HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-12-22, Page 1,••
Eightieth Year
Whole Number 3758
mr. and Mrs. Andrew •Archibald, well known Seaforth residents,
on Monday quietly celebrated at their home here, the fiftieth anni-
versary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald were married at
the home of her parents, the late M. and Mrs. Samuel Wallace, 4th
Con., of Tuckersmith, on December 18, 1889, by the Rev. Wm. Gra-
ham. Their attendants were Miss Annie Wallace and William Archi-
ter- and Mrs. Archibald jived in Hibbert Township for 12 years,
tater moving to Tuckersmith. 1919 they moved to Seaforth, where
they Have since resided. Their family includes four sons; Wallace,
of London; Arthur, of Whitby; Edward of Chattonooga, Tenn., and
Frederick, cf Noranda; two daughters, Mrs. E. CI Arrnstrong, of Wa-
terloo, and Miss Alice, at home. Otte son, Andrew, was killed over-
77. /
bn Wednesday evening nearly 5
people gatl.ored in the club rooms
and spent a most • enjoyable eiree
Badminton was played till 10.30
Lunch was served, followedby a
sing -song which wee conducted by
Ruth Thetapeo2a. aecompanied by
Geoage Brose. Santa Claus, arrived
about 1140 and distributed his gifts.
to everyone present. The remainder
of the evereseg was epent in playing
badminton .. and dancie.g.
Result of games: Jolla McKenzie
ane. Norma Jeffrey, defeated G. F.
Brawn and :laity Wood; Ian Mac -
'ravish and Janet Cluff defeated Ted
Southgate argil )(e'en, McLean; Stan
Dorrance and Mrs. A. Smith defeat-
ed Agnes Case and George Hays;
Harry Steinburg and Emily Lester de-
feated Al. Smith and Doreen Regier;
0. P. Brown and Mrs. Weir defeated
1. H. Weedznark and Dorothy Parke;
Stan Dorrance and Sally Wood de-
feated Joba McKenzie and Emily
Lester e Pat S,,uthga.te and Rena Fen-
nel defeated Mr. A. Smith and,Peg
Grieve; Marisa Sclater and Lois Mc -
'Gavin. defeated Mrs. Forrester and
Mrs- Steinberg; Elizabeth Sandford
and Janet -elide detested. Doreen Reg -
der and Mrs. Steinburg.
Four Teams Are Entered,
With First Game on
January 6th.
Junior farmers got their hockey
league under way Meaday evening,
when a schedule for tele season's
gamee was arranged. Four teams, in-
cluding Egmondville, Herman, Dublin
and Winthrop, will play in, the league.
Two games will be played eachSat-
' unday night commencing Jan. 6th, the
▪ firet game being called for 8 pan. .A
penalty is provided for a team being
late for a game.
' The league will meet again on Dec.
27th a.j. whech, time all names of
players must be in the bands of the
secretary. Thee* teams will take
part in the playoffs for the McMillan
The games:
San. C1—Dublin vs.
ilensall vs. Winthrop.
Jan. I3—Dublin vs. Hensall;
mandville vs. Winthrop.
Jae. 20—Winthrop vs. Dublin; Eg-
reondville vs. Hensall.
Jam 27—Egmondville. vs. Hensall;
Dublin, vs. Winthrop.
Feb. 3—Egmoneville vs. Winthrop;
Dublin vs
Feb. 1—Hensel vs. Winthrop ;
Dublin ve. Egmo.ndville.
Egm,ontiville ;
meats from the members. This aye -
tem 'was started at the first of the
year arid since it is working so well
it will be continued for the rest of
the year.
* * *
* * * 1 B,csidee playing badminton, one
The wystem of using tickets for Play eleg-Peee, bridge, listen to
bird,s is getting many favorableicom- I
(Continued on Page 4)
;S not the card, 'Es not the rhyme,
That brings us near at Christmas time.
"As just the thought that finds its way
From friend to friend on Christmas Day.
Roads Heavy in Places As
First Snow of Season.
Comes Thursday.
Winter arrived exactly on time this
year 'tsrthen the seasonfs first snow fell
on, Wednesday night, Dec. 20th. By
Thursday the grunted was completely
covered and 'roads at several points
were heavy far wheeled traffic.
While the sprin,g-like weather of
the past two months has been most
unusual, it has a precedent, Mr. Wm.
Black, well mown Tuckersmith farm-
er, told the Expositor. Ln 1895 Mr.
Black recalls that there was no snow
11711tit Oltristmae and he was able to
plow every day until -Dece,mber 23rd,
two days before Christmas.
While the mild and snowless fall
inlay have resulted, in smaller mai
bills, at the same time it thas slowed
up Christmas shopping according to
merchants. People, they claim, could
telt realize that Christmas Was only
a few days distant when everything
was so springlike.
The unusual December lengthened
considerably the golfing season in
Seaforth. Members continued playitig
on the course until this. week and say
it was in excellent condition. Wbile
golfers regretted the snow fall, skat-
ers and curlers rejoioed. The rink
management lost no time, once the '
weather changed, in preparing to
make ice and is confident that the
scheduled Beavers vs. Stratford in-
termediate 'B' game will take place
next Thursday. Ab we ask, C. Me
Snake, rink manager, said Thursday,
is three or four days like this and
we'll have ice.
• .
Institute Holds
Box Social
The Junior Women's. Institute held
a successful evening at .the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott when
euchre was enjoyed for the first part
of the evening. The first prize . for
ladies and gentlemen went to Gordon
Papple, while the one hand, prize for
lady or gentleman was won by Wil-
fred Coleman, and, the consolation
prize for lady or gentleman went to
Shirley Oklfield. Lunch was served
in the form of a box social and a good
program was enjoyed. The proceeds
of the evening will be used for Christ-
mas relief.
Reserved Spats
Now Available
With the 'completion of the altera-
tions at the Palace Rink, arrange-
ments have been made to reserve a
limited .number of seats for all inter-
m,ediate, 'B' scheduled games,
'Phe many inquiries that have been
received be the management would
indicate that the seats, will prove pop-
ular with followers of the Beaver,
and in order 'beat every one may have
an opportunity to secure a seat, a
subscription liet has been opened at
the Tasty Grille This, will close on
Tuesday evening.
Will Go To'
China Mission
On, Sunday, Dec. 17th, one of the
young Levites to be ordained to the
priesthood at St. Basil's Church, To-
ronto, for the ChinMissions, was
Thomas McQueiel, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph McQuaid, of St. Columban, and
it nephew of Jan McQuaid, Seafertle
Hie attended both St. Columban and
Dublin schools anti taught a year or
so, returning to secure his first at
the Seaforth Collegiate eiseitute.
Rev. Fakeer McQuaid will sing his
first High Mass on Sunday,,, Dec. 24th,
at 10.30 a.m. at Se'Csolumban Church,
where as a youth he attended Sun-
day mass. The sermon on keels oc-
casion will be delivered teeeRev. Dr.
Markle, of St. Augustine Seminary,
Teams Arranged and Sche-
chile Drawn For Sea-
son's Games.
Arrangements for Duncen Cup
hockey were completed this week
and players have been, named to the
various teams. More than seventy
boys will take part in the schedule.
Group A
Aeese-D. Woods, S. Wigg, A. Ven-
us, T. O'Connor, B. Weight' F. Cas-
son, G. Hildebrand, 11. Boyce, J.
BrAoiwgna.u_r. Guiding, 3. Quinlan, j
O'Neill, C. Case, 0.. Barry, J. Mc-
Spad,den, J. Patrick, R. Allen, F. Ry-
AlneriCala13. Smith, K. ,Dale,
Smite, J. Elliott, K. Powell, C. ,Haney
S. Kerr, C. Westeote B. Wilbee.
Athletics—K. Reid, 3. Flannery, P.
Chesney, D. McLean, J. Southgate, R.
Callas, K. Coombs, B. Hodgert, R.
Group B
Beavers, -.-S. Finnigan, K. Doig, L.
Dale, K. Clarence, 13. McLean, J. Mc -
Croy, D. Holland, B. Beaton, a
Thorne, D. Grummett.
Bruins—J. Praiser, A. Baker, W.
Coonihs, H. Asinshorough, H. O'Con-
nor, F. O'Reilly, R. Barry, A. Rya,n,
F. Swan, 0, Earle,
Beare—G, Messenger, M. McMillan,
H. Doig, J. Eisler, K. Barry, J. Hen-
derean, J. Cleary, G. Dupe°, B. Dupee,
D. Strong.
Bisons—J. Rite,..11. Scott, E. Doig,
K. Hart, G. McGill, L. Happy, D.
Stewart, G. Wilson; D, Brightrell, H.
Jan. 0-8 am., Beavers vs. Bruins;
9 a.m., Aces, vs. Argosy 10 a.m., Bears
vs. Bisons; 11 ane, Amerks vs, Ath-
Jan. 13—Amerks vs Argos.; Bruins
vs. Bison's; Athletics vs, Aces; Bears
ve. Beavers.
Jan. 20,---Bears.vs. Bruins; America
vs. Aces; Beavers vs. Bisons; Ath-
letics, vs. Argos.
Jan. 27—Americs vs. Afhletioe;
Bears vvsv, Bisons; Ace§ ve. Argos;
Beavers vs. Bruins.
Feb. 3 --Bears vs. Beavers; Athlet-
ics vs. 'Aces; Bruins vs. Bisierre;
A,merke vs, Argos.
Feb. 10e—Athletios vs. Argos; Be,av-
ere vs. Bisons; Amerks vs. Aces;
Bears, vs. Bruine.
Lions Visit
County Home
Members of tee Seaferth Lions Club
matte their anneal Aare eo the Huron
County Home on Sunday afternoon,
Following a program) of candle and
numbers by Isobel, McKellar and
Ahyvenne Moore, gifts of fruit, can-
dy and tobacco were given the in -
• • • • • •
Final Meetings
Seaforth council 'held its final
statutary meeting on Friday even-
ing. Business having been attend-
ed to at the previous Wednesday
meeting, the council remained in
session only a fear minutes.
Tuckersmith and McKillop town-
ship councils also held their final
meeting of the year on Friday.
• • • • • 0
Local Collegiate Institute
Presents Commencement
Before Large Audiences
Program Includes Presenta-
tion' of Scholarships, Di-
plomas and Trophies To
Successful Students.
Students of the Seaforth Collegiate
Institute presented the sixteenth an-
nual commencement in the school
auditorium on Thursday and Friday
evening of last week, when the large
hall wasecompletely filled on both oc-
John F. Daly, chafienaa, of the
Board, acted as oh,airman.
At the conclusion of the Friday ev-
ening .prognane pupils and their
friends enjoyed dancing,
The program opened with a chorus
by the school including "Comm,ence-
meat Song," "Silent Night" and "Good
King Wenceslas," directed by Geo. F.
Brown, On Thursday evening e the
presentation of athletic tropetes took
place as follows: Barber trepey,
highest scoring boy, Gerald O'Con-
nor; Ballantyne Trophy, highest jun-
ior boy, Harry Scott; boys' senior
champion, Gerald O'Connor; boys' in-
termediate champtiom, "Stuart Wigg;
bo'ys' junior champion, Harry Scott;
girls' senior champion, Clara Doe
(Continued on Page 4)
Curlers Will
Meet Wed.
The anew.' meeting of the Sea -
forth Curling Club, which had been
arranged for Monday, has been post-
poned until Wednesday evening, Dec.
27th, at, 8 pen, in the Town Hall.
All curlers and others interested
are invited to attend.
Ice Carnival
Now January 19
Originally scheduled for Friday ev-
ening, Jan. 12th, the, big lions ice
carnival lure been postponed until the
following Friday, January 19th.
The program, it is expected. will
include a display of fancy skating by
members of the Stratford Skating
New Vestments
The evening service at Northside
United Oeueth on Sunday evening
last was of special interest as the
junior choir presented Christmas mus -
is and appeared for the first time in
new white vestments, which have
been provided through tee. special ef-
fcrt of the women of the congrega-
Great credit is. beim Miss M. Turn,
'bull, for her aseembling and training
of this choir and making it an added
feature of the musical and religious
life of the church. In addition to
leading the eemne of praise, the jun-
ior choir sang the following anthems:
"0' Little Town of Bethlehem," "Yule-
tide Night.," "'Fhe I -Telly and the Ivy,"
"Christmas Hymn" a n d "Silent
This choir will Unite with the sen-
ior choir for speeial music on Sunday
evening next.
Santa Coming
Santa Claus arrives in Seaforth
Friday afternoon, the guest of
the Lions Club, Accompanied by
the Seaforth Highlanders Band he
will proceed to the -big "tree on
Main Street, where he will dia.
tribute 800 stockings to the chil-
dren of Seaforth and district.
Following this the children will
be guests of the club at free
shows in the Regent Theatre,
• • • - • • •
Athletic Association Will
Play Host on Friday
December 29th.
New Ire^ans, regardless of what the
calendar may say, will be welcomed
in Seafortb. an. Fraley night, Dec. 29,
when the ,Seaforth Amateur Athletic
Axe:elationwill play host at a m,on-
ster New Year celebration in Card -
no's Hall here.
Hap Carman; and his orchestra of
Stratford, will provide the music. This
weLeknown organization has proved
popular at leading dances throughout
the district during recent Nears.
In keeping with the New Year's
Public School Christmas
ProgTam Delights
Hensel' town hall on Monday even-
ing was the setting for a delightful
evening' when the pupils, of Hensall
public .school presented for the en-
joyment of the large audience two
operettas, "Molly Be Jolly," and,
"Whet's the Matter with Sally?" Mr.
Claude Blowes, principal of the school
was chairman, and gave a brief sketch
of eaoh operetta. Tee audience was
thrilled and delighted with the ex-
cellent manner in which the children
portrayed their different roles and
their choruses were of a very high
The first operetta, "Molly Be Jolly"
was a scream from start to finish and
kept the audience in peals of laugh-
ter throughout the entire .perform -
ante. Molly was portrayed by Patsy
McDonell, and other principal parts
were taken by Joyce Broderick, Bev-
erley McClinchey, George Beer, Don-
ald Serepeerd. • Jack Drysdale, Bob
Cook and Billy Mickle, Beverley Mc-
Clinehey contributed a solo, "My Old
Straw Hat." George, Beer also sang;
chorus, "Speak Louder," Joyce Brod-
erick and ensemble; other choruses
(Continued OA Page 4)
Eve motif, the happy crowd will be
provided with .berns, hate and noise-
makers. All proceeds will go towards
the furtherance of athletics in Sea -
fat •-at ' P'at eat ralLi-atitrki,'` Leesse,,,,e,..e-;,
- - - e 11/4
.-utrnas Mu ie
At the Morning Service the Junior and Senior Choirs will
present Christmas Carols and Anthems.
At 7 p.m. the Senior Choir will render the Christmas Cantata,
"The Messiah's Coming," by Wilciermere.
• ,ee
4 •