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The Huron Expositor, 1939-06-16, Page 8
dt; ij t.� titer job t tal TOC ages 25c map COW Filtro g 15c ORANGES. 25c CHEESE—IStolet and 25c gau7nd ..... MOW S°IW. 2 .1tLars 25c $3i8INER--c`.au' , �C Vrelit CUP TEA—With cup andRau- t; rep Meg and Queen on. n c p & SANDBORN DA'I'esU 3sc Ask about Charles McCdrthy's big brook, liBAT •i+LEIICHMAN'S HIGH VITAMIN YEAST—Eaeb, .... T! Jlfc A 4 Vi4Yean'in Tonic Food MAIRBOL SOAP 4 Cakes .A5c •49, X. SOAP • 8 .Bars 25c MILACK CAT FLOOR WAX 23c Can mums -rows GROWING MASH $2a1 8 cwt. il A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 WE SPECIALIZE IN. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service, Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REiD - Proprietor Molle 214 Seaforth SPECIALIST IN ALL LINES OE INSURANCE Announcements --Mr. and Mts. 1d. `. Soave, of Restinga, 300h. to; an aieeeee the enet+eaetnefat of their Dote daugh- ter, MiiuVla Losiisae. to Martin L'yita,, sea of Mrs. Mabel Jae, of Torenbo,,and, ithe hats Martin Jex, of Cabatg, the wedding to take place -in Hastings on July salt. Junior Institute Meets.—Phe Junior W ometes Institute heed a very emjoy- able meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gordon Papple. After ',tlhe roll 'salt, which was a.niswer- ed by a health rule, the president, Thelma Digie,.;book the, chair for the busiveessg meeting- Mrs. Oldfield was appointed convenor of Home Ec0n- 01114cS and Mrs, i':ldeta 'Kean' of the a n o le committee, Mrs. Leonard Strong then took ,cherge of the pro- pene Mm Charles Eyre gave an inrteresL ng reeport of the di'stmiot an- nual convention. A 'health deraonstra- tion was ably given by Miss Annie Lawrence, wire otiose as her subject, "Bandaging." Dr. E. A. McMaster, the 000,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 "'> S. T. Holmes & Son 0' 0 FUNERAL smiviCEE O 40 Main Street, Seaforth .O o O 0 S. T. Holmes, residenee O P! Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O,.,,, No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 4 residence, Goderich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 308- 0 Ambulance Service O O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 EY rest. O , © Night calls, Atone 308 O ,? . Day calls, Phone 1194 O O Charges moderate. - O O 12-37 O 400000000000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX O 4 FUNERAL SERVICE O • Licensed Embalmer. O 'v Ambulance Service 0 eLT Hospital Bed O 0 with adjustable rachet oper- O O ated spring for rent O O Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 12--3? 0 004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF IT RON, r,,,,, Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seafot•th, Office hours: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday. 1.30 p,m. to 5 p,m Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 pm E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Bays & Meir, and the addition of thit companiesto our p'revioas facil- ities enables us to give unexcelled service in all lines. SEAFORTH •▪ ONTARIO 10-87 E McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COT. IIEAD OFFmg — SEAFORTH, ONT. • OFl+'ICERS: ?OWL Hoytan, 6 Elifceth - Pres. Elihrm.an011, Londesboro - Vice -Pres. lillerfAntA Reid, Seatorbh - See. -Trees. DIRECTORS: Mann ni Knox, Lmide boyo; George L bTh t, Btoddbagen; ' Jaanese gen, $101, 404erleaIt; Ai'es7L Brondfoot, R. , $, " ?folriftlr; Aleexa,'nder hicTh.litg, is iilpatii • Frank WinGtegor it,. R. Jiinee Sholi ifs,. Walton; Maplan,. R. R. 5, Se :, rth; 11t: - reliibatil, IL R. 4, Bealiattrair - SPECIALS IN PERMANENTS by Jean Smith of Stratford Ont. Contmercial Hotel MONDAY, JUNE,, 19th Phone 227 for Appointments_ GARDEN PARTY tee. . on Mrs_ Woods' Lawn WALTON THURS., JUNE 29th under auspices of Duff's United Church, Walton_ "THE HAPPY COUSIN'S" from Elmira, orifi present the program.. SUPPER SERVED from 6 to -8 p.m. Admission: 35c and 20c READY FOR SUMMER DRIVING ? You Get Thousands of "Miles of Economical Transportation in One Of Our BVITER Ford V-8 '37 Coupe Ford V-8 '37 Coach Ford V-8 '35 Sedan Ford V-8 '34 Coach Ford A '31 Sedan Ford A '30 Light Deliv- ery Pontiac '35 Coupe Hu-pmobile '32 Sedan Plymouth '29 Sedan Star '26 Coupe J. F. Daly Ford -Mercury Dealer Phone 102 - Seaforth eftettetteetei tom, ga'PT is,ve'rr genet. native leer terx '+1y diagilee Wal meat t faaz' thie !dre?fedw , .+ = ; < Follows tag.the efeelrese. a 111usdaGat number 'wa>a gliveiL be Meet Vietam Lee and Mus, , Rayimoned. Nlatt. After a leetelltY vote of thanks to the s,peakerls and hostess. the Meeting u1 gaute t and dMrn was servelat Goforth Band Meets.•—The Goforth Mission Band held their regular meet- ing on Monday, June 12th, In honor of the visit of Their Majesties, two venees of the National Antitear were sung, after wihich the Lord's Prayer was repeated. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. followed by the roll call Business was discussed and the eollectlon was taken. Violet Dupes book the chair for the devotional period- Hymn 391 was sung, followed by the Scripture reading by Bertra a Sproat. Mrs. D. H. Wilson gave a very interesting missionary talk, and sentence prayers were read by Jean McMaster, Doris Ferguson and Helen Smith. Joan McMaster read a story entitled, "•A Family Mite Box," after wiridh the snaeting closed with the bemaedactian,. C. Y. O. Adjourns For Summer.— The last regular meet -ire of the C. Y. O. until 'next Sebpteenber, was held, in the parish hall on Frfdhhy evening with ,soma, thirty members present. The meeting disfcrosed streamer activities, such ae softball, etc. The president and other representatives gave a summary' of the general meeting of district C.Y.O. executives w'hicth was ,held• in Goderich. The program con - stelae of a humorous ventriloquist aot' I by David Bolton: A short reading by Leo Hagan was followed by a shadow boxing contest W rich wars enjoyed by alL The meeting was these adjourned. Ch urch es "Come and worship, come and worship, 'Worship•,Chrlest the New -Born King" Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —St Thoma -s' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr_ Hurford, Rural Dean — 11 a,m., '•Loyalty"; 7.30 'p.nk, "Studies in Acts •—Tho Beginning of the Church"; Sun- day School at 10 a.m. Nortrheide United Church—Rev, H. V. Ielovemaan, Minister -10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 aim., "The Generosity ..of Love"; 7 pen., "God's Perfect Judg- ment"; 7.45 p. -m., Thursday, Prayer Meeting; Communion Service on June 251111, First Presbyterian Church—Sunday school at 10 a.m.; teeming subject, "Temperate in 'All Things"; evening subject, "A Comparison in Coven- ants"; mid -week meeting at 8 p.m.. Thursday.—Rev. Haugh Jack, Minrister- Egmondeilie •Church—Morning sub- ject, "Saul's Disobedience"; evening subject, "A View of Christ Through a Great Hymn."—Rev. A. W. Gard- iner, •Minaistetir- i McCartney - McLachlan —A beauti- ful cedar arch decorated with peoanies and iris formed an effective back- ground for an interesting wedding on Saturday. June lOti, at the home of M. and Mrs. John A. McLachlan, when their younger daughter, teazel Elizabeth, became the bride of John Wilson McCartney, son of Mrs. Me- .Cartney and the late Geoege R. Mc- Cartney, of Tuckersrnith_ Rev. A. W. 'Gardener, of F)gmonadrveale United Church officiated and the wedding nnvsoc was played by Miss Margaret Grieve, friend of the bridge. The bride, given in marriage by her father, laok- ed lovely in a white silk lace dress over taffeta, She wore her 'mother's wedding veil !read in 'place with or- H-F.A. Football Seaforth at Winthrop Friday, June 16th' at 6.15 pan. Here It Is A Prepared List of 215 Models of 'Refrigerators sold in the U. S. A. and Canada and showing how popular the Forced Draft Ventilation is with aft the better models. No. models with No, models with - Forced Draft Cooling out Forced Draft Cooling WESTINGHOUSE 14 HOTPOINT 14 COPELAND 13 STEWART-WARNER 10 GALE . CON'TPNENTAL 8 7 DAYTON NIAGARA 7 GiLFALLAN * 7 LEONARD, DE LUXE MODELS 7 GIBSON, DE LUXE memee,S 7 COLD SPOT 6 NORGE MASTER REF=RIGERATORS 6 Standard LIN.P,VERSAL COOLER 6 POTTER 5 O'KEEFE & MERRiTT 4 SNOWBIRD 4 ZERO ZONE 3 GAFFERS & SATTLER 3 GENERAL ELECTRIC (foreon gas) 3 Using S 02 13 KELVINATOR, 7-9-11 Cubic Feet 3 12 ZENITH DE LUXE 1 Standard 5 FRiGiDAiRE COLD WALL 1 14 • Von will notice that /the _better Refrigerators are equipped with Forced Draft Ventilation, You will also notice' that approxi- mately 70 par cent of all refitigeratorns have Forced Draft Ventilation. We are very Weed to annournee we have in stock the New 1939 West, in>gbaouse Refrigerators, the catty ref'tigeratofr that automatically Bolds your food art tlbe temperature you .s'eleVt, no matter a bow hot your kit- chen gets. You can purelfase a Westinghouse for only 10 per cent ;down and as toga' as •$4.60 Iker months on, peyxnet ts. See Our Nod'e's. Standard Standard 2 5 5 i:, Main St. SE ::FO TH me Cooking Sale Ulrich auspices of DUFF'S U$1TED CHURCH iScoit'sr 'Vacant Store SEAPORTS SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Ay 3 P.M- ange blossoms, and carried a shower• bouquet of Red Templar roses, and baby's 'breath. "The bride andAnt wePe unattended. After a �dng' dinner served by the bride's two cous- ins, Thelma J1gie and IsaaibeI Forrest, to the imimediete relatives, the bride asstd. grodm left amid showers of good writhes for a short trip to the United' States, the brit; travelling in Pustule a han dJ-embilpidered steer dress with white coat, hat and accessories. Onf their return :they will reside near Brucefleld, Pninr to her marriage the Rebekah ladies were eititertained at ter hone and expressed good wished >aral left numerous gift,. Also on Thursday afternoon the neighbors oft the 6th and 7th concessions gathered at her home and presented tier with glassware. The same evening at the home of Mrs. John Watson in Eg- mondville, the ,beide was the guest of homer at a kitchen shower under the raauspices Of the Neil Shaw Mission Circle, of which the bride was a mem- Alert Band Meets.—Tire Alert Mis- sion Band of Northside United Church held their monthly e:>esting in the Sunday school room of the church on Tuesday after/emote with an attend- ance cif thirteen. The meeting open- ed with the ,hymen, "Can A Little Child Like Me," followed by prayer by Mrs Christie, after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in • uni- son, The Scripture was , read by Lois: Hoggarth and Edna Galtop sang, 'We Are' Part of Britain." After the minutes the moll was cal/ledand the cablection was taken up by Betty Weedamaark, The hymn, "Little Drops of Water" was sung. Gwendolyn Chnisatrie sang, "Daffodils and Daisies," and Mrs. Barber told a story, "Flor- ,ette, a Good Neigahbor," The m'e't- ing was closed by sinagimag, "When He Cometh," and repeating the Mizpah benedictions_ Northside W. M. S. Hears of Prob- lem of Refugees.' ---The regular meet- ing of the W. M. Society was held in Northside United Church on Thurs- day, June St'h. The president, Mrs. H. V. Workman, hada 'targe of the de- votional and business, period. The minutes were ready and roll called by the secretary, Mns. A. L. Porteous. The treasurer gave her report, ,and Mrs. C. C. Koine, rtewapetrance secre- tary, gave a reading and the supply s'eceetary, Mrs. Grieve, reported that the 'Bate had been sent away. Circle VI with Mrs„ John Finlayson in charge as captsaine then took charge. A Bible reading was given by Mrs. Joe Scott- The topic, "Should We in Canada Admit ,,Refugees," was well taken by Mrs. W. A. Cridti, Miss Lawr- ence and Mrs.:W. Hay. It was de- cided to have a s'ooiaal picnic on the churdiu grounds en Jone 23rd at 3 p.m. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. H. V. Workman. LOCAL or lntan- LOCAL -BRIEFS • Mrs. J. •O. Rose, of Guelph, was a week --and guest at the home of Mr. Jobn r - John Beattie. • Mr. and Mm Warren Amenit and family; of Detroit, spent the weekend at the home off Mr. Ament's parents, Me -and Mrs. William Amen& • The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church will hold a sale of 'home bak- ing and afternoon tea in Scott's vac- ant store on Friday afternoon, June 23rd'. • Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield and daughter, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the horn of Mr, and. Mrs. J. A. Case_ , • Mr. Murray, Savaruge, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sav- a uge. • Mr. Murray Smillie, of Toronto, and Mr. Stewart Smdfllie, of Se Cath- ar-irres, were ceiling on old Seaforth friends on Sabird'ay. • Mrs. Ernest Geddes and Miss Mary were in 'London last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Etndzeneerger of Detroit, were week -esti guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills_ H.F.A. Football dommumemmomus ST. COLUMBAN vs. SEAFORTH MONDAY,' JUNE 191h Recreation Grounds SEAPORT'S 6,3o p.m. ADMISSION: Gents 20c • Ladies & Children 15c mommomoimmonmeoriif •row Wool Wanted Highest Market Price Delivered in Egmondville . H. Vh Jaciso'n • r :hone W BEAFOfTH'r y ONT. • Mos Morior4 1oke-11, •Aof Tor ttq, 1 f, t the weekend, with hey Pale a'pd. Mz9. ':Willfatte Bitl]s6P1, .. • Mn. end Mea. jreee fid these' Leone, of Witzglbaan `were/ the Sunday guests of. Mr. Iwo grip. $..t2, Mwir. • Mr8. George Weir has reti}rn's& Bram Anderson, .Sella Case ,lea, to alpeassil the earamer menthe at her Itomze 'here: • Mise Elizabeth ,McLean and Mies Mau Anditson, of T,ozorato, event the, week -enol' at the "home of Mr. and Mrs K. M. McLean. •' A straw^berzyofestival under the 'auspices of Egmondville Church choir will be hold tun the cahhrrch lawn ooi Wednesday, .June 2Sth, • ,Misses Mary .and Dore Oughton and Meessnrs. A1'Ired Phillips and Al- bert Friday, of Tomoarato, were the weekend guests' of Mr. and Mrs, Jno. J. Solater. • Mrs. F. D. Hutchison is spenddeng the, summer at her home there. • The ten is .efourt at the North- side United Ohurch 'Maas been fixed up, and; is now ready for use. • Mr. and Mire. a C. Bien owe, of Bieniait, Saskatchewan, are guests at the Mame of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Moffat. • Prof. Brenton Kerr of Buffalo is visiting relatives stere this' week. • Dr. E. H. MCGavin and Mrs. Me - Garvin, of Windsor, called on the I rme'r's sister, Mrs. Ralph Elliott, during the week. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckant return- ed home after visiting ,his daughter, Mrs. Leo McKay, in Detroit, taking in places of interest in the city. • nese Ralph Elliott and Mr. Ander- sae Bell were guests of Mr. and Ws. Jahn McGavin and Miss Mary McGav- in in 'euckersmith during the pmt week. • Misses Angela and Bessie Eckert and Miss Celestine" O'Leary, teachers in Bruce County, 'spent -'the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert and Mr. and Mrs. A.Ibino O'Leary. • Miiss •Olive Laidlaw is visiting friemads in/ Toronto. • •Mrs. W. B. Hatton, who has 'been visiting her Mother do Eg1110ndville, Mrs. James, Sproat, returioed to her home in Tudor, Alta. ties week. • Mrs!. Jean Haigh and 1¥I'iss. Mary Haigh ,spent the week -end in Lucknow, • Miss Mary Welcker, of the Sea - 'forth Clinic, was, called 'home on Sat- urday owing to the death! of her bro- ther, who was killed near Tavistock that day. • tetra. Edith Pudner, of Egmiond- vi'Ile, went to Scott Memorial Hospital en Thursday morning to undergo a serious/ operation. ' • Mrs. Robert ,Coates, of Louden, is a greet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Am'ent. • Inspector Kinkead, of Goderich, made his oieeici'al visit to .the Seaforth public school this week. • Mrs. J. A. Brodie, of Toronto, was a. recent guest with, her smother, Moss. R. J. Beattie. • Mr. a'erd', Mrs. Russell Kirkpatrick and M.isas Eleanor Kirkpatrick were guests' of Rev. and Mrs. H. V. Work- mate • Mr. Joseph Eckert has left for Sturgis, Ont., to resume his duties with the King Construction Co. • Mrs. F. Culdmore and Miss Nancy were guests of he's molter, Mrs. J. F. Reid Last week. • Mr, and Mrs. K. M. McLean were in Tar'odto this week attending the graduation of their • son, .Nir, K- L McLean, from Osgoode Hale. • Mrs. Hugh McKay, Sea•forth, Mrs. Harvey Mason, Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daley, of McKillop, on Friday attended the graduation. at Hamilton General Hospital, when Mies Nora Meyers, daughter of Mr, Harry Meyers, of Massachusetts, U. S. A., was one of the graduating nurses. • Mrs. F. S. Brugger attended the graduation of Miss Frances Brugger at Alma College, St. Thomas, on Tues- day. • Mrs. R. C. Henderson, of Hamil- ton, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs, Robert Bell, has returned to Hamilton. • Dr. W. C. Sproat and Mrs. Sproat were in Hamilton Wednesday, Dr. J. C. Goddard, of Hamilton. will act as assistant to Dr. Sproat, return- ed with them. • Mr. and Mrs. t•Iugh Sproat, Miss Patricia and Mr. Rowanle Sproat, Mr. Walter, Barry and Miss Betty Terswil" lager of Detroit, were week -end gatg is of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. MANLEY Miss Bernice Manley is at home this week making 'preparations' for the ex- ams ,next week at the Collegiate In- stitute, Seaforth. Mr. John A. Eckert made a business trip to Sarnia to get repairs for his threshing mite . He also visited) in Detroit and was accompanied, by his sister, Mrs. John Murray, Jr., and iVtr. James McQuaid. He also visited with his sister, Mrs. Leo McKay, iu Detroit. They returner] Tuesday after taking in the sights in the city. The cool weather has curtailed the spread of insects. Quite a number attended the Holy Name Rally in Clinton last Sunday. 4— WINTHROP Mips McNeil received word that her brother, Alex McNeil, of Brussels, had passed suddenly away *bile talking to his wife Saturday night. The fun- eral was teld from the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon_ We extend our syinpabhe to those that are tett to mourn the lose of a loving busfband, father and 'brother. Mr. Elton/ Hoist, of Gravenburst, spent the weekend with bis mother, who has been ill, 'but is able to be around again,. Seaforth play football with Win- thsYvp in Wfntfrre'p Friday night. tette hope this is a good, clean. game, and ibat the ball Is kept in the football • arroa. Messrs. Sarah and •Holmfes, of Mil- verton, are busy with their ditching nrlachiue on the tome of William Mc- Spadadaen and Irwin Trewaarthia. They do a great job. Mn. and Mrsi Foster Bennett, Mona asadi Billie, ei'sltedrMm. and Mrs', Geo. Eaton on Sunday. ST;. COLUMBAN .� OU 4 GUYS SO.,,.� CIE f4� rRt7" .. Paramount News Brings you Pio- Treat lteucselt .. tures pf King and Queen Landing • to a Treat,. In Canada. Mom, Tues., • Wed. B4 Itee sings! "A Wandering Minstrel, 1", "!he Flowers; that Bloom in the, Spring, tri-lan' "Herois a Pretty' How De -do" NEXT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY INGPALACE RINK SEAFORTH Saturday, June 17th, 8 1 p.m. Featuring SAILOR SMITH, Goderich, vs. OTHELLO MATTEUSSi, Guelph, at 175 'lbs. MURRAY 'WILLIAMS, Egmondville, vs. THE FLASH, at 135 lbs. ALSO FOUR OTHER FAST'BOUTS WRESTLING ADMISSION 135c HENRY LAVIQUE vs. MONDU BRODDGE. Best two out of threes falls, LADIES 25c Fitzpatrick. Mr. Jos!evph Kale acted as+ chairnramb. Arnangementts were made to hold a geodes) party on July 26th_ Donations were offered for prize on tickets, the drawing of which will take ,place on the evening of the slooiaL " Other attractions will be decided on later. Recent Visit/ors: John McIver and Frank Moyeaan:, of China Mission Cot - lege, Scarboma Bluffh; Eiwyen Morris of St. Peter's Seminary, London, inhere ise hes. secured the degree o8 Bache - lar la Arts, with iris mother, Mrs. Wm'. Morris; Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Moy- lan, of Kitchener, with Mrs. P. O'Sul- livan; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dick, of Sudbury, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Downey. The galore of football between Sea-- f!omtlr and St. Cbolunmban on Monday - evening resulted in a tie. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring — Shell makes in each season, a gasoline specially blended to suit the weather. Possible because world-wide Shell must make different'gasolines for every known climate. In my sealed pumps now is the special Shell gasoline for Summer. Try a tankful. H. WESTON, Seafoitl', Ont ?'t GODERFCH STREET, WEST 'AP SPECIAL! AYLMER BEANS WITH PORK SPECIAL! SUNFLOWER SALMON•P FANCY SPECIAL! BRIGHT'S HEAP r SYRUP PEACHES FANCY SPECIAL! MELIOR MUSHROOMS 14 -oz. ege 016 � ? j'. in + SPECIAL! MOTHER PAItiCEii'S?YELLOW LABEL ^' , BLACK TEA * 26( SWEET MIXED PICKLES ro r 28.c. SPECIAL! BEAVER " SLLIEEERRIES3 2; 25C ins N PE IASALt BAY51D'Na 4 SIE .i o, 2 2 250 T SPECIAL!'HUTTON'S VEAL, HAM G TONGUE Tin 090 FIRGTROLL$ 229* lbs.' SOAP GOLD • 'ear 040 A meeting. of tine Molly Mains So- eiety Band ,the C. W. L. VMS bald im ttila MIA V1' 0n; Medd.* terg' uildio ah>;e dtirexetiitaau �f Rev; `a 'els t x �aaa" rlr •