HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-11-03, Page 4rNd,t �nyuAet it ,iI l it tl tA ii { 11: t i• er;r� di 1 tie . I 1 Iia Il ti( Ilhye,yr d 1F ,1YV r. 1 .nty a, !i u f l' % d i. t ,1 C. k.,l. J. y f, d. Y. . ....A 19.,cdk '''-'-''.0'i' • THE HURON EXPOSITOR • ossified S. t ssilied Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates 4= .Sale, Waited, Lost and Fonnd. Corrins Events, tP ->4'°r weed: est week 1 Oast 2nd. week 14,Omit 3rd week - ii, Oenrt Min'iuium chaze'e, first inissatiksi - 26 Ceuta Each figure, Mittel and abbreviation wants as one word. Card of Thames, In 3&en*oamam Notices -1 cent per word. ' "'w' . 60 cents per week.tang �.rntruiitries maybe directed to a Box Number, cane of The Huron EXPositor. fir Ten cents additlbmal Pea week mill be champed if ath in ahav", cease aro net paid by the Saturday night in the week in wbicb. the ad was rand. Births, Marriages and Deaths immeshed free of Charge. , Auction Sales, Nettie to Ctr+editoae. Etc--lBstee Etc--teean applicaedon. Personal Help Wanted QLUGGISH KIDNEYS IMPAIR YOUR " health. Rumrtca9s' Twb-Way Action quick- Iy dlear5Se3 end invigorates the Kidneys. U,5e Runtacapfs. 1 L,ATING'S DRUG STORE. 3751-1 Wanted WANTED -OLD Ll VE HORSES FORFER- Heizer. i sheat cash price paid. J. MATPHEWS, Dublin. Phone 23 - 22 875Col- leet), Dublin • For Rent GARAGE TO RENT -•--GARAGE FOR ONE car, +'am Hiighd Street. APply to MRS. H. J. GIBSON, Seaforth. 3751-2 L�OR RENT --OCTOBER. 15th, 8 -ROOMED 1' brick house with bathroom and new ffur- nace, garage on property. APPLY 37. r- 0- CHAMBERLAIN. For Sale or Rent ,OR SALE OR RENT - SEVEN ROOM brick house on Goderich Street East. Modern con'eeniancce. Apply 'Box 215.37 EX- POSITOR. Articles For Sale poet SALE ---ELE'CT'RIC REFIGERATOR, used only short time. Half price. Can be seen at EBERHART'S CHOPPING MILL. 71 RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC., postpaid in Pia led wrapper mailed poi• in Seco . 80';'r, lei.': than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 7491, 91, Hamilton, Ont. SPRAYED APPLES FOlt SALE — •SPYS, Greening. Russets, Baeldw"ins, Nonsuch, and Talma,n S•,veeets. 52e to 51.00 per bushel. Phone Clinton St:2 r 24. FRED MrCLY3 SIONT, Varna, Ont_ Auction Sales A PP'LICATSONS FOR 'PIIE POSITION OF t`titt Manager and Matter for the Huron Country Bitmre, Cilinam, will be .received up to and, tinoluding November 10 1939. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, Godei*h, Ont. 3751-1 • COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE WILL BE held at Diek House Stable;, Seaforth, on Friday, November 3rd. HOMER HUNT, Man- ager. Thune 228 r 12; G. H. Elliott, Auc- ttb•n•eer. 3748-tf CLEARING AiiCTION SALE OF FARM Meetings CStock, Implements. Grain and Halsebold Effedta„ at .Lot 9, Concession 11, Stanley Township, on Tuesday. November 715h, at 1 o'clock. THOMAS ROBINSON, Prof fetor Geo. H. Eliiotb• A etti<rneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND ACRE of Lama,. boat,:1 hw, t crer Lot 25, Coi- ce;ei'on 8, and Northwest e,rner Lot 25, Con- cession 7. McKilitiP. Builclimra will be sold sepa,rately if desired- Allo few household ef- fects, on Monday, November 6th, at 2 p.m. JOHN CAMPBELL, Proprietor; G. H. El- .. Yitaht, „ Auctioneer, 3750-2 ADMINISTRATOR'S, SALE TELERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE by public auction at. the house of the lake Mary Jane Laird. on John Street, in the Town of Se^fort:^., on the 6th DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT •at 2 p.m., the furniture. goods and chattels of the deceased. At the same time there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the property, consisting of a comfortable frame dwelling ' on the lands de:,cribed as the W Vi of Lot 26, on the south side of John Street. in the Town of .Seaforth, together • with right-of-way. TERMS -Cash. Ten per cent. of the pur- chase price of the pr65perty to be paid at the time of the sale and the balance within 30 days. ELMER D. BELL. Solicitor for Mary Jane Laird Estate. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 37449,3 MEETING 'OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL sneetidng opened with a sing -song di- rected her Miss Mabel Workman_ Mists Helen Dick played a piano solo; Miss- es Enid and Edith Parkins played a sesl•ectiox9 den the guitars and violin. The guest shaker 'Gras Rev. J. C. .l-IiU of Caren Presdbptterian Church, Exe- ter. The foltowing conveners were appoiln4ed: Worship, ML Workman; fellowship, Allan Davidson; service, Harold Bonthnot ; social, Misses Hel- en Moir, Violet, Hyale and Alvin Bell_ A buffet lunch was served. Mr. W. J. Fee, of Ailsa Craig, spent a week visiting relatives and friends in Hen till. THE NEY.T hear' rNG OF HURON COUN- .tv Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House. Ooderir•h, commenc- ing 149ond '. November 26th, 1939, at 2 p.m. All axxounts. notices of deputations, cations acid oiler !business requiring atten- tion of council should be in the hands of the Clerk by November 11.t . J_ M.. ROBERTS, County Clerk, cridertb, Olio. 3751-2 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH BROAD- -It foot.- All resect hoeing %Attires against the Es- tate of Elizabeth Broadfoot, late of the Township of Tuckersmith. Widow, deceased. who died on or about the 9th day of Septem- ber. 1939, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned en or before the 10th day of November, 1939, full particulars of their c1ainns. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the partie3 entitled thereto, having swsard only to claims of which the tandersa'lgnerl shall then have notice. to the meduslon of all others, and the undersigned w,ilil itot be liable leo any person of whose claim the undetttigned shall not then have notice for tlhe assets so diS:tributed or any pat it them f. DAI'le:1) •at Seatfarth this 24th • day of October, 1939_ ROBERT SMITH and ROBERT McKAY Executors. By their Solicitor. H. G. MEIR, Seaforth, Ont. Hoye - Mahaffey A lovely wedding of wide interest ' inng bends looked Lovely in astreet- was Solemnized at the home of Mr: length (gown of emerald velvet with and Mrs. Wilbur Madhaffey, when their mlatcilrinig acmesentriels, is carried a Ihouquet of, yellow' mums_' They were unat Imtmeddaltely following the oere: r my the bridal couple left on a stbtort :trip, the bride donning for travelling a bottle green coat and ac- cessories. Upon their return Mr. end Mona. M•cCorwsn will reside in Bruce - field. Prior to her marriage a num- ber of her friends met rat the home of Mre;-„,L3t.) Oakes, Clinton, and presented her with a miscellaneous showier. Death of James McGlinchey This week we are called upon to chronicle dile deaitih of the late James Mee -Findley, of Hensall, who passed away at This home here on. Wednes- day last, following an illness of two weeks' duration, during which time he was ton ed to his room. Although be had been '11 poor health for some couple left for a wedding trip to De- taaoait and Los Angeles, California, the bride travelling in a smart navy blue ensemble. Attenldthg the wedding from Henson were Mrs. Walter MR Cui]ie and Mrs. Peter Strang, grail d allots of the bride McGowan - Smith A quiet but pmetty wedding was) loving &ether, a kind neighbor, end will be much missed by his widow, sol'emn'ized art the home of Rev. Mr. 'family •and neighbors and friends' 'one - nine, er Seallorth, on Saturday Ma'one from Hensall and disltrtici. Surviving ming, Ooi este, urban June Magda are hie widow, three sons, Garnet, of )area, dThtiker•;oY Mr, and Mrs.n Eer- Sera.forth; Edgar and Beverley, atsole Smith, of Kiplpen, rosters the home; two •dau'gthter's, Mrs. Manley bride of Mr. Frank McDonald Mc Jinks, Hennal•l; Mrs. Jack'Pinney, of Cowen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hay Township; two brothers, George McOcl McCowami, of 731ucefieLd. The chat m- of Hensall, and John, of the Goshen, and one sister, Mrs. Edward John- stone, of Clinton. The funeral, wthich Was Private, was held from his late` residence on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m., when Rev. R: A. Brook, pastor of Hensall United Church, officiated. Fiar'ordte hymns of the deceased were sung diming the servlioe, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and „"Take My Life "and Let It Be." Assisting with the singing were Rev. Mr. Brook, Miss Greta Laramie, Miss Bella Smale, and Mrs. Maude Hediden. The floral tributes were .lovely. The pallbear- ers were friends and neighbors of the deceased from the Goshen Line, Lorne and William Armstron5, Robert and Orville' McClinchey, Lloyd Dow - son and Dlavid Stephenlsten. Inter- ment was in Bayfield cemetery. At- tending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zettle, Mrs. Fred Grayson, Mr. axed Mrs. Harry Grayson and Fred Grayson, all of London. Much sympathy is extended n., WI to 11 1 . d .,.0 .it• .:. (!' months past, dee was able to be around and fulfill this duties, but the lcairtiei • on Wednesday manning 111 d 1 ?If 14.. ��ryry e e. I F P l fl z Ir � I 1 I r II e. I i P); tIr 1 fU .1 4 a'; f NOVEMBER 3, • to the bereaved wife and famlfly. Members of the W.M.S. of the Unit- ed Church entertained the mother* w 1 be tweed, Apeaeefully, away. Mr. and, Baby Band in the school room of g•dieenee vi late . Was in has 72nd the church) en Thursday ai terltioon, yke1A+>4'nwas been °n,,the. Gotsheen Line, Nov. 2nd. Decorations were in Baby wherehe famed for many years be- Band ,colons of pink and blue bal- fore moving to Hlensail 'stoma years Moons, wibd'le 1'ovely baskets of yellow agot He as a kind; husband and and deep rose durum's cotmpletedi the 'platform decorations. •Mrs. C. Bal- lantyne, first vioapresidenit, gave the welcome, which was followed with a Stora devotional period. One of the interesting 'features of the •afternoon were recitations by a number of the .little tots; Jean McAllister, Lloyd Buchanan, Shirley .Chapman, Peggy Rowoliffe, Ronald Passmore, and Or- lon ISitephen. Preceeding these reci- tations Mit. I. G. Stmdllde gave a de- lightful talk en "Stephen Lee. Miss Florence Welsh and Mrs. Geo. Hess contributed a duet entitled, "AU the Children) of the World." This was followed by more recitations -by Elaine Beer, Billy Carlisle, Betty Armstrong, Ray McLaernon, Corinne Smale, David Ingram and Ray In- gram. Miss Murray (gave. a very in- teresting story on the Life of birds, The graduation exercises' followed in charge :of Mrs_ E. L. Mlickle, the Baby Biand superintendent of Hensall. The seven little ohi1dmen graduating were Shirley Chapman,, Lloyd Buchanan, Elaine Beer, David Ingram, Jean Mc- Allister, Billy Carlisle and Orion Stephen., ilooki'ng eanart in their at- tractive (bats and banners of pink and blue trim. They marched out and circled around) the attractive white gate and were received into the Mis- sion Band by Miss Katlha-•yn Drysdale, superintendent of the Mission Band, daughter, Ana, was united in ,mar- adrage to Nelson Howe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howe, of Cromarty, Rev. W. E. Aldwlolrth, Straffa United Church, officiating. Under an arch fern, ivy and white mums the ceremony was performed, and the house decorations were in green and gold. James Dal- ry! n.ple, uncle of the bride, played the wediding music 'til the bagpipes. Given in marriage by dicer father, the Lovely bride ,looked charming in a florae enlg't'h gown of Queen Anne blue, ]lace bolero coat, long trailing net veil caught around the head with orange blossoms. She carried a bou- quet of Madonna lilies •with long white satin streamers. They were unattended. A buffet luncheon was served' from a table adorned with the wedding cake. A toast to the bride etas proposed by .the minister and re- pliedi to by the groom. The bridal Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE -1120 ACRES, MILE east of Wtelton., Loth 4 and 5, 18th Con- cession, Townnbio of Grey. Large hank barn, frame house. Esme) nt gravel pit Ap- ply to JEAN TURNER, Box 114, Seaforth. Property For Sale VIOR SALE -2350.00 CASH, SIX -ROOM frame house, in good condition. en Ord Street, Seaforth. Two lots. chicken house, ,Hydro. Apply to Box 206, EXPOSITOR. 3?2Btf Notices NOTIOE-•A.LL ACCOUNTS OWING TO ,the firm of tib"-l.ker'; Furniture Store, Seaforth. must be p.a:fd on or before Decem- ber 1, 1939. 3751-3 NOTICE 3750-3 In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY OF 013R DEAR son. Leonard, who passed away October 30, 1938. - -Mdi. AND MBS. C. CLARENCE AND FAMILY. 1751-1 Births TEBBUTT-In Motor Private Hospital, on October 3011th, Ito Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Teb- butt the gift of a son 7Vidirnin Ernest. COOPER --In Scoot Mxamoriall Hospital, Sea - forth, on October 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. VIsisin Cooper, E gusemdwille a tion. M:ALONEY--Im Scott Memorial Hfaspital. Sea- port], on October 294th, to Mr. and Mrs. Vrenlfbi. Maloney, 'McKillop, a daughter. O'CONNELL-'llI Detroit, on October 21st, to IMw. and Mn. .1. D. O'Connell, a daughter --Card1 Anne. THEN SALL Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backaehe, Lumbago are attacked at the slource by the cleansing and aln,tiseptic action of Rumaczps. NLilddleton's Drug Store. a 11 Coming to Hensall C. R. WILKINSON, ILO, OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN • Winkham will be at W. O {;oodelnfrl store 4yr' ery 1st and &'d Tueedaye In the month, for the purpose of realms eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted are gpeoilally roma. mended to consult inlet H—ow^ Id a.m. to 6 r•m. Phone H '"14 for appodantmenl, >o1177, and Mrs. 'eMilokle presented each ehUd with: a •diploma. Miss Florence Welds presided at the piano during the elt- •erc'ise and sang the Hallowing sole, While the children marched through the gate, "See the little children pass- ing through the gate, they are gradu- ating from their baby state; they are marching onward to the Mission, Band, and the best of wishes goes out from all on hand." A buffet luncheon was served from a table centered with pink and white mums; pink tapers and 'balloons, while streamers of pink and blue completed elle table decorations. In charge of the lunch were Mrs,. Merrier and Mrs-. John Passmore. Receiving the guests'. were Mrs. Mickle, Mrs. Norman Coote and (Mrs. George Hess. The Wheel roam was packed for the occasion. (Oontinued on Page 5) Friday an Saturday only—Great- est reduction on Fur Coats in• Huron County, at Goodwins. Mr. Herb Hedden, Wife has been suffering with an infected finger, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. on Wednesday for an op - enation, having to have the bone of the finger scraped. Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson. early and respected residents of this vil- lage, quietly celebrated the 47th an- niversary of their weeding on Thurs- day of last week, and in the evening took in what rnright be termed a ban- quet, the fowl supper at Brucefleld. Their friends (Mope they will be spar- ed to. celebrate their 50th annivers- ary. The Mission Circle of the United Se:uf.rrth, Ont., Oct. 7, 1939. Church wilt hold a supper meeting 131 the basement of the ,.church on Friday afternoon, Nov. 3rd.,. at 6 p.m. A worship period will• follow the supper, after which the Circle will be addressed by !Miss McGowan, of Blyth, Presbyterial Secretary of Mis- sion Ctrclest The •Mesionls o'f Huron Lodge held their regular me'etin'g on Monday ev- ening in the lodge room. Mr. Ross MacKay very ably addressed the brethren, taking as his theme, "He- brew Nation." R,efreshm•en+ts were served. Mies Gladys Luker, who was con- fined to her ihome hhe latter part of last week with a throat infection, is much improved and her thany friends are pleased to see her aible to be back; at her position as bookkeeper at T. C. Joynt.'s store. IMr. Ches. Wolfe, contractor of the brick 'work, and Mr. Jas. Sangster, contractor of the woodwork, are making good' headway in the erection of Jim McEwmnfe new brick dwelling a tittle cheer a anile northwest of Hensall in the Township of Hay. Hallowe'en passed 'off quietly in the village. The 'children enjoyed their usual c'a'I9irig at the homes and the treats Silley received. The rain and snow germ in the early part of the seee:feg rather ivterferred with the pleasure of the occasion. • . Mrs. R. J. Oam+etlbn was hostess on Matierkly "egre :big tri a ei'alldowe'eh, se- cia"f for the young people of Carmel bylter#attr 110%nrch. The horde was fieaex ti Ifo black and orange letiest firth 'nth Ifr+esMed and CIO ata'1-2 � y Mw. 'PL G. Meier, Barrister. Seaforth, Ontario. Ewer Sdr :- • Iii settling the controversy between Mr. priussit Knox and myself, I am Riad to take Ithia costarrtautit y of 9-edtilfytng any wrong which I relay have done to him. If any re- marks of •noble have been interpreted as in- ferring Oat 1 have accused Mr. Knox of theft olA a pffirley,t I am very sorry. I have aro ,..endh accusation 3m make Iagailnelt Mr. Knox and I regret any •emba,rrassmenit or inconvenience I may htaye Caused Brim. , Yon eray,pabtish this fetter if you so desire. Yours, neaten YV'ILLIAM LEIPER, Lond % ra, do tan08. Township of Tuckersmith Clerk's Notice of First Post- rig of Voters' List VOT1JOlteuster IZIP 148T, HlY OCOUNTICIPALITY OP cal' BIURON. 'TO'I'JIQIt1 T leenteBY GIVEN THAT I `¶ave eixdOlied with Section 8 of Elie Volleyle let anti that I have Vestel1 as, ori my alike at eneketeemith on the 254th day kxf fee: e'it i Mete (tele Net of ell persons an- itilkitt: ,106 pit' irile', vied mllllkimaitsy at *eliteif ate that such 124 re- tiAaatltN *eon, 4 znta�pclla and I * Oeeea itidrs ,.;or omissiena eort e is'e Idatq',t r' sy- 9a9989, ��tF?}e lQl�y rr '; M1ilt I!)e, r> P irreltlfili lft t'' a t��' N' ✓j' l� II! tr Hundreds of articles .Fi�litr magazines, newspapers ,t gtr apersubstantiate and trade p the fact that this process: is a great discovery. .-may antiquate present refining processes. . will give, motorists a new kind of gasoline, at no extra cosi. Made especially for high compression motors, this new gasoline gives EVERY car :— p ii BONUS 4,444441/4frociale44 paaseit Q A SURPLUS � divte-kms Q a oIuuiEND ecanamicalmikage To make a fair test don't dilute Nu -Blue Sunoco with other gasoline. Let your tank run practically empty. Then put in Nu -Blue Sunoco. Compare it particu- larly with premium -priced gasolines. We'll rest our case on your findings. •t ea ers W A Wri W. H. Dalrymple, Bruce8eld J. McCully, Bruc c!i old A, 9 l+1, t i � 1 c r ,7 re..• is 9