HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-09-08, Page 4r.�,.;. etre ,; =r ,r ,, _- .,. .. ,..,,: <. ,.n rl r. , s , �� r
Tl 111, { l.� Y,� ) 1 ., '6. '.ty„ lay,.{.!: ':n br:.l G'. .IN"'i, '�. I. b' .d T..,
1.� ,: h I r., .�< . , :,...
. 04 A h'eale'r a ttacli Mr. Soldran w s >�Y
qtr t,'z„+t t;„�`•:, y The followdn no2lce ' e to a•'"benleft of 1V. T.�,.elrslaloe, :
Ipopular' pit- .w�w■■arrw.wo■wns
'� iii"+ ;r l , il' rjAM semlO�retk .to ivls 13ome and passed' former re�widen of Dublin: "The fu. nr cher of the H;etl'k tetvllp w� recent
e°' 'h5�ggi , , ` i 4 + P , 1 ,4 i daway dwdng tthe night. The sympathy eral of Mrp. J�s'ep'h Evans was held lyi +had the misfortune fin Pra�cture hria
11 y � , .4,g -, tri `' ' '' g
L �gvg a of the •eorumuaity is extended to the from the Man Funeral Parlors, Lin- arra (during a •dame held at Mintom PV! �
1V1 l tt family, nolo Ave., DeEitoAt, to St, Macy's Harvest FLoine •servirels wti12 bei{lett klrrd,q Y`%'i�'i}�.lc f
t, „it;r t ' R th°P1. Mr. anal Mrs. W, Gowiug and Miss Church on Wednesday, Aug. SOOL De- -held in S't, Pain's Augideaut, Church k
{ ' fi d%) t f{, ` " `'P0 a Grace Gowin'g, of Glen Allan, aecom- ceased was formerly Miss Minz+lie Wit- on Sunday, Sept l0tth. The guest
11�01{lt{, il( 1 �, ,,, died Ads Will be inserted at new low cash rates ' paused "'by Mr. Roy Goodwin, of ldams, daughter of Mr. acrd Mrs. Sas. •speaker at tibia morndn;g' iservic�e at 11
,1 3 , ”'}' } i Moorefield, and Mr. and Ntrs David William s, fosrmer residents of Dublin, a.m. will be Canon Wa�ace, of St. Bch
r %!L t`tiGi1.�>Lto, yPsnted, Lost and kotlud, Gretna Stia+atRe, Ste. -.%a ,,,, Davidson and baby, Dalton, OY Stint- out. Mrs Evans was a native 2if Jaunes' Chinch, Londoab
�iw,° iii, �tr�' r�' 3y; andl Rev. Dr. arc
i Qagait Pori, visited Sunday wdCh Mr. and DubTdia, but has speai2'rtlle girater pant Anderson, of Uondan, wti11 be rile ev- chi'.
s r 1 ` , g . , 2nd w week • • • • • . • • • •. • •... • • • ........ % Cheat Mrs. Win. Davidson. of 'her life in Detroit, Thirty years -ening speaker. The tea scheduled for sta
,� =t �, ,' Minimum th-Im first insmth7M ...... is Oen Mr. and, Mrs_ Henry Squire, of To- ago she was married. to Joseph Ev- next week has been postponed dnr Z wit
t . Each $�,,.� �, and counts ffi see roils; Mr. and Mrs. AM: E•Iliott, of ans of the Municipal Count, 1�etroit_ definitely. S&hc
ri. 4 , Kx4 the
r�I �r '�kaxd of Thome, In McMwtam Natke0—a cent � �wooL a bo cents yet. pee, Mitchelll, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Robin- S'he is survived by ]lea husband, two A veterans parade and drumhead the
?Y a-
'l.,i k3laCnitaes may be directed to s Box Nna safe of Tin $ �yo■ttor, low 10 cents son and family, of Mitchell, visited sisters, Misses Nellie and Alice Wil- service will be hejd in Victoria Park,
yA, rt r sd rattM Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles li.am,s, Detroit, and three brothers, Exeter, on Sunday, Sept- 14th, at 3
�r r Tem cents additiomail pet. week v&I be cid id.' ed. Mtn &hoot chose are not Mead b7 the Robin*ao, Joseph d Thomas, of Detro t, and p.m., when den branches of the (unto*
4+y; S�turilrav night im the week in wtnYr& •the ad w9e ran. a>�
Birgie Marriages and Deaths dnaesbed lies of abestgd The teachers of , the two public John R. Williams, of Chicago. Mrs. d+tan Legion Willi take pact. The guest PARENTS ARE INVITED TO Sl
Auctrion Sates, Notiae to CaaObot-a, Etc--44stc6 an spill mNlaa, schools have returned to their posi- Evans possessed a bright, friendly speaker will be Rev. K. H. Palmer, of COMPARE Oi
s.�l,iit UODS''8uod the scholars have been disposition and was a general favor Paluuervton, tbNnit'r private eecreLary Mises' and O]iiddren'a uCh9olR Oxft
11111 PQiSOIi$l igall = forward to going back to ite. Friends from a distance attend- for Sir Sam Hughes duaing the late . sturdy leather soles; rubber bee
r ' i ,, PAINS ARE TORTURE FROM wanted whOol' ins the funeral we�Ire: Mr, and Mrs. Great W'ai•. The public is cordially, SPECIAL -
li i b" ' Rhaumatlsm, Sciatica, Backache; use William Stapleton, Of Dublin, Out.; invited. Misses' and. Children's School Oxfoa
.. ' M Rumaeapa—thes Two—WaY Asiana ,attacks WAS MTM -BER OF YOUNG PIGS_ Mrs. Joseph Make, o2 St. Caluniban, The Hensall Senior Institute held sales, rubber heels.
." ° �v, , ' • the cause. KEATING'S DRUG STORE, PHONE1T0 r 33_ 9743-1 and heirs Reynolds, of Clinton." a
� . ,, DUBLIN pot luck slipper served' bra cafeteria Sizes 8, to 10,3A .............
r a„ 37431 style at the 'home of Mrs. A. K. Kers
Boys' School Shoes, Box Kip UpPet
Conlin -McGrath, lake Thuns'da evening with some 30 heels Sizes 1 to bf
11, � Articles For Sale y g i2 ........
",V,I zi For Sale A wedding of interest took place on BLUEVALE members and guests present, Follow- Boys' Heavy School Shoes, full grt
ti FOR SA Y_--X,cLARY COAL AND WOOD M'ouday morning in St. Patrick's ins supper a musical romance was c+n- Insoles. Sizes 1 to 51/2
11 N, range, practScaiay new. PHONE 20. Church, Dublin, „�tlen Nora Monica, Aitchison -Martin joyed directed b Miss Beryl Pfaff,
iiIIl k„ FOR SALE -- CHOICE COLLIE Pups, y ry Boys' School Oxfords, side leather
l `. l makes, black -and white. two months old. 3743xl youngest dauglAer of Mr. and Mrs. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Mar- with A•l'iss Florence Welsh at' the i3dzes X149 $195
Uv .:'I AOply NORbIAW EGGERT, Dublin, R. R John McGrath, became .the bride of tin, daughter of Mrs. Martin and the Piano. Court whist was also an add- 11 to 13 ■ and ■
iii .
",' No. 1. 3742x2 John Edward doniin, son of Mr, and late Joshua Martin, Newfoundland, to ed feature of 'the event the GROWING GIRLS
' " Notice to Creditors Mrs. Jahn Conlin, of Granton. It James Earl. Aitchison, son of the late bedIlgg captured by Mrs. Kerslake. Growing Girls' Oxfoade, good Box
„ra z: .
"�,� ' was a double ring ceremony at which Mr, and Mrs, James Aitchison, of During ,the evening Mrs. Young was rubber heels choice of Black c
11 For Rent NOTKZ To CREDITORS Rev- Dr. B. Ffoulkes officiated. The Bltlevele, took
I, . IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS G_ SHI1L place in Si; John's presented with a silver relisdh dish SPECIAL AT
r' - LtIVGLAw_ wedding music was, played by Miss Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, on and Miss.Ol Bell, a brvda,-ele'et of • •
�t�':' hkruae on Goaerieh street East. Modern Ad moons having elair against the Es- Mary Beale, organist, and at the Saturday afternoon, Sept. 2nd. Rev. ,this ,month, a kitchen shower, heels, choice of All Patent Ti
n conveniences. Apply 'Box 215, EXPOSITOR. '� rhamaa C SLihlhaglaw, .late of the Signing of the register Miss Dorothy Dr. N. O. McDonald officiated_ The The Pu'n�r� of the .late Henry!; . . late. of hof Tmeker SbJN, in l the bounty he C. and Brown Suede with patent
It 3x41-tf. Huron, .fid, who died on or about the Molyneaalx sang sweetly, "Jeri Dulcis bride was gowned in bete gray with Sobdatiz, was lisle from his lade resd-
g SPECIAL AT ..............
3`asth day of A-guak 1939, awe hereby nut;- Amoi." The bride, who entered the wine accessories and wore a shoulder deuce Friday afternoon and was con -
a?$, fied to send in mn Ithhe uude:signed solicitor on church with her father, was lovely bouquet of orchids, and sweet peas. dvcted by Rev. R.. A. Brook, of Hen-
.�.. Property For Sale or b� the 21A day of September, 1939,
frtII »ticaLu- of �iw claims with affidavit in a very quaint gown of stiff white Mrs. James R. Clegdiorn, of Port Col salll United Church. The pallbearers t
o ej
OR SALE—$300.00 CASH, SIX -ROOM provmng s taffeta fashioned with a sweetheart borne, sister of the groom, was were Messrs, Wiilliam Park, Allan •
„fR F Lmmad;atedy air the rata. Inst mentioned neckline, full' sthoulders and short matron of honor and wore a navy en- Douglas, George Hess, George GieLn,
frame house, in good condition. an Ord
. •� dame-the.assetli of the said estate w-21 be dis-
�;' Street, Seaforth. Two lots, chicken house, tri-buted ,a�tz�st the panties entitled therein, puffed' sleeves. The skirt, with tiny semble with navy hat `and a corsage Thomas Welsh, 'and, James Smillie.
'"" •' Hydro. Apply to Box 206, EXPOSITOR, having regaa.d only ,to claims of , which the box pleats accenting the very full ory
f pink roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Burial as made my. in Exeter ceeter . ' 1 a
•6726-tt nndexsibmpd chili then have notice, 4o the hemline, contrasted,. with the slender Hazel Freden''burg, was .in pearl grey Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser -
;4' :ty< exblvnvon of all ether, and the undersigned waistline She wore frilled wristlets with. navy accessories, and wore a vices in the United Church Sunda s'LAFI
' � will not be Hable to any person of whose y
Notices `'t"n, he undersigned shall not then have of the same material as the dress. corsage of roses_ The groomsman morning last, the evening service be- ` I, " _ nom.ce stow the assets so dibbribu2ed or any HP.r double tiered finger-tip length w•as Jack Morrison_ After the sere- ing writindrawn to allow member® of
r part M' vgi1 of French net was held in place m.ony a reception was held at the the congregation to attend the •fare•
"I r' BOAR FOR SERVICE—I HAVE FOR SER- Dated at },h, this 1st day oT 'Se®
>, vice a pure bred Yorkshire' boar of the tenber, 1939- by a beart-shaped halo of pleated taf- Royal Connaught Hotel_ The , bride well service ,of Rev. W. A. Young. A mother, Mrs- A.. Scradosz
Ira Yorlshire strain ;of $Wellen ancestry, EI MER D. BELL. Feta Outlined by tin velvet flowers. aIle
a died b John Hall 8c Son Dundas, ontmria y groom deft for a trip to Northern 'pleasing duet, "God Love,' was Mr. Ray Patersgn returned to To-
' Fee, $ .UO a2 time o ••s un6s, JOHN SolenitoSeafort, Out.
Wlmte roses with maiden hair fern 'Ontario. On their return they will sung by Mrs. Maude Hed'den a'nd Mr.
?� ], POWELI4 Jr., 2 miles west of Seaforth on 3743-3 formed the bridal bouquet, The bride live in Hamilton, W. O. Goodwin, with Dr. I. G. Smillie ronto Monday following a two
- wore a single strand of pearls, the Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cant of Wing- t weeks' ,holiday spent in Hensall and
•� ;s. No s Highway. 3742x2 Coutts, P esi'di•Il.. at the console of the or
Cards Of Thanks gift of the groom. She carried a ham,. spent Sunday - at Mr. Stanley gam ��� and �r� is'd,r,,,�A Geiger, Of
DRAIN TENDERS white satin prayer book. Miss Anne Galla hers and Mr- and Mrs. Ansott? large congregation attended the Landon, were week end guests with
Township of McKillop FAMILY OF THE LATE WILLIAM M°Grath, sister of the bride, was the Thornton, of Gorrde, with Mr. George farewell service of Rev. W. A: Young Lo and Mrs Ower& Geiger and with
x p p L MdcLaren, Hensall, wish to crank ,only attendant. Her dress was taf Tharnfon. of `Carmel Presbyterian Church on ily.
►TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR THE their friends and re',J,bors f�q r their kind- feta in a becoming Ophelia shade Miss Dorothy Aitken left on Mon- Sunday- evening )ast, wile gave a Mr. and Mrs. G Gook have netflrn-
consthruotion of bhe Boyd' Drain until nese shown to Mr. McLaren N'lrlle PLl in the
. Tuesday, September 12th, at s p.m., at Car- AospitalL Also for synnpathy extended to with a very full" skirt topped .by a day to teach near St- Catharines and most inspiring a.dd•ress, dealing large- ed from a delightful trip e the
negie HaM.,,Seaiorth. Open work,. 2.520 cub- them during their bereavement. special matching jacket. She wore a softly Miss Isabel McKinnon went, to Lon- ly with the ryas. During pds talk he Worlds Fair, )�Veli delightful
They were
is yards. 0,026 lineal feet; tile. 11,551 feet, .thanks to Rev- sial Mrs. Yoang and Mrs. J. draped turban of Grenada ,shade in "don to pursue her" studies at the spoke of the very pleasant sleven World'saccompFat by their song Harry,and
,y II, from 6 to 12 -inches, to be of clay. W. Sonthron_
'Pan per cent:. of con,tracit to accompany velvet with interest at side front. She, London Business College. y^ear�s that he and has wife had, spent
; tender. Sattisdacto+v bonds. Lowest or any , carried Talisman roses and wore a in Hensall and during which he had wife of Taranto_
erved that oongregation . as pastor. The Misses Lois and Marion Mc-
` tender not ne�santy accepted. I3lrtlis Laren have returned from a visit
gold bracelet and cross, the groom's s ..
Pians and specificatibtL at Clerk's Office, -gift. .The gram was attended by his WINTHROP "1�1•e choir rendered abeaufiaful an-
ti Lot 30, Cin- S. _NZERRILL—In Clintton PuUic Hospital. on Only brother, Leo Conlin, of Ottawa. them, "Still, Still With Thee," while With Mr. and Mrs, John Carmichael
JOHN McNAY, Clerk Mcliilop, Sunday, Septemb : 3rd to Mr. and Mru. All's. James W. BanthrOIl contributed r71 Toron2a
R, R. 2, Seawrth. ( 'Charles Merril] (nee Evelyn Wilson), a 'file ushers were Joe Conlin, of Lon- 'The teachers• tad pupils have wend -
i; '; 3743-1 dan$lrter_ don, and Hugh McGrath, of Dublin. ed their way back to school after a a lovely solo entitled, ".Sometime," Miss Elena ITushans, who makes
I The groomsman, received gold cuff long holiday which was composed by a laity friend her glume with her grandmother, Mrs.
r week links and the ushers each a cigarette Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little spent of hers while Mrs. Bonihtron was ;n McMartin, underwent an,operation
BRUCEFIELD case from the groom. 'ars. McGrath Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Florida last winter. for appendicitis in Scott Memorial
Member•$ of the township , c°nncil Geddes, of
chose a street length gown of black Belgrave. A+*. and Mrs. G. C. Petty returned Hospital, Seaforth, On Saturday last.
'. Vi4 met in this hall Tuesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton are home on Tvesd+ay from a deIIigixtful Young -Taylor
r,•: shadow sheer and ware a corsage of
Mr. and Mrs. John 'McKenzie and, Air. Grassick has returned home :tf- deep red roses. MIs. Conlin's gown s el ddn
t% "` ter spending r P g a few days in Wroxeter visit spent at the C.N.E, Toronto.
I... family and air. and Mrs. Hummel, of g a week with his daughter was a street length black sheer on They motored do?sn with their dao h A quiet but lovely wedding look:
and son-in-law of Ha with Mr, and Mrs. A Sparlialg_ g'
Windsor, were visitors at the home y which a corsage of dee (Continued on Page 5 ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
jx g p pint: roses place at the IInated Church Manse
of Mrs. 'Margaret 'McKenzie. looked attractive. Following the , Charles Abbott, of Detroit. on Saturday, Sept anti, at 3 p.m„
',,, Mr. and 'ars. Ed. 'Scorn. of Lou- ceremony a reception was held at 'Mr, Gras Voth, of Detroilt, speut�the when Rev, R_ A. Brook united in
don and Mrs, Annie McDonald and CROMARTY the Hicks House, Mitchell. Mr. and HENSALL week -end at the home of Mrs. R. date Myrtle Irene, d�aughter,y of
.,-: Miss 'Ma.ry 'McAsh, of Hensall, visit- Mrs. Conlin left on a motor trip to Bol hrron He was accompanied home Mr• and )11Th'• Richard Taylor, ' of
ed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas. Mr, and Mrs Colin 4icDougald, of New fork by way of Niagara Falls. by his wife and little daughter, Gwen, Chiselhurs to Franklin. Harold
F� - Mrs. Jas. Walker, Mrs. T. Wilson Harrington, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed For goingaway the bride wore a Why salfrer with Rheumatism, Sci- Young, son of -Mr: --and Mrs. Your••
aI1, n' e atica, Lumbago? Rumaza. who have been visiting here for the o,
a4lt- and Mrs. A. Seeley, of Clinton, visited Taylor, of Chaselhurst visited with Lorraine shade woo) suit with black Two Way past two weeks. of Cromarty. The attractive young
hf ,;. Airs, James McQueen, who is not en- Mrs- Qtram'ce- accessories- Her corsage was pink Action quickly •relieves pain while at- bride Looked 'leve
" tacking thd- cause. Middietows Dru' 'M'r. , and Mrs. Win. Sampson and LY gowned in a
joy, her usual good health, Mr, and Mrs_ Frank Spears aril roses. Before her marriage Mrs, Con- b baby, of Detroit, returned risme Sari- street dentgtin navy blue sheer with
'{"' Muss Janet Watron has returned Mrs_ McDonald, of Toronto, were the lin was a successful teacher at Bid- Store- day. follow
satin trim, amd accessories in blue,
Quebec, having guests of Ariss Olive Spears. 1£rs. dulph Separate School. ,. Goodwin's-have
.,,, from Trois Pistoles, For school open,i_co g a week's vacamon spent a�kP caanied� a bac
supply ofh
soes, pants and jerseys. at the home of Mrs, R, Bondij,orr and bouquet of Sweetheart
'li,, : finished her French oral coarse in A1eDauald is remaining for a tame' The funeral of Mrs. 'Mary Rowley, a Mrs. L. Simpson,, Dicing their visit 109 SS�e was attended by her sir
Talking Pictures�You are cordial-
' the roomer school there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weitzman and a respected citizen who passed away here their infant son, Billy, was bap ter, Miss MarigereL Taylor, of Lon-
-- Mr_ and. Mrs. Roy I)Qap, of Alvin- family, o£ Niagara Falls, N.Y., visit- at her home foilowing an illness of ly invited to attend the showing of don, who was CO -%-A T d in a s4reet
�`; stone anti 'Mr. and Mrs. �; m. Robert ed with thieir many relafives here. six weeks dura:ti°n, was he?d on Fri- the complete new .edition of King tizscl at the home of Mrs. Sontlmtan,
'I George and Rev. R. A. Brook of Hensall United length green crepe gown with black
son, of Deckerville, Mich., spent the Miss Jean Barr, of Hillsburg, who day morning at St. Patrick's Church. Queen Elizabeth's Royal CLurch officiating! accessories, ansa her flowers were a
week -end with 'Ir. and 'ars. R. Daw- has beer spending a while with Mrs. Mrs. Raw•ley was a native of Simcoe Visit to Canada and the United
" • 'corsage of tea roses. `1 hn groom rias
son_ James Reidie, alas returned to her Count and was married to the late States, Town Hall, Hensall, Thursday, Death of William L. McLaren attended
y . y' Sept. by his broLhPr, Garnet
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop, of Chats- home- Pa4xick Rawley about 43 years ago, 14th, and also an same pro- Young. The wedding dinner was
worth, risited r�i;h Mr. and•'Mrs. }L Mr. John McCulloch and daughter, and she and ,her husband resided on gram Dick Taltmage.in, "Fighting Pil- The death occurred in St. Joseph's
served at the 'bride's home following
?' Scott and 'l: s. �T Rattenbury, Miss Lila, visited with Mr. and Mrs. a farm in Hibbert Township for 23 ot.' An additional aLtraetion, Con- Hoipital, London, Saturday, Septem- t.
"', bo}s and Incidaus, Sbn he ee¢ermcrrxy some fifty guests being
Air. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd George Godbolt, of Centralia on Sun- year's and retired to Dublin twenty gs of the I ber 2nd, of William L. McLaren, well present T� brise decorations were
'R, of Stratfordt, l:
v,¢; Lent ,�1e olidaS with day years ago_ Her husband predeceased Praire, Village Spet3ahisk, Flip the. known resdd'ent of this village and loveHy with coior schemes of pini:
' 'i r. and Airs. T. H. i'heeler. 'M r. and .Mrs• ROY McCulloch and her in 1934. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes said frog Cartoons. Admrission 25c, Chit• district, in dais 7.]st year, following a and, white. while the bride's table was
Mr. and firs. B. Kaiser, of 1),-troit, family spent Labor Day on a trip to Requiem '_Mass and 'Miss Alary Beale d'ren ,15c, 8.30 p.m_ I serious illness of a nurnber of weeks' atLra,obve with bowl's of gladioli and
1?;:. spe24 Sunday with Mr. and firs. H. the farm of Premier Hepburn en presided at , the organ. The hall- Harvest thanksgiving services will � duration. An operation was perform -
+3 g sweet pleas in silver containers ar.d
Lapfe. route to Port Stanley, bearers were Edmund O'Hearn, Mich- be held in. SL_ Paul's Anglican Church e3 in the in• erests of his health but
t. centered with the wedding cake. The
t"i Misses Irene Snider and Ellen Mr, and Mrs, William Iia and Nagle, Thomas J.-lfolyneux, Jas, on Suntiay, $epi 10th, at 11 a.n1 and from which he failed to rally. The' bride's mother received dressed in
;�rd p Mr, cel
Scott, of London. spent the lrvlid3y and Mrs. Wren, alio 'firs Esther I4rauskopf, Walter Carpenter and Ted i p.m. In the rotating the special t-eceased was born in Cromarty and shreec width a sorsa
`'�{ speaker will be Rev. Canon Wallace, I spent some eleven corsage of sees
I at their homes here. Horking were an a motor trip to Hickey. Many spiritual tributes and years in, Hensall. peA1, and the groom's mother u as
'b Mr. and Mrs. B. S'.t°uldice spent Wasaga Beach recently, Moral offerings were received. Those °f St. James' Church, Landon- Prof- He was possessed of a social and
.mi gowned in blue;•'georgeJ,e and cors-
t� Suntiay with 'Ir. and 'Mrs. A. Pater- Mrs_ George Wallace is having a attending the funeral from a distance Anderson, of Huron College, will be kindly disposition, fond of company, .age of sweet
the special speaker in the evenin was Quite peas • Miss Jean Irwin
�,`; ,on, holidey with friends at Wasa.ga iz:oluded: Mrs. 'Margaret McElroy, g•, q to an extensive reader, a very of S`eaforth, and Miss Grace W'ulni,'
Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie and Beach- Mrs. Ma . Casse.rle and Robbie Cook, young son of Mr. and pronounced Reformer, one who took
jt; . Maloney,y5 of London, served. Mr. and 141x.
"I4 family, of Windsor. and Mr. and 'l,-& + Miss Lila McCglloch, teacher of Carl O'Brien, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook, of the village, at- a great in'teres't in politics. He was young left Em an extended trip to
�11. s Hamlyc, of Det: cit, spent the week- Winchelsea school, has resumed her Mrs. Wm. McElroy. Simcoe; Miss tended the Toronto Exrbibition, ta.k- a kind loving father and his paWme the C.X.E, Tonomto and border
1i end with Mrs. Margaret 'McKenzie. work this week. Eileen Ca:rbert and Mrs, Phelan, Clin- mg in ail its wonders, as a young lad as he advanced in life was sketch -
]a will do, in and had some very Points, 'tire bride donnan.g for travel-
s, Mists Anna Cornish spent a • few Rev. John Elder, of Milverton, had ton_ Interment was held at St. Pat- g ry fine drawings .ling a Suez crepe gown, white polo
2a 3 charge of the service last Sunda at rink's Comets Freddie Robison is still very criti- to his credit.. His wife
a da -s with friends in Mitchell. ohs
Sun -day ry• predeceased coatand accessories_ Guests were
2.30 p,m. and delivered a very inter- ' Joseph Hickey, whose barn was de tally ill in Seaforth hospital, his :'i him a number of years ago. He was
ar: tality being so impaired that it does a member . of Carmel Presbyterian PTes�t from ' St.ratforri, Wal-
yd,r, es address. Mr_ Elder was a for- stroyed by lightning on August Stb, yterian ton. Seaforth and Hensall. They will
STANLEY mer minister here and the congrega- has purchased the Messercchmidt not yield to treatment as it other- Chureb. Surviving are four laugh- tals,a up residence in Chisekhurst.
'�' tion ns always pleased to hear him farm on the Ivghway near Dublin else would do, but it is 'hoped ha may ters: Mrs. Alf. aHunkin, Mrs. Storrs
44i Mi—Mary 1. Huether, of Brussels, again- Mr. and :'Mrs. William; Stapleton at- yet recover. McNaughton; Mrs. Wesley Venni r, Dies in Kansas City
:. g Th•e continuation and public schools ChiseLhurst, and Mrs, Glenn 'Sell, of
„ has been en aged as teacber of S. Rev. Mr_ Lowther, of Toronto, a tended the fuDerai of Mrs, Joseph Ev-
�: S. No. 5. Stanley, and commenced ber former vrissdonaly to Japan, wild have ens im Detroit during the week. reopened on Tuesday last following Tuckerstahth, acid one son, Roy, at A �'cp�'. Miss paper refers as
duties on Tuescl'a charge of the the long summer 'vacation with a home. The funeral, whic}v was pub follows tO tate ddeath of Mrs. Robert
;� y. g pulpit nest Sunday Tore following teachers have re- good attendance. lic, was largely attended and was IItuntt, vendow of the lane Robert Hunt,
Babylon school has been closed as morning at 11 o'clock. The Misses Lillie anti.. Edith Me- bald Monday afternoon at 2 lbimerly of I{d
,• , turned to their respective schools: p.m. from PPtm and Hensall, and
y there were only four pupils r school ug and Mrs. Charlie Mils gird two Miss Florence Smith `to Gadshill, Ewen, of Kitchener, wllo'spent the, his late residence, Rev, W. A. Young, a son' Of the late Mrs Dhza.beth Hunt.
�?' age in the section These are being daughters 'of 9t Marys, and Mrs. Mis6, Donottxy Moiyneux to Drysdale; sunnmer months bare with their Aro of Carmel Presbyterian church offic-
: , taikeu to Varna shat ool. Robert Clrittick and daughter, Olive, Mises A>�mte McGrath to Windsor; Miss ther, John
ffr'y Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce McClinchey of Grtianton,'visited with Mrs. Robert- E,.; end' his vPife of No. 4 iarting, Mrs. James W, Bonthron ren-
4f' Gertrude Stapleton -g Toronto; 'Miss- Highway, just a .little south of the dered with much feeAing that beauti-
0 spent Che weekend with Mr. and ars, son and son, John, on ,Sunday_ es Gertrude and Peggy McGrath to village, Slave returnees fol
1+,i'^' Len Saunders in Detroit. Gordon Kitchener and' Bamberg; John Mc- hymn, "Some Day He'll Make It
f S�hdrley and Mabel Fairbairn have PiaSn To Me." The pal4be%rers were
(' Saunders, who has been 'here for
An -
7h, Grath to Kin+kora; Joseph Carpenter returned from visit
some weeks, returrred tro the city with . rig relatives and Messrs. Fetes Morar, Edgar Allen, Av-
them TUCHERSMITH Go olyabhavl; Brother Martin, of the irieads in the rMM1 district, Exeter drew Christie, Alex 'McLaren, Wm. E:
Pntatfion Order, to Montreal.
M'. Miss M. Lar-ebt, of Londesbom, Mr_ Jobe D. Doig; L.L,B., of De and Tillsonbwg McLaren and Jahn Wood. Burial
(: r spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. guest oY }lisVasittyas: Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Earlie, Mr. John ,Q ig has returned from was in HensaM U'ni'on Cemetery.
trait, was a weei;i-emd
I;;`''; .. W. Hayter and family, of Babylon mother and s%ter, Miss Js.net Detroit, with Mrs. A. M. Looby; -',r- London following an operation a Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd PassmoW and
I :;, Line. Mr. mated Cd[iR J. Matthews, of To thug Looby and Dan Benninger, of number of weeks ago tot Viktoria, Hos- babe and Mr. and' Mrs. Altbert Pass-
roaitoj and Mas_ John Markham and t]be Order, Brave returned to pita.l, feeling mush benefitted, and on more, of Delbi, ,visited with Mr, and
A c Windsor and Toronto, respectively, Sunday last os his returns was ae- Mrs. John Passmore on Sunday.
Mise Nota Stewart, also Miss Philia atAei loin weeks vacation at their companied by' ilio sister, Miss Ilan- Mr. and Mrs. Willi -am McLean and
R VARNA Rade, of London, visited with Mr. ilyiam, who had famAly, of Hamilton, wdvo have been
y homes; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCorm- nab, and brother, W
1 •, and Mrs J. D. Stewart and Miss Win city ng yiug with Mr. and Mrs. John
,,, acMta Detroit, with Mr. cad Mrs. Jas. been with ham, its ¢IIIc cf dura lids hdl9da
Week -end and holiday visitors: nae duTftg the week. Krrauskopf; Mr. ands Mrs. Jas. Hanley, illness. I . Passmore, returned to their home on
Misses Irene, Mary and Doris Chuter MI(se Nytile Doig, of North Tucker- Tortanto, w?'th Witham and Miss Bet- . Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson, re- Monday.
�',', and brother, Elliott, of London with smith, vnait>ed with Miss Janet Doig dy Hanley; Maas Marson Dill. London, turned on Tuesdaly, evening from To- The Girls' Mtssaon Glirol8 will +hold
their Barents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Chvter, for 4ttre P week- Kemeth Dill, Toronto, Miss Rita ronto, where they had been attend- Omit- September meeting at the home
. r, &iso Mrs. Jock 'McBride, of Zurich; IMT. and M.rs_ Lentis Seaman and Sterpleton, Toronto; Dr. Frandt Staple- inlg the Exhibiticwr of Miss Gladys Passmore next Fri`
,` I,, ehllidren, of Hitebreuer, visited with
�„ Mr. and Mrd. Latham and little son
��,, and Miss Beau, oP London, at the and �'' HramtPord, and Frank KrauskoPt, Mrs. Charles Nicholls and daughter, day, commencing at 6.30.
Mr. and Mrs Robert McGregor Toronto, at their re ttgie, accompanied by Mrs. Muss Alberta Robinson,
t spectige homes ; Miss fru
home of the latter's mother, Mrs. L. famti-1.y �e vmek Mr. and Mrs.Edward; McGrath, alder- Scott were here of the Cbl-
vA Beatty; Mr. Alvtn Elaiott at the home vderisung their rein- lentils teaching star,ff, Woodstock, ac-
Yoa, with Flapk McConnell; Mr. and tives, George and Ha'Dtiire Sutherland, companied by her 'sister, Miss Velma
5 of his parenrts, Nott., Mr_ and Mrs. M. BI- Mrs. Edward llalldhan, Detroit, with ore day last week. .Robinson and Mrs. Halo, also of
11 dt a Rev. and' Mrs. Peters returned home 1 Mrs. Mary Cronin; Mr. and Mrs. For-
, Tke Misses Margaret and Gceorgle Woodstock, were Sunday visitors in
',tit±.I Sits Reynolds, Detroit, with r. and Murray have returned to their home town, the guests of Miss E. Johnston.
after a hxrtldyy at their cottage In fMim Ellen Lrrtre spent a few degas Mrs. Joseph Carpenter; 13fiss Mary in Loudon ilg taeerly a week's Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hdldebrandb and
i, ti, llivalcoka wslfh ber ant vis
,,,;t wit7>, NL'rc. Wtml. ilteLachllan, of Kfp- l'.a,ffigbell, Mt Carmel
: f •F'� ' e4*Aa' {"t" �1 �i�� � �:,+""'" �i'` n � 1P.
.e.nne•, S1M17lF --�' t♦
,. 1
h00 .
ol, Bells will soon be rinQing
In all probability, the school c
ren will 'need New Shoes to
the Fatl .term. We are ready .
a choice selection of School •
a that will stand the racket of J
playground and at the same
look well and be shapedto fit .
the foot correctUy.
dZ,, upper& of BOX Kip Leathpr;
. Sizes 8 to 2% .........
sy black calf uppers, bendleather4
■75 Sizes.. 11 to 3..... $1.95
, strong soles, rubber $1.98
a uppers, solid.leather■q5 ,
ppers, sturdy soles. ' •, L ,
sizes $179 $198
L 'to 51,c .. ■ and, ■ 0
ip Uppers, durable leather soles, '
Brown Sues 3 to 8. $1■98 ,
ZEE Style" -D ,ich ' toes, Dutch A
s, Black Suede with patent trim
im...........I......... $4.45 '
7 • • '
r, I
"Mrs, -Robert` Hunt, well known
Bunceton reslidenit, passed away early
Saturday morn, August 5th, at the 0
home of her daughter, Kids Marg'are't
Hunt, iuu Kansas' -City. following, a '
long period 'of declining 'health, The. ,
body was returns to the Hunt home
in Bunceton Sunday morning with
funeral services being held at the .
Presbyterian Church Sunday after• -
noon at 3.30 o'clock Rev. A_ D. .
Johnston, of Kansas City, and a for -
rater pastor of ,the deceased, assisted
by Rev. Neil S. ,Btatrghman, of E[ig-
gins,vild•e, Mo., conducted: the s'erviees •
which were Largely attended. Burial
was in the .Bunceton Masonic ceme- '
tery. Mrs_ Hattie Parrish Hunt was I
the daughter of Woodson. ane], Eliza-
beth Parrish, pioneer citizens of the
Old Palestone community. She was '
the widow of Robert Hunt, long a '
Ciunceton merchant, and spent, her en- ,
tire -life in Cooper County. Three
Children, were born to the union, Miss
!Margaret Hunt and Robert Hunt,. od
Kansas City, and Mas_ Helen Roel- '
;Iter, of Jefferson City. Mr. Hunt was
:in invalid for twenty -years. He died
December 25, 1937• During his long
years of illness dye was tenderly car -
ad for by his devoted companion who
idminds,tered to bis every want and,
need with loving solicitarde_ Follow -
ng Mr. Hurt's death, Mrs. Hunt coa:.
tinued to make her home in Bunce -
ton, although urged by her obildren "
`o share their homes. She lovecil '
Bunceton and the comalnunity ib avhicit
She had long been a vital part, and!
1•ere it was she chose to spend her
ast days, happy and busty in the r
some she and her. husband had cre-
ated and cherished- Mrs. Hunt ab -
gored idleness. She was ever busy •
with useful tasks. As a housekeep-
tr and homemaker she had few' eq-
ials. She Was an expert in the cal -
nary arts and an ar•tlst with thread '
ind needle. Gloom had no part iia
Ire philosophy of Mrs_ Hunt's life.
She was essentially an optimist who
>edeved "that somehow good was a
Inal goal of ill.', Under the stress .
and strain of circumstances which
night have daunted less gallant souls
,he created and maintained a home.
,tmosphere of cheer, of welcome and
tf hos'p'itality for family and friends_
t. delightful companion for young .0
.nd old, she enjoyed company, espec-
ally the compan4'onshnp of younger '
)e,rsons. Almost up to the hour of
ter passing away ,her active mind
res busy with plans of returning to '
lunCeton and preparing for the com-
og schO01 term when she would have I
dung teachers in her home. Altbong- .
Ile loved life with all its lights and
hadows, Mrs. Hunt hard no fear of ,
eath. • A real fadth in the tender
are of a Higher Bedng prepared her . .
or the end of a happy a.nd'• useful
fe and the beginning of an eternity ,It
I a realm hear human eyes could not /
ee ,but which her faith had made t ' 1
eal and beautiful. 0
4, ix
n ,
712fss a Florence alai Kehl Jamie- .NNW Imola J. Diulo; Mr. and Mrs:
w1ru in fine village, £am3R•7, of Goderich, visited with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. William 1G, Fbster ed Mrs. William
tsda fn oompawy with their 2sunt, Mitis Mrs. Mat Tully family, d nen OtZrly, W-indsdor. Mr. and Mrs. Michael
a,re a Ilildebrapdt on
' sfo
der .
Jahr mrd• Mr. IAn'dsay, of Ulan- Seafartlr, vtmtitbed recently at t vllome McCarthy cad Mi. and Mrs. Kure, To-
elttard, • called Strnday on their cousin, of Mr. Anau t3achma a tad sister, ionto, with Mr. anri Mrs. M. Me-
moving into �thei�r 'neat and u+p,tadate Monday of th5s week.
new dwel>ing on Sing st_. nearly op Miss Dorothy, McQtteem, of London,
a� e .
2tnd DYsabl�d Animas
Mrs., i Ck k3egtty. Mss Eats. Csn+thy; Mr.
posits Ui13teti Cia►relt They were spent the week enrT with her parents,
cilli Mrs. Donald' Mister,
NIM, (. I�. Deautty; M ]Mizabetdt Miss Etles Sebultz ha
1'p� � Detroit. with Mr. asnxl kens. M Flaunta-
C#. 33., e fe
last week visit" by relatives to their Mr. anal. Mrs. Edgar McQueen
past tome alit tie •aorndar of Welliti� Mrs. McKibbon and daughter,
collo, amt mks at and
w d accidtanL midis picking a}�pl and; Fatrhe�r Jalmi Jordan, Detroit,
theK• a fell out of i/te @r brae king h:er w3'th 'ids motiher, Mrs. Teresa Jordans
tori n Tvnt+d, gt+e, li:dag, of London, spent a day Ian
�Oi°8Q8f Cattle, Hogg, Etc.
e N
' " I
t atvd flee Meboanell �
tkr arm. Mise Ma7+iit
Tin® .beireflt W1 gave Oayed on week the guests' of kda. and Mrs,
--Courteous Service
Looby Ms vis5tring •iii De-
tltttftfl+d Fite C,T`T.ki. Wb#to 4i eAlsbug oa tine. P'arx Llae t11 it
,the Hoiaal U d bvd, the PkYerg be- Charles McDonell. Mrs. McKibbou
,� �',
w coot, Joh Mr. looby Buse, have the oontraet of
" �� i3tliiltlw 7�iTfi tL, El• ft f� ifs of his s,
Ing 4al*0 fllomm diifieretnli team In the was the farmer Miss Mell3s, of Kip•
Hurm -and i OAA. w+aa largely, poli.
,r tf,�
f "ef�„".
sdtlxer condrllaity,� cit near ftt9aill, took rehiBlaing a portion of main street in
�i� erg $2�yfi Tait
m]ttsnldeaT. tt r]oat!! much cnlioyed. The Miss Joyce Scmton, of Torootbo,
a�j'.: I
t� 1. �a a r k !rI' .3r}ld t>tl trideh �iit�l� d)Sm
prOoeeds of tittles t Wehrle fi)r thm
8713 5
Tv"."'..,CSI .
, , . j -
t u '1 ..
>i; std over I1� w�ik sin r>C with her
,,Q, t ',
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44' i 1 t y� Ave, : , l - _
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