HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-08-04, Page 4} !fi"+rVt p r, Loi ,I +A r ti:,, , •�,r 11 5J ,' �' • tVTr. 'riillk b'.GIYtt, tLCG`Q t ,4 )Il....... i i t t ''% "[l� {,, 1 t t, ^silt 'r :list' '" r„ , r. 1ax'"�►#tt A�'" h'is P'aregts, Mr. and Mrs. Joust yeti 11 FtJ%t �A� n c 'Y ,i ,k4 I, ', and Miss Gar+r le visited ,with Mr. and r� i _r�� rot +k�lsl is t ^t { iitrA ..... Mrs. Archie Russel, of Carlingford', on Si � M Pageant Opens y,j i, 1 ¢ta Sunda afternoon- ' �r ralt,r,llsv� On Saturday Messrs, Robert Gardiner, Hugh I. 4,si `" Norms, Jr., and Frank Scott left on 11 .# i`R`2 I 'r � , 1, ,u 0' t ` Tuesday morning on a motor trig to fi r ` , -1�, i� , led Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates a the Westeim Provinces. iu��,a' uSi d;' Lf you Hear a steady deans from ;,(air s ii;� ����a a, Wanted, Lost and Found, COPOW Even*. 7s'ce.--Par've..da � ; Rev. Mr. Bennie and family, of Ac v , . j, +it 4 ,"I lave direction of Goderich this week - P! 1 "e ,,, }'; ?n �.v.........................••_ >t end put an your hat, crank the gas- tan, were the tests of Mrs_ MclnZosh,t % Cent Miss Lila McCulloch has returned #>nr5t'YP ,'' 3rd week .......... ...Ceaat buggy and be on your way to' the ,1*! 3C,i+Minimum charge, tiis't lameribba ...._. 26 Cenda County Town of Buren, or you'll miss after having spear some time in, To r ,t� 'at ,s dal hn. Each figure, Snitilad .and abbr+acalattulom ,munla� as one ,vuv& out on the biggest lttternation'al Air ,onto tviUh friends, also with Mr. and �, T�anks, In Mamxoriam Notices -A rem per Nim,d. +Mbaimum,. 6o cents par week- Pageant in Canada."' `pkat humming Kra, Carl Weitzman, of Niagara Falls. -I , i`,"nquirke9 may be directed air a Box NumLe>, orutla of 'I9w �rarou F.xpaeibor, Sea 10 team noise will be made by planes from New Fork. y'tvxtL- every part of Ontario and many 7'.:e service conducted by Rev. W. y J $', , den c adddtdonal sdN t rviU be 'hl[ ,hover aa�a n t triad by ffie A. Young of Hell on Sunday Af- e Saturday night in thhe week in wWoh the ad wee run. points in the United' Stat 6. ternaon in the Presbyterian Church Birtihahs, Marriages and Deaths. inseotted free o2 abarga i' C., I ' Auction sales, Notice au Creditors, .Etc.- Iba�oncpmliontilom. A year ago 25,000 people •stood was not so to ell attended owing to d 11 breathless as the crack fliers of Can- tilie wet afternoon, Mrs. Young sang ;�' /+�;}( Wanted Auction Sales ada and the United States put on a very acceptably -the hymn, 'Come Un G ad, rrever-to-be-forgotten show at Sky to Me," which was fully appreciated f UCTION SASaE OF Fi 1tNtTURE-Iioucte- , ,1 ANTED -A GOOD TRACTOR PLOW IN A Harbor Airport at Uoderich. It is ro by the congregation. ,.. �T Iota effects and furniture win be sold idle boast to say that this bear's The softball game between ' the ry,K. ,,., Y° R. R. 2, Seaforth. W REY*10 3D 1 by Public au alai' on Friday. August 11th. at DAIRY, 1.30 pm-, at the sesimlence of John Arnold, show will be even better. i'hirty Dublin team and ills Cromarty' team f S, a*t __ I)uffidn Ocgi 3738x1 planes from Miclligau's famed "Dawn played in Cromarty, was nearly a tie . `�r'' Farms I"Yir Sale Patrol" will take part in the air nee[, but by one mare inning the score Planes from the United States Naval w'en't to the Dublin team. The play- v�''`,,, Baby Chicks Air Force ant from the Royal Cana ers were then treated to a lunch and lR,, AILS FOR SALE- LOT 24. CON, 14, HIB- alvl` bev fornairly William Glean F -,tate. 100 (han -kir Force are expected' to be on an even'ing's tun at the home of Mr. k"^,,1 SON C131C}i5 OFIE I PROVE �'j'w' ec,Ey still acts of good umber. Brick OFF -SEA h7Ad. The ltli[h SgUaG;Oil of the and MI's- 'ti'ti11 Hamilton. �r�t� lrrofiakhle investmerxt—if right cp;ality. Mich'i an National Guard is Ez ect A number from ller�e attended the ' Iy� ,�t=;3' house id bank barn, bath in need of repair. Pullets reach high pr,xiuction as regutxaa• sup- g P .e', " - 3ao0.00. A ly 'PHE INDUSTRIAi - q �,w. . �+iCe � � pilnai i�al! off: (`aeAer�-145 bit market when ed to send a fleet ai' planes. tt'orlci ..taffa Ins•titu;e. picnic held at Grand MOR 'AGE &-'TRUST •COMPA.'IY, Sarnia. �i'"='�:'.'' Ontario. 373-Z fry -killed broilers and tt».raters scarce. Lim- famous flyers of both Canada and the Bend -last wE�ek and report a fine ited number famous Bray chicks aysMable ^I•.' nhrough August- THOMAS DICKSON. Sea- united States are go:ug to con„re- time- ' ', . . - _„ . _____.- _-.--_ for, , 37n-1 gate at the "Nvagou-tlheel" town on Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, Aylmer %' 1I , Mil: For Sale or Rent Lake Huron to take part in the Air Colquhoun ar:d their younger shit r.. -"1'Pageant to outdo all air pageanis. ! dren, Clinton. at the home of Mr. a4..FOR SALE UR; RENT—:41RS. F. D. HUT- Articles For Sale and Mrs. Thomas Scott and other .el- '.¢�vy"' 1 ahi>on's 3 -roomed home, Market and Jar- Sky Harbor Ail port, started a lit- atives; M:. and Mrs. Carl Weitzman "I'..;, vis Streets : hardwood frours :, fireplace : mod- rL�L4LI p UR SALE—CHOICE CUT 31 4T the more than a year ago, is no longer and family, etagere Falls N. Y., with l,ty,_,, ern cgnveniene 3 : centra! location Apply on OtaIOL bt"'OR aakl ,odors. Apply tb 4, Y,;? paem.1 or To .MR. WILLIAM MORRIS.O d, a "venture On a ,Shot' -String" as It relatives Melte; Mr. and Mrs. Allen BALkM 'POWELL, 3733x1 : 1.z Jarvis. 37ae-tf __ was last year. It is a resit} that is Cameron, Alltchell, with Jahn MoCul- a', HONEY FOR SALE CHOICE • WATER going to keep on growing because it tech; Mr. and 'Ira. Binet, Stratford, '" H .white clover honey, 7c in your own cun- 'S.. —' " has the support of flying officials send ttith Rev. add M'rs. rrel, r � the jl.. - tamers,; Scper pound uthermfse. Telephone Property For Sale` aviators in two cour_tries. Richt now IrV_ 81 r 4. Hensel. HOWARD LEMON, warns \ianse; '1 r. and Airs, John Scott and OR SALE-s3�o.00 cASH. SSY-ROOM 3738x1 it is the favorite child of Hurcn Coun J Frank Scott and' Miss M. B. Currie �;;!'' ty and is being nursed along by 119 I at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. C. ;,+w FOR house, in good' coadituon, on Ord ONEY FOR SALE -'-CLOVER HONEY IN Street Seaforth, 'L•wro lots, chicken house. HONEY own comtain�yn,-. 3c. Also comb County- Fa.hers because it offers a Russell and George Russell, Avonton. `11 Hydro. Appy to Box 206, E-•+LPOSITOR. .ho7ey m, smnadl and large s&tions. WAL- new Held of es:7pl'geDlent to the 'lair I Mrs. A. McLellan has returned af- 3726-t3 L SCE ROSS, North Main St., Seaforth_ County of Huron, Phone 3034. ter spending a week with her brother ,,, c pROPERTY FOR SALE—FRAME HQUSE, in Harr-iston. ;I 'ti 7 rooms, good cellar•, cistern, never tail_ It IS itis modest, boast of CassRoy M'eCollough an d Leonard ''n� ' in8 well .at door; excellent clean garden HUUg'il, er.[•1}tiSlaStiC .VSiClli,an fl)'e1', sand- Five minutes' walk to church, school Cards of Thanks who will be in charge of the meet Houghton have gone to Premier Hep- 'E.r•`" or store. Telephone, Some fruit. All in burn's ,stables on a horse shoeing con good repair.. Pnopemy will be sold at reason- ami w•ho has erranged for many c,f MRS. , As FrtFn S, SI20WN WISHES TO' test.' able price with half the purchase price re M the features to be pTOvi�ed•,by L .S.A. ,thank the eaanY rm arts and neighbors flyers, that from 73 to 100 lanes w,. 11 Rev. Mr. West, of Monkton, will wamning on Property if desired. Avply on j for rase 'nt &ad an syeynen't: shown her in planes ,the premises or aattc.e:,s Box 61, Seaforth- � conduct services in the Presbyterian 11 k ;,• her ruts-n,t sad beieay.ement: aLco for the congregate at Sky Hal'b01' saLUI'ddy +, r" NIRS. ALEX. GORDON. 3736-3 t,Earrtiful r itwie< and cos loaned: Cl]UICIi On Sunday. and Sunday of this steel;. T. ere fliers 9:',: - specW thanks to Rev. 3rr. Gardiner and the -- - will take past, in corn;retitions and Canadian Oa d'er aF Farr meters. ":'' Notice to Creditors 3738x1 put on displays each afternoon that ,!;.1 - tviL he th'e beet fc;ur 'tour; cf et tt:- WINTHROP NOTICE TO CREDITORS J tafnment to he held amu Here in the in the Estate of RUSSELL JAMES SCOTT Notices Dominion for the same price. '. ALL PERSONS HAYING. CLAIMS alrainst the Ea -tate of Russell James Tbei u ill be plant races, stunt- The heavy rains were a great wel- Scort, late of t:he Tolvnsnip of Hibbert. in 11 pROCLATATION } ~t come as +the root crop and pasture ing, formation flutes, baLcu:. bu:'st:ng . the County of Perth, dece%�ed, who died on , I flelds were bad i' need' of it. �' or about the 13Th day of Jaly, 1939, are.' and slil.>i 1arkiin� C.n1pz•tition�, bomb- ay k. hereby rwtiaed ;S send in to the urtdersign- Town of Seaforth dropping ' 1, I The farmers are busy cutting oats '�'�`' ell sralscitor, on or before the 11th day of pP n aLr� I,al'aC'.tUtt^ jllnl )'. You'll �' -•,'j .4 August, 1939• full particulars of their claims, CIVIC HOLIDAY put }^Out• head lar back OL` your 5110:11- I and barley, while some have finished. with affidavit proving. same. d'ers and peer way up into -,he blue . % and airs. Walter Eaton and �y'..,, Immediately after the -aid last mentioned Monday August 7th as George Bennet, leading Canadian Larry spent Sunday with friends in date_ the assets of the said estate will be dis- .+ b Dashwood_ 1. :',' tribuited amongst the parties entitled there- p.arachuLt_ juniper, goes up tc a height at I. I hereby proclaim that �t.mday, August 7, _ll r. and Mrs, Foster Bennett, Mo to, having regard only to rlairns of which .1839, be (.5w,ic R5Aiday for the Town of Sea- Of 10�0+a1) feel and then steps Calmly 'r�n,:`. the undersigned shafll then have rxatddz to �,.�, a; reainest t@:at ;,nes eitizens observe off the edge of the wing cf the place. and Billy and Ylel. Merriam spen 't''; the exclusion of all others, and the under- she same by closing their places of business You'll hold your breath as he plum- Sunday with Dir. and Mrs. Georg s . signed will not be liable to any Detso'n of for that day. Eaton. ''',y' lvntze claim the undersigned shall not then mec5 ea1'11:tS-51'(1 and that 1+3raChU'.e t t'r' have notice for the assets so distributed or doesn't open_ Beneath your breath Members of Major's La Guardias 1l?.;' any part thereof. John J. Guff, Mayor you'll bt'g him to pull the rip -cord I Cabinet and their wives were pies `, 1939�TED at Se forth this 21st say of July. GOD SAVE THE KING" and lPt th sil:;y folds cam him to sited to the King and Queen at th 1R. THOMAS L. SCOTT 2738-1 safety -and then, after a free drop �i orld's Fair during the 30 -minute r !'. THOMAS LAING of 3,000 feet in his "delayed" jump, ception' at Perylon Hall, New York - I", By their so!icitor NOTICE 'II•. and Mrs. John C. Mwher we : he will puil tie cold and float to Llie EL -MER. D. BELL, Township of Tuckersmith '> among the members. Mrs. -Maher wa h seaforth ori ground_nnett will make a "delay - 3737 3 HE TOWNSMP OF TUCKERSMITH RE- ed" parachute jump eaCd,l day, formerly Miss Mabel Bullard, o 5I,? T quesSs ala property owners tb cut all Winthrop, daughter of Mr- John Bul noxious weeds now in bloom on roadsides •. — Don't worry shoo"t parking accom- lard. abutrtimg tdxd� property- modation. There is provision made _Mrs. Gillies. Isabel and Bruce 3r Popular Stallions R. DALRYMPLE .; goad Superintendent for the peeling of at heart 8,040 cars. spending a few weeks with friends i per^' The Clydesdale Stallion 3136-3 The entire program has been ar- Collingw'ood. ;vf- FAVORITE AGAIN ranged so that spectators will be ,(, J` NOTICE . Enrolment No. 1961 able to see it all. You will probably `:fir.. wet grana at his own stable at Braaefield McKillop Township See Gar wood, famous speedboat and VARN'A ': ;; for. the season. Fifteen dollars to insure, THE ONTARIO WEED CONTROL ACT 'plane racer, a veteran in the game, ^ri payable February i. 1950- T � in Section 4: 'Every ocoapaut of go aloft a:ll(i that same afternoon you ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor. 'lead• or if rthe Pard i rrrroecupaed. titre owner will see Donald ?,lien, a 12 -year-old, � ^. PETER KILPATRIC$, Manager. shall destroy old moxi,xL•: weed's as often in Hunter - Peters I $ 28-'t[ every year as is sutTicirnt tm prevent the g0 ifp at the controls of a plane. He ' ripernIng eY � �." is •the youngest student flyer in Can- •` f On Wednesday afternoon, Jul 26 r., %nmlmeat 3049 Form 2 Section 22: "Any pvs 'n who contravenes ads. y The Standard Bred Stallion Ili, BARON LULLWATER �° n1e Frnvasfons of iiia Act or refuses an interesting wedding was solemniz j� 2.11>, 2.13y;E at three years ala to obey any lavdull order given under auth- The roadways all lead' to Goderich ed in Varna United Church, when fol F"'1 ority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of '• � 1939 Grade • 13" Premium No, 375 not less ,therm 640.00 nor more' than $50,00 this week -end, but the "air -way" is lowing the publication of the banns Will stared for the improvement of stock for every such often&^ aw-siting for you when you get there. 1'fiss Catherine Ruth Peters, B_A., on +?IL at the barn of his owner. W. C. Govmiock, V. Sgmondvil.ie. Section ,lac°n firm w• tom- ly daughter of Rev. J. R and Mrs I11:l;i; Hp is a Jet black in color, stands 15-3 hands pany owmdag or onerahirrrg a bhreshivg ma- '~ Peters was united in marriage t0 Mr I high and weighs If00 pounds. ,He is a prem- c6,ine or separator, or ca-asing same to be Holvard John Hunter, B.S.A_, of EX i . inn horse and is sound. His sire, Bogaluss, operated. shad] each year. before commencing • • ter, only son of R. J. and Mrs. Hunt Vii+•"''� 2.04r{y.. rally Picnics ,';- He is, also a handsome borsQ, as he �as op�ome, t�'� such nraah" or separa er, of U sborne Townsbip. The ch'urc I,.'a^ fist and'.igez•ve champion at the ILoyal V4Pim- !.o! the Minfs-!er of Agriculture and shalt ure a certificate of such registra- w a9 beautifully decorated for the oC ter Fair, Toronto. 'last winter• 1938. Would Linn. '0C (Continued from Page 1) casion and the ceremony was per .-: try to make arrangements to meet those from jr�r ao oyertataon is regnesCQl : distance where possible FRANg E. STOREY, for old and young were engaged in, formed by the bride's father, asst ,." R Trsms�l2, payable February 1, 1040. by Rev. �fi'm. Mair, of Thames R•o III 572-713 37373 fir_ followed by cards, There was also a Cnit-Church. The bridal party en p,:.. scramble of candy kisses for all the - children_ A hearty vote of thanks [erect the church to the tune of r,�, The Famous Champion Clydesdale Stallion wedding processional by Lohengrin LOCHINVAR TOWN OF SEAFORTH was extended to Mr. and Mrs. McLean §''• (Imp.) No. 25468 played by Mr. Harold Peters, of Lon tc'1 , . for their hospitality by the W.M., don, and the musical portion' of th f Enrolment No. 3769 Form 1 'TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- Mrs. A, Harrison. ;q;.. WDI stand for 'the improvement of stock "` •" ahs season, as f°ll°ws: CEIPTS FOR 1939 Winners in the races were: Girls ceremony and ,marriage hymn, "Per My lSoaday. Tuesday and Wednesday—At his feet Love," to the setting of Se JO RM ": 7, Wilma McLean: boys 7, Leslie Hab- awn stable, 14r mites west and 1?�; miles �sL 141 south of Dublin. Thursday—win leave hb The TOWjj will p'[13j L� per kirk; girls 13, Marguerite �i'estcott; eph Barnby. The bride entered th It Y church on the arm of her feather I ' own sable at 9 o'clock for Peaotia, return- b boys 13.oErneSt Clarke; girls over 13, f�'I?' ing again on Frmay,nitrht at 6 o'clock, health cent. per annum up t0 Aug. Lois Harrison; boys over 13, Reith dressed very becomingly in her floo :1: and weather permitting. Saturday -At his length graduation gown of white or „z Harrison; married men's race, David ganz� over white satin and ton vel d °� areola 3I 1939 on all prepaid 1939 Stharimon; milk bottle race, -Airs-. D. g �1./ I Terms --,5,5.00 at time cif servree and $20.00 , , p p ir,{�rt' when maces Dras:e I fond_ Shannon; clothes pin race, Bettycaught with a coronet of orange bt i .a J. E. FALCONER, taxes. Certificates and full saws, and carried a bouquet of But Dunlop and Clare Westcott; kick the {t' Proprietor. 8728 slipper, Mrs. H. Nott; neck tie race, terfly roses and baby breath.. He 4y" particulars may be obtained bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Johns, o Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. . ', Imported Clydesdale stallion from the Town Clerk's of- Elimvale, wore a gown of pink crew. �,," SOLWAY RESOURCE Neil Shaw Picnic de chine with matching silk la IZ1t imp. 1281731 (23025) flee in the Town Mall. flounces. Her bouquet was roses a.n EnmIment No. 3744 Form 1 The F,gm'ondville Neil Shaw Girls cornflowers. The groom was sup aI Will stsnd for the improvement of shock held their. August meeting in form rid ;'. this Is�_yoa as follows: D. H. WILSON, ported by Fred Long, of Atwood, con R 1 MdnAay M-%irr0!= l'e'ave his, own stable of a picnic at the Lions Park on ' sin of the bride. The ushers wee 1q, i'' . at Sruoefield and go to the Zaa Concession, Treasurer. Wednesday afternoon. Mr_ John Delbridge, of Winchelsea `s7t>�; ,ben south and east to Alex S,i!neand for After having a good swim, about and Mr_ Mervin Mayberry, of Milver rl,t� noon; ,leer, asci to the Town Iirtre and north 'V,t to taro 9hh Concession to Way Patriot's, for twenty girls enjoyed a sumptnous'pic- ton,, all of whom were attired '` girths nit Munch. A short meeting was then white flannels and dark coats_ Abou ,l o4ghL Tuesday—East 1'/a msi� ffird north to t4. the 7tb Concession to. Coyne Bros., for noon; t� ' '' then to Robert Doors, 7th Concession, for dleld, wrhioh was openedY by singing forty-five guests wea`e present. A r tis;' . 4PHii7S—zxai6on PnArlic SoeDit�. an I.. e, . night wednmday—To Gemmett's Comer gra July �, to Mr_ �d Mme. W. � Wkyte 'several evening hymns. The talent ception woes afterwards held on th < north to /A J. Broadfovta, far noon: then you earned it and lawn of the Parsonage at which ' ii,� ab his o stable for night Thn on; that Ham' siw.�Tlfnamae Md<L as motley t3.ud hOty fnl his own�stabte. Friday -"west to the 2nd the offering was taken by the trees- bride's molter, received with Ws. R IAV.1! eoriceasion ,of 3taatP9 and north to John H. urer. Several items of business were D. Hunter, mother of the groom, Mrs pll'_ McEwan's, for noon: then to his own stable BRUCEFIELD discussed_ The next meeting will be Peters wore a gown of ultra marine W' for r»gt.i SaWraay—AL his own stable- ! r 'held at the D¢ anse on September 11th, blue lace over white satin, while t l r• Terms -To hstrre a fohl $16.aa, payable. Atter_ Frank Temmpertoni, of The girls afij�urned after repeating Febmasy 1st: 1040. b groom's mother chose navy blue lac R D. 741TTRDOCH Toronto, spent the week -end with the Mizp'a,b bFnediction. over dark blue satin_ The young cou `l u,,+ Proprietor and Manngor. st28 tt Mr. and Mrs_ G. Swan_ pie left on e. short honeymoon to Ot i Mr. Lome OanLl, of Winnipeg, vis taws, Montreal and other easter 1 .' The Pure Bred imported ClYdesdale Stallion i� Mrs. J' O'Brien. padnts of interest, and on their return f~4 TORRS MAGNATE Mr. and Mas, James Refd and son, CROMARTY will Tas'ide in Barrie. We wish th (Imp.) 26882 (22371) of G•odericb6 visited 14Sr. and Mrs. T.' young couple bon voyage through life. ,Fy Enr°imen! Ho. 30L9 F-nrrt class. Form 1 13, whsle!- Miss M. D. Gorr entertained some ?r, wits stead alae season for warn as tat- Misses Betty and Margaoet and of her old schoobdates, to afternoon Dr. Bili Murray, of Evanston, 111. �,,s �Mandap Leaves his awn shabie. Lot a. Con. Master S�tzh Moore, of Egmond- tea on the lawn, of Miss Currie last and his mother, Mrs. (Rev.) R_ Mur - " )1^' 8t lHbbmt, and go f» Make Nestle's, Dobf4n. vine, sere vieftimg their grandmother, Tfiursday before her return to Toron- 'ray, of 17owatf+Jeas, Mf ah , 11111 411for aeon: ,lessee an b. d. O'Reilly's, Beach- spent t wood, Lot 12,., Goon. a, McKillop, for night M Ade zee• to, after having spent a month's boli- weekend with the latt#er's nephew 1, I, Tuesday' -'Wall proceed to pack McOarthes. Mr. -and Mre. George Forrest, of days among 'her many fidonds is this Mr, and :Mrs. Will Reid and fevuly, r' Lot 88. Con 2 Logan. , far noon . tbence to Alberni, Britisk Columbia, are visfting "eomamllwty, Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul John, of F%n , + his ami .treble for aitrht Wetlnesdnp--wHl ."J, > I pmeeed to coil Wvh's. Lot 10, Con_ S. Mita FbrresYes osier, Mrs. H. Aiken- Mrrs. Samaders and two cahildreR o£ Mich., and Ades. Tom Rabinam, o Costae, fire ikon: ,,,mete by des of Haran head rlFisr wm- Henry, London Walleerville, are gpenddng sollae boli- Zurich, visited Saturdlay witb th n 8aad, � .. -1 stable for naghti Churadtss Road. days at the home of Mr. and Mr®. lady's' brother, Mr. Will Rdid. Gt �-iltiff � ter, Dunc. 04tinho es, Lot 3, MT � . E. Schilbe and babe, Rog, McCtrlloelL We are very sorry to repprt Mr. C a�• 11VOam Q8's.1, t 2 for noir: •1'hexeee to (X" a of Zuridill, spent Sunday with Mr. and W. and Mrs. Malcolm McKellar, of C. Pilgrim, ;our wgrthy eterk, lead tit sa, Lot 11, Con 1L, Croraaatq, fnam tt ',0%,�,�, I I 1;a . _ , I cfacke ®oobtock pow tireuco ko Jtanli Mra. Gl Swat Sczforth, accom(ponded by Mr, and, misfortune to clip on the d001'St0 13m 1 . I I1ts5 f0: lion s, iiifrber� far L Mr. W. C. Laadeborolrgh, of Port Mets. Jahn Carter and, Mrs. Geo. dull, Sunday mOTM-1ng end, fractnne F` �+ i3fi"rit '#1 **Qd to Martin FeeawK Lot i, 1,11-b Y t.. � f;; t fur , tlfrpte tafn .0redit, a3aEtdr 'Air. and Mr§, W. N- Mr,- Vfidt@d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tldgjh bone, but ,we ,hope for the tt.,• a"r �, as err , tt for tit. ,whore �r� wAli ruinsin , of Toronto, visiteld at the DtlWan , McKellar, Mrs. Jaber Dennison, Mls, MdGuire ' trigs y, i10t of 14ir0 T. McQueen this (week. Miles %tty McBelfa.r and Mae end Mr. F4laxer' of Winghaml, we 9y ,IrT''^" "Y' s &If � at Seal'' �(id tib ;tie yald. Miss l ffft' Stentt, of 'Lbnndou, spent Dontaie Scan have returned to their the , ,qV )1R � „,'Esta ` galastaa of. Mrs. MtcC>ynrltolab V � err Sift qr �tloalh drel�e. 1" stew dlt fres after ,sVendiug some fa11o9'ly; -Sunday. 1�, t.,„ y , , r r �n hId") qr i+" f w �� r d { '' „ , t,Y., i, �rj :' r " tib► ,. Sit I 84+ tis dUg '+ ' t&"-va•iall mr, dart llur3: emrl Mr. John Dan' ftm and Mr. Allen e ,III iu iR ,IN � :►' fitE Wg@k1 bi tri fovq%wl�s 4rothi r, 'lir. T. �aom , Mr. W. J. '(71uwf+ord, of Vaeacoaverr', i 13. CL, was the guest of Mrs,' W. 0. Beatty' over tbi.e weekend. . Mr. W. Fee, of HensaU, accompan- �ed by Miss Sarah, Mal and All" I Logan, called' on tplends on Tuesday. Several from ,this district attended the garden party in Bayfield Wed. aesday' ondi repopt. a good, time. Dar. Geprge Elliott, of Toronto, call ed on, 'his aunt, Mrs. G. H- Beatty. ZURICH 71he fire last Wednesday afternoon on the farm of Mr, Fred J. Haberer, w'ihich destroyed his' apiary and con- tents, caused a heavy Ions, Besides the building and equipment, about two tons of honey were last. The fire oidginatred in an oil 'stove „and before ,uotfJced pled ignited some beeswax and sown got beyond control The flames endangered the 'house as. the apiary was only a few feet away, but with the aid of the Zurich file en- gine and the wind being in a favor- able 'direction, nothing else was de- stroyed but the apiary. . The ,hearing before County Judge T, M. Costello last Thursday to con sider appeals entered against the de- cision of the Gourt of Revision of the 1939 aysessmen't roll of tbe. Town- ship of„_Hay by the Canada, Company and Mr. Owen Geiger, resulted that the appeal of the Company,, was dis- missed and Mr. Geiger was allowed an adYd�itipral $60 as exemption' on woodland's on lot 25, con. 1. Mrs. Grasper Wa,lper' and grand- daughter rand dlaughter of London, Left a few days ago for Saskatchewan, where they, will visit for some weeks with Mr. Walper's son, Mr. Wm. Wa•lper. Messrs_ C. anal W. Fritz spent the week-en<l at Lions Head. Rev. and Dlrs. L,- Kalbfleisch and ch.UdTem, of Elmira, are spending part of their vacation with relatives Iters. Mr. and Mrs. J. Guenther and Mr. and Mrs: Swartz, of Buffalo, ,visited at the home of Mr. Ferd Haberer ov- er the week -end. No services will he 'held in the Lutheran Church the hext two Sun- days, Rev. E. Tuerkheim and family having left on a few -weeks' vacation. Miss balkwill, of London, has been engaged as assistant teacher at Zur- ich-school, Zur- ich - school, duties to comsmpnce in September. . Rev. C. B. Heckendorn and family are spending a few weeks at Kitoh,, q-, er and Hamilton. No services will, be held in the Evangelical Church next Sunday an•d the following' Sun- day. Editor C. L. Smith and Mrs+. Smith have left fpr a w-eeii's holiday and will camp at various points along Mona Lake Huron. No Herald will be is- George sued neat week, Mrs. Clara Walper and daughter, of Windsor, visited relatives and friends rb•ere over the week -end. e Mrs. Bertha Block, who spent some week's in Detroit, has returned to her home here. re S KIPPEN ' f Mrs. Jessie Fraser, who has been e visiting at the homes 'of her Invthers, n William Andgrson, of the village, and Arthur of the town line, Stanll+en re- turned to ,her home in Oxford, Mich., during the past week, Miss Jean Long, who has been spending a week at Bayfield, has re - .turned bome. Mr. and Mrs. John Butt and daugh- ter, of Flint, Mich., are visiting with his brothers, Edgar and Thomas, of the village, and also with his par- - eats, Air. and Mrs. Wm. Butt, of Sea- - fdrth-, Mr_ Robt. Dayman, of Tuckersimith, - received word during the past week . of the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs_ • Joseph Day -man, of near Pontiac_ e Mr. Dayman, accompanied by his daughter, Edna, and Mr. Lloyd Bock, h motored to Detroit on Sunday to at- tend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steckte and assisted daughter, of Bayfield, visited with ad Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, of the village, during the past week. tbe Mr. Eddie McBride had the misfor- , tune to have his separator badly damaged while threshing at Mr. H_ e Jones of the town line on Saturday. The cutter Shaft in some way broke s and before the macbine could be stop- ,”, ped considerable damage was done to the cylinder and other parts of the I machine. It will be .a few days be- fore..,thte machine will be in working I order again. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mousseau and chit- , dren, of Zurich, visited at the home Her of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mous-sean, of the f village, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt, oft the village, visited with Mr, and Mr's. Roy d Butt and family, of Hobmesville, on - Sunday last, - Rev. Andrew Boa, wife and family, e of Norwich, called on friends in the Village darning the past week. Parrmers are all busy at the ' har- m vest and many report that a lot of t the grain is difficult to cut owing to e it being flattented by the stormLs that e have passed over different parts, of the the district during the past week or . 90 - Mr. and Mrs. David Kilpatriok,. of e Exeter visited at the home of Mr. ' Wal. Andlesson, of, the village, during e the past week Mr, and Mrs. �er•t Anderson, ac- coml+panied by i5 son, John, and n wife; of Marlette, and Wm. Blair, of rn Cairo, visited at the home of Wm. e Anderson, during the posit week. �— HTNSALL . he • • See Goodwtixn's range of Table Oil , Ciotl)K es*diy kept clean' for the thme$isQslt 6 table. t. My, and Mrs. KaRb Hillier and femdlsr, of London, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mfrokie and family on Sunday, lata[" Miss Nary Stewart, a formee. Wgh p scrhool her of Hen'sa 1, da ovotding if her o mouths, vacation an a trip best the West, going by w13y of tune tlmican West to the Sea Fran - re e5taco'rWorl4d`s Fair and, home 1W way a of Camgffi in WO&L Erally Morltiaba, of TorQOW, a i:_'r+eoldent of this valUs e, ,16 re- 1 ;f^ '1'a' fo : i r v Tl.. J lll�, 8 ,t i�M IR'kll+l.f"F{!{ °�,+itAr d d4 r t.,. I �'1t6 ., " ,l'iL'ti, 1�,. 1., OL ..u�6'un,all ale n �'Yviu',u i7YL���,.'Q M141A lY1C, `•„"Y'..,.'. ,V1. ql t vry . 2I 1}0, r Stn p �xf'I *4 f, i.,t t 1 l " ,• -. , �, �, t j• t'� kf'i:il ii Y•r rt till 519�rSraf , d h' t t +1 . x 'i lets and thought ',Iles were AIB OIL- , ,• ✓r��i llt�,l os -vn! f%.� Hyl ..L — ,- ,i �1j A V,1 i' y,41{,a� Yr. ed • y�(4 iii l'.: '�' A +' ,I' 3Cf nn+47k'1171. 5Y l tl lY� f,1 r�,,.S,°:l �' a,n ' r tt xJ n�� 1. v� +a .r+ , ! , .:.i , .� 9. r r_, ,. e .4.11 ,.a� as ( ,. ?. v .. ., P .', 11.,.11,.,, ". e ':. ',' 1, y (S , , . Y,. an. :. Y I.A ,, i i.,. ",.,, y... 1 ... .. .... \, ,tty, 4 w� S .1. e i„n .. .�. r . ,..., .�.., d..f,... . ... .. ,., .. �. ri.,.., ,.. t,� i. Y.n rf .1, y {. �+� 222LILLLLL t. r�4 r �. t' ... t .ei,;la pG Y 71I ,ir' .r,„ a',i..,l.l ,t ..I A v a ., 1a tl �. �.iy. {IF i1 '.:1,.!. +'”' .i ..,1 1 .: ,, fY"'.. ,,}k, r ,. ,.t. ,. x v..Y, 1, ,:..A ,nG° :.f ,•. ,. , ! 4 .. .. !• �... :..0 1 !. ... ,. ..> rti I. r- a6.. {. ,1 ,.4. ..r. r ,- r w }} ', t t�; 1 �'-"'.1 .. . N 1 ":I`',lf4J t `art.. 4, PMt v1�taY1 '1 ..,: ,. 5 ,est b. u ":4 .' .. -. a. .. w lr., T 9. '1 "A 1 '4 .,:.,, r. n ,., {, 1 , n. r ..r ,.. ., % i r a..: .. ., .,,::.. ,,r:.-: 1 N ,.r..tt J„ i..C, t:,, .1: . ,. S r: . , S.I. t Y �• �.... Y. ,, .. ,... ... .J J f,l,. r ., r r ,• ', i . ,1.k� h..d !t Y. �. f,� � � r. ,. .., ,. ,,, ..., ,.. � .. r. t..� mother, spending a nun►dber of weeks. N,-. ... a,. ,'iW, ,.n+, .. f ... d ,aC;. ,w 3. f.l• 1. -%.. :4: 7,. 7. 4,lua d " ” ; CI ,. W , :>rqn�. s3e1 c111 to see liar look nig so w+ePX seenary, 4nQl1M4iizly Fyp, '.' det,, Sudbury' 604 =Aft' Oil"K �ilet I pw41410 was taken last At Cglander' hey were w uvb , Reek to Villa S odh 'hospital where ested, in visltlAg the 1)at0ar 0 4ubduP- ; le was operated upon for a ruptured lets and thought ',Iles were AIB OIL- . w0endix, and he has been very ser- trancing as t!Wr picturted repneWUt,- , !ousfy 'ill, and while,- a day or sS ago ed • xis 'case was considered) as almost Mr•- and M2•s, Vatb and tittle daugh- ' iopelese, we are, pleased' to learn that ter, Gwen, Who were ms hevialulwo . Itthe "dvAe of WAtfing this he is a Mrs, R. Bontllwon, Mie- Voth'sg'r"asd'r tittle improvedand it is hoped that mother, spending a nun►dber of weeks. 1 hose' bright little fellow may recover. returned to their (home in Detr:Oit orb ' Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Billy Sunday last. • Mr, and Mrs. Robert Higgins, or and Betty, and Miss Florence Welsh Spent -Monday last at Ridgetown acrd Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, of 4 R,andeail Pajak, with relatives and near Exeter, were Sunday visitors att . friends. the dome of their relatives, Mr. anA Miss StreRa Robson, of Toronto has Mrs. Ed. McQueen, of the vllhlge. t been visiting her sisteat•, Mrs, Harry "Mr. Robert Passonore. a dim"akyl A Arnold, of the village_ student attending the Uhivers2ty at Mrs. Hildebrandt :returned tale first Toronto, a 5011 of Mr. and Mr's_ Jobst , of this week from London, where she Passmore, of -this village, is very, ao- had been for a week or two in the ceptably taking the services -at the t interests of ,her health. United Church during the holidays of Mr. Oliver Rowel'iffe, of .Highway the pastor, Rev. Mr. Brook, and Who ' No. 4, who supplies the residents will take rip ,his ser -Vices on the lase e daddy with milk, and cream, has treat- Sunday of this m0nith, A ed hdm:self to a new and up-to-date Marion, little daughter of Mr. and delivery wagon Mrs. James Sangster, of this village; , Dr, Arthur McAllister, son and following ark operation for appendi- daughter, after s•pen•c,1ng a few days citisl was sufficlenhly recovered to be ' with relatives and friends, have rr:- able to betaken -home in an a:mbul turned t0;4heir home ill Georgetottn• ante on Sunday last from the Sea- ' Miss Margaret Shepherd recently forth hospital. , returned from Grand Bend where site Miss Amy La.momde, of Windsor, iv+ hail been holidaying for a short time. here spending liolida,ys with her ' Mr. Laird Joynt, of Toronto, ac- mother, Mrs, Wm. Lammie. Mis , counfiarit, who is here visiting his Lammie holds a good- position in con - mother, Mrs.' George (Alice) Joynt, vection with the Blind- Institute in' a rendered a solo very acceptably at that city. the morning service on Sunday last Mrs. McDonald and bier sister, Miss a at tihe United Church_ McAslk, who recently purchased the Rev. W_ A_ Young conducted ser- dwelling of MT. W. J. Jones on 'Queen: ` vice in Carm,el•Presbyter'ian Church St„ are having exten'sive improve- n on Sunday evening last very ably, ments made to it. , • while the choir rendered a pleasing 'Irs. Win_ DougalJ, Sr_, of tke vit- anthem. lige, who ,has been suffering from. Ill ' Mr. Richard Bl'atc)lford, of Exeter, health for some time past, was taken one of the pioneer business men as on Sunday last by ,her son, Dr. Ras- " blacksmith; in this village, is xerious- well Dougall, to Seafo,rtb hospital, . Iy ill at an advanced age, being over ,there she underwent an operation. by SS years, and is being visited ,by rel- Dr, Peeve,, of London, and while well ti ' ativ'e-s and friends in the village, advanced in years and in declining , In Winell Presbyterian Church on health for some tame past, is` doiIIo, Sunday evening Last a quartette was at nate of writing, as well as could be • rendered by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. expected, and it is hoped will make Young and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 3Mc a good recovery. Laren; while Mrs. Ja.mPs A. Paterson Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of Pitts- . took the s-olo part in t,he anthem. burg. Penn., are spending a few day.�,, , Mand Mrs. Wilson and member's r: t,.itli'`ir. and Mrs. James B. Simpson; ' of famldly, ,who were here visiting I of the village, Mrs. Simpson being w , their relatives, Mr. and 'Srs. ,,V111, cousin of Mrs, Robinson. Mr. and Cot1;k;itL, hnve re,tur•nYd to the city, 11:'s. Simps.on are ,on, an auto trip vis- I where Mr. Wilson hinds a rood poli- i7irg many places,and taking in, the tion on the police :Staff- Wo'rld's Fair at New York City. 'Monday, Ai.IgUst 70h, l,aF been pro- Mr. Daniels, who was in the hos- -claimed by the R+x'v't as Civic Holi- pita] at Brantford, his for'm'er home, day, and will be. obr,eived by the for some eleven ,weeks following an ' chasing of business place:. I accident, .has now recovered sulii,ci- Miss Mattie Ellis, accompanied by enlly to return home, although hee - ' her sister, Mrs. Fred Smaliacombe, stili finds it necessary to use crutch- a a.re enjoying a motor imp with relit- es, tiv,es and friend's in Godeiich and vi- 'Ir_ and Mrs. Whurm and Mr. I cinitp. I I Jones, all of Toronto accompaniedMr. and Mrst Alexander Smillie, of Mr. Rae Paterson to his home Mere. Toronto, spent the xveei;-end with spenda•ng the week -ends with Mr.. arad , their son., Dr. Ivan Smillie, and wife .lir,,, R. J, Paterson, Rae's parents. The auction sale, of the personal es. Mrs. 'Miller Edwards, 'of about a A tate of the late Mrs. John Tapp, held mile southeast of the village, was on Saturday afternoon last, v, as very here the first part of,,the week visit- ' i well attended and rood prices n'cre idg friends. Mrs. Miller, although in obtained_ her 39th year, is most remarkably , Mn, Harold Sh,erritt, of Dundas, ~mart for that good ripe old age and spent the week -end here with his rel- takes pleasure in going around quite ' atives and friends. smartly visiting neighbors and friends , C Mr and s. h P s or Mr Jon a �m e and and is wonderfully bright of mind, I memberm of their family returned the And memory and quite active. e' end of last week from a most enjoy- I Dlr. William E. Foster and Mr_ Jarmo i able motor trip of soave ten days vfs- I A_ Paterson are each adding new gar= icing many places of interest and fine I ages to +11edr new dvsrellan a 11I Farmers ! , 1. 111111 Gasoline',l I . `t 1. We are now equipped to supply Farmers of this district with Gasoline on short notice, and at a price that is a remarkable saves'' ing. "MAJOR" GASOLINE—Per gallon 13c,'plus tax "BLUE STAR"—Per gallon .... 15C, plus tax We Do Not Carry a Third Grade Gasoline Phone 323, Seaforth AND OUR TRUCK WILL CALL UOOD RICH i o L CO..", Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. — Courteous Service PHONE: 15 SEAFORTH, 235 EXETER -COLLECT DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 2736126 , . , . 1b, , V, t ROUND TRIP BARGAIN PARES - kq.11-12 From SEAF'ORTH Zb g+t Oshawa and East to Oornwalli inefuslve, gam, Lig& "y. Peter , CWMVbeliford, Newmarket, OolJing"W, Mesfard, lid- , land, NOM Saw. Faa>t'gl Sound, Sudbury, dalpm@oi' a nd Voest t o Bteaara>F nboft I P W T airs, AUG. 11' ' All Trains, 4M. 12 To TORONTO . Ako to Br4nUmd, CbQt1lhm, ' God'eric b, Gneltip*� aH,,�..�f)Oe, Lom10 r. Niaagantaa, PWIll. OWiyn 8OVDd,, Ste• Oath'al , Igo. '4dftrA% as"ga, 6t6 ut_ ford. SbudwW, Wood#ock- 1lae huAb is for ccgQmplete fist e! dcettnatlars. Yys t&ae,, aMt�a lbl % train tnfaimation. ti", eto. Mula yywsr" aaW CANADIANNATIONAL , .'tet ' t _—_ 1. . 0 it . y: �' i i,+ s t�i��;�,an r `` ul4( 4 j r,rl,,.,,­106'1.011'1.., +. r ti.' , <,.. I, '','. r, •� 13 ,. 1 C t u 5a1.,, I. '4l4/P 15 -I. ) Il I in f'.°W, §°`.. 1 R 1 t :..t; ";,a. ,.g;7�>W .L„t .., .,r,e!„ �a f".M1 t,11z% Ir. �l ,n'''” 41I•„"41.,;N, . , . , ,:!'tl.",II ,..:.1"I"1I-1 4"-f.,. ., ti, }r„ts.,w-+. r,...- -. - !!'}r q h