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The Huron Expositor, 1939-08-11, Page 8
11 6, t Ali u, .S•` a.'�at�. Fri (41 l`l�u 1 )�a i.. CAN BUY RE 64,11..AR PRiCE 40c 4 .'S nniA��TIKN�VKI,APPLE MARSH - Si x •....'w Mme+ 20c BRL.&K.FAST 23c Y ONE FLOW EItDALE OR- ANGE PEKOE TEA at 38c 114111' pound u !Pi O JUICE} -26 -oz. size -a cams •n 'EST SOCKEYE SALMON Rives ;R. PUFFED WHEAT 2 packages •-,1 R .PUPPED RICE l 'packages , .A.NGES}—Swieet and juicy dozen 4G83 a •PERU IT—Large 4tor JAVEL WATER—Washes vedette; 3 bottles 3t'LJJSHO CLEANS '}WLSI--Tin .BI3i3GET• WHITE W nol rub off; Battle FEED THE LICLE I'IGS MASTER F'LIG STARTER at $2,25 cwt.. TOILET 25c 18c 19c 23c 15c 19c 25c 21c SHOE CLEANER 15c A. C. Routledge PHONE 1168. NEWS OF -ME TOWN Death of Will; ,crooks. The death oecurred: of a former resident of Eg- mendvele in the person of William Brooks, who passed away a,t his home in Weatlock, Alta. Mr. Brooks re- sided in Dakota, for a number of years and, was a thresher with James Nor- ris, formerly of Staffa, at Sheldon, N. D. He then went to Alberta and has lived there for thirty years. Mr. Brooks suffered a stroke about a mon't'h ago and passed away an July 13bh. He Is survived by two sisters, Miss Annie H. Brooks and Mrs. Ben Allen, of Wesilock, Alta_ interment was made in Westlock cemetery. Dies in Kitchener.—Fai'Iiug to rally from a stroke, John P. Bender, 56, died Thursday afternoon at his home, 47 Ellen Street Plast, Kitchener. Mr. Bender was a former Kitchener print- er and was the father of Gordon Ben- der of Seatorth. He was born ou June 28, 1873. Besides !his wife, for- merly Elizabeth Roedding,' there sur- vive five sons, Wilfred of Waterloo, Milton C. of Kitchener, J. Stewart of London, Gordon E. of Seaforth, and Howard. F of Timmins; four daugh- ters, Miss lien of Timmins, Miss Lillian of Kitchener, Mrs. A. Wright, of Timmins, and Mrs. William Mc- Cormack of Toronto; four brothers, five sisters and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2.30 p.m. at his late residence, 47 Ellen St. East, Kitchener, with bur- ial in Woodland Cemetery. WE SPEC! AL1ZE Sri FIRE, AUTOMOBtLE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM 'Representing Companies who give Security with Service Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. iF WATSON & REI M. A. REiD - Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth IIPECIALIST IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .S. T. Holmes & Son .t9 FUNERAL SERVICE O 0, Main Street, Seaforth 0 o 0 S. T. Holmes, residence 0 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 Co East; phone No. 308. O p Ambulance Service O 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. O 0 Night calls, Phone 308 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119-J 0 eD Charges moderate. O 12-51 O 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0000000000 * H. C. BOX 4 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service * Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable rachet oper- ated spring for rent. '0 Wight Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Picone 43. 12-M O<0e000000000 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY Ole HURON bmoesn the Dominion Sank Build - tag. Seaforth. Office bouts: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. le 5 p.m. Saturday evening. 7.30p.m. tn9p-m- E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES Via punehaae of Die insurance business of Says & Moir. and the addition of their companies to our previous Jaen. inks enables na is give unexcelled service ill] ah1 times. 8EAFORTH ONTARIO 10-47 SSE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. • HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OPFICEES: Thee. Mallafl, 5 Sestorth ; Win. Knox, Lolidesboro - Ytee.Pres. Marton A. Redd, Seaforth - See.-Treas. DIRECTORS: 'Come and worship, cootie and worship, Worship Christ the New -Born King" Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -St. Thomas' Churoh: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford -11 ane, Rev. J. H. Pog- son. No evening service during Aug- ust. !inion Services — Northside and First Presbyterian Church will hold union services in First Church dur- ing August. Sunday School, 10 a.m.; morning subject, "The Church and the Crisis"; evening subject, "Not Far From the Kingdom."—Rev. Hugh .Jack, Minister. McKillop Charge — Sdr•edule for August services: Sunday, Aug. 13, Bethel, 2.30 p.m., Sundray School at 1.30 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 20, Duff's, 2.3.0 p.m.; Sunday, Aug, 27, Caven Churcie service at 2.30 p.m., Sunday School at 1.30 p.m.—IL. W. Craw, Min- ister. Wallets Knox,..Loaidesbgro; GeorgeElisoit ,,yp�,� 1dtt,.y,�D,1odhagen; James Coli- *Ay, =+Leh, Alex. Dreadfoot, R. S. Seater*: Alexander MeF w1ng,' . $l. t BO* Prank- McGregor, R. R. • i Balker; .lames. Sbold4ce, Walton; Moylam, IL= R. 5, Sea:forth; R'.Arroltibald4, IL R` 4, Seer *her, 1(L R; 4 DOIht •I�iY l , Irl lno11tlt, fid ae- Died ih Toronto The death occur- red in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toron- to, on Wednesday. August 9th, of a pioneer prominent resident of this district, in the person of Mr. James McConnell. Mr. McConnell had been in poor health for the past two months. He was a son of the late Patrick McConnell and was born in Tuckersm'ith Township 79 years ago. where he farmed successfully until twenty years ago, when he removed to Toronto, where he resided until has death. Mrs. McConnell, formerly Miss Annie Sullivan, of McKillop, pre- deceased. 'him 45 years ago, but he is survived by threb sons and one daughter, all of Toronto. Mr. Mc• Connell was one of a family of sev- en sisters and three brothers, only one of whim, Mies Theresa McCon- nell, R.N., of Sault City, Iowa, now survives. Another sister, Miss Re- becca ,McOonnell, was killed in a Motor acoident just two months ago. The funeral will take place from the residence of Mr. Williarm Cleary, Sea - forth, on Friday morning, August 11, to St. Cobumiban Church, followed by interment in Se. 0o1umlren cemetery. ELECTROLYSIS Will remove superfluous hair, quickly and permanently. Private treatment in your home ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS — Results Guaranteed '— Write— AUDREY A. 'MoRAE • Bayfield or Phone— • INA GREY BEAUTY SHOPPE Seaforth FOR APPOINTMENT ' • Mr. and 11Gtrs.. Harry Weiland, of the p t three, weellen has gone " n'ont° spill* the holiday Week -end Estsex at the' hope of his parents, Mr. and i e and Mrs. L. Letang and 11 M'rss Henry Weiland, do EEmondville. tie , ughter, , Cet>herdwe, of Walla e- • Mise Margaret Whit} R.N., of burg, pent the weeleend at the hog e Toronto,. is spending her laelidays of Mi. and Mrs. James Hasan, w' o with. her Mother, Ales. M. White. accompanied them to Teesnvater en • alesi Ana .Sutherland, of Toron- to, spent the week -encu at the home of her 'another, Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. • Miss Jessie Grainger, R.N., of Clinton; is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hutchison and •two sons, of Tomato; Mr. and Mrs. George. 110.5 , of St. Oaharines; Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchison and d+alghter, of ' Lonion, and Miss Babb and Mrs. Tucker, of Mitchell, were the week -end guests of Mrs. F. D. Hutchison. • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. J. R. Habkirk. • Mie A. F. Clatff, Mr. T. R, Cluff ..and Mr. Lloyd Hoggarth. spent the week -end, in Hamilton. • Mrs, W. R. Shaw and three chil- dren have returned from a three weeks' visit with London friends. • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKenzie and two sons', Donald and John Rob- ert, and Mrs. H. -Chesney, have re- turwed m; an extended motor trip to the Pacific Coast. ' • Rev. A. W. Shepherd and grand- son, Billie, of London, and Rev. Geo. Shepherd, of Madison, Wisconsin, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Watson on Thursday of last week. • Mr. Gerald Barry, wJho has been in the Sick Children's Hospital, Ts - roe -Ito, for. some weeks, is sufficiently recovered to 'Ise able to return to his home here. • Dr_ and 31rs_ J. G. Dillane and two children, of Hamilton, were week end guests at the home of Mr. triad Mrs. Thomas Johnstone. • Mr. and Mr's. W. J. Faulkner a:e holidaying in town.. a Mr_ and Mrs. Thomas Healy anti family have returned to Toronto raf- ter spending three weeks with Mrs. L. Richards. ' • Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Kellam, 'of Niagara Falls, were' the guests of Mrs. James Beattie this week. • Mrs. • John McKinley and son, James, of Winnipeg, are guests rt. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. ' - • Miss "Margaret Grieve :has re- tur'nedfrom Toronto, where she was taking a summer course at the Uni- ve.rohy e Miss Peggy Willis has returned from a !holiday spent at Richmond HILI. • Miss Alice Devereux, of Toronto, is spending h•er holidays with her mother, Mrs. F. Devereaux. • Dr. W. C. Sproat and Mrs. Seroat are spending a few holidays at. North Bay, • Dr. J. A. Munn,, Mrs. Munn and two sone, Donald and William, have returned from a holiday spent north of the Sault and at Bay City. • Mr. and Mrs. Brown Higgins and baby, of Sudbury, are guests at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Habldrk_ • Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. Kent, of Toronto, were the holiday week -end guests of Mr. ».nil Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mrs. Mary }lay and Miss Wilma; Mr. and Mrs'. Robert Eberhart, Mrs, A. Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hay of Tuckersmibh, attended the Fraser- Patrick wedding at Troy, Ontario, last week. • Dr. F. J. Burrows spent the week end at Niagara Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott, Miss Betty and William, of Chicago. are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott. • Mr. Roy Oke, of Hamilton, spent the week -end' at :the home of his father, Mr. William' Oke. • Mr. and Mns. Sam Walker, of Timmins; Mrs. J. G. Cameron, of To- ronto, and Miss Mary Walker, of Ot- tawa, were guests this week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker. • Mr. R. E. Cresswell, of Denver, Colorado, is visiting his sisters, the Misses Cresswell- • Mr. Harold Flannery, of Detroit, isa,spending his holidays with rela- tives here. • Mr. Frank Archibald, of Guelph, spent the week -end at the home of rhes parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Arch - i bald. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thom, of St. Catharines; Miss Elizabeth McLean, Miss Helen McLean, Miss Nora An- derson and Mr. James Grant, of To- ronto, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McLean. • Mr. J. A. Wilson has returned from a two mouths' holiday spent at the home of Iris daughter, Mrs. E. Little, at Quebec City. • Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Atkinson, Miss Edna Atkins:oni and 1VMr. and liars. Gordon Atkinson and family, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. GemmeiL their return Dr. and Mrs. Oliver will live. in Ste. Anne de Bellevue where 1)r. Oliver is joining the staff of Mac- I)onal,d College in September. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. Ce' anus, of Bu and Mrs: Henry Hickey, of Chicago, were guests} of Mr. and Mrs. Leo For- tune and Mr. and, Mrs,. D. Shanahan the past week. Mrs. Hickey came to New York with ten thousand women from Chicago, eepreaenting the Wo- men's Benefit Association, who march- ed in uniform in a body at the New York World's Fair. • Misses Ruth and Doreen Adair, el Toronto, who have been guests of t•h•e'ir aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Sclater, returned to their home on Tuesday. • Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, Miss Eliza- beth Smith and Mrs. Reg. Kerslake motored to North Bay last week, where Mrs, Kerslake and Miss Smith will holiday for a time. •Rev. J• F. Goforth, of Boston, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and, Mes. M. McKellar. • Mrs. E. C. Armstrong. of Water- loo, is a guest at the home of her parents, M and Mrs. Andrew Archi- bald. e Mr. and rs. Robert Dryden and little daughter, Oshawa, are guests at the home of Mrs. Dryd•en's mother, Mrs. R. S. Evans. • Oliver - Patrick.—A wedding of widespread interest took place in the Presbyterian Church at Christie's Corners at four o'clock on Saturday afternoon, August- SUh, when Muriel Irene, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Patrick, of Troy, became the bride of Dr. William Fraser Oliver, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oliver, of Staffa, Ont. The church was profusely decorated with hundreds of gladioli, baby's breath and greenery. The charming bride, given in marriage by her father, en- tered the beautiful old church to , the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Mr. C. C. Thomas, of Ham- ilton. She wore a beautiful white lace dress of the regency period with a wide band of marquisette ruffled at the hem_ Her finger-tip veil was held in place with a coronet of or - angle blosscons. She carried a show- er bouquet of white Killarney roses and lily of the valley. Her only jew- ellery was a string of pearls. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Agnes Wray, of Hamilton, as maid of honor. Miss Wray wore a period dress of net and suede lace in an attractive sihad'e of apricot. Her headdress was a lovely model of roses and net. She carried a quaint nosegay of Talisman roses.. The bridesmaid was gowned in a forgot - me -not blue net and suede lace of like period design. Het headdress was similar to that of the maid of honor and. her nosegay was of Johan- na. Hill roses. The groom was at- tended by Mr. Gordian Willey, of Dundee. ,The ushers were Dr. Chas. R. Wray,- of Beamsviile, and John A. Hay, of Stamford. During the sign- ing of the register Mrs. Samuel Wyatt, of Stratford, a cousin of the groom, sang "0 Promise Me." About 120 guesta attended a reception at the home of the bride's parents where they were received by the bride's mother, who ,wore a beautiful floor -length model osea foam blue lace over satin. Her hat was made Of matching lace with lace appliqued on the taffeta cro'wre Her corsage was of Talisman roses. Mao receiv- leg was 'Mrs. Oliver, the groom's mother, who wore an attractive suede lace dress in a rust eba,de. With this Eke more a large felt bat with feather trimmings in Jap tilca. Her corsage *ail .04 Premier 'rosea. The bride twavelt'ed 'in a slider dress of em- broidered blue margi'ldsette'°with navy 4eceSsorlea and a navy hat with es- trfdh tips. The young •eatitsie plan to 't'F rred,, tI7! ottigltt• the Adlron daeka...On 1 Lakewiew Casino Grand ±: end ' THE "Find" off the Season Willis Tipping and his Cascade Rhythm Orchestra It's a "HIT" Band! FEAT1]RESL--Free -Admission Tues.. Thurs. & Fri. till 9 p.m. First two dances Free every might. ONLY ONE MORE AMATEUR NIGHT AUGUST 14th Cash Prizes -Big Final Contest Aug. 2,ith for let and 2nd winners of each Contest night. LADIES' Softball Tournament SAT., AUG. 12-2 o'clock sharp 3 Games—Teams are Lucan Irish, For- syths of Kitchener. Exeter Ladies, and UR WA, of Kitchener. The first Ladies' Softball Game in pears at the Lakeview Cnslno Diamond! Come and watch these Smart Teams Play ! SUNDAY CONCERT, AUG. 13th 8.30 p.m. — Parkhill Brass;.Ba.nd Seaforth Monument Works (formerly W. E. Chapman) , NOW OPERATED BY Cunningham & Pryde We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials. SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS & • SATURDAYS or any time by appointment See Dr. Harburn — Phone 105 EXETER: Phone 41; Box 150 WE PLAN TRIPS FOR CUSTOMERS New travel service free at our station "Worry -free auto trips for our customers"—that's our motto. We can fix you up with the latest road maps, reliable accommodation di- rectories, accurate local in- formation. Besides,we can getanyspe- cial routings you want from Shell Touring Headquarters. Yes, we've got a travel bureau that's really com-' plete. Ask us about this free Service today. H. WESTON, Seaforth, Ont GODERLCH STREET, WEST SMELL TOURIST SERVICE STRATFORD GODERICH COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 5.25 a.nt. end 6.25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: pial, except Sunday end hol., 1 p.m. cane 1.40 pen. Sun. coed heL, 1.00 p.ln. end 9420 pan. Caremeeta'ian at Stretford !or Toronto, I%aanitien, Buffalo, lanaon, Detestt. Agents .-- Queen" HotelContmerdal Hotel, Dist Heine i9 J1, � )rrj tV IrJt� °Cl A }�i hb kr, .JJ l':1 ih'9 Monday. • Mrs. Gordon Bender and little son have returned from Kitcihener. • Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny and eon, Clavor, of Detroit, were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mr•S, C. Eckert. • Sister Clavier and Sister Is }dore ihrave returned to Toa^outo fter spending their holidays with friends to this vicinity. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall and Mrs. J. F. McMann • rhave reel:Ted to their homes in Chicago after renew- ing old acquaintances in this, vicinity. • Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Serveny of Detroit, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Hoffman, • Misss Carrie Allen, of Cleveland, visited Miss S. Govenlock for a few days last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse, ,of Galt, were the guests of. -Mrs. William Sclater over the week- end. Mrs. Kruse remained here and will spend some time with her mother, Mrs. Sclater. • MTs. P. Fassold, Miss D. Fassold of Dashwood; Mrs. W. Fassold, Mas - tee Bobby and Ruth Anne, of Lon- don, we a guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.. H. Class last week. • Mes a. Gordon Little, Carman Rowcliffe, Bruce Boyce, Cecil Ada_ns and Cla: e: ce La Beau left here this week be rector for Saskatchewan, aid if t!ity like that Western Prov- ince may r amain tonere for soiree time. • Mr. nail Mrs.. Joseph Purcell. of Detrc'i•t, s; ant the week -end with Mr. ai_a Ars.' John Purcell. • Mrs. 1:. N. Flynn, of London, is a guest :'.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. C:o e. • Mr. ;;red Mrs. H. Minot, of To- ronto, a_.., Mr. G. S. Vance, of Kirk- land Late are guests at the home of Mr. and y i rs. E. L. Box. • Mrs. 'Janna, of Red Deer, Alta., •,v -as the eat of Rev. Hugh Jack and Mrs. Jack ani the manse. • Mess. s. J. M. Govenlock, J. M. Eckert, Gordon McGavin, W. H. Gold iug, M.Y., and Stan Dorrance were in Toronto cn 'Tuesday attending the Liberal banquet to Premier Macken zie King. • Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Stewart and little son, of Montreal, and Mr. Gerald Stewart, of Toronto, are spending their holidays at the home of Mr. an.! Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Mr, Ronald McKay, of Toronto, and Miss Ethel McKay, who has been engaged as exchange teachers in the Old Country, for the past year, are spending their holidays at the home of their mother, Mrs. H, McKay. • Miss Jane Lippert, of Kitchener, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Jones. • Mr. W. G. Willis is spending a few days in Detroit. • Mr. Arthur Archibald and son, of Whitby, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An-, drew Archibald. . • Mr. and Mrs. H. Mellon spent the week -end in Sudbury. • Mr, and Mrs• Leslie Scott and daughter, Miss Betty, who have been the guests of his parents. '.11r. and Mrs. T. G. Scott, returned to their home in Chicago on Wednesday., • Miss Mary Crich and Miss Joanne Snrit.h, of Toronto. are spending their holidays at the home of their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. • Mr. Jack Neely, of London, was a week -end guest. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott. • Mr, and Mrs. N. Helm, of To- ronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. • Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Armstrong of Fort William, are guests of Mr. and; Mrs. A.'D. Armstrong. • Mr. 3. M. Robertson is visiting friends in Kincardine. • Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat ivave returrued from St• Marys. • Mies Mary Stapleton, of Dublin, was a guest of Miss Dorothy Forres- ter. -•' Mr. G. D. Ferguson attended the Old Boys' Reunion in Teeswater this week. • Miss Margaret Wilson, Matron of Soott Memorial Hospital, is on a motor trip to the Eastern States. • Mr. John Beattie returned from a trip to Tuxford and Regina, Sask. • Miss Patricia Stocklasser, of Madoc, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. Master Ken- nedy who accompanied his father to Madoc. has returned home, • Misses Merle Keating, Betty Sandford, Frances Brugger, Betty Anne Hughes, Jean Dale, Mary O'Neill, 7etta Dunlop, Ada Gropp, Jean Dungey, Joan Devereux and Mrs. Dungey are in Grand Bend this week. RegentTheatre Seaforth • Mr. and Mrs. A. E_ Chuff, of Ton- awanda, N. Y., ,spent the week -end with friends here. Mr. Cluff is an old Seaforth boy, but has been resid- ing in the States for the past twenty- five years. • Mrs. F. D. Hutchison 'has leased her residence on the corner of Jar- vis and Market Streets to Mr. Bain, of l.ucan, who intends moving his family here. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jackson, of Woodstock, 'were week -end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. L. C. Jatckeom. •' Miss S. I. McLean is spending the holidays at Portland and Toron- to. • Misr, Margaret McIver spent the week -end 'with friends in Kitchener. • Miss Laura Stewart is in Toron- to. • Mr. Jack Adams, of Toledo, spent the week -end with frd'ends, im town-. • Miss Mary Anne and Miss Ruth McClelland, of Toronto, are guests at tht home Of . their grandmother, Mrs. R. S. Hays. • M.issi Gordian, said Mise Burton, of Toronto, and Mr. Donald Gorrdon, of Sarnia, were the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. Garden,. Miss Muriel Beattie, . of PItte- burg,. hasp been spending her holidays with 'he'r mother, Mra. F. C. Beattie. • M. Wi'lilaiun 1i SoerVlIie, of Nashville Tenn+eallee, Is visiting •frier:ads in Seatortit. • 9VfMrst. Agnes C1o' enikck, who haft been vfittpg MAO it. G remlloek for HAL ROACH presents FREDRIC MARCH VIRGINIA BRUCE "Cool" Air Conditioned NOW SHOWING Louise Hayward Joan Fontaine :''THE DUKE OF WESTPOINT" MON., TUES., WED. IN NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "TO THE VICTOR" Coming — "JUAREZ" The Irishman, hearing a rumor ;n the town that the bank in whdoh he Inept his savings had suspended pay- ment, rushed round to see the cash- ier. "Sere," he demanded. "01 wish to draw out my money." "Certainly, sir," replied the clerk. "How would you like it?"' "Oth, indade," said Pot, "01 don't wm.nt it at all if you've got It, but if you haven't, Oi must have it." The le west Tractor with the Oldest me SEAFOiRTH ONTARIO Flambee =s. SALES AND SERVICE J. N. McKENZIE PHONE 25 DOMINION SOAP CHIPS THIN SHELL SODAS DOMESTIC SHORTENING JUICE PARTY'BRAND COHOE SALMON PRY'S COCOA Domino Dry GINGER ALE Beefex CORNED BEEF V. C. Australian PINEAPPLE JUICE Harvest Brands Choice n PEAS No. 2 Tins J 30 oz. 10„P 12 oz. 12c 14 oz. 9c for 25c 23c Picnic Sweet MIXED PICKLES 28 oz. 5 -lb. .29 Boa 2 -Ib • 1. 1, 9 Box 1SPound .11 . Tin 20 -oz. 3 for .20 Tall .21 1/2•g .19 Riclunellow COFFEE Classco's STRAWBERRY JAM with Pectin, 32 oz. Manning Cream Tea COOKIES 2 for 29c Dominion n n C PEANUT BUTTER 25 oz. 23 Rubber 5 JAR. RINGS Pkg. 1 Ib. 25c 25c FRUIT SPECIALS NO. 1 FIELD TOMATOES BM. .39 JUICY LEMONS Crisp CELERY HEARTS Bun. Ont. No. 1 New Potatoes, 15 -Ib. Peck 1 O 29c 3G0's Doz. Med. Size CANTELOUPES Large Green CABBAGE Head .25 for 19c for 15c STORES• • LIMiTED 10 Day SPECIAL Men's Suits 75 Suits vaiuesTIp to $17 f&9.5° Watch our windows for Special Values in Suits Department Store, Seaforth , }1'