HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-07-07, Page 4111 ry tYe iYr� 11� �f, , . , , , ., ( ,��a��i�yi,'iai�tFl �, ii�Y ln•� i iKyttthih� 1 ' ., ,. ... '... :..I .. .. .. I 11 ,r,LIi{ilr,i. i rdy ydljk`ii+,11p fie,,,d� r2Jf iV"'} a'id�rnl; f" i; ze!} 4 ,1f,rr., l itg,,,r a lI ,, ( 9 IV 'I Ss Sig ,,N t't,,",t F;,) i� Il�t fi,iilli 2y ,. ,h hs1 �.��r ": . -,--- a (_11 -_ -__ h l } 1 S ti..++r �.w„-ti+ 10.� 1'11 ti41 ` ^ ale �' §4 ied Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates , I g"J"y era fhlti, l ,v " 11 dt iP) le, Wanted, Lost and Found, Co )ossa: EvetRts, Bkr, -E'EN Be2�: r11 y0, z ri� J a ( d week ...................:....... 8 �' a��3.rd week ........ ria Gantt r.. , ...1.11....1 •,r ' 4f)tj�t'll'�.;a' Minimum -cha'rg'e, first inomh ......, 25 Cents . 1 )t�` *, a -. Each figure, mittal and labboavalatm otivalb as one weal kJt, 1� tigrd aP Thaaalcs, in Memlcuinin Nctilceo-a cent ,per wueL ,T tdnimuny_aw cents per weec, 13ngul.+Ji�i,e..s, may be directed. Aro a Box Nuxolher; rmu19 lug mon Ecpoaitor. Sos 10 cxatte �>` { e4ft. pr 'fin :oasis sddulUioueal pm week will be ahaigetl h1C m iq shave cLasa eQe not 'padd by t$e r}1f Saturday aright in the weak in Which the ad was scan. � 'T , B"hs, Ma Ty and. Deaths xnsented Erna o8 oanilze ' , ,Auction Salah, Nwaide to Cavdittus, Etc.--Ratels on anpplimtSin., 1 . _ k� ��: Notices Help Wanted ti ;I, ,1.: NOTICE. -AM PREPARED TO '.TWIST ALL WANTED EXPERIENCED GENERAL •4�1 wveighrt.s and le7ts'ths ut hay fuck rope YY ,timid• References required. Apply Box . Rut of ttwine: also sl,bngs made. Get yourself 209, EXPOSITOR OFFICE_ 3729-t'P 21, S. the best rope at a larve mas^i'rag• GaIJ now. a : ' HAROLD ARMSTRONG, 16-141, Seaforth_ ' 37341 For Sale tf`T7CIILL AO SNOWING. SONABLE #" ' YY rn,teu. PHYLLIS KNUCKLE, Harpur- _POR -BINDER TWINE AND HAY F"J,..;... hey, 3733"x2 1' fork rope, at hmWt prices, for sale at ,T.: Regier's Gamm_ Seafonth, SEAFORTH FAR- „ ? STRAWBERRIES --WILL HAVE IRRIGAT- MERS, GLUM_ 1 3733-2 ed $Lvawbarrrie: for one week or longer. f ti, .• Bring own ctnitainec+ and save money. O. 1 ,�;;' B. PERHAM. Phone "37 r 16, Sk�aforth. , 3733,x2 , For Sale or Rent Ir-�1 �7OO-I.NG'--- W11Y NOT TRY LIQUID '. FOR SALE $350.W CASH, SIX -ROOM il,..:+ Fblrre Costitu>; i,.,r ,t,',rl, all flat asphalt frame hour t.' ,e1". r 5_.(10 a sriu:nr, and YYIe guar-tn e. lar good c, chick, an Ord ,), tee t : Un1Y Street, SoafairGfi. Two kris. ohz'cicvn house- , them for t tY years. 11'e also ,ell cement Hydro. Apply ,to BOX 206, EXPOSITOR._ I chimney tups. Apply tar JA!1LES BECKER, 8726-tt I y:_ i. Cldntbn_ Thune 4 2. 3732-tf T Farms For Sale I TOWNSHIP OF �SBORNE }.11 . Notice 1{ AItM FOR' SA.1 F0- 100 ACRES• BEING the east 'half' of Lat N♦o. 1 and west half t 'T gv, YOU, lAItE HEREBY NOT!"FTED UNDER Of J_kyt No. 2 an 3rd conoi ssfon of Grey. J, au..t 1.t1' ()f :r l',::•, IM1 '! 111W OWTI-hip of I 'Phare is a -large rick house and barn 60 "" . U�l,,rne. P.a 'ell !ii ltr;9>. t:^,:,t no cows or'' x 36r stracf: shad 36 x ;it. All hligh land; oto ur IivE^<'.:utk "+:!I he u. '.",•'1 t. i�p'�tu re up- R`uatl wih'erut £visas; ';alm',>.;'t all workable ]and. ,'<',' on ¢hr roads ,.,f U,.Iwr:I�' 1l',r„'n'!'-id' artcr the', CRAWFORI) STRACHAN, R_ R_ 2, Blue - 35th stay uC Ju%, u,eceF ,ath ;utirnal is _'vatle_ Phone 3942, Brussels. Iteches,d with Ll chain. t.,'"... „thea live- 3734x1 ` - stock found out of boun.is rnny 'hc impound- ... s r �Ratrpayrry of Usbo:•;:e Tovm-�hi'p are here- ... ere- -. rg .i. by rul1ue_,j,,,,L.l t„ cut t'nt• v:,•t,!- un the road- Card of ,hank '�, L;"� side 'as.i.iaeent t„ ih,'x i"•":a,:- es where situ- "� ated ,:n a -asps:!/in Ro,l'i if P• .'Ib!e. First' APSS,RS_ RU$SEL, ROSS AND REID A -1 - cutting to h,• cun;;ale;rl b:: ,i•a:y l:.;h, after len de5ie-e to express their sincere ap- ,,:: � which tlay she H,a,d ,411!x-?%mrn,!ant is in-' prercaltion'for the many expressions of sym- 1i.. strurt,.f to cls vi:• we,=.t.. t^en un,�ut. Rate pothy and Ifindne.:s ext'md,i tb them dur- "•' 'of pay r,.r r.,',,r tc,..; ,ci'1 I.,. ' c,•nts per ing the sad death of their f=ather. ' �: hour, and i 1:111 a;,I t.mm with ` 1. _ mower, 'the mu„:-,. C•u, .,,,.! at owner's.-..._______- .,.--.---.V. ___,. zuk. MESSRS J_1Va, AND WILLIAM NiCOL, n,. ,1 A, fit. 1W::C:.a\. ('.er.l:. M . _ , �1 I„ i eons of the late David Niu,l, tvitih to A.. DA'f 3U at ale._ -.t.. Ju',p ;. L a,. thank thea ntcay frivntk for exprea<iurr;' of ;ti. - " 3;34-2 tiy.mpafhy e-ter„➢ed dor I the illness and ____- - death of Mr. Nzeyod. Also to thank Rev: W. -'- 1 win I A. Young and ,the qua:rtc�.o of Caaanvl Pres- . TOWN OF SEAFORTH i byterian Church and thn,ce warn losar•d their ca i and who sweat flowe's, . 1. N 1. TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- -------- -- CEIPTS FOR 1939 Auction Sales `.,,+ — I MORTGAGE SALE The Tm vn will pay 4 per; $ 'OF VALUABLE! FARM PROPERTY cent. per annum u to Aug -UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF 'rli , p powers of Sale rnntainv,d in aN certain ". n all prepaid 1939 rmortga,,,•e, wih.ich will be produced at the 31, 1939, o l p %n le of sal • will d s. �1: time c, blare 11 ire offered G r _ to b Y ." L ., taxes. Certificates and full MOND Ane , on MONDAY, the SE:VN`.NTF:F:N'rH day of JULY, '' A, D., 1939 x� articulars may be obtained r•��r J at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon 1rt::.; p neon the, prcmiaes. the follow'i'ng property, from the Town Clerks of- ratimcily: .ALI, and SINGULAR than certain parcel or tract of an rem'. e land d i t:+ sitvat. lying and 11 p Y R -ntheT Town Hall. five 1 r' brsnti; in the Township of Hibbert, in the " D. H. WILSON , I County of Perth, and the Province of Ontario, 7 ; lx+ins: composed of lkrt number twenty-four '�• . Treasurer. i,n the Four-tevnith Conces,irm of the said f�. 8719-tt Township of Hibbert, eontaaining one hundred (,. !11, ,: acres of land be the came more or less. 1'• __,._...__.-.-..__- - On the property there is said to be a frame �,�. Popular Stallions in�ryllmg, a barn with ,'Eo and other build- '-' The property wf be solei subject to a re- r The Clydesdale Stallion serve •bd. ' '51,I FAVORITE AGAIN � TERMS-. Ten per cent. of the purchase ;.' 24337 money to be paid down art the tiane of sale " Enrolment No. 1961 and the badance in thirty drays from the date Will stand at his own stable at Brucefield thereof. P. for the season. Fifteen dollars to insure, Far further partien}ars and conditions of , payable February 1, 1940.11 sale, apply to 'q'.' ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor. PETER KILPATRICK, Manager. COWAN, GRAY 8r MILLMAN, 3728-tf h rI Sawn6a, Ontario,i'T1. Enrolment 3049 Form 2 Soalci,tors far the Mortgagee, ,�+5. The Standard Bred Stallion; i Frank Taylor, ftq-. ' BARON LULLWATER Exeter, Ontario., ;`°- 2.11% 2.13y4 at three years old Anohroneer. ``1989 Grade "B" Premium No. 375 DATED at Santa, this Twentieth day Of �'- Will stand for the fm>provement of stock June, A. D. 1939. 3732-3 11 .' at the barn of his owner, W. C. Govenlock, F+ginondville. --. ___ . 11 He is a Jet black in color, elands I5-3 hands Tenders Wanted high and weighs 1100 pounds. He is a prem- ium Horse and is sound. His sire, BogaJusa, ",' 2.04 %. ry'He is also a handsome horse as he was 1.'...- first and reserve champion at the Royal Win- •" tat• Fair, Toronto, last winter, 1938. Would ^'- 'f my to make arrangements to meet those from al distance where possible, ' ' I Tarns 512, payable February 1, 1940. J ,,EAr ED TENDERS ADDS SSED TO 372749 l a 'd - --y -- -- Stallion urade*igned, arai endorsed '-render for ': The Famous Champion Clydesdale Stallion Harbour Inivrovements, Port SBaciley, Ont", LOC H I N V A R we'll ,be 4eceived un157 12 o•elock noon (day - 1.,1 (Imp.) No., 26468 light saving), Tuesday, July 11, 1939, for harbour improvements at Port Stanley, Fdoin I Enrdlment No. 8739 Farm 1 ;. Wr111 stand .for the improvement of stock Courdy, _form of and spa�eifieratoon 1! this season, as foldowa: Monday, Tuesday and V&dnesday-At his oan be seen sad Roams elf bander obtained I. ll own suable, 1}ra miles 'west and I Y4 miles at ,the office of the Chuef Engineer, Depart• '` south of Dubrrn_ Thursday—Will leave his ment of Public W'or'ks, Ottawa, at Mhe offices ,,, Of the Dhl b*t Engineer. Dominion Public ;. own: stable at 8 o'clock ,for Pahrolla, r'e,turn- i. I� irrg again on Ftjday rtWlGht mt 6 o'clock, health Bldg- London. Oert; also at the Past s'. • Office tat Part Stanley, OrdL 1.1 I,,. and weather permitting. Saturday -At hi$ ;9,' own unable , . Tenderts w;idl not be cons milers grade r,, Texam--45.00 at time of service and $20.00 on Printed forms supplied Wy the Depart- ro.. when mases prove ,in fond. meat 'and err ac cordwom wffl h conditions set '!" J. E. FALCONER, forth - F.'. Darh slender must be acciomaamied by a � Proprietor. 's i 8728,Lf certified cheque on a chartered bank In Can - P_ oda. payable to Iihe order of the FIoanourahle E'` Imported Clydesdale Stallion the Minister 1?tm c Works, axlval In 10 "� per cent. of I amount of the mender, or ,w SOLWAY RESOURCE , Imp. 128173] (23029) dire Domiinion of Canada or !' • Eairobnant Np. 8744 Farna 1 of (Drib' "Carradiaa Irv,Kianad Ras•]way Camcpacnq surd ate aonsldLrent canrpurnies, areeorrdi6sonally , �il: WrTI stand for the improvement of ,srhuek guammteed as tm pria and interest by "• Uhis sexton. as - follows : the ,Dominion of 'Canada, or the afloremen- :. " q., Monday Mlornting-W411 leave his own stable Boned .bonds and a Mr..tified � :. - ' `� ' at Birucefie ld and go to the 2nd Concession. ed ye, melte no sae 'odd amount cheque of requir•- 5_ 'z'P . *. sou% land east tto Alex_ 5anclai'r's, for 65. NOY1B-ileac Dapaaitaatiarrt w311 supply lilue frp""�' Man; then east th the Town Larne and rwrt% pi,in, � and speeificaiMm of the work on 1.�t. 4b the 90h Concession to Wm_ Patrick's, for deposit:pf a sum of $20.00• in the fatam of a ' � ` mlglvt Tuesday -Bast 1 r/a mines and north to certified hunk cheque payable to the order t,,; Ithe 741r Omvice3sion to Coyne Bros., for noun; a8 the M)iniaos• ad Public Works. The ,.,`:. dlhen to Rdhert Doig'[s, 7th Concession, for ' {l, >rlgaut W sdnessdaq-1b Gemmel]'s Corner and deposit *SII be released ort telae return of the ' y tkaatfh tlol A J. Brbaelfoot's, -for noon: then, hlue,prises and epeeifiemlHam' wrMhin a month i,v from the tTa� of reeevition of lenders. If not „w : ,deo nils own stable dor' night Thursday -At reftmred bin that .period the deposit va91 'x. 1 baa own stable, Friday-+Wesit to th 2nd be e rl .. Oancess6on 0Stanley mind ..Ali, ,No Jdhn H. i')''" McEwa,n's, for noon; then to his ower stable By oerler, t';. Bar. night. Saturday -At his own stable. J. ILL SOMERVILLF, � A'i Terms -To insure a fool, $15.00, payable Secretary. I February let„ 1',940_ Depm*neul of Public Works, `r , = R. D. MURDOCK, O uwfa, June 26, 19$9: 1 , Prbpr•iethr and Manager• 8788-2 1,t -' 8728-tt I j ti The Pteie Dred Imported Clydesdale Stallion `ivlil TORRS MAGNATE Births ' ' (Imp) 26882 (22371) b� ' Ifnraimenik No, 31119 Fillet Class, Form 1 PIEST LL -3m Srii/t 16mior9al Hnsprauil • ern 'tz, Will o'tiarrd, this season for mars as fol- June 'dam. Ito Mr- mrd Mfrs. Jas- Peskdl, rf,:: a din i. $8ewa' QVI'cBrIDL@t-dm sHoliC afkrnixrn�mt Ffes,v'iwa1, on b T�inbbdtt-•r1;ea:ves 'bile own bbalfle, Lot 4, Con, Jay ,1, Mo ryyr, asad Mira. 3eeoaid M RWen, 11 y f3 13ihbettt and go to Mike Nagle's, Dublin, l �, dor troM1'• &,once tto D. J. O'ReMy's. Beach- IOomp(t-4M la eon (Daviel ,Sholdlon). t4;>I�q ,' d; lot 12, Oot. 4, McKillop, for night. ROE -1n Soettlt tHGaaerlMiall Hloe;ptisft, on July p t 5 'L-,�)(�{ t>,i'4Y''Wday=r'G ifiI proceed to Jack McCantlhy's, %rA to Mr. acrd MAL W*sTey Role, Blyth, ei";. ' e �r $8, C9daf ' 2, Logan, fb1' naan ; thence to a d 1 It Uk owTi suable for night. Wednesday ---Will „R•A' LI.--ln Scot Memorsal Iiasp96alGon }hc41 ti, r h c'oerl ,f� •Cecil 'Wiph's, Lot 10, Cone. 8, J+tthq '61tdr,. Qo 11fa•. 'and Mrs_ fDTen A. Raise- itt' k."! t>11, ri, ' aibwna Whonce by way of iiuron -dill, ,Bras,044, a Biwa, J f' I, t d i' (l()**d ' d,vt*tt t)Dunl far quho Thursday 8, aa1 deed iia Dv.nc. 'Odlquironn's, Lot a, -- `1. J1iGllorti. For noon : thence to' t4eiorge BA VF1��t1 .sti6r'1i1at '11, eon. 115 Crarnat,ty, from 8reI y l o"(alon I ' 1'.' Walio k Pon., thence to JAck tdptrl J;: 13itltiiAtt;tldtYldJ S, 1liblreit, for might Knox T?teebyteaian Church Will hold. r 0) 1, tr li' ad i. .' to mditin Feeney"s, 14t thbir 8.111 lv B x s r $r Hit,'bmrti, f V66ft •. 11hence' to ' his r3i servicers Oaf „S 11i11dill, ;�� t t 'u e WA W tt. a►tlrat,e Ire will ;retain July Oth; Vith services at 11 tam- and u , `: Jtyll 101 v raa3atrtr 7c�30 t%7m1 The gueg4t weaker will be. tali eare{s:'ar'iT5';00, W t0 Ibaid liir ,fflfl,i)., of` lSltCtTB6IA: l it a( 0 ,,: ,.flr ,a.,,, h nr « o .& MA & �'i1<fe', .- ecitt mtlsle , the $4 6- X14-17n'et a ea. ' . uTp• .e ;,; :? b > i .. t irF1 rs in ltd rs, , �', ;, x, �. E^,. ?,,t , t L,, , G i ).. tiii>i,,. lei � .df MI* lt'r,�s:b 'VIU� `Wr 'With Fredric. atY ,;,1 yea tdltt r11�s t t= a tie. Ntairch at 6 tt . a� t ' t, ",': t, r u... , 1. P4 �, FrryN'1i f�,,� 1 YAulo' W a, 1•n v , i 0�2 Y � ! .1111 1 ��1119 i C f$ iE �'t/ir YiLF nttl( Vi/@�TCr i'r,+" ,hawryf ,� - D1d it 1 J J r 1r , qSF� yl , i} �+{({{ri lis , r ,t), r .., ri`;1.j:•th'"!`•f inti °: fjr l4r'!{r,;.5r, J r r,,y ,, err.,, tr,.. I ;,;'< �,.:;: y i, r i "a z : a t F ,,, t a, et P r"a it I ,..'' ✓'. i; r 11 I ,., U„'i, ,. 11.. i'4.Ir J:6 ,till T r„•f t'. .h V 0' r...: f , ,..: .,., ,,: y u' 5::, d :.:: r:,•.': w s f t.. , tt I I L. ii Ir !'f { S 1. .Ix t- 1 ,.I. , � b• h r.. rt '.d, N' ( el. � , ,..5,. is. d „ V �,�', w ... ,r .. ..i .. r1 rh eYi. ,h.,, ,., V s.id, .. 1 ,.. �. .4, ... r. , ;. v u 7 c. ..{ � 1, ,r, ,t, ! r LEI 4, r' x, d , � s fi �f5 s ) �. 1 ts. ,c �. ,h a r,, ., ,. , .� .. !:. .., , ,r .. .. �, � �.., , v i x „ .ale.,, r . . u ,r v� : . a. 1 r ..Yi . M i >F. t .. n .,ler K ✓. �A ,� u 1 1.. (� 4.. A k r- . , : k .., ... . C',! _. . Z� r .. , F ,Ill /'... >� . / .. 1 . { k ,� , ,i t. u,... f ..! . %.. tri F .I. F i s i' , .vr.., ,. � 111.:1 ;. ,. .. ., > "�};,. � ,. e.0 .. 6- :.:.n!. ,.,..: C.. 1'r i s 9 t" t I iI 11" X11' {i'� f:^ L hL4vt 1 4s'� 11 a �5 S Ila a Lid Atr, ;ih{s{ X14 ptliyry 5 y t Vt I 0 ME OI I ldest, Ex -Student Angus McDonald', who recently celebrated his 90th birthday, was the oldest old boy to attend the Cromarty school reunion on Fri- day. He lives retired with his son at Staffa, Pupils ®f District (Continued from Page 1) Tom Jordan, To Grade VI—Mar FeencT. , Martin Feeney, 'Jim Feene (doubtful), To Grade 1=Catherin McIver (Hon.), Bernadette Barr (Hon.). To Grade W—Jack Moir. (lion:), Victor Feeney and Frau, Jordan (equal). To Grande I,1--Josep Barry (Hon.). Jack Feeney': — Cla: Eckert, Teacher. ST. JAMES' SCHOOL The followiniT is the result Of. th Promotion Examinations in St. Jame S'ahool : From Grade VII to Grade VI 11 Carron r*!(' ;', n, , A . rte; DP Ca c . Sa,..mr Flannery, G nililu: Matthews, Pau ine• O'Nei)1 'I.IerP,Fe.� O'Pcll, ; �., i • . to garret; QuinItin, `,Tara!;I't (rotor me'rded); .Rvatn. Allan. From Grade VI to Grade VII Bannon, Ail;' (-'Tlne; Fr'l;,'rt, A11UI T.a0chiaback, ]ie,; i:erinc; Maloney. Vr oaioa; .:Reiger, Jnsoph; :3tewart, Do aId. ' . From Grade V to Grade VI :NT('Tver. Ali('n: 'MeMilian. JT ,inn( O'Reilly, Fr; nr•is'(rrcnt:!ruc::d:(1); R an, Maxy,;.XV,11; h. Jncqunlinr, From Grade iV to Grade V llurns, Lucille•: Rnr.:-y. Ronal( Cleary, Mary :11;tr•eatr'1: I•:!IJ tel,;, U .1' „ 111;1. sera• tc ':,'ll ` (. r 'r al., l( l.. .1. lair,<> l , al'd: I'au'drnhtx lc, Jor.r•lr.!, Nig.i, I,otli: Reiger, Alvin. ' From Grade 11 to Grade III Burne, iaivllf•: Boa ry, Stnnlcv; H parr, Nlnry: Kin^, Nonow Mello :I, )� 1 ins , l,anr.(�• .T([vcr .t ..ne' ''V i I � . P 1 .. Darbarn; Sill, Rnnald. From Primary to Grade If Bollen, 1'vonr_r-,: P:ckorl, Con; Kin Muriel; 1{eha. P"reddie (,(,,c",mmen cd); Lan(lenha(k, John; Malone Francis; Nigh, Ruth; Nigh, Joseph. ENTRANCE RESULTS Thar foll: %tune are results of t) North Roan Entrance exams as a noun•ced on AV(c',nesdr,;,- by J. Il. Ki Raid. Secretary of the Ert:aw Board: Seaforth Centre 11onours•:- ll tirza,•et Dale, GordK Dupuis, Neil llnl)i,er, Jatlet Handle Jean Hurford, .Joan MrNlastar, Frar 'MiIIg, Dorothy SIniIh, Margueri West cot t. Pas -g --Ken Barry, William Boyc Rozelia Burns, Francis Cronin, Kat erine Duebarme. Violet Dupuis, Ste, art Fin.negnn, Patrick Hart, Jar Hrodgert, Stephen Holland, Patric Kale, Douglas Love, Helen Malone Marjorie O'Neill, John Powell, GC don Messenger, Artibur Murphy, Jol Rice, Doris Venus, Dorothy ForrestE Marjorie Golding, George Hildtebranc Alvin Hoff. Manley Centre Honours, Marjorie Hackwell, Lo Machan, Elmer McDonald, Rose M Ivor, Angelo O'Reilly, Hazel War Billy Ze1}gler, Cora. Smith. Past --Harvey Ahrens, Alice Bake Rita Connolly, Helen Dennis, Haro Deitz, Doreen, Engler, Bernadet Fla>andgan, Cecelia Gjvlin, Agn, Grigg, Kernnetb Hinz, Wilfrid Jaeo Charles Lake, Ruth Lucas', Laws( Machan,, Frank O'Connor, .Wm. Wh field. Ethei Centre Homurst—Edward Bennewies, Mo garet Kleber, Mary Mackay, Ma; Murray, Robert Rock. Passe --Stanley Bray, William Do son, Norman Eggert, Everatt Felke Anna GJVIin', Doris Hackwell, Jet H!eedbein, Daisy rWills, Roy Wflbe' Doris Hintz. Me following are the results ' the .recent High School Entrance e amddla,tlons held at centres u-nder ti juristddction• of the Clinton Hi> School Entrance Board. First ax Second Crass Honours are anmoun AT THE REGENT ... . , .. ., ,r .. _ ,.. , . .. . ...I .. Onaway, Mich.; W. W. Thompson, Edmonton, Alta., and Rev. H. Oowie, Carlingford. (C,otant!sy Stmliford Seal -on -Herald) ' 1. ed: First 'C'lass Honours mean's that tentage of the private loans which Henry Howald, of town. Mr, and ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Berry; Of Tk�-a 75% or more of -the total marks was were held againsit the municipality � , e � � � ronto, were week -end visitors withL ,! • t r'j'4.1 ...._..- .. .. the former''s mother, Mrs_ Annex ii e oIIIIIIIIIIII1. "s Y d�, :tilt'I ".”, tg full , .,; yr; aY � 1. .„y, SS D:ri:"".,,,���,., 11 �1' t ., .,4^e, ,, ,f,,,Y, `'i et'fk •' ,'4• d S.e.ti`: ','. " lr' y ;r a eb' r'' yr , '1lx, •, a L, k'4 Lri'rd''' :W y;z ut .. ,�„yw ,� '1”, �, I'll a., , AT edy �/ (lit ' ins;,, 1$ ;, 5: dfif#','', ''r<. 11,,F,t•. l a,: t::, i' ;x: +rr yi ., 'ti',1.. ^3 i „, 3,�gy2 : i Li 3,Tr.�'rs �rf' f4 -��>�:Sq L V"!'0' :I?.I .,.,ra'�.k��' 1�,§`Ec..,+ a d ° .:i L 1S } r '•` !„!P3,e; -.°a'. y, a `"4:.. �. y , IF* •' with Mrs. A 'a.line Jolulson, MJIrie1' �'Y3' � u',.-•,"�„ : QFC Q saea r.�.'V,” rM •.'L. >7 .(., x L:. Y•%' g. i Y ' a, M .act ,. , ;P(t A ° fi . s::., 'r, , °1 y • 1 , �b£'a y� 1-1 Ary.. ",„p , n,j'� ,.•'. a". , ')i2 ' 3 x za k�,§ ;r, n ,'e' 'Xr x`,sr i.. .ty. a.,, fah. ;.-.. f3 >c _i', /, A.11 a, r1'p (�` :,,' J adF k.,"t;yi ', Md, r or1. t �. :r> r J' b`• , , r''y i E�ytr �, � P 1....s , �`F` ,irIi°}' n t '. , Fa•.p ,%f , ea�>1 , 'A1'6. ?„f,, .. -. 1i6,},Y a ��}-.er., t • 'Ff , This picture showsthe teachers of the Cromarty School dating back to. 1878, who were able to attend the reunion' of old boys and girls on Fr4ay. Left to 'right they are R. R. MacKay, the present teacher; Miss Grace McLean, Exeter; Mrs. George Link, Dashwood, formerly Miss Susan Kleinfeldt; Mrs. D. W. Hicks, Bornholm, formerly Miss GertruJe White; Dr. Robert Bruce, Onaway, Mich.; W. W. Thompson, Edmonton, Alta., and Rev. H. Oowie, Carlingford. (C,otant!sy Stmliford Seal -on -Herald) ' 1. ed: First 'C'lass Honours mean's that tentage of the private loans which Henry Howald, of town. Mr, and ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Berry; Of Tk�-a 75% or more of -the total marks was were held againsit the municipality Mrs. Howaid will reside in Zurich. ronto, were week -end visitors withL Obtained; Seoond Class Honours, that were paid off. The following accounts McBride - Walper the former''s mother, Mrs_ Annex botween 7U and 741/1 of the total were paid: Mrs. Catherine Connelly, The marriage tool: place at Exe- Berry. masks was secure(1. part payruent on Liffe'diain contract, ter last 'Phursday 'of Ellouise, daugll- Mr. and, Mrs. Wm, Clark, Mr_ ala& Clinton Centre $400;, Municipal World, $1,.1°9; Strat- ter. of Mr. Jack Walper, of Exeter, Mrls. Wiley and Miss Paulinxa Cook - First Class Honours --Marjory Bay- ford Beacon -Herald, advertising $2,02, and -Lloyd McBride, son Of Mr•, and all of London, ivor.9, recent visitara ley, Marie Connell, Frances Cooper, direct relief, $11.79; Russel Scott, Mrs. Sa TMcBride, of the town line, with Mrs. A 'a.line Jolulson, Betty Cricef Helen Crich, Jean Cun- hens kilkr d by dog, $30.00 --Those. D. Stanley. iliw. A. Page, pastor of the Mrs, Jas. Boyce, of Landon, w M inghame, Wilfre{i Denomme, Lois. Wren, Clerk. United Church, performed the Gere- guest over- the week -end with &rs- Draper, Fred Gibscn, Mildred Heard, molly. • Mr. and Mrs, McBride Will Wi'lliarll Luker and Missi Gladys Ruth Hearn, Mildred Jobb, Edna Lou reside in Stanley Township, Luker. , M�cbonald, Jean McDougall, George ' GODERICH TP. Kursinsky - Miller Mr. and Mrs. Garfield' Staubus ands Mustard!, Edith Pepper, Celestine ]rev, T. Luft" pastor of the Luther- daughter, Mande, of Detroit, wrere re - Shanahan, John Stewart. I 'Aliss Evelyn Dox, 'of -London, spent an (church, Dashw'ood< performed the cent visitors with, Mr. and' Mrs. Wm - Second'. Class Honours,—Margaret the ,:veep -(-,rd with''!her parents, Mr, ceremony on Saturday at tdle church Dabus. Campbell, Roy' Churchill, Jack Cook, and Mrs. Herb. Cox - in Dashwood. which united in mar- Mr. and Mrs, Alex Henry, Cassa Erma Fletcher, Margaret Fremlin, Mr. anti Mrs. Will Jervis and ,'Jr, riage, Madsine, daughter of Mrs. Min- City, Mich.; Mr. Dan Dufoun.d, Cass. Freda Hill, Keitdr Jacics'on, James E. J. TrewarVia returned home on nie Miller and .the late Otto Millor, City, and Mrs. Esther -Smith, of De - 1101)'b, 'Betty Mc}:wan, Berea. ,Mair, I� riday from Nipissing, where ' • they ' Hay Township, and Earle ICuvs•inslo-; I! oit, Crave re'turnied home following a: Barbara Soutt, Ronald Scott, Betsy sp'en't a few days bringing Miss Cora of Minden City, Mich, They will re- pilensant, visit spent with relatives, W'ilbiam.s. Trew-artha, who is engaged as teach- sicle at Mipden City. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McQueen, - Pass—Daugbas Andrews, Douglas,er there, home with them. Mr. E. M- Dagg, manager of the lo- In the recent school examinations' Bartliff, Carole' Buchanan, ,John Cam -Miss Eileen Astles is having a va- cal branch of the Bank of !\lontrenl, 'lx+1,a't Hensall public school, Flrc�d- er•on, Frank Cook, Marie Ellwood, cation. of a. couple of weeps in Do- is holidaying for two heels and will dice Rohinslan passed with honor;,,, l, Helen Hodgson, Vernon lluller, Tom trolt, visit relatives in 'Toronto and other which reflects muoh credit; on his Leppington, Ruth'. :Manning, John Mr. Cyril Proctor, of Toronto, spent points with his family. I teacher, Miss Beryl Pfaff. Merrill, Merrill, Shirley Nickle, Ray Potter, tyle holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess'artd Mr. Ibev. M. B. Parker, a former Ree- Price, Helen ittadford, William Mrs. Mary ,McGregor, of Detroit. ,ind Mrs. A. I', Hcs and two, sons, for of St, haul's' Anglican Church Seely, Charlie, Thompson. spent the, holiday with her sister, Mrs•, spent the w�oelc-(md it'ith relatives at here, and for the post. four years star Passed under. the provisions of R1'a- S. Emmerson. - Pontiac, ,Sieh. I boned at Morpeth pariG,h, and who Illation 1.0 (5) of th(, High Sebool F.n• Mr, and ]Vies. -J. E. Gascho and son, bas res,igned to take ad(lition'al coursl- .t)rance Regulations—Leon Hanley,I STANLEY Allan!, visit.od ri!lativC•a ;It Pigeon., es in Christian t-ducution at Colum - Blyth Centre A'iich_ and other points over the week big,. University, N. Y., w0iere he hope First Class IToncur Edna :1rr,h- Mr. lln.mld Walker of Peterborough end. to gain his M.A. degroe in that sub - ambault, William ELi ,t, Jack Me,';it11 called «n friends at Varna and Gos,h- 11 r. Jacob 1Zrichr'r1, w.,o was a JPCL, has been honored by his three D,oreen Phillips, Jean Sheppard, 11hy1• en l.ari: week. ,1 r. Walker is a son t' Fit p raJent at St. Jose^;r,lr'e; Hi:"dial, I.nn- charges at St. David's Chureb, Clear - Sl epherd, Donald Snell, DOrecul the late Rev. Walker, wigo was Inn, has' refurnwl to hitt home here ville, Mr. and Mrs. Parker were the, - Varves Vincent, Shirley Waliuct'• =.rttioned at Varna 49 years ago, and will continua to lah" treatments. recipients of a mantel clock with] Second . Class FI000lirs — Frances IVTr. Will. Palmer and daughter, Miss The 1st of July l)a.=,swo l off qu.etly chimers. Members of Trinity Angh- Johnston, Helen McGill, Jean 'pates- Ilcrx3., tirc.ompanied by the farmer's in the village. Many (,f the residents can Church ''r .• gresentec} Mr•_ Parke, ery, / brother, Mr. Philip 'Palmer, of the slpent tl,e day at points along the with a desk pen S'&t and Mrs. Parker Pass—Hobert Arthur, Leona penin- Sco, cabled on Yriends at 'Varna on lake. with a hand bag. The members of ger, Edythe Bcntley, William C,ai„ ' Sit n Cla y. St. John's Church, "M'orpeth, present- Margaret Crawl'ord Cliff(,d Kol.ly, Mr. and Len Saunders and ed the Rectorwith a purse of rnon } _ . he,r,re,t Nesbit, Elsie Patterson, P'(',P'(',.- rau::hter, of Detroit, visited with the mu.nd 11oll,aCSd, `Ross Radford, 'Thelma gENSALL Beadle.- Sims fo;mrr's cousins, Mr. Will Reid and Caven Prospbyt(,ricin Church, Exeter. Snelling,Jack Taulbl •n, Clifford y Mrs. Teen:;. Robinson on Sunday. Rc°eve F. Shatldicl;, Mrs. Shaddicrk was the scene of a pretty wedding on Watson. Mr, and Mrs. Paul .Jahn and son., and Judith sprnt she' wk(,olt•end and Vies. George B rdle, of London, O-nt.Wa1sh,.Jack S.C.I. LOWER SCHOOL Prizes to the. two 7)onatd, ar.'d fir. and Mrs. Fred Green- l'r::liduy with 17!', and Mrs. lla.rold Rev. D. C. Hill officiated, "The bride, are awarded bar • 'lnr son, ,n ROY, pupils ran•kin hi `rest in each class, y ' •1 ( li. y, of Flint, visited g g- Scruton and family at Port Dovor. Mrs. Medd, a 1'ormc•r minister's SaturdFty, -when. Ol�ive May, eldest daugjhter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sims the work of the whole r with the lady's sister, Mrs. Thomas year beir..� Robinson` and family. Rife, called on friraul.5 in Cuw'n and of Exeter; becannc the, bride :of Wil - taken into 9onsideration. A minimum was a miest at the home of Mr. and son' Jamies Beadle,son of Mr, and of 70 per cent is required or no award 'Mrs. J. W. Ot•twe'in, who was given in "marriage by her is made. The w:.uaers for 1938.39 are XIPPENwere Mr. and 'Mrs. A1r,ITW^mzh, or Toronto, father, was becomingly attired an an as follows: Sun -day viFitors in nor vili'40, afternoon. frock of aquamarine blue*. Poem V—est, Aldi© I:ckeat; 2nd. Mrs. Jessier Fraser, of Oxford, as well as Church ;ttc.nndants. M,s. cbltffdp, with *'hlte acceesori`ds.' Niisw Donald MacTavish. ,Eich., is vi-sitinrg at tthe p'ome of her Mclntosh (nee :Miss A. }Iardie) teas Winn'fred Judi, of London, a,ttend- Form IV -1st, Clara Dolma.ge; 2nd, brother, 37 r. V6'm. Anderson, of the it former resident of this village and ed th. bride, gowned in mauve ahif- ' no award. village. b'er• fI•ip.n&,, wen, pleased to sleet hPr• fon with white aCCeaSrprie3, Bpt'Cd -Form II1-1st, Edna Eckert; 2nd. 11r. nr.d Vers. Harvey Hubbard ante M}ss Minnie Reld 1111" returned• ,if- wore a dainty corsage of Johanma Hill Tore a McIver. Mr. 1hdvrilQ McClYmont, of Detroit, ter a motor trip kdd,i� in the 'Thou- roses. Mr. Leonard Beb,dle, brother Form 10-A---is.t, Winnifred Ru,se''.i; silent a few days' during the past s,•ind Island boat. till) and the New of (he ,groom, was" best man.. M'rs: 2nd, no award. weeic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. York World's Fair and reports a Coch,rarre pros,ided 'at the organ aodl Form 10-B—lst, Jas. Jamieson; 2nd, James Mc•Clym'ont, of the village, and' good time. during the signing of the register Mr, no award L cls:, at s. t the borne' of Mr. and Mr Mr. Ted Taman ween was holidaying Til,omas Brown, ,of London, sang, 'T -Farm 9-A—Ist, Wilma Hay; 2nd, Itobc•it Dayman,-of 'Tuelcersmith. hero with his wife at the home of Love Yaa Trudy." 'Me usrhers we're= Janie Moffat. M,•, and Mrs, Grant Love, of Lan - Mrs, Taman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Mervin Sims, of Exeter, and Mr - Form 9 -R --Na awards, t sir. g, Mich., vdsitled at lire home of C. A. McDonell, left here for his new Cyr'i1.Keenliside, of London. The, re - Prizes will be in the form of silver Ili,. Robert Cooper used. % y dur- home in Atwood, but :Vers. Taman will ceptA*n wtas theld at the home of urea' dollars to commemorate the visit of in„ the past week. remain for a time here with her par- bride's parents, after which the hap - the Kin and King Queen. 117 r. and Mrs. Emerson afford, of cora. Py couple left are a motor frig lei' re Lowe School promotions are bas- St. Thomas visited at the 'borne of The Mason's of Huron Lodge No. North Bay, ed, o ed' on the pupil's ability to the the latterr's brother and sister-in-law, 224 and also members of neighboring The recently completed garage, er- of i,he next higher grade :s Mr. and Mrs. W. Jy of the Mellis, lodges, intend attending annual di- ected by Mr, Or•villie Tw•iteihiell, to re - shown throughout the year in class- village, vine servrce aa, the Evangelical place fine budlddnig destroyed 'bp fere' room application; homework, and ,1 r. Thus. Butt, of the village, bad . Thatunie Church at Zurich on the coming Sun, last winter, is ,exciting favorable - class tests, as wed as fina'1 examine,- the during the week to day eveniing, Jluy 9th, and will meet comment. Of rug brick, the bundang' tion's. All•• -pupils have beetl•'notified 'meet with- a painful accident.. While the emergent meeting in the lodge isl 35 x 40 feet and waJs erected b p by mail re regarding their results. going from his (awn place to that of rooms roams here at six o'clock. James Sangster and Charles WoTEe<. The following pupils of Grade X his brother, whiob is situated on t'h'e no The three local ohurch services on of Hensall. have been promoted to Grade XI and town line, he was sideswiped by a last were conducted by their The Oddfellows of H,ensall Lcldger will in due course receive Intermedi- truck which resulted, in some bad pastors with good attendance and at No. 223, intend liolding annual depur- ate Diplomas --Hazel Anderson, Frank cuts to -his face and the loss of .a the United Church the Sacrament of a.tion servic'e's sof the graves on San- Casson. Ross Coutts, Frank Dever- tootb. He was attended by Dr. Steer the Lord's Supper was obs•erve'd at day, meeting at thie munumenft: ilk eaux, Thelma Dolmage, Mary Duncan, of Hensall and will be laid up fora the morning service with a very im- front of the Town', Hatt at 2 o'elac,t Leonore Ed'ler, Dorothy Gallop, Mar- few days. Both truck and: ear were pressive sermon by the pastor; Rev. and at the FI'ensall Undan Cenreberp garet Hudson, Lorne 'Ibbotson, James dramaged. Norman Lever, of Clinton', Mr. R. A. Bro•olt, Evening servdce at 2.30, ,and from them will pcvet9edt Jamieson, Elizabeth MacLeod, Ed- i,nvestiga.ted. We hope in a few days anl'y was 'h:eid in Carmel Presbyterian to McTaggartttt eembeUely. ward McIver, Margaret McDaid, Nev- to gee Tom out and around again. Church owing to an exchange made Mrs, Norukun Cook and daugW", ille McMillian, : Hazel McNaughton, � Mr, and Mrs4 Vern Terrgber-ry and and arranged with the sister con re- g Migg Norms, 'have Insturnedi from a Elizabeth Matthews, .lean, Mills, Ev- ebiklnen, of Cattam, visited at the mon at Exeter during the summer Wes sant trip to New York to take elyn Rivers, Wilda Ross, Winnifred home of Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. McCly- hollidays. The service in July will be in the great World Pair bedng fleeter Russell (Honours'), Marian Sclater, moat of the village during the past 7n the evendng and in August in the there. Ma Stewart, Annra, Watson, Haze] Mary week. miming, tib,e pastors of the ,two Mr. Alfred, Tagdwrr is being •visfrbetg, Wilson, Lois Wright. gh Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, ac- eburcheis alternating, by 'hits sister, Mrs. Fenner, of Moo Maxin,e Stanbury ,and Bruce Wright companied by Mr, and Mrs. Wra. R ' Death of David Nicol treal. will be granted, diplomas when satis- Cowper, spent the week end at Tole David Nicol, a much respected Council Meets factory evidence is given that tbey er•mory, I residmA of Hensall for over 50 years, The 'regular meeting of the viifaMw have comtpleted their supplementary Mr. and M'ra. Aliviu McBride ,of passed away at his home here on council was ,held Monday eventing at reading. Stanley, have .returned hams after The following pnpols will be allow- s:pen,ding a few days at the Wo^id's , Saturday forenoon. He had been in declining health for s,om.e five years, 8 p.m. in tih'e counxri'] chamber• wit:k all m'ember's being ed to proceed to Grade XT condition- Fair in, New York, 'suffen*ng fr bronchial and 7Neart present. X,hwttaw of t'he, previmm meeting were reald- ally. They will be put back to Grade Miss Wta Jarrett, of Toronto, is trouble. Hew s a. sons of the, late Mr. Jones and' Twitchell: That th•e 1niv- X during the first term next sobool spending her vacation at tyre ilomeof and M,rs. Alex . Ndcol, of the Town- utes be adaptes read, Carrie& Low d',a year is sa.tis(fa.etory application and, her mother, Mrs. Isaac Ur,ott, of ship of Hallett, wth'ere he was born. Heddien meported re there being some; progress are not shown: Richard the village. He bad' . an active life, bei'n'g a. man- ]row catch llasin's, also thte cieurc'11 Box, Hugh Doig, Thomas Kale, Isa- Mr, Charr•l:es, Al'exand'er is adddn;• a bel McKellar, ager in Carmel Pres,byt(-Han Church shed roof nleeding' nlailing dow•nt- ItrFr_ Audrey MCGavin, Mer- ,few nice improvements to his dwel- and for a time a schiaol trustee and Frank Fingland appeared for the vine Nott, John Patrick. ling which the recently purc3ased.. The following have been, promoted He has a,t the time Mr. village councillor, He was'' 'marrie'd in the 1890 to several farm ownters along vaath T_ present Wil- from Grade TX to Gr9d:e X—E. Ban- son Carlisle, of Hensratl, erecting a year Miss Elizabeth BoU01`00, second daughter of the Sih•erritt ,and W. Soldiarw ' mus r dsf: getting more tban non, P. Barry, F. Bell, I. Butson, E. nice porch to the front of his house, late Mr, and Mrs. James Bonthron, a fAX minis exemp- tion. N!o ,action, taken. Correspme- Carmpbell, J. Cherie, N. Dexter, A- wbiah, when finisbied, will add much kert, Sr,, a9d' who predeeealsted (him a num- ence read': J. J. Taylor, Ltd., Tliluir Dunlop, T. Eoon: J. Farquhars, M. to its 'appearance. Finnigan, W. 'Hay (Honours), E. ber of years ago, He 3•e, survived by Cap & Regalia, Hydro ETectrie Mr. and Mrs. John Witcombe and Lane, Molder, D. Mackenzie, I:, two s'o'ns, James and Williiam, of Hen- , mission, F, nngl.and, F. Dalvn46l3y,. ,Rita daughter, of Inger'stall, spent a few Moffat, J. Moffat, A. Moore, I. Mow- (lays at the home of Mir. Wan. Moore gall; one daughter, Miss Amy, bav- ing died a good many years agio, He County Clerk, Qpun,ty Tr"amtmr. Tawe of Gaderrfch, btray, S. Oldfield, M, Pethick, R- Pret- during the past week. Iis also survived by ,one sister, Mrs, Mrs. G. Brock an$ family, Dept, of Hlghways, fil-• Cooper, south ty (Con, .ltibnat), J, Rapson, B. Sand- Mr. and Mrs. Charlesnibs ford, E: Samv,Jldon, L Soli,tbgate, TT. Potter, of Blyth, and two brath'er, ,S,a'me ed. Bills 41,nd acc'ou. were read av of Henesall, visdtod at ,the 'home of Mr. Ai• borough, R. Devereaux, R. Dol- n$ VVes]ey Alexander, of Washd'ngtop, and' James Wneouver. falTows: J.. MR7linicQley, beamuls are and Mrs, French' of the vie mage (Con!d'ltiodgl), Forbes', K. of Tei„e funeral, Which streets, $12.60; V. Datale Tabor ala .K. lags during ,the week, Harri'awn, L. HJCknell, K. Keating, M. , was •privraltel, was I el,d 'On Monday afternoon lash with fnterm'en•t in H'eu- streets, $3.90; R. Ryle, Tabor on. 1VTCilwlillaa,' C. Rdss, F. Ryan, He Scott, y��y ”" rZMCH sall VnIOD Cemetery. The service at streets, $4.00;T. Huddleston, labor om sltreetts, $4; T. Riebarft,lyn, labor J. Soutehgste. the bome was conducted by Rev, W, em streets, $4; D. Kyle, Iabor on streets_ e�rwr�ar.�- �urn6 - Meaner A. Young, 'paishor of the church in, wthich the dleil asked had long $4; H. Fostdr, labor on s'treeta, $2.713;' On Saturday, July 1s the mar HI:BBE�T' '� so been a very regular attendant A, McG>i• a trucking, O. - . riage ceremonty was performed, by Council Meets Rev. E. Burns at the 66m�e sof the and to w'hidh MT. Yoran, 5 g pafdl high tribut'e:. ng ger, beamdag at park, $2.60; C4lmnty' 2.50 of Huron, hospital indigent, $28; Irm- Tiho Hl3'bbert tawarrshi:p council met }bride's parents w(hJ'ah uwited Cather- The pallbear�r$ wene Thos, Welsh, Alfred Taylor, Th�os�: Iiudis'on, Aerial Otd Ltd., road, oIT, $6132.23; Itia1+- in thie Townisihip Hall, Staffa, 'on Tdes. Ine Amar, daughter 'df Mr. a'nd Mrs. Wm. Davidson' ThOe, Richardson. 'and• Joe man Hta m y e1' Ce., floor powder, hoc; day, July 4th., for'tbe our'polae of hold- J. W. Merner, of town, and Carr A. Hagan. A quartette ,entitled, Muir Cap & Tbemlia, Ltd., pollc+e belt, Ing their •regul>atr mlonthly m'edting, Barna, sign of Rev. and' Mrs. E. Burns, A W'aysd'de Cross', was feelingly $7.02; Caok Bnas., service fire tract" The Clerk was authorized, to write of Milvelit+om Mr. land Mrs: Burns ,end aped and unaccompanied, $1.00; H Hydro 'Camimis�ion, Hydlro fox Utile Bell Tele ,e Co. giving therm .Will' reside at ffiIlvertow. 1►11Q4n g panied, by Wm. A. MacLaren, Rev, W. A. Young, James hall,' $4,72; J. A. Paterson, salary attdt permmelsdon to tdit itneea on C'onees- Howald - Klapp gelngough and Robt. Y. MacLaren.' elcpen,ses, $112.65; Lc 1#eaddien, salJary., $55. 'T'btal, ofronld 2 . and, 3. A Ye#alYltloal was Ruev. ]v', Tnerkh'eim performel'dt the The floral tributes were $94&92,oo Jones rps,s§ierl 'dleac?aaring" l�oand�iq; Au$�ugit '?, "oare4uorty pan' 'July list -at. the, Luther- very b4auti- fol. T3eoealsercl ogp '&r That accounts as read. bac an pamnage United Vola S-, was in 11is 77th year cord wl.l} lnudh missed' p,ajd. pai(t. L+axried. ITortont aur], Ta*itlliinelR-J dlaughter of M,r.goh paid. M._.F. Klop , and vnis�md. for] adnAi�hYtbe,x of haanftl WWII M •a, targe fr circle of f'ri'ends, beilleg a IYIaII Thlat we adjourn. -Jas: A. Fat�+rstsnf, Vrelfe k9te'd by 1409. _ A large -ger- Glordon J' 4ward'r, ran, of. Mr, Mrs. of a glees saeial d4sJ)o8JtJ'on; Clerk. a I r ,, I (Ck)llrl>Q,nWd all Page 6). , iijoi • A ,� , ' • k`l ' r. ,. w y , t c. P , ,, , ,�5 ,fir T ] n jYI', 4 e ;,9 ll `, la, t"i 1)X:1 tti (Lye a hd,.r t i s f rl . F r !y ,r,,a y,, r t py Ifat, y, fl''i �., .r tYif{1'yr,L!A'dn')n t. 13. °.Lit', 1 l y..IH :11 Aid i' 4} :l,i' ,Y fi', W. u.,,,l l {.t >P11':"tit �Y �t y...•}�, ( h t .,l v.F..1 'F „Ir i .,,, :i. ,,..,lyk.r t,.,*, .:. 1.. .,, �r, t:' .. tf P•. .u,,.,,:, 1.111 `. .?, .. ,. ,., ar ., kf, ,it, - .,.I>„ ,,r4P {�.. :,r, v , f } ,,::, , 4 !ti,wiM P' JriY ll.'1:1. f i. 'ili'W rA 'd 1S, +T M1 } ;''+(.qt d 1._ l�:' b,; t.., .,,ry;;,i. > '�s,l•L. .:r /r,�1� s1 i(.i .11. iw ,"i itSiA!'''Yt •�:;, Fk(oiid,, a.,.?.1 a,t.. ,.,. .[c,.'SW.c. .�!:klt a ,:., r..,- ....t w e. ,. „ YS.: �:': . t . `V 1i { 1 5 tie .t7. .h'. ," a I.%r1.: �x Ir?'ti-t,, i. ,° ", is f 'it;, `•-- :J.. . AiL,., n >, .:„ ,...,,h , . tw.t ... 11$t, .. °4 „P.ii..,, .+,..}:.... ..: A 1 J v