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The Huron Expositor, 1939-06-16, Page 3
M r -� , c 11 I' , , . , . rtir air- jabs4 �', . Q r iMi . it •,t1,., Jas l,', . 7G.Y- .1 ,-,, w h,,• .. .. ......., ...• .. .. -. .. . a . uu K WI&I~KI"Y PRQitiRAM HIGHi,- ARTi Fw,.ty! 'ill is w-10.30 a,."u . I 141II 100 Amba ; 1Ja 110, "1�elr 3' MIS„ 1.)s ,ip'.x„ "CId±RP "; 7, .'`-" , U] {,,,,,,,7, 1 d4.il=Ji SatwftY, June 17•"--10,310 as n., SAW bO; =4ri, Vxam , CKNX H1111-Hdllftes it 4.30, Duo bar, Spring 71ciders; 7.45 r 'CKNX Born Dance. ' e 1111day, June 7.8=-•12.30 p:m-, Sun s day's Mail Barg; 1.15, Scott PatJtersotn, o 1.-0,, Melltadfy Time; 7, Rev. K. Me e Lean', a Monday,Jane 19j--11.30 S.ML, "`P,e lei i, M1acGregOr"; 6,30.p.m•, "Hurt ThrobE r• ,of the H¢919"; 7, "Light tip and Lis ten"; 8, Kenneth Rantoul. TuesdhY, June 20-11,30 a,m,, "Pet er MacGiregor" ; 1.30 1p.ut,, "Glad Tid 'Ings"; 7 "Ligeht Up and ldstteW,; 7.39 sHmv omover Menryakedrst WecUuesdlay • June 21 10.30 a,nL e 'Blew. W. J. towhead; 1.15 p.m, "Clip t a�gs" ; 8, CKNX Little Bandl Thursday, June 221 41:30 a.m., 1. Pett. t er MaeGae9W'; 7 •p,'m-, "Light UP & Lisbeent'; 8, CAM(ys Pti+ckledL HENS -ALL •• 1 (Intended) for lout week) "Bull," the old td1me reliable and de- pendtable horse, w+bich •dor- ,the ,past 12 • yeeaus 1baa fait'brfugl+y, served the, -public in the way of conivaydng,� 't.h,.e, milk suep- pliets for Rowcliffe% dairy, will no longer be a Sauna -liar object on the streets. BU -1 wast found 'dead in, the barn Sunday mrornring by his owner, Mr. Oliver 1Roweliffe. Bill, they said, I was so familiar with our, strr-e*ts that he cottNcl have been trusted to go without a driver, and will be much , missed, ., TUCKERSMITH .e.1,...,.. (Intended for last week) Miss Evelyn -McCartney, of Detroit, visited with Mr, and Mrs. L.' Tebbutt on Monday last- Mr- Win. Ball, Miss- Sadie and, Mr. Melbourne Ball visited in. Detroit ov- er the week -endo ' Miss Agnes B'roadfoot visited on Suna'ay last with Mr- and Mrs-. L. � Tetbbutt- 4 Congratulations are due Mr. Alden Crich, who wan drighest marks in the Judging contest held In Clinton Sat- urday. Mr. Hugh Bala is busy laying the foundation for his 'new housee on No. 8 Hdghwtay, about two miles) east of Climtom . MUCEFIELD ' (Intended for last week) Mr. George Clifton visited with friends' in Dertz•oit over the week -end. 00mamun4011 service will be observ- ed next Sunday, June 11th, with pre paratar•Y service on Friday at eight o'cgoak- . Mrs. McDonald, of Dundas, visited at the home of Mr. and' Mn. C. Haugh last week - Mrs. Dow, of Hensali, was the guest of Mrs. James. McQueen and Mr-. Forrest -last week. BAYFIELD (Intended for last week) Mr, and Mrs. Cliurnbward of London .spent the week -end, in, their cottage. Miss Margaret Ferguson, teacher at Windsor, spent the week -end with Ryer Parents, Mr. and Mrs. War.. Ferguspn, The - Cbnild ren and teachers of the public school attended) the visit of the King-'atnd Queen at Stratford, al- so several of the citizens of the vii - Inge on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Franck Erwin, and son, Jerry,, of, Kitchener, spent Me week- end' in the vidllage. • A large number of the cAftenese at- tended .the Royal visit of the King amid Quleem, at London an Wedneuday. Mr. and Mrs. Vamdon, of Alberta, are visiting Over Parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. FL Talbot hears Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren ,and two d'anrgth'ters ,of Port Elgin, spent the week-eud' with the Misses Maud and JosiepIgnre SStinldarg. Mr. and• Mrs. Floyd Warner, .of Phnit, Mich„ were visitors with A. E. Erwin, over -the week•endl.,, ,,,, - Mr. Harald S'cotebmver, bf Toronto, n and Miss Parker, of Brantford, spent , the week -end in the village. The summer 'touri'sts, are arrirvdag and an the move getting their art- , taiges and grounds ,in shape for the 1 summer. . Mrs. Seeds of the Lake View Hotel arrived on Saturday and is getting , ready for the summer trade. r I HAY1 ' I The regular monthly meeting of the coven 'I of the Township of Htay was held at the Town HaIDI, Zurich, orn ' Monday, Jure 5ath, with all they mem- i bers present. The meeting became or- 1 ganozed as a Court of RevSsti'oni to 1 consider aiptpealo against tine 1939 as- ( sessementt -roll of the Towmebdp of Hay. The Sallvwdirug appeals were k diispqsepid of: Canada Company ap i pealed that theq r Pandts were assessed 0 too Thigh, appeal 'diiisrmdwed ; also that t A- L. S-reerran, 'be assessed as tenant c Par trot 28, N.B. Cott., Hay, Instead, of I R. A. Derromane, appeal allowed. Owen I Geiger was allowed woodilland exemp- r bion on Lot 25, Can. 1, for $200.00. 8 The appeal of tlhe -police trustees) of I Zurich to have dogs Aslse'ssedr to ibl lowing nam-edl pensions was allowed: f Dr. W. D. Bryce, Fe'rd Haberer, Al- d Bert G. Hess, I. Yungblut; Wellingbon. 1r Ioeh'nstom, Lenmis 'O'Brien, J, P. Rau, a Fred Thdiel. The court was adjourned Er 'o June 15th at 8 p.m. The ooir,n'cil c ;he's took up the township business. a After d6gposintg of the icommundeea- c Sons tih+e Po111owing re-soivtdolne were r )sawed(; That John B. Forrest be ap- t Yodntieci inspector of the 'Stephen Mun- f 'cipal Drain- and prepare a report am t valid drafin' to be presented .to, counlcil c it .next regular meeAlrg. That smene- b Nd report, Plants, etc., of tgrie Mousseeau r Sash) be received and that wane will t ve rear) and ,considered at a special to n'eeling of the cou'nci'l: to be held on f i1rua'sd'ay eventing, June 16th, at thel tr row(n Hall. Zlaxl h st 8 o'clock v.m. I t, , I - - 0 1y 1. ,J-Counb�'Papers (Continued from Plage 2)' tmanhoodwomrlauh'dod' to, go of auto the wa d to mails )daces ti themselves.Ii its a, for cry ftionl 1A teacrhdblg methods in use wheat Mit Flaaramrt began, her -teaCMDg ca� 1 Vhe-preiserit +day, for the new coun of study inaugurated in Onetard o, couple of years ago 'bas been a 41 timet dep'axtuare k m, gross of ewe k years:--ARtebelll Advocate. Knee Injured Mr. WAIN= 7. Nprtheott LWuredi ebi -Knete Tuesday afternoon, when : he wta knocked.1down by a trra.ctilaus -colt. H was unconscious for a short admu However, -no bones were broken, b i the db jury ,lis such tlhut Mr. Noerthcot will be laid up for some time. Ext ter Times-Advolcate. • , Farmer Killed When ,Team Bolts Andrew Gray, 65 -'year-old Turnberr township f5rta ariner, was fayly dmjure, *Thtursidlay whien 'a team did hwoesl bt -came unmanageable and 'bre was crush ed be -heath ithe heavy wheel of a maxi sure spreader. Graylo ahest,wos c,rusli -ed, lie dried at chits home an hour at bier the accident wittihout regalini i •,eons'oi,qusrveiss.--B'rutseels Plosit, Appointed On Collegiate Staff Miss Ruth Davis_of Torobto, spent the week-dndi wild: rher parent's, MT �md Mrs, H. D. Davis. Ruth, wthc as been teaandng :hduring ,the past :year on- ,the staff of East York Col legiate w•tl.l conclude 'her duties then this mlantih and next fall joins ithi :sitaff of Malvern Collegiate, Toronto where she wdil teach' EngNsily, Fxerlcl -and -some Pdkyisieal Trtimimg, Rea afr'nends here congratulate her ,on her -anew appointment. -- Mib6hpll, Advo •cate, Ministerial Changes New miniistier'dlal appointments made .tby the LoOdon OomferenCe of the Unit- -ted Church and affecting the Presby toory of H'unon acre as follows: Blue rale, Rev. C",.-, P. Taverner; bungan ,von, Rev.' J. Ricibardslon; Godericb (V'ictoria Street), Rev. C. I.. Brown; :art. Helens. and Wlvidiecliurich, Rev. G. A. Bernard; Wtalton, Rev. Frank A; 4GI]bert, The 6ariges -take effect on tih,e first Sunday of July.—Godlerdch Sd gna.l-Satan -SOIL DEFECTS SHOWN , BY A CHEMICAL TEST A turnip patch or ••a grain field is made up of cournttiees& sloil particles containing sc+nipla and complex ohtetm- Ical s-ubistances, fibre relative propor- Rion of eacib, chamigiao'g as- the crop us- -R -s up the �reladily available supply, :says G. R Snyder, soil chemist. Part of the farmer's job is to- ban- , elle this soil in such a .mannier as to promote chemical aetivjty, e'o 'tha,fthe .011•aliging of the more complex foams sof 'ni,triaglen and 'mdneml compounds to ,the simpler wanes--salvlble forms will be rapddl +eir ugh to supply the de- mlands( of the growing atop. Sail bacteria are the worrk'ers-'Khat speeds up chemiml. ,activity. They thrive best when the soil fa w•ella sup - Plied vitt-h. Idme, nitrogen, phoddphate land organic matter 'high in ndRirogen•, -Isuch as lobhaimied fromi crop reisi,dVes, intanure, legume otr 'ry'e crops) plougbed As. When the 'top soil d+si washed or 'blown. 'away the farmer Posers ansa only the soil-portacales 'but alto must of the bact+erdal life. When crop growth. is unsatisfactory the -sold should be caa,efully examined for a deficiency of one or more, of *he essential plaant,food- sulie nees, or, .an uniflavonable seoid reaction wlhicch 3naaY ,be too acid nor too alkallue. A 4cheralcal Soil test,.is Idkely to reveal the trouble, Several agriculturial expari-ment sta- -biiolns and certain manufacturers of commfericiatl fertilizer provide a , free 19011114estlmg SeVACe, s10 th(att the only -cost to the farmer ds the postage an ae •sainilple subtmdrtted. ITn the taking dof samples an imlporrtant factor is to �enlsure the soil collected Sas rel reslenR- -0itive ,Of 'the atrea, being studded,. A ztatemlent giving brief but fultg de- tails negandling recent manurdug and •tcnopping bistbor•y of the Biel- •slivauld the ,sent with the •ha•mple, This 'infor- mkation akid'e the cor're'ct interpretation ,of th'e results' yielded by the test, The 'technique of sampling •f!,g- sdm- . ,pie. Areas of the sauna field tRmt have been: treated differently (witch lime or otherwise) or -acre betravdng in a different manner sh6uld be ,kept s•epoiratte. 4 Equipped" with a -clean slho'vel and pail, the farmer goerh to the field and digls 'a aquaere-sldled hole to apeproxi- mraitely plow depth. He takes a sifice -of sorril about orae -quarter inch thick. from top of soil to bottom of Male. Proceediing In-, the saime manner, he ,takes -severd ,samples from vamfuotra )pants of the arefa, aced then mixes them together thoroughly. Aboint ohne cupful of thisrepresentative sample Is allthat is required for t1f +test. In the ease of alfaltla, and other dWp mooned crtops, a sample of subesoh al- so ie desirable. wasoNs One Bail kills flies all day and every i day foie 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each had odor. spraying,cket. No sk� no our stickiness. Grocery or Central Store, 4% 7i'=PSZy,mpo,= ' kltem'sltoat. Ong 4,t rFi`�ta9' '66...arslrtalwyfRSue'r �: ' -M1101�rS�a9718:N119M, IIP", rn • ",• � -Qi �. ! • 1 ,'•fi dT T11M .TIP. .tA. *' P [. .I` 1 1 ( 'ii��J 111%1�4, b Y !'S y Vit, i ."f,�;1 -�� R' 1 M1t ! , r '� yr:A.+'�+ " 1 �n' 4'Fla rr+rC S '?4 ''rf �, "4 t r. ' i ,,x,".,, �.' � Y1i 1 P. A• : M1 S F .tN '. M1Y A i" M '. I . 3 s K of ,�,. 11, .IQ ,t i , �;l N% * ±„�,., z �y r ,n . 7 ��aids . o� Waith ��m,„,, �� ;,7,. ; .” � � �, � �., ., .,.+4WA77+„�!}et' l�lplsYrF . U+4 j , k a on 0 ttrh . W r r�y�q;41.� ” wee Ag 0 .of it Qrin CM , ti ,` 4 1, b 'al a r`�?R�.,R1,u ' 1 flttt'1k i > S'fIl'. I'lty thd# 'goer �1f? *� , �) I�T�� j�y�, Qty. q.,4 p /tF, .,j, 9i p alta l �( hs f 1Lea• "' eQl?• ,1'!MR,i/'I }k!',q„4Q LL11f, ++N'.per�t: I..�.. IRUU1'Fi' t�t',� L i..ui.,AYe'��,R.P,111111 t4i:`ti a!'H9tinRtl�w, +n t^'1A6 tIgf�i t I��h enb o wlark cq�rs(isbs of ".' V seroeffau3 1PJ9diC!la wLrAr Sdppie� 3aQanCI1as •'oU4 tlh� 9ptOr $Nf (3118 F ; ,Z --aril- . ells wlus able t0 -.( e4 r guy. ac: tp > w'a tto sievtenity w:oameu " y d ea i l . du r.. 'tlb!a 3+ear tl1r ' a)t a„ - f 49 t 1 ' ) umatus�til in �hla''hr4tadts wtais` •,de���lq� of this dbslFit+ia�t. tLei absetice Off ,the �bilt ,t,.q, 00 feet try�' �p yy, �I narrnbea' Va- )ClaeetiLlrll e04 flys �7".+MMwo :". p••; � t3'auble, anKl she tTtuedI rimy paresUldien G, MTsw Aa tundle, Mrs. W: E, rio semtt a lurg m IQL . g + *All 13� �msdYes. But sUotandmlg 'helps& mrut''L Wellken', vicepres dent, proidded. to Quleeo � ora ,Her ,MajesW;% v s � r �s'.` �• .411 she came to Krvra3khepa Tile- m comimsaiced a2 30 a4nn. amrlv3 3ux'Oqugar3>n, Thio tetfng ex' (� •ti Ua'J'OGYVLd"W'4JIalf J".av+'4 aO�+,y �tJW vvd',l� ..iEYxiatxais'ee�. pnes$sd .aur rP�eu's009 aff'e'c'Mou and, llaY b;. ° ,...,>.� writes, ",I had ai vWliemt attack of Aff. �r v -e the address of aI nbeumatic pains. tY' of w+edl as espvis sere ,aFL>recia. 1.: W. feet and )rinds welboms itRua•zesponse was ;�� given #tom of 'liar Mhjesfiy;� f r1eiart dm tJtie ,, were swollen, The paln was Gerr+Ilble, by Mrs. P'', W. Mgrbbc'k, Clredliton. waltfame Of own for ul I was, really Quite CAP,plell and help- The Toiel was called and the weretar- . t x ' Mais� Ledlu Mollardi and Mfss Luella 4. = �, , i I;t less. des of the vauiousl'bramcchles rreaponrded Stwillatke them f&Vor+ed With a we � a �k " I fined many -remedies witbout sac- by paym!mt of few. The mdn'uflesd of iremfdeereid paihmio duet. ti. cess. Then I smarted o'nr' Itrusichen t2ne last, ammum, meeting were read An take albse'a6e of moo M. Clark, b Salts, and anter one month, I could and apdmov+eldy alio furancial ,reports SwParimtendextt o� W. L, Mins Edith eN, stand up again, Then. I waited) wgth were elves by, ,the assmstamt seorretary; Hoipldmis Presented ,the operative TUNM o, cane, In dlwee months', I Was: quite treasurer, Mr's, H. K. Eia'beT, in t � b Preogram in Hiome Edoavomice and it :tr t t) t, vir'd1A agaimL As 1 am a dressm oker, a'bsentoe of ,Kra . Envi�n•,�e,,4r,y,�� �F�armer due Waal decided' that "Crate of Clothing, ¢' ", , �f ,�tWr'��I ix ° , ,rn; You oar. imagine what it IBM* ttb to i1gA". !Mats. 'IT. 1�llililek presented would be the llooai leader, Me not to 'be able to work my jsewing the auditors, report. project, t<r A , 's; "' uiz�� ii `� $� be -kalif at Eater 5m early fall. Miss 1 j e ,;,, anla ,blue. Wihat a treat to be atble, to M n Wya•Ilrler �udxa, letter fr-m- Mrs. Hopkiin's urged that etwelh-br+a,c'h w ' 5: "' walk, to work, and to be free trom Rumkffi'e thanking tthe dnsitrdct for their should have exhWits at local f1 it 'falTs, � I : � n, pafao „—(Mrs:) E. S. splendid cb,operatjort e.g." glower. . . ,' � .. , d�' rt � ' +";�� The stabbing )solus of rheumatism At able time Mr. J.,C, Slrearer, agri- Mrs, Thlomas Goventlodk, of ,Sea. Hot Dogs for Royal Pick �e�d Past�ara VT1���t, ���P� y are often canvas- by needle Pointed culltvmal ategresentnftave far Harron foerirh 'gave the sato "Mather Machnlee" z t' crystals of uric acid lodging in ogre Gaumt9, (gave a splendid address„ on in splendid v+oaitce and ,as Touch an '� that � wiems an willl next 7rermni "`diioolB `�; eschndia Lea chdemts Gharrds em ]Refinet9 .iuridiugo Jong mjause joints. Krusohen 'brings relief because "Comisearvaitibm," ' He ur,geu� the Inawi- joys-) au momtardta {hot tdag�s •irz gkiin6 wieth' it 'helps to dissolve those troubling tubera to oo,op� ba, in the presenia• Alis+s Dwain, county coach of " paeesertt- d to yeov.)' tmiu ,the HuaweveWs ` br'hrry' t fter s crytsfialls 'a'nd to expel) them Brom, the 'tenon of ai'!m �pgowtedi •an5mrial' life. He ed the Juwiar.project and, announced �+-�� system. noted; wifitr HWe Paak picnffre • Na.tionai 4.0r", tseafl e r get Ploasgrre dire-increas- that Achievement Daly,hadand, %ream held were} . 50 ax7 omg interest taken by fire county conn at Clinton wInen 51 girls attended.' Sausage DenelersP Association W9 to tEir�is false oz'" m� ', cid in setting aporet 100 acre- Liao tunes 'up some fhkWdyt 'inipomtamt Ptts&t6i95ires of �. do each MTs Elmea Lawson, Credi' n ' n , )that the `&`Wr2'atbap Clerk be autUor- townsthap to rant: rtrteees to dem on stented the $allawimg aesolutio�"TQrat f`dtCts abvrnt natsanal -lair 'ailht it is, difficult to .a� � � F11 ized, to sign, anti) deliver •the free but- strafe wrhot can be accomplished .n a h "The fro a+ter sausage,- the As- filet grit '.tire 'actual nratri�nttA ' 'darty vn-te lot thanks Ibe extended �rF ter vouchers dellvemed to •thee Town- eonswvnUon, also trees are ibeing to the lUpppe�r, East Branch for'their socration rero+eolis, "rreeedved its name f� produce ffium surds wd1fi �G ship' by table Red Gross to Persons in Planted by the sohool,cboldrem. ten com- I fine bospitaHi,'ty; the O'fficia'l Bosaxt of Enom Fa+aakfartonMagn, (der veyt •, Pe�eroteivt ,grass eaea mssy ' «i the Tawnsehop of Hay entitled thereto meMorate the visit of the •Kin and I Ki "But turas," it says, "ss actually a, mis- tury s , fft of any other g Pepemr United) Churrcir for RAre use of ex and who are registered undier the un- Queeemf" I their lbeve ,cfiirrohi; t nonver. Wenn" was the home of the r tion, of ,Musa:: d L3 he guest speak- relief in the Township. Business Was 'Agadir takeln up and ers for their splendid, addresses; the finestt sausages, so 'that weenie or farm- T ryr7 Ttxat accounts covering Paymaents an this steor"etaaties 1g theor reports as'' Can'veners, • for th'edr good reports, and Wain-, a cormuipGfon of weiuierwarst The reale result's o 2' Township Roads, Hay Telephone, Re- .follows: Exeter, Credi'toln, Zurich, all these wtho have contributted to our was more tecrhnirai17y1 carr',ect: fWm the "r'nrg• of artineplby lief andgeneral accounts be pawed) as S'eatlatth Jtliod;O , Hensall, Kippen endtert'adnmie0L,, , "The origin od Itifve team "hent t9og' yob t and grass 0,< '"!_ per vouchers: East and 'Hu orrdeJe. Conveners of A very successful District Annual Ids apocrytpihal," It groes on 4o extpladin: Weil wk the d-eei6ed prefer 1+ Township Road System -Dominion , the viactdeous stranding commrittees gave wasl'1�,rougdrrt to'a close by thea "The first story' arseri'bes its ase to dry 'tbO f eheatdi' Yoj• the. b Rbaid Machinery Co., repair ; $172.62; s'pl'endid reports. i sing" on the fertilized, p}rti,oms of • owl, il�„” S ng of the Natfikrmol Amethpua T. A Dorgan, lieiaast car¢oondgt, mvlro 11 IL. Brown, Rd_ 15, $4.50; S.'Moffman, Miss Walrrguleriibe Hoggartb, of Exe- employees it .in -bis counts, The sec- us ahttracted a Wider Lintere�., 11 Rebs. 13-14, $5.70; X G. Deitz, grader, ''Ger, Stavored the audience with a solo onid relates that tfhe 'ndcknamie of ,dor votenadaility of tthas• oltdeerst 5 gas and soil, $139.93; J. M. Zilaer, Rd. and -encore, +both"of which were very -• for frankfuTtw back to the neglected •eirop_ :I ' ,1 .... 10, $10.81; M. G: Deitz, rent, storage much endoy'adt A 1860'x, but wars popularized- by Lisa- may' pastoris gnaxl;eir, $30.00: Zurich P. V., pay 'list. T'he ele,cedon of ofalloeris weas conduct- Apple Advertising Scheme > P -caltls for a mixture of penwo $12.20: T. Welsh, 544 yards, ry .Mosegy Stever, 'ball past catienar y ,gravel, ed* by Mist A- Frasier, • Ildertom'. The of the earl 1900's, who 'instanteted es and clave , never algawedl do :1. . i' $43.52; Q Aldwlorth,, Road 2-3, $11.65; followitrg slate of officers as present- Every apple grower in Ontario who Y r more thaan slaver oa sad t .itntahewq t hos ventdors to sQronrt, `hat dogs; prgdxices 100 bushels or mor ; tk G. Stelek, Rd. 17, $30:9$; H. Beck- ed by Ml=fi, R KestLe, was accepted: a per an di treated eves three or dopr or, Jr., Rik 11, $21.55; (j. Surereus, 9011ora:ry president, Mrs. A- Run- year will be asked' by ballot rtY& ap- 'Th' a regulattion - ` dog," accord, prteferably int fall, with a Prover or disc dn(gt to the Assoc tint is "composed I'N' "; Rd 9, $18.10; l3. Steinbach, Road doe, 1Fnr,,,,n,.rtar.. disapprove of a simple Fhate�otoslx iertalizer, at the -raft,__;, scheme of advertising under the 'On- of an o'ut'er cas%'mg' snuffed with a oar- 400 or 500 Ms. Supt $41,65; X. G. Dedtz, rwpairts, President, Mrs W. E. Walker, Exe g Per.aorse: Ther +cleat, gradser•, .$11.68; Kgservlrath & Craig, ter•. taruo Farm Products Marketing Act `brn�utflon of lean beef chucks and lean f'urpdah the nitrogen, sapply; but � ' cruslhineg and ,trucking, $272.'00. I,set v!c0e pees., Mrs. Glenn MacLean, whereby an assessment of one cent .p'� v"R ehapped. To 'this mixture may be tn,�ed if the ood2 tends to lkvL� i Per busrbel would, be paid into a .fu d its aedldeed enough Pork fats for juici- disci Hay Telephone—Bell Telepthante Co. Kipper East gg nests orad Savors,_ The mixture •i5t aha -y a r�riom �r�t i tolls, March, to April, $102.30; E. R. 2nd vice-pres,, ,Miss Maud MacLean administered by the Apple Adv'e+rfis- ftivi roved •pastures mean 'moire per-... 0, Ing Committee of the Ontario Fruit go'n'ad wdth ,p'ePPeer, :sank, sugar, nut- ,fits fxom milk and meat ant$ a sotiit'I,,, �, . -Elec tris ., ate. $1.92; Northe r- Hensratlel'.. Growers+' Abs'ocba•tion to be used ex- Meg, ginger, p vrilka, 'and c0'rcrandes kept secure for 'f1ture �G� I Electric Co-, material, $363.99; P. Mr.- and viae Pres-, Mrs. Ward Fritz Zur- lsaac, labor, etc., $47,35; J. McAldis- ichL clusively •in the advertising ,this 'fall --a -Pic' friar yilon After the cas•- -AL ter, 1.4 poles, $2'4.00; Strombe,rg-Carl- aSec: tress., Mrs- Emzrvrary Fahrmer, and *inter of Ontario apples an On Ing vs-sttuffed,Z Y3 -foot leveghli �. ratio, Winnipsg surd on the Mantreai- it ora divided. up tura the 5iw ih •bon, repairs, $600.00; H. G. Hess, sal- 'Creditor ranks �f ary, 'etc., $331,74; W. Rioharxis'on,'six •A.sabvt. eac: treas., M'rs. L wremee Quebec markets., Growers producing hive Less 'tban 100 bushels would' be ex. ' ' is—rs many people have boles, $10. Wein, Creddfion long sniarpecedi -tin0 sffia119 intestine or f11 Relhef=[t H+on'drick, .rent $5:00; Fedleration Representative M'r•s. A. emptt from 'tbe assessment. i M•r.4. C. Gaiseri`•, milk, $7.44;'G. Moul- Rtvntdie, Hurlondalei The Apple Advertising CommitteeI a s+h,eep, illvolt�Inspecte , by the r :�of which George H. Laird; Woodstock, Gavelrnmetnite ws'e. �, :`'ton, rent, $3.00; W. Hay, allowance, Alebernate kted Rep„ Mrs. M. W. Ont, is ehairznan, is semdonl an ex�� As to erahhiot dbgs," the As- ( $15.00. Telfer, Creuifiton_ g boeiatdon gives tdnree ways ' General Accounts --J. W. Mernrer, District delLegide to couvenitidan, M-rs. pl'a'na'tory letter with each ballot to i ' ' account. $1.65; P•rovi'ndla.l Treosureir, Rufus Kesifte, Huminclale, every apple grower in Ontario of � - (1) S•tramcdoa+d or Ameirican method, r y hall )incense, $3.00;, Gestetner Gb, sup Aauddtang Mrs. , Gerald' Zwucker, which there is a record and they will on SIRF� rol8i -far .the most prrp s �' Plies, $3.25; w'itnes's fees, Alexandre,- Credotom; Mrs. H, X, Ei1'b�er, �C•r*edlbon, be asked to votie and return the tab ulna•-, Drain, $34.80. Conveners, of Stand oa>tg Coimanitt'ees: lot immediately, Enabling legislation (2) CMM -b pioneer method, with- ''> will be prepared covering this year's, out a rola, in the bare band. Very a The, council adjourned to meet Educabtfo'n', Mrs-. A. Crozier, Sea,forth lr again for next regular meed crop If the vote is favorable, rare in this country- s n bu Home Economics, Mrs. M. Becklc*r, . M•anrdaY;' July 3rd, at 7 o'clock p.m.— Huroadole. The modest voluntary advertising (3) Waldorf-Astoria or snob meth oEq - O 'r eampaSgn Int on' in Februa and ad-Arot dogs on a platter, eaten. with go87 THS �� c A: F. Hess, Clerk Health and Chdlci •Wetfiare, Mar H. :!•� Nereb, Zurich, March this year was such a 'great knife and fork. ,,t. Alirleu,bture and Camadfian Industries, succiess brat the . committee decided - ". ` an extended campaign would be the [TSBORNE Mrs. A Morgan, 13nrrondale, - ,,,, _ Legdslrhtion M.m H: Caldwell, Kip- answer to a much heavier crop ex- . petted this year. Tirovsands, of dol- }; The municipal botrmecil Us 0—M" Hr'setorioal Research, Was L. M. lar•s in advertising are expended each Townesehdp' unlet on June ' with all w the members present. Minutes' of Jecloeil, Exeter. Year in Ontario by United States' cit + ;i rue fruit interests and wide-awake meetings hreldf on May 6R•h' orad May Coanrntrwi•ty Activities and Relief, y n • Y Miss Maud MwL Hencs+all. Onttario apple Men are thoroughly Ii. 251trh were adapted on larotion, by Bar- gym, convinced tfiat. if thea 7 `` "f Peace Edeucation and Internatrlonal 'pple, "Otntario's u ��' � 'iii" s rY and .Fis+her. King of Frui:ts;' is to maintain his I Correspondence was received as tot Relationship, Mrs. Archie Hoggraatih, „ ,3 iiippem proud position, of can onily be ' drone lows: From the Ddstrict' Munodpal Publicity, Mass Beatrice Manrelan, by yudfcious advertising- .� Enginearn gruartung approval by 'the ZwricIa 4 Other factors that come into the ry";, Department of Highways on :selection oif tenders for cuaarantt contracts; ill- The meeting w -as then adjourned picttnre include a greatly inlcreasled 4 ed, From the for 'ilanick The Kipper ladies sleeved. apple M4 in' Great Britain, this, year; Dnig legisla of Mnn a very dainty meat fno'nd t'albles' made the preferred positron of Ga,nadiam, ap. s ; 3 Sieg o the, l nledcg legislation rdla:t- attractive wdth 'red, wh5be and blue pies bra the Old-Commtsy cut one-third . ,,r tag to the mnrniedpalietires pb5eed) at by the British Unites- States Trade the 1939 obssoion, of the Le�ialattme, decorations in tbonor -of the visit of �- Treaty giving freer access' to United 11 raid also a copy of blue 1939 amend, Live Kin studs Queen to Londton on, trhee , silents to the Assessment Act, filled- following day. States fact that P;es i new Ontario are- llso the " ? � 6titoan the Counkyk` Clerk, fixing Us- The afteroono :sessiwou was opened Y P g `�� are comm into commercial beariu ; �' yarmee's ai4otmeint of county farces for With ,c community sing g' conducted by 'this year far the (last time g✓ � � i �� ;`I Mrs H. Hess, of Zu'rfielfe, This was L939 at $12,890.46, matd-e up tris flab It is plrivfRied out that on b 9X followed by an originea skit, "Ask a G e basis lows: General County .ate, rovint$4,397.99, of last e'ar's Ontario a le 3airnty Hdgbwayse $4.642.33, Pnavinrcual Busy Woman ^ vary ably given. by Y Pp produc 1. tion' of 2,500,0190 bus'hel's, the iighwayes $73,3.'00; SecomdmXY wdhtooda MTtt M.•Doig, lis. Les, Miss Elgae • growersmarlarm 1 would have a trim'- of They're laying RIB -ROLL Roofing t3,117.14. 'Me 'Clerk was a-nsttzvcted, and Mrrs. Colemaik, of a Seaton-th $2'5,000 to ad.11 minister themselves fir their own s o O computte the county rate required Brahkih. benefit in advertising and otivet and ri> tf5e �Id shingles, tato! ' rn the revised assess¢nrent and! submit A iet'tier fnoem 'Mi•sis Beryl P ff was n'8 pro ; "' read, ,inviffln 'Clue District Annual, to motional work through the adoption With Preston "1Ra'b-Roll" and "Tit�e•La " o July meet6mg, t; of the Proposed plan- 3 meta) roofin P ;' A Tesol'utilon `was' passed giving the convene in Hensatll next year. This g there is no mases of old .'1111. 1!r 31ork intstructions ,to present an, ac- otvvitation was girat'efaRY accepted. � shingles lying around and no danger of iounl .by mail for al outstanding in, Miss Maud MacLean-, of Herma.il, '. ' .. r �smg your building while re -roofing. 'I was a � 4 Gigazut appointed deilegate to the sleet- - :'-z`t,:/,%�. � ' �� . "1�te-Lap" and "Rib 8011" made in lire hospital �aocoumrte wh'e>at0 tlhe "Mather, why dant we ever have K� ;� .' ��. g r : 'r�!" frimous Council Standard quality, are .1' uattnenat Is living or where an es(Gate fat of Western Fanr Board of D6reG hash flat ,dinner?,, s..,: ' ,;.:y % ." years. eas been Ilef�t., amd in future t9 Pres- tors, ashen tihley meet at Deplairtment "Hus'h. curie�! We can.',t afford ev- ''��� '" ag Sure and wguaranteed for 25ither for theure ,best part �otection '�t ant account when zany Indigent erytbfng ^ of a lifetime. w . eaves hosplidialL o Prices are louver than at this time last r ilhe revised roll far IIsbmrrle for 1939 , dF1 year t Anothter resolutdou wars unra.ndrm0ae- dhows a total assessment of $2,630,9$5. Manana:, "Wgilie, it is time you a 4 `z - r beraaset�ereisaosate�tax Write today ,'0'' y adopted, instructing the Road Sup- The Clerk wars ienstructed: to notify all wetre up, The birds were all up long ' o m��'' for fi� estimeite Addresa°Dept 906 .N 't "Intendent to allow Mtepayeers- to a.ppelisnitia and'othelrs affected by the ago. "' +it.., ant the Power gradier at the rate of decisions of the court of decisions ar- Wilkie (drowsily): "Well, if I had N: � �: � v� " ;111 2.00 per boor for us -e on. their lances. rived at, girving each the opportunity to sleep in a west of sticYs, and, straws , It . WCOUX U to be Paid in c'astln to the to appeal, The Gourt of Revision was I'd get up early toot- ' a • ` t 31 ,I `reasuner, or fadlling in this the -ac- cikrsed an mcot,ion by Harry amid Hod- • . ",rt - bunt shadq be presented to the Clerk .;,: Y fire Road SvpeJrrimRewdeurt sued smear) First Student.- "I gat a wonderful ' �,, 'e added to the cotgec'aor's roll and; Council adcjourn'ea to meet on Fri- letter from my father today." :1: o4lected wirGtr other taxes, day, June 30th, at 1 p. —A. W. Mor- Second Student: "You dod! How I .w i gen, Clerk. mar ah d6d' he frau)- you?'" .r The Clark wt4s instructed to siecure r1Y- ne copy Ofthe 1939 Statutes. Tress- 151 t � rer'e report: Receipts for month of1. ' ,,s Tay, '-rax anrearrs and perdailty acrd dm- 1 11 anes't th�rean, $1,287.97; of u Y ' ` ask -on hand, Jum1e 1, 1939, 3,113.03. >♦ i �peuditure, for mianth of Mtay— i , 1.4 :orad Suparinteode,nt's voucher $17.11, ` ' adef voucher and' adrmeindstGrattiion, ` , ' o 15.60; mdscetitan+eovs expenditure, ' , -, 59.59, ," At • 2 p.m. the counrnli adrjounned! to • >mm a , Court of Revi4 4bil for the blear. % yf f. .` tg of appeals on blue 1939 assessment i, Al and each member took tire. eoath ,k,, s ,required by 'the Asstegfsament Act. - ' �i hc+ even property alpp?rrlls were heard, The only fire in the wcsrld,' sill: f Mail. Whichonto were In farms saki five with 2000 solid'rabberteeth ,r^ .11 notld prapenties, bn'trbe 'Dose of four '` —over 5©00-shjarp edges ;• r the small Properties blue astses's- " to bite and gap fire redo- 1i ! k lent was s'usitaineed; $20.00 red -ac. ' � and give You ttilt safer g. HH�LOP ="00" , �MAt { .� on Wats allAowed on earth ,of the two traction. � � i� " urrrrls and, $100.00 adHdtilomral' exean ' �4: P For Saie lty y DID was allows-' can the resddlene a Oct- J. F. DALY u � rifts. �,<,d 4 Llri'ed by the Kdrketoav Li•brairy Board .rz t& ,'. FORD DEALER V reason 'df containing a publilc iib- 1 `��ud'�r' ! ':F'a• h +}4�ht ury. Two, -togs were setrtveic from 11 am A. tri Ile roll and one added. AKMusei u1ant% _ _ ere m'aldte in, the assmrent of two ,•k« w u Y .. , .1dns not appals l"nrvg om ,the snrggeel� � ib �°, )� r seta•.. 9S ��' on of tbfe Arase+sslar, mak3mg filhe 'Goy w 1 reduction In t]he, re -vision $81i0.t10, � � . rww �`cT rii3; o r rb ° .,�.., ib �, o .1• f s[.. ,,lill 11111 I ill 11111 I 0 h am"'., v .�,, . .w y 1 . .!` t 1 . ,�L .. �.. a , 8• ?, n t,, ;,. „ fit,. '' 20: M o . h t k t r u Ct ,r1.1 ,� . 1 .. .,. ,,. ,, r. $ S, �. 4. 1,, c ..,.. , 1 . .J .e.,. ...s .1. -. 4 �•µy i4 91'i.. i. 7 ..}. r. t.. i .. .1 , ,.,.,,; v , 1 . n ,G ,� �. `I t, a, ,,,,. .. ,, w. k . .. ,:..: - ,.• .. .. 5 t s . 2.. . ,. ., ..z. Ci :. r r .ta i •t . '� , , 1' , ,r rt t r v. ,7r , +3 .� N�33 x.. a . 3.. 22_11 .. -.. ., ,96i°'. ., z i. .. . ,.. s.. r^ �:.:. �e - .a h ii . 6. .. y..$, .. -. a .�. s r a� „ ,,. .. .. k,r, l S n4