HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-09-08, Page 8'i'rrl Ssr,a�;S! �jdi ; l IIp kfi Ex1p osI•FOI'te • yt itt Yl, 'ESOT IS CHEAPEST 0 GALLON R VEGETABLE SOUP i th 1 >s nA�F�•Pats Lilt; DALE ORANGE PEKOE Nene better 38c . • pound r7 , yti'I'431tA3'0 JUTCFl--2ti oz. size 25c `Llinsl 29c 22c -ii`' S TOPS—That seal tight .25c 2�5c ,n? WAN DOWTI CAKE FLOUR 'tt'age *INC RINGS FOR JARS Dozen 14* siEBLSRITE PECTIN --Foor Jam avdl jellies; 8 -oz. bottle iOTI►A1k Peel' Y MAKER ULIFLoW'ERI--large and white; each ' "LY -GO its death on fifes. 16 -oz. bottle WASH BOARDS—Zinc Eac PPED SOAP bars FLUSHO--Cleans toilet 20c 15c 15c 30c 35c 25c bewis 21c AA.RBUL CARBOLIC SOAP 15 c 4 cakes MASTER POULTRY COiN- CENTRATE--Cwt. $3.20 A. C. Routledge PHONE 168 WE SPECIALIZE NEWS OF Tut TOWN Announcement. --Mr, and. Ml's. Les- lie Ratz; Mitehelll, announce the en- gage;nent of their eldesit daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Bernard' Sandford, eldrast son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. McLean., Kipper, the wedding to take place early in September. iN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service Also ente for Ontario Thresh- erme Mutual Fire Insurance. 1 {co -metier' gladly given. A num • r of desirable properties In t2pafo . h and district for sale. WATSON & REID Ail- A. REID - Proprietor lone 214 - Seaforth SPECIALIST IN ALL LINES OF I•N.SU RANCE Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mason, Hullett, announce the engagement of their yioullgest daugh- ter, Gladys McWilliam, to Mr. Arthur George, younger son' of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alexander, of McKillop, the wedding to take place the latter part of September. 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 S. T. Holmes &' Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 O O 0 S. T. Holmes, residents 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone O O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. O O Ambulance Service O 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O • rent. 0 O Night calls, Phone 308 - O +D Day calls, Phone 119-J O 4 Charges moderate. O 0 12-87 0 0000000'0.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 - O 0 0 0 H. C. BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Licensed Embalmer O O O O "" ' Ambulance Service 0 ® Hospital Bed O 0 with adjustable rachet oper- O 0 ated spring for rent. 0 O Night Calla Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 +(°y 12-81 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE SECOND DWI ION COURT COUNTY OP NUR i N Mee hi the Domwwion mS tng. Seaforth. Offices bon day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.E0 p.m. Ila F p.m. Saturday evenins. 7.30 p.m. te. 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Hays & Meir, and the addition of their companies to our previous feeil- *ties enables as te give unexcelled service in all limes. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10.47 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL TIRE INSURANCE C(YY• IIEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. 'Thos. OFFICERS: Molten, 5 Se o+ th - Pres. Knox, Ladtlde'eboro • Vice -Pres. 'iilrtlon A. Reid, Scarorbil • See.-Treas. DIRECTORS: W*IItam Rata, Londesboro; George . rdt, Btddbakgetn; Proadtoot, Com*.. . y telAAlex. 'ex. Proadto t, -. R. . Restart/I:: Alexander' McEwing, �..i, HIYth; Frank McGregor, R., R. ML; Samoa Ertl fee, Walton; Moylan R. ii." 5, Seatar+t : A•re ►tt�, ld, E R. 4, Seca- I11ban: Congratulations and Best Wishes. —Many friends in Seaforth and vicin- ity will join. The Expositor in ex- tending congratulations and beat wishes to Mr. Sydney Jacobs, who, on Monday last celebrated his 95th birth- day. Junior Women's Institute To Meet. —The Junior Womenfe Institute will Meet en Wednesday, Sept. 13th, at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. J. M. Scott. The roll'' call will be answered by a good law. The ' topic will be taken by Mr. H. G. Meir, and a demonstra- tion on "How to make a will," will be given. Death of Former Seaforth Minister. —Many former members of his con- gregation, and other friends in Sear - forth and vicinity, will' regret to learn or the death of Rev. D. Rogers, retir- ed Methodist and United Church min- ister, which occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Marlatt, in London, on Wedscesday of this week. Mr. Rogers had been in 111 health for the past two years. He was 84 years of age, and 62 years of his long life had been spent in the ministry, most- ly in Western Ontario, where he was widely known. Lake, is a vitiator at -the home of his mother, MM. J. P. Reid. o M•r, and elra• Ham Stewart and Masts Davidson left this week oe a holiday trip down the Saguenay Riv- er. • Mrs. William Geiger, of Spring- ville, N. Y., end Mies Lillian Dan- heiser, of Buffalo, were guests this week at the home of Mr. Alex Gray, Egmion'dvdlle: • Mr. 'Bain is. now occupying the residence pa Jarvis Street, which he recently leased from Mrs. F. D. Hut - c blind. • Miss Hazel Reid was in' Toronto lase week. • Mrs'. E. C. McClelland, of Toron- to, is visiting at the home of her nuotber, Mrs, IL S. Hays. • Mr. and Mrs. Faed Chesney, of Bay City, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Ruseoe Farm, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Alex McKean, in Hamilton • Mns. Rider and Mies Rider, of London, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith- • Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain and Mies Manion leave here this week for Los Angeles, where they will spend six weeks. • Miss Coral Lea Graham, of Dear - bane, Micdbdgan, is a guest at t'her• home of Mr. and Mra. D. H. Wilson. • Mrs. J. A. Rose, who has been ispending the past month with her mother, Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, Inas re- turned to her 'home in St. Catharines. • Mr. John Grummett has return- ed after spending a Pew weeks at Kin- cardine. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw had as• their guests last Sunday, Mrs. Lyla Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Haney, of, London. • Miss M. B. Currie, of Cromarty, spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. • Miss Dorothy Drover has return- ed from a two weeks' holiday spent in Detroit. • Mr. Charles Hays, of Windsor, Mr. Hector Hays, of Walkerville, and Mr. Gordon Hays, of Detroit, spent the week -end with their mother there. • Miss Barbara Reid, of Stratford, spent last week at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Mr. James Birecllsin, of Toronto, was the guest ,of Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Ohesmtey last week. • Mr, and Mrs. Joseiih Grun mett, Danny and Margaret, were in Toron- to this week. • Mr. 'and Mrs. W. R. Shaw, June, Bert and George have returned from a week's motor trip round Lake Erie on the American side, visiting friends in Detroit and Flint. o Miss Merle Keating is visiting with Toronto friends. • Mrs. M. Desburough, R.N., and daughter. Miss Ne1cy, of Dearborn, aril Miss Mary Brett, of Detroit, spent a few days with Mrs. Desbor- ough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eck- ert. • Mr. and Pers. Fred Eckart, of Eginondville, .held a fancily reunion on Sunday lash, when his son, Mr. John A. Eckart and his wife and his four daughters, Mrs. Fergus Horan, Mrs. James McQuaid, Mrs. Albert Cronin and Mrs. John Murray and their 'hus•bands and some of the grandchildren, enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. • Miss Julia Kenny hra,s' returned to her 'home from Dublin after spend- ing a week with• her brothers, Messrs. Philip and Frank Kenny. • Tee • Misses Angela, Besisie and Claire Eckart, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Eckart, have resumed their duties at their respective schools in Carrick and Brant Town- ships, Bruce County, 'and Hibbert Towne hip, Perth County. • Mir. and Mrs. Nelson Gov'enlock, of Weterford, sipent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. The M'uss'es Lois ad Jean Goviemlock, who spent the summer holiday's here, returned with them on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Crich, Miss Margaret and Miss Helen Crich spent the week -end in Toronto. • Mrs. S. Phillips, of Cleveland, was a guest lash week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenrlock. • Miss Marion Scarlett, who bas been spending the school holidays at the home of her father, Mr. Robert Scat -lett, returned to Fort William on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Donde and son, Mr. C. Clayton Dodds, of Chicago, were vieoiiti•mg this week at the themes, of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds in towns and Mr. Thomas Dodds in McKil'I•op. • Mr. Jake Sproat, of Temagami, spent the week -'end at the home of ,his .mother, Mrs. Jlames Sproat. • Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P., left on Wednesday to attend the special ses- sion of Parliament at Ottawa. • Miss Bess Grieve has, returned to Chathiam to resume ber duties on the Collegiate staff. She was accomlpan ied by leer nephews, Messes. Tom and Russel Grieve, of Windsor, who have been spending their 'holidays at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Grieve. • Mrs. R. E. McKenzie and son, Donald, and Mrs. H. M. Chesney were in St. Thomas this week. • Mise Margaret White, of Toron- to, is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. White. • Miss Gertrude Oriel* has, return- ed to Toronto after spending her holidays at ,her home hero. Married in Clinton.—A quiet wed- ding took place art Clinton en Satur- day afternoon,, Sept. 2nd, at the On- tario Street Parsonage, when Kath- leen Janette Cameron., eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Camer- ae, Clinton, became the bride of Her- bert Glendon Lockhart, son of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lockhart, Gode- rich Township. The, bride was be- comingly attired in a gown of May- fair' sheer with a sheered bolero in a darker tone with navy accessories. She wore a corsage of Talisman ros- es. The couple were unattended and left immediately after the ceremony for northern points, Rev. G. G. Bur- ton officiated at the marriage- On 'Monday evening, Sept. 4th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh'Cameron, Clinton, a dinner was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs,. Gbernnclon Lockhart. Members of both, the immediate fern - were 'present. -'Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ the New -Born King" Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr,, . Hurford. -11 a.m., "A War -Time Beatitude"; 7 p.m-, "I Sat Where They Sat." Sunday School at 10 a.m• Northside united Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. -10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., The rededication of the church organ; the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; 7 p.m., "Music As An Element of Worship". Organ- ist for this special day, Mr. Franklin Legge, of Toronto. Thursday, 7.15 p.m., Pre -Communion service. First Presbyterian Church—Sunday School at Hi a.m.; morning subject, "The Ultimate Purpose of God"; ev- ening service, "Hope Born of Experi- ence"; mid=week meeting Thursday, at 8 p.m.—Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Egmondville United Church—Sun- day School at 10 a.m-; morning sub- ject, "The Hem of Christ's Garment"; levering subject. "Jesus' Teachings." —Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Minister. LOCAL BRIEFS • MIss .Jessie Gill'espte, who has been sipendlhg the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Neiry Gillespie, lett Tuesday for Harbor Beach, Michigan, where sihe will spend a few days prior to returning to her :home in. Brandon. ' • Mir. and Mrs. Feed Chesney and daughters, Peggy and Regina, of Bay City, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Huglh Chesney. • Dr. Read Edmund's, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mire. John Edmunds and family, of Mitchell, spent the week- end eek- end art the theme of their mother, Mrs. W. G. Edmunds. • Mrs. G. D. Haigh and Miiss Mary spent the week -end in Niagara Falls. • Mr. Lorne Hutchison and family, of Toronto, sipe'nt lest week with his mother, Mrs. F. D. Hutchison. • Miss Effie McLeod, of Detroit, was the week -end guest of Miss Mar- garet McLeod. • Mrs, R. J. Twitchell, of Brandon, is visiting at the homes of Mrs. J. Patterson and other friednde in town. • Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh, of Ingersoll, spent the holiday with Sea - forth friends'. • Dr. and Mrs• S. McGowen,, of nonto, spent the holiday week -end at home of Mr. and Mrs, James Hagan. • Mr- Frank Golding has metn'r'ned from Saginaw. • Mr. and. Mrs. J. G. Mullen have returned from Muskoka. • The Misses Margaret and Elsie Drover have successfully passed their summer school, examidaratiion'si at Ham- ilton: Miss Elsie has been rereiigag- ed as teacher art the Red School, Tuckersm'ith, and Mise 1Margaret Wiill teach at Sprout's, school. • The Misses Margaret, Janet and Aroma Watson have returned Monne at- ter fter srpenldin�gg a few days with relar- th ee in Oshawa and Whitby and at- tending tlitr TOrontro Ehdliebftlom, • Mit antic Meet Ge4eige E. Perrgti- StYte 44♦is Tbiti7frfbe 01)6ltr' the litoatye d the ,iM etee rergllg5#4 E ► o Itht1>t[ ii ro Yw ' �•t fxr 14 � • Mr. and Mrs. E. Forrester, of Port Lambton, were the week -end Vests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mole. • Miss Ria Hills, who spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hills, bas meter midi to Toronto to teatime hem duties on the city public stetted etas. • Miss Florence Laidlaw has re- turned to `fotion'to after spending the holidays at the 'home of her mother, Mrs, J. O. Laidlaw. • Miss Ethel and Mr. Ronald Mc- Kay, e-Kay, of the Toronto school staff, have returtled to the city after spending the holidays at their home bare. • Mrs, Casemore, of Belmore, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mole. • Mm. and, Mrs. Thomas Butters and faintly, of Dublin., ,spent Sunday - with Mr, and Mrs. William Hart. • Mr. Wilfred Lento*, Misses Massy, Cwroiyn and Kathleen Holittee and lleLiser Praaleee M ttleeWs' aped to dAy et the ferillilte) lydlsifa'onl last 'peek. • Mader Kitty i tglfet Mtn. lt. •91 lr al Coal nap ! BEST QUALLTY ANTHRACITE COAL September Delivery Standard or Nut Size si i en per ton (Haul your own) Delivered In town per ton 31220 ALL PRICES CASH J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 SEAFORTH 3743-2 ton, sipent the week -end with his gra'ndpa?rents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews. • Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney, of McKillop, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sharpe, • Miss Bethune has returned from Midland. • Me: and Mrs- J. W.'•McWi714am1 and Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Dnriley and two children, Dolores Anin and John Dav- id, of Toledo, Oleo, were visiting Mrs. McWilliami's sister, M'i'ss K. Ke - hoe, over the holiday. • Misses Ida and Eva Love, wen spent the holidays with their mother here, have returned to Toronto to re- sume their duties on the staff of the city public schools. • Mr. and Mrs. Merman Teck and two sons, of Saginaw, were week -end guests at tate 'home of Mr. and Mr's. W. H. Golding. • mr. and Mrs. Ed. Matthews and two children, Peggy Lou and Jackie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker in Clinton. • Mr. and, Mrs. J. F. Daly were .n Toronto this week. • Miss Mary Kling, R.N., of Ham- ilton., spent a few days this week with her mother here. ' • Miss Lois Darroch, of the Park - dale Collegiate staff, was a week -end I guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKelIar. • Mr. and • Mrsi D. J. Neville, of Talara, Peru, Miss Mary Neville, Miss Florence Smith and Mr. Eugene Nev- el i1t I'lile, Saani% were holiday week -end guest's; at the home of Mr. 'and We. J. M. McMillan. • Mies Margaret McKellar has re- turned' to resume her duties on the staff of the, Palmerston CoLagiate. • Mesers. John Beattle, W. J. Dun- can, M. A. Reid, Malcolm Reid, Bev. Clrinistie and Lorne Dale were in God- erich on Monday, playing in the God- erich dlub's Labor Day bowling tourn- ament. M'esesre, Christie and Dale ware the winners of the fourth prise. • Miss Isabel McKellar has re- turned from a m'onth's visit with friends in Lindeay and Toronto. • Mr. Gordan Bender has moved. to the residence owned by Mr.. E. L. Box on Victoria Street. • Mies Mary Forest, of IIamilton•, spent the holiday week -end ,at the home of her father, Mr. John.•Fores't• • Mr. Donald McGregor, who has 'been s,mvi'mmi.ng instructor at tiht Lions swimming pool during the past summer, returned to 'h'is home in Sar- nia on Wednesday, prior to resuming his studies at the O.A.C., Guelph. • A rally of Huron Presrbyterials wilt be held) in Knox Church, Gode- ridh, on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, at 9.30 a..m. ' • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate and Kenneth Southgate are spending a, week in Manitoulin Isiland. Miss Lillian Southgate, wee has spent the. summer there, will return with them. • Mesers. Neville McMillan and Miles McMillan speat. the week -end in Sarnia. Farmers Attention We will pay Highest Market Prices for your Coarse Grains PHONE 15 Or write— Roe Fasces Milling Co. ATWOOD - ONT. 3743-1 INTRODUCING J A CK'S SHOE & HARNESS REPAIR in BARRY'S FORMER SHOP W. .J. THOMPSON SEAFORTH - ONT. UNIVERSITY EXHIBIT WesternFair,Se pt.11-161939 One of the most attractive features at the Western Fair in 1937 and 193$ was the UNIVER- SITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO exhibit on the second floor at the east end of the Manufacturers' building. Thousands' of people visited the exhibit and found it intensely interesting. It will be in place again this year in an enlarged and inr proved form. Do not miss it. Young •people who are looking forward to a university career should not fail to see this exhibit. HELP YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER TO A POSITION ! Do not expect your son or daughter is going, to secure a position without specialized training. At very small cost, they can qualify as stenographers and advance to executive positions. Through a simplified system of Shorthand written in a b c characters, it Is possible to qualify inside of 3 months. home-study—class 'instruction if desired. Hundreds of students through- out Canada are using this sys- tem to advantage! We also teach Freight Traf- fie and Telegraphy, Write .for FREE descriptive folder with- out' obligation. Dd, it NOW. CASSAN SYSTEM Dept. 31 TORONTO 9, ONTARIOi it { IY I t i dliil'1. (ar� CONSTANCE Ameeme. The \V. A. and „ W M. S. of Con- stance Ur :ted Church are holding theirman,ihily meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. E. A. Menzies at Len+drsboro, on Tuesday, Sept. 12. All lutes of the congregation are re- quested to attend as plans for the fowl supper Will be made. Please note the change in ,date. Miss TYcaelda Adams has resumed her duti,'s as teacher on the staff of the,Clinton public school. Miss Ad- ams was eJeees'sful in obtaining her certificate in elementary vocal music as taught in public schools, from the U'nivers'ity- of Western Ontario. Mr And'enson Bell spent Labor Day in Toronto, where he attended the Exhibition. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Britton, Misses Helen ar:d Edith Britton asd Mr. Archie Hoggarth attended the Mc - Rorie reunion at Ipperwash Beach, Government Park, on Labor. Day. Mr. and Mrs: Guy Cunningham and two daughters visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter, of near Auburn, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Adams, Londes- boro, were vi•seit.ors with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter on Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. Andrew H. Reekie and two daughters, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Brit- ton. Miss Jean Anderson left on Mon- day to atttiend a school of business :n London. Mr. Frank Tice and Miss Owen, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mr. ands Mrs. Ross McGregor. Miss Phyliss Medd was in Niagara Fails on Monday with Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Cook, of Clinton. Mrs. A. Colson (nee Isabel Jamie- son) is in Scott Memorial Hospital, where she underwent an operation for a ruptured appendix. McKILLOP The W. A. andieW. M. S. of Duff's 'Church, McKillop, held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Eldon Kerr with a good attbndan'ce. The president, Mrs Wm. Shannon, presid- ed. Hymn 28 was sung and was 101 - Lowed with prayer by Mrs. Craw. The first Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. Arnold Scott and the siecond, by Mrs- John"'Gordon. The roll call was responded to by a text on 'Thanks- giving.' The minutes were adopted as read. The last chapter of the study bock was taken by Miss Vine Murdie. Mrs. R. N. Dorrance sang a solo and Mrs. Chester Henderson read a poem. ' The 'meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison and singing "God Save the King." Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Eldon Kerr and her committee, Mrs. H. Mc- Ilwaini, Mrs. George Wheatley and Mrs. John Kerr. Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler and Manny Koiehler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Beebach in Fuller- ton. • Mr, and Mrs. Nnrnaa'n Fishier and son, of Fullerton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler and •Mr. and Mrs. Chas Regele on Sunday. Mr. and M:a. Henry Koehler re- turned home after spending two weeks nth their dlaughdterr, Mrs• An- drew Steinaa:cher, ien Stratford, Mr. Charles Talmage, Misses Ruby and Ruth Steinacher and Harry Stein- aeher visited at the home of Mr. and ,Mfrs. Win• Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele and 1!r. and Mrs. 'Henry Koehler visited with gr. and Mrs. Wm. Grosse at Blyth on Wedlniesdlay. Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mnse. Joseph Rhine at Walton on Sunday. Mr. arnd 'Mrs. George Regele and sons, Rosh, and the Misses Amanda. and Marie Hoegy spent the week -end' in Niagara Falls. Mr. 'amid "Mins. Charles Eggert spent Sunday with Mr. amid Mrs. Edwin Glotsler at New Hamburg. MTS. A. J. I3leuthier amid daughter, Dolrtothly, reitwrndeid hiom!e to Mo,rraston en Sunday after ropenldtlnig their vaca- tien with Mrs. ,Chas. Eggert. Min Edward Doerr ands ,,,,Mr. and Mrti. Fred Hoegy, Leota amid Lavern Hoegy! spent Sunday with Mr. and Mine Harvey Reldhead at Kitchener. lefties Evelyldi Hoegy, of Clinton, epernt the holiday week -mad at her thome Metre. Mr. aaid Mrs. Carl 'Mickel and fam- ily, of Fullerton, vteih,ed with Mr. and Mrs. Normae Bennewies on Sunday. Miss Peggy. Farrow, of Mitchell, re- turned biome On Sunday after spend - beg a- few weeks at the home of Mr. and, Mast Wm. Hoegy. Mr. Add Mee. Henry F. Bknieermnann are adttedlid4mg Toiteito Exhibition, al- so *biting alt Niagara Fa,11is, Mn amid 'Mrs. Jerry Doerr and flam- Ely epemlt Mendes with Mr, amici Are. John Duerr at Gadebill. 4' 7 t- r r .e t . J i e z �I,:, l•it,: tee „ SEPTEMBER 8, 1939. Regent Theatre Seaford' "COOL" — Air Conditioned NOW PLAYING Edward G. 'Robinson Paul Lucas "CONFESSIONS OF A NAZI SPY" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY One, L.o-n.g LOUD tofB ;OATO'BRIONOAN BLONOELIAVAIINE MORRIS MAY ROBSON • JANE MIAMI • STANLEY FIELDS ODE sosegu er • Sloan TOLD 0lteotdA,iY LEiYis SERER • Presented by wisina BROS, soj.. War .by la,r Wald ..a dddaard' Macaulay • Prom an Q.IY.d 307 to owe. i...e. • A Kra Natlaaal Plow* NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIAL SERVICES Northside United Church SUNDAY,. 'SEPTEMBER 10th Mr. FRANKLIN E. LEGGE, OF TORONTO will preside at the reopening of the organ. In addition to rebuilding the organ, several new stops have been added, including the Chimes, so with an organist of such well and widely known ability as Mr, Legge, this should provide two interesting services. — Morning Service — 11 a.m. — THE REDEDICATION OF THE CHURCH ORGAN ORGAN PRELUDE•—"An'4ante From Sonata" Basil Harwood OFFERTORY—"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire" J S. Bach POSTLUDE—"Toccata" from Fifth Symphony Widor Evening Service — 7 p.m. — SERMON—"Music As An Element of Worship" ORGAN PRELUDE— (a) "Evensong" Johnson (b) "The Angelus" Maseinet OFFERTORY—"Bened'ictus" Hubert POSTLUDEi— "Overture of the Magic Flute" "Fin'al'e to Sixth Symph'ony REV. H. V. WORKMAN, MINISTER Mozart Tchaikowslri 1110.- ORGAN RECITAL MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 11th, 8 p.m. MR. FRANKLIN E. LEGGE, GUEST ORGANIST Assisted by Northside Choir. SILVER COLLECTION STEEL AND STEEL PRODUCTS HAVE TAKEN A SHARP RISE IN „PRICE. WE ARE VERY FORTUNATE TO BE ABLE TO OFFER YOU A LARGE STOCK OF MACHINES AT THE OLD LOW PRICES. THIS STOCK INCLUDES LARGE STOCK OF NEW WESTINGHOUSE, COFFIELD, ELECTRIC MAID, GILSON AND SUNLITE WASHERS. e•s�. WE HAVE A FAIR STOCK OF ELECTRIC WIRING SUPPLIES AT THE OLD PRICES, AND WE CAN TAKE ORDERS ON ALL FARM MA- CHINES AT THE PRESENT• LOW PRICES FOR NEXT YEAR'S DELIVERY. YOUR ORDER MUST BE PLACED WITH US AT ONCE TO BE ABLE TO PROTECT YOU AT THE PRESENT LOW PRICES. John Bach Main St. EAFORTH l i I f J WE'VE GOT THE qUiCK-STARTIN GASOLINE You start seconds faster on Shell ! (and that means you save gasoline, too). It's just one of several important advantages resulting from Shell experience in ' 56 different countries throughout the world. Fill up at our sealed Shell pumps and notice the difference. H. Weston GODERICH 'ST. WEST SEAFORTH, ONT. id r4 ,k'• d iia k 1 t C ,. ,F r V , i � i / ii 4 , n .R ' ..,rt t,r, .. t.: y: t 1 Bi'� F r f t et / .-: 1, y, A yi4iy .Y ri f aa b. l re