HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-10-20, Page 5311
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(By Alastair W199) i++n `
n. lugiga. "rlo Lt I.et • or 'ooull ed
• vae O � d' v
At Wedm day anxlrn and Abe Aeetten is tb take Placa this 'WAI Play a BZ Pant u1 "'a * ,may
t ry�ry�, r y�.� q� ♦'i+HF ,,N y".',
�•+• tieWarly' tlhe ri'i,-Az indoor customs.`".
L gT
lug iQ "A,�.ilyd ",.dwlied, out in their week. Iln, true ,ploliticaal style the r , • �,r y �• ���
aSu#dlh l •ber, their 'faoes ' and. candidates made election promises to Ha'lIlDwe en Parties • � avisociated, whX. ;t� , a'1rPie, and 'In Fine gttatlity' ctrl �e� inti i�Q:.ttt�
b►.tee blue$ at U e'eu it Still. is r as 'r
hair 'ac 7l s idnwug, >pledged them- the ass+emblled students and the whole 'Wool A#pac�i Material* in
This Year, the principal Em b ttion. in the fes -
2selves as bandidates Fos• the Literary will be carried of as, au elee- t Green Wino' and Navy.
Society. After to number of ytears of boar. Students) will -vote inthe ma;rn- _--- t<�ittae for the occa non. �pplea, irpc "
alniaetivIty, the S.C.I. Literary Sac ety Ing, at noon, or, art Hour o'clock, and Or eoK, are'alwtay0;*V eic•oned at' I3al-
APPLE RECIPES 'loween partYc• e are sonlrp, ro` . Neulc hi.�h reecklirtss, ghat atird G ;
is bone anoree 'being •foatmted. At a from their votes the officers wily, be fY tda-fierentr••• +rgeausiy trftimmetl"h
meeting last week twdidabes for Of '�leetteiH. E cipea aaruQiraao , . Na3laa*e°en:
;Ayyles "quem and very sslsiarE
braids. beads,,`
ilcgs in the sc>ei were awmnrnated .7lbs McTver wars the fly�t`iaPeak- HaIDlnane°Cdn, as the Feast of apples. costume
� and after thanldng hi sponsorshas', s 'a special allgn fleanco this year. 2 eUpB sagar,
irtrmlkiy' tbM -the pupils that 'as captains It w4W aYCard an oopportwaaty to •slip- 1 t'easpaon cidor,vjneg to
of 'thb football team hie head his hands' Port the aPPOal of the Government of x cu water .:
but If the Canada' for co-operation do b A � grains
full the present time, i Doll together MW It � when
pa+pilo-saw lit to elect hdwM then he about a Urger consumption.
would.fill, the, �,oftioe, of president V) during the anemt fen- months. An ab dropped 9a waiter. Remove from
.• fire and. set cover, a. -,van of boiling wa '
YOU' MEN th'e best of chisor,ability. thrown
gvrantlty of applies has been ter. Add a tsar. {ixappe of red v New,,..G'l aVa :s and Bigs
Ca amen Wdadtmore, recovered from thrown am tine Canadian m air ket table colar8ng Was1� surf polish near'
Phis aippident well enough to ask the through the ourttailment of shipping d� sized 2nppdea_, Insert a wcrotd'an
q'oaoperat�en of all t'bie pupils to (make space as 'a result of wax.
and Women-! ,this' Literary Society a success'. He The apple is more Closely associat skewer in blossoms mrd of each and
i primai;s'etd students thatlin the office ed with- Hallowe'en, tthan, any other
dip apple syrup, turningnptil''well For
After the last war we trained. as ,prepidienit the w+ouW'•endieavor -to frurut or vegetable; indeed, doe apple ate• Placa on unaged paper until
over 2,000 soldiers at the re- cool,
quest of the Government. NOW make, tthe meetings interesting and is interwoven with the lhdstory of Apple Faces
we are read to train young edncatWvaL mankind since the -creation. Whexe
Y Y 9 Red or yleRaw apples m:ay be used. �—
men and women for national, Itrene Workmany ,the last candidate Aida<ama was appointed, to dress file Insez,t cloves to represent eyes, a
IS as: for 'president, rthamked the pupils for Garden of Eden and to keep it (Gen- blanched almond for a nose, and pit
ber nomination and promdsle& that she etsis I145) the apple was, Hated to be New fancy embroidered Wool Gloves
T'EI.EGRAP PE'tATOR3 a slit for the moutbb_ Children show
FREIGHT, C E KS aa)r10 'do 'hes utmost to make the Lit- of overwhelming ir►nPartanae •to the in Blue, Brawn, Wine snit
originality in creating dtd'fferent facaalBBC
s,mi.T Svestety a success. whole -human race. .In this carnet- Wiate ......................
James Hroadlfoo't, firslt csandddate for tion, the -legend of the Apples of Par -
GENERAL TENOQRAPHERS Apple: Cups trletritest'sltades Angora ((`�
vicsegreridsnt, warmly thankeid ' the adise figured, in the fare of ancien . Cut tai slice frrom" the stem end Gloves $240
The war w Il create a demand pupils for his norbanlaiibn, and ex- Egylp"t more than 5,000 years ago, •-
for this ct as of work. The ress'ad his gratitude. He slpoke of Th'cGe a Ted apples. Scoop, out cendne with 8 Fall Chamoiserede Qtoves. A11
t , pF1es were said oto .show re teaspoon Coa'k, ,pulp to sauce con- tS,AC
,. movement of men, munitions the west)' •for dlemocrm:cy in hire world their lopsided: yshape the outline where sisttency, addd'nrg a little wafter if Dec- calors • - - _ - • • • • _ • - • _ • • • • - . • . J'�r77
and merch ndise represent big- today whera.•matione are now fighting Eve had Itaken a generous bite. In
business. for this bol of freedom. He stat t:;.is EgypUian i'ore there was mention essary. Press ttbtraja. a sieve to re- Slip-on styles in plain and fancy
These c urses may be learn- ed ti star -tin at Collegiate and move care and. seeds. Sweeten to
y by, g of other 'a'p'ples, the apples of Istka- _ backs. Came in Black, White,
ugh such organizations as the Lit- taste and fill apple cups for $ervin! .
ed at ho e, or you may have lar, all sweetness on on•e side and Brown, Navy, Wine and
personal instruction. These ry Sodllety, time democracy could bittemess on the other. Green Quality Kid . , .. , . $I.%
courses o er worth -while car- be foundecd• There are special reasons why the CONSTANCY See the newest Carnelscaed
eery apa from the fact tha The `seco•nd, candidate for vice-presi- apple is Closely linkred with Hallowe'en. @1 A�1
by talon one of the coo: dint, Edna Ealvevt, thanked the pupils In pagan time`s' at tare festival- of . The, Conrafoaroce Church will Purses. SPECIAZ ........ � cW
you can drform a nation' ser- for (her ,naminsition and•'bhen went on Pomona apples played an important boll their pnulvwarsar'y services on
Nu Yo can become atels- ' to paint 'out t2re benefits of a;Liter-
part and were 'ddstributedl ash gifts. Sunday, Oct,. ;2nd, with services `at
bgrapher inside of 3 month's dry Society. She ended her speech Children went from house to (house ll am and 7.30 p_—m. There will be
(home-st y through r Simpii- by promising to fulfil this office to aslung, for Pomona apples in the special wunsdc Try 'rhe choir and solos
fied Sy em writ n in abc . ' the 'best of }ler ability. same way +as dhi'ldren in Canada so- by Mrs_ A- I:_ A- Mgmi'es, Loadesboro,
characters. Alma Law'"errce was the :ast eandi- licit Hal+lowte'en apples today. Pom- and Mr. James T. Scott, Roxboro. On
ACTT DAYI Waite for free date for vice-president and She ex- ona was the I'talia'n goddess of fruits, Tuesday evening tf 6re will be a fowl � �� UNDIES
folder a cou a you are inter- pressed herr uppreciation being eing Particularly apples (podma) -and at supper. The Ebendzer young, people
ested in, nominated. she extolled the benefits ,her festival the ducking' for apples in, wilil present a play entitled, "T•he
of the li't'erary society and quoting tubs of water was 'a distinctive tea- Man From Nawheye" The Kinburn
CASA9' I1��r b2 r, Ballantyzrle said that it was an ex g a lure of.the celebrations. in the homes. aresivestraa, Lobb tiro and Mr_ James.
II llal>�V celdlcnt idtea, for ,th`e eandidihtes do ap- At t+he same time, the eve of the 319t T. Scott, of Roxboro, will render
pear before the pupils, whether they 'of October, ' a+ndi the pmtediift days music' between acts. For
Dept. 50 said a word or t. around the end of the month, were Miss Done -Ida, Adiams attended the 1
Lols McGavdn c orad the speeches •
9 Adelaide E., TORONTO, ONT. the occasions o'f harvest and other convention for pub -lie schools in Lon- x N
for the secrertai - easurer candidates Ceremonies in various' countries par- dos on Friday lash: '<
and stated' that although she had no �� ': 1* ' Ladies
Mr. and Mrs_ C_ Dexter and, Mr. fi ��N},r� ,
and Mrs. W. Jewitt visited Mr. and ' r
peinence, in handling cash, she had 'Mrs. Cunningham aR near Auburn on
pftv.ed, in several offices "as secretary
and exprosse'd her willlinguess to co- Tuesday'
Mr. and Mrs_ Noble, of Bl trh, visit- <X�� '3'
t operate if elected_ y 4 tt{ t , r It is racti
ed Mr. amid Mrs. J. Ferguson on Sun- p Y ianpos
BRCCEIL tingled Church Helen Moffat, the second candidate, day, y/�' 3t
frankly admitteld that ber school work , f•: s sihle to get fnore at'these
tcok a Mr. and Mrs_ E. Adamis, Dtmtelda � ��� � r.'
great deal of her time, but if */
nominated sthe would strive to fill the and Kelso, visited Mr, :end Mrs. Jno- lines, nttich less at these
Su11 October 22nd r/ffir.e to Ute beet of 'her ability. Mills, of Blyth, on. Sunday.
�9 miss Cleta Medd is visiting Mr, and "1` 1 " cid levet prices_ If you are
11 a.m. anc8 7.30 p.m. Cla:a Dclmago, candidate for edi ly :
tor, cen,gratulated the former editor Mrs. George Medd and ;lir, and Mrs.
REV. A. W. GA iNER, the Chairman of Huron P sbytery, will r Geor I ;'� ° tvi'se you'll buy right now!
b the guest minister for the da for the excellent Werk dont'. Express' lave Layton, of txvter. � .
g y ing ht:: willingness'to w orf., she end- Mils-ses Clarissa Dale and Beryl < d.
ECTAL MUSIC BY THE CH ed her speec!i by thanking the nom- Carter attended tie convemdidn for
n ?; Wool, Rayon and Cot-
inators. public school teaeh"p�r•s in London'this (l _:
Thus ended tae speeches, Next week, ,e m• '�
tcn Mixture; no sleeve
HOT--'rr-"0%T. PPER wee]; an glaring L•eadlin'es we will an- Mr. and Mrs. Britton, Helen I3'; °� �I`« a a Panties Vest and
vownce the w;nners of the election. and dth vdsiMed r. and Mrs. An- • • . . • • • "
• draw ekle, of Lor�tl•on, on Saturday �a � � },i!'
T �„��� !1 Q ��, �L'tL A Iettar eras received' from Head- and also visited at Warwick and at- a,• no sleeve and short sleeve
yyLJ V h quarters of the Red Cross Society ex- tended then openi
1 , of the new Church Vests, Panties or bloom -
pressing their appreliation in the in: on Sunday. x ors 4g
Supper served om 5.30 to 8.30 terest ehown in RPd Cross work, v, �4 c and .•
FOLLOWE BY A MOVIE THE TORONTODAILY STAR'S About 50 girls have enrolled and. these
are to be divide -d into two groups for WINTHROP
a instruction. Anna Kling will be in Extra fine,,.•'avool knit,
ROYAL I� PTS charge and will be assisted by two fancy stitch; pink,
Vile are sonly that Mrs. Haist, who , $ �
which is a complete records of Their Majesties' Canadian Tour nurses. is serrtlausl7r ill, was taken to $twit a Vest „a4td Panties..
from the t me they lei Buckingham Palace until their return to «
Mem,arial Ilios>slibalr on, Tuesday morn- •
London. his will be the first showing of these famous pictures , Just to keep pupils from feeling too
in Huron County! tbappy, it was stated that exams will Ing, We drupe slay mattes a r•peedy Pura Wool Vests,
start soon, The Oh-ristmas exams will Bloomers and Panties, in
F,verybo y Mrs. Peter McGowan. and Bobby, of i
'�leome � Admission 50c and 25c be in the form of several. short tests ..`
Roxboro, 'spem2 a ftN dtiys this week `
beginning anytime from now an. The wath iher parteard� Mut and Mrs_ Geo. �' ' various makes and quali-
sum total of thtcse will tell whether ��` 1
you go to sch•aal just to pinch the fel ties.
low- that sits ahead of you, or wbe- / Q@1 p� $ 1 @@i
ether yeiu intend to be Prime Minister BRUCEFIELD $1 ■0`IJ to .7
somie day.
« « « The Late Mrs• Jas. McQueen
An epidemic of hungernesa has A loved and much respected friend
,broken out in the school lately. Some in the person of Mrd. James, McQueen
claim that it is a rare new disease of Bruceflaid, pasoed to +ber reward
in the air; others think that the on, Monday, OcaL 160,, In very good
scibooI Chas been moved farther away 2.e l"th until shortly after her 8•1tlr 0
° said, the long walk greatly increases bicthdray last Au unit, &he had been
ew the appetite. Science says that due seinitousily ill for sorme weeks. Mrs.
to a rare new my, the proteins, vita- McQtmen's maiden saran's was Susan so
!, mins amts carbohydrates are being ex- I.,anidsibowougib da.u:;lh;ter of' the late'
4 and 6 Thread
Suns9n, Sunlit, Aprep-Mid,
Facile, Roselite, Gunmetal
aust'ed and thus food is losing its Robert Lamdsborou.L'h and Anna Cous-;
nutritious qualities. At, any- rate, ev- ins La:nd�pborou'gh, She wlaas born in �� j� �+����
erybody seesms hungry. Tuckers>mkb Town-'Ghip and was mar t'jj'
While 10B were working iti0 the ited do 1881 to the iate James Me -
garden they beat Peter Rabbit to the &o predece'ased her three
punch a,nd stale all ibis carrots,. Car- years ago Me was'one of a family
tying them into the school, both boys of ten of wtsioh, Mrs. George Clark,
(said girls dinecj" on a meal' of raw car- erred mean's of hellpinig the Iced Cross and, Louisa C'Rei;1117- Mr, McCanmeali isi
of Grattan', S. D., and W. C Lands- Slo ii•et w'Ieve discussed and it was survived by Trois wife and one chfl.d,
rots with a few handfuls of dirt y
borougltn, of Port (h2eddt, aurv'ive_ deolded do hold a euchre and social Alice_ Among' tlhose attending the STRATa 4R&9 - GODEI80GH
thrown' in to brighten the enamel on >� COACH LINES
'Ilhl,e children also survive: Arthur in the hall on Villa evandng, Oct- funeral frcvm a. distance were: Mrs. FALL warn WINTJER. 73XV TABLE
the teeth. Y
and El -de. (Misr. L. Forrest). of Bruce- 27th in aril of same. '
Mown in IV Form every day there ,Masi I.Ao Mur- Uatdlfield, Windsor; Mrs_ Harry I_ L��� ata ee,rtiF for srrntiura_
are two or three bags. of candy, sev fi'eld4 sod Wig, of Toronto. Mrs. Me-
nay was a'ppodnited as Red Crass con- IZirrgc,man, Detroit, said Mr. and Mrs. Iry a -no cn.an_ and 5.25 p,m-,
eral Varieties of guim and even fruit. Queen wall 1anit bt, remembered in venetr• witth Mrs• Jobn Shea, Mrs. D. EAvtr,rd Me.Gratlh, Ildertom. v� a te+ tar coaerieh; '
Brueefield far her energetic intarest Da.nr exeept sunda7 and ho(_, Las
The other day ftve�or six girls feast in all churelh an -d miesiorary work, J' O'Connor, Mrs, V'imcem,t dwlne, Mrs. A reception was, herd is Looby's � � 8-10 vim• o
ed on a big 're'd apple, 'taking turns James Carlin, Mrs, Pieter Eckert and Hall on Monday' evlem`ing in ,honor of SnT ®cad_bn1_, a_25 v.aL and 1ft .•e pm
at `tbitiacg off a slice.
For many years ,afire hind been a Mrs. William' McIver as &"I-.PUxnb4. 14 r. and Mrs, Andaew I)arntzer, who voTuwrb�, at gba l nor 'road@.
It has been suggested that a, -booth valued Brwcefield corre8.pandent of Harm,6ton, s,:tFato, LonJon, Ta toot,
5eve'rol .saddles of the 'pariah o(�erecl have returned from '6tsleda• 'boneymooa.
This Huxen �tpas'r,tor, continuing P a,rl,*e group of friends assembled to
be set up tr the Ihnlq selling dough- their services to spw, knit and lel A 1 Asenta — Queen•s 6tio[cl, Con:mmr W "-„
/ laurel shortly before her, cosh-.
nuts; coffee and, •�am•bu•rgetrs. the Real Cr+otssr in ditFerruyni ways. The e'xte'nd their fe,Dici't®•tions and many Hada, Yiiidc Bose
She brad taught - several generations meeting fiI'Ift adjourned and closed- gifts of limen, silver and ¢money were
Although thio Mitchell Collegiate Tn Sunday School and, was active in wi k prayer.
„ the Women's Mn"anar+y� Society of presented, for which lane bride god ,
campusmay,look very much like a groom responded very graciously.
race track and though tt might make the liszrraet'aW Clmrrch for over ever 1'
Muadc for damtai� urns furnished+ by
as excellent race track; the Principal �'re T�'u5y �1e ' ouTed every i.
tib 00ROW in the footebeps of the "meek DUEL wereStrydr'sse OredtreMissra. efen D ntze . e� a
of Mibchefll High"School flImnly argues were served by Mian IieJren' DantaeQ,
ar • that it is not aria never was intended aind liowily Jesus." In the absence ofMr. Ray Burehf has been appoint- aesisted by a number of girl friends.
® Disp
for -a race track to the befit of his &0 Rev. IT. E. W119K dun t0 illness,
ed tax caileotws• for the 7bwnethlip of V'isdbatg: Mia Jammers Cannery, Tit. pip, 131SAsl.Ei� O8'D�JOI�
knowledi e, In a letter he diemended the funeual was conducted from Mrs.
g° Hnbblert. ttsvllle, I'tsns[►-, and Mrs. Sbew'ant M ••�'°
repatrati`ou from the boys who tore up McQureen?s late resi°demce in Bruce- Word wdas recetveJd b David Me- ba a5 *
the soft tulrf with their cars at the iii d'by the Rev. A. E. Allen, of Gode- Y ray, Delhi, ii ohs moire of Mr. alta HORSES 40R CATTL ri
Canuel,t of 'the strdtlen death of bis Mrs. Alex Darlixug; Muss Palu3in;e Mat. -•
i last iinttler-elchool football m'a'tch held in rich with interms3nt in Sadrd's come `
nephew, Stmt McComnel'l, from a throws, Serafortir; will. Mr. and Mrs, rMoved ftroarptty and eftcetstEy.a
Mi'tchlell.• After the boyar had demon- test'. heart att'a'ck in Detroilt last week, at Thomas Butters; Mrs. '0axM*.,ltd, of
e " IC®LLECf"fo'h
impy phone slanted how the back wheels of a - the lige of 62 yteaal9_ He was a son Windsor, and Mm. Harry L Dirge- a
car may be used as a plough, the ST. COLUOBAN of the hate Joseph McConnell and a man, Detroit, writMir. find Mrs, D. WILLIAMWILLIAMJ�STONE ����
Mitchell campus apparently' looked neplhery of Frank, Jda-n and David Mc(lonmrell; Mr, 4rnxl Rifast Pulward Me -
i. like the ece'n`o of the international ]tEp
Moughinig Mat'oh'. Th'e montbly meeting of the C.W.L, McOonn'ekl. He bad been a reudd'ent Grath, Daerbam, with Fmu&- mccon- � �
« « « was belrl in the patt`lah ball recently of New York for the gregreaterpart of neld; Misses Dorothy and verowea. ���
_ _.
The Girls' Athletic Society is hold- with 'a ,good rattenllandce. The presi- his life, but hadreoeDbly secured a Mudyneux attended t11,0 teachers' eon- 2t9 �
arena, um,P.oS�epill wadie, was in: the luorm,tivo position inDetroit-He and, vendan fiA Lmdbm
Srrg a huge party while this Column aiopenedthe notating with hyo wife and
is going to press (Wednesday even- chair and young daughter, Alice, ;
Ing), As reporters were not admit- 'prayer. Tho minutes of the prece'd- had spent two weeks wifih Mr. and p
ted, Pews 'of this party will have to inlg me6ting were •rel d by the erecre- Mrs. David McOuniniell during Sep- F
wait until next weep, Although the ' It+Lisl9 Toresslr Lynch. St_ Colum- t+em6ei . The r`ema his were, beaught ,
boys were not aMovined flf*+!de, a large than, subdivfisRatr rhos a membership of from Det•rxrit and thefungal hook ���d and f,]�.
ra e Jlsabled Animals-' a
audience of boys fought far positions 109. One faek eand two parcels of. lit- plaice from the resitdmee of David g`�✓� �
t on the tare escape to witness this oratum wore aeitft to the West since McConveld to St. Patrick's Clnlrah on iKOVED PROl'�'TL�
spectacle. the last meeting and cancelled stamps ssiturdhy, morning. Requiem Mess ti
sent to tE w Misolous. Mrs. Jasaph was mlebrated by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes Qli°seS,: attl@' Hogs, Etc. -- Co °fe�s�i SSi°ViCe
y y Kale and MTca• J1fnles Canine, who and at the OfBertrtrry hhe choir sang, ,P146NE• 15 SEAFORTFI 235 ERETEA-.••OO'LLEEC't h'
Pupils in IV Foran firml • deny that
although their lip's move during per- rattfnded the Ddocesm C•W-L, csonven- "Hark! Hark! My Smil!" Intermefrt '
iodis, they are not conversing with 't"o" 'in bx9e'zwtll tlectentlT, gave very vmA made in St. Patrick's cemtetety. Dil 11MG,� t . , R ri► a• y
one another. They are merely biting dutereatirIrg ®tad nnsimmeri.9ve reports of Titter paiiheeamrs were Wm. Stapleton,
their tongue from nervousness, they 00 eorrve 0Gn and retmiverdl bwarty James Krauslto'pf, Gem lye E. Rolland, r
claim- I applause ami a vote of tbwdM, '49'476 WaViam MueMil.Ean, Inseph Carpenter
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