The Huron Expositor, 1940-02-09, Page 74 ( 1 ,1 u:
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d' bo u S. dee i3X . . I, �, II 1"f'y
N Public
c! �l cdtar .,,�� r. E;, �,. �5E (�R.4Vp� A`t every< ma err wiaatear porta! +r,�iin,: S�a°1iX r opP+� oP 14 O ids o *
4 , A�. ► vw+.i 4�' . �� ,4� V ,, a •i a It J,'r �{ ,.: I ,lt '
PY4 v ,
.. pilin ll) th'e biggest CM3wd gathers cart. -i #' , „ , u
. ,•
e - OAC! Bhe big'6es4 'bob:s.ed run, frTr bRb II'a(^ ilei, (the rub.",..$ pm 11+�y ,., e'� r ,iy eBI 1 „r
a+ . l 42- l Ing is the 3nvs't rat._- ,S uu lJ r I t94d a ,,�
W dsngeroas oY U11s saaw .�awa31 9aave $a blrolze: Qhs � r a 1 it
. ... •.
MCCUNNELL & as �► �• 1.7
Bmude�b ilii squaw al, Ift
He found, an cla envelope, wrapped
and''`hadn't�ny folks of 'bis own.
t 11,
Apas'Ia�11 t D: McOomt'wn - H, GW,M Mays
u"Pheas 1174
much less bhan that of the racer. The
K.• L McLEAN, .
Barrister, Solicitor, Eta
J'oy�nt Block - Hens));. Ont.
seoori in th'e mile and' a +half.
Ther was% a light scribbling orf bony
' Vcterbiarlan--- .
red' feet,the four mere still clinging on.
Hanson - Omut. •
Lee's home. Tier feather bad treated.
Tbotae, 116 P. O. Box 291
'Milton Brad`ieih could r•pmember' a
, 3749-tf
... _ MEDICAL ' •
an terse ath'elri sildo
t -
8radruats of university of Toronto.
seems' almrost mon, than 'the• human
graduate', _.of Dalpousle University,
4a�r .
iia fax
- The Clinic is fullry equipped with
wou'ldn'i I'm not a"'part of 'the
i omiplI and, modern S -ray and other
cot pleasarl "`to be remli'ndedl
zW•4o�date diagnostic and therapeutics
The glees)' along the' ,.
like tiok
P"2034- -
• I)r. Margaret IL Camupbell,' M,I).,
z,A.H-P., Specialislt in diseases' in# in.
cani'p s'o'mewhere in- 'the hill•, white
;auto anld. children, will 'be at the
,Llic last Thursday in every month
pressed violenrtly against the man be-
znm .3 to 6 l m. '
wife's room) MOTO abruptly than was
9ilnt, F. J. P. Forster, Specialist in
Ahwases or 'the ear, . eye, 1080 and
)throat will be at 'the Clinic 'bhe first
are fogetrher a greet. deal'. Iiicies--
Tuesday in every mnonth -f'mmn 3 -to 5
, ..
�•.. '
�Y+ea Well -Baby Clinlic wtU • be held
as the second -and) last Thursday in
in the ten Ts' existence
every month hvm 1 bo 2 P.m.
t687 -
accident yea
Placid run -the wor'ld's longest
dianging to the mapesc
J@Hid A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D.
. -
Physician and Surgeon
Thea (the Ibilg curve, It looks as 'if
�� .
Phone 5-W . ' Ifieaforth
1 '
fng over live coals.
W.' C. SPROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S.
-. ,.
Physician and SurboeII
insttant aa' 'the sled' attests up it, as
1Phoae 46. idice John St-, Seaforth
• .
12- SS
She had forgotten that it was
4rad,tate of University of Toronto,
pr;,;,cipai and; agent'irooked at each
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons 'of
. .
Ontalrio; ' pass 'graduate course .In
'i. ,ago clinical School of Chicago ;
Royal Opthalmie Hosrpital, London,
Outside, 'Stanley miolved away cram,
Englalnd; University Hospital, Lon-
d6n, England', Offico--Back of Do -
!minion Bank, .Seaforbh Phone No. 6.
3 ijbt calls answered from residence,
i�ictoria Street, Seaforth.
. _ 12-86,
l� I
$ _ _ _�--
- �_
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Whole Wheat Pancakes
'Graduate in Medicine,. University of
. . '
Late assistant New York • Opthal-
A • ilei altd Aural`tnsti'tute, ,Moorefleld's
>°� ..: '
Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pital, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL
at the right moment m!ay help the
n d
ow e
S, I 1r. °tl.t r
2 •• 'tea oo g P
- p
NESDA Y in each month, from 2 p.m,
to 4'•30 p:m, : also alt Seaforth Clinic
'first Tues'diay ori .each month• 63
Waterloo St'reert South, Stratford
, to as eon s
'/•_, culp wh'o.iP w'hcat or Gra'Uam Ylorir
. 12-87
;, --
Maflgai!°i`t IK. Campbell, M.D.
Graduate Toronto University
Licentialte Iof American Board of
; N , r, <.,
Pe 'trio 6
1 egg
2 tablespoons molasses or honey
Diseases of Children'
% ..
bet Seafnrth Clinic lash Thursday
afternoon each month.
.. 3749.3!
2 t'o' 3 tablespoon. shortening
, ..
anal'( ice gear es,, Peo'PJe watch it as antaly a rl vglnnNeeame'd to filalce I. " ' ,, , hu r
t1h'ey •c'o a bi01 flIg A - �t�,�.,�,q''� ai teaufpt mwmlbeS Yi 1 il" {
�' 'Vlefle]ar ?�4Ri •7• ti,. •.'e -^T." ?'♦ 1'' �I *( �4 y(: 5,?� S
_ __. half holfrilt
halt f'eai iib i . rut ; h e, challeagersl of turA UP. 011e wast a thampion tskiet `, ,r n,r � ° ; I' ' rs `{ 0 1' .,;
deatlh will make a false move. . but had 'nevelt" 'been' on' a-•-bobsiled• I p n ^ , of rl lr � t l l r
..�.. Jif„n
tike oppait'unity that Lee had i . AtwfulUy good sof y to ask me,,
CHAPTER IV. It was, 'I hat was the temper 'af ..tklo crowd When the srpeed got dbUve ft0. the 71ir, z ;, I°V` i, �'tIr',+ y` ,'l
at'tawg far. He clasecL the of- vomit think 1°nA a sF'�9;sauca trailing ,,!1 �r ori:?
5Y1�IOPSIS ice riser behind trim„ M'ns. Archer. A're you scare Yirginna °pO day of 'the Wiaiber .OlYm+pics at drnx:er shoi}'tetU, fRr -.#rakes. Fra�c�n
Lake' Placid tai 19$2; as Ghe stared with. sorrel; the girl just.' hung oh. . r.,;. }K�( ss�j't
Leo FlolldsGer, aQturnalmg linea- Leaning against titre door, ,he absen'b along? iaitra fipilt; I'll takes tate y AlY the nvay dp9�n, despite aganuzed ; ” ,+ir,tc 4, ;i ,sp .
(hypnotized at the 30 -foot peirpend'ie
y ly lit a cligarette. and '1'o'okied slowly same, Grain if ydou dlonft mind a �>� �,L l-' " �ry�
pectedl fr ap trip abroad Ga' anawmd. There was 'the, fat 'iliac arm Caundt om me" ubar ice wall Iof the great harses� ode Ppeals from iu frput site neRer , jf; ry.'!K�"Ili +`
Itlhle Ciacle V tharue'from chavr, sagging� somiew•hat Yrom long He hung up the river wibh a ensue. A +thaw, followed b a touched the (brakes. They brakse, the �t' c 4'
c(hlildlhoad, i% troubled rby signs of y course reooard •for that se's. a "I ; , s yajr
years of accommnodlatin'g Mitt's ampl€r knowing anile'. Hey went dawnraGai'rs 'free¢, had twined the mile a a �, €!u;,lk
muegllecL Hs' is wgseet, too, when" half run into ai )glare' of (hard, nubbly It is the driver's co-ordination, 'his i +
f1e meets SlanrGyaGano, a traubls ftrame; here was the old oak deslk rn Vetter pleased with Rife than' he h'ad ice on w+hiah dt w,as almost impossdbl,m judgment to ilia iractdon of a second, /, ,ht+
the midd•Le of the room,'onI w,h'ase smr- boons Bar some dayis to be infaimned i r ,"h1,
mieaker whom Matt Blair., owner that keeps,,.!tihie sled''in' tlhe tun -or � ;"` �'`K1f1;
face a boy named) Lee H'ol,lislter had bliss lids father was closeted wiiGh a to control Ghe 500 poeind sleds, It P r I
oP the ranrCh, had Iain o>f Rllre lanai burned the Circle V 'brand' ane da caller, ryGanlpy stuolled oyit adey was a :practice day-cam+petition had dhesn't. Irl s•Gradghtaways he )must , t ; ". A'',
in +times past, Slanhp ds neon y n t
The chair in which' he -had' dried+'had Vbic'es' comeAo'tW'm lfeI caught the not yet sltarrt'ed-and the clommittee hold, true oto the Ih'ardrbitten, center. � '4 ;I ,"'�,1ac�
mianager Bor t'he old, CebalOoa I urged) all (teams' to keep 'off. t'h'e run. In 'the cu'rves''he must choose bhe best ' ? fi a: ,,ri� rye
been move d item its casual place. Lea word' Blailr. He anoved nearer 'Go the �. 1
place. Joey, lxto4wpecUor befriend( driv Sine, and 'tlhat varies constantly ��„
crossed trhe roam sotinxlle4ssly and• putt window thenoug)v whaCh thosle sub- But a t'ew4 drivers. disregarded tale 1g%l2 Matt, 'break's bhe news tlharG �varsiing• with weather candntiions. The lower ; y
it back again'. He stood beside it, . duet sounds d'ri'fted•. Ha waited, ]dst i I
Mat' is+ Idle/ad; Ih'e hide kilted him I
leaking toward the 'closed door; went end4g., From up ilio trough the crowd th'e line rtlhe faster he makes) the curve, t ,l+ !:.
self. Joey 'says the ranch ds, going tint if he cuts the mar .0 � � �1 � }10
ver to„Ghe window an'd looked out; ! Mi4'tom Bradish a']lwaeysl knew what would 'b.ear 'a •crescendla roar as a sled gin too fine he'll {;i qk,
'to 'rudin under "viler. manager ,,.;
eo tis forced nP and' over•'Ghe t
appointed by Virgrinia, Matte lliooked lick again With, thoughtful the wanted) anedf went after it'••with' leaped into sight, dark and close to far side. op on tike ((,
intensenessi; returned' to the desk"''and about as mucrh 'regard) far obstacles .bhe +ground. In an 'ins'tan't i.t had F Brie �r�a�y
daugthter, who is )riving do New Abroad babsleddin m �dP'kr~r
York 'wiltli her sums and nincle. stood lookdug dawn at that, guzz'king as a army frank. ,IIt'was'bia capacity clinrl>ed the six•Scat wall of the trough, g 'eras been ,'rich. $ �, ,S
for thee' answer th'a't would not came. for ra'thdessnlesis wh'iah- 'had 'brought wa's hanging at the uppet• edge- m'an's •sport• But )sere. it has' develolp- � ' r`
Leel gores' etast and' 'perrsuades Vir< I a r I�I,
Lee Fulled out the s'elcond daawer, Gideon Morse, the lawyer, wherle he being kept' within ilts narrow zone of dhffrerently. 1Yhre Mt. Van Hoev- ,a
gimia Ito return, to t'h+e ranch' to eriberg Run: at Placid, Amer- !`
ware it. of t'he desk, sllid'• ,hi•,s' hand benleath. -the ; wals at this +mromient, traveling twenty- safety by; th drlver'a delicate touch. eke
Iobsltinlate upper drawer and, gave it a; f'ivee rhundred mi;l'es ''for a few brief Then, like a shot, it was gone ou,t of ica's. only .First-class. engineered run - , " 1 , :
--*- — - pressure of strong finger tips which I commeents which sight. Two or three other ,sle des made .'Is operated ;by 'bhe State of New York : , �t}�'
might not prove al- The •racing drivers aren't as a rule, • a pit,
hnau ht it slidiry au•t obediently An to paper, the curve safely.. 'J% i
g g ' gether rids obs on wealbhly playboys. The driver of the • I 1 "its'
T,hene were wo cartble in 'the home ,fid Gaba'cco tin was still 'there, a few "Ther tan obstacle;” "i 'said in his When the German sled started �' -`/l� "
y sled! whicdi wan('' the twlo-mangy ch'arimg- ��l ,
pastures now, bud, int tahe disthance as � �I ! _, Fel
i r d T was
voles is th s man I � : r cad sir re kus
rtri s me adds an>d a s' of cw-iausl . ¢wil8t mwn th c o
' cal ripe , sa n,d y' d e ronshtip race one ��
Shle rode slue 'c'o!uld see •the sir of the year was. �e boy'
paper. Nabadng very ya'luable. Hollister." the team touted �ta win' th'e final's. Tlhe wlho delivers special -delivery lerfters �� N
timber selasrh, that Lee 'hath censured; p � -fir,
He bunt' bower, peenrmg i'nten,tly, Get rid oP •trim•." laudslpeaker meported its progres® in in Lake Placid vi1•lage. O•ne of the 4• s w��
owe there was Joey's' claim, and in • g policenaew was ow the team that
pulled the derawea out, movie the, r "Not so easy," said .Morse' milds. staccato phaasees: town
SPL in a Con- thaphazard gontenits Ugrhtly, . Pusihlug "And dangerous'.,' "Th'e'y're awlay,--past Eyrie-com- went to the Olymmpicst ice)
front a'f the lStG1e 'grey lab''
cuously tall young man was' just, thein asidle and back Agiain'. "I'm not suggesting homsicfde;' re•• ring into Whiteface -they're around'-- The run isn''t exclusively for racers. , 1 Qfl!
rising from: t'he domestic task of fill- (Something caught his eye! -,a tiny !torted' ,his chief brusquely. "Thlere 'gash Cliffside-in• the straightaway .Most of the trirps drown are foe pas- �f� � t &> ,
frig a coBfee got wilth waiter at Ghe gl;eaml halR lost in ilia crack. „ Hz I ane more waytg of getting rid'bf a man -here the cozens-" _
y sengers, open to anyone who h;as, a 4 If�li
Joey . Already he hard) s'eenl her, and took Tout his' knife and coaxed' it into than knocking 'him, aver the head. " '. r' p(� r
eree'k 91
frown thee dloorway had' raised clearer view• I How about brimging irdm im?" The four Gormanes swayed far to dollar anti a diapoaiilon to take a
h'is Chin' hla'llao. bhe .side as th'e sled started to climb chanlce. About 2,000 take bhe ride ���� 4,
It was a taifli'ng thing when he had "Wouldmftt eomnel,' said NLo'rsle la• the tical). Only a few sensed bhat each season and 'in ten years"trhere ��•
"Hernet',s Lee, Honey! Jess turned it, a thin, trianigular slcra ,of metal conical) "He's) •lake a hound Pup he driv- have' been)"but few injuries and' tbose . - ' 'il`e
up, dloggane ti's harney chide. Yo'ra p y`' samelbhing had gone wrong: t a
with little enough ?Weaning int a place with lids iiioale to a trail„ Probably er had taken the rise a . fraction of a not serious. :likely 'to hap-
cam9n' to swpper, aiw''t ye?" E ��'�j-
where odds and end's Maxi been drop- thinks he #Pias a mission to reclaim second- late. That mreant :he couldn't pen as long as, you hang on. Pas- ) {t
"Glad to " sus you, Virg ria." Lee pay folr years The _t'icke'r off tip of the Circle Y. Yon) see, Ue and Matt seWgers o two at a time, with a dmiv- �' '' •.'" n
somebod s knife. Ike laid it on the were pret'Gy close. You •might sa t'hat get off the tial) in time, He fought g:
held,-e-u't Ills hand as, a smatter of course. •y' y to bring :Ghe sled down, Iris teammartos er and brake who have passed rigid v1Y
and) gave hers a grin that was' some- palm of his' handl he was bnrowght crop an' the Circle Y. tests. Before starting, pilots' And 'pas- MADE INA,CANADA.
stra.imimg their bodies over until dlheir
htoiw reaslsurin,g. 'Td give a lot," the reflected. saber- Matt picked+ him up yews' a, o in'some sengers shave in whiting, freed the I
"If you donet stay to supper;' ,1 g viejr s seemed almost under ilio run y �i
g gy sjerrs., But iPemtMid0gial force dkave awtehorities from liabilit in case oY ri'
y, "I'll give evsryth'inl I•"owri••to•knloiv d'i'g) -hale emd braulght him •home• �:
''Joey wo:n't be fit oto live with •Bar' a
week, anld I d counted on' bunikling with
just +haw ]orvg yeni've been there.".
because he wall a likely youngster
them up inexorKbly.
rn�iiry e
Passenger Irons keels well' within the
ly 'placed a flat st^onee for a .saucer,
He found, an cla envelope, wrapped
and''`hadn't�ny folks of 'bis own.
Two thirdls of the w^ay around they
margin Iof safety. Yet the thrill isn't.
for a Wright ar two"'
the• -bit of metal in' i't, showed' it in his
know Matt always lied+ a lot of per.-'
went aver bhe top.
much less bhan that of the racer. The
, are you •staying wilt'h Joey?' She
pocket and closed, the drawer. Then
sionlers around: Anybody could go to
Tlae •ponderous sled was, rhwrlecl;'
.difference int tiemle ism't, mlore than' 20
hesita'te:d'. • :�s' far back aa' she could
he looked' up.
him with a 'hard luck story and get
,high into the air, soared out "a hiYnd-
seoori in th'e mile and' a +half.
ne•Isi�ber, the ranch house ,had been
Ther was% a light scribbling orf bony
,a grubstik'e or a job."
red' feet,the four mere still clinging on.
ISdxty..mile�.s an hour doesn't sound
Lee's home. Tier feather bad treated.
lin an toe d'oa�pasaei'. Lin' stoo d'
'Milton Brad`ieih could r•pmember' a
When the crash came the ..sled kept
mi'u'ch these, drays'. Bu't going that
him like a"son: "You know, Father
an terse ath'elri sildo
man with whlomi Matt Blair diad shared
on; smashing bhrough under-br•usn,
s'pleed only ten inches from trhe ground
would: always want you to feel% -"
"Thanks•., �
say" ' e d 'softly. `You.
" '
I h'is awn gruUstake'many years) before.
cutti'n'g clown y
saplings',• fin's)) turning
seems' almrost mon, than 'the• human
bu t I'm afraid• that
, stagy bleakfas , Lae?"
'There are some things of, which A is
over and over 5n the sIn'ow. -
'body can endure. The wind roars•
wou'ldn'i I'm not a"'part of 'the
cot pleasarl "`to be remli'ndedl
T'he four had extrn&rdinary luck.
The glees)' along the' ,.
like tiok
Circle' V outfit neow. I'll probably
d * * *
"About Ghia ,youn'g .Hollister, How
,Phe last of them was -qu't of the Bios-
run look Idke a solid fence. You are
cani'p s'o'mewhere in- 'the hill•, white
Mr. T. Ellison- Archer en,teregr his
is it that 'he turns, up. now?" n
pita) in a mss h and none of thein
pressed violenrtly against the man be-
T'm ,loo'kin'g around."
wife's room) MOTO abruptly than was
"Reis been' 'awtay. He and the girl
was permanently injured:.
rhind you, certain that, ff� you but 'lift
She watched Jo ey',-• as Ile bustled
his habit. Thio real esltate mlarket had
i ',
are fogetrher a greet. deal'. Iiicies--
he's been the nearesf to a fatal
3"our head, 3t wi41 be .snapped' off• A,1
about, in cean'trast io Lee'a easier
r and l�fb him hi glh and' dr
seeded Y
sc,ne,biy'=' miaanligliet-•romanetic stiff.
in the ten Ts' existence
your abtitdon,• is concentrated • on
,mations. Soon the pleasant smlell of
Juset now he was said Go 'be
Good looking charge too. And no fool.'
accident yea
Placid run -the wor'ld's longest
dianging to the mapesc
)cedar smoke was an the air, the aroma
ilii some way with 't'h'e Bradish inter-
The man who mreant to have the
Thea (the Ibilg curve, It looks as 'if
of coffee, : tris',' hissing of trout 'broil-
eats, ami at Ghns precise moment was
Circle V pnis,hed back -fids. chef¢.
and .Probably fastest, course.
you were hurtling in'Go the side of a
fng over live coals.
p,rickli'ng witlh' unipleasant apprehens-
"Break it up," rhe said) shortly. "Get
'n'early every foreign • run' spectators
house. Tiher's a gorgeous', terrified
"Supper's ready," Lee .called' cheer-
son lest lie showed• ♦be abiniptly d'iscon
som'ethiwg aw'himl There caw always
and contestants have )leen killed when
insttant aa' 'the sled' attests up it, as
fully - •
b, the other wonnan'
the big sleds have run' amuck: Once
y ou Lang there high on the wall. ;
She had forgotten that it was
"Have you heard fromi Virginia pet,
pr;,;,cipai and; agent'irooked at each
on a German course, A photographer
You're sure that you've left most of
poslsible to eat with such appitite.
my dear?
othedr steadily- Morse noddeed.
strung a wire back of one of th'e
your Inlsid'es ebm em6ere else. But
And s'he dranek coffee _from a Marge
''Only the 'belegrarin saying that she
Outside, 'Stanley miolved away cram,
curves at what seemed a safe dis-
when trhe brakes grind amid a shower
ti'n cu•p with a bus'iuessi-hke handle
bad arrived safely. Why? Has ,any-
the wandow.
Lance. At that• point a 'sled , went
k d
Iof. ice ab 'th6 :finish, you feel that bo'b-
• filo:- test thrf'11 ' th
' ii
amid wondered, as Lee Hollister meat-
.t'h'ing happened?" '
sTh'at old dlunr,p ninist be wortm a
over the tap. Aid of Ghe crew'due a
sl g i$ Pica 2a e
ly 'placed a flat st^onee for a .saucer,
"Well, not e'xactl'y" Mr. Archer
lot, � he reflected shrewdly. "I won-
low except the dIriver, who couldn't
what he'r aunt weould say if slhe could
looked uneasy. ' But I have just seen
d'er what's up? The other•„ woman!
becausle of the steering weh'eel. The
see her n'ow, side by side in 'the dusk
Mr. Bradish. I•n, fact, ,be sent for m'e.
Whew He grinned. `Thi�w is begin-
wire cut chis heats ,off.
wiet'h the wizened old prospector and
and lie was quit, annoyed, He put tt
niLg to l'o'ok ldl�e a pleasraalt )riffle
Failure to'get u'p on the horsas#hoe
.. ,.
the young man 'who had, been onie of
her father's "ban'ds-".�
up to 'me •rather bluntly as' if Virginia`s
going welne mry fault."
(To bee cantladed)
wall soon, enougrh is' `bhe cause; of man
suraShu'ps. At Gar-misclh,Partenlcir
I ## � '
/��_nlne� P GU I'LD
Lee was quiet, his clean profile
"But I don't see how w'e, could h+ave
chlen do Germany, where the last O _
�'"'" �I��
ins oey
showiln'g darkly against the fire. J
showingld rkly
prevented it! We have done every-
0 - '
angles were held, the ,dead man's'
. `
,thinrg, to mmdter Virginia (happy here."
curve, called the great Bavaria, is
"Lee was sayin'," 'Joey prattled• on,
"Mr. Braddsrh feels+-" her busband
pancakeReci es
tricky. Bad weather had allowed the
t at ye oughta have some woman to
returned nervously t'o the subject
seconds they had: lost cosrt 'them first
U. S. team' only three trial runs be-
com'e (help tvitli ahei work:'
uVp'er•m'ost 'i'n his mind --"that young
_..___...._- ^
-iour Cream Pancakes
fore the race. On those. trials they
.. .
'` :':
Ill think about it Joe but I must
3 -
I -Jo ter is°tryin'g to influence Virgin-
1 /_cups of cake or vastly flo Ur
had ne'g'otiated 'the big bend''only by
go now'. It's+a.lmKrs't dark." She jwmp-
is to'beep the much."
Or V1.1 cups.bread flour
use of. the brake. And in. a race,
. k
ed up with a quick shiver. Night was
Before leis wife',s in'grai•rin� eye Vis,
1 teaspo.on,baking powder, any type
when hundredths of a second count,
coming, on with a keen tang in the
Arch'e'r seemied to feel,.Ghat ftuthen
. zy4 teaspoon baking sada
you don't use the brake.
air an'd.her silk setrirt was thin. Lee
elPlanationsl w9re necessary.
I i to 3 teaspoons sugar •,
On the morning of the race the Am-
•:, 7 7
anos'e also an+d disappeared into the
",M:r. Bilaiddsili said 'that lie hail' felt
, tea -;Poon salt
eric4n sled waited at fire start high+up
`?: �
eabdir. A moment lafea a .man's coat
s+o certraiw 2diat'the 1>laoe wo'u,d belong
i egg
on the pine -clad slopes of the Wetter-
' t
was ktii'd around (her shoulders,
to him' •in 'a sha'rt tim!, that. h� Traci
1' cups thick sour coffee cream
stein. Beneath„ the run looped like
"Reci;on you forget that th4's climate.
asked 'the manager to keep him iu
(lf sour whip•t+ing' cream Is •used,
a ,�re'at white ribbon down the slope.
x` ♦ t
VMS hunts WI"
They rode on in a sitar glimmering His wife went over Go hor desk "and
use hall' cream suet h'alfsour milk to
I the Americans' number" was cal-
�' '
of course, that the light switch is
I° j
I "" . ,.. •
ua1:C• l cups.) r,
lec1.. Captain Hubert Stevens grip
,o -;`#r , .- a,s , ,.
team's perfectly timed sdde?sway en-
Melted) butter is not required in
pe•d bhe wheel, tdre other three ran
�, f
.- �
this recipe.
t•he sled,• pushing it, and as it
. "' as k<y, „
-� _ter--
For a li•g'hter pancake, use 2 eggs
and only 1 to 1';'+ cups of sour cream.
gathered speed,, vaulted, into plga,ce.
Down .the slope it shot, doing 40 50
:° sy s
'_�- _. ---_
The ameanut 'of cream required will
.miles an (.hour. They •took the early
•" E:
$ _ _ _�--
- �_
depend on"t9ow thiel: 51t is'.
curve's perfectiy, Then tlhe long
"�— _:
V_ ., ,. ,`
Whole Wheat Pancakes
straightaw•a•y befor.P the Great iia-
f�� _� =�^+ �., _ -__
1 cup cake, or l+ast.ry flour, or %cup
varus. 'S•tevens called• the order for
>°� ..: '
A - �. ^g .. _;
bread flour .•.. _ ... ..
bobbing and his team"sw,irng back
at the right moment m!ay help the
�' - e .c—
s. -
o;�i , ��_ _s = ,� ,. ," -"::.
n d
ow e
S, I 1r. °tl.t r
2 •• 'tea oo g P
- p
an'cl foru�r in rhythm. They were
`?;i: si
;mac. .! ��
-�; '
1"filblcspoon sugar
h Vetter than 60.
: r
,^rr _C
`1 - -�
.-r �„ ��^�
;` ^., \
, to as eon s
'/•_, culp wh'o.iP w'hcat or Gra'Uam Ylorir
Thp big curve came in si t, a
a, �_v ��r',+?> tr f; �rl
Scant sup sweet milk
rIi1PPr' 1N"PCFp1CP, of ice. Stevens knew
<� ::. 'k ..
o k}Il, ,, Ir•�a,� `.�W
•contenimon°?r+ ��
`Tale jawbone, sawnry.
that di( had to jerk` the sled at just
; N , r, <.,
- ���"� -r;� �'= 6_ �A ;,,
- ;: �- W � �,, - %= a �'
1 egg
2 tablespoons molasses or honey
the right, moment alnd force i�t up
{? �?:''.?�. •r>Cy
3 � '' �
' '" ��
- ., - +�+ k W e1
�� _ :r,R.,r;y„ ..•, ay KYi_;'' r
,:.' ' ` s n„
t s o n b ahinz s'od'a
/� t o.
onto the wall, ti's file was (half a
':d ri.,� ., z
...`� ^;„,'ia,
�, , , ~
•w ' s s c; { ±OX"f, ." w
2 t'o' 3 tablespoon. shortening
sec•c;aid too late. Th, sled was forced
,,., ,.., .
t[lalthol`' ' ant hltisakra'
:.� ..
.. + ^ "' , -<- 0 V.'
.. M Ir r ri +. r
.,,, ' �� c , i
�-" +_-�
Wheat gel.m mars be added bo in-
b terrific pressure up and up wlhile
Stevens_. fought, bhe to
era with hi'h speed fl]m.
i0 , •.N y, _ ��i I
„ i'rdi 1 ''
area.sle nutriment.
with wheel
13altaltfas' Leel dpresentitr•rwith ail elier'inrterest. Why
e.. 'y, r,-:,
"`w ;�y �.�` <y Tr •l+, .l" P.Mi+�`6
IY sour mill. i5 treed; use- only 1'd/•-,
Using it clown. "Chree fourbhes of the
,4 __ 4a _,
v • " ''' ";, 4 fe '" «: fmr I
11, d -,�^
tea'spo'ons or powder an'd add
way around, one Winner was at the
c;•,< %#s?;:» >• ;:; -:;
-o� , ..r• 1, . le
- , �i++ ,
1 teaspaan of t'ille'r s'od'a. Slightly
.top, •sd.ill mounting.
'('hen, impulse, the team
A flash bulb, fired ust as the photographer aroused the dog from sleep,
-�� $�%�-------��sS''
mloro sour 'mill: th;+n of sweet mills
witlh one
captured this picture: The camera was first set for "time" and the
will be required if the. mill: is thick
put t'h'eir hands under the upper run-
' I •cher the literal-
shutter opened.
Licensed Auctioneer
Y' •' 9 9 rn
The rode on in a star- limmerin darkness.
and clabbered.
Rice Pancakes
Ricb pancakes with savory mixtures
may w i't li; creamer) haw ami pe'as'-
�4'o have two favorite
Wer. e dUp t of y
ly picke�de up the fly-ing sic*d and Uhrew
it back into the run. `"A photograph
showed that 'one rimier (had been in,
titre air, bhe other at the extreniti'"ftp
F to albums contain enough pic-aliove is a "flash shot," First, the
P camera was placed just the right
tures of the far rip pet -the
dog, kitten, parrot, r whatever distance from the dog, while lie
slept under the kitchen stove. The
is half a mile up in the air ,and gets 'touch with mratters trhere."
Specialist 'tri' farm and household
cold awful sudden;" lire draewli,d� "I'll He pausleKl amdl cleared his throat
are delicious..
'Pet' edge.
animal companion you have. How-
was set for a "time" ex-
. - stales, Prlices re'ason'able. For dates,
you, Virginia. nelttvausly. It nv'rll b, very un Bort-
ride"'back with " "
Rice ,l?ancake recipes)-
Recipe No. 1
Tiheir shoulders trtruck the ice to-
ever, with a little patience and
Then the photographer
: ;