HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-10-20, Page 417e enWain elf a ri rfq.7441r .1 fro, sified Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates lisle, Wanted. Lost and Found. Coming Evetalsa sis144: 1st week 1 Cards 2nd week % °ant % Cent loHniznum charge, Sod itraortims ft5 Gents Each figure. Motlaisl ond Komi mom% as one word. Card of Thauks, In Meoassom Notices -4 cent par vow& Malaintans 50 coots pea week. Enanmass may be directed to a Box Number. auk of This Norm Eateceitor,, for 10 cents Wars. Ten cents additional Per week U be changed Moods fin shoes elms aro not Paid by thee Saturday night in the week m which foe all woo rata. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free od charm Attotiots Saha. Notice to Creditors, Etesadllateis en applitmlikm. lard week ,.'Personal PAINS ARE TORTURE FROM esersaltism, Sciatica. Baclosche, tee vs—their Two -Way Aotion attacks the cause. KEATIN,G'S 'DRUG STORE. 3749-1 For Rent RENT FIVE ROOM APARTMENT, with :modern bathroom. Apety to GEO. A. SILLS SONS. 3749-2 NT --OCTOBER lath, 8 -ROOMED k house with bathroom and new far - garage on aroPeatta Apply to E. C.. BERLAIN. • 8744:f //For Sale TERSE/ FOR SALE—IN CALF, HEIFERS fd dams that milk up toe 60 and 60 ida per day. Government accredited, bred Registered bull. Pic ce reasmnalite. Also egistered bull calf from cow ...Plasm 55 Pounds and milking heifers. CILARLES BARNETT, Seaforth. 3749-1 A5tiCies For Sale UBBge' GOODS, SUNDRIES, 1. ed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. less th retail. Write for ural -order ogue. OV -RUBBER CO., Bree 91. Hamilton t. '37494 SA_LE--QUEBEC COOK STOVE IN od condition; burns coal or wOod.,,Ilea.,- e,.,44ARS. E. SIACKLAM, (over Ear - sons' 3 ber Shop). 324I)xl 5.;5/5L OR WOOD 'FINDLAY Oval ve, in A-1 condition. Apply to F. Cft1STTE. Seafoods, .. 3743-2 SALE—QUEBEC HEATER, WITH A umber of pipes Apply to MRS. J. NINERY, North Main Street. a,, pan As/ LEx. --BUILDING 36 ' 12, WITH s,,d s.hinle roof, suitable for hen house. te 170 g Block pullets. Apply EDGAR D. 3748-2 FARM FO' SALE -020 ACRES. MILE oboe, 1,oits 4 end 5, lgth CCM-, reship of Goers Large bank houses excellent gravel pit Ala JEAN TURNER, Box 1,14, Seaforth_ 8749ra Property/For Sale POR slue—noises° CASE, S1X-ROOM £.frozen facade, in good conditalon, en Ord Street,,," Seadorda. Two •'Sots. chicken house, Hydro, Apply to Be*, 't06, EXPOSITOR. 372641 -F Sale or Rent, FPI l0P ON RENT — SEVEN ROOM bx house on Goderich Street East. M,cdarh conventionces. Asipla Box 215, 'Mx- POSITOR- 3741-tf RENT—FRAME HOUSE, and lot of approximately one - Main' . at corner of Centre wired. Seven rooms; hard water. For farther information ap- ISIORRISO.N, Jarvis Street 3749-2 Notices 1.E65ivEns ARE EASILY fromHolland baths, Giant Tul- Balacinlitai Paperochaes and huge Datfo- WILLIAM HART. Phone 315-J. EETURN—iWILL THE PERSON a 12-41ocit ladder from ray home please' .ioLo• se at once and CON EI*ART, Seaforth. 3749-1 GENT ?oft 1940 FIRM° RANGE IN .`" Sealant* Perfect la principle, faultless sonstructiali, domaanie action; patented 'hollow bridge wtT donstruction; air -tight range sand 3749x1 smiled. See and compare bhis smart range and sfa3ler line of racoges and Quebec heat- QPRA. APPLES FOR SALE -- SPYS, " 0 -•telogs, Bussets. Baldwins. Non -Such, einem Seet, 60e to 61.00 per bushel. e C1totfi 622 r 24. FRED MeCLY- Va4a, o0,nt. 3749x3 NT, ti 11°R 24 cv ALE -1 WT1NGHUSE ELEC- motor, S 200 volts, 3 Phase. ; 1400 R. ;Ma with base. Ail in condition. Cheap for cash_ Apply cers BA. Y, Seaforth. 3749-2 r'OR 5 A SUPPLY OF DIFFERENT . 1 of triple lock and corrugated gai- nized eats.; also ridge for same and for 'rood 1es. Also flat galvanized iron for 11 kept in work or procured on short JOHN ELDER, Phone 1, Remota 3749-2 Auction Sales / ,f0UNIL AUCTION SALE WILL BE " held Dick Rouse Stables, Seaforth. on 'Friday,A3ctober 20th. HOMER HITtre Man- er bone 228 r 12; G. Ff. Ellicott, Auc- . Next sale, November 8rd. 3748-tf BLEARING AUCTION SALE OF BRICK House, SW -'me Stable, Colony House and Household/Effeea. at Dublin, on Tuesday, October J4th. at 1..30 Ohara, the property of the la Mary Rowley. Terms—Contents of hous and outbuildings. cash. Terms on e and Loa -10 per cent of' praelrase ey paid down on day of sale; balance in 0 days. JOHN NAGLE, Executor; Geo. H. =lett,. Auctioneer. 3748-2 AUCTION SALE OF IMPLEMENTS AND Hoiriehrshi Effects, at Lot 6, South Bismd- ary of Stanley Township, two miles west of Kamen. on Tuesday, October 31. 1939, at 1 o'clook- Inovilerneatts—Massey-Harris binder; mower; dis 4 -section harrows; :Massey - Harris co • binclor: wagon; set sleighs a top buoaty; , rack; 'gravel box ; pig rack; fan- ning and bagger; DeLaval cre sop orator extension ladder: wheelbarros5 slap Pan0 buckets; weigh scales; pea barter; so hunter; 2 gates. Housebohl Effects— De est -Greeley radio; dining room aside; 6 o rrs; parlor hector ; 2 hanging lamas o in lamp: sewing machine; Sour bar - el, and other articles too numerous to meta -in. Teruo—Cosh. WALTER PATh.BAD13O. Proprietor, R. R. 2, Hen.all Gsorge H. El- liott, Auctirmeer, 3749-2 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE F 1ataRE WILL BE OFI• LRED FOR SAL ' by public auction at the house of late Mary Jane laird. on John S in ;re Town of Seaford', on the 6th DAY OF NOVEMBER , /CT 2 p.m.. the furniture, g and chattels the deceased. /...Alt dm same time the will be offered for subject to res e bid, the property. ) 'consisting of a ortable frame dwelling on the Dods de- ed as the Wliz of Lot 26, ' on the south s" of John Street, in the Town .f Seaforth irether with right -of -Way. TERM sh. Ten per cent. of the pur- 1 obese of the property to be paid at die t time the sale and the balance within 30 ' da • ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for Mary Jane Laird Estate. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 37449-3 MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VTR 1 US OF THE POW- ers of bale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Thomas Fell. Aurtioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION got Tuesday, Odtober 31st, 1939, of 1.30 p.m., at the farm cif ROBERT H. GREEN and WM. H. GREEN Kipple, Ontario, tbe following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain par- cels or tradis of •land and premises situate, • bitift and being in the Towiefitits of Tucker- . smith, in the County of Huron, and being compacted Lot N9ilber Eleven, in the Third ,,,Elroices- Moo of, e said Tioarahip, Loodem Sur - one hon. rd Ithe hour ' by ads:coma:areas dred Mt ' es. mote or lam. the said farm there 'y4a44 ti, be most. - ed ¥dweliing hoose e13t4OsitabOe farm bulId- 3, 0 8ebDsi stebirort to a reserve E PAP-X—Torento-fire v Oen, oparehase mammy 8, he paid at 4 • sMs, 'the, bole -roe to Iva armored bY 10 a1/8s fideaaset at four ter Sent. Pee or faidaree corneal=ad ,trotaetifforas &Pori ,td* GOMUMTVIMEE Or AGRICULTURAL • LOAIOS, t Miner Sala, 'ii5lVGIRFAN:Frtr assa .otot-tria, tog gW14°Wi'r era ye Liberal 'trade -,in allowance. , May bi seed above Mactramairrs Bakery. A. ZIM- MERMAN, Maio St. Seafortia. 3747a3 COURT OF REVISION McKillop Townpfp THE " SHIP COUNCIL,4F McKILLOP wfil eot as a Os4rt er Reeinitm on the Assesszoe Roll for year 1940, at the 19;97 srday,en o'clitslers C Serffi day of NOV6M 24 bf a oo 1 should be in the Clerk's bands or , • e October frith. ,101:N McNAY, Clerk. 3749-1 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN THE 'ESTATE Or SYLVESTER ALLEN. A AM pet -eons baying claims agailMt the entaita of Sylvekter Allen, tate of Abe Town of &affords. 5n the Omni&nd H , deceas- ed, who died an or about the 4th day of June, 1939, are hereby noBEndjto send in to the undersigned Solicitor ton or before the '2no1 clay of 24ovensber, 1939/49113 particulars of their claims with affi proving same. ItamediatellY after the id last mentioned date, tlbasteets of dthe 'el estate wfil be dcbstri amongst the ortim entitled there- to, h regard • to deans of which the a ad then have notice, to the exclo4tan of ail others, and the under- signed wt malt be Beide to any person of whose eLa3m the shaft not' then have nottide for e Swells so distriboted or any part 1191 .DATED tat. this 11th day of Octo- ber, 1939. ELMER D. BELL, Seaford:,, Otot., Soliodor for the Administrator. 3748-8 Ca of Thanks THE FAM3i AND SISTERS O las Js te JCII FE:Serbia-in wish to thank the Mesons ansij their many friends and neigh - hods ear ttfeir kind -mass shtown them during their cold tireavement, also to thank Dr. Ivan SznalRie WM' Rev. It A. Brook. 3'7494 AirR, AND MEE. AGETTN ZAPFE WISH "`" to, thank the*mane friends and neigh- bors for their...fanciness shown •them during reccsntaind sad bereavement; also Rev. r. Bren1er and to MI those who loaned for the many beautiful floral tri - 3749 -1 see WE WISH TO'EXPRESS OUR DEEP who RO generously show- ed by gjr8teal hammets, flowers and personal shute and in every way possible be al - oar feeRreste in our time of sorrow. J. J. HOLLAND, OrdsE AND FAMILY. 3744951 Births BARRETT— lo tL Memorifil Hospital, Sea- foods on Occisoher Ittla bo Mr. and Mrs. lacktar Barrett, (nee Irene Eberhart,), a eon. °TOP/NOR—Ds Memorial Hcopital, Seafoods, an October letb, to Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor. 110111M, a daughter. Marriages RIND - BARBER.—In GostIlOh. on Salturdat. October 1449a, by Rev. J. C. Grier, Grace Losne datosochter, of Mt's. Barber and the late J. Barber of Guelph, 410 Mr. Edward Dawson Reid, of Gortio, son of Mrs. Reid said the hate 4. F. Reid, Seaforth. CHISELH'fJRST enoirearsootrewirerser The monthly missionary meeting oi the Y.P.U. was held Tuesday of last week. The Meeting was in charge of the missionary conveners, Harold Cudmore and Norma Ohamters. The opening lomat, `Rock of Ages Cleft For Me' Wan came, followed by pray- er by Rev. FL A. Brook_ The minutes of the cast rraneOng were read and the roll cola anewveed by a verse of Scripture. Trice business was discuss- ed and it was decided to hold a Hal- kneeem erectali meet weetc. Roger • Veneer took the sixth chapter from the hook of "Boys Who Made Well," • witci2 was mine intereeting. "Blest Be' the Tie That Binds' was sung anti the Scriptare lateen read by Har- old Cadniore. A very interesting • toOte anis these taJtein bye Mr. Edgar Cadnais're. The dleg hymn was song and the Itlepetli heriedietlein NOW- fcliNVOZ,e , ,ents,i, • scealae,neel.Y. too 1f6i.4„, i'fffi,e1..‘ !ter ftr•'";r14:',)4,,,.,01',V1.4,Z:.'!"'" let).4,: 9A; • TOMO. who Bad 43Pejlit RAW )tears TUCK.NRSMITII Geremey. Refrentilmento -Were served Anattersary serviCes were conduct:* ed at Turner's Church es Sunday last. Veryetnspining sermons .:were preach ed by Rev. A. R. Brook, of. Rensas, from Ieuiali 32:16, in the afternoon, and by Rev.. A. Menzies, of Londes- bone from Hebrews 10-25, in the ev- ening. Special music was rendered by the ohoir. Visitors for the anniversary occa- sion in .the vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Matheson and Miss Mar- ion, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Matheson; Mr. and Mrs. F. Layton with Mr. and Mrs. Howard CriOhs Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, of Car- low, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Garrett; Mr. Charles Wallis and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis with Mr. and IN.Irs. J. Turner; Mr. and Mrs. F. Pepper, of Seaforth, with Mr. and Mr. A. lVfatheson; Mr. and are L Wilson with M. and Mrs. A.. Pepper; Misses Edith and Zemilli Cornish, of Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend. Mr. ane Mrs. E. Crich were visitors in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Luff, Miss Dorothy and Mr. Roland Luff, of Hamilton, were visitors with Mr. an.cl Mrs. L. Teb- butt over the week -end. Mr. J. Mar- tin returned with them to Hamilton. Reeve Whitmore attended a meet- ing of the reeves of the county in Goderich on Tuesday. MANLEY Mr: and Mrs. John Murray and Mr, and MrsFergus Hon= were visitors at the home of Mr. and airs. James Moneent, St. Oolotaban, last Sunday. The wet weather last week delayed the hanesting of roots and potatoes and .tihe threshing of buckwheat, but this week Las weather has been, fine and. the delayed work bas been caught up. The geau.adi is in good condition for plowing. • The apple crop turned out better then expected as the cider and apple butter factory at Bonaholor has been. rumaing at full capacity, and auetom- ers hail to 'wait a week for their tine. BLAKE . "11101111111 Owing to Mrs. Johns, of Exeter, who was to be the guest srperiaer at the deannafferingeservice on Wednes- daelast, being unable to come, Miss Manson gave a very suitable topic and many ladies from the Varna and &ashen Auxiliaries were present. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson,, of Hills - green, visited friends in this. com- munity. Mrs. Clarke is epending a few days at Durhem. Buckwheat, clover and bean thresh - leg being done in thele lefroon•memnifINNIMINMEMMINe and a eleasant eveaing enjoyed, Messne. Rote Fe-atherston and Nino tan Heard returned tials week, frot* Seeketehenan, where they spent the poet to months in ther harvest field. Mise w/ienbetb. Reid, 'who spent the peat few weeks stere owing to the sickness and death of her easter, Laciniclia, returned to Toronto on. Monday_ Mr. William Metcalf held a success- ful sale of furniture at his cottage on Monday. • VARNA BLUEVALE The Octaber meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Milttn Smith on -Thursday af- ternoon. The president, Mrs. William McTaggart, presided. It was decided tor, secure oo-operation from chinch coteries and others when definite be ctione are received in regard to war work. Mies Olive Scott were pleted her interesting report of the dietrict convention. at Guelph by com- menting on reports of district con- veners on various Institute matters. Mrs. John Wickstead sang a solo and Mrs. Wiilla.m McTaggart gave a Irani- onatrs recitation. The roll call was answered by giving a cooking recipe for a bride, and an exhibit of wed - deg dresses followed. Refreshments were nerved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Roy 'Purvey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gadke, of Ford - win), spent Sunday with their aunt, Wes Mary Black - Mr. and- Mrs. James Kearney have returned from a two weeks' visit to friends at Staffa. Miss Ruby Duff, dietitian art Wo- men's Col 1 ege Hospital, Traento, whose home is in Blueverle, retu.rned from a trip to the British 'sten; on Saturday. She was delayed two weekin getting home. The trip was made on the Duchess of Richmond. The poseenaere were very nervous, but met with no difficulties. Mr, ane Mrs. Geo. Donaldson and Mrs, Role. Hutehisen, of Toronto, pliant the week -end in Bluevale. Rev, C. Tavener used the tet, "Ye are the salt of the earth," in his Morn- ing sermon in, the United Church. arhe Sunday School d eel ded to take a sere in the "Christiae Fellowship Crusade" by increasing mdesionary giviegs and attendance during the re- maining weeks of the year. Rev. W. A. MacWilliain, of Motua Brydges, preached in Knox Presby- terian Ohurch on Sunday. BAYFIELD A meeting of the citizens of the village was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of last week for the purpose of organizing a Red Cross Society. Rev. Mr. Burton, and Rev. Mr. O'Neil, of Clinton, were present and assisted in tke work of organiz- ing and also addressed the meeting. It was decided to affiliate with the Clinton ecelety. The officers , ap- pointed were: Honorary president, Mee Marga r Woode; president, Mrs. R. F. H. Gairdner; vice-presi- dents, Miss A. M. Stirling and Mrs. Graham; secretary, Mrs, R. Basset; also ati advisory board composed of Rev. Mr. Gale, Rev. Grebano Rev. Peddle, John Pease, Ernie Feather- ston, Wm. Ferguson, A. E. Erwin and Waiter Westlake. Mr. anclnMrs. Kendall, of Entnira, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett. 'Mr. and Mot. Afflebeck and family who have conducted a bake shop the Paid year, nadved to Exeter on Mon- day. George W. Elliott, William Fergu- son' and A. E. Erwin attended the annual meeting of the Blue Water Ass•detation at Goderich on Wednes- day last. A Meet/rig of the Presbyterian Young People Of Huron County we belid in Knee Presbyterian Ohureh on Mendel eitening Whet' an, waren; w delivered Ink Mr. Coethrtele, of Mrs. Argo and little son, Jimmie Lee, of Toronto, spent the past week with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. A - McConnell. Mr. Argo joined them at the week -end to accompany them home.. Several from St. Johann) Church at- tended the annual meeting held in Hensel' on Thursday. Mrs. E. Beatty and daughter, Ed- ith, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and family, Gocle- nein Township. They were accom- panied, by Mr. and Mrs. Weekes. rao Wednesday night a large ga- thering met in the Town Hall in, hon- or a Mr. and Mrs. W. T. MeAsh. During the course of the evening the young couple were presented with a well-filled, purse. We wish therm bon voyage through life. On Sunday, Oct. 2nd, St. John's Anglitem intancli will celebrate the 77th anniversary. Rev. Canon Towns- end, of Loretto, will take charge of the seeette 11 a.m. oral 7 p.m. On Monday, Oc 23rd, e. social evening will be held '11 the Town Hall. A good program is being prepared, and lunch will be served. Come along an have a anighne gm., Miss Margaret Johnston and friend of :London spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McOonnell. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Weekes and Ben Homers spent a day last week with London friende. ZURICH 7, . Ware beet Male After -the core dimmer was served at the bride* donne. The couple left ny oenhet *din tralielltirg ta a navy • nasdsVb 011 their Te - Nita Will reside • t West MCCellliv- riae. Ticee Pet: leek inierrter, eponsoned b'y the Wow People's Union, of the United Chilterch. brild in the basement of the ilhuren on Monday/ evenktg, Vats a derailledi sinecess, tome hun&ed aiad twenty members of the society mad menthene Of the congregation be - ling Present Wad enting down to table jay groaning with the good things of this life. The tables were lovely with bowls of rose, esters, dainties dud matigoldn nho flowere being ao =Aged by Ma ,L G. Drysdale- and MM. E. le litthalinle nst 't conclusion of &upper a elleint ringical program Wee Otelda tben auditorium and the nellowino contributed to. Ate eerogram Piano duet, Mr. E. L. Mickle and Ulm Florence Welono v1uta solo, Miss Greta Irammie„; duet, Mrs. M. Redden aod Mm Geo. He duet, Messrs. W. O. Goodwin and Claude B/oives. The accompanist for these net were Miss Bella Swale, Mies Glades Luker aiud Miss Greta Lammie. Mr. J. W. Ortwein gave the opening prayer and tlhe guest speak - ss included Rev. Dickenson, head of the United Pulniellieg Meuse. Toron- to, who spoke on the M. &' M., and Rot. R. A. Stone, a letup:Leg mission- ary! from Japan, who gave an litter- estrag lecture illustrated with lantern slides. Rev. R. A.. Broca, the pas -tor, presided and introduced the speak- ers. Conveners for the program and 11111Gb were Moe Mande Hedidero Miss Gladys Luker, who were assisted by Mrs. Geo. .Hess, Mies Kathryn Drys- dale, Minn Gladys 'McKenzie and Miss Edna Soundercock. Me Kee Hicks, pee:Admit, expressed a vote of thanks tar all those 'ethic! contributed in lnak- lug the evening the success it was and for the coopenatiou of all. Dur- ing the address a number of hymns were sung. Tbe Late Mrs. Walper Last Saturday the death took place at her bonne in the village of Cather- ine Walper, widow of .the late Casper Walper, in her 71st year. After her return from a trip to the Western Provinces some weeks ago she oe- came ill and although she received the best care it was of no avail and she peened peacefully away as stated. Deceased was a native of Logan town- ship and after her marriage' lived in Hay Township for years. with, her lhUS- band, conducting the hotel in this vil- lage. She was higaly respected by all who knew her. Surviving are three daughters, Mits. Ervin Willert, of Hay Township, and Mrs. Herbert Mouseeau. and Mrs. George Hess, of Zuricib, and three sons, Gordon, of Los Angeles; William, of Saskatche- wan, and John, of Harrow_ The fun- eral nos iheld on Wednesday after- noon, interment taking place in the Lutheran cemetery. Rev. E. Tuerk- beim conducted the service. Ducharme - Cantle An intseeking event was celebrated, at the R.. 6. Church, Drysdale, on. Saturday, Oct. 11.1%, when Rev. A. 0. Martin performed the ceremony which united in marriage Yvonne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon A. Centre ef St. Joseh, and George Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Itucbarme, Hay Township. The happy couple will reside 'on the Ducharme farm south of the village. A movement is under way to form a 'branch of tile Red Cross for the Township of Hay, including the vil- lage of Zakrih. • Messrs. Adolph and Fred Steinbach of near Cavalier, N. D., visited rela- tives and friends in the Zurich and Dashwood sections this week. Mr. Charles Fritz, who has been a patient at the Kincardine hospital eine* October 9th, recovering from a gunshot wound, was brought to his home bete on Tuesday by Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer. Although still weak be is making a good recovery. A supper was served in the base- ment of the Evangelical Church on Wednesday evening. Anniversary services will be held in the church next Sunday. Many of the farmers livieg along the 14th and 15th coneessione of Hay are ihaving hydro service inetalled at prevent Mr. Olayton Smith, of near SL Joseph, has also recently had a Delco lighting system installed on bis farm_ The power is obtained from batteries which are charged. by wind ower. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wolper, of Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Weeper, of Detroit, attended the finne-rai of their mother held here on Wednesday. • A sale of the dwelling arid bouse- hold effects of the estate of the late WlLlisxn Kaopp will be held here on Saturday afternoon. HENSALle To the Fnople of Hentrall and vicin- ity: I bave !returned to ReRsall and win be pleased to serve you as in former years. Thanking you. Mrs. Thomas W_ Parliner. Why sutler with Rheuxoatista, Seri- atim, Lumbago? Rnma.caps' Two -Way Action qu4chy relieves pain while at- tacking bhe cause Mieldleton's Drug Store. 8749-1 (Contineed from Page 1) everyone present with dile demonstrte Sons and hia health talk. The No vember meeting will be held at the frame of Mile D. G. Steer. A delicious lunch wee earned in ChM° Mise Irene Dongliato Miss Florence Welsh and 'Mrs, Ernie Chipeharee. Neil - Baker A PrettY wedding Was nelemnized at the Honer& United Church Manse where Rev. R., A. Brook united Lor- raine Gauze, only, daughter of Mr. and Moe Major Baker, nhipna, and Roland Albert Neil, eldest son of Mr. veld Mrs. Feed Neil, MeGillittray Twirltip. Tao bride was chatinitiag in a &erre oi MeV blue velvet *vett length. She wome a vinte bat 'attd ivied a brattmet of White rotten Mto nnoiet Nein enter 'of the thank, Wad bridelimaide She Word a Wine itaatatkt4 Gads laxozapson 1101, • • = • 7.... • in4n/lia:Otrot tnanenonnou service was obsteav!ed at the United Church Sunday morn- ing, Rerv. IL A. Erma occupying his own, pulpit. The cdvatir rendered as aloe' morning aothetm, "All is Wall," and Dr. L G. Smillie• rendered a pleas- ing solo, "The Load's Prayer." The Woheki Clas of the • United Church held a delightful evening on Thursday at the home of Mr. azd Mr. James Smialie, some 30 members, I wish to announcel mat have opened an officefor the practise of law in the Joynt Block, Hensall, Ontario J.LMcLEAN, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. being present. The evening was de- voted to Chinese checkers and other games, while Miss Katbryp Dryedale contributed several guitar selections. Dunieg the evening Mrs. Harold Sttele herd, the Verner Miss Mildred Smilr be, a valued merober of the crass, was presented with a lovely git, Miss Gladys Passmone and Miss Glades tinker doing the boners. A bu.ffet lunch, was served. MT. K. r McLean, of Seaforth, leas opened a law office above Mr. 'In C. Sprat's store arad will, no draibt, re- ceive a fair share of patronage. Miss. Minute Reid was in Goderich Tuesday evening attending the rare:e- ons,' vendee tent in Knox Presbyter- ian Manch far the late Fred G. Weir, wtho lost bis life on the S. S. Athenio Rev. W. A. Young, of Fergus,, former pewter of Carmel Clench here, took part in the service. Rev. Canon W. A. Townshend, dio- cesan commissioner -fur the Dtocese of Huron, and Wait Adeaside Smith, Diocesen Treasurer of hhe Woman's Auxiliary, were guest speakers aft the annual fan commotion of the Dean- ery of Huron of St. Penns Charreee Henetall, held last Thursday. Rev, R. P. D. Hurford, Rural Dean, preside& Mrs. E. Rennie was taken serious- ly ill on Friday last and rushed to Clinton public bospital for an em- ergency operation end at date ot writing her many friends will be- nleased to learn -,is Progresmg favor- ably. Mrs. John Murdock was last week visited by Mrs. initiniell Hepbure. and Mrs. J. McNeill, of St. Thomas. SLEAI MIbLETON'S rug Store IIENSALL Thtfrs,kiy, Fri., ;* Sat. L/ WISE AND SAVE! 4 4 .!1035:111 mataistientsimpreingettliellittleallEaltas It's Kids Like his One TheSeaforth Lions Club erlaailinnraiNalannef .t' hat elps `1=1131110 011101111301M NMI= Won't ou Und UsL Ai Had? • • HE Seaforth Lions ,Clutt through .Crippled children's work in this thst • , has hided, h dreds of 'handicapped children to face e with a Ail ,COuntles more have enjoyed the advantage of the- Lions a Pool and Park and other Lions Club welfa e actvities. / But this work cos port of the generous ci 'zens of Seaf want to see the underfrivi1ged c tended. money and upon the mp- h and 'tria, who do not dren in thir midst go limati- The annual Lios/ Frnc, at hich funds are raised to carry on this needy, work, i being he this year op Mondayt Oeto er '41 31st. In connection ,*th the olic, the Clublis holdinta d tickets for the valua fie prizes eing on sale throughout the M- trict at 25 cents each, or a bo of 5 for $1.00. Attend t .141. ro1ic9t. 31 Buy a Book of Tickets. BA cp DONA' ni) BY 'PHE HURON EXPOSITOR 146 c ^ nee .tado ,••-••ek • • ,,,§4• ••• ,AbiagetrirlkotAgAtted14