HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-10-13, Page 4, ,. . . , , . ,: ,. , : . �,.., .. _, „ . , , ,> �. . , _ _ _ , ,., ,,. ;.. fi ,:.: � , .. , ;: , . � , , ; . . , .. ; , . , ;� ; . w� , „ . _ . , , ; . . . . � , , . . , , , . r� . _ , _ ,: . ,. � � .. , , � . . , , , _. .. ; � . ... � , , . . , , . ; , . . . . , . . , ;, , , �- ,, , , . , � . r , � , ., i a , . � �. , , , . .s , M .,: v;. . . „ ,,. . „ , , „r ., . . .,,,. ,. . . ,. , .. ..� � ,.. � .:.,��. .,. �. �. � , . , ; � . � .. .r:� . i , , . .. �.. , , � . �,. t . .� r �.,. ,.. ,,., , .. �, .,,, . ..:;. ,��: ,�.1 .. .>�, �:. „ ,,. , ., �.. , ..., �. ... .�, „ t .. .. .��. ... . .. , ., � ,i .< ; :,� ,..�.�,. . ..... :...� . _ . .... W ,� � . .- �..� ,... .. �.� ,. , .�. ... ., .i .. . .�, .. . .. . �..., ._. .. �� � ... i �. . ,.. .. 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' y'1ai- �1'ee mt'IEtii � '�', ����'a !4�!Mt��, � ,� ,, , , , > , � : ., '.. . _.. , , i, •, : � ,�u,, M�Ia�tu� tava�� vJ�7tec� wi�hb. �efr � w�a,� om�da� xo bg k�ne na�naea M�r. 'Q9'�, $'9'a� A� xs�ur�e�L �►ame i�, w�a'a weak� U, ;;' , d i� �' ,;: :: �., • � � � � . . , n. 1[��f� � � �a �n�w� P�ta� �r'�.Afoe ra Yrl�n+tl� �n �t�. •lk[��ea�a3 �a'Y� n,vitk� �t� �i� I�7.�A�tuS�M�n:dde� and O�u�t.�I �'Pali� � w�ua � . ��� I � � n � ,,„ , . � . 1,�'s. a��l M�. T. �. �Aan� �,nd saqu, g1a.v� �o�^ wPR� � •�"y� , �t, � � .. , � ' ,, ,,�; ,,. : .. � , �a�. �,c�roaz�Fan�:e�l br Mi�s� C,�I�eun�. ai1 � scussir�zu ��th� advi�a�iuLf,ty ot or- Mr. Rabe�nt Pa�saak�re, aY Toront�, ciii��Qarerx, C�e�nS+q �tty �rnd Ma�"1e� of a�n�t tYedl �rxPoa�� I�46�'a� .,A� �+L a' '��+!��� �� ' .. �� p vdsdt a w�ith M�r�. Catiherine H,eaiden �Oh�ur , aai� ` � Cr. Beaiti ��� �S�ut ��sh� �aY lkG�� �. �e�� ,�Laa+t w�e eCp p��te wd�h Q.h�e ��� M�r� an+c1 M��� Job,���Pas!smvre�, r.- H�a��1�4+5� were week-en�d and 'h�alida9 C�m' er, � i�� � tl� „ 1?�Qls�'�� � � � , � T � , u . y' .�p Y ' �� aE �k� U�nit� � , CVhis�elA�.uris�t, L�rom w,l�i�:�i141 � � ;,E,f ;�, . „ McAsh - Rathwell Ki�pen Women'�s Tm�stitwUe v�rhe��.,,ttye �r, �z�d Mr�. W�tu. ��traLt, oY Brig- asud PamabY- i � � `,:. ����5�`�ed Ads will be i.nser�ed at new !�w ca�h ratee ' A v�e �� w�a�k ha�s �i.'�ad9' �een��+tamtad'. Th+� d�a7n, wero �aallens a'� the hame aY Mr. Mr. and Mrs�. Eld�oa�. Kad�ng an�tl �chw•cbh th�e Eun�u'a+i s,ervi�ce� wil�. �b6A ry •,pnat�ty� w�c�dui'ing tao�k �, batay' oY Lo�. we�re week-enai ��is- �el�d �rm Frid'�Y ��'J� at � vweetl� t � • t�a.hu•cPa a.f�Lern.a�on at 2.30 o'clock, eu]o�je+eC %r sdud'Y w� Ind�a��+ Rural a�wc� b4�rs�. Wmm. H3'�d�e. , �?fa�F �aC�r Wanted. Lost ana Foana, Co�nine �veaos. Eta--� we�d• 9 M31ldbms°, �;mcL w~as iin c�uarg�e �oY 14irst ' Mr au� Mns, .J. D. Re� and latn- itxxi'e ah blae ''h+�me oR Mr, and Mrs. cFuwduc�ted�by .2�he � . R,ev. R. � r + . whe�n Many Ele+auar. 3^c�u'nbe�t da,ug�,- Cl�am�dl�ar. Nau{e�u�h�s of Y�mdia's mifil- iilY. oi Lan�don, �spe�nrC �the �k�olid+aY in �. S, FLnt�sr�aa. Ema1c. F 21ow�l�g ncfe eez'vresE ' `aa'`r �� `5' . � '+ ti- ' iert w�etc ,......." .................... t txtnfi � r�er o� ll7�r_ arnci Mns. J. B. ftaChwel�l, � r 2nd week ........................... Ya L�+� d3oies Lfve iat h�er 700,000 trilLla.ge9: kPe�+satl. MTB�, T�`8a�me�T, o�P .�.tra.tiord, •ilLe 1Vlag4�I1� O� ,Hi1TOri Le9d' Se�aAl3� '` .; .......4.......� � a� becana� the had�d�a of �11�r. Wm. T. �tic- Ftir� t�h�ere i,s �d��.scribed� a typical In Th�e Wah�al�a CUa�� oY �he T7niGedl ��ent Thazt&s�&'�'�,wg with her s�istar, w�lh con.dweC t�+e services ��tlauei6 f r" ^: 8.rd week ............ � �� � i Niu,rui�num �e� Sx�t �...... 85 Cen� Ash, eldt3s�t san� oY T4�r. a.n�d Ning. J. 7`. t,, � �Idn.n v�illage u�+f�auch�ed by unod��ru i� Chum�h m�et z�n� �the baeemen�t oY tlre Y1�!'ss. Dvexqun Stsa,p3�ian anci famfly. whare �t.tee mem,a�u�s w�1 be- fiericc�d, 5a�b ,�' �a� a�re. ini�ut �nd �bto.+avatitua� �4 as ea� � 1kLcAbsh, oY Va.z•�na. Tlbs c��emony ,u:js �uen�ces�; m�ext �une seeg in�lue�n�ce� at dh� ch F{ii�diay� evemiwg Past Par �efr 11Zr. ama� Mra. He,rry� Cook, af Toron- Hensall Undon Qemae�t�ry. �h�e d�ec�+e� �` j�� A�10� fihm�+�. xn M.eQao�m I�anCoes'-,i oe�t ��w�ouvA. �m�m. 60 oom� �r w�6c. g,�i•fai-�u�ed by tI%e itev. R. Jahns�Loci, , �t m�ember of tAs� �,� M.e wark ehanigumrg the l.i.Y� of ln�a. s viL N�mv�b�e�r. el�a�s� �rneaiimg. Mi�as C�IadYa io� h�av.e�� natnr� houue fro�m a pl�eas- �ed bena� a P�a �I y'y �#►�;vlu� matv be diaeuoed dw a Sua Nu�ml� oea+a ad '�. 'Huaao �iwr, �.a 1� oano� ac�is+t,eu� bY Rev. YI. Keye�s, aE Aiia- la�e�, �nm�a iniiuen,ee of G�ov�eaname�mt a�ra Fal�s. N. Y., at Che Marmiiom o T'�ass�m�az�e resi�d�ing. Fallmving the a,n� �*eek eud� apem�t wibh Mt•. an�d Lad'ge� a Pasit Woaet�d�Ptt�! ,� � R" i` Tea �een;tt� ad��t�oa,�:l ver week wn�11 he dh�n�ad !te dda 6a aLovn c�s ara m.t v�ad b� th• n �.gen+cie�> but most aP ah1 th�e wtxi•k of epen�imig' 1�'Y`mn. Praper waa Siv�en: b9' M�. C. Gao�Ic �ash b�S11viY remPe�cted. Mr. $aaTDm�- � t ti1 A . &e,y„rda,y ,n;gi,t �, rohe we�c in w�tdt� +me ad ywa. avn. i7n,ited Ch�urc�h n4an�e. The wi�n�s�x�e �� Cb��iaxs ch�ureh. A brz�hterr Mns. Feter McN�a�nghtan• re2udsng. Mis�s Frawems. N�oa.ke�a, dauP�hh�r of s�an lived miep�niy a1i. hi�a �ife om� t� S� ' Hi��qhe. Manrcas� �na Dautt� �e� � at etrar� • ba�i•�1e lo�o�leerl cYn�•m�9ug in e, win�e ciresfl sz�ile of Che p�ictune is bro�g+6�t t�o us� ���, Tlh�n�k�s�gsv�img Mood," M i s� a Mr. � M�. A. Naak�as, o�f TXun+�all, �h�crmes�tea� &��m. on �the 9.2t1i +eaatce� ��' � ,H.uatiou ,Susies, Nlaaido ka Cu�ed➢Ga�s. Ecc.-iIDab� on m�na��a1�O. with matachin�g tucc:es��ori� an�i �; Car- � ,� �,��. n� • sa.ge of v✓hi�,e rosc�s. The atrtem�dian�ts in th�e �bory� of a Souttt Yndia �Chris� Glad�yis Pas��morei Z�a�l�&jv9n�g read� wh-a h'a9 beaxt e,�riowsly.iL1 i�n V"ic�to2•ia siom, TtLcl�er�rmi�Gh. e�s s v NQt10E t0 C:rC(�ltOxS a�,� ya+�ne o�� �� cut an �v�� �Uia�n viLlagie, wYvera t�e churc'h h�as Sn��. M�i�ss M. Ell�lis. Ben�e�d�otian. can- H:�s+pdtaP, LomdoII, f�ar �the P�&C Lwo hi�s �on, �gua, mn tlba f�rcm, am� ru�i � � pi�ms. �on��. s�n� „na onb� ��ru;c. w�et•e 117ias Shia�leY Pret'tY, oY Sea- ge d d�aughteu^, Flrn�en�ce, wriYe af Mr. �c�s �Z ` �.. — e�vo 1,oc ai, .Yryi�h �?on�;�r� �c iuo �m. farith, a:na 141r. (�en•don Wx-i;gihh, of 'beeu �at w�ark far �amy y�e�ans a:nd clutLad� this P�rti�on af tire m�eetdn:�� vvee�les, i� �im�v�ug n6oely. NOTtC� �Co CR�DIToxs more ur t�+. w�u� s��wu� �am w�a+ �t�an�ce �,�efie7z�. The youn,g cowple were frO� ��� b��° ��° iA�'�v� �� after which ��m;ea, oo�n�testa and� lunc�x Mr. and� Mrs. R.us�e�ll Srod�rick, ao- 1ey Coaper, aY n�r KiP'Pen�. 'a�8 t'W� i �N �HE �:S�J`A�r� oF sYr�v�1:Lt�. aT.T.EN. o£ w�tiar �a+a. d�i�, s�ihwble for �r� or �h�alld6v� posi�tn�o�ns of intluenc�e a�momg in cl�arge �aP Ml� Wa'bter �pem�esr an�d c4ffupranie�d 6y Mre. Btw�erick's par- ss4sRens, Dd�rs�. Newsll, of Foa,m Lake� ,£ i' ; A•ip rc�er_�e,ns ha�•in�; �la��ma abaimyt t.he ,;razinls. �vt�r� a�rs aa11 �vt�t and 15 acres tit�en 111•VFtB(� to a weddiu�g rltimm�er at bYaos�e aE hig'hea' birt,b, un!d better eco- Mi,ss Cr. Pas�smou•e we�n.� emDoyed� �ntf�, ldir, a�nid Mre. Farc7, of Exeter, �as�k., ��� M�ns. Eiabert (Mazy) 'Taa� �,1�,<;,;;, �eu'tra1Ca aY Sriver.ter aWen, 1a,r,e ui clie Tuwn ylowed. W.ilm he oaeueJ �n�c- m�►e �uhiect co t.h0 th+qOn.t) oP �tev. and Ml•S. Keyes, �Df - � r:,; lo� S�ai�orrh, mn the aounuvt �n�.hei'�ach �ar �e knwu on �sy oFe� 1�in.5'S �,s�z�`He Nia�ai�a. F`�11�7, N. 1'. Lat�r. they left n'amn'� 'aP�°'1"tun�i4y ihan �Che�mselve�s. Plan Pot Luck Su IeEC Uasit week by,ancvtor ior th�e �'4est 9uair. oP neiar Eiewsall. TYne fbecaeased'�- �,, ed, wu��o d�ie:l �n or ubou S��e af ouT fin�es�t Cha�i�s��iain: Pa.stors Pper wh�re the�r� w�ill en�joy a thrae we�eks' «�iYe, '�rhoe+e m-add�e� �am,e w�a�e M�.r- ,,.y;., June, isaa, aa•e hereby noc;ae.t to bana ,n w wE1.L, Yroi+rietor: G. a� H�uut, Au�o��r- fo�' 'a trip to F3ulfalo, the i°fisau��,nd ��se��ed crR bat�k� men�tai abili4y and vi�it wit�h. relaA.ives. 1Vfr-, and Mrs. €;aret McIn�tyR'e, ot A31�a. CraSg, p�r,ed�e- �,��'�`,�� QIl�,e und�'rv,ianed S�.vli�citur ,un ur befure tthe � 3797-3 Jyg�j��pyj�� (}�t'j',a,yF;,{, �1IL(1 Qlle'1�E3C.. :VLl'. 'T�hiO Ycrun�g Peolrle��9 ��L10ri crf Hen- � n�� 2n�d d:�o� af ?�'ovem,Uer, is�s�, ewli nssrwcult+rs __._ T__ �.- a:u�ti Mt�. Mc!4:,h ��i11 re�ide in Varna. '�`pin'bua1, pmv.ea' lvave risen Prom ihis Li F3d�gLr BnQd�ri�ck of T-Ia,y 3`orvn:siiip, c�as�ed hd�m abovt 34 pears aga `F e i ]owly oriigi�n. �'ast �e�sei'v�oirs af pa- �al'� Uu�teti �Chunch will h�aLd & Po�- ar�e �rem�ainin�g at the Tirad�-ick honte d�ecaas�ed wa�s only i�n �th�e h�ospiCa.1 � j�,����� o� th�ia• cllsiat�s «�it�h xfii�l<<�ic Ar�u�•i[�,' ��ne. 111tLC1{ snlpper 1�I1 UaLO bas�emzent OQ, t�19 � � xmme�L'rmi,e�:r =�rt��: Utie �<<�, i�+:�t men�tnoned �&.'�011c`� �Gan�tflal pow�er fvr �tl�e i�niewal of In duri�ng Gheir ab�en�,e. b�owt ane we��k an�Y he wiLl ire mu ri ��,� � tkat�e. tlhe aa�u.s u,f l�`�� .���i t�..�:�!e will t�e --- CYMI.tCh OII �'OIIKL'eLY CV�OIIlIIg, W17ilp11 ,.�: dastribucE�t �,r�,.:,T•.s- c c.��e u•�-�;��.� en2it,lea Chere' iLE1J',t�AT15i]2. sCt�zlcA, sacbACE�r. (;���.��i�'�' �d,ia,'�s lnife can be re�l�eased frum t'hese Mr. Hoaa,r� ITe�mPh�i�ld, o•f Toronto, missed by his sel�.t7v�as and neSg+ a� :�:; �o. ��.�� r�c:�,.a ,•,,;v l,, ,;;,i;�n, «r which � unui�erA�rdvil�egeecji! m�. �'�'1'],l be fodUowe�cl rv�ith 'm�a�taan� Pietures a,�rcp Mi� Mar9 FTe�m.Phnll, of London, an�d a ho�t of fric;nd�s. �,� � � Lu�y,;,,,"o az,e ;�re�c�.«.� as �he suurce by � in cYiarge af �tev. R. A. Srt,o,ne, a re ��'rM' �nhe undt�,•..a;ne�i �h:.�l the•n ha�e nucice, rou •�nize �clemsa�im� :uend �.aiselrtu� actioa of Ruma- On Saturday afUei•n�oan� N1r& Fto�bert F�Pent �ha.nk��'ivin�g witlz th�eir par- Mrs. Poa�tie, of 'VJr+nmi'Pe�. M1n.� n�s �;r';. n�me e;.ciu: i,.a �c' :�;! oth��;_;, a�1;i tiie ur.iier- ca�ra- KP`,�1TLNG'6 n�zU� s�r�ItE_ V!is�vLiutis: Mis. Robei•L G,a.rd�in�er and tunned' mi,s�s2ott�ary Eram Japa.n. 7; .�;: s;�n£a N'LII �;i, c �� :�.::c �:.,, ::�:y x>�r;r,n �,r �qa�i Simgsor� wae hosCes� at a t�a for en�t�s, Mr. and A�TTrs�. A. W. E. 'Hemp- he�re m�alc�rvg a s�h�ori vis,it wfih h�c fanuily, oY Simcoe, w�ith relaUves and• bVtr, and �Trs. A. Thtrmrpsro�n; �af Ti•ll- � s, �+q,� Mis� Evelyn :�;n�dfond, bride-elect of hil'!. brailvcr, Mi•. Jahm E. McLwen, a es�hart. w�we ���,m an�� �_.,��r.,:n.�l :tr���t �vuc tih�nl Yrie�ds; 14�z•s. I-Ieni•y Webber and Lw�a s�on�burg, t�h�e formei• Miss Mariou Mo- d�;;;;� 1�a..�� cv��;._;e r�xr ,:,. us_�u so ��.�:•ibuw�l u� _. _____.,._ this 9nomtl�. 'I'lie guests w�e reczir- Paul Sed�d�on, oR 7bron�tv, was a dts�ta.nce �aouth o+f ih�; v�illage an 'h��S� ���.. tlau�ht�ers, af «/oUaliam, wit.h 11�Ir. an,d Ka.y, sP�en4 'Phaulc6�ivisng w��th �Ir• Ti�a,n�k�giving guest vP1th Bobby Gool: way No. 4. „�;;;, any �..�-t i�:,ee�_�E. c�d ,by Mrs. S2mPsan �n�r1 Miss San�l- • llaT�.o ac s�.iiorati �nu ii�t� aay of o�ru- �Qi ��dlt iliry, Itoy �1cCullac�h aud oQher an�d NLrs• V�m. Sh;ep,herd� and family. yx`;�:, � tortl, as�isic� by 11drs. Jahn A. ;4dc- a�t t�3re Yuom� +oL' Mr, a.nd MzS. N. E. Mr. and Mrs. l�', ah�aw, oE 'Paron�txr, � ber, 1�a3 friena3s; Mi'. an�d Mi•s. rames Scott, °Mrs_ Zlh�am�p�s�an i•s remr�ining f�rr a 5p�t Th�aulus�ivin•g h�oLi�day� mvitlss }„^'' Ei,'v�Ex U. IIELL, oR TErf'r-,oC`rt��:x. asr.tn, 8-aood�o Gregor. M�ns. Johv, Sin�lair wa� in (3o,nk. i,:�x: ,F°i Jr., and s�an, of Brod+haS�em, w7tir thair week's vi�si�i w��h her s�'i�s�ter, Mrs. �`���, 5r�artih. Unc., br;�k �d W�s,� �.�Qowsn ana mew �ur- charge of 'th�e li�n�ens and Mis•s Errx�a NL�r. and Mrs. IIus�hS� an�d� son,, �f Mr. an�d Mns. F`rad� Mauss�eau, oP near ` Sodsru�rr �'u�• the A�im�nuurxtor. I ue,c� gxrnse an �r�Kr+- �as18 m E C_ parensLs ancL ae!iei• re]at�ve�s; Mr. �nd Sheph�end�. 4.� < '0�1,ark�an+ d�sp1.�Y'ed' •'d.he C�ousseau. Xn Ha,p Tu�a;�n�ship, �teavz r^ecently m�aved Hens�alt. k�p* 3745-3 �����ux.nrrr. �a��f Mi�s. Jahv Yuung and Yamily, Gra.n,- Mis�s Narm�. Cook rece�iveai on�e of ��,., �th�e clini�,' raoiu a t�alwr scheme c+P 1�nto praz^t aP Mr. �l��x Spar't,-s' �h�ous�e Mr. Uhas. WaLfe �h�s been $wa e f� xo'r1cE To CttEYSt'roRs Coro�, wi�}i Mis�s M. B. Cus•rie; Mr. ancl 2'h�e lueky d�aor tickets ��ve�n by the �;,. Mra. Ww. Hough�ban a.n�� �s�om, Gar�dcrn, I"I`'mrase with F�zle pink �ccenh� �:de Exeter I.iaus �Cl�ub on• Fri:day even- �'� �'r� nic�iIy� settled. N1r. Busl�ie the co'ntracL far �Uhe brickvv�m•k �;nd- N TxE marr�,h oi; �i'i-t� E��1'ATE oF` ���� an effective r�e2tin�g wiih 11Qrs. Wm_ A. rer�em�tly purchased the b�lackerosithing Mr. J�ames Saan�ter, �tY�e waodrwark '�:c`' Z Ntury Ra.��iey aacP of che `rownshir af wiiLLt Mr, au�d :Virs;, lZabei•L Dalry�ple 2n�g las�t at thedr fralic 'h�e1d a�t f5�e �;;�� Hib�ert, nn r.�� auun�y o�e Fernh, wtdow, de� ot h�ppen W�rluna.a an�d Mrs• W I3• McLea.n bnsr'vttes�s from Mr. Norvi]I�e I�omd, for t�h�e ere�ctian� of a i�a.rh�e s+olid bric Exater ar�enti. She rec�iv�- $10.00 in ;r ��• ces�ecl. quz•tFUL i�Lo�nERs wxE FasiLY pouring Uea and Mrs. E3ernard Sand- A'�lss Mar3arie Adaans, of Turonto,. d'tv�elH'n€ luouse far Mr_ 3. McEwen, ai 4;G';. NUTiCE 1S GIVL•`:Q pui�u�nt tv the Sta- �growm. Sro¢n I3uSitan.i �hu•lt�, Giant Tul- ThE' fUtiVl SUppB�P SII�(1 2IIC6I'i3iliZlZtle3Ilt Il]�e'I'C}18ID�d1S�. �`. `�. �tuc� in nhas a<�t,f��r ehac ��ii p��,,��:; havi�ns fand aavd Mist� Gertrude Maxtin serv- s'Pen�t Sur�dq.y wiilx Dr. ezn�d Mrs. i, son of Mr. �n�d Mrs. Ht�;,h oEw�� ,�„-, �[y���t,s, Papera��trn.trs arna buge nr�xo- in �o,�ne�c�tian �iiCl� tlie Undte.d Churah i� fihe Kippe� �ast W. I. ia sponsor- � Smi11�e, c�f the 2ncl cornr.ess�au oY he `fo�vn- �� �:� c'lairns 38ainsC the Estssta af the said MxurY c2i.Ls. WiI.T.ram ,�3,A;F3T_ �ans 315�J. . �,y `;: �w,iey, dece�yed, ��•h� �3�ea on or nbout r�e of Staffa on Tuesd'ay night was well ing a euchc•e amd; d�.�nce bo fse h�ei ln M,r, az�d M��. Wm. l��u�all �tv�;re ship o�f H'ay�, a�i�tl�e over � mil�e s��it.is- ��,s; 2�m, d�y ot :�u�ust. A. U., 1:139. are required 'fi1�1��:ASE BEt'IIRN T13E i�U�zoz�r COU'N'sx �tt�n�la�i by Iaeo�le frcm this vidI�age• p��+g�� _ 8aker t+he Ta�vn T�ayll �on Friday even�ing, vi•si�ted over t'ha �r�,*ek-ewd by Dr. an�i �ve�yt �.of FLern�atl. The inew d�w�el.lSn� fil� 1 N��..., �Yo. forw�ai•d Cheir cimims dulY Pi'Uccn tro the r apnvs. borrm�e,i o�er �uw� mpn�tE�s. we Mrs. LcyanarQ and krab� �ve gan�e w�tYx graceeds �in aid of th�e ti �.� R. P. I. IJaugall an�fl family, of �v'hich �v�ill �be an uXrbo-date� av�e Sn� 1, .; nna���;�he�1 so�icitor, �n ur bcfora the 2iyt ��x,u�a 9�dt a3ave ,to c�t1 fa� �. GEo. a- t,� �+oun�t Fares�t to visit �,e; p�are�n.ts Th�e drawan�g raam af Co�mmunity Cz•ass, Thene will be ,g�ot�d prize�, anrci' petTalsa, aa� Mr, au�d Mrs. Milne every respe�ct, will be e�it•t�te�l r�fidttt �;�;,, aay� ot o�nw�:, n. p., zsas, after whirh da`te Si�.s & sor�s: �iA$-1 far a time. Hlou�se, OAC.. Ge�lph, �as beawLiful- musnc will be £urnisih�ed by �Gta,s Mcu�- �� �:: ' h,ne Exeeu�or wy�t nroa�a to di�tr;bute t4,e .. Renm2�e, of Seafartb. a mile uorth of tl�e Ync�m�s�t�ad far� �,t,at� tua�.;� �.�rsaTa oniv co ana being re- A�xT �x �o ��co saxcE uv Mr. Th�as. Cooper, af Toman�to, apent Iy d�e�c�oa•ad.e� with 8awe�rs a.nd ferns dbek orc�h�stra. an t�h,e sarzne con�ces�i�n an� ��:ear�y �; 6p��;b1e o�y ro�• the �r•� of which he �e.fo�tc� nerFe� � v�is�e. fa�sme� �, we�k-e�n�d h�alsday ai Lhe heme of for ths 9geon.d w'c:d�d5�n�g ever to take A�publ�ie �meeting to organize a Mr. and� Mrs. Wm. Shepherd are t�he. c�ame d�is�tan�ee fram Hen�17, an� ��".: � st:ala tih�n t�,�•e had not��e. oon5tru�t�an. ao�x� �oa; ,va't�nted �hdl4ow Mr. avxl iVIns. �d„ar Allan. place Qeith�i�n ��e ca]l�ege walls. D'ur- Ti�ensraLl branch oP the (':a�nadian� Red� �th9s w�eek i'n�talaimg a. mv�d�enn Uat�h- building o�carati�an�s aire nbnv w'�Il. t�. �:'R�' DaTED 8t God�ruch, Oruturia, this 27th b:+;d� w�t6 domsam�c��: �r-�� r$n� sand roottn in thle�hr �� ,�'� aay of SePb��r, A. D., 1939. seaq�d_ See �ma �*� ta++is sm� ��e 1�h'e mon�thly mee�tin�g �of th�e W. ?�. in�g t�h�e servdoe whicl� was h�eld at 4 ��crss Sacietp � wiUi be held� i�r� tlae P-to-diat,e nesa� en�ce, d�er w�ap. �4Ir. Wol�f�e 9� bein�g assi��- �,.; . LON rUs E. DANCEY, �nd s�av� ¢ffi.e of rac�:es �a �mbe� eeat- S. w�as hel�i at t11e h�o�m�e oP Mrs. JaS. n'Ct�ock x'rid�a:y aftei•gaon�, M�iss FtuLh Hensall Town I�alx Tlw•i�.s�dap even- Reeve Gea. Armsitron�g, �of Hay TwP• ed by Mr. A1fTed T"a.ylar of t�2a �5E- � ¢ coae�;ca,. orcoario, e�. I-�b�m,� mra�� �.u4�ee- MAy � Hil�l w-it�lz a gacd �,tLe�n�dan�ce. The I,�n:�re, d�augh�ter of Prafessor an�d ing, Oct. 12�.h. 'ltihe gues�t s�pea.kars ����•�n�i�ed bq �ris veiRe an�a, t�vo tit- �age, av�c1 Mr. Webar, of ZuTi�h, iat� �:..��"'�. Holicic�s fur tlhe EsecutVr. ecrdn �above 'B1`xnBomadd's Bakeay. A'LIM-. , , 37a6_s n�r�;untaiv a�a,;� st, s�a�,,rt� pres�i�isnt, Mrs. Reidue, was in c+harde D�rs. A. W. �3aker, Coll�e�ge H�ig�.�ts, w.iii includ�e R. C. Haya, K.C.. G`OdP �tLR daugh�i,�r�, sp�n�t 'rihan:ksi�iving ;�" �47� the laying o�f the hricks. • '� a�d� hh�e rap.orts of th2 s,ecretary, Mrs- Gw�1Rli, bec:ame t�he brsd�e df Mr. Gar- rich, an�i presid�ent of Gad�erich ��tfi th�e lat4.�er°s mo�'ther, Mrs, A. M�, a�,� ryI•rs�. G. T. 141icl.be and �hY�1- �,,'�.� -° --- F;uss�el Scott, aLtd the treasua^ec•, M.-s. d�oa A. Wrighi, B.S.A., of S�alwana.ch- b�ran�ch o�f the Re�d Cross, an�d Donald Buchana.n�. dren, Billy ��F�ti F�e�tty, took in� t,Pre ;#'��, Hill, iveF:e te�d and adop�ted. T'he ae- er, s�an of R4r. and Mrs. R. James �ampbell, Gaclerich, war vc�t.era�n. Mr. Hugh•Il�cEwa.rn �has� been t�akin� Au�tion Sales �O� w�JB,��'.' in� �th�e Warl�d's� Farrr a;t N�ew Yark .a.lyd �idge�town Fanr an �7ec}masaI+ay oE �� -- votional exercises �rere tal.en by the �'�t]right, of K'iFP�Ti ' Ven�erable Arch- f�:F ----- 5he herd - Smillie in writing to friEn�ds he: e reporte� a la;st waek, a:iso viqiting 3'Ir, Mfe e� �,t- ,. �'+o:.tVtiNi'rY �tic'I'ioN Sai.F �vt�.L BE FOx sn�-,ca� ox�wo�n� FI1rDLA�Y pre�ident <i.n„ `1rs, E•Io�ughto�n. Pmye�r d�eac�n G. F. ScoviI �fficiated �,t Lhe p p�are�t�s t.h�ere. ,��, nc,i�t ac r�ick F�,o:�,e s�ah�e,, Seat'arer,, on ovaa G��e, �u a i �� was given b�irs. Ed, Aid�en an�l Miss gervice, whi�ch was'candu�tFd before sF��'�7'd trip �tn�d enyop.abl�e time. , '.� � F't-ittay, Oc:.ober ::O�th. HUYIER HU�iT, �dan- I g. 1�'. CHRISTIF, Se:vEorth. 3748-2 y Th@ ${bri2 Ui Mr. and .dP3. da.III6i '1�h@ SaCra,m��n�i di thE �Dl'a 8� �Sll� ,,,��. Currie read an interesRin,g art5cle an an� impravised alter. Tall tapers in �Leeve E. Sha�ckciuck an� Mrs. Sh1e1. �xe,•, Phvne 2^_S r i^ ; G. x E�zsQcc, au�- � Smi�ll;e, on iiighway N•o. 4, Hensaii, �1ak an� k4r. Z�hamaa Shrac4�dick w �re Per w�ll be otrs2,rv�od� in �:he IInite� �}�'< nioneer. 3�4�-1 �j OR SAI�Er IMPEIR'1'Eb nAxvvirt TUL- t�`�o life oT Gr�.ce Barr of Ind'ia., Mrs. bh�rc�e-pr�nged brass can�lelabra light- `�s th�e s,etting om Satur3ay, Oct. 7, , ahvrah an i1�e oamin�g Sum�d�Y. U'et; ; �p �u�ro�, � to 1�s. R EROST. Mil1ET rea@ an az�ticle by Rev. Syd- ed the altar on w�hieh we�re arran��d vis��'t�eei nv�e�' �'h"an�ks�givim� by a num- �'f� G+LE_tix1Nc AUC'noN s�I.E oF Bit�cK � s�4$_1 �ey �,alie_ �rs. James ScotL gave bou uets of bronze s•had�ed chnysan- at 3 g.m-> far a 4uiet atitumn wed�ling ber of rcl+a�tivss_ 15tit�, wi�t�tn �grspa�-�+.tbrp sarvice � tie� '#"•° Hmue, Frame atbhie. C�tonr xou9e �a � whEn t�b�eir daugh�ter, Mildred�, w�as Friday evennnrg p�ced"an�. ;`'�� xouset�ald �ea�, at Dublin, on '1'uesaav. �IpR sni�--$iT�ntNc se z z�. wrrti the current evenrt.5 of v�2ssaomarp tHe�ums an� autvm� 1�a.ve�s in blend- M�r. and Mrs. William Love were �� Oc'�obe.r 2a�H, at i.�o Eh�arp, t�he pronercy of ,�oa mni�cr�e aw�, svi4afble for fien hou.e. �ey�..� A hymn w•as sung anKi the img aha,d�s,. F]anlung the al�ta.r a�nd ix'LPt2d 1TL marriage to klarolrl Shep- ��� aYar tibe hoi�id�ay by •bheir �r� '�'� �T�• �'��' Ste�wari an$e '�� Che ��ce m�arr Ra�+nley. Ter��-Contenls ot I�� 170 �oa -� yv�1�s- a�vvny FIDGAR h�e:xi�, of Taronto, sscand �ou of M:. d�.ugh�6er, Y2�btiE, a� 'P'orarn�Lo. M�r. an�d Mrs. J. V. McAree, of T'oa�[fn-� �' t,�e �and' buYlruild.iln�s, casfi. Terms oo x�. �,�� a7as-z ����ng clas�d by prayer and tlh,e Na• farming a chancei effec.t were ��'1 Joh,n She�pherd, oE Hensall, an�d� the rd t�o, visiCed ai �the h�ames of B�c�srs: ���. Mr. an�1 MrS. R. J. Paterson wer� ��;,.: a�puse �a•n�l Lo�s-io ver cerot. of vurehase tiaual An+t�Y�em. Mi+s. Hi11, a.ss,istmci by wi�d�es+pr�a.d5n.g pelms and� fe,s�ns with �,a�te i�'Ers. She�h�erd�. R.ev. R. <1. ���,,� �r ,�� ��y,Y�y �y �,heir �o�n, Gordon ands J�ah:zr B'altan Satu�rday i,��,� �x,ney nasd,a���n on a�uy ae sa�e: haiance �n �,rs. Th�o� La�i�ng auKl Mrs. (yol-e�ma.n, 1:arge boaquets of the chi•y�santh�a- �,�3o days. JoxN rtAGr�, Execwtor; Geo. H- 3 serv�ed a d•ainty lunch. mvans azrr� leave�s. 'Wh2te� sat9u pil- B�Dk, pas'tor of Hens�all Un�ited ��, ��.o� Ir�s�t. Mr. McArc� i� Ch�e �ve�Ll aw�a+ � ES��iat�t, Auotiomezr. 3798-2 H��� ��.11�fi Ghurch, ofPiciaQed. Theq w�e unat- MT. � �gI•s. Ra�as MacLaran an�d �°'I'�ter in Uh�e CTlabe, It.ev. Mr. RoberLson, of Z`harm�drale, Zows were giac�ed far knee4ing. � ten�cl,ed. Dr. L. G. SmiLlie, of fien�saIl, fa:maly, oY Ae�imit, visiteci ovr,r Mise VSe�tnria Ealt�, oP T�enrtrr. 1�a-' !'�T..EARING AVCTioN �� oF xoUSE- I�� ��pgi�G Fox � 1Kn.1v wlzo ys to la7fe eY�a.i•ge• of bhe se�rvice on• Ul}e wedujin;� ma�sic wa.s p�layed �y ` ptay�ad th�e wed,ddn�g m�us'rc �and aLso T,tna�lis'g3vi�g, w��h relah�ives t�ere. '�'P'�C Thanks�giv�inrg at ?ae�r 'fsarn�e, �c�- ����` v.hcad` Et�ech, Etc., �t M�,tda�if �ot�ca�e, ;� ��„��y ,��� �,. a�„�_ya�,� u.b Sun�day n�ext at ll a.m. � Mrs. M. J. Ruc�el] fhs y�outhful 'and �,, ',. g�j �,�p;� m�x ro� he Aa+� a� W�� s�n�g "At Dawnitt�g." Given iu mar- Mr, an+d Mrs. J�m�es M�eJ�lartin and '�o Dr. an�p Mrs�. Spallman� aua3 e�i� y� . Hs.yfield�, on Mnnds�y, Ocbdber 16th, at 1.30 n•nlrock, cmviuv�nK �f rhe eob�o.�inR: s�x �x 924, Egptyg3'£pR OFF'LCE, SmmnQ $e�, �r. John McCulloch and �i�ugihter, pret,ty trri�iro ent.ered Lh� raom an the �age bY �ei• fathe�r, th�e �brid�e wa�s at- .t�t�,�l� gra�n��arnr, Danald, �ai fia.rrie,who dTen- y;.�' �oara�un avLt�, camv��te Wtnh svrirucrs and ��„d �,,,,,,�;a 3748-1 Mi.�,s I�la, spegt Tiianks�giving � d�ay rarm of h�r fa�the;r tvho gave h�e�r �iv� matitr�s� ;�ee�ns.�n .t�d�e : s c�tninu T«*m --- trac.2ive7y go»'neid, in� a.n. aftern�ann� Hrock mav� heen v;usi�Cnn� far tb�e pa.s�t two s'�' �t�a;ra: 2 refri�erabois; v�ritling dek: 3�k- ��_,gl� ��7 F�� q�g, �Lh �drs. Caldu•ell, of Win�gham. marriage. S�he ��ore a gown of teal of gTeen waol cxepe wi�Gh a�cces+�oQ-i;es ��,� �ath A�ns. McPl�artin's mod.her,. ;�,R ,nnu �va,;�s; pvau aak taY91e; several sma�l W:M,�t �.� ����.. p�y � M,is�s Ail�en loung, of Gra:n�o�n, �as blu.e cre,pe wif;� wan�e-colorad 1�a'� ��d a� y�er fl�owers were autum� flawera� Mas�. R. Sv�Lro�, nstuzn�d to their M �i`.;., �ns,l�le;: wlnv3ew Prames �nd sash; pair t>f �n�r.F gpM�3gvIS.TF, g q, ap,altion. reiu�rated after 114iV1Ilg spen�t � �ouple acce5sories and carrie�l a na�egay nf ���� �rernot3 anon� a�i trames; screen daors: z 3747zt of weeks ticit�h her aunt, Nfiss Currfe. th�e Qu�een Elizabe�h ros�es anui lidp of �tar a recep�ti�on �as hakL a'i�tin only �� a� w��,��p. FO@VLSUPPFI� ;r;� " ebixrm�er caa�i ou1 sico.,� w;eb ovens; oak }yq�_ g. Mil�ler is sp�ndting' thzs V,Yue val�ley�, ,,;t;ied with ]Qn,g y�ellow 'the iun�n�ediate relatives� presanh. The �,_ �,$ ��_ Oliv�r Geig�r, of �"�' �t�: �tc �h�� �om nat�e� 7eather uDhal- T A.DY �e La�:C �?oas� wmBg iN bridai ta,ble was Lovel•y w5th how�le� of �,pn�.q,aw F"a17�s a� 11dr. an�d Mrs_ Urd- ��v.. . . srt�ed crnxc+h : ch� h�d 5irnsrer sewiza� *na- L s� rouam. aw �+eracm i+nr svoa t,�ome and week with her n7ece, Mrs.. $a�tt�n, of strea�m�ems_ He�r onlq atte�nuiam�t �� Zurieh �rn� red rms�s amd w�l�ite tap�rs, anh.ile Lhe mu�n�� GeiS�ea'; uf Londo�, s�pea�•t ",v;� �: aro�v �� ��a;� �wYng m��ohine: �at �e�- ��e be r�m�w� No �- �sraheis�ea, h�em s�is�Lar..11BirS Louis�e B�k�er, i�n Pi� wed�dn�n +ca,ke grac�d th�e �ceat� af �'%�,` . 3 Piece ysordellain bath�.raom oub8�t „viith im,Ds: j�n 6o med ehiid Addrms 4eUhe�s ta Bb�c B'h3f�9d Cf'ep9 Wd2.h bLaek hfdL 3�' '.1C- g �7�IA�+$'iV621g WRRb. Mi. a,II'Cl Mre. O. — in — ;���� $ d�aPe,nrtse ruR$ � waiter )acket �heater e,Tnd 220, �POSI1'08 ON�°t(.'E. ��ilh�8 t3bI0, &INd &tYtU1lLI1 �l'eaVQ9 W'C¢`8 113�- ttmmk : 1.000 �aAPon Ame tu�mk : washinR ma. . 8745z4 cese�o�s�i�es. lier s�B�Y., � Yellow I'O'S' G��r �"� ���" �'w�. Pe'�er's �u� �� f'•.�; es, rea�rnbide�d thie brbd�'s. Mr. Frank ed� effeotively. Povring tea, wa� Dr. �,�, MB,rY �y�'P��;, of hh�e ataff i etx�e: ha�nd cucti�ng box: brwoaer stave: gIgpErJ Je�nni� 5mil�l.i�e, o�f 'Paron+to. Le:tier Mr• af fh�e Bautc of M�onrtneal, spen�t. �IIITCh ��:�^' ca�rom tatite; 2 w�rin�er.3; aroquet set: set of : ��.jg� pf j�[P,pg�py ��Il'd�E(j �h� bro- �� :; qmailm ; cvr.bain srset�her� : screcm f«r fire- and Mrs. �hepherd� l�eft fbr a we¢idin•g Thranl��givivg w�i.h t�lative�s ia Lan- — on — 3i:�.• ��oe: a�t�.a�tnn ��mnv: em�t� tam��; ann �bair: �$il� Newi Svvday, Octoirer 15Uh, anni- ther ae be�t man- Th� r'ec�P'tion� �o�' tri�p to Detrait, the brid�e tmav�elling iw d�� ;;; ' � ,t�,t,�: lS�fan�lt�ewa�[�e: P�otures, and numeroeg ve��sarp rervices w911 be h�e�ld a.t St. low�� fiihe c�err�mom'9; R"�,�� 1,he wed- a a�ant gi+ey ens2imbl�. Th�y� wi1�1� re- �L�HUR'�S'DAY� �iT. `L ��i�;. qtlhler �arhblw�. W. L. ME'II'CALF, Pwprietor: ,�TAN'ITED •PA pBRCgp�SF}—,yp,g1•I'� LEG- ' 14iT. 21I3'd H�t3. ("iIF].TOTtCE �i'hCph2tY1 Suppar served frortw 5 to '9 Q.iti. �, A�,�,Ut, rtr�L,��. a�as-i rr An�d�rew's Chvrch, Kipgen�. The �est ddtvg co111ah.ion..� served iv th�e board �,�de ir� TorouLo. AtLending �.he wed- ,a,n,� i�itt}e dau�gb��er, af Lontd'an, epen�t ;:�� �rn �nd � Sock �e� sena s�g�, �r the day, th�e Ftev. R. �R. sao�n gracerd w.ith� �chzysa.nth�mtum5, Program of Loqi TalenY ta!- �,;�g f„� �;�� ��„�� ��� gp� d'in� from Tor4nho were Dr. Jenmie �h�e holi�ay wi?ah Mz. an�d 11�rs. Jatvn ''"� MORTGAGE SALE p��SOH. ��• ��- a�95�t Cann�, PoPu}ar former F$�or af the y�e[low roges� and lily of the vald�y, in lowing Supper. �ri., anul Miss Margare�t S�miLlae,n af Ta.r- ,,r,�yh�.d,, pply(�8S{ON — 65c ant! 35c '�dvnEx aND Bx VIR'I'(JE OF THE POW- ���� ��'��OOz+ �'��1 receivE a mos�t cac` 1ove�ly 'bququetst Tlbe ba'Id�e's table ��, a.u•d Mr. an�d Mrs. J. 8. �Nsen�. M-r, and' �Fr�. �em �eks �nd chil- �, • _� daal wel�come. was very preCtY wSUl1 the Liered we�d- c�r� �+plemt Thamks+g�ivinig wi2h Mrs. �,, e� ot s�e �nc�,m� im a cPrna�n %or� PIOjDCI� FOr Ss'iI8 Mr, and Mrs�. Narnaan Lom�g and dauK ca.ke a� cendre, su�rraunaLed by Ecatte Whs�h w�tY ne nroduc�l art che t;ane of I Dinnen - Rader ���p �b� ia ParYchill. }F` s$�, tinere w;n be bff�-sd for �e by �au�gh�ielr, Jean, of th�e viLtage,` �pen4 four tall wb.i�e Laper"s in er�lver hold- �� ThomBs F�t�, nu��«neer, �$ e�''-'�so.°o ��sg' s�x-$ooM the w�eek-e�d with frie,nKis at Owe�n ers, ti�e� wi'th ,'white bowa im m�hich The home af Mr. and Mr�. W�i1lia.m� '��- A I� Ce�e, wJ�o re�can�tly un- ::� �� �a � e� ouud.�om. m Ord �� were spray�s o4 ths L�ly' oR th�e vaIley. Rad�er, Zurich, was �thie eethin�g ou S�at- '�erw�nit �a.� ape�ratunn a2 S�t. Jas�eph's j� at atreee, seatbraL 'rWv uws- ot�ecken honaa H'os�p'i�Cal, Lou�oar, iar �YBe removal oY Se�O� lfi��8�� �� YUBLiC AUGrtoN � ��v� m� Za6. E%rUst1'o8.. Dr_ an�d� Mr�. Wm. Lav�sen, of I:is� Bow1� af th� Qa�e�em Eliyab�ekh rnsea, uz^day at 2 p.m. of a lovelp auiumn `� -� 8'� tow�ei, �risi2ed at th�e hame afl hhe !at- m��'�� �' � a�d iily of the val- w,edaling w+h�en theix dm�u�ghter, Liilfa3: ���� an� Q,h•mat trovble, b� re� N�� ' o� �r,�eaaa9, oacober at9c. 1939. �at tt,e twur _ �.. �turn�'e�4 bo 1�er ih�me av�d fs im ro �10� ,;� of t.ao p.ra, at the farm .vf ber's vnotlxer, Mns. �. W. Gboper, of l�ey were us� at edt�h'eY en�d af tbe beeame Uh�e •bride of Viotar Dinnen, p ving .� �� xoBExT H. cRE�Iv Rna ��t�2. H. G.xEEN For Sale ar Rent t'h�e T.omidon Raad, durir�g #.hs ,pas� bab�e• A.s rt.ha bride's pa.me�ts, a,esiert- s�on of MT_ and Mrs. Diumen, of Oram �7°�'�'- �`S�; x�mv�n, on�a�o, w�ie�. J, � Ths deca�tte ncousred 'an 5t. Jos!� h'� e�d by Mr. e.n�d Mrs. R. J�a.me�s Wright, arty. Rev. E. TurkYreim offiviaxed. � (formerly W. E. Chapn+taa� �� Fidspi�tal i�f 3�on�dan om Tues� 1a,s�t ,;� �e &xl�oW;�a DroDei'tY. n"amg19� i�g g� ��'r -' �N ��M MS�ts Ruh,h V�ats�on, of Glinhan, vi� SI'�'�� ���r ���� �e �bride's M,rs. Ffzrry Hes� p]ayed CYHe weddi.ng � NOW OPERATEt! �Y "i� t�"k r�e "" a«�er'ct' S'�"� �'ti irt.� at �� fiome of her panents, Mr. mother wwra a dress of bl�ack crepe muafc. The bride wa,� atten�ded by of J�ahn Rdbertsan, a we�li kAau� and ;u,y . ALL AND SiNGULAit .those certadn Dar- Madern aoavcm6muees. BOD7s Hoz 215, E%- muceess�Pul farm� Of ih0 'P09a'�Sh9p �OY i'�;�. �� or �.� � aana ama vr�,i�ps, fi�te. POSIT6H, a�ai-tf e,zrcD Mna. C. Wats�an�, af th�e village, with silver t�Im, bl�.ck hah an�cl ear- ,ilre groom's sisier, M�ss Au�l:rey IIi�- Cap���� p py��. ��... , sage of the G2ueel� Elizabeth msegand �en, wh71� Mr. Hara`y Dinn�eu..wa.s riis Tu�eker�tmi�tfa, e� Tnn�s� 7(kth year, the \1L 1 l� e��-- 'h inK and beimR in the TO�iTS�FliD of Tweker- di7.17TL'g ih9 a�eek. i;;' �m�Ttfi, in the Cvunty af Hwron, and bzing A�RM FQH SALE 6!i RENT-120 AGRES, � P2� t76d wdLh s11V6t �ribbon. 'rh�e bnoth�er's groomsman. Griven lII �ID.ST- �����'� �� ���a $'�th �b�iIIg ,3?��.,,,p�a et; F mSAe e�c o�€ vvaawn, t.ota � a,Aa 5, tsth Mm. Olarenoe McLean, of Lanidon, We invite inepeetion of our r{i^ co„�e�.�n. 7t��t�cn � c�v. �re �nk �h the week-end at bh�e h�n.e e�f �'p�'� '��e'r n'as i•n w9n�e csalared ria,ge by her fah,her, hh�e brid�e was 'h� •trau�bt�. Mr. Rabec�ts�o�, a pari . Los xamner Eie�E+n, in ume 'n,;rd Ccmcas- barn. framne td�e. Pxce�ent �rnrn�E+1 v;�- nv- Mr. an�d M�rs. Allan� Jobnston, ef the ve}y,et, 'sv9th hat i�o match and a sam�i- Iovely in a fioor�length vwhi,tQ satin t°"c�lra.m'I4 s�ro�g av,d' ra�u5t mm.n �i�n stock of Genee4ery Me*Morials. ';'� r.ran �f t�ne :�nia T��•n�r,�n. z���na<m Roac1 Sar- i6o JEAN TETRNEB, Hoz �i�, se�to�. lar corsage�. I�ar Mr. and Mrs. �own, fas�hioned on Princess 1ine�s, �� ���� '�fe, ha.d be� aufferin,g fcsr BEAFORTH — TUESOAY8 6c :�;.�, �' �f,owrn 15ne_ ,,; , v<ry, oonxain_Ln� bv admr.asurement, one nvn= azasxa anK1 her tul,le �eil was ca.v�h�t with g°�e y�a.ns from, tl�e efflec� o�E a verp SATllRDAY� ?�,� area a,ores, more or �t�s. Mis�s A4�a,rgaret Caoper, of Toraudo, Wright left for trhe'ir hame in Schu- severe r'�e�ma�tis�tn tnonble anll which ' an �t,e �;�1 ra,-�, hh�,rr i, Ra,id M be er� i�+ �wpen�d'ing a fe��' d�a5�s at tkve 1�ame m�achzr, i.k�e brid�e aamm�ng a wi�ns r,o�l, qran�e blms�soms. She carrierl� a or any tlme by a�poi�4e�perti. �"�*'� ea � d��t�� tao,Le W:�un suibable ta,-rn buua- orEd wool co�t �hich she w re over �b�wer houquei of Swee�th�ea.rt rasas�. in time a;ot�d u�pan the heai�t.. H� -�Aas� sti;�;. oP ,her m+ather, Mrs. W. W. Coolrel-, 04 9' See Dr, Harbur� —&'hosae 1Q5 }n.s�, C'�[�S O� �lan�8 r her wedding ezxs�,hbe. S�he wore a�,{,�r a receptian was held, some lOD �' 8ba ��g ��e Mr. aa�d Mrs. k'eter �� The tanas tvill be �ala suvi�t to a reaerve � � t'h� Lor�d�on� Road�. RobEu�te�art, ot th�e Y2bh� cnneess3on of EX�TER: Phone 49; Sox 150 '� �;a. ��s. �N�,L�n�t ,cE,px� azzn Falviri,X Mr. Robert 'I�hamSbn�, oP th� Lonr ��ag'e' oY raae� an�� summer cypreae gUests bein�g pre�sremt, hh�s hou�� loak- N[t a n ��e Town�b�p af Tu:ck�:rsm�itb, �ubo�ut �� TERMs oF SALE OF FAR;VL-T�enty-five w;�r, �n e�,.nk �rrP Nt��ns ar�e �enesr a,om R�d, is among the la.L�t �t,o W.vth fern. Saturdap Mr, a.n�d� ' Mr�. 9�g very e�ective wi�h awtumn leavea blt per cgn�t of the pu.rch��.�e money tb be Daia many fe?e[� am1 ueaRh6nrs £er rffieik Tc6ad- -- , '�� �t che nme at' s�a,le, i�ht ir.ciwnce to t,� securea ne,a �f,v„n ta,a,n dnrrnR u�esr �rod ne�.•aoe- �ve e}.actrici�.y ins+talddd� in �hi�s Yvam.e. �a"�b�t were i� Tcuonto wh�ere the wi�al�e the h�t+a�da,l table w�.s graced �?�� • by a mmMrOaqe witlh �ni��,c ac fo,n rer oent. ,�„t: ,�, a, �,k �ge+. ,�. W. rb.,a;,,.r, ltQ�ias Etta Jarrott, bf Toron�to, �pemrt B�'�r was bemt m�an a�t �Uh�e w�edd�ding wit�h bow]s of reck ro�s�s a.nt� pin�k tao- e y:x, ver annvm. Rcv. A. �`. A.. �[�ies and Mr. James 'r_ 21�e w�ee�k-e'n�c� at the h�omie af h�er di M�'. E19 Thrnnp�o�n, bY Sehume:eher, �� .��nkered with tl�e wedcli,nig eal:e. '7� For further rart�ew�s�r9 ana oona'rt,'ams �o�f scott for �t,e Roaa renaerva. gn� tm am th�e ,���. �y.s. Ieaac Ja.rro�t�t, of tha vil� �► M�es Maa'gare�t Avsxen- For tbear wed�d5ng trip �th�ep m�Uored 0 � �,?. �.b}e. aPg1Y to who �loaned e�r; azttl far 8ana�1 t�bm6es. f��,, - 3745x1 I'�- to Ottawa, the bride travel�ling in a ,;;�,s - � cO�nrrrssrorrEx O�F' AGRICI7LTU$AL �� navy bl�ue en�semble and� acees�aries. ����� �� ����� ,,r, ��NS Mr. and Mrt�. ,iohn Cdo�er hia.ve �- �NSALL yr� � Lnrn,cxl 'tnome Fram th�elr Han�eTmoan They w�ill reside in Zurich wlv0re the � �'�;.. Da9t stock Parcli�a7n�ent Bndgs., Bijl�� triip e,v�d� are n�ow gettiwg ae�tt��,d; 5z� groam �is principal q�4 thre ;rublic �;�A 'Yoron�eo. ar��rao. ._ ---- Ulvei�r hams on t.he Land�oro. Raad. ArI conpon$ re�oaiTetip, from Good- �chool hhe�re. � RbULSTODr-,Fn Spdnes+. Aastam�. an Oct Mp�; �la�d+y�s .Fa.rrott, of the vi�li�ge, ��'a ra51I be red�emed� u�ntil Ontoaai' Miss Jvyce S�cruta�, Toa�a�to, was DATED AT TORONTO Uh�is 3rd ciav af Qeto- �Sth. eo 14Lr. at+d Mr.v (�. (. ��vaabm +..�inz. U is .,� , ,� ber, 29a�. a�as� eao arnl deasl�Tohn c�19�ec mad Daaaa m.nid €r5en�d� s�rc�nt the w�eek-�n� visit- �lert- a 'Ilbanksgz,'ving vis�i��ar witJl� Ler � a,;�• �;��,_ ixv� fri�en�d+s in Chr�thath. SDu�gb Kid�� mziprair y�aur -m,�othsr, Mrs. A. Sezvkoni. CL�A$.ING AIIC7'tON s� o�' Ft�xr�s, 114'�. Edi, Drake, of Enelrant, Ai�a., '�bbtr- ���+PS� �'waWay Actf�rn Mr. att�d Mrs. Ferriss C'ante�iou and Smatl R�o Sets are already np in price, buY our targe stocYs .�,_ �� Stxrck �.va in,mteme�n�s. �as. cra�m. �a� aRv�ived hom�e d+uring t'h� �ast wesk 4u'�1�'� �����' �'� �T�9�iO�tes tbe cYrildme4, oY Schromberg, w�ere hati- ���0� ¢��'+ $30A0 up sYill ropfesent t�he Low�est Price. Fhc., �om Ibt 26, Bayfield Lan� (�odierieh lbwn- 6to;r, iy, �t� n�o�eh af v�, an w�an�- _ -. owim,g to th� s�riuus i]ln�ss oY her SuWoneYs- LS'se Iiv�a,caps. Maddl�eh�'� d�,y vi�ai•toTa wi2h the Far�nner's ma �`', aav. odts�bem isnt�. $t 1.2 �maom. �,�rv, co�+�� eLnxKE-�Ea �ai�v. �n i�ao.,a�r. o�eober fafhuer, Mr. Wm. An�d�eraoan, of the vil- Drug S�boa�e. 3745-1 th�ar, Mns. D. A. Gan�talon. iL-ADIO 'I`i7B� �I.ECTRIC APP�f�1NC�ES'4 '' i�s �at �e �'aJlawing: iibraea--Grev aun�c�.i- ��.h, w��m �rca, en t�a v^�3. s�. Sip�ent N7a�t �. i. s+p�o'ne'u'rs e�uahre �r, ancl Mrs. St�av; T�+d�or have re- �►t�GHOIIS`E �l4ASH,ERS �RING SIIPPL� -`�'.;,,;� tmrat dYaxse 6 yearta o4d � btbwa aBritfult¢�!al �' CQ��i.i' �{T�$�$}$$ ' ,t,.; a��+e 9 scans +ata; ��d +�m a.gr�c,��tuTa� Mr. a.n!d Mrs�. Edi�nar Biirt�t, �af ,the and� d�ance � a.i� of R� CSro�ss SooSetY 'tuz�ne�i from a de�l�gihhYul motor tnlp GflLS[iN W�E�.� B-IILBS mxam�. oaituie�-x�n �ow a r�rs ata, aue viA+le�e, w�re iu� Se�afort�h du.rl�ng �th� 9� Hems�a,R Zbw� Fia.L3, k'rida.y, Oct. to Dnndaxs an�l� Taron4�o. �� mo �hsn Frtnva�rs z7�m : n,prn� �w 6 YA�tNA o pm,st. week awinr� �to tU�e ser'i�ous ili- I3t� �ucstxre 8'P.�- (�ood: ptazea Mra. E. Tam+a�n, of Lfe�ibwed, im vis- MT63 .�.�iGl'i"]' FJPI�SHEAS FAR.M M:A�NES _�. sa� +oaa, an�e nw �Er�,h+e,� s�s�9 zsth : n,u�►�a�y n � La.d'ies pzbvide �C°�C !t�(r"�S RFIPAIR PARTS ouPo s r�s ald, due uo tre�n�u nagy ara ; 2 ness o€ f�e Farmer'g mn�ath�r, Mr�. Mnrd�oeh � o���/ 9•Lin�g h�er pare�n.ts, Mr. awr� Mrw. Chas. �;,`'. 9�tem� �re a s�rs o�a. aue to freshen �9en*enral z�aifive� £zb� tlms� vSra�3tp Wm. 2�v�tt. Her ma,nry R�riends are �Iun�eSs. Genaral a�a�p�s4�on 26�. M�eBonmeld. � . + �vme '4(Eh; ,HldlsbeRn heFEer 3 reais oid, dne a447-2 ALL AFiE B£ti�1i�" SOLD AT TH�E LOW PRE-W�'R PRICE':� ' +a ��� n� zobt, : xdtsv�T �m a rea� '�6ev�d� 'CF� f�n�iat on� Mond�.1 oP pbea�ved to learv� Y;Uat ahe i� eom� M�ra. Jo�Yimr FJl�d�e�r hass been v��anted �' �i, aua rao sr�en ml�v i2nt, : r�tePn ooW v tihie T,e.�6e Luck�e R,eid, of Hay&ePcD. 7vhat imopro� �d i,n� h�m;lth, bY her siafiems, Dr. Jemm9e anid� Miss 1 � E+Irst J'as. �7cGlym�amt. o�f th�^ vi]- (���n� ��' Pas�e 1) - A amsabi �rpe praymer►t vrill hold any purchase until requirMl �; �ears �aaa, ane Hio fam-�irgtt �hTav igeh: ii heed Mrs. hL A. R�h�ral� i�aa retxirae+d Marg+are�t S�m�ii,bie, Toran�to. r!.: bens. At th� ev�e�7� se�rvice the ,,, e�u w�ua �,�ert3 �s;mx 2 sm�rs : v sn�nx af�her �P� a fart�tmigh�t wit'is rela- '�, erp,�n�t a Pew days at �h�e Yro�me . � M�. Agsie� Lammie and daugtuter, _ �: c�av�a; ioo wn.�ue i.egn+am t� i rea� oid. biv�ea� � Sb. SmAe�a �zra�no�tei book as h3s t4�em�e, ,•Un.fon �iss Grreta, were vis�i�ted an Sunday :�ON'T D�ELAY COME�TO-bAY ! ���:: ix�mnenta�-ay[�s�sev-x�-rffi tanaar �-�oot en� bf �'r �aa. Mr. Orvi,l�l�e MeClinaheY� Wib�, ChrFst,^ d'�tivemi�g a ve�ry in- �y.� an�er s-faot c�ac: Mfs$ey-�r- We amg em�rp 6o regort tira�t M�star •f �h+e Gostren Line, during h3ie �past r, � by Mrs. Roaidtrau�� am�d daugi�.Uer, ,� „ ' a� ibe�e �r�,ter „, Frr�.t sc wbkx� a�n : 2 Ja'hmmiy MrcUa�veJlt! i� trnd�r t�,e d� �� teresting a.n�d� �za$table dnsoourse. Ethet, �oY Tarov2o, Mr. an,d Mrs. Swifr � � �� : ��, �.a��.; s� dY,�� .�0 .�,e�� �� �e �Y2mdIllg ��j�e J OHN BACH a'i ; �; �teurr waiw�ns a2ow� cockaeutt rta�"�e ca�+e. . Mr. A�l�bert An�d�ersen�, �of Mar!Latte;� zear anal Mrs. Kemp, bY Kirkion. caa&le��' -WYo�v: -wwa�'an �rid �ha� rgek t uraver A�unrYv�em�amy' a�etTices avere Yreld ;n t wete h2r�. Geor,g'e Ax�� aIId Nlrx. � . timr. �iC Guer,nas aoan�: fam�n8 'milfi; bas- �th�e i7md�e�d Church o� Sm�+�bay. Rev.. M3�cfn.. £s spen�d�ing a few day� at 'tih�e Manrtl0 H�ed�eD�, af Hensa.li;, wbo cibn- �D ham�e of has brort.h�er, Mr. Wm. A.�mder- Married 4b Years , s,� �s �a�ck ; sr.e� t;rrha buQgr : Port- Mr. W�k�a, ai 3eafos�h, w+a� a.� t�butec} �he following sm"L�etiona�: tand 'r�atir�'r; ,a� M,ani�u,ba t�b �ne�rcha :�sz7 �oa, of th�e vil�la.gi, and al�s+a hds bro- �o,lo, '•An Eve�nfl�ag Pra9�er,•, Mrs� NLr. an�d Mrg. Jo�su FisU�r, hfghiy ��� ,���'iiA SEAFO�TH ,:: �iis�6ed ini fi,h� a�omnunrg bq Rev. Jo�t►a C�lmdmt�r �edrnm �n s�o'od runari:nq oraeT; De thaz', Arc�hhv:r, of t'h� bow•n� Lin�e. Hesa; duet, "H'ave Yo�u Se�n Sn the esitaam�erl resvde�nrt.� 04 H�eusall ve+ry La�o+a� � saaArc'a�'tw�,, 5bo tts. c�n�*v: G�+aA�at�, ite�Rla� ot 5i. Jotrnt:g Warch. - W. �M. S. Meets , �' ' ,� x,he�th�,facv: �'pbd.IDa�der: bPamc �na �as��tcle: M�r,.'UD+or�tem.am d'a�Sav�red tw+o ve�ry� good� G+arden With J�a�ns.'; spio, "The quretly cei�eibraCe�c1 ttveir 4bth w�ad�Iing ` 9li r�' �• roitauu t�rax: baR �,�etc: acutner: a,a�dk�res�es to a w+�Th BLled �sous�e bohh 'rh� �mis�ionary group g�athexeid� at Braken Heari� Mr�: Ha�d�den, and anm�ivers�,ry on T'h�an�las�givin.g d,3,�r, - � �� ,at gukrd as�,y �v,d trmam s�raw; wuao- �7�p ,h�n,e oY 14Lr�. FS.wlaysoro: for �their ol�osia� nv�nh'�r a du�et "The S�pring- Mon�dia�y`, Qet. 9th. Me�mibems Qf �Lh95r A�Uy' t� iwtdbd �nd 4um�beY : sc�e oY atinSfl : T"Yddtauu[Ag a.�'tG �+v�g. f� q,a9tcyg:� ��500 ��d �hs�nd �tirr4ci�,r 2 se� of Ho'!i<fiay' v�5�,o�: F{row Y.onx�an-- Oatotrer m�td,n�. The tYue�n,e far the t%me af tire S+m�L" M�se Gla,dq� L�ker fami,lp �presen,t for hYnLg acc�I�an� we�*e . e. '��$ ��� B�e e'ft`�'� �'�'�g' g� �' Nfir �im.nf�ie �Rafi�,we M'n�x�s Chuter �'orship aervice was, "The� (�acL �04 All 04 I�e�nisa.l� pa�esr`d�d a�t tl�e oaa�sal�e Mr. am�d Mr$. Les�ter �iah�ex and ��� . Dead ax�d Disabled A�n�mals ��r L�aree t�ria�nlc+�:" �et wxt�na. �otta,rs : a�.k � the Peapiea at t�e EartlY�.'' 1`he s�r- f�ar �these aa�mbers. Mis� Jdh�Btan� d�ren, Jacl� ancl (�ordo�, 1C4rs. Roy . b�f; 60a �,rrr�frels �ralt�: 90n �Uu�heTs mSzed �tnli bu+abit0r, �Iiobi' the T.apth2r]� t , gr,�n.r+: �s; olaa.� �nd w���tmarmes. Terme �a�rruilSl� Ma�. Aaa�a 1�,cNia�ghUain', Mr. v'iae b�eKan by �sin;girlg "A11 PeoFi�e arganfi�t, �raaid�ed� a� ih�e organ. Pabmes an�d danrgh�ter, Cyaa�oty�n, av ctif ,$�,'EMOV�'D PI�OMrPTLY �w �w�iii,iY�r xnu6�t b,e ����a ser tra- �d �]�r�. G:�o�r� Pi�gr�im,• iram �or 'T�art a� Eart�L�i T?o Dwa]d," an� read- Mis� Lometfi� B�II: la£i tbis+ weak far 'W,i•�dsor; Mi•s: D. L. T}�omps�on aa�d .� �,�v� ��d'rs�esa S'�+�ex� rs�r.nn� br ' i�rg r�repon,�ive�ly tive 96th Ps�.Lm. W� En6gd�em vr"ireme� �+he wiIl epend a cau- litt]e��an, Ranard, af 7Dai?onto. Y4r. HOY��Sy e;iLY��l@9 HOg99 ��C. -- (riOUY'�OUS ►.�@1°VI:L'8 � ,re�b�Yc�t� �a, �r�e�ve m�rk�t eg't; ���' '��5�: �r. ���. �y,�~p ied S�n pr2.ygr bY 14irs. T. N. For- �Ue of vv��ek�s wS�Eh rei�.tives. r�nd� rs. Fiaher were bhe reei�►ic�n4-s PH014E: 15 SEAFOtaTH, 235 EXEi'ER—CQLLECT, 1 r� , �� l,�:, �,� Y�ii�,�� A� �� s�ame ��t;r�ne C#a�rge Fo�t�r, Mr�. Stelek; Mm. H. �yd �; reh� fa�cm �h+t��r.o�r,rs�6f�� +rP io� �.�Ghv�e�➢ w441i �� 'p+ar�ex�tsr 1�t�r. �.nrc3 �"'f )y. '1`]1A ke�ad�er, Mrs: Ch�a;nHier. Mr,, an�d Ma�is� A'ibei+t p�.e�mare, of of m�at�y T,00elY �gift� from ��nem.i�are �' �"� ,� �,,,� Tar�i�a w�71 ��'�'�� �r �ei 1\2ns. R2iGhrare�.. 11�. �i. Fiunter anc� r�ad Bi�ivla pa:�s+�ge� flrom th,e a*tat� Dei�lxi, �evit 1�i�� we�k�enRL' with Mr, of th�eir fa�n�ily a,nd, ri����� �� bAI�LIIe�G �1�Tll CO. U� CANAD�. L�. , � ma�t � o � �' �� �f� t���ta�� err� br�c . 7t�fiPf� +da�ltg�€� 14f��nn1> ar,c�tim�'iec� � rrf Isaiah o£ �abyl�an " i.n� whirah a�� lY�rsa ��aa �r�e. , e�ro �'atu�l�ati�an�� �€ram bhair • has� of " . � �"i�Bs26 �dib� r � �`es29i+3'k b � ` � � h �"e� � ffF�,Yri a� t� y� £xi�. , , "R,�]�7; v�e�te�l �las�t wees�-�t1 npl��hor� a�nid� fri�en•�s. x� ita� prap4ic�t �dE Ch�e Eic%Le b�rought 11�i� M. �Icy �,�h �' }n�s��c'�,n�b � a�"�+�err, � ��y�t �,'' �1f T�fi�b�n�r, ���tl°l�s�ge of tlgt'ave�r•f�t'llr:e. 7�h:e raI�6 tTi fia�n� v� ��. M,arY�g ' Mrr. armd� Mr�. E. t�orM; and �,�� ��!apthh�la �� �a�st�s �t �s�n�M `� . 'w�i� Ts �. S` f�.m- � � �, � �,t , ^ „ � � � e, �� �{ i � � � ' 1 ;4 { r t. �n � . . . . , ' , ' .. ' e ; : � � � , . . . . . � � � � 7�7 t; v .�, f ., , . . t i i . A i . 3� �a . �,� ;� r � �� " � � . 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