HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-02-09, Page 1Eighty-first Year Whole Number 3765 SEA$ ORTH LEGION TAKES PART, IN $5;00, 000 DRIVE Will Prepare Soldiers For Return To Civil Life After War. _FEBRUARY 12 TO 17. The local branch of the Canadian Legion will join. with , branches throughout Canada in appealing for $500,000 on behalf of the Canadian Legion, war servtices. The appeal ,opens on Mondere.February 12th, ac- cording to H. E. Smith, chairman of the special" campaign committee. President G. D. Ferguson, Secre- tary B. ,O. Muir and Treasurer J. A. Westcott are assisting the campaign committee which includes; Chairman Snhith, Assistant Secretary J. E. Keat- .tng and the .following captains:- . •Seaforth, J M. McMillan, E. C. etiosweIl, Dr. J. A. Munn; alemondville, ;John Earle; Walton, W. C. Bennett; il3ubli•a, Charles D. Kistner, Sub- scriptions may be Left with any 'of the above officers• or at any bank 'branch. in a statement issued this week the. committees ask the question: "After abet War, Whirl" aril goes on to say: When the boys Dome back will they ase tined to canrry en, many..haye left school, or given up promising jobs to tdo their bit in this fight• fare freedorq, it is imperative that members of our fighting forces retain the ideal •nf peace and a readiness, to shoulder the great responsibilities of ` civil lite. -- It is to foster this Ideal that The -1Canadian Legion War .Services have undertaken'the task of preparing the (boys for the final cease fire. The mistakes of the last ,war must ibe avoided and we ` must Ynake our satldiere into citizens with the same emtrothness and efficiency as we are mew making citizens into soldiers. 1/111ey are the cream of young Can- adian, manhood—the priceless.. mater - Ina of Canada'.$ great future. This is one of the big tasks taken ever-aiy.-T1Ie..-_Canadian Legion War Serv?ces, .composed of pian wlialat ems' r' selves have, passed through the bitter e'xper'iences of war,and its aftermath. With approval and full co-opera- tion of our National Government, The Red Cross and all- kindred" organizat- ions, the Canadian Legion is making a national appeal for $500,000. 'There wj t be no ,overlapping this work" • Every cent collected 'must be re- mitted to national headquarters, no expense'• can be incurred, all is vol- untary. . 'Seaforth Branch of •the Canadian Legion has undertaken the collection of eubseriirtions for this djstrict and ask your whole hearted assistance and support." • Zea.forth Girl Wins at Clinton • Jlanuary awards to School of Com- merce pupils were won by Maty Jo'huir tene,, Seaforth; Zeima Fisher, Grodetiee; Ellen Fremlin, Clinton; Olive Johnson, Varna; Margaret Mel- ville, Exeter; and Rhoda Govier, of Londesboro. Egmondv'rille Church Meet SEAFORTH; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1940 Huron -Perth Executive Expresses Confidence In King's Administration • • .• • • Rabbits Jack Rabbits in the Seaforth dis- trict must shake in their shoes as each Saturday afternoon ap- proaches •and they know that be- fore the day is done many of their number will have fallen prey to the guns of Seaforth hunters. Last Saturday twenty-three local men engaged in a successful drive vrnhich commenced at the farm of P. Peterson, south of town, when about fifty rabbits were bagged. it is expected more than thirty will take part in the drive on this Saturday afternoon. • •. P. B. MOFFAT IS LIBRARY .HEAD Librarian Reports Total Circulation of 11, 793 During Year, Members of the Carnegie Library Board, meeting on Monday evening, re-elected P. B. Moffat as chairman'... The -board accepted with regret the resignation of Mrs. M. A. Reid as aeereitaiyaer•easlurer and Anamed Jas. A. Stewart to the position. Miss Greta Thompson who was re -appointed librarian, reported that during 1939 there„were 353 members and that the total eireulation amount- ed to 11,793. .. The board was of ,the opinion that much greater. use could be made of the facilities which the Library pro- vided and expressed the hope that ci hells_generally--would_-.feel-..frree_.its. (take full advantage of the Library services. Standing committees named by the board are as follows: Property, B. J. Dundrm, Chairman, Miss M. E. Turnbull; Book, Miss S. I. McLean, chairman, Miss Alice Daly, Mrs'. M. A. Reid and- B. J. Duncast. Liberals Call Nominating Convention at • Hensall; February 9th, Colilsera. tives February 19th. ;NORTH HURON NOMINATES FEB. 12. TUCKESMITH lteafyers 1 n Top RENT PLOW ti R 1.I Drop Game To Clinton MRS, DEMONSTRBut Winfrort St. -Agatha. DIES IN Huron -Perth Liberal1s imeeting in - Mensal”. on Thursday unaminqusly en- dorsed a resolution of confidence in the administration of the Rt: Hon. W. L. M•eKenzie King and expressing •apprecialtjjon of the. services of the sitting member W. H; Golding. Chas. -Zwicker of Crediton, president of the association, was in the chair: The meeting which was well attend- ed, was called to make .arrangements for a. nominating convention. The convention will be held' in Hensall Town Hall on Friday of this `week, and will be addressed •by Mr, _Golding and Hughes Cleaver M. P., of Burl- lington, The text of the resol"uton was ea,. follows; Moved by Charles Fritz, Zurich, eeeen'ded by. J. • Ross Taylor, Science Hill, that the executive of the Huron - Perth Liberal Association place=itsielf' on record of appreciating -the efficient leadership given by. the Prime Min- ister during the Parliamentary term and the manner in which( he and his cabinet have in a very limited time organized) Canada for war service in -closest co-operation with the British and French Governments, by select- ing men of outstanding ability regard- less of their political affiliations for very imlportanit and difficult tasks, which this war -has created in Canada, pad further that, the executive has complete confidence and faith in the ability of the Prime Minister and las government to manage Canadien af- fairs both from the domestic and for- eign stand ,point, and further, this ex- ecutive has complete confidence iu Mr. ..W. H. Golding, the member for this idling and -expresses its deepest ap- preciation of his untiring efforts to sleave the eamse-andedisat a copy. Of_ th ,. resolution be. t-orwended to the Prime Minister and his cabinet and also % Copy be given to the Press.. Conservatives Will Meet Memebrs of the Execwtive._.pf -- the fluron-Perth. Conservative Association met in Hensall on Wednesday ev,.>,n- ing 'under the chairmanship of Presi- dent J. W. Morley; of Exeter. - • 1 The imeetting made arrangements `� to call a national Conservative no.min- Bruin.s, Athletics sting convention in Hensel' on Mon - Le day, Februtry 19th, The convention .Are Winners Y wilt_ be, open ani no delegates will • be appointed. Attending the executive 'meeting • Duncan Cup games were again fes-, from Seaforth 'were R. G. Parr... and 1 lured at • the. rink on Saturday morn- IL-•.Glc!nu Hays. • ing when Ions teams met. Both the NorthHuron Nominates In Meeting in a closed session the ex - games featured plenty, of action, the fist tilt, which featured two teams ecutiive: of the North Huron Liberal from Group B, the Bruins, hat.nded•.the As'soci:ttion selected Monday, Febru,- Beavers a three -two trouncing. Pras— e? netted the first goal for the victors in the opener. The Beavers failed to counter. In the next canto the both teams . scored. Gaon' scoring for the Bruns and. Dale for the Beavera. In• the final twenty mmutes the Bruins clinched the game when Ryan scored. McLean netted a, count for. the Beavers. In the second game the Athletics proved their superiority in group A when they trimmed the Amerks 7-1. The first period neither team scored but in the next two pertods the Ath- letics put in seven goals to the Amerks one. Reid, 'Woods,. McLea;n., Chesney, Southgate, Woods, all scor- ed Athletic goals. Smith •saved the Amerks from .a white washing when the scared in the second. The annual congregational meet- ing of the EgmondLville United Church 'was held on Tuesday in the basement Witt la replresentatirvei attendance. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A., B.D., act- ed as chairman- John Watson, was appointed permanent secretary. The session reported 11 members received by cemtificate; 5 by profession of faith, 2 removed by certifidate,and 6 mem- hers by death., Mrs. . John Forrest, Alfred Brown, Phonies, Shlillinglaw, Mrs. Edward, Bayes, Robert McKay, Mrs. George Needham, Mrs.. John Sproat and•.George Cameron. Total ;meurbership is 286. • Encou'ragi'ng reports showed a very successful year with over $500 pais] ere the debt and current expenses met: 'Total receipts, 2,605; missionary and trsoaintance, $627.61; Women's Assoc;; Salient, $214.61; Sunday School, $72.17n W.M.S., $252.09; Neil Shaw Mission (Flinele, $41.61e Young Peaple's So- erTtety; $57.83; Mission Band, $16.34. The W.1VLS: and M9asion Band both ,exceeded :their allocation-. 'Mention Ives made of the clearness and ac- curacy IIbf�'the Mistalbn. Sand report. Appreciation -was expressed by the board of stewards of the :loyalty of the members and adiherents of the congregations to appeals made during the past year, also to David McLean tor the generous gift of sufficient wood to supply the 'fuel required for heat- ling the church, and to the Woman's Asstoclation In their endeavor bo tmeet the *Parlous needs that have arisen. A. tireartyn vote of thanks was also Mrs. Rev. and Ms A. •W . Gard - tendered. , liner for their active do -operation and ' ileaderahip In the work Of the••••ehurela iaiiaro 410 the treasurer, "Sanies, Love. Four new' stewards were elected, W. Chimaera, 7i'. Robineeny Ati Houston land A. Melyoi k1i; eitditors, James lidntOk, Barad Fi ag'a% • Teachers Have Dual Residence '.School teachers who regularly spend theri'r holidays at their parents' home= either may vote in the electoral dist- rict where their parents Jive on'in the district where they teach school • • vided their namese are on the voter's lists but they cannot vote at advanced poles, Jules C'asrtonguay, chief elect- oral officer stated in a memorandum- to. emorandum to returning officers on 'Tuesday, With elections fixed for the -day following Easter Monday, Mr. Cast- onguay has .received a great number of inquiries as to whether school teachers must return to the electoral district in which they.teach school to vote thereby cutting short their hol- idays. The Election Act makes'• spec- ial provisions tor -teachers to vote in the electoral district where they teach. "It appears," the (memorandum stated, "that a teacher has what may be termed a dual residence and she can elect whether elle wilt vote in thel electoral district in whloh her plat, at residence, white teaching school,'l situate ' r in the electoral district int which t home of her parents is site n w - but saying, o �Tt Des wltlu g uated. g yl , ever, that teachers in the above cir- cttniatancee can vote only in ons One - oral district at a general election." The same .provisiolr;. applies to male teaches, Mt ""Castonguay Said. Purchase Snow Fence For Use In Township Next- Winter.- J. inter- J. A. HAY ASSESSOR As a base for deterrniniag future Policy Tuckersmrith Council on. Sat- urday deckled to rent a snow plow to T'.he council also authorized the pur- Dl e cannel also authorized the pur- chase of 12,000 feet of snow fence and 800 posts for ,use next year.. All members, of caution were present and. Reeve, S. H. Whitmore presided, , Couneii reappointed James A. Hay township aeseseoe and decided to con- tinue ontinue with, winter assessment., A pre- vious motion that, the assessing be done in the summer, was :rescinded. Bylaws 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 'dealing with ap- pointrnents of officeals were passed. The efollow•ing accounts were paid:. Relief, supplies $9722; rent $10,' fuel $103.10; milk $15.90, Roads., $26,21; "tYraT. R. Nichols, $6.00. Salaries and postage, etc., $61.141, The council ad- journed' to meet on Saturday, March and, .._•. ...... • Warned to watch For Bad $5 Bilis Seaforth mer chalets :were• warned en Friday morning to be on guard a'gainst accepting $5.00 bills from strangers 1 who might - fit the description of three dark -complexioned French Can edians 'said to be headed this way from Northern Ontario. The men, are said to be '.travelling in a sedan bear-, lag license No. 7-V-857. They possess, 'a supply of counteraeiit $5.00 bills, with serial No. 2245507. REDCR NOTES` tea The r ,g'tlar monthly meeting of the Seaforth Branch of the Red Cross will ho held in the Carnegie Library,., on Tuesday evening February the thin teenrh, at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. • • .• The Royal Tour in technicolor, a full length 'picture, will be presented in, the local theatre, February 19., 20, 21• under the auspices of the Red Cross. Keep one of these dates' 'open- ed. Torry per cent of the gross re- ceipte goes to the 'Federal Government whicu supplies the film. 'this is turn - time and place for their nominati:tg cd over directly .to Red Cross head: convention to select a candidate for Dune -rs The. management ..of the the forthcoming federal election. The ;,,a,•r,t ate:ire is donating ten per convention will convene at 1.30 p.m. Acording to President R. S. Bothering" -ton the meeting Thursday was en- thusiastic with only one of the 32 ex- ecutives absent, the absent member being fin'. I Normal Students cent: to the Seaforth Branch of ,the Red Cross. This' ik a full length pic- ture, not the same film which was slio-n last Fall in Rrucefield. • • • • • Sir Robert A, Falconer, historian of tite Canndia'n Red Cross Society inter- prets the significance of our First National War Appeal. WW.7 "'Phe magnificent response of the ill Teach Herepeople of Canada to' the Red Cross campaign must bring us all fresh hopes and courage. We are one from ocean to ocean in our determination it') carry out a .grc*at moral and nation-, al purpose;anal that, not through the urgency of any -government, but by the resolution of the whole 'people. Now, it is assured that these who serve and suffer for es on any lands front, on the sea, or in the air, shall receive our support to the utmost; while, those also who s,iffrred•'for us in..the._past will not he 1'o•gotten; nor will the needy- on the frontiers or at out posts fail to welcome their well known messengers of bealth and mcu'rcy. Once again we Canadians., acting as a unit and as one body, have proved that we° can discover new resources of character • and sacrifice when stirred by a noble appeal." Three students of the Stratford Normal School will gain practical experience next week 'N•.hen they take classes' at the • Sea fort'h public school - The student teachers, all recent S.C.T. graduates, are Joe O'Connor, A'klie Eckert and Edith Wallace. • Old Boys Honor Ex -Residents At tiie recent meeting of the Huron Old Boys of Toronto, honour was done Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren, former Seaforth residents, .oneethe•. occasion of their golden wedding anniversary, when the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "Moved by D. 'D. Wilson, seconded, by Dr. G. F. Belden, that the Huron Old Boys' Association, in meeting at the 'West End, Y..M.C.A., Toronto, on Monday evening, January -29th, 1940, wi''slt to extend to you and Mrs, Mc-- Lareti thelr,,heartiest congratulations on the Golden Anniversary of your wedding, which we understand is be- ing delebrated to -night -ea That the members 'hope that you and Mrs. McLaren 'may be blessed with many more years of happiness together and wish to express their deepest appreeiatl'on of your'.. many gifts to this Association and your in- terest•extending over the past forty yearn. That thiel Association direct the Secretary to forward the above to yddu and Mro. MeI ren, expressing the hope that the seeratiaan will he honoured With your continued, inter- est av>tt good fellowship to all Old ]t'u11tP Record Crowd ot -Nearly 1,500 Sees Clinton -Sea - forth 'Game, Here Tues day. , • JUNIORS, ' NOW IN PLAY-OFFS Wingham O. H. A. junior "C" team has defaulted its remain- ltrg games with - Seaforth and Goderich, othei° teams in.. the group; Seaforth and Goderich now will play a best three -in- ' five series for group honours. The first of thesegames win be played at Seaforth on Thurs- day night of this week. W. L. T. F. A: Pis, S'eaforth 9 3 0 51 24 16 Clinton 8 1 0 '42 24 16 New Hamburg 7, 2 1 45 29 -15 Perth 'Reg' 3 7 1 27 40 7 Tavistock • 3 8 0 45 41 6 St. Agatha 8 9 0 22 58 2 With two games to play, Seafortih Beavers continue to hold top place in ,:the Huron tract Intermediate 'B' race, but Clinton with four games to go isra close second. . •Seaforth defeated:,.St. eAgatha 3-2 beforea inand.ful of spectators in New -Hamburg on Wednesday. For a time the a Beavers trailed the Saints by. two goals but picked these up before the end of the period. The game was sloppy and the ice _was poor. ' , Clinton at Seaforth Clinton Colts for the second time in two meetings -on Tuesday, night, hand- ed the Seaforth Beavers a lacing by the narrow margin'of 4-3. A record attendance of ,nearly 1,500• -fans, in- cluding a good number of Clintonites; packed the arena to watch the match whist(, was played on. soft slush ice. This game lifted the Colts to a tie with .the Beavers for the top honors. The Colter have the edge on the Bea- vers having two more games to' play than the locals. Young was the Colts hero when • he three and a half n!g`counter with only s ot..in �p wtnn minutf-play teff •-ebaraeter-and good"•-,cttizensh :p. H. Young's shat. was lifted from the blur G. Mein, chairman et the. Boys. an' IMO into.: the ° corner of the Beavers Girls committee of the Lions Club was net. Penalties figured in three of chairman, the goals scored in the game. Foster The stage was, attractive as a camp was penalized after about. ten min-- site which formed an effective set- utes of play in the first and with, the ting for the numbers of the program. Celts a man short the Beavers ganged Sonny Bretherton, the cleveryoung upon the Colts and finally "Farmer" piano -accordion player, chartned the McFad,din slid in the opening goal. audience with his solos and selections This was all the scoring in the first on the, accordion, -While Eva Gooding's. period and , Seaforth enjoyed a one vivacious songs and tap dancing were ,gest lead going 'into the snd canto. heartily encored. Interesting demon- Clintontied.the count i demon- 113 second period. after twelve minfites of fast play when Pickett, scored for the -Colts while Al Hildebrand was serving tsifie, Cy. Flannery put the Beavers' ahead two minutes later but 'Punch' McEwan tied the count again with only two minutes left of the second round. Thep. in the third period Clinton took the lead an Grant's go -al at -11,16 while Archie Hubert. was off, Cord Hildehrand proved' the man of the hour with his goal two minutes later find Seaforth fairs began to sense a win in the air, when Young scored on his shot from the blue line to cause Lite local siipporters hopes' to fall again... This fleished the scoring You Can Make YourHome a Haven of Health and Com- fort by Heating with `1) H' Antlracite N. CLUFF & SONS JOINS AIR FORCE John M; Roberts, ,Huron County clerk, _who this week received word of his appointment as pilot officer in the R.C.A,F.. His ord- ers are to report to Ottawa im- mediately. SMALL CROWD AT SCOUT -GUIDE SHOW Seaforth Groups Demon- strate Acti ities In Interesting Program Seaforth reco'ttits and "Girl Guides received little support Friday even- ing when the presented an excellent concert, before a small audience in 'Cardno's Hall. Mayor J. J Cluff brought greetings from the town council and gave a' short address on the aims and obj- ects of the organization: in developing Mr. and Mrs. Geiger Observed Diamond' Anniversary: NEWS' OF HENSALL For nearly fifty; rears a prominent and highly respected .resident of Hen- sail, ensail, Mrs, Owen Geiger, died ata her home_ in the village ..early. Tuesday morning after an illness of sane weeks. She wars in ner 84th-• year. Formerly Em±na Geiger, . she was the daughter of -the late Mr. and Mrs. Abirahani Geiger, of Hay Township, She was united in marriage to . Mr. Owen Geiger on July 26th, 1879, and: last summer Mr. and Mrs. Geiger eb-.- served their 'diamond wedding anni- versary. Her husband is widely known throughout the district and is a. former Reeve of Hensall and. Warden of Huron: Besides her 'husband, surviving, are six sons and one daughter, Edmund, manpal' training teacher, London; Dr. William -Geiger;" Waterloo; Rory, druggist, Kitchener; Sydney, inspec- tor of public schools, Gore Bay, Ont.; Oliver, manager of Bank of Mont- real, Fenlon 'Falls; . Ira and Mrs. Eric Kennedy (Vercy) of _Hensall, all ''o1 whom are home. to attend,- the fun- eral. 'Four sisters and one brother., all residing yin ,the States, also survive Mrs. Joseph Toms,Binger, Okl ahotn a, Mrs. R. N. Eccles, Nyack, N.Y.; Miss Pauline' Geiger, Berkeley, Calif.' (Mise Geiger arrived in Hensall o•n' Wed- nesdayl: Mrs. Dan Kercher, Minnea- polis, Minn., and Amos Geiger, Pig- eon,- Mich. The funeral was held from Hensall United Church on Thursday, conducted. by the pastel', Itev,•• R, A. Brook. Red Cross Play.;, The Finance and Publicity Commits tee of the Red Cross, made arrange- inents for a three -act drama, "Lena; Rivers," to be presented in the Tien- • sail -Town Hall on Friday • evenng, February 16th, The cast -•yin this de- lightful play comes froze Aim 'Craig, and will be under the direction . of .Mrs. H. M. Love, and are no strangers -to-Hensall•;-Having---prresei ted "Here Comes `Charlie," last year under the auspices of the Senior Institute, which was 'one of the 'best dramas ever presented in Hensall. Tickets for a lovely quilt. made by hand by Mrs. Margaret • McLean, of Hensall, and donated for the Red Cross, will he for sale, and will be handled through. the Chamber of Commerce. All proceeds are for Red Cross pur- poses. The quilt '1C on elisplay in window. stratsons in Scout v<^orlt. and training, i l;onthron <t. Dr•ysalale's ', y Guides, Cubs and Brownies under the Loge will 'regret to learn that he .sur-, direction of their leader's: Tlte,mirth- feted , a• heart seizure while in the ful play spirit (manifested by the • choir' of she Uni.tedeCdturch • Sunday younger children in the games wasmorning last. He received medical most amusing;' I pctention .and was taken to his 'home A Scotch song, "Mary of Argyle."' and is feeling much better at date of . by James T. Seen:was: muck enjoyed. Mires, the magician, gave a splendid Performance .01.,oriental and occiden- tal 'mysteries and wizardy and rhe children's eyes grew bigger and big- ger as -bunnies disappeared and white doves flew. out of a cake that the magician had just baked. The. Girl Guide choir, directed by Miss Turnbull, sang two pleasing num- 1.n the game.' • bers, "Robin Dear" and "Wpoden were given by the' Boy -Scouts, •Girl The many friends of 'Mr. William •• Line t'ps: Seaforth, Matti, Stade; Shoes." The closing scene, by the defence, Hubert, Sills; • centre, 4. Scouts, demonstrated the right and Hildebrant; wings, G, Ilildebrant, Mc- wrong way of rendering first aid. Callum; alternates, R.r McFadidin, A. cFaddin, Flannery,„B Clnton: Goal, H. Doak; defence, McKay, Grant; centre, F. McEwan; wings, R. McEwan, Foster; alternates Gibb, Pickett, Streets, Draper, Nei - lens, Young, Summn.ry.-1st, R. Meraddi.n, (A. M'cFaddin,; Flannery), 11.30. The C.W.L. held a' most successful Penalties, A. McFaddin, Foster:. euchre in St. James' Parish Hall on 2nd—Pickett, (Clintr(n), 12.00. .., Monday evening, with the following Flannery—qt. McFaddin, Bell) 14,00. as prize winners` Ladies, .Mrs. Robt. It. Mc--Rwan, (Grant), Clinton, 18.00- Strong; Gents, ¢levicl Bolton; lone Penalties --A. ,Hildebrant, Hubert, hands and door prize, 13, Hildebrant, A. McFaddip, .D1•aper. $48.20 was realized. 3rd—Grant, Clinten, 11.10. f' G. Hiidebragl, (A. Hildebrant, Me • Callum) 13.00: Young, Clinton, 16.10. Referee --Chick Appel. C.W.L. Sponsors Fine Euchre • Ministers Will Meet on Monday The Seaforth and district Minister- ial Aceociatian will meet on Monday, February 12th, at 2 p.m., in the Sal- vation Army . Hall. • .Papers will be presented by Rev. J. R. Peters, ' of Varna, and Rev.,. -A. W. Gardiner, of Egmondville. All ministers in the town anal' irr cinity are cordialiy invite''' to be present. • Apilot was taking great pains to explain ,all about his, airplane to the -pretty- young visitor at the airport— its mteehlnlcal features, purpose for this and than,' vvliat pilots do to meet actual flying conditions, etc, He look- ed at the girl and smiled, "Now, you un(destand, dlon't you?” "Ail but one thing," replied the girl. "Aird what Is that?" he asked. "Whitt makes' the thin stay up." Plays Hockey, Fractures Jaw Elmer b. Bell. well known Seaforth and Brussels lawyer was injured, while playing in a game of hockey last Friday and suffered a fractured jaw. • Entertain Glee Club at Dublin' The local Glee Club was, entertain- ed by Mother Maureen, in the spacious living room of the Ursuline Convent during the week. Several tables of court whist were played. First prize was won -by James Curttna, second by Mies -.Monica Byrne, third by taffies P. Krausu1000pf, consolation prizes' were alwaxded. Miss Helen. Mintzer and Ddwaril Rowland, I3eRtesrhmetfts were served by thewsl9ters, assisted by the young ladies.. Conarnunity singing concluded a. very pheasant evening.' Miss Dorothy Mblyneux 'ave a writing, (Continued on Page 4) • Enjoy Alumni Skating`; •Party 1 The eighth annual skating party of the Seaforth Collegiate In'stute Alum- ni Association which was held in t„be,,eee • Valise Rink on Monday evening was a splendid success, Mary Duncan won the lucky door prize, while Barbara Best and Harold • Free captured the elimination skate. Prize for mast graceful skating went to Barbara Best and Ian McTavish. p Named Director Yorkshire Club W. 1.. W9ryte, well known Mullett township f'arnter, was elected a direr- . tor of the Ontario Yorkshire Club at a meeting in ITaronto this week, Mr. Wli$'•te(,luts heed active in the club,lor sonde years, charming hostes.s at three tables of bridge on Saturday evening.• The local br•anoh of the Catholic Youth Organization was entertained at. Logan at a skating party on Thurs- day night. and also were guests of the Stratford Group at a social evening on Monday. Members of St. Patrick's Chair were entertain at the rectory on Fri- . day evening. A number of games -of court voltist were in play; first prize being won by Mise Mary Beale. Three— games hree`games of bingo followed; the prizes winners being: Midi Meseta Kraus..., kopf, Miss, Genevieve McCarthy and,: Mate. Dorothy MoTyneux. Retreshe manta were served by the girls. Visitors: Mr. -and Mrs. James: Han ley, Toronto, With -Mr. and Mgrs, Will. lam .T .Hanley; Miss Marion 1)111., Lon don, with her parents, Mf, and'. ,'fi2re. P. Dill : 1VIr, if Ganter, Niagara ''ells(; with! • her maotherr, Mrs. Caratienter0 Joseph Nagle has gone to.1nd or for the, reitinhrder of the wjntott' , ,3')att - Wiliiatns went to i>itts!btti :' tllit ' tesla an pistols: a -