HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-02-02, Page 6�:,,,��.�, � o��.,,";�tx4",� ... �"rl.:i',,�� l�."t, �, �, �,!,, ,,; �.:�,,�;,11�,,�,.,,�� ". � ", -.1. I , - ­ ­. �. 1; .. . .... -- I � ­ I "I 1, , '' , � . �,�.,.,�, p,;',�', ,�� , ", X . � I ,.- , , , ". � , , � 11 I , I I I I t I " 1� ", 1, I ". -, I I � , 1. q . � ��:';�,�.L,,'�,,I`� �- �, i"", "� l��l,".,�-�I.I.-I-1-11.1.�,�,-�-,-,r,,�I .... 1� , . . I 11�,�;11�1 ,�%7 ", �,,,,., , , " 1, ,; , I., , . ,,, �,� �. �,7. ;, , .4 , . ;P I ,,',� ,�. i � � - � 1; 'J,Y,T%,­�� ',��. , � -, , - 1 ! , ;­ ,. ­ * "�,,�­T4R,, , I 14,1J,7,oJ`-,f",P ­,� ,.,��,�.,i'��,�:.,�����,,,;�,,'�"'!, , �.,'�, , , e., .,�,t ,. I . , - I , .1 1, '''..l.'"'. 1.1.11- -1 , I . . � �'* 4 "". 1,10'! 14 1, �1 , .1 I . '' , � ..... . - � . '�i"","` , I: I I 111111��i .......... � ,.-,��":-,-11��,�,t�'­� . 11­11;�,'�iMl,&'i '9"� 4., ; "�� i. 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". ,4 ,,�?�s�,4""7��l,�";",�.,��'i;". i ::�;�, � ,,, �, : t, ', ". 0 , " ; . : ",:,: , UV-,-' - . ��;K, vw,�,I� I . pll.ilain�''n.laffiL� .f*14k11 1i . ­ - X , �, � W I �, " ., 1�11111'1­ .",W" .­ 'n, 'r,,;,,'.1'! I 'M � 11 I I .K." . ,:: , "', — � . - I- I 11 - I 1-11�­ . I. I I ......... . I . *,4 �,kl�pm- - V 1. Pi1�-NWfW'-WW;RA' ' I ., ,. �.� 4 �. I I", I, I :, -1 I I I '.. . , ,­ , I I I " � ' - .,.— , . . . , , 1 . i, , 'tft--*9A--1P,. - � , . .. � I , RQ � . � -,,rll ! Woo" Apf , If. Y,au� I , , "" - I . "I 1. - - . ".. " 0� "I "I . . . - I I . � , '!�. '.,, . 2 �� .. I I -rig , ,i� 64 r 11". �l 4-,' . - �,"t'.1,1,1 x� ", 1:1, ��, 1;.­"",,�.,�;, ,�,:�­, � ,�''. '.� " � -- I . � ,':�:;�,�,',t��",ii���,;���,!:,�':.'�ii�����*, I ; I � i ... W. : .:1 . � ,�::, �.. 11 . " "'"'W"." "I"'; "Li . , '', "I'�I'l�'.1""..'!""��,�;"', �1�1'1.1 , I . ., , .1 1, .11., ... . * , , ,;,,, I In . NOW I J4, WOO I I � ,,�� 1-11-11 ,,, " �11-11"� . , - -po, wor".0 �'.1 , ­ : - .ezk , W­o'nl " -o Slog; , . "", , . � " "I t.1,111') , ,,, , " -.1,Mp"". - I � N,�� . . . 1, - � , ., .1 ,, �, ­", ". I , `:Vlt'K""`.��, �i��i,',�,�',,��.�,,�"r",.�,;;",!,4�,�",:;"."k����,�,��.� . . . . . I I I , � , , �- ,w . I ; � � . ­ - I I � 1z " � � '� . i 1�� - ­ , - , " . , , , J"', * J , : . .. 'I - 9., , 9'Mr'' ". li,,�"i'�,�.�T,,I��,,�,!".���,�,"�,,�,,��.,,;,�',,�!��,':� 'fl�,,,,,�X ., -14 I 44.1�g,gtu .W " ., 0""*0140,0001`1 W , . I J Woo, the . , . pp �"6f .0 �,�.O*�� ­-, .., �7 "'m Z �. - , . .. , ., , � � . I, W � , I mjf�, � I � I �. 1 , � I - � " c ,'o;� ­ - , 0, I - ,n' -1p, I I , � ant struw" b�.! b0om , ;310, �000-trol.? 60101 I Loft anor - ]R*U, au tboo,&. Uys" 0 I'm .,,be - 6 va . ep'w 1� I , . .7 , , � " �; - 1,,W­� K�;,�� , , . i � I � � , ­�� X", 41,'�, �. .14, *OTi 40vam . 100do-10, Geotwanize., th, Cloechs - �r�l ow VQJ , � i . - I I I " .il­,­­'"" , 1. , p", �;� . , i 9i . � . I'll,",",". 1'."',, . I .1 - . ., . a*4­ ,I � " , .... ,,o ;�,�,,A �., , ­1,��ppq ur- - by I " ,,'- T hiloU 4 6.4 1 _ .-pp,pat! � "r, wpyl *01 :4 Vw­ - I'll I ;X, , ,a, , , lg�-way­trom Vulmi'me "K -0 . ys: #.I* , '­. k* kQlift4eds, ;4PW*% 0Q0U=71­ , I gg the t ut, PQA* o* to 'b-y, wilob W-eae, , I ,h , 4,;;�*� . I .a M. I boale W wwo - I . NOQ t 10-ov*k" - -0, � 66%1*01-41n, until , X , �, , .. . -­ I I . , , .. , , , t,.,,,...',4�1,­,,��',­ �, 4 = � "I It - ­­­ ­'­ - ,,, �u . . . - . 11 ... 04-11vawwpomo Or .$010141- , . -If I I ., It, �,! � Vil T M 7�3"'�� '. ?$%�,fbr bundreft Of, -1 a � ... .. I - I ,a offi , "I 11 I � t ,9.0� f4 (,4 4M* -war i ing ­ �, I . . 1 -4,., f -,v W- M .- 'i O,N� I I , ,; - , "'� &T lrop.ij�tk- 4#en - in ubm varipus, "wagm 11 04no � x0tored poWen *7 ,,,, ­ ... � P . . I � I 1 041 ­ q - - I ,F",W��', J�1�04ys'j. L-mlyii WiV, aq .1 I I 91 of er RU A", to I '" , t qJ insom, -4b,�at i,(,o ism, moy liieprose% Was oim�", NY 4 sources. o' - - . Industry, Lags- 119"M . . - � , I - . ,�""��,�;�i,�!',�.�,��:��,,�',"�,�'.�,,,'�,'.2�'-!'�'l�,,�,,��, , . . . , ' - - . . . . .. - " I . --r-11- . . 7 ,-�­ �, ,. � .ap . IR I , - . I , .�, 'R� p, t A.i4etric-:M 441Y. Winds, Of 714000% ve! 01owed. it Contest 100f MAtio , -wbpre it is ,,, be credited, measures -ft IQ Gerni ' - thshp�r thp. JA10 R , , . VA e * ­ 'L opreelSive % T ... pois'analkno waota � �,,",..,.,r,.r,.,,�,,�,.,.�,�"1*";�j!;�6 �, bf �' W*h 000raw mow the , at 1. ­ , , ��,,�,�,��,� pip'" - WhO jb* . -M . __ !, -P,J , _ . , . I ,om - Only Im" .Aj.� , ... t, in . M� :Ar , , aOL - W444 -1�11r`l " " . - - a I MpIlo"T_ - .. _ [.qo� _77 4," � -.,-.,1,.- 11' . , " ` J . .,.y . '' j0dwK146 . ,L, - ,,�,a ",','�A oua4r', becaose it ito ,como to ,p%w- -Tbos w4p, wel,pe- * meality. Wig- I -, ., , is , , .��,,,�,,,�',�";f�,,,,�,',,�'L,�""".�t,;� - #sn' . the Q l . ,�.. a a lgii p�j,.kp'authoriti,ej� in the proteq, portant ,,wq .qe., of goodis,Jw .4 J oopl-0 , , , , . ftft W develop ��:��."",�:�,2 ,4 &Mv, those qjL1411-- I , ­ .o gpooa . 'Up � , 4) . ad, r � I "I 711, ; � , up _I I 7, i 4TO� o ,P " �� ,,�� I _ ;�= . ": V, � I., .."', 3�, f�`,",f`�, L , , , � I 111- ,,'I', P V,1'1­4�,��'g" � ­ 11 I . � 1. I I" -9"91,�40`,� 11 I . o eir I warnings 'M - c , . I .- , . � _� " -04, . 1�1 ­1�4101'�,,d, -7-,"` t th, ideas as to alize, W.*irld .Ue�ver have ber,V4 ciceept, t*.L-,Qf fri.peftm,and ;w.iclo.w..1ii0b. bE ,to,at% foll,owed hy, fraqui,nt ', - - "06i. W� , a ormlls to � �_ " .. I "�i��Q,J,, . , � I � lndusWe� Ruive lagg6d.'' The textile am lbm4TI4 , W 11 In. " 4L At Me "I , - '11,1-1 , , I - ia,gainlSlt ,r , ­­­ ' .00, ­ di A V"p - �;:',,�",;j.",,�",!:I�',i,,�,'���-."�,�i�"""�'.,�,,�'t�R, �-�`.;*Y�*Wlbq con w.11,11e. tblait '-carwn. bqmwaa �q tbouglit, aug a I havb * , iduces'onat"14-to �ent " WfteteVer - ' , 1 NO" �ducted, ­­... 1) ImpArw ptalpe In: aw­ to the$D measure% in0ustry. - welat on lij, 26. . he Cox , :1 -T, .L L - .1� ., -� Al, fm e, I � , 41wow week. . bI ok" ctoi�6 I �: �' r . -, 1- . " - ­ " , .r. 0 U M ,atever " .�' " ... � MOletaulCe ... bw ,t�,��5t:,j.?` " trinair co ceptiom , rhilo the Iloather inquo", � 11 al -I" I I ,,,, corw C - an '' And ,wb am ", ,,�,.,��"o';�,�,i�,,���,�""�,'�'O , ,, ,' �� m-31 its lQeZWU tbaxWbts. il5ia u a, W reveal that Czech nationaham. is .6 c 19"k . �,,.,�­111 """',�',­,"p, A ".. strOU914 - 1. I . . .11 -L ­­ ..1. I . L. � I I W . � 1P ­ , ;, ' ' -4- - ��f���",,��,,,�,,i,���'14��,f��l�,,',,,, - PaVA930 - , . ' . '" , ­" . 11 - , , �. 'a fsetodes, ,06ponWilgL al- 'lot sat'a ­ ��", =,­* . - .. ., " , og Ir 'Hit I L ,�, , ­­ ­ -, d ;� �, y [icy V . -1 *,� ,�i�­,,�­,,Qlr ­ I n& up .the wair � with , 11 -i "�,'� 411,, -1--- _ , , ge"! l9lie still , - , , ,�,L"'­�.�, , . , _, , glass ,� ' . - t, . 6 kid Mo o'.. .1 , , �-. .�, ..: Ti&'f , e6xis, axe grave&7 C,011- 1HUd eMKIIS. Such A� ebam9w do ' elarm- 'One �of the aeatest fa0migs of the Qrce4 *M�o go with � �,, "� 4WI, 1W p I ., *W" 'a . % Opey to y �,Jj L� ., 1%�;�.,�1�6 . Gio . """ ,to . A _­ 4 .:,#L--. 1). .� . I ,!���'��l�,���,,��,�".��,,I,,t",L.,�""�.�t��',,'.,,'!��.� 4 " .1 - 1. :711jus ft is 'Imppareat thaft CZledw st falor I . ". , � 6& . -:,j I I "' j*1'.rW',U, arise. L . - . � In tloto without L � � � ; , : 'Ok ��#,�`�"�­�,L',� Lf"Y:W Jd "' - way not appea�46 ined their work Week. eit, � ,, Ong , ineft ako-­ b . i , ng oakA 111%li'llian y I - , ­ I � , � , � , , , , , , , , , -, , � , , , - .� , � � - , , , , , , , , � , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,� , , , , L , , - , � , , - , � � , , , , , , , , , , , � � � I , I . , . I ,� h1ph it , - , luot,e� Sold , , , , " : - L .1 I " � it ," -4, " t N! , � , I' AN "' N *94 , , ,,� ­* L =�ji 11 ft "I, �, I -,- I I 11"'',i ji, 'I tian of this %gloat paVWm, s"e 4t, eawl.ler'PolitiCal 011r, ., , , . * , ugh it `4 , , , L , , - spliti , � ` . , ­ a . propw EM, fN;'wm that .# applied I , , 0. which, �re at I , .�­ 0 ' I , , 'Ir .0, .the kind, of ]Mrope cation fu0dameft4.tQ the -ro ' -on exporls, -a;U�o tr, l6ak M- , '' '" , - F .. ino vn%nedy i, "e4- , =41 ""i' ! '41".1, S1QvQda,t--*o 4 b .. ; od 'W" _ . L , i , ��";'A*r "it is also Peculiar in a much a0portioas bkWw in the rMht pi"& spp&mg UDQM M d�moe'wfth the . I I ,.,, LL I 'L i � on wile, ,WWA ma,pA---adill e�Klsts Xor Whether a degr6o i0f, co-opeMtiQn *#Or& A V&adbMW rosuftof this, t.. L. I. - _ -- ��, ,,,,�, . �t L .. . - . ,,�,, , , Human thought takes The period, ftom plq -to 1939 ap, " of.4deviabipment and enviroif?- '' - -the , ' e- ­ I . . ­ rmany�-iu -the hope '. - . , �t . . . ", '. .. '-L. _V"W . many Czieoh& � . with Go pluis thore"Od' consumption, .of I .,,� , .. .1. . 1 .4 . I , ,,, I �, - 'etarcheal.. Is ..that' Ger- - , . �7. , , , ­ ,time to �devellop, and ideas ex- pears, ouperfidaft aS two disastrouS Mont att 'We (time' A" particUlarl'y peep, dow L: jnj� potgf*" "d' substifuteo 'a I . , �;,� - . , , :,. ,: I " L Germ= . administrators , am c4Qa- raw Inaterinas - will _U . " , . I I from ,,- , -1 �,, , ce, long -after thoy are declad ­thor im& for -their twiten Wn fulir women" ,. * i 4�11­� , .. _,are p - . , get namergoo OM , � es in wftt�h ­-pmblem. of, in- wfthoilat Prepan s. stanolv OQPVdai.nang of Ithe Czechs, tha-,ftotectoinqte to IC68P 'W, . _ � � � ... �' a ­ industry, and; mW eapeci the LL , , L � ,,,,�,� ,. xt, their influea . , aad to woo .,. �tt :L- - 4.""! , ' , ,,, -L . . 4W Outworn. Even down to ternaticlual Peace. was ,bindered rather trom the -0011iticat, -.to the, economic rath ha . d ashes . L" . I I I � " ed paculil;x bmnd� of -,co-operation" *bf6h busioess alive, -4a indicated, la'difft- -ting Stouter � OF— t'. U-thO r6ve,r0e. a . ' , ,,- I � , r . . . . . . � , . � , � I �., � I 191A � It J,ed to live on t on �n the 'face of all the war's extm : , . I ftere 0ontinu the than ftwhhered; bult, seen aright., it spham I usliau- , , * of under, cuft to decide, even for, some Cze'o*h& �19011-e precAsIng, however, ban ev . ,,� �11 'Y:, : L y lcoPsists . 11 . ' for ej.im-, Dverylbody. is Asking w , , , " � 1.1%-14- Germany to I '. � I.; t" .., hat war affords a good opportuty hat kind of the -food problemi is ,the Problem of, burdens, social I 4. ,�". 444 �!` ��" " ; - M3Je4 wbiah believed ,t . . 'Llf". I , taUty . cQv6 metlieds of themselves. ':' . �;flf�, t V-,:, -1, ..'', - I . . I 'a � g,���'i��­­ , L ,before 1. ��, , I .� , f mankind and inabing MahY 1pla�uSiW Eallaciesw1hich, a now, world is to follow I&Is Lwar. . - . clothes. 'Me ddIm when Berlin rival- "r4aPS more active than. .. . ,;, jp,�,F:":�.�" wasthe naturail, state lo mifirs attempts to SEE 7:0agtz- Butt for.0he prqsent it appea,ra that . I _ .1 ­ S� bwd-to the end of time the rights have tempted this generation to , "Wq arel not almin' oully at victory," � WOUI(I rather ----- - L'' - lr "' �XINVJ`1`,­ t . . " 'led. Paris a 013 "I un 9 , . moot CZochaL haye, as Ja the eloglance, of fashion though Its, Wile is a`pPra9r*tol't I , ,--,§,0- , er Chamberlain has decbxed, have passed. Today it is a question times. Few people want to Ot 'IL - . V�V�'�";�.' of- -arms wom endwe and therein lie's Supportable KUKS Of ajedom PT"* - . Maffla's Work Recalled Ottle ,to do with their German rulers %', '�­"' L ' . . ' 140 I . � � 0'�,:" . , .be last 20 years' experionsce has "but j�ather , okdng beyond, it -to the , L .rning and 'hermotleaw shut -Off . bomes : 4101Z& � "",�k!".�14­ , \ the oapredness of war." -T, . As is poad-ble. The, logs ,of independ- not of -now styles but of tu 1',Nf, , , ,, ,� I �. . J , 7i�ig. � 111.1, , in- The famous Czech Maffla Society once ,has , I . ­ I I � 3�1.,�t, , t But wilthin the laisit 25 years the al'so revealed that Europe 1s. yet ia laWing of a foundation of a better . . caused Czech , naitiona-i4m remodelling old gaxments acquired in these days land nights, Mulling b0a,vy I ��..5 I L . , - " � , I - Process of learmling- the place Which ternatioml system whioh wiift. mean of the World War, In whii,h � Czech bet,ter daym ­.. thoughts; rather the toommlOu trOublet * , lii��,�,�,' World War ,has been' fought end an � ..... to.imount, and the people apper to be -­­­ � d . ell 'M."'414"a. - I . . I 1� 11 ,, 1',� - ­­� occupy In.this new� w�nld. that war is not, to be the 100#1table arch clonL%drators banded to plot the 7-ftUger..haTe atirreA , : iz,,�N, ;, ,, --:- other continental, wa-sba,5 broken.plit, Power IS -to . - , . . clinging more doggedly to their, eali �­V`Dr 11111880 new SUPPReg ar and,,the common ga", . ,� owthfj . I . p obtain- . . I I A N11�1,1,��;i. . . E4 when, -the present.,clotthes ire woria the herd ipstinct more than ever. . ", , wam unhke anything which preced,ed The period 1919 to 1935 was not so 14 of every Succeeding genelration." 01, ow, of ,their - Austrian over- tuve and Strictly Czech mailhorm ' . I . .. . � MN � =--ch "peace" as one in which it For every great contiumtal strug- lords I . . ., 1�:�.Ii .... ... I 21 �t -,4s recv,ffled by thesel"actions. . ' �, .,�, , � them. They have ,involved what I - . . out, the Germa.lis Ewe the pro9pect Social lif In , th sen" of "So- ; i �,,�i.j;�`� gle, has -produced.'a new, advance, in While, Cte�oh paltriots were working, . � � ­­­ . � , % P 14it 17 shown that "powew used,, -so - . of, going in�7*gsL in respect to pth banquets, dinners and, - , It"" as e,!_( 1. _ I i,� � I popullatitons and disrupted, the compli, _ O�� , , . piet3C," �.,w $1 1- ea Or silMtly -held in reserve int—Ativaal organization in the Past outo�tdlo the ,country for restoration of ' � ., w ,stivaja, is,� of course. out of'. the Nffl;�k"; ;.., . , "Imted Mechanism of modern elviliza- th-Peat . . ni&�lts stockings, which are wWing fe ­ 1 ,!,­ on, - . ' ' 4 ,h ",4'.� - -GERMANY .. Out More TaIP14EVY.,thgU usual,. becAuse question. For the ordinary, inorta , �� �. ,ctor*iu - ternational two,ce-tuitios; e. g- - tkie Republic, ,this secMt organization - , 't , ;:"-� ti so. that men have" been forcedi is 'an E LYil 2a . in Jft6 Vienna, Con; 1, - -ce up to the probleim of,interna,- chan&D!�- and - thg4t- so much depends' gross ,Pf 1815 which ended -the Na, caau4leld on ,the work of -Secretly co- INSIDE I � . -them is mor6 "' fift to ... L.106" this,, there are either "plenic" socialst 9-t I !..'� ! to fa I I . , �� , ; ,� �� : . ­ , VAIOMMI_rAiopUtL�S-tli--�W-entilrely differ- 4!P4QR WhO Is _ CoattpIlinig that poWe r. POIeDniC WaXG gave the 'first impetus' 03"dinfalting revolutionary activitleg of . I Stage blas eATeady been ,reached. iwt�,'.to pilbhea amuseinent., � . - Al- home or v4 , - . . � ,, .. . Todayl,''A is gteaprA1ly­.&&-reed, & new to mcodforn international trapapbrt. an. CWelobe witibin'the countr7,, ., THE tdARK 9F WAR ,ready the otherwise wellrdressed vlo� places. "PlicnIeV 500123D r . r . ,,,�. ent , way. ­ . 1. . - ' - ' a -e socia.14. , _ . , Paris Col L �", - � , ... .e ne TOdAy it-is - ' "I ;,;,:, . More Important than the Jh6ohani. intem4ional order allonel can axert ganizatioll- 'Me � 0 - � hilinted that -such an'o�-,* I I I I man lmaty be seen weArifig badly taf- at which� the guests,..bring their OwTv G, I I ' ... I !, � '" 1k - tereld stockings or incongruous cot- food, drawn oil their 6wit MU41L . 1� �- cal changes. has been the revolution- another catastrophe in a new genem- which ended the Crimean War, 1855, gAndzation, is adready -in operationt, a�, (Condensed from The New Ya I 'l, . . I t I i. . �'k , I tjion� So it *jils thought in 1919 whon. -giave the first legal ,rules for war at waiting -the PilaPitilous moment jul . Times Magazine) to -31 Socks. I I � ", lary idea that war is a catastrophe I , cai%ls. The men talk. of the politica(t , 1 , I Which to 'Ifte u-1), in revolit. Swiftly and Inexorably,'th -German' Individual clothing rations are lal On and the woniqu :'M . 1;,. -ont sort from the Solution was believed to reside in sesbb, and,the amelioration of the suf- , 4 4 " t", but 9ne of a quite diffet . VJ U 1, . . . -e . . and military situati � I I � �111' .... thile of ar hilloug ,th The only tiangible. evidence, how- 'I�QY!t in clIothies cards wbich axe to of thelm'-food and clothes ,oblems. - J� � - that formerly imagined. It has be- a rebuilding Ok nimteent,li-century forings, , w t - h e Red Cross� I", ,, � - war machine, which now has coa- . .pr l I. L:. �, ,conditions wilich while 1914-1918 ,gave the world, the ever, th" Isuch a society is in opera- . - its 6 entire YeOx All, grumble over the t- , i . . I come a catastrophe wthich can be a- world 0Tder upon er League of N - I ocripted Ift000,000 people � Into . of the . , " ­ . 7*b"es' ��', ,.r ,; . . . voided. Nobody today places war 1.11' had- become obsolete for a great aitions, ,the Internitional tion today as what the German refer . ' down I and which contai,m, 10G.Points each 11 I I . , I I services. is beginning to press . times. . I. . . 'as "D0P -the-owqgr may "sp nd', . 1.11 1. the some, category as "an act of Part of the worldL . Labor Office, and the -Permanent to the Czech peluspielP or W., -that at his Despite ak the .9train and stresst, . . I - . I I � a Upon its devotSes and, its. vie-; , e . 11 . "', ".. , 0 . God," as Something over which ord- The sintauller noutral 'states have 0ouTt of Intemational, Justice. double ,game. .1 lims and I to grind L, them, as -well, as: digiereUonL , B& one maWs suit d'costs!' - however, all tho uncertainties and - 11 , , " " " ". ., � � . I . � been. strong in IbAr condemnation of It. is significant that to�lay col Batch of Bad Steel German lllfe''ieriemI17, to its pattem." 60 Points, one pair of socksri eight ,grumbling,' life airA, Ito three meats . I I " ". . , I � . " ' ' ' It of undiexelobWkL-21- �d �jy 11 � , I . � the Great Powers' failure to rec!og- ation of this. ,trend toward more in, . I.. 1. I . . Excepting for the unprecedented 'Points, amd &.sni a Apow- =4--With,--Iew � -, . , . � I y � � I . - - - I L - . . I . nlize might. and Sol" leading prob- ternatlopal ,mPoperation thrOugh some The- Cooch Government opleav urg- 4 rago 11 0 , . 10 '11� . I t dy to the Poles' and 4ews In',tO 35 PlDinlk - friction than, m4gbt .b explected. ftt R.4 , , . I horris. But at the present .time among form of,,fedeft-1 undon should he in es, co-Operstion with the Ge-rmaal, ad- Grelater"Geimany, w 0 LaXe now faaw" WQmon are'treated some*ha:t more .,Wxwe. sit lbe, woubRos, still. shikedl I . ell", � , , . ��i.J, .� , of. - victory I ,, .. j., 1 4� . I . .. these same nentrals there Is growing the ,foreground at the start of the inindstrators. But there a:m instaileps Ing extermination, " the tma.sitiall, generously: a womanfe posftu-me-,cQsts the ,hop,6 an early, - - and . �h� ., I . I . ' I �.. - 1, . acknOwledgmleut Of the fact - that wa�, not at the end. In., 1919, as 'we such as the spoiling .o, -r of stock- peace. The test, of Germag moralle " ,t, . " � . .f a 3,0Wton from peace to"war has been perhaps! only 45 Points, and a pal, .. I . D Ithere will be no lasting peace in %r- I . hat hi) a 1;1 now see, the tdmie was not tdpe for batoh,lof steel melted in the Slkoda less violent in Germ�any -than in other! ings only four Points, olithboult-h, of the will' -be undergone vrh6n t P R � ��,,, I . � ..." er a . . I 7�, ��,, . ope unless Mtadn is tbere JX li'n- Such a tremendou& step forwaird. In mun&tiong - ' workxan mmy I . I fc, �., . . . I plant for making somi 7, belligerent cou,ntrlies because the No, I latt� I . Purchase only fades I . - I I . ".. I I � I . .� . tain the balance, unless, that ist, Bri- fact, the priobloins invoWed in thle o0o mn,bons for Germany, which ind-i- tional Socialist ,regime biCs been plit- SILX pairs a year. Shoes can'T-be pur- . � . . I . . , I �� . ta- belong organically to Europe. , limitations Of th6,--:*v'ereIgn1tY Of t he, cate ia mearsuaie of lopposition-if rot Ong Gol�iany on a war basis, for al- , , � � . . I - cp9sed' ,only with a special � permit on . I I , . I . 111. 11�� , 1, � , - I I . . * i I -. I GraduaRy, tao, the deeper signiff- Great Powers within an international ---bT actual, sat Aage. most seven years. -But relatively the Pro of need- ")� V�, P, �, � . �144 ��­ . . 11 . I cance �of this imsent. European situa- orgamdzation have only now'beqn) giv- .1 Czechs living Outside of the former waw -has already left a deeper mark The Hausftau. must save every �, " �N, , . I 1� AAAAAAAA-111­4 -ev - , tilon is � ='g to. dia�.­upon peo- en a real, test- � . RelplaWic, but working cohtafiuo"Uisly ton'the life of every individual in Geir- . 1. Pie'ta Of ClOthiD*--mend 9, , hing in pate � � X: .. - �, .. � : 1 . 4 pbo. It is not simply ,a mationalst I - Today, we can appreciate the signi - . for restoration of the State, tell vivid, ' ­*hlat many. th�ml ,in other countrie�, wh ere ­­ ,siidrden � and1figuring out ways of making new ... cliil�tihes from Old. by- A , .1 � . I - .1 ,� I 1 . 'A , 9 1, struggle, of lkd,Wn auxiou(s to "keep ficanee of -the -0ords of Prof. A. P. Stories 4� Germany is doiiig to ­ the wrench . wa's Afi,J � combining Be r. ps. ". � I . . Gerinany, chi, of Germany wish- Pollard, who wrote at the end of the Nazityl: the- wuntry. . . .... .. I therefore was� felt more. . . --througb racho, , and Constantly it hamm,er6d -­ I I �­ . : I ..down I I ing to conquer Binitain, in the old and World Wax that "even the simplest They ,dalin that in thei past 'few "and It is not the 'darkness of the black- movibo is in-tophr7mLud I . I .. . . i-i� . I . I ' torm"lof a League of Naltions will re- narrow semse of.that Phrase. -This mem", beitween 50,000 - 100;000 led -Gut nights with their .mounting ac- - that she must fight -to win the war - the kitchen in tho'home. �h �' . . . war is Part of a animau struggle quiate, from all of us. a self-restraint Persons.,tha*6 been, thrown- fia'-Gorman. cidbmit--toll, nor the occasional air-raid an and i .,� ­ I I . i. I . . � . I w4i3Oh wfill have as gTpelat repercus,- and a, slaerdfice of nationaldstad pride 6oncentrakdon: camps. - And they esti- allarms, and not even the fighting it-, A §.pmal Reich board for economy 0k "I , ­1� � . . I I - I - . . � . . sions on t�e world of the futume as which wi% tax-pur morak_qualithes, to mate Out the number of Czedz work- � I -been self, -that is the ' most significant as- .in th'O'b0me, the� GHQ fqr.the Hags- . frauen, 'organized by the. Nationalfst I'll I- . � ... the French Revolutiou and the Na- the utmost it is prudent to delma-AA," 1011� ."*h67 Mve d�rajged'away ,to, pect of the, war. . I . , . I ,;!r . ... I . poloomfile, Whrs had on, that of t,he . � . . - I Germany for for,cel labor exceeds It 19 lUtileT the Intenvified , regi- Socialist wom I , ti a, gives ' Mm 5 lUrWA&U7,a 10 �, �1� ... I . past ceaitury, As Mir. Anthony Eden — - .� . . I Q, 400,00k Such reports, ,however c7an- I mentatiba, the rapid drop in stand. advice on . what to cook and thow to . � � . � t"t'. , . , has wrdtten, "It Is utterly futne tio C, Shipping �,0- lerk (reading report'of not be confirined. I - -­� . ards of....J.1. ing and the �great, leveling . ,v n ,eco oindze. As an instance, one of its latest. bulletons tells, the.­Ha:us� 7--1 I 14 1. �'... . . ' - - imagine thatt 'we am. involm-ed I, -a � Cabinet MindoWs speech): '�l hope . � _Polit1C,Wl rlFreedoml -, I I I To answer the German claim tha t, proclegg thst-it Initiated -in, the narne - of "German socialism" w1hich are the frauen thlat -they are, sti,11 wastelful'in 11 ` I ,l,,111 European crisis. wdidch may pa4s as it 11 I � , 'a thils is true. He �says that the battle . , 618 .po']Wcai ,p'alrtI6§ Arlo Permitted thr most Important. From ,them, presum- the matter of soap, because �Q per 7. ;. . 1. , ! .1 . I . � I .. I . has come. we - owis.: dnvolved in � I � �� .. . � *ty against depression is won." I , to exist :1n the Protectorate fh3 *11 emanate to domin- Ably,- results wq cent Of 'all waglhi4g is avoidable by , , I - �. .. -- I 1, , all the world- over. - - crisis of humana ' '- ' 10 . oHelaoue:, "j,", JBhow- that to Czech exlp� ates point :out that the ate German life long After the conflict &e`01ter carei iii. not Airtying anything.1 � ,. . ,F, � I . - . I I , . We are ,ld ", In one of t -hose . perhaps helli 'cease fir- . , an� . � do -c&Uled Jqational Solidarity Party has ceasedl. . -1 '- ' Forty per cent. of all spots on, clothes ,. � I . . I . - � . Ab n- . . . 'l,- ­­ pem _ ds of history which taxe awe -i . I . . . � ing!­ . . . I . . , which had not adopted any Fascist According to official.. figure, Ge,-' wys the bu lledn, are due to impro, �. . ,. . - . - � . ., I or Nazi ,,characteristics, 1has been ren- . many had .last year t1he. biggest n,a_ I ,pe,r brushing aild 20 per cent. * are I � ,. .1 . I , , "" IL . . ­ ., I . . . .1 .. . . I . �—, .. . d1dred poRtically.sterile, by the Ge r- . tional docome.in her 'history mud, catj- ,- r due ' t�­to carelessness, in, eating and dbiiinkling,, be by , ­ , ", . �'.. ,. I I- t ­ AUVerS. I man MML culated on the samfe basis, which dis - which can atrodded . � . I I 1� � . . I . . . � '. I This hais been accomplished, it is regards ,the inounting national debt, better table inaimora But JK thing,4 . I'll . � I I ..'...%, �. - � I I- r-; ......... . 11­-�. �; -- must be washed,, -the buliletint suggests I—— ... 1.11 I I . , I . .1 r � i � . � . � I I I . I - . I I , I I I � .1 I ­ . ., . , . . " � - `!, � , I � :*., . I . I . . . I � I L .1., - . � .3mmu, ULMI , lorm 01. iMID OPPOSI- the Judome would be much hxgher bahs ' -­ I .1 . .. ­­ I . I � I I I � I.. , , ) . , " . � ,.:.g....: . 'itioni I the right -and the left, yeax- But never in r6cent- historf, I-- I 7 7., . . . I I I , . : -- pwatlys on - -- . .. . � � - . I.. I I . :: ..... I d� . * . I . . � I I ­ -.'­­---­­­­­.-,te- � . - . I ., - - . il..�11 .. I - . � both Nazi oontrollei exc6pt during ,the final years of the I . . � . I I I . on I .; I - I On bN6' 0 11���. � I—. � - We didn9l` know' � 11 he h' ,& � -1 . � -i er . .t'4is the Crz6Dh'NAtibn3.l- last ,#ax, weto Germaxis,able tar buy � - . - - 1. I I I . * , '5 Sowmdslt,134if7i�y, a copy of the German as little with their 'income -as now, . I . 0 . .. .1 I ." I i - '41 ­ � .... .. 4�- . -C-V,;1 , Nt�zia with �1,6mbership practica,Kyl� re- and"the prospect is that.tdiiis little , ""APS140., ---- `UILD t �1­1­ I I or n'ot he was coming. ,,, ,,, I . . 01. NN. . -.T --G .. I �.' � .. . ". I - , . Strlictidd to pro -Nazi agents. will continue to shrink- . . I L . . I . . ' _*:, I . . . I " . I ,".. , C . . OJ1 the left opposition is -,provided This is true of rich and pooralik�-- , . I FUN WITH LIGHT EFFECTS.' ' ,.,. , I I ,� I I � I . I // 1. I ... by the newly ,permitted Communist For the rationing system is no re- � 11 1. I . I . . . I I . . I - I ''. . .11 � .. , 11 w.-. I Pdxty, which, it is alleged, is clam- specter of classes or pe,rsons, and its I - . . . � ... � . .. � . X� I I 4 ,� I �. 1, . . I I . I .1 1. - I - I . ".. . . . I I . . . . � . � - .. L I . � . ... . .... � ordlog for peace and caftT.Ing on, an. standard is the standard of the av- � , . � - , i ' 1. . I , I : -�- V tain.. terage worker's famiily, reduced. ta the - . I � . . . . . boAebsive attalck against Great Bri, ... �. - - I . ..... 1. �� ..... . �­­­ 11 - ... � I V gnd France. . subsistence level and based mainly on 11 . . I ­ . I . .......­ I I .1 -.1. ��� . - '1-- Haven for Children latz (substitute) products. In, fact,, ., Z ., .1 . � . ;:i..., . - , . ers 1. - I 11 , . \ , .1 I I ...! -L.. --1 . I . . ­. -Z - I . . . . Another report staiteo that German. except in so far ,is the well-to-do . I . -1 .11 . . . - I �, . . . I . ey . . el0dren tre 'being levacuated from are, ,able to-, byp on past purchases . .. ­ V. � I ' - - � � ­.. � . � .1 - I . �- . � . � Germany -and sent to, former Czech and, possibly have. spe.clal., opporfuni- - -, . . , , , . ­ aeslorts along the Vltava and Sazava ties f6r "gifts" froni.foreign comnec- I . It . I .. 11 1. I . . s ,are f - . tio are b4tter off ill"'. I . � , � 11 - Rivers. The rbstort irst confis us, nvanual. laborers �, �, . I K��:, .. . I I . � - - W, 91 rich IX' . . . f.::::,.-. 11111,01,117, 11, cartod by GeTmians, ,according .to th-e In respect Ito food th the . "' . - I --- I I .. - . A I I ..... .......... FF14"11'1W :�,'.,,..�... I � . �.* . ....... . I. �, -----.-, , , . ". I . ,* -,,11 11111111-11.. . -1 .. , . : . . ....... .-xi! , ... ­�,�ii:.. ,report, . am, d theli ,the ,owners ,are or- The well-to-do Stilh 'have their. auto- . I ... . -Wm I . � . ..::. i�i�! ---- "I � .��".' 1� . . . . .. � I � . � , , �: 1..:.:�:::.K*ili:li�i�. " --- . � dered to leave- . ­­ . , " �� -��i :*:`.-,.,.�:, �;��-�.'--,& I .. � all ,equilpment as well m6bileal, but unilloss used. for urgent --1 � ..... ;::j,'.�, ­. 11 . � ::�;:.�:ii.,".-..:,,.:"",.,,..�� .." I . i:i�i:!:i:i:i'.*..'.,.'�,,,��;�;.�",.:; ,�, -,­§`---. - Les. 'ness, they stand ,idle in gaTages � I �:�;: .... .... �; - - I . I � "', k iiiiii ...... ". , -"-'t,.,--*-`.A as all food suppli 2bom - �, `-'-`."�ii�i...' -, .-�;,....,*�.-i�'t.'.fl.'.-.-.�'� . 1. � .. I . -,,�ii,, iili,�:i��:i��!�:il I ;.1 . !�. .,�`,i�i--�:i��:�!�:i� - " -- , . As many a;s 30,009 Germlar� childreS' for lalc)i of gasoline. Thei rich, dike I EX-`1:�:::'�::::;:::- �­�i���!-.,--�i�i�".---, I 1. ­ . ,- .. . 'bg in areas dn .Germany believed the7poor, w�%lk,or .use -public convey- I a . . I . ­ I Giva I I.. .,....;�.��i...","."��-".-'�",.i .1 ,. . ­ ­ ' . I I . . ;; . I -endangered by French and Britieh at- antcei§% T�ey still diave "mask tabi-e � . . .1 .... 1. . -� . . � w I twks are said,to be included in thii; linen, but for lack of soap it is stoted , : � - � - . . I I � . . I . . . .plan, with the� first contingent already away in closets, and w1c)i -and Poor . - r, �, " . � � . , " , " : 1. . . ' :: -�,.,!i��.',� 1.,-""i�f -- . 5 �. .; I . arrived dn Bdhemdw. �-- alike are beginning to eat from oil- ,N, Ni�:- .�' ii�­`. . �� .. , I , . ... ....... . 1. , , .. . -:r.%- . ..... ; � I 1 �, . . . I . , . - - � . Many of these fo,;Yorts, said to be cloth or from bare,tables laid out -.... " I . � . . .: I I ".. . . � I based upon informaition sinuggled out with 1pAper �mpkiars. . 1. . I .,.'.�.-, ::i.1.::*:;!�i` I I . .11111 ... I., ­­­, . . .,.,'�i.'- .-�-.j�j�3� - . . .,i::::i.1.::;�;:;j�j,i � 1(�, , i -�:i�i:il�i: of the Prot-ectdrate-to friends And co- There Is, of course, a bootleg Vade . -.-­..%,;.. - . . .... .. , i*-ii�K*,.,.-" ... .1 ­�5j:�:;j;�:�*, .1 . I , ...i� .., -,' . %4, �. �� I workers on the outside, is daulitlesIS- in fooa' und clothes which, is expand- . �, . . ;-::i��,�:�ii��, -, L . , , ­�­­ ­­ , I I'll, *i,-,?":i�,,-*�E�:;, .-;-.-- ---I 'I- ly-acaurate.' OnIfte other,band, someF ing rapidly at exorbitamt prices, but . .I i�!::�i��l,".:"I:i�'.�.�.--.�i����E - �:- f , , ­ - . . ,;.%. X:�.:::: :.:: ;7-�f��-�;�,:'..-�: I I , , * .­.1hh,::'"` . , ,, . �:',., -, -'-. �x�f* -w 'of it may be merely circulated tor only the daring tajre'recou,rse -to it, , ;:. . .i;.;i�;ii�i��:�,�,]�".*.'.�,�:',',,�-..- � ". ��-::-:.-,:-;.�ki�i 14 , ., --,.�, ft * t . ,,,:� . L'� I-, �,.-.�--..,-i,., �'.- . . .i - ­ .. r- .%�-:.�­` , . I --- , I. , , I.- . ­­ - M - - '. 'the ,purpose of Stimulating Sympathy because - ' m 66m thii right. Try. di eren't L lighting effects-\, . �-*.' -.`.,��:��i­'-;- ��,.`.,",.: ii'�,�i�i�,.- :%'�2,".`��:��if. -: . "" - .f.'- 1� - �::::;��-*.' -.".'3`-.,-.�K--- ,., ?!�-O� . ., �.'­ ... ...- . -r,". .:�:.'.�.:.:".;",:�,....:.:....,. ....i.-;..�:l -i ',-".`��f ', .." , , 71­­'..'.'.�'­' . ...­....�---.-.--.---...-, .. . ... i�`,.'.. -� .--.1-`.1 �. I , National Socdallst- �, just -ices �­ ,�,; .­ . ..... �­ :1 I . ' ''i ".��:����::�::iii:��,�.i������-",.,��:�i���i.i',.�i�:��I�i-;.;-,."i-,�.,'.:�-�-.--:,;::�:r�::�:""..::����i:::;::::�::i.--.i:i,.--i��s--.--- . HereF, all . . - :::��:::,�,!;.�,.:..:.��.!;..�'..?�,:.:.,.:::;,:!.:..."..�'.-.-.�.�...:,--'�;..".:,:.:.�.-.7.;.:r,,..:,:�:. . ..... ­­. 111.­r.l...- *. I -�" ­ s below,as guides in placing. - ­ - � : .� . .-. for the Czech cause punlishes -both, rbbe bootlegger and the with a su Jec-i-s-6-ch-a's,this. Use the diagram "' .: .. - . .......... . .­�"j:;-.:%�::, - ­­. . . - - �- .. ­ -- - -- .. .. ­ ­. ,,�Y..,:,:;,,; .... . . . . . . . Germany% �106jectivesll -buyer wit4 recorded sentences.. up to . . I 1. �. ,� , . . L ... .- ­.­­ --"-. 11 .­­., . ­`­ . your photo lights. .. I � 1- .. , - V I -Recently m-duffuential -budy-­af­bX;i- -to -yem�wt-lffrcl Irsbarr. -- I -.11--- -­ � I . -1. - ----- ­.­ ­­ ­­­­­­-- "' .. I ­ . --,---.-,.-, -- .. - r. .. ­­ � - - I—, - ' ' I 1,,'�,�. ,jj� .:..., ...i...-I.�-1." ... 4 ' Though the well -to. 0 ,ave - ­�:%� `.,�.� :,. � . . g", - . I ...:::iJ, . - ablated Czech natlonals, ,6ittlived .1 ALF the fun of taking sneip a6atic . efteet,.. . -one' light, dt- . . ­ . : . : ; ; � . : - p d stil Ix dr -with !�, r:, I ". I. - ..;,... � . ','�"..-. I I :::..: -N What thO con�sdldlefled..to' be Gerinquy's ,setvants,. they are at .the mercy of Hshots �, at' -night is In working rected on the background. Wight, . . ': ., - . I ­ . . ..., .;W - : '... ,,:,,; '... '.... ". ..., - . , . . , , , , , ,.,r .. uttimoto c.bj ective In ruling the pm, 'these - Servants: for mw infraction of I .. . ­ 4 . . . . . . . . . . ... ­ . ont novel lighting effects. You don't a still more striking effect, with bL : tectotrate. the rationing rules.; -so much, So that ' I .. . need a lot of lighting equipment, light- on the subject from jefther . 11 �: . . ... '!!�.:��ii. " ;'N", � �-?,.-..' ,,-��ii!ii*.'.-,.i'x - This includ&d such measurei as ladies with pleniy of help aTe attendl- . I ' . - " .. . %, I - -F ��.".*,�;��-- - ­ .. N� ; ` * - � - dual k�itizenahip, in which Cze-chA dng theirown bedrooms slot . as to keep either. Two photo bulbff in card- side- Second row, left, a silhotiotte � �, ­ I ggn � l�,, I � � . ".. &�,.�-..-�---.-.. board reflectors: iud a light -toned ekeet, wit�_-one light behind the, . : ; . . I , Irf " - - ---- - subject and turned toward the wa1JL ,4� �gg; , . 1, VII/ 'TA&MINI wall 'for , a baciground - thege L I -:,"..., -.1i.....". -1. wiould be merely "DIonlstvalk" or vas� from -prying eyes anly trifles that: they . ,,,,p,,- I :.. . . " : :� ., n� of tp y. 11 - ... MIS; reargandzatio: -ilitory -- to ma7 have Put aws The week -end' r 'C k! � . .-1-:!!: � I enable In, . onte baicklighting, with a light . ("', . -:%;:;i! .destroy continuity of Ct6qi territolry; iguest *ho ,besides bringing ,his own you to evolve,.numerous . r, , , i ..T ,:. ,..-::-, .11 teresting lightings thA� add value to the right behind the subject - I ''. .1 . r: . ;�.. - colonization of all Aryanized enter- food ,or ration coupons dl4crelotry . ­ ' ' . I - 1, .... .1 I.:., I . I Note shield "W" which keeps light . ;� :. ....:...,....::: I .1"I., ­�IXXIMIWRM I I prisles; standardization of ,Gornian "forgets" his c-ake of soup in the batli-* to kour pfcture4. � I I lk % 14 ­ I "'. , agr ining into tfie camera lem - , . ��. . . thwoughout the Prot,Oetoitate; auld en- room is a welcomeguest forever. The di ains' below show how ,from. sh �,J i".. . , I 1. - with .1� .... � . I I I ..­ � . I � �:��.,­.. .1 couragem.ent of. Czech, ,emigration, The normal food Tartions, 'while sut- you. change the position of your At right, "halb" lighting', - oner , . �,:X., � " . � � ..­' ho, !&- ficlent to avert actutal hunger, Rever- , ligb;fs to obtain different eff ecta. light behind t6b subject,, shinigg ." ". . controll,ed, so as to brinig a ut a w ,�,�� �'." 4 . I . I . I � . I I I , hair. . ...... "" , I � V, '' . I .1 . ler dispersion over fair separated coun- tb6losa an� ,admdtted,Pr So elcant, ac- S stands,for subject, C for camera, ,�hrougft the . , ,1�11,4� . I . . I . . tries. cording t6' official nieffical judgment, �and B for background'The number fu taking these Shots, keep the : 0".1- . R 4 '411 - I . Wh , :" ' . . . ��",�f,.`,,, . etber those measures) are put in. ihat if ,continued for I -Ong they .1tro" I indicates 9, N6.�I­Dhoto bulb in lights the right distance from the ,,�� "'. .- , . I ' ��', � � . . to effielat by the German administra- certain to produce deleterious effects 't let them shine � -� I cardboard r6flector, and 2 indicates subject, and don I I. -I . � . I I., I - .1 tors as a final, policy ramabta to be on the national health. Tihe�nlormal into the camera. lens. You should �.,.. � I a ,No. 2 bulb. 'These two bulbs, '94 " . , _ I sleem But In slome instances it is rrations which ,may be. bought per when In reflectors, are suffidlent then got good pleture�-and ydn"n - iq��� 1 ,6 . , 11, � �' 1 I I I . . 4,d Po8sule to see these objectives a!- head per ,Week aTe, Approximately: * - . find, thit carefu ,­ R"" � - I 1. I . . . . _ _­ for boxcamera snapshots on high, I ii,rrangement of� I , ,�,!� ,, 11, . I ,rea-dy ta.kdn- effect . Meat 11 ounces and meat products ' ­ . . lights will Make theni ntore�iuu6e­ 1­14, . I . ' 9 . speeit, film. I � I . - ornic, C"rdination, r utter: At left, -first row, Is the regular ly interesting. ..1. ��111 ­ � - I , . Econ suq4,a# ,aunalges, 7 ,ouncew- b . . .� I .1 , 1."�,�, , I C '' ' i -, 1. . I 1111 �17� 1. . I �, I." I .:�, . . .: . .1 C, I ... 4111US the �Wrn tW Germany Is 4% lewd, ?,'/,, margarine 3 ourices; - � " ���: � 11 endeavoring to VlAce the eddre econ- ,sugar 9 ounces,, cheese 2Y4 oun,cos', 45:deoree lighting. Gente�, a� more 267 � John van, Gulh�w ," I ...... ­­, ­ .''N.Ct DI.S"FA- � Ic ' , . �... 1-. ", I ­- I . �,',�,%� '' I �.. I I . ... I . obbille oysteml ok the formet, ,31epubli -coffee �-ubsltftifte 51/4 ounces, and eggs, . -1 1. . !, I , ,I l,�,; - . . � I - I.. . . I �1�ilf­ I . I under Germanized control, with one. - I I , 01".. - 8 � 8 " I . Ek',�, I . � . - -k is su, ,en I . ", . .11111,,�,�11':, . � tmnsportation, buoinesis finnnoe, aiA M11 ppliedi only to ebild-IT. " ../` ,,": - I � �, I ,�` - . �­ NO 1. I- - 4ndbaitry in 0orman b6dis, i*eady u,p to 10 yeaA� of age ,and to Pro- - . .`U� - . � V A% , 11 I �, . . . r , . 0�)I, ��, --- . I't. � . - 11 �K , . I I "Vears to'bo, taung form lapective _ hilothelro. Only vegetables I I .. 1. Q I , - .I.... .. . . . . . just to show he hadn't forgotten , I '. . I 0 1 46 A - ��'j.;�.�­ I 11 ,. I .. ,- " � ­ Mecent survoys ,qf­­,the ecoftowle and- fruits are still unrationed, but ­­ - -, 'k --* 0 W �j�,,,,`�";,­' .1 �:­ - I . . . , situation in the Pffi6beetorate treveals ,these are getting ... #dikrce and tropical , I .. .. �� ��,,�qi�-�� , - I I '' 'lep N . . LC ".1., . '' . us."' And so it goes,,.,,Long Distance . W . - I - I � . L L "t, -":'' - �. . . a Oxat -prices b&Awe TlEft on an aVerage produeto ouch as oranges, tomatoes, St . , -,J ,­�,": I ,,,,,� r. � '. I, -�,-­ I : . L 1, - I . low .1 . or 0 0 , - i2.� . -4 11 . - ' :6 . - - - ­ -& , , -, .""aW, , ,� - -�­---- -- -- ­­­ is �J L ..... . ..- of 28- 9 .... .. *fti,some it oessitles ,coOee And tea thave become Something � � '. .. ....... ­M:� I—, . _the sills"de-wan 5' s ..... a ' nswer to many . Igoe � � 1949 . . ' I 1. - !­;::� ,­., , 2; . ca" I . Z. Oc V0,;,��'�!�,:A� � 11� I UP do md,ch. go 50 to .80 pop -&nit. of which to dream. . , . ­­ & . . ",(4,��',�!�" � '. I . . . . , I - � I I -1 I I I ", I .. I ,'��tjL�,��;�,�,.�,., ­ . ' I I l�Wageq, oiw the other, hand, Uve, Aot lnoA,tobly the ration( SySt0b, ImP00- - - I - �,­ - ".. �. 1- I �il 11 I 11 I I . 1. I . I . I . li��';';:,`L�,;',f L L a problem, and the m I --AV . 9 OEM C SE - 'k"t Pam ,,with- ,bbdi indreaso'."Ift IN' 08 tteftendous additional . .U*dana ! , " fl�, §') ", 4 arried. ]Aan a L VW . . � ., � 4:, � � . 1­l��,r,­ , ., . I . I.Y., I I � �,�:51�,,. "i .­ r, . . -1 . 'Na 0`1 .1 11 I ,.Ta - I`NN.1111111 , . I Ift �cost, alffi&tgah (they .-yi beeli 66th & the Gerinm MIWtUtt O,td ,on � ,� - . . � . .- opkeepers,. . T . ­ . 11 . �,�.!N,!! �', i� �,, �, shottest road home. � A!ways at yqur � I r . I ,bW6sftd- to some extent. a -h Sudh convemoneog as - , 1,�­,,,,. � ,: . . -1 ., . , .1 I . . "�lt"!"""o�. ,,�,d -,� , I �.. .11, �. I I . I I I . -to commem6; banM, luaulranw and orderMg teleiylv6no,or kettla I g'. pur,, 4P P. - , , - I . - Ito �,,,.,,O�."� ,,, , I . I I ' I I :,,,�,�..1­' ,, I�N'. ,.;­, , I I . �. - -1 A,ft "i", �. ­,', I .. 11. . " I I Aervi,i�e *vh,e..rev'er y ou m. I)e., wea, motbil wagk,"wero ',Ata - 4yvt�ied 6t home, ha*6 virtuw - . I . &,-*% . Al I . ­1�p ­ " I . I �Ubllc .ofP1 y .. - . ,I; ��. ",' L . .. - ­­ I , ,.'.'- - ­ � 1- -Jay - . ',, - . -. ­ I . W I . . I I I , ­.. I � 0) W � �, 1 i:'L" I - ' . ��, I . . I J"od Doe. J, 1030i from, ff par *C41A ittly disape;vred. EX housewife, .. . ­ � � �,l ': �;r��I;r �, --,r-.-.111.,1'. ., I I I . I MISS. E. W. CLVIFF . � I � I . ,A . . ­ ,­ I - , .� I . . . I . .to 20 Per Cent.604- 16,18MIS9116 forbid, talbog tter,tUrn WAHW9 While the but', I . I . �:, �� : . .. . I . I . . . "No. - I . , " , .1 I . � . � I - � I ,� � 11 . � ", I , 11 " . 1. . , lie ­/ " 11 "' ­ - 4 '' . I . I ,,�:� . , ... . d6i. . ..: . 164 dr-groo6r pwnstakfhgly co; �, � , ­ :1. "'. �-. ,,, � . . . . � .." . , ­­. I . . I " . . I �pi ­, , , . , . I , , ­ �", '."'k"I�.4 ,%%:"� � L' - �, " ;�', ,., �,�. '' . I � I I I . tifte inorous nig %ft6rU . �.'. ,,�,, "' 7­1���,�,� 1 1 1 . I .iifw I i, 1-11,1 ��'�,�'& iV,��';:�Jlj" ­ .1 � I . J"a"ger., � , I Lgo of -ft.* 6erat400 edilp6ba and. 4E�dlftjfty ��Iu - , *;, - f - . � . , V.11 . , , .� I ... .. �� - .1 "�:q , tlt,j� _,. �,,� , � I . f. .. �-ac � � 1 ,�.� "', ,'!; ,.� I _�,�,,;,*,.".��"1","."..",�,,,,,,,. ,A%1, . � I Ift9teisr-0 an -A the 91114ttv decline ft faldftly "19M off � � I I �, ''. 100. � - :,�,,,,`: , ,J,,­r,­,�,_­ ', . . "'��""'I'�""t"l�"L,,,.,,.,,,"-�',"�"L��,.,-,.".,'.,.,,� . ..... �. I I . 11 ­­,. ­­ -1 - I I.. - e.g, I , 44 . - � -L' I I .., � I ,��­,;­ Ir ;,�"�'.�" .7 .. .� ,, . � ­ . I . I - of- to - ­� � f.��;;�­ -,,r,,,. --- 1=1 . - '4 11 .:.:, ­,,­,� , 'y ,�, � . wil�Wl &O 9ft"Ift 1i so 16 1. I 'i`.117,,��::��j,*;; . � ... ; - . ­­�,�­­­�7- p4'* - With 41 40tleg At , dVOM� , . ." I , � .'­, � i-. , j,j , : , , , r I " *,aft had, dIM, I OoS I "�';,,�,,, �­�j' �;�L��`I'��`���� ��j��"J`!I�� �j�`�� ., , ­, �.�'r "'�'� , . I . . . . i "'­ ­ ­, ,.�, f,,'��,,,; 4-1 .1 . ..... I ,�,�,,,�;-,�,,..'.,�,,,��6''.��i�v,'�,!�',,,�.,,�",��;�;���"rj�,�',�f";�,�,.�,,,i:;�)�;"�"�,,,�,�,�',�','I, -,,-, - . I . . I I.. . � . 1. . I I . �, L, � -,,.i, J - .1 , I . ­ . 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