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The Huron Expositor, 1940-02-16, Page 3
r R01w..w 1 wwwp�i , (I�e'no .. !l03! laBt wok) Mr. and MTsp Dona(d Wa ee of, . -Carlingford y`t�slted on Monday, with Mr. and Mrs: George Wallace. 'Mr. and Mrs. John; 4C-emp of Munrp - visited •with Mr. .And -Mrs, William I'll""" fI'll.r. ri Fite P ,. bd#k7�.. ,tau - Tlha a WIT1 44 OmOi �Y smltall . sMs,s vao-o rive O, skirtls �1it' ea •';nil is Rut e C tWa. 0 Rab ha a , � . . ... bs 4 eti ri. 00, +wyo t!elilow +l irJte tri` 'x i1lT call c op'et ctiont un(fier azt .E tremely' ddPlt ii" tslili eumstanees. Ex— be tabu � fll_ a 04 a*te�mao�s bus bookts ev ,a sept i� wiwter,' vplhuen'grounxi and lakes mythlog Prom Plglto (u tGilibon� and . 8 .:, sire froxie, soUd boa» mlore 't'hanu. sig . Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of t�hiaelhurs't (Continued Prom Page !) bas* 4gaan, . Thexv 'ha .ser ens to f .visit'ed' with Mrs. Quance. • r �errtlrs, W!e tihtl4gPe tradk often sinks le ari>n +ta Wrfite. TwIay. few• men write Mr. `Phomas' L. Scott and Mr. Ern- tains callers wtho wished' ?o of[er= r;'A 'd4ngisrOU 1yn' deep In the boggy � �� � �� thedr con ,rattulations' in •:0 better Ent hob, prosm g Fe'rson. The ._ .@ giioavniriy, );mequelpfil'y dilealppeari,ng Prom turned' ba Eugl�a,tvfl, he sou -os1 Allen had, a, business :trip to Tor- 4 event was maaiiedl fico en : . onto on Saturday. by a lamily gafh- ;, l sd .� ter Oxford, ill t • d he , w�71 ern . 4 R Old. . 1 OV T t to g he week , n Iml when flu - �i V lai"ea � of •x e. .ice A c :- r - Mr an M t3I Mrs. Colin M d Co McDonald of 'their saves llivfin'g children were pi7gs- cLe, wtbt Tlheax came Africa, Ile j'odned 13it q ,. suis the gnou thetins arty ,to ;eZ>etnen's ex, addition dawn `tJbie lil5i Harrington visited with Mrs. Quen�e.t Jolhn Schoenihals and Elizabeth ,: - p bwb ar ilhmte feet eve in a dlepth .f p. "` 'The0e day's were full of alcUon; wit- : ;a;,, suLumut r, whose s'ecltt of track slink SchaeYar werq meim7edl at the home , ;P his, description of, 'tlhs cavalry ..ST,y, lot the,bridte',s parents at Milverton on &'• • � >' .'" or'tdit to a dhn!gerbup angle. )age at Omdnrrm' . . COLUMBAN . Febanar' 5, 1890 b Rev.- Ii: Bluwk, ";` Whoa aueh •ranMmtintcation linea o �D•: Y y J.; ` ` , . they wasof Lutheran Church. were crisp at > .>r when food and amjt>�afitiom do ural a�r- had 'tlhte impression of s.oattererl A large •r'epresentati'on of members the bridie's broth& Mr. Fred Scha rive, the. n;voffWe of ,the troops dlicips Der,vi�sbesr runM,ng to and fro in alis from St. Columbian and Dublin Cath- er. Mr. SrohdenhalL was a miller and SAP 'r'apsdly; they )have no heart du 4kte BAPTIST E dtir•eebtons, Straight before me a & obe••Youth OrganizatioA, were well en- worked both a't Atwood and, 'Milver- tas,k-'before thiem,, nb faith in tlh,eir ,rias threw 7himseP� an the ground. �` iertainecl on Mon'd'ay evening at Stent- 'ton before beoamiar I leaders, and wo aatsurance of tive 'su'p g 'ProlAl+ietor 4P the. ply elsltablGsiiianemts dRl ?hear rases I saw the gleam of his cure -6 ford by the C.Y.O. o'P that city: flour mJill at Pant ,A'lbert. Td was fu' i sword 'as he ,drew it 'back for a Marie La;_e, Theresa, McLaughlin 1912 that they came to Clinton to The dmtpetue lbs' supply must al'--ham-sltringing cut I 'hal xoom land and Lorraine Rowland, of .St,_.Q'olum- take oven tit's former Fair Mill, Mr. ways. come Dram rear to fro, al- and cabinet maker here and worked for the troops time enough to to p my pony out 7- ban, Thad, their pictures taken on Fri'- Schoenhals -continued in business un= cap's mwslt not be' worried, about some time in. the cabinet factoiy of recedvirrg needed suappi�ies of eve d - th hf Teach, and learning over ao tit day while of is at a; Teal ground. till about ,two years ago. — Clinton lir, J. ]3oyd's grandfather. Mr, Heir- scritptio2y e the off. side I fired two sthots' into v Gro. hog and not its shadow, as Mr. News -Record. dry has a very warm spot in, his him -at albout three yardst. As I Ground Hog climbed out from his Nevertheless the Russ�i�a.ns haves un- heart for his home town and still straightened in the saddle, I saw fi ' winter home and. took �, look_.ar'ound Team Broke Through Ica li•m'ite�d "snrpplfies +af ;br^oorps and the says thwt .the best -time he exec 'had pin;n's wall! 'need ,all'' ro�,ps u,utsthe befiore, me a,bother figure-1,Vth up- , he 4n the schoo)' yard, , It was found out Mr._George Gious er's' ba and was when he came back for tit's Old lteL lifted sword. I raised in pustol � later that `t'h'e gro'undho'g proved tobJ Y p to r. r�q+V ttheir own efficient be. a stuffed one and that is w9 re b:row,n team b�r�oke,t'hrough the ice in Boys' Reundon'. Mr, -and Mrg. Hen- And fired. So clos�o were we that th th;e river in Lower, Wdngham Sunday duy have twn 'soils •and two daugh- own i dlefin of 'Ulvey are to bald' their the pi'sltol ••itselif actually srtM k a the jolt��ime in. In Pact ,the mount- ` own, i'n'definately!, �•' c -d ,groundhog never blinked an eye morning. Tihe team was gat ashore tens. -Mitchell Adryacate, T him. Man and, stword disappeared rat the kiddies. shalsafely. Mr ,the Glousher was so he could exctited• The Carnival below me. I Pulled "my horse 'inito al Last Frid,a evening a ver sure s A large .number of,friends and rel -not r� Y g y gs - a walk and baked ,a.irnlnd again. atives from here attended the funeral member if he had fed the pigs or ful skating carnival was sponsored CHISELHURST He. wrote a book on the Nile cam- in of the late, 'Joseph Hickey, of Dub- not ,so they diad four meal's that day. by the village in aid of the local- Vadgn, "Thee River Wax," which is w -Wingham Advance -Times. Recd. Cross Society, The; ;place? Dagg's (Inten•dgd,'for last week) still its standard history,- and then 1. lin, on Saturday morning, Feb. 3r'd. Itink. Before saying. anything fur quit the army. The next year hie was t Two Transformers Installed titer about the carnival, we wish •to The congregational meeting of til( bath in Africa as a war correopond- `gr '•• F." , tender. s. hearty vote of thanks to Mr, Chz's%el•hurst United 'Church was held en�t for the Landon: Morning pqo ,. On in ' F s f..', .I f 1 ^ Two large' transformers have been 'and Mrs. Dagg for their untir7n ef• 1 rrday evening last, do the form of a November 16 1899 'heCh .in'stalled' in the north end, of the g 1 it-lucic su'. was captured tt �,..a $ fa tsl in malting a rink possibly. •"he Pas... Feer, .with -a good atteuci-: by the Boers. After a daring escape 'h ! ' _ . ; s sure I�e , town in, oonn'ecdon wAth thecream-ce. lhu In tilre business rVoin . military Ei'i>;?; i ;r• a cairnival was well 'attended b skat g ' r,' cry -and D. N. McDonald's ]umber y' part ut tart' prison, be returned to. s'tz �.... ,., ii , yarn]—Brvst5els Fost, tume,�as well as a large number of with a solo 'and Ben Stoneman slit 1.1 gland—to find himfsfylf a tvat9omal g 'and ,old, ;2u and out M' cos- g Rev. R A. Iiron'c favarctd lv liar~o. h fast spectators. Thanks •to>Mr. Harry G. I a Piano instrumental which was much In 1901—he ass n,ow 27 --he became "'''::::>�'si y g Had Tonsils Removed #� ii H enjoyed kcs`' ass the ed proceedings J Y b� a din s all. p w°• an were well Y Co sery ' g 11 il- stave M.P.:>>sHe has die natal j<::{s> lu `s. ,. min t d Th ..:,;;;,,< Miss Jean Turney was lateen to a e ,Mrs. Daggs' 'svnune't kit• a 'weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. his life to Politics ever since, except f;,!:::::E-o-' Clinton Hospital M�orfda where she y,! it, ht�rd at the (home of Mr. and ::...,,;;:,:bread s, ebeuv was the ,eerie 'of ,real Activit fcln int°rstiice fibred With- lecture % 1% : '' y too. Here the hu gr _l4'1's. Glenn on .Tuesday evening of 'tour's -travel, water=color painting, the U dere cent an 3 operation craw Eau the- s d a P u e>• w s Y tem mon 11 ted b ho this a of her tonsils. P t do weep t. SII Y & Goff � &illmilitary� s. Sihe returned ee a t • n, T d of '? g p 1 a c� he 'meeting was in Y s'ciemce, and . ,the { hoin,e Tuesday_ evening and As getting a special for the kiddies of pop conn charge of Mr. Carrell Glenn and writing of. 79 hoolrs. When his p'oliti every:*i`;::x-X along file.—Blyth Standard, balls. The b kers each donated 100 i3eatilce Dress'ert. The me cal career 'began he needed ,some- sting og Called For Service buns; ,the .b tglrers eacii dtonated 5 °ned by singing hymn 48 "Da is thing 'that,: har not .bothered him be U,ving to the Wes.t," followed by the fore --money. So in five months he e - >3 pouurds uP 1a^einers; 171. and• Mis. Y County Cleric J. M. Roberts 'has re- Krue Krueger g r a case of pot butte • from Lord's ;-'tl Proceeded to make � 0� " �e l,, t ager repeated in unison. -'A k, $50,000 on a lec- ceived word of hd,s apploantment as,a the Cli,eamery; catsup and tuusta,rcl I•es onsive r ,turf tour! i# p'ilfrt officer in the II:C.A.F., with or. P ending was taken from from Mr, and Mrs. lMenn,oi O&seh; poll, the ,hymnal followod •by a h .mn "O Churchill has changed party three d'ers to -report to Ottawa immediate. balls Elwin. Mrs'. Ed. Gascho and Com© all' 'e Y times.. This is a's if, sa , ,Mr. Roos•e "•.':' ;:: "' y Faithful iVjx, Russell Y :::;z:::•>:: y Mr., Roberts was a 'pilot in the Mrs.' Vr• • D:' Bi'yoet The fol'lowdng Ferguson took a chaptei flus ' fits vett had begun life as a Demb,orr,t, `::>s:` :':' last war and . -some drne...ago, •offea,ed merchants each donated $7..00 for book "Boys' who Made Good,1, which "; his services. In his capacity' as Clerk, brch, sFr°nt long years in off4oe as.. a Re- prizes: Stade & Weido, Johnston & kras much enjoyed 'b all.' Ben t Publican,` and then turned Democrat ,�f' , J. 'ML Roberts . ,has , been efficiency `"'... J Z Y Sone aggainl agia.in to receive ill,' Office. I ICalbfleisah, J. W. 'ilerner, J, Gascho man favored with a piano solo. '"Ger- high ffice. I. I''• :;:� ' 1 #; pers•onified. and will be greatly miss- ? 1113? & S'on and Herb. .Mousse,a'u. Mis, aid .Glenn gave a ver This Political. restlessness 'explains ;� �� ed by aoninty officials and a hast Of y inte'restiu 1 Balkw•ill, Mr., Kerr 'and' Mr,. Wats n, topic, followed b the b �r the deep-seated antipathy which die-' Ill" friend's. He will no doubt prove' or P Y enc lrction.. di%r "'"'^ J f acted as, judges, Prizes of $1..UU here 11ho rest of the evening was ,•pent herd for : in'vOuable 'service in, 'tit . d tomes an,cl Pure liberals :,:•,:; Ji''. e ]3.C.A:F.— given as fohows: I3 sk co'm.ic, under him foil Years '':'>' �� Blyth Standard. rn gest s, Chanse checkers and era :.::.. Y""'" 4• •'" 12, Bobby Bryce; be•sit Yaucy, under Once established 1.n PamlAamlent, I ''.. hronole. Lunch' was' then'Drovrd;ed by Chrureh,ill'•s star rase rapi'd'ly. In 1911 Ir ! '� Soldier Gives Blood Transfusion 1.2, Dot Klopp; best comic over 12, the hostess. , f :' ���lli Pte: Wilfred Elliott, son of Mr. and Ross Gascho; 'best fality, over 12, wlhien he was 37, Asquith named 'him I' .', Jack O'Brien; best cou le, Jo ce anal Next week there will be a Va]en- Fbztt Land of the Admiralty because, ' Mrs. Wilbur Elliott; town, who. gave P Y I tine social held; at the home of Miss f: ���� a.blOod' •trarvsfusr'on ,to. Mrs. Percy Betty Mouss'eau,—Zurich Herald, to the growing .international stolrm, 11 Ruby Dalrymple - 1 �� ;`; Skirten of Stratford an Jan -nary 11th, his energy and fr uitY`frl¢res were ned= ^: J.:, °stsatyl.to revitalize. Church. _ f: t;�, w:a t a guest alt btveR:h'ome of Mr; and .. - ! I �1 ;'; Mrs. Skirt'en ,last -Friday night and C �I GHAM dl,l shook up ,the admiral's, developed presented with a sio-d'i•er's money belt, battleships of the -Queen F)4zabe,th : i 1 /� M Q a pocket flashlight and pen and' pen_ THE INCOMPARABLE class, went ,in for 15 -snob guns, and L E;?E:E::;:: 100 Kee. 250 Metres hand the fle,°t mobilized for instant ae- Eg;: til set in ap•preciatian of the ;service :N. WIN • `:':. STON tion when warm. '"' •-. «•>::«. he hair ren,dered�. Mrs. -Sicirten is re- WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS :::� `"'''When his brill+ia ' ^>.: :: covering nicely from her seniotvs Al -ill- poly conceived Dar- ':': * nesig. Mrs. Elliott was also -a guest • F`rid'ay, Feb. 16-11.15' a.m., ` Steph- danelles Campaign failed he resigned 11 ,.iii§§:.fiiE: en C. Foster"; 12.45 p.m., The Bell 'Condensed from. "TnauPP Europe" in ,from the government al ost in lis - b e e a us a .::3 at the Skirten home when her so>L itetaxier'sl Digest) was presented w7ith ,the gifts--Mdt- .Boys; 4.15, Conservative Talk; 7:00, 1 � gracO- sough the. failure was ,Bort his F''' `K*.*.;`?' Fu boners. faultd--an,d went to Fnan+ce as an ac- : c'heil Advocate. °my The Rt- Hon. W4m,a'tlon Leonard E : 'Zi ` Saturday, Feb. 1.Z.-9.30 a.m., Kid- S penleer Churchill is the mast vital live infantry officer. Lloyd Gc� ge �' ti Golden Wedding in Chicago duets'. Party; 12.45 p.m., Hill -Billies; 7, Pungent, aavrll po4etvtriall brought him b.,cl: in 1917 as•, -Minister Jahn Hendry and lois bride of fifty Y Powerful fig- ; I al I g a Wes McKnight; 7.45, Barn, Dance, urs in Bttitisli public tufa stadia In of MunAti'ons Then live served* in Turn YS s s'ii`< golden wed y r, Air Minister, and, yearn celebrated' 'their Sunday, Feb, 18-17 ass's, United 1929, after a dynamic cares¢-, he went • - <:^;:;::;::;: as War Mirvistt� sial§,:>"., ding on the 28th of Januairy at ,the Church; 1.15 p.m-, Scott Patterson; 2, into retirement far 10 years. But Secretary for -the Coliondes.' During {pure,h.:'`:>:"s home of their. daughter, M•rs. Rap- Triple -V Class; 5.30, Little Band•; 7, when war these °ve+ntcrammed ,ears h • • '`•E `sE40:: papa ort, Chdea 'o, when `over .200 came, robe tvafian demoiid- Y Churchill g Anglican Church, • ed that Churchill, be included. in. the was a major farce in stett!li�ng the Ir - Old friends called to extend congtrat- Monde .• Feb, 19,--1 Y. 1.7.5 a.m., "Ste- overs n i ah uestion hl ram g zne t. He became First Lord q e F sled allied 1n- - ul'ationcs. The event is of special in- 'phe�n .C. Foster"; 12.45 p.m., The Bell •of the A,dmlinalt tfie ,sues' tervenition in Russia; he "invented" a'I "``?'s terest here where bath were 'well ++• r Y, pos5trion ' Boys 4.1�, Liberal Talk; 7;' Four itis had, hel'cll in 1914, Andy 4lne fomes the country of Iraq. In 7924 he be- knows in their youmger dais. They Belles- of avast, ,may yt,t push +itis into tits came Chklnoellor of the Exch°quer— t : �'J were 'slammed at .Russeldale, Mrs. Tuesday, Feb. 201-8.30 a.m. Break- P • th. b' z!3 k lime• Min:istterslh!ip- e boy wtlla could not understand :::.. :,.: :::;<: siren .... a_.. t is!>:::, H'endry being the farmer Mina Neth- fast Club; 12.45 p.m., Cactus Mac 7. ma•themiatic9,! and at 1'd g h Fnom his lnr lu Gliureiwl4 has been e tihrs post un ercotf, and; later moved to Chicago, Two Pianos. till 1929. Them, rebuffed h Labor and, . unnF IN CANADA %i:>Ei surrounded with ,a dramatic aura. His Y Mr. Hendry learned his trade as _-a Wednesday, Feb. 21F-11.15 a.m.. 'blood: ,its neat merely blue, but praotic- the ensuinig National government, lie . retir°ci into the wilderness for ten "Stephen 'C. Faster"; 4.15 p.m., Social ,ally pwnp,le. He *1 barn in 1874, Credit Talk; 7, Four Showmen; 9, yea.i�. But. i -t was a wildern°ss' which' • in Blenlhedrti Castle,* the' Son: of Le,rcl . Liberal Talk. Ilandtoilrpih Churvhill and grandson of lite % ulttivated neatly. He wrote his I—- . - Thurs.,' Feb. 22-8.30 a.m.., Break- the sle'ventlh Duke 'of Marlborough He b'0'okis, worked over his ideas,. fa's't Club;- 7 p.m., The Novat•ones; is bialf-Anaterticarn by birth. His mother lice r•emaim-d, of course, a Member , /C�t "-. "--- • 8:30, Grenadier Guards Baud: an extraordinarily bcaut,iful ,and mai or Pariia;m'emtt ,and in 1933, from his rnetiic woman, was the daughter of 1011\0y corner seat, C'hurchilil ku.rned _I . .. _ Leonard W. Jerome`, a Eamwvs ,New into.-.th!e great Oaosanicllw He - al- •, I WALTON S'orker of the '60's and ,p'ant owner of most alone among Bri'tis'h po'lificianrs . The New York Times.--eeni9edt thin ,Ire,ril in .tbre rise of •°Hit- ® .� (Intended for last week) Even in ihris :school Years ,he .loved ler. For six y'ea'rs, dray in, day out, -Atbout sixty-five members of tihe nutila.ci+ty and! 'aetilon, while toathdmg he wrote, argued, exhorted abbult Hit- congr•ogation of>Duff's United Church Latin, Greek 'and m;abhemrati�cs. He Lc r•':s dangerousness, exploring., est-", 01 ~ Get rt attended evening, Ja . 3 fist. one tit . Twas 1 mil wluor His f at boy bpfin .hes class ,a t. a rnia y every phase, h German, re- M1 na;l,l'y* sugge�srfe,d aa•nlramemt. Few paid ,hist much! at- �®/ y use tit �, ,t tAmtion, But gradually his ha�er- P Y n ing vai.ce betaine heard_ ,1...•last - Program. ,t Community_.. sanging wa' t.h,ink Witrns4arL was ele�err' "" u . nuts las coter nductecl which The vas ions sde-. ti�m,esnth'e �pn`.raalrH failed m ny .5en'teunber Prime Mini,tet Chamber- atia'ccep't e inevitable, and - , - tt partm.nts gave--t'tier,r reports and M1. ro'r•'.Sandhurst (slits offices,' ,tnainin'g Churchill ,re-e,nit;eiTd the Cabinet. - Harvey Jo-tinston was. apppintecl secre- Rehallol) before, finally Passing. Today, at- 65, Churcthill seems ten 1 1;61 tary for the meeting, Five new mem- After S'aadihurs young Churdtrill 3"ear:sl younger than he is., His cheeks l bers, were added' to the roll and sev- ;,•,;ts ,eomimli5:s'i�oued in. a fas'hiona:ble'are a cl+'*l.r child's pint:. His power- eu baptisr-rs were administered. The eava9 reg/i.ment. 'At, ontcet-ti fill, ,,tock body, with five very big mY' Ypical- V 0 t �. church is in a good financial condi- I'.. she managed, to gels Leave, amid went bead, beaus a striking resemblance •ttr-• tion and all the organizations are do- M Cuba lo inspect l;h,^ rebellion which that of a healthy bullldog. When he I� \ r ing excellent work. The W.M.S. ov- :„d ta'bhe Spanish-viiHis begins to .talk, with an odd clucking P, 4 i 1` e,r-ran their allocation; the W.A. con- s3•mp,alhies wen•A with. the Cubans; i,nd:�an,t,tt on, the words .roll and bounce. ij tributed $380; Sunday School, $102, 1'e fougihit; h,rwavei, ,"with flue Span- He chooses words', even in conversa- and also donated $20 to Missions; in•rds. On ihtis 21st birthday the load tion, a,s .a h•1'pidlarY sets genus. His the Young Peop1E's `S-octety raised $77 'his ba6ti,sm of gunfire,. He returned talk is 90 good, Go firlll of ba:lAnce and « of which $40 was given to the MIS- do I7n,gla•n,d w'i't.h a decoration Por a.nd,i,Eh,e i,G, 'and so incredibly' fluent, �11 H fill d 0 sion Fu I t B b 11 - e , enry, a goo piece o nc , ie any Band and Mls- bravery The next two excitbimg years tbintt one longs for a' secret di -eta - I sion Band have also clone good work. wore s' t: in Tnrlia, Wirth 'his regi. Phrnie to tai;e it diotirn. busine§s at the Bank of Montreal.. e - The meeting closed' with the 'hymn, m�ent. Here the played: expert p,rlo, But Mr. Churchill can listen ,too. - "Remember I told you last fall I had "Lead Kindly Light" and; prayer by contrived to ,get work els a n.ewstpa- And good listetning is,_:.Sn a way, the • the minister. per. correspondent at the same time ba•suq of good conversation. He, asks a lot of coarse grains and didn't want '- ,St. George's Church heid the an- more questions, ,than he ans,wer.s. nual vestry meeting on Tuesday, Ja.n, to sell because prices were so low? _ I-Ti5 wit :and irony are famous. Once - 30th, at the Home of Mr. and, Mrs. in a, Leiter t'o'ti e, Times in an.swen• to Well, Sit, I Event to.the Bank'of - Hugh -'Shannon, Prior to the meeting Lard Iiuph C--wcia, who shad been de - Montreal and got a loan for $36. a pot luck supper was enjoyed by_.a pouncing Italy, Fr•a.nco, Japan,'S'ovlet laigt= gathering. Rev. F. Watts the .'°1St'sr r• bought .n1ne young pigs, fed them g' ` -% f �•. KEEP Itvssia aavd Germ4lny with. equal firm - new rector open°d the meeting with 4 ,/ •, the stares rains and this spring ?;old 'M . nets, Winston wrote: "It; nn st be g p g a hymn and prayer. Rev, Watt was,. ,�,,,, CtO�E� very palndul to a mien, of Lord Hugh them at a nice profit. Yes', and the appointed chairman and presided ov- , V Cecil's natural bene<rol-once to find so Bank's aid back. And the interest er the meeting and Mrs. Bert An -der- � ` ! many ,or God's childlren wandering son was named vestry clerk. A voto kl►gt / simultaneerualy so fail astray. I would cost me just 84 cents." - of thanks was extended to Mr. and .. / . ' g venture to .4uggest to my ,noble Priori Mrs,. Shannon` for the use of their 13,1 �iut tiia.t 'some'fumther ,to rm no is friend need- -'* fir our booklet, "TI113 Fnlslt�a A1�n Ills BA1vR.'" ]ta'nie. A letter from the Bishop was o < ed .in the mtaboliclty of -bis, con,demina- • i read in winch an urgent appeal for �I c 1V[i'sslons si�as made: The officers for Ong Wedgewood T3etn,n a. small • the coming year are: Minister's war- �r~:: mien, rase im.th,e C'omun'an's'and lut= IIAN1I OFIRONTREAL den. hrafry Bolger; people's lamer, BRIOHT ?�► tal�ud with tntdti,gnattnoTl 'a$ s'ometlh7mg Humphries, Hoy, Shannon, Hollinger, � ,� Wi;nisltrrn he'll• smti:d. Chnrrclridtl! replied. Harold Bolger, Ste,wart Humphries i°' "My Ri.glht - sm d. 0 Friend should ESTABLISHED I$lT and T. Bolger, The meeting adjourn- + • M d y �����`� w g g not develop move indi,gination 'thami lie (ta" tg9sse�se dom� acea"#A a" awleamtO ed with prb.yer by Rev. F. Watts. can 'canttra.in," The fine bank barn „•qi Mr. Cecil _- � r : WititsUm has an estate 20 "illes 7 g - Orey Tow aluipyt'wastkurnedeonoMan "•1 •rlarrn >iedlo>Twhtere,he ,perils his lei - Clinton Branch. H. M. MONTEITH Manages ere be blas buiiit pools, Hensall Branch: W. $. A. CROSS Mana er d'ay, February 5th. When doing hits • CROSS) k nightly chores the sl1pped and fell • s gard,�nC9, brie!; tivalUs, r a.itlil several Brucefield Sub -A en Y Y ,down., .a.lado,pr, bre.a.ltdalg the lantern-. small P4,111 hures with his own. Bands. ( f: cy): Open Tussis and Friday ' gall For yearns his fa,vdrite 'exercise wds Tbe'"stock was removed sa.fe,ly, but all 61•itikleyntni•; Por a 't.thme 'hie belonged the crop was destroyed. The loss is to blue ma11 k__.11 row trade u'ndon, . " covered.' by insurance. - thloilglu 9 ' ' h b1• d i s M ° � ' t , + t � ,1 r ^� , , , is ?^� tq Pr y t r ... :rrw vA i r,I,c , ,,, ,t li 4' + "'r } , t ,;, > 'i, TSI" , 1 :,i i, i!yb�1. ,`,� d�,:''d n71 1, .; i`1i� t� �. �r I I b f'1, 1 1 5=+4- r.. w 4 ;� c t ,, e v : pM,� Gt _ ;`01,.' , air feraQ70U9. Ike ,VplpJatrlB blue OYQtlalllltt7 Cblaage hp ' eke tI. this ? pa b1'e llong. eigar', *Ootid,; see e���'I�i► �. ,: r , h r t' , , h Inches 2 w"elf before the wall', miix .every ; .L (t J L' ,,; r�'c1"RPitit )t,, ,,� �, , r es the rrYoaRpa asks Lovingly slaps' fibs .return., to I ; ` "� r' + iulOks into p$0rce. Fait aaidit7AnaU rte siting he Wk►n lra' . ,:;.. Fr, "16 There have be c . Itaxatt n the.. blast wait sFIQDI 'dtltWAi� � ov +i ?ti everlalH exhibitions of Us work, for n'o 'had 1ti'aW at ltll +hl " st ` wlilf,ffi he nsP�s ;the name a k Marvin Stuarts, Crhuncbttl(L'st a uaut lllp;u i* !>iaal I.°} '�� 14 One ,dmef souaree 'of Chwrx!hdll's s9a" quaizty. Hid bas'a ]ding Iavle of lite ewnd ext . [ai xiaW n M i5 imagination. Far in- the ' of 1& enitu Wlt� ., stance, this was Largely responsible for can his t', I e evolution of the tank, which re- pinabse urwd ptftverl y,t�m� �tl,' glr s to aWmlKnsi Wig. Het has ,' t 7 , X13 `t, aluti'onize , +mlotdierm 'wartare. a sotder, histtomnamy s'Iiolntsrna>r, ". fah ; His energy; boo, is ptnaddgious. On �) 'p'aintter, jioui1wastt, pa76tffft�1.W " �I nUhitng dils'huge life q Marlborough' '' + 1 mihfsdngttoa. Im' h1�_ two a a tl 4iM nl,1. plunged at Deuce intio a long lids-: �en�gy aril •barIe>yfl-tisane fir, r a ry of the AmgloSaxon peaples,' Produce a aesttletss, bivt anti r,,,tr" ough he was cbmainning his otndin- s : hj dannntatic saueceste, , ria rY work in Pamliament and. politics. �, ,i¢'r3 Hamd work eontrsbwted, tot his'present, Y fib, an!osl6 exroessivaly a q mpl:isdied Dna- jB Jy' tory, Usually nothing' can ,atop ,him n his stubborn detemm,iniatnon to ;get i+ " bait he 'wi arts. i� F �.: Another source of power is his &&ccs JUST tltCE t `t horowghne�sst Behind his desk in rfJlre Hvs Mt Admiralty room is a large chra,i¢ �, :: its a folldfing wooden Pram's Mr -_ 1,. , �, �. urchi:llt ewpindrred, to 'me netenrtly? at he )had ordered this chart' col}- ��, 11 'tutted in 1911, when lie fifst took `�' ;11. > , ,i ,, i . , 1111�,1t, 11 W IS T I M NOW H TIME 8, # -1 REG1STER-90 .1 . 1. M I I .11/11. .1 i. n - - .". ".; I . - . . . I.... 1 �I_ 1 . . 11 I 11 .. T . /,. � 11 " I I-. _J DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE a. -„ PRODUCTION SERVICE PLANT PRODUCTS .-. Fs.a?a% ... � , _ .. - .. - assns ., .F i6k c[,rriRt. rA6 - ` ' _.. _ ,. , _ /� -b'V v M F THIS CERTIFIES 0.1 the Dead d..i;nApNw O the front of this tag au pmdu .d from. field inep.oted ned t p..'i. In _._ .._ _ ........._.... _ . _. _ ,_ . ..nd hu been tasted end graded undee'We proeralo lei. the SEMSAICr, e o15 1937. —d regul.tions th—der. _ Y L yi C- Rq9 .tntion G .!Ie qe.i M th. C.ndian Seal Ctorsri Ann.(.__ _ ___Gd..We�• �`ri ___—�_ �_ SUPPLIES of Registered Seed are rapidly growing less through SUPPLIES and salethrough the grain trade,'• particularly rua resistant varieties of wheat and oats. Order supplies now for spring planting. ,,, Registered Seed is pure as to variety. It therefore gives bier returns in• field, quality and grade. It requires no cleaning. Regis,.. tered Seed is sold only in sealed containers, governmenttagged ,acid - government -inspected. Buy Registered Seed! e. For informationregarding sources of supply of approved varieties Dominion, ,E perimental PFarm, 'the for our district, Department the write to—the District Su ervisor Plant Products Division Dominion 5i artment of Agriculture y nearest Provincial menu of Agriculture, or the nearest Agricultural College. Food supplies are important in I®artime- . This year, plant and raise only the best! Agricultural Supplies Board DOMINION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA °' Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister las 1W �- ,.�.....___7 ' —"� ' t, M ��w W ." TRAINED TQ CARRYON.. i t The Canadian Under a great new, much needed plan flits Serviceesare unser_ Canadian Legion is,.pnoviding Edticational and taken with the ' Vocational training for our fighting foit'ces. The , - is co-prmoftthe Legion's personal services will aid in ills Canaan solution of private and business probleflmi& Gerernptent Leavta Hostels, Soldier s' Concert Parties surd. ll Recreational facilities will also be provided. 11d. �A Q Your contribution to the $500,000 drive ,gig I''- O� funds will help to maintain morale today ailed train our men to achieve success in. civil life r ` +�V after the war. 1 _ Will you help to give our boys a leg up fila ladder of success when the'war.is over?,I ea- give generously to this great new Cause. Prow Send or take your contribution to your neata*.' - ' Legion. Branch. ' ,.."..'-- 1.14' ,31 . ms a e of social cis was , 1, 1 ,,, iW ,��t.+�'�"',,��"�"i -.'rl ' '. ' � �, 11. 1 '� 1 :,, '` ,.v v, , . .�.,'• '�� ' l} i 1; r'i i.', `I dp... 1 '� � �•. 4i �j ''10 � 1K^ #7 .' ...:.... . ..... ...4te+: a.1. ■�y■' St';H' ..!.~-''� •• * +F'T }�'xJ4 ..._'•.,. , i ,' 1' �y�t•1 ,Ilry 11 ,� I. - 11 1 -Ir I 1. �. , .. .. P ■ m*wgwrww��w w ,. ,.,, , :,. �. a. .. r R01w..w 1 wwwp�i , (I�e'no .. !l03! laBt wok) Mr. and MTsp Dona(d Wa ee of, . -Carlingford y`t�slted on Monday, with Mr. and Mrs: George Wallace. 'Mr. and Mrs. John; 4C-emp of Munrp - visited •with Mr. .And -Mrs, William I'll""" fI'll.r. ri Fite P ,. bd#k7�.. ,tau - Tlha a WIT1 44 OmOi �Y smltall . sMs,s vao-o rive O, skirtls �1it' ea •';nil is Rut e C tWa. 0 Rab ha a , � . . ... bs 4 eti ri. 00, +wyo t!elilow +l irJte tri` 'x i1lT call c op'et ctiont un(fier azt .E tremely' ddPlt ii" tslili eumstanees. Ex— be tabu � fll_ a 04 a*te�mao�s bus bookts ev ,a sept i� wiwter,' vplhuen'grounxi and lakes mythlog Prom Plglto (u tGilibon� and . 8 .:, sire froxie, soUd boa» mlore 't'hanu. sig . Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of t�hiaelhurs't (Continued Prom Page !) bas* 4gaan, . Thexv 'ha .ser ens to f .visit'ed' with Mrs. Quance. • r �errtlrs, W!e tihtl4gPe tradk often sinks le ari>n +ta Wrfite. TwIay. few• men write Mr. `Phomas' L. Scott and Mr. Ern- tains callers wtho wished' ?o of[er= r;'A 'd4ngisrOU 1yn' deep In the boggy � �� � �� thedr con ,rattulations' in •:0 better Ent hob, prosm g Fe'rson. The ._ .@ giioavniriy, );mequelpfil'y dilealppeari,ng Prom turned' ba Eugl�a,tvfl, he sou -os1 Allen had, a, business :trip to Tor- 4 event was maaiiedl fico en : . onto on Saturday. by a lamily gafh- ;, l sd .� ter Oxford, ill t • d he , w�71 ern . 4 R Old. . 1 OV T t to g he week , n Iml when flu - �i V lai"ea � of •x e. .ice A c :- r - Mr an M t3I Mrs. Colin M d Co McDonald of 'their saves llivfin'g children were pi7gs- cLe, wtbt Tlheax came Africa, Ile j'odned 13it q ,. suis the gnou thetins arty ,to ;eZ>etnen's ex, addition dawn `tJbie lil5i Harrington visited with Mrs. Quen�e.t Jolhn Schoenihals and Elizabeth ,: - p bwb ar ilhmte feet eve in a dlepth .f p. "` 'The0e day's were full of alcUon; wit- : ;a;,, suLumut r, whose s'ecltt of track slink SchaeYar werq meim7edl at the home , ;P his, description of, 'tlhs cavalry ..ST,y, lot the,bridte',s parents at Milverton on &'• • � >' .'" or'tdit to a dhn!gerbup angle. )age at Omdnrrm' . . COLUMBAN . Febanar' 5, 1890 b Rev.- Ii: Bluwk, ";` Whoa aueh •ranMmtintcation linea o �D•: Y y J.; ` ` , . they wasof Lutheran Church. were crisp at > .>r when food and amjt>�afitiom do ural a�r- had 'tlhte impression of s.oattererl A large •r'epresentati'on of members the bridie's broth& Mr. Fred Scha rive, the. n;voffWe of ,the troops dlicips Der,vi�sbesr runM,ng to and fro in alis from St. Columbian and Dublin Cath- er. Mr. SrohdenhalL was a miller and SAP 'r'apsdly; they )have no heart du 4kte BAPTIST E dtir•eebtons, Straight before me a & obe••Youth OrganizatioA, were well en- worked both a't Atwood and, 'Milver- tas,k-'before thiem,, nb faith in tlh,eir ,rias threw 7himseP� an the ground. �` iertainecl on Mon'd'ay evening at Stent- 'ton before beoamiar I leaders, and wo aatsurance of tive 'su'p g 'ProlAl+ietor 4P the. ply elsltablGsiiianemts dRl ?hear rases I saw the gleam of his cure -6 ford by the C.Y.O. o'P that city: flour mJill at Pant ,A'lbert. Td was fu' i sword 'as he ,drew it 'back for a Marie La;_e, Theresa, McLaughlin 1912 that they came to Clinton to The dmtpetue lbs' supply must al'--ham-sltringing cut I 'hal xoom land and Lorraine Rowland, of .St,_.Q'olum- take oven tit's former Fair Mill, Mr. ways. come Dram rear to fro, al- and cabinet maker here and worked for the troops time enough to to p my pony out 7- ban, Thad, their pictures taken on Fri'- Schoenhals -continued in business un= cap's mwslt not be' worried, about some time in. the cabinet factoiy of recedvirrg needed suappi�ies of eve d - th hf Teach, and learning over ao tit day while of is at a; Teal ground. till about ,two years ago. — Clinton lir, J. ]3oyd's grandfather. Mr, Heir- scritptio2y e the off. side I fired two sthots' into v Gro. hog and not its shadow, as Mr. News -Record. dry has a very warm spot in, his him -at albout three yardst. As I Ground Hog climbed out from his Nevertheless the Russ�i�a.ns haves un- heart for his home town and still straightened in the saddle, I saw fi ' winter home and. took �, look_.ar'ound Team Broke Through Ica li•m'ite�d "snrpplfies +af ;br^oorps and the says thwt .the best -time he exec 'had pin;n's wall! 'need ,all'' ro�,ps u,utsthe befiore, me a,bother figure-1,Vth up- , he 4n the schoo)' yard, , It was found out Mr._George Gious er's' ba and was when he came back for tit's Old lteL lifted sword. I raised in pustol � later that `t'h'e gro'undho'g proved tobJ Y p to r. r�q+V ttheir own efficient be. a stuffed one and that is w9 re b:row,n team b�r�oke,t'hrough the ice in Boys' Reundon'. Mr, -and Mrg. Hen- And fired. So clos�o were we that th th;e river in Lower, Wdngham Sunday duy have twn 'soils •and two daugh- own i dlefin of 'Ulvey are to bald' their the pi'sltol ••itselif actually srtM k a the jolt��ime in. In Pact ,the mount- ` own, i'n'definately!, �•' c -d ,groundhog never blinked an eye morning. Tihe team was gat ashore tens. -Mitchell Adryacate, T him. Man and, stword disappeared rat the kiddies. shalsafely. Mr ,the Glousher was so he could exctited• The Carnival below me. I Pulled "my horse 'inito al Last Frid,a evening a ver sure s A large .number of,friends and rel -not r� Y g y gs - a walk and baked ,a.irnlnd again. atives from here attended the funeral member if he had fed the pigs or ful skating carnival was sponsored CHISELHURST He. wrote a book on the Nile cam- in of the late, 'Joseph Hickey, of Dub- not ,so they diad four meal's that day. by the village in aid of the local- Vadgn, "Thee River Wax," which is w -Wingham Advance -Times. Recd. Cross Society, The; ;place? Dagg's (Inten•dgd,'for last week) still its standard history,- and then 1. lin, on Saturday morning, Feb. 3r'd. Itink. Before saying. anything fur quit the army. The next year hie was t Two Transformers Installed titer about the carnival, we wish •to The congregational meeting of til( bath in Africa as a war correopond- `gr '•• F." , tender. s. hearty vote of thanks to Mr, Chz's%el•hurst United 'Church was held en�t for the Landon: Morning pqo ,. On in ' F s f..', .I f 1 ^ Two large' transformers have been 'and Mrs. Dagg for their untir7n ef• 1 rrday evening last, do the form of a November 16 1899 'heCh .in'stalled' in the north end, of the g 1 it-lucic su'. was captured tt �,..a $ fa tsl in malting a rink possibly. •"he Pas... Feer, .with -a good atteuci-: by the Boers. After a daring escape 'h ! ' _ . ; s sure I�e , town in, oonn'ecdon wAth thecream-ce. lhu In tilre business rVoin . military Ei'i>;?; i ;r• a cairnival was well 'attended b skat g ' r,' cry -and D. N. McDonald's ]umber y' part ut tart' prison, be returned to. s'tz �.... ,., ii , yarn]—Brvst5els Fost, tume,�as well as a large number of with a solo 'and Ben Stoneman slit 1.1 gland—to find himfsfylf a tvat9omal g 'and ,old, ;2u and out M' cos- g Rev. R A. Iiron'c favarctd lv liar~o. h fast spectators. Thanks •to>Mr. Harry G. I a Piano instrumental which was much In 1901—he ass n,ow 27 --he became "'''::::>�'si y g Had Tonsils Removed #� ii H enjoyed kcs`' ass the ed proceedings J Y b� a din s all. p w°• an were well Y Co sery ' g 11 il- stave M.P.:>>sHe has die natal j<::{s> lu `s. ,. min t d Th ..:,;;;,,< Miss Jean Turney was lateen to a e ,Mrs. Daggs' 'svnune't kit• a 'weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. his life to Politics ever since, except f;,!:::::E-o-' Clinton Hospital M�orfda where she y,! it, ht�rd at the (home of Mr. and ::...,,;;:,:bread s, ebeuv was the ,eerie 'of ,real Activit fcln int°rstiice fibred With- lecture % 1% : '' y too. Here the hu gr _l4'1's. Glenn on .Tuesday evening of 'tour's -travel, water=color painting, the U dere cent an 3 operation craw Eau the- s d a P u e>• w s Y tem mon 11 ted b ho this a of her tonsils. P t do weep t. SII Y & Goff � &illmilitary� s. Sihe returned ee a t • n, T d of '? g p 1 a c� he 'meeting was in Y s'ciemce, and . ,the { hoin,e Tuesday_ evening and As getting a special for the kiddies of pop conn charge of Mr. Carrell Glenn and writing of. 79 hoolrs. When his p'oliti every:*i`;::x-X along file.—Blyth Standard, balls. The b kers each donated 100 i3eatilce Dress'ert. The me cal career 'began he needed ,some- sting og Called For Service buns; ,the .b tglrers eacii dtonated 5 °ned by singing hymn 48 "Da is thing 'that,: har not .bothered him be U,ving to the Wes.t," followed by the fore --money. So in five months he e - >3 pouurds uP 1a^einers; 171. and• Mis. Y County Cleric J. M. Roberts 'has re- Krue Krueger g r a case of pot butte • from Lord's ;-'tl Proceeded to make � 0� " �e l,, t ager repeated in unison. -'A k, $50,000 on a lec- ceived word of hd,s apploantment as,a the Cli,eamery; catsup and tuusta,rcl I•es onsive r ,turf tour! i# p'ilfrt officer in the II:C.A.F., with or. P ending was taken from from Mr, and Mrs. lMenn,oi O&seh; poll, the ,hymnal followod •by a h .mn "O Churchill has changed party three d'ers to -report to Ottawa immediate. balls Elwin. Mrs'. Ed. Gascho and Com© all' 'e Y times.. This is a's if, sa , ,Mr. Roos•e "•.':' ;:: "' y Faithful iVjx, Russell Y :::;z:::•>:: y Mr., Roberts was a 'pilot in the Mrs.' Vr• • D:' Bi'yoet The fol'lowdng Ferguson took a chaptei flus ' fits vett had begun life as a Demb,orr,t, `::>s:` :':' last war and . -some drne...ago, •offea,ed merchants each donated $7..00 for book "Boys' who Made Good,1, which "; his services. In his capacity' as Clerk, brch, sFr°nt long years in off4oe as.. a Re- prizes: Stade & Weido, Johnston & kras much enjoyed 'b all.' Ben t Publican,` and then turned Democrat ,�f' , J. 'ML Roberts . ,has , been efficiency `"'... J Z Y Sone aggainl agia.in to receive ill,' Office. I ICalbfleisah, J. W. 'ilerner, J, Gascho man favored with a piano solo. '"Ger- high ffice. I. I''• :;:� ' 1 #; pers•onified. and will be greatly miss- ? 1113? & S'on and Herb. .Mousse,a'u. Mis, aid .Glenn gave a ver This Political. restlessness 'explains ;� �� ed by aoninty officials and a hast Of y inte'restiu 1 Balkw•ill, Mr., Kerr 'and' Mr,. Wats n, topic, followed b the b �r the deep-seated antipathy which die-' Ill" friend's. He will no doubt prove' or P Y enc lrction.. di%r "'"'^ J f acted as, judges, Prizes of $1..UU here 11ho rest of the evening was ,•pent herd for : in'vOuable 'service in, 'tit . d tomes an,cl Pure liberals :,:•,:; Ji''. e ]3.C.A:F.— given as fohows: I3 sk co'm.ic, under him foil Years '':'>' �� Blyth Standard. rn gest s, Chanse checkers and era :.::.. Y""'" 4• •'" 12, Bobby Bryce; be•sit Yaucy, under Once established 1.n PamlAamlent, I ''.. hronole. Lunch' was' then'Drovrd;ed by Chrureh,ill'•s star rase rapi'd'ly. In 1911 Ir ! '� Soldier Gives Blood Transfusion 1.2, Dot Klopp; best comic over 12, the hostess. , f :' ���lli Pte: Wilfred Elliott, son of Mr. and Ross Gascho; 'best fality, over 12, wlhien he was 37, Asquith named 'him I' .', Jack O'Brien; best cou le, Jo ce anal Next week there will be a Va]en- Fbztt Land of the Admiralty because, ' Mrs. Wilbur Elliott; town, who. gave P Y I tine social held; at the home of Miss f: ���� a.blOod' •trarvsfusr'on ,to. Mrs. Percy Betty Mouss'eau,—Zurich Herald, to the growing .international stolrm, 11 Ruby Dalrymple - 1 �� ;`; Skirten of Stratford an Jan -nary 11th, his energy and fr uitY`frl¢res were ned= ^: J.:, °stsatyl.to revitalize. Church. _ f: t;�, w:a t a guest alt btveR:h'ome of Mr; and .. - ! I �1 ;'; Mrs. Skirt'en ,last -Friday night and C �I GHAM dl,l shook up ,the admiral's, developed presented with a sio-d'i•er's money belt, battleships of the -Queen F)4zabe,th : i 1 /� M Q a pocket flashlight and pen and' pen_ THE INCOMPARABLE class, went ,in for 15 -snob guns, and L E;?E:E::;:: 100 Kee. 250 Metres hand the fle,°t mobilized for instant ae- Eg;: til set in ap•preciatian of the ;service :N. WIN • `:':. STON tion when warm. '"' •-. «•>::«. he hair ren,dered�. Mrs. -Sicirten is re- WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS :::� `"'''When his brill+ia ' ^>.: :: covering nicely from her seniotvs Al -ill- poly conceived Dar- ':': * nesig. Mrs. Elliott was also -a guest • F`rid'ay, Feb. 16-11.15' a.m., ` Steph- danelles Campaign failed he resigned 11 ,.iii§§:.fiiE: en C. Foster"; 12.45 p.m., The Bell 'Condensed from. "TnauPP Europe" in ,from the government al ost in lis - b e e a us a .::3 at the Skirten home when her so>L itetaxier'sl Digest) was presented w7ith ,the gifts--Mdt- .Boys; 4.15, Conservative Talk; 7:00, 1 � gracO- sough the. failure was ,Bort his F''' `K*.*.;`?' Fu boners. faultd--an,d went to Fnan+ce as an ac- : c'heil Advocate. °my The Rt- Hon. W4m,a'tlon Leonard E : 'Zi ` Saturday, Feb. 1.Z.-9.30 a.m., Kid- S penleer Churchill is the mast vital live infantry officer. Lloyd Gc� ge �' ti Golden Wedding in Chicago duets'. Party; 12.45 p.m., Hill -Billies; 7, Pungent, aavrll po4etvtriall brought him b.,cl: in 1917 as•, -Minister Jahn Hendry and lois bride of fifty Y Powerful fig- ; I al I g a Wes McKnight; 7.45, Barn, Dance, urs in Bttitisli public tufa stadia In of MunAti'ons Then live served* in Turn YS s s'ii`< golden wed y r, Air Minister, and, yearn celebrated' 'their Sunday, Feb, 18-17 ass's, United 1929, after a dynamic cares¢-, he went • - <:^;:;::;::;: as War Mirvistt� sial§,:>"., ding on the 28th of Januairy at ,the Church; 1.15 p.m-, Scott Patterson; 2, into retirement far 10 years. But Secretary for -the Coliondes.' During {pure,h.:'`:>:"s home of their. daughter, M•rs. Rap- Triple -V Class; 5.30, Little Band•; 7, when war these °ve+ntcrammed ,ears h • • '`•E `sE40:: papa ort, Chdea 'o, when `over .200 came, robe tvafian demoiid- Y Churchill g Anglican Church, • ed that Churchill, be included. in. the was a major farce in stett!li�ng the Ir - Old friends called to extend congtrat- Monde .• Feb, 19,--1 Y. 1.7.5 a.m., "Ste- overs n i ah uestion hl ram g zne t. He became First Lord q e F sled allied 1n- - ul'ationcs. The event is of special in- 'phe�n .C. Foster"; 12.45 p.m., The Bell •of the A,dmlinalt tfie ,sues' tervenition in Russia; he "invented" a'I "``?'s terest here where bath were 'well ++• r Y, pos5trion ' Boys 4.1�, Liberal Talk; 7;' Four itis had, hel'cll in 1914, Andy 4lne fomes the country of Iraq. In 7924 he be- knows in their youmger dais. They Belles- of avast, ,may yt,t push +itis into tits came Chklnoellor of the Exch°quer— t : �'J were 'slammed at .Russeldale, Mrs. Tuesday, Feb. 201-8.30 a.m. Break- P • th. b' z!3 k lime• Min:istterslh!ip- e boy wtlla could not understand :::.. :,.: :::;<: siren .... a_.. t is!>:::, H'endry being the farmer Mina Neth- fast Club; 12.45 p.m., Cactus Mac 7. ma•themiatic9,! and at 1'd g h Fnom his lnr lu Gliureiwl4 has been e tihrs post un ercotf, and; later moved to Chicago, Two Pianos. till 1929. Them, rebuffed h Labor and, . unnF IN CANADA %i:>Ei surrounded with ,a dramatic aura. His Y Mr. Hendry learned his trade as _-a Wednesday, Feb. 21F-11.15 a.m.. 'blood: ,its neat merely blue, but praotic- the ensuinig National government, lie . retir°ci into the wilderness for ten "Stephen 'C. Faster"; 4.15 p.m., Social ,ally pwnp,le. He *1 barn in 1874, Credit Talk; 7, Four Showmen; 9, yea.i�. But. i -t was a wildern°ss' which' • in Blenlhedrti Castle,* the' Son: of Le,rcl . Liberal Talk. Ilandtoilrpih Churvhill and grandson of lite % ulttivated neatly. He wrote his I—- . - Thurs.,' Feb. 22-8.30 a.m.., Break- the sle'ventlh Duke 'of Marlborough He b'0'okis, worked over his ideas,. fa's't Club;- 7 p.m., The Novat•ones; is bialf-Anaterticarn by birth. His mother lice r•emaim-d, of course, a Member , /C�t "-. "--- • 8:30, Grenadier Guards Baud: an extraordinarily bcaut,iful ,and mai or Pariia;m'emtt ,and in 1933, from his rnetiic woman, was the daughter of 1011\0y corner seat, C'hurchilil ku.rned _I . .. _ Leonard W. Jerome`, a Eamwvs ,New into.-.th!e great Oaosanicllw He - al- •, I WALTON S'orker of the '60's and ,p'ant owner of most alone among Bri'tis'h po'lificianrs . The New York Times.--eeni9edt thin ,Ire,ril in .tbre rise of •°Hit- ® .� (Intended for last week) Even in ihris :school Years ,he .loved ler. For six y'ea'rs, dray in, day out, -Atbout sixty-five members of tihe nutila.ci+ty and! 'aetilon, while toathdmg he wrote, argued, exhorted abbult Hit- congr•ogation of>Duff's United Church Latin, Greek 'and m;abhemrati�cs. He Lc r•':s dangerousness, exploring., est-", 01 ~ Get rt attended evening, Ja . 3 fist. one tit . Twas 1 mil wluor His f at boy bpfin .hes class ,a t. a rnia y every phase, h German, re- M1 na;l,l'y* sugge�srfe,d aa•nlramemt. Few paid ,hist much! at- �®/ y use tit �, ,t tAmtion, But gradually his ha�er- P Y n ing vai.ce betaine heard_ ,1...•last - Program. ,t Community_.. sanging wa' t.h,ink Witrns4arL was ele�err' "" u . nuts las coter nductecl which The vas ions sde-. ti�m,esnth'e �pn`.raalrH failed m ny .5en'teunber Prime Mini,tet Chamber- atia'ccep't e inevitable, and - , - tt partm.nts gave--t'tier,r reports and M1. ro'r•'.Sandhurst (slits offices,' ,tnainin'g Churchill ,re-e,nit;eiTd the Cabinet. - Harvey Jo-tinston was. apppintecl secre- Rehallol) before, finally Passing. Today, at- 65, Churcthill seems ten 1 1;61 tary for the meeting, Five new mem- After S'aadihurs young Churdtrill 3"ear:sl younger than he is., His cheeks l bers, were added' to the roll and sev- ;,•,;ts ,eomimli5:s'i�oued in. a fas'hiona:ble'are a cl+'*l.r child's pint:. His power- eu baptisr-rs were administered. The eava9 reg/i.ment. 'At, ontcet-ti fill, ,,tock body, with five very big mY' Ypical- V 0 t �. church is in a good financial condi- I'.. she managed, to gels Leave, amid went bead, beaus a striking resemblance •ttr-• tion and all the organizations are do- M Cuba lo inspect l;h,^ rebellion which that of a healthy bullldog. When he I� \ r ing excellent work. The W.M.S. ov- :„d ta'bhe Spanish-viiHis begins to .talk, with an odd clucking P, 4 i 1` e,r-ran their allocation; the W.A. con- s3•mp,alhies wen•A with. the Cubans; i,nd:�an,t,tt on, the words .roll and bounce. ij tributed $380; Sunday School, $102, 1'e fougihit; h,rwavei, ,"with flue Span- He chooses words', even in conversa- and also donated $20 to Missions; in•rds. On ihtis 21st birthday the load tion, a,s .a h•1'pidlarY sets genus. His the Young Peop1E's `S-octety raised $77 'his ba6ti,sm of gunfire,. He returned talk is 90 good, Go firlll of ba:lAnce and « of which $40 was given to the MIS- do I7n,gla•n,d w'i't.h a decoration Por a.nd,i,Eh,e i,G, 'and so incredibly' fluent, �11 H fill d 0 sion Fu I t B b 11 - e , enry, a goo piece o nc , ie any Band and Mls- bravery The next two excitbimg years tbintt one longs for a' secret di -eta - I sion Band have also clone good work. wore s' t: in Tnrlia, Wirth 'his regi. Phrnie to tai;e it diotirn. busine§s at the Bank of Montreal.. e - The meeting closed' with the 'hymn, m�ent. Here the played: expert p,rlo, But Mr. Churchill can listen ,too. - "Remember I told you last fall I had "Lead Kindly Light" and; prayer by contrived to ,get work els a n.ewstpa- And good listetning is,_:.Sn a way, the • the minister. per. correspondent at the same time ba•suq of good conversation. He, asks a lot of coarse grains and didn't want '- ,St. George's Church heid the an- more questions, ,than he ans,wer.s. nual vestry meeting on Tuesday, Ja.n, to sell because prices were so low? _ I-Ti5 wit :and irony are famous. Once - 30th, at the Home of Mr. and, Mrs. in a, Leiter t'o'ti e, Times in an.swen• to Well, Sit, I Event to.the Bank'of - Hugh -'Shannon, Prior to the meeting Lard Iiuph C--wcia, who shad been de - Montreal and got a loan for $36. a pot luck supper was enjoyed by_.a pouncing Italy, Fr•a.nco, Japan,'S'ovlet laigt= gathering. Rev. F. Watts the .'°1St'sr r• bought .n1ne young pigs, fed them g' ` -% f �•. KEEP Itvssia aavd Germ4lny with. equal firm - new rector open°d the meeting with 4 ,/ •, the stares rains and this spring ?;old 'M . nets, Winston wrote: "It; nn st be g p g a hymn and prayer. Rev, Watt was,. ,�,,,, CtO�E� very palndul to a mien, of Lord Hugh them at a nice profit. Yes', and the appointed chairman and presided ov- , V Cecil's natural bene<rol-once to find so Bank's aid back. And the interest er the meeting and Mrs. Bert An -der- � ` ! many ,or God's childlren wandering son was named vestry clerk. A voto kl►gt / simultaneerualy so fail astray. I would cost me just 84 cents." - of thanks was extended to Mr. and .. / . ' g venture to .4uggest to my ,noble Priori Mrs,. Shannon` for the use of their 13,1 �iut tiia.t 'some'fumther ,to rm no is friend need- -'* fir our booklet, "TI113 Fnlslt�a A1�n Ills BA1vR.'" ]ta'nie. A letter from the Bishop was o < ed .in the mtaboliclty of -bis, con,demina- • i read in winch an urgent appeal for �I c 1V[i'sslons si�as made: The officers for Ong Wedgewood T3etn,n a. small • the coming year are: Minister's war- �r~:: mien, rase im.th,e C'omun'an's'and lut= IIAN1I OFIRONTREAL den. hrafry Bolger; people's lamer, BRIOHT ?�► tal�ud with tntdti,gnattnoTl 'a$ s'ometlh7mg Humphries, Hoy, Shannon, Hollinger, � ,� Wi;nisltrrn he'll• smti:d. Chnrrclridtl! replied. Harold Bolger, Ste,wart Humphries i°' "My Ri.glht - sm d. 0 Friend should ESTABLISHED I$lT and T. Bolger, The meeting adjourn- + • M d y �����`� w g g not develop move indi,gination 'thami lie (ta" tg9sse�se dom� acea"#A a" awleamtO ed with prb.yer by Rev. F. Watts. can 'canttra.in," The fine bank barn „•qi Mr. Cecil _- � r : WititsUm has an estate 20 "illes 7 g - Orey Tow aluipyt'wastkurnedeonoMan "•1 •rlarrn >iedlo>Twhtere,he ,perils his lei - Clinton Branch. H. M. MONTEITH Manages ere be blas buiiit pools, Hensall Branch: W. $. A. CROSS Mana er d'ay, February 5th. When doing hits • CROSS) k nightly chores the sl1pped and fell • s gard,�nC9, brie!; tivalUs, r a.itlil several Brucefield Sub -A en Y Y ,down., .a.lado,pr, bre.a.ltdalg the lantern-. small P4,111 hures with his own. Bands. ( f: cy): Open Tussis and Friday ' gall For yearns his fa,vdrite 'exercise wds Tbe'"stock was removed sa.fe,ly, but all 61•itikleyntni•; Por a 't.thme 'hie belonged the crop was destroyed. The loss is to blue ma11 k__.11 row trade u'ndon, . " covered.' by insurance. - thloilglu 9 ' ' h b1• d i s M ° � ' t , + t � ,1 r ^� , , , is ?^� tq Pr y t r ... :rrw vA i r,I,c , ,,, ,t li 4' + "'r } , t ,;, > 'i, TSI" , 1 :,i i, i!yb�1. ,`,� d�,:''d n71 1, .; i`1i� t� �. �r I I b f'1, 1 1 5=+4- r.. w 4 ;� c t ,, e v : pM,� Gt _ ;`01,.' , air feraQ70U9. Ike ,VplpJatrlB blue OYQtlalllltt7 Cblaage hp ' eke tI. this ? pa b1'e llong. eigar', *Ootid,; see e���'I�i► �. ,: r , h r t' , , h Inches 2 w"elf before the wall', miix .every ; .L (t J L' ,,; r�'c1"RPitit )t,, ,,� �, , r es the rrYoaRpa asks Lovingly slaps' fibs .return., to I ; ` "� r' + iulOks into p$0rce. Fait aaidit7AnaU rte siting he Wk►n lra' . ,:;.. Fr, "16 There have be c . Itaxatt n the.. blast wait sFIQDI 'dtltWAi� � ov +i ?ti everlalH exhibitions of Us work, for n'o 'had 1ti'aW at ltll +hl " st ` wlilf,ffi he nsP�s ;the name a k Marvin Stuarts, Crhuncbttl(L'st a uaut lllp;u i* !>iaal I.°} '�� 14 One ,dmef souaree 'of Chwrx!hdll's s9a" quaizty. Hid bas'a ]ding Iavle of lite ewnd ext . [ai xiaW n M i5 imagination. Far in- the ' of 1& enitu Wlt� ., stance, this was Largely responsible for can his t', I e evolution of the tank, which re- pinabse urwd ptftverl y,t�m� �tl,' glr s to aWmlKnsi Wig. Het has ,' t 7 , X13 `t, aluti'onize , +mlotdierm 'wartare. a sotder, histtomnamy s'Iiolntsrna>r, ". fah ; His energy; boo, is ptnaddgious. On �) 'p'aintter, jioui1wastt, pa76tffft�1.W " �I nUhitng dils'huge life q Marlborough' '' + 1 mihfsdngttoa. Im' h1�_ two a a tl 4iM nl,1. plunged at Deuce intio a long lids-: �en�gy aril •barIe>yfl-tisane fir, r a ry of the AmgloSaxon peaples,' Produce a aesttletss, bivt anti r,,,tr" ough he was cbmainning his otndin- s : hj dannntatic saueceste, , ria rY work in Pamliament and. politics. �, ,i¢'r3 Hamd work eontrsbwted, tot his'present, Y fib, an!osl6 exroessivaly a q mpl:isdied Dna- jB Jy' tory, Usually nothing' can ,atop ,him n his stubborn detemm,iniatnon to ;get i+ " bait he 'wi arts. i� F �.: Another source of power is his &&ccs JUST tltCE t `t horowghne�sst Behind his desk in rfJlre Hvs Mt Admiralty room is a large chra,i¢ �, :: its a folldfing wooden Pram's Mr -_ 1,. , �, �. urchi:llt ewpindrred, to 'me netenrtly? at he )had ordered this chart' col}- ��, 11 'tutted in 1911, when lie fifst took `�' ;11. > , ,i ,, i . , 1111�,1t, 11 W IS T I M NOW H TIME 8, # -1 REG1STER-90 .1 . 1. M I I .11/11. .1 i. n - - .". ".; I . - . . . I.... 1 �I_ 1 . . 11 I 11 .. T . /,. � 11 " I I-. _J DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE a. -„ PRODUCTION SERVICE PLANT PRODUCTS .-. Fs.a?a% ... � , _ .. - .. - assns ., .F i6k c[,rriRt. rA6 - ` ' _.. _ ,. , _ /� -b'V v M F THIS CERTIFIES 0.1 the Dead d..i;nApNw O the front of this tag au pmdu .d from. field inep.oted ned t p..'i. In _._ .._ _ ........._.... _ . _. _ ,_ . ..nd hu been tasted end graded undee'We proeralo lei. the SEMSAICr, e o15 1937. —d regul.tions th—der. _ Y L yi C- Rq9 .tntion G .!Ie qe.i M th. C.ndian Seal Ctorsri Ann.(.__ _ ___Gd..We�• �`ri ___—�_ �_ SUPPLIES of Registered Seed are rapidly growing less through SUPPLIES and salethrough the grain trade,'• particularly rua resistant varieties of wheat and oats. Order supplies now for spring planting. ,,, Registered Seed is pure as to variety. It therefore gives bier returns in• field, quality and grade. It requires no cleaning. Regis,.. tered Seed is sold only in sealed containers, governmenttagged ,acid - government -inspected. Buy Registered Seed! e. For informationregarding sources of supply of approved varieties Dominion, ,E perimental PFarm, 'the for our district, Department the write to—the District Su ervisor Plant Products Division Dominion 5i artment of Agriculture y nearest Provincial menu of Agriculture, or the nearest Agricultural College. Food supplies are important in I®artime- . This year, plant and raise only the best! Agricultural Supplies Board DOMINION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA °' Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister las 1W �- ,.�.....___7 ' —"� ' t, M ��w W ." TRAINED TQ CARRYON.. i t The Canadian Under a great new, much needed plan flits Serviceesare unser_ Canadian Legion is,.pnoviding Edticational and taken with the ' Vocational training for our fighting foit'ces. The , - is co-prmoftthe Legion's personal services will aid in ills Canaan solution of private and business probleflmi& Gerernptent Leavta Hostels, Soldier s' Concert Parties surd. ll Recreational facilities will also be provided. 11d. �A Q Your contribution to the $500,000 drive ,gig I''- O� funds will help to maintain morale today ailed train our men to achieve success in. civil life r ` +�V after the war. 1 _ Will you help to give our boys a leg up fila ladder of success when the'war.is over?,I ea- give generously to this great new Cause. Prow Send or take your contribution to your neata*.' - ' Legion. Branch. ' ,.."..'-- 1.14' ,31 . ms a e of social cis was , _. . . -e 11 ... :. �... , �. , .. .. . .,, .,. ,. __.. . . .. .,. „ ,:. ,., ,.,: :. ,.,, , :,. �. a. .. 4,. .. ,. e;z7'�"rB,am.,ua...m,..>,:�r.�r:,: �'v... ,,::, , ,,. a ., ,�v dist G,,,;.,,,+r., +»~.,x�,,,."iv,.., 1. ,:.i3 .n-., r.,, i;:v. ,.�,u.. .. ,..,,_,,,.. ..r., .. ..i��..s. :..-e.Y =. _.