HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-11-03, Page 8iG IP tt 'st h HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS WITH BOTTLE FURNITURE POLISH All for 59c T'!OR {• & BEANS 25c 3 Tins PASTRY FLOUR ' 24. pounds SDA BISCUITS 2 poumds a59 V 25c VORN--Small Tine 23c 4 for L JELLY POWDERS 6 Packages -25c CABBAGE -Solid heads 25c 4 for ORANGES -Sweet and Juicy 15c Dozen CELERY 5c Bunch g 'W IITL�'WAST3 y ` •1 25c, 35c BRUSHE -e-Each CLASSIC CLEANSER 51 , Tin rY • JAVEL WATER 3 for ,ARCTIC DUBBING WATER- PROOF -Tin IDEAL SILVER CREAM 25c 25c NEWS OF THE TOWN Women's institute Will Meet, -The McKillop Junior Woanen,'s Instiitute will be Wald oa Wed'ntesday, Novem- ber 8tlh, at 2.30 c, re: at the 'home Of Mrs. R. M. Sebtt The roil cal' w i11 be a poem for Armistice day. .o. A•ronowncement.-Mr. and 'Mrs. Roht. MacLean, Hensail, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Anna Maude, to Mr. Wilson S. Broad'foot, son of MTs. Apex G. & oadfoot, of the Mill Raid. and the late Mr. Broad - foot, the wedding to lake Zak the ;faille of November. Announcement -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter. Edna Viola, to Mr. Wii!tfrid Henry Tremeer, son of Mr. and Mals. John Tr>emeer, xmf '1'trckeir4mith•, the. marriage to take place quietly in; November. 'Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ the New;sorn King" Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -SL Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford --11 a.m., "Hannah and Her Prayer"; 7 p.m., service attend- ed by the Caneaien Legion; 10 a.m., Sunday School. Northside United Church: Rev. H. V_ Workman, Minister: --10 a.m., Sun- q day Seshoei; 11 a.m., "Our Witness Through Sacrifice"; 7 p.m., "Life Plus Faith"; 7.45 p.m., Thursday, Prayer meeting led by X.P.U. Feet Presbyterian Church -Sunday School at 10 a.m.; ..morning service, 1 f/C 11 Lute evening service, 7 p.m. with Iiev. A. M. Boyle, of Blyth, conduct- ing both services. Mid -week meeting 9'Oc 'Thursday, at 8 p.m. -Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Tin CAUSTIC SODA -Loose Pound _MASTERS CALF MEAL 25 pounds for A. Co Routledge PHONE 160 WE SPEC! AL)ZE IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS. BURGLARY, WINDSTORM (Representing Companiea who give Security with Service Also Agienta for Ontario Thrssh- errnenai Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties 1i11 Seaforth and district for sale. .1 4. - TEE HURON EXPOSITOR rIllf sloe of &Ira Maloney, of Seaforth, and the late John Maloney. Rev. Father 1 T. P. Hussey 'sang the nuptial mass, anis Mrs. Frank Devereaux pelayecl, the wedding music. The brbde wore a street length gown of wine chiffon with accessories, to match and car- ried Talismans roses and lily of the valley. Miss Irene Maloney, of De- troit, was the 'bnidtsmaid, and Mr. Harold Maloney, of Luca1, was best man. A wedding 'timer was served at the Queen's Hotel, after which Mr. and Mrs. (Maloney left on a trip to Detroit. On their return they -will re- side in Seaforth. Alert Mission Band Meets. - The autuanu thantkofferieg meeting of We Alert Missrien Band of Northside United Church Was held on Tuesday, Oot- 31st, with the 'president, Edna Gallop, in- the chair. The meeting opened with the ' hymen, "Listen To the Voice of Jesus," followed by pray- er by Mre. Barber and the Lord's Prayer. Harold Knight gave a read- ing, after which the roll was called by Harriett Russell. A solo, "Jesus is M"y' Nearest Neighbor," was sung by Edna Gallop. The memory verse was, 'Be ye kind' one to another." The guest speaker was M-rs. E. H. Close, who brought two splendid stories on India and was very much enjoyed,. Margaret Pethrick sang a s'ako, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus." The meeting closed with the hymn, <'Jesms, Tender Shepherd, Hear Us, and the benediction. WATSON & REID M. A. FiEID - Proprietor ?Ione ,214 : Seaforth SPECIALIST IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 O . S. T. Holmes & Son aA FUNERAL SERVICE O' 0 Main Street, Seaforth O' 'O O 0 S. T. Holmes, resideneee 0 Gedelrich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119-W. • Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 A East; phone No. 308. O 0Ambulance Service O 0 Adjustable ,hospital bed for 0 0 rent. O '0 Night calls, Phone 303 0 O Day calls, Phone 119-J O O Charges moderate. O 12-17 0 ®00000000000 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +© O H. C. BOX. 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O O Licensed Embalmer O o Ambulance Service 0 0 Hospital Bed 0 'O with adjustable rachet oper- O O ated spring for rent. O A Night Calls Day Calls O A Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 12-87 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE SECOND DIVISION • COURT COUNTY OF HURON Moe to the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hones: Tues- day, Thum and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. Vo 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.20 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the peril a e •f the insmeneet 6e. fese of Hays & Meir, and the addition of their companies to oar previous fsett - Wes eatables us t• Eche unexcelled amyl'. In sal Bays. SEAFORTH . ONTARIO 1w7 MBE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. MAO OFFICE --- BEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: OIL MO7N% 6 Seatotte - Prem. W, Kong, Londeeboro - VIee,Pres. L Reid, Seta1`orth - Sec-Treas. DDILE"F TORS. ' William Moo, LondesbOrO; George llrodbagen; Ames con - I s zehh'; Alex. 1 reedfoot, $. *, i Aboanfter McLwf.g, 3 . JL It: Mc reg r. n. ' • ? ` ire, Wellies; IL6.sestina; Brother Dies' in London. -The Lon- don Free Press makes the following reference to the death of Mr. Angus Beattie, brother of Mr. John Beattie, of Seaforth, and well known to many here: "Angus Beattie, well known Westminster Township farmer, died fyestendray at the family residence, lot 15, conceesion 2, following a short illness. He was in his 88th year. Born at the farm on which he died, Mr. Beattie was reeve of Westmin- ster Township for a two-year tern and ter 11 years was a member of the Township Coualeil, He had been a director of the Byron Telephone Co. and for a number of years was on the Westminster Board of Health. Mr. Beattie vas also on the manag- ing .board of directors of First West- minster Presbyterian Church prior to its joining the Union. A member of the Woodmen of the World he had also been active in Presb'pterian church work all bis' life. He attend- ed New St. James Presbyterian Church, Mere. Surviving besides his wile are two sobs, Jack and Andrew; one daughter, Mrs. John McClary, t11 of Westmineter Township; one sis- ter, Mrs. James McCartney, Saskat- chewan, and three brothers, James, of Kerwood; John, of Seafaa•th, and Andrew, of this city." Died in Manitoba..: -OA despatch from Killarney, Manitoba, to the Winnipeg Wee Press, under date of October 27tb, says: "Funeral services were held foil Mrs. Am'nie Finnen, 74, from First United Church, Killarney, on Thursday, to Killarney cemetery. Rev. B. W. Allison officiated. Mrs. Finnen died Oot. 23rd, at the home of her diawghter, M'rs. T. Croome, Two Creeks, Man_ Born at Seaforth, Ont., Mrs. Finsen came to Manitoba wits: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fowler, who homesteaded north; of Killarney-. In 1886 she married Alex. B. Finnen, who died in 1921. Surviving are wo sons, Herman and Norman, Killar- ney, and five daughters, Mrs, E. How- ard. Mather, Man.; Tina, of Mani- toba University; Mrs. A. Lien, Arch- erwill, Sask.; Mrs. T. Croome; Two Creeks, Man... and Mrs. E. Good, of Moose Jaw, Sask.; also one brother, Isaiah. of Killarney, and three sisters, Mrs. Peter Finsen. Mrs. T. Christian of K'rllartrey, and Mrs. Massey, of Ninette." tir Maloney - Dennis. - . St. James' Cburah, Seaforth. was the scene of a pretty wedcting on Saturday nmornir-g last at 9 a.m., when Doris Anna, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Dennis, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, was united in matrimony to Francis Leo Maloney, Seaforth Monument Works (formerly W. E. Chapman) NOW OPERATED BY Cunningham & Pryde We Invite Inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials. SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS or any time by appointrrlent See Dr. Harburn - Phone 105 EXETER: Phone 41; Box 150 STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES FALL AND WINTER TIME TABLE Leases Seaforth for Stratford: D'a'ily 8.40 t.m. and 5.25 p.m. Leaves Sesforth for Goderich: Dana eft Sunday and hal, 1.25 pen. end 8.10 p.m. Sarva. lad tart, 145 p.m. and 10.20 p.m 0ominetl,km sit Strabtord for Tomato. lifrousilben,, Buffalo. London, TavietocK,' Wapdo eek, .Dem Agents Queen's Hotel, Commercial Hotel, Dick Rouse LOCAL BRIEFS • A committee of the Huron Pres- bytery of the United Church, Rev. An- drew Lane, Clinton; Rev. H. Wilding, Holenesvillte, and Mr. G. M. Corless, Clinton, conferred with the officials of EgnlondviLle Church on Friday ev- ening last, and ea Monday evening with the Board of Nort'mslde Church, Irgpxee'entta'ng the iPresibyteryl in its oversight of the pastoral charges within its bounds. • Mr. Cyril Reynolds, of Wood- stock, is spending the week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' James Reynolds. • Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain and Mists Marion returned Monday from a six weeks' trip to Los An- geles. e Mrs. J. B. Tyernia.u, of Leaming- ton, wmho has been visiting friends in this vicinity for a few weeks-, return- ed to her bourne on Sunday. • The Ladies' Aid of First Presby- terian Church intend holding 'a hot roast beef -supper on Wednesday, De- cember 6th. • The Story Hour will be held at the Carnegie Li'brar'y on Saturday, November 4,bh, at 2 p.m. • Mr. and Mis. Warreu Anent and family, of Detroit, Mies Helen Ament of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Anent, of Kiitchener, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and! Mrs. William/ Ament. • The Holy Name 'Society of St. James' Church intends holding a euchre on November 13tile Fowl will be given as prizes. • Miss Irene Waunkel, R.N., cf London, was the week -end guest cf Mr. and Mies. Janes Carnochan, in Tuc:kers'mitth. • Mr. and Mrs. Ford Aitcheson and family, who have been visiting at the 1 homes of his brother's, Messrs. John and Jaynes M-tctheson, in McKillop, FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Sintply phone "COLLECT" to WllL.IAM STONE SONS L1mitt° iilaisfE 2$ • INGERSOLL PHONE 219 - MiTCHELL ii@161°;Til;!1 for several weeks, returned to their home in Rosetown, Sask., on Tues- day. • Mrs. .I. E, Willis has returned from Dundas. ' • Rcv. W. A. Bremner, Mrs. Brem- ner and Miss Edna BrerAie'r, R,N., returned on Saturday from a three weeks' visit to New York and the WorLd's Fair. • Mr. Arthur Wren, of Stratford; Mr. Milton Foster and Mr. Bruce Walters, of the R,C.A.F„ of Trenton, were guests at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter on Sunday, where they visited with their friend and former teacher, Mr. A. H. Carter, of the staff of the Windsor-Walker- vilte Ooeliegnate. • Privates Arnold Scott and W. Whittaker, of the Perth Regiment, Stratford, epent the week -end at their homes there- • Miss 'Margaret McKellar, of the Palmerston Collegiate staff, spent the week -end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, M. McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw, who spent several m'onthe with rely tives in , Tuckeremihh and. McKillop, have returned- to their home in Sacra- mento. California. • Miss Grace Free and Miss L. Hawkins spent the week -end in To ionto. • Mises Alice Daly epent the week- end in Guelph. • Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Webster, of Tucltensmith, spent the week -end with Toronto friends. o -Mrs. W. R. Archibald spent the weekend at the home of her 'laugh- ter, Mins. C. Sherwood, in Toronto. ,• Mrs. J. Worm spent the week -end in Kitchener. • Mre. J. D. H:inebley left this weela Ifor Renfrew, where she will torenc several weeks at the home of be son, Mr. H. R. Hi•ndhiey. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cu&more and Miss Nancy, of Toronto, were week end guests- a the home of her mother Mrs. J. F. ,Reid. • Mr. Stanley Dorrance has re turned from a holiday spent at Ot tawa. • Dr. E. A. McMaster and Mrs McMaster returned last week from month's Motor trip to Florida. • Mre. Charles Finkbeiner and Mis Helen left this Iweek for Kitoheener where, they will Spend the winter. • Mr. and, Mre A. F. Mantle, Mia Edna and Mr. Edwin Mantle, of Lon don, were 'the week -end guests! Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Parsons. • Mr. and Mrs. Ha,, ry' W. Hart am Kenneth, epent the week -end 111 Kin carclde qll,*: • Miss Laura K. Pelted, Promotion Setyc'etaty Of the W,M,S. of .the Pres- byterian FJhruiM1,eh In C3aaea1a, *Ilk be EUCHRE AND 'DANCE Winthrop Hall FRIDAY, NOY. 3rd o LUNCH SERVED Collins and Agar Orchestra ' ADMISSION - 25 CENTS s is °" he guest speaker at bhe thankoffer- ng meeting of ethe W.M.S. at 3'o'oloak turd the Barbara! KirIeman Auxiliary .t 8 o'clock Tuesday, November 7th, n First Preelefterian Church, Sea 'orth. Miss Pelton will speak on dif- 'erent subjects at each meeting. • Mrs. A. D. Sutherland is visiting n London- • Mise Olive Laidlaw was in To - onto this week. • Mise Betty Tebbutt spent the seek -end 4n" St.' Thomas. at Mr. Joseph Dayanan, of Simcoe, 1 former well known resident of this vicinity, was calling on old friends fere this week. o Mrs. W: Prendergast and $augh- ter„London; Mrs. E. Brown and M'ss Katherine Killoran, Toronto, and Mrs. E. A. Cleary, of Windsor, were week end guests at toe• ham'e of Miss Jack- son in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. John Pullman and Family have moved into the residence recently vacated by Mr. Albert Hud- son, south of the C.N.R. - • Mrs. R. 11. Sproat has returned From a visit with friends in Detroit. • Miss Greta Moss spent a couple 3f day's in Toronto this week. o Mr. and '1Vlrs, H. E:nceneberger of Detroit, were week -end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1''. S. Sills. . • Miss Eileen Robinson, of Blyth, Jeans' ith aGrice' -STRATFORD at E. H. Close's Barber Shop WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8th GENUINE OiL PERMANENTS Regular $7.50 for $5.00 Regular $5.00 for $3.50 Regular $3.50 for S. $2.50 Permanent Ends...$1.75 to $3.00 Please Phone your appointments to -186 early. Concrt Recital BY SEVEN RURAL SCHOOLS - in -' Egniondville United Church WED., NOVEMBER 8 at 8.15 p.m. Under the direction of Miss Helen B. Britton, Music Super- visor., ADMISSION - 15 CENTS LISTEN TO "Sams 'by Gene Autry •• OVER CKNX, WINGIIAM EVERY MONDAY at 1 p.m. Sponsored by Daly's Garage Seaforth 1 - - t, - THANKS -but we'll pass up the medals OA . ii, .**,,_, No, we don't deserve any medals just because we take more than a casual interest in yotir car. We figure if you find our service is quick, careful, thorough, YOU'LL COME BACK.. ' ',hat's why we make a habit of checleng your radi- ator, tires and oil. We really polish your windshield.We keep an eagle eye on your battery, too, and fill it with distilled *ter whenever it needs it. ' Add to this the fact that ,si'e've got` Shell products and you've' got the makings of Satisfaction -- with a capital S. Try us. • 11. WESTON, Seaforth, Ont. SHELL SERVICE STATION 1 tlj5•. GO.DERI STREET, WEST Yi �S3h� t i 11 AS is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sutherland: • Mr. and Mrs, W. Coleman and son and Mrs, Isaac Hudson are visit- ing at thea home of the latter's so13, Mr. Max Hlidson, in Windsor, • Mrs. Hugh Sproat, Miss 'Mar- garet Sproat and Mrs. Murray, of De- troit, are guests' at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. John Sproat. CONSTANCE Mr. Clarence Montgomery spent the week -end with his parents at Dundalk• His mother has been quite ill, but ds somewhat improrved. Mr, and Mrs', Cl,arenee Rath, of Bel - grave, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Fergu- son on' Friday. Miss Ethel Dexter went to Kitchen- er on Monday where sire hast secured a position as stenographer. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Allan and Case Allan, of Kington, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brit- ton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Dale and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. Mr. James) Medd had a very suc- cessful sale of live stock on Monday MANLEY MMr.a and Mrs. Fred .Eckertof Eg mondvilie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eckart. We are i:leas'ed to learn that Mrs. John Muritay, So, who bas been con- valescing in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, the past month with a broken arm, has been. moved to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Evans, Dublin, where she is resting nicely. Her ;many friends hope to hear that she will be able to return to her home in our burg in the near future. The open work of the Boyd drain, west of bore, was completed last week and the weather was ideal for the job. 'There is still some of the tile drain work to be done. The wet wintry weather has again delayed the harvesting of the turnips but the bit ,lowing is well advanced. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Liens frolic and Hallowe'en entertainment in Seaforth Tuesday evening and report a good time for a good cause. McKILLO' Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Fisher, Viola and Muriel, of • Fullerton, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mr's. Charles Regle. Among those who attended the an- niversary services held. at the Rostock Evangelical Church were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and family and Mrs. Fred Hoegy, Mr, and Mrs. William Hoegy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler. Mr. Wm. F. Koehler, of Brunner, is spending a few days with Mr. and MTS. Henry Koehler. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Eggert and Mr. and M'rs. Henry Weiters•on visited with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Eisler in Logan on Sunday. Kleber - Hoegy The Parsonage at Mitchell was the scene of a pretty wedding on Satur- day, Oct. 28th, at 10 ant., when Ev- elyn Jane Hoegy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy, of the 8th conces- sion, McKillop, was united iri mar- riage to Mr. Gordan Frederick Ml •b- er, son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kleber of McKillop. Rev. Levi Hussey pe:• - formed the ceremony. The brine wore delphinia:u blue taffeta si11c trimmed with gold flowers, and wore a gold chain with cameo pendant. For tri -Veiling she wore a green coat with black Persian Lamb collar and green felt hat, Me and Mrs. Kleber- Ieft on a motor trip to Toronto, Callander and Northern points, and upon their return will reside on. the groom's farm on the 13th concession, McKil- lop, • WINTHROP Mliffts•nrucweramr****LOWAY*2•10•310011.1•Onxr*Oanaenigninilmem Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little spent Tuesday w•i;di Mr. and Mrs. Geddes, of Belgrave. M'r, and Mrs. Al Stone and family, of Norwich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Shannon!. We we -'e sorry ,to hear of Mrs. ,T. Gillies being on the sick list. We wish liter a speedy recovery. ' Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Billie amutl Mona, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton, • Mr. and Mrs. Ford Ai'tcheson and liamily left for the West this week after spending a few weeks with his brothers, John and James Aitaheson. !hy 1 6i NOVEMBER 3 , 1939. Regent Theatre Seaforth AIR-CONDITIONED Gene 'Autry NOW SHOWING - Smiley Burnette "IN OLD MONTEREY" Mon., Tues., Wed. Next Thurs., Fri., Sat, CHARLES FOYER a . will) MARIA OUSPERSKAYA s, bonta9' ASTHID ALLYWYN Teteauilttitot :acre i't MAURiCE MSSCIIYICN two who loved Probed earl Directed by LEO AleCAREY Scroan Ploy by Delmar Davos and Donald Ogden Slowod RKO RADIO Picture Coming - "BACHELOR MOTHER". '1 'n11fY I....,11Y 1 14',316 }Y,..,':R11%.. �.yf �y `.� 'tii...l T %•`ILI'r'. Malt Extract With Cod Liver Oil Contains the nutritive and tonic properties of finest Malted Barley, and Purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil ib. Jar, 49c 2-1b. Jar, 89c Also Kepler's Malt and Cod Liver Oil.. 75c & $1.25 R. R. McKindsey, Phm., B. Phone 111 DRUGGIST , Seaforth DUBLIN Dublin weill represented at the' Red! Crows progressive euchre held in St. Coluanban. parish half, under the espansorship of the St. Columban brlsn,ch of this, Cathollitc Women's League. About forty 'tables of euchre were in 'play. Gentlemen's first prize was won by Wm. J. Cleary; second prize by Daniel Burnes; ladies' first prize was awarded 'to Mrs, Michael McLauulgihllin; second prize to Miss Mary Beale. Tthe lucky door prize was won by Mrs. Jae. J. Cleary, of Seaforth. Music for dancing was fur- nished by the Howe orchestra, Cram - arty, Dr. Sam Murray, Robert Murray and Joseph Ryan halve gone tib North- ern Ontario on a three weeks' hunt- ing trip, ' Mrs. Michael Nagle entertained, at three tables. of Five Hon,dtred on Thursday eventing'. Prizes were won by Mrs. Kathleen Feeney and Mrs. F. Smith. Dainty refresthmlents were served by the hcos'tests. M,iss'es Grace Slobarbarth, JJomeen Looby and Mary Evans spent the week -end at "The Pines," Chatham. Mrs. Johanna Roach, wtho has spent time past three months with her daughter, Mos', Leonard Schmidt, of KengWorrth, has returned home. She was aecompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Sahnmiidt, and Mies Mopica Rioneh. Visitors: Mr. and M'rs,, Robert Mc- Cormick and son, Billy, Detroit, with Mr. and Ma's. Jas. Knauskopf; Father Johtt Jordan, Detroit, and bd's sister, M'rs. Dewane, of Lued.n, With their mm tvl her, Mos, Tel'esa Jordan; Mrs, Louis Krauskepf in Toronto; Mm. ain't Mrs: Mothers in St. Marys. Seaforth Legion and the Red Cross Society 1 INGO PARTY IN `D' COMPANY ARMORIES, SEAFORTH Commencing at 8.30 sharp Thursday, November ' th, 1939 PRIZES GALORE SPECIAL FEATURES DOOR PRIZE Admission -10 cents THE ORIGINAL 41111111111111111.11.1111 One Cent Sale THIS WEEK BIGGEST MONEY -SAVING EVENT OF THE YEAR - at - Keating's Pharmacy Phone 28 • Seaforth, Ont. IF rk� 00 EXTRA SPECIAL Aylmer PORK & BEANS 21 oz. 3 for 21c Aylmer CHOICE PEAS No. 4's 17 oz. 3 for 25'c Aylmer TOMATO JUICE 21 oz. 3 for 25c Aylmer Choice TOMATOES 26 oz. 3 for 25c AYLMER CHOICE Golden Bantam CORN 17 oz. , . 3 for 25c XXXX Quaker BREAD FLOUR 98 lbs. $2.45 DOMESTIC FRESH Shortening Ib. 13c Rolled Oats lb. 5c DOM NO Black Tea 1/2 pkg. PERFECTION Matches 3 boxes 196 Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable • Sotip 2 for So AYLMER CHOICE - Peaches, 15 oz. 2 - 25c CLASSIC Cleaner Richretel'lavki' Fresh Ground ' Coffee 3 for 13c ib. 35c AYLMER CHOICE Pumpkin 2i/2's 10 C 'ROYAL Bulk Mincemeat 2 lbs. 25c FRUIT SPECIALS GRAPEiF'RUIT Florida Seedless, 96's 4 for 199 GRAPES Red Emperors 2 lbs. 17c LARGE FIRM - Cabbage Head ,. 5c Spanish Onions 2 Pounds Celery 1f: ach 5c Large Stalks - Juicy Oranges Med. suet -.Dozen 29c D ktoi INION STORES LIMITED 11 .r; :,Iwhi iGtaAr�E; til I:. 1 •