HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-08-18, Page 5A
Mrs. W. F. MGMi1i'an lept this
week for Biddeford, Maine, to be
with her daughter, Miss Laura Mc-
Millan, who was forced to undergo
operation 'for appendicitis while
apending her holidays- at Biddeford.
• The Yettng People's Society of
First 'Church held a very enjoyable
picnic at Bayfield on Wednesday.
• Mies Gloria and Mr. Fred Faulk-
ner returned to their home in Detroit
on Thursday after spending the aunt -
mer at -the .home of their grand-
randBrother, Mrs, F. Faulkner,'
• Mrs, P. C.- Calder and son, Cam-
eron, of Stamford, are visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Hays.
• Mrs. D. Scalisi and Miss Augus-
tine Scalise of Woodstock, are guests'
at the ',home of Mr. and Mra. Thomas
• Fourteen members of the Sea -
forth Golf and Country Club were in
Goderich on Wednesday playing In
the Goderich ,invitation touranament.
turned oriel n; nuonthta +i>el y * Bay,'
Miss Dorothy Parke Ulaa complet-
ed her Veiled aa' a nurse in •F.trath4
roar: Hospital and is now iter thai ie•
ion vacation.
• Mr. W. J. Duaierei and Mr, P. J,
Dorney hays returned trona a dating
trip to 'Teraagarmi.
The W. A. and W. M. S. held their
meeting on Thursday afternoon, Aug.
1Oth•, with Mils. W. Britton in the
tchail•, forethe W.M.S, The meeting
topened with Hymn 81 and prayer by
Mrs. Britton and Mrs. R. Rogerson
followed by silent prayer for the mis-
sionaries. Minutes of the previous
meeting were nead and adopted, and
business trannsactedl This .fonclud'ed
the W.M.S, Mrs. E. -Adams then
took the chair for the W. A. Hymn
366 was suing and Mrs. W. Britton,
Mrs. R. Lawson and Mrs. -E. Adams
coed in prayea•, followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The minutes were
read and business discussed. Group
• Mrs. H. -R. Scott and family re- No. 3 with Mrs. J. Hugill in the chair,
Farmers. !
Gasoline !!
We are now equipped to supply
Farmers of this district with
Gasoline on short notice, and at
a .price that is a remarkable sav-
ing. ,
"MAJOR" GASOLINE Per gallon. 13c, plus tax
"BLUE STAR"—Per gallon ....15c, plus tax
We Do Not Carry a Third Grade Gasoline
Phone 323, Seaforth
,t.Pp1.4# s w*
and; Alxe. Modslay 04 111.• pr. yon, • q$4,6
ycutptu're le oloo,L11 fig. : '%q, was
read by Mrs. }WSW, followed tby a
questionaire on Ttenslleraaefe 1?y, WS.
Hug'i1 ; Mrs. Lindsay . We a 1 g,
"Is Rife Werth, I-dving?"; 'a trio by
Kati eine and, Alva Britton condi Bile
tie . Green, -Hymlu 94 was iswrg and
Mrs. B. Snell closed) witil prayer,
Lunch was segued,
Mr. and, M. Chas. Throop, of CJhi-
eage,- and Miss Elizabeth Mains', of
Londes;boro, visited Friday at the
horse of Mr. and Mrs. Clime, Dexter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yungblut, Mar-
garet and Kathleen, ,also Mr, andafr's.
Fred Yungleut and son visited Sun-
day with IVIr. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter.
Mr. andl Mrs, J. Ferguson, attenaded
the sale of •the •estate of the late Mrs.
MeNab, of Drayton, am Saturday.
' Mrs, Clifford . Britton and son,
Douglas, returned from visiting Mr.
and Mrse T. Aitken, •of Bickleigh,
Sask., -onSaturday. The family re-
turned) totheir 'home in Inwood on
Mrs. Gox4don Little and two sons,
of Seaforth, are visiting at the 'home
of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale.
Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson aed Marian
and Stewart, of 'Bayfield, called on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton on Sunday
The W.M.S. of Constance United
Church will hold an open meeting in
„the acihool room of the church on
Wednesday, Aug. 30th, commencing
at 2 p.m, The visiting societies are
from Ontario St. Church, Clinton, and
Turner's Church, Tuckeremith. The
guest speaker for the afternoon will
be Miss Matilda' Fowler, who will
give a talk on her trip to the Holy
Land. Mrs. A. E. A. Menzies will
sing a solo. The young girls of the
church will put on a short Chinese
play, entitled, "The Blue Bowl." Lunch
will be served.
'Mrs,. A. G. Bro'adifoot, of Tucker -
smith, announces the engagement of
,her daughter, Greeta C. E., to Mr- Ed-
ward 'M., son of Mr. A. E. MacLeod
and the late Mrs. MacLeod, of Ripley,
Ont. • •
Harvesting operations are being
rounded out in this locality this week
and the threshing machine's whirr is
a familiar sound,
Miss Anna Cole, cif Goderich Town-
ownship, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Crich for her vacation.
Mr. J. Turner fell from a ladder in
bis barn last Thursday and fractured
bis wrist. We hope it soon mends
and he can resume his daily duties.
Mrs. N. Habkirk, of Pontiac, Micah.,
is visiting with her mother, Mrs. E.
Whan 7atmQe FE E DS qtaiz
to a #ory he SELLS qtain
to thezt //09
'Thein Paeh...
#oy ,PAYs
AND THE HOG PAYS WELL! Properly fed, 350 lbs. of grain makes 160 lbs. of
pork. Rail -grade prices are based on dressed weight ... so well-fed hogs when
Rail -Graded, pay the highest prices for their feed.
But "well-fed" does not mean over fed. Good feeding calls for a balanced ration
of grains and proteins. Grain, by itself, is not sufficient to develop and bring your
hogs to market requirements economically. Proteins of animal origin, such as
skim milk and tankage, are of equal importance. Proteins promote growth and
save grain.
This representative Feeding Trial, with three lots of 21 pigs each, shows how
grain may be saved and cost of production lowered by feeding protein
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Grain & , Grain & Grain
Protein Protein alone
Supple- Stipple-
ment "A"ment "B'
Days on Feed
Daily Gain 100 lbs. gain
Grain eaten, per
Cost of.Hog per 100 lbs. gain
1.31 lbs.
129 s,
'1.24 lbs.
The feedingofProteinom $2.48 to $2 82 per 200 lbcHogs lbs: of Grain,
The Dominion Experimental Farms from coast to coast, raise and feed bags to
obtain unbiased breeding and feeding facts. For information on hog feeding and
production apply to the Superintendent of the Dominion Experimented Farm
srving your district, or dirlect to: Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa:
Marketing Service,
Honourable fames G. Gardiner, Minister,
74 lbs:
diD''r iigihik8,'fvssea i..d4iYu
"bleri1 ?. Max
]kl1" .. Tarlek, At Ro
cht iti!r, autt -Mr, •, Men F. Lavvr
Vice of . T„l)a ,litoaa ,and Miss Etliei
Wasbi'nsteni lPf Atubnx,n, visited. with
Mr and T OWneend oast weeps
MT. and Mse Tebbutt, of Gode-
rich Township, vie/ted with Mr. and
Mee. L. Tebbutt on. Sunday last.
Rev. A. Lane ie eonducting the
came* services -at Turner's 'Ghitreh,
while Rev. G. Burton is on has vaca-
tion for the months of August.
Death of T. CL Shli'i%nglaw
In the death of Mr. Thomas Gibson
Shdlliiglaw which stemmed at his
(home on the Kippers road on Sunday,
August 13th, the •uoubhern part of
Huron County bas lost one of the old-
est members of the teaching profes-
sion, as well as one of its .,most wide-
ly known avid able citizens. Mr. Shil-
linglaw had been in falling health
for the 'past tihree..,:years. He was a
son of the late Walter Shillinglaw
and was bora in Hulbert township 79
years ago. After receiving ,his early
education at the toountry school, he
attended Collegiate Institut and lat-
er graduated frown, the Toronto Nor-
mal School. Immediately after has
graduation he •started this successful
teaching career, which extended over
nearly half a century, and for many
years of that peiiied, he was the (hon-
ored ,teacher of what is known as the
Red School in Tuckersmith, from
which he retired 14 years ago. Besides
this teaching duties he engaged in
farming for ,many *ears On the sev-
enth concession, and for the past 19
years on the Kippen road! All his
life he .heti taken an active interest
and part in .public affairs and was
r+e•oognized as ,one of the most- able
and hest posted men on municipal
telephone systems in the Province. He
was one of ' those instrumental in
forming the Tuckrensmibh. Telephone
System, and for many years acted as
manager and ,secretarytreasurer of
that system. He was also a past
president of the South Huron Liberal
Association and a member of the Ex-
ecutive, for many years. In 1885 Mr.
Shddlin!glaw was united in marriage
to Miss Janet Wren, who survives
,him, together with a family of three
daughters, Mrs. W. I. Hargreave'saand
Mrs. A. P. Hargreaves of Toronto, and
Mrs, George Israel at home. The
funeral was held from his late home
en Tuesday afternoon, when the ser-
vices were conducted by Rev. A. W.
Gardiner, of Egmondville Church, of
which Mr. Shillinglaw had been an
active and valued 'member for many
years, and were very largely attend-
ed. Interment was made in, McTag-
gant's.eemretery, Cbiselhurst, the pall-
bearersbeing Messrs, George Israel,
Ivan and Peter Hargreaves, Edwin
Chesney, Arthur and Kenneth Jack -
Miss Margaret O'Connell, Buffalo,
is vacationing at the home of her sis-
ters, Mies Molly O'Connell and Mrs.
E. Bruxer,
Mies Leota Ryan„ R.N., New York,
is • visiting with .i ,r .parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Ryan.
Miss Dorothy Molgy'neux spent last
week with, friends in Ayton.
Males Mary Beale, telephone opera-
tor., is enjoying two weeks' vacation.
",.v Miss Genevieve McCarthy, Mies Ur-
su.la Krauskopf and the Misses Doro-
thy and Veronica Molyneux are camp-
ing at Grand fiend this week.
Mr. end Mts. William J. Hanley
sailed this week for a trip to Belfast,
Ireland, their native land. They will
be absent' for six weeks.
A new miodern• electrical lighting
service 'hes been installed in St. Pat-
rick's 'Church,
Visitors.: Miss Marian Dill, Lon-
don, with her parents•, Mr. and Mrs.
P. Dill; Miss Geraldine Tyers, of
Georgetown, with Miss Marie Evans;
Robert McGrath and family, Detroit,
with .his mother, Mrs. Mary McGrath;
Charles Bens, Toronto, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Mr.
and Mrs. Matt McCk.rfhy, Detroit.
with Mr. and Mrs, Michael McCarthy;
Miss Genevieve Feeney, Toronto,
with her mother, Mrs, Kathleen Feen-
ey; Miss Rita Stapleton, Toronto, :s
vacationing at her home; Mrs. Wm.
H. Evans and Miss Olive Evans, Galt,
with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Matthews;
Mrs. Michael Nagle and Mise Flor-
etane Smith, Mr. ;and Mrs, William
Smith in Detroit; Misses Margaret
and Dorothy Kra:uskopf are vacation-
ing,in Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Evans and family at Grandend.
Father Joseph A. Feeney, St. Jos-
eplh's Hospital, I.ond'on, apent a
week with his brothers and sisters
Mns. Gene Giroux, of Thorold, was
a recent visitor with her sisters, Mrs.
Dan Costello and ]Mrs. John Meagher,
Don Benninger, of Toronto, and Ar-
thur Looby, of Windsor, members of
the Basilian Order, are vacationing at
their respective homes.
Dr. and Mrs. George Michell, New
York; Father Wm. Michell, Chicago,
and Mrs. M. Michell, Munrobia, Cali-
fonnia, made a short visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs'. James Krauskopf
during the week.
Gordon Dill is vacationing in De-
Mr. , and Mrs. Paterson, Mr. and
Mfrs. Andierson and de,ughter, Miss
Margaret Mercer, of Montreal, and
Mr. Mercer, of Scotland, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pa lemon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clemente and daugh-
ter, of Shakespeare, visited Mr. and..
Mrs. G. Swan.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smitih and
family, of Winghiarre spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mns. H. F. Berry. -
On Thursday, Mrs. Abe Zapfe was
rusted to Clinton Hospital for on
operation foe appendicitis. At the
timeof writing she is getting along
Mr. anti Mrst Jahn, Grainger and
Manse ,Tessie Grainger, of Clinton, and
.Mne. Wane. A. Wright, of Seaforth,
'spent a few ,dhye at Tees a.ter-
Mrs. Abeam, of Goderich., is visiting
Mrs. San. McQueen and latest Forrest.
"Mdse. Ruth Cummings, •orf Walton, is
visiting her wont„ Mrs: T. H. Wheeler.
Me,. :Carlyle Corniathi, Mies Ann. Cer-
OW 'dee y
I .s n ,tel
004arm y N t, l
tens. r> lath nelneRkeyf 4i1ox;,t,
yrs. S.tla$tley' ad Ila 4>~'H n .old';
of 'Iloaxxnito,,erp!etut the • week -04d
Mxu1. Jaaaiesort
We .exttsnudl our stere etuPai#hy ;
Mrs. Jars- Moodie irk the death of ser
inethea, Dom. dirtier, cion.
Mise Rdtll Stott is visiting Miss
Edna Mustard at Invexltures.
Mns. (Rev.) A. E. 'Allen, of Gode
zilch, is visiting at thee. homes of Mrs.
J. McQueen. and Mrs. Forrest this
week. They also had a visit froom.
their friend, Mas. John Watson, of jgr.
mlawdvilie, reoently.
!Mrs: Hera, of.B;enssMM, and Mrs: A.
McDonald, of Dundas, were visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mss. C. Haugh
last week.
' Mr. Lawrence Redd and Mr. Stanley
Reid, of Toronto, spent Sunday in
the village.
Mr. George Taylor, of Wingham, oc-
cupied the pulpit in the United
Church on Sunday. Using as his top-
ic "The New Man in Cha•is ," he spoke
of how man must be renewed phys-i-
caliy, mentally and spiritually. There
will be no Sunday school or church
service in the United Church next
Sunday morning. The ,following Sun-„
day (the pastor, Rev. C. Tavener, will
resume his work after vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Messer and
MIbe Lindsay, tof Toronto, are visit-
isiting Mrs. Raymond Elliott.. Mrs. Mes-
ser sang a 'pleasing solo, "Sunrise,"
at Knox Presbyterian Church morn-
ing service on Sunday_
Miss Florence Fowler, Elmer and
Frank spent the week -end with
fi iende at Beach Ca Pine&
Visitors at the home of Miss Mary
Duff on Sunday were: Miss Mildred
McQuillan and Will Purdlou, of Luck -
now; Donald Street, of Moorefield.
Other visitors in the vieinity are:
Misses Olive and Jean Thomtpsee, atf
Teeswater, wi'tb Mrs. C. Hama/ton;
Mies Evelyn' Master, of Parkhill,' at
Mr. John Hall's; Miss Lillian Gee-
niss, of Detroit, with her sister, Mrs.
J. J. Sellars; ,Mrs. John Pugh, of
Brussels, a guest of' her brother, Mr.
Alan Ramsay; Mies M. Brock, Fort
William, with Mrs, George Thomson.
Rev. A. C. Craniton, of Tottenham,
preae,hed in Knox Presbyterian and
Eadie's on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Talbot, of Ed-
monton, are guests • at the hoarse of
Mr. and: Mrs. Inges. .."
IMr. and Mrs. John Watson, Gode-
rich Township, visited on Friday with
Mns. 1Mossop and daughter, Frankie.
Mrs. Fulton, of Sarnia, spent the
week -end with her sister, Mrs. L.
Beatty, and daughter Edyth.
Mr, Milton Johnston and sister,
Myrtle, ,of Flint, Mich., were renew-
ing acquaintances in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Monteith, of Strat-
ford, called lest week on Mrs. M.
Mrs. Sperling, of Clinton, visited
her brother, Mr. John Rathweil.
Mr. Cecil Wiley, of Detroit, is holi-
daying at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Will Reid.
•Mr. Fred Davidson, of Detroit, call-
ed Saturday on Mr. Geo. Beatty, Sr.
Mrs. Nellie MoCiau:lley, of Hensall,
visited her niece, Mrs. N. Reid, and
called en Mr. Geo. Beatty, Sr.
Mr. Fred Davidson, of Detroit, cull-
ed on Mr. Geo. Beatty, Sr., Saturday
evening. •
Mrs. Madderford, of London, is the
guest of Mrs. Smith and Mr. Denni-
Mr. and Mrs. Makins, of Goderich,
called on Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnell
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Collins,
of Brucefleld, are vi:sdting their aunt,
Mrs. C. Pilgrim.
Mrs. A. Foote and daughter Olive,
are spending a week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Feeley and Mr. and
She. W. Seeley ,of Clinton, also Mr.
Billy Austin, called on Mrs. Austin
on Sunday.
The ladies of 'the United Church
Circuit presented Miss Peters, prior
to her marriage, to a most beautiful
three-way electric lamp.
Mr. Gersham Speare and Miss
Tut:Magham, of Toronto, spent a cou-
ple of days with Miss Olive Speare.
Mrs, Clive MacDonald, of Tomonto,
is spending some holidays with Mise
Olive Speare.
Miss Helen Robertson, of Stratford,
accompanied by her niece, Mise Hel-
en La Moine, of New York, and.Miss
Betty Thotnpson, of Stratford, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joni
Seont and other friends.
Miss Pearl Peavoy, of Orangeville,
is spending a few days with Miss
Lila. McCulloch.
Mr. Gavin Twaddle spent the week-
end with hist brother of Wadlacetown.
Mrs. (Dr.) Reynolds, of Erin, is
spending a few ,days with Mrs. Reidie.
190m4llis mews
Fine Suiting P
Fine All -Wool Worsted Pantie, taken from our
best suits. Values to ?+QR, AU. sizes„ Very
Sleeveless Sweaters
Plain shade brseshed or bughoutse stripes; in
Green aro Jade, Marson and Grey. Reg: $1.00.
Summer Dresses HALF
Summer Dresses 43,
Prints, Rayons and Voiles, good styles and col-
ors. Sizes 2 to 14. Regular 75o to $1,SO.
All Plain Pastel shades and :many striped
patterns; Lastex tops. Special
A Wonderful Bargain
Adjustable Straps, Tea Rose and White -
Ail sizes. To clear.
Mr. and Mrs. John Krezler, of
Trail, B. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Cbas.
Fisher, of Gladtwin, Mich., are visit-
ing with their mother, Mrs. John Eg-
gert, a,nd other members of her fam-
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Fred H•oegy, Leota
and Lavern and Mr, Edward Doerr
were present at the Decoration Day
services held at Rostock on; Sunday,
Aug. 13th.
Mr, and We. Carl Mikel and fam-
Hy, of Fulla,rton, a:nd Mr. a.nd Mrs.
Henry Kleber, of Brodhagen, called
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Doerr and, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Regele
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinaoher
and family, of Stratford, visited at
the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. William
Koehler on Stin•dey.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler, Brace'
end Carolyn, of Logan, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eggert on SIM, -
Miss Dorothy Reuther of Morriston
is spending a month with her cous-
ins, Della and Norman Eggert. •
Little Roso, daughter of Mr.' and
Mrs. Leenie Baaneermam, had her ton-
sils removed last week aaui has nice-
ly i'ecovered-
Misses Fame and Amanda Hoegy,
of London, 'have been visiting friends
and relatives in this vicinity- "
Mists Evelyn Heegy has secured em -
p •oyanent in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs- Ernest Elligsen and
Mra Chan- Ahrens, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen, were at
Niagara, Falls over the week -end and
visited with their sister and aunt,
Mrs. Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weitergoe and
friends, of Detroit, visited his par-
ents for a few days last week.
Mr. and Mss. Geo. Leith and Mrs.
Whr. Reinw'ald, of Listowel, spent
Civic Holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Chas. Regele accompanied Mr_.
and Mns. John Krezier and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Fisher to Fullerton and
visited with Mra Mex Stoskopt and
Mrs. Wesley Fisher.
Regarding Car Parking
Victoria Park will be lighted and available for
parking on Saturday nights for the balance of the
summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome to use
these parking facilities and avoid congestion on
Main Street.
Police will supervise as far as possible, but.
motorists are requested to lock their ears, as the
municipality will not be responsible for any missing
F. S. Sills, Chea'