HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-07-14, Page 4e'�'�lk:d'Ads,, l,n 61 I is.-ar lY + a A M, 14 n1 M13,i 1 I. .l, ,1 a���t� i 1 I �011­..__0-_-_� t" "_I � , tl� Classified Ads will be inserted at yew low cash rates : `t tri� If For Sxle, Wanted, Lost and Found, Corrin; Events, Etc. -Po; wend: ti Y,'< week est ........ ....... I Oeaafa ' l. 2nd week .......".................../ Cart i h" ;.. 3rd week ........................... % Cent I. lr Minimum Charm first iusedtian ...... 25 Iia 1^ e,% Bach 111,=% initial and aabboamiabim cuunb as one woad, ]j81 t^� Oard.oi Tlibmis, In Memwn am N.ticm-,i `cent per ,word. Mtarmumb 50 cents per week. �j Einfluia9es may be dareobe(i Aa a Box Nutnher, ease of The Huron Esyaeitpr, for 30 �b . I;;1, a' Ten ceWd addwtiona0 per week wall be aharz,ed if ads ra above ekw are not vwA by the tt l:, ,Saturday might in tho week in which the ad was run. ' . r Biryhs, Marzia gab and Deaths inserted free of charge ri•Auction Sales, Nbtflde W Credtwrs, Etc. -Rarer on applicablon, 1' `w, ( .. .1 Help Wanted Notices . WANTED - ERPERIENCED GENERAL NOTICE maid. References required. Apply Box U " �;';'` 209, EXPOSITOR OFFICE- 3729-tf McKillop Township { . PARTIES DESIRING TO PAY 'ZHEI$ AS- r �. lv. sessments in cash on t0ie L.awrwce and "', r For Sale or Rent BoxDrans are asked to do so on or be•. :: I fore Wedneada,y. July 19, 1939, at the Office ' R SALE1 OR RENT -A MODERN TWO-, of the Treasurer, F. Bruce Medd ' .111, JOHN 1,tcNAY, k„":" i9orey brick 'house, on Goderich Street Clerk of MrK-211top, ?1" �',%''. ,East Irmmedi:arce Possession S•iven. WALTER rMURRAY,, 3735-2 37351 ,. t , ,fit° ROOFING - WHY NOT TRY LIQUID is ,r,i s,; b`a"tn•e Coatnrrg for sd�eol and flat asprhalt For Sale roofs? Only 52,00 a square, quad we guaram- '11, ' tee them for five years. We allso sell cement ,�n.,M1 r.>4 FOR SALE- 6 -ROOMED C0ITAGE 'TN chimney tops- Apply ho JAMES BECKER, ,. F Cbm'4on_ Phone 42 5732# ...... ,Se4foroh. Cheap tar cash. APPIY to , . POTTER, S`taffa. I 3735,)1 I11 - r FjaOR SALE X350.00 CASH SIX-ROOMa ,;,.•: £came house, in good condition, on Ord Street Seafort@i- Two tats, chicken 'house, 'ri 'fI Hydro- .Apply ,to Bos 206, EXPOSITOR. �� 1, 1 j 8726-tf 1b - Farms For Sale l A ?. r)-• - - _ _ Cil Y t 4t •- I¢11 FARMS FOR 'SALE �i.;,i VALUABLE FARMS IN GODERICH TOWNSHIP ANNUAL PICNIC (1) About In acre;, new house and new f, ANNUAL PICNIC OF THE HURON I barn and outbuildings ;c 12 sores gaol bush; y Comte, C.nnail w6ll. 'be j held at Grand young archari Bend art 2 oWnek on W ixnday afternoon. r1 12) About 107 acres with 'good banns. a. Jody 19th neat All �.eY= eev� and their ,. Both farms $ra execLLerat CtaLtlivation. Plea- £amailies are cordially litnvited baa atLtesad. A idful supply of good water. glo6d ra n weal be :held_ Bring rin$ your Own ,,...Apply- , 4PFLy- V,,baskets. knives. fosses and cnPa- ,1, MABEL RATHVr'ELL, R. R., Clinton, OmL, ROBERT TURNER, - Wb¢den ��1, W. E. FOSTER, Hensau, Ont, CHrSTER MAWHiNNEY - Cam. Chairman ,' •; Admimstratara Estate of Isaac Rathwel'1- 3735-1 •"3735-3 ,J w...�.r,�, I TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Notice To Creditors Notice '• NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iit ,the Estate of ALEXANDER SMITH.. )TOU ABE HEREBY NOTIFIED UNDER a LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS' authamnty of a Bylaw of the Township of f�' A Usb rne, wasted in 1938, that no cows ar . t{ ; agairlst the Estate of Alexander Smith. late of the Township of Stanley, County of °'floe: l,a'volads vvaLl be altlowed to. pasture the eq.p o.5 dlae ra&ads of July, uxe s each,, after ima she 2:51' Huron, deceaped, who died on or about the 1'5th day of Julq, u -dices eac$p nimal is `35` 27th day of May, 1939, uTe hereby notified t�ea�d •with a chain_ Cow% er Otter live- /,,�,'€•'. to send in ,to the undersigned solicitor on or C y: stack found out of, bounds may he impennd- w;wIl 'bef'ore the 3rd day of August, 1939, full par- ed. ff6' T; 4icutaas of their dtaimd, with af5davite prov- Ratepayers '0f Usborme owm&hiy are bere- , 1410 ing same_ by ro4ues,'Oai arm cult the weals on the rbd- a v InamodiabOy after :the said last mentionedBade ,adiaeemrt to thytoperties where sits- : delta, the assets of sloe said costate will be ated on a Townsbmp Road if 'pessilde. Firat >� .,'., dixtributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having •regard only to ola;,,,a of which oaanB to be aoaamle>md by Judy 15th, after the undeasigned %hall ,then have 'nat¢ce. to whiclh � the Raved Super�,tarxlen2 as i.- 11 stavaated tb elk dhe ;weeds then errant, Bate .. rite exclusion of •ahs others, and the under- ,� Pay Your 'dirk vvri],I" be 25 per fd' signed will not be ,liable to any person of hour, and GS Carats for man and team with ,ladm the undersigned shall not then mower, ,the anower to be used at ow '�f •' nv have notice for the assets so distributed or y'i° any Part thereof. I tss� A. W. MORGAN, Clerk_ DATED at Seaflonth, ,this ll,th day of July, I�.' 1939. DATED ak $e ll July 1, 1339_ ,.. alit -e r WDM E BUTT, A RCHIBALD PARSONS, TOWN OF SEAFORTH �;fkt} Exemtors By tb Solicitor ELMER D. BELL, 11, s °�'` aza5 3 � TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- , „ .1''. CEIPTS FOR 1939 Popular Stallions L, The Town will pay 4 per - The Clydesdale Stallion 'Is•' FAVORITE AGAIN cent. per annum up to Aug. 1, I'.;. , , 24337 ,. Enrolment No. 1961 31 1939 on all prepaid 1939 ;• 1; Will stand at his own stable at Brucefleld ' t , �r fes• tate season- Fifteen dollars too ins"' taxes Certificates and full `:k ` pagahle February 1. 1940- 1,' ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor. t PETER KILPATRICE Manager. fir-,: particulars may be obtained 3728-tf' I" ' -from the Town Clerk's of- f RS rLhrolment 3049 Form 2 . $. The Standard Bred Stallion fico in the Town Hall. BARON LULLWATER ��bf 211 2.13a/y at three yearn aid D H. WILSON, ', 1939 Grade "B" Premium No, 375 +r" : Wi11 stand for the improvement of stack •t + at the barn of his owner, W. C. Govenlock, Treasurer. i, )', Egmandville- a71Y-a Vi., �:" He is a jet btadk in Color, stands 15-3 hands l`' high and weighs 1100 Pounds. He is a pa �n- ;� Jz�• ium home sad is sound. His sire, Bogalma - .. 04 Card of Thanks He is siva a handsome horse as be was 1?. . ' firatt and teeerve champion at the Raya'1 Wna- t�I. ter Flair, Toronto, 'last winter, 1938- Would THE, FAMILY OF THE LATE MFS. JOHN ,k,• ; fay to mak: artaage®en18 to meet those from lailoar, Brmcefidd. wish to thank the ay distance where possible- ne*04wrs land many fmcmda for t� kind - +",r ncts ,to mother E,r Terme-612, paya�,1e February 1, 1040- i¢grr eaepr eEs'ona asym- `, 8727-tf Putty tb us_ HUGH.'MARY and GEORGE. .. yJ., it, , The Faamow Champion Clydesdale Stallion ; , LOCHINVAR - :'�... (Imp.) ro. 25468 Births - ,.. Eim!jOlment No. 3739 'y Form 1 I Wihl stand 8trr the improvement of stock MASSI•i�Im M»n»tial nosDital, Sea - t1< ' • this eeasma, as follows: Routh, on my 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter fo;A Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -At his Misses. s+on oven stable 1% mz7® west and lye miles t1,1 %, ESPPS-,inn Scott Memorial l verlelm1, pa July ,.i south of Dubbin. Thursday -Will Leave his 1lttfa, to 'Mr- trn'nd Mem- Beverley Epps (Pee owm stable at 8 o'clock .for Petrolia,return- TFaahciEfe 03asa )• go a s fins ag;sin on Friday night at 6 o'clock healt4a on ,(, and weather permitting. Saturday -At his 'MicALPIN.&--Ln L9tratfhrd (` treral Maepitnl, +ll omit stable ;on 3aty lOfQa, to Eli:. urrd Mrs. C. /- &Io- 1tl., ,� Tetms-46-00 at time of service and $20.00 Alpine wee GGslaa+dys McPhee), a sort' t)�'•,I when mares 'prove in foal. k "I J. E. FALCONER, �11r, 0, Proprietor. �4,3I" 3728hf Deaths ao' Imported Clydesdale Stallion ,;r• L I. ROBISON-In Srafordh, on Friday, Jud, 7th. SOLWAY RESOURCE M,� Mmru>saet Rbbsam a� go' ymrs. i .' imp. [28173] (23029) WALKER ---In Brucefield,l on Wednesdsy, j":;. Flnmlment Na. 3744 Form 1 July 5,tla, A -*e McKay. wife of the late y: "' Will stand for the improvement of aback John Walker, .in her s4;th year. . "'Ithi3 sem, ss follows: KIDD-On Wednautiay, July 6th, 1939, at her ' Monda7 Morning-Wdll Igoe hisown stable Nate res &V& in TMVntChristine o, XcI at Btueefle0d and go to the 2nd Concession, Dougoll, widow of the late Joseph Kidd, ;.'l toren south and east to Alex- Sfinclayes, for and d'aughher• of the late. Dr. Peter Mo - ill ''lt noon • thea east tb the Town Lane and north Dbuttall, of 06"ric.h. o t• Mrs. K4dd was M1g: to the 9th Concession to Wm. Patrick's, fol the ngadd.er of &ink- L7dvearai P Leomen night Tuesday-Ea4t 1rix raYies and north to I . UPDer Landsdovame Ave , Mbxbr ~al_ ' the itAr Crmcession to Coyne IIroa-. for noon; >+I- 'f8aen to Rdbert. Deist's. 7th Concession, for _ il N,i. night. Wednesday -To Gemmell's Corner and ���•"� _ ,". north to A & J. Broad:foot's, for noon ; then WINTHR.OP " to his own stable for night Thursday -At o; ,:: his own saabte. Friday -West to the 2nd The regular monthly meeting Of : C trcesstora of Stanley and north 'to John H. '" i-. McEwan's, for noon: then to his own stable t'be W. M. S. and W. A_ .Societies of •`',� for night SaRnrday-At his oven stable_ Cavan Church was held at the home Terms -To insure a foal, $15.00, payable t February 1st, 1940. of Mrs. Allan Rose' an July 5th- The I R. D. MURDOCK, Wam'arn's Association's part was tak- I I Proprietor and manager- en by the preecident, Mrs_ Hugh Met - T. '', ander, in the chair. "Take 17p The J! y+.? The Pare Bred imported Clydesdale Stallion C�'a, 'foie Sa-viour Said?' was Bung, r TORRS MAGNATE after which Mrs. Ale-Va.'ader led in (Imp,) 26882 (22871) prayer. The minute$ of the previous " < Enro'Iment No. 3019 First Class, Form 1 *, meeting were read and, adopted. The 1,.,,.• Kri13 stand the season for mares as fol- roll call was answered on Courage b rte: g y .i, , Monday Lehvee bit: own stable. Lot 4. Con. 18 memb¢re and a ,number of visai'tom. C les 7' 3, Hibbert, and fib to Mike N•agle's. Dublin, A reading entitled, "Com,nInity Mfs- ry(jt , liar noon ; Athernce I+to D. J. O'RalWs, Beach- l �ta-.wood, Lot '12, Oen. 4, McKillop, fr night,&i0II8 West" wZgiven hp -Mrs. Robt_F Tli;esdar+ Will proceed to .lack McCsartby,s. McClure. Hymn 358 was Gun, g, after t }11011., I.bi 83, Con '2, Loggn, for noon; 0heace to nb�eb Mrs. AleRanitl0r gave a Oita - r r ih own stable for night. Wednesday -Will � � ,t, W: tion, "I Met the Master," Mrs- Pat- F.111St Daacped 4io Cecil ftodPB's, Lot 10, Can. 8, L09a'114 for nlaot , subclass by way of Munn rick tools charge of the remainder of l A , lt*d tlo his own stable for night. Thursday tyre meta ,ang. Hyrm+n 500 Was sung, "4VIli procaeed to Duuc. Colquhhoun.'s, LLq�tt 3, 0�*s Cotiswk r 1W60rt t"or ixNon t theme rte Gebygo followed wfuh praay er by °Mist M(', p i" d,r f'A tj, tion. 11, Ceomacty., filum g Neil, 'I4re 'tt)pic Was abiY taken by I tr vi tb 6'• 6wk los m theins to Jack Mrs. CaI•'virl Mtlelu. Mlles Edith nil.I'll r#i" !Oh'tlyill'0" A "d &h; 5 ,]t'blert, far U*kt Isn ple,;;red `tMtnlnrtarin• Echoers', '• wMeh -+�fC311'jjltbic�kc#a ]Vlbrtirk ltieeney'a, I.ot l u , w9O Much 'en jOIWm A loallet, "Should +l # r 03Qaft.,'j$r d�, Yitbt ? kelF nsa)fI.l9re(nce to his': i ,r�, lik� wh�re.11e *ifs toulib ti Canada Admit Refug'eWl" wtas givon :, r ..- , Al • THE EXPOSITOR R � Quiet Charm • of Seaforth ,exons .Park , le . An unusual view of the Seaforth Lions Park, looking from the entrance road. The above k9ntrance picture was taken some weeks ago. Today the park is crowded as district citizens throng it to take advantage of its restful coolness. (Courtesy Stratford BeaconrHerald) 11 j Entrance Results.. hault, William, East, Jack Morritt, village, Doreen Phillips, Joan Sheppard, Phyl- Mrs. John McGregor and,, sister lis Shepherd, Donald Snell, Doreen Fadry, of Egmoudreddle, visited at tb (CmUnnedl from Page 1) Vincent, Shirley Wallace, home of Mr. arid' Mrs- Edgar Butt, c . Pawed under the provisions of Reg- 'Second, Class Honors -- Frances the village, during ,the week- ulation 10 (5) of the High Sohocl En- Johnston, Helen McGill, Jean Neth- Mr. Byron Drown4 of Toronto, vi: trance Regulations-Frank10(5)he Young. er'' iters at the home of Mr, and Mrs_ I The Robert Park memorial medals Passi--Robert Arthur, Leona Ben- Mousse,au of tihe village during tb awarded annually to the pupils from finger, I7dythe Bentley, Win Craig, past 'week. the Goderich Public Schools securing Margaret Crawford, Clifford Kelly, Mr. Ernesit.King, of Detroit, ealle the highest marks on the year's work work tmarsonwere Margaret Nesbit, Elsie Patterson, Ed- on Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Mellis durin and final examinations won mund Pollamd, Ross Radford., Thelma the pant weelK_ Marion Taylor, the case of Central Snelling, Jack Tamblyn, Cldfford The heavy storm of Ound'ay di School aMd Verna Miller, for Victoria Walsh' Jack Watson considerable damage to the grafi SdihoVL crop, laying many fields; of oats fla Bayfield Centre KIPPEN " on the .ground'. ,Miss Margalet Cooper, of Toront( First Class honors' -Audrey Bran- is spending a few lirolidays at ti, don, Oliver Hopson, William John- W. M. S. Meets homy of her mother, Mrs' W_ 'M &ton, Marilyn Maxwell, Elizabeth Mid- A goodly number of the *W. M. S. Cooper, of the Landon Road. dleton, Lloyd Pease, Ruby Reid, An- ladies met at the home of Mrs. Hyde Mr. and Mrs. George Hill, of El na Townshend_ for their July meeting. Mrs. Chand- mondvi'lle, _visited at thv, ,home c Second Class Honors+• -Alvin Keys, ler presided, opening with the hymn, Mrs. John Deitz, of the village, din Hamald Mellveen, Albert Martin, Rxth "Thou Whose Almighty Power," fol- ing the week. Mi'ddletom, Dawana Thorns,Edwarti lowed by prayer. Mrs. McDonald) led The Kippen Women's Institute wi, Wise, Muriel Wise. in the Scripture lesson taken from meet, -at the home of MTs. W. Bell 0. Passl---Eleta Ducharme, Opal Dyer, Ephesians, chap. 5. The roll ca11 was Thursday, Julys 20th, at 8.15 p -m_ Ali Malcolm MacLeod, Lloyd Westlake, responded' to by passages on thoughts Sam Whitmore, Reeve of Tucker Rets Yeo, on penitence. There being no supply smith, will speak on the managemen of regular ,program material for this of oe ,our municipality. Anyone inrt Dungannon Centre month, Mrs. Chamd'ler gave a most ested will be, welcome. Tike roll cal First Class Honors -Jean Bissett, interesting and pathetie story of the is to he ,the name of a former reeve Boyle, Beatrice Johnstone, e, Hila mother, Miss Lillian Trashex, Mm H. Galdweli will give. the mol LanRica nen, Rose Marie Helen Helen once of Jackson, Fla„ mother to 647 to, "Patraotism is Not Enobagh." Me -Kenzie, Marion Me- viten i Isabel Egyptian orphans and 74 pelindles9 Mae cKendric lend Rase Marie widows. Singlehanded she '-has rais- VARNA Murray,d, Dorothy Marie M•Dorothy Pearson, Ir- ars ed more than $370,004 in the last 28 ere Robinson, Ruth Robinson, War- years to build a huge in,stituti 0a' and Mr. anis Mrs_ Colbeck (nee Ver ren Zinn. to educate; feed and clothe' the 'poor S'eele'y) and; family, of New York 9econdl Class Honor_* -Ada Brophy, and friend'less'. Beginning with a and Mr. .intro Seeley, of I,on,tllon Edna Brophy, William Farrisll, Mary baby of three months, w$ose- mother spent a day with The hatters' sister Kinaha>s, Evelyln Little, Jasep'h Mc- died, she tool: it into ,her ,home, and Mlts,. Auerftiu. Gee, Norma McWhinney, Christine cared for it. After five 3tears Miss Mr. and Mrs. Gascho, of Znricb MacI.enaan. Lillian had about 50 ehdldtren; then spent Tuescbay wtilhh Mr. ani] Mrs Passt--Mildred Anderson, Howard she began taking widows, who assist- Inger Blake, Lorainne Durnin, Norman ed in caring for the: children, All Little Mj�a Ruth K roger, of Zur Rivets, Gordon Ross, Helen Young. her charges call her Mamma aad the act, has refwrrned bean's alts': ,rlsdtinf St. Helens Centre l loves it. She lives from hand to ,herr 'aunt, Mrs ]ages First Glass Honors --Violet Brill, mouth; som'etim'es there is not an- Mxand Mira, Albert Seeley, o? Helen McDonald, Eileen Snell, Marie ot her grain of wheat for. to -morrow's CItillrton, accorxrpaJnded by Mrs- 'Wal Swan, Lois Webster.b breakfast. Men she goes to town fled Seeley and chi:ldneni of Clinton Second Gass Honors -Ethel Ai.tchi- and gets many contributions of food', oaiied an M•ns. Ausrtin On Sunday. son, Ada Dow, Dorothy Webb, grain, and sometimes' meat_ She gh•• Jpohn Dannilson, of Wintgbam Pass -Alvin Alton, Allan Cranston, works from sunrise until ten at mused an ,his brother, T. Dennison Eileen Foran, Greta Humphrey, Rus- night, her clothing simple and worn, on Seturtlay. sell Irwin, Agnes Martin; Lucille St. but her faith in God and ,her power Miss Lagam, of Hensa.l'l, was renew. Marie, Harold Taylor. in prayer bring amazing results in ,ID9 acquraiabances kers on the 12tH. cash and necessary supplies. We Mr. amd MM AMen Foley, of West - were also favored with a. temperance em Cuda, are the guests of Mr, Fallowing are . the results of High re�ddng prepared by Mrs, , Trickey, Dominion' Board Secretary, of Tem- and Mm. AL McConn*1L School Entrance examinations ,held' at perance, who in response to a ,nrfm- Mr. G. B. NVoodji, of .the School of Commerce ]brrnxta centres under the jurisd�i:c'tion of, the Cdinion High School Entrance Board. her of requests Por 'infor>ztatian re- oar on friends in a.nd around the v%iage' the fore garding temperance in other nations, pmt of the week. Clinton Centre wrote this article on "The Trade and Members of the L O L- mint on the , t'he Nations." It is a matter of 're- Square Wednesday morning a n d First Class Honors:-�Marjory Bay- gret that in same of the countries for played a few bracing tvmres ,fry the ley, ;IZ-arae Connell, France& Cooper, which dreat Britain is responsible �lrubrn+s before leaving far, Brussels Betty Crich; Helen Crich, Jo Ann Cun- under a mandate 'there has been as They were ,accompanied by Paper m9hrame, Wilfred Denommle, Lois increase in importation of spiritous Masse, of Aubum Dra'pe'r, Fred Gibson, Mildred liquors. qaers In no country is this more I ed'd'aleg belts a3ae ringing in this Ruth Hearn, Mildred Lobb, Edna Lou apparent than in the Hol y Land( Ar-, vriliage. MacDonald, Jean McDougall, George rangements were made for the Baby Mustard, Edith Pepper, Celestine Shanahan, John Stewart. Band meeting in August, when the babies and mothers will be entertain BRUCEFIELD • " Second Class Honors - Margaret Campb(t11, Roy, Church, Jack Cook, ed at the church. Mr. Robert Uoop¢r, Mrs. Frank Up- The annual Sunday school andcon- Erman Fletcher, Margaret Fremlin, shall, Mn and Mils. Andrew Belt and greg'adonal picnic is to be hold on. Freda Hill, Keith' Jackson,' Jas. Lobb, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Forsyth attend- July' 21st at Bayfield Betty McEwen, Berea Mair, Barbara ed the wedding of a niece, Miss M. g Mr. J. B. and Mrs. Mustard and famli family have to Scrod, Ronald Scott, Betty Willliams'. Louise Jones, daily daughter of Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Jon of Hastings, gone t'heiT cottage at I-Pv-wburon to spend' their holidays.. Pass-I�uglas Andrews, Douglas Eartliff, Carole Buchanan', Ja+nn Cam- whric-h was solemnized in the Presby- by Miss Gret'ta M' R N of ustard* Bron, Frank Cook Marie Ellwood, teryan Church In that town on July Hearst, .spent, Sunday at the home of Helen Hodlgson, Vernon Huiler, Tam 5th, Mrs. lone% before her marriage be mother in tire, village. fie• She will Leppington; Ruth Manning, John Mer -was Miss Etta Oooper, a former well spend her vaoation at the 'homes of. her brother 5n Inverhuralr. rill, Shirley Nickle, Ray Potter, Glenn Prfce, Helen Radford, William Seely, knownKippen -giTL All report a very pleasant visit, as well as a most Master Douglas McKenzie, of Lon- Charlie 'Ilhomptxon_ en'jbyable motor trip. don, is spending etas holidays 2t the, Passed ender the provisions of Reg- Mr. Earl Cousins, of Detroit, son rhoartj of big lr grandmother in the vil- 10 of the High ley. of the late Wm. Cousins, called as > fuss Marry McAsh, v9ho has been ,intionc un I;egulations -Don H&n]eY• gu we,ek,ia in the rteudie during tits v�eek, (, hills friends were glad to �ndIng ,fie past few weeks at the filHoyth Centre see him, as it was around 2l years home of her %isrt�l•, Mrs. R. McKen- Fsrst Class Honor&- Edna Archam• ago since he and h Barents sell the zie, returned to her ,dome in H'ensall last week. Mre. Chesney, of Tot -onto, is the AT THE REGENTguest of Mrs. J." Jamieson this week. . Thep were two funerals hield from Ute church last Thursday and Friday, . , :`, Mr. Jas. Collins, ,of 'Varna, who had 'Peen i'i,l for the past year, and Mrs. 11 ,•>, •. %" � John Walker, who Rassad away after � �' a week's illness. She, i hi n her 8 hi 84t �' year'• , Mr. R_ P. Watson, Miss Margaret Watson and Mrs. George H. Coleman ' have returned froul a motor trip to h 1. Gaspe. Quebec, where Miss Janet Watson is taking a course in oral French at the U.W.O. School at Trois Pistclesr. The Late Mrs. John Walker In the Passing of Anna. McKay, widow of John Walker, whose funeral service was held-' at Brumfield United ' Church on Friday. Tuckeramith town- ship 'bas' foot a daughter of early - pioneers and Brucefleld a resident of 18 yream Mrs. -Walker was in her odmtrg. byt Mrs., & Rusts, M1s, G. SwAh and 84th year and, was 'a daughter of Haid M.M. ` ttriCk. A the late Hugh McKay and Mom A. ;.lolls% ifd ,be yatxlte 5111 lattltg ;,,, CalnpbeIl, She •was bolrn at lot 4, s Y'l1 lVd*640tr• Alld tt l,mleseting o10016d by all roi)eat' , : • ' f' c ts5iean 4, Tuckorsmitb, be'cember :jl214 'deal ltt'y i11110h small f�QliGie'(1( by CSS 'cl.. , . ' , aft � :1146000fe :"Monk t 'Sona " an a , rt ' �, 4 Iilispl' ;fhd �I`.ai W' o .iyrat or" 1A 19x 66M A' $�Id+�rrt' abovd are, tce#Ines' M the two tort , $kid.ree� 11, 1865. Slib Tusk ltwa A ']life-long red- .. h 'ate' 1u.f. _.... .:.. ... .. ... . LLr•ry.f,i,:r �J,...:,..,..0>J'b,. -. ?,„ .. .,,_,.t... .•. 4.vs_�e. .a:.as-L. ,:..ya.,w:., ✓. nM ,fYaa'a ....Lr.:, .d t..:_ac',..,,...,..<4.aa, ,Fi ...•, . Her marldage to Jahn Walker, Who predeceased her Christmas Day, 1,923, took place May 22, 1874. They fau'm- ed for many years and later cand)uct- 'ed the 'hotel at Brucefield. For The ,past 16 years she had resided wlith 'her sate, Hugh, at Brucefield.• Of Scotch Presbyterian stock she . was faithful to that church 'and' after the union was equally 'faithful to the 'Unit'ed 'Church. Of her fam0y of four, two seals and, one daughter sur- vive. They, are George Walker of Hensall and Hugh of Brucefreld, and Mrs. Hugh McDougaIl of Tiverton. OUlrels Who survive are five grand- children, two brothe,r's and three sis• tens. The brothers are Malcolm Mc- Kay, Goderich, and Robert of Sea - forth, and, 'tbe sisters, .Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. Alexander Sproat and Mrtss Margaret McKay, Toronto. The funeral service in Brucefield' United Church at itwro o'clock Friday was conducted by Rev. H. E. Wright, pas- tor of the C'hurc'h, and farmer pastor, Rev_ W. A- Bremner, Seaforth, now retired, and Rev, W. A. Young, of Hensall. Interment was in Baird's cemetery, S'tandeiy. The pallbearers were Messrs, Ross Scott, Hugh Berry, John McIntosh, Walter McBetb, John Snider aJld+ Joseph McCully. HENSALL Spetial ,reduction on all dTesses, whine srhoes and wash trousers, Fri- elay� anB Saturday, at Gaadwin6. Mrs, Annie Berry, of this village, re- cently had a. del'igh'tful visit with -Mrs. Robert Cllialtens, who resides, on 4%e oW C milem homestead on the ?179 Roald,_ Mrs. Charters, who is in her 94th year, is, in perfect health, full of life and endowed witlh much wit and 'humor. Mrs. Berry has been '. a friend of Mrs. Charters for the past e forty years, and always enjoys her f visits with, her. The members of Huron Lodge 224 mortared to Zurich Sunday evrening 1, lowt to aitbend the axlxlrlal divine ser - 5 vice meeting at Uhe Evangelical Church i *xe, where tih,e pastor, Rev 3 Mr- Hackendolm, d�alivrered a splendid discoui rte, while the ,large choir sang a fine aabhoull and the closing 'num I ' beT was a fine selection by the mal 1 Members of the aboir. At the sloe t of the Service ,the brethren, motors bask to theid lodge rooms in Hensai where short ad'd•res,s'es, were deliver ed 'by a number of the brethren, 1. 7aeematiun services were held b the Independent Order of Od,dfellow of Hensrall Lodge 223 in conjunction f With the Exeter-Hensall blanch o '- the Canada'- Legion Post 167, B. E S_ L., assisted' lu the Hensah Citi I se W Baste A short service was I held at the cenotaph and was con duc'bed by Rev. R. A- Brock of the United Church aiad Rev. W. A. Hunt t of St Paul's Anglican Church. Las Post and Reveille were sounded By 1 Bugiar Fred Beer. Services were 11-1d at Hea?lsa,ll Union and McTag- - salt's eiemetery where flowers were Placed ons ,Uhie graves by the brethren of the lodge and Hags by the Legion. 1310. G_ C. Petty acted as marshal at the cemeteries and for the lodge e 'Past Noble Grund' W. R. Dougall and t Earl 'Oamlrpberll, and for the Legion, the 'president, Mr_ Sam Dougall. Mr. aald Mrs J. D. Reid and little daughter, Mavis, of London, visited w•i•hh Mass Minarie Reid over the week- ' encs. Mir. Norman Cook has purchased the Ryckmau property ant Main St. Joe Hildebrandt is spending his summer holidays with relatives in London Mr. and Mm Harry Abra.y and cbA- dren and Mr. Aldon Fading, all of London, were Sunday 'visitors at the Nome of Mr. anis Mrs. C- S. Hud- son_ Death of James Collins Thra ftMeml of Ube late war veteran James Celthus, wllo died art Westmin- 'ater Hosrpitai, London, was held from the United Church, Brucefield Thurs. daT afternoon and was conducted by the Clinton branch .of the Canadian, Lepdoa, B B.S.L., with the Clinton Band in attendance Bugler Fred Beer, of Lfensail, sounded the Last Post and Reveille. Mr. Sam Rrennie, OTl anist and choir director, sang, `Tlb*we is No Death There." Rev, Mr_ Wright, ,the pastor, preached' the funierah sermon, T h e pallbearers w*n'O sax crnmradrm, and burial was mnde in Badrd's Cemetei"y. Smillie Family Holds Reunion The Srni'l.li-e reunion was held at Bayflelc� Saturday, July' 8th, at Which Goma hundred relatives and guests were inn attendance. Attending from a distance were Mrs. Miller, of Fargo, N_ Ih•; Mr. Sturgeon and daughter, of Bowl`maornt, Mari; Mr. and' Mrs. A. G. 9mr-Llie, Dr- Jennie Smillie,' Miss' Mar- 9"et Smillie, azfd Mr. and Mrs'. Mur. my Smilbe and family, al:I of Toron- to; Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Smillie and family, of St. Catharines; Mrs, Smil- 11", of Nelson, B. C. Running off the arta we're Miss Hazel Smill,ae, of He"Bali, and Mr. Delbert Gedger, of Zurich,. The Pr'eside'nt is, Mr. A. G. SMUDe, or Toronto; secretary-treas- urar, Ings Grace, Gray, of Toronto, ai3d Committee, Dr. Jennie Smillie, Toro`DtO, and James: Smillie, Hells;l,ll. Tiro Srniliies are des'cen'dants of Jas. Otewarrt Smldllire, of Ba]ayhineh, Ire - lag%& At a ,picnic held at Bayfield byy the i ArnoId Carole of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Mrs, W. A_ Yoll.ng was pres entad witch an umbrei9a, the presen- f 'tallow being 11-ide by the president, i §Bala- Roy Bell- Rbv. W. A. Young, MY �• AIM. � AAg? _. a +gymins to'' ., Hensall C. R. WHAINSON,. R.Q� p. OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN 1 wing�1131H will be ai W. O. Gootilwia's o me eels* ' ery .1$t and W Tmeeday0 in iBt* month,'` for the purpme at teethm eyes and Attifng 9k sslem DtMc uft castes and thow tdwA ha,'ine aft lagm PmopeOdy fitted are apenlaily vaeo r Mended to coneux ants. Roams: 1(t a.m. to 6 p,m.• Pbrone )HevsaU IE for appoinntuleuL 9WZ Mrs. Young and famdly are bamviuC the first of September for where Mr. Young ,has accepteid a, calf' as' ministem there. The Henan ,publ% library wild. res• open Tuesday, July 18th, all books tEa be returned that day. The Migges Elva McQueen, Rutin Brook and ^Goldie Cross are attending the summer school being' held at Goderich. ' Mr. and MTs. Bert Horton visite* with the fomm'eles brother. Clayton: of Niagla= Falls, on, Wednesday or this week - Mrs. R. J. Ferguson of .Minneapolism„ Minn., is a visitor with her t��r,. Miss FJ. Jodlmstotm_ Mr. HaT,my Hu:dsloan, of 11dertton, spent Sumday with his parento, M and Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Business Changes After 30 Y+eam Mr. A- W. E. HemplAll, wbo ham, conducted an up`to-dlatte ding sirom here for the past 30 yeare, has dis- posed of his drug business to Mr. &, H, Middleton, of Port Credit, former- ly of Clinton- Mr. Middleton ass an - to serves the people of the com- mumdtyl, in ,the she capable manner as Mr. Heamrphill has durm,g his basi+ ness careeet'. Died in Exeter The death occurred at the lime of her d'aught'er, Mrs Ed': ' Lindenfie;AL - on July 6th, of Mary Stewart, widow e of the tate Abraham Bolton, whp vrw - e deceased cher nine years ago' Ther', d deceased was t1h:e, second Aa.nghter' off i the late Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Strew' - art, of Lot -16, N. E. Boundary, UaP- borne, where she was born in Ocfa- Y her, 1856_ She married her late bus- s band in 1875 and with him locate ora the Bolton. honeestlead in Usborne f where they lived some thirty year* and by :hard work made it. one of thn finest 'Iholnes in Usbornse. Tdhey' re- tired , to H,ensrxall with tbaerir ouly daughter, Laura, whey they lived a numlbea• .of yeasts before taking uW t residence in Exeter. Mrs. Bottom Last was extremely foetid of music an& took a keen hAerest in horse and church, and was a member of James Street Untied Churdl„ S'li,e was ,high, ly respected by a host of relatives and fiiiend's and leaves to mourn hely Passing, two sons and: one dallghteir. Gordon, of Hibbert; John, on thea homestead, and Laum, Mrs. Ed. Lit-, denfleld., of Exeter; aiso two bre,: thers, An&i-w of Toronto anEd George of Belleville, and eleven gran.d�i+. dren and five great grandchifdre� Tdie funeral service, though ptftvata6 was largely att'endedt many coining from quite' a distance to pap txeis' last tribute of respect and was ean- ducterd by Rev. Copeland, of Main $A. United Church, During the service a solo, "The Old Rugged Cross,- wam finely rendered by Mr. Gouldin& Thr floral tributes 'were ma:rny and 'bens,~ tiful. The pailbeasems were Messrs: Lloyd and Alvin Lindenfieid, Miltom Stewart, Elmer Stewart, John Stew- art and Gordon 'Clemas. The remaainm were interred in McTaggart's dente.• tery on Saturday, July Stbr MTG. FlemneIl, of Montreal, lies beeep visiting here with •her brother, Mr - Alfred Taylor, during the past sleek or so. Mr. E24 McEwen, of Toronto, was here 'recently visiting - this hm&ar, Alpine, of thins village, who ,has beedk in ,poor health for the pastt 1 xwkyj., and took 'him for a trip to Pike's Bag and other podntfs along the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. H_ O- Dayman speirE Sunday ,orf last week with relaiivew and firends in several places. Mr. Manley Jinks, who was ewnSE. ed lately 'to his room through innreatr., is now busily engaged in his dutic+,s_ We are pleased' to report that Mr_ Chas- A. McDon'ell is gaining in .'heeittt nficely following 'hie enforced rest of a month or so, and we hope soca to see him ,an 'th'e streets agadn- The local lodge of Oran,gemm � Wedntesday 'last motored to .Brtltseel'�, being the n1_Itest 'pkWe in wrhncah a celebration we,s bel'd an,d report a large adttemdlance and splendid wane_ Mr- and 11drs. Walker Carlisle an& children visited at St Marys over the week-etxd, the guests' of Mr. and Xrss. John Bean. Mrs. Anna McDonald, who reoemtly- purebasted :the home of Mr. William J. Janes, is 'having it remodelled, ties carrpentenin,g work being} done by 31r- Wilson 1r Wilson Caarliele. Mr- James Daymtan; is, @laving ;treat home on Queen St. nicer ,pointe& Patsy McDonerll is 'll&daaydng fee Bayfield tlids week in the Y.W.Cj L camp, Where theme aro 63 girls claa�ala- ng. Mr. and 'Mrs. I.etelaudr Willert, cal" Zurich, and Miss Martha Carlisle aln4 riend, Mr. Fleming, of London. vio- ted their parenth•, Mr. and Mm Vral- son Carlisle] oro !i t -"y last- ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES July 21`22 From SEAFORTH' Say, 8tletemts oshawat and Eastt to Crnmwull inclusive, Uzbrdfe Un& sap, >'eterboro, Campbelhford, Newmarket, C'o11ii1gwood', Meaford, Mid - band, Morth Bay. Parry Sound, Sudbury, Oarpneoi aatd West to Bear& mtoare. P Me Trains, JULY 21 All Trains, :JULY 22 To TORONTO . Also to Brantford, Obatham Goderieb, (sue Niagara Falls, Owen' Sound, �, H'BSnfHOU, London, ford St athm Cathal�k", St, Ma,1-yu. OLMI a, y, Woodstock. Sftav Seo bandbills for complete list elf dektiuertiaaa. !os fuses. aetarn 'IItniW, train information, tlelcbia, ate., aaoagtlt taeareat' aam1L CANAMAN NATIONAL I I .. '" t 1 ,,, 1-. �.{ a I 1.1, �!,;,. ". I yy t y� 7 , ,, ., �, y,ll a.., ,Kral rl;t^4�'r,l --.t3Rl'y�rn.�jt'`4'AT.1'SirirP'�tfh, rr 11 i &'�".', '' pi 2,;,W_7 ''' SkJ:.i�.'.Rk.M!�i� ,""'I'.{,.d.ew! 1_1­`1_­%A,'t' �t �iF,� ° r•:ik1••a'i1#.�r>'ll.,t�tl.,�l.�• v.a ural�.ryfilil�`,,.M1"t8't�-5, ,8 �v lA , 1� .4 G a . 11 I 4 , , . I a V '.