I -.1 I . �i*,�.., : - , , I.. ":, ; . - 11-6; Weedmark aind McKenzie de- hy=q. "Oh aod, Our Help in A,ges Voice of Jesus' Say." M,i Ethel I two braking systeiris froni one foot pedal. the lo,west price field . . . along with un- . :� T' q � �,.: 1. ­ 3 � . , ... , . : 11: L 17 , ;'..", ..,. fealed Ed. Ward and BIR Davis, Exe- Past.- Various prayers were taken F -4 S�. .. ANNUAL MEETING Clark, church'organist, played. Mrs- � . If hydraulics should ever faii (as they can P_ .. - : '-� . matched roominess, power, luxury, econ- `*I.- .- '1;4,4 . ter, . 11-7. 11-8; Sand4s and,May, Exe­ by K7. A. McMurtrie. Mrs. John W. A. Hunt, at Exeter, �gave a SPIeA- * W any cari-through accident or service zl'��.�. - -, . �1_ - . . No-nCE Is HEREBY -'.GIVF.N_%71AT � TTrq diW(,afred -Sma-M - ikndi' Weedmark, qeind_,��an, Mm. i %. .1. � " annual general Tneeting cif,i7. , .%Irs. H. 16ffes., , . 1. I . - _. ­ . I . - , ' Omy and easy riding. Yba can quWy .: . I ..be Rob,erf I et ddd add res& '' - '�:'- --% * ' ne 'Ject)'-y-ou�fustpuslifarthe-r-on.-the'same ;. . I.. `111* I I 1;,�� d. 2-11, 41-9; Eekwt and May, Eveter, Chandier amd- Mrs. A. Monteith. "Un-, : -:.t-s 9 I... ... 1. I.. . . Bell L,ngine ,& TbT�-h�_- Cqvlvni� Limite ve thi� for self Com46 ik DRIW-a I.. ��� ­ - , , ,�N�i , - , , ,.M be held in alw's Oft' .. ­ -Mx.,and Mrs. Alph6II6 Foster, of , "' � foot pedal and STOP! And no other car . pro your . 1. 11�1.1 ; I the C*mP lie st Sea- defeated CW,e and Griff. 11-6, 11-9. to the Htills." was sung and the topic, the ViIjage, received the sadl news on , , , .. - ., ., � forlh� on Wedn�-day. the 21st of Februar-Y. Mixed Doubles takien from the -.;tudv book. was givkan "', '' has Patented Auto -'Poise Front Wheel Hudson Six, and see how much more it %� I "'.' ;�I, , t - ­ ' - � I . Tuesday of the sudden death of their - .. ` - I. . �:�. , 2 in the Lester and Dorrance dereated Snell bry Mrs. W. Cooper. ...... Mrs. John Hen- - .­­ Control.. . . extra proteption even if a tire . . f at p.m_. afternoon. , I ...­ offers than any of the "other threie". . .. . or . ,,, ,g:: �. "I By Order of t1w Board. � son,ink-law, Charlie Hu�Lt, of Toronto. -, I - .... I I'll If -'. :ZON . and '.klay. Exeter, 11-10, 11-7; Hack- derson an,d - ,"... - . ". ..... .. .. ­.� JOHN FINTLAYS �q rs. j. B. McLean favor- .,. any,other car near its price. .....'. K" ', , , � se'retary Surviving are his widow, the former � . ... 11�� I ,xeter, defeated Cluff "Sweet Hour of : .. blows; or the Dash -Locking Safety Hood, . .... . .1 ". . - ne-� and Kinney. F ed ,with a duet, �'. - I I I I . , 11 1 13_16-z_� 1 .. , I Miss Marie Foster, and three small ].-Ix �.i"11. ! V. . - That 'I hy : I . - - :, . . - - and Hays. 11-8. 11-8; CaTscadden and Prayer." "We Thank Thee children. Mr. aind Mrs. Poster and 6`14^1`::� ..:, . .." 1. � # -.,� .... i'�:­:,.,1:;- .. ;_ ::, � .. 1: : -, - _ %,.:�;�';��:: :::* = .�.�`,.i 1 , Reamam. E`xeter, defeated Verna W_ ."., . . .,�, �. � , . . '.. , 4: .: � .1 . .11�"Y.MrO:,c�l � .� - Church Unsleeping" was sung. folio Jean imni 4ate&y left for Toronto. 1. , � ; ... ,.- ­. �,.:� .X.: .:- .. :_ -..:'. - - : �,:-�:-­�,iU.*i .. -g I Graves and J. McKenzie, 11-7. 1041; ed by -the beinedictlon in unison-. A �,:, " ­ : . �:% , 11 . ::7 . . . ; : .. '' 1,;' " , . �, - . : : ... ,:� �:�i-� F :,.. . . . -.5'.-`X,�;; � �,�,A Noitice to Creditors Mr. W. H. Pfile, who resides on '.. . .. � .. . .i , � 1:* I � I I . '.-...:,. " ., . - . � .,.­ . . .. . . . . ii�, ` . .1"', ".. - *�0�1.:;,-4:z�X'X" . � I : : , ­ . . ; - - ,. , � . .. . 1. . . .. .! ii,i :.�;�: , . . ... ... :.:,. .., 11. K`.."�.X'1.1� - .1 I I Weedmark and Meir defeated S816� -dainty lunc1h. Nvas served, by the com- Highway No, 4'south of Hensall, has . , � .: I . 11 :I �� ';" .",� K,,`i . i�,A . � and Dou � I .. , ""'... ..b .. _:_:: : " : ,.i "N' �.i:i.��.�.:�i:,�.'.,.:­ gla.s. Exeter. 114, 114; P. mdttee in &bi,17e. .,- !.�;. ,.; " , ;'�:.­ � . I . I .- � 1.1.-- . .. M" *:.*�,: - .. , � ..:_,....­.,.,;.;,, , `-* I... -.1...'.. .- "... ,i�: ". ,.,."�."!��"-.*-,�,::�:�:�.�5."" :1 . ',:��,..j: : .j: : '. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS . a Dane, dog which gave birth to 12 :- � i. I - ..., ,.j: : :: ,"..k� Z,.$.. ....,-; " - ` " , .". _ � .'. -::*�..k��:Z,.$..,;e... -:-: .1 R . . - .1. i�:�:��!:�t ,"�!�:*:,&&-�5.,­ ,4 1;.:,..�. :-!.�,::.�:.!:�::,..�.. ---- - - ,� ..::!:1' � I .. .� � . .;:.. ,;,-.- ... , , * , _ -,� IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID G'EmmEm, GrieN�e and A]. Smilb defeated Tape Mr. T. N. Forgyth. of tM� Loudon �;� �1­ .. ��.`� ­,:, ;�, .. ;­;,�...:-, . . ...- _:.:;:::'1,l,':-, ,. -',,.`.�.`,��,:�� �.�ej!:;$W.,.�kl ...., ., .. I . ,; "I, .... ., * *�`, I. - '. ­­ ,. W;1 "".. .- . I .I. . � ­­ I , - ...., �.­­.;.'_ I. .... i%1k.?§."�,�:1i A. - j4y, Al pups: ten of wili6in are livipigg. Mr. , . I . -111 ­;.,:". ,; ..-�, .". .:,. I ta,g­ I persons, haNning. anims -sim-'t the es- and Ward, Exeter. �11-6, 11-8; Sanders Road, sou Aved �!� . � . . - - .;-;1.-.-:-;-1,:1 ;, :.,-. ,.1,1,,;, - , ' , il: .,,.� , � � i., ni" �, ..�..'.,i ,* . � . - � " ��, :: ,- ::,.:-.­, : ;;2 . ?S , , , . I'll , I 1: .1 ...�:� '. . ::::.7 1 : , f;� f" , I , �i .1 "­"', i Ttieketstnftfi. in the Courmn,-of Fluron decens- 1 dogs have never been known to have ., . I �,Fi! --:��..�,`., I I , � th. of the village. recL �:.",-:�,:,��: ,.Nj -.�i;-.,-.'-., . . ,. '.. , . tate of David G-emnli late of Township of and Da,w is. Exeter. dofeRted Mal"lan, word during the week thaj his sister, I ­,%-% -";:., . ­e��;.,:� �* -*. ;:,:,i-:! i!� .: I - I , :� � . . .. .9 �:i�, 1�;�.t .1 , .� � '.. X .., .; "I" " �Ic' , :. I. �1 . 1. .%:%. . -i. &.d on or abOut the 9th day of J une. � �, ,z Forsyth. of Sf,afoi h,' ,:: ,� .. 1-`.;- - �i� , -11, 11 ;�-:%; ,� and E. Griff. 11-6, 11-1; SnAl - ., ,;� -�-;:; .- ,.: * , '' . , .. .".. �.::74 later . - _1 ... '.. ,1. - - ,i:�* .-., ...;;:1 .... A , . . . . ", , - - I I � �'- - :� - .; - �_�. . . � ­ rl had the '. � ',.:',.j;�;,*:;:"::,;,�.t",.,.,.!:::.."::�,.l,il:,..i.,...,.i.,..:�:i�,�i:.......,....�.,..:- . %!� :,i , .: . , ed. ,, Mis Pfile thinks tbil� a record, as Dane �** � ,f, . , lki; -.'­,�ii! L .. Es � - , . _G .. i� _,_ , ;61. T.,!"I., . . ��x.n, K .11-.1.1 `:-,::,%,:..�_:­- _j,;:�;:�­_ " � ,� ,,..�";:...,-.::�:.;...,.,....",.- �..: �­ ". ­­` ,;k�,'.A ��, had more than five pups at a time. NO -ST -Ai N.A.,­Z . 11 ­­;,�'.��77_.:.�i�. � 1M. are tmq-eby notgled vto ,end in n the A Ud Da is, ExeteT. diefeated Case'and :;, *.__ , ... I . , , . - , I . �:z ;.:-...­.� Ll;:'� *% t, %7 - , .. " , , , .� - - �, ,`_ ,:..-._­­ :1;.. -%-.:*w, 2,i��,'. '�. 1:. .. IA., , , f�z;:;".�:;f'�,.��,.;";�,��:,;:.:::. -.,.-.. ,.;W.3 -K 7- , � .:: -7�': k, "., '. I , " ; .­I.K.,.1 .. ;?��­,.".., 1, ` I P,,�', m ip,fortune to fall at her home anti Mr. and Mrs, Russell Rothaermel . , �; ,,� !!,*.,', �i,. . �. .:;��::,::,-�_ �. �: , . . , . . 1. ;. , , x,e7 ,:-:k-;*,:- '.�; , .1., , .. � ,1�,:i��,:�i:;:i:��.; .. .' .- .:; - % 4 � .; , , � �;".`., , .�:�:;:,j.,.,:ii:!;�iii..�.�,i..�::i;i,.� .1 ...... I R.I.- . . .,�, ti.olticitor on ,,�, . ­�:j.�::� ::I.: i;;' ;. -,,,.,,,,' ..i.. .I;. , `�:, - : , ., I , . . . �. . .:."::.�.:..",..".'�-:'��'�,.:�*�.�,-,.� : I. ,�' ::. . . .­­�,.��.,­­ - .- ­ .. ,� . under-s4mied c-T� oe&-re the . ''.114, .; ". . , � a., , :-: -_��. �::­1.1' �,a�,­-w.= -j.­�. ..; I . . .::: . �- - I -1 .1, ..... . .. ­ ...... :1 :, , . . . . . .. I- ,:-....,� �',4�`­.� -1 . .. � .11 - � .. ...... .. I 1. , - ­, �� .. ...k, ,. . , I 1. ::::;:;. .. 1.�, " 1. R. . ". ... I 11 I ..: '1'. I ., I. � ": ;, I I - ; with affldn,-it proving sam,,_ 1;.1 - ��. ... ­,'.. � o:4�% ,;�,�.; I I � oned � Fxeter. 11-6, 11-2: Hays and Grieve ,i� . �, --;� . :":.., �,:��:,. , - " , Immediately after the said iast Tnenti I age, but it is the hope of her many, Su.fiday-guests with Mr& 0. M. Hed- �'­.. 7.'.,y,� .�,,-`. . '. -1 ;��!]��:, .,.,*.�!' I ... . . ",':. ::.," .1 . . -, , :. ' . �.. ,il�,,�,.A date� the.,acse,t. nf the said e -tate -ill be dis- I defeated Tape and Mtay, Exeter. 22-12. red 7 �,�.-_:,�, _. .11, 'E"VIER ..:,. Q, I.. 1 $::gk:,;��:::.,�;X. BIG 92 HORSEPOWER 2-00OR SMAN 11 �' I l�::: �]W. , ... I ammgm 11. day of 31ar&L 1940. full pavtilculs� of claims. i Les-te'r defeated Tinney. and STM41, ate for M"Iss Fors,yth at-bO,,r adTaDeed cedy all of Port Huron, Mich-, were i� �' �`._!i:`.:�:_-*,`.:,, i, . � .� �. Al . ..:x, - ". ".. arst � Sally Wood, 11-10, 11-4: Smith and bre�ak her h�ip. This is very unfortun- and son, Reg., and, Mr. a�ad Mrs. Ken- Eff, 'L : . I . friends in time sbe may be �pa ' to do, and fiamil . . ......."'CAM... tribu�i g,00,,Tgst tj,,� plwtiks- vindtled -e-, - .,. , ,� . I.' - ... . ,;.,:-,: - ­� t I I.... , ._ ­�, ­ .� - _ K� '­;,.i:."��,A:. .j; . , , - ", 11 . ` f Dorrance and Wood defeated Hack recover. I I 11 ''. . - � ::� - .i, ,". . . ,�11.1-.� �1111111­­.. %,�-..�.� ... �:N. . I, .. '. 1'� i;,.�. , I . .�, � , " n4 -y and Di --hum. EXeter, 11-6 11-8 '. ' � - - - - --- __ DELIVERED IN . I -1 I undemigned shan then haVe notice to the eN- Mrs. Fred Tomlinson, of tile village Institute Hears Lawyer . 4 4. � :: . - , . �.. ,­ '. . . -t I I 11 I .1. i,,.!;;_ " . .., . , . .."Iffimm . . ­;:. . - . - cl-asi.n of an others. and the undersigned I Smith a,nd .Marion Sclater defeated who bas been spendiTm a visi;t at the . . ....1.1"..--c .., . , 11 � ,!,. . 411,mot be biable to any Pe�l­n Of wh-e' FDel, t and, Reamen; 'Exeter, I 1-8', home of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Fell, of Mrs. Jas. A- Paterson was host�sg '. I .11.�i . .. " ��'. .1 ..X. ��`�,-.-.*',', . 1.,.` - .. .� - . ... �, �� claim the undemirne,li sh.0i ne, then h -e not- I 11--i. �. her home Weldnbsday eveiiing 'for - W�­,..­ ; .....: -ibuted or WW part. Egmond-ville, h-,18 returned to hor at ... ._.:..'.1.',_.`.1'�: ".." .. S. --.--..10.. ice for the siroets'so dist : ...... : �. ,-��,-;,.-.,- � ... :: . . . . . . . ..... .. - �,,- Only ..... """Tt" I tbemedf. I -0 home here. I the Hensall Serd'or lastlitute., when .. I :11 ..:: : �.. , �� I ... ��' `::::�"�� I ,,,�,`ttl "! � Dated at Senfoi�h. d& 2rd day of Fel�- FOR $1 ' I 'e"�, . i The man,y f- le-�ds of Mr. Alex. Mon- there was a splendid attendaAce of I llllllk�.,�. local :,,1`4�� � taxes , I Mrs. ,mbers and .gu�ests present. Presid- I I 1; 1L ra=7, 1940. me �'(�, . teitb; of the IA)TiLdon Road. and I - __ ONLY 020extra %,% ELNfER D. BELL. i . - , ,�I, , ____ - - 11,1111" � I ', 'L�,;:�,, Saicitor ftr the Atimmi.4tratum 'New Books in Wesley Fremli. of the village4 a.re 'Ing for the evWng was the president, __ I .1 I . ��,�,� I . . I sorry to learn they are on t Miss Beryl Pfaff, and following the "'"NOTHIN&MORE16"PAIt � �� , . I he siiAck ,�00�,". I "i)'�:, � list -di are -de, the doctor's care. Opening exercises the roll call was , , . I 1'.�.,�,1_1_ At Library '', �,, . We tirust thoy may soorn ,be fully re- answered with "My maiden name in __ Hadson Ako Resonim ,New Hadws Sqw�sk .. , ;.." ''.- NOTICE TO CREDTTORS I I.. �. .'l �:. , AtRIC9 covered to be up and. around again. full," follow 'k.by the Scripture les- I ,.'�'i'l..%'11. TN THE ESTATE OF LEVIIS P ec . .1 ... New Hudson ilght and Hv&au ElaM Do Lome. t-5 I .:,�� �, . I , ,,� �).. I Atkinson. I son; the Ten Oom3x I I . ". I kand&ents,was. In C�aaada's Lowed Pdcad tW9W EW&l. . . i4&O ,;,. 9 ,,�, I 'd- - . . , , . " -t=te The follo-ing new books haive bem M.r. E gar Butt. of the village, vis- ... I � . L, sons havbw Claims, agr&L�t the es ..... .. %,.,�,', I -on. DaW of the town rec I . ..�11 . Cow*YCIubSedau,LoxwvSeosaikmdfibeyo- � ... � charg N ra bn - ...... :: .. .. .. .. . c� All pev .. 'idq U, 14, Of 1;mvig PaIrick Atkin, ; k�iredl at, the Seaforth Public Lib- ited his brother. Roy Butt� of Holmes- � e Of At, - K Hi6ka, s�ng­sba.g, , I ,,lt�,��E ,�� pf souiweth,. b9tiard mom prop, ietoi. decew-, rary I Miss Greta Lamamr;le Contlibuted a . . �`11 . : villet, during the week. 11�" �,"; 99 I I.. �� - ___ - - . �f, " , ed, Who ldied On Or 1310400t the I Rh day of Feb- I �,;'���,, Of 6 IM Ml Kay 'i,k,� t, ". , . 'n! -Vil6don-"Waste y beau ful ViO 8`010, and I . rdmtr,. JS28. are @*c�eby notified to oend i Heiritage, Baird; The many friendis ) rs. Percy I:, ,4t. ` � - 'loco the UiM&Tq=ned on or before the 28* day -Uncle Fied in Springtime," Wade- SWc�s. of Tuckersm,lth, who ba, been DrysdGde a deligbtf*1 guWtr selectiOn- ' I �i�qo`�,,�, ' , , I �, . , ,;"t", twy. 2940. '"I Oartk-10113" of tb-r iboijiSe; "Love iand lUeldng Nod," so seriousily ill, livill he' ploaso to Mr. HaTry macMillan demonstrated at ASSOCIATE DEALERS: -, �,­, r,-.'\ot F%b", , � I �. ,!' . . cbrkck,, duiv, v,erlK ed W Affidavita. - 1'2%�Iasefield; ­17he ObampUin ROM," know 'that shle is Mightly improved, his bute-beir shop eats of ,meat., The O I , . 11.11 �;t��­ .. I �51 . ImftWittebr after the said Jsdt mentioned' ,�, ,5- i,,�,.! ' ter ,for the evening Was J- I., 1,r,".__L , __ - I McDo-11; "Exit a DieCktor," Oppela- and we trust .she may soon take a guest Speak . I . . . ­ LL L �&�._thd mWig,O& of the said esftte will be dis , 'e'r, .,�ho . �., " .�t I E. MASON - Gi6derich , " fl::�i �,,;,�,,,:%, tA;;t;j amonsrA the voortiesi 'Ondtled thb-tb, bO.m: "Dr. Hud-,soWs Secret JowmW," complete tutu, for the better. X Morley-, barrister, ,of L I . , I 1 , ­��, 6_'i'. U,ing regard =3Y ft-&841nit Of wh"eil *� Douglas; "Shabby Summer," Deeping; . . . chose for bils tbeme� "Laws Pertaili- I � A! �, ... � 4 � ':. , , -0W*,UMed.ghi2b- 06 have notice to the ex- .. . I en," -4ad v*Ach subject j�'L, ,.% �, . "One lNght k0re,- M -t7; "'Wihite Ma- tug TO Wom HEALISISA WALTER M. BROWN -, Amberley, , , -, ,�%!�4 " , , und--ld"ed ­ . � I atk&n or gal, offiej-, -A the . ... "I , .11 . . ,;, ''. L, - . be bandled in, a very le ThaMe'r, I " 41 '4 ,�';.%,.­ i ,will' I" - bir *Ublo tb w1V Velmft Of -Ume gie," Baldvftq, "St.ation Wagon - S�etl" NSAT-1 I DF9TRER. I' 'I, , ­­ . ..", I . . I L , I 11 - I �; �, ��, 1. ....'� " ;j;4X'thbl�n 'SWI Vot thien h- -t- BaLIdWJU: "Westerh ll`nj`(m�_ Qfty; . Refreabbnents vrerie sibi�lved in charge 1. . L HERB. MOUSS19AU ' , L .ZuriCh 'L I - Drop Of Mrs. Keraftket,, Wis. G. M. Case I I �� Im jr,*P *L- W0&&,tb 41'§b1ddtW 11*1 'my AILVt ::Th,i Green motey". stevo,wn: our now, Prit .1 ;�� � I ��­.A�­: � - I I ;,7, - ­;. . '�:ih-'-04-�'4"''-'���""'-�lL�'.-...'I L". ­.. I *f), hAve,;arrived. ' _� I 1:1 '­!' . 'A , , " I - 6n _' is - -1i, 1.11 "I "A' ad' Ulm BelL A fL4ature of the ove- � L L : 1�, , q,, , ", " i �, .., . f,*% I *lthial.ilte, Onto% ffill 10L G*0 �' 'N *e ��,llem_ I .6 71. � � � "Wo q0Mf&th.,&%,,(& fty a rebrutry. Rt=ger I 1- , � , ­�'�L,�'L, :L , �� .111 . - -Timber," 0"iflead; . . " , . .1 .1 I 11�ULV I It: suitor with hheoloatism. 136�- allig was the douldn'stmOon of the . I 1 .4' ", ' �­.­ '"Y.". I"&, I ' --�. " �!­ :,�,� , " - , , I , z . .. . L 'L - I . L, I I . wwsmmt AT#. n,714et , -Way IrDnSng of a shirt by M.m. Paterson: = I - 4 k'��,�.,;,�;���',,;�������"",rl�,.,. V - - _� & Ir Girl WIM 1.09t Thirtgs:' OaftrO , �IA � -xv ", �� ; . �,'�� _ �-� goji�&�, O�� . 9�1$igo? Rurnscapps' Two N:t � I [a I ill Ij I I I ,��,:!��,�,,�%�, , " km A.11 Kinds," by,omflOd- �1�mk I . 11,411 mw� � � . ' L . , & , , I a ` ["i",;"', I I I I . I I I Z"�­.j,'­�4iC�1",,�,.�� . ... � ,��:,� .... . . :�, � ,� , ,. - AclMid duiekly relieves pa�li while at. � the boateim a MEREM ffil 4 � - ., & a i0i,Amp ,A,dWuiio:e&1J0r. Ta -1 . RIO*, _� . I I �. __ 'd L " .1 1-11, -1 I 11 ­ ­ 1. I . ."', I . ..... v;`M!-' ��, , I 1. . .. 1-1 I I I I s�,�0�1,.,: . '' � ­­ .11, , L , ;'j" L " i ­,"L. " ­ I L 1, � A, I I � I . I ,." :i,��?'�"��­":­` , ' . ,., ,­_ �­'­­ 'L. , 1�1 . , . 'L, 11,�,�" 114i,::;, , � L "��_.:, "�'� . - .. I I I . . L - ioI f I 11 . i­'1�1'1.1 I I - � . I � . I I i., , '��:; � "­ ;.',:��, 1.1 . I V . ,`0 I I . �1 '­, 11 � r%- ,:,� , 1. ' . . . I 1. I L j,'i,,."",�!� , ,� 1 4, , I ,.-'11, . I 1. I I I I ., - I L I . ,,4,,'�!� ", 11 �'i '. , , �:� I %'1111:1 I , � . . � �. I L. � 11 . . �, " . , �!:;i,, 1� 1:11. '� "" "''L . 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