HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-07-21, Page 8rs, TOTED ole I`' 'heat Cubs Packages and 2 Free Samples ALL. FOR 25c � { ` TiIE'S' CREAMY CHoCo- q�ci LATH ROLL '$TED CAKES 17c' � varieties ' BPARFD :MUSTARD 16 -oz. jar 15c 01i4 CHEESE 25c stead ebntrp 'COFFEE—Our own .blend. 23c half ''pound QVERDAT F TEAS -None 38c better; half pound *RAPE FRUIT JUICE '2 canis +si a. 25c 3SWANDOWN-FLOEx — 29C tiR'XIEST SOCKEYE SALMON 1 Sc �Iadvesi L1BBY'S VEGETABLE SOUP 25c 3 cans L�/ 'A0.iOWAX 4 cakes AllPEIVIO SEAL—For jam and des; package 15c 10c els ONIA,—Sno'wtaake or Cc Indy SETJ MILK—Cleans, a17: lends wbite shoes; • Bottle DERBY SOAP FLQ.KES pounds WASTERS TURKEY, ., STARTER --Cwt. 15c 35 c $2 A, C. Routledge PHONE 168' WE SPECIALIZE WS OF TSE TOWN anent --Mi. paid Mrs. An- dy'. Patrick, Troy, Ont., announce the efigeniemeat of their .daughter, Muriel Irene, to 'Dr. William Fraser Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs: Thomas DeOliver, S'talIa, the wedding to take place S'atur lay, August 5th, at West Fliamboro Pres'bydeerian Church. IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE ' BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermon's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties in Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALIST IN .ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4L> ,t0 4 i0 O O O O 4 O O 0 O 4 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth O O S. T. Holmes, residence 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderieh Street, O East; phone Ne. 308. O Ambulance Service O Adjustable hospital bed for O rent. 0 Night calls,• Phone 308 0 Day calls, Phone 119.3 O Charges moderate. O 12-37 0 0 0 0 Announcement — Mr. and Mrs. Loins Hildebrand, Sea,Porth, announce the engageersentt of ,'tihw'ir daughter, Mabel Janet Hildebrand, to Mr. V i n - cent Paul Murawsky, soca of Mr. Peter Murawsky and the date Mrs. Muraw- s,ky, of Kitchener, the wedding 10 take place the middle of August in SeafontlL 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r: `C. BOX 'O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed- Embalmer 0 4 Ambulance Service O O Hospital Bed O, O with adjustable rachet oper- O O ated spring for rens. 0 .0 Night Calls Day Galls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 '0 12-8? 0 00'00000 00000 Chut'ches dress and letige white hat. Har eort sage was yellow roses and sweet ,peas. The groom- was attended by hies bro- ther -la -law, Mr. E. L Bell, Saslnatoo'n. Receleing witch, the bridal couple at the reception held at the home of Mr. and M. Goldie were the bride's .mother in a brown sheer redingote over dowelled chiffon• with large ja- ponica hat and oousalge of gladioli, and the groom's mother, wearing a triple ebeer crepe Regina blue jacket dress with white hat and corsage of gladioli. The tea table, covered with a !race cloth, was centred with a tier- ed wedding cake embedded in white tulle. At the corneas were . bud vas- es of sweet peas. Mrs. W. R. Ormis- ton. poured tea and Mrs. J. M. Tate cut the lees. Assisting were Mrs. E. 1. Bell, Miss Muriel Goldin of Re- gina., and Miss Dorothry Hopkins of Estevan. The bride;aud groom lett by m,ator for Glacier Park. 'Mrs. Tay- lor wore for 'travelddnk a jacket dress of japonica crepe witch green hat and coat. They; will live in the Nichol- e o4 Apartments, Saskatoon. Out-of- town guests were Mr. and Mee. A. D. Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Bell, Mr. acid Mrs. 'A. McGill, 11drs. M. Webb and Harold McGuire, . all of Saska- toon; •Miss Dero'>;hy Hopkins, Este - van, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Orinis- ton and Delbert, Fort Qu'Appelle. The bridegroom is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs: W'm. Ai•tcheeon, of Seaforth, and also of the late Mr. aed Mrs. Alexander Taylor, of Exe- ter. "Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ the New -Born King" Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. St Thomas- Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford. -11 a.m., "Holidays"; 7.30 p.m, "Peace." Sunday School at 10 atm'. Union Services—First Presbyterian and Northside United, at Northside Church -11 am., "The Comprehension of the Saints"; 7 pan., "Where Re- ligion is a Help"; Monday, 8 p.m., Northside Official Board. The Board of .Pillanagers of Fdir'et Presbyterian Church: will ;meet in the vestry on Monday, July 24th, at 8.30 p.m. Nichols - Black.—At her parent's tome, Seaforth, on Saturday, July 15th, at twelve o'clock noon, Miss Agate's Marguerite Black, daughter of Mr. and 'MTs. William Black, Seaforth, became the bride of Mr. William James Nichols, of Mitchell, icon of Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols, Mit- eheil. Rev. H. V. Workman, Sea - forth, officiated at the ceremony, which took place before the mantle decorated .with ferns, white tapers, dephindums, white lilies and arses. Mrs. Nelson Nichols, Mitchell, played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown .of Queen's blue frosted organdy -with sweetheart neckline and puffed sleeves. She wore a matching shoulder length veil held in place by a coronet of blue flowers and carried a bouquet of But- terfly roses and baby's breath. Her attendant' was Mise Della Jackson, of Hamilton, who wore tea rose silk marquisette and lace dress with tur- quoise tram and carried Joanna Hill roses and cornflowers. Mr. Bruce Nichols, of Hamilton, cousin of the groom, was groomsman. During the signing -of the register, Miss Phyllis Atkins, of Alderetiot, sang "Because." Following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, atter which the couple left by motor for Montreal and the Gaspe, 'the bridle wearing a tur- quoise lace dress with Dubonney coat, beige hat and accessories. They will' live on the groo'm's farm near Mitchell. THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COp1NTT OF HURON Office in the Dominion Bank Baild- I e, Seaforth. Office hours: Tom - day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. In 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 1.30 p.m. 7b 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN 4 Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES Gm purchase of t'he insurance business of Hays i Muirr, and the addition of !heir companies to our prevkms tacit - Mai enable: us to give nneacelled service in an linea. ' SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 10-87 Airs McKILLOP MU 1JAL FIRE INSURANCE COT. 'HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. oil, FICERS: '1'tieR. Moylan, 6 Seaforth - Pres. 111411. Knox, Londesboro - 'Vice -Pres. Norton £ Reid, Sec forth - 8'ee. �freas. DIRECTORS: iffilmam t� Knox, Loidesl oro; Gouge tt, Rrodbagen; James Con, nth; Alex..Broeidtoat, R. nth;-Al8xandeer MettwIng, ;Oil Pratt troikas*, R. R. es SbialdtOO, Walton; Pa IL H. i5, > .iratotb; blbabl, R. R. 4, Bei- I, name.; JJzryii•auryr,d,t,b�,, �'i s5r r; Yi ,two, e t. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mos. Mary Dunn and family, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Dunn's niece. Mrs. George Cardno. • Mrs. A. Rome, of Tccnwater, is a guest at the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. !toss Mti,rdie, of McKillop. • Miss Helen Snaith is visiting with friends in' Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson, Miss Janet Cluff and Mr. Scott Cluff were at Go Home Bay on Sunday. • Mr. Dawson Reid, of Guelph, spent the week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Miss Dorothy Reinke, of FLamil- ton, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stew- art. • Mr. Ed. Devereaux, of Beresford Lake, Manitoba, is spending his holi- days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Frank Devereaux. • Mee James McKay, of Toronto, is visiting with friends in town and vicinity. • Mr. and Mrs. J. MacTavish and family are spending July at Bayfield. a Miss Louise Case is a guest at the heme of Ctanon and Mrs. Apple - yard in Hamilton. • Mrs. Mae Dorrance and niece, Lois Govenlock, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs.. Mac McKen- zie, of Oshawa. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan and son, Bob, of Roxboro, spent' Suniday with -Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett. • Master Kenneth Barry is spend- ing a week with his grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Barry, in Ay,toen. • Mr. and iMrs. George Mccartney," of Woodstock, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebbutt in Tuckersmiith. • Messrs. Charles Holmes, Ross Scott, W. A. Wright and D. H. Wil- son were in Toronto on Wednesday, representing Britannia Masonic Lodge at th'e Grand Lodge of Canada, being held in ,that city. • Miss Millie Johnstone, of Hamil- ton, is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. Thomas J'dhnstone. • Mr. Tom Cluff, of Guelph, spent the week -end with his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. • Mr. Douglas Sleeth and family were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. T. A G. Gordon were in Toronto on. Wednesday. • Miss Margaret Drover, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Drover, has been engaged as teacher for S. S. No. 5, Tuck'ersmith, for the coming term. • Mrs. Troyer, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Gem- mell in Tuckersanith. • Miss Margaret Patrick, daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Montgameryi Patrick, Tucker'sanith, has, been engaged on the permla.rtent staff of the Toronto public, schools. • Mr. and MTs. W. E. Southgate attended the Cnnr-Gi'endenning wed- ding in Toronto on Monday, and the M'itohell golden wedding in Flesher - bon on 'Tuesday. • M i . Louie Jackson, of Wood- stock, spent this week at the home of hds mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson. • Mrs. William B'roadfoot, wiho has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elder, has returned to her• home in Granton. • Mr. Edward Lennon, Montreal, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Devereaux. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and family have returned to their. home in Toronto after spending a week's holi- days at tie h'onre of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. '• Mrs. George Walkey, of Taronto, and Mrs. Jane Duaibar, of Sundlrtdge, attended the Crich rreitnilon. 'picnic, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mos. Gifford Cinch iia Ttleker- Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The regular monthly meeting of t h e Northside Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Unaterl' Church was held in the schoolroom of the church an Thursday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Workman, pre- sided, and the meeting opened by singing tine °hymn. "Jesus Calls Us . : Saying Christian, Follow Me," and .the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The minutes of the June. meeting were ''read by the secretary, Mrs. Porteous, and approved. In the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. Archi- bald gaye bier report, which was adopted, and also presented the 'bud- get for the third quarter of the year, which was accepted. The sum of $171.02 was sent to the Presbyterial treasurer as the contribution for the second 'quarter. It was unanimously decided to extend an invitation to the Huron Presbyterial to meet here at their next meeting in April. The corresponding secretary was instruct- ed to convey to the Philathea Class the grateful appreciation of and thanks for their sipllemdri,d co-opera- tion and financial support in the past. Miss Lawrence 'read a most interest- ing letter from the W. M. S. mission- ary, Miss Elizabeth McKenzie, Dondi, Africa, which also contained an ap- peal for dentist's forceps—secgli1d- hand or new. Mrs•.'Lawson, Convener of Circle 1, had charge of the devo- tional program. The hymn, "Yield Nat To Temptation" was sung, fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Lawson,. The topic for study was Temperance and Mrs. Koine gave an excellent reading entitled, "The Zips That Touch Liquor Shall Never Touch Mine." The leader exhorted the members to be temperate in all things, in eating, as well as in. dtrink- i•n,g, and it! pleasures and amuse- ments. She conducted an enlighten, ing and i'mpress'ive que'stionaire on "Alcohol and Its Effiecte,', the anee era being provided by Also Murray, Miss Somerville, Mrs, -Pollard, Mrs. Mc- Michael, Mrs. McDermadd, and Mrs. Laing. The meeting cliosed; with the hymn, "Faith Of Our Fathers, Holy Faith," and the bell,edictalbn pronounc- edi by Mrs Lawson. • Taylor - Little. ---'Sit. Mary's Angli- can Church, Regina, was the scene of a pretty weds iitnig on July 10th, when Audrey • Beverley, daughter of 'Mrs. Little, Weyibumt, and the late WORM McKay 1.Attle, became the bride of Allligni Alexander Taylor, SOH of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Taylor, Saskatoon, Both bridle and groom attendees uni- versity in Saskatoon. The Rev. 'Can- on Edwards Frampton offiielated. The ibctrdie entered the church to the strains of the Lohengrin bridal chor- us played by her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Ormiston. She was given in marriage (by her mother. Mrs. A. M. ()oldie, sister of the bride, w'as matron of honor. r. Marcia Goldie .aee flower girl was sweet in pale pink organdy with jnotit hiing poke hiat. She carried a nosegay of garden flowers, .paper - frilled. The bfkide 'ante a, jasiket dem of .[amnio Tom crepe 'With 'queens Mile that 'amid.00rPage of 1556 08- M 3' 4 ittitidi� ik'biC9' a *meet bine 17 D oxmg Wrestlillg Saturday Night PALACE RINK SEAFORTH See Posters for Particulars ! smith on Saturday, and also attended the service lin Tunweets Church on Sunday attention and the decoration of the gravies, • Mrs. H; L. Purdy and little 'daughter have retiestedi to 'their hone in Tos'bnto after spending , several weeko at the home of Mrs, Purdy's Mother, Mrs. W. E. Kerslialee. • Mr. T. D. O'Neill and daughters, Mary and Marjorie, spent the week- end in, P.hellpston, Miss Mary remain- ing emaining for two weeks? vacation. Miss Barbara O'Neill retua'Iledr with them. • •Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich and Mrs: Charlet Glew attended the Crich reunion picnic on, Saturday. • Mrs. E. Hunt has returned home after a visit with reliatives in Landon and Hamilton. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grummett, Danny and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Palau, Mr.. and Mrs. Sam Storey, Eileen and Billie attended ,the Grumnnett remit= at Dundalk on Satundlay. They spent a day at Walshago Beach on their way home. • Dr. and M'rs•. Dillane and chil- dren, of Hamilton, were week -end guests at the (home of Mrs. Dillane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jiohnstton. • Mr. D'Orlean Sii•Ls spent the week Lakeview Casino--GrandBend DANCING NIGHTLY TO Willis Tipping and his Cascade Rhythm Orchestra Free admiasitode ibefore 9 pm. Tues.,. j'hnns., .. it Fhist two datnces Free every n5. AMATEUR (CONTEST EVERY MONDA`,Y Send in your, 11xr now I Cash prizes each May; 1st acid 2nd prize winners 'dach night enter Flnlal en August 38th for Grand Cash Prize. Try it—you never know your luck. The auiditenee judges'. A GRAND EVENING'S FUN ! 3 heurs denting; 1/2 hour show. Can- tesitlant§ athnitted tree. Men 50cc, Wo mini 35e, Chdeidlnem 10c, Dancing Free. Visit Our Floodlighted Beach These Hot Sumner iVlghte=-Bathhtlese open oath 10, p.m. every Silgan. Oita s' BandCoaleert Band y, Jttty 20rd 1 $.t0 WA. ori W. F. A. FOOTBALL Tavistock vs. Seaforth SATURDAY, JULY 22nd 6.30 p.m. RECREATION PARK Seaforth Seaforth is going places in W. F. A. football. You will see a real football game! "League Standing—Stratford, 8 points; New Dundee, 6; Sea - forth, 4; Tavistock, 2. Admission: 20c and 15c SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION end in Toronto, ' • Mee. James On PnoitxV a visit with h E. S. Harding, at R vet.basreturned r daughter, Mts. towed Hill. • Miss Verna Gir vies, Mrs. Orval 'Weston avid Miss Katherine Dudley, of Detroit, have 'rieturuned from a mlotos• trip, to .Muskoka. • Mer, and Mrs. H. Trapnell. and dlaugthter, Peggy, • and Mr. ,and 'Mrs. John Pullman spent the week -end in Saxnia,. • Mrs. IM. Desborough, R.N., wtto sspeset her hoidciayis with her parents , Mr. and Mgrs:"'C. Eoltart, has returned Ito neisume her duties. at Eloise, Michi- gan, while her daugihteer, Nel'cey, is remaining here for a holiday. • Miss Dunn, R.N., Miss Angela Eckert and Miss 'Mary McKay are speeding their holidays vitt friends in ,Detroit. '• 'Mrs H. Whitduam and son, who were •holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mfrs. Henry Huffman, have returned to their home in North Bay. • Mrs. James Bec•tram aid, her daughter and sweat -law, Mr. , and Mrs'. J. Bartlett, of New York, were guests this week at the Commercial, while calling on old friends, in town. • Mr. Andrew Archibald' has been spending a few days at Grand Band at the s'inumer cottage of his daugh- teer, Mrs. Armstrong, of Waterloo. • Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss Mary are visiting friends at Belgrave. • Miss W. D. Manson le visiting Ther daughter .in Hamilton. • Ml's. George Walkey, of 'Ildron- `to, , and Mises Jane Dunbar, of Send - ridge, are guests at the hom•e.of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glew and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. • Miss Florence Fowler, of Blue - vale, is the guest of the Misses Cresswell: • Mrs. 'George Weir has been spending a few days in Bayfield. • M. 'John Cummings is ill in the Leaden Hospital. • Mrs. Mary Deem and daughter, of Brantford, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McLaren. • Mrs. Archie Barton, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mrs. F. An- derson. STRA COACH LINES ERICH SUMMER TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.25 a.m. and 5.25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and boL, 1 p.m. land 4.40 pin. Sun. and bat, 1.00 p.m. and 9.20 p.m. 42onneation at Stratford for Toronto, J5aminbon. Buffalo, London, Detroit. Agents Queen's Dick Commercial Hoek Binder Twine 'and HAY FORK ROPE For Sale at LOWEST Prices —at— REiIER'S GARAGE SEAFORTH SEAFORTH FARMERS' CLUB ANNOUNCEMENT • We have been ap- pointed district repres- entative for the pro- ducts of the Crosley Radio Corporation. The sanious Crosley Shelvador Refrigerator is now in stock—super- ior value at remarkab- ly low cost. The full size six foote refrigera- tor being only $199.00, delivered in Seaforth district, Five' -year guar- antee. See the Crosley Shelva- dor and make it Your Refrigerator 1 • J. F• Daly Ford - Mercury Dealer Telephone 102, Seaforth • tY CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. John Landes of Wil- low Grove visited with Mr. .1ohn Mc- Culloch and daughter, Miss Lila, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoskorf, of Seb- ringville, and Mr. and Mrs.'"William Anderson, of Avonton, visited at the borne of Mr. 'and Mese-Duncan Mc- Kellar. Mr. and •Mrs. Colin McDougald, of Harrington, were guests of Mrs. Quance. Miss Ada Speare, of Seaforth, vis- ited at the home of her father, Mr. Joseph Speare. CONSTANCE € gent T-heatr Seaforth rah "COOL" -- Air Conditioned 8" Gene SHOWING Gene Autry - 'Smiley Burnette "BLUE MONTANA SKIES" - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY July 24, 25, 26th NAL IIOACB sse$si$ of lovvitrisAnop CONSTANCE BENNETT. ROLAND YOUNG BiIIIE BURKE • AtAN MOWBRAY` NEXT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY July 27, 28, 29 Coming -- "THERE GOES THAT WOMAN AGAIN" Rev. J. C. Britton and twp daugh- ters of Inwood, are appending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brit- ton. Mr. Bill Dale attended the funeral of the late Russell Scott, of Crom- arty, on Monday. The W. A. of Constance United Chumoh will hold a cdmmunity picnic at Bayfield; on Friday. There will be iconiestls and sports for the young people in the afternoon. fir. Archie Haggarth' and Misses Haien and Edith Britton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, Kirk- tose, on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams, Donelda and Kelso and. Mr. and,,..Mes. J. Fer- guson attended the social held on the lawn of Nin'. and Mrs.. Bert Ander- son at Walton on Wednesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and livers. D. Churchill visited Mr. and Mrs. George Lavelle, of Palmerston, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson also visited Mrs. E. M. McNab, of Drayton, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. E. S•haddick, of Hen - sail, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. W. A. and W. M. S. Meets 'Phe regular meeting of the W. A. and W. • M. S. was held on July 13th in toe' basement of the church with Mrs. E. Adams, president of the 'W. A., in the chair, who ' opened the meeting with Hymn 50. Mrs. R. Law- son and iMms. E. Adams led in prayer. The minutes and the treasurer's re- port were read. It was decided to hold a community picnic at Bayfield on Friday, July 21st.. Mrs. William Britton, president of the W. M. S., took charge and it was deoidied to hold an open meeting in September and to invite Turner's Church and Ontario Street Church, Clinton, lad- ies. Mrs. .Robert Rogerson took charge of Group 3. A splendid read- ing, "How Some People Miss Szilva- tion," was given by Mrs. Rogerson. Each person was handed slips with questions and answers on "Whether Canada Should Admit Refugees." Tei e prognarn closed by Mrs. R, Rogerson leading in prayer. Colson . Jamieson We are clearing out the following Used Machines, all in good condition, and sold with money- back Guarantee. 1 McCormick -Deering $36.00 Hay Tedder 1 Beatty.Reed Star 812.00 Washer $ 0 3 Massey -Harris Spring Tooth Cultrvaltonst; $20 00 your choice .r $ 1 12 -Plats MCormick Deering Harrow 1 aFtarm Wagon ,25,00 1 Quebec Sulky $2•0 5..0000 $30,00 1MTuaodln>mhpe-SApnrdeeardsorn. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Massey -Harris Cutting Box Massey -Harris Mower $15.00 825.00 Wialking $8.00 Plow Massey -Harris Hay ecnn0 Loader oiling new Sea -inch Grain 815.00 Grinder De Laval Cream 825.00 Separator 1939 Model Stewart Warner 7 -tube Electric $110,00 Radio �PP'TF �7 'SEVERAL USED SMALL ELECTRIC RADIOS John BachSEAFORTH A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson, Constance, on Wednesday, July 19th, at 3.30 p.m., when their eldles't dauginter, Mary Isabel, was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur Lawrence Colltan, only icon Of Mr. and - Mrs. Thomas Colson Blyth. Rev. A. E. A. Menriiea .performed( the cere- mony. The bride was given away by her father ani Stood before an altar of flowers on the lawn. She wore wihrite silIk eMbrotideredi net, also a coronet of orange blossidmis, and car- ried a. bouquet sof 'Th arcliffe roses. Me' Hazel Jamieson, o8 Stratford, was the bridesmaid and she wore gown of pink silk net over taffetta and carried sweetheart roses. Mr. Ramey iMcCallum was the groothis- mnan. Mists Jessie Watt made a charming flower girl "ends carried a basket of sweet peas and baby's breattlh. Miss 'Gladys Monnnitadn play- ed ache wtdldd,rug music and also ae- compaiiied Mrs. wthti sang idalring the signing of the register. The young cou ti'e lett hater on a tt'iip drown the Set. Lawrence and, Eastern atlas. Per travelling tihe bride wore nervy net over taffetta with, white ac- noseoriee. On their i1etari they will *Side 0n the grssoiin'e' farina on the lath co otos df MOM. , di After School What? You must specialize if you want a position. We have trained hundreds of young men and women for good jobs,—no wasted time on unnecessary sub- jects. , RIGHT NOW you can train yourself as a competent stenographer in 3 months at home, and use the train- ing to advance yourself to executive positions. This. is made possible through a simplified system of short- hand written in abbreviated English. It "is easy to learn, and easy to read—you never forget it because it is written in English. We teach TELEGRAPHY, STATION AGENT, TRAF- FIC STENOGRAPHY, GENERAL STENOGRAPHER. What interests you? Write today! For free folder, describing course you are interested in—no obligation. Ca.ssan System ' Toronto 9, Ontario ,.b SPECIAL! CLOVER HONEY SPECIAL! JEWEL SPECIAL! TIGER NO. WHITE SHORTENING SALMON FANCY',COHOE SPECIAL CHASE & SANBORN "DATED" COFFEE DOMINO DRY Ginger Ale tot. 100 CK Domino Tea Pkg; 490 • PICNIC SWEET MIXED PICKLES 28 oz. 23* DOMINION PEANUT 1€ar.1SO BAYSiDE STUFFED OLIVES 8:; 230 DEPENDABLE Pjb O._' SOAP .4c HEALTH SOAP LIFEBUOY C.ke070 QUICK SUDS OXYDOL.. Pkg. 210 2T in-Ib. /9( 1 -Ib. Ctrs. Tali 4111) Tin AO 1 -Ib. Pkg. 3 RICHM'ELLO COFFEE pkg; 250 RITZ SALAD Dressing ,32• 394 CARNATION EVAPORATED Mi LK Tin 09# SURE JELL CERTO BaI:250 SANITARY SEAL Pa rowax Pkg. 12c RUBBER Liar Rings Dos. 05c ZINC RINGS Doc. 23c SEALERS Daz. $1.13 LARGE FIRM JUICY CABBAGE 5c I LEMONS 25c Raspberries and Cherries Fresh Dally Woes Effective Thurs,, Fn:, Sof., July 20, 21, 22 `ic h��y�wro �Y'S�Jt'1 t� r, 'rr. •§'''