HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-10-20, Page 1air'.
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I year 0
Number 3749 0
,special Court Determine-,
On Pr'oce'dure and
•-> Sets. Date.
Tko court constituted by provi'ncia
order-tn-council to di e a r appeal:
against Hurah County assessments
and consisting of Judge. E. W. Cle
anent, of Waterloo; Sheriff Rober'
Johnston and Judge T. NL Costello, o
Huron, on Tuesduy in a special ses
sion, set the dates for hearing thf
appeals from the Town o'f Goderiel
and the Township of Stephen fron
hire equalization of the assessment o-.
Huron County adopted, at the las
$sessi'ou of the County Council.
The hearing will commence or
Illuesday, Oct- 30th, at- 10 a.m., aw
will continue on October 31st and' No
vember 1st.
Members of tete Qmnty Council ant
-town and towisNp ,councils were
-present- � ,1-
Counsel appearing for mondeipal'i
Ues were: R- C. Hays for the Co'un
tan •9f Huron.; D. R. Nairn. for Towi
of oderi'ch;. Frank Finglrand, K.C.
tori Town of Clinton, and W. J. Mc
CUbbon for the sixteen tow'nslydp
whose assessments were not raised
The umnner of praoedure for thl
'hearing- was ddscwss+ed and settled up
Duff's Church
The tanndversraxy services in Duff
United] Church, McKillop, on Sunda,
m u
were well attended and 1 sp ratfona
,Ah the morning Rev- Hugh Jack, B.A.
` of Vi rst PresbyterianCburch, preael
ed- J'am'es T. ,Scott, of Roxboro, san;
a solo. The choir under tine efficien
oeadsemil ip of Miss Elizabeth, Hemdei
son, slang ail arsrnthemc, `T•raise•, Hit
W410 Reigns:" -
Iit the eveindmtg Rev. Walter I
-Craw of Centennial United Churcl
Lantilon, so n of Rev. and, Mrs'. R. M
mow, of McKillop, gave an able an
arresting sermcbf on rtlr;e subject, "
Ain the 'Light of the World," whit
he illusdxute'd by H. G. Wells' stor
of the,hauntedhouse 'in which a roe
Of ca'ndi'es on the mta_u'tel flickere
a'nd went out without an adequate ren
Son. Whenthe 1'}44:drr of democrat
and freredrom •wenn, out the light c
AA d C
1. ... ..
and afteR tIMIT deaths tree rear a to
Mrs. Drysdale gave a humorous read -
parish 'hail ow Fiidlay, Oct. ur
Elmer Passtmore, R. R. 3, Exe-
two cousins and an uncle.
ing on "H'ea'lth"; Mrs. E. L. Muckle
der Young
der the of the Young I,c
and Miss Florence Weileh favored
des Sodality. Twentytwo tables c
placed t6Lh in a field of 68. Two
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• SE A+Q!''�RiDA�, OC +'R 2Q, l 9�9. i� I�* 'ea.�k;l�''"
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HN BEA �E r ; 1+ � 2
111/I sionar Societies Q �` La 'ue�. - tt `ked Me ,� �n'16
�' �, `,
• D ai s..t r i c t .Discus.0,• W_ _ ork RETIRES AS ,:11,BEE Or' uanazes �ronch , f Aid
�,t Minton eetin SOCIET a'"" -AD 'Crows Society. at,
g 0_____
.* • • • • • Foreign Mission Secretary T's•'. Succee�d.ed by Dr. H'ar- R. C. Hays, .K.C., Goderich, .40 • 4y' 0 *, I •'
• 'Tells of Work of Church burn At Meeting of 'Addresses ' Meeting and
' Survey in Africa and Central In- Local Branch. Outlines Aims of Society., 80th Year
, , ,
Tho public health survey being dia. �--- , The congregalon of St. Thuhaas'
conducted by the pys� and Girls __ PLANS ,CANVASS REV. R. A. BROOK IS V���da� Anglican faurt�f�� will
"',Committee of the' Seaforth Lions ,59th anni- •
'club in co-operation; with local 1V AS, H. V. WORKMAN NAMED PRESIDENT �.'.;o1 the
doctors and dentists; was con- Seaforth churches recently observ- parish, and the 75th ae>inpversary
tinued on Wednesday when the SEARTH, 'PRESIDES ed Bible Sunday when in the morn- of the church. Special,services
Some two hundred C%izene gath,er-
suwey of public school pupils Ing Rev. J. B. Taylor spoke on be- f are being planned #or�the day,
was completed. Pupils of the Sep 1ra1R of the Upper Canada Bible So ed in the Town Hall Thursday even- and in the evening Right: Rev.
A convention of the Women's Mis-
arate School and Egmondville ing last for the cargan,izatian of the Bishop Seager, C) D, will offici-
sionary Societies, centre sections ,of ciety in St. Thomas and, Northside
school will be examined on Wed- local, Red Cross unit. Mr. k. C. ]:Lays, ate. dr, R. P. C?. Hurford is ReF
Huron Presbyterial, was held in On. Churches and in the afternoon at the
president o God r -i fa branch h
f e c o'f the for of the churn while R. G.
nesday afternoon of next week. Ph,
taltrio Sonet 0hurch Clinton, Wed- Salvation Army, In 'tine'' evening he
The work is being done gratuitous- Red, Cross, outlined the purposes of Parke and T. T. Jackson are
nesday with morning and. afternoon spoke in FiTst Presbyterian Church .
ly by the Seaforth professions{ the unit. Reeve Shad -dick. opened the Wardens.
s�easdons; 1VLns. IL V. Workman, Sea- at the regular service ani!d after the ���, �• introduced the speaker.
men. forth, presided. service to those who assembled, for Rev- R. A Brook gave the opening
The mdiming tsessiorn opened with a the antnual meeting of the Seaforth • • • • •
® ® • • • devotioL,al period with Mrs. J. Addi- branch. prayer. Otiluar guest speakecs•`iraclud-
son, ,Clinton, and Mrs_ R. Allan:, of ed Donald Campbell, war veteran of Wp T1 ���k11t�'qq!!
Brucefreld, takdng the Scripture and At the annual meeting ,and at a Gotdletnch,, Officers' elected were: SATURDAY ISI.. BOY
sessions respectively. Mrs. subsequcn•t executive meeting the Hourary presidents.; Mrs. E. Rennie,
DR. R.B.COCHRANE pl-yen welcomed the delegates and following officers were elected for Owen Geiger, J. W. Ottwein and ':.
Mrs.. H. B. Kirby, of Walton, suitably the following year: President, Dr. F. C- Petty; firestident, Rev. R. A. Brook; �j
�j �{ ne+piled. Encouraging reports from Harburn; vicepresldends,
.Rev. H. V. vice•p.resddent, Miss Irene •Do'uglas; SCOUT APPLE a DAY
NORTUSII�E 'SPEAKER the var,ibus dgpartments' were given VV�orkman, Rev. Hugh Jack, Dr. Hur- 2nd vice-president, Miss M. Ellis; re- , .
by Mrs. T:homaps+on, Exeter; ,Mrs. M ford and Envoy Dougal; secretary, G. cording secretary, Mrs. R. J. Macre;
F-'--'^ E. MacKenzie, Sea'farth; Mists Clare A. Ballantyne; ,treasurer, to be nam• corresponding secretary, -Airs. Walter
M,Gdwarn, Blyth; Miss C. W'eblwood, ed; representatives from the church- Spencer; treasurer, Mr. Harry Lawr- Seaforth Troops Will Mahe
62nd Anniversary Services. Winglram; M,r•s. Wm-. Pickard, Clin- es: Northsidie, Wm. Morr,isdn; Nrst ence; board of directors: He Ball, Annual Appeal For
Are Largely Attended ton.; Mmes_ J. 'M. Southcott, Exeter; Presbyterian, Tinos, Dickson; St. Reeve E. Shaddick; Hay Township,
Mrs. M. Aiken, Clinton; Mrs. R- M. Thomas, G. Parke; Salvation Army, Reeve George A,,:mstrong; Tucker- Funds.
on Sunday. Peck, Zurich; Mrs. J. D. Colquhoun, E Ritchie. Smith, Reeve Sam Whitmore; Stan-
. . SeaPorth- The treasu.rer's report and ley, Reeve Fred Watson; local min- Once again ,the Boy • Scouts are
that of the tray -ring school for lead- Mr. John Beattie retired: from the isters, Rev,. R. A. Drook, Rev. M. A.
Northside United Churr„h, _5gaforth'; eos was held over until the afternoon executive, on which he has served' for Hunt Rev. E. F. Chandler, Kippen holding their annual Apple" Day—an
held its sixty-seoon'd anal I.S&Iny' ou, session, The morning session -closed .many years. A motion of 'npprecia-r Undted Church; Zurich mLrislters, Apple Day that can on4y be made a
Sunday when well attended services. success' tb ough the generosity and
with grayer � 1VIms4- Roy Law'tson, of tion ,of Mr. Beattie's long service as Evamge�idcal, Rev. Hack Luth-.
and the frnle iris+pi•ratnonal worship of . Seraforth eo-operatdon of the people' All over
the d -ay brought very zeal uplift and president was recorded in the min ell,c Rev. , Rev. Drysdale Cath nada Smuts are holding a nation -
The af'term�con sessizan opened with rites. obit Church, Rev. Marton Zurich,
spiritual encouragement to the can- a worghdp service couducted, by the Rev. Powers'; representatives from wide campaign thus Saturday.
gregation. Londlesboro Auxiliary. Mrs. William Canvassers from the v a r i o u s the W. I. of Hen -mall, '.Hiss Beryl In the last yeas the Boy Scout
Church, of Wduthrop, led in prayer, churches will be appealing to SeaforU]r Movement has greatly expanded 'in
T:•ov. R. B. Cochrane, 'M.A., D.A., Pfaff; Ki.ppen Fast, Mrs. Glenn Mc -
and Misys L. Young, Londes+boro, in citizens for 'help before the end of Seaforth. Boys of all ages, size and
Rome Miss}otn Secretary of the Unit: Learn; Women's Association, St.
Christian Stewardship. Mrs. W. A. October. With am increasing demand creed are banded together for the
ed Church -of Canada, was guest- Pawl's rcb6ch, Miss Mary Fee; Car
Oakes graciously contributed a solo. for S�cr•ip'ttir•es ,'bhmotbghdut the worldiii great cause of +aeoutimg. This year
speaker and brought eloquent and }n- obp, s -of c Mrs'. C. S. Moore,Hudso;,_aside
Mrs. Hug'li Taylor, Toronto, Foreign and with the added demands of war- may be the last Apple Dap to -be held
spirin'g ®essage5 The speaker liar olpals of sch,aols, R. J. Moore, Claude
Mission Secretary of the Dominion service facing jt, the British and Por_ for some time, for }f the war drags
held, pastorates in Woodstock, Toron Hinges; president `starter of Cam- on people will be too itaTd pressed .to
Board, was then called upon to ad- ei. n Bible Srocriety estbitnxbes that an
to and Winnipeg and, for some years dress the d+eleglate''s. increase of 25 eer cent. ti,' its normal merce, Garnet Case; Manager of give treely.
has bard a very' wide and. enriched ex- Bank of Montreal, W. B. Cross; local
perience as he, has visited all Mrd• 1laydor'e adclres� was centred income is necessary in order that it The Scouts have spent a very ac-
parts dloctoms, Dr. D. G. Steer, Dr. I. G.
particuamlq on 'mission' 'work of the :might Meet the opportunnties, of the ti've sdinmrer with many activities in -
of :give Domd-olvm in tihe interests of Smilide, Dr: A M1oiT, Dr. A R. Camp-
Hrome, Mission. Wrs1'Ic. U'�'� Church, 'in: Africa and: Central tY.nles• cluddng a 10 -days camp. A great deal
I}vdga•. The :couffitions of misedon sta- bell]!; Zurich doctom, Dr. Adddson and'
New Tesdamentts, esp+eoially bound as the equipment has been purchased and
At the morning se'rvi'ce Dr. Goch- tiotna in ,these areas was forcibly and Dr. O'Dwyer; Masonic r,lOrder, Campbell;
y and be'arin'g a message from His Ma -as the Bays Scouts finance themselves
son Kyle; Ocldfellbws, Earl Campbell;
rraane carosle as,"bas saibgect, "The Actor inrtellig'eYntly �baldt The gageawt �prea- je+sty the King, have been prepared their only ohramee is o,n, Apple Dap.
of -the ApwVesa iu tih t Twentieth Cen- •ewted by members of The Ontario Orange Lodge, L. Clark; Canadian
for use oY troops' vs, aotltre service, Wlhen on Saturday 'a stmiling Scout
ttury H.C' tsevtie�wed the past tri- Street Massibn
under nine lead- Legions, Saari Dougall, etc. The nom-
During the Worlds Wad,% e Society comes to your door and say: "Buy am
OJi7 artnittg, tbxcugki faith; eMIAP Qf Miry'blva W]Itse, was an inaUiag ,committee who selected the
p ciTcula+ted nearly 20,004, 1 CoPic•,,s of apple, Sir,' remember that your clorra-
with special reference to the hero- enjoA1d,e Feature • of 'the afternoon. officer's were W. R. Davidson, W. d.
Those tatting ,part were Ablie Lots and Scripture among ,fie then on active float is going to carry on the greatest
Goodwin, Mdse Beryl Pfaff, Miss A.
istmia of Christians of the many cont service' and among- prisoners of war- youth movement in ' the world. Yatt
nuunion-s in Canada. He called for Mary Thompson, Carona. Wendorf, Reynolds, and Ds,. D. G. Steer. Mr.
In itis Dominion; volumes provided are nrot mereelp paying 5, 10, or 25C, 01
Joyce Kearns', Helen Lockhart, Jean Caaud-e B'lowes acted, as secretary.
Carris�tian c]:evotion and sacrifice, wor- F,lliotri, Ruth Marrying, Lams Connell, for tihase on war service numbered whatever you may give for an apple;
thy of the gr•eb.t past. At the even -I over 400,000. The Society points out Senior In itute Meets you are in trinth donating this money
Ing worship tike minister, Rev. H. V. Doreen Proctor and' Marion Stanley- oh'e uncertainty of the future and its and your apple is the receipt.
Work.•ma.n, 'expressed appreciation of C'losdrig words, were delivered by de a but it estimates' that the in. The Hennas S nior Institute met at So do not forget the Scouts on Sat•
the good spirit existing among the Mrs' R W. Gardiner, of Epr ondv �ed cn�sa�sked for wi11 be required' for blue home of ss Gladys Passmore urday by buying an apple. You are
Se'afer•th ministers- and churches and and Rev. G. G. Burton pronounced
-the benedribtioa. the demands already in sight. on Wn�dnesda eve Zing, Oct. 110h, hrlpi.ng yourself; helping the Scouts
Truth became �2ru an ommunrsr.t wel'ac,m�d members of the local con- The annual canvass will be taking some 40 mem, ers and guests being and helping Canad'i'an apple growers,
came in:. In Germany, a great noun- gregaticns present and had Rev. A. • place this month and the local com- present. Tihe president, Miss' Beryl
try betweea seventy and eighty mil- W. Ga>ddaer and Rev- Dr. Ilurfard miattee, passes ono to the community Pfaff presid The Institute Oddi, •
3uones, which haus' given: to the world asstis4. in the service. the urgent appeal of the parent or- '"T1re Maple f Forever," �'•cg's
leaders ,in science, theology, medicine Focal �loWlileit iv
and the arts, -a e, theobe sent, to I'n the evening Dr. C)ehraue based, gxugzxtion that every effort should be Prayer, mtin es and call call/ ere Jim Southgate,
a concentration ars,. a an -could for preaching h -s ;thoug`htes. upon' the fact of the made to see that it is properly equip- the opening tubers., and, these were
the ward. ft da in countries where I firm foundatd,on upon which ChrGospelWiI1 atBi^ockVille ,ped to meet the opportuntiies of the followed wi the roll cavi "i'Iy, in
rthe light of the Gospel tins been al- ,- itian'i:ty .aa bira3t He made an appeal times- weight and, what I shautG� weiS11." �%�]
Vera Mole Y9i
lowed) to grvw dim that we have pati- to Cranadians to be sane and toter- Pleastrug d is by Misste Lois and
A. I3zrron County delegation of I6, a Marian Ma ren, w'fho s g for their
anieun n'stee'.rd' of freedom. Jesus ant in .the present disturbed wrorlcL lyes 'ed by Warden R. E. Turner, ar- The girl -e branch of the W. A- o'.
came to sated abroad a new light and He revealed 'how easbly !hate could � • selections, "La _d
of sod Torn'or- St. Thomas? 'Church' held a very sue
rived Koine from the Iaternatio cal �rucefi e7 d Lady rows" and `Follow bh Gle'am." They ,cessful euchre on, Friday, Oct. 13th
anew freedoms• The speaker did not land to embitter and destroy .the very Plowing Match at Brockvil,lre Satur- J
day, night, confident -that the evgnt were aced spaniel the eland by
believe 'Gh>a.t democracy will disap- aims of •Ute church and civilization, in the parish, hall, fire prizes goini
pear LII this war, but if the precen't The church must have a long range wouldr be held in Huron County in ReeeivesLegacy their neat�jer�, iV[rs. A. Maclaren. to: Iald,ies, most games, Miss Ver.
civilization does ego down. it is be -I policy of bringing the ,world to: 1942. In charge of the delegation was 'I.her m si "Dont' for the sick canny" hand; gents, Jim Southgate; loon
+eaus:e we have not yet proved.equal, Christ. He outlived, the sphere aril and tori 5 p ad followed. Mrs. hands', Kenneth Adanns; consolation
Gordon McGavin, North Huron Plow -
to the restraints, chalaenge and dis-wthdeh the church cam be most effec- ing Ass�c'ciation President, and a di- Probate has been applied for of the J. A. P• tens was. appointed local ,ladles, Mus. Deem- gents, Palme
cipl md, of that democracy.' Live In its service to the state, to rgetor of the Provincial Associa,tio�n_ will of the. lase Gordlon Waldron by leader to t the Institute conven- `•combs; lucky chair, Mr. R. StTomg.
Rev. W. B. Craw and Miss Bas'ker•- Gad and humanity- 7°o do necessary missiorary work to his executors, W. H. Bouck and J. P.. tiom to 'be h in Exeter on Wedmes-
wille, of Dcircbestber, sang a duet. The i The inspiration. of the services was secure tlhis vvata tho chief object of H,ether}ngton. day, Thu ay anti Friday of this �- - •
i'O' m 6 ranthems• greratl,y enh•�anced by tho very paeas- the d•elegatlom- The estate consists of stocks and week. Their project taken will be
��,_,_� a ing selections reudered by the choir Ce,uge Ibobcrts+aci. R. R. 5, and mortgages' and Cash on hand totalling "Care of Clothing." Mrs. A. L. Kers- Dublin Sodality
led by Mr. Jags. A. Sbewart, and organ Billy Hill, R. R. 4, Godench, both of $40,000. , lake was appointed ,a delegate to art- ,
Confns+ed Pansong,er: "Let me off music with Mj'6. J. A. Stewart at the Colborne Township, were placed fifth The income, from the estate is- left ,telae the Jun(or Instirtute convention Entertain`
at tthe,'next shop, conductor- I thought console of the newly rebuilt organ_ in the intercoanty competition for. to this sister, Eldza Waldron, of Bruce- to be theld in Henaall Town Hall on w
boys under. 20 using tractors% Boo, field, Ont., for life, and, then to his October 16th and 17th. A number of
this was a imclr wagon The congregation contributed genet- boys are 12. Ibrother, Byron Waldron for his life, comm'undear,tions were read and file,].
dti A sroc}al even ing ww lr e1d in •blr
thte sinKle plow horse compett-
and afteR tIMIT deaths tree rear a to
Mrs. Drysdale gave a humorous read -
parish 'hail ow Fiidlay, Oct. ur
Elmer Passtmore, R. R. 3, Exe-
two cousins and an uncle.
ing on "H'ea'lth"; Mrs. E. L. Muckle
der Young
der the of the Young I,c
son of Reeve Percy Passmore,
and Miss Florence Weileh favored
des Sodality. Twentytwo tables c
placed t6Lh in a field of 68. Two
00r. Red" Orn •Pltrpotsies:
worth a delightful piano duet, and the
ss euchre were Flayed Geo
Htwov County boys, Wilfred
lar contract at Sit. Marys.
guest speaker, Dr. Addison,
thema � won by Et
of Seafor•th, and Jack Wil-
Dale Hildebrand
(Uontinued on Page 4)
en's and la.d'ies' prize by Mrs. I?oroth
Port Albert, were unplaced.
lowing in stn'bble with horses
&=Q) of ii' M. J Sal dnie, the Kip-
Rowla.0 . I;efreslimm- is were serve
Tire euchre and dance held in Hen- pen Easit W. I. openedi their meeting for the T: Eaton Co. special, NormWan Euchre inners ° by the memberi' of the executive an,
twill hraai on Fridtay evening and span- by singing the Institute Odle, w+h4ch Dow, of Staffa, was ,eighth. In the'— dancing took place for two 'hours
s+ored• 'by the Kipanen East W., L, was was fallowed by a '11hamks�g'ri'ving poem novic horse class, Eldon Allen of First prize wenn to Lorne Dale and Remembrance musaic being fun ai_whed by Howe orct
ra decided success, There were 49 read by Mrs.. Mrartinl_ The motto, "Be .Cromarty, was s-ixth. In the class for Albert Hildebrarvd at the euchre held e�stna, Cmomw-ty.
• tables of euchre with time first prize kind an tdioughtful one to another," boys under 18, using horses', O. Pass- Athe Town Hall V('Kxl7uewday even- Day, Nov. 1 I th Mrs. Nellie Maye, who 'hast been
for the ladies going to Mm. J. Hen- w;as gity by Miss Sarah, S4nedair and more, of Exeter, ways fiftee'nt'h. ing, and sponsored by the Ways and 11 r riv ne.4,pect'ec1 s, brasng. e. Dubli
Aerson; the second prize to MTs. E. a paper on; "Lr'ttle Courtesa•es§ Worth Means Coirnmdttee of l;':,• S.A.A.A. for nearby 20 years, brie game th Mi
OW,pchasea, and the eonsdlation to Obsterving" waas i4ven• by Mrs- W. • Other .prize winneq'. were: Moat Despite tb+e stee R Great -War, Can- niece,
to spend t:he winter with he
ID4m W- McLaren. The ,first prize for Celdwela. Roll call wast a suggestion a'da wilt Observe hemenn anniversary
Day, niece, Mrs. e sew1pih Kldniobauni-i
games, second E. Ren:: e and Martin November ]ltta', the anniversary of MTs. Mativers was a ohalrm•irng he,
the men was won by Mr. A. Sinclair; for a bride's hope chest and. wins an- Sea.forthOldBoy Connolly; third, Peter McIver and C.
isecondi, prfrze, by Mr. T. Kyle, and. Mr. swered by Many ideas for the bride- GDeiw; lone hinds, Frank Case, Hierb• the conclusion of the first Great War, tele at two gables of live Hwnfdire
off the con
Ib? W,rilghtt raled, s�odahian. to -be. It wus decided to hold' the an ((�� '`� r'apueld, as a •siahtrtory holiday, according to rt�cendtly. Mise Marliry O'Connell wa
Receive F.A.C.S. Tan announcement made in Ottawa the w^inmte,r of ftrsi: prize_
)H'tnwlllowisrng eu,ehre, Vale trlckets- for nutal banqulett for the members at A number of people who were un-
ttbe raffle prizes were drawn, by Reeve (the home ofl the president on Novem- able -to attend :the euchre, have Inti_ bads week- Mrs. Joseph Kli:nkba+mer and far
E. Shsadddck- The first ticket drawn ber 15th. Thiene' was, a general discus- A 'third Green County, Wisoonlsin, mabed that they wisvliiod to contribute i:ly +heave movaed ,to Mitchell.
was for Mrs. H. Haut, who received s'lom: }ed by M:rs. G. McLean, on. "Ways surgeon will. become a follow of the and such coatributioam may be left • The mcvnrtbems of the county con'
,a, 2% yard Iib'en damask table cloth; of Preventing Wtar." American College of Surgeons In Phil- with Mr. J. E. Wid9;is, � aril, accortnpanried by 'A. N. Fel•lurw
Um sawnd ti'ck'et for a 26 -,piece cab- Mrs. Doig .reported that the Red adetphia on October 16tb� stays the ' - No Information District E139110reer of Mb- nIKipal Read
gaiet of silv?�r+w•ar+e had the name of. Crows commiittee. luadi bought and sent Monroe Even}n'g Ti'm+es, When Dr. J. matdie a tour ,of imeape'ctiorn of varioi
Mrs. Tomehison; �ho t1drd.-.tirkert for to the I:O.D.E. for shipinenut to Eng H: Bristmv, Munroe, forrnaully t+eeeiv- Holland Case resurfacing the tom ,ty last eek- c
one4alf doz,a ierya'tlal- golft� want to land a paameel of children's clothing ed his P.A.C.S. Qualif."mg preip,Sra- thTonighlout ,the county last week
ffard%.. Cb1lrl:wet,; 6bie lburth ticket,; annonmtang to -a little over ten do(irlars; tion far this distinction covers, a long .
for one-Malifig sa
dram shorbend plates , fLlsro fitbat there wasorb 'handl a quern- Pernod of time and a wide range of ROSEDALE No new developments are reported • • ,
so i'eau CaMw,dlH; the fifth ticket for Sky of yaru and those wishing to do experience, the ean'didate, for the 4by police who continue their search ��% T�
asilver flower hth der, wenn to Mit. Red Cross knfttinrg sboald comnrtuni- fedlowsihdp offering 100 case. histories for the motorislt who struck d'ovrn and C. V Y .JJ. Holds
ftbwt Ellgie- tate 6th, for sdlver pep- Bate with cites. for his practice which must be ap fatail•y Injured Bvneelict Hollan,&, St. '
per and salt �ellid1 aertsl, to Mm J. Hen- Mfrs. Andersons, of Wintham, then proved by a comrixittee, of the Na- Canlumban youth, last week•
eiiermon; the ?til ticket for a pair of giavd•`a shout talk on the Oo�penative klonvl proliesWouarl organization. Two Red roar Tei
tsi7t e,p catn4aesticks, to M,r. W. Glenn, plaint at Wiingham arA Introduced of Dr. Ilrisrtdw'a3 associates- in the • -
glad The last woo a d'resetedl chicken Mr. Benison, ,of the Department of Munroe ClGn hove flue fgaiinvd his A d�eldghtful tea was spbmsomed 1
Dr. 93 B. d lkg Jr„ d 141 g ear, his AL tSecures Contract
Iatts� Wats won, by liar. H. 'Moore. A�grdawbUure who sgioloe on "improved UIrP Gathdldc W�ctmen'cg- League c
in 19;16, and Drt 1�'atthatdt 1;. Bear, Who
After. lunch Murd'oc.k'e orchestra, Metivods of Marketing Farm Produce." .. Thtnnsay, Oct., 12th,, in St. Jamenr' Ha
received hl.a in we At St. Marys
�+mptplga=d $rise ntnrs+ic far, looting until Mrs. E. Butt null Mrs. H. Moore Dr, Bristow 4s aVelai , � whi�cllu Wali gra�stu:Ptrd•ly d�ec�ted
tote ami m, hoams of the nn�orni i�lvod in Sea -
tug, when favored with two very trice sales. forth, where, hie attended Sea3orth colons of tela, wt}idte and bin's aU
dall tw�turnedl to their homes wellplieas- Mrs. G. McLene demonstrated thte Collegiate Iosttltute. .He lar, ai. sons of a'utum'n thugs. Daring the afternoc
gad wi'tah the ennttentaintmiemt of the use of, honey as'' a subsrtirtmte for sum Mr. and 1Virs� W'iillilam BMiahow, Mr, If. F.clge, lytic recenitly conn- Mary TFure'sa Duncan,, . Beaitielce Iran
Sl xiten Das' W. I.
The proceeds of 'air, A vote 4of thanks, to ,the hostess { pleted ailheratinns and improvements Teresa O'Neill, KatlherIne' lAude
I 0 l ffl f thl Bell T le- I J 1}dC'112d11iam' u 3I '
date evenfmgf anmatintbed to neatly a
and to Uhese ttsldng part In, the pro-
at 'Are soca o ce o e e
M -MIM tamrd aanante , I-p a
.Y ',_
pmtndr"ek% dollars, witic'h will be used
gram alnldl glue trimtging of lite National
orrs!ly bo a tih+anlboffeY•aing ta*hx'dl, when:
Members of the S;0afgrbb Higi,bl4nd-
n H
a•, a imi-
ai been aw .xl d s
lu a Co. h s a
. • a 1 wit
's Oasnro�etl f vaxaed
St. J'os�h tG,
at ' the Ba°nldfs ati nal meet1.
00r. Red" Orn •Pltrpotsies:
Anitabem blosed the ineetitng- Lunch
return are eomgrlete, x+111 lin IQautial-
The meeting followed, an enjoyable
,lin giX„
r ,� ,
lar contract at Sit. Marys.
seiremal! selectioaus, Tltp proCeet
on Wo-Ougoday atf+t'emom at the
wfav served unci a. asocial tinl;e Wgo can-
ay airs the'flmmncial, rotquireraft s of
' F & SON
Work on the St. Marys office will
anvoum'ted• to $26.75, to be donated
&=Q) of ii' M. J Sal dnie, the Kip-
, "he local church work.
guests, who sllloke 'briefly..
the 'it'ed Crests.
�' '"r
their co-operation and support.
yl f.
�. z•
� y' 0ry F;:
�, }
, ,' �, ,0� � a t , v,. q;; . t . , ," , :y p t Nec4'+ � ,� ,tA Pte } �y'. E ' ;11� k }'j�y'Y^'Y }i,M'�i15 ; `hii'" .
:1 1 A lir,. i, + ,•. d 4s, 4 A },G' f r l �' r -J `.k 1^Y .('. t r. <.a-11.1
4 ,. §'. a?
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1 V i. r .,ut•.
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`i"fir �yyn Irl ��rr
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z l 1 ••i f d
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Y : 'tS / i
e'I'• � �y. tar int `2, ',Z
e,4 i 1! tl
� Y`,11 . t I
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M •h. l .
r,� ,i
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;uc"f,,-e u..Y a•,'�Yi°h,. r, eM1",1,'=.��., u.�.;Y�M1� ��•�Jw�-,.•,u,7.';-,r ���F,,.,«9kos�dg'ds.:.�l�.�..t,'fNrP'�,IILtt�E
,t +4 .' I r/ir nk. ,..i q• .1m
ltar6,yltaeh.;S✓i.. ,tiSt1. {.7.a,�%�iYl ,�.,v'irv� .4, .r. P .}--.,I`�f 66f a• -..�.
tary-tTeasumer, Arthur Golding; prop-
gyp^ T f 1
Annual M iV � '� r
' (, ,(,
�? Ash +�r� i11. a
t• r € e
Dinner 1Vlolnday �x °��',1,.
�,,;ni+r", u,
.Y ',_
I.", `°
Members of the S;0afgrbb Higi,bl4nd-
n H
errs Bland re-eleUed D'Oxl ,, t 'S ?t]ast as
I r '
at ' the Ba°nldfs ati nal meet1.
ing bends on M=onday evening.
The meeting followed, an enjoyable
,lin giX„
r ,� ,
dinner at the Gcmrmerciai Hotel at
'' }'
wlhach were present as guests, Mayor
J. lull
J. O W. H. Golding,M a .,
n .P. n,cl
Melvin Mc1?hele
d� ,
Presidlent .Slilis acted as c'hairmait
out the, dinner and introduced the
guests, who sllloke 'briefly..
LeadleT E. H. Chose revdewedi the
wwu�k of the band during' tine pastoj
�' '"r
year and thanked the' members fon
their co-operation and support.
1, 0
Officers elecYted, at the meeting in�
eluded the following: Han presidents,{'
A f.
W. H. Golding, M.P., M.. McPhee; D.
L. Reid; president, D'Orleon Sills;
r,� ,i
vice-presidlem=t, John Cardno; seere-
';{ri ,4
tary-tTeasumer, Arthur Golding; prop-
e•r•ty ooinm¢tt•ele, Frank Sills; Jr., Fred
y� ,`,'."r
E, W1111% Keith Sharpe' social com-
'j"A� •'
mittee, F'mucau
'i:s Devemlex, Tom Sills)
John. `CWdnU.
The Band reappointed Mn. e. as
leather for :the ensuing year.
Are Married
Fifty Fears
?Jr, and, Mrs. George Smith, former -
Waltom' resident, observed the 50th
anniversary of their wedding in
Daupbdnti Man,., On October 2nd.
In writing The Expositor this week
Mrs. Smdtdh forwarded a copy of this
r 1
page of October 11, 889, which non-
baained an account of their wedding.:
Commenting on their golden wed-
�1?, ,
ding the Dauphin Henaldt and Press
11 I .,'
j ,11
- "".
MT- and, Mfrs. George Smith, resi-
dents of the Dauphin district far
forty yeam, celebrated their golden
rweditag ''8mulversary at their b,p,Me.--,,,;.
kn,�1• ,.
bi- auW3ii"on Monday. The occasion
was marked by a reception in they
afternoon and evening..
"George Smith and Zil'aph Button
were married at Mar'ris, Huronlet
County, Ont., on Oct, 2, 1389. For
ten years they residded at Walton.
Ont., betwo igovi:n•� to the W'e'st. In
1899 they settled at Big Ridge, ,now
I 1 444
Ashville. La -ter they began farming
• I.iy 1.
four mdles n'artheast of Dauphin by
the main coati to Lake Dauphin,
Twenty yeans , ago they moved to
I Vii.
Dawplydn to make their _permanent
"Mr, axd Mrs. Smith have two
sant, Lorne, of Dauphin, and Arthur,
of Howell, Mich. A thn.rd son, Ernest,
- •t,
was kil$ed in action at Vimy Ridge
during ,the Great War. They ,have
five grandohi:ldrAn.
"More than thirty friends -of` Mr.
and Mrs. Smith tallied during the
afternoon and evening om Monday
to offer congmatul•atio'rns." The tea
table was attraotively centred with
a 'bouquet, of gold chrysa'nithemums,
" „i:
the gift of the couple's two stns.
Mrs. B. Dirfiin, presided over the tea
cups in the afternoon, followed in the
evening by Mrs. James, Norton, 'Mrs.
. "I
R. Dedlghtan, Mrs, J. Green, Mrs.
Lorme, Smith and Miss Freda Smith
ascsdsted in serving refreshments."
.? .
RED GROSS • • `" .. I I
NOTES ``�'
Membens of the Advisory Commit -
Mea to tire Red Cross met on Monday 1
wenivr,:. in Carnrgie ' Library and i i
rame'd J. E. Keating, chairman., and ,r i
-)r. J. A. Munn, seeret'ary, of the cont -k[
rdttee. � ti`
Plains for the Red Cross national 'Ih
par a.ppea,l were, conFid•ered and. ,',,
ythler recomlmendations ddsJussed.
• t 4: at ' 1
Knitters urging instructions with
Kitchener ttoe are asked. to knit foot 8 I,a.'
Inches before decreasing. Those us- ",Ffl
ing alternate toe, k,ndt 9' inches. be- ".x
Fore decreasing. Anyone unable Ito.
finish off toe is as,ked to please bring
socks do afternoon mee-tings t:o be,,
ftnidbed. IM I
4 p 4 'G',
The local branch of tibe Canadian
Legion in conjunction with the Red fi'l
Cross, is apo:ns,oring a Bitgo party in I
. ..
the Armories on 'Pri'day eventing of r,
next, week, Oct. 27th, Special prizes,rl'`}.
Including a door pTize�, will feature *'l
thie night- ' :'P 1,
* at
On Monday evening the Red Cross 1, 't
is sponsoring the picture, "Wwther•`,` 2
imig Htalg+hhr.�," at the R+e�ent Theatre, ' Y
Seaforth. Prbceedi& of threi 0'1.0111669 0;`1,,- �Nrf , .111=
to the sobrety. ^'Y rr ,I roYli'
' 'Ul�,,f�^
VIn stt Vhdprmentk of nooka <::f h$ xg "; F ,,! if "�„ ,SeaRtvrt]v Iters+ Crass w'em t r,
�'' i
�. y
ll111 e,'trrt � ,.
a The 1
l"' d �, { ,,
N ' pra�^trs , :Y ' '. 1'1 n rya
.� e. w P, s SSC
f, �Ykii= ihirti} u.
d.. �',',„,tga,^,.. ,:w .__., .,. x.,. �' `t"c°ati• t � it �,_',