HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-06-16, Page 17 � ,� . t - - - , � N.
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Revel ,� SEV 1T J E T� H � Celeb ration Are Ccimpk ted, SERIOUSLY.,� �� RT� AS
ANNIVERSARY JUNE 18 . Ant"' c i'p a t e Recokd � ��C o w d EX -REEVE is TILED
• F o r m e r Resident 'Will • •' • 0 • Elvery Minute of the Day is John Rintoul in Wi
• ngliam
Preach At Goshen Unit- Filled, According to Pro- Hospital Following
ed Church Service. Parking gram Which Has Been Crash, Tuesday.
In an effort to ,accommodate Arranged: '-
' . INTERESTING HISTORY Rtore cars on Main Street, and to ;CARS ' DEMOLISHED
relieve the congestion on Satur- '-
i ` day nights, Chief of Police H. BIG RACE MEET
men United Church in Stanley, Snell ,has been attaching yellow Condition of John Rlriboul, Huron
avi11 observe its 70th anniversary tags to cars which have been im- FOR AFTERNOON Road farmer, is someWhat improved,
Sunday, .Jum,e 18th. 'Phe special mien- - properly parked. The tags ask Wingham Hospital reported late
' Aster will be Rev- Melvin Keys, M.A., for the, co-operation of the driver Thursday afternoon. Mr. Rintoul was
in obeying the regulations. A re- Domanmon Day tithe � year slhould see
Ph,D, of Niagarra Palls, N. Y., 'a for- seriously injured in an accident which
cord of tags is kept and if a sea the largest influx of People to Sea-
?xa+er Goshen; boy. claimed the life • of Peter W. Scott,
ond offence occurs a red and final f,,"th in- many years. The associa- well known former Wawano6h reeve,
wn the Vdan�eer days of this country, tions, arranging the day have planned
to is attached. A third mffence near Win•gh�amx, on Tuesday after�m,oan.
Awtw�een tAre years of 1840 and, 1.850, . a Program that fills ever moment, Orville Taylor, nephew of Scott and
will result in a summons.
isanlep 7bwrnsQvip,.then OItID<tBt an un from morning to night with fun for a passenger in his car, is resting ear-
- litroken forest, was being quickly set young and old-: Only the weather can
• tled by a hardy, God-fearing and Cour- Spoil ,the day sly, lire 'hospital occureporred,
• • • c, • • • _The accident occurred• at an .inter-
. ageous rage of pioneers, mostly from Arranigemeptts -for the celebration ,sectdon .on the 10th concession of East
the British Ieles. Some had spent a' ame ctimvle�te and' ,the pro�r•am dm%vn
tow pears in Eastern .Ontario ,town GOLFERS TAKE PART up :by the Seaforth Turf Club and Sea- h,m ,t 5.3 aboral 4 miles from Wing
whips and in Quebec, and then cavae forth Athletic A�asociation, the •two or- ham aC 5.30 p m- Tuest.
'Wrtther, west towards the shores of . gam,iaabions sponsoring the celebra- The Scott car was travelling north
• li,ake Huron. These early settlers tiro% .wdii be one of the most exten- 'on the sidle road, while• the Rintoul
IN WEDNESDAY MATCH • car was going aloirg the concession.
came witQu very Little' of thus world's sive even presented here. P
The 'fun will comrnrence at 9.30 in 'The cars collided. about the centre. of
goads, but they an vastly somded, oo,ur- �` the int;ersecti�on and the,rEorce of the
gtotore effective --an unbounrdted taut- F the morning wttttren a pdrade of decor- impact d6niolnshed, the Spott car and
rage and a faith that enabled there to abed cars, flmiats bveyeIes, :Pets laz , ,
. , Mary. Hays an ., E_ C. - tamed it about 6 fee,C
endure the privations and handicaps dhdldfren will proceed to the recreatiou t
•ref a new cc=try, and to lay well the Well Are Winners In grounds for the cNIAren's 'sports and Mr. Itintovd, his on, Cameron; wito
Sontrdstions for a sound: economic, ed- games. Heading'the parade will be was a passenger in this 'father's car,
ucational and religions life im this Weekly Event. the Seaforth Highlanders<s Band, and Taylor were removed,to Wingham
.land of their adaption, which: .they Clinton amd Herizall, it is expecte,i, Hospital. At first it was thought that
noon learned 'to love in spite of, thewill ,be the attraction at Recreation..Mr. R•inboul had- suiierefl a broken
lirars3rlps Gradually th^ thein flor . 't""F' than fifty golfers took ad` parade, Park following the arade, when they aleck and the loss of an eye, but this
gave way to fertile fields of grain and age of perfect vw,,,.,...... vu Wednesday meet in an O.B.A, flxture'here. Both was d-anded on Thur•sday,t by the hos-
v"allfortable farm homes were built, and played in a two ball foua'some rot teens are hops in the Huron -Perth Pital. While his condlitiou pis still ser -
The countryside was dotted with ranged by the golf committee. lion- O'.B,A. teagu,e and the game' will be ions, the is expected to recover. Cam-
xchooi homes and, the framework of outs andang- eron Rintoul, who was badly shaken
stir economic system was brought into ars ,went to Mary Hays and E- C. In the afternoon the Turf Club is up, was released, from ihosipital Wed-
. But amid all these develop- Barwell, who turned in � 58, holding traces, offerirng $600.00 in; purl= nesday,
an,ents, these faithful God-fearing pia es, and Becretamy R. B. Holmes is -as' Mr. Scott was for m<Iny years dean
meers did not forget to build -an altar Following the games the Players cured of a large entry, Classes, ar- of Huron County councillors. He
,unto the Lord w!ho ,had led them into enjoyed lunch at the club house. ranged are a 2.28, 2.24 and' 2.20. served for over 30 years to various
this goodly land flowing with milk and The Wednesday afternoon two ball Seaforth and Stratford will ,meet in mnundelpral offices. He was ,for eight
money- a W.F.A. League game at six o'clock years reeve .ot East Waw'an,osh_ Well
fo, gulf es are x be a weekly avant, and will be followed: in the evenling known as a lhistorian, and a. poet of
' A11 golfers are expected to be on Irani"
&t that time there were stili two by a carnival and, midway on' Victoria no mean ability, he was a regular < at 4 -p.m. to take part, according to gu'
' ;i►rantdh,as of Methodism in, Canada, Oiaptai�n G. A, Jackson. Members anti .Main Streets: Dawcirtg to the conkrributar. to vard,ous- of the ssnlaller
•ono' ,somewhat later, services were will' not be phoned. Lunch vein rs mnrsic of an eigbk-piece orchestra will Ontario weekly, publications. Mr. Scott
c J%eid in the "old log sbhoolllxnis�e" on served t be .week. eordilue throughout tthe evening, was p, former president of We North
The Costen Line, by the Wesleyan Huron' Conservative Association and
IMeUrodists, until such time as bhcir •
, The 6'ea-4DII's schedule Was arr"ang- w'as acttive• in, Political tifs. He was
church. was-TKuilt oa.,Lot 14, Con: 10. e'd and committees named at a meet- an adder of the Balgrave United
The Methodist Episcopal body also LOCAL BOWLERS TOPS
(rug of lire miqcIees n,a tee on Monday an e4h. He was for over 50 years
bad, quite a strong cause in, Stanley evenixg. The committee named J. G. active in Masonic circles as well as
township. A ttleytc#C, been formed, Mu]ie)o as-clrai,rn,aw. George A. Jack- AT GOD.ERICH To RNEY, with the Oaange order. He wast born
aerLlled the Stanley, circuit, canaistinr
..� is captWm, with J. E. Keating and. , .,�... on the sixth, conceslsiow of,,F7ast Waw-
. i , ,of seven chapels as tl%•ey were naan,eii: Geo. D. Fergns,on as assistants. E. C. �r� -= anosh and lived on �,g Scott home-
- (Continued on Page 4) , ' � J Bos,w-ell and N. C. Cardio are on the . Two ricks of S'eafortth -bowlers, tools stead, The funeral will take glace •
• membership committee. pant in the Inis,h Trebles Tournament from j3elgrave Church at 2 p.m, on
at Godenich Wedbeslday evening. The Friday afternoon.
` - GRADUATES Ladies' Day ie being hield each rink skipped Qty Rostj J. Sproat, eon -
Thursday afternoon and next week sisting ,af, Fred' Jchiatan•, John 7-I0t.h- •
Janet Cluff and Alice Daly vaill cou- amt and R. J_ -Sproat, can-ied off first BAND -LEGION GARDEN
duct an approaching and. putting com-- prize, white the rink skipped by Dr.
petition•. while, bmid,ge -in the club Be-oh,ely, comtplos�eid of J. J. Cuff, W.
l�s%ya >y..>„>. house will be in charge 'of Mrs. J. I). G. Willis~ and, Dr. Beahely, won secoord
-' y f PARTY AUGUST 17th
'y Caltpuhonn and Mrs. F. S. Bragger. ptnizt�
r ,
x � y v f • : The annual Band and Legion gar -
,t k R:'x y''.. 1� den party will be held in Victoria
� �y.:,'� Educationalists kural,Courlers Park on Thursday, August 17th, of-
; ficials of the two organizations -an-
: Mbet Next Week Name Officers mounted this week.
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n 1Z
.;<;;s$:: The Haran CoaimtY I:ducati,onp.i As- A mum,ber of tlh,e rural mail couriers
'tf- s'ociation will meet in Wilrigham Town of Huron County met at the ,home of � •
;; Ministers Picnic at
Std40V HaJI on Saturday of next week at i Mr_ Norman Tongaf Kippem an Satur-
� p.m. -Speci'al s�peake+rs will include. day evening last and' organized a Varna Parsonage
,, ,county branch of the Rural Mail Cour-
Addre•sEs of welcome, J.. Hartley isrsr' Asts,oc,iiatian of Canada.
ci,aw-,NMayor; ,president's ad- This association, with headquarters
`Y i iters, H. H. Thompson; V. K. Greer, at` locdne Th'e closing meetfntg for the season
x `mss y, Ont., was first .ongandzed
� ) f Cl:hcf Inspector of School's, ."Larger in Decemrben 1935, for the purpose of °f lite Ministerial Associatiatn toolcthe
f z t Units of Aduninistration"; J. W. Trus- form of a pirmdc held at the Varna
�� yr ,• r forztring a body that could act in tar- 1 nitecl Church Parsonage on Monde)'
• Per, Fie,d� Secretary o•f the 'O. E. A., .mony w,.itk[• the Posit. Office De,part-
s� f:; when Rev. Urs. Peterrs, entertain-
",equal,ity of Educ [on and Taxa- meat for the betterment of rural mail
I! i ` '' a - ed the mirrisle'rs and their wives very
anon"; M. A. Caanpbeld, Sec. Ontario services and a pevman,enit working hospitably.
Trustees' Asstocistiom, "The Trusttees' u
• condition far ruirat m,e•it couriers. Rev. E. F. Chandler, of KLPpen
Miss Margaret Forrest, daugh- Association azul Its. Relation To Erdu- Mr. P. B. Lowry, seq_treas., of the T
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Forrest, cation."; ,'What blue Department of Dominion, Association, was este-n,t at panted Church, gave tin excellent pi-
Tuckersmtth, who graduated last ' Education is Doing For R u i• a 1 Ki -peen and in, an address to, the as. IA)per on "rite ono" and Rev of Robert
- • week from School of Nursing of, SchoOls" and "Gra.nts," by luspecto,rs ,sem,bl,ed murfers explained the ati,ms fiords Stevenson" �tincl Rev. Dr. Church
Hamilton General. Hospital. + Game, Beacom and Kinkead- and furction�s of the couvtty bttitin,ches, ford, of/91. Thomas' Anglian Cft'tuc n
. Seafarblu, a scholarly address on
t t•
Following Mr. Lowr•y's adtd)re:�'� the "M,odern Preaching," wlu,ch was fol-
foll'orwing officers were elected for lowed by considerable ddseussdon.
Huron County:
President, Alex McNevin, G•de.- Luncth was served on is ]a y
rich: viae -president, No•rnna.n. Long, These present to this +he di ga:th-
Kip,pen; sec.-treas., B. Marsh, Au- Ching i t:h•e ministers v the different
buret; adivatmentt officer, Alec; Mc- dPnoWork ons were Ione, ideandMrs. ed
Nevin, Goderich. V. Workman. of Nortlusude United
Cl u ct R'v ll •,red Mrs R P D
The anmudl opening tournament of
Mr. John Mot'yne,aux and Mr. Gordon
r r r, c. r. .
Hurford, St. Tlromaw Anglican Church,
Dublin Tennis Ckib'vvas held on Fri-
Dill, both! of St. Peter's Seminary, and
Rev. anti Mrs. W. A. Bre inner, Rev.
day evening. A hearty wal•aame was
.lir. •7oseph Evans, of Sandwich Col-
lege, have arrived home for summer
Library Secures
and, Mrs. Hugh Ja•c.i<, F'irs't Pree
tendtered to friends and visitors pres-
tan Church, iAr y an:i ,Mrs.
- ,
ent. Several ten,pis games, were play-
gait; Salvation, f and Rev. A. W.
,end) a!end enjoyted. Following the tours-
Mrs. Clayton Hill and Mitts' Mar-
New Books
S -e .
Gardiner, all of Srfarth. Rev. Mr.
i mren't ice cream, cake and
garet Welling, Chicago, are viwi;iing
Chandler, Kippen United, C+hturch,.and
- were served by the convenors o.f the
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shea of the village,
Rev, MT. Wright, of Brucefieldl United
entertainment committee. Rev. Dr_
A large number from here attend-
ttoo, at the Senforrth Public
Y"falkes, the honorary President, con
eed the Holy Name kill•y in Cltuton
Library include ,tate folj,oa Ing:
onend,ed the o9d,cer:s of the club for
last Sunday.
Fiction, --"'Thiel Runaway," Norris, ;
tpmomtoiting te'ntnis ihn. ,the community
bhe Re-
"Impar•ta-ure of Being Murdered,"
Special Material
xa d thanked -bbe ground committee for
At opening services' of a
treat in, St. Patrick's. Church, Dublin,
Wells; "Full Harvest," Aydela4,te; "As
tabor ow the splendid court, one of
a lovely solo, "Je9,u Dui'tals Mermoriia"
Long As I Lriv,e,"' Loring;
"SeveatPh "Knfights
tZua best egmilrped• in bhe dtistrict. It
Hill; Hour," Hill;,
was resolved to lidUll another friendly
was sung .by Dara Molyneaux ori
If the Range," GmT; "T,lfey Wanted
;Smmrna tient in the near? ,future. •
ALrsF C. •QiQo tt rtraa retiitned
fhame atftar;t' several ;months
,"r Jo #u Evans, Assumtption College,
Sandw'ieh, is, stpemddng Ibla vacation
Tb Live" Roberts; "Remember the
Enid, '1iir l;u'iI; - . "Bury the Past,"
Greig; "Wickford, Point," Marquand,;
Hay Racks
$)a Torontm I.
with his, mot{hter, Mrs, C. Evan's.
"A Bluest Instrument," Neyer; ' Salx)p
A& a meeltfngg of the Trustees of
Visitors,: Miss, Margaret Doresteyn,
of Dreams,+' Towne; "Thris Nettle Dan-
TUbbert, Towbsititd'p, Beloit out the °.Livtwn-
aMp Hall, Staffa, least week, for the
Stratford,, with her sister, Mrs. Albert
Krammerrs'; Mr. anti, Mrs. Leonhard
," Gibbs: "The Road Beyond,"
Comstock; "Lonesome Road," Went -
Farm Gat"'`�
paarpose of debating the question of
'Smith, Kenilworth, at the h,atne of
worth; "Dr. Not tom's Wife," Walker,
3ncmutition of toxoid for dlobIhecria
Mrs. Johanna Roach; Mr. and Mrs.
"Yoke of .Stars," Frosit.; "Danger .Sig-
tamd v ccitwabion for sniallipox, no ac-
Flergus Reynolds, Detroit, wit Mr.
nal," B'otltane; "Rers,elf," Rurley;
and '
4iral organization took place, but till
and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter;ergus
!'Slat at Noon," Perattie.
amratter was, left optional to esob in-
McAradly, Toronto, with hitt pister, Mrs.
Nam-Fiction_-"Reacibing Pot th-e
cdkvidtdal board of trustees. Any adbool
Joseph Rowland; Mrs. Jas. Krauskop€
Stars," Warn.; "Doctor, Here's Your
V16hing:�to ,take tadvan e of the priv-
in, London; MCs• :7omplih Moylan, Kit-
Hat.," ,7errger; "M�etri Kempf," Hitler;
ale• a way not-. the. Medkc 1 Officer
g y tfy ;�
dhlen,er, accompamded by hem mother,
.r ron'd.ma 001,eml It Clarrial" Damen;
' ,
,of Ir alt,h, Dr. M" 8taj>letont
Mrs. .P. O'Sullidvan, S,t. Oplumban,
"Se'cairnd Book ok 'Marvels," HaLldbur-
Mrs,^ Brown was hostess, at a tea,
were Sunday vidltofb with Mian Ella
ton. .
aponns<cored by the Anglican Ladies,
Juv,end,e-"Sus,annah ,At, Boarding
Offlid ,hiring' the week, which was
A Retreats conducted by' Father
School," Den%lstn• "Rella, of Ingle-
,irargeW attend'ed,.
Knout of the Jesuit Order, Toronto,
rAdtc;' Montgonmetry; "Anne of tshd Is
Mr. Joseph IteComm�eil suti'�'1Vier. WM.
is, being lbeld- do Sit- Paitrick's Qhurelx,
ttantd," Montgomery; Chmnieles of
1['icrolt are nitteliar lila World's Fa.lr
tlxir4 week. All the sel"vieei itiade a
AvoinQe�a," Mtr¢Itgotmery; 'The GoIdsi
�T, ,��t�e
N. �JLUl' � i�!'
$n New York.
recorxl att�tltdaW% i�. �r�s;'),6`t: Read'." Mon'tgomiery.
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�.OUx1C3l A opts EStIIa �l.1,10 a"d ai yr2i
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T`a, Tate Renria ns atM,,,,ills,�� ). ; ��;1 y�� � ,:
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Less Prov�nc�alutbi�qq��°
y A'�Fu.�,, •xs 4,^er .,M�J'' S�
Protest Rising Cost of In- ti
g • • • • ►' ` •sea%rth Tu;t�
d i g e n t Hospitalization, Orange istleam`` �`�pb'�"
But Council Has No Say Dahlia n qtr° ;,'
y �5tratft�xd. [ ,
in Matter. Something .ou*tandiing in horti- i .
culture was an. iinrnensse labile PLAY HERE' t �t
presented to this office this week i�IDF� Y•, i, aI L
WILL ENQUIRE INTO by Mr. James Rivers, of North t(, • >
. Maim Street. Well known as a iTll
gardener and lover of f#overs, , ,
C.N.R. SCALE LEASE Mr. Rivers already has a real lis hders 3' 1 •g57 ,", . ai
play of da'htias and other flowers Orange Knsb ' ' ' ' " 3 3 ,5001 U ' , t;
5eaforthr•s taxi rare wifil r®main the In tris garden. Apart from their Whytes, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i 4:9 . ,
,same as in 1938, counoff decided on size, the dahlias. are unique in Sea�Porth ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 B 1P,ti - "
Monday evening as it aprproved esti- that they are full grown so early Seafatrth finally bnoke-'into the vin ii
mated expenditures of $63,497 far the in the summer. ,columtn Ln, the County Stiftball T,ea;rlsr
year. The [sate will be 44 ,mills, less . by ,beating Orawg,e--Kist Tuesday night ,.
1% mbi•lls, government subsidy. at KraeQ,Q�a Plieltj, Strattford:'. °The:lo- 'Y
Expenditures on the whole are the • r • • • ca.ls did it the 'bar& way, by having 1.1.J,'
same as during 1938.. Council not their usual, ,bad 'arstt inuring and spot- 1 •tl
wisfiving to use up all df the 1938 sur_ ting the b,ottblers five M-ris. . When. it s
y r ST COLIIDAN AN D 'oNer, ,though, they warp in, the
pl7tts+ wen thoroughly into varialrLe ex- • , rives s rest, Wirth a 10-7 ca,tot. g..
pemKlmtures, such .acs property and Ab. Bali, wnho Pibdlredt for Seaforth, ,F,�-;'"
streets SEAFORTH ARE TIED at termible sarppo.rt in the first in- �`
Councillor ShcLa, chairman of the acne, when his mates had three er- `I
lxrapeutys camrmtittee6 pres'ent'ed esti- cons After that, they sel:ll.ed• drajvtg.
mates covering a' new roof an t'hs old _ReIJ. allowwd tem hints-Bud,Uixo�r, :vita ?pit`
w�aterwork buildflwg, the painting of did' the $i?u ' '.
the Town Hall, and also repairs and BothTeams' Have. Yet To ging for Orange Kiat, alp :rte„
l�w•ed seven.
painting of the •band stand' in, Victoria Lose Game In Huron. Bell had FEvan rtrike-outs and :aa:k-
Park, the rebuAddng of the Town Hall ed two, Dixon, rianmted five, awl ssusd :,
portico and brick work and; enlarged Football League.
door for the fire 'Mail entrance. Coun- fon Passes. Hick IiarLoYf of the' bot ��
Cil agreed as to the necessity of the •tiers 'hitt a ho'm'e run in the first in. t' t.
repair work and approved an ,esti- Southern Section ring. Other extTwbase blows: w•sro ,"
W L T P contr•icbuted by Vilillirps of Seafortlr
mate oP..$2,900 for the committee. The 1 0 2. 4 end Dixon of Orange Kist, who pit
painting of the Town Hall and ban$ Seafortihl ... . . .. ... . . .. ' 'f
stand wilt be left until a ether year. St. Columban .......... 1 0 2 4 three -baggers, and rj +m Connelly of `$'
Chabiman Sills Pointed o'ut that the Walton 1 1 1 3 the losers, whO ,turned in a t,wo-base ,;��t
Wintl„t+ap ,. 0 2 1 1 blow:.
scooter in the Tow-rr Hale had during ;stn
the past year resulbed'ta a ,saving of Northern Section. Seafarthr-Willis, B.S.; McLeod, C.P.; ,
$92.00 for coal. W L T P Harris, 2b.; Wright, Ib.; Fortune, r.f.; 9f I'
Atwood, ... 2 1 1 5 Rennie, 3b.; Hubert, c.; Grieve, l.f.;
Chairman Holmes of thestreet Com- Brussels • . • • ? . • • • • • . • • • • 2 1 0 4 Bell, p, Phillips replaced Fortune lox
molten, recammencied that the Main ,
Street sddewalks be completed' this Etahel ..... . ............ 1 1 2 4 2nd tatting. .
Milldntay ................ 1 2 1 3 Orange Kisti-Myers, 3'b.; Htarioff, iii,,
year. He was willing to be guided by h:.11. `3,
the finance comtmittee, be said, and I'Lst°WeL "" "" ' -''" • 1 2 0 2 l.f.; Snider, c.f,; Calvert, c,; PIAUP,
his committee did not wish to urge Seaforth its. St. Columban lb,; Conneldy, l.f,; McGraw, s.s.; Wiv- 'All,
In ,the ,th:ird, game of the South H. ehl, 2'b.; Dixon, p. „•
any expenditure which might nesul•t fi
in a deficit 'o,r an; increased' tax rate, F. A., the Seafordi boys once •more Umpires -'Bart and Gee.
kept up ,their reputation of .not losing " R. ' H.E. � • " I'lli+
(Continued' on Page 4) a ga'm'e. The 'boys aiv, playing good I Seeforth ...... 001. 440 000 10 7 5 „k,
• football, but seemingly canmot over- Kisrt ..... .. 500 001 100 7 10 5 ..
came the jinx of tie gams In, a genre, thG 4ieserved, a hundred 4 fF,
• On*'' � dray night at St. Col'urnban, times -the s �tl roam the fans ,that
Holy Name Society SeaTakht was one goal down at, the, it received, Seaforth lost to Orange `
lend of tafter thseoondtopen- -� lsix Kist ocalsbere Friday were on the endofthe
Re-elects Officers minutes
Frir ,t Sills X111
passed to J. Continued ow Page 4) ,(�,
P"lan,nery in 'front of the goal. Dan `'iii
The Holy Name Society of St, McCarthy scored' for St. Columban t •- - V4,
Jam,es,' Church held i,ts annual meet= when the bell went between" V. Bell's
rng for the year ending June 11th. The legs. • I Huron Old Boys A
e,•ecdon of, officer;, took place with Dife tea the cold night there was ,
tt.ie 1938 executive being re-elected. only •a small crowd in attendanoe, but pjan Annual Picnic r
They ¢re: Spiritual <i; e< -Lor, Rev. T. they were rewarded with one of the -i::
P. E1uvsey; pies-, L:ai;r'enoe DeLra- fastest ttaobbail games this season, �;
ranie�r; sec: treas., Ler, 'liagan; &,,rge. with Seaforth 'having the better of The annual .picnic of the Huron X.
a:rut-at-arnhs Franck lteynoldt;. This play during the whole game. Old Boys! Associattion of Toronto in Ott^'
was folNotved by a summary of the ac- St. Columban*-road, Morris: ].f.b., conjunotio•n null, the Huron County �
dvi2res of the sm,iety durinig 1938-39. O'Connor; r.f.b., E' Malone; c:h., Me. Junior Association, will be held at - '.t1
Thre treasurer's report was [lt,en Gittaad r.it., F'ianneay ; l:h , T. Mcly- Exhibition Park, Area Na. 2 (west of I I
I and stlrowed an increased bal- err c.f., Stapl,eto•n; i.l,: Metady; o.l., thre Ontario Government Building), oil ���
ante Over tire previous' year. The O'Sullivan; ix., McCarthy; o.r., Wil- Wed¢iesday, June 21st, -at 5 o'cl'ock a, 0,1
members mljourna�.d, many motoring to liams. - Previously the annual Picnic hard' been ,1
Clinton In bbe •aft,err-io,on' fb attend tht, S,mforth-I.f.b„ ., D• Sills; r.f.b., held' on Saturdays, but owing to the ,
Holy Name rally bliere. Kruse•; c.h., T, Sills; r.h., Gemmell;' large exodus of in -em -hers over each .�,_`'
Lh., C. Rintou'l; c.f., Messenger; U., week -end the association decoded to '�''.'"
• Fkannery; i -,r-., A., Nichol --,,on; o.l., J. ,change Lhe day 'to .Wednesday for A�1,
Cons�itt; ox., F. Sill;: sub., J. Nichol- thdw year. It will be, a basket •picnic , c`'
son, H. Nicholson, J. Holland, off and all Hunan County old boys and '1
Set Date F'o.r •. ;�.;
with injuries. girls will be made welcome whether t,,ii.
Lions Carnival I1c feree-J. Aa mGtrong. or not they are members of the as- ,�y
sociatio[r The usual big' program of r' r.
• baseball, races and the annual 'broorii'
The fourth, annual Uoris Club Sum- ' cantest between the ladies of North
utQr Carnival will this Fire Completely and South Huron will be a feature. r
Year be held
a i 1,ions P
t t)e I an. ark om Wednesday, ,
July 26tiL Destroys Auto McKillop-Hullett road in front of Sec tt 7
Last yoa[`, nearly 6,000 people at.- Hawtborne's farm. The car was, be- yLo"t
temd•ed the carnival and in view of P`ire, c"om,pletedy destroyed a car in.g da'iven by �Cliarles Wright. +T�
the I>iognam being arranged by Com- own(-�(l by Wan. G. Wright, of Sea_ It is be'tieved the fire originated in 'Ni
mitteg Chairman, Dr. F. J. Bec'hely forth, early Sunday morning on the the carbure,bor. )!
and his carnival committee bh•is+ fig<rre. )$
should be substamdally increased.
Forrest -Love Clans
-Picnic at Bayfield
".; K"
Tim grease value of agricultural pro lue w -as $1.265,669. '`'11+
ducts -au. in Ontario mid throughout the ' Perth Count heads the list in. er-
Abctit 150 morr'be'r•s of the Format Dominion', showOU a decline, in 19:t3�cvnt„n.Zv of land clra•red. Of tb•e total
,n<I lava clans ga.tttheir at, I3ayfpm.- as c'omp'ared to the previous yeas', ac- 517,911, acres Of a'sses'sable � land! in 7Sl
nn. Fra clay last for their annual pm.- cond'ir,g to bhP annual OuL,aa:ia I)e.l `,'t„
I erl:h. �.,+1 per cent. is cleared, be- M
nit. N,atnre anilcd uptrn t:h,emr and I.
lawtmoril of At,,ricullure report. issued in,g 4fi0,169 ac' in ail. Oxford has '%` ,'}';'
everyone ,had a, fine tinuo• by fh'e Faatisfi<s branch. 'I`oi'rnnfn• tr"
87.01 p•F•r cent. of assessed acrea a y,t,a.
The aftrrnoc,n wa:s spent in rarer Tinting 19;18 the valise <rf pr,odw- cicarr,il land, In Tluron Count, of :��,'j; fza
and gam,-. i'lte Svplaar as n brntn- y, !U1t'�,:
Lion in OnIaiio was estimated .1t the e4u,,17; a,4-ssed arras of land, `R&, '(
teous repasyt, after which the usual $;27.529,00a ns cnam,aarr,d to 8343,137.- (,79.5.1)9 are, clearer], ��1,
a per tentage of. ° t
burin<ss n,eet.ing w,,s held. 000, in. 1937. ),ow prices for field g1.f)3. Ilru"e has in all 931,196 as- �1';
The picnic n,xt. year wibi be held criijis wa.s onnsi,lered bhe principal s, �,);1,
at Grand, BenYl on Sahtaday, ,lune Rtir. esyed netts of land' and 62.61 per__ ,,,H„,
reason for hitt reduction. A largr�r vo• cent, are cleared, a total Of 583,041 ,j'
Rosults of the game's and races lump of field ern-ps• was harvested acres. %`,1
were: Five years and under, Alex. during the yc,ar but the liar vest in- �; >r>
Love, 1laine Gill: Sand under, Aad- g Tira' Yield Per acre for. the various
crease cnulrci ncrt overt-balaace the re- field crops in Perth, Huron, Bruce "'
rey Campbei'i, Glen Uwe: 10 and nu- duct.i•on in field crop prcxlvetdon w-ilih and Oxford, was very favorable ,,n , ;; t{r
dor, F,d.ith Campbell, F'dith Blanch- the resutt pr.nduction vainer were coanparison with orther cavities in the %v-
a.rd; 72 and under, Morley I;ove-, Ber- ounesidler,ably lower than In the pre- province and in many oases' the veld `i
via 131�nohard; 15 --and under, Lyle ulcus yXX&r•. The railue of production y 1 .
lin these four counties wia's abbve the
Steeper, Morley Love; young ladies, ,of farm andmabs, dairy product's, fruit,
Margaret Love, Helen Blanch rd; average pro:�ncial yield. Torte fallow- ,
6 vegetables, prn[11ry, eggs, toba•eco i,ngfigures reveal the number of bush -
young men, Bill 'Forrest, Allen Love; clover and grass steed and bon,ey was els of, each crop ,harvested •im these 1.
married' men, Percy Campbell, Hiram 'higher in 1938 than in 1937 however. four carunt'ies in 1938 a.nld• the market r'
Blanchard; married,• women„ Mrs. Huron, County w -as the leader in M1{iu
Percy Campbell, Ferree Love; three- value of tlTe crop: 1
this dfisitr ict, insofax as the mumlrer of Fa,LI wheat: Bruce. 709,680 bu511re4s,,, k41� r,
lagtged race, Margaret and Jean Love; ;aeres of a•ld field crops w -az concern- value $391,031: Hrtron. 1,212,004 bush
wheeil>arrcnw race, Bill Forrest and Pd during 1938.
els, ,clue $684,72; Oxford, 833,369 '' 1MI
Jim Love; soda bdtttuit. race, Jean H[rran County ,iH:d 396,692 acres of `'
(.true, AiTen Trove; clothes pin race, fietcl crops with a total value of $5; bushels. 8472,520; 'Perth, 761,1016 busk,- `;;,,
Jack T,aws,on, Helen Love; banana 341650, a.n a•vera,a vadtte of $13.41 els, $436.119. si
riucP, Helerr Love and Mary E. For- Spring wheat: Bruce 29,756 bush- I
per acre, ilrt[<e county Cama second `'+`
rest; picking ' the slipper, Emma els, $16,068: Hu.mm, 32,634 busibels; )'
im the wrznber of nc e,R of field craps r )tie,,
CamTrbell; ]atiries' softball t,hrbw, Ma.r- $18,210; Oxford, 8,415 busdrels. $4,"11.2; 'k,k rt
alth,auE7, hh'e nver<,,�a {mice Wats not so ,: d
ga.r�t. (Jove; me.n'a softball throw, Bill high, I3rtirce bald 3211.564 acrev of field Perth, 19,891 ,buslhels'. $11,268. r ,.
P`orre,s't. crop% w-irth a production value of $3,- Oats: Bruce, 3,175,821 bushel40y 11
" ,'
0- 790,732 and am average value of $11,83. $851,120; Huron, 3,707,262 buslliul'6; iirt`�,[
A represe�nttat;ive body of mostPr Per acre. Pemth County had 305,457 $1.000,961; Ox c;rd, 2,323,301 butbgl%:. 9 t'1,1�X V'm
plumbers celled on �. humorous week- N4,e.,s of field crap, bice- total value be- $634,261; Perth, 2,705,176 balsTh4u, i t ,,,Ili,
ly to present. a. Protest aga.i$st rite $ng $4,252,333, an average value of $x6$,039" .1 r `,rrlk� f,
plumber jokes- w•,h,iah the weekly con- $13.92 pea• acre', while Orford' had the Baxley: Brtrc,rf, lir ` ". twhig , ft�,a
stain try w4ntEsd,. ,hig'hiest average production valara' of $'23.7,486; , llur civ, • '{ ¢1 + {, t
i',t is rumored that ,ane of the delle- the d,t's.tric't with an average ayf $16,27 O1Lrord+ 3'76LIng '' 111 ,1 I +�G� urwy, r
r , tl��itj�r , l,tt1"I',�,�.,
ihes+ luad'tti go b rok for tfrb pr sit: oS 8e7d crops, and tlrfl tovfat inerke,t ria- l ttt3r 862, l.5 bitd,bf6��,, �, t, f r y;� is 'r
• •• • , y ,.,te At ?�t gyr't1 t, 1,1111--l'
r u{ * -Fye �71dr aJi'J;(>• ,P'yH+
Sb' t ro - d t ,ta.1>"r a(1d1U {h 19
t+ ' 4 .it. ±tb".".4n,">tr , s<}',y;, Saw�ilf ,. mitis?, }at', I" J1,.te'�t
1S`. t, W 1,.1G 1
4. ,
ra, £
9a f i s eu>
e , S
.r J e,
.1 �r �, .�'.:
I.a �- yy i
S". 1a. v :j ,. ,fr•..`fi a e ..,., .,. r�, ,o
#, t k
., . , n,, r .. a. , r y • J'.., w n, ' .,� 1 tt� ..t .t n 1
d i
5 1 Ni ,.
a,,y�.,.. H u, 4,
5.j ' 4 ,. 1%11 R, {�,,{,rV Y.. int } � 9, "ty' rs. 'tt% 1i'Ir . 4y..n+odd,!e.! 1. . �. ,Y i
I -
F A. yi., th'N",•„i l.
'tI 1.)
ilt'-0'll�lk+)r.l� y��? YJ>•k l�"Ylrfdt4 .y f,3'.}•'t'ty,(y'954"�'�k Y�,l,N
*' jT,Q c' fit" _ 7". i�•
�.OUx1C3l A opts EStIIa �l.1,10 a"d ai yr2i
4l tn>l', aP,tb�� i t �Y;} L �+ i' 1 .+ , ?'t �a.111-11.1 �� 1j-
T`a, Tate Renria ns atM,,,,ills,�� ). ; ��;1 y�� � ,:
`, '.., -, v`V)d ' ,,, ICs +'` r?,o .1 IS `JI ' 1 1€ .•.�- R •� 4o9 , tifpl� 1.
Less Prov�nc�alutbi�qq��°
y A'�Fu.�,, •xs 4,^er .,M�J'' S�
Protest Rising Cost of In- ti
g • • • • ►' ` •sea%rth Tu;t�
d i g e n t Hospitalization, Orange istleam`` �`�pb'�"
But Council Has No Say Dahlia n qtr° ;,'
y �5tratft�xd. [ ,
in Matter. Something .ou*tandiing in horti- i .
culture was an. iinrnensse labile PLAY HERE' t �t
presented to this office this week i�IDF� Y•, i, aI L
WILL ENQUIRE INTO by Mr. James Rivers, of North t(, • >
. Maim Street. Well known as a iTll
gardener and lover of f#overs, , ,
C.N.R. SCALE LEASE Mr. Rivers already has a real lis hders 3' 1 •g57 ,", . ai
play of da'htias and other flowers Orange Knsb ' ' ' ' " 3 3 ,5001 U ' , t;
5eaforthr•s taxi rare wifil r®main the In tris garden. Apart from their Whytes, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i 4:9 . ,
,same as in 1938, counoff decided on size, the dahlias. are unique in Sea�Porth ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 B 1P,ti - "
Monday evening as it aprproved esti- that they are full grown so early Seafatrth finally bnoke-'into the vin ii
mated expenditures of $63,497 far the in the summer. ,columtn Ln, the County Stiftball T,ea;rlsr
year. The [sate will be 44 ,mills, less . by ,beating Orawg,e--Kist Tuesday night ,.
1% mbi•lls, government subsidy. at KraeQ,Q�a Plieltj, Strattford:'. °The:lo- 'Y
Expenditures on the whole are the • r • • • ca.ls did it the 'bar& way, by having 1.1.J,'
same as during 1938.. Council not their usual, ,bad 'arstt inuring and spot- 1 •tl
wisfiving to use up all df the 1938 sur_ ting the b,ottblers five M-ris. . When. it s
y r ST COLIIDAN AN D 'oNer, ,though, they warp in, the
pl7tts+ wen thoroughly into varialrLe ex- • , rives s rest, Wirth a 10-7 ca,tot. g..
pemKlmtures, such .acs property and Ab. Bali, wnho Pibdlredt for Seaforth, ,F,�-;'"
streets SEAFORTH ARE TIED at termible sarppo.rt in the first in- �`
Councillor ShcLa, chairman of the acne, when his mates had three er- `I
lxrapeutys camrmtittee6 pres'ent'ed esti- cons After that, they sel:ll.ed• drajvtg.
mates covering a' new roof an t'hs old _ReIJ. allowwd tem hints-Bud,Uixo�r, :vita ?pit`
w�aterwork buildflwg, the painting of did' the $i?u ' '.
the Town Hall, and also repairs and BothTeams' Have. Yet To ging for Orange Kiat, alp :rte„
l�w•ed seven.
painting of the •band stand' in, Victoria Lose Game In Huron. Bell had FEvan rtrike-outs and :aa:k-
Park, the rebuAddng of the Town Hall ed two, Dixon, rianmted five, awl ssusd :,
portico and brick work and; enlarged Football League.
door for the fire 'Mail entrance. Coun- fon Passes. Hick IiarLoYf of the' bot ��
Cil agreed as to the necessity of the •tiers 'hitt a ho'm'e run in the first in. t' t.
repair work and approved an ,esti- Southern Section ring. Other extTwbase blows: w•sro ,"
W L T P contr•icbuted by Vilillirps of Seafortlr
mate oP..$2,900 for the committee. The 1 0 2. 4 end Dixon of Orange Kist, who pit
painting of the Town Hall and ban$ Seafortihl ... . . .. ... . . .. ' 'f
stand wilt be left until a ether year. St. Columban .......... 1 0 2 4 three -baggers, and rj +m Connelly of `$'
Chabiman Sills Pointed o'ut that the Walton 1 1 1 3 the losers, whO ,turned in a t,wo-base ,;��t
Wintl„t+ap ,. 0 2 1 1 blow:.
scooter in the Tow-rr Hale had during ;stn
the past year resulbed'ta a ,saving of Northern Section. Seafarthr-Willis, B.S.; McLeod, C.P.; ,
$92.00 for coal. W L T P Harris, 2b.; Wright, Ib.; Fortune, r.f.; 9f I'
Atwood, ... 2 1 1 5 Rennie, 3b.; Hubert, c.; Grieve, l.f.;
Chairman Holmes of thestreet Com- Brussels • . • • ? . • • • • • . • • • • 2 1 0 4 Bell, p, Phillips replaced Fortune lox
molten, recammencied that the Main ,
Street sddewalks be completed' this Etahel ..... . ............ 1 1 2 4 2nd tatting. .
Milldntay ................ 1 2 1 3 Orange Kisti-Myers, 3'b.; Htarioff, iii,,
year. He was willing to be guided by h:.11. `3,
the finance comtmittee, be said, and I'Lst°WeL "" "" ' -''" • 1 2 0 2 l.f.; Snider, c.f,; Calvert, c,; PIAUP,
his committee did not wish to urge Seaforth its. St. Columban lb,; Conneldy, l.f,; McGraw, s.s.; Wiv- 'All,
In ,the ,th:ird, game of the South H. ehl, 2'b.; Dixon, p. „•
any expenditure which might nesul•t fi
in a deficit 'o,r an; increased' tax rate, F. A., the Seafordi boys once •more Umpires -'Bart and Gee.
kept up ,their reputation of .not losing " R. ' H.E. � • " I'lli+
(Continued' on Page 4) a ga'm'e. The 'boys aiv, playing good I Seeforth ...... 001. 440 000 10 7 5 „k,
• football, but seemingly canmot over- Kisrt ..... .. 500 001 100 7 10 5 ..
came the jinx of tie gams In, a genre, thG 4ieserved, a hundred 4 fF,
• On*'' � dray night at St. Col'urnban, times -the s �tl roam the fans ,that
Holy Name Society SeaTakht was one goal down at, the, it received, Seaforth lost to Orange `
lend of tafter thseoondtopen- -� lsix Kist ocalsbere Friday were on the endofthe
Re-elects Officers minutes
Frir ,t Sills X111
passed to J. Continued ow Page 4) ,(�,
P"lan,nery in 'front of the goal. Dan `'iii
The Holy Name Society of St, McCarthy scored' for St. Columban t •- - V4,
Jam,es,' Church held i,ts annual meet= when the bell went between" V. Bell's
rng for the year ending June 11th. The legs. • I Huron Old Boys A
e,•ecdon of, officer;, took place with Dife tea the cold night there was ,
tt.ie 1938 executive being re-elected. only •a small crowd in attendanoe, but pjan Annual Picnic r
They ¢re: Spiritual <i; e< -Lor, Rev. T. they were rewarded with one of the -i::
P. E1uvsey; pies-, L:ai;r'enoe DeLra- fastest ttaobbail games this season, �;
ranie�r; sec: treas., Ler, 'liagan; &,,rge. with Seaforth 'having the better of The annual .picnic of the Huron X.
a:rut-at-arnhs Franck lteynoldt;. This play during the whole game. Old Boys! Associattion of Toronto in Ott^'
was folNotved by a summary of the ac- St. Columban*-road, Morris: ].f.b., conjunotio•n null, the Huron County �
dvi2res of the sm,iety durinig 1938-39. O'Connor; r.f.b., E' Malone; c:h., Me. Junior Association, will be held at - '.t1
Thre treasurer's report was [lt,en Gittaad r.it., F'ianneay ; l:h , T. Mcly- Exhibition Park, Area Na. 2 (west of I I
I and stlrowed an increased bal- err c.f., Stapl,eto•n; i.l,: Metady; o.l., thre Ontario Government Building), oil ���
ante Over tire previous' year. The O'Sullivan; ix., McCarthy; o.r., Wil- Wed¢iesday, June 21st, -at 5 o'cl'ock a, 0,1
members mljourna�.d, many motoring to liams. - Previously the annual Picnic hard' been ,1
Clinton In bbe •aft,err-io,on' fb attend tht, S,mforth-I.f.b„ ., D• Sills; r.f.b., held' on Saturdays, but owing to the ,
Holy Name rally bliere. Kruse•; c.h., T, Sills; r.h., Gemmell;' large exodus of in -em -hers over each .�,_`'
Lh., C. Rintou'l; c.f., Messenger; U., week -end the association decoded to '�''.'"
• Fkannery; i -,r-., A., Nichol --,,on; o.l., J. ,change Lhe day 'to .Wednesday for A�1,
Cons�itt; ox., F. Sill;: sub., J. Nichol- thdw year. It will be, a basket •picnic , c`'
son, H. Nicholson, J. Holland, off and all Hunan County old boys and '1
Set Date F'o.r •. ;�.;
with injuries. girls will be made welcome whether t,,ii.
Lions Carnival I1c feree-J. Aa mGtrong. or not they are members of the as- ,�y
sociatio[r The usual big' program of r' r.
• baseball, races and the annual 'broorii'
The fourth, annual Uoris Club Sum- ' cantest between the ladies of North
utQr Carnival will this Fire Completely and South Huron will be a feature. r
Year be held
a i 1,ions P
t t)e I an. ark om Wednesday, ,
July 26tiL Destroys Auto McKillop-Hullett road in front of Sec tt 7
Last yoa[`, nearly 6,000 people at.- Hawtborne's farm. The car was, be- yLo"t
temd•ed the carnival and in view of P`ire, c"om,pletedy destroyed a car in.g da'iven by �Cliarles Wright. +T�
the I>iognam being arranged by Com- own(-�(l by Wan. G. Wright, of Sea_ It is be'tieved the fire originated in 'Ni
mitteg Chairman, Dr. F. J. Bec'hely forth, early Sunday morning on the the carbure,bor. )!
and his carnival committee bh•is+ fig<rre. )$
should be substamdally increased.
Forrest -Love Clans
-Picnic at Bayfield
".; K"
Tim grease value of agricultural pro lue w -as $1.265,669. '`'11+
ducts -au. in Ontario mid throughout the ' Perth Count heads the list in. er-
Abctit 150 morr'be'r•s of the Format Dominion', showOU a decline, in 19:t3�cvnt„n.Zv of land clra•red. Of tb•e total
,n<I lava clans ga.tttheir at, I3ayfpm.- as c'omp'ared to the previous yeas', ac- 517,911, acres Of a'sses'sable � land! in 7Sl
nn. Fra clay last for their annual pm.- cond'ir,g to bhP annual OuL,aa:ia I)e.l `,'t„
I erl:h. �.,+1 per cent. is cleared, be- M
nit. N,atnre anilcd uptrn t:h,emr and I.
lawtmoril of At,,ricullure report. issued in,g 4fi0,169 ac' in ail. Oxford has '%` ,'}';'
everyone ,had a, fine tinuo• by fh'e Faatisfi<s branch. 'I`oi'rnnfn• tr"
87.01 p•F•r cent. of assessed acrea a y,t,a.
The aftrrnoc,n wa:s spent in rarer Tinting 19;18 the valise <rf pr,odw- cicarr,il land, In Tluron Count, of :��,'j; fza
and gam,-. i'lte Svplaar as n brntn- y, !U1t'�,:
Lion in OnIaiio was estimated .1t the e4u,,17; a,4-ssed arras of land, `R&, '(
teous repasyt, after which the usual $;27.529,00a ns cnam,aarr,d to 8343,137.- (,79.5.1)9 are, clearer], ��1,
a per tentage of. ° t
burin<ss n,eet.ing w,,s held. 000, in. 1937. ),ow prices for field g1.f)3. Ilru"e has in all 931,196 as- �1';
The picnic n,xt. year wibi be held criijis wa.s onnsi,lered bhe principal s, �,);1,
at Grand, BenYl on Sahtaday, ,lune Rtir. esyed netts of land' and 62.61 per__ ,,,H„,
reason for hitt reduction. A largr�r vo• cent, are cleared, a total Of 583,041 ,j'
Rosults of the game's and races lump of field ern-ps• was harvested acres. %`,1
were: Five years and under, Alex. during the yc,ar but the liar vest in- �; >r>
Love, 1laine Gill: Sand under, Aad- g Tira' Yield Per acre for. the various
crease cnulrci ncrt overt-balaace the re- field crops in Perth, Huron, Bruce "'
rey Campbei'i, Glen Uwe: 10 and nu- duct.i•on in field crop prcxlvetdon w-ilih and Oxford, was very favorable ,,n , ;; t{r
dor, F,d.ith Campbell, F'dith Blanch- the resutt pr.nduction vainer were coanparison with orther cavities in the %v-
a.rd; 72 and under, Morley I;ove-, Ber- ounesidler,ably lower than In the pre- province and in many oases' the veld `i
via 131�nohard; 15 --and under, Lyle ulcus yXX&r•. The railue of production y 1 .
lin these four counties wia's abbve the
Steeper, Morley Love; young ladies, ,of farm andmabs, dairy product's, fruit,
Margaret Love, Helen Blanch rd; average pro:�ncial yield. Torte fallow- ,
6 vegetables, prn[11ry, eggs, toba•eco i,ngfigures reveal the number of bush -
young men, Bill 'Forrest, Allen Love; clover and grass steed and bon,ey was els of, each crop ,harvested •im these 1.
married' men, Percy Campbell, Hiram 'higher in 1938 than in 1937 however. four carunt'ies in 1938 a.nld• the market r'
Blanchard; married,• women„ Mrs. Huron, County w -as the leader in M1{iu
Percy Campbell, Ferree Love; three- value of tlTe crop: 1
this dfisitr ict, insofax as the mumlrer of Fa,LI wheat: Bruce. 709,680 bu511re4s,,, k41� r,
lagtged race, Margaret and Jean Love; ;aeres of a•ld field crops w -az concern- value $391,031: Hrtron. 1,212,004 bush
wheeil>arrcnw race, Bill Forrest and Pd during 1938.
els, ,clue $684,72; Oxford, 833,369 '' 1MI
Jim Love; soda bdtttuit. race, Jean H[rran County ,iH:d 396,692 acres of `'
(.true, AiTen Trove; clothes pin race, fietcl crops with a total value of $5; bushels. 8472,520; 'Perth, 761,1016 busk,- `;;,,
Jack T,aws,on, Helen Love; banana 341650, a.n a•vera,a vadtte of $13.41 els, $436.119. si
riucP, Helerr Love and Mary E. For- Spring wheat: Bruce 29,756 bush- I
per acre, ilrt[<e county Cama second `'+`
rest; picking ' the slipper, Emma els, $16,068: Hu.mm, 32,634 busibels; )'
im the wrznber of nc e,R of field craps r )tie,,
CamTrbell; ]atiries' softball t,hrbw, Ma.r- $18,210; Oxford, 8,415 busdrels. $4,"11.2; 'k,k rt
alth,auE7, hh'e nver<,,�a {mice Wats not so ,: d
ga.r�t. (Jove; me.n'a softball throw, Bill high, I3rtirce bald 3211.564 acrev of field Perth, 19,891 ,buslhels'. $11,268. r ,.
P`orre,s't. crop% w-irth a production value of $3,- Oats: Bruce, 3,175,821 bushel40y 11
" ,'
0- 790,732 and am average value of $11,83. $851,120; Huron, 3,707,262 buslliul'6; iirt`�,[
A represe�nttat;ive body of mostPr Per acre. Pemth County had 305,457 $1.000,961; Ox c;rd, 2,323,301 butbgl%:. 9 t'1,1�X V'm
plumbers celled on �. humorous week- N4,e.,s of field crap, bice- total value be- $634,261; Perth, 2,705,176 balsTh4u, i t ,,,Ili,
ly to present. a. Protest aga.i$st rite $ng $4,252,333, an average value of $x6$,039" .1 r `,rrlk� f,
plumber jokes- w•,h,iah the weekly con- $13.92 pea• acre', while Orford' had the Baxley: Brtrc,rf, lir ` ". twhig , ft�,a
stain try w4ntEsd,. ,hig'hiest average production valara' of $'23.7,486; , llur civ, • '{ ¢1 + {, t
i',t is rumored that ,ane of the delle- the d,t's.tric't with an average ayf $16,27 O1Lrord+ 3'76LIng '' 111 ,1 I +�G� urwy, r
r , tl��itj�r , l,tt1"I',�,�.,
ihes+ luad'tti go b rok for tfrb pr sit: oS 8e7d crops, and tlrfl tovfat inerke,t ria- l ttt3r 862, l.5 bitd,bf6��,, �, t, f r y;� is 'r
• •• • , y ,.,te At ?�t gyr't1 t, 1,1111--l'
r u{ * -Fye �71dr aJi'J;(>• ,P'yH+
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t+ ' 4 .it. ±tb".".4n,">tr , s<}',y;, Saw�ilf ,. mitis?, }at', I" J1,.te'�t
1S`. t, W 1,.1G 1
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5.j ' 4 ,. 1%11 R, {�,,{,rV Y.. int } � 9, "ty' rs. 'tt% 1i'Ir . 4y..n+odd,!e.! 1. . �. ,Y i