HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-02-09, Page 5•. t‘i • ,h • 10. When. You • Require Letterheads Envelopes Billheads • Statements Dodgers • Counter Checklooks Ledgers Booklets Tags or any. other Printing Phone 4•1 The Huron Expositor of .1 i • — ,:eitX441/ (#091.Pqo-44 tlA Octit*Ot bAs* iriWta vOttyt,Alt 130 044 1.qlgit sloe tIgimg0 , The Week At the Seaforth-Collegiate Institute (By Alastilr WIWI) One SeafOrth merchant keenly in- to saitpervise the activity. tereated in the work the boys are do- • • • • ing in the shop donated for a prize a large model airplane site, The prize goes to the boy who designs the most usefud gadget for the kitchen. There are already a number •of entries and judging will take tplace soon. • • • Permission, has, been given to any form throughout the school that wish- es to hold a form party to de so. Pupilscan 'go' skating„'tobagganiug, snowshoeing and return, to school for lunch afterwards. The form MUilt supply theii . own lunch and have suf- ficient number of the staff with them VARNA Members of the township council met in the halleon Tuesday, when Mr. Mervine Hanley was almeinted as- sess•or to succeed Mr. John Arm - One boy is such an ardent thockey fan, that he finds school integers with his attendance at the games. He lias n:tissedi only one game. strong. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride of the Gochen line, spent a few days with their daugheter, Mrs. Stewart Beattie. Mrs. Dewar, of Bayfield, called on her sister, Mrs. Mossop, Monday'. Mr4". and Mita Walter McBride and kiddies of the Goshen line were re- newing acquaintances in the village, Sunday. The Women's Day of Prayer will be observed in the United, Friday, at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs, Billie Austin, and little daughter of Seaforth, with form- ers mother, Mrs. Austin, . The Varna branch of the Red Cross shipped to Toronto Headquarters, one IMPORTANT YOUR WAR BONDS, . should be kept in a safe .place. We offer you -the safety of a • Safety DepositBox in Our vault, which may • be used as well for any important papers or • small articles of value. The rent for such, a box is small: • BANK OF MONTREAL , ... S RE ! THE REVOLUTIONARY NEW FORD TRACTOR • with hydraulically •controlled plow is now •on display in our show rooms. Come in and see it ! aly's Earage Sectforth Town of Seaforth TAX PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1940 The Town pay 4 per cent. per annum i up to August 31, 1940, on all prepaid 1940 taxes. •• Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. Dead and Disabled Animals. REMOVED PROMPTLY• - Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc.---1-Cdurtous Service PHONE:..15 SEAFORTH235 EXETER—COLLECT DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. • 3765x26 vatimitinsiarire MIsS San, ; viseiting filen& Harrison„in this Week. The Red CrossCommittee Is held - tug a progresiVe oucbre and dance in the town hall on the evening of Feb- ruary 14th. The Women's Day of Prayer .of th.e three churches wiF1 be held in . the United meeting of -the Red Cross Com- mittee will the held in the Orange halt on Thursday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. ,McIntyre of Waterloo her pare'ntii,-Rev. _Mr. and Mrs. Gale on Standar last. .• The Red Cross Society here made its first direct shipment including socks, sweaters, scarves for Reit Cross and quiltat; mitts, child's cap and scarf for refugee work. The women's section are raising traoney by having "house to house card part- ies," and are planning a euchre, and dance for FebruarY it The men's section are having "bingo'" every two ,Weeks. MANLEY • Mr. Fred Eckert spent the week- . endeand the beginning of this week in our burg. A pleanant ,evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lean - *nett 'last Monday to honour their daughter, Vera, the bride-to-be, when a host. of friends and neighbors gath- ered to present he- • with.eakitchen :lower. The gift w re' . nunatttreus and useful. After the presentation a sumptious lunch.'was herved. All .t.tn- joyed themselves to games and -trip ing the light fantastic until the wee hours in the morning, leaving the young couple with best wishes for a happy journey throughwedded life The wedding Will take place at an early date, the groom being Mr. Bert Hanney, of Tuckersraith. The subscriber of the McKillop, Logan and Hibbert Telephone ce- got a suprise when. 'he found out that the fee this year .would be '.only$8.00 a year cash in two equal payments., $4.00 semi-annually. At the -sane time a•t-5• per cent dividend to the share- holders and a fair surplus shows real economy„ TUCKERSMITH The February -Meeting of the Tuck- elis-mith Ladies Club was held at the home of Mrs. Leslie Lawson with nineteen pres„ent. The topic, "Edueae tion -in the Heine" was taken by Mrs. with the Ode 'and "O'Cznada". The ghtaialt Waters. The, meeting opened minutes were read and. the .roll call, on "How to foster co-operation' be- tween the, ,school, and home,"! was answered. The Red Cross report on sox was read.. Articles of clothing• are asked to be handed in for the Xmas box at the Match meeting.. A Valentine social Will be held' in the church on Eebiata16th with the So- cial committe•ein "d1ntrge. A. reading by Mrs. Waltere ''f'W.v Schools and I Old" was give.n;_and Mrs. Les. Lawson gave a paper onSetheol Lunches." A .demonstiation‘by Mrs...J01111S, Mrs. Garrett. and Miss...M, Crich ,on how to make, a home - bed, sick bed, and a hospital bed. A reading on Sir Chas. D. 13. Roberts was given by Mrs. W. epper. The president welcomed the Visitors, inviting them to- the March meeting when the topic will be "Music .and Literatureinthe home" by Mts. Roy Pepper. ' Mr. John Murray of Minnesota was the guest of his couSin, Mr, and Mrs. J. D,• Stewart, during the week. . The many friends �t Miss Isabel] Moir or Heti:tall will be pleased to know that her thettith' is much improv- ed after her recent illness and is now the guest of her sister and brother -In- law, Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. Stewart, and Miss Winnie. t • Mrs., Wni Chapman spent a few clays the guest or M. and Mrs, Robe McGregor and faintly. Our wish ithi:t-to clays -is that of Ten- nyson when he wrote "0 'Statesman guard us, guard the eye, the soul Of Europe, keep... our noble England whole. And save the one true seed of free- doni so w n Betwixt :a people andtheir ancient throne, That sober freedani. out of which there' springs Our •Joy -al passion for our temperate kings:" • The annual inciting of Tintrier's Church was held, at the church on Tu•ealay, Fohrw.,..y 6th. The elders •tor the term to 1912:,Messrs. Howard Crich and Fletcher Townsend, to 1940. Messrs. Edwin Johns and Herman .C.ri h. to 1911. Messrs. L. Tebbutt anJ. Turner. Stew.ards to 1912: Messrs. A. Pepper land Elmer Town- send up to 1911. M•es.srs.. George Crich and • Mervyn. Lobb. To 1910 1Vressits. R. Fear and G, McGregor. The Choir Cominittee—Mr. L, Teb- bett, Mr. E. Crirli:.Mr. J. Turner. beader, Mr. E. Whittmore; Director, R. Pepper; Organists,' Mrs. E. Crich, Mrs. A. Matheson,. Miss F. Whitmore. Envelope Stewards, Mr. G. Crich, R. Pepper. Tars -lee Beard representa- tive; me. M. Gtirrett. Recording sec- retary, Mr, S. Whitmore. Church treasurer, J. TlIt'lle,r; -assdstant. Mr, H. Johns. Property ecitamittee, MesstS. H. Johns, L. Tehbett, A. Pepper. Cemetery committee, Messrs. A. Pep- per, F. Townsend. E. ToWnsend. Her- man Crib. S. Whitmore; Fuel COM- miRee, Messrs. W. Pepper, L. Lawson. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Rev. G. Burton and all the church efficers for their services during the year. after \)hicli the ladies served lunch. Mrs. F, Townsendt returned home On Saturday from a' short stay with her parents at Dorchester. • lVf alter "Did you • sit y that the yOung man who emits on you is a ma- gician,?" • • - Delight -pet: "Not. exactly — but I've seen hittti take a quarter and Make willde disappear," ORDER .YO n. • • The Ner\eSramples Are Here TIP TOP 27.50 JOHNSTON $25, $30,05 CAMBRIDGE $30,$ 35,00 Just Arrived . . The Choicest Fabrics Woollen prices to -day are up four shillings per yard and more, which will mean an advance in suits prices of about $7.50.= -Add to this the increased cost of trimmings and labor, and you can see • where suit prices are going. if You're Wise You'll Buy Clothing Now Due to the fact that manufacturers place orders many months in advance, they are able to quote low prices that you positively will not see again. There are hundreds of beautiful English 'Wor- • steds and serges, here in the new spring ranges that simply can- • not be duplicated again for $10.00 more. • Take our advice—orcler a suit now—you'il never regret it. WE- GUARANTEE A PERFECTTIT tewarbt ested Recipes • Cereal Pancakes Left over cereal may be used to make wholesome and appetizing pan- cakes. Place % cup of mashed cooked cereal in a bowl, add 1 well -beaten egg and % cup,of -milk. Mix and sift 2-3 eup of cake or pantry flour and 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1/, tea- spoon salt, 2 teaspoons Sugar, and, 2 tableipoons melted butter. Add these dry ingredients to the first mixture and beat well. Bake as directed. • It is imiportant that cooked cereal be mashed perfectly sratooth before using in pancake batter. Slightly more than, the specified'quantity of milk may' be required, the amount de- pending pit the liquid in the cereal. , • Coxs-wiain: "Take thris oar!" Stroke: "Or what ?" • Yankee viras on a walking tour in Scotland. Snow had fallen, and• was struggling. along a narrow load when ;hie met fri ta Highlander. "I guess, end, I sure am lost," he said. Scott: "Is here a reward aot for AMerica.n: "Nope." Scot: "Weel, ye're still lost". Mr. Semi- Detach: "For goodness sake. Ethel, stop making the alarm clock go off! What's the idea, any- way?" h: Mrs. Semi-DetacI only want to make the neighbors think we have the telephonee." ,, • Traffic 0013: Say yout-t-get going —what's the matter with you?" Polite Driver: I'm just fine. thank you. But I think my engine's dead. • IVfilte; "Well, Pat, how are you these, days?" • Pat: Bad, mighty bad, EV(Ire;' tis starvation, staring mo in the face." Mike: "Faith and it can't be very' pleasant for you eighter." • "Have you a garage?" "I don't know. My daughter just went down to get the ('-ati Mit of it". • ' 1, SEAFORTH ^.- - ONE CENT a word (minimum 25c) is all that it costs you for a classified ad. m The Huron Expositor. An Ad. that each week will reach and be r than 2,000 familieS. If you want to buy or sell anything, cheaper or more effective way than using tor classified ad. Phone 41, Seaforth. • real by more there is no an Exposi- The Huron Expositor •