HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-08-18, Page 8fr K. it 'a3y r�u \NEWS OF TTFE TOWN Anifoulacement;.---The weddina of Norllaa. Helen Wtlegarden, daughter of WV. and Mrs. I7(trl Wivegardea of Parkhill, Ont., to Mr. Arthur Edward GAreenless, son of Mrs. Marie Green - less, Detroit, Mich., will take' -place August 26, 1939, at 3 p.ui., at First Presbyterian Manse, Seaforth,. Rev. Hugh Jack officiating. K. e i7 fk PACKAGE ,OON FLY COILS Viler dozen ii.rtis.SON FLY PADS 3 packages r;;CUTC:ED PINEAPPLE • per tin Wm CH FU ES --Unsweetened• 25c 2 tins k:», J .DRAPE FRUIT JUICE 3 tins' ,SINGER. SNAPS 2 lbs. •CJIRLSTIES CREAMY CHOCOLATE 25c 25c 10c 25c 19c ROLL Each KSPPERED .HERRINGS in Tomato Sauce -2 tints 20c 25c GRUi 6'.EIIE SWEET PICKLES 25c 15c 19c 25c 15c 23c 10c 10Jc 25c 13c •'R!PARED MUSTARD 16 -oz. Jar GRAPE FRUIT --Large 4 for LEMONS -Real juicy dozen • TWO -.AND -ONE WHITE CLEANER- Package GaILLETT'S LYE 2 tine • OMFORT LYE Tin 's CAUSTIC SODA -Loose Pound t.gSTIT.F SOAP 12 cakes COMFORT SOAP 4 bars JNWRAPPED SOAP 10 bars MASTER'S GROWING +2x1 25c MASH -Cwt. A. C. Routledge PHONE 168 WE SPECIALIZE AN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Repreaenting Companies who give Security with Service Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : Seaforth SPECIALIST iN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. J. Butler, of Toronto, announce the engagement of their younger daugh- ter, Margery Adele, to Erie Hilton Edwards, yoanger son of Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Edwerds, Toronto, the wedding to take place Saturday, Sept. l6th, in Yorkminster llnptist Church. Northside W. M. 5. Meets, - The regular sisee4.ing of the W.M.S. of Northsidie °hutch was held Thursday afternoon in the school loom with a fair attendance. Mrs. Roy Lawson presided in the absence of Mrs. H. V. Workman, the presid'en't. Mrs. Chad Gl'ew, Captain of Circle 2, took the topic, "Refugees in Oanada-" The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction - 000000000000 S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE O 0 i Main Street, Seaforth O 0 0 '0 S. T. Holmes, residence 0 ' O Goderich Street,'Wes't; phone 0 O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' O O residence, , Goderieh Street, 0 !4 East; phone No. 308. O 4 Ambulance Service O O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. 0 0' Night calla, Phone 308 O 0 Flay calls, Phone 119-J O '0 Charges Moderate. O 12-87 O 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 .0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX 4 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer O O Ambulance Service 0 . O Hospital Bed O 4' with adjustable racket oiler- '0 abed spring for rent. O 0 Night Calls Day Calls O 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 8E-�7 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dale - Laine -•-,A quiet wedding was solemnized one Monday, August 14th, at First Presbyterian Manse, Sea - teeth, by Rev. Hugh Jack, when El- len Laine, youngest daughter of Mr. and 141rs.,, • Frederick Laine, of Sud- bury, was united in marriage to Mr. Donald William Dale, only son of Mrs. Dale and the tate George C. Dale, of the Huron Road Went. A wedc!'ina>, dinner was served to mem- bens of the immediate fancily at the horse of the groom's eister, Mrs. An- drew E. Crozier. The happy .couple lave the. best wishes of their many friend:,. THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OP HURON Office in the Dominion Bank Build - 8 Seaforth. Office boars: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evenima, 7.80 p -m. to9pa. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES pareheee of the imanranee besinen ed Hays do Meir, and the addition of their companies to osr previous faeB- Mbe• enables us is wive enamelled site in all Innes. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 19-17 1' McKILLOP-MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE _- SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Moylan, ` 5 ' S eartorth - Pres. 'W°m. Knoa, lrioilde9boro - Vfee-Pres. "Merton rt,1r11 A. Sold, Seaforth - Sive..-Treas. Dtnmeton;8: Willa'm Snits, tonndeeboro; George '11460tdardt, Brodhaken;. AMISS Con: li05 . deri'eh, :'rex. Broadtoot,..1?. ,Senytoryyt�mli: ApIo�1ay'a1 deft JiMCFWing, y 1asl1fu.., CV+a 9 R lit. S 1d4N.e,. 'W"aftoi1: 5 i&h; -4 i 5,, Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. 5t. Thomas' Church: Rector,- Re,.finger-tip veil wan held in place by Dr. Hurford. 11 a.m., Rev. John H. oe coronet of gardenias, and she car- Pogson. No evening service. during ried a colonial bouquet of roses, as-', August. ters and baby's breath. Miss Ethel\ VIcliill,rp Charge -Sunday, August Daley attended her sister as br•ides- 20th: Duff's, 2.30 pmt.: Sunday, Aug.maid, wearing an aqualong blue silk 27th, Coven Church, service at 2.30 net frock with a. very full skirt and pin., Sunday School at 1.30 pin. - lace bodice with sweetheart neck- line. She wore a pleated halo W. Craw -,Minister-- J gsnontiville Church - Rev. James caught with pink forget -me -mots and Elford. of E;gmondvil•le. will preach streamers, and ca,nried a nosegay of at 11 a.m. and there will not be any ioi.eS, asters and baby's breath. The service in the evening. -Rev. A. W groom was a'tte'nded by Mr. Roy Garvliner Ministe Shrub, of Toronto, and Mr. Fra.rk Zavitz, Halifax; , Mr. Donald Ebenhart, arctouirtan't • evith Ube Forel Motor Co., SL John, New Brunswick; Miss Bea- trice Eberbart, teachers at Thornbury; M:•. Robert Eberhaa+t, leacher at Rose- mount; Mrs. CoIiil: Zavitz, Ilder•tan, and Miss Ohre Eberhart, at thome. She is also stuvived by six brothers and four sisters: 'Messrs. Jacob, Thomas and Lorne McGee, of Wind- sor; Mrs. Charles Fleming, Am- h.ers'tbur^g; Mrs. Wittier(' Boyce, Sand- wkth; Mrs.. Claude G+ tidburg, Detroit; Mrs. Garfield McMichael, Goderii;•h 'Pommel -4p; Messrs. Reginakt.and John McGee, of Goderioh, and Mr. Albert aleGoe, of Ashfield. The funeral will be held from her late 'home on Fri- day afternoon at 2.30, when the ser - v ices will be conducted by Rev, Irving 13. Koine, of Dunnville, assisted by Rev. lIugnh Jack. lnternrent will be made in Maitland,ba'nk cernetery and the pallbearers will be Messrs, Thus. Scott, 'Milton Stewart, Albert Hard - eon, Hosier Hunt, Graham Kerr and ,Palm M. Eckert. EXPOSITOR °" ►`, Southwell - Daley. -St. Paul's Unit- ed Church, Walkerton, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding at high r130o11 August 7th, when Mary Mar- garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward dward Daley, became the bride of 'EL - don Arthur, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Southwell, of Oshawa, Rev. G. W. Moore officiating. The bride en- tered the church on the arm of her lathier to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding nsaroh played by Prof. Bax- ter, who- also played softly. during the ceremony and: during, the signiag of the register. 'Phe bride looked love- ly iu a white chantilly lace over satin. The dress was made on Princess lines featuring a moutdied bodice which Ia.s'tened to the throat with Peter Pau collar. The long sheath -like' sleeves were inset with net at the shoulders to give fullness. The slim -fitting skirt was inset also with net to form ri bong sweeping train. Her silk net 1'uien Ser •ices - Northside and First Presbyterian Church' will hold union services in First Presbyterian 't"huF•ch during August. Sunday school at 10 a.m.; morning subject. "A Pray- er For Revival evening, "Empty Vessels That Were Filled." - Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Thomson, also of Toronto, performed the duties of usher. A reception was heli at "Erdman's" restaurant where luncheon was served.. ' The bride's mother wore a dress of suet sheer with navy blue accessories and the groom's mother wore dusty rose crepe with white accessories. Each wore a corsage 01 roses. The bride Death of Mrs. George Eberhart.-' and groom left amid 'showers of, con- t t North B� This conr.m.unity suffered the loss of `c'tti on a niotor rip to ay, one of its most widely known and Fort Alexander and Ottawa. For go: most highly esteemed residents . on rug away the bride wore a navy en - Tuesday, August 15th, when Mrs. en- semble with navy, accessories. Upon George B. Eberhart passed away at tlrei.r return they will live in Oshawa. cher home on the second concession The bride is a graduate of Oshawa of McKillop. Mrs. Eberhart had been Gene.nai Hospital. Guests included in failing health since March hast and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Southwell, Mr. some weeks ago underwent a very Land Mrs. Aubrey Weeks and son, Ron - critical operation in Toronto General I ore, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Davidson, of Oshawa, Miss Dorothy Daley, Messrs. Roy Shrub and Frank Thomson, of Toronto. Hospital, For a time after her re- tuirn from Toronto, she. seemed to_ rally, and hopes were entertained for her ultimate covery-, but these were not to .be reat•r , ' A week or mare ago l:rr condition came critical, ,and she gradually sank until the end came on Tuesday- The deceased. whose maiden name was Barbara Mc- Gee, was a daughter of the late Jacob McGee and Louisa • Chesney, Jiro were prominent pioneer residents of Tuckers:nlith Township, where she Was born"sirty,rears ago. In June, 1904, she was united in marriage to Mr. George Eberleart and' Started ber married life en the old. Eberhart farm on the Mill Road- Twelve years lat- er they removed to the Colbert farm where they resided until twenty years ago, when Mr. Eberhart pur- 0chased Dunrrapace Farm, the pro- terty of bile lade George T. Turnbull, which has since been their home. Mrs. Eberhart was a member of First Presbyterian Church and for a nwtaber of years an active member of the Ladies' Aid and other church organizations. She was a woman of energetic disposition and bright and pleasing F,erso•oality, and her death is a sad bloc- to her family and is deep- ly regretted by tare whole community where sire was so well and so widely known. Besides her •hrusbanl, she leaves to mourn her foss a family of three sons and four daughters: Mr. George Eberhart, Principal, of St. George School, Loudon,; Mrs. Ira • LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. William Anent w ere'in London on Monday attending the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coates. Both Mr. and Mrs. Coates are forrner residents of Sea - forth, and many old friends there will extend congratulations a n d hest wishes. • Mrs- H. G. Downey, of Detroit, is visiting at the homre •af her bro- ther, Mr. William Devereaux, Huron Highway East. • Dr. 'John Hagan, Mrs. Hagan and John Hagan, Jr-, of Chicago; Miss Mary Hagan, of London, and M,r. F'ra.nk Hagan, of Hilisgreen, were re- cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hagan. • Mrs. W. A. Wright, Bruce, Lois and Miss Jessie Grainger spent the week -end ad Wiarton. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating were in Ganonoque on Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. Keating's uncle, Mr. Thomas Gordon. Mrs. J. F. Jen- kins, who accompanied them, remain- ed in Trenton where she will visit friends. • Mrs. R. P. Hagerman, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Keating. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chancey, Miss Graduates Obtain Positions ! 1 Recently 75 students of our school have obtained positions. 'Many others have during the school year. We invite yon to attend our Fall Classes and you too will be prepared for a good business posi- ti on, OVER FIFTY UNFILLED POSITIONS r r During the year we have had many call's, tlha.t we •'brave been en- able to fill because of lack of properly qualified graduates. These positions [have been excel'len't ones and it is with p'ridle that we an- nounce that we have had over 50 •positions that we were unable tp property fill. If you graduate from otr school you too are sure of a good position, FALL TERMS SEPT. 5 CENTRAL Metropolitan Stores Bldg. STRATFORD - ONT. PHONE NO. 1 •SEND INFORMATION TO Mail This Advertisement Name Now Y : Address d� :iM1jF �� Or�l:,.IVy r,f��i1 FINAL F�ot bali BRUSSELS vs. .. SEAFORTH Recreation Grounds, Seaforth FRIDAY AUGUST is, at 6 p.m. Seaforth and Brussels, winners in the North and South Groups, now meet for the Huron League Finals. This will be the game of games ! , ADMISSION: Gents 25c, Ladies -Children 15c Seaforth Amateur Athletic • Associatipn 4 4 Margaret and Mr. Bob Chancey, of Detroit, are guests' at the home of Mrs. Clancey's sister, Mrs. Charles Stewart. • Mrs- F. C. Graham. and -laughter, Miss Frances, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. O'Ne''ll, o Mr. William Elcoat and daughter, Miss Hazel Elcoat. returned last week from a pleasant two weeks' mo- tor trip down the St. Lawrence to Gaspe. d Mr. J. A. Wilson left on Tuesday for Biggar, Saskatchewan, where he 5011 spend some weeks with his daughter, Mrs. K. McCuaig. • Mr. and Mrs. Mealier Clark, of Toronto, were week-end'gu,ests at the home of Mr. George Seip. • Mr. A. Coserts, of Wingham, was calling on old! Seaforth friends en Tuesday. • Miss Watson and, Miss Mary Watson, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Miss Marion; Watson. • Mr- Gordon Renule, who has been taking a summer course at- the University of Western. Ontario, Lon- don, is spending the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 1'>,. Rennie. ,.LEL'1'.l� ()LYSIS Will remove superfluous hair, quickly and permanently. Private treatment in your home ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS Results Guaranteed - Write- AUDREY A. McRAE Bayfield or Phone - INA GREY BEAUTY ,SHOPPE Seaforth FOR APPOINTMENT SHORTHAND on the TYPEWRITER Our System written in a b c characters, may be written on the typewriter as well as with pencil. Only 9 or 10 weeks' study required at home to become a stenographer. FREE folder describes. Write `CASSAN SYSTEM Dept. 34 TORONTO - ONTARIO • Mr. 'Murray SaVatige, of Toronto, is spending hie 'holidays at the houze of hie parents, Mr. allt1 Mrs. F. S, Swvauge • Mr, Alvin Oke, of Tomato, spent the week -end with Seaforth isle: ds. • Mrs. R. H. Sproat has ret lied from Detroit and Whitmore , Lak - • The many friends of Mr. Joseph Devereaux will be glad to learn that Ire is now making a rapid recovery after his recent serious illness. •• Miss Ardatlr Sproule is Visiting in Stratford and Grand Bend. • Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Ho'd ;tns, Mr. and Mrs. Frances and' Miss Frances, Of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. L. T. DeLacey. •. Muss Johnston, of Brauttord, is the guest of Mr. a'nd Misa Harry Stelnburg, • Mr• Bruce Davidson, who has been on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce here for several years, has been moved to Dresden. • Miss Frances Ament, of Detroit, is spending her vacation 'at the home of leer grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Amend. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Christie, son and daughter, of Ottawa, and the Misses Annie and Jean Christie, of Moore- field, are guests at the home at Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Christie. • Miss Margaret Forrest, R.N., of Hamilton, is spending her holidays at the home of her father, Mr. John Forrest. ,. • Judge J. A. Jackson, of Leth- bridge, spent the •week -end at the Jackson Leine in Egmondville. He left an Mcnday for Quebec, where he will attend the annual meeting of the tanadia:r Dar Association. • • Mitts Anne Carnochan and Miss Verna °;raves are spending a week's holidays in Boston. • Mr. end Mrs. J. G. Mullen are visiting D:, and Mrs. Crouch at their su:saaer Isme on Lake Simcoe. • Mr. a.rci Mrs." Robert Kemp and son, Jol-:i, of China, and Mr, Bever- ley Kemp, of Oakville, were calling on old Eaaforth friends on Monday. • Mr. C. L. Willis, editor of the Stettler I.:deperydent,• Stettler, Alta., is the guest of his brother, Mr. W. G. Willis, • Mr. Arthur Broadfoot, of Moose Jaw, ant Mr. Jim Morton, of Port Nelson, called on Seaforth- friends this week. • Miss Ellen Sutherland and Mss .lean Dur:l:.p. of Woodstock, were the Sunday guests of Miss Helen Mc- Lean. • Messrs. Keith Sharp and Alastair Wigg are on a holiday to Muskoka. • Mrs. Berthand Boulton and son„ of Towsgn, Maryland, were guests this week at the home of Mrs. J. 13. Thompson. • Mrs. Elizabeth McKenzie, of Win- nipeg, formerly Miss Elizabeth Mc- Leod, of Seaforth, who has been. vis- iting relatives and friends in Seaforth and vicinity, leaves for her home this week. Mrs. McKenzie' was the wife of, the late Roderick McKenzie, who was a director of the United-Farm- ers nited-Farm- ers of Manitoba, and father of Hon. D. S. McKenzie. of Manitoba. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and little daughter, Mary patricia, have' returned to their home in Detroit i- ter a two weeks' holiday with rela- tives here. They were accompanied by Miss Anne McClelland and Miss Neleey Desborough. - • Miss Ruth Kalbtleisch, nurse at the Seaforth Clinic, has returned from a holiday spent at her some iii Milverton. • Miss Mary 1-Talldwell, of Preston, is the guest of Miss Doris Ferguson. • Miss Abbie Seip is visiting with friends in Detroit. • Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Sproat, Mr. Rowan Sproat and Miss Betty Ter- williger, of Detroit, were guests this week of Mr. Aid Mrs. Russel H. Sproat and Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat. • Masters Tom and Russel Grieve, of Windsor, are visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Grieve. • Miss Shirley Bennett, of Walton, spent this week with her grand- mother, Mrs, J. Patterson. • The August meeting of the Bar- bara Kirkman Auxiliary will be held in the school room of First Church on Tuesday evening, August 22nd. • Mrs. Stewart, of Los Angeles, California, is a guest at the home of Mr. W. T. Thompson. • Mr. Leslie Kerr and son, Doug- las, of Toronto, were guests this week at the home of his mother, Mrs. James Kerr, • Dr. and Mrs. Neil McLeod, of Flint, Michigan. were week -end guests at. the home of Mrs. McUead's mother, Mrs. Van Egnuonrl, in Egmondville. • Mr. Robert Dundas, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with his mother here. • Mr. -and Mrs. John McKenzie, Gbderich Street East, were in. Wal- iaeeburg on Wednesday. • Mrs. W. A. Wright, Miss Lois and Miss Jessie Grainger are spend- ing two weeks in Bayfield. - • Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Fletcher, Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Glen Fletcher, of Montreal, were Saturday guests at the home of Mrs. S. Boyd. • Mr. Donald Kerslake, of Toronto, .spent a few days this week with his mother, Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J. Arm- strong and two sons have returned to their summer cottage at Point Clark after spending a week with Mr. Armstrong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. • Mrs. Thomas Mulvey, o4 Toron- to, is spending a Week with her cous- in, Mrs. T. D. O'Neill. • Miss Lillian Bannister, ,of De- troit, was the week -end guest of Miss Helen McDougall in Egnvondville. • Mrs. H. W. Hart and son, Ken- neth, have returned• from a w'eek's visit with friends in Kincardine. • Mrs. Alex McGavin' was in, To- ronto over the week -end attending the Derbyshire-Twiss wedding. The bride, Miss Marguerite Twiss, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twists, formerly of Seaforth, and a niece of Mrs. McGavin's. • Mr. John O'Neill is spending 'a two weeks' vacation in Barrie, Was- aga Beach.and Muskoka. • Mrs. J. A. Stewart and son, Doug- las, have been visiting friends in Stamford. t . • Miss Mary Hays•, of Toronto, is ep,ending her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Adam Hays. ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGe 5 Lakewiew Casino Grand Bend DANCING NiGHTLY Only a few more weeks to enjoy Willis Tipping and his Cascade Rhythm Orchestra Free Admission. before 9 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Fri First two dances free every might. AMATEUR NIGHT Monday, Aug. 21st - Cash Prizes Winners of season, amateur contests meet on MON., AUG. 28, for Grand Prize. THE LUCKNOW PIPE BAND in Sunday evening Concert, Aug. 20th The first Pipe Band as our guests in years. - Silver Collection. • Seaforth Monument Works (formerly W. E. Chapman) NOW OPERATED BY Cunningham & Pryde We invite Inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials. SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS or any time bry,'. appointment See Dr. Harburn - Phone 105 EXETER: Phone 41; Box 150 STRATFORD • GODERICH - COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8+26 0.01. end 5.25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for •Godericti: Daily except Sunday and hot.. 1 pan. and 1.40 pan. Sen. and hot, 1.00 ,p,m, end 9.20 p.m. ameettoar at Stratford dor Toronto, Sil6n, Buffalo, Lbitdon Detroit, AgentsQueen's Hotel, • Commercial Hotel. Dick Home Sn 1939. egent Thi' TOGETHER! The Two Academy Award-Wianerst MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY August 21, 22, 23 411 atre Seaforth "Cool" Air Conditioned NOW SHOWING "To the Victor" with John Loder Margaret Lockwood NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. August 24, 25, 26 DOUBLE BILL "Lady and the Mob" Starring Fay Bainter - Ida Henry Armetta - AND - Lupino "Spoilers of the Range" Coming "EASTSIDE of 'HEAVEN" SCHOOL of COMMERCE CLINTON - ONTARIO FALL TERM - SEPTEMBER llth, 1939 Courses: Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial Special and Correspondence Courses Arranged M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B, F. WARD, B.A., Vice -Principal. Principal. Phone 198 3738•tf Dead and Disabled Animals - REMOVED PROMPTLY Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. - Courteous Service PHONE: 15 SEAFORTH, 235 EXETER -COLLECT DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 3736x26 1 Sale WE ARE CLEARING THE FOLLOWING MACHINES AND APPLI- ANCES AT BARGAIN PRICES. THESE MACHINES ARE ALL FULLY GUARANTEED 1 McCormick -Deering $36.00 Hay Tedder O 3 Massey-I1"arris Culti- va tors, your choice . 0 1 McCormick -Deering $25 00 12 -plate Disc E n�1 1 Que' ec Sulky $30.00 1 Massey -Harris ,$' 15.00 Cutting Box 2 Walking Piows; $O�ffO 'your choice �7 1 Massey -Harris Hay $ Loader 5O.00 1 82 -inch Feed $15,00 Grinder 1 McClary Electric Range wl;h 4 covered burners, top and bottom oven ele- 0 $78,0 meats and closet .. 1 1119 1 new Gilson Waeher, gas en- gine driven; $99,50 Sale Price r 1 New Model 13. 7 B. Gilson Electric Washer; regular va- lue $109.50. Sale Price$69.95 John BachSE ain St. FORTH Vir 6 r./rte 0 ir 4,4 {fir y•��''.�� XXX BLENDED or SPIRIT VINEGAR CHRIS'rIE'S - FIG ROLLS 81 SCU ITS lb. 13c BUDGET BLEND BLACK TEA lb. - a5,c PEERLESS Wheat Puffs 16 -oz. Pkt. 19c EARLY MORNING COFFEE Fresh Ground lb. - 19c FRESH ROASTED Salted Peanuts lb. - 1OC DOMINIV2N Peanut Butter 25 oz. - 23c Galton ZiNC JAR RINGS RUBBER JAR RINGS MEDIUM• SEALERS SLICED SIDE BACON GRAPE FRUiT JUICE 20 -oz. PERFECTION MATCHES •39 23c Doz. 5C Doz. $1.13 Ib, 29c Tins 2 for 15c 3Boxesl8c iqj oz. 23C 28- oz, 1 OC Doz. DOMINO BAKING POWDER DOMINO DRY GiNGER ALE SUGAR ISP CORN FLAKES 8 -oz. pkgs. 2 for 1 3c FRUIT SPECIALS VALENCiA ORANGES, Sweet & CHOICE NO. 1 TOMATOES 11-gt- 'WHITE CRiSP CELERY HEARTS FRESH BLUEBERRIES Juicy, Doz.21 C 35c 2 Bundles 19c Qt. 15c 6 -qt. bkt. 25c 2 for 9c DUCHESS._ COOKING APPLES CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT 100's Basket D 0 1101 N 0 1411. STORES • LIMITED i'4 �.r a 1: vn s:;av,t }