HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-08-11, Page 4''1�'.' d , 'I�.''., a + ,, r ,,1111 ,�J lr, M, ­,� t�j�,:�,! .; � . 1A 1 I:, h r 14 SF -Ad�. t a .,4cdt. 1 1 ,,:�,� ,.q. -sined Y - . I . rlif'i t', t ,-��,�,�,7 - . . . Y- 1,"':::,.-,'_ I- . / i°'aii j td V rF , C��s41 ed Ads will be inserted .at new low cash 'iAes t' 1A ,i. ai M1}: tt' V,t $14% Wanted, Lost and Found, Coming Events, Etc.—Per Word,: +a f . IsK -week I Caut 1�41tsf �"y` . 2nd week ......................... . . 3i, cent !, 3rd week .................... % cent r} •„ Mlinimum charge, first imsetttrim 2li Cents �. Each tib ua t% initial and sabbtrev,ilmtion cauatb as one, .wand» t ilk°t1' Oard! of ThaAulm, In Memormam Notlees-1 cent per ward. M ni` am. 60 cents per week- ,, S;,rr.', ,Fanguiri may be. d'moted ,to a Box Number ears of 'lie Bruen Expositor, for 10 cents r y salt,,, ,,.:. Cortaro- . t ", n Ten .t>mV ad'ditt> atieS per weak will be dteaa red 9t ortls fm shove stars aro not paid by the Saftkday might in the week in winch the ad was run. ��',,,� B�*h iriasw and Deaths insenUed free of charge, ' "i�3a,•. • ,A4W*n Sales, Nutlide +hu Coeditor, E,te.-castor on applicalttlo n. Wanted WANTED-aMEN OR MACHINE TO DIG _ dratim3 to ,btu, 10,000 tile. Terms, cash. t'ppdy t0 Alt'1lIUH ANLE1tbON, R. R. 2, Hi11.__3760x1 Proper . For Sale in Harpurhey. Apply tj EL-NLELK D. TELL, Seal -1h, Phvne 173. 3739-3 POULTRY .k'6.R SAuu -'- w'ilrl'E LEG- h,orn puhleta, staoted Du lay, $1.10 each. MRS. DAVID INGLIS, Bru-,neL Prone :l1-.'.3, Brussels. 3730x1 FOR SALE -5350.00 CASH, SIX -ROOM frame house, in food condition, on Ord Street, Seaforth- Two lots, chicken house, 2iydro» Apply to Box Xo6, EXPOSITOR. . 3726-tf Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE—LOT 24, CON. 14, H1B- bwt, formerly William Glenn Estate, 100 a.k:res- Se,.ad acres of good timber. Brick house antl bank barn, both in need of repair. Price $3500.0U. Apply THE 1NLUSTRiAL MORTGAQE & TRUST COMPANY, Sarnia, Ontario. _ - 378-2 For Sale or Rent Fj OR SALE OR RENT—SIRS. F. D. HUT- ohison's 8 -roomed home, Market and Jar- vis. Streets, hardwood $cors: fireplace: mod- ern conveniences: central location- Apply an premises or to MR. WILLIAM MORRISON, Jarvis Street 3736-tf H-0 QUo;E To RENT -' SEVEN ROO>IED on V.iotor'a,Stree:t, Seaforth, Apply' to J. M. M'a-'411LL AN. 3-.39-1 Notice to 'Creditors NoT10E TO .CREDITORS In the Estate of RUSSELL JAMES SCOTT AA LL YERSO.,S HAVING C1 L A I til S ag.ains, the F'•tatI of Russell Jamc Scott, late of the Township of Hibbert, In the County of Perth, dece,dsed;'fwho died on or alwut the 13th dny of July. 1939, are, hereby not;tied to send in to the undersign -1 ed Solicitor, on or before the lith day of August, 1939, full particular • of their claims, with affidavit proving same. lanmediateiY after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will, be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled there- in, having regard only to claim; of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all other, and the under-' signed will not be liable tb any persom of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seal rA this 21st day of July, 1939. THOMAS L. SCOTT THOMAS LAING By their Solicitor . ELMER. D. BELL, Seaforth, Ont. . 3737-3-- __ .- -- Popular Stallions The Clydesdale Stallion , FAVORITE AGAIN 24337 , Enrolment No. 1961 Will stand at his oven stable at Brucefield for the season. Fifteen dollars to insure, payable February 1, 1940. ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor. PETER KILPATRICK, Manager. 3728-.tt Rn olment 3049 Form 2 The Standard Bred Stallion BARON LOLLWATER 2.11% 2,13,/4 at three years old 1939 Grade "B" Premium No. 375 Will stand for the improvement of stock at the baro of his owner, W. C. Govenlock, Egmondville. He is a jet black in color, stands 15-3 hands high and weighs 1100 pounds, He is a prem- ium horse and is sound. His sire, Bogalusa, 2.041/4. ,He is also a handsome horse as he was first and reserve champion at the Royal Wm - ter Fair, Toronto, last winter, 1938. Would try to make arrangements to meet those from s distance where possible. Terms --$12, payable February 1, 1940. 3727-d The Famous Champion Clydesdale Stallion LOCHINVAR •-r (Imp.) No. 25468 Enrolment No. 3739 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of etock this season, as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—At his own stable, 1 t/a )rniles west and 1 y:e miles south of Dublin. Thursday--Wili leave his own stable at 8 o'clock for Petrolia. return - jug again an Friday night at 6 o'clock, health and weather permitting, Saturday—At his own stable. Terms --56.00 at time of service and $20.00 when mares prove in- foal. J. E. FALCONER, : Proprietor. 3728-V Imported Clydesdale Stallion SOLWAY RESOURCE Imp. [281731 (2.3029) Evngiment No. 3744 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as follows- Monday ollows:Monday Morning—Will leave his own stable - at Brucefield sl d go to the 2nd Concession, them "lath and east to Aden, Sinclairs, for neon; thein east to the Town Line and north to fate 94th Coneessfion t—Wm. Patrick's, for night Tuesday—East 114 miles and north to the 7th Concession to Coyne Bros„ for noon: 4hen to Robert Dofg's, 7th Concession- for mgt. Wednesday -7b Gemmell's Corner and nbr8h tot A- & J. Broadfoot's, for noow : then to his own stable for night, Thursday—At his own stable. Friday ---West to the 2nd CoAcesti.ran all Stanley and nodtlh to John H. McEwan's, for noon; then to his own stable for nig+bft. Saturday—At his own stable. Temms—To insure a foal, $15,00, payable Fk;birviaty 1st, 1940. R- D. MURDOCK. Propnetar and Manager. ` 8728-tf The Pore Bred Imported Clydesdale,] Stallion TORRS MAGNATE . , (Imp.) 26882 (22371) En'nolmendt No. 3Q}9 First Class. Form I Will siand this season for mares as fol- lowb : Monday—Leaves hts own stnlille, Lot 4, Con. 3, H•ibbwk sand Po to Mike Nngle'e, Dublin, for noon: thence to D. J. O'Rei11,'s. Beach - d. lot 12, Can. 4, McKillop,, for night. s day -Will, proceed to Jack McOarghy's, Lot SS, oft 2, Logan. for noon: thence to iris owe stlalrl6 for night. Wednesday -Will =plvr to Cecil. lboaipit's, Lot 10, Con. 3. 'ss, "n," itch enc, by wap of Heron Road t� ills dvnn ekahle fqr night: Tbumday Wllni *6dskd filo b"e. Cdiquhoures, Lot $, Con. St; HIbj) jk' T,er, noon,, thadoe to George 'i '1;0i+e'tf,. 11, o6th. 11: Cuantarty. drain S o"c�k a ti'clo* p,tm,, thence % Jack �ltI d rat Y0, Oen. 61 Mb5eit, for "lot. '11f fa Mata➢ VeAtt V% Lot 11 I.J �, 5t., ifor noon + `t ien'ce tfb itis' ritiri< l�d ; llsilt odlieite 11p +Y4t2 reeYsdn >� y I '1%tlb'e- ii s}:,i,' �y. M1d„R.,4`a � rS,,.4J'.�+,�f,. +rk ,ry tsar i. �,,al,t. .. al w,i4+ , . l Articles For Sale PRIVATE” SALE -- SOLID MAHOGANY se,t"; antique ,we3nut setGre; large iron bed wtlth springs; drerster; kitchen table; dendrdg room liable; 4 dinning room chairs; 3 smtala talyles 7 Rowniond sewing machine. Call soon as v e are moving the fust of next weep Aa)p'ly ,to R. DEVF.REUII, Victoria St. 3739-1 HONEY FOR SALE -CLOVER HONEY IN your -own corabaineas, Be. Also comb honey in small and large sections. WAL- LACE ROSS, North Main St-, Seaforth. Phone 303-1. Notices Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List Township of McKillop NOTICtE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have dowlAied with Section 71 of the Voters' Liktd Act and I have posted up in my oMe in McK;i'llop, on tike 31st day of Judy, 1939, the dist of all persons entitled to vote in said municipaility for members of paLrliamrent and mupi,ctipal elections. and that such list remains •rhe'e for i7mpeetfion. And I 'hea•eby ca,li upon all voters to take immetiir1a6s proceedings to have any errors or omissilons corrected acroriking to nasi, the last day of appeal being the 1st day of Septem- ber, 1939. JOHN McNAY, Olerk of the Township of McKAlop. 3739-2 Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List VOTERS' LISTS, 1939, MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF HENSALL, COUNTY OF HURON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Seotdon 8 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up lit my offk- at Town Hadi. He•risall, on the first clay, of Aug -wt, 1039• thgg� fiat of all per- sonsl entitled to vote in the Lid Munici,plality at municipal elections, and that such list re- mains there for irspecti+on. And 1 hereby radl upon all voters to take rnniediake proceedings Mt have any errors cr graiisions wrrectiA according to law, tfhe last day for appeal being the :.Nand day of Aug- u--t, u;- u:L 1939. DATED this first day of August, 1939. ' IAMFS A IA'rE ) RSC N, Clerk of the Village of Hensall. 3739-2 NOTICE McKillop .Township THE ONTARIO W!EM CONTROL ACT state in Section 4: "Every occupant of land. or if the ta.nd is unroccu:pied, the owner shidl destroy all noxious weeds as often in every year as rb- sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds." Seetlon 22: "Any person who contravenes any of •the provisions of this Act or refuses to obey any lawful order given under auth- ority of this Aidt, shalt rose a penalty of not less than ,130.00 nor more than $50.oa for every such offenoes" THRESHERS Section 18: "Every ,parson, firm or com- pany owning or operating s threshing ma- chine or separat&r, or campng same to be operated, sha07 each year, before commencing operations,- register such machine or separa. tor with the Minister a Agriculture and shall procure a certificate of such regiatra•- Von:" Your co-operation is requesded- FRANK E. STOREY, Inspector. 37373 TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- CEIPTS FOR 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent. per annum up to Aug. 31, 1939, on all prepaid 1939 takes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's of- fice in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. 11719-1:1 In Memoriam 1N LOVING MEMORY .'OF ALBERT J. Me. Queen. who passed away August 7, 1906.- Even 906:Even death has a wonderfrnt mission. Though it robs us of those we love: it lifts ore's heart foam our surroundings To long for foe mratflag above- " —Ilnvinglor t rod by his deer one. 3",39x1 IN LOVING ME01MOS.Y OF MRS. WILLIAM S. Srmian"t. .who ptosed awhy August 13, 1988,: Death dhatrKm .s161, 'but y -et oar memorift' hold Sweet th.mohik of her we loved, in :lett a wrtlt 4n staid. --Brolly rmbsed by linslraaed and Family. 2739-1 I IN LOVING L[111MORY OF GLENN, SON of ,Mr. and Mus. Andrew Ho MUM who passed away August 10, 1985: No one knows holty much we rales you. No one krtaiwh The b69fer pain We have suffered eience we &wA yea, Life has never been 4he same. In our 116130t19 your memio7 lingers, SweAl tender, fined end Lave ; There h ndt a Aay, d0aw Mean. Than we do •not tmnk of yon. —Hail, maned ttw retie Fam%ly. 3739x1 Blrft CRICH In See* %bNAM601 HbspiW. an Aagtlsit 4dfi, go W and Mrs. John C. ;Cttiirdt, a z0W-•ITmmets ma(3h,wor•. CMICH—Im TbTOWDa Gemstted Fphbbital, Private rPadOw a P1zowan. Ian Augoot 1W to Dr. wrid, Xyl;. W. Aubrey C141lh4 a.dang+htetr-- V1m1qM Annet RQ AR—In Scla16 M F,Aemorial 8ospil , 06 July 27101, 4b Mr. and Mies. John Fhanahar, nip a Won. -=-fn Salsa wezaloMlet' ' I ttli al, On August tint#, fib Mr. "a Mrs. Hated Potfr flet d4leRrillsp. ttt aw�. '6.9AA- Pltrlfn 004ftJt 316ablvrhd .pilfsl, oil bugi** 406, to l tm Vis. i0vis 00 4fW��, IIb' tt :may' edy stIft n ,+r d�iitls.' , W,,$ ` V :,yt4 }I ,;.r rt h,'rvJ .�+ r +' 1 -.,g A,j", ,.{ t.. ,I . ,,. I ii 7 a t ;,y: 4 3M{.,. a s.' r it , ,u'f f+ v. - 7 , + 4 , 7 n ,fti. �,. r J11 ',` t$s i7 r 1:51.,., y �i9,, °'•,f 1 J ,'lak li a. ,:.p 1 L ^ u, t 1 6, 1F,v.i,,i 1 r , 1, k A 0 q12,1;11+f 'r,7'4,,,,; ;r ' J. rN r, yl"`• , , , ,yl 1IN(i 1"ah'iiN I • / wM ,•i ! THE EWRON EX'POSIITdOR 0 --T— AT THE REGENT CROMARTY Rev. West of Monkton Preelbyter- ian Church djelivered a he+lpful ser- mon on Sunday afternoon. Owing to many from here attend- ing the decoration service held at Roy's Church cemetery, the congr•e- gation waas much sipallleT than is us- ual. It was gratifying to hear of the Young People's organizations of the Stratford Presby'ter'y fglly meriting the IhandstilmY shield givtlen by the Presbyterian Ctlttreh and which hangs in the entry wayof this church of C,romal•ty for the allotted time of two weeRS, '• Miss Chalmers, of Stratford, spent the weedi-end with Mrs. R. Scott and family and at the home of W. and Mrs. James Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp and family, of Mona -o, v'isdtc>d with Mr. and Mrs. William Houghton and family, Mr, and Mrs. John ,Young and fam- ily, of Granton, visited. Miss M. B. Currie. Neil Gillespie and Thomas Gilles - Bruce appear in "There Goes My Heart,” which comes to the • Regent on Monday', Tuesday pod Wednesday. ..x pie, of Seaforth, and Miss Jessie Gil- I . lespie, of Brandon, called on friends Feeney; Mrs. ti'm. H Evan -s- and munity on Sept. 7, 1907, the son of and relatives here. Miss Olive Evans, Galt with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cooper, long time John Houghton, of Harriston, vis- 'Vers. Peter Malthew's�; Mr. and Mrs. reside'pts of Bent county. At bis,f un- ited at his home Here, ' 'Tony HugeumNerf, Detroit, with Jos. timely death ,he was 31 years, 10 Thomas Cooper, of Toronto, was, McGrath- m'onth's And 9 days, of age. Harry the guest 'at the home of Mr. and Mr. Dempster and son Frank, and c»ompleted his grade school work at 4rs. Ed. Allen and other friends daughter Isabel, of Chicago, visited the Rixey school and graduated with Mr. and Mrs, Herman Speare and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Me- his class from the Bent County high two children, of 'Toronto, spent the Co,nm.ell en route to their summer school in 1925. He received iha's, de- wreek-ead at the home of Mr. Joseph home at Barrie. - gree from the Colorado State Agri- Speare. Dr. -Louis Dill, of Detroit, spent the cultural College in 1929 amd while A number- from here attended the week -end with his parents, Mr. and 't•h,ere he was made a member of Old, Boys' I:eunion at Teesw'ater on Mrs'. P. Dill. Alpha Zeta, an honorary fraternity Monday. Joseph bean, Toronto, was a boli- in the collegb of agriculture. Upon Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace spent day visitor with his uncle, Frank Bv- completion of his college courses he Sunday at Goderich. an* engaged in farming at the home place Mr. and Dirs, B. O. -Macdonald are yliss' Lucille McGrath is vacation- ,with his fatlr,er• and brother, Roy. at Grind Bend- ing in Detr'oi't, y Harry was an active member of the Mr. and Mrs. Booth and son, James, Lea Kr'auskopf and daughter, Xath- MAts'onic Order being initiated into of Chatham, and Miss Irma Guy, of erine, in London; Gar Smith and King Solomon lodge on June 10, 1930. Walleeeburg, spent Dlonday- afternoon niece, Miss Gladys Mien, in Hamil- He gave genemusay of his time and and evening with Mrs. 11. J. Robert- ton; Mrs, Gar Smith returned home aft the time of ,ids death was Master s'on and son, John, returning hoilre with th'e'm. .of the 'lodge. He united with the Tiiesdtay morning. The Staffa softball club pl�y�ed a Presaby'terian Church on Jan. 4, 1925, Mr, an,d Mn . B. O. :Macdonald were game with Dublin' tearp at Dublin on and was both active and loyal. He in Brussels cnWednesday. Monday evening, which resulted in a wva.s'a member of the Young People's of Hay during his wife's absence and score of lU 8 in or Of S•taffa, Study Club of the church. Surviving Mr. and: Mrs. W. A. Cross have r•'?- A meeting of the local Beard of are has father and mother, his bro- IF$ILLSGRLr+'EN Health was held at the office of Dr. tier,, Roy, and his niece, Alice, all,of the change has not yrt given Mrs, Stapleton, M.O.Ii., on Tuesday even- Las Andmtas. Funeral services were The regular monthly . meeting of ing. conducted at. the church by the pas- tor. and Airs. John Baker and Mrs. room of the Undted Church ThursdAy tor, the Il,ev. J. T. Harbert, w -bo ohose William Reichert attended the fun- 'r as a 'text a verse from the 23rd eras of Mr, Boer at :'auburn recently. president, Mrs. Ballantyne, was lm Psirlm, "Though I walk through the DI r. sill 11rs, DI. Elliott, of Mitchell, KIPPEN valley of the shadow of death " Spm visited recently w'ii.h Mr. and Mrs. nian Cook. The meeting was opened sial music was rendered by a quart - Charles Robinson, The 4ugusat zueetin.g of the Rippon etfe including Mrs,. C. E. E.yerha:•t, Mr. lla.rol(1 Reichert has boon con- Fast W. I, will be held on Wednesday, Mrs. Joe Purvis, Bruce Purvis and H, fined to the. house for some time with August 16th, at 8.15 p.m., at the 'E, Gilliland. They sang, "He Lead• a sore' leg. His many Y'riencls wish home of Mrs. James .Finlayson. Mr. eth Me" and "God Wi11 Take Care cf him a speedy recovery. E. C. Beacom Public School Inspect• Ma - You." Six past masters of •the Ma - Mr, and Mrs. David Davidsou and tor, is e'xpe'cted to address the meet- sowgc bodge served as active pal.lbear- gab - Dalton,of t 'afford have S 1 c re• y,rig. - The roll call will be: "If I w:as e'rs, Ralph I oqu'ette, Dave N. Powell, turned home after visiting for a fete 21 what would I choose for a trade Joe T. Wright, Chester Beck, Rollie days with Mr. and Mrs. Win. David- or, profession." Rogers and Ben Elliott, Honorary son t 11r's. Robert Bengovgh, of Midland, hearers included a 1112VO r cf his Quite a large number Ecom this vi• ,lith., is visdtin.g a't the home of Mr. close friends, James Smith, Lucian cinity took in the flying exhibit at Win Anderson, of the village. Brown, Eugene Holt, Paul McGrath, the airport in Goderich Saturday and Dr, Gilbert Jarrott. of Hamilton, of Lamar, Harry Blackburn and Joe Sunday. and Dl'. E. Shaw visited at the home 'Purv-is. The Masonic ,service was us- - of 11rf. Jarrott's mother, Mrs. Isaac ed at the grave with Tom S, Cooper Jarrott, of the village, during the past ' in charge.. A number of visiting Ma- CONSTANCE week. sonic leaders from La Junta and Mr. Alex Cook and daughter, Mr. otb,er towns participated in the ser. Mr. and, Mrs. E. Adams and Kelso and Mrs. Russel Geoghegan and two 'Mrs. vice. The funeral rites were attend - Adams visiles] Mr. and Mrs. Mae Mc - sons, all of London, and Mr -and ed by groups from several organza' Donald, of London, on Sunday, Miss Harvey McClymont amd children, of tions including the Study Club, the Donelila Adams returned with them, Ham'ilt'on, visited at the } ome of 1Mr.,. Masonic Lodge, the De Molays' aad and Mrs. James McCiymortt, of the the, Eastern. Stars. The floral, offer ' Yrs'vinavirrg finished her course at the h pas Village, 'during the t week. ingrs were many and beautiful." rsity of Western Ontario. A, wedding reception was held in Misses Clarissa Dale and Beryl Hall on Monday evening in Carter returned home last week-en week -end honor of Mr, amd Mrs. Lloyd McBride HENSALL ,having conllrleted their course at Mc- of Hildsgreen. L II' id D Hall, Guelph, Mrs. J'ohu Deitz and sister, Mrs. Ladies' dollar skips for 79c, at Good Vi Visitors w itdl J1 r, And Mrs. Jack Fred Tomlineon, of the village, visit- wins this week. Ferguson weri• Mr. and' Mrs. Fred El- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. kiott, Mr. anti Dlrs. Oliver Ferguson, Hill, of EgmondviRe, dlu6ng the past Mr. William H'e'd•dev, n•f Hamilton Toronto; Mrs, Jas. Ferguson, Clinton, accompainded by his wife and family aa'dI Mr. Normtin Ilabkirk, Detroit. .week Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Butt, of Sea- spe'n't the week -end witJh Mr. Hied Rev. J. C. Britton returned to his forth, visited with their sons, Edgar den's mother, of this village, and or on Saturday after home in Inwoodand •f village, durin7 Thomas, othe Sunday were joined by Mrs. Redden'! spending his holidays with his par- the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Butt' married sons and their families, also ellts, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Britton, many friends are always glad) to see by a couple of unmarried sons, mak Mr. and Mrs. ,James Mt dol And fam- them and, to know they are enjoying ing in all a very large company. ii vasiteti Mr. and' Dies, George Lay- y a measure of good health- Mr. Butt Mr. James Kilpatrick has just com ton, of Exeter, on Sunday. is well over tbi6 four score an is re- plleted a 'neat verandalh to the dwe'l Miss: Ethel Cook visited at he 'of markably smelt and active for his ling of Mrs. Leibold, on Queen St. goose Mr. and Mrs. James Medd years I , and which 'has' been so much amprpv recently. ' The heavy rain of the past week de- ed by bei'hg ndce,ly painted. layed the harvest for a few days, but Mists, Irene Hoggarth •bas returnei 1B be beneficial far pastures and from a couple of weeks' plant boli DUBLIN roots, also many- report well getting days taw. Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, wbc Word was received of the untimely Mr. Charles -Cooper, of the 'London was drere spending a vacation, hal death of Leonard Schmidt following T'oa'd South, received word during his returned to the city. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Toronto anemergency operation at Mount the past week of the death of nephew, Harry W. Cooper, of Las visited, over the week -end, also their Forest on August 1st, Mr. Schmidt Animas, who was drowned in La daughter, Miss Dorothy. ed was a son-in-law of Mrs. Johanna Roach, and is survived by his wife, Junta sw'immi'ng pool Sunday even- Miss Edith Faster and her friend who was formerly Miss Lauretta ing. The following is am account of Mises Orton, of Tonawanda, N. Y. Roach.' He was prominent in Muni - Ns death which will be readwith re- visited wit(h Miss Ethel Murdock. elpal. life, having served on Arthur gmt as "'any of the older people Miss Nellie Carm'iohael, of Exeter Township council for many years, would remember his parents, Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. John Garmichdel and was Reeve at the time of his Mrs. David Cooper: "Last sad rites of TOr0ntO, called On 1110nds 'here or death. The funeral took place from for Harry W. Cooper, young farmer Sunday last and motored on -to Porl day. Mount Forest Catrholic Church on of the Rixey community who was the Elgin, 6or the Mrs. (Dr.) Smillde has been in, To Thursday morning and interment was victim of a tragic drowning accident in the La Junta swimming pool Sun- 'KM•t0 v'sdting for some days with rel field at St. Patrick's cemetery, Dub- day evening, were held from the atives an'd many friends. in her late lin Mrs. Leslie Moore entertained six- Presbyterian church here W -")esday home. Mr, Bossenberry, of 10taben!er, call teen girl friend's in honor of her eftern'obu with bu'rRaJ do the Las Ani- ed on frieude in' ,town on Saturday daugbteT. Velma, who celebrated a mag cemetery. Just how and what happened in comveJcti,on wifth the ac- and, Nomday 1aAt. birthday during the week. Mrs. J hn Moore underwent a ser- Q md'ent fe not known as there were Mn, and' Mrs. BonthroB, of Moos( ious operation in Memorial Hospital n'D eye witnesses. With Jas. Smith, 'Harry Jaw, Saeic., and famfily, ewho Ibave been visiting M.m. R, J.' Paterson recently. had d,rtiven to La Junta late Sunday afternoon an'd as the day was Mrs- BonithronSs sister, and also Mr. and Mrs. Dan William's motor- quite hot they decided ,to go for a camping at Grand' B, md, left for their ed to Pittsburgduring the week, g g -remain swim. They bed been in the water thome on Tuesday lasL where %r. Williams will for perhaps 30 miimwtes w�hlem, James de - Mrs. R. H. Collins, of Waterloo, i>E two weeks on business, cided to attempt to swim the ddstance here, the guest of Mrs. Robert Bon' Mrs. Leo rauskopf is critically ill y from one end of 'tine goal to the other. 2hron Mrs. Colli'ne (nee Mass Jes in St, Jos,epli's Hospital, London. He asked Harry to accompany him, ode Banthron ) was a former residead Miss Veronica lvIolyneux has re- but Harry, not beiilig a very proficient Q,f 'this village. turned from hPr summer school omime Lr,n,lcrn. swimmer, refused stating he would Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson werf at Revisitors: Recent Mr. and Mrs. swim 'the 'srYnarteT distance from side lately visited by their em -in-law and Harold Smuck, Iiitchener, at the home to side. Evid'eitly the accident oc- daughteT, Mr. and Mrs. Abmy, of London, and bhedr two children. of Mr. and 'Mrs. T. J. Molyneux; Mr. Ralph curred while his friem'd and compan- 'ion wag swimmlting to the afar end of Monday last was observed is our and Mrs. Dill, Stratford, and t'h'e pool for shortly after aTriving, annual civic bolid'ay and the village Kenneth Dill, Toronto, with, Mr, and Jimmie looked. for Harry but could presented quItte 'a deserted- appear Mrs. P. Dill; Mrs. E. Hunter and. not see 'him anlyw^here. He immedi- ance, 'nearly every one spending the gr•anddauglhter, Toronto, with Miss ate4y went to 0te softdmimk stand and day+ elsewhere, the great majority go Mary Beale; Sister Paula, St. Jos- ,then to the d1•eslldang rooms, tb3n i.ug Ing to the different lake VeSOrts. eph's Community, Peterborough., with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Holland, 6erba'ps has friend' h vLd decided to get Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson have and her a'Ister, Mrs. J. V. Flynn; Sis- f4om,ething trr d0ok or dress. Mailing moved into their new dwelling dmmaed• lately to the west of Mr. Hemlplhill s ter, M. Claver, St. Joseph's Convent, to fi'n'd him, he summoned the life- guard and witiMn sermml min -Utes the on Maim St., Trndl have every comfort Toronto, with cher br6thers, Philip and Frank Kenny; M,im Vera Feen- body was found in about^six feet o£ and convenience of mo !ern Life in ey, Torovto, with her another, Mrs. water, Tie victim wasp ruahe'd+ to the 'Menn,orAte ,hosl tal in. that city, thein new ih,omo. Mensal'] and vicinity bre long been Kathleen Peeney; Franck Kratuskopf, but all efforts to revive him failed, 'not'ed as a , greart onion centre, and Toronto, with iris parentis, Mr. and The. accident baWene'd at about 7,30' targe `tMWb`rm are now engaged An Mrs. Louis Kraunkiapf; Mrs. Doerr and ehild,ren. London, at the Thome of .o'clock at a time wb en, there were PUIMUg 9W01115, w'hlch are •a Tory good yi'elfd. Mrs. A. M. Looby; Miss Annie Ma, boss tial]! a ,half dozeo persons in, or Nobody. ' emw or Mr: 'amid M•rs. Hendermn, alma cbil- isatfey, Londolr; with Miss 112. Hanlpn; around ,the pool. heard a''ttdn'g 91'o711 Harry and it is 4hreil. spent Civic RioNday at their fon Mr. and Mra. James Scholey, Toro,. to, with -Mr. 'anti Mrs. W. J. Hanley; supposed he Wdertook ,to ,awsm , too mer home In GI'iewile. 4)tir J4]aeph li'ftena�y, Lonrdon at great a distaoe. Hang Wi171.itm Rev. Mr. Rdehnam(laail, brNe time biro &*Me of 'leis brotlher, Wilfrod (`'oopelr W" 'born, iw the kbwy coma lnlnisrter of Sit. Andresv'm tlhllrth at . " .. — ' b 3 ,1. e 1t i w. .r r. i ya .r !' Y t Y r k. Y apt s . �, r .\' -, 2P k i ' pr. r':J t x G �Sir' <M r / a. ! [. rNa r,. r �^t,. .t I .A T^l,^ yy r J+ a, r : +r !'a K-, S A rt a' 1 ! ar t „),t r tieY -1: 1 1 .:, ",.r... J , • r 5 r ' .,. e , '. Imo,. fi, A�I. ,f d '",r, , '3. .. , ,, h .t , fn. t �i ,.J'n, 1 .� �. ! R.,..,;r, , ..n .... .. ., ,9 _:.., .l. F r i -,' .. , 10(,,I 1. r , : r ,,. .r ,.IArJ.. ,., b. 4, Y! . 3r•.1"c1 , J' Ky. _. i t , ;,.1.1 1 ,."t. t. II Lr ,: 1. r ,. ,. .. x a.. t .. .i [. . ,. ,. . • . ..v . I, 1 ,, „ J •� 1/,} : `M1 7 ,. ,:'. r l r.Y: ,.,. � , ,. ,lrl, � ,!' -, f .. , .,. N. I. .. ,. , i I w 4 e 4 A I i !' M1 I 1 2 d t:1U ,, �'. t r,{,• -, hi v i 1 aP.b. iJ, . r. '.7, ,. .: , ,¢ I .,,. <,._. tip„ , s •.. .. .. '.:;jfp { L. f t .n. sl tr OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN . \I,,i: A .9 . '� a 1 . A e .Ii' , I I .. AUGUST, 11, 1939. ely 1st and 3rd. Tilesda90 in, the r' 1 , month, for the purp,oyw of teddy I 1 Jilpen, bait who to at present ma 1t this village, 1g his tce Comings to i,,- ' Church, t d service in the United Church t i mended to <moTlldt rote HOUM: IS , n;g -the hospital' thii week w•dll re- a.m. to 6 P.M. Phomas HeasaU 16 wean Qn-Sunday last. I Mr. 4obent Passmore, divindty situ- ,, -.. .V ,, I emit, who ?s t�aldog the services dur- Hensall llad•ys,' iwere bast week visited by trip. 1g the holidays of the pas't'or, Rev. Service was held in Carmel Pres- r, , . [r, Brook, of the United Church, oo. Gee R0ILI�iN5011T,► �� u'pied tlhe 'pulpit on Sunday 'last, de- Miss Grace Pollard, of Glan'worth, velt g a very dilteresting and well OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN tlought out discourse, while Mrs. IWingham [edden and %rs. Hess rendered. very , beasiln'gly a duet entitled, "Whisper- will be at W. O. GoodwdIn's sI',o a e►+ ag Hope." ely 1st and 3rd. Tilesda90 in, the r' The relatives and friends of Mrs. month, for the purp,oyw of teddy Vdll'iam Dougall, Sr., of the village, eyes and $,tUWg gimse+a. D1fficu1$ rill be ,pleased that she, very sue- cases and 'thos'e tthadt^hav+e aaot btlm e8sfully underwent her recent 'Opel'- propeldy Sttedi are speeftHy reeOID► e tion in Seaforth 'hospital, and leav- mended to <moTlldt rote HOUM: IS , n;g -the hospital' thii week w•dll re- a.m. to 6 P.M. Phomas HeasaU 16 gain bar a, time resting at the 'home ltOT appodmtment. I 3672 1 f her daughter, Mrs. Milne Rennie, I , f S'eafortb. Mns. Luker and daughter-, Miss companded by friends on a fishing llad•ys,' iwere bast week visited by trip. Ors. Marshall, of 'London, formerly Service was held in Carmel Pres- r, •f this village, and, other members of bytel'ian Church on Sun>d'a,y morning; ler family and t'riends. last conducted by Rev. Mr. M]R, of ' Miss Mary Goodwin, pupil of Piro- Oaven Presbyterian CihurchK Exeter. essor A. W, Anderton, of Clintan, who gave a veqy fine discourse, anal . ias pas+s'ed cher piano junior examina- the choir rendered' a very pleasing tion at the Toronto Conservatary of anthem. Music. Miss Grace Pollard, of Glan'worth, Very Iarge numbers from t1rC vil- is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo- Gram, lage and vicinity were in Goderic'h on of this village. Saturday and'Sunday last, witnessing Mr, William Fraser- was lately tall - the great air pageant at the county en to Seaforth Hospital far an opera- tovin'. tion, and whild his health w'as' con, 'Mrs. McDo'nrald and her sister, Miss 9idel'abby impaired making the opera- MoAsh, ,have got n rely settled in tion more difficult, at last neportti the their new home ou, Queen' Street, was doing as well as could be ex - formerly owned and occupied by Mr. pected. William J. Jones. Miss Greta. La:mlm.ie, as organ'is't of Miss Welsh, of Toronto, formerly the United Oburch, is enjoying a of this village, ,spent the week -end couple of weeks' holidays and. Dr. iv - here with relatives and friends. an Smillie is. taking her,plaa+ce- M'arion Sangster, wlio rettr•rned last Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, week from Seaforth 11ospital after an spent the sleek-en,d , here wdth icer: o'penati•an for appendicitis, i5 recover.' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Cpen- in'g p'ery rapidly .stimce her return. ser. 1Miss Jennie Murray and 31rs. T. W. Mrs. Goodwin, and, daughter, Miss Parhn,e`r (lave moved into the dwel- Mary, are -,visiting relatives at bale - ling at the least end of the villa;;e re- side and Harrington. cently occupied• by the late Mrs. ,Mr. and, Mrs. Jarrott, of Hamilton, John Tapp and ihus,band. Spent the week -end the guests of Mr. - Mr. and Mrs- Graham, of London, and Mrs. W. O, Goodwin. Who were here s'pemding hol•idirys Dr. and Mrs, J...A Spellman, Car - with Mrs•. Ballantyne and, Miss Katie oly-n and Helen, and Marry Pat Harb- Scott, have returned to the city. er, Of Kitchener, were guests of Mr. Air. and Mrs. Jahn Fisher have and Mrs. Laird Mickie and family on been visited by their son, Lester, and Monday last. wife, of Windsor. , ! Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson, aadt The many friends of Mrs. Dilrk Mrs. Andrew Dougall and daughter, Drysdai•e, who recently underw'en't an Miss Carrie, spent a couple of daym operution in St. Josc-ph',., Hospital nt last week in Listowel. London, ,will be 1)1ease,l io learn that. I'lenic parties are the orv7,er of the she is getting on very nicely troll clay, some going to Grand. Bend, Bay - hopes' to be able to reufrn to her field, Turnbull's Grote and Snowden's home very shortly. Grove. Miss Alice Kyle has boon visited Mr, William Dougall, Sr., is vi'pflting during the past week or, srr by- j.(.1 -leis son', William R-, in the Township atives and friends from her former of Hay during his wife's absence and h!om•e near Ki•ppen, i l hers. Mr. and: Mrs. W. A. Cross have r•'?- Mr, and Mrs. George Laughton, of turned from spending several w•enlis' '1'01.0n't 0, spen' t Tuesday d y of this week holidays, but we regret to learn that ,.filth Mrs. Laugih-ton's parents', Mr. the change has not yrt given Mrs, and Mrs, C. A- McDonell. Cross the hoped for bt�nefdt. The regular monthly . meeting of Miss Stella Robson has returned to the W.M.S. was held in tribe school herhome in Toronto after a very room of the Undted Church ThursdAy pleasant abort visit w,i0i li,r sister, afternoon, Aug. 3rd- In the absence Mrs. H. Arnold. Of the president, Mrs. Cross, the vice - Messrs. Spencer R Son, of the Hen- president, Mrs. Ballantyne, was lm sall Rlanivg Mills, have had n very the "chair. Mrs. Spencer acted a� busy s+easom in the ,stay of supplying secretary in the absence of Mrs. Notd- ma�emal for buildings. nian Cook. The meeting was opened Air. WIM=, Craig and sister, who by singing sof Hymn 92' and prayer.' are odor in London while their bars. 'C. Cook read the Scripture les brother John ls'Ya-lctoaia ospital, s, n1, after which Mlsys' Jennie Murray following quite a oritical operation, In gave an interesting talk on Temper - writing to friends repart their bro- ante. Hymn 123 was sung and the ther as 'slowly improving, and Wil- topic, "Weldi'n+g the World," w'as host edam was bene for a day or so tthe ably given by Mrs. George Hews. A Zpart of thds week looking after pleasing solo was rendered by Mrs. Ill home, Tom Sherr•itt entitted, "Still, Stil& • Mr. and Mrs, James A. Paterson With Thee," after which the meeting Spent Civic Holiday in Meaford, ac- closed with prayer. . 1"I SIXTH A.NNLJRL Legion and Band I . ..1; I Pv, r - . Gard.ein a ty . I I - I __ i - ' Victoria Park, Seaforth. ' I . THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th Al" S Y. M. PROGRAMME . BANDS PARADE TO PARK AT 7.30 P.M: . : THE STRATFORD BOYS' CONCERT BAND IN A NUMBER OF DELIGHTFUL SELECTIONS THE .TUCK SISTERS SINGERS AND DANCERS, OF PALMERSTON, POPULAR WiNNIERS OF RECENT AMATEUR I NIGHTS THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT THE THOMPSON FAMILY OF ATWOOD, IN SONGS AND INSTRUMENTAL NUMBEhS r . DON HDJITNELY AR BDAANCING ed Iarpe crowds at 13ayfie•ld during the Summer. Perfect floor and a perfect new -time dance band. Dances, 5 cents each. HORSE RACES •REFRESHMENT BOOTHS *FUN GALORE *WHEELS OF FORTUNE •GAMES OF SKILL, THIS IS THE BIG NIGHT OF THS YEAR! ADMISSION lOc CHILDREN FREE CHAIRMAN -•-W. H. Golding, M.P., Honorary President of Band. LEGION -President, G. D. Ferguson; Secretary, B. O. Muir. BAND -President, D'Orleon Sills; Secretary, A. Golding, (in the event of rain, Garden Party will be postponed to Friday evening, August 18th "GOD SAVE THE KING" I. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY' 1 . Horses, Cattle, Hogs; Etc. -- Courteous Service PHONE: 15 SEAFORTH, 235 EXETER --COLLECT .' DARLING AND CO, OF CANADA, LTD. -situ '1 cl'�,, rr I 1 .1 373tbt26- . J, I I I., 1. {' `z 1v .1 !M 1 h l , ,5� d r i5p�, t ',14. ,fry 7. ) ! (; .+. a:. 1T, UU <F. ,1. .i . ,h, r t, ii.,rS '. i..: , l i.. Y 14:� h x ,;ort, � ,+ n � , , 1, i r ft , a,).f 1,,�,,,. s i ,..;.ter L a Ia:F'tKT;, ;,^. > I ,.11'"' ttl , ., J. ( I al. 1 d I } .: c, a. { 1 4... I. t ,:,. C �. s.., ,a �. .sic.., 4k '. 1 :'a i,,; ,a„ .r,ydyv,.,,,~�...,b.,.a,.'J.,�(.k9,:,kf„�.t.,t, ,5,.+�t..xt..tt, t.th.,,,�:<t h4�.,,,S: '9 r...K,�t„SiA..t. rA1.>-tt�.:K..,1,�..4.«,win i k, .i ,f S r r