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t �, xisx R �te i r. roc ket case of sltlek Yalliang upon aw- rw+,
t j ' ed 'crowd's ar upon combustible ma- koyal 4
�d tenial. d4
MI,Rocket s The awili-andktile aerial sdrell, with N, obe1 �tle A�i
;1�� 0 illi several 'bisalts, is Fired from a Matr•�I
iY'u1 . x TM 4 metal mortar , just lilts an army how R R L 6 A R �� F. S x' r
rein 1 Suer. Wards of caution are beggarZe f2�,e�palest logo in
SNI JAS �•�-t :.' v �.. 4r. Red \./' t ore Y P jj, ! (� �j �J .•
gtXr „°, " l' even for this common erformance. (Condensed from Life in Reader's 1o6.cco c•• 6• u•olt•d
4 � �,ry ;.' '+1.. The case moist be Packed Just so, Digest)
"ti;� �t ' ''M"' " dawdled just' so, and fired from a .
"A , Coniderr"d franm The Saturday Re- the lot, he said, . without confining it. r explaining tiheir 'hist'ory. -There is, a
,�y Ott vVheTe 9s the ran or boy, girl giving variety 6o the Eorvnuitas whorl mortar made jure so. Skill increases ( Y
"l, ),. amt woman, who deeds such 'appraisal since 1200 ,had expanded from (salt- geometrically as the weight 'or con- viervv oY Literature 'in Reader's Digest) Then he touched a match to the putt During Me eoranation. of S)ng not a part of 'Gine vast British Museum
,i� ', a oL fireworks -of pYrptecbzty, the art Ople day in, 1861 a 'group of Paris dle. It burned, but didn't :explode George- and Quetm Eld�abeGh, a Lon- that she does not know. Case far �
peter, sulphur a:nil. 'ahancoal. Flame tent increases arithmetically.
tt"'M (tt firne? Coanldl any greater espies- and smoke gat aid Prvnmr resin, cash- For examplo, 'take the load of a bankers gave um►ilratien't audienlce to For two hours Nobel' put then mys- 'don newsPapez set up "•cheermehers" ease, painting far painting she shows +
I ro E7i� be needed thane the prolonged phor, gums, '.pitch and oil such as single -break shell, 'Me color-produc- a young man who said he had a big terious giant through its paces- He to Measure the aecladm along the to the chilrh+eln. holding them, �,,
t � . "v , s" and "al's" greeting firevVarks, linseed. The farce compound relied ins chemicals are reduced to powder idea. He was a Srw'edie; a than, sick- finished the performance' with slams roots of the royal procession,- The tramced witch erldlesrt s6ories and re. '
tat, festive occasions the world over? won sulphur, charcoal sari now meal- Horan and wetted into a cape form. ly, nervous chap, -but with 'Plenty cf. real blasts, to show what it would do microphone regisWed mechanically minisoences. 1
tl �> e ' assurance. when given its head, The crowd what was apparent to everyone. It The wfse old la y �uently San
c � Independence Day celebrations in the gu'npowdeT. Sparks came from T'he outline or sitar bonder is . lined
j t.,., United States, Chinese New Yeaft, saltpeter, charcoal, sulphur and Iran' with glue, to keep the whole -charge "Messieurs;' he announced dramuat wen^t'aw'ny canivunrsd. Queen Mary's show, Wherever of her griamddaugl6Aser: "Elizabetis
t �-, '. religious festivals in Italy, and public 11IftW. Then 'atudved to embellish �rom Igniting' as a moss. The cake.. scally, "I have au oil that will blow Although Nobel's 'ofl;iiee now was the Queen Mother's coach passed ,a must be taught to be a queen, but •
pry(, .garden programs in Britaiiii-•all at- flame such additionls as an'tim'ony, is cub in: squaav�s while wet and then up the globe!" swamped with orders And p fortune roar rburait from the densely packed s'he must not be Spoiled," And wise- ' 1
?t ; test the modern ant of rocket, crack- lapis, amber, Ssiingless, turpentine dried in the sun for days. The case The bankers jumtped', but.the young was within; his,reaeh•, the almost fail tbxonga a deep.emd spontaneous tr^i- ly, King George and Queen Elizabeth
,14 ser and Pinwheel, all improved by con- and even ivory. Color mulitipiied: of the 81hell is made of paper of just man' call+ml'y wo t oral to explain his ed that year. Several countries• pass Bute Go this remarkable woman who are 'learving the details to li "Gramd- "
V, b= ' trust of night. from, th'e fir'
'Ht11 ung of copper, and Same the right consistency, 1'or it must re- new explosive. Shortly his hearers ed laws Yo - ddng use r oR Nbbel's will go "down in history with her hus- mama,- It is not so simple. Eliza -
al n+sir* Pylroteohnty by itself could tell the and spark grew licher from the butt- apont3: precisely to the dfumand on it; cut Mart ,off. The whole thun,g Sound soup," and •ships• refused• to carry it. band' as one of the most beloved beth is a, headstrong child, conscious
q world's history, and yet general ed dusts of glass, wood and 'brass, if the case gives wary too quickly on 'ed immpossible, and anyway, Who A safe nitroglycerig had to be in- monarch's of England. of -her position. But "Granny". Ira's, a
ir�• knowledge of its saga almost unn� - and from quicksilver, salts, 'copper ign&tlony it becomes a bomb; if too wanrted the globe blown up? vented. So Alfred, Nobel invented it, "Go and ask your mother," the late her owzn methods. Some time ago �
K"r ':', counitably remains as dark as, bh6 and steel filings. slowly,, it becomes a fizzle. When Napoleon III heard about the though some say it was an aecidgnt. King used to say w•ili,en . his children when spe took Elizabeth shopping, a
'`'' crowd grathered outt3ade the stare, Ex -
`r 1 nocturnal background far it's most A major imtroduetdon wias that of ; In the mlortar, usually of iron, the young Swede, however, he spoke to In northern Germany there d& a came .to him with a difficult question.
,, popular f�o.m- fireworks ,t�ettertaiu- chlorate of potaslh in i8a0, then anmag shell sits on a lxa# of gunpowder.. To a financier, and Alfred Nobel went light, absorbent earth called kiesel- Ar;d to his advisers he often ramarlt- cit'edly, little Elizabeth burst out:
; menu- nesiumi in 1860 and alu'minwm in it is .attAwhed a time fuse. Weather back to Stopkholm with a draft for guhr. Nobel's workel•s ran out .of ed: "On bads matter I must,• have ,, hurry, Granny. Tihere are so
t•..,V,;'.� Among the hundreds of thousands 1890. ooadidons affect the speed of the fuse 100,000 francs. Thus tthe foundation sawdust and' used then earth in pack- the Queen's advice." In the evening many people waiting to see me come . a
'_:.• of spectators, for instance, .who on Where do ,the colors come from? burning &`nd how can a pyroteahni- was laid for the Nobel fortune. Ing nitroglycerin crams.'. The story is which the royal couple almost always out." A curt condmand from Queen ,
` September 21st wall see the "worl'd's W�hdte comes from aluminum and cian weeks ahead of an event antici- To Alfred Nobel there was nothing that -one of the cans leaked, and Spent. t'oget'he•n-tbe with a ,detective Mary, and a tearful little
;, girl was
','. greatest aerial show" set off over the an'trimovy; red from salts of stron- pate the weWlier to a
Point where sinister about powerful explosives, Nobel noticed that the ki•eselguhr thriller on his kn,eo, she with her led out a back exit by,a lady-in-wait-
�•J_ , Los Angeles Coliseum at the nation- 'tiumb; blue from oxychloride of cop- -the time fuse will reach the His _.father, Emmanuel Nobel, had drank it up. like blotting paper. He veedle'wnark-they would discuss the img and ,taken -home. On another oc- • .
�^ load just as the boosting char a has been`tin years, mixed three parts of "soup" with one d.:Y's events. And "Mary's" opinions
1:., al American Legion ao'nvention. few per or capper amrmonium sulphate ; g kering with• them )or P' rasion, Elizabeth said , som;etitring
e could tell as much of the ,history and •aanbonate of copper an&"nitrate of lifted 'the shell to the peak of its and had invented a naval mine used part of kieselgubir and his, prayers € c-nerally became the King's. His pep- about "when I am Queen." Frostily,
`;` compo-sition of fireworks as they 'strontdwm, help make vi'alet; (chlor- journey? The only answer is that by Russia in the Crimean War. were answered. �'Me stuff could be Fery temper never ruffled (her, CaLrn- in the Vic, rian manner, her grand- �
could of fire motor car they ride in 'ate of barium makes green; chlorate men like the I.izzas get thousands of Alfred was the thdrd. of four bro- kneaded, like putty and packed in ly but firmly; she could always bring mobller replied: "Before you 'become 4
13{. or the clothes they wear.- of patassiu'm. gives explosive violence; dollars for their reputations for sure- tthers, and the puniest of the lot. His- cartridges and it was safe to ship. him ,around. At York Cottage once, a queen, my dear, you will have to 1
''?' gives consistency to stars fire fireworks- as dangerous a.nrd. rs mother fotbght a conlstant.., battle to Nobel called it dornamite. Within a the King •- vas sitting near the fire- learn, to be''a, lady."
i. , Prometheus and his Parent flame dextrine 1
., r`'. .of unruly red' gains legendary recog- and grenades; chloride of mercury skillful a job as there is to be lied, keep him alive. As a young man he decade, 15 Nobel, plants- were turning place with, a group of men, the Queen Queen ,Mary was not to the Palace i
nition •as the father of pyro-technics (calomel) increases vividness; cam- One is ready to believe that ,they travelled in Europe and America; and out six million pounds annually of with someladiesin a corner of the born. Her father and mother, the
�V, for -his gift to Olympus. And cold Phor moistens and males brilliant. earn their money when one sees a in Paris 'h'e met a girl with whom he the new explosive. drewing roam, His Majesty suggest- Duke and .Duchess of Teck, often bad
fact goes back to 13. 'C. dates to find So ,Popular had :non-indlitaay and, 32 -break , shell ascend, as a girandole fell despe'ratel•y in love. She died. At 40, Alfred, Nobel found himself ed that, ' a window be opened, When a hard time making ends meet. Once
ti the roots of fire. Amen Ra, the. non -official fireworks b •oaa�re by the and' let off a :few breaks before the Saddened and embittered, Alfred re- a lonely, exbaustted, mlela'ncholy man, the Queen demurred he declared in the family ran into debt and' moved �
<-'?' Egyptian sun gad, made flame lids middle 'of the last ren ury that pri- peak and then shower enough .light turned at this age of 21 to big fa- with no interests outside lids 'drork a quarter-deck 'tome: "But it's 'so to Italy for a year and a half whsle
"'�,. earthly representati� e of the heav- nate companies were set up in Eng- for 30 seconds for . people to' read' ther''s- factory and there be won't res- and few acquaintances outsire his damned hot, my dear!" "If you took their fortune was. being repaired-
`. ends flaming ball. Pagan idolaters land and France to foster shows. -their programs conveniently. The gir- olutely to work --far work, he decid- companies. ' He didn't elven have a Your feet out -of the fireplace," she Princess May never forgot thns'e 18 I
;• worshipped fine as the agency df Vauxhall gave way to Crystal Palace 6.uilole 4s, a pinwbeel-like contraption ed, was all that life held for him. home. They called him "the richest replied quietly, "and, came where I'm months She- grave up her plane leg, ,
• tran'sm'utation which natural science as the chief public displays, and the wbdch is tied to a pole- The boosting Emmanuel Nobel was convinced Va•gaband in Europe." sitting, you'd feel as I da•, -damned sons, of wihdch she was so fond, to
, `" now credits for the formation of al- tat'ter's frame has spread from Lon- fuse is lit, and it starts the piece that nitroglycerin had great possibili- He tried to make. himself over, He cold!" The windowS• were not open- pen- learn sewing and housekeeping. She
."I most everything ,from cellophane to don to the world of sightseers. syvinging around the pole by force of ties as an explosive, though it was bought a fine 'house 9n Paris. He ed and seats„were exchanged, was forced to nrdnd eve
universes. Greek fire' became a spe- It was every penny, In
began tri "7865 by C. T. the pinhole pressure; the pressure in- used then chiefly as a stimulant in returned to Shelley, the god' of his Queen 'M+ary rarely appears in pub Italy she became interested in the
sial com'tiaurnd' and was used in the Brock with the aid of government in- creases enough to jerk the piece loose bea,rt ailments. Under certain condi- boyhood', and had, an Idea of writing. lie now. To avoid interfering with Study of art Which he* meant so '
defense of Constantinople in 660 and contive t6 keep the people entertain- t'rorm'the stick and ascend, a full 1,090 -tiion•s it would' explode, 'but no one But he w•'as equally at home in six the popularization of the �� new mon- much• to her all 'her life. Back in .
I 667 A. D. ed, Since then, his family Chas been feet in trhe air, with mlany upward knew just wrhat these conditions lane A''`BwagPs, and never (could make up aisle, she has carefully withdrawn London, Queen Victoria took a grv'at
It apparently has been easiest for) allied with the Governnbenrt for mi!i- breaks fining en route, were. Sometimres a container of the This mind which to use, Evert in con- from the -limelight, But, to th'e aver- fancy to ,the "simnple, unassuming `
th'e man in the Street to go along be- Cary pyrotechnics and with the pub- Just ,how Mr, Lizza does it, of stuff would fall to the ground w•ith"a, versation be wrandered frons o'ne to age Briton, lire Grand Olci Lady of Young creature" w"bo wautid, unliIto
; lieving'that the develo rant or even tic for entertairbment. A.St, H. Brock. P Gours.a, is a trade secret, just as are thud, and nothing would 'happen; another, unconsciously slipping into Marlborough House' remains the stal- the rest of the family, sit with. her
discovery- of py-rotech-nics depended in 1922, published a comprehensive many of the color formulas, and all sometimes a small jolt would cause the language which the topic sug- wart of the realm. And "the chil. doing needlework by the hour and lis- " i
upon the appearance of gunpowder, story of the 'art of fire from the vant- one has 'to do to start an argument
�� a �shattering explosion. Alfred and Bested. lien'° still come to her when in diff,- ten patiently to Victoria's endlessc
This should not have been so, accord age point of the eighth generation of among pyratochnicians is to give a ;�$ father set ori!t to tame n'iiroglycer- Nobel was a prodigious reader, not collies. At 71 she is as keen as ever, stories of lien 'husband, of Edward's
'` ing to scholars' who find early dates pyrotechnicans, and his book ranks fiat statement as to the best formula in. only of tedlinical books, but of poetry her eyes as bright, ,her carriage as misdeeds, and her own ideas of the '
for experiments with the salt -rock with the three -volume text of Doan for, say, red. Gradually Alfred took the lead in and philosophy. He liked those writ- regal. world in, general.
` saltpeter: Both in India and China Faber of the -United States Army To anyone interested in fireworks the experiments, and arrived at the ers who bolstered his belief in the At Marlborough House, the Queen ,Both Albeit, Duke of Clarence, anck
"'w it was found quite by accident to pyrotechnic school during the World the thnitful delight of a small boy theory that the only same way of ex- constant progress of humanity. Many Mabher lives a ,comparatively qu rinse George were in Love with, A
have a brilliant effect if spilt into a War, who published iris study in 1919'. always comes to the fore, and per -
R' common fire. These campfire travel- Although India and China uncov- haps this urge in readers ought to be ploding the soupish liquid was to con- of his letters -he often wrote 50 a life --a welodmte respite from ov 25 their cousin, Princess Miay,_she with
fine it i>a a stout container and set 'day -were exhaustive discussions of years of hard, self-sacrificing work. Prince George. But VirAoria thte An '
lers were the forerunners of modern •erect the saltpeter touchstone, the satisfied with a recipe for a simple it off with I sharp primary explosion. new novels, plays and books of verse. Running London's second largest Roy- toerat decreed, that she was to mar
signal corps officers and fireworks West now 'leads, .the Orient in mann- skyrocket, One' writer knows his He evolved the blasting cap -an in- Hre started two novels which he nev- al residence, at a cosi of about 10,- ry Albert,'
` "'' entertainers. facture. China may export as mtanT you $ Thea, in 1892, Albert diems
xP younger days may -have been happier vention, still the -basis of the whole er finished and late in life he wrote 000 a month, is no small task, -how- Reluctantly, a year later, Victoria. '
The Italians, or Romans, are cred- as $3,1000,000 annually in the equiva- if not safer, i1 be had had such a nitro ever, I
•vbed wi introducing fireworks into lent of 8,000,1}00;0()0 firecrackers, but recipe around the last days of any nitroglycerin and dynasrlitc inr'dus- a play, in which he becaw'e complete. $lite supervises. every detail gave Cher consents and, Princess May
'' try. Iy absorbed. He went to Landon for herself. Each of its 200 rooms must became the wife of Prince George, °
>. Europe SID the Wes'ter}n World. They the entire field of variety is led by June. But disrotion and "a little After securing Lduir Napoleon's a business conference, talked, business be in perfect order. Every bill, a Duke of York- The years that fol: r
got their limen om conquests'. England, followed by the United knowledge" being what they are, it ;help, Alfred and lila father went hoe for five minutes, then brought out voucher far ever lowed, ,during Military i onto ce of the fire cum- States, Japan, France and Italy_ dbubx tis best to fay to convince $• g Y penny Spent, cross• ng which flue eons and a
pounds let ell from the exclusive For enitertaim�rent, fireworks can. everyone except real professional fully to v ork, but ndtraglycerin stili his play and read it. The splay was es he' tdeslL Prime Minister Baldwin daugghter were borer., were happy. Nat
P pound. pyaruxechmiciansi trinet fireworks t would not 'behave. In May, 1864 an about to be Published when 'he dried. once remarked: "If we could oil that the life of the Royal Family al- ,
ass of fire iib reli'gfaus services, and be classed as sin• le' or coon ,^ Y
V. the Italians eventually retained fire- The simple are: Rockets, shells, only be explosion killed the youngest son, His executors thought it best to Ktrrn have Her 'Majesty as Chancellor of ways went smmathly. Queen, Victoria,
Y en�oyted from a spectator's Etttdl, and four workmen, Old Em- 'the edition, saving only ,three copies. the Ewer, governed [her family, Y, dike tier Empire,
y;a' works, crude as they were, for en- mines and pinwheels- watt. I ,, mani el was prostrated, and never se- "Because the wanted to entertain, he Her daily volume of tan mail is with an (iron hand
tertainment. By -the fiftenth century Rackets, the streamlined descend- '
, even without gunpowder, the Italians ant of the fire throw, have Passed covered. cons'id'ered; marriage, but since his t dour. Sba reads every letter, When, in 1910, "George" and 'May"
had devised scendc effects by str•ate- through various stages of usefulness. . . The Nobels had no p�rnait to work early love affair he hadtn,',t met a wo- scribbles .the gist of her reply on became the Sing end Queen, , they
Pres- Magic In the with explosives, and tlne authorities man be thought hie 'could the envd were little known and not popular'.
sic firing of combustibles. Apparentl their first use in the g get along ops for her secretaries to at-
,"`' - • Then England and France cracked down, Indam�itratbiy, , Alfred with. He made ,cynical renaTks a- tend to She still has over 100 char- But ,Queen Mazy wank t0 work vPi,ffi
quickly eat familia•- form was than fashioned kept on He moved fids plaint to a bout women, for he was desperately ities that sb; visits regularly, What a Will. The.bnilliant, but slovenly, ad-
Pollawed, fruitage of the Renaissiance by the Hindus for use against the Commonplace time remains she divides among her ministration of Edward was repLacetE
contact.. When Queen Elizabeth vi -s- British, The native bamboo was an barge moored 'in a lake. ,Chemist, shy and believed self so repulsive,.
j: ited 'her master of ordnance, 'the Earl ideal case, and a slims reedit was add= There is a belfef among many soli- manufacturer, bookkeeper and dem- that no woman would miarry him ex- hobbies., herr friends and her grand- by a machine -that functioned, like
Of Warwick, in 1572 she was onstrator all 3'n one, he hardly took rept for his mo '
greet- ed to balance the projec�ti'le in Sight tory wood=en that every solar or money. Yet whenever children clockwork Industrial Hairs were gig
end at Warwick's fields with a show- The Britdsih were so "struck" by the tint to which a tree is exposed: dur- time to eat, and succeNbad in min- an attractive woman made .a determ- (Marlborough Kearse, where, sixty- en Royal patronage at hire iptroper' mo-
ined+ attempt " meat, the work of the Boni FazTy
11 erirbg display of fireworks, and she incendiary as well as the baiddstic ins its life, glows in the fire when i'ng his digestion for life He would Pt to be nine to limy he nine years ago, she first met little
. f1 became quite fond of such spectacles, poSstbilities that they immediately that tree is 'busued, Look deep into show the world', be said, tbat his ,opened up like a flower. Georgie," Cher future husband, remains was co-ordinneed. The Sing insdt'-et
°�•'' Gunpowder 'took ,hold in the 1600'x, harmed" a racket car s to which lite the caalta and blasting oil was safe. It was his lioiteliness that led to essentially A piece of Vietorla''s Eng- ed the custom of stayinig in Lohdon
1.P you. can find the pinks )
American retbels in the Revolution•- and violists of drawn, ithe blueness of Within a year the Swedish govern- the establishment of the peace ,prize. land. And so does the Queen Mother, over the week-end--dlseouraging the
LONDON and �PINGH M ars War could well testify. As other the sky, the ' 'burning brightness of meat was using his "so1uP" to blast His correspondence was in six ]ung- Rales of Court etiquette are strictly Friday to Snada; 8igbt from the sap
•4: ordinance departments improved the noon,dary sun, the angry black of a terminal railway tunnel under cages, and it was mot eaaiy to find a enforced an filer callers, And her ital 'w'hich damaged. thel (merchants so
. NORTH However, rockets waned from atter- a thundercloud, the crimson of the Sbockholm, and be lead launched good secretary and an acoomplisihed dictum when she became Queen 29 heavily- His Majesty appeared at •
`i AAL tion,
al in gh they are stili in.. hip* sunset, eche silver radiance of the manufactnriW companies in .lour linguist ,in one person: H'e got so he years ago --'4 will not have anyone theaters, tat the opera, at art exIiihi-
11 .�� n,• although
peace as well as was, for rnoonIight, the brillimtit transparency ooUntries. dieted to hire secretaries, because Ire around rte about wham there is a-n0.ietimea obviously graaehS
: s H II .. 10.46 Ships at seat and a'irpl'anes in fiighL of able otauta He was too optimisttie;, ndtrogl'ye- dreaded dismissing them. breath of seandal"-is still law. This and st "May's" insistence. But he
I In 1876 he tris i
4 "" Brnpcp field � ......... • ........ • 110.52 Some rockets carry light lines from e e ie silo's reign of terror wear about to d omo9 more, ra,rxd s t'ilne @assn Mary of Popular con- aPPe�'etl and London fbourislued.
11.00 tressed ships to safety. Mo begun. Orme morning in 1865, Nobers Bertha) Kins'ky, a Bohemian co'IrmtesS eeptfon-severe and Lina, And deice Dame t'he war. The H"rorg
%` ' Clinton, ...................... 11.47 net, the great English , unapproachable.
Londesboro ... 12.06 Shells require a li'ftin'g charge. a painter, used to set off at daybreak Plant in Norway soared, skywa d. A answered his ad*ertisem'ent. Sbtewas But her closte friends see a different and Queen Were tireless in eneotrxe9- �
=11 : Blyth ..................••.... 12.16 time Eus'e, and mar•roons, "Marmon" with his lumcheoru basket and his few weeks lager•, a, railroad warier in an attractive woman sof 30, Peron,- au understanding; kindly Ing the natda� Mesal* at tied Palace.
`l Belgrave 12.27 is a word taken ,from the French for paints and caumases. He would seat Silesia tried to cwt frozen blasting cated, -charming iw manner ,rind a wdM" with a keen sense of humor. were cut to one meat course a day-
":. Wingham .................�. 18.46 cehestnu whdolm an roast ail with an a,xeE They found' his les good listener. Nobel's loony, kind Queen ,, ing burst himself before a Iha,yetaek, just a g g Mary's Principal hobby i's, To Nave coal, Cheating was restricted
:fir -SOUTH • ha:lf a mile aar YL ly and Occasionally sarcastic manner collecting -ebiina, and old silver:, She �.
�1 'with a 'bisnlg catmmon haystack Yn a field, and be y g to a minim shot breths to one z
'';.' � M Mines are stuffed with stars, ser- The next4prlk 70 cases of nitro- appealed to her. Hie, in t g,' and' her kr
'ad: Wingham L60 to 'Pia t All ley long be would urn, was known values to the sthdllnn wee hon t ,pensom; a thaussmd
Belgrave - ... Pmts, crackers, squibs and. any other glycerin bleV ap (aboard, a ship dock- much ilmpressed. But before she inatd' love oP bargaining a things were dens to �
�i'ntt, covering canvas after canvas g hate cost many .an nd one the
Blyth 5.08 Fonceitvable effect. They are bliowu ..ill's at last it ed in Panama. Evers the wharf and. actually entered upon her duties, tithe �ntigne dealer dear. But her mlain the natiaa fool tlrret their monarchs ... 2,17 grew too dark ip see, freight house nearby Were wrecked 'eloPed with young Balom von Sut- interemt He'% with her were with them, heart and soul And
''' Lomc2esbaro � 7;8Q from the Daae ilry unison or in succew Twelve pictures, olid all of the wane grandchildren,
•' Clinton ................... E.0S Sion. The ,early word for Isuectwmdve haystack! But what an Infinite va- and anotheat' s9ttp barley dis®bled. Six- tem. a "Lilli'bet" and 'Margaret Rose. Every ,by 'fie time the war waren over, gins
;. Brumfield ..................., 3.28 release wan "mutation" and today .•t rlety of color as the hours passed, `y 'peoplle were killed, -and the dam The 'couple worked for the Red Monday afternoon, when th,e family Georgie and Queen Marry were the
'. RJPDen VIS is Med a "break"' With 'many a mine. the sun rose and sank again, and toe age came to ;1,000,000. A few days Cross during the R Turkish War. is in London, Quem Mary takes the father and mub'G7rer of England.
'.. l ..................... =-'M erivelotping 32 brelaum! later, 15 persons were killed and a Tke Baroness cam 'back .appalled by children to ptoses of interest around' In the yieere that followed, the ,.
' Mwter ...................... =.68 light Played upon the stack from ev-
Plambeels revolve by'the pressure block 'of. buildings was wrecked in w'ha't she had sleep, and wrote a •pas- the city- fire Tower, the British Mus- Queen was quick to perceive blue so-
la - angle >a�xd i>b every (degree of in-
,, by ex- m; t
_ _ focused thvm*h a rear hole. The Sen Francisico b a nit 9iowate anti -war novel Soon She was eu WesLmdnsber Abbey -patiently sial revolution that � brewing
} D inrtervally--fed pressure find's it can plosion in tan express wagon. a recognized leader in the
C.N TIME TABLE s « s peace rWhe>D the Labor Paatyt came inlet
�9. expand only' thorough the pinhole, Alfred Nobel arrived, in New York movement. The Baroness, and Alfred ,power, she bad a difficult time wits
rix . EAST arhdch sets the direction. Another Zine ID�ng atter mry arrival In on a business trip shortly atter the Nobel .had memained' firm friends, and Remo, Italy. When,hie brother Lud- .the King, 'whose traditional coniserva- ,
" A -3L I My Pinwheel guide is, the hub nail or the 'Germany to study. fungi with Pro- San Frgrne� blast beari now she a
Goderlah 6.Z5 ;� wire cl festaroe Oskar Brefeldi the Professor's „ • ng boxes or appealed to him to help in wig, who Arad media 'a fortune in oil, tiism welled up. Once day, he said
Hoderich . ......... 6.60 2,67 asp, •which allows, the piece to "(soup. He was about as welcome the movement. died, the rFrreneit Papers thought it -bitterly to one of the Labor Leadenm 1.
propel itself the length ,of any wire servant ,frame ,mashing In. In his as the i peculiar "I suppose you will want me to lteaw*
C1dn 6.68 E.00 plague. People avoid ,ram, Nobel wias undoubtedly mroved by was Alfred'; anti! 1110 bad the
r n design This lues motiaen Zo 'ods. held as Proudly as' a flamrimg and hotels tnrnied h5m awe Berbha von Sutimer9s rithusuasnn, al- �
Seatortb 7.11 E.lY y. When satiisfaction of readinig his own obitu- 'here pretty soon. • And i shall itswa
St. Columban, ........ 7.17 X.22 obdps, cyclists and what not- Christmas pudding, wast a plate heap- he• announced that he 'would give a though ,be sometimes ,Poked fun at arfea They were not compliment- no place to go" "I d�°t thfisrlc au,
Dubft .............. 7.21 ' &:29 Compound fireworks ane ground- ed high with! horse -dung. With a flour- ;public demnonstration at a quarry, on- her. What she needed was not mon- arY. +
,I . Mitchell ..... ....... 7.80 9.41 tied sets. Outlines' are skeletonized deb. he placed it on my table, covered - YauT IMajearty; replied the bluff wort
ly about 20 men came to see the fire eY, rite told (her, but a workable plea. At San Remo he spent most of his , - "And if a'nyon'e should suggestit �r`' WEST with light 'needs, to which rthe color- it with a bell jar, and, assured me There were too ma S
i ... works. and even they kept they dist- my ` Baa baso" fn firma working an agmdrhetic rubber you can always stay with 'are Bir'"
Dublin l 11.06 9.25 fwl c g blot it was absolutely fresh a the movement, he told her, and pre= and aartificlall ,sulk.; -'His ,'heart bsgan That ,helped -to break film down andd-
Dublin bar'g'ee are affixed. At night the ; and Per- ones. He ,poured a. little of floe her-
............., 11.14 9.8i blaxjlanescy Sivea relief ,to the outline foot Incneddble as it may ascan, sf rtible oil oft a flat pi of iron, and 'listed blot lila light exPlasuves would' to give k p yl Queen Mary persuaded film to
SeaYorth ............. 11.30 9.47 n' u lata e Out, and he went o g ectal-. flimll ' ,
r conrtour of face, Ship and, even '� my first feeling of revulsion pass- then ,raised a hammier. 'lune s ecta- Put a end to war soanier• than her laughed when they Pi•escrib' meet the danwedi reds at Indy An- Clintono'li.............. �11.4s 1eo6 1>
i 11 Godezleb, ..._.:...i.:., 12.05 10.26 Charlie ,McCarthy. ed, I a pe three of the most sorter- tors ducked 'tor Dover. There was a Peace eetingS, ,because as military e$ matr+oglyrer9n, He bought a quill's house. He ,cued that they
1 - 'Me most modern refinement of tainratg and' irotstructive wee�ksr,oP my ,,harp report, 'but Nobel was uwbrarm- weapons became more deadly, hor'ri- sphygmograph, watclyeidl the line were not so (rad, after alk -and oven "
a the vi.nwheel and one of the most life studying the fascinating mnolda 'ed. Hie ce9axiad thein nearer, and' in fled nations wotrl'd d4sband' 4rheir which showed the irregularity oS life pelrmftted .the Queeu to invite carie ,.
r` CY.R j r�ABLE Spectacui�arr' Pieces et devised is the wirieb appetared. one by one on the a d trio pointed, out to friends the 'of thein down: tb 5andiringham and
Y' dry, aciendfic manner explained Pa• Pulse, and
11 V{, I " l giranldole, develVed largely by the Slowly diwntegr•ating muss. Microsco- that only the oil 'struck by the sham- Int rsPite of big ,doubts, Nobel decid- degree of variation that would' kill Windsor for woek ends. Again' `May'
I'll- T • EAST, famallyr of Patrick Lizza,, ho is exe- P' lds are both very beautiful and mer exlploddd. You couldn't blow off ed to leave his f�or•,tunre--which a,• him. On Deceml ,
11 P,M. 21st agog of .ItalianLos P her 70, 1896, he dried. had averted trainibla
l ' ..... ...... sutlers bhe 21st bamgiy interesting. TLro rapid mounted to about $9,000,OOff-to found' Berme his death Nobel, ad abn- No ane'wrho ®aw tQtrJ Jubilee S ''
d r Meru ......... 4. Angeles. Third program in Los growth 'cif their �poms, the way they a rize for distinguished peace work- don6d the idea flail arose Powerful 1935 will ever forget at For holing,
i� I
s�1 MOGatW 08 Py'r technioisms, Mr. Lizza, is proud live on each other•, the manner in 'deli first n hie sound, and then he era. Lated he Included, the prizes for killing agents would, frirghten the na• denseLy, 'paeke4� crowds stood ild frontk A71bvrJr .............. .... 447 of the shiftless racket. It fills t7tm which the dilferemh forvas came and' plied his ibrus7y with practiced hand. ,science sad literature. He intended (tit itd'Pea�e. IIo pinnfed his faith. of Buckingham Pelisse and roared ,
^' 1tp+th .............. 'L07 ane time n earl varied' Ghat I ]iycal.let, crd�om and, uiradder h+e 'these awards, not ars cr"awnfs Of Isud- 'an � very like the League of "Gad Save the ging" 'and `"For do's
t �...:•.+:....:....... rl%'* ground Piece dud the aerial
the bel ie ao amazi spend " believe ra man could, hien life brought to 1i1>el fan radishes, tomatoes, cess, but as liYebeiM1'a ilei oinking Naiionas. a Jolly Mood Fellow" again, and n .
1 �fO , 'ee..r �aT........ 6.00 y n- green of cabbage and an the blue. �IuseS. Yet the ttemnla of bili loosely- At "flwa be did not intenq to found gain. And wbm Sing George broad
•cry yM.MThere have been many pieces which and � exhaust the forms or prob- besets. lits Reye 'plehrsat
ga otE oh ground, mala ahhdcb ;ien>Is corntalmed feu colo ,plata ,Of m9 Suggest. cash his Jubilee weseage and with ar
'J &JL ;shoot up
p '�tdniro fo 'i t h into y Was condom' � crib"Th cauliflower, rich
he a wilt made it o eosside for a perpetual Ilk
Pd1GC 'pt4nn He su
r 1.1°IMEf° ..,: „r ................. 1 fotrmtai>tie and many unci -David Faire Id, The World emerald of and can • In,the rich 't}ie a cvamcP committees to consftLe]r the' ed that 96 be d6seontlfirued •at the end choke in 'hfg •tlnroAt said" .nil'
"a g to th0 air M3' (S . ). crouse oral,' ow ret carrot, the a!al status or the reC1pL00r1tg'. of 30 yie6198, fYrr Qre , bel4eved that it wife and rI blank you • ; ° >7zei 11
rrc P � C..,..•.Lrr;i;r r'y4•• t! ..;rr +rt &X,
before e]tplltKdtLtttf . s « «
,� ;i dgSrplaaCg :puxpie ; IVlobel ihYrnedl OrCe Qaatfk .•tin Pirie dn4ie�rtatiamsuL ,per were loci assured Anter saw terra tri the eycu of sham
c be '6411; dmf tht6 l+i+� `t+lu'ar, dE liar found In Vbew the 'French gai*0rnmerut, elarm- by Uiem� the world would mi "
. „i1 Y..Y,.WWYt.trriY.ri .... ` +izlle piece is oflmrmle ltrdm MS► dbtiteii slew veigetables as oth d relapse in asL hardened- newspluper moat.
,tI ., s rrlr:r i r rattier r:�-i^i • r} M dl ,)list , aounyl, ib ds taUt3�lydd aR an the .hitt pit +(tr'e�a, F,lrom, the dA,., ..,a HDt'Adilrm' ;)f `�1°n*'h, as nd+ irr" the :grace 'ed because ibe had ,S'aid Orris nmlokeltl'ss' ,to,.biai'l►arle�mm, o' said �.
r .1 r
n vt•4 rwriuvrrrrrt;.1 ir•iatllrr. r " •' - r • tiw inn j.8 3. GPae oat' $!*n. tdcaliy naiiUfactuaeed
k, l,� , . „, Y 1.mttirttl 4tat seveliarl tbrea2ats '$o` i fft ilrtraitS�"Iibb Caines �' i' shift :.,flint.,o Y`elt as hl�t hdr +ptiwltler to Italy, itrle,ced reattnntltkans :It': tI .i i '
t 9rr, �rdwiir r,�rwii++Y :�� 0.1m1 tl6d ,t�10Ut8e1lV ifs b H
(,,situ i6bfow on faces Sat
ycam9 law blfubt'. ' t'
tut ' ' , i a3 r i ti4N � 4r�r' • a,4t li , • .. ,:.e g>d G lite 1, d`e d, t2af '.iiotuld tgavem iho-oftvas folirlwed the 1 POO alts work. Her llbe!l, h'Ie 'iefneink A,u'stdom hero
,Yi rieapad.tted led a lfutsbht r r stmt. it, warq Personal admtirs-
� iii�lG a cash. 'lam Yliilb$ of bis gad 'life,, . sal dmtys In lairatere rfali6i& at Sao in Munich t .
A _. wa.P®igo 0
bwa.:�.._.+.�,.5��m... _-.0 t;4���d��.,.:.'�rd,u�,.tiY...,, s,�rt., .,•. ,..i,.. �a ....,,1...,sv,:._...>.1 ,_...,_.. ._... ._ ._..,.... . ._... .. r ,... .. ,,...,raA,. ,e...,. ....r..,,_�,......vr.... , , , . , > .r•», .,_ .. ......_...._. .. ,.. ,_.. _ ..