HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-10-20, Page 3t
(Continued .from Page Z)
Lower school, MarY ,Ail;'r Upper
school, Annetta Stewart; McKim
memorial scholarship for third -year
students, James Hume. There were
no candidates for the McKay memor-
ial scholarship for upper sohool stir
dents. A delegation -from the Lions
'Club was present at the meeting, re-
questing the use of the gymnasium
far athletic work to be oonidlucted un-
der their sponsorship. At a special
meeting held on Tuesday afternoon
the board •agreed to grant the Lions
Club the use of the gyenn%tsium for
any two nights of the week that
would not interfere with the activi-
ties of the school.•-Goderich Signal-
Had Lucky Escape
Clayton Frylogle has had two ac-
cidents, while showing this horse at
.fairs this year. At Ripley 'he was
thrown out when a wheel of the bug-
gy buckled, watenohing his side. At
Owen Sound while driving "David
Guy" his speedy sorrel, he was
thrown between the buggy and the
horse. The horse was travelling at
full speed and its 'hoofs kept pound-
ing •him as it aped along the back
stretch. Clayton talked' to the horse
and eventually got it to stop but not
before he was badly, bruised and cut
up about the legs. He was up and
about a few •dose after the accident.'
It was a lucky escape: Winghtam Ad
Fatally, Burned By Lamp Explosion
Mrs. Dan Campbell, of Powasson,
another of Mrs: Percy Biggs, of town,
was fatally burned on Thursday, Sep-
tember "29th, when a lamer which she
was lighting expioded• The burns
were so severe that she lived only a
few hours. Mrs. Biggs and son, Don-
ald, left iin,mediately to attends the
Local Insurance Agent Presented
t" Mr. G. R. Soot.t, of town, was• re-
cently honored at tare L]s;awel office
of the Prudential Ineturo:r•ce Company
ween he war, presentee with his five-
year certificate and button. Mr. Ro-
land S. Barber, suparinter.'dent of the
Stratford disttnict, made the presenta-
tion.-WInge a.m. Advance -Times.
Wins Golf Cup
Ce-'f;ratelat_iens ort, exte.nded6' to
'Mr. Bruce Iiiggart, wi-e we; success-,
ful in winning the (err at the golf
tournament held at Iiali'burton last
week. Clinton News -Record.
Nurses Receive Diplomas
The keen interest eh'own by the
people of Clinton in the Clinton Com-
munity Respite! was proven' by the
3arge crowd present last Thursday ev-
ening at the twentieth graduation
ceremonies. Wesley -Willis Church
was crow`dted by relatives and friends
of the four nurses, who received their
graduation diplomas. They were Miss-
es Junes Stephenson, Mary Gaydon,
Margaret Jenkins and Donna Smith.
The ceremonies were opened by`pray-
Sha *an 'S%!uOnaapp!list' ru166 N+M...
dpptary nMinaarkn thutttnds xll ilhoke Wane
est fax akhg 04 peal what it
isL Salils were a'enddred, by Miss .Edi.
den Glenelesw l WV. Harald.
Ltitbveon 'and -Dr., SnaiU'Ue, of IJensal4.
Mrs. George Maay eontrlbuted a
duumorous bra :'--COintan Nev-fle•
egad.- t ' nknoil ogle
Warned ,In Explosion
Jack Elliott, known, to his frientlg
as "Wick," 13u11ered6aerv'ere burns to
his face and hands last Friday even-
ing. He had purchased some oats
from a farmer that day and; was
Proceed/41g to dump thein into a con-
venient barrel. Just to make sure
the 'barrel was empty he dowered a
lighted lantern into the interior caus-
ing a terrific explosion; presumably
from oil or gaS fumes remaining in
the barreL He is making favorable
recovery. -Clinton News-Rseord.
Splendid Speaker for Thankoffering
Mies Mclntoeht, of Knox Church,
Stratford, gave a splendid address on
thankfulness and service when a
large :number of Knox maissionary
workers gathered for their thanker -
feting m'eetintg 'here Wednesday. With
her was Miss Gray as Presbyterial
visitor no Mitchell W. M. S. She is
life membership secretary of the
Presbyterial., A goodly thankoffer-
inig was received andverses on grati-
tude were 'given in response to the
Holl call. Mrs. A. D. Cameron pre
sided and Mrs. W. J. M. Armstrong
took the devotional period. Birthday
gifts were received from Miss Lizzi,.
Wbibe and Mies Minim Potts,-Mit•
chola Adtvecate.
100 Kos, 250 Metres
Friday, Oct. 20.-11,15 a.m., Bing
Crosby ; 1L15, "Vicbarna Regina";
12.45 p.m„ The Bell Boys; 6.10, Far-
mer's News.
Satund'ay, Oct. 21-•9.30 a,m., Kid-
:::es' Party; 12.45 p.m., Hill -Billies;
6.15, Sport Reporter; 7.45, Barn
1?a nce.
Sunday', Oct. 22-1 p.m., Guy Lora-
been& Orchestra; •1,30, Melody Time;
;;.15, Freddie Martin Orchestra; 7.00,
itcv. K. McLean.
Monday, Oct, 23-8.30 a.m., Break-
fast Club; 11.45, "Victoria Regiaa";
12.45 p.m., The Bell Boys; 6.3.0, "Heart
Tuesday, Oct. 24-11,30 a.m., "Pet-
er MacGregor"; 1.30 p.m., Glad Tsd-
::.gs; 6.45, Sunset Hawaiians.
Wednesday, Oct. 25-11.45 a.m.,
"Victoria Regina"; 12.45 p.m., The
Boys;'- 7, Ste'elen 'ovatones; >,
en:NW Little Band.
Thursday. Oct, 26-1 a.m., Harry
J. Bayle; 11.45, Lawrence Welk Orch-
estra; 6.20 p.m., "Heart Throbs."
(Intended for last week)
Mrs_ Emma McDonald amid daugh-
tor, Margaret, are the guests of her
sister, Mrs. J RathwelL
Miss Esier, of Minneapolis, is Vis-
iting her s'eter, Mrs. A. McConnell.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Seeley were guests of
the former's sister, Mrs. Austin.
broil Sv;A tS: 0!
one women keine
Iiel a tlieufselvee
1'a strength mod'
gyby ring Onereets vorite
reseriprion,. devel-
oped byDr. 11.V.
Pierce, who made
women's troubles is
e ecial study
thus it tel
body, ov•
Mrs. E
bis tonic aids the nutrition and
to build up and brace the entire
owing uervousneas and sleeplessi
urgent of 1 Arthur'S
ays: 'I mus
so out -of -sorts and
is and - strength. Dr. Pierce's Favor„
on helped toy digestion and Buengtb-
me just wonderfully. 1 wasn't so nervous
and felt better in every way." Get Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription from your druggist today_
Johns played the wedding tmarch.
The bride was attired fn a beautiful
floor -length gown of white georgette
with plain skirt, while sleeetes, bodice
and peplum were made wiith clever
arrangement of tiny pleats to form
amal4:i diamonds in all-over pattern
with smwl1 buttons down the front.
Her sister, Dorothy, who was her at-
tendlant, wore a Towle dress of pink
taffeta, Sbor-length, trimmed with
buttons from neckline to them and full
puffed Sleeves. They both carried
alma bouquets. Tone .bride's wee pink
rases and lily of the valley and the
bnid'e'rmlaiid's was of pink carnations.
T'1 " gnooml was ably supported by Me
c neer, Chemise. They stool in. front
:f -,a beautiful arched formation of
• -4e lecvr•s itn 'rich autumn color-
hoi dh b
' an
age ouquets of misty blue
Michaelmas- daisies, The ceremony
was perfozlmsd by Rev. J. R. Peters,
of Varna, uncle of tthe' groom, assist-
s'' by Rev. Mair, taf Thames Road. In
he dining room tables were prettily
decorated and members of the im-
mmediate famind'es numbering about 30
all sat dawn to a sifmptuous dinner
by Mitssest Margaret Mayers,
Many Gardiner, Mary and Gladys
Jolt, cousins iaf tibe bride. The assumed ley the county and net the
groom's gift to the beide was a sin le ainage Scheme. Carried_
ver tea service; to the bridesmaid, a Repair on Elimville Drain request -
gold locket and chain, and the grooms- ed by Franklin Skinnier. Moved by
man, a gold tie pin. The bridle was Hodgert and Prather, that Councillor
the recipient of many be:uutifui gifts Cooper be a committee to act in bav-
tng repair made. Carried. Repair on
Branch 'B' requested by Verne Pass-
more. On motion by Cooper and Hod-
gert, Councillor Fischer was authoriz-
ed to have cause of complaint rem-
Clerk reported that ',instructions to
r undkeepers had not been mailed out
as he was unable to locate any town-
ship bylaw setting, fees to be charg-
ed by pound'keepers. Decision in the
matter of these fees wars deferred un-
til a later date for decision.
`Road Superintendent was authoriz-
ed to underttak'e aeirtain roadside
ditch repairs and to reconstruct one-
half mile cru the 14ith concession du --
Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johns, Paul, ing October. On motion by Hodtgert
Edward and Ruth Johns, of Hamil- and; ICcbper, council purchased 225
ton,'spent Thanksgiving -with Mr. feet of %-it-city cable from• Roofers
and Mrs. Wes. Johns. - Supply Co., to be used at bridge op -
Mr. ''William Oke., of Ssaforth, also proaches on the 6th cancesst;on at
Mr. Hugh Oke anal' Miss Churchill, of Everett Skimmers.
Clinton, spent Thtanksgving Sunday Relief Officer reported three lam.
with Mr. and Mss, John Brock. flies on relief at a cost of $52.08 for
Miss Margaret Mayers, of London, September. Treasurer reported re -
spent t a few days the end of the week ceipts for September amounting to
with !her -cousin, Miss Margaret Johns $458.71, with cash 'balance, Sept. 30,
whrsce wedding she attended on Sat- $721.57.
urday. The following accounts were pass -
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boyce, Strat. I ed and orders (Drawn on the Treastir•
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cale, a -of er for payment: Roads and bridges,
We are not ateetiinanns.bed musicians
or trained singenatee>yt Kippen, bat we
de appreciate nuz e, and love good
singing, On Sunday, Oet. 115th, at St
And'rew's Ohunch the music was sat -
t >Ie,.phoiF did wen morning
and evening, btu the soles of Mr.
Douglas Gin, of Grand Bend, gueat
singer for the dtay:,were superb_ His
singing of lbeaut�all pieces made -s-
wish there were mdre verses in each
selection_ At the mourning service he
sang, °'•Father in lieevt n" and "This
Holy Hour"; at the evening service,
"How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," and
"Bells Over Jordani," let the morning
the ehoir,•sang, "T Will Lift Myr Eyes"
and in the evening, "What a Friend
We Have in Jesus,"
It was anniversary Sunday here
and the Rev. R. R. Conner, popular
and'• mush loved former pastor of this
congregation was cordially greeted'
by capacity congregations morning
and evening. His tamely oermoos
were heard with rapt attention: In
the morning the sub'eot was""Our Re-
aponsibiLity To Gait": Jobs IX:4, "1
must work the works of Him that
sent me while it is day: the night
cometh when no man can work."
Jesus often emplsainzed this divine
imperative laid, upon Him. At twelve
years of age He said, "Wist ye not
that I must be about my Father's,
business?" Let us put Go at the
centre of things and we will radial r:
a beautiful spiritual life. The can'
things• in life that. are really lastin;,;
are the things of Christ. Yet strangge•
ly enough, many do not see this_ Thy
have ,eyes and see not Like the
eitolading steverali c`requets. Margaret
has always taken an a etive interest
in social and dhunch wan: ends will
be massed by all her friends. Her
Oben-ring personality las won her a
place of high regard in this commun-
ity. The groom resided in this neigh-
borlyooci for some time in recent
years• a'n'd med'e many friend's. The
young maple left in the afternoon for
their honeymoon, the bridle travelling
in wine costume with matching ac-
cessories. On` their return they will
reside in Atwood where the groom
has 'a position, A host of friends
wish them bon voyage on the sea of
U eter% Mr. and Mr's. Fret! Johns, of$351.49; relief and relief admiuistra-
I'.dbbert, aimMr. John Ja1ae, of Luc- I tion, $62.53; ordinary expenditures
an. spent Sunday with Mrs. John $25.40.
e may be the fast sign dney
Iron e. When your back,Look to
yo . kidneys. Don't fail t' 'teed tis warn -
it is too impo she prompt action
correct Backa t. . , its cause. At the f¢st
ign of Ba` . r • confidently to Dodd's
• ey P- t or over half a century the
mite . t t edy for Kidney ailments- 107
odds Kidney PMS
,� v�� ar;s•1
Right Through.
JvsT use illett's Pure Flake
Lye r:.. larly _ . . and you'll
keep s + drains clean and run-
ning fr • ly. It will . not ' harm
enamel • phunbing. Banishes
alnplea:.-. t odors as it deans.
Gill - 't's Lye makes light work
of .. s of hard cleaning
es you hours.of drudg
Seep tin always on handl
BOOKLET— The Gill Lye
et tells how this po.. - Cense'
dogged drains- out -
clean and odorless by . eatmying
contents of the dose .how it
orate dozens of - Sent! for a
copy to S.:.. -rands Ltd.,
ser Ave. and -' berty Street.
to, Ont.
"Never dissolve lye in hot water. Tho
action of the lye itself heats the water.
(intens:. for last week)
Prior her marriage o'n Saturday
ourm o.
Most ly pular young ladies
ile person of Miss Margaret
J•ch'ns, was tendered a kitchen• shower
at the thome of Mr. and Mre. Wes
Jahns on Thursday 'evening last
About ninety friends were happy to
have the opportunity of meeting 4o
show their esteem for the bridle -to -be
in presenting bee with a handsome
collectiton of ant dies needed for ev
cry -day use. On tihe arrival of rhe
bride she was srhown to a seat of
honor beneath, an open parasol be-
decked with streamers. The address
was read by Mrs. Harrold Bell and
Margaret proceeded to remove her
,giflts front within a pretty little mod-
el bungail•ow. She veiy nicely ex -
premed. her gratitude to the ladies
art?i after they Iliad all admired the
gifts, M,iee F`sorenoe Bell presided ov-
er an evening's enter taiiim,ent of more
than ordinary interest consisting of
musical •nvm,besrst, contests, etc. A
bountiful lunch was served. The fol-
lowing is the 'address': "Deas- Mar-
gareat.: When you were a young girl
at sciloo'l acme fellow pupil probably
wrote in your autograph album some
thing lake this: 'Margaret is your
name, single is your station; :htapPY
will be the mast' who makes the alter-
ation.' We 'feel sure that Fred is
both lucky an,d happy. Your cheer-
ful 'disposition and eunrny smile will
be messed at our gatherings, but good
friend's a{ anaye find, good friends no
matter here they go and you will
soon are many tin your 'n'ew borne.
It • right and, natural that everyone
et ]d desire a life partner and -bave
home of their own.. Whaile it would
be very romantic to idve on love, it
has been found very impractical.
Mand fittings are necessary for our
nataterial comfort and convenience and
we wish to help you begin your
houettliold duties with a few of „the
neoessary gadgets to lighten and facil-
itate your labor and so we hope you
will nave as much. Pleasure in using
these articles as we have •in giving
them. Cltoude may blue" the sunshine
and slight dlitscords breaks the •har-
mn7ny of your married life, but with
the support of a true helpmate such
as you have cliosen, we cannot help
but think ,that on tthe whole your life
will be truly one lontg sweet song.
With very best wishes, of yowr Eldm-
vitAne and Winchelsea friendis."
Long - Johns
A beautiful autumn day sock as
Saturday, Oct. 7th, was sdrrely an
auspicious beginning for a maurried,
life. This was the oeoas'ien of , a
lovely wedding at the home of Mr.
Will Johns Fend .the late Mrs. Johns,
when hi:e -eldest. daughter, Margaret.
Elizabeth, was united in marriage to
Mr. Frederick Robert Long, of At -
weird. The bride was given 171 mar-
riage by 'Iver father, while Mrs. Garnet
The municipal council of Usborne
met in regular session with all the
members present. Minutes of Sept.
2nd were read and 'adopted. Dor-
respon'dentce was received as follows:
From Extenadon Department, Univers-
ity of Western Ontario, re proposed
course in municipal accounting. Mov-
ed by Berry, and Hodgert, that the
Treassuretr be registered for the course
and $3,90 fee for registration and
manual be paid. Should the Treasur-
er find it impossible to attend, the
Clerk to deo so. Motion carried_
Purchase of Public Liability fasur-
ance was considered and deferred un-
til' November. From Judge T. M.
Costello, handing down decision on
assessment appeal by the municipal
corporation of the Bl•an.shard Munici-
pal Telephone System in which the
appeal is allowed. Filed. From the
Department of Highways, granting
approval of Bylaw No. 3, 1939, stetting
the road superintendent's salary. 'i•1 -
ed. From Department of Public Wel-
fare, re relief; referred' to Relief Of-
ficer. From Wm. H. Golding,
M.P., re resolution re transportation
costs of Ontario milling wheat as
compared with Western wheat; com-
a metrication, reported the resolution
forwarded to the Dominion Transport
Board. 'Communication field.
Complaints on municipal drains
were received, as follows: On Ellin-
ville Drain, requesting that catch bas-
in an county highway be weaved. Mov-
ed by Berry and Cooper, that this
council is of the opinion that as the
said, catoh basin, is doing satisfactory
work and that removal is neeesaltat-
el for road construction purposes,
that the expense incurred should be
Council adjourned to meet on No-
vember 4, 1939, at 1 p.m -A_ W. Mor-
gan, Clerk.
Two Scenes
Scene 1
Hotel Kaiserhof, Berlin, 2.30 p.m.
It is the late lunch door. Many of
the guests are already seated at
table, but the whole staff is on tip-
toe. Whisperings there en'd, there. a
party at one table is asked whether
it would mind hurrying with its meal
as that particular table is required'
for a very special perfaon.
i Outside the hotel. a ,few minutes
later, a big Mercedes Benz auto draws
up. An adputtantt in uniform jumps
out from the seat beside the chauf-
fear, gives the Hitler Salute,- opens
tthe second door and stands to atten-
tion while a men in black unciform
steps out. It is the Notional Social-
ist Foreign 'Secr'etary. He looks
round, left and right, up and down,
gives his ow+n• peculiar form of the
'Hitler Salute, and walks into the Ito-
tel followed by three of his mete al -
1 so in uniform. All along the route,
the same salutes and theel.•claoking,
which reach their finial crescendo as
the National Socialist dignitary takes
his glade at the table epe•oially re-
served for rim. Three or four wait-
ers, all of whom have duly fluttered
rthtedr "Hteil Hitlersf' in the .breeze, a-
wed* orders. The meal continues and
se does this; with a throe] -click every
time the Minister so much as moves
an eyelid, The only break is for
more and more resounding heel -clicks
as a messenger, also in uniform,
tbrin'gs a special letter. Orders are
given to as addutasnt acrose the table,
be nitres, clicks Me keels, gives the
Hitler Salute and: marches off.
The meal de over. The great per-
sonage moves. The whoie restaurant
4s %;grog. Half of them rice °and sa-
lute him. The Minister disappears in
a 'Malo of [heel -chicks.
Scene 11
A ,restaurant near Buckingham Pal-
ms. The The hour is 1.30 p.m_ Every-
body is busy eating and Conversing.
In Walks a , t . and gentleman.
Where ' 's ' to ' Mt? No table is
spec&reserved tor theca, but the
Waiter eeeis one free in a cor-
?e- era t evestts that perbaps it
"•,itld be r17'; able. Yes, they agree.
The guests settle down and eat their
lunch line any other normal human
'beings. Only a few whispers and
furtive glances from the rest 'of the
comipany suggest they are recogniz-
ed. It is bite British Foreign Secre-
tary and before once can say anything
he thus t'alten •buds bowler hat and em-
brella anon has left. The ties of blood
link Germans and English, rain the',
National Socialists not tong ago. Bat;
Whet separates them.f-el Emly:a
'a.1Hd,+�t.msFeani se in
'daneeh n, talc ..i*nat tr4
beautiful Men . Rhine
nl• d eva1 Castles and flcenery. nit • x a'0
beauty, whin instead of tweeting ' ,nir
these lovely sights, lapaennee a4 day
because iee cram and megazioes
could arta be obtained on board. Peo-
ple are .presented with 'big things anti.
prefer tinee ., Thum, too, people inr
terested only in rhhenpseives do not.
Show respousibi'nty to God. The -»res-
emit world of ia,os is due to tine s'e1 ah-
ness_ There are putty Hitters it ev-
ery oommn pity wl1.o try"to" dominate
things to serve their selfish interests.
This problem of settied:mese can be
solved by recognizing our restponsi-
bility to God. • Clouds and darkness'
may surround me, but righteousness
and 'judgment surround His -throne.
The speaker urged the congregation
to put God. in the centre of their
homes, to have daily, family worship,
to accept Christ as the pattern of
life and conduct, ands to support the
churah in its efforts to !help all re -
',Cognize their desponsi'bility to God'.
In 'the evening Mr. Conner, preach-
ed on John xvi:33, "In the world ye
srhall have tribulation, but be of
goad cheer, I have overcome the
world." These words were spoigen
just before the crucifixion to the in-
ner circle in the upper room; where
the disciples had been unwilling to
wee@ one another's feet, and Jesus
performed the task. From• the same
room on this "occasion Judas was lis
missed. The devil of selfishness was
in them all amid had to be cast out.
We need tthe triumphant faith of St.
Peel who said, "To me to live is
Careen to die is gain_" The Church
has lost some of its spirit of adven-
ture, and needs to regain it, and be
like Christ, who facing a cross could
say, "I have overcome the world,,"
We may take our choice of defeat or
victory, fear or faith, which gives life
a unifying purpose. Are you big en-
ough to dare and live the venture-
some life of faith? IS you.'are, what-
ever confusion there may be in your
world, . you can sing with Whittier:
"I know not where His islands lift
There fronded Palms in air;-'
I only know 1 cannot drift
Beyond His love end care."
The beauty of the autumn Sunday,
the comfort and stimulus of the sing-
ing and preaching of the day will be
in our hearts for a long time.
On Sunday morning, Nov. 5th, Mrs,
Gauld, of Formosa, will address' the
Kippen congregation on the -occasion
of the W.M.S. Tb.ankoffering.
On Tuesrday, 170 inst., members of
the Kippen W.M.S. and, Mission Cir-
cle attended the South Sectional
meeting at Grand Bend. Mrs. Hugh
Taylor was the guest speaker,
Tire Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be celebrated on the 29th
inst. at Kippers and Hill green.
HOW May Tines W .
Mercury Drop Tis !Weer?
Nes pa:Jaeau anal magazines are fea-
tutring "gafyzses" these, days: Here's
a ;simple onefoe the average Caa=
than-"Hown„ freezing days do
we have in the yeas?"
'The ordinary mains guess is not
Idkehy to be very reliable. With the
'first eoltfll dip in tiie Falk he fine the
fuel lbdal, digs out the heavy overcoat
wood puts anti -freeze do the car. Livery
orale' 'treats these nernperateire dips
with the greatest :respect -but few
kilow Brow frequently then _ere tine..
Actuary how money days are there
when the temuperrmturte reaches freez-
ing or dower?
Take Vanteonver for instance. Tn
this district, there arae about 150 days
when the temperature can be expect-
ed at some time during the day to
drop bellow 32 degrees F, On the
(� t"
Rim /4414s0' accw
P zing ansae nSiv lI).
there are: X0 •
t'ht0 lyie in
low` the freezing zr s
I The man whlo •;keeps' his
nidi wants lliratectlO55 fqr..
and -downs of whiter tet#1,
be can pgure. on are avlere
leiase 200 days in s year
fl ag
E '.
• purest fess is wldcl, -
tobaacca:v c•s be swotted'
Everywhere to Serve YOU!
Always Ready !
More than 9,700 men and women are
responsible for your telephone service
onsidcred the finest in the world. Day
night the service carries en without
manned by a group of
one people
trained, expe
who know their jobs and
Miss E. M. Cluff,
No matter where you are, you are never
far from a gasoline station: distribution is
the basis of' that- business..
is a fundamental too, in the telephone
business. The telephone is available almost
everywhere, a constant, dependable service
at small cost.
Of more than five million conversations to
Bell Telephone lines daily, thousands are
glade on impulse— a quick wish to talk
immediately to someone in the next street,
sanother town, or on another continent.
We "�lon't know when or to what point you
maynextwant to talk -nor do you, perhaps.
But it is comforting to think that it doesn't
matter, really, *Antes you eau place a Can
wherever you are, whenever you choOS ..