HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-07-14, Page 81;l EI aa. A 4IN ER TONDO .JUICE f PBELL S TOMATO IC174--217,oz„ Can 15c 20c u. lc 25c 19c -... 25c *AMR 'Pic#ttIC PLATES •:OEN BANTAM CORN .4 sane • ' ATTHES .Boxes mow, ....TRlvaEET PICKLES laex. jar &CABBAGE soled heads , 'L.Y BREAKFAST COFFEE 28c pound ..mAcED FINEAPP-LE Tari , 14 It ;.i "Come and we lip, come and worship, Worship Chrst the New -Born King" Sermon 8 ects For Next Sunday. -S't. . .. , Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Htn-Pord.-11 a.m., "-A Mann's Rela- tion To Gods; 7.30 ppm., "Keeping Bask Part"; 1 unday a hool at 10 a.m. Union Servsceel-First Presbyterian and Northside 'Gaited, at Northside Oharch-Bev. "pits Ike Workman will preach; 11 a.m ,; "The Strength of Joy'"; 7 prra., "Hope For the Cast - dower; Sunday School at 10 a.m. There wvi41 be no Sunday school in First f fit' iezbyteriiran Church during the month of July. • 5c NEWS OF THE TOWN ,10c laVESTON SODA BISCUITS -Package : tivrgEr ORANGES, .2 ,dozers ' MEW CARROTS Brunch 100 25c 5c MAKE YOUR OWN ICE CREAM 1Oc McLaren''s Freeze !Easy; Package ....,- FLY SWATTERSrat , and 10C IVORY SOAP 2 Cakes . CASTILE SOAP 10 Cakes /CAUSTIC SODA -Loose Pound ';i/I:EEP THE TURKEYS, GROWING with Master's Mash $2.50 fCwt. ...........- - .. eD4D A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 15c 25c 10c WE SPEC!AL!ZE IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties Ike Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor 'hone 214 : Seaforth ;SPECIALIST IN ALL LINES OF. INSURANCE 0 O 0 O: - ht�T:r, 1•. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son t!• FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth O O S. T. Holmes, residence O Goderieh Street, West; phone O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' O resilience, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service 0 Adjustable hospital bed for O rent. '0' Night calls, Phone 308 0 Day calls, Phone 119-J O Charges moderate. O 1'2-37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O O 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 O O 00000000000 O Q H. C. BOX O FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service O Hospital Bed 0 with ,adjustable rachet tepee ere ated spring for rent. O Night Calla Day Calls O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 12-87 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF HURON Once iln the Dominion Bank Bund- ling. Seaforth. Office hours : Tues. day, Thursday and Sirday, 1.30 p.m. 1b 6 p.m- Beturday evening, 7.10 p.m - 1b 9 p.rra• E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the imamranee huatagss oR E.r9s & Meir, and the addletaa of their companies to our paev8oes tacit. Vibes enabdee uo to give u celled .orrice 171 esti acnes. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10-17 frnE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, *4EAD OFFICE -- SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: ]ldibyrla'n, 5 Seaforth - Pres. Snag, Lofdesbdre - Vies -Pres. ;lletntinn A. Reid, &eaforilh - Bee.-Treas. DI CTo11S: ' MUM E ox, Lo baro; George 108001181rdt. Bradbagen; Js ne. Con" jrl• Goderich; Molt. Bioadfoot, R. ;Mini;' Aleaiidor Meliiw1ng, Myth:. Vitan:k Metres', IL E. roll';, hatoi Sb idea, Walton; 'h, IL R. 6, Seafortb; Atebballit, R. R. 4, ltt" t, IMIb'lin; Ilan. ZIIt>, .e, r3ldye, re sae rd` r4t41'..11 Lamport - Mathers.-A,. quiet but pretty wedding Look place ou June 30th zut 10.30 a.m., of Hannah Mary Mathes second daughter of Mr. and CMTs. J. W. Mothers, of Ailsa Craig, Ont., and Edward Gerald Lamport, of Alberni, B. r.C., son of Mr. end Mrs. Ezra Lamport, of Creditoni. Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. McLean and took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Forrest, of Alberni, B. C., which was prettily decorated with white roses and pink snapdragon. The, bride =looked charm- ing in a gown oyanizabeth blue sheer with accessories in white and a• cor- sage of Sw'eetheart roses, and was at- tended by Miss Harriet Forrest, of Alberni. wearing a dress of rose biege sheer and a corsage of white rose- buds. The groom was attended by his brother, Melvin Lamport, also of Alberni. After the ceremony a re- ception was held and the young cou- ple were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest in receiving the guests. The bride's table, which was decorated with pink and w•bite sweet peas, was centered with a three -tiered wedding cake. Mr. Stanley Dean, of Vancou- ver, B. C., formerly of Winnipeg, Man., proposed the toast to the bride. Later the bride arid groom left by motor for a honeymoon to Victoria and coast cities. On their return they will reside in their new home in Al- berni. Miss Elva Lamport, of Lon- don, Ont., sister of the groom, at- tended the wedding, Death of Miss M. E. Robison. -The funeral of Mies M.arganet Elizabeth Robison, whose . death occurred on Friday night, July 7th, took place on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 from her late residence on Sparling Street, in- terment being made in the Constance cemetery. Rev. H. V. Workman, of Northside United Church, of ° which site was an esteemed' member, offici- ated. , Mflsrs Robison, -who had attain- ed the advanced age of ninety years; w-ae born in 1848 in Darlington Coun- ty, oupty, Iretand.. Her father,- the late Alexander Robison, was born in Fermanagh County, Ireland, in 1802. He w^as married in 1824 to Mary Van- steamburg, a native of Vermont, Hes ANNOUNCEMENT • We have been ap- pointed district repres- entative for the pro- ducts of the Crosley Radio Corporation. The famous Crosley Shelvador Refrigerator is now in stock --super- ior value at remarkab- ly low cost. The full size six-foot refrigera- • for being only $199.00, delivered in Seaforth district. Five-year guar- antee. See the Crosley Shelva- dor and make it Your Refrigerator • J. F. Daly Ford Mercury Dealer Telephone 102, Seaforth mother VOW 3.06 y of age at 'her death; WINO Mass Robison • was about four years old the family mov- ed to ' TuOkeirsaaoart'h, wb;lch was a .all solid bustle They came by Way of Toronto, thea called "Middy Little York." In i> soloersmmth they settled on 100 acres of and bought from the Canada Contipany at $2 per acre. Later they moved Ito HWiett Town - shill. in pioneer days she learned, to spin and weave on the fly -loom, There was a&wayd plenty of work but she never neglected reeding her Bible, which wale her guide and the inspira- tion of a life of good deeds and gen- erous inniputsea After the death of her brother Alexander, 30 years ago Mies Robison built a house in Har- purhey, where she lived ten peers be- fore coming iCe reside in r Seeforbh. She was the last of a family of five brothers and sieterse Surviving are a niece, Mrs. Annie Topping, of To- ronto, and a nephew, John Beattie, pf Chesley. The pallbearers were Masers. Robert Reid, M. Armstrong, J. M. Robertson, Thomas Blake,` W. Rogerson and Angus Reid. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. Anne Topping, Toronto; Mr. George Beattie, Clin- ton; Mr. and Mns. John Beattie, Ches- ley, and Mr: and Mire. Beattie, of Alvinat+On., erwammir LOCAL BRIEFS Gospel Services ' ,-,• In -- TENT ON VICTORIA ST. n commencing -a SUNDAY AT 7.30 P.M. Week Nights, 8 p,m. (except Saturday) ALL WELCOME Hymn Books providedt Mrs, F. D. Hutchison. • Miss Vera O'Dell and Mr. Chas. Davis, of Toronto, were the weekend guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Harold O'Dell. • Mr. Gerald Stewart, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his 3arents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stew- art. • Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin are spending the summer at their cottage in Bayfield. • The Ladies' Guild of St. Thromas'. Ohurch is planning for Mrs. Ada Reads tea and cup reading oa Julj,. 28th. • MTS. J. S. Coppin, of Detruet, is visiting .hep.. mother, Min. F. G. Liv- ingston. • Mrs. Croucrh and Mise Mary; Mr. sad Mrs. D. McNab and Dr. J. H. Mc - Fate, of Toronto, were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Mullen. • Mrs. Dominic Scalisi, . of Wood- stock, was a guest this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. • Miss Ella Elder is needing; a week with friends in Norland.. • Mrs. Arthur Mason, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Charters, Mill Road, returned to her hone in Saskatoon on Saturday • Mr, Edmund Daly left on Wed- nesday to spend a few weeks' holi- days in Edmonton. He made the trip from Toronto to Edmonton on one of jJ e Trans -Canada airplanes. • Mie _Kathryn Dudley, Mrs, O. V. We - n and Mr. Kenneth Weston, of Detroit, are the guests of Miss Verna Graves. • Rev. T. A. Carmichael„ of Corun- na, was visiting with Seaforth. friends this week. , • Mrs. Richard Rogers, of town; Mr. William Brown, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Young, of Hui - lett Township, attended the Smillie picnic at Bayfield on Saturday. • Miss Elizabeth G. Ryan and Miss Kathryn Ryan, of Chicago, are spend- ing a few weeks' vacation with their sister, Mrs. M. Broderick, en route to the World's Fair at New York. • Miss Kay Harry, Miss Doreen Finch and Mr. J. Russell, of Sault Ste. Marie, were visitors this week with Mr. Russell's grandmother, Mrs. R. Edgar. • Misses• Joyce and Ruth Wilbee ane spending their holidays with their sister, Mrs. Alex McGregor, in happen. • Miss Besse Carnocban and Miss May Shrortreed are taking a summer course at the University of Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Angus -Carter, of Guelph, and, Miss Agnes ,.Passmore, of Rockwood, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. - R. H. Sproat. • Mr. and Mrs', Frank Bottoms and Miss Frances Bottonns, of Woodstock, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. A. F. C1uff. • Mrs. J. C. Reinke, of Hamilton, was here this week visntingi her' mother, Mrs. H. J. Grieve. • Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson Hartry, of Welland, are visiting at the home of brig sister, Miss Hantry. • Misses Joan and Jean McMaster are attending the Presbyterian, Sum- mer School at Kintail. e. The Misses. Ferguson, Sperling Street, left this week to spend the summer at their summer cottage at Port Albert. • Mr, George Daly, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of lies parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly. • Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Scott and family are spending their holi- days at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott. • Mrs, Coon, of Norfolk, Virginia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Docherty in Egmondville. • Mr. and, Mrs. Arthse`Edmunds and little daughter, Mary, are spend- ing the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan and Mrs W G. Edlmnnds. • Mr. and Mrs. J. R.Fl Sproat and family, of Temagami, were week -end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. James Sproat. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth and little daughter, of Detroit, are visit- ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and MTs, E. Forsyth, in Tuckersmith. • Mr. F. S. Rivers, Principal of the University of Western Ontario Sum- mer School, London, and Mrs. Rivers, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heiman Snell • Mr. George Hutchison, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with his mother, A /ittle SUMMER SMELL Goes a long way! !UST one tankful will prove there are more miles in every gallon of Shell. More miles because Shell in Canada makes gasoline for your use with experience gained in countries where motoring would be impossible without rigidly economical operation. Try Summer Shell. Fill up at our sealed Shell pumps today. H. Weston GODERICH ST. WEST SEAFORTH, "ONT." 744 A.� tiV 5 GardenParty-St.Columban WEDNESDAY, July 19 Games and Amusements for Young and Old OPEN AIR DANCING Children's Sports 6.30 P.M. BAND IN ATTENDANCE Honey For Sale We can supply you with Honey in your containers at the fol- lowing prices: ,NO..1 CLOVER HONEY .gt 8c pound O 50 POUNDS OR OVER at 7at I ., ,AMBER HONEY in 50 -Ib. lots, pound... , . 6 J. Haberer& Son, Zurich TELEPHONE 122, ZURICH, Two blocks south of Hotel 3785-2 c Seaforth Monument Works (formerly W. E. Chapman) NOW OPERATED BY Cunningham & Pryde We invite ii,spectidn of our stock of Cemetery Memorials. SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS or any time by appointment See Dr. Harburn - Phone 105 EXETER: Phone 41; Box 150 Lakeview Casino-GrandBend DANCING NIGHTLY "Tip" Tipping and his Cascade Rythm Orchestra A GRAND BAND! AMATEUR NIGHT Monday, July 17th Send in your entry now! The audience judigesi--Dome and sure writ your favourite' CASH PRIZES Sunday Evening Concert JULY 16 - 8.30 p.m., by "'Tip" Tipping and His Orchestra in their first concert. Free admission Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays before 9 p.m. ,First two dances free every night. BATHE AT OUR BEAUTIFUL BEACH AT NIGHT Floodlighted to Daylight Clearness; Ropes and Buoys, formmmg a zonae for safety! Bathrhouse open until 10 p.m. every flight. - Just Grand during these .Hot Bummer Nights! J. I. Case Grain Binders Modern Binders with Exclusive Features, giving you more yearst of cleaner cutting and better binding at Less Cost We will be glad to discuss details and explain our easy payment plan at any time. J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth PHONE 25 STRATFORD GODERICH COACH LiNES SUMMER TIME TABLE • Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8,25 a.m, end 5.25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: Daisy except Sunday tad hoL, 1 p.m. and 7.40 p.m. Som. and hoL, 1.00 p,m, and 9+20 P.M. Chime odour at steamed d for• 1lorantu, Rarattl n, [Buffalo, Landon, Detroit., Agents - Queen's Hotel, Commercial Rotel, Dick House Binder Twine and IIAY FORK ROPE For Sale at LOWEST Prices -- .at -- R}GIER'S GARAGE SEAFORTH SEAFORTH FARMERS' CLUB • . ]1�is. Thompp on, 81t Harriston is the 'gout of Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Christie. • Dr. and Mrs. • Frank Docherty, of Conneaut, Ohio, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Docherty, • Miss Gnera Brown, of Toronto, bets been a gust at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon. • Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walter, of Dundas-, were weekesnd -guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ey Willis, i• Mr. asad Mrs. Douglas Beattie and falmtly, of London, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs, Elroy Christensen and family, of Detroit, are guests at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. 1D..H, Wil- son. • Misis!'PJtylis• Barry is spending a week in . Toronto with, bei' brother, Gerald', who is staying with his uncle and aunt, Mr. end Mrs. J. Ox'twedn. • Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon were in Toronto this week. • Mrs. Whittiager and her younger store{, from North Bay, are ,spending a few holidays with her parents, Mr. an. Mrs. i Harry Hoffman, Mis,sies Angela Eckert and Cele- e\O'Leary have returned from To- ronto, where they spent a few days wrath friends. • Mir. and Mrs. Malcolm Armstrong and family, of Fort William, visited, this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Armstrong. • 1VIiss Evellyn Nott is attending sumoim•er school at Queen's Univers- ity, Kingston. • Mrs. L. G. VaaiEgmond was in Stratford this week attending the funeral of her uncle, the late F. R. Vanstone. Mr. Vanstone was a form- er resident of Seaforth. • Mrs. H. R. Scott and family are spending , a month's ,holi'daye at Bay- field. • Blanche; the .little six-year-old daughter of'Mr, and Mrs. J. A. West- cott, under*enrt an operation for ap- pendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, . •Little Kay Pudiner underwent an operation for tonsilitis ,on Tuesday moreing in the Seafortb Clinic. • Mr. and Mrs. Harrison C. Morse and idaugater, of Roxbury, N.Y., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Case, John Street. • Mis's Winnie Savauge has return- ed from a visit at the World's Fair, New York. •• Dr. and Mrs, H. J. Hodgins were the weekend guests of Mrs. L. T. .DeLacey: wnho returned to Toronto with them on Wednesday. CROMARTY Owing to the illness of Mr. Reidie, Rev. W., A. Young, of Hens.all, con- ducted the service last Sunday, and will have charge during the month of July with services at 2.30 p.m., and Sunday school at 1.30. There is another outbreak of measles in the community, Anna May Hay having the infection. The large , barn of Sam McCurdy that was destroy e•d by fire in May, is being replaced by a fine truss frame barn, which is nearing completion. Wm. McCurdy. who is in London hospital, where he was operated on for ;hernia, is improving nicely, and is expected home this week. ' BLAKE • Mrs. Thomas Ccnsitt returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllis- ter at Hillsgreen after spending a few days with cher daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke and family. Mrs. Robert McBride is holidaying with relatives in the Prairie Provinc- es, accompanying the Messrs. Snell brothers, who were in the vicinity on a visit recently. ` Miss Alberta Finlay spent a couple of days at Zurich. Miss Em.mra i1VlcBride, who has .been at Kitchener for some time past, is home again. Mrs.' Fred. Bonthron, of Hensall, visited Mrs. H. N. Finlay. The W.M.S. was held on Wednes- day evening of this week in the church. Miss Beatrice. Manson and Mrs. Harold Finlay were appointed collec- tors for the Bible Society in this vi- cinity, so will be calling shortly, TUCKERSMITH Mr, S. Sweitzer, of yellowgrass, •Sank., received word this week of the death of his daughter, Mrs. N. Hanna, of that town, on Saturday last. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. Mrs. G. McGregor visited with Lon- don friends an Sunday, The Oriole family reunion' and pic- nic will be held at the homestead farm of Gifford Crich, on the 2nd con- cession of Tuckersmith, on the after- noon of Saturday, July 15th. On Sunday, July 16th, at 2 p.m., a mem- orial service will be -held in Turner's United Church, Tuckersmith. The pastor, Rev. G. G. Burton, will con- duct the services and preach,. The regular choir will be ass,istedl by var- ious anious visiting members of the Crich family ,and, will furnish special mus - is, Relatives and friends of the old pioneers and general public are cord- ially; Invited to thea 'service. Many from this district attended the Glorious Twelftlr of July in Brus- sels on Wednesday The Coleman-Carnochann picnic was held at Bayfield on Sunday. Death of Mrs. John Forrest The death occurred at her home on Monday, July 10th, following en Ill- ness extending over several months, sof Jessie Emily Elgie, a highly es, teemed resident and wire of John Forcrest of Tuckersrmlithr, in her stixty- third yes-. Mrs, Forrest Vas -born ie. Tueltersmnth, being the eldest daughter of the Tarte Mr. and Mrs. William F.11gtie, About twenty-eight years age she wia,s united in mar- riage to John Forrest. They settled on a farm on the 3rd concession of Twdkensitilith where ,she spent the re- shainder of her Itito. SbhO was a val- ued neem'ber of the Egniondvi]Ile Unit- ed Church and an active worker lit ra: Regent Theatr Seaford' MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY NEXT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Coming- "TOPPER TAKES A TRIP" the W.M.S. She leaves, ,besides her husband, four daughters and one son, Margaret Forrest, R.N., HamIlltan; Isabel Forrest, Seaforth; Mary For- rest, University of Toronto, and Beth Forrest and Wriliiam Forrest, at home; also one sister, Mrs, John Mc- Lachlan and two brothers, John and Robert Elgie, all of Tuckersmith. A private funeral was held from hler late home' on' Wednesday afternoon, when the service was conducted by her pastor, ,Rev. A. W. Gardiner, fol- lowed by interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. Tho pallbearers were Messrs. William Black, ,Alexander Broadfoot, John Docherty, Robert Boyce, William Thnpapson and James Allan. Among those from a distance who. attended the funeral were Mr. Thomas Leslie, of Port Huron; Mrs. John Chesney and Mr, Peter McDon- ald, of Stratford, and relatives from Exeter, Mitchell, Hensall and Grand Bend, twiteis Mai 3g4Y��Ay� frear You can still get Bray Chicks in most breeds. But last regu- lar 1939 hatches are now in incubators. Act quickly if you want .July chicks of famous Bray 'quality - sturdy, fast- growing, early laying. August hatches to order only. THOS. DICKSON SEAFORTH, ONT.' Sale WE ARE CLEARING THE FOLLOWING NEW AND USED ANCES AT BARGAIN PRICES 1 New G 58 Westinghouse Refrigerator. 1 New Frigidaire Electric Range (free inhalation). 1 New Westinghouse Portable Radio. 1 New Car Radio with push button control. APPLI- 4 Used Car Radios 1 3 -Burner Used Coleman Gasoline Stove 1 Beatty Washer 1 Thor Washer 3 Massey -Harris 13 -tooth Cultivators, your. choice 1 McCormick -Deering Hay Tedder 1 14 -Plate McCormick-Deepidg Disc Harrow 1 Faire Wagon 1 Quebec Sulky Plow ' 1 Tudhope-Anderson Manure Spreader 1 Massey -Harris Cuttinb Box 2 Massey -Harris Mowerst-your choice 1 nearly new 6 -ft. Massey -Harris Binder Hay Rope 650 feet to pound Twine per cwt. 600 feet to pound Twine per cwt. $12.50 12.50 15.00 38.00 20.00 40.00 25.00 25.60 30.00 20.00 15.00 25.00 125.00 5c ft. $9,00 $8.00 John BachMain St. SEAFORTH 4 ;:Mesas ..... .... :,is:. -- ' aided r ti VALUES EFFECTIVE JULY 13th, 146, and 15th SPECIAL! GLASSCO'S NEW SEASON'S STRAWBERRY 32 -oz. Jar with pectin SPECIAL! FANCY 234 53, -oz. 254 T,n 2-Pkg.Ib. 194 17J-oz,ar 354 30 -oz. 1 Oc oris. Pkg.1-Ib. O9 yz Ib. 31 C MED. SIZE Dm' 1.00 JUMBO QUEEN GINGER ALE PURE LARD . SPECIAL! RED LABEL BLACK LIPTONS TEA SPECIAL • SMALL SIZE SEALERS D-. .89 * * * Dominion Value Salad Drew:jag Grapefruit RITZ; _'3 * JUICE 2 Masons Beefer Corned FISH Pastes Tin 150 BEEF - 9:,°,7-120 Silver Ribbon Tomato Cleanser JUICE 3 2Tin9 • 250 ' OldiDvtcb 2 Tins I, ft F a�dr1.41 •11, r �, yi 'C. f 3 9 ,y cl u.. ti