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The Huron Expositor, 1939-09-08, Page 1
IF /x 4, tf it,-,Jr�r i e' -,'!.-;' , r, ,rs 1, r ,�; #.:r ), 11 ;II A, I, V. i' lfYif � e ii ii I� James Robertson, Bluevale � Mrs. D. S. MacNaughtron, Wroxeter, After- 1 Zuti:ch Pald1.x�e Village, weeds, $2.20. • ill'a, , we s, Changes Hay Teleplron�-•Bell Telephone Co. I noon tea was served by Mrs. Will •?til 1, tl .4M1II..WCr�ilGYgpmR5tli11, _ I I .. 'I ,III _'_ McTaggart, Misses Flora McTavish, -.; prbvidin,g for scholarships Owing to the present indernational labor, $258:35, Narbhern Electric Go., I Jean,Elliott and Lois Elliott. The rro- p _ emergency, the British Empire "All material. 98.52; Stromberg•OaTlson' Holds Fire Ceeds tot.alh&over $40. ". Visitors with Xr�,i p Co dr•ogs $28 25 p L p" service for Em ire points beyond Mr, and Mrs. Walter ', j7,.p7k.-,,%j.�_ _ . z u '�T "91.1 £ }5 ,-'"'.�13 '.jia. u'RR F I : `7,+11 I. yi.1. - __ - Elpl►R{eh Year ::. _ - --. - �� std r . Whole {number $743 * SFAFURTH, F1ZJl?AY, !!FT ►IBT'rR $, ]939 --� � `�11 �1.� i �,� � � H' �� ,.; ��I +0_77, .,� � _, _..._.__ {� H'� r •- L . �, j/ PIONEER W.OREER Declaration of War effect PLOWMEN. LOWMEN0-fr'NORT'nuICroma�r ^Ismer r ` ,ELEPHONE Is Fe1t�Locally as thenia HURON PI5rN BIG heath Whew. Tett l e , r4 ill 77� "2` til , 9 , a�,'' SYSTEM PASSES Pas .5y ' ��ID, A,W Passengers care Missing MEET OC OBER 5 H®rse He Is Examining' HYB- TI '' 11 T. 10 ---^-� �lM + rtl ll ,,ri ���10 'Beans Yielding 20 Bushels 0 ! 0 0 0 0 Amateur Radio Operators Officers Meet in Brussels To Roy McDonald is'. in Scott • • • • O 0. 0. A. C. Speal ex Qui fi ���' "I � -,.. illq. To Acre in Zurich Must ;Dismantle Trans- Arrange Prize Lists '1VlemoriaY Hospital ' Suf- Benle�its of 1e Type t� t ;' District. 3:�4 Pupils miners During Duration and Details. faring Froin Painful I>r►-%ener Rust rafter' "-" Seaforhh schools report a net Of war. ------ � of Corn. 11�a 4511 �1TII'ilt�4S OF ZURICH decrease of 12 pupils on opening Juries, - - Membeers At the l3oy Scouts and ' -�_ v, HOLD DEMONSTRATION1. Cub�.•wepe gueslg. of klre Boys' LARGELY A'!"TE'yTD! kF�":& day. This year $g4 pupil regia 'T`-"' •.:, = _ , and Girlsoeimiltee of the' Lions , tared as compared to nos fast SUGAR SHORTAG �' ----' IT1tiTCONSCIOUS tr'lup ata Hainer mast on the The Late Peter Mcisaac year. The pubic school reports A meeting of the. North Huron Me1•ady farm; about four mites n1�lr'e news of trhe passing of Peter •an increase of six to 182, and the ONLY TEMPORARY Plowmen's Association wa>e held in W Ei' ' Dl' OVERED east of town on .Wednesda eve Tire field m+eetinig held Friday at t1��,r�G� Mcisaac, vtrhiGh reaclmt here on Wod- Separate schoo{ an increase of the Town Hall, $rvsaela, Saturday .af- nin About savant Scouts and Mt at Fr border, ugh I , 1.V i the f ne$day maiauing, came as a shock to 2 to 52. Big drop is at the Col- The fact that Great Britain had on ternoon wz:hh the president, Gordan Cubs, with them yleaders and •e Hunan- .d e$ex a2xm5t serf ,1.,]S his many friends. llecierasled, with his legiate where 160 students, or 20 , . McGavitn, in thre chair, It was de. Roy McDonald, 4133 ear -old Hibbert members of the Lions Committee west of CenGradia, was attended b7 v had lefit far Detroit an Labor Sunday declared war on Germany was Township farmer, near Cromarty, had approximately &0 ,farmers of Soutlb a „A 'ice less than last year, re rstered. troll ht tided to hold the annual lawing attended the outing. Following a Huron and North 1VIiddlesex. The Day and he passed, away at the home g ' f'orci'bly •hom'e to, the people ,match for NO;ath Huron on Thursday, a narrow escape from -death• late Wed- series of Pt1r .r t - of his ran in that city. Deceased was of 'chis dastrrict o•n' Mand'ay with the �. nesda afternoon. ,when he was attack- games and supper, the pone of the mieetiu October 5th, and a committee was y bo g 'was to anybrldt ., a Prominent and: wider known' in 0 S � ® � announcement of the sinking of file ys enjoyed a camp fire. ed by a horse in a field an Kinsman's file fowr-acre field of a new hybrid y Atheruia. A cumber of. the o aPFointed ...to select the location' and roomy, introduced into Ontario this ;Ltosta&i.ag, , sine g n that vi an un- pas's.n- .to malie all deflndte arrangements: farm, six miles from his home-' He ' derta4ring husinesis in that village for gars ort the boat were from Huron r yeas nlo,ry maturing , 4 TT �y is a son of Donald McDonald, Sea• g on Mr. Coll' - moony years. He a'I+so was manager of �� �� �j i E� Cauivty' or were known here. >? ,arc Ike cemtrarl office of trhe' Hay Tele- r•,- 1` jJ The Committee is composed of the forth• sin's .farm, anti to acquaint, the farm, r�; President, Mr. McGavin, secretary L. He had gone to examine the horse ell's a1 the disttnCt, with .the distlue. v. �p Fred .G. Weir J.P., Goderich, and E- Cardiff, Hugh Hill, George Fea.g- which had been lame and when he Clue features of this morn as comrpar. w3,;„. °t q�hk-ph System/ in last village science IS ARRESTED �,bi.11W Mrs. Weir were returning to Canada ST COLUMBAN WINS ed with the b y gzown om pyo. ' the Com service was known given an 1 following a three .months' trip to the ern' Rabent Micahie and Robert Mcl3on- failed to rekurn to tine house hi's fam- , ,type generally the community, and was known as an aldti Brussels', as chairman.' It was ily became worried and went - in Ontairio farms, Chaa'rman ,of 'the Old Country and were /��1 m:eeting wras Alaimo MaCaun, a Por a� r,I efficient )dl sae as operator at the the i11 -fated ahs VIrs passengers suggested drat tine match be held in'. search of him, He was d4.scovered SEV��� W�� fl mer Stephen l ozo M,o nn, a�cil7or. 11 Wr y-1 swit�hboarxl He assisted in erecting Dr�Ve Side iDf TI'lYCli been reported as Navin been rescued, elle of the fattening townships: Col- lying ing in the field, his face and body j� 71 but nnoeiwo dh he bas received' of borne, Hallett, East Wawanosh or badly lacerated. Medical attention He vveicomied the foe first s'peake2 ', many of the aural telephone, circuits g in 41e 'vicinity of Dwhwood when the West Wawanos'h. Another important was secured• and, he was rushed to. farmers anri' the ; The Disappeared, been listed „ ,. Hay arycuGem firslt Nagar operations Pia matter taken u was that of holding welcome was seconded b among the missing. Mr. Weir is P Scott his injuries -• Hospital, Sea#arch, Juniors Are well On 'Way y his ' ono Dashwood' central has gained a a plowing demtonstratlon and coach- where his injuries were attended, nePhe�m; Morris. Cauglrliri,. widespread fame as being one of the Police Claim- prominent in bawling circles and is ing class for the farmers' sons " in The hospital on Thursday reported `TO Retaining Agricultural Repre6entatives o f �u';e we'll known fin, Seaforth, North Haran and it was decided to him as out of danger, although his Huron and Middlesex, J. C. Shearer, most modern and oblkgrng centrals' in u . t)nfiaaio, Svrvdwimg are his widow and ATledging that he drove head-on in- The sate,ty of M.r. and Mrs. Thorn- hold that event the• dray following injuries were very painful. Trophy. Olrinton, and W, K. Riddell, London, three sone, two in Detroit and one in to a light delivery truck at the east ton Mustard, of Toronto, pas's'engers that of a similar demonstration. in ' Mr. McDonald' himself recalls little outlined thea purpose of the meeting Windsor- end of town, early Wedmesday even- on the ,Athena, and! -reported in, hos- 'South Huron. The farm of L. E. of what happened, He was uncon- St. Cblunnban and expressed their appreciation o! ,I+ juniors •took a second anti The bean' +barves1t is nearly over in ing and; then left the scene of the ,pi'tal at Glasgow, •has, been learned. Cardiff, Reeve of Morris, was chosen'. scows when discovered, win over Brussels in the series for the interest taken as evidenced ..byl "d this section, Accord4mg to reports accidlevt, police aa•t•ested John Me- Mr. M:ustardl is a native of Bru'cefield Ghe WYAL junior the large attendance. '� Will Instruct • trophy in St. Col- •st" ti flat: yield' will be about 20 bushels to Connell, 287 Willard SL, Toronto. fie and is well known in; Bayfield. He is umban Tuesday night The score W. H. Gald4h'g, M.P., South Huron., -X. the 'acts is charged v<•i'th, leaving the scene of a ,brother of J. B. Mustard, of Bruce was 32 for the young Saints, giving told of the difficulties ouereonre am Miss Elizabeth Truemuer •had the an accident Norman McLeod', Galt, provincial t]�%�17 Revive a games field Will j J, them two victories in three' having the Federal custom's admit y3 misibrtune to fall db,wn some steps N. G. McLeod, Galt, driver of the Plowing champion, will be present to the seed into Ontario from Illinois." instnvet fife young men in the art and played. The other game was a draw. The chairman tlte`n introduced the at ,the Name of her easter, Mrs, L. truck, told police that as he was driv- Rev. William Allan, Toronto, who , i , science of plowing The teams wZI1 meet again in Brus- 1'r of town, an Monday forenoon on a nu2nber of occasions has P ng and sufficient (� "d,,, ng ing east a large sedan approached preach- teams and plows will be ed Cross Here se,ls on Saturday night. Cold weather guest speaker, Dr', Oswald McConkey; iA him on the wrong side of the road, Y provided For of the department .V. -while preparing a meal and fracture ed in First Presbyterian Church here, hurt the attendance at the game, but Partm'ent of field husbandry ;a the demonstration. The demonstra- of the Ontario Agricultural one of ber arms. and despite all the could. do to avoid is among those reported lost. His son, i e; tion and coaching is held under direc- Plans. for reviving the local branch those who stayed away missed a good Guelph. g,, ultural Gallege, a;, p � c�',; 13rt J. A. AddRsbn tris purchased the an accident, was struck by the car's Andrew Allan, who was travelfiag tion of J. C. Shearer, agricultural re- 'aP the Red Cross are being discussed, exh4bitio'n of Yootliali. Dr. McConkey' told about the dei property adjoining his, land on Vic- Pendlar, wiUlr his father, was rescued. presentative, and ander auspices of according to. Mrs. H. J. Gibson, press- y"i torim Street from M.rse J. Hey. The dent. As sooty as arrau a John O'Connor scored two of the velapmen't of hybrid, Corin, outlined its ' ' ,stable on, the lot will be removed and Charles Bernard, SkraifordGoderieh Members aP the Middlesex -Huron the North Huron Plowmen's Associa- b meat`s can St- Colum'ban goals. Pat Cleary was 4ualities for both silo• filling and ripe {4� bus driver, recalled' having seen such regiment continue to act as trop. be made, a meeting for the reorgan the doctor intends, improving the lot guards at the other goal -getter. Pratt and ear feeding and' the possibilities for a car at Dublin as he drove thmaugh .the supply depot of the re iaation of the branch will be held. Styles scored for Brussels. An unfor- its use on Western Ontario farms. He ~'i .b sodding it and' when the plans are regiment here A feature of these. demonstrations tunate mishap occurred when Bolter stated 60 per cent. of iia th'e corn4.1 conipbate'd a big improvement will re and a smart time later be and � ony in the post office. Tile guard is on and Coach, • Phillips found the car parked in front a 24-hour basis. coaching ls' that the young men ' , Brussels was struck an the , grown in the United States mid -west s�3'r. in Uhe appee,ran+ce of the street of a l'o'cal faeRerage roam. who take part in txitir North and e9'e y � �";�. opposite the town,andp hall. . Edm and Daly and- Zan MacTavish', • the ball and required medical atten- corn heft is of the hy'bri'd, type, He " McConnell. was arrested by Citaef who for South events will be eligible to Com Staffs Junior tion. stressed the advantages over the " Twelve young Peoples from town and number of years have crp- a£ Palace H. Sell in the beverage crated amateur radio stations, here, pate at the North Huron match on - ;, viciaiUy are attend4tag the Exeter, thigh common type as, extensive root e room and lodged in jail, and an Oct. 5th and the three, under twenty Institute Meets 1. yah sFlnool were notified on Wednesday that for The teams: spread, giving ,the stalks; wind storm Thursday •was taken to Goderich bh,e dvrat'ion of the enter Years of age, winning highest points : Mr. Ivan Kalbf1edsch,, wth:o recently emergency their wiT1 'be taken to the International Brussels - Dun -bar, Spence, Val- approximately early maturity e rplaf-' where he appeat•ed, before Magistrate licenses' would' be cancelled and they P apl7roximate'iy '100 days after plali2� -kLrehrased the propewty on the lake J. A. Makins in police court there. were instructed' to render Plowing Match at Brockville as a The i eetinrg of the S,taffa Junior lance, Bryans, King, Pratt, Danbrook, ing, greater tonnage of yield - per » A' renal iro2nt the Axt estate, is busy re McConnell told police he was hold- 4uip erat. team v represent Huron County in Institute was held at the home, of the Styles, Lowe, Keller, Baker, Barnes, acre and a higher quality of both ' I'- modell'in'g t'he •house and will rent the able their transmitting equipment. that event. Stephenson. a • Premises, daydng in this dtistri'ct. The order affects some 3,500 amateur President., Margaret ,A'llen, recently, stalk and grain as well as corn �bI } The Late Elmer G. Krueger , radio operators across Canada. • when the roll call, "A form of polite- er resistance, After an Rine'ss extending over Seaforth grocers reported a short- ness I es'pe'cial) , a;dhnire," was an- St. Columban-Stapieton, G. O''Con- >; g P y A tour of inspection of this Ptrtir- u>an eats, Elmer G. Krueger jassecl age of sugar arra: on Saturda orders swured by'21 girl,. Daring the busi- nor, Cart.in, Joe O'Connor, McIver, . y y g y Nicholson, Jahn O'Connor, Clea acre stand of corn was then made 'pry away at his 'home an the 15t:r con- Hullet Couple were being limited, to five pounds per Fear Infantile nc;ss periost a ccmr. ilte<) composed of ry' and the interest taken was evi'd'ene- Sills, O'Sullivan, Metady, Hart, O'Reil- :1 customer. There is no shortage at i Isabel Drake, Mary Agnes Hamilton, ly ed by many questions asked which ,; year, Hay, on Tuesday, in his 49,h °�%' ''��//�� a g CltOse L1olis POOL Jean Burns, KvI:'een Co4quboun and were answered by Dr. McConkey and year, from a cane disease known as 25 -L rs. ' i,7�.arrleC� refineries, it is said, the local Condi- Parkinson Disteme. Deceased was at craw - tion' being cau8edl by citizens purohas- Anna Hamilton, was appointed to ar- Referee -Harry. r`,sher, Stratford'. the county representatives. A vote :'I' ing far beyond, their usual sv {'aange for a weiner roast. It was de - erne time a papular salesman in fife pplias, � • of thanks to host Coughlin' was heart - village, being employed at that time Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor, Con. Additional supplies were not ixnmedt• , As a precautionary measure follow- Cided to Purchase a hot plate and ket- fly applaudied. yr` is Merner•'s store. He worked and 11, Harllett, celebrated: the twenty- ately available from wholesalers, but rag the discovery of a suspected case tie. The topic was given by Grace T fifth anniversary of their wedding on deliver is now beln, made, of infantile paralysis in town, the McLachlan on "Etiquette," Isabel Zo .;e 10 ]Legion • step,pged- ,has faha until ill health g y g Li'onls pool was drained on Sunday I Drake read a poem. Anna Mae Kay :,_' for so lar oxl had been an invalid Saturday evening, , Sept- 2nd, when `� , Bluevale L.A. y Por some pears. Surviving are his more than thirty relatives and friends • an'd will remain closed for the gal- gave a tap dance n er. A baby J'• widow and #ilrree children- The fun- gathered to spend a most enjoyable once of the season. pieture contest was conducted by e S In Exeter . - t5ral' was Meld on Thursday afternoon, evenlin A delightful dinner, was Ha A, roves Superyision, in any event, was ho. Jean Miller. Lunch was served b rt int�errmivnit taking place in the Bron- servedat7.30• in the prettily decorat- ii y �� have ended on W-un'day, but the pool the hostess, assisted by Agnes Miller, The annual veteran) Parade and Holds Bazaar ;, ed d]'nlin• room. Thane who served' would have remained open' to the pub- Isabel Tempieman, Marion Drake and Drumhead service of Zone 10, Carrs.- %1= son Live cemetery. g hlulalon PI lie untlil the middle of the. month. Gladys Millen, lion t Mr. W. S. Johnston' has sold the were Musses Clare Brunsdan, Erma a: Legion, will be The Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyter- .1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien and ,.y property on Edward Street, recently Blair and Helen McGregor. Among • held in Victoria Park, ion Church held a very successful :ii eecuptedt by Mr. and Mrs. Edward the nurrrerou's gifts was' a cabinet 1-rf The regulux monthly mee=ting of the Donnie in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Exeter, on Sundry, bazaar last Wednesday afternoon. A ,'i' Thiai, to Mr. Clrrlsl Dietrich, of Step,h•! °ale containing a 58 piece set af'anni- C. O'Brien; Mr, and Mrs. A- W. Nor- •'r counroi,l of the Township of Hay was Sept_ 10t`h, at 3 p.m. quilt top, aprons, home-made baking r versar silver. Music and Plan to Or anize ris with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker, �+�`S�i, The e ern Towmsbap. Mr. LTfetrich in�entls y games hedxD on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, with. all g �„ guest speaker and potted plants were sold. An in, rt1; raroving to Zurich in the actor future, were enjoyed during the eventing. members' p+nesent. The minutes of the • Fullerton; Mr. 'and M; s. Russell Wor• will be Rev. Th, Pat teresting contest brought good an a� Rev. and, Mrs. S. R. K'nechtel and Guests were present from Cleveland, ,regular month) den in I'o•ro•nto; Rev, and Mrs. Moore, - rarer, of Palmerston tries: the most useful article or art- `, y and special meetings Girl Guides Here 511as Elizabeth Renrnie, of Kitchener, Ohio, Detroit, Climtoo and the imnr'ed- he,]d ]n Au Pittsburg, Dr. and Mrs. H. Mal'lby, Presbyterian gust were adopted as read. �+, yteria.n Church. icles made from two sugar or flour uene vrisd�tors: in the village on Tues I late vi.gin'ity. J Nvcommunications were dis � St. Thomas,' Mrs. C. McVey, with A4 r. It is expected that Sacks. Mrs. J, C. Higgins won first J day, ` Pas+ed, of. The following resolutions All Searforth ladies wlho may be in- and ,Mrs. William, Jeffery; William ten b.,ranobes of the Prize with a lunch cloth and apron; V were passed: terested 'in organizing Girl Guides Thompson with D, Tho'arpsbu, Toron- ',r`i other d'ay?" to; Mr, and Mrs. Jahn Fell and Edna, Legion will take, Mrs, Lillow came: second with a five- �- -a That the llama .of the sub_divisHon and Brownies in Seaforth are request - "Oh," said the guest, 'baldiag his p part in the parade and service. Piece bridge set; Mrs. Burns Moffat r1 -soof the westerly part of Lot No. 25, to meet in .the council chamber at I Goderich, with Mr- and Mrs- W. J. wan third with a dresser and stand 111 fIe her long outstayed his welcome. hands wide apart, ret long." Lake Roads West Goin., Township the Town Hall on Tuedayy evening, Fed1; Rev. and Mrs. G. Gilmore and • set. The articles entered were sold "`TeFI me," ,said the heat, at last, 'show Well, so long," returned the host, p cf Hay, as prepared Sept. 12th, at 8 p,m_ I Margaret, London,, with Mr. and Mrs. and brow judges Dong tiw'as the fish You caught the "if u really must be going." try S. W. Archlibald, brought $10. The ud es were: y° % O.L.S., for tate owner•, Sam Hendrick, W O'Brien; Harry arxt3 Isabel Drake War Results in Mrs. H. C: MacLean, Wingh, rp; Mrs. 1'' be approved by the council of the Townsthip of Hay and the Reeve and °2OU. °' $16.25; U. A. $120. Postal James Robertson, Bluevale � Mrs. D. S. MacNaughtron, Wroxeter, After- Clerk be authorized to sign plan on. Zuti:ch Pald1.x�e Village, weeds, $2.20. • ill'a, , we s, Changes Hay Teleplron�-•Bell Telephone Co. I noon tea was served by Mrs. Will •?til 1, be,ha'1f of the 'towns+hip. That By-law No, 5, 1920, falls, $348.717;" H. G. [ie salary and Chiselhurst Y P. McTaggart, Misses Flora McTavish, -.; prbvidin,g for scholarships Owing to the present indernational labor, $258:35, Narbhern Electric Go., I Jean,Elliott and Lois Elliott. The rro- p far Entrance ala ries, be and is here by repealed to faire ill 1940 emergency, the British Empire "All material. 98.52; Stromberg•OaTlson' Holds Fire Ceeds tot.alh&over $40. ". Visitors with effect as lilt' p Co dr•ogs $28 25 p L p" service for Em ire points beyond Mr, and Mrs. Walter ', I-6- lana• governung the examrna. England is' temporarily suspended, Du W81011 were: Mr. a,nd Mrs. Milton "z; McVettie, of Flint, Mic'b.; Mr, and, 'b` Last Tuesday evening, Sept. 5th,I•hava said, out of ten, points, assignedf 4lionrg for en.t(nan,r �ciasses in exist- Relief -L. Hend•rick,, rent $5; Mrs. accoMinlg to Pastanas,ter C. P. Sills. when Olga Bell returned home about' for t'h�e gaa'iificatvonrs of a good' wife, 'emce, at 'present do not conform with C. Gaiser, m'tdlk, $7.41; W. Hay, al-� The Y. P. S. held a very successful I Mail matter for bh'e countries affect• Mrs, Gavin Davidson, Oshawa; kiss A p.m. she was completely taken by one point ought to be givers for ,good t,be Provision§ of the By-law, and that low•rrn•ce, $16; G. Mto'ultan, rent, $3.00; weiner roast on Tuesday night last :n ed will be conveyed until further no-' Mary Davidson, Wroxeter, y murprise to see the yard full of motor looks, one for mental en'dowmentsand a ootpy of this resbdution be forward- Treasurer, Stephen, re Masnica, $1,74.1C'udnt'ore's pit. The first part of the tics by svrfacP mt�ans and the forrrmei Miss Hilcla Fowler of Imnd'on, ;® carat anid the 'house Packed -with about education,, one for skill In housekeep- ,ed, to the Inspector of Public Sciiiools. Ge'n'eral Aceoun'ts•` Zurich Hydro, evening was spent in games and cam• I visiting her aunt, Bliss Florence 53 P rife of three cents for the first. ounce ninety ladies of the church and com lug and seven• for good dispoedtion, That Bylaw No. 6, 1939, providing for f]ght,s for diaid, $3.14: D. Gingericlh, is; I munity singing, followed by a w•einer and' two cents for each adddtiona] I Fowler. mun4t who had asseanbled to pre's- Judged b Chits standard, sure) ri; 2 roast, after 'which watermelon way Members of the United Church Sun- i. y. g y p you fixing and levyinlg rates in the 1939 award, S.M.S-, $1.7.,1t R. Miller, 2nd: ounce, will apply. A list of countries tat the lmide-elect with a mis'cellan- adore one bund -red per meirt. We could collector's, poll, be read, three times 'aw-vrd, S.-M.S., $10.5+,: L. Miller, 3rd's'erved, affected will be day school enjoyed a picnic at Am- 1 Miss Betty Wright, Posted on the tulle eons sbawier. There were kitchen ea'sdly eulggi�re you because you are and fins bly passed. That a cariroad of award, S.M.S., $7.00: Dept. of Health, ght, of Detroit, Is tin boa,rd in the post office, hFrlety on Thursday afternoon. ntensllg, table 1in+eny dishes, bedding, socially minded and have shown your 275 telephone pales be purchased for insulin, $6.74; Bylaws, ate., Stanley sPendling a few days w,ityh Mr. and q z .tmicted su,rrharged Air Mail Visitors to Toronto Exhibition last :V"A silver and furniture- unseids+bl a,nd practical interest in ev- the H1ay Telephone System- That Big Drain, $80; Sch'ilbe & Son, coal Mins. Herb Ke•rcber. selrv4Ce beyond England wilt be I week were: Mr, and Mrs. Herb , ery�thing that goes oa in Church and 1939 taxes. &harll be for halal, $56,65. Mr. amd Mr's_ G. T..Wren are s'pe'nd- Shie.11 and family; Mt. and Mrs, Stan- 4, 7%e first bhang on, the program was payable io the mainlUained, t7rp rate being thirty srpooio wedding by a group of "dart{- cammrtandty, but we grave not come ,tax oo1+lecton, except taxes paid at he council adjourned, to meet Ing a few 'days at the C.N.E., Toron- cent9 par half ounce, ley Gallaher and family; A. D, Smith, t Nene to praise you. We have come Exeter and Hensa'll, be payable to the again for next regular month] meet- to. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw, Smith �:' Sas wire entered the living room to rY 4 the strains of the' wedding march merely to express our kindly feeling Barak of Mb-Otreal in those, towns. in+g on. Monday, Oct. 2nd, at 1.30 p.m. Mr, and Mrs. George Dalrymple, � and, Rhoda. Robertson, Arnold Lillow, I,i boward's you and to wish you every Taxe's id to tax collector shall be -A• F. Hess, Clerk. Ruby and Marjorie, spent Sunday Jack and Harry Wettlaufer. tensVlayD by Jean IviseM The ,. Bell Hibbert Council Caren name Bride, Mrs Win,. Bell; happtn•ess i'u your new veniture. Since paid during banking ,hlours and for witm Mr. arid' Mrs. Arch Ryckanan, Anniversary services in th'e United, .`,' mruch ,of a wlh-'s time is spent 7n flour days in each week. Tlrat ac- Exeteu. MT:s. Daninyrtp!ile and Ruby a1- Church on Sunday were well attend ,S5 $rearm; Mens Lex aQeMurGrie; brides so catledr oa Mtr, armait Mna. Ruasei ed. Rev. H, N. Watt, of Gerrie, was :cF, lirraitt, ,Jou Oaopea; grooems'man, rotative hous'ehmld dwtleat, we would caunis� roovering 'payments on town- I.."P..eks Scrapers the Preacher. At the,.. Penning ser- I..iire to see you begin, your housekeep- ehn'p roads, H,ay Teleplhon,e, relief and Are Your, . Muk'brerin+er of near Crediton.Beattiee Clanger; brGdfa'a father, Mrs. ingwith a, few of the necessary gad- 'general a,000unrta he pasued as:The anniversary' services wili be C vice he Outlined the m�issdon of the ='t • Mo officiating parson, per 6 held; the last Sunda in -September, church, batch in "'A 11 ii ' gcets 0 Ili.ghten or facilitate your da- vou,charsl: y' The llibbeM council fret in the Jdrsl $amry Caldwell, who with char- Peace and war, His r';r,1. * tom. Please accept.. these gifts as, a Townslhip Rloads-Domrim,ion Road . tbe, 24th, at' 2.3,0 inr the afterrboo,r and avenin address• •hart for its them® the ;� , ctcterietitr efficiency did her pari o . . 7�owav H¢rli, SzaP£a, an Saturday. Sept. g i"', %Mla'Tl token of our aftetionate regard Machinery Co., repaimsl $10.46; Thiel ,] 7.30 igt; the evenlfnlg. The guest 9, P persomalit of Jesus. Under the di- ZDarf�Likirt to the great artrusement of stud aur, simoene desime that your wed- Bros, cart UZ d�ngis lIl grid, Phe Reeve prostidimg, fide min- y gt the questa. 'age pi'pesl, $1; M. Gerber, apea'ker vvilil be Rev. Arthur Sinclair, rection of MTs, W. J. Johnston, or. ] g ng solo +dx r Of $Myth. n1 o the p' � s meeting were ganist, the choir sang fine asithems lYr«b: led life may be coag and hlappy." Road 8, $7A3;'"S. Hoffman, Refile 18, pearl and. adopted,. Mr. Clifford Dow Mrs, imhn Wickstead taking 1j A coaster wagon', decorated' in 09ge managed to recover from her 14, 16, $6; 'FI McBIu'rtr,le, Road' 1,®®y shape wets present sro'hicrti [>g a gran, for the parts; Misses Dais ' I*- y Holmes, Isabel `M`t. mk and U4hie, was, en to capacity eurpfise• e�ronrgh io than the vis4tors. $24.60; N. Duclvarnne Road 18, $9.60; (x� Mount Pleasant Pi+owr]mg Match- The McKinnon' Dorothy A,ilcen and Mrs, p� with a taaetion of fire gifts and drawn A bounteous tunala was served and H. Steinbach, Road Supt., $38.60; T. for ♦• )Yater "ON what a string© looking caw," Conrail wmr,bd a ,', into tine pnesen+e of the bride -elect by the v#sit'ars retuned about mift1gbt. W1010h, gmavell, $33.60; G. Dick, Road ; Ppreclate any one t arl Hamilton sang a quartette, Beau. "i ,` exclaimed' blue sweet young thing from having the ]oat,n of Uhe township baud tifui gladioli decorated the church. it"r'� two ltbt7a girls, Marilyn Mous'seau and Hil.Isgreen anniversary will be iteid 2, $13.84; S. Blackwell, Road 6, Chicago. "But why drawn't sifts any sorapars if they'!{' Beth Norris, and Pneaen'ted to her cu Swnday. Sept. I76h. Services will $11.40; R Adams, Road 10, $10.50: P. (, horns?' would kindly return' Ross Smith trod a piece of steel reg ,., with the foi'lovoing •adklress, read- by be conducted by Rev. H. V. Work- Ca,mtpbe,lrl, Road 14, $4,60; M. G. Deftz, We have every- threw at erre, or phK>ne Mr. Jahn Mc- moved from his eyelid after suffering ' 'ra't "Well, you see," explained the far- Danmldt, as to when; )they can. return severe ' i�'r•. $itis, Ai'Zam' Jblhtnstou, man, of Seaflarltlrl. labknr, gas, and ail., $45•.86: Metallic Pain. c4ih "Deem Olga: When you were a 'kid' Announcement . R>Q+ofinlg Go„ pipes, $50.54; R. Munn, � ' • • Well, "some cows is born without tlhem� The cou2lci-] is in 'need of Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrtst , ::; $ thing in building shed -theirs, a"hd skim� a de•hornthand tthesn baling reit rned arg woulso,omFrecfttepos- ward Johnston were: 1VI1 add, ,'X p%y kis cz� �' at school some fellow pupil probably Mr. and Mrs. Anifrew B. Befit, of Road 1, 18.90; Zu'ri'ch Police Vt,llage,ers thesOScraperssaid as pas- Wm, Whit&alit, of gtStrae.l 1t wrote in your atatogrraiih album same Kdppem, a»¢rounce the, eagagemeut of tti1,q $1.98; E. C. S•ted'ck, Road 10,' .. Some breeds sin' suppas'ed to have sibDe. The foNowiotg accouxuts were Mr3. 'HaTtmld 1Zarrfs : + t1 &,11+;1 ,Ruth words asp these: "Olga is your th.edr on.liY dbu'glitrer, Etta. Mary, fb $25.63; O. Grob, Road' 6, $17.45; ditch. rriaterial• t d 011il!tl ,i9� t;,*tlP 1,' i ,�st" hortns at all,. 1lheme's matt ho a but +chat T of masons VaAd: stdrt+erHlBctat+ie, $6.48; Provin- Llstowel. ,i;',�� ,!",M� ;).. rn+atar+e; mi�n+glie 3 your station; ,h'apoy Mr. Jrnhm Elwood Staetehlotise, B.S.A.. ,imrg, Road 18, $33.60; Craig Eisen- wh some cowls ain't rnsgl%i11, $8.13; direct Guests at the hobyle of ii�%U 1fi11 .> " `;`,i „',+) 'S , Witt be the Lucky om+e whin snakes the Londbm, om8y son \of 1VIn asad' Mrsl- J. ba eh, cruvshin,g and'truekinhr $210; W, the maasou• wiry tti'at;. naw ain't got ¢+e13ef, $25.48; D. Geateire'r�' In °It1 ,:: Avistatiottu" He surely' wilt, be, be- W. Stac'Irhouse:, Mf nr'utieileld, the Coleman, Roold 2, $8.86: A. M•ev�rs'eau, y�� /�1 p �y �V , printing ori Sunday were; 1Vtiss idre "fid l Pl 1V CLUFF fes. ShcNr,;7'. 'she's i r because she ain't a cow pit �, $1.4.96. -- Thomtea U. Wren, � a o ' caucgre aa lltptiat+t 13ttrtr�r is reported; to marriage to 'tette ace fiir, September. Road 3. $13.30; O. �Surerus' Road 9, 'p1� lager, C14�ardt q+oadwixU' otld :�zol' � h" 1, �' ;>>' she's a horse " Clerk. Street, 4f A7OOMIeSd: � k,1 pX,., �"1 ,!a: Yl i r rl1T .. . •, -.,� - , .:tut atl�4� L 114) e' I t J M ,11 -L,. r,.1, ,;, ..,a .. _ ., •.(, r r§., r cA n' trot?bt t '�it4'u1 11 '�iof J. M-., S r I >. ,v G 9 t, n ti �Y • rr,,, I«, v 1. .,. r ... ... ., i,'r,,',,,,,,,.,, ., . r� '-.. ;., ', .,} , � 'xkl ,.,. ,.. 1, ,.r ,. .: ... \ t ., , �. x, ..., J -, .1Yt �, , •., ». ..•.if 1. ,.. _. ,Y ,,, „ ,... v- ,.. .. :, .,.. d tl .i r }�, y v , tl7, a , , $ t .. 11 , .. c c.. , (t ,Y r 1. 7 d r 1>., � I ,: ., I ). w r a, 3 �, „, .t, tit., .. V. ., .. 4., r �5,� ., .. ..v„. t. ,.. .vr.. I. „� E b t!. , d , .. i c ,. , s. .. ,1 .., .`n d a a. ,t, .. r,. ,i. ,. � h t. P , i ..., v , 1' ,,. ,. Ai%`, , ! F ,. o-+, z T.., .. .... .,, ,. ,�" .3 1'I„ 4 ... / ,. ,� f , Iia a, n ,. .., .714 ,� .. \ -�.. ,.z , I. r a. ,. i. r , r M1I .,,,,. ,. ,, ., 8 „ c. r t ,. , , 1 3 f. , •, o , d „ , „a 6611' , .r ..s ,�, r ! j,re .i. ,. ,. , � r �,, x , r, 1 , S. 4 •�• t , ,. < r , , . , 1 n, i . i , , .. f, , . , . � S ,. .. , .. t .r t• E 1 1... f i s n. r s Y, ,,,mew,�l�.d,,,Ju..1>%1�,1Lfa,.,,.vdLlluyLsn.llaic,L1!«m�,.�l,,.,ute5.cvw•Ia,.,...,:Y�r.�id�tmA3,arNztil2,nusJd+1,1n,JG„��ul?iwir'Uxel�.ill,�t,�.rktf„Lt,SiL.,��U1',1s.1,.�...e.IL�i7,�ak,>�4.d.d..�1>a,^,l�"ssssu�L.t�"�v.��'I•>.,`;.YIJSo�`r.d�',arr.w•,,,r«cab'�E.urtr.,3a5Jnitityw,,,,�•�'�✓,�s5.a�:s,_H�xn1t�'7ni3.«.wY.,r�iJ�nad��.td.,.x.,..,'�4bnv,.�..r.,,.n,.�l„b�1.,7.t,M,..d,•i,z... ,.,t"r.�,1i..iu.�l.t we,...11l; .,.. .t.t�,, d,..�,.1 .1. ..r ..aa �Ui,. ,..�... 5-..Aar,R'�....�'.: _. 1. «. A..,,4.,�:a4. a,1 .-e� 9a;,.. YtS��. �.I.c ,....4 ,. ,.•,S!, ...,.i,;r.. �,r t,..�kca°• u�I.. ,... Vii•., x,t ,.,: um,:. ru�,x