HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-10-20, Page 8G wed to tell Bottle Filealture peeam ALle FOR e SLY PO -"Mail BLOSSOMCA->R'>las 15c • If ST+DN'SDAkkNTY SODAS 15cmonad r OWNS- Ik �C 2`5c 60c iXELOCIOLIVIMNUT CRUSH 15c S CALWORNI& GRAPES ................10C 19c .JUICY tt3iRANGl 'CRAPE FRIJI7f 19c 6 for 25c x 4 RAPES -A u r1y past 26c Basket . CASTLE W ' FOR FLOORS 2c„, Tian VERY BEST STOVE PIPE 25C ENAMEL; -Bottle 'LINSEED SOA e-eFer eieatrriug� 5C n Can..., BLACK C.I.T WINDOW; CLEANER --Bottle '!WONDEl SOAP GRANULES. BORAX -Loose . lou 'WASHING SODA 3 pounds 1.US'p1C '$ODA -Looe petrol OYSTER SHELL cwt.• lbs. ■ m I MsReids Alice Reid being chosen t as cap - 10e tains. C:nmp'etitive games were on joy'ed undee the ct rectioe of Miss Ed- ith MMMilltin and Mrs. MacDonald. 1uC Miss Alice Reid gave a short report 1 0 C on the convention held recently in London. Mr. Gen. F. Brown played two very fine numbers cn the piano, 99c which were enjoyed by all present. • Mrs Fred E. Willis read the Scrip- ture• lesson and Mise M. P. Patterson led- in prayer. Following the meet- . 1Ing a d'eliglitful .lunch was served un- der the direction, of the •social con- venor,, Miss Edith Ferguson. 15c NEWS OF TSE' TO Announciet tr–Mr and Mrs W.. Smith, of Rigeen, annola 'ce the en- gagement to their dkaughtter, Juni' Magdalena, to Muir. Frank McDonald, son of Mr. and Mie. Johan McCowan, of Brumfield. • Reid- Barber. ---In! Guelph, on Sat- urated-, f t. 14th, by Rev. J. C. Grier, Grace Louise,' daughter of •Mrs. Barber and the late Mr,.. J. Barber; of Guelph, to Mr. Edward Dawson Reid, of Guelph, son of Mrst. Reid and the late J. F. Reid, Seaforth. Y. P. U. Hears Talk on Wart. -The r'eguba - meeting of the Y. P. U. of Northatide United Church was held on Tuesday evening and opened by sing- ing "Blest Be the Tice That Binds." The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison and Milss Myrtle Carter; Citi- zenslhip Convener, took charge of the meeting.' Miss Margaret Dale Ied in prayer and Miss Irene Workman fav- ored with a solo, "He Shall Feed His Flock," which was mucin enjoyed by alk The Scripture was taken by Doro- thy Gallop, Galatians 6:4-10. Mr. E. D. Bell was the guest siperaker for the evening.. The topic be chose w:u mainly about "War in General." This proved very iinterestiag. "0 God of Bethel" was sung and the meeting was closes with the Mizpah. benedie- tion. Y. P. of Presbyterian Church Meet. -Mrs. James MacDonald, the new pre kllen+t of the young petiole's or- ganization, presided over a most en- thusiastic meeting on Tuesday even- ing. Several new members were in attendance. A contest for attendance Will be theld, James MacDonald and Workman -Sandford. --The mei-slag ,of Miss Evtedyta Gentrluds Sandfor ,. elder daughter of Mee J. L Salaidfor , 4yf Torontle, tp , Mr. Wiestou Albert Workman, only son: of ,1y+Ir. and Wo Mrs.' William A. Workman, of irep , took place at the Nortlitaidie United (7hurch. Manse, Seafortth, en Wednesday af- ternoon, October lith. -Rev. H. V. Workman, uncle of the groom, offici- abed. The bride wore a threes of teal blue with cameo ornament and oars - age in white. They were attended by bee brollb.er and his bridle, Mr. and Mm G. Bernard Sa.nditord, the latter westing a rosewood dress with dull gold ornaments and similar corsage da pal pink. Immediately after the oeremtooy the buidel couple left on a trip to Flint, Detroit and Toronto, the bride tna:vol iug in coat of teal blue boucle trimmed with red fox and navy accessories, • „MASTERS . FEED. ,MAKES T H E. HENS LAY A. C. Ro fledge PHONE 186 WE SPECIALIZE , IN FIRE, AU MOBILE, CAS- , UALTY, GUANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A D SICKNESS, I BURGLARY,* WINDSTORM Bepreeenting Companies who give 1 Security with Service 1. Moo Agentsrt for OpCarl° Threah- 1 •rmen's Mutual Flre Insurance. 2 InformetioY 'gladly given. i A number Of desirable properties 1 in 8eafortlii and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. RED - Proprietor Prone 214 Seaforth ' SPECIALIST iN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 4 FUNERAL SERVICE C► Main Street, Seaforth 4 S. T. Holmes, residence '0 4oderich Street, West; phone 4 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' © residence, Goderieh Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. 4 Ambulance Service '0 Adjustable hospital bed for rent. 0 Night calls, Pahone 308 0 Day calls, Phone 1194 4 Charges moderate. ® 12-37 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ® 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX O O FUNERAL SERVICE O kp Licensed Embalmer O Q Ambulance Service ° A Hospital Bed O 0 with adjustable rachet oper- 0 aQ sated spring for rent. O 4 Night Calls Day Calle 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 '0 lz-rr p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Freeman - Nigh. -St. James' Church Presbytery, Seaforth, was the scene of a quite wedding on Saturday moaning, when Margaret, eldest slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nigh., Seaforth, became the 'beide of Mr. Louis Free- man, of Clinton. Rev. T. P. Hussey performed the ceremony. The at- teadants were Miss Jane Nigh and Mr. Harry Freemen, brother of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman will reside in Clintoant "Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ the New -Born King" Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Northside United Chu•nch: Rev. H. V. Workmann. Minister. -10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Tie Sacrament of Baptism"; music ltd by the Junior Choir; 7 p.m., Service withdrawn, at- tend Anglican Church anniversary. St. T'Umoma.,' Churctr: Rector; Rev. Dr. Hurford.—Eightieth Anniversary: 11 a.m., Rev. A. J. Forte, L.Th.; the Rector will give a sketch of the par- iah history; 7 p.m., Confirmation, Right Rev., Bishop Seeger, D.D. Sun- day Scthool at 10 a.m. F. mnncle ille, Church—Morning ser- vice will ,pe in charge of Rev. W. D. Cell, eV Stratford. Evening service withdrawn for Brucefield anniversary. —Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Minister. . /First Presbyterian Church—Sunday 'School at 10 a.m.; noi•ning subject, "The Bible Comes Alive"; evening service withdrawn for St. Thomas' anniversary service. Mid -week meet- ing at 8 p.m. on hursday. — Rev. Hugh Jack, Minist Anniversary, : Services' Constance United ,Cbnrch SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd at 11 a.m. and'`7.30 p.m. REV. HAROLD SfDF1=LL, of Ethel in charge. Special Musk by the Choir A Thankoffe'ing will be received. HOT FOWL SUPPER Tuesday, October 24th 'followed by a play "THE' MAN FROM NOWHERE" presented by the Y. P. of Ebenezer Church ADMISSION 50c — CHILDREN 25c THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY oil KiJRON Of led &a Um Dominion Bank Bufld- ling, Seaforth. or$oo homy: Toes - day, Thursday and Satarday, ,1.E0 p.m. 90 5 p.lo. Se,'turday (mewing/ 7.10 p.n. to 9 pais. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN insurances A encle - Seaforth ANN9U CES iffs• penetese a bot. t1 Heys & Mair the addition of their mammies our maven. fao11- Moo eaable. is Sdoa unozeid.d serried In ail Bras. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10-57 THE 1cKILLOP MUTUAL E INSURANCE r'CO'Y. imp OFFICE SEAFO ' , ONT. OFFICERS'. M F ICER3- re e. biborrlam,6 Seat iWita Nit:, Lourdes Sear Pres, ▪ Vice -Free, • See.—Treas. deslllor©; ota'otrge en; James fon ex.' • Biiioadfoot, R. ,dia�t.,irt--er McE g, M+ rag z R n. Stirptdlee, uratfon; vie R. 5, Seatortb: AN7Z-FREEZE COMING /PI Now's the Mime to protec your radiato against freeze- *` 's. Let us mak4 the•chang-`-over today —be ore dan;erous cold Wes er con We charge only for the : ti -freeze used 11. WSTO sHELI, S Seaforth, Ont. VICE STATION GODE H STREET, WEST ti oN EXO -1,. R THE LADi OF FiRST CHURCH AID SOCIETY RESBYTERIAN 8 HAVING A & SALE of ome Ba e residence df -Mrs. L T. Del,�fcey, on Cullen - Finkbeiner.—A' very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, on Monday, Oct. 16th, at 9 a.m., when Margaret Ii', Finkbeiner, Reg. N., dauglhter of Mrs. Finkbeiner, Sea - forth, and the late Charles Finkbein- er, was united in marriage to William J. Cullen, sem of Mr. and Mrs•. Wm. .Cmdlen, Kitchener. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father T. P. Hussey. Mrs. F. Devereaux, organist, presided at the ore"'an and during the Offertory Mrs. Leo Fortune sang "Ave Maria." The bride given in marriage by her bccther-in-lava•, Mr. William J. Faulkner, Sarnia, was lovely in a floor length gown of white triple sheer ov- Fr vrthite • taffeta, made on princess stype with sweetheart neckline and finger trip veil of silk net. She car- ried a bouquet of O'phelia roses. Hel- en Ferkbeiner was firer sister's brides- maid in a gown of triple steer tur- quoise blue with matching doll hat, and ca.nriedd J'clian+na Hill roses. Mr. E. B. Cullen, brother of the groom, acted es grnomsanen,. After the Wed- ding breakfast which was served at the home of the bride's' moaner to him:mediate relatives, the bridal couple 'left on a short motor trip, the bride troweling in a moss green crepe dress and black coat with .black accessor- ies. On their return they will reside in Kitchener. DAY, Oct. 25th e to commence at .3 o'clock Tei. served, from 3 to 6 SILVER COLLECTION "God WT t Take Cane of You" was rendered as a duet by Mrs. Becihely wadi Miss Pat Beehely. Following this Mrs. Workman stroke on "The Woman of Quiet." Mrs. Baker con- tributed an ap'propriat'e poem, and the meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction ";,Death of Mrs. Peter McCann.— Sarah E. Nigh, beloved wife of Mr. Pester : McOananr, of Seaforth, passed away in Sett Memorial Hospital on Su,nd+ay in her 84th year. About three weeks ago else .suffered a severe heart attack and was removed to the hos- pital where she 'pass'ed away . Mrs. McCann was the third' daughter of the late Mr. mid Mrs. Joseph Nigh, o f the Tuckerstaiteh-Htt beet line, where she lived until she was mar- ried 50 years ago to Mr. Peter Mc- Cann. About ten years ago they came to Seaforth. Mrs. McCann had Mrs. Workman Addresses Mae Lane Auxiliary* The 'October aneeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was theld at. the 'home of Mrs. L FL Weedurark on Monday evening. After opening the meeting with the hymn, "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee," which was toblowed by a prayer by Mrs. Rocs Savauge, Miss R Fennell read the message of the Moderator of the United Church to tee people in this time of crisis. Mrs. Close then took charge of the bustinas of the meet - ring, in which a nominating oommittee was named, to bring i.n a sheet of officers, and the invitation accepted from the %dies, to the Anglican Church to be with them at their an- niversary. Miss S. Wood gave a reading in connection with the Chris- tian Steward'sthri'p dep'aatmrewt At the etcs'e of the Laval -mess., Mrs. Weedlmark took charge of the meeting. The hymn "Sowing in the Morning," Was fol- lowed by a prayer by Mrs. Moffat and the reading of the lesson, the 24th Psalm given by Mrs. Baker. Prices Are Advancing Small Radio 8 of Radios fro 1111 • s are already up in prl , but our large stock , $30.00 up still repr - -nt the Lowest Price_ RADIO TUBES WESTIINGHOUS; WASZ'IER.S COFFIELD WA ERS GILSON WASH 7' 5 MISS SIMPLIC TY WASHERS ELECTRIC • + GES ALL A A small 100 fir BEING SOLD wn payment DON'T DE i P naz,; ECTRIC APPLIANCES • RING SUPPLIES BULBS FARM MACHINES REPAIR PARTS T THE LOW PRE-WAR PRICES til held any purchase until required AY — COME TO -DAY ! HN SACH SEAPORTR F; IZABETH / / ARDEN�,,�`" i 4nnounc I that bcr cecguarcte V E e`1AN TOI PREPARATIONS dor preserving and enhancing the beauty of the skin, may al- ways be had at Keating's Pharmacy "The Reasit Drug Store" PHONE 28 SEAFORTH �Pd as kind diatptasiti to and always saw the bright aide o life. Ste leavers to mourn 'her loss h husband, Mr. Me- Cann, o-Canuu, one bi ,their, MA nuke Nigh. and five aaidc'hildrele Mrs. LT. J. D'Do r ,• : k ,.. Kit'cheaer; Mrs. Gordon Mc.:t e, of West Lorne; Elizabeth y, Lbadion; Agnes lief *nay, De- troit, and Peter Murray, Seaforth. The funeral took place from her late pesiidenee, Side Street, on Tuesday morning to St. James, Church, and dlhene,e to St. Coluanban cemetery. Rev. Father Hussey officiated. The paITheareass were Messrs, John Nigh, John Wiaissh, Jose Doyle, Patrick Nigh, Ambrosia Ni, • and Peter Mur- ray. 3b, tl; 77th ANNIVERSARY ST. JQHN'S CHURCH !'Varna SUNDAY, OCT. Special Services at 111.m. and 7 p.m., conducted y Cavon Townshend, of ondon. SOCIAL EENING Monday, ber 23rd VARNA OWN HALL A good program, including a Bridal pageant will be present, ed. st__SI C H PROVIDED. Admission 25c' — Children 15c LOCAL BRIEFS , • Mr. and Mrs. William, Gooding and daughter, Marilyn, and Mus. Jas. Weight and Miss Jean, of Galt, were She guests of Mr. and Mrs., J. J. Cluff on Sunday. • Mr, and Mrs. Frank Appleford and, Mr. and Mrs. Glads'on Campbell, of Hamilton, were week -end gues't's at the loon of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt in McKillop. • Mr. A. W. Sillery left on Wed- nesday for Kirklend Lake, where hes obtained a position. • Miss Evelyn Goldring, of Toronto, spent the week -end at tthe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gold- in„ • Miss Mary Jackson, of Acton, spent the weekend with her mother, :Mrs. L. C. Jackson. • Mrs. Illingworth, of Stratford, was, here this week visiting her daughter, Miss Nellie Illingworth, at the Seaforth Clinic. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Rider and Miss Doris, London; Mrs. A. J. Hickey and Mr. Peter Smith, Windsor, were guests over the week -end with Mr. and, Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Mr. and Mas, Salm Ewart, of Ches- ley-, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith this week, • Dr. W. C. Sproat and Mrs. Sproat are spending a week in Philadelphia and New York. • Mrs. J. E. Willis is in Dundas. • The regular meeting 'of the Bar- bara_Kirliman Auxiliary of First Pres- byterian Church will be held on Tues- day, pvember 7th, instead of October 24 in order to have Miss Iaura Ron, promotion secretaryf the W. M. S., address the meeting.. • Miss Janet Scott leas returned from Galt and Hamilton. • Mr. and Mrs.. David Mole and son, Maxwell, of Rochester, N. Y, and Mrs. Joseph Eisenburger, of Los Angeles, were visitor's last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mole. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James, McQuaid at St. Columban. • The many friends of '.1Ir. C. M. Smith and Mr. J. R. Walker, who both underwent operations in Scott Mem- orial Hospital a few weeks, ago, were pleased to see then on Main Street again an Wednesday. • Mr. R. R. McKin•ds'ey, who recent- ly purchased the Aberhart drug store, has moved his family from Ottawa and is now occupying the residence of Mr. W ter Murray on Goderich Street t. • T Misses Elizabeth and Mary McL d, of Woodstock, spent the we -end at the home of their aunt, s. Joseph Henderson, in McKillop. �/ • Mr. and Mrs. George Weikel', of Harriston, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. • Rev. Hugh Jack was in Goderich on Tuesday- evening- taking part ,n the memorial :service for the late Fred G. Weir, who was one of the victims of the Arhenia disaster. • Mr. and Mrs. L...4). McKindsey and Mr. andMrs. S. E ane', of Lam- beth, were the •recent guests of Mr. and Ma's. R. R. McKindsey, • Mrs• J. S. McNeil and Mrs. Mit- chell F. Hepburn, of St. Thomas., were guests last week with the -former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murdoch, in Stanley. • Mise A. Shepherd, of Toronto, was a week-ecd guest at the home of Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Mr. Nelson Cardno left on Tues- day to spend a holiday in New York. • rs. J. A. Gorwill and little son, H %h, spent a few days with Hamil- friends. • The Canadian Legion and Red Cross Society will hold a Bingo party in 'D' Company Armories on Friday evening, October 27th. • Mr. Donald Kerslake, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, who mreturmed with him to spend a week in th,e city. • Mr. Albert Hudson has leased etre W. E. Chapman' residence on Jarvis Streets and is now occupying it. • Mina Maud Hartry spent the week end in London. • Mrs. A. McTavish has returned after spend'i'ng several weeks in Ham- ilton, • Miss Martha Flannery is visiting friends ikn Detroit. • Mrs. T. Swan Smith, Mrs. Hugh Jack, Mrs. John MacTavisth, Mrsa. R. Eberbart and Mrs. J. A. Munn were in Clinton on Tuesday attending an ,executive nieeti•ng of'the Huron Pres- byterial of the W.M.S. of the Presby- terian Church in Canada. • Mies H. Marge Forrest, R.N., left Thursday to resume her position in Haimilton General HospitaL a; Mr. Lewis Tuckett, of Ottervilie, spent the week -end at the home' of Mr. John Forrest.. 1,1 ,u. Gf, j11 II it i3 ' triBER 20, 1939. Regent Theatre Seaforth AIR-CONDITIONED Now Playing Carry Grant, Doug. Fairbanks; Jr., Victor McLaglen in "Gung . Di Monday, Tuesd . y, Wednesday "Wutherg Heights" with MERLE OBERON, LA RENCE OLIVER and DAVID NIVEN Monday, Oct. 23— nder auspices of the Red Cross Society ursday, Friday, Saturday DOUBLE= BILL,'°'" -ALSO- , eh Herbert - Joy Hodges THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR" Meet the Delirious Pierces — the Screen's Most Amazing Bewlider- erg Family I FOWLSUPPER Zurich —In -- St. P is Luther arch / an — TH URSAY, O T. 26 Supper ser from to 9 p.rp. Program of Local alent fol- Ioo�ang S per. ADMISSiON — 65c and 35c Seaforth Monument Works (f mercy W. E. Chap OW OPERATED :Y nningham I ryde W invite Ins etlon of our ck of Ce ery Memoriam. S AFORT — TUESDAYS & �.ATURDAYS or .any''' time by appointment See Dr. Harburn -- Phone 105 EXETER: Phone 41; Box 150 "S LISTEN TO gs by Gene A OVER C NX, WIN AM VERY 'MO'+ DAY at 1p Spons, ed by aly' Garage eaforth 7f "LET .US LIVE" � a't r• 4 rf .• A*{ :.:,'��r Ctrl -@rye a r:: `,� i,;J� t.� led "Gratitude" was given .+by Olive Preae. Mrs. Craw in'trodu'ced Mrs. Robert McKenzie who gave a splen- did address on "Me Task Before Us as Missionary Women of the Church." A duet was rendered! by .iVirs. Reg. NTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Ruses" Carter are busy moving to tfhieir ntew blame west of Gri'eve's' bridge. The W.M.S. and W.A. Societies of Cavan Church .held their autumn Thamleafferimg meeting recentily at the home of Mrs. Thomas Pryce. The president opened the meetin.g with, "We plough the fieldlst and scatter," followed by prayer by Mrst Hugh Alexander. The minutes of the pre- vious' meeting. were read' and adopt- ed and the beeriness discussed. After singing, "1 Love to Tell the Story," Mrs. Craw took over the meeting and Mrs. RvsseIl Belton led In prayer. Seripture 1eresom, 107th Psobm 1-9 areal 103rd Psttrtlln wet given by, Mrs. J. Little. At excellent poem, mut- tee', ictit Little -and Mrs. George Chambers. A Stewandshlp reading, "A Budget," was given by Margaret Montgomery, and: the meeting closed with the Lord's ' Prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was server by Circle 2. a10.5.1=1"MIGICM Drugs - Medicines Whether your nee for -animals, be for ho .. e, personal or e will co ound for you. Phone (Formerly with Asti ey, Phme, Bo Seaforth Ottawa, Purveyors Rideau Hall) r"k ST. THOMAS' CHURCH, SEAFORTH EIGHTIETH .. JINNI VERS OF THE PARISH, '' 1 75th OF SUNDAY OC E CHURCH ER 22nd 11 A. -REV. . J. FORTE, L.Th. 7 P.M.-CONFIRMA 10 - -IGHT REV. BISHOP SEAGER, D.D. ' At the Mornng Se 'ic= e Rector will give a short sketch of the History of the Parish. ALL OLD MEMBERS AND VISITORS WELCOME R. G. PARKE. T. T. JACKSON, REV. R. P. D. HURFORD, D.D., *Wardens. Rector. Seaforth Legion and the Red Cross ., t, lety BINGO PARXY IN `D' COMP NY ARMORIES`, SEAFORTH Co meriting at,0 sharp Frida , Octoh r 27th, 1939 PRI GALORE SPECIAL FEA RES DOOR PRIZE dmission-10 cents fits: ,. e.;rs:;f. ,ser• As a fitting introduction to Dom in!on's great 20th Annivers- ary Celebration we offer a chain- , ide sale of branded products that NEED' NO INTRODUCTIOr-! Preducts oflong-standing reputation . . . supported by lions advertising . brand names that enjoy Your confld nce and patronage! Dominion offers this splendid merchandi at prices that tempt you to buy liberally. Shop early and sa 1 Clark's TOMATO J .'ICE 20 oz. 4 for 25c Domestic SHOR ING ib• 13c Clark's Tomato , TCHUP 12 oz. 2 for 25c Rentz Assorted . OUPS 16 -oz. Cans 19c Thinshell GRA M WAFERS '-lb. box 15c XXXX Quake BREAD FLOUR Cwt. $2,[85 GREEN VALLEY PEAS—No. 17 -oz. Cans Maple Leaf OAP FLAKES Ri hmellow Fresh Ground COFFEE lb. 7,15c Perfection MATCH S box 18c Sugar Cris Corn Flakes 2 for 13c 1 SLICED ACON • - 29c Standard T©MA Libby's PI Box LES I.1 oz. 10C BEEHIVE °�-- CORN .SYRUP 5's - 37c ro FRU. SPECIALS GR S --B1 r Concord Basket 29c Crisp E Y HEART Bundles 2 for 15c Large White Cauliflowers 2 for 25c Cooking ONIONS 10 -Ib, hags 25c No, 1 6 -qt. Bkb. Cooking Apples 19c Large Heads CABBAGE 2 for 13c se-