The Huron Expositor, 1939-07-28, Page 45 li M1 gp ssiled Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates Pp Sale, Wanted, Lost and Found, Coming Event's. £te..-Pee seed: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week % (fit 3M weep le Cent Mennen= charge. first imitatlan. - 26 Coale Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Carel of Thanks, In Memoriam Nc rv-e -el cent per woad. M,+,.'"m,., 50 cents per W. Enenir6Number. The ea may be directed to a Bos Numbcare of s Herron Expositor. ler 10' cents exam. • Ten cents addatlonal per week will be charged iif 'ass tin above class ass not paid by the Saturday night in the week in which the ad was sun. B0e be. Marriages and Deaths insenped free of charge Auction Sales, Notice w Creditors, Etc. -Rates on applirsffin. Tenders Wanted Articles For Sale TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith F08 CONSTRUCTION OF CON- etete reinforcement: of bridge on road opposite Lot 9, Ooru.ian 3, H.R.S., Tucker - smith, known aa Silver Ca -eels bridge. Plans and requirements may be seen at the, berme of the Reeve, S. IL WOtrtneore, ar at the Clerk's office. Local labor to be employed as far as possible_ Work to be completed be ...September 10th and to be done to the sate- falt3on of the Engineer and the Road Supe•- intendere- Tenders to be in the hands, of the Clerk by Saru. ere. July 29th - D. F. eleGREGOR, Clerk_ 3736-2 Farms For Sale FAR31 FOR SALE --LOT 24.CAN. 1.4, HIB - Bert forth ly V lit m lenn Estate. 100 acre:_ Several seem of good timber. Brick house and bent. barn. both in need of repair. Pace $3500.00- Apply THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY, Sarnia. Ontario. 373-2 MONEY FOR SALE -CLOVER HONEY IN your own containers, Se.. Atm comb honey in s-mn33 and large sections_ WAL- LACE ROSS, North Main Sr-, Seaforth. Phone 303J. FOA Ls-- SACLOVER HONEY, 7c LSF your own containers_ J. R. BURDOCK, BnrcereJd. Phone, 86 r 11. Emmett 3736-1 For Sale -or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -A MODERN -TWO- slime& - TWO-slimbrick Crouse. on Goderieh Street East. Imroeelere pamsen on given. WALTER MURRAY. 3735-2 FOR SALE OR RENT -MRS. F. D. HUT- ohison'a 8 -roomed home, Market and Jar- vis Streets :" hardwc sd floors; fireplace; mod- ern convendenoes - neutral Iocat9on- Apply on premises or to MR. WILLIAM MORRIS N.N. Jarvis Street. Property For Sale FARMS FOR SALE VALtTABLE FARMS IN GODERICH TOWNSHIP (1) About 103 aures, new house and new barn and outbuildirs; 12 acres good bosh: young orchard. (21About 87 acres with good barns. ..Both farrns in eacellens cultivation_ Plen- tiful supply of good water_ Apply- MABEL RATHFiELL. R. R. Clinton, Ont, or W. E. FOSTER. Hen all. Ont., Administrators l seste of Isaac R,atewell. 3735-3 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'Deate of ALEXANDER S3MITH. • A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 21 against the Estate of Alexander Smith. late of the Township of Sanley. County of {...Huron. deceased. who died on or about the 27th day of May, 1919. are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solidh:or an ar before the 3rd day of Aur'a_et, 1939. full par- ticulars of their claims, ss'sth atedav'ite prov- ing same. lmm.ediateey after the said last mentioned date. the assess of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, bav4ing regard only to claims of winch the undersigned shall then have nice, to the excloe on of all others. and the under- signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 11th day of July, 1939. W3i. E, BUTT. ARCHIBALD PARSONS. Executers By their Solicitor ELMER D. BELL. Seaforth, One 3735-3 Popular Stallions The Clydesdale Stallion FAVORITE AGAIN 24337 Enrolment No. 1961 W51 stand at es own stable at Bracefield far the season. Fifteen dollars to :mare. peyabie February 1, 1940. ROBERT D. MURDOCH. Proprietor. PETER KILPATRICK. Manager. 3723-tf E_rnbeett 3049 Form 2 The Standard Bred Stallion BARON LULLWATER 2.11th 2.14'. at heee years old 1939 Grade "0" Premium No. 375 Will stand for the sap revemen: of stock at the barn of a_ owner, W. C. Govec;ock, Zemandviile_ He is a jet b!a.6: in coke. stands 15-3 hands and weighs 1100 pounds- He to a prem- ium horse and is sound_ Ile sire, Bogai'asa, 2.04-. He ie also a hardy rue horse as he was first and reserve champion at the P.oya. Win- ter Fair. Terono. raft -winter. 1938. Would try to make arrangements to meet three from a dhea.nce where persible_ Terms -$12, payable Feb Bary 1, 1940. 3721 -tf The Famous Champion Clydesdale Stallion LOCHINVAR (tmp.l No. 25468 Enr'elment No. 3739 Form 1 Wilt stand for the improvement ce stock the semen. as follows: Monday. Tmesday and Wednesday -At his oven stable.- 11/4 miles wee: and 11. miles south of Dublin_ Thursday --W,;1 leave his own srab:e a: IS o'clock for Peen -Ilia. return- ing again on Friday nsht at 6 o'clock. .`health and wither perm:tsg. Saturiae-At bus own stable Terms --55.00 at time service aad 520.00 when [nares prove in foal. J. E. FALCONER. Propr:e er. 3728-tf 1 0a SALE --$350.00 CASH, SIX -ROOM P frame house, in good condition, on Ord Street„ Seaforth_ Two lots. chicken house, Hydro. Apply to Bax 206. EXPOSITOR- 3726-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE -FRA WF HOUSE, 7 roams, geed c ner, dein, never fail- ingwell fit door" elent clean garden land Five minutbm' walk to church, school or store_ Teaephome. Some fruit • All in good repair_ Peoverty wit be sold at reason- able price with half tat4 purchase price re- maining an property if dmir'ed_ Apply on the premises or address Bax 51, Seaforth. AIRS. ALEX GORDON_ 3736-2 Auction Sales WE WISH TO THANK THE NURSES and Orderlies ea the Byron Hospital, Landon. for their ,kindness be us, and also to thane the neighbors for their greet ktnd- nms and the flowers sent during the sinner of Janes It. McGill -Mr. and Mas. McGill and Bins_ 3737x1 In Memoriam CUDMORE-IN LOVING MEMORY OF Margaret Atm Cube: rye, Hensall. svho Amami away in Some. Memorial Respite! on July 26. 1932. -SONS AND DAUGHTERS 3737x1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - feces of the Fainle of the late Mary Jane Tapp. of Heim. e. on Saturday. Judy 29th, at 1.30 p.m-, consisting of : Chester- field' suite: eleam-ic stove: electric washer machine (nearly new): Majestic cesrtric heater: 2 coal serve: mining form table and chairs :' 3 small tables: ki..dberr, cabinet; 4 beds, !pi i..t a and - ; 2 dressers and wash stands; chest of drawers ; clothes press ; 2 writing desks : targe rag; several hooked mmats; complete dimmer set; samage� chin ' 3 clocks ; Rogers cabinet radio: day bed ; 6 odd claire; lame cupboard: lawn mower , cement them roller; wheelbarrow: garden cart; garden tools: kitchen utensils consist- ing of dishes, pots. pans and numerous other articles ; everything to be sold without re- serre. Teems -Cash. DB.. I. G. SMILLIE, Executor ; George H. Mote .Anct'rotreer. 3737-1 Imported Clvdeedale Stallion SOLWAY RESOURCE Inti- [28173) (23029) Enrolment No. 3744 F,rtn 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season. as folkres : Monday Morning-WIii leave his own stable at Brucefield and go to dee 2nd Concession. then rponth send east to Alex_ Sieclairs, for noon; then east to the Town Line and north to the 9th Concession to Wm. Patrick's, for night Tuesday -East 11 miles and north to the 7th Concession to Coyne Bra+_. for noon: then to Robert Doig's, 7th Concession. for night. Wednesday -To Geanmeli's Corner and north to A. & 3. Broadfoo:s, Per noon: then to bis own stable fer night. Thursday -At iris own stable:. Friday -West to the 2nd eancess5'on of Stanley and north Co John H. McEwan's, for noon: then to bis own stable for night Saturday -At his own stable Terms -To iastare a foal, 315.00. payable February 1st, 1940. R. D. MURDOCK. Proprietor and Manager. 3728-21 Notice to Creditors Marriages BALDWIN - SIMMONS--..On Saturday. July 2g 1939, at St. J:elm's Church. Peterbor- ough, by the Rey. R. T. F. Brain, Ivy Alice, , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James .Snmmlaus Engtarxi, to Robert Richard ..Archer, son of Mr. and Mee Lawrence Baldwin. Toronto_ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of RUSSELL JAMES SCOTT A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of R-assell J ames Scott, late of .the Township of Hibbert. in the County of Perth. deceased. who died an Or abort the 13th day of July, 1939, are hereby nabilsed to send in to the undersign- ed Sdilicitor. on ar' before the 17th day of August. 1939. full partimelars of their daim5. with aff avt`t proving same - Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard ordy to claims of which the undersigned shall then have ndtiac. to the exclusion of ell others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any pew of wheee claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or an part thereat DATED at Seadorth this net day of July, 1939. THOMAS I.. SCOTT THOMAS LAING By their Solicitor F.LMER D. BELL, Seaforth. Ont. . The Pare Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion TORRS MAGNATE armee ,26882 (22371) Enrolment No. 3019 First Class, Form 1 Will stand this seaon for mares as fol- lows: Monday . -Leaves his own stable. Lot 4. Con_ 3v Hibbert, and . go to Mike 3tlagle's, Dublin. foo noon; ,thence to D. 3. O'Reilly's. Beach- ), weed. Lot 12, Con. 4, Meearop. for night Tuesday -moi Proceed tdi'Jnek McCartimy's, Lot 33. 'Soon 2. Logan. for noon : thence to his own stable for flight_ Wednesday -Will Proceed to Cecil Rolled's. Lot 1o. Cots. 3, Lbyre, for dean: thence by . way of Huron tread to bas own si'ablo for night Thursday proceed he Dine. 4 o1auboans. Lot 3, Con. 8. Hibbert, for noon: thence to George 'f eliaee'6:, Lea se, l3on_ 11. Cromarty, from 3 +P'dfock ...•*► � e clock p.m.. theme to Jack .;Bt✓ Zi'11',,ce,Oie tem Oda 5. Raked. for eiebe taxibeeirte Martin ?senate ' Lot kg-`(ttor noon; thence to bis erre liieiwm reMain fiVelSILK tobet it Miiaager ti 4ti : 14: 6- a;N. • STANLEY A birthday gathering- on Sunday. July 23rd, was the occasion of Mr. Henry Erratt's 74th birthday, when their family gathered at their home and pleasantly surprised them, Din- ner was prepared anserved by the family and a y.ery p e: sant afternoon was spent. We wish Mr. Erratt marry more such happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dimmick and Mr. and Mrs. Haloid Rowson. of Flint, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and called on a number of other friends on the Goshen Line last week. Mr. Elgin McKinley has purchased a combine from Mr. Geo. H. Beatty, which will be delivered this wee;:. Mrs. Myrtle Moore and grand- daughter, Doreen, of Toronto, visited the past .week with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Robert E. Robinson. 3737-3 Notices NOTICE Township of TuckerSmith THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCh'RRS3fIT'H RE - questa a13 ptaipesdy owners i!o cut easl txrxi.W9 weeds now in bloom on roadsides abuutdng Meir properte". IL DALRYMPLE, Road Sup, rdent 3736-3 MANLEY i S. and Marion Ritchie Young Wo- men's Auxiliary, also the Anna Reidie Mission Band held, a profitable meet- iqg in the basement of the church, The W.M.S. of Avonton and W.M.S. of Mothgrwell were invited for the afternoon. The meeting opened by singing the 38th Psalm and prayer by Mrs, Reidte, the president. Mrs. T. Scott read the Scripture lesson, part of the 12tH chapter of Romans, with prayer by Mrs. Miller. A solo by little Janet McKellar was then sung, being a children's hymn; a duet by Misses Wilma and Hazel Hamilton; a reading by Miss Lila McCulloch and a hymn. The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. nison_ A dainty lunch was served by the Marion ,Ritchie girls and after en= jcying a time in social chat, all dis- persed to their homes. Mr. James Eckert spent the week- end with friends in Detroit 'lnd Wind- sor. Mr. John A. Eckart and Mr, Alex Mitchel] have started threshing op- erat:;ons and report the turnout as good, and it lis not `yard to thresh on account of the plurenness of the grain. By all appearances the har- vest will be over early with the con-. tinued dry warm weather. The wea- thermen has promised us rain all along, but by all appearances we will be in for It soon. The rain stopped the stook thresh- ing on Wednesday afternoon. A large number from here attend- ed the Lions Carnival in Seaforth. Mrs. Chas. Regele was the winner of $5.00 at the horse race booth. NOTICE McKillop Township THE ONTARIO WEED CONTROL ACT states im Section 4: "Every occupant of hr:d. or if the land is unoccupied, the owner shall destiny sal noxiaac weeds as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds_" Section =: "kW; person wlw aanfaavenes any of the ptovsiorz of &de Act or rafvses to obey any tavaftei order :riven under auth- ority of Sais .4 . shell incur a penalty of not less than 510.00 nor more than 560.00 for every such offence.- THRESHERS ffence."THT SHERS C. tees lei: "Every pert -.on. firm or com- pany owning or operating a threshing ma- chine or separator. or causing same 50 be oper2'ed_ shell were year. before commencing apses ane, reiiaLer s0ah machine or separa- tor with the Maaster of Agriculture and shall procure a certificate of such r•egstsa- t one' Yotsr mon is PRANK R. STOREY, Irspmtor. 37374 Otte TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- CEIPTS FOR 1939 The' Town will pay 4 per cent. per annum up to Aug. 31, 1939, on'aIl prepaid 1939 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's of- fice in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Archer Baldwin, of Hagersville, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton on Monday and received an address and a Lumber of beautiful gifts. The following is the address: "Dear Ivy: The' community of which you live been a member for a num- ber of years. extends to you its heart- felt appreciation for all you have done on its behalf in the past. You have not only been an active mem- ber of our community, but your pattern of Living bas been a sterling example for young people to follow. The ideals which you have expressed on several occasions are worthy of acceptation by any person striving to become a Worthy- and honorable citizen. Neeaites to say, we will miss you greatly. We only hope that your talents may continue to be of use to others in the community in which you will retire. \Y-? 'x•end to you our best wishes for a lona and hap- py married i:fe. :\s a mark of es- Donald. of 1D)etroit spent last week & Son, electricians, have their parts teem and good-will,rite ask you t'o with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. completed. accept these cif;,, Sieneet, on behalf Mr. and Mrs. N. Yeflowlees, of Bow- Quite a number of horse lovers mo - of the Neiel:bors and Friends." manville. spent the week -end with toned to Stratford on Saturday after - Word was rc-relied on Monday Mrs. A. T. Scott noon last to witness 'the exhibition 1 i morning by Mrs. James Dale of the Mf: s. Jamieson and Mrs.. Brock are Performance of Billy Direct, who has death of her sister. Mrs. Me ab, of yiy:t:ng relatives in Michigan_ a record of 1.55. and were more than Drayton. Mrs. Johr, Carter. Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan spent Sun- r'1* sod and delighted at the wonder - Mrs. McNee, of Fullarton. are also day- in SL Marys. ful performance, and were also great - sisters of the deceased. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H-. F. Berry and Mr. 1y interested in the fine string of otber fast pacers and trotters. The services in the three local churches were pretty well attended on Sunday last. .\t tee morning ser- vice in the United Church the pastor, Rev- Mr. Brook, gave a very fine dis- course. while Misses Kaye Dobbs and Bella Smoke gave a fine duet, and at the evening dteit of worship Mr. W. O. Goodwin. the leader of the choir, and Rev. Mr. Brook rendered a most pleasing duet. At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. W. A: "Young delivered a splen- did discourse, and Rev. Mr. Richard- son, a former pastor of St. Andrew's United Church, assisted in the ser- vices. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and members of their family have beta enjoying an auto trip in Northern On- tario.- Pbe new dwelling of Mr. Wm. E. Foster, adjoining Mr. Wm. Dougail's residence on King Street, is being rushed by the contractors to com- pletion The Mimes Campbell, and brother of Toronto motored here on Saturday accompanied by their aunts, Mrs. Cleveland Hoggarth and Miss Ethel Mtird'ock, the Misses Campbell and their brother returning to Toronto on Sunday afternoon, but Mrs. Heggarth and Miss Murdock are redraining here for the present. Miss Murdock spent the past year in Calgary'. Alta, with ber sister, Mrs. Hoggarth and fam- ily. Mr. Robert 'Pa.. eraore, divinity stu- dent, and son of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, will conduct services -in the United Church this coming Sun- day at 11 ant. and 7.30 p.m., and for the first three Sundays in August 5719-tf ZURICH yl t r\e Mr. Segsworth, of Erin, district weed inspector for a number of the oount'ies in Western Ontario, called on the local township inspector one day last week and inspected the township roads and farm properties. He stated that very few,townships in his district were in such a satisfac- tory condition as Hay Township, and. gave muoh credit to Mr. John Me-' Bride for doing his work' so efficient - Mr. H. T. Hughes; who has been teller at the local branch of the Bank of Montreal for a number of years, bas been transferred to the Toronto office and after five weeks there will take over the Welland office of the bank. Mr. Kerr, of Oakville, has tak- en over the work at this office. Mrs. (Rev.) H. Becker, of Morris- ton, I11., is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. Klopp, at .pres-• ent. Mrs. Klopp has been seriously ill but is now on the way to recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Walper, who have been visiting at the home of the former's mother, Mrs_ C. Walper, have returned to their home in De- troit. Mr. J. Sawrz. of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. A. Fuss. Mrs. Sawrz who spent a few weeks at the home of 'her mother re- turned to Detroit with him on Sun- day. Farmers in this section have made great headway in harvesting " the wheat crop and some have started to cut early oats and barley. The yield of fall wheat is running as high as forty bushels per acre, and other crops promise a high yield as well. Mr. Imo- M. Dagg, local manager of the Bank of Montreal, and family have returned from their vacation spent at the lakes in Haliburton County. Mr. H. G. Hess and family are spending a few weep at their cot- tage in the Pinery. New signs are being placed along the Provincdal Highway from Hensall to St. Joseph. Stop signs have been constructed at all intersections and ether warning signs placed at nar- row bridges and guard rains placed at these points. Judgment has been handed to the local Division Court Clerk, in the case of Robt. Thomson vs. the Town- ship of Hay. in favor of the plaintiff. The case was tried over a year ago at the hall here and was for costs over a drainage sebeme wthich was not constructed. - BRUCEFIELD • Mrs. R. Douglas. of Kapuskasing. and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Douglas, of Timmins. were guests of Mr. aad Mrs. Wm. Douglas_ Mr. and Mrs. N. Wheeler and- fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wheeler and Roy Corrigan and Archie Hall in "Overland Stage Raiders," showing at the Regent Theatre next Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. are also visiting with Mrs. Stevens this week. W. M. S. Meets The July meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held in the schoolroom of the church' on Wednes- day afternoon_ The president, Mrs. C. Haugh, presided over the opening exercises and the business period. Mrs H. Aikenhead gave a reading on stewardship, "Giving His Beat" As this meeting was in charge of the As- sociate Helpers, Mrs. A. McQueen took the chair for the program. Miss :darks took for the Sct-ipture reading the 51st Psalm and Mrs. R. Dawson read the devotional leaflet. Mrs. Jas. McQueen gave a reading, "A Child a Soul Winner in- China," and Mrs. Abe Zapfe, an impromptu debat Cur- rent events. in China were given by Mrs. Haugh and Miss E. Bowey. The meeting closed with the hymn, "Stand Up, Stand t'p For Jesus," and the Mizaah benediction. HENSALL ;sr 1 t iG `ln Coming to Hensall C. R. WILKINSON, R.O. OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN Wmgham will be at W. O. Goodwin's store 0l. ery 1st and and Tuesdays in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult uses and those that have not been property' fitted are specially recon mended to consult me. B we: 10 aur. to 6 p.m. Phone Hensall 16 for appoinCtimet. 11632 during the ab 'nee of the pastor, Rev. R. A I$rook, who is on holidays dur- ing August- The evening service will be withdrawn_ Mr. and Mrst Ferris Cantelon and children, of Schromberg, are.yacation- ing with the former's mother, Mrs. D. A. CJantelon. We. believe that Mr. John Craig, w3h0 recently underwent a serious op- eration at Victoria Hospital, London, is doing as well as can be expected, Dr. Busby operated and blood trans- fusions ramfusions bade to be administered dur- ing the operation_ The Mies Lillie and Edith Mc- Eoa. spent Sunday' last in Galt vis- itirsg relatives. Miss Kate McEwan returned home with them on a visit with relatives and friends here, her former home_ Mrs. Eldon Kading and baby, of London, are visiting tvitlt her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Messrs. Stan Tudor, William Shep- herd, T. C. Joynt, Dr. Wm. Joynt, Lee Redden and S. Doerr were in Stratford on Saturday last attending the hoose races, which were very thrilling. MissIrene Hoggarth is enjoying a two weeks' vacation anti will spend part of it with her sister and -brother- itelaw; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear and family, of Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, Norma', Bob, Douglas and Eleanor are vaca- tioning at Washaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Billy and Betty have returned from a de- lightful three weeks' vacation spent at Rondeau Park, Kingsville, and Toledo, Ohio_ Miss Marie Miller, of Windsor, was e, recent guest. with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. L Jinks. Dr. and Mrs_ G. L. Smith, George, Joan and Elizabeth, of St. Marys, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs- O. C. Petty, and .while here at- tended the co n•'gregatioral picnic of St Paul's Anghcan Church held at Turnbull's Grove. . • Mrs_ Jack Taylor was hostess on Thursday evening, July 27th, at her home here for Miss Myrtle Taylor, popular bride -elect of September. Miss Taylor was the recipient of a kitchen shower in cream and red, and in a decorated wagon of color -schemes of pink and white and drawn by Mary Taylor and Freddie Taylor, the gifts were presented. Games directed by Miss Agnes Fairbairn were a feature of the evening, after which lunch was served on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hudson and Kenneth, of Chicago, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.. Keith Brithell, of Exeter; Jack O'Brien and Irna and Donnie Weber, of Zurich, are visiting with Mrs. Olive Hudson. Miss Mabel Fairbairn is splending two weeks in Tillsonburg with Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Fairbairn -and family. William Houston, former manager of the Bank of Montreal, Hensall, suf- fered a heart attack while bowling last Saturday, passing away shortly after. Mr. Houston, who was in his 57th year, was the city- clerk and treasurer of Corn,vall, where he re- sided_ Surviving are his widow and two sons. Mr. Harry Horton has sold his dwelling on North Richmond Street to Mr. Peter Swaim, the present cod= cupant. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cudmore and tittle daughter, of Toronto, are boli - day visitors in Hensall. Peter Swarm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'Swaim, had the misfortune re- cently while cranking his car, to fracture his arm. -- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey and baby of Detroit were visitors on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. R. Bonthron. Miss Olive Grxworth. of Detroit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Scruton. Mr. and Mrs. William Horton, of Detroit, are spending their vacation with the former's mother, Mrs, Noah Horton, and also with other members of the family. Special reduction on all dresses, white shoes and wash trousers, Fri- dsy and Saturday, ateGoodwins. Miss M. Reid visited friends , in Aylmer this week Miss E. Johnston and her sister, Mrs. Ferguson, returned from a pleasant outing at Delhi and Port Burwell on Lake Erie with friends; also at Center Island, Toronto; with friends, end Wasaga Beach, Georgian Bay. ` Donald and Carey - Joynt have re- turned Home, having spent three weeks' vacation in Toronto, Barrie and Listowel. Mr. T. C. Joynt is being visited by his sister, Miss Beatrice Joynt, and, hismother, Mrs. A. Joynt, of Lis- towel, also by his niece, Miss Jean Joynt, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt and lit- tle son, Larry, of Toronto, are spend- ing their vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Miss Iris Isard, of Toronto, is also the guest of Mrs. 'Joy-nt. The village is being very brilliantly lighted for the Band Tattoo held here on Wednesday-. July 26th, when quite a large number of 'Bands took part_ _1r. James Sangster and Mr. Chas. Wolfe, as contractors, the first men- tioned of the woodwork and the lat- ter of the masonary part, and Mr. Shaddick, painter, are this week put- ting on tire finishing touches of Mr. James A. Paterson's new dwelling immediately east of the past office, hire Messrs. Bonthron & Drysdale, as plumbers. and Mr. Jahn Passmore Mrs. J. Fereuscn attended the fun• eraJ held en Wedr.esday. The sym- pathy of the community- goes out, to the sisters :n their bet-eavement. Mr. atei Mrs. Douglas. Muir and Jean, of Niagara Falls, and nine. Margaret We:se. of Barrie. visited Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Walte- Broadfoot visited Mr, and Mrs. Peter Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs B. B. Stephenson on Sunday. There w-411 be no preaching service in Constance until August 20th, ow- ing to Rev. A. E. A. Menzies taking his 'holidays. Sunday- school will be- gin at 10.30 a.m. The community picnic held under the auspices of the W. A. on Friday, July 2lst. was a splendid success. Games and contests were enjoyed during the afternoon Births D) 1. --rte Sege Memorial Hospital. See- forrie ou Ja5y-21+t, Ob Mr. and 3% cies- ewe DM& Thi -1 er., aeon. V ko IlTililoefriitle, yin Jeer `d"vt6, es Met end lea. W. Moto rewire, a dauale R+ -Alt .M . iliseteereoeles Vrlvitte peat, m July. lb Mitt hied: Meella4t;Ranee taelleemiel. a en's Wel- heads CRAMARTY Mrs. A_ McLellan is spending the week with her brothers, Lorne and Ralph Speare in Harrison. Miss Lila McCulloch is spending the week in Toronto is connection of the line of education as a teacher. The villaee ladies met at the home of llrliss Currie and Mrs. Tufford and served tea on the lawn previous to Mrs. Tufford-s return to Toronto. Rev. John Elder, accompanied by Ma's_ Eider and children. spent. Mon- day afternoon with Mrs. S. Miller and called at the home of Mrs. Russel Scott and other friends. Harvesting is the order of the day and the hum of the threshing ma- chine is heard 'once again. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Butler, of Lon- don, visited at the home of Mrs. But- ler. Mrs. Robertson and son. John, ol- eo grandson. Earl Robertson, of Lis- towel, spent.,.Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mills, of St. Marys. Master Jack Pearce, of Braesels, is htolidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ll. O. Macdonald. Quite a number of children spent Wednesday evening at the Lions Club Grewal in Seaforth. 111101thly meeting of the W. M. .wis'4� 'b e3 t1 and Mrs. W. McBeth and Douglas spent Sunday in Michigan. Mrs. Hobert Dawson spent last week in Inwood. Mr. J. McCully and .Mary and Flora McDougall spent Sunday in London. Mr. C. D. Simpson visited in Pe- trolia last week. M-. and Mrs. F. McKenzie, of St. Lruis, spent last week with Mrs. M. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. J`. K. Cornish spent Sunday ire Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. G. Voth, of Detroit, visited Mr. C. D. Simpson on Satur- day. The Brucefield Sunday School pic- nic was held on Friday. July 21st, at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. and was a decided success. Following are the results of the races: Girls, 5 and un- der. Jean McGregor, Verna Eyre; boys. 5 and under, Lorne Thompson, Gerald Rennie; girls, 6 to 8, Marg- aret Wright, Marion Hill; boys. 6.8, Douglas MicBeth, Jimmy Chapman; g'rls, 9-12. Blanche Zapfe, Marion Wilson: boys, 9-12, Ross Dining, Dan Aklwinkle: boys, 12-I5, D. McEwen. R. Dilling; ladies, Doreen Pepper, Mrs. Austin Zapfe; gents, W. Ham. D. McEwen: Irick the slipper, women, Eva Stackhouse, D. Pepper; men, W. Ham.' H. Collins; children's slipper kick, B. Zapfe, M. Hill; husband call- ing, Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Mrs', R_ Al- lan: throwing rolling pin, ladies. D. Pepper. Mrs. Abe Zapfe; men, Lorne Wilson, W. D. Wilson; tug-of-war, Fred Boyce's team; wife calling, Mrs. Zapfe, Allan Johnston. Mrs. J. Jamieson and Mrs. C. Brock are spending this Veek with friends in St. Clair, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Frank. McKenzie, of St. Louis. returned to 'their home this week after spending last week at the home of the farmer's mother, Mrs. R. McKenzie. in the village. Mrs. Thompson, who has been Spending the past month at the bone of her son in Stanley, returned to the home of Mr. and M-rs. Moodie + last week. Mrs. Dav►daion (for -In -Orly Miss Tough), front Saskatchewan, is visit- ing at the home of her ,sister, Mrs. Steire'ne, this Week. It fs M years gine she vitited her friends here Mee. Thompson and family, ol Sarnia, see fJ: When You Require Letterheads Envelopes Billheads Statements Dodgers Counter Check j3ooks Ledgers Booklets Tags or 4 • Announcement The engagement is announced of Stella Ruth, youngest daughter • of Mr. A. Ingrain and the late Mrs, In- gram, Hensall, Ont„ to Mr. George Henry. only son of Mr. G: Bawden and the late Mrs. Bowden, Lucian' Ont_, the marriage to take place at St. John, New Brunswick, early in August. Quite a large number from here motored cm Wedeesday to attend the celebration being put on under the auspices of the Seaforth Lions Club. Mrs. LieJIald, of near Zurich, is this week having a neat veranda put on ber dwelling on Queen St. as oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden and is at having It nicely repaint- ed - Dr. Arthur McAllister, son and daughter, a Georgetown, visited his sister", Mr. and Mrs_ Peter Moir. Mr. Herb Fled -den, accompanied by his Brother, Russel and Mona, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hedden aad family at Port Huron, Web. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Ete. - Courteous Service PHONE: 15 SEAFORTH, 235 EXETER --COLLECT DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. m 3736226 it t ,tln any other Printing Phone 41 The Huron Expositor 111 r I�F� jAiAp1`i (