The Huron Expositor, 1940-02-02, Page 7; 7
a,/ reit eat.i.!.."...,••,."!
000center tn.-Jahn EL., WS, a
itortilahat. Winter; Name, -thealle
'ONO* 11,A.
aaPlialaiM 41514WiteriN
Palatka Ih11099Pnett 11. Meth gm
Telephone 174
1‘;1, licLEAA
Darrietee, tiolicaor; Eta
Saint 'Meek ' Hentet11,, Oat
Menotti - Ont. \
Phone 116 P. ce. Box 'h91
M49 -t1
Graduate of University of Toronto
J. D. COLQUH01.04, M.D., C.M.
Graduate of Dalhousie University,
"-the 'Clinle he fully 'equipped with
eomplete end. modern X-ray and other,
OPtodate diagnostic and therapeutics
Iler. • Margaret K. Campbell, 11.D,
I.A.D.P., Specialist in: diseases in in-
fants and children, will, be at the
=fade last Tburad.aeeln every Month
'tram 3 tit 6'
Da. Na J. IL Fenster, Specialist In
011sesses. of the eax, eye, nose and
throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday In every month il5m 3 to 5
Pane -
Free ,Well -Baby ORM° will he held
on the second end ,laet Thmeday in
.overymonth tnom 1 to 2 p.m.
' JOH Hs A. ; GORWILL, B.A., M.D.
t4 Physician and Surgeon ,
Ise IN D1t. Ele,11. ROSS' OFFICII
. litheife 11-W . r ilsaforth
1.„,0. tri0f515Aftla M.D.
Physielont and-aturgeon- • -
Phone 90. Office John St., Seaforth
Graduate. of University ' of Toronto,
Faculty -of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Pilaysicrians ,irtod Burgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate course in
°dente 011nica1 SehooL of Chicago;
Opthalmie Hospital, London,
Engliad; UniversityHospital', Len-
dten. England. Office -Back of Do-
.. minion Bank, aeafOrth. Phone No. 5.
Meg eaUs slausweted from residence,
linetorit. Street Seaforth. ' • • •
. - •!. . 12-36
Leo.Ro era aetanneg Unei-
Peotedle from a taip abroad to
the (Mae V , Made hie home from
childhood, is.thoubled b Ohne et
aegleet Hs le upset, toe, witern
he -meets Sighttry Gana a trouble
maker whom Matt Blear, owner
of the ranch., had Tun Oft he land
iet„itdraes pest. Slanty le now
Inianager fret the old Ceballes
pima Joey, anospector bend-
ed ,hy Matt, breaks &CC new that
Matti la dead; be had killedaain-
safe Joey says tbe asCh le galeg
to( ruin under La managee
Appointed by ,yirein 'Matt's!
daughter, 'who is ITO a. in New
York with -her aunt i.: I I uncle.
Lee goes east to get
All dirty Wag she had been...rusting'
from one thing to. another, tiding,
;swim:Ling, ! laquiaplianing, 'mating
with a crovid ,at the beach...auk off
to the coularyclub- to ' watch ;the
;tends; an/outs, (gmeing, Meeting
new mien, off to somebody's biome,
and mone dancing,' aid everybody
flaaking toe' imueb. In a little while
be-*odeedreesingeagein for din-
ner and a moenlight cruise an Mr.
Brattish% new yacht .
-She tossed her hat on a chair,
kleked off her Punteeeeild out of
her dress; and left it in a heap oh the
'floor, and for the, first time relaxed
with a hong sitilt of relief. .• .
What, .vess the sense of tearing
around all day, meeting itialet of
peopleepu onlr. half liked, end never
heving a mimeo to yourself? She
stared moodfily,it the floor..
Although no (Me outside wain&
have glassed I, this was one of fibe
grey days, when everything was 'fiat
and futile and theme wee a sickening
emptiness Where one part of her life
had been. '
Oar the table 'beside, ber bed! lay a
little elle of papers. 'There Was a
screaled reeort from Lawler, the
(new manager, Mere rwere'bewifidiee-
Ing, columns; of Aga ..rwldeb...reptee.
seated Matt Bkier's danfirsed affairs;
theme Was a letter urgently advising
her to sell before the tleteritiration
of 'a onee prosiperousi property be-
came to evident.- Beside theniawas
meanovandiim of Milton Bradish's
offer, the whimof a rich man to
laviehmoney on a alma' ranch in
the place where he hadatinat been
Moire was) a !flap at the dbor. She
staid "Comer iand Anna appeared,
visibly flustered. "
"Thereat a gentileargan...diamsriales,
Miss • '
"But I said that I Wouldn't see
• "Yee Miss. Virginia, but--" Anna
hesitated and holoked worrierL Callers
at the Archer home politely accePted
the dictum, deliveredat the door, but
dris one, in spite of the fact. that he
teed coatte c Loot instese of in the
latest model roadster, and -Were a
good but undeniably readynede
suit of clothes!, .had. somehow' 5./n air
of taking, it for granted that his
wiehes; would ke complied with.
"Ile 'said he hoped. yea w�iikl be
home Pretty _Won, because he- 'had
come -a hong w,lay to see yen. He
said, to tell you it was Lee -Hollis
dimly. "Why didi 'I.. You 'tell me be-
"Otta-Lee!" Vera sat' 'eel
fore? Tell hirruno, help me, Anna
Eye, Ear. Normand Throat
Gradu,ate In Medleine, University of
Late assistafta New , York Opthat
Mei' and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye and Golden. Square Throat Hos-
Londou, Eng. At .COMMERCIAL
NESDAY in each month, trom 2 p.m.
to, 4.30 p.m; ant) nt Seeforte Clinic
filet Tuesday of each month. 53
Waterloo Steeet eouth, Strattord.
' . .
"VW nick?" "11,0 apted. b+131407,
rtibit:40411,, azd.. wvethOt4inrs t" do
ds, 1
;ftivotw 71171:04.01.'(.4zbesill7a.thatandmelelgyouttlehliit:
.friend* to 'help you, I eau teit, you
some things about the Cimete V right
now. I donft think yea clan possilbla
knew.' about them, or ytoted never let
them go eat" . ,
There wee a! aanceance hp
the lift of Virginia's .delicate brows.
"You're just the- same Lee, aren't
Yea? All alight, let's eit dowu and
get It over. What ant I to be scold- -
ed Aberea" A
The light tone warned MM. that
Virginia didn't mean to be Molded
at all, and he grinned bacic at her.
VdnginIe hadinft Changed mach. Re
leanedl forward and began to tell her
ofthe elonditioes that he bad found
at thel Circle V.
"I know it needs yetlx father," he
finished; "but Matt is gone, and It's
your ;responsibility now. The Circle
V needs somebody with a real'inter-
est, and not teseleietiews leateria was).
,Matter can't oe tvonn tee that he is
running it into the greund."
"Reiallyate. Virginia was angry and
hurt. "I eanployed Mr: Lawler on
the advtee of ml' friends and see no
reason- to- question eitiverethetie -
tires or his. However, it scarcely
anattees. I have a, good offer for the
place and I expect be sell. I supporie
that you witll at least concede my
right to dispose at ray own, prop-
erty?"' ,
• "Absirdutely. But I have a right
as Metaa friend to tell you that
yore- loyalty to tem can't amount to
much if in a few Months you ean
davit aside the work of this lifetime,
the land he labored ante fought for,
and 'toted better than anything on
earth -except you!"
He heard her quick gasp. •
"And you're gang to sell hire out
for a little pocket Money -for ads!"
His brief gesture contemptuously in-
dicated the room, the house, all of
her lite here: "That's the beet you
ean do for him, after elf that he
matinee& for eou."
"Oh, you're intolerable I" Her
eyes blazed; she spoke in breath-
less; unnatural way. "Whatever _ I
!rm.* have done, or failed to do ia
between me fattier taid myself."
"All right," he Enid laconically. "I
see I was mistattera Mistaken in
you; Butarefore a go 1 want to give
you one cfnestion --to ask yourself.
Why is ft that_the Circle V, one of
the best earaches in the state, should
be going:to Pieces now, juit when
feemebodY else mantra to get posses-
sion of it? I'm going baCk to find
the answer, if you won't. Good-bye."
He turnea, With ae, brief Bed, net
even yenta:tie for a reply, and went
As the outer door °lased after him
he paused with a deep, releasing,
breath and a frown. for his own het -
A car flashed into the drive and a
young mien stepped out. The new-
comer looked with eattal interest at
the man who had just come ma, at
Cie straight figure, the ready -male
suit, the bronzed fact. - weather
bronze, not taue-semall things
'that stamped him as aneutiander
and en alien, here Lee returned the
'glance with a- brief stare. Uncein-
seiously, involuntarily, it wae a mea-
suring glance on berth !sides. each
weirld know the other again,
le her lawn- noom Virginia hurled
from her the dress that she had
Margaret K. Campbell, M.D.
Graduate Toronto University
Licentiate of American Board of
Mee -vac of Children
At Seaforth Clinic last Thursday
afternoon eacih month. ,
Licensed Auctioneer
Specialist in team and household
sales. Prices reasonable. For dates
and information, -write Harold Dale,
Seaftwth, or apply at The Expositor
"Uncle Joe," plaid Albert Edward
Wiggam, the Wither, eld-
erly -Negro Vibe teas-aittraiii cheerful'
en stale 'Of having hand more than
eitarre of tralfigete "how have you
Managed tie jentein so cheerful and
'Wen, Ill) tell you," replied Uncle
J.°e• "roe leatheth,to cesoeerate Wid
do inevitable." •
' \ A 'enilittel ,of Idle old school was ad-
drestanghtwlo gaiitylleoking private's,
Ild116643 deafest Wete 'tornand ragged.
,"Look here you fellows'," he et -
debited, ".1'11 .ibelte you know that I
lhUPl3,Weett patinae' fighting in tay
• *
,;,t/tkay (tio. te6ell*iiketi mite
Wlittle Mat, yeieve
ttot:.19:441 in. Year hellehke, hatnetil
44.* 'Wed* '.ttattie
*1.1 41t, OW* ;eL.21,(1alit.ii•et
e. . •
tell him I'M ea attnalebut I (tau%
Ponta ta 11101 and ex.:
"Virgiale, what can ,you be think-
ing et!"
Virginia's ge ./Intoiled at her
sId w: The telatel etilt 4one on her
laehes. "I'm going West tonto, mow.
I've got to Plaree deal ask me to
l'he days' and Thights 'On a trans-
ceutinentel train rare monotonono,
but they gave ,Vieginia. time for
thought. Her feet ager at Lee
dwindled end- reeedadeas a clear
little brook at/turner to .iL$' hanks after
a frie,shat She wee, coming beck, not
to obey Lee Honiater's Inglehanden
commende,_ hut , to show -ilem that lie
was Teens,. Attee that he would
dte as site pleaSen with, bOr oWn,
IP"erAtYla‘-uniclers' Lawler wale there to
meet her, so, was Curly, sunburned
aud grinning, waiting* to take ber
cheeks and helppack her hand• bag-
gage iate the old car that had been
good enough for Matt weile Vir-
ginia Ives away
Only onee did Lewler, a lank, big-
"I've come to take you tibme,,Virginiaa
I'm In a frightful hurry."
Downstaira.' ,Lee looked critically
around the room into Willett the
maid had reluctantly shaten -
Everything Wake elotmently �f well
served ease and experustive idleness-.
Not at home! lee was certelte ehe
was and he meant to stay until he
saw her. He stattoned lament at a
window looking, ,trat on the semi-
circular drive. 'a --
"Making sure that I don't nm
sung labout, quickly.""I
wasn't taking chances," he drawled..
Outlined against •-•the dull blue
banglegs he saw a stint and lovely
figure, a girl; with halm of burntebed
.copper, darksitualtedt eyes of (nearest
gree end a vivid Mouth:
She met him with ,both hands out,
I moulei rely.
"1 had just came „In," she ee-
pleated camadentiallys "arid t
Antra thia'ft I wouldn't see anybettyal
Her toortab,.
Lee,. I bavetta s'eetu .3tou istlince-sibee
It happatted."
• "I dinefellanovr anythtng shalt it,
+orrsi have etMte 'Mabee Etta I've
eittnie to take you home, Virginta"
Ntoi, nor" abo Wadi
ottartteit: taadhlrow) baeL r
aWrattral . .4.W •
•ga' are „.""•hie -1.0531; .14174a..ifttna" .4t14 4.14
et .,the 'Annual Wi�Ceatittaa*
and 'Deg' Ben9Y, far' hate. ''.hat aatat
tiataa IteWeteYraadattalegeeplaelie
eta*. Peaaelar •O. their eataitemaieat
end tanid'Opiaa thee?inte• a diStiaea
140 entettataneclia. !
For weeks prePeratiens have been
feeder ra.Y.k Loeda eafre nth *Ole
elfed from be Streeted:aroodea
ardeaailka and emceed-0*er the river
beaks. Men, l'ave precariously sterna
colored fights, Rota the icy stringere
of Chem, Bridge -Colored .lenterni,
tags and deeioations, which in effect
comb:Jae the teeth Of Ally and
ChriFtmas, ere ailing in brave arraY.
A throne of glittering ice and snow
construed to support laer Royal
Majesty, Miss Alaskaa-Queen of the
Noettlandt. •
The earnival merino 'se much to
Alastans that miners winteeng 'out-
side' leave Seattle . or Stan Premise°
return (early to their summer'e
work in order t be present. Some,
times an Maslen w114 'get of the
rentb-bound steamer at Junean and
Tay an extra $50 to fly iis the 'e-
njoining 700 miles- to Fairbanks so
that he will- net miss the big event
ef the year:
&clattered all over Alaska are pros-
pectors Wbo have been imprisoned m
lone- log 'canine since freeze-up,
boned man, with pale eyes ane Working at their gold claims. They
straggling mustache, proffer a ,re. have had no newspapers, surd ofteu
leash over a peentitaTly atrocious bit en:tmaseenil hohttanyoueloa
exPc.6erbapt pethrethey rh‘ao7r-
__egad gal?," he jeered., (I epee,•a native running bis trap line. When
the millionaire thate. Wein! Peer
place wiU fix up this timid."
"I haven't sOld yet," she replied
"Oh, 1' thought you was goin' to."
A glaze seemed to( there come over
LaWler's pale eyes.
She did not reply, antitthey rattled
and lurched orehlibe foot 'hills were
opening up before them; they dived
suddienily from prismatic brilliance
into shadow, then climbed again,
through a ruarrow defile to n sud-
delay widening sweep: into the
ley of the Sun. Up there was th
old tam& house and, ana the porch,
bobbling •excitediy ea, sibitumatic feet,
a little, wizened old man
• "1 knotted ye'd oome back, Haney!
I lansved it! There, there! " Flor a
proud young head that bowed for no
one had dropped suddenly against
Jeers deplenattle flannel shirt.
"There, them"' Joey eititheid. "You'd
'be„ glad ye're eame. It's been awful
lonesome without ye. If tbat ornery
young nuisance of a Lee Hollieter
hadn't- come: pesterhe _eateund agebe
1 -
they flew to aver claims in the fall
TheY-Piadie-en await -meat with the
aviator to 'return for them at Carnival
time. That great day arrives when
the welcome' roar of a plane is heard..
In an hour's flight the transition is
made from a life -of seri Reese: and soli-
tuide to one o avtivity, gaiety, and
theonaparative bustle of Fairbanks.
After lama* at the airport,. the
prosnoctor inanecnilately eons to a
bather _atop, where he is shorn if
this. natnyear's growth of beard. His
wilinter baths have been taken he
melted snow water, so his next stop
is a net -water bath house. He buys
new clorthea and, looting"yearsayoung-
er, is now ready to take part in the
festivities; He is "one of the boys
in from; the 'Creelte"
Other participents and visitors; are
coming frottu every direction, ba ev-
erymeant tif travel known to the
Nortblandedog. team, airplane, rail,
seorweholes; from the bleak shores or
Bening Sea at Nome., from the rata.
nett towns, from Juneau and nouth-
elastean Alaska, ,and from the neigh-•
Mielea?latal ',ftftat;'
Oliev?-4; alftaltektbpa4TI!!4: • ,
Miniattele Mende* aeet tritOptitePe`e-'
tmee yea *al APO a 4a!gakeacia 00,14.0g,
a heakeil aiedrtaitit ete ItehttMasoilfei,:
dadi 'Jur /Mote Vett *AO; ratrOtt
br bei, will Mg a Olatfonl•Pg aelv
entene901e- l'ihe high fiakta* aad 411-
i'vtaratitY trends at PlaYing, Sehoele
•are tilleptiSeea epti 'fig the ehildree
are pardeleating lin the bk. Tbdie
!mai( float corries the Queen; with her
ettendlant erievessere, the girls- whe
competed eith. ter the night INfore.
The pared() winds 0400 -the
snowy Eitreets, where -the serfeee is
Packed hard ley winter travel, dowu
to the banks (A the frozen river,
wheat tht dratwe u to fortnatioe be-
fore the dame. The atchitepture of
(the tbrone's tefe flatmate* varies
trent -year to year. The first year
wee a c,opy of a -typical Arctic log
cabin With a meat teethe near by. An-
other year- it Wale a Castle with icy
eureete eembeing toward the winter
'Music sounds as. the Queen ascends
glittering steps of ice to (her throne.
Her attendants include the King and
Queen Regetit, Vella. are 'selected by
the Pioneer Society as outstanding
oldetime Alaskans. The intieor and
-caramel manager make speetheste tad
a crown of carved/ weans leery car -
eying a chain of gold nuggets and a,
small figure of e husky dog la placed
on her head.
Three days; and nighta of sporteand
diversions follow --- hockey games,
curlew ormteste, ski races, high shoot
gaeketball tournaments, dances ead
the dog derby. -"
The teams emaither anywhere from
5 to 13 or even more dogs each (one
a leader, the rest in, pair). The driv-
ers guide thee:eta! voice. Liget, hand-
made !basket -type sleds ate used!. The
driver stands on the long rutinere
which extend beb.had the sled, bold -
lug handles like those et a plow.
Usually ;the nee has been in three
heats of 30 miles each, covering three
days. The 1940 derby is planned as
• two-day conteet, feeja,entirbeteks io
the neighboring mining `COMp'afle*-
engood ad return, 160 miles in all,
starting from the Chute 11*We near
the bridge.
• Telegraphed Tacit bulletins are post
ed in Fairbanks. The race is as much
a contest between 'drivers as between
the dogs. Often a driver runs a
third or anore of the distance to light-
en the lead et hard going. He must
be patient and gentle to get the best
out of the dogs.
I'd have gone eletnb out or ay headal baring territore of the Canadian Yu -
The moment of abanickin w a s
brief. Strained her head.
"Oh, IS) Lee here?" .. '
"Wells he MLitt exactly h;ere, but
he drops in on me note lead then."
Joey ehot a Is/metre glance at her,
but Virginia. readers mate eomment.
Lawlessfor the raoinenahtsregardeh,
bad aonie iii vithliY her $st,eina Was
evidently waiting to ge;le with
her. She dismistect him Catelessita
"Thanke, Lawler. You may leave
the bags here; Ling will look after
them." .
She left him, glowering and. dis-
comfited, while, she greeted , Ling.
Joey followed the manager with
malicious. glee. "
"Pretty fine ta have the betas, back,
ain't it?" he otsked
* * 4
The -afternoon thad been, long. Vir-
ginia tad Worked energetileally, set-
ting herself to unaccustomed tasks.
In the midst of unpacking there had
been' an itutertainiable hour' of going
over dreary details "and bewildering
accounts with Lawler. The Circle •V
was not making enough to bower op-
erating expenses and the interest on
a burden: of debt.
'This was the story again, heaving
Werra, elepreseed .and dispirited
and glad t� see Lawler leave. She
'called back to Ding thee she was
going , to see Joey, and walked
slowly toward the horse coeval.
(oWeinithed Next Week)
chostat se carefully. Lee had been
brutal, abominable! How dared he
say that she was not loyal to het
father's memory?
A siteker . . . Tthe land Matt
Maim IMO ktbareid and tought ton -
had died or. The words' aptielarolUnd
her head, around and around, ends
lesetly prensiertent.
Over there was the bell that wibuld
bring Marie, the meld that she axed
(nee hunt shaseal between them.
Mamie would pack for her swiftly, if
ehe really decided to go. . .
"Marie, I-- went yon to pack
She looted up from a reckless
hunting of silken grments. It was
not Made but Anna who stood in the
"Mr. Boadish is below,
Mita Virginia."
Virginia remembered. Stanley want-
ed beeto go out on the vale. with
„hint' before the other guests arrive&
thOh! Telt.hlin sorry, bat; realat
Mite Mahar 'With Wining dloWn
the boll. OW intervene.* Ole*.
"norlith ly you eon get meaxly,. darting
We onfy a lid%) early. /11 (marl
gninle to you, mlabt, away."
Oaniqr, An* MeJo. JiMt
"Does Brown understand the pur-
chasing power of the droller?"
--Yee. Wine t.fc01115M8 ralk. 16 thti
purchheing power of bis wife."
"Did Dad get violent when you ask-
ed to Marry me?"
"Did be! (He almost wrung. my
hand off."
"Did you pees your exam?" '
"Weil, it was like this. You
'Sbake. Neither did I."
"Why! did; you send for your dategte
,"I found it too expensive to hate
her 'hiving in the city suPporting her-
self !"
Bride: "Yes, I cooked my --first
meal last night -it was a grand suc-
Visitor: "How nice!"
Bride: "Yes, he's going to get -me
a cook right away."
An offiter of a regiment coo:imitat-
ed, at a party that because, pf the ig-
netianee and inattention Of his sub-
ordinates he Was obliged to do the
whole duty of the reginteitt. Said
"I nen My own captain, My Own
lieutheard, pay own sergeant, me-.
"Your own trumpeter!? said a imr-
ed lady '
When Henri Ward Beecher was aP.
pointed to his first ministry at Law-
reneeburg, las ardor was eat &ante
amid leaven be discovered the chetah
to be IrinadI, with a membership
of only VI, of where 19 were Women.
Therti was Only onie beak, and
there nettle lite lights. -
Heart' wrote to hie frleeda asking
slid to; bity booke, lamps witt-bn, ataid
l)titiended to the lighting %welt be-,
Oora, tbet forropt It1tII.k-
td ott &It: "4 dkit 6 rtg
*004 :000%0 Olar 03110040,44r,'
Dewsion" arrives from the
with her attendant Cana
titian Mounted Police rin their scarlet
coats. Miss' Dawson reigns on Do-
minion Day, which is set, aside for
naatadian guests. This exemplifies
the friendlinesswhich has exiated be-
tween the Yellen Territory and; Alast
ka lance the days af thealtiondike
gold rush, When the laingi' birthday.
andthe Feurth of July were celebrat-
ed with equal gusto by all hands. •
O'ndinarity there is aut one train a
week over the Alaska Railroad. Now
.a special excursion train brings guests
froth Seward, Atacborage, the Metall,
uskaaVailley and srmaRer camps, along
the rail bete The Mayor and seband
are 'present to welcome the revelers,.
Dog teams' have been arriving to
take part in the dog derby. Some
have come part way by freight train;
.:.:.:. . . 4,,,..41:.•,•:-.
Reqs0,0 10;:it
.1crippea - -..,....•
Breoefleld Islitht ';,
Clinton , it
Londeebor° . l06 '' -'
Myth .124:..'
, ' '12:27- .../ ,
.... ... :
'Wingbam -PM
Belgra-ve 2.06
Meth ........ ... ,. a es. 12.17
handeshoro a 2.26.
Olintern aAir
Brucefield 34
laippen 3;g;
Hensel'. • 3.45
Exeter 3.55I
Al& P.M -
315 2.30
6.31 2.49
6.43 3.filli
6.59 3.16
7.05 3.23 •
7.12 3.29
Ile 66424e -a 3.41h
carelae. f
*Rebell e". ' 11 06 9,2g
Dublin ; --
11.14 9.36
Seatlerth. „
'11.30 9.47
ClanGodrarich• • • ••• • • • • •.• • •11.45 10.96
12:05. 10:25
EAST • .
Usually from 10 to 15 teams are
entered. The majority belong to, • Godmerberasetch . • P.M.
4.20 .
°umbels aldoet1)113°Pof ercirshe wautw41.a.reBoinie rculatnve , , . CO
:Beaty, a mail carriefe won the first 7 442
• three derbies. Thee Johnny .41len;•.a myth 4.52
native trapper from. the lower yukon Watson
VrOn three Years in puooessiOn'.; in fast McNantgiht 5.05
time. At least one .woman, driver is Toronto 92
in almost every derbY. A Fairbanks
newsboy, wire usea his . team in his
W EST ' 5,15
delin.d A.M.veries, every - year eaters' a. 10 .,
Nome sweepitakes laces, usually en- Walton ' 1
tomes closer to . Wiruning Leonard Toronto ' 82..31: '
Setae:lea racer from the days of tha McNaught
tees a teen: of Siberian. dogs. -- . Blyth ....s
-1122132 -
, After the teams are away the Auburn
crowds turn their attention t� hock- McOew 1 ..... ..--,...
ery. Teams Composed of farmers Measet 5. ,•,
12.46. ,-
from Matanuska, gold miners fern.. Gedetiehna • 2.
Every little child that's admitted to The
Hospital foe Sick Children ... there were
more than 9,000 last year ... wears an
imaginary tag that reads "Return toeMother
in Good Condition".
For more than sixty years, this Hospital
has been receiving the sick and crippled
children of Ontario, treating them, healing
thetni and sending them home to grow up
and become healthy, USEFUL citizens.
Now, more than ever before, children
have a greater chance to be sent home in
"Good Condition".
Advances inmedical science have increased
greatly the scope and services of this
Hospital. New treatments have been dis-
covered to improve ... even cure ... the
crippled children once doomed to a. life of
misery. Great strides have been taken to
rednce•the horrible effects of Poliomyelitis.
New cures have been discovered for Pneu-
monia 'and -many other diseases.
All these wonderful developments, plus
the increase in emergency accident cases, add
to the operating expenses of the Heapital.
Bur nothing new has yet been .developed
that will add, in the same proporticae some-
thing to the OPERATiNG REVENUE,
except, of course, the generous support of
kindly Ontario citizens who make Many
sacrifices to send a donation to help -The
Hospital for Sick Children. _
Please gppoint yourself a benefactor of
Sick and crippled children ... send a generous
gift to the Hospital TODAY. Your financial
assistance is urgently needed.
K -
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